#james i too like to live dangerously potter
lulublack90 · 12 days
Prompt 8 - Taking Chances
@jegulus-microfic September 8, Word count 80
For @samynnad102687
James Potter was known for taking chances. He flew a little too fast towards the ground. He stood a little too close to fanged Frisbees, and he got a little too near the riled-up werewolf on full moons. So, of course, when Regulus Black moved a little too close to him, he took the chance and closed the gap between them, capturing Regulus’s lips with his own and making that prickly Slytherin swoon. James Potter was all about taking chances.
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
personally i think sirius should live with james, lily and hari.
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Why do so many wizards die an early death?
It's the great mystery of Harry Potter: where is everyone?
We have a few hints from the series, namely in how we hear older people have died:
Fucking Up Spells and Dying Horribly
Dragon Pox
In the first case Draco's grandfather as well as Harry's both die of Dragon Pox. This is treated like a very commonly occurring and often lethal for those who are advancing in age, this being not as old as JKR touts wizards can and should live to. We don't know how old Harry's parents were exactly, just that they had James late in life, but they were at least late 60's when they died. Abraxas was in his 70's.
Basically, it's looking like if you're > 60, you're in trouble if you get Dragon Pox and had best start saying your farewells. That's stopping a lot from reaching that golden 150 Dumbledore was sporting.
Then we have those who are killed off in violent struggles of some kind. Granted, this is mostly in Harry's canon timeline, but we have entire families whose youngest members who should be getting married are wiped out. Gideon and Fabian Prewett, the Mckinnons, James and Lily Potter, Alice and Frank Longbottom are basically taken out of the running in terms of population, Regulus Black, Hannah Abbot's mother, and so on.
Now this is a lot more than usual but if there's going to be any violent struggle on top of the norm of things, it's just the cherry on top of the population sundae.
Fucking Up Spells and Dying Horribly
Looking at you, Vincent Crabbe. Crabbe dies horrifically by his own fiendfyre, almost taking Draco with him, before either could have children where they're both only children (presumably). We don't see this too much in canon, but based on how much of the population is quite terrible at magic, and it's very dangerous, I'm sure it's quite common.
We see splinching, in which a person could easily bleed out, treated like a routine injury. It's fine if you're close to somewhere, of course, or if you're with someone, but if you're not... I imagine there's a good number of deaths due to Apparation every year.
Add onto that people getting drunk and doing something very stupid, fucking up the spell, and so on and this is going to be... a not small number of people.
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bimoonphases · 5 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 15 - prompt 15: DADA Class [word count 508]
“Hurry up and get in pairs, one boy and one girl please!”
Marlene sighed as she dropped the two volumes on Kappas on the desk and sat down. By her side, Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Why can’t we just be with the same gender,” he grumbled, taking a fresh roll of parchment out. “No offense, McKinnon.”
“None taken, Black. As long as you get us both a good grade on this essay.”
“Please,” Sirius smirked. “You know I live at the top of the class.”
“Yeah, along with Lupin, Potter and Lily.”
“I love switching places.”
“Come on ladies and gentlemen, get to work,” the Professor clapped her hands. “You have two hours starting now.”
They were barely through their introduction, Sirius putting the calligraphy that had been drilled into him since he had started writing to good use when a whacking sound made them both raise their heads from their books. To their right, James was looking down, a red bruise blooming already on his cheek while Lily was putting a heavy book back on the desk, her green eyes blazing with anger.
“Of the dangers of mixing sexes,” Marlene rolled her eyes, wondering what new obnoxious thing Lily would later on tell her and Mary James had said.
“Leave us with our peers and no one gets hurt,” Sirius sighed.
But when she turned to look at him, he wasn’t looking at James and Lily. His gaze was focused one desk over, to where Mary was pointing at a page while Remus nodded. To be more precise, Marlene mused, Sirius’s gaze was fixed on Remus, as if he didn’t want to miss any movement the other boy made, be it a bare flutter of eyelashes. And there was something, there in Sirius’s eyes, something so tender and so sad at the same time. Something Marlene recognised instantly, something she had seen quite often while looking at herself in the mirror. Marlene hadn’t told anyone, despite the number of times either Lily or Mary had had to nudge her back to reality when she got lost looking at Dorcas Meadowes across the Great Hall. She had a hunch her friends knew but she still hadn’t said the words out loud. She didn’t know if she was ready for that. She didn’t know if she would ever be. But this, this was different. This was a pull she couldn’t ignore, and didn’t want to, like finding a long-lost brother again when you didn’t have any hope left.
Sirius finally looked away from Remus and back at her desk and at her, catching her looking at him. He blushed slightly, his hand already moving in a dismissing manner. Marlene didn’t stop to think, the words coming out of her mind as the easiest thing on Earth.
“You too?” she whispered.
Sirius stared at her, then slowly nodded. They smiled to each other, a new form of relief washing over their faces.
They didn’t get a good grade on their essay. They didn’t care, not really. They weren’t alone anymore.
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omgrachwrites · 1 year
The Night We Met (Chapter Two)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Potter!Reader
Summary: Over the summer you connected with the boy who is quite literally your twin's mortal enemy. Things start to fall apart in the darkness of the autumn.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, everyone lives au, takes place in 6th year, James being the best dad ever
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long to come out! But thank you all so much for the support for this fic, I love you all! xxx
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Chapter Two
The guilt you felt in your stomach was so unbearable that you ended up leaving the pub early, making excuses to your friends and ignoring Harry’s suspicious looks. It wasn’t until much later in the evening that your dad knocked on your door and when you let him in he sat himself on the edge of your bed.
“Y/N, what’s wrong darling?”
You looked at James with tears in your eyes, “dad,” you sniffled, “Mattheo is hurt and it’s all my fault.”
James sighed as he wrapped his arms around you, “it’s not your fault sweetheart. I know that he was here last night, you know, he could have stayed.”
You shook your head as tears fell down your cheeks, “I didn’t want to put him or anyone in any danger, I need to see if he’s okay.”
“I’ll take you.”
You scoffed at your dad’s words and took one look at his face and you realised that he was being deadly serious, he wasn’t joking, “are you insane?! What if he’s there?”
James shrugged, like the notion of his enemy wanting to kill him didn’t phase him at all, “then we’ll be careful, but I am not letting you go alone, not there.”
You let out a watery laugh as you swiped your hand over your eyes, “I love you, dad.”
“I love you too sweetie.”
You were driving through the lower part of the village when James spoke up, “wait, isn’t that him?”
Your eyes followed where your dad was pointing and you felt a jolt, your heart dropped and it wasn’t at the sight of Mattheo’s beautiful broken face, it was the sight of Pansy Parkinson’s hands all over him. You saw her smile as her fingers threaded through his hair and your heart was at the bottom of your stomach when you watched him smile back.
James made to get out of the car but you stopped him with a hand on his wrist, “dad, please don’t.”
James sighed as he glanced back at your face and pressed a kiss against your forehead, “should we just get some ice cream and go home?”
You shook your head, “I’d rather just go home actually, I’m sorry that I made you drive all the way out here for nothing, dad.”
James shook his head, “you didn’t make me do anything, sweetheart. I was happy to do it,” he glanced at Mattheo once more before biting his lip ad starting up the car again, “you know that he’s not good enough for you right?”
You smiled at your dad as he pulled the car away and you took one last look at Mattheo from the window.
When you were upset, James wanted to spend as much time with you as possible but you really just wanted to be alone. It took some convincing but James finally allowed you to take a walk by yourself to clear your head. You knew why he was so protective but it irritated you sometimes, of course you would never tell him that.
You blinked tears out of your eyes as you stared at the little stream that rushed through the clearing in the woods. A twig snapping made you jump and you instinctively clutched at your wand and drew it, ready to defend yourself if it came to that. You relaxed when he came into view, running a hand through his hair.
“Y/N,” Mattheo sighed as he came to sit next to you on the cool grass, “what are you doing here? It’s so late.”
You looked up at the brown eyes that regarded you with so much warmth, he certainly didn’t have his father’s eyes, that was for sure. They were so different to the cold eyes that beheld you at the start of summer.
“I’m so sorry,” you finally whispered, allowing your tears to fall.
Mattheo sighed as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head, you could smell cigarette smoke as you clutched at his shirt, “maybe it’s for the best, Y/N.”
You sniffled and pulled back to look at his handsome face, “what do you mean?”
Mattheo scoffed as he took his arm from your shoulders and turned away from you, “don’t play coy with me, it’s insulting. I know whatever is going on between us has an expiry date. I mean it’s obvious, you and your brother are the golden children of Hogwarts, the heroes, there can never be a place for me and you to be truly together. We need to face the facts, Y/N we’re no good. You’re destined to have a great long life and I’m destined for the Dark Arts.”
It hurt you to hear him speak like this, so blatant and cruel, “it doesn’t have to be that way between us.”
“Y/N,” he wiped your tears away with his thumbs, “it was always supposed to be this way, it was fun and it provided us with a good distraction. This was doomed from the start, Y/N.”
Your resolve crumbled as you stared into his eyes and you realised there was no point in fighting for him if he wasn’t going to fight for you, “maybe we shouldn’t have even started this Theo,” you sniffled and pulled away from him.
“Let me walk you back?” he offered.
“No,” you whispered, “no, I actually just want to be left alone.”
As soon as you walked through the front door, James was waiting for you, “it’s over,” you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, “I’m sorry for putting everyone in danger.”
James shook his head and pulled you into a hug, “you’ve got nothing to apologise for, I just want you to be happy.”
You forced a smile at your dad and kissed his cheek, “night, dad.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
The last few days of summer went by in a blur and soon you were saying goodbye to your parents as you left for school. You knew that Harry was nervous about going back to Hogwarts after what had happened at the Ministry. You knew he would get through it though, he always did.
“Are you going to be trying out for the Quidditch team this year, Y/N?” Hermione grinned as she looked up at you from the book that she was reading.
You laughed and mockingly glanced over at your brother who was in deep conversation with Ron, “as long as my brother does the right thing and puts me on the team,” you laughed before shaking your head “I would never expect him to just put me on the team, I’m not too sure this year, I was thinking about trying out but maybe I’ll leave it,” you shrugged.
Hermione nodded with a smile before she regarded you with warm brown eyes, “have you been okay? It’s just recently, you’ve seemed a little sad and distracted.”
You bit your lip, Hermione was your best friend but you just couldn’t bring yourself to tell her the full story, not yet anyway, you shrugged and gave her the cliff notes version, “I was seeing someone and it didn’t work out, we were just too different I guess.”
Hermione nodded and didn’t press further, instead she looked over at Harry who was beginning to rise from his seat, “Harry? Where are you going?”
“Um,” he mumbled as he looked at you with wide eyes and you had to hold a laugh in, it looked like he hadn’t bet on getting caught, “I’ve just got to check something,” he quickly stuffed something into his pocket and you narrowed your eyes. He left the compartment before anyone could question him further.
“What’s going on?” you asked Ron, “what is he hiding?”
Ron frowned as he looked over at you, “it’s nothing, you know that he’d never keep anything important from you.”
Did you know that? It seemed as though you weren’t the only one keeping secrets over the summer. By the time the train was pulling into Hogsmeade Station, Harry still wasn’t back and your friends had somehow convinced you to meet up with him back at the castle.
As you were walking up to the carriages that pulled themselves, you heard a voice call out to you, “oi, Potter! Where’s your loony brother?”
You whirled around and found yourself face to face with Mattheo, there was a sly sneer on his face and his eyes were hard and cold, “fuck you, Riddle.” He was going to play this game? Fine. “What the fuck is your problem?” you snarled beneath your breath so the others wouldn’t hear you.
“I- “his eyes darkened and his face hardened. He shook his head and stormed past you, knocking his shoulder against yours as he did so.
“Merlin, he’s a creep,” Ron muttered as he and Hermione caught up with you, “are you okay?”
You smiled up at the tall boy, “yeah Ron, I’m fine. Thank you.” What the hell did you even see in Mattheo?
The sorting ceremony was over and you were enjoying the glorious feast when the doors flew open. Snape stormed in, his cloak billowing behind him, Harry came in after him and your heart jolted as Hermione gasped and Ron muttered something beneath his breath. Your twin’s face was swollen and bloody, you had an idea who had done this to him. You glanced over your shoulder to glare over at the Slytherin table. Malfoy had a sneer on his face as his eyes followed Harry and Mattheo grinned as he took a sip of his pumpkin juice.
“What happened to your face?” Hermione whispered.
Harry shook his head, aware of all the nosy students staring at him, “not now, later,” he tried to smile, presumably trying not to split his lip open again before he looked at you, “does my face look normal?”
“Hmm,” you squinted at him and tilted your head, “yeah, apart from your massive nose.”
Harry laughed before wincing in pain, “you’re a prick, Y/N.”
You laughed as you drained the rest of your pumpkin juice, you couldn’t wait to get to bed so you were very thankful when Dumbledore dismissed everyone. You couldn’t help but notice Pansy walk off with Malfoy, not even giving Mattheo a backwards glance.
“Scared her off already have you?” you remarked, sidling up to Mattheo.
He frowned at you as he walked up the stairs, “I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” he hissed shaking his head, “I didn’t have anything to do with what happened to your brother by the way,” he nodded as Harry walked past with his eyes fixed on the marauders map.
You sighed as you folded your arms, glancing up at Mattheo’s fading bruises, “I’m sorry that he hurt you, I didn’t think he actually would.”
Mattheo scoffed, “you knew what would happen, you just didn’t care.”
“Of course I cared.”
Mattheo shook his head, “I honestly can’t be arsed talking about this let’s just treat each other like we usually would, like this summer never happened.”
“What, like we hate each other?”
“No,” he replied, “like we don’t even know each other. Because we don’t, not really, you were just some pretty girl that I enjoyed kissing over the summer, that’s all.”
Your mouth opened but no sound came out as you watched him walk in the direction of the dungeons.
“What was that about?” Hermione asked, making you jump and look at her guiltily.
“Oh you know, just same old shit,” you laughed and Hermione nodded but she didn’t look terribly convinced. You would have to be careful or you would be giving yourself away.
Taglist; @primscat @thelifeofsecretpenguins @ehwhatever26 @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @nevillescomslut @hannahnikohl @5-seconds-of-animals @sanjanapm @abbiesxox @kaverichauhan @cat-loves-music @elijahslover @torresbarnes @ikyourwonderingwhyinameditthis @scream4melove @
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Still Pretty
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Sirius Black x fem!reader
[1K] drunk sirius, something cute and fluffy that I stopped too soon ‘cause toothache got to me sorry
Sirius was wearing half the clothes he’d left with by the time you walked into the Potter’s home.
He was lazing on the couch, half on Remus, dark hair a mess, white shirt rumpled and sleeves rolled to his elbows, three - no four - buttons undone, tie lost, sweater missing. The party had long wrapped up, the usual suspects left with the music low, butterbeer and firewhiskey bottles almost empty.
Lily had called, sounding too relieved when you answered, not long home from work. She’d murmured a soft apology, hoping you weren’t too tired, but your boyfriend was taking up residency on her couch and her own husband was only encouraging it.
You’d laughed, fond and knowing, telling her you’d be over soon to collect what was yours. So you fed your cat, scratching him behind his black fur ears as he curled around your legs in thanks, leaving the living room lights on low for your return. You switched out your work shirt for a sweater Sirius had left at yours, a faded thing that was once black but always soft, shoving your feet into some tennis shoes and setting off to the Potter’s.
You didn’t knock, didn’t have to, walking into the familiar house that smelled like pumpkin spice and honey. You found your friends in the living room, sprawled over loveseats and armchairs, talking quietly, laughing loudly. Remus smiled lazily when he saw you, tapping at Sirius’ legs which were slung over his lap. Lily waved from the armchair she was squished beside James on, her husband half asleep with his head on her chest.
“Pads,” Remus whispered, “your taxi is here.”
Disgruntled, Sirius slapped blindly at his friend, his head hanging off of the couch, hair wild, silver earring dangling against his temple. He was all flushed, pink and tipsy, eyes closed and lashes fanning over cheeks. “Fuck off,” Sirius moaned, sleepy sounding. “M’staying here. This is my bed.” He slapped the couch cushions, indignant. “You’re in my bed, Remus.”
Lily rolled her eyes and Remus tried not to laugh as you crept over, bending to smooth your hand over your boyfriend’s forehead, brushing back the stray hairs that were curling over his eyes, around his temples. He grinned before you could even speak.
“Wouldn’t be the first time, would it?” You mused softly, voice teasing.
Sirius’ eyes opened, dark as always, warm with butterbeer and wine, warmer from seeing you. They crinkled in the corners, sticky sweet. “Hi, darling.”
“Hi, pretty boy,” you murmured back, smiling when Sirius lifted his head, neck craning to bump his nose against your cheek, kissing you a little off kilter, clumsy but sweet. You hummed, pleased with his affection, even if Remus pretended to gag from beside you both. “Would you like to come to my bed instead?”
Sirius gasped, scandalised, eyes wide and flashing dangerously at you. His grin was wolfish. “Christ woman, are you flirting with me?” He leaned up again, pushing a kiss to your jawline, snickering into your skin when Remus finally shoved him off.
“I’ll flirt with you more if you let poor Lily get to her bed,” you reasoned, helping the boy right himself on the couch, carding your fingers through his hair, smiling when he caught your palm and pressed a kiss there too.
“You’re both awful,” Remus mused, standing and stretching, readying himself to leave too. He was full of affection as he said it, bending to press his own kisses to your and Sirius’ heads, doing the same to Lily and a sleeping James before he slipped out the door.
“I’m not awful,” Sirius responded a beat too late, frowning at the closed door. “M’the best. Aren’t I, darling?”
You snorted, nodding placatingly as you dragged Sirius from the sofa, groaning as you tried your best to heave all his long limbs up from the cushions. He finally stood, heavy boots keeping him rooted to the spot despite the way he swayed a little, his wide hands warm on your waist, silver rings glinting in the candlelight.
He smiled down at you, sleepy and soft, a little lovesick and it made your heart jump in your chest. He was too pretty, full lips, dark features, strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, wild hair.
“Nice sweater,” he hummed, voice dropping to a level you recognised all too well. Low, raspy, too warm. “Suits you.”
You burned under his attention, forehead butting against his chest as you ducked away from his heavy gaze, murmuring a quiet warning into the bare strip of skin between his open buttons. “Sirius, behave.”
He didn’t. He never did.
Sirius misbehaved all the way home, hands sneaking around your waist mid walk, catching you just to bring you against his chest to tell you how pretty you looked, how nice you smelled, how much better his shirt looked on you than him - but wouldn’t it look even better on the bedroom floor?
“You’re drunk,” you told him, pleased with his attempt at flirting all the same, flushed and flustered, ‘cause even after years, Sirius Black knew how to make you weak in the knees.
He hummed, kiss over your neck and the skin he made appear on your shoulder, greedy hands tugging at your collar. “That I am,” he agreed. He swayed a little again, a hiccup leaving his lips as you unlocked your front door. “But you’re pretty. And when I’m hungover and suffering in the morning, you’ll still be pretty.”
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jilyawards · 3 months
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The Jily Fandom Rec List 2024 is a compilation of Jily stories our readers want to keep an eye on for this year's awards.
Stranger Days, Brighter Nights (WIP, 16.3k as of 30 June 2024) by @minoukwrites. Rated T.
Regulus Black is in love with James Potter. Lily Evans is absolutely not. (In which Lily finds love and Regulus peace. A tale of secret crushes, unspoken yearnings, and quiet betrayals. But at its core, it's the fix-it I've always craved, full of fluff, angst, and all the tropes.)
Falls the Shadow (part 3 of The Darkest Days series) (completed, 95.6k) by @seriousbrat. Rated M.
1977. The Queen's Silver Jubilee. Strikes, riots, violence, and increased political tension. A darkness seems to have descended on Britain, and the Wizarding World is no exception. As Lily, Severus, and the Marauders enter their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, the last rays of fading childhood herald a darker, unforgiving world, in which all face life-altering choices. Sev will stop at nothing to get what he wants, despite what it's already cost him— while Lily and the Marauders find themselves on the precipice of war. Part 3 of a canon compliant story spanning the last three years of Hogwarts up until the end of the First Wizarding War.
in losing grip (WIP, 97.1k as of 30 June 2024) by keep_driving. Rated M.
“I’ll see you again?” She’d asked. “Someday, when we’re older.” “Obviously,” he told her. A promise without any boundaries, without any concrete truth. “Obviously,” she whispered back. Like it was that simple. - For her, summer did not exist before him. Now that it's been gone for so long, she wonders if it ever truly existed at all.
Filipendulous (completed, 30.2k) by @seriouslysam8. Rated M.
An attack on Diagon Alley in July 1980 leaves James Potter cursed and on death’s door.
Querencia (completed, 10k) by @thelighthousestale. Rated T.
que·ren·cia: a sanctuary where you feel safe The time Lily, James, and Harry spent as a family in their little house in the West Country was far too brief, but it was overfilled with love, laughter, and, above all, life. Moments of Lily and James at Godric’s Hollow told in five parts for @mppmaraudergirl's 'Alight With Happiness Fest'.
Rumor Has It (completed, <1k) by @thelighthousestale. Rated G.
Severus doesn't believe the rumors that Lily finally agreed to go out with James Potter.
The Roe Deer And The Knight (completed, 2.1k) by @annabtg. Rated G.
The tale of a magical roe deer and a knight who had to learn humility.
Fixed Luck (completed, 1.3k) by @annabtg. Rated T.
The books warn: excessive intake can cause giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence. But good luck is addictive.
THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT (Jily's Version) (oneshot collection, 1k as of 30 June 2024) by @wearingaberetinparis. Rated E.
And so I enter into evidence, My tarnished coat of arms. My muses, acquired like bruises, My talismans and charms. The tick, tick, tick of love bombs, My veins of pitch black ink. All is fair in love and poetry. A Jily TTPD Drabble Collection
The Tooth Fairy (completed, <1k) by @jfleamont. Rated T.
Harry loses his first tooth, so James pulls one of his pranks on his son.
In Love and War (WIP, 338.9k as of 30 June 2024) by Icepen. Rated M.
After a horrible summer before her Seventh Year brings the war to her doorstep, Lily Evans knows one thing for certain-- she will not be safe at Hogwarts anymore. Her position as Head Girl, her new friendship with the Potter heir and the disgraced Black heir, the sudden and tragic murder of her parents all shoves her into a limelight she never wanted. Learning to cope with her grief and her trauma, Lily needs to navigate the treacherous waters of her new situation as the war against people like her escalates in the world she is about to graduate into.
Think I Know Where You Belong (Think I Know It's With Me) (WIP, 80.2k as of 30 June 2024) by @wearingaberetinparis. Rated M.
At thirty-three years old, Lily Evans fears she may not quite have lived up to her potential. Single and living alone – if one does not consider her cat a flatmate, that is – her days are blurs of monotony, most of her students getting more action than she has seen in the past decade. (Hyperbole gratuitously applied.) Insert James Potter – former classmate and unrequited crush – who appears to be on a mission – aside from promoting his fourth novel – to point out all of her flaws, while strutting the hallways of their former secondary, the place she has never left and he will forever haunt now that the board has decided to name the school library in his honour. (F*ck her life.)
Heavier The Crown (WIP, 135.9k as of 30 June 2024) by @sidlarsson. Rated E.
Fifty years after the First Wizarding War, Teddy Lupin stumbles across a secret about the ghost of Lily Evans. The truth will lead him deep into the past—unraveling a friendship marked by rivalry, betrayal, and one falling out of love with the other. “It—is you. I—thought I was dreaming.” His cheek was lifted. He was out of it, possibly from the effects of Dark Magic. “You—" and he seemed to struggle. His breath came in gasps. "I thought you were an angel.” Dark love story set during the First Wizarding War. Features General James Potter, Potions Master Lily Evans, and Death Eater Severus Snape. 1978 - 1982.
Check out the previous months' recs too: January, February, March || April || May
Happy reading!
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic is second chances xoxo
(760 words.)
"I just- I don't know what to do anymore," Remus says hopelessly, as Lily reaches out to pat his hand reassuringly.
"It's tricky. Dumbledore's put you in an awful position."
Realistically, he knows that she's right. He knows that he'd probably be beside himself if Sirius was going out on dangerous missions that he wasn't allowed to talk about, but it isn't like he's actively seeking out danger, keeping secrets for fun! There's literally nobody else for the job, and he can't help that! He hates keeping things from Sirius just as much as Sirius hates not knowing, but who is he to question Dumbledore's orders? He wants to say it all to Lily, but he can feel the lump in his throat, threatening him with tears. Instead, he just shrugs, scrubbing a hand over his face.
"We've got an owl from Moody," James voice interjects. He steps into the living room, eyes scanning over a small piece of parchment. "There's been an attack in Hogsmeade, we've got to get to an emergency meeting."
Just like that, Remus freezes, ears starting to ring as he's brought back to the argument that drove him to the Potters.
"Merlin, you know I-! Sirius, where are you going?" Remus asked exasperatedly, at the sight of Sirius turning and walking to the front door.
"Hog's Head," Sirius answered gruffly, clipped. "I'll be back when I'm back."
Just like that, he was gone.
Remus' breathing shallows, panic gripping at him. Sirius was there. He was there, and now he might be-"
"Remus? Remus, hey, breathe." Lily's hands reach out and grab his shoulders, eyes bearing into his. "What's going on?"
"Uh, Or- Order members," He starts, trying to think through a sudden, panic induced incoherence. "Were there any there? Any caught in the- in the attack?"
"I don't know, it doesn't say," James answers, perplexed. It's all Lily needs for her eyes to widen, for the realisation to dawn on her.
"Right, let's go, yeah? Remus, listen, he's probably at the house. We don't know anything for sure, so try not to panic." He nods vaguely, wishing with each passing second that he could believe her.
Still, he dutifully lets Lily grab his arm, apparating the two of them to the familiar Order house.
He wastes no time in bursting through the door, straight into the packed lounge. Chaos is everywhere, injured members being treated while Moody grills them, presumably getting a timeline of events. Somewhere that feels all too distant to Remus, he's asked a security question. He must answer it, because he's left well enough alone. It doesn't matter to him, though. He's scanning every inch of the small house, searching for-
He's sitting on a small sofa, with Marlene crouched in front of him, wand aloft, healing what she can. He looks a right mess; he's covered in dirt, bleeding, his hair tangled from whatever explosion he had been caught up in.
He's beautiful.
Sirius is quietly answering questions, eyes lifting from the floor and drifting detachedly around across the room. They glide past Remus, before practically doing a double take, his eyes snapping into focus. In seconds, he's up. Ignoring apparent protests from Marlene, he moves past her as Remus manages to find his footing. There isn't a moment's hesitation when they meet, pulling one another into a hug. It's bone crushing, Remus clinging to Sirius like he'll vanish again if he doesn't. Desperation seeps into his every move, burying his face into Sirius' hair and oh, Remus Lupin is a selfish, selfish man. He'll tell Sirius every secret, deny every instruction that he is ever given, just as long as it means that he can hold onto the safety and security that is Sirius Black.
"I thought- I thought you were-"
"I know. Christ, for a second I thought I was..." Sirius' voice breaks and he trails off, holding Remus just a little tighter.
"I'm so sorry. Merlin, Sirius, I'm so fucking sorry."
"No, don't be. Please, don't be. You don't have to- I'm the one who should be-"
"I love you," Remus whispers, finally breaking out of the hug and meeting Sirius' eyes. "I love you so much, okay?"
"I love you," Sirius says back, eyes tearing up and a watery smile appearing on his face. Remus reaches out and cups Sirius' face with both hands, not wasting anymore time as he pulls Sirius to him and connects their lips.
This. This right here. This moment, this man.
He'll do anything for him. Anything for their second chance.
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Potters Stick Together
Harry Potter x Potter!Reader
For @sweetheartlizzie07
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The acrid smell of burnt wood clung to the air as I ran through the wreckage. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs, each beat echoing the screams I'd heard moments ago. My parents. Lily and James, gone. The Death Eaters and He Who Shall Not Be Named had fled. But there, nestled amongst the debris in the nursery, was a flicker of emerald green. Harry.
Just a year old, he lay unscathed in his crib, clutching a stuffed stag. Relief overwhelmed me, a fragile bubble against the crushing grief. He couldn't stay here. Not with Voldemort out there. I scooped him up, the warmth of his tiny body searing into mine. His emerald eyes, so like Mum's, blinked up at me, brimming with confusion. "Hey there, runt," I choked, my voice raspy with unshed tears. "It's okay. I've got you."
I just held him in close, gently rocking my little brother back and forth softly. He was all I had left, and I was all he had left too.
The Ministry was a whirlwind of paperwork and hushed whispers. They wanted to send him to his aunt, Petunia. The mere thought of that pinched woman raising Harry made my blood boil. No. I knew their cruelty. They’d treat him like a servant or a slave rather than a child.
So many ideas ran thru my mind but the first thing came roaring out. "I'll take him," I declared, my voice firm despite the tremor in my hands.
They were hesitant. Me? An Auror raising a child and one that barely survived the dark lord? Unconventional. But Dumbledore, with his twinkling eyes and long beard, intervened. "Minerva. It's the safest place for him." The aged headmaster reassured the other professor on my account.
So, at 18, I became a father. Our tiny flat in London became a haven for spilled milk and lullabies hummed off-key. Days were filled with nappies and first wobbly steps, while nights were spent poring over ancient tomes, learning about the magical world that had taken my parents. So many of his firsts and none of them were witnessed by our parents.
Harry thrived. His laughter, loud and infectious, chased away the shadows lingering in my heart. He had Mum's eyes and Dad's unruly hair, but he was uniquely his own. He wasn't the Chosen One, not here. To me, he was just Harry, my little brother.
He grew up surrounded by magic. I'd levitate his toys to make him giggle, or charm his milk to warm itself. But my lessons were focused on safety, on teaching him control, because the world he might inherit was a dangerous one.
One evening, as I tucked him into bed, a tiny fist gripped my finger. "What happened to Mum and Dad?" he asked, his voice hushed. My throat tightened. "They went on a big adventure, runt," I said, using the nickname I'd given him. "One day, we'll go find them, just you and me."
He squeezed my finger, his eyes mirroring the determination I felt burning within. We wouldn't forget. We wouldn't let them down. We would find a way, together, to face whatever darkness the future held. Because as long as I had Harry, a part of Mum and Dad lived on. And that, in this strange, magical world, was a powerful kind of magic all its own.
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veritas-scribblings · 3 months
lawyer - @jegulus-microfic - words: 784
The room is dark and cold. Grey concrete walls. Threadbare carpeting that may have once been white. The rug beneath his feet is worn where the table rests and the fluorescent lights are above are filled with dirt and dust and flicker sporadically.
James Potter sits opposite Regulus, hands folded atop the sheets of paper and photographs spread out on the table between them. There are parts of James that haven’t changed since school. His glasses still have thin squarish frames and sit a little bit too low on his nose, as they used to. His hair is still messy, flicked up at the back, as though it has never occurred to him to brush or style it. He still has that crooked, lop-sided grin. The same grin he used to give Regulus across the Great Hall. Across the soccer field. In the hallway between classes.
In the back of the Library where Regulus would tug him behind shelves no one ever visited, and they would steal a kiss. Quickly, so no one would see. 
But now, however many years later (five years, but who is counting), there’s something more weathered and solemn about James that says the world has started to wear him down. That the boyish, youthful optimism he used to have about himself has been dimmed ever-so-slightly.
‘You were there,’ James says.
‘I saw them,’ Regulus says, his voice tight and strained because the words are fighting against leaving his lips. ‘That night my brother ran away. I saw them, what they said to him, what they wanted him to do. To be. I was young, then. I couldn’t protect him then, because I was weak. But now…’
He had promised to stay quiet. To carry on as if it never happened. But he needs to say it. He needs to speak his truth. Needs James to know. Needs James to see him as he really is, complete with the darkness and the fractures and the wounds and the scars. 
All the things that James had, once upon a time, pretended weren’t there or pretended he could wash away, heal with kindness.
Barty will be broken, Regulus knows. But Regulus will say it anyway.
‘My father kept a gun in his office,’ Regulus says. He sounds distant even to himself, like he is submerged beneath water and the surface is far, far away. 
‘…so you had to retrieve it.’ Through the water that is the world, James stares at Regulus as though he is trying to communicate something with only his eyes. ‘For self-defence. Because you were frightened for your life. You were in imminent danger.’
‘I just wanted it to stop. I didn’t want to live like that anymore. Sirius got out, but—’ Regulus looks down at his hands, where he is picking at the skin around his nails. ’You have to understand about our family, that we’re a closed institution. A god-damned cult. They keep such a tight hold on all of us and I just—-I didn’t want to belong to anyone anymore. They wanted to sell me so I could be a breeding machine. A fucking human incubator. I didn’t, I wouldn’t let myself be owned anymore. I needed out.’
’So you were scared. You thought that you were in danger, right, Regulus? You needed to protect yourself. They would have killed you.’
‘They always thought I was weaker than Sirius. Loyal. That I don’t have a mind of my own.’ Above, the lights flicker and Regulus thinks that maybe he can hear them hum, feel it in his teeth, under his skin. Their sound a constant low-level vibration in the air. ‘I took the gun. Found them in the drawing room. He laughed at me, my father, and tried to make me give it to him…’
‘…so he came at you then, right, and you were scared,’ James leans across the table. ‘Come on, Regulus. He threatened your life. He didn’t give you any other choice.’
Regulus at the hands James has laid on his own. At James, who is watching him beseechingly. Regulus remembers loving those hands, which were always a little bit coarse because of the sports James would play. He remembers loving James, who had always thought that Regulus was more, was worth more, than he ever truly was.
‘You were scared,’ James repeats. ‘They threatened your life. You had to protect yourself.’
Regulus is scared now. He’s scared and he isn’t, because it’s all out of his hands, now. It’s out of his hands and it’s in James’s, those hands that Regulus remembers holding and loving. Four long years ago.
‘They threatened my life,’ Regulus whispers. ‘I didn’t have any other choice.’
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
Honestly, I keep forgetting that tom riddle was like 11 in some of the memories because of the way dumbledore talks about him. I keep picturing him as older teenager young adult. Like bro he's not Conniving he's trying to not die
Exactly! Dumbledore never sees him as a child or an innocent or someone who can be saved (or even needs or deserves it). This is despite the fact that what he knows of 11 year old Tom's behavior is actually not nearly as disturbing and psychopathic as James Potter's behavior for example. James grew up with everything and shows clear sadistic tendencies from a young age. He obviously actively enjoys violently tormenting and assaulting other people for fun. He actually fits the 'serial killer who was a psychopath from a young age' trope better than Tom does, though that wasn't JKR's intent at all.
I think she possibly meant to do something very different with Tom's character but bungled the exectuon. I think she was going for the whole 'serial killers are psychopaths who are un-saveable and torture and kill smalls animals as children" trope but that's not what she wrote. Tom killed one rabbit. Obviously that was wrong, but it wasn't part of a pattern where he routinely small animals for sport. He also didn't kill it for fun (nor did he do it in a particularly prolonged or cruel way). He did it as retribution after an argument (and presumably since he didn't do anything to Billy Stubbs directly, this was an argument with someone he felt unable to take on). Obviously this doesn't make what he did right, but it is a VERY different context from what JKR is trying to imply (since we the readers are supposed to agree with Dumbledore's reactions to and assessments of him). We never even find out what the altercation with Billy Stubbs was about or who initiated it etc.
Aside from that, there's the cave incident where...something happened but we don't know what. It is notable that Dumbledore mentions that it would be virtually impossible to climb up to (or presumably down from) the cave without magic. Which means Tom used his powers to not only get all of them up, but also to bring himself as well as Dennis and Amy back - rather than simply leaving them to die either for fun or to cover up whatever he did to them. (Personally I think he performed magic on/in front of them but then went too far and panicked and tried to wipe their memories but did it badly due to being inexperienced and uncontrolled which is why they are odd afterwards and can't remember what happened). But yeah. We have no idea what happened there. Only that Mrs. Cole, who hates Tom and doesn't know what he is, suspects him of having done something bad. Dumbledore never bothers to get Tom's side of things.
It's also important to remember that while Tom learned to control his powers, at first his use of magic would have been random and uncontrolled. This means that some of the incidents for which he was blamed were outside his control and simply instances of his magic reacting to his emotions rather than him deciding to do something.
Given that Dumbledore hasn't read the later books where Tom Riddle becomes Voldemort and given that he knows that Tom is universally hated and feared in the orphanage for his strange powers (to the point that Tom consequently lives in mortal fear of being thrown in an asylum and seems to have had bad experiences with doctors) he can't even really reasonably be certain that Tom wasn't acting in self defense in the only way he knew how. But he simply takes Mrs. Cole at her word that Tom Riddle is no good and evil even though it makes no sense in-universe to do so since he doesn't know yet that Tom is destined to be the villain of the series.
Tom lives in a tough and dangerous world where strength rules. He has no one to look out for him. The very concept of a caring and trustworthy adult is probably alien to him. He is loathed and feared. He suffers from privation and is surrounded by want and disease and death. The only way for him to exert any power over his own life is to use the strange abilities he posses but doesn't understand and can't fully control. This is his reality. Characters in Game of Thrones live in a violent, dog eat dog world, and that influences their behavior. Similarly, Tom's environment influences his behavior. Given his circumstances his behavior (at least what we know of it), while wrong, is not that shocking or even that extreme. He is trying to survive as best he can.
Maybe all the help and guidance in the world couldn't have turned him from his dark path. But the point is, no one ever gives him that chance. Dumbledore shows immediate bias towards him - and we're supposed to think this bias is justified, but that's not supported by what's actually in the text.
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James let himself into Lily’s flat. It was a Potter property, much to her displeasure. She’d been furious about it at first, but it was the safest option for her. Despite the state of their marriage, they were still married and she was still a Potter. Being within Potter wards would always be safer than outside of them. 
“What the fuck, James?” she snapped, hair pulled up sloppily and in a cotton dressing gown. She looked radiant. She was as beautiful as the day she was when they’d wed. Soft orange hair, porcelain skin, and light green eyes. She was an angel.
Lily stormed past him, her magic sparking with her anger as she made her way to the coffee machine.
“I’m leaving.”
“I’m leaving this reality.”
Lily lifted her mug and took a sip. She sighed and turned to lean against the counter. “I’m aware. I recommended you for the case.”
James blinked. “You did?”
She shrugged. “The world you're going to has a history of dark lords and you have a history with getting rid of them.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Which you don’t like.”
“I don’t support you risking your life like you have nothing worth living for, there’s a difference,” she snapped. “I’ve told you, I’m not sticking around to watch you kill yourself.”
James nodded slowly. “Yeah. I know. I did the mission. I filed my reports. I just got back.”
Lily frowned at him. 
He stepped closer. He could feel her magic sparking like electricity. Lily’s magic was like a firecracker. He’d always loved it – it had grown to be a constant in his life. He’d missed having it around in the years that had passed. They saw each other so rarely – only when the loneliness grew too great. Feeling her distantly in his family magic wasn’t the same. It wasn’t enough.
He’d miss her if she didn’t come with him.
“Harry is in the other world. Harry James Potter. A boy. Our baby boy.”
Lily’s eyes teared and she looked away. “James-”
“-He’s orphaned. Alone. In danger. I’m going back – and I’m planning to stay.”
Lily’s eyes flickered back to his own. “Our baby is dead. It was never born. We lost it.”
“And this baby lost his parents. I like to think wherever our baby is, Potters are looking after it. All the better if it’s another version of us. If we died and our baby lived, I would want a version of us to be there for him if they had the opportunity.”
She shook her head. “It’s illegal. Terribly illegal.”
James nodded. He knew the rules and laws as well as she did. He researched it in Harry’s world before he left. It was just as illegal there as it was here.
“They have dark lord issues,” James revealed in what was probably the understatement of the century. Lily knew it too. If she recommended him for the case, then she would have seen just what he was walking into. 
“I’ll offer the ICW a trade,” James continued in a rush before Lily could argue. “I’ll be fine.” He stared at his estranged wife – the love of his life. “I want you to come. I want you to meet him. To be there for him. But I understand if you can’t. If it’s too hard. The- the realities will see our separation like a death, most likely. I know what you want is to move on.”
Lily glared at him. “That’s not what I want. I’ve never asked for a divorce.”
“Because we can’t divorce.”
“I asked,” she snapped, her infamous temper rising, “for you to stop throwing your life away! And when you refused, I walked away. I will not watch-” she took a deep breath, tears in her eyes, “-I won’t watch you die, James. I’m not strong enough to watch that.” Her tears fell as she cried, “I’m not strong enough to lose another child either.”
James took a step closer. “We won’t lose him,” he promised.
Lily shook her head, still crying. “You can’t know that.”
“I’ll have a better shot keeping him alive if you’re there.” James tilted his head, genuinely confused as he asked, “Don’t you want to meet him?”
“Of course I do,” she lamented. “I think about it every day. What would they have been like? What house? What would their favourite subject be? Their favourite food? What would they look like?”
“He’s beautiful.”
Lily sobbed.
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outromoony · 2 months
Hey ✨ If you got this! It is an ask game 🧑‍💻 Please! Tell us about your Favorite 🔮 Marauders Era character! 🎞 And send this! 💡 To two Other people 💌 Secretly! 🪞 Goodbye 🕊️ And tag with #maraudersaskgame 💫 So others! Can find it.
And! always Remember... to free Palestine! 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉 🍉🍉 🍉🍉🍉!
This is really hard for me because Lily and Remus have always been my favorite characters, but I genuinely think Sirius is the best character in the Marauders.
I could spend hours talking about him, but I feel we don’t discuss enough just how smart and self-aware this boy was. Even as a kid, he never believed in the blood supremacy his parents tried to instill in him. At eleven, he became the first Black in history not to be sorted into Slytherin. That in itself was an act of rebellion and bravery. He was incredibly brave from such a young age, and he always found pride in not being like his family.
Quotes from the books:
"He was always very kind to me, Sirius. I don't think he ever hated anyone as much as he hated his family."
"Sirius had taken pride in being different from the rest of the family."
We don't know for sure if he was physically abused by his parents, but we do know that he was 100% psychologically, emotionally, and verbally abused.
Quotes from the books:
Sirius talking about Regulus to Harry: "He was younger than me," said Sirius, "and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded."
Walburga's portrait in Grimmauld Place: "Youuuu!" she howled, her eyes popping at the sight of the man. "Blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh!"
Kreacher: "Master is not fit to wipe slime from his mother's boots, oh, my poor Mistress, what would she say if she saw Kreacher serving him, how she hated him, what a disappointment he was."
Sirius about his family: "I was always a disappointment to my parents, and I was always glad of it."
Kreacher: "Oh my poor Mistress, what would she say if she saw the house now, scum living in it, her treasures thrown out, she swore he was no son of hers, and he's back, they say he's a murderer too."
And there's more, definitely more. Sirius is one of the strongest characters in Harry Potter, along with Harry himself. He found a family in James for the first time in his life, so it’s ironic that he would later be accused of killing the person who opened his home to him. He spent his life carrying his last name like a burden while trying to prove to everyone and himself that he was nothing like his family. And in the end, it didn’t matter, because he was still accused of killing his best friend and being just like the rest of the Blacks. He tried to keep Harry safe, giving him to Hagrid along with his motorbike, and still, he spent twelve years in Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit. Even after he got out, he was never entirely free, but he was just... full of life, even when the Dementors and Azkaban tried to take it from him. He was so willing to fight, so willing to live for Harry and protect him with everything he had. He never stopped loving, never stopped fighting for what was right.
Quotes from the books:
Sirius about not being able to leave Grimmauld Place after he escaped Azkaban: "I want to be out there, I want to do something worthwhile." "You think I wanted to be stuck inside that house, hiding while they all went off and fought?"
Order of the Phoenix: "Sirius was a brave, clever, and energetic man, and such men are not usually content to sit at home in hiding while they believe others to be in danger."
"The letters, Sirius’s letters, were full of enthusiasm and life."
I hope he knows everything was worth it, that his sacrifices, struggles, and unwavering loyalty made a difference. That he showed Harry a glimpse of what real parental love is, that he was loved... that his little brother loved him so much and never judged him for leaving, even when he missed him like an aching void that could never be filled. I hope he knows James never blamed him for what happened, and that Remus never really hated him.
In the end, I just hope he knows that he was loved deeply, missed profoundly, and remembered always as a brave, loving soul who showed people around him what it means to truly live. To those who mattered, he wasn’t remembered as the criminal son of the Black family, but as a loyal friend, a devoted godfather, and a beacon of hope. He was not just a survivor of his circumstances but a hero who rose above them.
Free Palestine!!! 🍉🍉🍉
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oxydiane · 2 years
nothing i love more than sirius and harry’s relationship. sirius is virtually the only adult in harry’s life who has never failed him. when he showed up at the potters’ on halloween he tried to take harry from hagrid and raise him as james and lily intended but hagrid denied him, and that’s when sirius decided to go after peter, because once he had lost harry too, he had lost everything. he only finds the strength to escape azkaban when he sees harry in actual, possible danger and is fully ready to kill the only proof of his innocence in the desperate attempt to avenge his best friends and protect his godson. when harry is entered in a death tournament against his will sirius lives in a cave and eats rats in order to be close to harry and help him. after harry comes back from the graveyard, injured and bloody and traumatised it’s sirius he sees in dumbledore’s office, sirius who comforts him. when other members of the order are trying to hide the truth from him, treating him like a child despite the horrors he had lived it’s sirius who insists on letting harry know the things he has the right to know, it’s sirius who realises the connection between harry and voldemort and tries his best to assist him, tries to be by his side as much as he can while being forced in his childhood house. sirius who even kreacher knew treasured no one and nothing else above harry;
“but he gave narcissa information of the sort that is very valuable to voldemort, yet must have seemed much too trivial for sirius to think of banning him from repeating it”
“like what?”
“like the fact that the person sirius cared most about in the world was you.”
it’s sirius who for the first time in harry’s life, promises him a home and the love of a family. sirius who loved harry so, so much and never got to show it in full
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justanothermarauderr · 3 months
when I first started WATCHING the Harry Potter movies ( my attention span flew out the window when I tried to read when I was younger) I was watching like any OTHER person
yk pre-wattpad, pre-ao3, pre marauders, jegulus, wolfstar , Slytherin skittles ect
yk the simple days
i have read every fanfic i could find and one of my favorite tags other then sassy ( character name) and it was
OR #manipulativedumbldore
bcs then yall writers start writing how smarter Harry is or how much of a better friend Ron is or making Hermione less studious
and when everything else that are basically cannon at this point to me are added all together and add in all the dumbledore bashing
✨immaculate writing✨
with that being said i went from
“ oh dumbledore is so smart” “ what a cool headmaster” freaking #dumbldore4evah 😗✌️
to like
“ fck you albus” “ you manipulative bastard” “Mr. Light Wizard who happened to fall in love with A DARK LORD HIMSELF and couldn’t even finish the job” like instead of killing grindlwald like he should have he literally just entrapped him in a fckn tower like goddamn rupunzel
it pisses me off more when it’s a harry/ tom fanfics bcs he had the audacity to be telling harry how “ tom is the dark lord” “ he’s a monster that doesn’t feel love”
mf you was lucky that tom riddle didn’t feel love or else your ass would have been swimming with fckn inferi rn for all the shit that you did to harry
yall get it, I’ve developed a … dislike towards albus however many names this faka have dumbledore
after getting back and now stuck in this seemingly dark hole of Harry Potter fanfics i came to realization …
are you fckn kidding me…
his oldest : james sirius
james for his father and sirius for his godfather see understandable
his youngest: lily luna
okay ofc his mother and luna bcs he always saw luna as such a cherished friend
and now his… middle… child: albus severus
… so let’s dissect this shall we
albus for Yk his headmaster, porfessor, mentor …
also the man who left him in a abusive and unloving household with an aunt who hated his mother ( her own sister) and magic and ofc him, the man who NOT ONLY didn’t tell him where or what the fck the other horcrux are BUT ALSO not telling harry that he was a horcrux himself and the in order for Voldemort to die HARRY HAS TO DIE TOO
oh and instead of being DIRECT about the mission he decided he wanted to be a story teller and freakn write poetry AND DECIDED TO LET 3 SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD go on a camping trip from hell while they were wanted criminals to bring down the once dead dark lord WHICH HE FCKN CREATED BY THE WAY
( honestly people it is not that hard to show a child some love and attention)
like he literally scared little tom riddle
tom: i can make things move and hurt others who have been bullying me, can you do it too?
albus: …
tom: …
albus: * sets a wardrobe on fire *
tom: 😧
albus: I’ll see you at Hogwarts, my boy 🤠* exits room*
* at hogwarts*
albus: …he’s a monster 🤡
now for the second name for this unfortunate child : Severus
okay, so… hogwarts professor/ headmaster, potions master , double spy…
the man who literally degraded you at your first day of a new school, bullied you over the littlest thing, the man who was unhealthily petty over his dead school rival which later on became extended to harry bcs … he’s James’ kid
the man who literally bullied you and your friend relentlessly and for no reason at all and the only reason he even helped harry the entire time was bcs he loved lily
like yall gotta keep in my mind, he went to the dark lord AND dumbledore to beg for LILY to live
he said fck James potter and the baby
snape didn’t give a fck about harry the he only gave a fck was if harry was in danger by freaking Voldemort
LILY was the reason why Snape didn’t deliver harry to Voldemort instead bcs think about
he HATED james potter, i mean james, sirius, remus and pettigrew, but mostly james ( and i will admit james was a toerag too) if james and harry lived Snape would have said to hell with yall i’m killing them
do you can see that i was angered and annoyed when I started to remember what harry named his children
like are you sirius…
albus Severus ?!?!?!
you could have named him after Neville or even Ron yk your best friend or hell even minnie ( magonnagall )
but not harry you just HAD to have a good ass heart and named your child after the man who manipulated you , raise you to only kill you, and a man who tormented your childhood
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musicoftheheart · 19 days
Fave Marauders song? ☣️
hi! okay, so im assuming you mean a song i associate with each marauder? (this is a long answer ahaha, i like to talk)
also, if you want me to do more of these for any other characters or any ships, let me know!! this was a lot of fun to think about and write <333
ill start with james. the first song (because i cannot just pick one) would have to be 'peace' by taylor swift. hes a bundle of energy, and he tends to act before he thinks (see: wand left on couch.) "[danger's] just around the corner darling, cause it lives in me. no i could never give you peace." but also hes a lover, and he would do anything for the people he cares for. "im a fire and ill keep your brittle heart warm if your cascade ocean wave blues come" etc. theres still that little bit of uncertainty in him though; "would it be enough if i could never give you peace?" its him.
similarly, though, i think of him when i hear 'epiphany' from the same album. idk if its because i associate it with the first wizarding war and therefore james, but i just- its him. it just is.
i also hc james to have some level of mental health struggles, whether it be anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. so, in my head, both 'talk too much' (specifically the ramble/bridge) and 'gemini moon' by reneé rapp scream james potter. i think 'gemini moon' would be something he'd try to hide relating to, because in his head hes supposed to be perfect, hes supposed to be a rock for everyone else. hes the golden boy of gryffindor tower, yknow. these also feel more like they relate to the modern/muggle aus i like to read though
on a similar note: 'mirrorball' by taylor swift. hes always putting on this show to make people smile, to help people, to make them laugh. he adapts to be what people need, but when he finally snaps, when everything just becomes too much, he doesnt just break - he shatters. "i know they said the end is near but im still on my tallest tiptoes" this could also relate to the war; he knows voldemort is targeting him, lily, and harry, but hes still trying to keep positive. "they called off the circus, burned the disco down" all the joy from hogwarts is gone because of the war but "im still trying everything to get you laughing at me" he wants to keep people smiling. he wants people to have hope.
also, although im trying to avoid ships, major shoutout to pretty much every jeremy shada song to exist, because theyre so james potter-coded regarding his love life and the way he loves people
alright, imma move onto sirius before i ramble too far. this first song ties a little into james though - 'seven' by taylor swift. specifically, james talking to sirius about his family and inviting him to live with the potters instead. have a listen and youll agree
still on his relationship with his family, sirius is definitely a 'family line' by conan gray sort of guy. he would scream it at the top of his lungs.
furthermore, sticking w conan gray, i love 'found heaven' as a sirius song, too. after spending so much of his life being told all the things wrong with him, only to discover his sexuality - yet another thing i think he'd have issues accepting about himself - he eventually does find that acceptance. "youll never get your mama's wedding ring. father always said you ruined everything. but you prayed, begged and prayed, heart unchanged" "dont be scared little child, you're no demon" "your heart is breaking as you leave that door. you never meant to start this holy war. but youre trapped, pack your bags, dont look back" just all of it. its him.
on a more positive note, though, i see 'boys & girls' by conan gray as his song too. again, im trying to keep away from talking about specific ships and focus on the individuals, but this works even more if you ship wolfstar. imagine remus singing this about sirius. as much as we all like to say remus is a cassanova of gryffindor, hes a lanky nerd covered in scars. he isnt typically/stereotypically "attractive", not like sirius. sirius, who is saught after by many, but never dares to look at his friend like that, because how could he? theyre friends, and thats all. right?
that leads nicely into remus. i dont have as many options to hand for remus as james and sirius, so ill just go through all that i can remember off the top of my head. most obviously: 'the view between villages' by noah kahan. i feel like i dont even need to explain this one. its all him. you could look at it from the beginning of poa when he returns to hogwarts, or you could look at it from when he goes back to hogwarts to fight in the final battle to ultimately die. either way, its him.
god okay i know i said i want to avoid ships but i just have to throw this in here. 'in the kitchen' by reneé rapp is so remus after he loses sirius, either to azkaban or the veil. give it a listen and tell me im wrong.
its a bit of a sad one, but 'the next right thing' from frozen 2 is kinda giving me remus vibes. like, especially after the first war, all his friends are dead, or traitors. and now dumblefuck is asking him to come back to hogwarts to teach his dead friends' son? what else was he to do but drag himself out of his misery and put harry first? he didnt have his friends left to fight for anymore, but he could still make a difference for harry.
'memories' by conan gray is also giving remus. i could see it being about sirius maybe coming to him after he escapes azkaban or after the prank, but i actually see it more as his thoughts after dumblefuck visits him to get him to teach at hogwarts. obv not every line of the song, but the main idea of it. "i wish that you would stay in my memories, but you show up today just to ruin things. i wanna put you in the past cause im traumatised, but youre not letting me do that"
that was... a much smaller amount of songs for remus than i thought i had. does anyone have any suggestions?
for peter, i had to do a little more thinking, honestly. 'i almost do' by taylor swift makes me think of him bc like, do you ever think peter considered trying to reach out to remus at all during those 12 years between james' death and sirius' escape from azkaban? i know it probably would not have gone well for him if he had but like... ive thought about it.
similarly, 'miss you' by conan gray. does peter have regrets about what he did? maybe. is he allowed to miss his friends after what he did? maybe. so much of this song does feel like what peter might have been thinking following the betrayal. "is it wrong to now decide i miss you?" yeah, maybe buddy.
but then maybe he wouldnt have, yknow. so my next thought was 'crossing the line' from tangled the series. its so incredibly peter & james coded (with james as rapunzel)
on a more fanon side of things, i think my answer would be 'bruises' by reneé rapp. if we're going with the whole thing where sirius especially, but the other marauders as a whole treat peter as lesser (i dont think thats canon, and honestly im not a huge fan of the hc either, but its still something i now associate w peter) then 'bruises' really captures how he'd feel. "all my friends make sweet fun of me...sure im down to be the joke, metaphorically though you could flip me inside out and it would show black purple and green" its his song if you hc this
finally, i put forward 'run' by taylor swift and ed sheeran. i want to think that, before turning to voldemort, peter tried to convince his loved ones to just escape the war. leave it for someone else to fight and die in. he wanted to survive, and he wanted his friends to survive too, if he could. ultimately, his friends wanted to stay. james and sirius had been wanting to join the order more than anything after they graduated, and remus felt he owed a debt, if nothing else. they werent going to leave or sacrifice their moral compass to save themselves. so peter ran, alone.
im going to leave it here for now, but again please feel free to ask for more characters or any ships!! i have songs for a couple other characters, i think, and a few ships, so ill do my best to answer what i can <33
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