#jackie taylor x shauna shipman
rabesbabe · 3 months
Silver Soul
Jackie Taylor x Fem!Reader
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part one ➴ part two part three
Summary: You accidentally injure Jackie one day during practice and your relationship with her starts to bloom.
A/N: Jackie is such a cutie and she literally did no wrong the entire series (fight w me idc). But I’m hoping YJ tumblr is still alive idk? Enjoy this fic tho ! (Not proofread)
“Oh my god.”
Your mouth is agape as you watch the ball you kicked hit Jackie Taylor straight in the nose.
The whole team stood and watched in shock as the ball coming from the complete opposite end of the field smacks her straight in the face.
The best way to describe Jackie in your words was perfect. And you weren’t jealous of her or anything. You liked who you were and all but it was just true. Jackie had amazing grades, she was the captain of the soccer team and, from what you knew she came from a good family.
Even though you had been on the same team as her for two years now, you guys never really became anything more than acquaintances. You waved at her in the halls and she did the same but that was kind of it. You guys had different social circles and shared a few classes but never talked in them. She wasn’t anything to you really besides your teammate.
You ran as fast as you could to the other side of the field to help Jackie who was now clutching her nose and wincing in pain.
“Wait, Y/N!” You heard Natalie call out to you. And as you were running you looked back to see what Nat was calling after you about.
When suddenly you ran straight into Jackie and you both fell to the ground.
You grab your head and wince. Jesus did you have to be this clumsy?
Opening your eyes you see Taissa offering you her hand and laughing while Van does the same for Jackie.
As you stand up, you look at Jackie, her face was red from the impact and her eyes looked glossy. You felt like the worst person in the world.
“Shit, Jackie, I’m so sorry.” You say.
She winced again as she looks at you and tries her best to smile through the pain. “It’s totally fine. You didn’t mean to.”
Still feeling like satan himself you offer to take her to the nurse.
“Yeah that’d be great.” She says.
As you and Jackie make your way to the side of the field Nat catches up with you.
“Way to go Y/N,” She says, teasing you.
“Now, is not the time to be an asshole.” You say to her halfway joking.
You and Nat had been best friends since practically the first day of kindergarten. You had caught her outside throwing rocks at kids during recess, and since that was right up your alley, you joined her. Ever since then you guys have been inseparable. And constantly being menaces towards everyone together.
Nat waves you off and walks back to the field. You turn your attention to Jackie and stop her so that you can move her hands from her face. You Inspect her nose and it was most definitely bleeding but, it looked okay. You were shocked at how powerful you could kick.
“It should be fine.” You say smiling a little at Jackie.
She nods not seeming to believe you.
The walk to the nurses office was filled with awkward silence. You had no idea what to say to her. You just kicked her in the face and then basically tackled her. You were shocked she didn’t hate your guts.
As you walk to the door you realize that since it’s after school the nurse isn’t gonna be inside the office.
“Uhm. I kinda forgot that she wasn’t gonna be here.” You say awkwardly to Jackie who somehow, was giving you her award winning smile even though her nose was literally bleeding onto her jersey.
“It’s fine I can just get ice when I get home.” She says, shuffling her feet.
“Or I could get us into the office without a key?” You say smirking.
She looks up at you, her hazel eyes glowing with disapproval. “There’s cameras? Don’t you think they’ll see us.”
“So what? Are they gonna give us detention for stealing an Ice pack?” You laugh, rolling your eyes.
The corner of her mouth turned upwards and she smiles a bit but still looks worried.
“Come on Jackie, live a little.” You look down at the lock and grab a hairpin.
In about 3 minutes you were into the office.
Jackie looks at you her mouth slightly open.
“Wow, you didn’t think I could do it did you?” You look at her with a fake offended face on.
“No I definitely didn’t. But, you did.” She says giggling.
Still feeling very responsible for her obvious pain you say, “Here sit on one of the beds I’ll grab the ice pack.”
Looking around the nurses office you find the freezer and grab some ice. You put it into a plastic bag and wrap a paper towel around it.
“Scooch.” You say and you sit next to her on the nurses bed.
You gently grab her chin and inspect her face noticing that the bleeding stopped.
“Wait.” You say getting an idea. You go into the bathroom get some tissue and wet it with cold water.
When you get back over to her you notice she’s already shifted back into where you were sitting.
You playfully roll your eyes at her. “Cmon, schooch again.”
You sit back down and grab her face again. This time you move closer your faces are only inches away from each other. You gently wipe the blood off her face. Her breathing starts to falter a little and you look her in the eyes. “God, the ball must’ve hit you hard, you can barely breathe from the pain.”
Her cheeks go a light shade of pink that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t so close to her. “Uhm. Yeah it hit me pretty hard.” She says.
“Sorry again.” You say.
A little out of it from the throbbing coming from her face and her proximity to you at the moment, Jackie bursted out laughing. Very confused since nothing funny happened, you look at her.
“What?” You say starting to laugh a little yourself.
“Nothing,” She says trying to catch her breath. “You’re just like the clumsiest person i’ve ever met.”
“Asshole,” you laugh out.
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who kicked me.” she exclaims, attempting to stifle her laugh.
You narrow your eyes at her playfully and hand her the ice pack.
“Now you’re back to the beautiful normal Jackie,” You say. “All that blood was not doing you justice.” You joke.
She blushes at your words slightly and you notice but brush it off as her face just being red from earlier.
Getting up from the bed she looks down at her wrist, checking the time. “Practice is probably over now.”
“Yeah. We should go and get changed.”
After changing and showering you walk with Nat to your car. You guys stop there for a bit and chat.
“Is she coming over here?” You say furrowing your eyes and looking into the distance.
Across the parking lot was Jackie, smiling at you and Nat, in her perfect little outfit.
“You kick a girl in the face one time and now she’s obsessed.” Natalie says smirking while taking a drag from a cigarette.
You elbow Nat in the side at her sarcasm causing her to drop her cig. “Ouch?!” Clutching at her side she looks at you. When Jackie reaches your car she stops right in front of you and Natalie.
“Uh hey Jackie.” You say weerily.
“Hi.” She says, giving you that smile she gave everyone when she wanted something. You had seen it before a million times. And it worked every single time.
“Did you need something?” You ask.
“Yeah actually, I was wondering if you could drive me home?” She Bats her eyelashes at you innocently.
Nat gives you a confused look and you shoot one right back at her. Why was she suddenly talking to you?
You try to think of an excuse to say no. You had a routine after school. You got coffee at your favorite place and studied. Sometimes Nat came along if she wasn’t working. And then after school you’d watch movies or hangout with friends and smoke. Driving Jackie Taylor home was not apart of that routine.
“Doesn’t Shauna take you home? I thought you guys always like hungout after practice or something.”
“It’s totally fine! She’ll survive one day without us hanging out. Plus you owe me after today.” She smiles at you again.
Nat buts in. “Yeah you owe her Y/N, drive the nice girl home.” She says trying to annoy you.
You look over at Nat and give her a look that she immediately understands as “I’m literally going to kill you if you don’t leave right now.” Nat laughs and walks to her car. “I’ll call you later Y/N.” She yells to you before getting in.
You flip her off and yell back, “Please don’t!”
Jackie looks at you again and asks, “So are you gonna drive me or not?”
You just sigh and open the door for her.
She squeals and gets in.
“Oh, by the way I usually stop for coffee so I guess you have to come with me.” You say starting the car up.
“Fine by me.” She says.
You guys pull out of the parking lot and drive for a while in silence. You notice Jackie looking over at you every now and then and you try your best to ignore it.
“So, are you gonna play music?” She asks looking at you expectantly.
“If you want,” You shrug. “There’s a few cassettes in the glove compartment right there.”
She opens the glove compartment and gasps. “The Smashing Pumpkins!”
You look over at her doubtful. “You know them?”
“Duh.” She says rolling her eyes. You laugh and she puts the tape in.
1979 starts playing and she rolls her window down poking her head out.
Finally, you both make it to the coffee shop. You park and walk in.
Jackie looks around seeming to be impressed by the place. “This is really nice,” She says. “You come here everyday?”
You nod. “Yeah basically, I just come here to study for tests and things.”
You get to the register and tell the barista your order and so does Jackie. You go to pay for the coffee when Jackie grabs your hand. “Something wrong?” You say confused.
“My treat!” She says smiling. You step back and let her pay.
While Jackie waited for the coffee you grab a table. She sits down and hands you your coffee. “Thanks for paying by the way.” You say and smile a little at her.
“Anytime!” She says enthusiastically. She was constantly happy it was almost annoying.
You guys study for a while talking about random things. Jackie gets silent for a bit and you look up at her. She looked like she was super deep in thought about something.
“So are you like dating anyone?” She asks avoiding your gaze.
You look up confused as to why she wanted to know but you answered anyway. “Uh no not technically I guess.” You said. You weren’t really lying. You and this girl talked on and off but nothing ever really came of it besides a few kisses at parties every now and then. Your love life was practically nonexistent.
Jackie nodded. “What about you? Aren’t you seeing that dude. I can’t remember his name isn’t it like Jack?”
She chuckles. “Jeff. And no we broke up while ago.”
“Oh,” You say. “That sucks.”
She sips her coffee. “Yeah it’s whatever I don’t really like him anyways,” She looks down. “I don’t know if I ever did to be honest.”
Now you were curious. You look at her and notice she’s doodling on her hands. “What do you mean?” You inquire.
“Well, I don’t know.” She sighs. “It’s nothing.” Her hands start fidgeting with her pen and she breaks eye contact with you.
You were shocked by her mood shift. You’d never seen her look unsure of herself before. The only Jackie you’d ever known was the confident self-assured one.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure your feelings are valid. Relationships are complicated. And any guy is lucky to have you Jackie.” You smile at her trying to make her feel better.
She looks up at you and smiles. “You’re not so bad yourself Y/N. Any guy is lucky to date you too.”
You almost spit out your coffee at her words. “Guy?” You say laughing.
She looks at you confused until it clicks and she widens her eyes. “Oh! I- Sorry I didn’t know.”
Laughing you say, “I’m surprised you didn’t?”
“Does everyone else know?” She asks baffled.
“Basically. And Im not the only one on the team you know?” You explain taking a sip of your coffee.
“What?!” She says, “Who else?”
You rest your head in your hand as if trying to recall who else. “Well, Van, Taissa, Nats Bi, and so is Lottie.”
She looks at you, her mouth agape. “Am I really this blind?”
You giggle at her “I guess so.”
You both stayed in the coffee shop longer than you normally do. You and Jackie actually got a long very well and it came as a shock to you. You were still a little confused as to why she even was hanging around you but it was refreshing. And you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. Her naturally gorgeous hair, which seemed to always look like it was freshly blown out, the curve of her nose, her beautiful big eyes.
That night when you got home Jackie infiltrated your thoughts. You thought about her while eating dinner, while showering and, while you went to bed. You couldn’t get her off your mind and you already knew where this was going. You spent one day with her and now you had a crush on her. Was she really that intoxicating?
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moonflowerdamie · 3 months
sooooo tempted to write a jackieshauna camp counsellors fic. them sneaking around after dark. the other yellowjackets being counsellors too, shaunanat bros, jackielot queen bee besties, some lottienat thrown in there too cos im a sucker. ughhhhhhh should i do it???
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sensationnelsqueer · 1 year
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JackieShauna weekend - And we did get through this together 💕
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noooooooop-e · 12 days
first ever edit, please be nice🫶🫶 I ship so many characters, but these two have my heart 🤍they also break my heart 😔
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literally them
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filledwithstake · 4 months
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One little taste of all of the thoughts that rattle your brain
happy jackieshauna weekend!! This is for day 2: mutual pining!
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emiliefitch · 1 year
“Queer readings aren’t ‘alternative’ readings, wishful or willful misreadings, or ‘reading too much into things’ readings.
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They result from the recognition and articulation of the complex range of queerness that has been in popular culture texts and their audiences all along."
"Pilot" (Yellowjackets dir. Karyn Kusama), "Edible Complex" (Yellowjackets dir. Ben Semanoff) and "The Monster and the Homosexual" (an essay by Harry Benshoff)
Yellowjackets + Monster Theory 4/?
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kayray-art · 1 year
Jackieshauna Weekend 2023
Day 1 : “and we did get through it together”
hosted by @jackieshauna-weekend
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day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | bonus
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ultrone · 1 year
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👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻🎧 ꉂ ┈ songs i think repressed closeted girlfailure lesbian jackie would listen to while thinking about shauna.
if y’all like this i could make it a series and make playlists for other characters too, y’all can send in requests :) at first i was just gonna list the songs but i thought a video would be better so that y’all can see what i mean LMAOO
i already started the shauna version 😼
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3lliez101 · 3 months
We can do this
Jackie Taylor x Shauna Shipman (Yellowjackets)
Notes: I will never recover from Jackie death so this is what ACTUALLY happened. Excuse the horrible grammar
The wind howled through the trees, a cold, biting reminder of their dire situation. Shauna stood by the window, The guilt gnawed at her insides, more persistent than the hunger she had grown almost numb to. Jackie was out there, alone, because of her and her stupidity. She couldn’t bear it anymore.
Taking a deep breath, Shauna wrapped a blanket tightly around her shoulders leaving the attic but not without glancing at Tai. As there eyes met Tai facial expression was eager pursuing Shauna to go. She exits the cabin and steps out into the cold night. The snow crunched under her boots as she made her way to where Jackie had sought refuge. The sky was dark with clouds but stars were still peaking through like sparkling like cold diamonds, but to Shauna that wasn’t the real beauty. As her heart pounded in her chest, each step heavier than the last. In the distance she saw Jackies trembling figure.
As Shauna approached she saw the fragile girl huddled in a thin blanket, shivering. Her eyes were closed, her breaths shallow. Shauna’s heart clenched internally cursing at herself knowing she was the cause of this all. She knelt beside Jackie, shaking her gently.
“Jackie…Jackie wake up” She whispered, her voice trembling
Jackie’s eyes fluttered open, and she stared at Shauna in confusion. “What are you doing here?”
“I… I came to apologize,” Shauna said, her voice breaking.
Jackie’s expression hardened, standing her ground despite wanting to forgive her right away. “Shauna, it’s too late for apologies.”
Tears begin to well up in Shauna’s eyes. “No, please Jackie listen”
Shauna looks at Jackie pleadingly with her beautiful brown eyes that puts Jackie in a trance almost hypnotizing her.
Jackie’s clearing her throat coming back to reality, in a grudgingly tone she replies with “Im listening”
Shauna reached out, taking Jackie’s freezing hands in her own. “All this time I thought I was building myself like you because I was jealous and wanted to be like you. I let you control me deciding what to wear, what to do and where to go. I let you control my life. In hope to be like you but that wasn’t it”
Jackie looks up and Shauna gripping her hands tighter in hopes receiving the slightest bit of warmth. She tilts her head to the side encouraging Shauna to continue
“I wasn’t jealous, I didn’t sleep with Jeff because of jealousy or hatred. I did it because of you” Shauna says pausing briefly. Looking into Jackies eyes and seeing pure bewilderment
“I slept with him to feel closer to you, Ive done everything you done to feel closer to you not because i wanted to be you its because i want you” Shauna exasperates out as she looks up at Jackie as tears threaten to fall from her eyes
Moments of silence passed by and all Jackie musters up is a weak “what” as she slowly lets go of Shaunas hands
Shauna tears falling freely now. “I love you, Jackie. I always have im sorry for what I said I didn’t mean it please” She says as her voice breaks and her tone is getting desperate
“I was here the whole time defending you, having your back and forcing myself to revolve around you, for you to go sleep with fucking travis-“
Jackie quickly snaps at Shauna “You shouldn’t be talking about who I sleep with” she said with obvious anger in her voice
“Fuck Jeff. I want you I am in love with you Jackie Taylor. Everything I did leading up to this moment is because of you, I want everything to do with you even if it means destroying myself for it.” Shauna says cupping Jackies face.
Jackie now forced to make eye contact with Shauna, she analyze her face for any sort of lie to only be met by her soft warm eyes as there filled with tears. Her eyes continued down her face looking at her tear stained cheek as more tears fell.
For a moment, silence hung between them, the only sound the wind whispering through the trees. Then, slowly, Jackie looks up at Shauna and grabbed the blanket from around her neck pulling her into a soft tender kiss.
Shauna is quick to reciprocated it as she closes her eyes finally feeling at ease for the first time in months.
Jackie pulls away she confesses “Shauna, I… I love you,” her voice trembling with emotion. “I’ve loved you for longer than I can remember. Every smile, every laugh, every moment we’ve shared—it’s all been because of you.”
Tears welled up in Jackie’s eyes as she poured her heart out, the weight of her unspoken feelings finally lifting. “I was always so confused with Jeff because there was an empty feeling that he couldn’t fill. I was always searching for what that empty feeling was but, i-it was you. You were what was missing. I needed you.”
Shauna listened quietly, her eyes glistening with tears. “Jackie…I love you. I’ve always loved you. And it’s driven me crazy, hiding it, pretending it wasn’t real. Everything that’s happened, it’s because I was too scared to admit it. Im so sorry for what I did I couldn’t handle how much I need you.”
“You really mean all that?” Jackie says trembling as she puts her hands on top of Shauna’s.
Shauna nodded fiercely “Yes. I love you, Jackie. I’ve always loved you. And I don’t want to lose you.”
For a moment, they were both silent, the air between them crackling with there unspoken words and pent-up emotions. Then, with a shuddering breath, Jackie leaned forward, pressing her forehead against Shauna’s.
“We can figure this all out together.” Jackie removes her hands from on top of Shauna’s and places them on her stomach
“We can do this together we can raise this baby together. Just me and you. We don’t need him we never did” She says in a hopeful voice smiling at Shauna
Shauna couldn’t resist smiling back almost instantly but this happy moment is shortlived as a gust of wind passes. Signaling Shauna for her to stand up.
Shauna then helped Jackie to her feet, wrapping the blanket around both of them as they made their way back to the cabin. The warmth of the fire inside was a welcome relief, and the other girls looked up in surprise but relieved as they entered.
The days that followed were a struggle but there love for eachother that was before hidden now burned brightly, given them this newfound strength in the wilderness.
They had each other and that was enough
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moonflowerdamie · 26 days
rating yellowjackets ships (lowest to highest!) because i am bored and also because i want people to know just how insane i am for some of the pairings in this show‼️ LETSGOOOOO
they’re…ok i guess? like. i don’t actively hate them, but i really don’t ship them. and yeah i get that they clung to each other and bonded over dad trauma and stuff, but a) i don’t like travis (PLS DONT ATTACK ME HE’S JUST NOT FOR ME AND I COULDNT GET OVER THE MISOGYNY) and b) i fully believe natalie scatorccio is AT LEAST bisexual and deserves a lady lover!!! so yeah. not for me.
ok. OK. hear me out PLEASE bc i know some people are gonna be mad i’ve put them this low. i just don’t really see it? like i fully believe that it’s possible misty had a crush on nat in the teen timeline and i’m pretty convinced adult misty was definitely infatuated/obsessed with adult nat BUT i don’t think nat ever reciprocated? and i can’t see her ever feeling that way about misty IM SORRY. i don’t hate the ship by any means, it’s just not my favourite!!!
they’re both pretty femme lesbians and i think maybe they should smooch (and then smooch ME MY GAWD PLS ONE CHANCE😫🙏🏻). that’s all i have to say about that.
i just know the rivalry in s3 is gonna HIT and maybe they should kiss and make up about it (AND THEN KISS ME TOO MY FUCKING LORD I NEED THEM BOTH SO BAD🫦). but fr i mean like a cute idea in another world yk? they would SO bully the shit out of each other and then fuck nasty about it🤝.
•crystal x misty (crusty😭)—6/10•
they were cute!!! they matched each other’s freak🥹 until misty freaked a little too hard 😔 no but actually they could’ve been cute musical theatre gfs and i would’ve been here for it!!!
i LOVE their friendship in both timelines and i do prefer them platonically BUT i see the potential. i think they soften each other, and allow the other to process and feel their emotions, and also help to rationalise them. LOVE the friendship and if i didn’t prefer their other ships i could defo see myself getting into them!
the disciple and the prophet??? uhhh YEAH. i mean laura lee literally haunts lottie for 25 YEARS. that bitch NEVER got over what they had. are they my favourite ship? no. do i wish they’d kissed in that lake? YES YES YES YES YES. the yearning, the religious symbolism/guilt, the TENDERNESS. i am IN.
BRRSKLLAKSKS just yes. YES. THE PROPHET AND HER BUTCHER😫. their relationship is so complicated and beautiful but i think they could be very special, specifically in the teen timeline. they’re so fiercely protective of each other but would never admit it. they hate each other. they admire each other. they resent each other. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. i wholeheartedly believe lottie was shauna’s bi awakening when they were like 13 and shauna never really stopped thinking lottie was gorgeous. just. THEM.
i am a SUCKER for the popular x loser trope and even more so when they’re LESBIANS😁 like lottie was shauna’s awakening, nat was jackie’s. ONE MILLION PERCENT they were childhood besties and one day they kissed ‘to practice’ when they were like 11 and jackie was like ‘OH😨’ and knew then and THERE she was a lesbian. i love them your honour. like shaunanat, i think they’d bully each other, but i also think they’d be so soft with each other. OH and nat would SO tease jackie for being popular and rich and preppy and call her ‘princess’ in jest but would for real treat her like a princess and would beat up anyone who said a bad word about her. yes PLEASEEEEE.
THEEE IT COUPLE! they are just *mwah* chef’s kiss. especially in the teen timeline! they just balance each other so perfectly, like they were LITCHRALLY made for each other🥹. van is goofy and silly and a dreamer, tai is serious, intense; a realist. they just so clearly love each other so so much and i ADORE THEM. ‘happy wife happy life’ YYYYEEEAHHHHH. i’m gonna be so devastated when they eventually break up in the teen timeline and DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED on if/when van dies in the adult timeline☹️. not even thinking about it actually. just them and their soft tender gay love🤗.
i genuinely will start tweaking if i think about these two for too long. they just make me so ASKSHSLSLSJSJ😫. i don’t even think i can articulate how much i love them. the rich girl and the burnout. the hunter and the prophet. THEY ARE SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. the bath scene????? DIED DEAD ON THE FLOOR. ‘is that what we are’ GONE REQUIRING CPR. lottie kissing nat’s hands for so long after giving up her leadership, the last thing she had left? SIX FEET FUCKING UNDER😨. nah but fr, i NEEEED them to kiss. they would be so good for each other. the potential is…UNFUCKINGLIMITED (i am choosing to ignore the fact that nat’s dead thank you xoxo). just…the tenderness. the pining. they’re narrative foils. they’re enemies. they’re friends. they’re something more. YELLOWJACKETS…DROP A LOTTIENAT KISS IN S3 AND MY LIFE IS YOURS🙏🏻.
and finally…my fucking roman empire…
there is a hole in my heart in the shape of these two. they’re…EVERYTHING. god they just loved each other so much but life and the wilderness and jeff and their own self-destruction got in the way. jackie loved shauna so much it killed her. shauna loved jackie so much she ATE her. they were completely undefinable—best friends, rivals, soulmates. entirely devoted. i just ache when i think about what they could have had. the tragedy of them is life-altering. shauna will miss jackie for longer than she knew her and that fact makes me want TO OFF MYSELF. they are intertwined forever, not knowing where one ends and the other begins. i wholeheartedly believe they were in love with each other but didn’t know how to say it. because of jeff, because it was 1996, because love couldn’t even possibly cover what it was they felt for each other. in my head, they’re together. in my head, they ran away together and lived a long and happy life. and it kills me to know that’s not what happened. they actually make me fucking insane and i’ll never get over them.
now have some memes bc i’m silly like that🤭
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oyeone89 · 8 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! (Jackieshauna's version!)
(sorry if this looks a bit rushed lol)
3D art rendered with Blender 3.6
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shadowhaert · 9 months
fandom: yellowjackets
rating: T
pairing: jackie/shauna
word count: 6,402
Shauna drops the towel around her frame and approaches the edge of the pool, dipping a toe in, debating jumping. A shock to her system would do her good, she thinks. A sharp smack against the bottom might be even better. “Don’t get me all wet, Shipman!” Jackie shouts from her chair, eyeing how close the pool edge is to her lounging spot. Shauna balks at the accidental innuendo. Her foot slips on the rounded concrete as she tries to turn towards her friend with an incredulous look. She hits more land than water on her way down.
or; at a pool party the summer before senior year, shauna busts her lip and jackie fixes her up before breaking her apart
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pinkmoonzzz · 7 months
shauna x jackie lazy morning (snow day) back home, either post-rescue or no-crash?
Morning Coffee
A/n: here ya go thank you for the ask :3!
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Jackie was down stairs in her kitchen. The aroma of coffee filled the house. She felt arms wrap around her waist and she was pulled back into shaunas body.
"Good morning sweetheart" jackie said.
"Good morning" shauna mumbled into Jackie's neck.
"I made you coffee" she said and spun around in her arms to hand her a mug.
"Thank you" shauna said and took a sip of her coffee.
Jackie knew exactly what she liked. College has been super busy for both of them, and now that they're back home for winter break, they can finally spend quality time together. Waking up to Jackie in shaunas clothes making warm coffee for both of them is something shauna would never trade the world for. They were both traumatized from the wild and had many fights, especially about Jeff, until they settled everything and confessed. Now they're taking care of each other and trying to live as normally as they can.
Jackie and shauna walked over to the couch and sat down. Shauna grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around them with one hand. Jackie laughed at shauna struggling and she helped her.
"What do you want to watch?" Jackie asked shauna.
"Whatever you want to." Shauna told her.
Jackie grinned at shuana and kissed her cheek. She put on the breakfast club, and they both spent the rest of the day together.
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lottiematthewswife · 12 days
made my first ever edit, please be nice 🫶 new tik tok @yellowjacketssave *it was supposed to say “save me”*
I ship so many different characters on here, but these two have my heart, but also break my heart at the same time 😔
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hartanddoe · 5 months
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