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tfemzilant · 1 month ago
"anyone who loves [flag] is my friend without introduction" meme but with indigenous peoples of russia!
"anyone who loves [flag] is my friend without introduction" meme but with indigenous peoples of russia! part 1 - uralic indigenous memes under the cut:
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ludic karelians:
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free to use without credit. reblog and share if you like it!
tagging : @nonrussian
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aroundtheworldinstamps · 9 months ago
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I know this might not look too flashy, but this might be my favourite stamp sheet. These Estonian stamps are a language tree of the Uralic languages.
Going anti-clockwise from the bottom middle stamp, we have:
The Samoyedic Languages: Nenets, Enets, Nganasan, Selkup, and Kamasin
The Ugric Languages: Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi
The Permic Languages: Komi and Udmurt
The Mari and Mordvinic (Erzya and Moksha) Languages
The Sami Languages (Nortern, Southern, Skolt, Inari, Lule, Ume, Pite, Ter and Kildin Sami)
The Baltic-Finnic Languages: Veps, Karelian, Izhorian, Livonian, Finnish, Estonian and Votic
Languages in brackets weren't mentioned in the stamp, but I thought I'd elaborate anyway
Edit: put Ingrian instead of Izhorian. Should've known better, sorry
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torillatavataan · 4 months ago
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About a hundred Finnish Russians gathered at a pro-Ukraine, anti-war rally in Helsinki on Sunday 17th November 2024. They began the demonstration at the Kansalaistori Square and marched to the Russian Embassy, calling out "Victory for Ukraine! Jail Putin! Freedom for political prisoners!" At the embassy, they demanded immediate withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine and freedom for political prisoners.
Comments given to Yle:
"I came from Forssa because it's important to oppose the war. Everyone who can should be here." - Aleksandr Nesterov
"I want to show that Russians who oppose the war exist, and to meet others who think alike." - Nikolai Kutšumov
"I also want to show the people in Russia, that they are not alone. Even though they cannot take to the streets now and speak freely, we will instead. Our goal is a free Russia and the freedom of political prisoners. The prisoners are kept in horrific conditions and are tortured. This should not happen in the 21st century." - Darja Drobysheva
"We greatly wish that the Western nations continue actively supporting Ukraine regardless of what the United States does. It will save peace in Europe. We completely agree with the Ukrainians when they say support Ukraine, save peace in Europe." - Irina Vesikko
Full article by Yle in Finnish
Apart from the white-blue-white Russian anti-war flag and the Ukrainian flag, there is also an Ingrian Nordic cross flag. Ingria is the name of the area between Estonia and the Karelian Isthmus (St. Petersburg is located in Ingria). It is the homeland of the Izhorians, Votians, and Ingrian Finns. The Izhorians and Votians are the native residents of the land and Ingrian Finns are the descendants of Finnish immigrants introduced into the area in the 17th century.
Both Ingrian Finnish and Izhorian populations all but disappeared from Ingria during the Soviet period. 63,000 fled to Finland during World War II, and were required back by Stalin after the war. Most became victims of Soviet population transfers and many were executed as "enemies of the people".
From the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 until 2010, about 25,000 Ingrian Finns moved from Russia and Estonia to Finland, where they were eligible for automatic residence permits under the Finnish Law of Return.
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sootyships · 2 months ago
Translation of the Värttinä track Oi dai into Na'vi.
The Värttinä track Oi dai is based off at least two different Ingrian poem-song themes: "Oi dai" itself, a theme present in Izhorian marriage songs and first recorded as performed by Liisa Petrontytär and a small choir in Koskina village, Soikkola, in 1906, and later Jekaterina Aleksandrova in Voloitsa village, Soikkola, in 1961 and 1976. The melody used by Värttinä is also derived from the performances of this theme. [Haapoja-Mäkelä, H. (2020). Silencing the other’s voice? Ethnologia Fennica, 47(1), 6–32. https://doi.org/10.23991/ef.v47i1.84255 (PDF)] The second theme, which forms the majority of the lyrics, was also collected from Ingria, with the exact lyrics (minus the "Oi dai" parts) recorded in Venjoki/Slavyanka (now part of St. Petersburg), Ingria in 1847. [SKVR IV1. (1847). SKVR tietokanta. https://skvr.fi/poem/skvr04101200]
txo oel tivok tsengit ayoey if i were at our own place mì tew txayoä ayoeyä on the edge of our field au 'ak txayoä ayoeyä ~oh, no, of our field mì tew txayoä ayoeyä on the edge of our field
should use zun rather than txo
txayo should be pl -> tayo
will fix these once i have the next verse done (new recording)
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roakkaliha · 2 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to ask, what do you think about Kalevipoeg (the Estonian version of Kalevala)? Is it also stolen from Karelian people? I saw someone here on Tumblr saying that Kalevala cannot be just Karelian culture because Estonian people have Kalevipoeg, which is probably false I think.
i wouldnt call it an estonian version of kalevala tbh. its an estonian collection of stories, some of which are similar to ones told by the seto, vepsians, izhorians, etc. kalevipoeg isnt rly relevant to karelians (or even finns rly), bc its an entirely different thing from kalevala. calling kalevipoeg an estonian version of kalevala is like saying all finno-ugrics are finns, ya know.
ngl i hate when ppl say "kalevala isnt karelian bc it has some other non-finnish stories that came from other cultures", bc the ppl who say that still call it finnish n finnish culture despite there being like... Nothing actually finnish in the thing lol. its just a shitty excuse to continue being racist.
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folkfashion · 2 years ago
Could you do some more Izhorian, Vepsian, Karelian, or Votic clothing? I haven't seen very much of them and I love their styles.
Request taken :)
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kivikunnas · 7 months ago
The Izhorians (Ingrians)
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newestmusic · 1 year ago
(via Vocal Improv Ambience)
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marcedrickirby · 1 year ago
The Izhorians | Under Threat Of Extinction | Indigenous Peoples Of Russia
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rvexillology · 5 years ago
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Flag of the Near Extinct Izhorians
from /r/vexillology Top comment: The Izhorians are an ethnic group that live mostly in Eastern Europe. They are native to Ingria. Today there are less than 2000 [Izhorians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izhorians)
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zvetenze · 7 years ago
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tenkohime · 6 years ago
The small numbers are sad.
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Izhorians and  Votes
The Izhorians along with the Votes, are a Finnic ethnic group indigenous people native to Ingria. Small numbers can still be found in the western part of Ingria, between the Narva and Neva rivers in northwestern Russia.
Population in Russia: Izhorians - 266 Votes  - 64
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skullumio · 5 years ago
Kielettömänä syntynyt
Olen kielettömänä syntyny mykkänä kieletön parmuska katkasi naparihman
Kasusin rajala kahen kielen traakissa jonka viimassa olematon kieleni mykisty
Minut kasuatethiin olheen ihmisiksi oppimhaan ruottin ja tunnusthaan kansalaisuuen
Minua piiskathiin koulussa oppimhaan ruottin, olheen ihmisiksi kunnon alamaisena Minua piiskathiin häpeämhään sitä mitä oli minun ommaa: kielettömyys ja raja
Minun rakennethiin ulkoa päin suunatulla väkivallala ja sisäsellä pakola lyhenyksilä ja väärinkäsityksilä
Multa olethiin oma lekitimasuuni
- Bergt Pohjalainen
#Kielettömänä syntynyt#bergt pohjalainen#mäenkieli#KielettömänäSyntynyt#Meänkieli (avstavat meän kieli betydelse vårt språk) finsk-ugriskt språk som är ett inhemskt officiellt nationellt minoritetsspråk i Sverige#Meänkieli (suom. meidän kielemme; tai tornionlaaksonsuomi) on Norrbottenissa Ruotsissa puhuttava itämerensuomalainen kieli tai suomen murre.#(Finnish:) MEÄNKIELI = meänkieli (Finnic language spoken in northern Sweden). From Meänkieli meänkieli from meän “our” +‎ kieli “language”.#Estonian: keel Finnish: kieli Meänkieli: kieli Kven: kieli Karelian: kieli Livonian: kīel Veps: kel' Võro: kiil' Votic: tšeeli#Kven Meänkieli Karelian and Ingrian could all be regarded as dialects of Finnish.#However due to political reasons they are classified as their own languages.#Tornedalians Ingrians Kvens and Forest Finns are subsumed under Finns as they are most commonly described as being subgroups of Finns proper#uralic languages#Finnic (Fennic) or Baltic Finnic (Balto-Finnic Balto-Fennic) languages#Finnic peoples / Baltic Finns consist the Finns proper Estonians (Võros and Setos) Karelians (Ludes and Olonets) Veps Izhorians Votes and...#BALTIC-FINNS: Estonians (Setos Võros) Finns (Forest Ingrian Kvens Tornedalians) Izhorians Karelians (Tver) Livonians Vepsians Votes Chudes#meänkieli rätt ock lätt#mäen kieli#meankieli#MEÄNKIELI RÄTT och LÄTT - Grammatik och lärobok i meänkieli#runo#poem#itämerensuomalaiset kielet#itämerensuomalaiset lähisukukielet#Estonian: sündida Finnish: syntyä Ingrian: syntyä Karelian: syntyö Livvi: syndyö Ludian: sündüdä Veps: sünduda Võro: sündümä sündüdäq Votic:#Meänmaa or sometimes Torne Valley or Torne River Valley (Finnish: Tornionlaakso Swedish: Tornedalen Meänkieli: Meänmaa)#Ме́янкиели (фин. meänkieli «наш язык») или то́рнедальский фи́нский (швед. tornedalsfinska) или меянкиельский язык.#Meänkieli (Our Language): a group of distinct Finnish dialects spoken in the northernmost part of Sweden along the valley of the Torne River#Linguistically Meänkieli consists of two dialect subgroups the Torne Valley dialects (also spoken in Finland) and the Gällivare dialects.#Meänkieli (finska: vårt språk) är ett finsk-ugriskt språk.#Meänkieli (suom. yleiskielellä meidän kielemme) tunnettu myös nimellä tornionlaaksonsuomi.
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felgueirosa · 5 years ago
Re: the conversation on the colonialism and racism of cottagecore, it's very clear that Europeans think indigenous people don't exist where they live or that they're indigenous because they're Irish or whatever the fuck, so as a Vaqueira, I think it’s time Europeans start understanding whose land they’re on and that there are indigenous people everywhere, so i've made a short, incomplete list of indigenous and nomadic peoples of Europe. Feel free to look up more about them, especially if you're living on their land:
Abazins (Russia, Georgia, Abkhazia)
Adyghe/Circassian people (Russia, Turkey)
Aromanians/Vlachs (Greece, Romania, Albania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bulgaria)
Ashkali Romani (Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia)
Avars (Russia)
Balkars (Russia)
Bashkirs (Russia)
Basque people (Spain, France)
Bats people (Georgia)
Bergitka Romani (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary)
Boyash Romani (Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia)
Boykos (Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland)
Calé Romani (Spain, Portugal, France)
Cascarot Romani (France, Spain)
Chechens (Chechnya, Russia)
Crimean Tatars (Crimea)
Dargins (Russia)
Erlides Romani (Greece)
Erromintxela (Spain, France)
Finnish Kale Romani (Finland, Sweden)
Gagauz people (Moldova, Ukraine)
Gorani people (Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia)
Gurbet Romani (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo)
Hutsuls (Ukraine, Romania)
Ingush (Russia)
Irish Travellers (Ireland, UK)
Izhorians (Russia, Estonia)
Kalderash Romani (Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Russia)
Karelians (Finland, Russia)
Komi people (Russia)
Laks (Russia)
Laz people (Turkey, Georgia)
Lemkos (Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland)
Lezgins (Russia, Azerbaijan)
Lipka Tatars (Poland, Lithuania, Belarus)
Livonians (Latvia, Estonia)
Lom people (Armenia, Georgia)
Lovari Romani (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czechia, Germany)
Manouche Romani (France)
Maragatos (Spain)
Mari people (Russia)
Mingrelians (Georgia)
Mordvins (Russia)
Norwegian Travellers/Fanter (Norway)
Ossetians (Russia, South Ossetia, Georgia)
Pasiegos (Spain)
Polska Roma (Poland)
Mercheros (Spain)
Romanichal (UK)
Romanisæl (Norway, Sweden)
Ruska Roma (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)
Sámi people (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia)
Sarakatsani (Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, North Macedonia)
Scottish Travellers/Indigenous Highland Travellers (UK)
Servitka Roma (Ukraine, Russia)
Setos (Estonia, Russia)
Sinti (Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Czechia, Netherlands, Belgium, Serbia, Croatia)
Tat people (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia)
Udi people (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia, Georgia)
Udmurts (Russia)
Ursari Romani (Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Serbia, Italy)
Vaqueiros de Alzada (Spain)
Veps (Russia)
Volga Tatars (Russia)
Welsh Kale Romani (UK)
Yeniche people (Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg)
Also to mention:
The millions of Jews whose homes, property, and land was stolen and never returned when they were murdered in the Shoah.
The hundreds of indigenous peoples of Asian Russia which is frequently seen as part of Europe because of its colonization by Russia.
There are many peoples that are known by few. There may be very little to no information about them in English or any language besides the official language of the country they are in. They may not have a written tradition and all written accounts of them are in old print books. They may be known only by people who live near to the region where they are. I know this is certainly true for Vaqueiros and the nomadic peoples of Spain.
Indigenous and nomadic peoples of Europe may be called ‘hill peoples’, ‘nomads’, or ‘cursed peoples’. They have lived in your country for hundreds or thousands of years, but were or are still not considered proper citizens. They live in their own territory by their traditional lifestyle, or in the city as part of your society, or in diaspora across the world. They unequally face land theft and environmental racism. They are hardly represented, if at all, and face challenges like insufficient infrastructure, education, healthcare, or access to water. It's time to learn who your neighbors are. We want to be known. We are in small numbers because of the land theft and cultural destruction by the European countries you live in.
If this description rings a bell for you, or if your group isn’t up here, feel free to add an indigenous or nomadic people in Europe you know!
DO NOT fuck around on this post or i will tear your head clean off
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thunderstruck9 · 4 years ago
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Albert Edelfelt (Finnish 1854-1905), The Poet, Larin Paraske, 1893. Oil on canvas, 47 x 63 cm.
Larin Paraske (1833-1904) was an Izhorian oral poet. She is considered a key figure in Finnish folk poetry
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kivikunnas · 1 year ago
Omal maal (multilanguage): Votic, Izhorian, Ingrian Finnish
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