#jason summers
genextsofuniverse · 1 month
Krakoa existe?
Jason: Existe e a grande maioria dos mutantes atualmente mora lá. Alguns ainda escolhem viver e estudar por aqui, mas muitos preferem ficar seguro em um lugar onde podem ser eles mesmos. Visitamos Krakoa de tempos em tempos.
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verytiredfrog · 2 months
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they are on vacation~🍃🌼
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piedpip3rrr · 5 months
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7 at the beach
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hardcore-solangelo-19 · 10 months
Annabeth Chase has probably never gotten used to death being a permanent thing in life. like, the first time ever she saw one of her closest friends die was thalia, and she came back to life a couple years later and became an immortal warrior. then she saw percy, someone who probably meant just as much if not more to annabeth than thalia, die in an explosion. Then, he crashes his own funeral. Then her cousin Magnus dies and so does her friend Leo. She goes to her cousin’s funeral and surprise surprise, guess who’s there: Magnus fricking Chase in almost perfect health. (Ik he isn’t technically alive but eh). Then when Annabeth goes back to chb, she gets news Leo’s alive! So imagine how she must have felt when jason died. No matter how long it wouldve been, some part of her would always think hes coming back, just like with thalia, just like with percy,just like with leo and magnus. She knows he’ll never come back. But she hopes he does.
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starspilli · 4 months
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FINALLY did some of the x men & dc crossover stuff that’s been rattling around in my head lol. & trust me i have more. i just think these ones would have interesting / funny dynamics lol
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rumov · 6 months
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they play volleyball and all 3 of them cheat
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sreppub · 5 days
🦨 skunk crossing 🦨
my cracky little skunk red hood AU, compiled into 1 post + some new drawings :)
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bonus! If anyone out there likes silly AUs and collecting zines as much as I do… these are printable for free :)
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can we all make zines so i can print them out and eat them
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batfamhastwitter · 30 days
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Part 19! Behold, Tim and Kon's first forays into babysitting! for people in charge of saving the world every other weekend they were way too unprepared for taking care of Lian lol
Prev ~ Beginning ~ Next
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bookalicent · 20 days
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yeah so this was insane
#i feel like too many people reduce this interaction to jason being like ‘lol same’#but idk :/#this chapter is from jason’s pov#and leading up to it he’s like ‘people keep walking on eggshells around me bc of the the michael varus stab wound’#and he hates it so when he goes on deck to help out with the storm#everyone’s like wtf except for percy#and jason states how much he appreciated percy not treating him like a sick kid#and i feel like it’s echoed in this sentiment where jason could say so many things like#‘you should never feel that way’ ‘im here if you need anything’#but he doesn’t make percy feel alone in his desire to just…. end it all#which ik for some people that doesn’t work but you’re not a character in hoo and percy is dealing with so much guilt#and he can’t tell annabeth bc she’s a main aspect of that guilt#and he doesn’t wanna guilt her more and he feels ashamed and when he describes this he feels weird for feeling it#so having jason this tough guy be like ‘yo i understand it bc i felt the same way#that’s gotta mean a lot to percy#also insane how jason who also struggles to display vulnerability#allows it in one of few times in this moment just so percy this guy he’s supposed to be jealous about#feels comforted and not alone in his guilt and shame#and also it’s just insane how jason’s wanting to kay em ess does not get talked about AT ALL#and just seeing his mom and the pressure of new rome getting to him#like this scene is insane and i’ll never shut up about it#also ignore me i’m just finishing my reread of hoo that took all summer#jason grace#percy jackson#pjo#ashla.txt
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auroreliis · 26 days
OMGGG!! Imagine platonic yandere batfam and reader on a vacation at the beach on a privat Island. Would you like to do headcanons/or a scenario (you can decide) of it. Hope you have a good day/night!!
Aaaaa anon <333 We had the same idea <3333 Thank you so much!!!
Perhaps a little late for summer, but inspiration only struck me now!!! <33
Also, I wrote this on like 4 energy drinks so forgive any spelling errors
Also it's not edited or anything...
If reception is positive on this one, I might make a part 2 with the other characters, so let me know if you'd be interested in that :)
Platonic Yandere!Batfamily
Summary: The Batfamily takes you to their private island for summer vacation.
It was just you. Just you and the gently lapping of the waves against the shore. Finally, some alone time. You had to make the most of it, since you were convinced that it wouldn’t last long.
It was about 8 o’clock in the morning. Bruce, Damian and Stephanie had left the island for whatever reason. Dick was either at home or at main beach, looking for you. You had come here about half an hour ago, surely they would’ve noticed your absence and the fact that you had left your phone at home. They were going to chip you eventually, you had come to accept that. However, you certainly enjoyed the time you had away from them whenever they couldn’t find you.
Jason was probably inside the villa. He wasn’t particularly fond of the heat outside. Either that or he’d gone swimming to cool off. Cassandra could’ve been looking for you. Maybe she had already found you.
Instinctively, you looked around. No one was in sight. Then again, she probably wouldn’t let herself be seen anyway.
The shore surrounding the island was wider at the main beach. Here, it was only a few feet wide. Behind you laid a sparse palm forest. Cassandra could certainly hide there. Whatever. You wouldn’t find her anyway. Besides, she would have probably come to talk to you. Probably.
Where would Duke and Tim be? At the villa, right? Where else would they be? Hopefully not looking for you.
Now that you had considered it, you were probably being observed by someone. And if you weren’t, then soon, you would be.
Whatever, just take your mind off it. Think of something else, like…the beautiful beach you’re at. Yes, it is much nicer to think about the gentle breeze. How wonderful. Just you, the beach and the ocean.
You hadn’t ever been at a private beach, so this was a unique experience. All of this belonged to you. Well it actually belonged to your new family, but still, it almost belonged to you.
Your soul nearly left your body at the sound of rustling coming from behind you.
“Hi”, Tim waved nervously after you had spotted him sneaking up on you.
You didn’t feel like answering, so you just turned back to the ocean. Wanting to engage with you somehow, Tim sat down on the sand next to you.
“So…what are you doing here?”, he kept looking at you, but you tried very hard to ignore his gaze.
“Just sitting.”
“Well, I can tell that, but why here? Why not on the main beach? Dick and Jason are scrambling to find you there.”
You had thought that was the case.
“I wanted to be alone.”, you emphasized every word.
He chuckles nervously. That was it. He didn’t say anything. That told you everything you needed to know: He was only here to annoy you.
“How did you even find me?”, you turned to him, your voice tinged with frustration.
“Find you? Oh, I wasn’t looking for you, I just wanted to go somewhere alone. You know, somewhere peaceful”, he turned to the ocean, as though in deep thought,”I get it, you know. You also want to be alone sometimes.”
If he “gets it”, then why is he always right behind you?
“I think you and I have a lot more in common than you think”, he said, crossing his arms on his propped up knees and turning to you.
The audacity to say something like that made you shudder.
“I think you’re full of shit”, you wouldn’t let him think that he’s getting closer to you. You could never like someone like him.
He tried to hide his frown, but you saw right through him,”That’s pretty mean, you know. I’m just trying to connect with you.”
He didn’t say it directly, but you knew his words were a warning. Bruce had talked to you about this. You were allowed to have your opinions about them, but being overly rude was a violation of the rules—rules, which he made up. In other words, if Tim thought you were being mean, then you were being mean. Against this, there would be no arguing.
Well, you know what they say: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
“Ahem, I’m trying to connect with you…”, Tim persisted. You merely pursed your lips and nodded.
Noticing the awkward silence, he spoke again, ”So, will you go swimming?”
You shook your head.
He nodded, “Yes, it isn’t that hot yet, so there’s no need to cool off, I suppose.”
“Well”, he turned to you with a smile, his determination unwavering, “What would you like for breakfast? Alfred already started preparing something. Let’s head back and let him know what you want before he finishes.” But wouldn’t Alfred already know your preference? Perhaps this was Tim’s idea of “bonding”…
Still, his offer seemed tempting, since you hadn’t eaten yet. However, you weren’t jumping at the idea of going back only to place your order with Alfred and then get dragged off to go swimming by either Jason or Dick. Or worse, Tim.
Only now that you felt the hopelessness more intensely, did you begin to question things. Why did Tim always find you first. And how? They didn’t secretly chip you, did they?
…Did they?
Asking them wouldn’t result in an honest answer, so you didn’t really see a point in it. But how else would you figure it out?
You supposed the best person to ask was Bruce—AKA. Dad. He was likely the only person who would answer truthfully…as long as you behaved properly, that is.
“Is dad home yet?”, you turned to Tim, ignoring his previous rambling.
“Oh uh, I’m not sure. Shall we go check together?”, Tim scrambled to use every opportunity he was given, despite being caught off guard.
Perhaps it won’t get any better than this: Mediocre at best.
“Fine, let’s go.”
From the corner of your eye, after Tim grabbed your hand, you saw his smile widen remarkably.
The walk was long and awkward. Your older brother was desperately trying to talk about something, anything, that would catch your interest. Meanwhile, you were silent for the most part.
You had to admit, the villa was quite nice (if only it came without the addition of desperate, touch starved reprobates). Despite having your own room, you were forced to share a room—and often even a bed—with someone, unless you gained Bruce’s special favour for the day.
Luckily, Damian, the person you had to share the room with last night, had left very early in the morning. You weren’t sure how long ago, though, since the letter he’d written to inform you of his absence was…detailed, to say the least. Surely it would’ve taken him more than an hour to even come up with it, let alone write it. What a waster of paper. He didn’t have to say anything at all…
Entering the cool living room made you relax enough to finally engage with Tim, “Um…are Jay and Dick home, or…?”
In respone, he laughed, “Oh, no. I didn’t tell them that you’re with me. They’re probably still looking for you at the main beach. Dick went on about how we shouldn’t let you go anywhere alone in case you drowned or something like that.”
“Wait, what? But I know how to swim! Please tell Bruce that Dick’s rule is unnecessary…I already have enough restrictions, don’t I?” You panicked.
“Well…” He grinned, “That depends on what you’ll do for me in exchange.”
Merely sighing was tiring for you, “Fine, I’ll sleep in your room tonight.”
“Until the end of the week, or no deal.”
Holding back a groan, you responded, “Fine, whatever, just…work your magic, okay?” He nodded eagerly.
“Greeting, Masters. Breakfast is almost prepared”, Alfred appeared from the kitchen.
“Hi. Alfred, did you make-”
“Your favourite? Of course I did”, Alfred interrupted.
“…Right.” You should’ve known, to be fair, “Well, when will it be done?”
“When Master Bruce and Master Damian return”
“What about Steph? Isn’t she returning?” If she didn’t return at all, your life would improve considerably.
“Oh, Steph? She wanted to stay in the city for a bit, probably to buy you gifts or something”, Tim responds in Alfred’s stead.
“Gifts…? You don’t think she’ll, you know, make me play dress-up again, right?”, the thought sent a shiver down your spine. In this heat? There was no way you’d wear layers upon layers of clothes just because she was bored. You immediately left the living room, leaving Tim and Alfred behind.
While waiting for everyone to return to eat breakfast, you went and hid somewhere in the villa to avoid social interractions. And hopefully the heat. It was very hot.
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graytodd · 2 months
🜲 dickjay character sheets
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genextsofuniverse · 1 month
Jason seu pai era amigo da Darkstar?
Jason: Não sei se eles eram amigos, porque tinham visões de mundo bem diferentes, mas sei que eram aliados. Me lembro que fomos ao funeral dela, e meu pai prestou homenagens.
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chronicfandom118 · 1 month
Accurate Bruce Wayne and Scott Summers introducing their sons to people: this is my baby boy
Jason Todd and Nathan Summers 6'4-6'8 'baby boy' who is built like a tank, his hands are the size of your head and is covered in scars: Sup
Bruce and Scott: just a baby :)
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redroses07 · 3 months
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(summerween is officially tomorrow guys!!)
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transhulklings · 3 months
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I think the apple’s rotten right to the core
Find me on Instagram
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fcthots · 4 months
I have school in less than 2 hours, and I haven't slept in 3 days, but I'd like, nay *need* Jason.
Please write smut about him, any smut make Jason call us 'pretty girl' and let him sat 'You're doing so good, so good'. Make him be a bit feral for his girl, maybe for her saying Jaybear casually or lean into him while sleeping. Just want Jason being an absolute simp, crazy person, just insane for his partner.
Clawing at my walls rn
Like I want him more than I want academic validation, more than I want One Direction back together, more than I want anything.
You're so amazing!
I mean when I say that your posts make my day. You're so talented, and I wanted to thank you for all the work you put in here.
you can’t just say these things to me and expect me not to blush
You knew it was a mistake when Jason did a “renovation project” in one of his backup safe houses. You knew he was up to something, but that stupid, but adorable, smile caught you in its trap. He said he “just wanted you to take a look at [his] safe house” and “just make sure you like the renovations!” Liar. Pretty liar though.
His “renovations” consisted of two things: new sheets and a mirrored ceiling. You were doomed the moment you walked in the door. You’re not exactly sure how you ended up this way, but his tongue is making you see stars and your clothes are… somewhere else. You can’t recall.
He isn’t letting you go any time soon. After the fourth time he’s edged you, in fact, he says he’s “just getting started.” Now, your head is a pile of mush. Your face is flushed, your hair is splayed out, and your eyes are fucked out as you watch your reflection in the mirror. When you look down at his face, his eyes are already boring into yours. It sends a shiver down your spine and a spark of pleasure down to where Jason’s mouth connects with you that leaves you oh so close.
But he pulls away again and leaves you whining. He clicks his tongue. “Aw, pretty girl. Look at you. You’re doing so good for me, so good.” You let out another whine, begging for release. “You wanna cum pretty thing? I know you do. One more, ok? One more. I’m sorry, baby. You just look so pretty like this. That’s why we had to get the mirrors, sweetheart. You need to see the way you look when you’re like this, so you know why it drives me insane. But I can’t resist giving you what you want. One more and I’ll let you cum on my tongue.”
He kisses his way back down between your thighs and stays true to his word.
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