#jax...erm not so much
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iddy-g · 14 days ago
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v-day gift exchange for turnip :●)
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awful-little-goose · 1 year ago
I absolutely love @sm-baby ‘s carnival AU and just HAD to imagine what Buzz would be like in it! And I also wanted to share a little color ref of them, too, as their og self
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Now for more detailed close ups
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This Buzz is just as cheerful as their usual self, but take their role as a “teacher” much more seriously, and they do not care for inattentive students…or worse, students that purposely mess with them. Behind their screen, they were safe, but now that Buzz has them here, they’re not going to pass up an opportunity to teach them a “lesson”.
They still keep their role as an “interactive educational character”, and animate the “quizz show” of the carnival! Since I didn’t want to take the whole cartoon thing as it’s Jax’s whole thing in the au (btw, I wanna say that 1- I love it, and 2- I had COMPLETELY missed the fact Jax was meant to be some sort of cartoon character! I thought he was a stretch toy, but you’re actually so right!!) I instead elongated Buzz for GOOD! And this way, kept their bug like features as well
Each time you get an answer wrong, a new pair of arms gets added until you get…
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Crawling all over the place like an overgrown centipede, Buzz will chase the player down under the appreciative cheers of an invisible audience, until they catch the little punk- Erm! Student!
To win their game, you of course have to answer their questions correctly, and the further you get the more disturbing/complex/nonsensical they get
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bananafire11 · 9 months ago
takes a nibble out of your horror au (and also centipede Ragatha)
erm erm erm uhhhh am I allowed to draw silly things with your au ? And also are all of TADC characters like horror creatures ? Or is like a few people normal like Pomi ? Also (cries in tons of questions) ummmm since Jax seems to have like a sentient type state does that mean that Ragatha can also get like how horror Jax is ? And if so if she aware when she is about to get into a state like that ?
anyway ideas: Abstracted peoples are ghosts that haunt people ,, some are super nice and helpful (I hc Kauf I as one of these people) and some are super dangerous and attempt to kill others :3
-Monika. (Sorry for so much ,,, I am severely neurodivergent ,,)
Hi Monika!!!:D i'm gonna answer these questions in the order in which you asked them.
The fact that you want to draw stuff makes my heart happy, go ahead and have fun! And tag me, i'd love to see it<3
All of the tadc cast are horror-ified, except pomni. To clear things up, when players enter the circus (as they would in canon), as soon as Caine finds them he experiments on them, changing thier bodys and codes to fit his horrific view. He has yet to be aware of Pomni's presence, as Ragatha is keeping her safely in her own room.
Jax's feral hunting instincts are limited to him. This is what causes him to act so feral. So no, Ragatha doesn't have this problem. She has as much control over her emotions as any human would in such a situation.
And thank you for the abstraction ideas,, i honestly really like that! I'll take those into consideration as i still and not 100% sure on what the whole abstraction deal will be.
Thankyou for all of this :D
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backtothedrawingboard · 1 month ago
Was wondering if you could do a lee pomni and Ler Jax tickle fic!! I loved ur Lee Jax one! :))
I'm so glad you liked my other one! Thank you so much for the VERY FIRST REQUEST! I hope you like it! :D
It Gets Better
Pomni is having trouble settling into her new home. Everything feels so strange compared to what her life used to be. Just when it couldn't get any weirder, Jax introduces her to a common game in the Circus.
Ler!Jax x Lee! Pomni (platonic)
CW: Tickle fic!
TW: Mild existential crisis
Life in the Circus was...confusing, to say the least. It was always so bright there, whether it was the colorful environment or the other humans' personalities. Pomni wasn't sure what to make of everything. She was probably stuck here forever, so that didn't feel great, but at least she had new friends. Mostly friends.
Out of all the other humans, Jax was by far the most annoying and rude. He just didn't seem to care about anyone but himself and was more than willing to inflict suffering on the others for his own enjoyment. Pomni tried to stay out of his way as much as she could, but it was difficult with the way he sought her out to pester her.
The little jester stared up at the ceiling of the common area, not thinking about anything in particular. She didn't know where the others were. Probably sleeping. The world around her seemed to suffocate her, pressing down on her non-existent lungs. Who was she? Was she even herself anymore? Would she still be herself years from now in this hell of a place? How can she-
"Heeyyyy, Pomni. Watcha doin' there?" The familiar voice sounded slightly mocking. Pomni groaned and covered her face with her hands.
"Please leave me alone, Jax. I'm not in the mood."
"Oh, yeah? That's weird. Everyone's always in the mood for me." There was an awkward silence as the rabbit grinned, as if he was expecting a chuckle in response. "Anyway, just thought I'd come...check on you, y'know?"
Pomni looked up at him suspiciously. He never cared enough to check on people. "What do you want? Seriously, let's just get this over with."
Jax held his hands in a shrug, an annoying grin on his face. "Whaaat? Can't a guy just hang out with his best friend?"
The jester blinked a few times in confusion and suspicion. "Erm. Best friend. Right."
"So anyway. Ragatha stole the key I have to her room and I was hoping you could sneak in and get it back for me," the rabbit said casually.
"She stole? Why did you have the key to begin with?"
"Not important. Just get it back for me, would ya?"
Instead of protesting or arguing back, Pomni's shoulders just sagged. "Ok...Give me a few minutes." She stood and started heading to Ragatha's room. Before she got far, a hand grabbed her shoulder.
"Hey, wait. Aren't you gonna argue and tell me I'm a jerk?" Jax asked.
Pomni looked up with a subdued expression. "No. There's no point. You'll just get the key yourself anyway."
"Yeah, but...You're taking the fun out of it, y'know?" The rabbit grinned, but it faltered just a little at the blank look in Pomni's eyes. "Still adjusting to everything, huh?"
"Yeah...Yeah, I am."
Jax sighed in what was either annoyance or sympathy. Or maybe a mixture of both. "Listen, kid. You didn't hear it from me, but it does get better over time. Just...Don't get obsessed with finding an exit like Kaufmo did. You'll be fine." He nudged the jester's side with his elbow, earning a squeak.
"H-hey. Careful," Pomni chuckled nervously. Jax practically grinned from ear to ear, looking more evil than ever.
"What was that, kid? Hit a sore spot?"
"Um. Yeah. That's all it was." Pomni backed up with a nervous smile, just to be followed by the rabbit.
"Tell me, Pomni. You wouldn't happen to be...ticklish, would you?" Pomni tensed up in anticipation.
"No...Why would you ever ask tha-EE!" She yelped as she was tackled down by Jax, who wasted no time in digging his fingers into every inch of her sides and belly. The jester burst into squeaky laughter and grabbed at Jax's wrists.
"Woah, hey, looks like you are ticklish. Why would you ever lie to me, Pomni?" The rabbit snickered.
"Jax! Stohop ihihiiiit!" Pomni whined. #%?! this rabbit.
"Why? This a bad spot?" Jax dug his fingers into Pomni's hips, earning a loud squeal. "I wonder where else I could get you? Here? Here? Here?" He rapidly poked around her belly and ribs, earning squeaks and giggles.
"Jax! You #%?hole! WAIT! WAIT WAHAIT!" She let out a screech as her "friend" squeezed her knee. Jax narrowed his eyes mischievously.
"Oho, Pomni. Did I find your spot?" He repeatedly squeezed Pomni's knee, earning kicks and squeals of laughter. "Coochicoochicoooo!"
"Please! Stoooohohooop!" The jester curled up and kicked the rabbit hard in the stomach. Jax finally let up with an "oof!" and leaned away.
"Jeez, kid. Calm down." He brushed himself off and stood up straight with a smile. "Better get used to that, cause I can guarantee it'll happen a lot. Not just from me."
Pomni's eyes widened. "Don't you dare."
With that, Jax took off running towards the bedrooms, with his friend hot on his heels.
"Jax! Don't you dare!" Her previous laughter induced smile remained on her face as she chased him down.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've been really into angst lately, apparently. I hope you all enjoy! :3
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fluff-a-nutter · 5 months ago
Tickletober Day 15- “Are You Ticklish?”
The question caught Pomni off guard, considering who it came from.
“U-Uh what?”
Kinger blinked at the jester girl whom he’d pretty much adopted as his daughter in the circus.
“Was my question unclear? Sorry, let me repeat that.”
Kinger inhaled as if he was about to ask the question at the top of his lungs. Pomni was quick to stop him before the entire circus heard him.
“No! No, I heard you, Kinger. I just- well, it caught me a little off guard.”
Kinger exhaled the breath he’d been holding, no doubt to scream his question.
“Ah, I see. So?”
Pomni blinked.
“So, what?”
“Are you ticklish?”
Pomni was torn between answering truthfully or denying the fact the she was in fact, extremely ticklish.
Kinger seemed to pick up on her hesitation.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable, Pomni. I’m just curious, that’s all.”
Kinger laced his fingers together in front of him, patiently waiting to hear Pomni’s response.
Pomni was quiet for a bit longer. Kinger seemed genuinely curious. And it was rare for her to see the more lucid side of the chess piece character like this. What harm could telling him do?
“Eh, yeah, I’m pretty ticklish, but please don’t tell anyone! Especially Jax.”
Kinger blinked his bug like eyes at Pomni and didn’t respond immeasurably, causing the young jester girl to wonder if he had gone back into his less sane state again.
Just when Pomni was about to ask if Kinger was okay, he spoke.
“Queenie and I used to have tickle fights, y’know. Although I usually came out on the losing side.”
Pomni found herself leaning towards Kinger as she always did when he’d talk about his wife. He reminded her of an old grandpa who had dementia, but once and awhile, when it was just the two of them, jester and chess piece, he would have a lucid moment, often about his wife.
“Really? No offense, but I didn’t think you were ticklish, Kinger.”
Kinger chuckled fondly, shaking his head.
“No offense taken, you’re the only one besides my wife and probably Caine who knows. But boy, Queenie and I would have fun.”
Pomni watched as a wistful, melancholy expression crossed her friends face.
“You must miss her a lot.”
Kinger sighed.
“I miss her terribly. Every single day.”
Pomni hated how down Kinger looked, so she decided to do something bold (hah, she could be brave an assertive! Take that Jax.)
“Kinger…. Erm… would you, like to be tickled? By me?”
Kinger looked a bit surprised.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to.”
Pomni smiles. Normally she’d be on the receiving end of tickles, but right now she wanted to make her friend smile.
“I don’t mind if you don’t.”
Kinger thought for a moment or two before saying,
“Alright. What harm could a little tickling do? But I must warn you, I’m very ticklish.”
Pomni giggled and scooted closer as Kinger spoke.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
She waited for Kinger to lift his hands bed she carefully poked his side. She hadn’t expected much of a reaction considering he had a very thick robe, but almost instantly Kinger jumped back with a laugh.
Pomni said, waiting for Kinger to give her the okay to continue.
“It’s alright. I’m just not used to it anymore.”
Kinger scooted back into place and nodded at Pomni.
“Go ahead, I’m ready this time.”
Pomni smiled at him and tickled him again.
This time, Kinger laughed and squirmed, but he didn’t pull away this time.
She kept this up for a few minutes, laughing along with Kinger. A real, genuine laugh echoed through both of them until they both collapsed into the pillow fort, gasping and chuckling.
“Hehey, Pomni?”
“Yes, Kinger?”
“Thank you. You made me feel like my old self again.”
Pomni smiled.
“No problem Kinger. I’m glad you had fun.”
“Yeah, and Pomni?”
“Where did you say you were ticklish?”
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allmyocsarebritish · 1 year ago
Outreach day
Pairing: Xavier X Reader
Warnings: SUPER LONG (sorry), British references (specifically England), Tyler Galpin hate projection
A/N: this took over a month omd, also I don't like Tyler can you tell??
Outreach day. Two simple words which struck fear into the hearts of all the townspeople in Jericho. Every outcast knew this much, the whole day was a pointless publicity stunt, detested by all involved. But as long as it meant the town was considered 'welcoming and inclusive' to fellow normies, and the students of the school were supposed seen as 'friendly and well-rounded', the ridiculous mandatory 'volunteer' work continued.
Not a single Nevermore pupil enjoyed the day - spending hours being singled out and targeted, gossiped about and facing constant glares from the oh-so-accepting normies was in no way a cheerful experience. Your feet were lead as you collected the dreaded envelope; the contents of which dictated the placement you were forced into for the morning. Whilst a very small handful of your classmates appeared pleasantly surprised by their assignments, disgust was etched onto the faces of most of those around you.
Despite your entirely uninterested outward appearance, a spark of curiosity began to form. You carefully peeled open the chiffon coloured envelope, revealing a slip of card.
Written in bold, deep black lettering:
Uriah's Heap
Ultimately, that wasn't the worst option available. You would be essentially isolated, substantially less exposed to pure, unfiltered hatred from the entire population of Jericho. Relief washed over you, freed from the anxieties of potential work at pilgrim world. However, the consolation was short lived.
"Hey, Y/N!" Came the voice of Ajax from behind you.
"Hi, Ajax. What did you get?" You greeted the gorgon. The two of you were reasonably close friends, sharing several lessons and frequently meeting outside of school.
"Erm, Y/N? Would you maybe be willing to trade with me?" He queried, sidestepping your question. "I saw you got Uriah's Heap. And, well Enid's working there today so I thought-"
"You haven't got pilgrim world, have you?" You groaned, already preparing yourself to decline your friends offer.
"No! No I don't." He answered you, far too quickly. "I got the Weathervane." The last three syllables were barely audible.
"The Weathervane? Really? I don't even like coffee. Do you think I'm dense, Jax? I am not spending the day with the Sheriff's son." You scoffed, scrunching your nose in distaste and already briskly walking towards the shuttle set to take all Nevermore students into Jericho.
"No, Y/N wait! Please I will do anything!" You were quick, but so was Ajax. Before you knew it, he was sat on the seat beside you, whining incessantly in your ear.
"Fine!" You grumbled, barely a minute into the journey, already bored to death of being nagged.
"Because I would- wait really?!"
"Yes, whatever. Just shut up, would you?" You playfully elbowed him in the ribs.
If Ajax thought that you hadn't noticed the thumbs up he flashed to someone behind you, he was entirely wrong. He was not subtle, at all. You shook your head, a small smile taking place on your lips. But before you had a chance to wonder what that was about, the shuttle began to speed up, reaching the road leading in to town. The rest of the trip consisted of bantering with your friend, and soon enough you had reached your dreaded destination.
Your smile completely vanished when you remembered what you had gotten yourself into. Predictably, Ajax was nowhere to be seen the minute you exited the shuttle. You rolled your eyes, silently cursing both yourself and the gorgon. If only you had more patience.
You shamelessly stretched out the walk to your unfortunate placement as much as possible, taking the longest route you could. Yet despite your best attempts, you still managed to get to your destination on time. Early, even.
Being the sensible person you were, you promptly spun around and began walking in the opposite direction, delaying your inevitable fate further. Of course, you would have to make your way into the Weathervane eventually; a Nevermore uniform stuck out like a sore thumb against the sea of normies. Constantly checking over your shoulder for any sign of Weems (or any other teacher ready to pounce on an out-of-line student), you turned a corner. This allowed you to make your way down the empty back street, void of any staring eyes. But the solitude was short lived.
Not too far into the distance stood a brick wall, sloppily coated in patchy white paint. However, your attention was immediately drawn to the extremely tall figure wearing the tell-tale blue and black stripes of Nevermore. You faintly recognised him as Xavier Thorpe, the school's resident 'tortured artist'. A pang of sympathy struck you as you recalled the reason behind the solemn way he stared at the whitewashed bricks.
"I'm sorry about your painting." Xavier immediately whipped around to face you at the faint sound of your hushed voice. He blinked at you, as you began to silently curse yourself for the second time that day. The destroyed mural was bound to be a touchy subject.
"It's fine - there's nothing I can do about it now." He responded after a prolonged moment.
The silence was drawn out and awkward, yet something about Xavier seemed strangely familiar and comfortable, despite you barely knowing him. "You're a really good artist, are they going to let you do another one?"
The look on his face was enough to immediately realise you said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry-" you began, however he cut you off.
"You don't need to apologise. They don't care remotely enough for that, and I wouldn't want to anyway."
"You'd be wasted on this shitty town." This response drew a quiet snicker from him, making you smile in turn.
"Thanks." He smiled back before quickly breaking eye contact and looking down, the corners of his mouth still lifted in a pretty smirk. The sight of which was enough to direct your own gaze to the floor.
The pretentious sound of heels clacking against concrete infiltrated your momentary confusion. You and Xavier both turned around, movements synchronized. At that moment, you were greeted with a sarcastic smirk from Weems as she stared down (more so at you), hands on her hips. Offering Xavier a mischievous grin, you braced yourself for the scolding that would surely follow.
"I believe the two of you are supposed to be at your assignments right now." She spoke rather elegantly, her posture suggested a source of authority, despite the fact she clearly lacked it, with two students set to arrive late to their placement. "I'm willing to turn a blind eye to this exchange, given the circumstance," A pointed look was directed at the mess of Xavier's mural, "but you are aware that one of the conditions of outreach day is to not make any waves. At all. Now, make your way to your placements, as my kindness will only extend so far." Her tone was clear, and out of respect you decided to surrender; she was a decent headteacher, all things considered.
Quickly glancing to your left, it was clear that Xavier was substantially less willing. You gave him a small nudge with your elbow as Weems turned and began briskly walking ahead - presumably to the Weathervane to make sure you arrived. He glanced at you, before once again looking away, an obvious scowl present on his face, not attempting to mask it in the slightest. A frown pushed its way onto your brow, concern beginning to grow.
"Wouldn't you have thought she would offer us an escort?" You joked dryly, to which he responded with a small huff and a nod. "Are you okay?" The worry festering within you began to grow at his dismissive response.
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine."
Biting back the urge to respond with a snarky comment about him not looking fine, you continued walking, realising you had no idea where Xavier's assignment was located.
Or more importantly, when he would leave.
You felt a dinky yet significant attachment towards the artist, despite never really speaking with him before now. Of course you knew of him, though you didn't really know him personally. And for some reason, you decided that should change; you wanted to spend time together, begin a friendship, maybe even more-
"I just realised." You spoke very slightly too loudly, surprising yourself, but dispersing your rampaging thoughts. Most likely at the unexpected twinge of high volume, Xavier tilted his head toward you, finally making eye contact. His chartreuse irises were flecked with hazel around the pupils, an overwhelming sea of glorious gemstone green you could certainly drown in. Barely noticeably, you shook your head to once again clear the miniscule details that sprung into much more, your mind swarming with thoughts like a hive of restless bees.
"You never told me where you're outreaching." You continued, as though you hadn't just been lost in Xavier's eyes barely a second ago.
He scoffed in response, rolling his eyes. "I got the Weathervane. So now I get to watch that normie idiot ride his own dick all day acting all innocent."
You shouldn't have been happy. You really shouldn't have. And you weren't. No, you weren't happy - instead you were ecstatic, thrilled, overjoyed, delighted. Your joy was kept in check, however, when remembering that this was probably the worst assignment Xavier could have gotten. Truthfully, you had no idea the extent of which Tyler's ambush had reached last year, but you were well aware of the state of Xavier when he returned that day. Bruised, battered and bloodied, and the thought of his suffering made your heart break.
"Do you want to know something?" Your voice wavered, and you hoped the remaining excitement did not translate. Xavier gave a little nod, prompting you to continue.
"I've got the Weathervane too."
The ghost of a smile graces his lips, and you responded with your own grin.
A comfortable silence extended as you continued walking together. The sense of sheer dread in approaching the cafè was no longer so extreme, rather being overpowered by something else; electrifying thrill about spending the day with the boy you only really just met. A twinge of disappointment remained, of all places of course it had to be the Weathervane. But, nevertheless, you were still insanely grateful to Ajax for allowing you this opportunity.
Unbeknownst to you, Xavier was also feeling substantially perkier about the assignment. Ajax had managed to convince you, and his day would in fact be tolerable. Who knows, maybe it could even be fun - after all, a full morning with the girl he liked would undoubtedly be at least marginally enjoyable.
The two of you had subconsciously drifted closer as you walked, until eventually your hands ended up softly brushing together. A surge of electricity flowed through your body, skin burning in the place you had made contact. You almost felt as though your fingers were flaming, hand nothing but raging fire. A small glance out of the corner if your eye had you even more flushed, and a smile tugged at your lips.
What? No-one else had this kind of effect on you.
You wouldn't deny that you kind of liked it.
Regardless of your detour, and in spite of you and Xavier dragging out the walk as long as physically possible, eventually the two of you managed to reach the Weathervane. You shared a brief glance and a deep breath, before simultaneously pushing open the door.
"Nice of you to finally show up." Tyler's attempt at a joke did not translate. You both looked at him blankly, already sick of his shit, yet playing nice.
For now.
"Well, uh, I'll get you each a shirt and apron." Tyler awkwardly smiled. It was quickly dropped, however, when he was greeted with two intense glares. The both of you were entirely unimpressed, and evidently the innocent façade was never going to get you swooning for the normie.
He sighed lightly, wandering into the backroom behind the counter. You turned to Xavier, rolling your eyes and shaking your head softly, to which he responded with a smirk.
Soon enough, Tyler returned, holding two Weathervane uniforms. Enhanced by what you knew of his reputation, you really didn't like Galpin. He was incredibly tense and awkward, but in a really off-putting way that made it seem as though he had something to hide. His unsettling nature made for a largely uncomfortable, disconcerting atmosphere in the small café. The silence was prolonged in a way that starkly contrasted the relaxed ambience when meeting Xavier by the ruined mural. There may have been the odd awkward moment, yet it never felt like this.
On the topic of Xavier's mural, the memory of the sheer hurt on the already tortured artist's face was enough to make you cross your arms, resuming your disapproving glare towards the barista.
Your thoughts were disturbed by a disgusting vision that made your blood run cold.
Two normies held him down, forcing him to watch as dull, eggshell white paint was splashed over hours of work, like tippex covering a mistake. Mocking laughter rang through his ears as sharp pains radiated from each landed punch. Tears welled in his eyes as Galpins fist came pummeling onto his nose, causing excruciating agony.
Returning to your current reality, you discovered you had missed Tyler advising the two of you on where to change. A gentle hand resting on your right shoulder caused a surge of electricity to shock you out of your tempestuous mind, clearing any remaining flecks of the vision from your current consciousness.
"Sorry." Xavier smiled slightly, and your heart shattered like glass at how he was treated. "You seemed a little zoned out."
"Yeah, thanks." Was all you managed in response. Frowning, you trailed behind Tyler as he showed you the staff room at the back of the shop. When you returned, now kitted out in your very own apron and polo shirt, Xavier was already waiting for you. His tawny hair cascaded freely, very slightly covering the sides of his face. The crimson apron was tied behind his back, enhancing his slender figure. It was incredibly flattering, despite being the enemy uniform. Your cheeks flushed when you realised you had been staring. It may have been your imagination, but you could have sworn a pink tinge appeared on Xavier's face to match your own. The two of you maintained eye contact for a bit too long, before breaking it and quickly dropping your gazes to the floor.
As always, the moment was interrupted by fucking Tyler. So what if you were a little bit grateful this time? It was still Tyler.
"Have either of you ever used an espresso machine?" He asked, radiating an air of superiority that made turned your veins molten.
"You just press buttons. Probably." You answered snarkily, avoiding the question of whether you had actually used one and uttering the last word beneath your breath.
"Uh, I think there's a bit more to it than that." Tyler half-smiled.
You rolled your eyes again, and Xavier had to suppress a laugh at your extreme irritance caused by the barista. He just had that effect on you. The way he strode in on his high horse just because he happened to be the normie son of the sheriff made you sick, enhanced by his targeting of outcasts (mainly Xavier). The final straw was the innocent façade he upheld. So, no. You didn't like Galpin.
The sound of someone clearing their throat once again brought you to reality. Were you even trying to listen to Tyler teaching you to work the machine? No, that's why there were two of you. Besides, surely it wouldn't be that hard to wing for a few hours.
Your first task of the day was taking orders. It was simple, really. Head to the table, ask the customer for their order, then report back to Tyler. An easy task to ease you into the art of the establishment. Collecting a small notepad and pen, you and Xavier wandered to the only occupied table.in the whole café. A glimmer of mischief flickered in your eye as you looked up at Xavier, something that made his heart beat a little quicker and his hands tremble ever so slightly.
Back to the task at hand, you approached the booth, smiling sweetly.
"Hello, and welcome to the Weathervane!" You clasped your hands together. "Could I take your order?"
"Oh, just a latte."
Smiling once more, you scribbled onto the lined paper, offering a thank you to the man in the booth before wandering back to the counter, Xavier following close behind. Hoisting yourself up onto the countertop, you tossed the pad to Tyler. If it hit his face that wasn't your problem. You were quick to revert to false innocence, staring up at him with huge, blameless doe eyes.
"He wants a black coffee."
"He asked for an espresso."
You both responded at the same time, dissolving into giggles. Tyler frowned at you both, patience already wearing thin. Sighing, he picked up the paper and began making what he hoped was in fact the actual order.
Xavier shook his head at you, a pretty smirk resting on his face. He leant back on the counter you were sat on, using his arms to prop himself up.
"You know, I bet I could get more tips tha you if I tried." He teased, licking his lips and surpressing yet another smile.
"No way." You narrowed your eyes playfully.
"We'll see." He shrugged, sending you a wink that made your knees weak. It was certainly a good job that you were already seated.
After your antics on the easiest task possible, you and Xavier were demoted to table-cleaning. The two of you took a rag each, wiping the wooden surface at a snails pace.
"I've never even drank coffee." You muttered. "Apparently at pilgrim world they get free fudge. Imagine that." Huffing, you continued wiping slowly.
"Yeah, I mean, its alright but not something I'd dedicate my life to." You snickered at Xavier's subtle dig at Tyler, bringing a smile to his face.
"So, I suppose you prefer tea, then?" He responded, forcing a posh accent and butchering it. You crinkled your nose in distaste.
"Was that supposed to be me? And no, I don't like tea either." You responded, holding back a laugh.
"What? What kind of British person are you?"
"I'm really sorry to tell you this, Xavier. I actually am, but honestly, no-one I know from England drinks tea." You responded, laughing at his reaction.
"So what do you like to drink?" He asked.
"I don't know, Coke? Dr Pepper?"
"Okay, okay. Pepsi or Coke?" He asked urgently, as though it were a matter of life and death.
"Uhh. Will my answer change the way you think of me?" You questioned, a slight frown accompanying your amused smile.
"Oh, absolutely." He joked back.
"Okay, don't kill me, but I honestly can't tell the difference."
His eyes widened in shock as his jaw dropped sarcastically.
The two of you laughed again, smiling at eachother when the giggles died down. The gaze you gave held so much emotion to be directed at someone you barely knew. But with Xavier it didn't feel sudden. He licked his lips, and you accidentally let your eyes trail down. Even though it only lasted a split-second, you felt your cheeks light up as his lips pulled into a smirk.
"Are you guys almost done over there?" GALPIN.
A string of profanities exited your lips as you placed dirtied mugs onto the tray that rested on the table whilst Xavier's heart began to flutter at the thought of you looking at him like that.
Not paying attention to Tyler's demonstration proved to actually be a huge blessing. He was entirely sick of you, meaning you were immediately loaded off onto Xavier. Little did Galpin know, he wasn't listening either.
"Google it!" He whispered to you, warm breath fanning against your ear. The proximity was flustering, and you hoped beyond hope that Xavier couldn't see your hands shaking as you typed into the search bar.
"Uh, Xav?" You turned back to him, stopping suddenly when remembering how close he was to you. "I can't be bothered to do all this." You huffed.
If you noticed his cheeks reddening at the use of the nickname, you didn't mention it.
"I mean, we could always just.. not."
"I mean yeah I guess you could, but why would you waste time like that?"
"Passive aggressive much?" Xavier whispered, making you snicker softly in response.
"I heard that." The barista hissed through gritted teeth. "Just go and clean more tables then." Tyler sighed, shaking his head. You made eye contact with Xavier, squealing internally before racing back to the table. The two of you resumed scrubbing, both lost on thought.
The gentle knocking of his hand against yours dragged you from your thoughts, dispersing them as you flinched instinctively.
"Sorry." Xavier mumbled, though he did not make an effort to move his hand.
"No, it's fine." You responded quickly, refraining from retracting your own.
The tension was electrifying, and chills crawled over your skin when you finally made eye contact with the blonde artist. Wordlessly, the two of you seemed to inch closer, subconsciously drifting further into eachother's presence. Rags discarded on the equally abandoned table, Xavier leaned his head down slightly, licking his lips subtly.
"I guess you can go now, your shift is over" Tyler declared, rolling his eyes at the outcasts before him.
"Yeah, yeah. Fuck you too" Xavier flipped him off, already on his way to return to the comforting sapphire and raven stripes of Nevermore. You smiled sweetly, tossing up your own first and middle finger. (A backwards peace sign is like a British middle finger)
The return to the shuttle was solemn- the two of you had barely spoken prior to this, and you were unsure if you ever would again. But, you weren't going to take that chance.
"Hey, Xav?" You boldly decided it was absolutely now or never. Heart pounding as he hummed in response, you cleared your throat.
"I'm sorry if this is a bit too forward, but, do you think I could take your number? You're really cool and I don't want this to be the last time we ever speak."
With an adorable lopsided grin, he offered his hand, to which you gave your phone, already open to the contacts page.
Reaching the shuttle all too soon, you waved goodbye to Xavier sweetly, bouncing back to your seat next to Ajax. He let you take your window seat, because, after all, you had suffered through a day of Tyler Galpin.
"So, how did it go?" He asked, and you summoned all of your will strength as to not combust on the spot.
Let's just say Ajax's phone barely survived the night of pounding messages from both you and your tortured artist.
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cloroxcasser0le · 4 months ago
Gangle kills Jax but it’s poetic and shit. Also he gets revived 😿
also it’s not that obvious who this is about but erm whatever
It’s confusing, really. So let me ask you
Do you hate me? it seems like you don’t
you give me the pleasure of seeing you.. cowering in fear? So unlike you! I’m flattered indeed, flattered you’d flatten your long purple ears for me
Cowering, like you don’t do worse on the daily.
I don’t think you hate me. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt
You don’t try to stop your not-blood as it trickles down my hand. ………………You don’t push it away. This might be because you’re weak.. this might be because it isn’t your body. This isn’t your mind. I see that you’ve lost it long ago, not caring for a single thing. Not even the thing that carries you to show it.
Typical you..
Maybe when I’m done with you.. I’ll hang your head on my wall.. maybe in the hall? To really show the others how I feel about you.
I ponder, as I pull on your guts
Have I found why you don’t care as I unravel you? Is it all because your body shows what you really are? ………..…A scared animal.. biting at whatever goes near. Pushing themselves further away from it until it’s backed them into a corner and they’ve nowhere to go. Do you like it..?
I decide to test my theory, wrapping my ribbons around a knife beside me. Raising it above my head, plunging it into a shoulder that supports yours. Really? All I get is a.. a squeak?! Have I really worn you out that much? …
you can’t die yet. ……I’ve still got so much to punish you for, And you’ve still got so much to love me for!
I call for our the floating affront to the real god, reminding me that that one abandoned us, hoping he’s smart and quick enough to fix you… who will thank me so much when this is all over. For giving you a second chance
He shows himself to me, scolding as he inspects your broken and ugly form, Figuring out how to fix it. It that doesn’t deserve to be fixed, yet I let it happen
Because I’m secretly regretting, both things I can. Doing this, and not following through..
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iamespecter · 3 months ago
Seeing your post about Jax I wanted to ask what advice you would give me for furry art. I feel that it makes it spectacular.
I don't think I'm the wisest person to give furry advice of all things-
but it is very good to learn from other furry artists or typically considered furry medias and see what aspects of those styles you like. Do you like 'realistic facial structure with human proportions' type of furry? Semi-realistic? Toony like Don Bleuth?
Do you like how fluffy they make the characters or do you prefer the kemono/anime furry style where they look like sculpted clumps of gorgeous clay? Maybe you want to start your own zany way of making furry expressions/faces?
if you can't seem to decide, try sketching them and see what works and what doesn't work for you. And if that doesn't work? Draw the same thing again. Get used to the feel of the flow of the characters' structure. You'll see that with every attempt, you will improve and eventually, you'll find that one comfortable style you want to go with.
The number one reason why furries exist (other than the erm... 34th rule of the internet-) is because of how spry, fun and how dynamic the designs tend to get, and how much you could get away with their expressions/features that human faces could never.
Don't be afraid to mix-mash fictional and non-fiction species either; you'd find that once you remove that barrier, your creativity for character designs will crash through the roof at unprecedented levels.
You wanna make a badass eastern-dragon/monkey hybrid that's always hanging from rooftops? Fucking go for it.
You want an deep sea critter/land-based mammal mix? Hell yeah.
A racoon with deer antlers and bio-luminiscent fur patterns? Cook to your heart's content, my friend. COOK TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT!
Unless ofc, what you actually mean is how I rendered the Jax piece, which is just using an ever so slightly modified round brush and turning down the opacity to allow for better blending. That's literally it. This is the brush setting I used for that, if you're curious.
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Also, use Sai v2. Sai's blending is GOD-TIER. Procreate is the only thing that comes close to dethroning Sai in terms of painting and blending with your artworks.
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mable-stitchpunk · 1 year ago
Dazed and Amused- TADC fic- Teaser
It was a typical day in the Digital Circus.
Everyone had just gotten finished unclogging the pipe maze of an infestation of surprisingly aggressive gummy worms. A fantastic adventure that was clearly just Caine giving them busy work that he didn’t want to do himself.
“Excellent job in snaking those drains! And in record time too! You should allll be proud of yourselves. Look at Bubble, he’s thrilled! He’s so happy! He’s… Bubble, goodness me, STOP. Whatever you’re doing, please!"
Bubble turned to face a cringing Caine with a mouth overflowing in half-chewed gummy worms. Them slowly sliding out of his mouth as he replied.
“Sowwy boss.”
“Ahem, in any case…” Caine turned back to the others with a little spin of his cane. “I think you all deserve a just reward and a day out, soooo… We’re going to the DIGITAL CARNIVAL!”
There were some mixed reactions amongst the group, but one was very vocal.
“Really?! Hurray!” Gangle cheered, clapping her ribbons. Her comedy mask still stuck firmly to her face. It was a wonder with how lost she had gotten during their excursion.
As a matter of fact, it was the longest Gangle had gone in a while without breaking that mask. So, instead of her typically sulking self, she was overflowing with excitement, bouncing in place.
And it was all because Jax too had gotten lost in that stupid maze. He gave the masked tangle of ribbons a slightly irritated look.
“Ugh,” he groaned in exaggeration.
He made a show of it but, much to his continued displeasure, Gangle took absolutely no notice of it. Someone else did though, the ragdoll standing directly to his right who quickly chimed in.
“Well, you’re the one who’s always claiming that everyone’s too gloomy. You should be happy she’s happy,” Ragatha whispered to him.
“I said she was being a drag. I didn’t say I wanted her to become annoying,” Jax clarified.
Ragatha rolled her eyes from him to Pomni. Giving her a ‘are you hearing this?’ sort of look.
Pomni looked back with a visibly uneasy look replacing her tired one from a few moments ago. That was right, Ragatha realized. Pomni hadn’t gotten a chance to go to the Digital Carnival, and she could only be wary at Caine’s enthusiasm.
“Don’t worry, Pomni. This is going to be fun! The Digital Carnival is great, really,” Ragatha assured.
Before Pomni could even reply, Caine literally inserted himself into the conversation by popping up in between them. It made Pomni jump and even Ragatha took a partial step back in surprise.
“And now it is even better!” he proclaimed. “I have updated it with more rides, more attractions, more prizes, and plenty more bug fixes!”
“Bugs?” Kinger snapped his head over with a confused blink.
“Oh yes! The, erm, minor issues from last time are a thing of the past! For example, the roller coaster- the cars no longer fly off the track!”
“Aww, but Caine, that was the best part! Coming down at breakneck speeds and then fl-ying off at the turn and breaking our necks,” Jax mockingly complained.
“I’m sorry, Jax. I know you like the thrills, but safety is this park’s number one concern!” Caine insisted, Jax’s shtick flying right over his head. Caine then leaned in and whispered behind his hand- loudly, mind you- “We also have a tunnel of looove~.” He winked.  
“Oh that’s…” Ragatha said back with an awkward smile. She stole a look to Jax and saw the absolute look of offense and disbelief that was now on his face. She squeezed her hands together. “That’s great.”
Jax looked at her with just straight-up disbelief now.
“It is! Especially for any love birds tweeting about,” Caine hinted. If that wasn’t obvious enough, he then nudged Pomni repeatedly until he was sure she got it too.
Ragatha only kept smiling to cover her embarrassment.
“I think you’re tweeting outta your- Wait, if we’re going… Shotgun!” Jax suddenly cried. He thrust an arm up in the air as his face broke into an eager smile.
Ragatha pursed her lips as she realized what she had inadvertently let happen again.
“Why, you eager beaver you! Of course you can drive, Jax! I appreciate the initiative,” Caine complemented.
The others weren’t nearly as thrilled. Gangle was making sure to hold her mask on, Kinger got a downright dazed look, and Zooble gave a loud groan.
“God, Jax, didn’t feel like giving anyone else a chance?” Zooble asked.
“Nope! You snooze you lose, Picasso,” Jax said, strutting by.
“What just happened?” Pomni asked for clarification.
“Jax is driving again,” Ragatha sighed. She rubbed her arm. “He’s… a little bit of a leadfoot.”
“…Wait, we have a car?!”
Ragatha laughed a little. “You could call it that… but I wouldn’t.”
“…That doesn’t bode well!” Pomni said with a tense smile.
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im-so-normal-for-jax · 10 months ago
erm I think Jax is emo 😔🖤😞🥀
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shiiiit ima write so much Jax angst if he’s depwessed
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scribbuluswrites · 4 years ago
The Call
Happy Friday! erm.... Saturday. Let’s see if I can remember to keep posting these weekly or if I’ve forgotten how to stick to a plan. 
I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter of my little prequel to Faking It! As always, thanks for reading!!
Happy growled as his ringing phone interrupted his next threat. Things had gone sideways with the Calaveras MC, and he was currently trying to extract more information from a man buried up to his neck in the desert. 
He yanked off one of his gloves, ripping the phone out of his pocket. Initially, he had thought to detail the many ways he was going to remove pieces from the caller, but the words died in his throat as he saw the name. 
“I gotta take this,” he said roughly, shoving the hilt of his knife into Jax’s hand. Clay, the club president, shrugged, raising his eyebrows in frustration. Happy was their hired muscle for this issue, but no one was going to question him. 
Happy stepped away, making sure he was out of earshot. He didn’t want anyone listening in on this conversation. 
“Is this important?” There was sniffling on the other end of the line. 
“Oh, um, no. You’re busy, and this is really small in comparison probably,” she stammered, startled by his tone and sharp words. Kat sniffled again. “Sorry, I’m not even sure why…” 
“What happened?” Happy tried, unsuccessfully, to make his voice a little gentler. He was torn between wanting to finish the job and immediately rush over to find out what had made Katarina cry. She hadn’t called him since the night they met, but he would be lying if he claimed she hadn’t crossed his mind since. In fact, he’d thought about calling her every day for the last month.
“Somebody broke into my apartment,” she admitted, her voice small. Happy’s fingers tightened on the phone. 
“Go outside right now. Get in your car and lock the doors. Send me the address,” he barked, his words coming across like orders. The phone vibrated against his ear, and he held it out, reading the address. 
“I didn’t go in. I saw the front door standing open and went back to the car park,” she explained. Happy felt relieved that she had the smarts to stay outside. 
“You sure it wasn’t your roommate? Forgot to lock the door or something?” There was a scream in the background on Happy’s end. He spun around, the look on his face enough to give Tig pause as he sliced the tip of the knife across their hostage’s forehead. Something like a squeak came through the phone. Happy could picture Katarina’s face scrunched up as she probably imagined what was happening behind him. 
“Uh… no, she moved out,” Katarina replied slowly. He felt like she was struggling to find her voice. This was not how he wanted their first sober conversation to go. 
“Be there in fifteen.” Happy snapped the phone shut, swearing under his breath. He stomped back to the group, slugging Tig in the jaw. “Next time I’m on a call, don’t make so much noise, shithead,” he groused, picking his dropped knife off the ground. 
“He doesn’t know anything,” Jax complained, clearly annoyed that they’d picked up the wrong culprit. Happy marched past him, burying his knife in the top of the Calaveras’ member’s skull. Tig jumped back, his feet now spattered in blood just like Happy’s. 
“What the fuck, man?” he complained, his lip split and jaw already beginning to swell. Happy wasn’t even phased that his relationship with the mother charter might be strained after this. They needed him, so it would be fixable. “Where the hell are you going?” Happy grunted, throwing his leg over his bike. He didn’t bother with an explanation, starting it up and taking off, leaving a rooster tail of dust as he headed back to the highway. 
Happy felt an uneasiness in his gut that hadn’t been there for many years. He had run through every stop sign and red light, ignoring the speed limits on his way. Knowing Kat was fine wasn’t enough, somehow. He needed to see it. 
He parked next to Katarina’s car, shucking his helmet and stepping off the bike in one fluid motion. Happy kept his face impassive despite the relief he felt at seeing her get out of her car. He briefly looked her over, not moving any closer. He desperately wanted to wrap her in his arms and keep her safe. The impulse was terrifying. 
“Stay put,” he commanded, pulling his gun out. “1701?” Kat nodded, surprised he had already memorised her apartment number. 
The door had definitely been tampered with, scratches covering the door handle. Whoever had broken in had obviously gotten fed up with picking the lock. Instead, opting to just kick it in. The door jamb was going to have to be replaced before she could stay here, Happy decided. 
He cautiously pushed the door open, moving through the room slowly. Satisfied that no one was in any of the closets, he moved through the rest of the apartment. Happy carefully inspected each room, closet, or hiding space. It took at least ten minutes before he was confident that no one was here. 
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you coming over. I just got so scared when I saw the door,” Katarina explained, walking towards him as he re-emerged into the parking lot. She toyed with a ring on her right hand, clearly nervous around him. 
“First one that answered?” he asked, wondering how much his curiosity reflected in his eyes. He also wasn’t sure why he cared. 
“I didn’t call anyone else,” she said quietly. Happy felt a grin spreading on his face as Kat looked down at her feet, her cheeks red. 
“Go pack a bag,” he directed, leaning against his bike. Her head snapped up. 
“What? I don’t want to tell anyone else. They’ll worry, and then it will turn into a thing…”
‘You can stay with me. I can’t get any supplies tonight, but I’ll get your door fixed tomorrow.” Kat’s mouth snapped shut, but she didn’t look entirely comfortable with the idea. Happy again wondered why he felt such a strong need to take care of her. She was too innocent to get dragged into his world. 
“Great plan, Kat. Don’t want people to think you’re irresponsible so you’ll go stay the night with a total stranger,” she muttered, walking away. Happy was almost certain she didn’t realise he had heard her. 
She returned just a few minutes later with a backpack on. Happy passed her his helmet, patting the back of his bike. 
“Can’t I follow you?” She hesitantly took the helmet, clearly having never worn one before. He shook his head, patting the back of the bike again. 
“I don’t know who did this. Just give me a little peace of mind, will ya?” he explained, unsure when he had started offering up any information. 
“What’s one more new experience,” she replied, forcing a smile onto her face before gingerly climbing onto the bike behind him. Katarina carefully placed her hands on his waist. Happy chuckled, grabbing her hands and pulling them around him. 
“Hold on tight, little girl, and try not to throw our balance off,” he instructed, firing the Harley up. 
“Sure. No idea what that means, but I’ll keep the balance,” she quipped, her grip automatically tightening as Happy rolled out of the lot. 
It had been a very long time since he’d had anyone on the back of his bike. He had never been one to give out casual rides or ferried people home for the club. His bike was an extension of him, and just like his attention, he didn’t offer it to just anyone. 
Happy thought about the girl holding on to him. Katarina was a very bad idea. She was too young and too naive. He had already known this, but he couldn’t bring himself to delete her number. Or ignore her call. 
Happy Lowman was in big trouble. 
Tags: @agirllovespasta @gemini0410 @scuzmunkie @woahitslucyylu @chibsytelford @ifoundmyhappythought @multiyfandomgirl40 @yourwonkywriter @jitterbugs927 @withmyteeth
If you would like to be added or dropped please just let me know :)
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kindnessisweakness2 · 4 years ago
*Not my GIF, can we all just take a second to appreciate those hands tho?😍*
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Sitting up at the sound of her alarm, Delaney groaned. Grabbing her denim shorts she wore last night from the floor she pulled them on and made her way to Jax's room. Knocking on the door, she opened it just in time to see him exit the bathroom in only jeans and still wet from the shower. "Hey D, you sleep here?" Nodding her head she tried her best to keep her eyes from wandering to his chest. "Yeah I was too tired to drive home. Can I use your shower and borrow a hoodie? The one in the spare dorm still isn't working". Jax smiled at her. "You know you don't have to ask. Take what you want, I've got church." Delaney's heart skipped as he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. As she watched him pull his shirt on over his head and make his way down the hall Delaney couldn't help but think that he was going to be the death of her.
An hour later Delaney was freshly showered and dressed in a pair of Jax's grey sweatpants and white samcro t-shirt. She was most of the way done with cleaning the bar when Gemma made her way in holding a package. "Here sweetie. This came for you" handing the box to a confused Delaney Gemma leaned against the bar waiting for her to open it. Reluctantly Delaney removed the cherry red bow and lifted the lid to reveal the expensive chocolates on the inside. There was a white envelope with her name typed on the front. The same as all the other ones her 'Secret admirer' had left her. Her stomach twisted up into Knots as she opened the letter.
"To the love of my life. Why must you do this to me? You flaunt your love for him in my face. All I do is try to make you happy. I treat you so much better than he EVER Would. I send you flowers, chocolates and shower you with compliments and you don't even notice me. You pretend I'm not there. He will never love you like I could. He doesn't even know you love him. He doesn't WANT you. Not like I do. If he wasnt around, you'd be with me. You need to take this as a warning my sweet girl. Stay away from the little 'Prince' Or I'll have no choice but to hurt him."
Underneath the letter was a photo taken at last night's party of them embracing outside by the picnic tables. Delaney had told Jax how happy she was to have him home. It had been horrible not having him around. She missed him terribly. It would've been a nice photo if taken in different circumstances. Delaney covered her face at the realisation she'd put Jax in danger. Tears welled in her eyes as she knew she had no choice but to tell the club now. She didn't care about her life but Jax's was different. Jax was important to her. Hell he was important to everyone. He'd never hurt her and was always there for her without question and what did she do in return? Put him on a mad man's target list!!
Looking to a confused Gemma in panic Delaney's tears spilled over. "I'm so sorry Gemma. We need to speak to the club. I-ill explain everything. I promise" Delaney sobbed as Gemma pulled her into a tight hug. After a few minutes Delaney wiped her eyes and made her way towards the large wooden doors that lead to the club's meeting room. Banging on the door she waited for the sound of clays voice shouting "come in" before she and Gemma entered. Everyone's faces turned to worry as they looked at Delaney. Her face was flushed, her eyes were red and still full of tears and she was clearly distressed. "Can I have a minute with you guys? I'm really sorry to interrupt." Nodding his head Clay moved his chair to the side allowing Delaney to address the club from the head of the table. Gemma moved to stand being Clay and waited for Delaney to start explaining. Stood inbetween clay and jax she looked so small and fragile, especially in Jax's oversized clothes, and that's exactly how she felt in that moment. "Erm I'm not sure how to start this but for the last few weeks I've been having weird things happen. I've been getting flower deliveries and chocolates and notes left for me. Both here and at home. I'm not sure who is sending them or even why but he just calls himself my 'Secret admirer'. It all started when Jax left for Nevada. The notes are your usual creepy shit, mainly compliments but he details places where I've been that day and photos of me. I'm 100% he's following me. I didn't go home last night and I lied to you about why. Because I felt scared that he knew where I lived I put cameras up outside my house. I thought that if I could catch him on footage id know who it was and could get him to stop." Delaney swallowed thickly. Tears freely spilling over now. "I caught him on camera watching me through my window sleeping. I was so stressed I took a couple sleeping tablets so I was knocked out cold. He just stood there for hours watching me. I couldn't see who it was or anything noticeable about him as he was dressed in all black. He could've broken in and done anything and I wouldn't of woken up." Delaney broke down. All the fear and stress she felt for weeks came spilling out. Jax stood and pulled her into a tight hug. "I didn't want to tell anyone because it's not your problem. I didn't want you guys to take this on. I was just going to ignore it and hoped he'd give up and go away. But it's not just me he's targeting now. I don't care about me but I won't let people get hurt because of me" passing the note and the photo that came with the chocolates around Delaney watched as every member became visibly more angry. Jax was the worst. He held her tightly, eyes smouldering with fury and jaw tightly clenched. How fucking dare someone target her. Was the only thing he could think. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt her. He'd die first.
And as Jax made that vow in his mind to protect her, Delaney could only think that this was the beginning of something nasty. And she was the cause of it.
And that's it!! Part 4 is up!! Thank you so much for everyone's support on this story so far. I really hope you enjoy it. As always feedback and advice always welcome. Part 5 soon to follow!
Love to you all, stay safe! 🌷
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espieviolet99 · 4 years ago
Last Kozzy Drabble Cont’d
Revelations were had, and Tig still is yet to return home to his daughter - how is this gon go?
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“Come on, Kozik. Time to hit the road.” Opie called. “Gimme a second.” He shouted back, turning back to Darla. “Want to discuss this later?” She asked, playing with her fingers. He stepped forward, placing a hand to her stomach. “If you mean my funeral plans, yes.” He smiled, leaning his forehead to hers. She let out a breath. “You wanna do this?” She asked, grinning. “Yeah, baby. You’re my family.” He declared, kissing her.” Best go get Grandpa.” “Ride safe.”
When the bikes pulled into the lot, Kozik and Tig both caught sight of the way that Darla was restless af, because she was jumping and bouncing on the spot. Both of them chuckled at their girl, and her mannerisms. The engines cut out, and Tig was barely getting off his bike when Darla ran over to him. 
“Hey, sweetie.” Tig laughed, barely catching her as he stood from his bike. “I missed you so much.” She muttered, holding him tight. “You too, princess. He look after you while I was gone?” Tig asked, motioning his head to Kozik. “Always, pop.” She nodded. “That’s what I like to hear.” Tig smiled, clapping Kozik on the shoulder.” It’s good to be back.”
Tig came flying at her later that day, stunning the rest of the sons and the young woman herself. She watched as he pointed at her, Kozik trailing after him with a bloody nose, as she sighed.
“Are you out of your Goddamn mind?” He seethed. She rolled her eyes. “Is this ever going to end?” She asked no-one in particular. “What’s going on, man?” Jax asked, moving over to the scene. “It’s been nearly 3 years, dad. How are you not expecting more to happen?” She grumbled. “I’m not prepared for this, I still don’t trust the prick.” He growled. “It’s not your relationship, or your life. Only ones that need to be prepared for this are me and Kozzy.” She shrugged. “Could you not have at least waited a while for me to get used to life on the outside before springing all this shit on me?” He shrieked. “Well, I wasn’t aware we were telling you just yet.” She said, looking round the man to Kozzy.” Can we continue this later, after I clean him up?” “To think, you’re gonna marry this asshole.” Tig mumbled. “I- what, now?” Kozik facepalmed. “I asked Tig if I could get his blessing to ask you to marry me.” Kozik groaned. 
Darla wasn’t sure what to say, do or feel. She looked between Kozik, to Tig, to Jax, to Opie, to... to all of the sons and then back to the main two men in her life right now. She had several moments of trying to start dialogue, before cutting herself short and continuing to process what just happened.
“You okay, D?” Jax chuckled. “I, erm... I’m a little thrown.” She breathed, shakily. Then laughed a bit, before frowning again. “Take a minute, I’ll sort Kozik out.” Opie offered. “You...” She pointed to Kozik.” You want to...” “Baby.” He spoke up, approaching her and mirroring what he did earlier.” You’re my family.” “You want to marry me?” She asked again, her voice wavering as tears welled up in her eyes. Kozik chuckled, as did a lot of the other sons. “Yeah, baby. I love you.” He affirmed. “I love you, too.” She giggled, whilst also crying. “That a yes?” “Very much a yes!” “Oh, Jesus Christ.” Tig groaned.” Best get to it before that kid pops out.” “Dad!” Darla cringed.
Bonus content;
“Hey, Tig, can I talk to you for a second?” Kozik approached him. “Sure.” Tig nodded, moving to the office with the blonde. “I need to ask you something.” Kozik started. “Right.” Tig acknowledged, putting his hands on his hips. “Can I marry Darla?” He slowly asked. Tig straightened up, looking dangerously unstable. “What?” “Do I have your blessing to marry Da-” “Why?” “What do you mean, ‘why’? I love her.” He stammered, but Tig wasn’t buying it and his face grimaced. “Is she pregnant?” He growled. Kozik fumbled over some actions and words.” Is she?” “...Yeah.” He sighed, defeated.
His then fell backwards hard as Tig’s fist met his nose. The crack was impressive, but before Kozik could expect anymore, Tig was off and out of the office, running for Darla’s location.
“Ah, shit.” Kozik whined, heaving himself up and going after him.
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mor-beck-more-problems · 5 years ago
Coping for Monsters || Morgan & Remmy
The first rule about The Ring is...
Remmy wasn’t scheduled to fight tonight, but they’d let some of the doormen know they were coming again tonight to watch the matches with a friend. So when they arrived a little early, the bouncers had been prepared and gave them a little wave. Remmy waved back, turning to look down the street for Morgan. She was usually early to these things. Remmy couldn’t help but be a little excited for the notion-- even though they still felt mad, they had talked a few things out with Morgan, and she seemed to be responding well to the fighting lessons they’d been doing. It only made sense that Morgan would probably like something like this, too. Maybe she could even gain some sort of catharsis from it like Remmy did. They didn’t think she was ready for the arena at all, but perhaps she could train with them in the back until she was ready. Either way, Remmy felt that little buzz under their skin at the notion.
When Morgan arrived, they didn’t wait for pleasantries, eager to get inside. The two men guarding the door-- or, erm, what had Jax called them? Eretichs?-- nodded and stepped aside to let them in. “So this is just the back area,” Remmy explained as they came around to the space in the back where most of the contestants waited. Sometimes, Remmy noticed, they were brought in from a different door, but Remmy always waited here. “It’s like a little training area. And out there,” they pointed down the little hall, “is the arena. We’ll go out there to watch the match.”
Morgan wasn’t sure what she was looking at. There were a lot of supernaturals wandering around openly, wings, horns, and scales showing under their clothes. There were loud, boisterous conversations, and people looked like they were taking bets, and Remmy was walking through it all as if it was just another part of the town landscape, as if this was somewhere they fit. Morgan saw the equipment, people sweating it out, taping up fingers, practicing punches. Her stomach recoiled at the casualness of it all, as if violence was just another helping of the day. It felt different at home, where the exercise room was pocketed from the rest of the world, and immediately without was the comfort and safety of all her nice things. Remmy had said they would fight here, so she had worn her athleisure, but she felt like some tacky ornament next to the stress and the grime of this place. “The match?” She asked, making sure she’d heard right. It had all pretty much come together, but hearing Remmy talk about it like it was nothing was so jarring, she needed the double take. “And these people--we’re where the fighters are? And you, you’re--what? Borrowing the equipment in exchange for security help? Or training with them, or--?”
Morgan didn’t seem as excited as Remmy had hoped she would be, but maybe it was just nerves. The first time Remmy had come here, they’d also been a bit nervous. The place wasn’t exactly the most welcoming, but at least here, they could be themself one-hundred percent. No need to hide behind anything. Here, they could be a monster in comfort. They blinked, looking over at Morgan with a bit of confusion. “What? No, I’m a fighter,” they said, as if it were plain as day to know and they weren’t sure how she hadn’t figured it out, “I fight here, too. Here--” they motioned for her to follow them over to their locker, opening it up to show the clothes they usually fought in, a little tattered up from their last fight. The gloves Nell had given them to help keep bones from breaking-- or, well, buckling in Remmy’s case-- when they punched, and the wraps they’d been using. “Do you wanna see the arena?” they asked, hoping that might help calm Morgan down.
“You’re a what?” Morgan’s voice squeaked in her throat. The evidence was all there, Remmy’s locker, their easy demeanor, the recognition from the other fighters. Hadn’t there been bookies outside the building? “No, I--I’m good. I just don’t understand--I mean, you--” She searched Remmy’s expression. How was this not the most confusing thing to find out about her friend? “You hate violence and hurting people, don’t you?” She asked in a whisper. “Is this...I mean is it stunt wrestling? Like on TV?” She scanned the room again, stepping closer to her friend. There were a few looks at the odd stranger in their midst, but none long enough for her to signal ‘blink twice if you need help.’
Remmy tilted their head, confused still. “Well, I mean...yeah. But it’s not-- look, it’s, it’s hard to explain. It’s different, though. It’s not, like, people. We don’t fight people.” They closed their locker, frowning a little. Why wasn’t Morgan as interested as they had been? Was it because she hadn’t been steeped in this life like them and Nell had been? Surely she’d have the capacity to understand, though, right? “Here, lemme just-- just come see, it’ll make sense.” They ushered her out of the backroom, then, and over towards the arena seating. Even Blanche had been okay with it, so why was Morgan acting so strange? Not that Remmy wanted Blanche here. It was dangerous for someone like Blanche. Across the room, Remmy spotted Jax, who waved, his silvery blue eyes shining even from this far away. Remmy looked away quickly and led Morgan as far away from him as possible to one of the seats. “It’s gonna start in a little bit.”
“What do you mean not people?” Morgan asked, trailing close behind them. “If you don’t fight people, who are you fighting?” She sank, crouched, deep into her chair, looking around anxiously as a crowd gathered in. To her surprise, there didn’t seem to be many humans. From the kinds of refreshments being passed around out of flasks and paper bags to the un-glamoured appearances of those nearby, it seemed like most of the crowd was like them. And yet, in the center of it was a ring made for-- Morgan didn’t want to think about it too long. Before she could put her nerves into a question, a bell was clanging loud over the murmurs and the announcer was calling for the first match.
“It’s bat versus bat tonight, folks! In one corner we have a bonafide death bat, in the other, the champion of the crypts, Canine Crusher!”
A buzzer sounded. Doors opened. The man who stumbled into the bright arena lights didn’t look like much of a champion. He looked thin. He looked scared. He couldn’t sweat anymore than Morgan could, but he edged around the barriers of the ring like a rabbit in the crosshairs of a fox. And soon, Morgan could see why. The creature shook the walls as it lumbered out of its enclosure. It’s gnarled, wet fur glistened under the light. It’s wings, bigger than anything Morgan had seen before snapped with deadly force as it spread them wide. The man in the ring backed away towards his door, every muscle in his body tense. Somehow, knowing he was locked up against something without sapient reason, or mercy didn’t make Morgan feel better one bit. She squeezed Remmy’s hand tight with worry.
Remmy, in contrast, felt a little bit lighter as they sat down. They were surrounded by people just like them, people who the world thought were monsters-- and, perhaps, they were, but in a place where everyone was a monster, no one was-- just existing and all concentrating on something else. Just being. Their world zoned in on the man in the cage and the large bat like creature crawling out to meet him. They recognized that as one of the first things they’d fought. Cheered along with the crowd when it launched itself at the man, who ducked and weaved and dodged, before turning to fight back at the behest of the crowd. For a moment, Remmy paused when they say something familiar on his wrist-- that weird cuff that Jax had put on them before. But then it was gone, outta sight, outta mind, and Remmy turned to look at Morgan, to see if she understood now-- only to find that look of pure horror. Remmy’s stomach dropped. “What...you don’t-- are you okay?”
Morgan held on tighter to Remmy. The giant bat took a swing at the man with its wing. He went flying into the wall, hard enough that his body seemed to snap. If he wasn’t already a vampire, Morgan was sure he would’ve been killed by the impact. He slid to the ground, slumped in a way bodies shouldn’t be. He worked his limbs, straining against all of his hurt to stand up again, but he only arched off the ground a few inches before collapsing.
“Knock out!” Someone called.
The bell rang. The match ended. Two men came out from the doors and dragged him away by his legs. They were the least harmed parts of him as far as Morgan to tell, but there was no med kit, no blood pack, no care. The only thing that was left of him when the door closed again was a smear of dark, dead blood on the ground. “They’re treating him like he’s a thing, Remmy,” she said in a broken whisper. “Like he’s...like what hunters say we are. He could’ve died, on display like some...like he didn’t matter.” She looked over fully at her friend, frightened and uncomprehending. “Would they have stopped it, if he was really going to die? Are they going to take care of him?” She thought the implication under her question was clear (are they going to take care of you) but she wasn’t sure of anything right now. Remmy had brought her here thinking she’d somehow like it.
“What? No! He’s a fighter! He’ll be fine,” Remmy said, but until now, they hadn’t actually given that part much thought. They watched the two bouncers drag him from the arena and saw that cuff around his wrist again, subconsciously touching their arm where Jax had put one on them. Remmy shivered, then looked back at Morgan. “O-of course they would. It’s not-- this isn’t like that. It’s just sport, you know. For fun. And to make a little money on the side. I mean, sure it’s not like...100% legal, but we’re allowed to be open here.” They motioned around. “We’re allowed to be...us here.”
“What do you mean fun?” Morgan asked. The crowd was certainly having a good time, but hadn’t they seen how the vampire had reacted when he was thrust into the arena? Didn’t they care how he’d clearly wanted to run? She shook her head, bewildered at how Remmy, the softest and kindest of all her friends, couldn’t see or care about someone forced into something they didn’t want. “He was scared, Remmy!” She hissed. “He wanted to run. How do you not see that. He was so scared, the whole time. How long has he been here, fighting like this? Has he ever wanted to be here? A-a-and---” She faltered. Her body felt tight, her chest worst of all. She didn’t need to breathe anymore but stars, she felt like she was going to explode in her skin if she had to sit through another match start to finish. She was trembling, she couldn’t stop, anymore than she could stop talking, however much her voice stuttered and tripped over her mouth. “We can be open at home, we can be open with our friends. W-we don’t have perfect safe spaces, but we---this isn’t safe either, Remmy. This isn’t how we’re supposed to treat each other, we’re not props, we’re not monsters, we’re not things. Remmy, we’re not, we’re not…”
Remmy didn’t understand why Morgan was freaking out suddenly. But she was shaking and her eyes were wide, and Remmy understood what was going on. They stood, then, tugging Morgan up and away from the seats and back towards where they’d come in. “C’mon,” they murmured, still unsure why Morgan hadn’t had the same reaction as them or Nell or Blanche. “Let’s get outside.” Not that the fresh air would really help, but maybe being out of the crowd would. Remmy knew crowds often made them nervous, too. But didn’t Morgan understand? They were all monsters, and here, no one judged them for that. It was like Felix said-- we’re all the same here. Make them feel it. “It’s not like that. We’re all like-- scared at first, but it’s-- It’s not what you think. It’s not-- it’s not bad,” they argued weakly, suddenly bare and open out here, not surrounded by the crowd.
Morgan followed Remmy outside, nearly falling over herself to get out of the arena. There was another crack of someone’s body, she didn’t want to know whose, either the beast’s or the person’s. She walked out faster as the crowd cheered, fists raised in excitement. She thought she was going to lose her whole stomach. She stumbled into the parking lot, holding herself tight. There was nothing in her to regulate, she wasn’t sure if she even could hyperventilate anymore, but she heard her mother’s voice screaming in her ear anyway. Hold yourself together. Snap out of it. You’re acting like a child. Breathe. Breathe, damnit. She dug her nails into her palm and tried to straighten, to turn to Remmy and talk sensibly to them, but her body clenched as soon as she saw the arena again. She faced away from it intentionally, forced air into her lungs and forced it out again. Maybe it could at least distract her from how fucked everything she’d just seen was. “What do you mean not bad?” She asked. “How was that not bad? And you didn’t tell me how long he’d been in there. Why didn’t they just let him leave? And what about you? Did they--fuck, Remmy, you’re you! Didn’t you ever try to run, or stop during a fight? Have they had to drag you out of there like a piece of meat yet? Fucking universe, Remmy, we’re not actually monsters! That’s hunter bullshit!”
“I, I mean…” Remmy stuttered, unsure of what to say. “It’s-- I don’t know him. I’ve seen him around a few times before, but he’s always good at the fights. Usually.” They shrugged, they didn’t know what to say. Scrambled to hold on to some piece of information that didn’t crumble in their hands. “Run? What-- what do you mean? I’m not forced to be here, obviously. No one is!” They snapped, a little bewildered, backing away a little. “It’s-- It’s not, it’s not bad, Nell said so! She said it was--” They stopped, clapped their hand over their mouth. “It’s not bad. I’m not bad for-- it’s not bad.”
“You haven’t bothered to ask, is what you mean,” Morgan said, backing away from them. “And Nell? Seriously? They have witches in--really, Remmy? And like Nell has the best sense of judgement in the world!” She could barely begin to unravel the fuckery of that one. “No, no, no--you are not bad, but that--!” She pointed wildly at the arena behind them. “That is fucked, Remmy! You and Nell have no business--no one in there has any business slaughtering beasts and getting beaten to a pulp for someone else’s fun! They have no business being trapped in that room, alone and afraid like that! That place is bad and I can’t understand how you could like it. You don’t like hurting people, Remmy! Isn’t that what you say? That you don’t want to be someone who does that anymore, not even to save your own life? So what the hell!”
“I-- that’s--it’s-- it’s different!” Remmy shouted, a little too loudly. They clenched their teeth, stomped their foot, like a child throwing a tantrum. “Nell said it’s good, we’re good. Those monsters, they’re not good. They hurt people, and this is-- okay, like, maybe it’s not the most best thing, but it’s, like-- it’s like fight club. We’re not-- I mean-- I don’t wanna hurt people! And I’m not hurting people! Or others like me. I-- we did this stuff back in the military, you know. It-- it’s like...it’s like a release. For-- for all the anger, that’s it. It’s not--” but they weren’t even believing their own words now, were they? “It’s not bad. I’m not bad.”
“They’re just animals, Remmy! They don’t even know what good or bad means!” Morgan snapped. “They’re surviving, just like we are, and you--you’re a person, that vampire was a person and they let him get pulverized like meat! How can you not give a shit about him, you give a shit about random people you meet on the street!” She backed further away. She didn’t recognize this person in front of her as Remmy. “And don’t, don’t bring in your time in the military, of all things, as a reason why this is okay. You know that place fucked you up, we both do. I can’t believe you would ever agree to something this awful. I can’t believe you right now, Remmy. You have to know this isn’t okay.”
“They kill people! These-- they’re not animals, they’re monsters! Like, big, bad people and other and zombie eating monsters! Like that worm on the beach! Are you really-- you really think something like that is just an animal?” Remmy shook, backed away further. “You just-- you don’t understand. I don’t know why I thought you-- of course you don’t understand. I didn’t-- I’m not-- dying fucked me up, Morgan, not-- it wasn’t the military-- it wasn’t because--” but it was, wasn’t it? It had, hadn’t it? Remmy backed up further. “You just don’t understand. How could you? You’ve never tried to understand.”
“Bullshit,” Morgan said, marching back to close the distance between them again. “You know it was both. And don’t act like I don’t give a shit. I tried for you, Remmy. What the hell do you think I’m doing now? What the hell do you think I was trying to do by sticking it out here? So tell me what I’m missing, Rem! What is it?”
“It’s-- it’s not-- you don’t--” Remmy stuttered, but they didn’t know what else to say. When Morgan closed the distance again, they shoved her back and took a step back towards the entrance. “Stop it. Stop it. Don’t. I’m not-- It’s not-- it’s not like that. It helps. It’s the only thing that helps. You don’t-- you can’t take that away from me,” they said, stepping backward one more time, shaking their head, an almost desperate plea on their face. “You don’t get to take this away from me.” Before bolting back inside, somehow sure Morgan wouldn’t follow.
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mrsrhys23 · 5 years ago
Do you want to build a snowman?
Paring: Jax x MC
Warnings: None
A/N:  I don’t own any of these characters, they belong to Pixelberry Studios. This is a part of @cxld-play and @bi-cookie @choicesfebruarychallenge​ The prompt is Snow ❄️.
Permatag: @desiree---1986 @cordoniaqueensworld @itschoicesstuff @emilypowell001
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Amy and Jax looked out from their apartment watching the snowflakes bashes against the windows. They stood beside each other, Jax’s arm wrapped around her waist as the white flecks covered everything outside. 
“I love the snow,” Amy told him. She turned in his embrace to look up to him. “What’s your first memory of the snow, Jax?” 
He thought for a second, “I don't really remember. It was so long ago now. What was yours?” 
“Erm...My Nan and grandad were at my house, it  was snowing outside, it had been all day. Kate and I put on our coats, hats, scarves and  gloves and went outside to play with my granddad. We had little red sledge that we’d play on every winter. We’d had it since we were very tiny. Anyway, my grandad convinced us to get on so we did. We lived up a little hill and he started to pull him down. We were so worried that our parents were going to wonder where we were that we enjoyed it until we reached the bottom. It was funny watching him try and pull us back up to the top.” 
“You never speak about your family,” Jax  mentioned. 
Amy hummed in agreement, “I know. There’s not much to talk about. I remember when Kate was two and she saw snow for the first time. She was scared of it at first but then a snowflake landed on her nose and it made her giggle. When she was old enough we’d go out and build snowmen and have snowball fights- it was the best. I miss her. I miss playing in the snow.”
“There’s nothing stopping us from going out,” Jax said. She turned to him surprised. 
“You’d be up for building a snowman?” She asked in disbelief, “You?” 
“Yes, come on.” Jax took her hand in his leading her over to the door as they both slipped their coats and gloves on. “Ready?” he asked, noticing Amy had not stopped grinning. 
“Yep,” She smiled, taking his hand in hers as the headed on out. 
The crisp air stung at both their faces as they exited the apartment building. Amy smiled seeing other kids and adults alike playing in the snow.
She put her hand out in front of her catching snowflakes in her mitten covered hand. 
She twirled around to face him, clearing her throat, “Do you want to build a snowman?
Come on, let's go and play! I never see you anymore,” Amy started singing, making Jax burst into a fit of laughter. 
“Please stop it,” Jax pleaded as he laughed. 
“Come out the door It's like you've gone away! We used to be best buddies And now we're not I wish you would tell me why!” 
“Okay, okay,” Jax said, laughing as he put his hands up in a sort of surrender. “Let’s go and build a snowman.” 
Amy grinned pulling Jax over to a spot of untouched snow as the couple made the body then the head, carefully placing it on top then. The couple then went in search of some pebbles to create the eyes and mouth and some sticks for the arms. After they’d collected all the materials they put them in their rightful place. 
“Wait we need a car-” Amy was cut off when Jax whipped what she was about to ask for out of his jacket, handing it to her. “Thank you.” Amy knelt down in front of it carefully pushing the carrot into place then stood back up, dusting the snow of her legs and stood by Jax, wrapping her arms around him, looking to their masterpiece. “It’s quite the masterpiece.” 
“Yeah, it’s beautiful.” 
She snuggled into his side, “By the way we’re doing this every Christmas now.” 
“Are we?” 
“Yep. Merry Christmas, Jax.” 
“Merry Christmas, Amy.”
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tiggys-bitch · 7 years ago
Chapter Fourteen - The Beautiful Mess
sorry we didn’t post this last night, but here we are finally! @papa-chibs
thankyou so much for all the messages and likes and reblogs we’re getting! we are so happy you’re enjoying it and look forward to future chapters! we love you <3
hit us up with messages if you want chappy 15! also let us know if you’re wanting to be added to our tagging list :)
tagging list: @isayweallgetdrunk @hissom1933 @guiltyissues @cantmakeupmymindnow 
Babydoll and Lassie.
Three days had passed since Chibs was reuinited with his family and things were changing pretty quickly. The Scottish male had gotten back together with his estranged wife Fiona and was giving their marriage another go since there was nothing standing in the way anymore. Fiona and Kerrianne were crashing at Chibs' house as they planned on staying in Charming for a couple weeks or so. Chibs felt awful and guilty for breaking off his 'thing' with Rissa and instantly getting into a relationship with his wife. He knew she deserved so much better than that, than him... Maybe it was for the best?
Roxxie's love life had also taken a new turn recently. After having sex with Tig the other night, the pair of them could hardly keep their hands off of each other! But they made sure to do it discreetly since it was only just sex and it wasn't like they were in a relationship. Roxxie was annoyed at herself for being so interested in the crazy and sleazy biker. But man, he knew how to please her. Besides, they were only having some fun. It wasn't a big deal... When Roxxie and Tig were around people, they acted their normal argumentative and sarcastic selves, but when they were alone... Well they acted the same but with far much more sex and passion.
While her friend and ex lover's lives became fun and exciting, Rissa life was a big stupid mess. Fiona and Kerrianne had now been in Charming for a few days and everyone, except Rissa and Roxxie, were quite happy about it. Seeing Chibs happy was great... But seeing him with another woman hurt her heart every single time. Plus, Fiona was a total bitch and made it crystal clear that she didn't like Rissa. Everyone knew it. So, Rissa had decided that acting like Chibs and his family didn't exist was the best plan, that way she wouldn't cause trouble between the insane Irish women and the sweet Scotsman. The girl put on a brave face and acted like she was fine, but what she didn't realise was how much of a bad job she was doing. She didn't cry or break down like everyone assumed she would. Instead, she got blackout drunk every night, wore clothes she'd never usually wore and right now she was inside a small and surprisingly clean tattoo studio. The tattoo studio was totally not what she imagined one would be. Growing up with a snobby and judgy mother made her believe tattoos were gross and insanitary. But this plan was squeaky clean and aesthetically pleasing. "Tattoo virgin huh?" The man, who was covered head to toe in tattoos asked her with a chuckle. "Yep." Rissa replied, emphasising the 'p'. It didn't take her long to decide what she was having and where she'd get it and before she could talk herself out of it, she got prepped and ready to be inked. Rissa had picked a quote that said; "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." It's a statement to live your life without fear of judgement because your actions won't always make sense to people who don't understand the circumstances. And right now, that quote seemed very fitting. She knew that no one at the Clubhouse understood why she was drinking so much or acting different. But if she didn't put on the brave, party girl act, she'd never leave the dorm and she'd sleep as much as she could just so she didn't have to deal with her thoughts.
The man had been working on her piece for a few hours now and was just adding the finishing touches to her skin. Rissa bit down on her lip as the tattoo guy hit a painful spot on her ribcage, she was so ready for this to be over. It didn't hurt as much as she assumed but it definitely made her wince a couple times. Her prayers were answered when the man placed the tattoo gun down on a little metal table beside him. "All done beautiful." The man said, making Rissa let out a happy sigh. Rissa jumped off the tattoo table and ran over to the mirror, excited to see her first ever tattoo. Her eyes widened and she grinned as she stared at her ink. It was better than she imagined it would be. "Thanks so much, I love it." She said, looking back at the tattoo artist. The man gave her a smile. "Anything else I can do for ya?" He asked as Rissa brought out the money from her bag. "Not right now thanks, but I'm sure I'll be back." -- 2 hours later, Rissa was back at the Clubhouse and slightly drunk, which probably wasn't the best of ideas since she'd just gotten a tattoo. But try telling that to the stubborn girl and you'll get a bloody nose. People had wondered where Rissa spent her morning, especially Roxxie. She was curious as hell and a little worried since Rissa's change in behaviour was a bit all over the place at the moment. "Come on, tell me?" Roxxie whined as she poured Rissa another drink. She was stood behind the bar serving a couple of regulars. The brunette looked around the somewhat busy room. Happy and Tig were playing pool, Bobby was sat on a couch daydreaming, Jax was sat at the other end of the bar and Kozik was sat beside her. Luckily Chibs wasn't there, he was probably spending time with his witch of a wife. Rissa turned back to her friend and gave her a grin. "Right okay, i was gonna wait to tell you but.... I was at a tattoo parlor!" Rissa said with excitment in her voice. "Fuck off, no way!" Roxxie exclaimed making everyone jump. "You always said you'd never get a tattoo." She furrowed her brows, slightly suspiscious. "You have to show us? Where is it? Is it in a private place?" The older blond male said, butting into the girls conversation and winking at Rissa. Rissa smirked. "I just wake up and had the idea to get a tattoo so... That's what I did." The brunette said right before necking back the rest of her drink. "Who even are you?" Roxxie said as she shook her head, she didn't even recognise the person her bestfriend was becoming and she didn't like it. It scared her a little. "Show usssss" Kozik piped up again. Rissa stood up so everyone could get a good view, she pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her stood there in just her bra and her denim shorts. "Happy now?" She raised a brow. "Did someone say my name?" The serious bald male said from across the room, his eyes landing on the brunette. "Damn.." He muttered, staring at the girl's ink. She looked even hotter than before. Rissa sat back down, not even bothering to put her shirt back on. "Another drink please, Roxxiepops." She pushed her empty glass towards her friend. Roxxie rolled her eyes."Call me that again and i will tattoo 'I'm A Cunt' on your forehead when you're sleeping." The red head replied with a warning in her tone of voice. "You know, I think it's really cool." Kozik said as he eyed up Rissa. "Sexy even." Just as Rissa was about to reply, the Clubhouse door opened and in walked the last person she wanted to see. "Ayyy, are you all partyin' without me?" Chibs said in his thick Scottish accent. He walked over to the bar and took a seat next to Jax, deciding that he'd leave Rissa be. She deserved that at least. But once he noticed she was sat with no shirt on, drinking out of a vodka bottle and getting too close to Kozik, he felt anger and jealously rise up inside him. "I know I definitely want more now." Rissa said to Kozik, ignoring a certain male's presence. Kozik nodded. "They are addictive, once you have one there is no going back." He sipped on his drink before speaking again. "And you'd look hot as fuck with more." He teased. Rissa's lips curled up into a smirk at the blond's comment. "Tell me about yours?" She began tracing the one on his neck with her finger, leaning against his body. "Oh erm..." Kozik paused and glanced over to Chibs, who was watching their every move. "Maybe another time darlin', think we are making someone a lil jel." He whispered in her ear before getting up and walking to the pool table, making sure to give her a little wink before he did. Rissa sighed and for the first time since he had walked in, she looked over to the Scotsman. He was looking straight back at her, his face softening as he did. "Get ya shirt back on before you give one of these old men a heart attack." Roxxie said, pulling Rissa out of her little moment with Chibs and throwing the piece of clothing at her friend.. Chibs and Jax went on to have their own conversation before things got awkward. "One condition... Only if you get your butt round here and get drunk with me." Rissa gave Roxxie a sweet smile which made her laugh. Roxxie grabbed another bottle and took a seat beside her friend. "You don't have to ask me twice." She let out a laugh, maybe she could get used to this side of her friend afterall. -- A couple hours later, the red head was dancing in the middle of a couple of croweaters and bikers. She wasn't even that drunk for once! She had had a few drinks, but she was still in control of herself. Roxxie happily sung and danced along to the music, surrounded by her friends and family. Over the past few days, her mood had completely changed. Rather than constantly feeling on edge, jealous, depressed, she was actually starting to feel somewhat okay... The feeling of hands grabbing hold of her hips broke Roxxie out of her thoughts. She looked over her shoulders and saw the serious-faced bald man. Roxxie giggled and twirled around so she was facing him and then wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Roxxie and Happy danced together without a care in the world. Well that was until Roxxie caught sight of an angry Tig watching her every move. The girl's brows furrowed when noticing Tig at the other end of the room, why did he look like he was about to throw a temper tantrum? She mouthed 'what' to him, which he either didn't know how to lip-read or he just was ignoring her. Roxxie's lips curled up into a smirk when wondering if Tig's mardyness was because he was jealous. Part of her wanted to really get it on with Happy just to see what Tig's reaction would be. But the other part of her wanted to give him a piece of her soul to let him know that she only wants him... But that was only because she enjoyed having sex with him... Right?
"Hap? Can we go somewhere and talk?" Roxxie asked the bald biker, moving out of his grip. "I kinda need to talk to you?" Happy nodded and silently followed the ginger girl outside of the Clubhouse. Once they were away from the noise, Roxxie turned to him and sighed. "Um, i, uh... Fucking you was great!" Roxxie exclaimed, using her hand actions as she spoke. "It really was. You know what you're doin'..." She awkwardly looked down at her feet. "But i think that we need to cool off, y'know? The biker kept his serious facade, listening to the rambling girl. "I don't know why i'm acting as if i'm breaking up with you.." Roxxie let out an awkward laugh. "Basically, i don't want to fuck you anymore. Or kiss you.. Or flirt with you and stuff.. But it was fun being with you!" Roxxie wanted to run away and hide away forever, god this was so awkward and embarrassing. Not just because she was telling Happy she didn't want to have sex with him anymore, but because she was doing it for Tig! "That's cool." Happy said with a nod. "Let me know if you change your mind, yeah?" Before Roxxie could reply, the man turned around and went back inside. Roxxie sighed heavily and sparked up a cigarette. Man, that was cringeworthy. -- Later that night, the clubhouse was pretty much empty now. After hours of drinking, dancing and smoking, most people had left, Roxxie included. She had told Rissa she was getting tired and wanted to stay over at Gemma and Clay's. But unbeknown to her brunette friend, Roxxie had actually gone back to Tig's house. Rissa was still in the main hall drinking herself silly. She had had quite a good night... Kind of? She had hit a new level of drunk and couldn't remember half the things that had happened today.. So she just assumed she had a good night. "Drinking on ya own is no fun, you know." Kozik called to the girl, walking over to the bar and taking a seat beside her. She looked up at the man and sighed. Gosh, he was pretty. "Drinkkkkkkk with me then?" Rissa replied with a smirk. The blonde male sighed and ran a hand through his hair. How could he say no to her? "You are going to get me in trouble, girl." He chuckled, grabbing a bottle of beer. Rissa let out a small giggle, drinking from the half empty bottle of vodka she and Roxxie had started earlier in the day. "Youu ar-re reallyyyyyyyyy hotttt." She slurred, before leaning in to kiss the male. "Woah baby, you are far too drunk for this!" Kozik pulled away quickly, much to Rissa's disappointment. "I'd loved to rip your clothes off and have you all to myself, but my names not Tig and I like it when my girls know what they are doing." He joked. Rissa groaned in annoyance. Didn't he find her attractive enough or something? "C'mon, let's get you to bed." Kozik said, downing the last of his beer before putting his arms around the beautiful mess and helping to her dorm. Kozik pushed open the door and helped Rissa inside, gently placing her onto the bed. Rissa lay back as Kozik took off her shoes. She lifted up her head and looked at the man with a sad expression on her face. "Am I pretty?" A drunk Rissa managed to mumble out. The man gave her a smile and took a seat beside her on the bed. "Sugar, you are fucking stunning." He reached up and tucked her messy hair behind her ear. "Kiss me then?" Rissa's eyes closed as she spoke. She felt so undesirable after everything with Chibs. Kozik sighed, he wanted to kiss her so bad, but he'd much rather wait until she was sober to do it. He placed a small kiss on her forehead before getting up and leaving her to sleep. Once the brunette heard the door close she jumped up from the bed and hurried to find her phone. She wanted to feel loved and wanted! And she knew there was only one man who could do that... When finding her phone, Rissa dialed the number she knew all to well and waited impatiently for the person to answer her call. "Hello?" The gruff male voice on the other end said. "Do you still love me?" Was all Rissa said. "Clarrisa?" The man asked. "Tell me you still love and want me?" Tears began falling down her face when hearing him say her name. She had missed the sound of his voice. "Of course I do baby, I always will." "Then why did you hurt me so much, Elliot?!" As if she sobered up suddenly, she realised what she was doing and quickly hung up the call and threw her phone across the room. She collapsed to the floor, balling her eyes out. What had she done?! How could she have done that?! She could barely breathe, it felt like the world was caving in, it felt like she was dying! She knew that feeling very well.. She was having a panic attack. The door opened and she hoped her Scotsman had come to her rescue, but instead the arms that wrapped around her were unfamiliar, the chest her head was buried in didn't smell like whiskey and cigarette smoke. It wasn't him, It wasn't Chibs. "Hey, shush it's okay, you're okay." A voice told her. Rissa looked up at the person who's arms she was in and saw Kozik. She tried to speak but no words came out, instead she began to sob uncontrollably. She knew that her calling Elliot would come back to bite her in the ass... It was just a matter of time.
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