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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Bookkeping and accounting in poland
Bookkeping and accounting in Poland include in particular:
Preparing and implementing the entity's accounting policies, including a corporate chart of accounts;
Everyday bookkeeping in accordance with agreed standards;
Preparing VAT statements and keeping VAT purchase and sales registers in accordance with the Goods and Services Tax Act;
Keeping records of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets, as well as preparing the depreciation plan;
Drafting annual statements, calculating income tax advances in accordance with the tax regulations;
Preparing annual and interim financial statements according to established standards and cooperating with a chartered accountant auditing the client's books;
Reporting to statistical offices, the National Bank of Poland (NBP) and other financial authorities.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Zakładanie firmy za granicą porady
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Wielu przedsiębiorców i biznesmenów, w obliczu pewnej nieufności do klasycznych spółek offshore i tendencji do deoffshorization, poszukuje jurysdykcji o reputacji szanowanego kraju i ufnej postawie partnerów do prowadzonego biznesu. Przede wszystkim nie jest dla nich ważna optymalizacja podatkowa, ale reputacja i korzyści, jakie uzyskają, rejestrując np. zagraniczną firmę w jednym z krajów europejskich. A dzięki kompetentnemu podejściu, oprócz dobrej reputacji, możesz również zmniejszyć obciążenie podatkowe firmy.
Wybierając jurysdykcję do zakupu zagranicznej firmy, należy wziąć pod uwagę, że każdy kraj ma swoje zalety i warunki rejestracji firm.
Szczegóły dotyczące zakładanie firmy za porady
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Переезд фирмы в Польшу
Для того, чтобы уверенно себя ощущать в новой стране, чтобы прочно стоять на ногах,  важно иметь источник дохода.
Если вы до прибытия в Польшу владели своим бизнесом, то вы были в курсе того, какие бумаги и у кого нужно получить, где искать грамотных юристов и бухгалтеров, какая форма собственности и налогообложения вам больше подходит.
Бизнес-иммиграция в Польшу
Новая страна – новые правила. В Польше есть свои лимиты на количество сотрудников, на обороты денежных средств, отличные от той же Беларуси.
Как выбрать правильную форму, зарегистрировать Spulku (ООО) или ИП, открыть счет в банке, зарегистрировать кассу, найти бухгалтера – всё это сведения огромной степени важности, так как позволяют не только сэкономить время и средства, но и сделать всё по закону, без нарушений.
А, значит, и легализоваться потом будет легче. Кстати, опытный консультант подскажет вам, каким способом можно быстрее получить карту побыту: как владельцу фирмы или как наёмному работнику. Увы, сейчас в Польше нередки случаи, когда люди ждут разрешения на пребывание (karta pobytu) по 3-4 года. Поэтому, если вы запланировали переезд фирмы в польшу, грамотный консультант воистину на вес золота.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) is the movable property companies use in business operations. FF&E can be office furniture, fixtures that won’t damage a building structure when removed, and equipment such as computers needed to conduct day-to-day operations. The term FF&E is used in different service industries for various purposes but generally talks about the same items. Accountants refer to FF&E as long-term tangible assets (assets that last more than a year, which you can physically touch) that they value on a company's balance sheet and use for tax purposes. FF&E purchasing or procurement refers to when corporations and public agencies hire interior designers, general contractors, or architects to furnish their office or place of business.
Our ff&e services in Dubai offer end to end management solutions covering specification, procurement and installation. We are an elite provider with the expertise and capabilities to deliver your FF&E service requirements.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Villa renovation
Villa renovation in Dubai is now an important part of the construction industry and many have already been refurbished to a good standard. In some cases these renovations were extensive, sometimes almost nothing of the original character survives except for the street façade.
However, many villas in the country have not yet been updated and renovated. As a rule, they are colder, drafty, and their space is poorly connected with the sun and the site. Often service areas such as bathrooms are poorly connected to bedrooms and lack what we now consider to be modern conveniences.
Recent trends have seen the street look of the villa retained while the rear of the property has been redesigned to provide contemporary living. This includes increasing lighting levels, installing modern bathrooms and kitchens, and improving indoor and outdoor flow. A limited number of homes have been restored to their original condition and layout, but with new bathrooms and kitchens.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
How to choose a table
The table Dubai is one of the most essential and versatile piece of furniture as it is used for various family needs. Given the great desires for the functions of the table, when buying it, you should take into account some of the nuances.
So, if the space of the premises is large, then each table will have its own purpose. However, unfortunately, in most cases, the premises are limited by meters of usable area, so the table must perform many functions - to be dining, working or just for relaxing. How to choose a universal table - beautiful, practical and multifunctional? A beautiful dining table is sometimes planned to be used as a working kitchen surface. In order not to hide the beauty of his countertop, care should be taken to protect it with glass, transparent plastic or a sheet of artificial stone.
Calculate how many people the table is designed for, and taking into account holidays and guests, pay attention to folding pieces of furniture. It is easy to calculate this taking into account that one person needs a place of about 60-70 cm. For five people, a table measuring 120 by 80 cm is enough, and if it is round, then 1 meter in diameter. Remember that oval and round tables are ergonomically better than rectangular ones, which “take away” part of the seat due to the corners.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
villa interior design
The individual villa interior design in Dubai is one of the main areas of our services.
Not relying on strict rules and regulations, this direction embodies the idea of ​​convenience and practicality.
The modern design of the villa can be decorated in Arabic, Mediterranean, Moroccan, luxurious classical and other styles.
What is the interior design of a modern style luxury villa? This broad concept is associated with a whole group of interior trends that meet the requirements of the time. They are united by the desire for purity and clarity of lines, selectivity in decor, orientation towards practicality. This style combines modern housing design trends with luxury living in Dubai, UAE.
It is worth noting that today we can note the transition from pure stylistics to mixed, compromise ideas. And these are new expressive means, interesting zoning techniques and fresh planning solutions.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
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Your bedroom in Dubai should be the perfect sanctuary - a haven of peace where you can unwind after a long and hectic day or just catch up after a long sleep.
All the bedroom decor you need to enjoy a restful night's sleep and wake up in the morning is right here in this space. While some housewives choose to purchase a complete bedroom set to create a synergistic and balanced look, you can also mix and match different pieces of bedroom furniture to create your own unique style.
Bedrooms are the sanctuary for most of us and should be decorated accordingly. Therefore, it is better to buy discount beds that are affordable and of good quality with a guarantee.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Pergola contractors
Pergola contractors in Dubai are a fantastic investment to expand your villa's living space. They create an entertainment area that is shaded and extends the time you can spend outside throughout the year.
When you decide to add a pergola to your landscape, the first thing you need to decide is "individual or bundled?" A local landscape designer can help you design a pergola from scratch and build it right in your backyard, or you can purchase a kit from one of the many reputable manufacturers in the US. They are usually limited to rectangles and fixed sizes, but all parts will be delivered to your home for your landscape designer to assemble and install.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Access control systems installation
You may manage who has access to opening doors. Anywhere in the building, including the main entrance, rear or service entrances, individual apartments, etc., can have an access-controlled door.
Checklist for Installing Access Control
- To begin with, determine which portions of your institution require what level of protection.
- Determine if a traditional or cloud-based access control solution is better suited to your needs (dedicated guide).
- Choose the unlocking techniques you require (cards? keyfobs? perhaps none of the two?) And if you are unsure, don't be afraid to consult an authority.
- Request an estimate from a company that offers access control.
- Select a qualified installer.
 The benefits of door access control systems
1. Entry-level event audit trails
Without the inconvenience of mechanical or manual methods, cloud-based door entry solutions enable you to check entrance logs at any time, from any location. Your property will always be safe thanks to recordings of every door access event that are time-and date-stamped. A video access control system's audit trails also provide pictures of each visitor. 
2. Reduced fire risk
Emergency procedures are present in most door access control systems, if not all of them. For instance, the system will instantly unlock all the doors if the sprinkler system or fire alarm is activated. As a result, door access control systems can make it possible for emergency personnel, like firemen or medical teams, to enter your whole facility rapidly.
3. Reduces theft and criminal activity.
All entry doors will be locked, but approved tenants, employees, and guests will still be able to enter. Additionally, a lot of systems have an alarm management platform that notifies you of break-ins. It’s particularly relevant for big cities. If you need to install control systems, 4 Wires Communication can help.
More about access control systems - https://www.4wires.com/access-control/.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
italian sofa
Taste is very subjective - how you decorate your home depends on the shapes, textures and palettes you find attractive. Some people may share your opinion, but others may think differently. In most cases, a person's home is a reflection of their style.
However, sometimes a person does not show his sense of fashion through the choice of furniture for the home. Perhaps they just moved in or haven't sorted out their kitchen cabinets or bedroom furniture yet. If you want to bring a sense of style to your residence, consider Italian furniture.
Why buy Italian furniture?
Furniture from Italy dominates the interior design market. Many homes opt for Italian kitchen cabinets, coffee tables and more. It doesn't look like this is a recent trend - Italy has been the center of furniture design since Roman times. Here are a few more reasons why you should invest in Italian sofa in Dubai.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Interior design services
One of the main benefits of interior design services in Dubai is that it can make the most of the available space. However, it should also be noted that design professionals will consider convenience. Simply put, aesthetics and efficiency go hand in hand. This will provide an excellent level of relaxation in your home and also allow you to make the most of your space.
Interior design often includes elements such as light, color, and the use of certain fabrics. These items are designed to improve the quality of your life and enhance the beauty of your home. A home should be much more than just a home. The ultimate goal is to give this environment a personal touch, allowing your personal preferences to emerge. This is just as true in bathroom design as it is in living room design.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Coto de Imaz Reserva
Trockener Rotwein "Coto de Imaz" Reserva, Rioja DOCa wird aus in Rioja angebauten Tempranillo-Trauben hergestellt. Die Mazeration mit häufigem Rühren der "Kappe", die dazu bestimmt ist, die Tannine des Geschmacks auszugleichen, dauert 18 Tage. Die alkoholische Gärung findet in Stahltanks statt. Der Wein reift mindestens 18 Monate in 225-Liter-Fässern aus amerikanischer Eiche. Auch der „Ruhe“-Wein nach der Abfüllung, der in kühlen, gut belüfteten Kellern des Weinguts erfolgt, dauert mindestens 18 Monate. Verschiedene Jahrgänge dieses Weins haben viele renommierte Auszeichnungen bei internationalen Wettbewerben wie „International Wine Challenge“, „International Wine & Spirit Competition“, „Concours Mondial de Bruxelles“, „Mundus Vini“ und „Challenge International du vin“ erhalten. Mehr: https://www.spanienweinonline.ch/coto-de-imaz-reserva-75cl.html
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
luxury furniture
Home decor Dubai online is similar to fashion. It might be tempting to display all of your favorite pieces at once, but this can result in a visual conflict. Allow one or two items to define a furniture home, and modify your choices to avoid a discordant collection. Make sure you're in charge of your home's appearance rather than allowing brand names and eye-catching decorations to dictate it. We understand how important it is to locate luxury furniture in Dubai that speaks to you. We don't want you to buy anything on impulse and then realize you don't like it after a week. We can ensure you select items that complement a room, last for decades, and bring your house to life with our advice on how to choose luxury furniture UAE.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
spanischer weisswein
Spanischer weisswein sind still und gespritet, trocken und süß. Sie werden aus internationalen (Sauvignon Blanc und Chardonnay) und lokalen Rebsorten (Verdejo, Airen, Viura, Palomino) hergestellt. Die Vitrine zeigt Exemplare aus spanischen Weinregionen wie Andalusien, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla and Leon, Rioja, Navarra, Valencia. Je nach Süßekategorie werden Positionen mit Fleisch, Meeresfrüchten und Fisch, Käse, leichten Snacks und Desserts kombiniert. Einige Weine eignen sich als Aperitif oder Digestif. Der Preis der Optionen hängt vom Prestige des Herstellers, der Appellation, der Herstellungsmethode, der Reifezeit und anderen Merkmalen ab.
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
home renovation
While your current home may seem drab at times, remodeling the space allows you create new spaces, update its function to meet your needs and create an ideal home, depending on your budget. However, it comes with a lot of disadvantages that may or may not be worth the investment.
Costs less: The cost of home renovation in Dubai is less than buying a new home because it’s on a room-by-room basis. You don’t have to remodel everything in your home, which means your budget can flow with what you need to do. Moreover, there are ways to save money on your renovations so that you get a great end product without spending a fortune.
Personal touch: Renovating allows you to change your existing home to meet your personal expectations and desires, as compared to buying a new home that may have a few features you want but not at all. Why spend hundreds of thousands on a new house and update it when you can keep your old home and update it a little at a time?
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3dmodelsss · 3 years ago
Auf der Suche nach einem leichten, frischen und großartigen kühlenden Getränk? Universell, den Geschmack aller Gerichte perfekt betonend, zum Mittag- und Abendessen geeignet? Rosewein kaufen! Dieses erstaunliche Getränk wird jedes Jahr in vielen Ländern der Welt immer beliebter - und das zu Recht.
Roséwein ist reich an nützlichen Mineralien. Dieses Getränk passt gut zu Fleisch, Fisch, Meeresfrüchten, Gemüse, Obst und Desserts. Sie können ihn bedenkenlos als Aperitif, Digestif, zur deftigen Mahlzeit und als kleine Zwischenmahlzeit servieren. Sie können ihn sogar „solo“ nur mit Eis oder Mineralwasser trinken – an einem heißen Sommertag gibt Ihnen ein Glas kühler Roséwein Kraft und löscht perfekt Ihren Durst. Die optimale Temperatur für ein Getränk liegt bei 10 Grad.
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