#two reguluses
waxingrunes · 6 months
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Regulus: What.
James: What?
Regulus: You’re doing it again.
James: What’s that?
Regulus: Staring.
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rizzulusarcturizz · 9 months
Morgan light of my day, warmth of my life, pulse to my heartbeat, i have a sirius question.
If regulus was a changeling, and sirius found out, what would sirius do?
Look for his missing brother? Keep the one he raised? Kill the fae child that took his brother?
What happens when baby regulus, who was raised by the fae, finds his way back home?
WHO gets to keep the name regulus?
So I’m think Sirius’ immediate reaction is going to be he needs to find HIS brother and pushing away poor fae Reggie. He’s not going to kill him because the kid didn’t even know he was fae but he’s getting his brother back dammit!!! That being said I’m thinking when he finally meets human Reggie who has been raised among the fae he’s going to realize that fae Reggie was his brother all along. Fae Reggie is DEF keeping the name Regulus even if he learns his fae name and I’m sure human Reggie has a different name he answers to at this point.
There’s a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to how the fae treat human children they abduct but I’m going to minimize the angst (for once) and say human Reggie was treated well. Sirius came on this whole journey that broke fae Reggie’s head but human Reg doesn’t know Sirius and has no intention of leaving the community that raised him. To human Regulus this dude is a stranger showing up to abduct him from his home, not a hero here to rescue him. Suddenly Sirius realizes he’s doing exactly what was done to the infants all those years ago, but it’s worse because the Reguluses have people and connections and community in the home they were raised in.
Then Sirius has to convince fae Regulus, the brother he raised and loves, that he was stupid and hotheaded and that blood was never what made them brothers. Then fae Reggie has to decide if he goes home with the man who stopped calling him family or stay with a community ready to welcome him (two for one Reggie’s is literally the dream). Obviously he ends up forgiving Sirius and going home with him but not before meeting human Regulus and getting to learn about the life he might have had.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
Hii! In honor of half the fandom hc that today is regulus’ birthday, how would each of your reguluses celebrate their birthdays? (I just know oby reg would be having some of the best sex of his life because oby James would make that his #1 priority) ps I love all of your fics!!!
hi nonnie!!
omg u guys know i loveeee these questions, so even if i really don't support the reg is a cancer agenda, i'm more than happy to indulge u <3
i feel like i've spoken about this to mil before, but i think it was regarding how oby jegulus would celebrate james' bday. but when it comes to reg's day, i feel like . they spend a very quiet and domestic day together . regulus doesn't like big crowds and he isn't fond of parties, and james is aware of that, so he'd make sure that reg is the most comfortable during his day. they'd have a lot of amazing sex, ur right about that, james is definitely waking him up by eating him out but !!! then reg is also probably having lunch with sirius, just the two of them, and once he gets home james is definitely cooking for him and letting him choose what he wants to watch that night and drowning him in gifts bc if there's something oby james likes is spoiling reg. and then they're absolutely fucking again.
in making ghosts, before james came into the pic and reg and sirius reunited, reg never made a big deal out of his bday. his parents did give him gifts and all that, but they never treated it like it was an important day, and considering how many of those he spent on his own or just like . only around his parents . he's not super fond of the concept. obviously evan and barty still organise this lil party for him, with just the 3 of them, and even tho reg complains every year and tells them to stop, he appreciates it quite a lot and is very thankful for the fact that . they go out of his way to celebrate him and make him feel loved. so it's not really this big thing (im pretty sure u get a peek of what they usually do on reg's bdays in that one scene where james is reviewing the footage, with reg blowing the candles of the cake barty and evan got him) but they do something special every year
once james is there, he would go all out and he'd take reg to this day-long date, and would probably make a lil game out of it, try to surpass himself every year and come up with fun stuff he thinks regulus would enjoy but has never tried. since regulus stayed with his parents until they died and has always lived at grimmauld, there are a lot of things he's never experienced??? especially in a romantic context??? so james would make sure he gets the full experience, always wants him to feel loved and appreciated. i also feel like they're the ones that give each other the most sentimental most personal gifts. and the day would end with them meeting all their friends for a lil dinner bc if barty and evan don't get to celebrate with regulus during his bday bc of stupid james they'll end up committing a crime
in nothing happens james is super annoying and obnoxious about it. he's organising a party for reg months in advance. he's reminding everyone that reg's bday is coming up, making sure absolutely no one forgets. he has a list of things reg wants and sends it to all of his friends, especially the ones who are struggling with what to get him, just so he's certain that reg will love every single present he gets. it's an odd mix of him being a bit . obssessive and controlling bc he needs everything to be perfect for regulus while also . letting reg choose what they do and how they celebrate (apart from the party) bc it's his day and it's supposed to be all about regulus. but again, this is mostly before they actually get together. when they're official james is more chill about the whole thing even tho he still smothers reg in affection and is very dedicated to giving him the best day he can. he also tends to hog reg quite a lot on his bday, more than usual i mean, which doesn't always go over well with other ppl (sirius mostly)
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and for the fun of it: two reguluses
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okregulus · 6 years
have you been re-introduced to regulus black? last we heard, the pureblood was most familiar with timeline two. I don’t recall if they were always a slytherin, but I’ve heard the sixth is still empathetic, incisive, trustworthy and callous, temperamental, vindictive, so that’s familiar. at least he remembers their way around the castle.
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about / pinterest
timeline one:
regulus arcturus black is born the younger son of walburga and orion black, little brother of sirius 
he’s raised to believe that purebloods are superior and, while he never takes it to such extremes as his parents, he’s never given adequate reason to doubt his beliefs 
he splits his time between his studies and quidditch and excels at both 
with no war to create tensions or cause a distraction, regulus falls in line and fulfills his duties as the prodigal son 
he’s quiet and thoughtful, focused and loyal — the ideal pureblood boy
timeline two (his timeline)
regulus learns to resent his parents much more quickly here, but seeing sirius leave quickly diminished any hopes he had of forging his own path
once again puts all his energy into schoolwork and quidditch
however, the war creates an opportunity for his parents to raise their status even further — get in good with the dark lord
orion promised regulus’s loyalty to voldemort, and before he knew it, reg found himself with a dark mark on his arm fighting for something he barely believed in himself 
here regulus is stuck between having grown up too soon and feeling in over his head 
timeline three
very similar to timeline three tbh
his parents haven’t passed him along to voldemort — yet — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a possibility
this regulus is the one most likely to break away; the war’s crept along a little more slowly, and provided him a chance to really evaluate all sides and realize that his parents might not be in the right here
still terrified to do his own thing, given the sirius of it all, but there’s at least a small chance here
overall the most well-adjusted regulus, not striving-for-perfection but also not a baby soldier. this one’s just kinda doing his best all things considered
general stuff:
regulus is also gay but are we surprised
given the fact that his parents are his parents, he has....... very little understanding of anything muggle
rn as things stand, regulus is just............ really fucking happy that he’s in a timeline where there isn’t a dark mark on his arm. that’s it. that’s how low the bar is.
cares about playing quidditch more than he cares about 98% of the wizarding population
honestly is probably prefect in all timelines and all future reguluses (reguli?) will be highly pissed if he doesn’t make head boy bc he’s That Bitch™
has a lot of feelings but is bad at expressing them and even worse at talking about them
and yeah like i said before i’m really bad at plotting and connections but !!! i’m down for brainstorming!!!
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❝ You are good. You were always there for me and father. And we are happy! I was happy when I found you. I was happy when we became friends and when you decided to follow us. That is why…that is why we will make sure you won’t become bad. You are not capable of being bad because we are here with you.  ❞
Next up on the birthday present train! A sorely needed piece of fanart for our Flying Strong verse with Regulus and Violate!
Man, this line you wrote really exemplifies everything I adore about this verse that you came up with. It exemplifies all the reasons it’s so much fun writing and planning in it. It shows what a ray of sunshine Regulus tries to be for his best friend who’s still very apprehensive of being with him because it feels outright wrong.
The best thing about your writing is your dialogue. As younger Regulus, as older Regulus, all your Reguluses sound really distinct and full of personality, and you pick your words really well, I can practically hear him saying them. This stands out the most in our threads like these, because you are so great at writing kids, I really enjoy reading all your responses and it makes me so happy when I see you answered one of our many, many threads. Let’s continue to have many, many more, because exploring the interactions between these two is so much more fun that I ever thought it would be when I first started out as Violate, and I want to see how much their relationship grows and develops throughout all our verses!
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