#jared and sam photo ops
laf-outloud · 8 months
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Awe! So sweet!
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minaminokyoko · 8 months
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This post won't get any notes and I don't fucking care--I CLIMBED MOUNT PADALECKI TODAY.
So Atlanta Comic Con is this weekend and I saw that Jared Padalecki was going, but what's CRAZY is his rates were half what they are at SPN cons so it meant he was now within my price range ($160 for the photo op, $140 for the autograph) so I saved up and me and my friend @batmarg drove up to see him at the GA World Congress Center.
So we did the autograph first. I told him that it means a lot to me that Sam is kind of an outcast and has this anxiety and anger issues, and that I really enjoyed the performance. He was so sweet and gracious and told me I looked pretty, which is so awesome.
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I also got to meet Ron Perlman at his autograph table. He's a man of few words, but he made a couple of chuckleworthy jokes and thanked me for coming out to see him, and he gave us each a fist bump! It was a legendary moment, no pun intended. What a guy.
As for the photo op with Jared, that also has a little giggle moment attached to it. I always ask actors or celebrities if a hug is okay--I never want to be disrespectful and do something outside of their comfort zone--and he grins at me and says "I fucking LOVE hugs" and then gathers me up in his arms and SQUISHES ME INTO HIM SO NICE AND TIGHT. Oh, it was PERFECT. See, I'm 5'8'' and that's 3 inches taller than the average American girl, so I kind of have a little bit of a complex where I like guys over six feet tall because I just feel safer when they hug me, and I didn't even ask him to squish me but he did it anyway and I am OVER THE FUCKING MOON ABOUT IT. I love, love, love being squished by tall celebrities, so he really did make my day, month, year, and life with that. I'm so grateful I got to meet him and without having to fly to an SPN con and pay $300-350 for it too. If nothing else, I thank 2024 for letting me have this one tiny little thing in the field of misery that is my life.
Thanks for everything, Moose! It was wonderful meeting you. <3
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starryjanewatson · 2 months
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Went to a Con yesterday that featured Supernatural, Smallville, and Cobra Kai 🥰
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s0ggymop · 1 month
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i will forever miss sam’s season 1 hair </3
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drasticemotions · 6 months
yall im saying fuck it n face revealing cause I still haven’t recovered from my photo op with jared and I just have to share it on a place where I know it’ll be appropriately respected and so I can finally yap about my full experience with j2
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so hey dats me
I died dead
I refuse to believe that that is actually me in the photo cause what do you mean?? I was in jarpads arms??
He was so nice I was low-key losing my shit after meeting Jensen, we took the photo with him first (just a normal side hug with me and my sister on each side) and exiting that going straight in line for Jared. I was shaking there was a pause in the line for a bit and then Jensen just appeared next to me??? Walking past and I was just confused Pikachu looking back and forth across the room to my sister and back to Jensen, I didn’t have my phone on me and didn’t know what to do cause he just appeared (all he did was walk past but that’s enough for me).
Anyway I was very much shaking and was so nervous, I felt like I looked like a wreck and didn’t know how the photo was gonna go since ahbl12 was my first con, but guys I shit you not it became my turn and I stared right into this gorgeous man’s eyes said hi…I think I blacked out cause he had his arms slightly opened and I just walked into them, I genuinely don’t remember what happened I think my eyes started watering cause it was such a genuine hug and just looked at the camera and smiled.
I don’t think I could’ve ever asked for a better photo I’m so genuinely happy in that moment and life has been a lot as of late and it felt like that all disappeared, I don’t usually smile with my teeth showing anymore but it just appeared naturally, Jared is such a genuinely great guy and I’m so glad I leaped at the chance of getting the ticket and going.
He was so incredibly nice at the autographs too, Jensen as well but I could tell both of them were absolutely beat they looked so tired, Jensen is intimidating and I was rendered speechless when I got him to sign my Dean funko pop, I was also the only one in line everyone else at that point was waiting in Jared’s line so I felt extremely isolated and awkward 🫣 like what do I do what do I say. Jared I gained some of that courage back and went for it, I was able to thank him for just generally being amazing and how much meeting him meant for me, which I haven’t really told anyone it feels like one of those moments I just had to keep to myself. He put his hand on his heart and I didn’t wanna get in trouble for continuing on so I wished him a good night and left. I don’t know how I got through the day without crying (I am a very emotional person especially when it comes to my fandoms), I cried in the hotel room after lmao
It was really just the best day ever and I’d do it a million times over. I rightfully have that photo on fucking everything, I won’t shut up about this until the next con and even then I still won’t shut up about it. Just meeting the cast and doing something like this, I’ve wanted to do something not even relating to supernatural but just conventions themselves seem like some of the coolest things to be able to attend (America obviously having the better half of that spectrum over Australia but I’ll take what I can get).
I will hopefully be back next year to see Misha and Jensen, if my bank account doesn’t run away from me
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darylarry · 4 months
y'all I'm seeing jared in two days what should I do
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Our J2M photo op! 👉👉 (Jensen straight up yanked me into that hug 🤗 Also I can't get over Misha's face)
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gonegiriss · 1 year
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jared: "i like your sparkles." (referring to the glitter on my eyes and star gems on my cheeks)
gen: "yeah, you're so beautiful. i love it!"
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The boys and accidentally mi girls. 😂
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meganwinchester · 1 year
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the rumors are true… jared gives the best bone crushing hugs
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Behind the Scenes pt 6
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Master List 
Minors DNI 18+
Warnings: Tension, FLUF, pregnancy hormones, insecurities, childbirth, emergency situation, possible death of a character. (sorry) 
A/N: You are newly hired on Supernatural. Your character was supposed to be one and done but the fans loved you so they wrote you in the story. You were supposed to play Sam’s love interest, but things get complicated when you fall for someone behind the scenes. This is a work of fiction. No disrespect to Jensen or Jared or their families. *kinda a long chapter, with a slight time jump
I edited this fast- please forgive any mistakes 
This is my original work, do not take it. 
About an hour later it was dark in the room but you heard the door open softly. You yawned and stretched but didn’t get up. You placed your hand on your belly and rubbed it. You love Jensen and your little family, and maybe you were being a little hormonal. You knew he loved you and wanted a life with you. He’d given you a little boy and an incredible life so far. He was committed to you and you were committed to him, so who cares if you get married. 
As you sat up the lamp turned on and standing there was Jensen. He bent down and kissed your forehead and your belly. “Hey sweetheart. Did you have a nice nap?” You smiled and nodded. He sat on the bed beside you “Sweetheart, I’m sorry if I hurt you earlier. It was not my intention. I didn’t mean what I said. I wasn’t prepared for them to start asking about us getting married. I want to marry you, hell I’d marry you right now if you wanted. I just didn’t want to give them an answer without having talked to you. We’ve never actually sat down and talked about marriage.”
“I know Jensen, and that makes sense. This has been a whirlwind relationship that went from not wanting to be together, to having a baby together in a matter of months. I know we haven’t talked about marriage, but I would love nothing more than to marry you. A big wedding, a small wedding, or just at the courthouse. I don’t care as long as I am marrying you.” “I agree with most of that sweetheart, but you’re not getting married at the courthouse. You deserve better than that.” Jensen leaned over and kissed your lips. 
“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you up, get some food and get you ready for your photo-ops. I’ve already arranged for a chair for you, in case you get tired.” He helped you get up and you kissed him. “Thank you baby. Always taking such good care of me and this little one.” You rubbed your belly. 
*Time Jump-1 ½ months*
Jensen helped you up from the exam table as the doctor finished checking the baby. “Everything looks great. I want to see you back next week. We are in the home stretch. If anything feels strange or you have any questions don’t hesitate to call me. I don’t care what time it is.” You smiled and thanked the doctor. “Are you ready to go home sweetheart?” Jensen asked as he helped you down. “Yep, we need some food and a nap.” You chuckled and rubbed your belly. 
As the two of you walked out of the doctor’s office a fan approached the two of you on the street. She looked to be in her mid 30s, tall, redhead and beautiful. “Um, excuse me Jensen. Can I get a picture with you?” Jensen smiled and said yes. He put his arm around her and snapped the picture. She was smiling and started chatting with him. Jensen being the sweet man he is was engaged in the conversation with her. You noticed how she kept touching his arm and giggling at everything he said. She definitely was flirting and didn’t try to hide it. 
You walked up to them and touched Jensen’s arm, “Honey, we really should be going. He’s getting hungry.” You smiled softly at Jensen. The woman was more than irritated that you interrupted her. “We were just chatting, we will only be a few more minutes. You can go sit in the car if you’re too tired to stand.” Your jaw hit the ground. Before you could say anything Jensen stepped toward you and put his arm around your waist. “Ma’am, I appreciate you being a fan and wanting to chat with me, but please don’t dismiss her. That’s rude and unacceptable. I hope you have a great day, now if you will please excuse me I need to get her and my son home.” 
The two of you walked away and the woman’s mouth was on the ground. “Jens, you didn’t have to leave or say that to her.” “Yes I did. What kind of man, father would I be if I allowed someone to dismiss you when you needed something. You and our son will always be my top priority. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, if either of you need anything I will be right there.” 
Tears filled your eyes and you placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you, Jensen. I love you.” “I love you too, darlin, more than you know.”
The two of you made your way to your favorite BBQ place and grabbed some food to go. You were starving and couldn’t decide what to order. Jensen chuckled and said he’d order a family meal so you could pick what you wanted when you got home. You smiled and thanked him. He rubbed your growing belly and smiled from ear to ear. Jensen couldn’t keep his hands off your belly. He was so in love with you and he was in awe of your strength during the pregnancy. 
Once the two of you got home you kicked off your shoes and sat on the couch. Jensen set out the food and offered to make you a plate. “Nope, I’ve got it. Thank you though.” You told him as you attempted to get off the couch. You struggled and grunted, getting frustrated. Jensen watched from the kitchen and chuckled softly. Need some help there sweetheart?” He asked. You stuck out your bottom lip, pouting and said “yes”. He laughed and walked over helping you get up. 
As you stood your belly bumped into his body. You turned to the side and stood on your toes to kiss him. “Thank you honey.” He smiled and nodded. You grabbed a plate and got a little bit of everything and sat at the table. Jensen sat across from you and chuckled as he watched you dance a little while you ate. He always found you adorable when you would dance a little when you ate something good. 
You saw him looking at you and smiling. “What’s so funny, babe?” “You are, you’re adorable, you know that. I hope our son dances when he eats.” You rolled your eyes and kept eating. Once you were finished eating you stood and put your plate in the dishwasher. You yawned a little. “Come on darlin’, let’s get you to the bed to rest.” Jensen helped you up the stairs towards your shared bedroom. 
On the way to the bedroom you stopped and looked at the nursery. Jensen had been working hard to get the nursery ready and help ease your mind. Making sure everything was ready for the baby. Since he found out you were pregnant he’s been incredible. 
Jensen saw you smiling and he wrapped his arms around you. “Thank you, Jens. It’s perfect and he’s going to love it.” You kissed his lips. “Anything for you and him, baby.” He rubbed your belly. “Now, let’s get you to bed.” You nodded and started to walk to the room.
Once in the room you climbed in the bed and laid on your side. Jensen climbed in beside you and faced you. “You are so beautiful.” Jensen smiled. You blushed. “Let me hold you baby. Turn over, please.” Jensen motioned. You turned to your side and Jensen slid up behind you. You nestled back into his chest and felt his arm snake around your waist. He held your belly, feeling your son move around. He sighed softly.
This was the life he wanted. To lay beside you, holding you and his son. Peaceful, comfortable, so full of love, and happy. It wasn’t long before your eyes got heavy and you fell asleep. Jensen laid beside you listening to your soft snores. He smiled listening to you and holding your belly. Jensen eventually got up, slipping out of bed trying not to disturb you. 
He walked downstairs and cleaned up lunch. He sent Jared a text to let him know how the appointment went and to get one of his pep talks about being a dad. Jensen was over the moon excited, but he was nervous too. Jared told him the feelings he was having were normal and he was going to be an incredible father. He didn’t want to worry you with his insecurities, so he was thankful he had Jared to talk to. 
You woke up a few hours later and got out of bed. You walked in the bathroom to pee and as you took your pants down a rush of warm liquid rushed out. “Shit! I peed myself.” You said out loud. Frustrated, you started to clean up yourself and the floor. You got on dry clothes and started to walk downstairs. As you walked you kept feeling liquid coming out. 
You quickly realized your water broke. Calmly walking downstairs you walked over to Jensen who was sitting on the couch on his computer. “Hey sweetheart, enjoy your nap?” He looked up. He saw the look on your face and immediately jumped up. “What’s wrong?” “Um, my water broke. I think we need to go to the hospital.” 
Jensen grabbed his shoes, your hospital bag, and his keys. He helped you to the car and helped you in. “Text Jared and Gen and let them know, please. Text your parents and mine too. Tell them I’ll pay for a plane ticket so they can be here.” Jensen said as he drove towards the hospital. You called your doctor and she said she’d meet you at the hospital. Jared, your parents and Jenen’s all said they would come to the hospital. Your parents were hoping on the next available plane. 
Pulling up to the hospital, Jensen jumped out and ran inside to get a wheelchair and a nurse. He returned and helped you into the chair. Your contractions had started shortly after your water broke and you could tell they were getting stronger. “It’s okay Y/N, just breathe. You’ve got this baby.” You could tell he was slightly panicking. “Jens, honey, it’s going to be okay. Look at me baby.” You grabbed his hand trying to reassure him. 
Once in the room you were prepped and the doctor came in to check you. “How are you feeling, Y/N?” “Okay, the contractions are getting stronger and it hurts like hell.” “That’s to be expected. We can give you something for the pain if you want.” “Doc, is everything okay with the baby? Isn’t it too early?” Jensen asked. “It is a little early according to her due date, but rest assured your baby is measuring good and doesn’t appear to be in distress. We could have miscalculated the due date, or he might just simply be a little impatient.” She chuckled. You giggled “Can’t imagine where he gets that from.” Jensen kissed your forehead and smiled at you. “I think I know, maybe his mama.”
Several hours passed and your labor progressed. Jensen had stepped out of the room to update the family that was waiting in the waiting room. Your parents, his, Jared and Gen were waiting. “Guys, I don’t know how long this is going to be. Why don’t y'all just head to the house and I’ll call you when he’s here. Mom, dad, Mr & Mrs. Y/L/N, we have the guest rooms set up for you already. There should be extra towels in the bathrooms. Feel free to make yourselves at home.” Jensen hugged everyone and went back in the room to check on you.
You had finally fallen asleep and he stood at the door looking at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes. Seeing you laying there in the bed, getting ready to have his son made his heart swell. A twinge of guilt crept in when he thought about how he hadn’t asked you to marry him yet. Here you were, carrying his son, giving him the most precious gift there was and he hadn’t done something he’d wanted to do since the day he met you. 
He had an idea and sent Jared a text asking to help him out. He was more than eager to help. You woke up seeing Jensen smiling while on his phone. “What’s got you smiling like that?’ You asked him softly. “Just talking to Jared and he’s being his encouraging self. You know how sappy he is.” Jensen stood up and walked over, kissing you on the lips. Another contraction hit and he held your hand helping you breathe through it. The pain was so bad.
The nurse came in about 15 minutes later to check your progress. “How are you feeling?” “Um, honestly not good. I’m hurting really bad. I know labor isn’t supposed to be easy, but something just feels off.” You told her hesitantly. “Okay, let’s check you out.” She lifted the sheet, put on a glove and checked you. When she went to check you, you screamed in pain. Jensen’s eyes went wide. “What the fuck are you doing to her?!?” he demanded. 
The nurse went almost pale and said she’d be back. Jensen looked nervous. “What’s wrong Jens? What did you see?” “Let’s wait for the doctor.” Jensen said without looking directly at you. His eyes on the fetal monitor. The doctor came in quickly and lifted the sheet. She didn’t touch you and looked between you and Jensen. 
“Okay, Y/N. Looks like the little guy is in a little bit of distress so we need to get him out ASAP. We are going to wheel you in for an emergency c-section. Mr. Ackles, if you could follow the nurse we will get you ready to go in the operating room with us.” He started to protest, the doctor put her hand on his shoulder and said quietly, “Mr. Ackles, she is hemorrhaging. If we don’t get him out now they both will die. I will do everything I can to save them both. Right now I need you to go get ready so I can get her ready. I need you to be calm so she can stay calm. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” Jensen shook his head with tears in his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. I’ll see you soon baby.” “I love you too, Jensen.” The doctor and nurses hurried around you and wheeled you down the hall. You were terrified. “Please tell me what’s going on. Is my baby okay?” You asked as you started to cry. The gurney stopped and a drape was put up. An oxygen mask was put on you and you could feel your bottom half going numb. You closed your eyes praying to whatever god was listening that your baby would be okay. Tears fell out of the corners of your eyes.
You felt Jensen’s fingers wipe them away. He kissed your forehead. “Hey baby. You’re okay. They are going to take good care of you.” He spoke so calmly. “Jens, what’s wrong with the baby?” You sobbed. “Shhh, it’s okay baby. The doctor said everything is okay. You’re just bleeding and they need to get him out.” You felt pressure and pulling in your abdomen. You couldn’t see anything and you heard the doctors and nurses talking softly. “Time: 22:35.” You heard them say. You felt woozy. “Jens…I…” Your eyes started to close and you thought you heard the faint cry of a baby. Then you heard and felt nothing.
Jensen looked over and saw his son. He was crying and had a good set of lungs. As he turned back to you he heard alarms going off. Before he could ask what was going on the nurse was ushering him out of the room. “Mr. Ackles, you’re going to have to step outside.” She gently pushed him out the door. “What’s going on, please tell me!” He shouted. 
The nurse closed the door leaving Jensen in the hallway. He heard a commotion inside the room and then “code blue, operating room 3.” Jensen looked up above the door and saw the number 3. He collapsed against the wall and hit the ground. He was in a daze and had no idea how he dialed his phone. On instinct he called Jared. 
“Hey man, am I an uncle yet? (silence) Jensen, buddy you there? (silence) Jensen, man what’s wrong?” “Jar, there was a complication. Baby is fine but…” Jensen sobbed and dropped his phone. Jared hung up and told Gen what happened. On their way out the door Gen called Jensen’s parents and told them. They and your parents got in the car and headed to the hospital. 
By the time Jared got to Jensen he was still on the floor sobbing. No updates had been given yet. Jared’s heart broke when he saw Jensen. “Come on man. Let’s get you in the waiting room.” Jared tried to get his friend up but Jensen pushed back. “No! What if they need me? What if she needs me?” “Jensen, come on. They will find you. Let’s get you in the waiting room. I’ll get you a coffee.” “I don’t want a fucking coffee. I want her to be okay! I want to tell her how much I love her and how much I want to marry her. Damn it! Why didn’t I ask her already?! Now she’s gone and I can’t ask her. How is our son going to know what an amazing mother he had?! I can’t do this without her, Jared!” Jensen collapsed in Jared’s arms sobbing. 
He walked his friend to the waiting room and when Jensen’s mom and your mom saw him they both broke down. They ran to his side and threw their arms around him. Holding him up as they sobbed. 
Hours passed and there still weren’t any updates. Jared started to get antsy. “Gen, surely they can tell us something.” She nodded and got up, approaching the desk. “Excuse me ma’am. I need to check on my sister, Y/N Y/L/N. She had an emergency c-section and we haven’t heard anything else since they made her fiancé leave the room.” Gen flashed her sweet smile and the nurse at the desk told her she would check. The nurse came back and spoke softly “The baby is okay, he’s being evaluated and should be able to see dad soon. Miss Y/L/N, coded several times on the table and was given a lot of blood. I’m trying to get a doctor to come out and give you more information. I’m sorry I don’t have anything else.” Gen thanked her and walked away.
“Jar, she said the baby is okay and Jensen should be able to see him soon. Y/N coded several times and lost a lot of blood. She’s getting the doctor to come out here and tell us more. Just then your doctor approached Jensen looking solemn. Jensen sprang to his feet and everyone gathered around him. “How is she, doctor? How’s my son?” He asked softly. 
Your baby boy is perfectly healthy. We wanted to keep him in the NICU for a few hours to evaluate him, but he’s doing great. You can see him in a minute. He weighed 7lbs and 5 oz, and was 21” long.” Jared grabbed Jensen’s shoulder. “How’s Y/N?” his breath hitched. “She hemorrhaged and lost a lot of blood. She coded on the table 4 times. We were able to revive her, we’ve given her blood and now we have to wait. She’s stable at the moment, but not out of the woods yet. Her placenta detached, which caused the bleeding. The next 24-48 hours will be the hardest. She can have visitors, but one at a time. I will warn you, she’s very pale and we had to intubate her. She’s not awake. You’ve got yourself a tough woman there, Mr. Ackles. From the amount of blood and the length of the tear, it would seem her placenta detached a while before we found it. She had to be in serious pain. Now, let’s get you to your son.” 
Jensen’s dad thanked the doctor and everyone hugged Jensen. “Go see your son. We will be here waiting for you.” Jensen walked with the doctor to the NICU. She walked him over to the crib his son was in. He was sleeping peacefully. “Go ahead, you can pick him up.” She said smiling. Jensen carefully picked up his son and his heart filled with so much love and joy. A tear slipped down his cheek. “Hey little guy. It’s me, Daddy. Welcome to the world. You definitely gave mommy and me a little scare, but we are so glad you’re here now.” 
The doctor told Jensen he could take his son to meet the family if he wanted to. He nodded enthusiastically. He cradled his son in his strong arms and walked to their waiting family. When they saw Jensen they were on their feet. Pictures were taken, oohs and awws were exchanged. Jensen beamed with pride. There was a heavy sadness in their air as everyone kept thinking about you. “Well Jensen, did you two pick out a name yet?” His dad asked. “We did. I would like to introduce you to Tristan Dmitri Ackles.” It took Jared a minute to realize you and Jensen named your son after him. 
“Wow, man. I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe you named him after me and Misha.” Jared hugged him. “Can I hold him?” Jared asked. Jensen smiled and handed the baby to Jared. Tears fell down Jared’s face. Jared beamed with pride. He handed the baby back to Jensen. “I need to get this little guy back so I can check on his mama.Y’all go home and I’ll call you if I need anything or if anything changes” Jensen’s mom kissed his forehead and your mom hugged him. “Tell our girl we love her.” she said softly. Jensen nodded and left. 
After taking the baby back to the nursery the nurse led him to your room. He took a deep breath before walking inside. His breath hitched when he saw you. You were hooked up to all these monitors and you had a tube down your throat. You were very pale. He pulled a chair beside your bed and sat down holding your hand. “I’m here baby. Our son is absolutely beautiful. He looks just like you, except he has my eyes. I know you’re happy about that. He’s perfect. Ten fingers and ten toes. You did amazing baby. Now I need you to keep fighting. Come back to us. We need you, he needs you, I need you! I love you so much, baby. Please don’t leave me.”
Jensen silently sobbed while he held your hand. He focused on your chest rising and falling and the steady sound of the machine beeping. As long as he saw that and heard the beeps he knew you were still here. 
A few hours later Jensen was still watching you in silence. The nurses would come in and check on you and ask him if he needed anything. He always politely declined, saying he didn’t need anything. They would bring Tristan in so Jensen could hold him and feed him. They also thought it would help you if you heard him or felt him close. Jensen took very good care of Tristan and found the moments he spent with him to be some of the happiest he had. When it was time for him to go back to the nursery, Jensen took back up his post of watching you. 
Exhaustion finally got the better of Jensen and he laid his head down on the side of your bed and fell asleep. He was startled awake by the sounds of the alarms going off and the nurses rushing in. “Mr. Ackles, we need you to step outside.” “No! Fuck that! Last time I did I didn’t hear anything for hours.” He yelled. “Sir, please, you don't want to see this.” Jensen froze in his spot and couldn’t move. He looked at the monitor and your heart had stopped. “No! Not again, please! Y/N, don’t leave me! Please!” Jensen sobbed as a male nurse was removing him from the room. Jensen tried to push his way back into the room but the nurse stopped him. “Mr. Ackles, please let us do our job. We need you out of there so we can try to save her.” He stood his ground refusing to let Jensen through. Jensen collapsed “Please, she’s everything to me. You have to save her. Please. I’ll give you anything, do anything. Please just save her.” Jensen sobbed. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @stoneyggirl2
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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@marywinchstr, x
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Sam and... "Sam"!
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Candids and Autos!
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xlynnbbyx · 1 month
Here is the schedule for all of Jared & Jensen stuff for the con in Austin, Texas this weekend. 
**Note: Since the con is in TX all times will be central daylight time. 
Saturday August 17th
Photo Ops
Jensen, Jared, & Baby- 1:50pm
Jensen & Steve Carlson- 2:40pm
Jensen(solo)- 2:45pm
Jensen & Misha- 3:30pm
Jared & Misha- 3:45pm
Jared(solo)- 4:00pm
Meet & Greet
Jared M&G- 3:00pm
Jared VIP-  3:35pm
Jensen VIP- 3:45pm
Jensen M&G- 4:15pm
Jensen(non photo items only)- 5:15pm
Jared(non photo items only)-  5:15pm
Sunday August 18th
Jensen, Jared, & Jeffery Dean Morgan Gold Panel(half hour long)- 11:00am
Jensen & Jared main panel(a hour long)- 4:00pm
Photo Ops
Jensen, Jared, Jeffery & Sam- 12:15pm
Jensen & Jeffery- 12:30pm
Jensen(solo)- 1:15pm
Jensen, & Jared- 1:30pm
Jensen, Jared, & Misha- 2:30pm
Jensen, & Misha- 2:45pm
Jared, & Misha- 3:00pm
Jared(solo)- 3:15pm
Meet & Greet
Jensen & Jared: 11:40am
Jensen (8x10 headshots and photo ops pics only)- 5:30pm
Jared (8x10 headshots and photo ops pics only)- 5:30pm
Also August 19th & 20th is the Radio Company concert. You can watch the stream for both nights by going to Stage It and purchasing a ticket. Each ticket costs 100 notes($10) so you will need 200 notes($20) for both nights. Start time for both nights is 10:15pm(eastern standard time) Night 1 has Lounden Swain as opening act. Night 2 has Jonathan Tyler as opening act.
I luckily got a ticket for night 1 thanks to an awesome friend. But sadly I will not be able to watch night 2 unless someone gifts me a ticket then. Hopefully I can get a ticket for night 2. But either way so excited 
**The next Creation con is Indianapolis which is August 23rd to 25th. Jared & JDM will be at this con too. After that no con until DC con in September. Then Scotland con in October **
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seanwinchester · 5 months
ok I absolutely failed to liveblog the convention bc I was living in the moment, but now that it's over it's time for me to make my emotional post ❤️
this was actually my FIRST ever convention and I'm so glad I got to spend it with @jellybracelet and @trials-era-sam who made awesome roommates and company for the entire trip <3
I got to do the j2 photo op I wanted, to see jared for the first time irl (holy shit he's real), to show off my spn tattoo, and to spend wonderful time with old friends and new ones. I also got an actual jelly bracelet from @jellybracelet (I know) and adorable drawings by @tongjingnian who was so incredibly nice in person <333
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I love you all, still can't believe that after 7 years of dreaming to go to a convention I finally got the chance to. It's surreal ❤️
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This has literally been the best day of my life- from getting to ask Jared about Sam's hell trauma (I've been waiting to ask this question for 4 years lmao) I asked him if he thinks Sam still has some panicky moments like "oh crap, Im still in the cage, none of this is real" and like in general how does he think Sam dealt with his trauma throughout the years, since he never really had time to process it all. He didnt even really answer the question but it's okay because he was staring at me the whole time so. I was so out of breath but it was amazing and also Jared telling me to fuck off can be crossed off my bucket list lmao
And asking that question about demon dean and blood junkie Sam at the j2 panel!! That was awesome!! @sweetaspiesammy that was for you babes!! (Also made Jensen laugh with that question so thats a flex)
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Here i walked in and told jared "can we just do a really dramatic hug?" And he grabbed me and squeezed me so hard omg i died and like after the photo was taken he just kept hugging me for 3 more seconds and was looking into my eyes and OHMYGOD those mans eyes are BEAUTIFUL and
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Second time i had a bit more courage so i walked up to him and i was like "Im taller." And then we do this and as I'm walking out he turns and points a finger gun at me and yells "I've still got you beat!" It was so cute I died.
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Here I look awful but that doesnt even matter coz Jensen😍 i wanted to ask him to do the forehead touch but i was too awestruck i couldnt even say hi properly lmao
And im just having the most fun time here!! Everyone is so kind, Ive talked to so many people and made so many friends its amazing!
Also Jefferey and Rob complimenting my art and me bumping into literal Richard in the hallway are definitely honourable mentions
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drasticemotions · 7 months
guys I don’t want to face reveal but my photo with Jared…oh my god he gave me a proper hug my head was on his chest…I can’t he was so nice it’s literally the best photo I could’ve ever gotten
got my Sam funko signed as well because j2 weren’t doing personalisations and I got to thank him and tell him how amazing he is
I just can’t believe I lived through that, the photo op is used as my pfp on literally everything and I will never shut up about this
My Jensen photo was just as good, definitely giving more soldier boy rather than Dean but I wouldn’t it any other way…his voice was so deep and so unexpected I forgot they were American tbh, Jensen is just so damn pretty I was shaking after the photo (we took his first and then went straight in line for Jared)
He signed my Dean funko as well and man I just he’s too attractive I was literally speechless and kept fumbling my words
I ALSO got photos with Richard Speight Jr, Rob Benedict and Matt Cohen (and autos for all of them as well) I was literally the height of Rich and Rob it’s hilarious (I was wearing my docs but thats irrelevant)
I got to personalise their autos and rich wished me a happy birthday (my birthday was the 8th and the con was the 9th) and I got Rich’s new CD which he signed as a bonus.
Literally a phenomenal weekend I can’t believe I was there
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