#james and regulus not my glasses
tiredofthehumanlife · 12 days
regulus actually has to wear glasses but hes really insecure about the way they look on him first of all bc Blacks are susposed to be perfect (does not have anything near 20/20 vision) secoundly it was such bad eyesight none of the potions would work and thirdly because he swears on his brother’s life they make him ugly so he exclusivily wears contacts but then he spends the night at the Potter’s one night totally blanks on bringing his contact fluid or anything so he has to wear his glasses
James pretends to faint and Regulus thinks he's making fun of him, ripping them off and hiding them. Then he realizes James just thinks he's hot bc James starts crawling across the floor on all fours begging him to put the back on. And squeals when Reggie does
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waxingrunes · 6 months
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Regulus: What.
James: What?
Regulus: You’re doing it again.
James: What’s that?
Regulus: Staring.
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likeprongstostars · 7 months
i finally colored it
the urge to put a blunt object in james hands and let him bash zombies heads with it won
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otrtbs · 8 months
james potter often falls asleep with his glasses on (bc he just passes out when he physically can’t stay awake any longer) and he’s a heavy sleeper so he doesn’t even wake up when they start digging into his face so regulus makes it his job to take james’ glasses off and place them on the bedside table before he breaks the frames in his sleep (as he’s done several times before). send tweet.
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betweendyingstars · 1 year
James and Regulus as an interpretation of Orpheus and Eurydice by Catharine Adelaide Sparkes
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after seeing the beautiful interpretation of Narcissus as Regulus by @/asbee_.art on instagram, I wanted to try my hand at a classical mythology paraphrase as well, and James just feels very Orpheus to me, som here we are
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 9 - Captivate
@jegulus-microfic May 9, Word count 472
Previous part First part
He was such an idiot. What had he been thinking? He only just remembered to dismount his broom before entering the castle. He hurried back up towards Gryffindor Tower, but just as he was passing the seventh floor he veered off and headed towards the come and go room. He needed space to calm down. If Sirius saw him now he'd know something was wrong.
When he got to the blank space of wall opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and his tutu-wearing trolls, he paced back and forth thinking only of needing somewhere he could shower and clear his head. A simple wooden door materialised on the previously empty stretch of stone wall. He reached out and entered the room. 
There was a shower cubicle, a bath and a bench with a neatly folded pile of his own clothes. He sighed as he shut the door. He liked this room.
He stepped into the shower after stripping off his quidditch gear. The water was perfect, and the pressure was something else. There was a selection of shampoos, conditioners and body washes. He selected a few he liked the smell of and started washing his hair and body.
He was just about finished when the door opened. He froze, the only sound was the water from the shower still cascading down the drain. He turned it off and stuck a hand out of the shower to grab the towel he’d hung next to it. He didn’t have his wand at hand, he just hoped that whoever had come in wasn’t about to hex him when he was only in a towel. He also didn’t have his glasses, so he wouldn’t be able to see who was there anyway. 
He wrapped the towel firmly around his waist and stepped out of the shower. A figure stood before him. It seemed familiar. He’d thought for a second it was Sirius, but the posture was off. He snatched up his glasses from the bench and shoved them onto his face. They instantly misted up, so he was even more blind than he had been before. 
He pulled them off again and tried to clean them with his towel. Finally, they were clear enough for him to see through. Regulus stood before him, staring. James looked down, something about his chest seemed to captivate Regulus, but he couldn’t figure out what. 
“What, did I miss something?” He looked down at his chest again, swiping his hands across the water droplets that clung there. But he couldn’t find anything amiss. Regulus let out a low moan. 
“What?” James said again. Regulus strode forward and pressed his hands against James’s bare chest. 
“Fuck sake,” Regulus's voice was thin. James stared at him confused. And then those molten silver eyes looked up at him and James stopped breathing. 
Next part
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vlouette · 2 months
okay I barely do stuff like this but I have a lot to say about this chapter. I'm just gonna talk about one scene tho.
THE GLASSES SCENE REFERENCE FROM MY GIRL??? I'm sobbing so much oh my god WHAT I did not expect that to hurt as much as it did.
A few minutes ago I was just on tiktok and the glasses scene from my girl showed up on my fyp AND THEN I went to AO3 to continue the fic. Guess what, THERE WAS THE GLASSES SCENE REFERENCE IN CR. Lord I cried watching the glasses scene on tiktok, and I cried even more reading the glasses scene on AO3.
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venus-sqturn · 11 months
regulus would clean james glasses off for him and then scold him about it, like this, “why can you never wipe off your glasses?! its a surprise you can even see with them on.” and james would just smile like the dumbass he is ❤️
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aster1sque · 1 year
@jegulus-microfic September 16th- vision, 433 words
James has needed glasses ever since he could remember. His parents have a box hidden somewhere, filled with his pairs that grew in size as he did, losing that elastic band that held them around his head as a babe. His mother hadn’t liked the idea of magic, restricting her child in any capacity, even if it meant constant wrestling with a two year old who kept pulling them off, laughing each time Fleamont had to chase after them.
At that point, his eyesight had been a minor problem. Now, in his 20s, james relies on them like a limb. Blind as a bat, Remus would say, each time james mistook one item for another or bumped into furniture. He can still feel the bruises.
He gets frustrated with it sometimes. When they steam up when he has a hot drink or cooking, fall down the bridge if his nose constantly, get smudges or raindrops and need constant cleaning. Worst of all, they uncomfortably dig into his face every time he’s nuzzling into his boyfriends curls or when their kisses get heated.
It’s why mornings are his favourite.
When he can lie there, Regulus close enough that his vision is practically repaired. It wouldn’t matter how much he sees, anyhow, he’s the most beautiful person James knows.
Even so, getting to trace his finger down Regulus nose, see those spattering of freckles up close. Tracing his eyes across his face, before giving into the urge to nuzzle into his cheek. Some mornings, Regulus would open his arms and pull him in, cheek to cheek until sleep overtook them once more. Other times, James pulls away and continues to stare.
“You’re a creep, Potter” Regulus, eyes still closed, grumbles with a croaky morning voice “Watching me sleep isn’t romantic”
“Maybe this will suffice?” James whispers, reaching his arms out to start pulling Regulus in “i just want to see you”
“Then get your glasses”
James rolls his eyes, huffing quietly in laughter “But they’re annoying and too far away. So come here, please?” With no answer, James continues to pull Regulus in slowly until they’re close enough that their noses touch “There. now I can map out every detail of you and burn it to my memory. So no matter if my vision fails me, i’ll always have you in my mind”
It takes just a twitch for Regulus to murmur something that sounded like “cheesy” and close the distance between their lips, locking into place like they’re never meant to part.
And there’s not a single discomfort of glasses anywhere to be found.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
anyone else ever see jily fanart where james is white and you think it's regulily at first???
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
Sirius: funny story...I may or may have lost James' glasses earlier today. And my brother's friends were at home so it was a little difficult BUT I eventually found some glasses that looked like his but I couldn't tell if it was his cause it could be my brother's friend's glasses so I gave it a sniff and knew it was his-
Sirius: I mean it was the only way to see if-
Remus: As if your animagus being a dog wasn't enough, you act like a dog in human form too. *Shakes head*
Sirius: So what!?? James has this smell, like his usual cologne with a mix of wet gras-
Remus: okay that's enough, I don't wanna hear it.
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Watercolour Jeggy sleeping
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summer-chi1d · 8 months
Regulus: why is there a napkin on the door?
Remus: James kept walking into the glass door so I thought this would help
James: OH LOOK A FLOATING NAP- *walks into the door*
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scorpsblack · 2 years
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Jegulus is very much not the main couple in my fic but they are still lovely and I adore them❤️❤️ also I might be writing them their own little book on the side I can’t help it the story I wrote for them is just so sweet😭😭
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probs-reading · 3 months
James once lost his glasses and when he went to kiss his beautiful boyfriend he ended up kissing said boyfriend's brother. Remus was extremely nonchalant, Sirius was freaking out ("Moony I promise it meant NOTHING" "Pads I fucking know") and Regulus almost murdered both James and his brother. He also refused to kiss James until he brushed his teeth for 5 minutes straight while he was staring daggers at him, because "I'm not kissing lips that have previously KISSED MY BROTHER that's basically an indirect kiss and this family isnt about the incest anymore". James almost cried
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