#matt fradd
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lilaccatholic · 4 months ago
Man, I feel like every clip I see from Pints with Aquinas lately Matt Fradd is demeaning women. Really sad to see it, I used to love his interviews :/
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jameslmartello · 5 months ago
Getting Attacked by the Occult (Jason Evert)
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rosecorcoranwrites · 9 months ago
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xxxsimplyhookedxxx · 1 month ago
Christians REACT to WOKE Religion TikToks: Matt Fradd & Michael Knowles
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ominouspositivity-or-else · 7 months ago
shout out to that dream i had where Matt Fradd called me "The death of catholic art" i think it's a proud moment for me
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As far as i’m aware (correct me if I’m wrong) technically only Roman Catholics are forbidden from becoming the monarch of England. It’s says nothing about Byzantine Catholics.
This is how we make Britain Catholic again
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eternal-echoes · 5 months ago
Tagged by @austerity-audacity-asceticism thank you!!! I always like getting tagged in these kind of things.
(Starting a new post because the original one is long)
*throws my football at you* PERSONALITY TEST TIME.
1) The last Podcast you listened to? with reasons.
My answer : I usually don’t listen to podcast but when I was on a roadtrip with my sister she suggested we listen to a Catholic podcast and I believe it was The Matt Fradd show interviewing Michael Knowles
2) what was the last fanfic you read? What did you like about it?
My answer : I think it was a My Happy Marriage fanfic months back. I can’t remember which one exactly but I remember liking the domestic fluff aspect of it
3) You favorite discord server?
My answer : I’m not on discord anymore. My friend invited me to one but I was never active in it.
4) open Pinterest and show the first think it recommends you!
My answer :
Tumblr media
5) If your comfortable, show me something from your notes app!
My answer :
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The to-do list yesterday. I was only able to do 3 of them and continuing some of them today.
6) Show us who you last gave a like on Tumblr! And why?
My answer : https://www.tumblr.com/lovers-romance/762869936051912704?source=share
I’ve always liked this person’s aesthetic taste.
7) Show us a picture that's in your galary that you are proud off/like/are comfortable sharing.
My answer :
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Screenshot of Daisuke Sakuma
8) final question, what was the last YouTube video you watched?
My answer :
Not sure if I’ll watch this anime recommendation but this is the last YouTube video I watched.
I usually don’t tag anyone but I will this time:
@colormipretty @noriko04 @coruscanttojerusalem
@elegyofemptiness42 @all-hail-trudos
@thathilomgirl @prarthnaoffthedeepend
I just see some of you guys in my notifications quite often and I thought this is a nice way to get to know you more.
But feel free to ignore this.
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pharmaciacatholica · 3 months ago
i really don’t like Matt Fradd but he is hosting what will surely be a very entertaining and knowledgeable debate on the papacy today
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cheerfullycatholic · 9 months ago
There's also an app or website called covenant eyes for anyone who is struggling with previous anon. I think it's through Jason Evert or Matt Fradd
Thank you for the suggestion!
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ave-immaculata · 2 years ago
i'm the person who asked about LGBT relationships. i just don't agree with keepcatholic's response. i think defining marriage/sex ONLY as for procreation doesn't make sense because heterosexual couples also have sex to be together and experience pleasure, which is an echo of God's heavenly joy and unity. and i don't understand why this couldn't apply to commited homosexual couples.
I do want to point out that he said it's for the union of the couple and procreation. Sex is beautiful and wonderful and unifying and absolutely meant to be pleasurable; the problem comes when we seek that pleasure or intimacy for its own sake rather than the sake of our spouse or, disorderedly without openness to life. just like a spouse shouldn't invoke their marital right to the damage or harm (emotional or otherwise) of their spouse, the act should be open to life. likewise they shouldn't be using contraception to inhibit the procreative nature of the marital act, it disrupts these two purposes (I hope that helped)
I'd highly recommend the theology of the body and Matt Fradd's resources on the topic as well!
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rosecorcoranwrites · 2 years ago
Reminds me of a horror story by Matt Fradd where a dude is alone with his dog and it sits up, looks at him, and says, "No one will ever believe you," then lays back down again and from that point on continues to act like a dog.
The dude tries to tell his wife who, of course, does not believe him. And he goes crazy, because no matter how much he tries to get the dog to speak again, it refuses, or else he already was crazy and it never spoke the first time.
if i was an animal and i knew i was being observed and researched i would do something super fucked up. but only once. never again. ruin their lives. keep them guessing.
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rosecorcoranwrites · 5 months ago
Happy Halloween 🎃
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martinwilliammichael · 4 months ago
Jonathan Roumie’s Experience on ABC’s ‘The View’: ‘I Gave Rosaries to Everybody’
Earlier this year, well-known Catholic actor Jonathan Roumie was a guest on the ABC talk show, “The View.”
Roumie discussed his role as Jesus on the hit series, “The Chosen,” and how his life has changed because of it.
Roumie recently joined Catholic speaker and podcast host Matt Fradd on “Pints with Aquinas” and shares what his experience was like appearing on “The View.”
“I think for a millisecond I was like, ‘Oh, I wonder how this is going to go,’” Roumie shares. “But I was never worried. I prayed about it, of course.”
The Catholic actor added that just like “everything else that I’ve committed to on this journey, I have to surrender it.”
“I’m like, ‘Lord, you’ve given me this opportunity. It must be for a reason.’ So, I’m not going to worry about the consequences; I’m not going to worry about anything. I’m just going to go authentically be who you made me to and just be present to people,” he says.
Roumie goes on to say that the response was “overwhelming.”
“People were more nervous for me than I was nervous for me,” he says. “I’m like ‘Well, they’re people. They’re just people.”
Roumie shares that after the segment, he spoke with each of the show’s hosts and gave them rosaries, which they all “happily accepted.”
After his experience, Roumie points out that he realized that “there are so many people that are just on a journey.”
“They’re searching,” he explains. “They may not necessarily believe, they may not necessarily know what to expect, but they’re searching, and they were open to what I was bringing to them through the Holy Spirit.”
Francesca Pollio Fenton, September 5, 2024
Adapted from: www.ewtn.co.uk
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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saulof-tarsus · 7 months ago
For your last post where you tagged as TMI, but not really but maybe for some I'd suggest listening to the Among the Lillies podcast by Cameron Fradd. She does go over the topics and it's pretty informative and relates to your question or post. Sometimes she does talk about this with her husband on his podcast for Pints with Aquinas but it's mostly on hers. I think she talked about it a few times with Jackie Francois Angel. There's another podcast that kinda goes over it too it's the What in the Dang Heck with Meg Wells and Cecilia I can't think of her last name right now. But I get where you're coming from. For some it's taboo or too TMI or personal but they are good questions and topics to address. I really would say Among the Lillies first since Cameron isn't afraid to jump in and it's such a normal topic too.
Thank you! I wish it was more normal to talk about. I really like Fulton Sheen's take on sex of that like, we don't want to be like the Victorians that never talk about it but we also don't want it to be the sole focus of things. It ought to be conversations we have, that way we can teach our children how proper sexual orientation is meant to work. Not just that it's for husband and wife, but that it should be enjoyable for both and signs of abuse or something wrong medically. Right now the only people that talk about any kind of sexual thing is Matt Fradd talking about the evils of pornography, and that really just isn't the whole picture.
Thank you for the recs. I can't sleep so I'll check out Aming the Lillies rn!
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xxxsimplyhookedxxx · 7 months ago
Balancing Faith & Reason | Matt Fradd
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mickwynn · 8 months ago
Burke recuerda a quienes se plantean abandonar la Iglesia las promesas de Cristo
Matt Fradd, católico de rito bizantino, ha entrevistado al cardenal Burke para su canal «Pints With Aquinas» de Youtube. En una pregunta, Fradd pide al purpurado un consejo para quienes quieren dejar la Iglesia para hacerse protetantes, ortodoxos o incluso ateos. La respuesta fue clara: hay que ser fieles a Cristo en su Iglesia.
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