#james bond movies
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mjmikaelson · 9 months ago
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caribbean1989 · 1 year ago
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Ben Wishaw as Q in Skyfall (2012)
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 months ago
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So I Saw This Costume...
Dr. No / Zena Marshall as Miss Taro
I've highlighted the first Bond outfit, the first Bond girl, the first Bond villain, and the first swimsuit in previous posts. Now here's the first Bond femme fatale, the non-first-named Miss Taro. Her most memorable look is this short blue cheongsam-style dress with very pronounced side slits. With it, she carries a soft blue clutch purse made from the same fabric as the dress.
The design of this dress is echoed by Honey's outfit for the finale, which is provided by Dr. No, hinting also at the link between him and Miss Taro.
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fanficwritingcentral · 1 month ago
Duties of a Quartermaster (AO3 link)
Summary: Q, as the Quartermaster of Mi6 should not be handing out gear to his agents so openly, he's pretty much primed for kidnapping if he did, so here's how I'd think it should have gone of Mi6 cared a little bit more.
Notes: Guess who got inspired for James Bond fic again! That's right me ✌️ this came to me as a I saw someone reblog a lil thought I had where Q gives James weapons the same way Agent 13 would in Get Smart and then this came out of it lol, hope you enjoy 😘✌️.
"Where are you, Q?" James said quietly as he rounded a corner in the Underground away from all the people.
"Q," he said again voice a little louder, as he looked around and saw no one, "where are you?" 
"Steady on Bond," said the Quartermaster in his ear (his most favourite thing to hear), "get closer to the wall directly in front of you." Q ordered.
"Alright." James said and carefully walked over, eyes dartting everywhere trying to pick out anything that could let him understand what's going on. 
"Now what?" James asked as he stood right in front of the wall.
"Now, you give me one moment." Q said and his voice sounded double to James, as he could hear him in his ear yet he could also hear a muffled overlay coming from the wall?
"Q, what-" James began before the movement of the tiles on the wall silenced him. Four conjoined tiles moved inwards and within the gap James saw a very familiar head of hair and then glasses once the head looked up. 
James' mind, for the first time in a long while, went blank.
"...Q, why are you in the wall?"
His Quartermaster rolled his lovely eyes, "keep up Bond, you think Mi6 is going to let their Quartermaster continue to service their double-O agents out in the field without any protective measures? Don't be ridiculous."
James blinked at Q, "I see," he replied, "is this something I should expect from now on when you hand over gear?"
"Yes," said Q, and with a little shuffling Q's hand came out of the gap holding a gun that he had to shake a little as it took a second for James to respond to the odd handover, and then also proceeded to hand a cartridge of bullets and a little case filled with ear pieces, "I expect most of those to come back," Q said with a warning tone as he handed over the little case, "those are very expensive to make, as is that gun of yours though Iust saw I have given up on getting you to bring those back." He finished with another eye roll.
James smirked as Q's familer banter took his mind off the strange situation, "if I brought them back Q, then what would you have as an excuse to yell and punish me for?" 
Q's eyes narrowed, "oh I'd find something Bond," he said with a low dangerous voice filled with promise that brought a shiver to his spine. Not that James showed it of course, he was a double-O, he had more self control than that.
James' smirk turned into a sharp grin, "quite right you would, Q. Now, do you have anything else for me?" He asked.
"No," said Q, "that's all, I'll see you at home after mission complete in a few days, yes." There was no need for that to be a question given that James would always come home to his Quartermaster.
"That's right," James agreed anyway, "I'll see you then." And then James watched as Q brought the tiles back up to hide his little gap and with a soft click, it was like nothing had happened to the wall at all. James ran his fingers over the space Q's face just was and felt no difference at all. Huh, will wonders never cease, James thought and walked away, ready to continue his mission.
Just as James rounded the corner he came from, he stopped in his tracks as a thought came to him, "how did you get in there in the first place Q?" He asked with befuddlement and disbelief as it took him this long for the thought to come to him.
A loud snort sounded in his ears, "nation secret Bond," came his lovely Quartermaster's voice, "need to know only." 
"I see," James said as he began to walk again, "nothing I could do to make you tell me?"
"See you in a few days Bond," Q responded flatly and James knew he'd get nothing more.
James grinned at a security camera he saw in the corner and winked, knowing Q would be watching him, "see you then," he affirmed and walked away.
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mirriorball · 5 months ago
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jane seymour, actress & former bond girl ✩
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batmandarkknightuniverse · 4 months ago
Goldfinger(1964 Film)60th Anniversary
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velvet4510 · 2 months ago
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silence-burns · 2 years ago
Midnight Snack
Fandom: James Bond movies
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Q scratched his cheek and paused—he had oil on his fingers. He sighed, but didn't move to wipe it off. He was alone in the lab, like most days, and the chances of anyone dropping by in the middle of the night were slim.
He should’ve gone home hours ago, but the prospect of being faced with familiar dull walls and a silence broken only by the few meows of his cats wasn’t enticing. The downpour of rain and perpetually gray skies had put his cats into an almost hibernating state these past few days. His habit of playing with them before bed was put on hold, but he didn’t blame the cats—he understood, the past few days had been rough on him too.
Although it may have seemed it, Q wasn't a fanatic at his job. He appreciated the stability and various opportunities it provided him with, but he preferred to leave it behind once his shift was over. 
He noticed midnight passing a few minutes ago, the clock one of the few sounds in his lab. He should've gone home, but his mind would be able to wander there, towards things that would only bring more pain. He’d had enough of sleepless nights leaving him more exhausted than when he’d laid down. 
In the lab, he could at least be productive.
Q pulled the mechanism further apart. Being productive was a great thing while working for MI6, as it divided the few outstanding employees from the masses. It should've been a good thing to have those employees rewarded with new opportunities, right? 
Even when it meant taking them away.
Q tossed the screwdriver onto the desk with a clank. His chest hurt again. He couldn't be free from those thoughts even in his own lab.
He leaned over his desk, forehead resting on his crossed arms. The main principles of working at a place like this had always seemed so simple to him. Do your job. Keep your eyes and ears open. Don't get attached to anyone.
He had failed, rather spectacularly, at the last point.
The elevator doors opened with a ding that echoed sharply in the silent lab. Q wiped his face vigorously, trying to wipe away any sign of what had been bothering him. The last thing he needed was questions he didn't want answered.
Q froze when he noticed it was you who entered. His eyes jumped to the bruises and cuts on your face. Only then did he notice a cake in your hands. 
“You look like shit,” you said, nodding to the grayish smudges on his face.
“Have you looked in a mirror recently?” Q raised his eyebrows. “Did you get run over by a truck?”
“A taxi.”
“Should've called an Uber.”
“I'll be smarter next time. Care to join me?”
Q followed you to a cozy corner behind the shelves where the two of you had hidden a few chairs and a set of colorful lights over the last couple of years. Somehow, it turned into storage for all the things you might need while avoiding responsibilities during your breaks. It was better than going back to the more official part of the building.
Q sat down next to you, wondering how many of those trinkets you'd take with you after your promotion.
The cake looked pretty, although a little beaten down. He wondered where you got it in the middle of the night. Last he checked, bakeries in the area closed during the evening.
He took the offered fork. 
"This place is going to feel emptier without you. When are you leaving?"
"Technically my plane is in a few hours, since we've already crossed midnight."
"A shame. Good choice for breakfast, though." Q made a small salute with the fork.
"I'm a genius, I know. Whatever will you do without me?"
"Probably finish my projects faster, since there won't be anyone breaking the test versions."
You gasped dramatically. "How rude, my dearest Quartermaster! I was only making sure they would adapt to field conditions."
“Just like your face did? Those are going to be some magnificent bruises by the time you get to the airport. You will surely make a grand entrance.”
You shrugged, leaning back in your armchair. It creaked loudly, always one wrong move away from completely breaking down, but you got used to it so much it felt like the most comfortable place in the world. For many years it was, after all.
The cake was half gone, but you barely tasted it. Q seemed too engrossed by whatever thoughts made his brows furrow to notice all the crumbles landing on his vest. He made quick progress on the cheap cake, despite it not being up to his usual tastes. It's a strange thing, how much you can learn about a person throughout a few short years, starting with the way they leave for home and ending in their favorite flavors of cake.
“I'm sure they would've been charmed by my endless grace and wit, but they will have to live the rest of their sorry lives without it.” 
It took Q a while before he turned to face you, almost choking on the fork. “Am I missing something?”
You chuckled, stealing the last bite of cake. Somehow, it tasted better than the rest.
"You'd miss me a lot if I took that position, so I've decided to stay. For someone so intelligent, you really are dumb sometimes, my dear Quartermaster."
Q looked at the empty box and at the fork. For the first time in the last few weeks, his head was positively, completely empty. 
"You're such an asshole," finally came out of his mouth.
"I know."
"I hope another taxi uses your face as a parking lot."
"I'm sure you'd make a video out of—"
Q's hand found the side of your face, wrapping gently around your cheek and smearing oil over it. But it was only a fleeting concern, and was soon gone when he pulled you close and firmly put his lips against yours.
Once he pulled back, Q took in your dazed expression with a satisfied smile. “Glad to have you back, agent.”
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drpsps · 4 months ago
Silva being a like a panther who dyed his fur partially gold to disguise himself as a tiger…
Animal-ing characters is my hobby now guys
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jeandejard3n · 11 months ago
007 Back to the Highlands
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citrusbuds · 3 months ago
started watching Skyfall with the promise of a nerdy looking bony man, only to remember how much i enjoy spy movies.
i will now be watching a shit ton of james bond movies.
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archerygun · 1 year ago
James Bond movie concept
James Bond. Unsurprisingly, another one of my hate obsessions. I know an absolutely unreal amount of Bond trivia for someone who hates the films. But I’ve formed a sort of Stockholm Syndrome about them, and part of that revolves around my obsession with how I’d make them good (or just personally appealing to me as a piece of cinema).
So, back in the 60s-maybe 70s if we’re pushing it (because I know Roger Moore is an icon - HE NAMED GEORGE LAZENBY AS A TOP THREE BOND, LOOK, I GIVE HIM MY RESPECT FOR THAT AT LEAST), James Bond is called to tackle another villain who’s built a mysterious machine believed to be a superweapon MI6 isn’t totally sure about yet. A mixture of recon and destruction.
Bond fights the villain, he’s about to win, but Villain (nameless cos I’m lazy) activates the machine. 007 is officially pronounced missing.
Flash forward to the modern day.
A man turns up at MI6 headquarters, demanding to see M. He says he has important information for him, and claims to be ‘007’ - a sign that definitely doesn’t belong to him. They look the man up, probably to send him home, but they can’t find a single thing about him ANYWHERE.
The documents on Bond, and what he was fighting against, have all been super duper sealed, and everyone in his MI6 died and took the knowledge with them. He’s been wiped from history, pretty much. We’re a good nation at hiding things. So while MI6 work to unseal old documents, they reluctantly assign Bond to the mission of taking down Villain, who has also mysteriously reappeared and is being a massive Pain In The Arse.
(The machine in question somehow freezes the two in stasis; the level of threat posed to the world and villain’s motivation? You decide.)
Cue average time-travel comedy beats (mostly contributed by my friend who I bounced this idea off of).
“Wow, Q! You’ve really outdone yourself! What is this astonishing machine!?”
“Bond, this is an iPhone.”
Kill anyone within a mile radius
Speak several languages fluently
Fiddle with specialised equipment
Fly a jetpack
Coffee machine
“You’re telling me you disarmed a nuclear rocket and you need help because you changed your phone’s language to Japanese and can’t change it back.”
Bond still operates on what was considered ‘inconspicuous’ in 1969 and shows up to an undercover op in full florals and flares. “You said it was a party. I’m just trying to blend in!”
M is going to be losing her mind. Q might die of frustration. It would be glorious. Lean into the weird family dynamic MI6 has in older Bond movies. Hell, no romance. Just 2 hours of “What do you mean, ‘CPR’?”
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caribbean1989 · 1 year ago
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Ben Wishaw as Q in Skyfall (2012)
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 months ago
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So I Saw This Costume...
Dr. No / Ursula Andress as Honey Rider and Sean Connery as James Bond and Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder
I've started a project of watching the Bond films from the beginning (though I may bail when I get to Daniel Craig, we'll see). Bond and Honey are provided with these Asian-inspired clothes when they are "guests" of Dr. No.
It's an interesting choice to not put Honey in an evening dress, but perhaps they felt that territory had already been covered in the movie with Sylvia. Also more practical for the amount of running around Honey later does. Her sleeveless top is decorated with flowers and fastens up the front with frogging. The matching pants are close-fitting, more like leggings, although they have a slight pleat in front.
There's a good writeup of Bond's rough silk jacket, beige slacks, and espadrilles here. I think Sean Connery looks great in this jacket, which strikes a nice balance between formal and casual. I always wince at how thoroughly it gets destroyed during his escape from Dr. No's base.
More costumes from Dr. No:
Bond's shawl collar tuxedo
Sylvia's red off-the-shoulder evening dress
Honey's white swimsuit
Dr. No's "villain suit"
Miss Taro's blue dress
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justpendule · 2 years ago
I did not expect Moriarty the Patriot to have so many James Bond references, but I'm absolutely delighted by it.
For instance, in the fifth chapter, when William talks with Blitz Enders, he explains that his brother is working for a company called Universal Trade, even though we know that Albert is now the head of a newly-formed hidden government agency called the MI6.
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Well, it turns out that, in the James Bond movies, the agent's Secret Intelligence Service known as MI6 is concealed to the public eye and disguised as a company called "Universal Exports".
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I don't think it can count as just a nod to James Bond at this point, but it's so funny to notice the little details!!!
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