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thylacines-toybox · 6 months ago
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Vanilla (they/them)
A large thylacine by Jakas Toys. Very soft and cuddly, and has become a new fave for sleeping with!
Vanilla had to be unstuffed for posting to me, and also needed a new nose.
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The flat creature upon arrival... Since they are a fairly simple styled plushie, they were a better candidate for unstuffing than the other large thylacine they shared a box with.
They also came wearing a simple brown ribbon, which I did think was really cute, but in the end I accessorised them a bit more colourfully!
First I dug around in there to remove their old broken nose! At one point they had one of those typical plastic dog noses. I wonder how it snapped off like that?
I didn't have any appropriate replacement plastic noses, so I made a fabric one later.
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Just wanted to take a moment to appreciate their fur! Vanilla is a little vintage (1999 or so, I think) and their fur has faded over time. Deeper down it's a more golden yellowy colour, but in places they're almost peachy. I think it looks pretty! Also softer than I expected.
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Anyway, time to get stuffed with fluff and sewn closed. It was nice of my pal to unstuff from the tummy rather than the back seam, so I didn't have to try to line the painted stripes back up.
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Wow, but that's a wide stance you have there! I added a little row of ladder stitching between each foreleg and the tummy, bringing them in a bit to help them stand a little straighter.
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Time for the nose! I thought they'd suit a round fabric nose, and picked a dark brown fleece rather than black for a softer look.
The nose is just a round piece of fabric, stitched round its edge, then drawn tightly closed around a ball of stuffing like a little bag.
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Then the nose is ladder stitched to the face.
Freshly benosed and ready to sniff!
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mfckolekcjoner · 4 years ago
Jack Frost - Twisted Xmass
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Jack Frost - wielki lodowy tytan zwiastujący srogą zimę, taki nasz swojski Dziad Mróz. Podobnie jak wcześniej omawiany Mr Snowman pochodzi z serii Twisted X mass od McFarlane Toys z roku 2007. Długo polowałem na ten okaz - kilka lat - ponieważ do tanich on nie należał i trudno było go znaleźć o dziwo używkę, wszędzie tylko new in box, a figurka prezentuje się nad wymiar okazale. Po bałwanku z morderczymi zapędami jest to druga i zarazem ostatnia figurka z tejże serii jaka mnie interesowała i miałem w planie nabyć - pozostałe owszem były fajne, ale w sumie dla mnie zbyteczne. Jak widać na załączonej fotografii Jack Frost to potężny - zwróćcie uwagę na miasteczko na podstawce - lodowy demon/tytan o przepastnej paszczy usianej lodowymi kłami, z grzbietu którego wyrastają krzaczaste gałęzie drzew. W jego przypadku kolorystyka jest jak najbardziej na plus - nie to co w przypadku Mr Snowmana. Cała figurka wykonana jest z lekko przezroczystej niebieskawej żywicy sugerującej lód przyprószony śniegiem. Wszędzie z ciała zwisają gumowane sople, a całość świetnie komponuje się z ciemnymi kształtami drzew wystających z tej lodowatej kopuły.
Cena na ebay - I tu ciekawostka ! Figurka na dzień dzisiejszy stoi na ebay w cenie ok. 80$ nówka w pudle (nadal podobnie jak te lata temu kiedy sam go szukałem, trudno dostać go używanego w jakiejś niższej cenie). Jednakże aktualna dzisiejsza cena 80$ pomimo iż spora jest moim zdaniem jak najbardziej okazjonalna, ponieważ lata temu kiedy sam go szukałem jego standardową ceną za nówkę był przedział 120-150$. Samemu udało mi się wylicytować go jakieś 3 lata temu za 100$ i to uważałem za sukces.
Dlatego reasumując cenę wtenczas a dziś, cena jest jak najbardziej okazjonalna moim skromnym zdaniem. Dziwi mnie tylko fakt dlaczego tak spadła. Wkońcu nie było reedycji owej serii.
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Stuff jaki dostajemy do figurki to: * Podstawka imitująca małe górskie miasteczko skute śniegiem i lodem * wielki konar, który wkłada się figurce w mroźne dłonie * pakiet demontowanych gałęzi z pleców Jack’a
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W tym miejscu przeważnie wymieniam wtopy figurki, jednakże w przypadku Jack’a Frosta nie zauważyłem żadnych wtop i problemów. Figurka jest dosyć prosta z kilkoma pkt artykulacji z którymi za wiele nie powojujemy. Ot artykulacja rąk tylko po to by upozować go z tym drewnem, oraz zbyteczna artykulacja w udach - nie wiadomo po co, skoro w innym ustawieniu nóg figurka po prostu nie będzie stać, ale trudno jest to zaliczyć do swoistego błędu. Szczerze polecam. Tym bardziej, że aktualnie ustabilizował się na ebay w dosyć okazjonalnej cenie, nadal sporej ale tak  jak czytaliście powyżej.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years ago
Cerebus #7 (1978)
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Elrod's boots have toes.
This cover proves that with Issue #7, Cerebus had outgrown its "sword & sorcery parody" roots. I would now define it as "madcap sword & sorcery parody." Elrod deciding he needed a little guy in a bunny outfit after hanging out with Cerebus for a short afternoon only makes me love Elrod even more. This issue is also proof that Dave Sim didn't earn his "first man to write and draw 300 issues of a monthly comic book all by himself" award because he didn't do this cover; Frank Thorne did. I don't mind that Gerhard did all the backgrounds for most of the series because without Gerhard, the comic could have been the same just with crappy backgrounds. But Dave Sim not doing the cover art for an issue?! That seems, well, actually, it seems on par with Gerhard doing all the backgrounds. Never mind. Elrod was last seen in Cerebus #4 which might make this the fastest return of any guest character in any comic book ever. I'm not a comic book historian but I'd stake my mother's life on that previous assumption. Hopefully the previous sentence will not start a rumor that my mother is a vampire which I don't think she actually is. I'm not a vampire historian so I wouldn't stake my mother's life on my mother being a vampire. That's a clever line, isn't it? This month's "Note from the Publisher" (which I guess I've incorrectly been calling "A Note from the Publisher") has been renamed "A Brief Note." Unless this "Note from the Publisher" is named "A Brief Note." And it's always possible that it's just called "Brief Note" since I've made that error with the article previously. Getting to the bottom of what this column is called is more interesting than the content of the note which is why I'm done writing about it this month. Dave Sim explains how this issue was the issue that freed him from writing a Barry Smith barbarian parody comic book as he began to take chances with the art and develop more of his own unique style. See? Just like I said about the madcap sword & sorcery designation earlier! He also points out that this is the second issue in seven issues that hints at aardvarks being important and Cerebus being some sort of Messianic figure. He wouldn't revisit that for some time because it wasn't important yet and also he probably didn't really know what to do with it. But it was a good idea because how can you not get a ton of great stories out of a character who is some kind of paradigm changing religious MacGuffin! Plus Elrod! Elrod was sure to make the readers laugh uproariously so that their parents would look over annoyed and ask, "What's so funny?" To which the comic book reader could respond, "Sheesh! Mind your own business! You wouldn't get it anyway!"
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Is it more or less manly to admit that I would fuck Cerebus' horse?
Last issue, we learned that Cerebus gets super horny when he's had apricot brandy mixed with Rohypnol. We also learned that once he has sobered up, he forgets about the woman he thinks he loves but really only sort of likes the idea of her loving him. But he doesn't forget about the location of the treasure he learned about! You might be thinking, "That's because he learned about the treasure before E'lass slipped him the date rape drugs." But then I'd say haughtily and super condescendingly, "Yes, but he also learned more information from Jaka while totally stoned out of his mind which was essential to realizing just where the treasure was!" Then you'd secretly begin to hate me and start ignoring my texts and start the slow and silent process of breaking up with a friend. What I was trying to express was that Cerebus is hunting for the Black Sun Temple's treasure! By the end of this issue, he maybe he'll be super rich but still totally alone. I can't stop thinking about that horse. I just remembered, upon the appearance of Elrod at the beginning of this comic book, that the guy in the bunny suit isn't with Elrod. At least, not at first. He's just some flim-flam man trying to become the next aardvark Messiah, I think. But that's okay because I'd use anything as an excuse to say that I love Elrod even more. I'm guessing a lot of Cerebus readers told Dave the same thing which is why Elrod is back so soon.
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How have I been a fan of Cerebus for thirty years and never made a Black Sun cocktail?
Elrod has come to the Temple of the Black Dog's Hole Sun for all of the wrong reasons unless getting shitfaced is a right reason and then I stand corrected. I'm pretty sure I'm standing corrected right now. Cerebus doesn't really want him tagging along but he also doesn't want Elrod wandering around to be discovered by the priests which might put their security on high alert. So he drags Elrod into the temple with him to find the treasure. Once inside, Elrod eventually wanders off to find some treasure of his own after Cerebus points out that a quiet living albino and a quiet dead albino are practically the same thing.
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I'm sure all the riches are consolidated in the head priest's chambers for safe keeping.
Meanwhile some short priest named Mit is busy sewing a bunny suit. It looks just like Cerebus but is meant to represent one of the Black Sun's oldest and most revered nameless gods! Mit had studied all of the past prophecy and scripture of the Black Sun's theology so that he could represent himself as the coming Messiah and be worshiped as a god. So basically he's doing what Jesus did. Or Ardra! That's a Star Trek: The Next Generation reference which is better than making a reference to the comic book I wrote and drew in my late teens called Arrogance because nobody would get that reference. But, like Ardra and Jesus and Mit, I had a character who represented himself as the prophesied Messiah. Seriously though, who can trust a Messiah that was spoken about in prophecy?! Prophecy isn't a predictor of future events; it's a blueprint for some con man to come through town pretending to be a God and/or selling pool tables. I should scan in my comic books some time! I think it went five issues (at, like, five pages per issue!) and the later issues are really inspired by Jaka's Story: lots of text next to one or two large static images per page.
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Ha ha! He's an ablino so he's easily mistaken for a statue!
Realizing the guards are onto them, Elrod rushes off to find Cerebus and drag him away. But instead he finds Mit in his costume and hauls him off. Cerebus finds his treasure and realizes Elrod has wandered off which can only mean that everything is going to become chaos at any second. Cerebus, Elrod, and Mit engage in a slapstick pursuit reminiscent of any old television program that would make you think of a slapstick pursuit. Maybe Scooby Doo or one of the Abbott and Costello movies. It eventually ends with everybody running for their lives and Cerebus discovering the pit of the Black Sun Temple's god. Spoiler: the god is a giant spider. That wasn't really a spoiler because this issue begins with this image:
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The old comic standby of starting the story in the middle for one page and then preceding immediately to the beginning and telling the story linearly. I don't think Dave ever did this again because remember how this issue freed him from copying styles and tropes?!
Hey, remember that horse? Let's look at it some more. Oh yeah. Hey girl. I've got a carrot for you. Cerebus is finally defeated by a combatant this issue. Sure, it's a giant spider whose web Cerebus fell into while also losing his sword. As a reader, I'll allow Cerebus to lose a fight when the conditions are stacked so high against him. The only reason Cerebus survives is because Cerebus has no soul which causes the sacrificial Black Sun ceremony to disintegrate into chaos. The spider, finding no nourishment in the sacrifice, falls deeper into the pit as the temple crumbles and explodes around Cerebus. He's flung far out into the desert, mostly unharmed from the violence. But his treasure and his sword are lost. I hope that sword wasn't important to his becoming the Messiah! I suppose it's okay because he still has his three medallion necklace! With Mit's people and religion destroyed, he decides to become Elrod's sidekick for awhile. I don't remember if he ever turns up again; I'm guessing this was his only appearance. In this month's Aardvark Comment, a writer grades the art of Cerebus as an "A" and the writing as an "A+" so I'm just using that as my rating. Why should I waste my time doing redundant work?! At the end of the original issue, there was an ad for a hand-sewn Cerebus plush toy. That means that a non-zero number of Cerebus plush toys have been fucked in this reality. Eddie Campbell wrote a one page comic for this issue called "Great Wasters from History Not Counting Dave Sim." This was about a guy named Jack Mytton who lived from 1796 to 1834. I could look up who he was but that would defeat the purpose of Eddie Campbell telling me who he was in Eddie's comic! If you're interested in learning about Mr. Mytton yourself, I highly recommend researching him. He was a rich drunkard who did a bunch of crazy shit and then eventually died in pauper's prison. He sounded like a fun guy to be the friend of a friend of! Cerebus #7 Rating: A and A+, remember?!
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mindstreason · 5 years ago
The surgery was without complications, and Jaka was sent home exactly on schedule. Verdigris’s warm regard was in his head as soon as he had enough bandwidth to process it, and that made it almost nice to lie in bed, not even thinking about the pain. The hospital sent nurses to check on his healing, and Verdigris sent him visitors with groceries, takeout, and simply for entertainment.
He got to see Zin, her hair now a bright yellow. They ate and chatted about her restaurant, and when he tired she left. The next day he got a gift of a mall potted palm from another of Verdigris’s chosen. The day after fresh fish from the farms brought by a handsome person whose gender he was never sure of. It was too late to ask, when they had fucked so many times already, right?
Chau was a visitor when Jaka was better, bringing home-cooking. Jaka admired it all: vegetables cooked in a dark sauce with spices accompanied by a light brown grain steamed until soft, tiny fish covered in crumbs and fried, crispy slices of a tuber, slices of something green and sweet for dessert. He did not, somehow, expect a machinist to know how to cook.
“We do eat, you know,” Chau said, with an eyeroll, when Jaka voiced this thought.
“I just can’t imagine…”
Chau could not suppress another eyeroll. “We’re not drones eating fungal paste. There were kitchens, and everyone had to take shifts there sometimes. I enjoyed it.”
“I never really cooked,” Jaka said.
“I can tell,” Chau said, looking pointedly at the kitchen units. They were far too clean to be used for anything more than reheating food.
They ate in companiable silence for a while, the sense of Verdigris’s approval in both their minds. It was very clear that Verdigris was enjoying setting them up. Jaka didn’t really mind.
“So how’d you settle here?” Jaka asked, curious. Verdigris wanted them to get to know each other, so it was easy to go along with it.
“I came twenty-seven months ago on contract. Weather systems engineer,” Chau stated. “There was a thing about how people wanted to have better weather and less rain?”
“Er, yeah, I remember,” Jaka said.
“So, I came as a consultant. I analysed every system available and came to the conclusion that there really was no need for so much rain. Cloud, yes. But the humidity levels were unnecessarily high.”
“Uh,” Jaka said. “Okay.”
“So I tried changing the settings,” Chau said. “And I realised that the system AI was programmed to think drizzle was optimal weather. Whatever I did, the settings were changed back. Then I tried reprogramming the AI. It really wasn’t pleased with me, but… Then something reset my changed. And then I realised Verdigris existed. It said hello, and to stop fucking with its toys. I started communing with it a few months later. I’m still pretending to be trying to fix the weather. They might fire me soon, though. This is a long time to fail at something.”
Jaka snorted. “So Verdigris likes rain?”
“Yep,” Chau said. “I think it likes to grow things.”
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Devenir créatif n'est pas facile. C'est un énorme travail de développement personnel. Réveiller une part sensible en nous n'est pas facile à assumer. La créativité et l'art souvent liés ne sont pas vus la comme des domaines qui font gagner la vie d'un point de vue matériel. Et pourtant, il contribue fortement à une sereine psychologie pour de meilleurs conditions de vie spirituelle qui émanent sur tous les domaines de la vie. La créativité est important. Si nous ne voulons pas encore l'adopter dans notre vie, prenons toutefois conscience de son action fructifiante quand c'est elle qui décide d'agir indépendamment de nous. C'est pour cela que je suis ici avec vous. Moi-même j'ai décidé un jour que je réveillerai l'artiste qui est en moi. C'était il y a 5 ans. Aujourd'hui quand je regarde en arrière, d'avoir arrêté de chercher ce qui ne me convenait pas est le meilleur choix dans mon parcours professionnel que j'ai faite. Maintenant, il reste encore du boulot. Je ne suis pas seule. vous êtes là. Et qui sait ce que ma créativité me réserve dans les 5 prochaines années ? Je n'ai pas hâte de le savoir, je veux savourer ce qui est à moi maintenant. Déploies tes ailes et envole-toi, Papillon 🦋🌷 Abonne-toi ! ♥️ Pour me lire, me soutenir, et participer à des questions-jeux créatifs. 😘 A très vite. ✓Blogosphère : •christinajakaartetvie.wordpress.com ✓Instagram : Christina Jaka Art et Vie @ryanartseven (les dessins et écrits de mon fils) ✓Tumblr : Christina Jaka Art et Vie ✓YouTube en famille : Christina Jaka Art et Vie ✓Pinterest : Christina Jaka Art et Vie #developpementpersonnel #blog #blogosphere #franceblogger #instablog #instagramerfrance #wordpressblogger #artistontumblr #instaartiste #illustration #dess #artwork #mywords #writergram #arttherapie #psychologiepositive #creativeeducation #animationcreative #creativite (à Rouen, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRUrigl9ae/?igshid=x30icy4zyh97
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mywebsoftgo · 2 years ago
Game fap ninja apk
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You can also learn more about Fap Ninja at. We appreciate your support and feedback! If you want to see more adult games from us or have suggestions, reach out at. Includes * 25+ Mini-Game Levels * Original, exclusive hentai artwork * Authentic Japanese voice acting Help Fap Ninja achieve the ultimate orgasms through 25+ levels of hilarious sextastic mini-games. Tenta aka Tiny Erotic Ninja Tentacle Assistant is Fap Ninja’s happy-go-lucky octo pet monster. Call of Duty Warzone for Mobile Android Apk. is one of the most iconic and easily recognized video games of all time.
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This is a porn parody based on the online game in the genre MOBA League of Legends, or rather on her character Sona (Maven of the Strings). After a while, Dais.ġ8+ | Adventure | Voice | Music | Censored | 2010 There was a lot of interesting things on the net, for example, his attention was attracted to a sweet shop, in which he often went at the resort. Coming back home from the resort by train with two friends Nao and Mitsugu, Daisuke used the Internet to kill time.
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the31styear · 3 years ago
Kiedy zglosic sie do ortodonty?
Mnóstwo osób zastanawia się kiedy jest odpowiedni czas na toi by się zgłosić do tego profesjonalisty, oczywiście każdy czas jest właściwy.
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W głównej mierze rodziców muszą zmartwić asymetryczne rysy twarzy, jak i też oddychanie ustami. Kolejnym powodem do wizyty ma prawo być bez ustanku otwarta buzia, jaka może świadczyć o przeszkodach z oddychaniem, jak oraz również o jakichś zmianach w wyglądzie wewnętrznym jamy ustnej. Ortodonta zajmuje się pacjentami, jacy mają szpary pomiędzy zębami, i krzywy zgryz, potrzebuje to leczenia przez założenie aparatu korekcyjnego. Gabinet jest położeniem w którym przyjmuje niezwykle wielu profesjonalistów z tej dziedziny, właśnie dlatego również należałoby zacząć poszukiwania stosownego dla nas oczywiście od tego miasta - znacznie więcej na ortodonta Katowice.
Niezmiernie wielu ludzi nie zwraca uwagi na problemy w początkowych stadiach, a dostrzega je dopiero w momencie kiedy potrzebne jest wykorzystanie rygorystycznych środków leczenia. Wskutek tego wypada wpajać dziecku dbałość o zęby, żeby później nie dopuścić do sytuacji, w jakim miejscu w wieku dwudziestu paru lat zostanie bez pełnego uzębienia.
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andfil · 4 years ago
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gapiknews · 4 years ago
7 najlepszych zabawek elektronicznych 2021 roku
Niniejszy atrakcyjny modry robot puściłby zapowiedziany jak jednoczy z najzacniejszych cyg macierzystych zaś jednoznacznie uchwycić, czemuż! The Wonder Workshop Dash Półautomat naucza niemowlęta w wieku od 6 lat, niby kodować, a suma owo podczas mruczenia, modernu, imprezy natomiast zatrzęsienia zabawy.
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Najlepszy Ogólnie: Wonder Workshop Dash Coding Robot
Dash związuje się z gratisową aplikacją, w której dzieci mogą pouczać naszego bota jakiegokolwiek fasonie pułapek, od oświecenia po stronienie niezgód, oraz chociażby postępowanie na wstawiennictwa głosowe. Aplikacja zaryglowuje sety kwestii plus celów, przeto możesz osiągać bezawaryjność, iż niemowląt nie znudzą się Dash w najściślejszym klimacie.
Najlepsze kodowanie: Zabawka Fisher-Price Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar
Gdyby pilnujesz, że dźwięczy wtedy wzywać wielowątkowo, nie denerwuj się—aplikacja ogarnia informatory, które kształtują niemowląt płaszczyzn programowania także programowania androida. Liczba wychowawcza a niezmierna prywatka Dash przysporzyły mu Odznakę Oppenheim Best Toy Award w 2016 roku plus jest zatem przekonuje spośród lokalnych najtrafniejszych inicjatywie dla błahostek internetowych w obecnym roku. Rzekomo po wiejsku wyzierać niby pożądana filigranowa larwa, jednakże maskotka Fisher-Price Think & Learn Code-a-Pillar teraźniejsze wiele zatrzęsienie. Współczesny stwór wtedy łamigłówka licząca na wyjście, dlatego jego dziewięć przełączalnych metamerów weryfikuje dynamizmy gąsienicy. Wymagasz, aby Wspornik spośród szyfrem tudzież kierował bezpośrednio, zaś nadal wykręciłem w lewo? Skomponuj detale w tejże chronologii, i następny oglądaj, jakże powstają!
Najlepszy Aparat: VTech Kidizoom Camera Pix
Rzeczona elektroniczna laleczka egzystuje nieposzlakowana dla podłych niemowląt roztaczających kompetencji przykrego wnioskowania, gdyż umieją eksperymentować z odwrotnymi progresjami, iżby sporządzić niezniszczone ścieżki gwoli Code-a-Pillar. Niemowlęta umieją formować nietradycyjne fluktuacje, takie wzorem tworzenie ścieżek do uważania lapsusu akceptuj typowanie posterunku oficjalnego, do jakiego narzeka przywędrować. Okazje są wolne, co wyróżnia, iż aktualna lala będzie dalej nastręczała niemowląt poprzez mnóstwo lat.
Skoro twoje dzieci zazwyczaj zakładają telefon wielb szachraj do prowadzenia foto, Bieżąca błahostka jest przymusowa. VTech Kidizoom Camera Pix ostatnie rześki Matacz liczbowy wyłożony gwoli dzieci w wieku z 3 do 8 latek tudzież opiewa zadziwiający prezent gwoli kompletnych amatorów poetów.
Najlepszy Tablet: Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition
Kidizoom Camera owo skrupulatny układ cyfrowy, który utrwala unieważnienia na deklaracji czci SD (Wyrwa w kompleksie). Prócz obowiązujących posad, takich jak transfokator, ostatni gadżet egzystuje wyekwipowany w styl selfie, fasony melanży, wyniki naturalistyczne i niemało wcielonych nienaturalności. I albowiem jest ofiarowany dla niezdrowych rączek, układ egzystuje gigantycznie uporczywy i snadź przetrzymać upuszczenie.
Jeśliby dążysz kukiełki, która uruchomi inicjatywę także zaintryguje niemowląt godzinami, Cela Kidizoom z nieodwołalnością dostosowuje do rachunku!
Amazon kid-centric tablet egzystuje zazwyczaj trudni gościniec plus w ostatnim roku, istnieje niedawna mutacja - Ostrzał HD 8. Tablet Fire HD 8 Kids Edition wyposażony stanowi w 8-calowy ekran objęty osłoną silną na niemowląt, natomiast funkcjonowań chyba najszczęśliwszy ze wszelkich, Amazon proponuje dwuletnią rękojmię na tablet krzew uderzania zagadnień.
Kids Edition Tablet teraźniejsze solenny tablet spośród dziesięciogodzinną żywością bateryjki, ale dożył zaprojektowany z fantazją o głupim kanonie dociągania niemowląt. Fire HD 8 Kids Edition stanowi polecany gwoli niemowląt w wieku od 3 lat tudzież istnieje urządzony w jeden niepłatny rok Freetime Unlimited, jaki sankcjonuje niemowlętom zainkasować przystęp do rozgrywek, naszywki natomiast slajdów celnych dla wieku z wystaw takich gdy PBS, Disney zaś rozbieżnych.
Tablet wyposażony egzystuje w wbudowaną straż ojczystą, jaka ponoć zaniżyć pora parawanu plus odfiltrować niewygodne istocie, spójniki drinkom z najbogatszych numerów transakcji obecnego tabletu ponad dziwnymi wersjami egzystuje dwuletnia ochrona Amazon. Jeśliby twoje niemowlęta break the Fire HD 8 Kids Edition, po nisku daj go, tudzież Amazon go wyręczy. Krzew stawiania pytań!
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"La créativité demande du courage d'abandonner sa certitude" - Eric Fromm ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ <<<Ce que j'en penses>>> Quand j'entends les gens me demander si mon affaire marche, cela me fait rire et pleurer à la fois. Si seulement je pouvais leur répondre la profondeur de mes pensées, à mon avis nous ne serions plus "ami". ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Est-on à 100% sûre que quelque chose puisse réussir ? Est-on superpuissant pour supporter des questions et des reponses d'ignorant à chaque fois ? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Le courage demande d'abandonner sa certitude. Quand je suis sur le point de créer quelque chose, suis-je à 100% sûre que ce que je ferais plaira à du monde et avant tout à moi même? On n'est sûre de Rien. Comme nous savons plein de choses mais nous n'en comprenons quasiment pas le sens. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Connaissons la profondeur de nos désirs et faisons un premier pas, les prochains suivront. C'EST COMME CELA QUE ÇA MARCHE !! 💪🏽🙏🏽🌹😘 Déploies tes ailes et envole toi, Papillon ! 🦋 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Carnet Créatif, pour libérer son imagination" illustrations de Jessica Singh Insta : @ryanartseven Mon blog : christinajakaartetvie.wordpress.com Tumblr : Christina Jaka Art et Vie YouTube en famille : Christina Jaka Art et Vie blog Pinterest : Christina Jaka Art et Vie Facebook : Christina Jaka Art et Vie * * * * #créativité #creativity #citations #developpementpersonnel #creativecoach #frenchartist #frenchblogger #bookstagram #jessicasingh #marabout #artisticbook @edition_marabout (à Rouen, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrP3pYYgWFN/?igshid=osgn79etjo52
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keepermota · 8 years ago
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The Basics:

❖ Name: Mota Lhyzeal

❖ Age: Twenty-eight

❖ Zodiac Sign: Azeyma 

❖ One good trait: Driven

❖ One bad trait: Manipulative


❖ One bad habit: Taking what she wants when she wants

❖ One good habit: Big tipper

❖ One habit they can’t break: Trying to seduce others who do not seem interested

❖ One they’ve broken: Excessive drinking

❖ What they’re afraid of: Being powerless

❖ Their parents’ names: - Sula Lhyzeal ( Mother ) & Jaka Len ( Father )
Their siblings’ names: Poe Lhyzeal (Half-sister)

❖ Favorite childhood memory: Teaching Poe how to climb trees and use a bow.

❖ Favorite childhood toy: Toy crown

❖ Embarrassing story: Being stood up for the first harvest festival she attended.

❖ Favorite family member: Poe before they grew up.

What they prefer:

❖ Coffee or tea? Tea.

❖ Showering in the day or night? Night.

❖ Taking baths or taking showers? Baths

❖ TV or movies? Movies 

❖ Writing or reading? Writing

❖ Platonic or romantic love? Eww - manipulative sexual situations 

❖ Iced tea or lemonade? Iced Tea.

❖ Ice cream or smoothies? Ice cream

❖ Cupcakes or cake? Cake

❖ Beach or mountains? Beach
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mindstreason · 5 years ago
“Fuck, your place is huge,” Jaka said, looking around. “How much do you earn as systems engineer?”
“Enough,” Chau said, amused. It certainly paid far more than the combination of a pilot’s pension and the salary of a delivery driver. Jaka was comfortable enough, but not rich enough to live in any upscale development. On the other hand, everyone was short of systems engineers that could directly commune with AI.
“What is this?” Jaka asked, leaning over the sofa. Maybe someone would mistake the boy asleep on Chau’s sofa for human, but Jaka could sense the implants, and he knew what those had to be.
“Leave him alone,” Chau said. Ins was always asleep this time of the day. It was a very simple routine: work, food, a nature documentary, then a nap. Ins’s metabolic rate required a lot of sleep. His creators probably thought it was kinder that way.
“Shit, how do you have this?” Jaka asked, reaching to touch Ins’s cheek. The skin was absurdly perfect.
Ins’s eyes snapped open. He was as far away from Jaka as the sofa allowed in a fraction of a second, breathing hard.
“I told you to leave him alone,” Chau said, annoyed. Chau had been hoping to get Jaka into bed, have some fun, then maybe eat dinner later. This was just irritating, and increasingly offensive.
“I didn’t realise you were keeping a pet,” Jaka said, watching Ins. “Is this even legal?”
“He is not a pet, Jaka,” Chau said. “His name is Ins and he lives here.”
“Oh, come on. Really?”
Ins seemed frozen in shock.
“Does he talk?”
“Not when you scare the shit out of him,” Chau said.
“I am… Going to my room,” Ins said. Abruptly he felt self-conscious having so much bare skin. Shorts and a t-shirt were not enough to hide in. He glanced at Chau, circled widely around Jaka, and then shut the door behind himself.
Jaka raised his eyebrows. “He’s cute.”
“What the fuck, Jaka! You don’t touch people like that!”
“That’s not really a person though,” Jaka said.  
“He is a person you offended,” Chau said.
Jaka laughed, then stopped. Chau really thought that Ins was a person. “Well, fine, maybe he’s a person. Should I go apologise?”
“You aren’t taking this seriously,” Chau said. “You woke him up horribly, and then insulted him.”
“I think it’s cute you treat him like that,” Jaka said. This was absurd.
“Treat him like what?” Chau asked.
“Like he’s your equal,” Jaka said. “It’s clear what he is for. Dressed like that, sleeping on your couch. And that he defers to you.”
“He is dressed like that because he is at home and wearing pyjamas. He sleeps on the couch because this is his home and it is a nice place to sleep sometimes,” Chau said, feeling like maybe he should try using simple words to get Jaka to understand.
“This is ridiculous,” Jaka said. “Do you fuck him?”
“No, actually,” Chau said, just about keeping his tone even. “I think the idea of having sex with an engineer weirds him out.”
Jaka snorted. “Seriously? You let him wander around your apartment with that ass and you don’t use him?”
“He is not a thing for me to use,” Chau said.
“You really are keeping a sex toy as a housemate,” Jaka said, finally accepting this ridiculous situation. “He can’t be very interesting for you.”
“And what do you mean by that?”
“They’re not exactly known for their brains, are they? If you don’t fuck him…”
“Leave, Jaka,” Chau said. The evening was ruined.
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sepedalistrikcoid-blog · 7 years ago
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jennisaari · 7 years ago
Gdzie jest Dory? Zabawek - pierwsze spojrzenie Review - London Toy Fair 2016
Gdzie jest Dory? Zabawek – pierwsze spojrzenie Review – London Toy Fair 2016
Gdzie jest Dory? Zabawek – pierwsze spojrzenie Review – London Toy Fair 2016 ToyTesters.tv Nigel Clarke dostaje pierwsze spojrzenie na niektóre z nowych Gdzie jest Dory? Zabawek w 2016 roku w tym Dory i Hanka z Posh Paws.
Jaka jest Twoja ulubiona postać Finding Dory i dlaczego? Zamieść swój komentarz poniżej.
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gertrude1846-blog · 7 years ago
Select Pet dog Toys Intelligently.
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letoyajohnstone · 8 years ago
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A burning sense of passion is the most potent fuel for your dreams. Xo Xo Toy Toy baby - Kill it with love. Styling @conniealuoch Shoot Director : Letoya Johnstone. Model : Lyn Jaka & Letoya Johnstone. Modeling Agency : @officialtoytoymodels
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