#jason is a great friend
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sisididis · 1 year ago
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Let me tell you, the post-House of Hades heartbreak is like no other.
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decaffeinatedpartymuggoop · 10 months ago
Instead of the “Jason vs Percy” rivalry we should have gotten Annabeth vs. Jason but instead of a fight for power it’s them having a battle of autism cause their special interests were Greek myths vs Roman myths.
Jason calls a Greek god by their Roman name and Annabeth pops up out of nowhere and goes “erm, actually”
The 7 is talking about some landmark and Annabeth and Jason start arguing about which pantheon it was dedicated to.
“It’s amazing right? It was dedicated to Athena.” “Erm, it was actually built for Mars…”
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erinwantstowrite · 5 months ago
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okay so alighterwood started playing twisted wonderland which not only reminded me that i have to finish my twst wonderland jurrassic ayuu fic but ALSO gave me brain rot for Tim Drake in twisted wonderland do you see the vision. im looking directly into your eyes oh so autistically do you see my vision. im communicating telepathically do you see what i'm saying here
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arunneronthird · 2 years ago
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timothy "i have better taste in music than u" drake wayne, ceo
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morganbritton132 · 4 months ago
Oh geez this might be a double ask because my phone glitched out when I tried to send previously BUT just wanted to say that I love ur Steve has older siblings au
I also need to say that I shamelessly combined that au with ur post about Tommy knowing Steve the best. Just picturing Steve’s sibs zoning out when his mom lists what he can’t eat because they assume she’s just being difficult. Flash forward a few years and they accidentally poison Steve with like peanut butter cookies and are realllly lucky that Tommy was staying over that weekend and knows he’s allergic.
anyways thx for all ur writing!
I only got this ask once so we’re good! The Steve Has Older Siblings AU has kinda been on hold for a bit because Dustin is either the easiest or the hardest character to write and right now, he’s being difficult for me.
BUT! I love this.
I’m going to change it around a bit because I’m on this kick right now where Steve is allergic to aspirin. Also, with the way that Steve’s mom is written for this AU, she is negligent but protective of her son. I don’t think she’d allow peanut butter in the house if Steve was allergic.
She wouldn’t allow aspirin either but Richard insists that it’s the only thing that cures a migraine (hangover), and Steve’s eight. He doesn’t even like taking his Flintstone vitamins so she’s not concerned about him getting in the medicine cabinet.
It’s not common that Tommy stays over at Steve’s when they’re sick.
Typically his mom watches them at their house but she had to go wake up his grandma (“That doesn’t make any sense. Why can’t she set an alarm clock?”/”I dunno, Steve. That’s what Mommy said. She had to go to Granny’s wake.”) so Mrs. Harrington was babysitting them.
Mrs. Harrington isn’t very good at taking care of them. Tommy wouldn’t tell Steve that because it’ll make him sad, but his mom kinda sucks at this. She doesn’t even give them popsicles for their sore throats or kiss their foreheads to check their temperature. She just disappears for long periods of time to yell into the phone.
Tommy’s kinda happy when she has to go into the office because he thinks Claire might look after them, but she’s apparently studying in her room so Steve’s brothers are doing it.
Tommy secretly likes this better because Jason and Richie are very nice to him, and they tell him that he’s cooler than Steve. No one has ever said that before! Not even Carol and they got married under the jungle gym.
Tommy likes hanging out with them even if he feels icky today.
He is standing in the kitchen next to Steve, watching Richie cut a little orange pill in half with a knife. Richie keeps muttering under his breath about running out of the ‘liquid S H I T.’ Tommy thinks it’s funny that he said a bad word, but can’t laugh about it because he can see the bottle that the pill came out of and –
“I don’t think we take that,” He voices but Richie brushes him off. He says it’s like candy. Tommy has brothers too, so he knows that sometimes you gotta give in or they’ll rub your face into the carpet until you get rugburn, but, “I know but… but what if only I take it?”
“You take half,” Richie tells him. “Stevie over here takes the other half and then we’re right as rain. It reduces fever.”
“Yeah,” Jason adds from behind them. “So your brain doesn’t leak out your ears.”
Tommy looks over at Steve but he isn’t fully awake so there’s not much of a reaction there. Plus, he’s not a very good reader so Tommy’s not sure if he even knows what the bottle says. He tries again, ignoring Jason, “That’s not what Mrs. Harrington gave us earlier.”
“Yeah, I know. This is better.”
“Steve can’t take that,” Tommy tries again after he crunches the medicine between his teeth. He sticks out his tongue so Richie can see that it’s gone, and then adds, “Mommy gave that to him once and it made him really sick.”
“It did?” Steve croaks, snatching his hand back when Richie tries to hand him the pill. Richie tries to force the pill into his mouth but Steve presses his lips together. It makes his brother swear and gesture to Jason, and then Steve is snatched off his feet with a hand pinching his nose shut.
He struggles and Tommy wants to help but he – he also wants Richie and Jason to like him so, he doesn’t help. Steve gasps for breath and the pill goes in…and Steve is fine. He’s angry and out of breath, and his nose is still stuffy so he still kinda sounds like a frog but he’s not.. he’s not blue like last time.
Tommy thinks, oh. He thinks, cool.
Everything is fine for fifteen minutes and then Tommy is yelling out the door of Steve’s bedroom that they need help. Steve is breathing weird and – “and, I – I think he’s going to die!”
A lot of stuff happens at once. Claire leaves her room, Jason and Richie come up the stairs, and they all start yelling and blaming each other. No one really jumps into action until Tommy bursts into tears. Then it’s movement and car rides, and Tommy is sitting in the waiting room at the hospital without shoes on.
He doesn’t know how long they’ve been sitting there when Mr. and Mrs. Harrington rush into the room. The only thing he does know is that he’s never seen anybody look as angry as Mrs. Harrington did when she sees them.
She looks like she’s going to yell at them but Mr. Harrington grabs her by the arm and drags her to the reception desk. They disappear behind the white double doors that Steve went through.
It only makes Tommy cry harder.
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superbat-lmao · 4 months ago
It’s before Ethiopia and Bruce has asked for Dick’s help on a magic user case. Both of them get de-aged to 14/15.
So, we get Jason, who is more confident about his relationship with Bruce than he had been at 12, but was starting to get benched more often. Dick, who knows about Batman and Robin but doesn’t know Jason is adopted OR Robin. And teenage Bruce’s non-verbal ass who doesn’t know any of this. And poor Alfred, now looking after 3 teenagers with anger issues.
So Jason is the only one besides Alfred of any real understanding of what happened. Dick is trying to treat the situation like his first solo case without Batman since Bruce doesn’t know who either of them are, and Alfred is struggling to explain taking in two children Bruce’s age, and vigilantism, and magic.
After the boys prove they’re willing to do something incredibly dangerous without telling Alfred, he gives up and calls Clark. He’s the easiest way to convince Bruce he’s telling the truth about the world and will call in the Justice League to handle the magic user. Dick and Jason are pissed but Clark and Diana are there, so it’s not as bad as it could be.
There are too many people and Bruce is struggling the most to figure out how to act and for someone already non-talkative it’s even worse. He finds Diana waiting for him in his favorite quiet spot. Neither of them say anything for a long time. Eventually, Bruce breaks first and the two talk about what kind of person he becomes, how highly regarded he is in superhero circles and Gotham for being Batman and Bruce Wayne. But secretly, he’s most concerned about just being Bruce. About the two boys in his house that he’s a father to.
Dick and Jason really have it out. And sure, Dick’s skills surpass Jason’s at this age because he’s been an acrobat all his life, but Jason puts up a fight that’s dirty and mean and desperate. They clash badly and it’s brutal. Jason admits to not knowing about where the name Robin came from and Dick admits he’s not adopted. Dick starts to understand that Jason thinks Bruce only took him in so he could be Robin. And Jason starts to grapple with the fact he replaced Dick and took his family from him. They’re both miserable but they’re also both avoiding Bruce.
He’s made it clear he doesn’t want to talk to them and as the person who has the least understanding of what’s going on, they’ve been trying not to overwhelm him. Because they’re both pretty good at reading adult Bruce and this kid version looks like he’s gonna take off running at any minute.
Jason tries keeping to himself by reading in the library and Dick tries to stay in the cave but gets pushed out by the Justice League and has to do his workouts in the home gym. Bruce tries to stay in the kitchen with Alfred, who asks him to bring the other boys lunch and to try speaking with them for a few minutes.
Bruce asks Jason what he’s reading and is struck by how earnest he is, even if he’s defensive. It’s more honest than any of the other kids he goes to school with, who are concerned only with appearances and money. Bruce tells him what they’re covering in his own classes and Jason asks if any of the teachers are the same. Jason calls one old woman who was old when Bruce knew her a crone and it startles a laugh out of him. Jason thinks that maybe they’ll be okay.
Bruce finds Dick in the gym and watches him for a while. He startles him on accident and Dick lands on his ankle wrong. There’s a first aid kit in the gym so Bruce hands it to him and asks how he can help. Dick is surprised that Bruce knows this level of first aid this young and he admits to thinking about medical school and following his father’s footsteps.
Bruce is struck by how unlike other people Dick and Jason are. That if he had met them now, he’d like to think they’d have become friends. How they would have liked Harvey.
When the spell is reversed, Dick and Jason have a long talk about what it is to be brothers. Bruce and Jason talk about their relationship as being different from Batman and Robin. Bruce adopts Dick and they discuss his independence with a lot less yelling than normal.
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not-a-matopoeia · 1 year ago
do you think that when people in the batfam send pictures of Dick to each other or in a group chat that are like:
"haha look at this Dick pic guys"
and then people respond in kind like they are not, in-fact, looking at a photo of Dick Grayson, but like an actual dickpic and pretend to be all grossed out by it
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voiider · 11 months ago
I need more batfam sibling dynamics where it's you and your sibling(s) vs. your parent(s)
Like in the way that you might not always get along with/like your sibling but your alliance is with them first and your parent second.
Bruce talking to Tim about Damian and saying "but don't tell your brother" and Tim IMMEDIATELY finding Damian and telling him bc it's ride or die
Or one of them doing something stupid and messing up/getting hurt but we do not tell Bruce and your sibling helps you clean it up and you take that secret to the grave
Also finding out family drama or a secret about Bruce and IMMEDIATELY sending it to the group chat
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bikananjarrus · 2 years ago
it’s really such a crime that rriordan immediately pitted percy and jason against each other when they should’ve immediately bonded over being kidnapped by hera, having their memories erased, and months of time stolen from them. they should’ve been allowed to recognize each other as leaders of their respective camps (and understand what it took to get in that position, because leadership has a cost) and recognize that they are being pushed around the chessboard by the gods AGAIN, and they should’ve gotten the chance to truly combine their strength (with annabeth’s additional leadership skills) and lead the younger members of the seven. and in doing so hera would’ve realized the mistake of giving them common ground, because percy and jason’s combined power? their matching bitterness and contempt for the gods? unmatched. the olympians thought luke was bad, but god help them when percy and jason turn their power onto them
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nixotinix · 6 days ago
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DC girls (and an obligatory Jason Todd to please The Masses)
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lilaccatholic · 4 months ago
Man, I feel like every clip I see from Pints with Aquinas lately Matt Fradd is demeaning women. Really sad to see it, I used to love his interviews :/
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solkizaa · 2 months ago
Batfam as actual conversations ive had with my friends this week (pt1)
Jason: Yoooo why is meijers selling batman handcuffs
Dick: Hot
Jason: For 30 bucks.
Jason: Not even good quality and theyre 30 bucks.
Dick: Budget kinks
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hidden-eyeballs · 5 days ago
Demigod Damian learns the truth
(At the LoA base)
Damian: Mother told me my true mother is the bat
Jason: the bat... is your mom? Are we talking about the same person?
Damian: we must be. Mother insists that it is the same one who raised you
Jason:.... B is a man... he'd be your father.
Damian: Impossible, my father is Apollo.
Jason: I think... Apollo is your mother.
Damian: *surprised Pikachu face*
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nightwngobssd · 10 months ago
Coming out as jayroy hater <3
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heartthumpnovel · 11 months ago
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It's just a prank bro!
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ravenclawshermione · 4 months ago
New Chapter Dropped - Get Better
I felt something in me break as Calla gave me one final look before storming off. The pain in her eyes hurt so much more than any of the injuries I’d received tonight. A deep panic rose up, I needed to go to her, needed to explain, needed to fix this. 
I turned to where Babs was still sitting, “We should- I need to-”
“We have to let her go, Dick,” she cut in, her voice tired, “If you go after her right now it’ll only make it worse. You know how strongly she feels about boundaries.”
She was right, I knew she was right, but still, “Why is she so worried about Ivy? She wouldn’t tell me, just insisted that she’d be a liability, and that she would explain after I got back.”
She bit her lip, “Calla’s powers are from the Green, and since Ivy is one of the two Avatars of The Green, she's worried that if Ivy gave her an order she would be forced to obey.”
“Is… is that possible?” I asked, suddenly a lot more worried about her being out on her own. If she got hurt because of what I’d done, what I hadn’t done…
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