#ive a lot of things to post here since i disappeared
masterashomon · 7 months
"Next time"
A Soukoku doodle comic
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uyuforu · 2 months
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Astro Observations: Solar Return Chart IV
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Hi!! Here is another Solar Return Chart Observations post lol. Since I am officially on the new one, I thought of doing another post to conclude and coming back on the last one, meaning the one of last year. Coming back and looking back over what happened :) Let's go! I hope you will enjoy this post ^^ This post has mature and triggering contents, so be aware and careful when reading it!
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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જ⁀➴ Solar Return Chart I
જ⁀➴ Solar Return Chart II
જ⁀➴ Solar Return Chart III
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꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ I was Leo Rising last year, and I was very popular around me, people were also checking me in the streets. It wasn't even sexual or anything, people were just noticing me super easily, and I was the center of attention wherever I was going.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Sun 12H indeed meant that loneliness was def going to be there. I was very lonely most of the times, and it's not even physically, it was def mentally. I wasn't seeing my friends often, and I was just feeling very alone in a corner. I felt like no one really understood me and as if I was just left alone. One of my friend passed away suddenly also this year, so I really felt alone for sure. Also the years I was more into Astrology and Tarot! Just a full year of learning more on the spiritual and esoteric side!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Venus 1H, I had a glow up, though it happened quite over night. I don't have much explanations on how it happened. Suddenly I was veryyyy pretty, I bought better make up products, and the way it was showing on my face was just insanely good?? IDK!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Mercury 1H, I was more confident when it came to talking to other people. I used to be very shy, and used to not be confident enough to talk to others, but this year I felt more confident to do it. Anxiety when calling, ordering disappeared. And I was less scared to talk back to people.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 1H Ruler in 12H, I was most of the times by myself, mostly doing things on my own, and I felt very alone.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Mars 2H, I was much into shopping some times, and I was more anxious and stressed about making money. I had a lot of motivation about it.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 2H Ruler in 1H, I was more spending money on myself.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 3H Ruler in 1H, I was talking more about myself to others, than before. And I was also writing more about myself, for example on the blog I post a lot about my experiences to support my theories.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Scorpio 4H, time at home was stressing and slightly toxic. I had this need to runaway or even live somewhere else. I wanted to escape. My idea of home changed.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 4H Ruler in 6H, staying at home was my routine, I was working from home too.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Vertex 5H, some destined events happened in my love life.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 5H Ruler in 9H, I traveled to NYC last year, and it was for holidays. I traveled to meet someone I loved (who didn't come in the end lmao). I also met another guy who had a crush on me there.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Pluto 6H, I took some weight lol, not so much. Since I moved less because of my job, I kept seating down and took some weight.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 6H Ruler in 7H, I was healing my relationships trauma last year, I went to therapy and understood a lot of traumas I had. I also made a lot of friends at work.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Aquarius DC, a lot of things changed in my relationships, I realized tons tons tons of things!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 7H Ruler in 10H, I was in a serious relationship last year, but 7H was ruled by Uranus, and it didn't end well.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Saturn 7H, didn't see my FS all year, didn't talk to him. And when I asked to meet him, he refused. Def a year I couldn't reach out or talk to him! I also couldn't be in a relationship, or anytime a guy had an interest in my, it's like the Universe worked through to not make it work out. I also broke up with my ex bf that year.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Saturn conjunct Groom, same!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Groom 7H, I realized my FS was my FS last year. I also realized I was in love with him.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Neptune 8H, I had a lot of vivid dreams last year, I dreamed of my mother in law too, and of my FS as well, both of them talking through dreams to me. I also didn't had s3x all year, refused any s3xual advanced. Though, I had a lot of s3xual dreams.
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꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 8H Ruler in 8H, transformation was a keyword last year, I was also more open on the spiritual side, and I had a lot of grow that happened.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Moon 9H, I was constantly learning new things, and more on the spiritual side, and also esoteric. I discovered so many new things, and I needed that. I wanted more and more!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Chiron 9H, i traveled and felt like the travel I did was a waste of time and money lol ;-;
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 9H Ruler in 2H, I traveled to NYC and it was painful for my bank account.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Jupiter 9H, similar to Moon 9H.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Moon conjunct Chiron, my feelings were hurt often this year. I was crying A LOT in general. Perhaps the year I cried the most.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Jupiter conjunct Uranus, a lot of benefic transformation, despite it wasn't that easy sometimes or just very sudden.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Taurus MC, a year of trying to find a harmonious balance at work, and trying to find my way. Was focused on the money I made, and also trying to find a routine through work.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Uranus 10H, I changed jobs twice last year! I was fired, I just changed. And by the end of the second job, I decided to work at my own name. And so, I now work online, as an Astrologer! Uranus also rule here over uncommon jobs.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 10H Ruler in 1H, was more popular, and people noticed me in the crowd more easily. I also decided to work for myself, and started my own company.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 11H Ruler in 1H, I was positing lot more selfies and pictures of me than before online. I also had a lot of internet friends.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Union Cancer 11H, I met one of my best friend last year, she is a Cancer Sun and we met online!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Juno 12H, i was dreaming a lot of my FS this year, also didn't meet or talked to him all year.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 12H Ruler in 9H, I traveled this year, and overseas!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Sun conjunct Venus, I was and felt more pretty, a glow up that happened!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Mercury conjunct Mars, I was more aggressive sometimes when I was speaking, I was often aggressive when trying to stand up for myself, or just explaining myself, I think it was me finding the right adjustment between never standing up for myself before, and doing it now, but not knowing how.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Groom conjunct Neptune, dreamed a lot of my FS.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Sun opposite DC, didn't see or talked to my FS for the whole SRC, I also didn't want to be in a relationship.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ Venus conjunct Rising, very same as Venus 1H or Sun conjunct Venus.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 6 months
Stickbug AU
Just so y'all can get an idea of what I'm yapping about, I'm gonna spill everything I have planned for this AU so far on this post. I'll try to update it as I come up with more ideas.
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So this AU takes place around 50 years after the canon events of Bug Fables, and I'll explain as I go along so you won't need to know the events of the game.
Some needed information is that Humans are heavily implied to have disappeared/died, and some species of bugs have gained sapience in the "Day of Awakening," though some species remained feral with a few individuals gaining sapience far after the Day of Awakening.
The Hollows Creation
Alan is still in this AU, and in a way he is still the Hollows "creator." In this AU, he's a creature called a "Deadlander Omega" found in the Giant's Lair/Deadlands. Basic information is that they're colossal bird-like Deadlanders which are so big only their claws and eyes have ever been seen. In game they like to drop other Deadlanders onto the player which triggers a fight. Alan is a more aware Omega. He likes to collect whatever piques his interest, normally anything that shines due to the lack of sunlight in the Lair. However after a while of dropping Deadlanders onto the few passing bugs, he got more curious by bugs.
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So what did he do? Sneak out of the Giant's Lair. Used the overgrown weeds to his advantage and would look around. Found out about larva and got fascinated by the fact bugs came from that. So whatever larva he could find he'd take back-- which wasn't often since most people wouldn't just leave their larva/eggs lying around.
Anyway he'd bring them home. The Deadlanders wouldn't register the larva/eggs as bugs or alive so they could just crawl around and munch on the grass until they eventually grew up. Alan started realizing "oh shit grow your own entertainment" when his first little stolen egg grew to a bug, a grasshopper (victim). Alan would basically use a jar to keep Victim from running off, would drop Deadlanders on him to watch the fights even if Victim sucked at fighting.
Now even if Alan doesn't recognize the bugs as living and thinking things, he isn't stupid. He notices how they use the shiny crystals he likes to collect to heal. So when he sees Victim nearly getting killed in one of the fights he puts two and two together and "gives" Victim the crystal. AKA impales him and literally kills Victim. When he notices Victim stops moving, throws him away and tries again.
He finds a hornet larva. Decides to try something different. Bugs use the crystals for health, so as the larva crawls around and eats he crushes up one of his crystals and mixes it into areas they know they like to eat in. Because of the magic in the crystals, whatever sticks in their bodies results in the larva becoming strong, healthy, and extremely powerful sorcerers.
Chosen fights-- both the Deadlanders and Alan-- but can't win. He tries running, but Alan rips off a wing and puts him in the jar. Eventually Alan gets lucky and finds a wasp larva, and unfortunately for Chosen, this one doesn't seem to understand anything other than following Alan. Of course y'all can guess what happens from here: Alan pits the two against eachother, Chosen tells Dark they can team up to fight Alan, and end up doing a lot of damage to him before running. It takes a long while for Alan to rebuild his health before he tries again. This time a lot more careful with a little bumblebee larva (Second). He keeps a very close eye on it to make sure it doesn't hurt him, and an even closer eye to make sure it doesn't get away.
Red's a ladybug, Green's a grasshopper, Blue's a firefly, and Yellow's a caddisfly. While Bugaria takes place in the Giant's Lair (AKA a abandoned human home)'s backyard, the color gang are from the front yard. They each have their own reasons to travel to Bugaria: Yellow has heard about Roach technology and really wants to see how it works for himself, Red wants to join the Explorer's Association and fill out his bestiary along the way, Blue wants to visit the Harvest Festival and give an offering for the goddess of Harvest, Venus' approval, and Green just wants to stick with his friends.
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However getting to Bugaria is difficult. While before most people would take the swamp, the only thing that resulted in was a lot of tension and frustration since they couldn't communicate with the Leafbugs living there and would only result in a lot of deaths on both sides. The swamp got closed off, and as a result, left two main paths. The Caravan is the most popular for good reason: it is an extremely long road usually consisting of many bugs, although because the trip normally takes around a month, it is not safe from bandits nor the weather. A lot of injuries tend to happen and many come out malnourished. The other option takes a day. Just follow the path through the Giant's Lair. There won't be many Deadlanders, but if there are, only large enough groups of bugs or explorer teams can go through to ensure safety.
Since they're a group of four impatient, naive, younger bugs, the Color Gang goes through the Deadlands. It isn't that bad actually, until a little bumblebee catches Red's eye, and an glint of Blue catches Yellow's. Each go off path, Red finding a very excited and nervous Second Coming, and Yellow finding a half of the Roach's ancient Key.
And This catches Alan's attention, because that bee and that key are both of his things. They get to see Alan's spooky ass eye, and Second urges them to run, but before they can the Color Gang gets squished by Alan's claw and Second and the key get picked up. Second isn't happy, stings Alan right in the eye, and gets dropped right next to his friends. He tries helping them up so they can leave, but they're still struggling. He takes too long and Second and his friends get a jar slammed over them.
Alan keeps watch of them, now mostly curious because that's a LOT of bugs in one jar. He's expecting them to fight or do something, but instead... they just sit together. They just chat and sit against the glass, and what really shocks Alan is when they pull out food and start sharing it. I think this is the moment it clicks for Alan that there's something more to them. Alan leaves, and when he comes back he brings back two things. A good pile of food for them, and one of his crystals. He places them on the ground and lifts the jar before perching to see what they do. They're too injured to leave even with the crystal's healing, but Alan is just fascinated with this new discovery. That they're complicated, that they think. For as long as they stay in the Deadlands, which is only a few days, he tries making it as comfortable as possible to see what they like. Tries modeling after what he's seen other bugs do and live in.
They leave of course, taking Second and the key half with them. Alan doesn't like it, but he lets them. Now he's curious on if they'll come back, and now just has a lot to think about now that he's realized they can think and feel.
Chosen & Dark
After everything with Alan, the only thing Dark and Chosen knew was the other, so they clung. Dark itched for a fight, and Chosen was more curious about the outside world. Eventually this lead to the two becoming an explorer team.
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It wasn't bad at first, but Dark of course gravitated to the shadier areas. Dark THRIVED in bounties and fights, meanwhile Chosen started second guessing whether or not he liked being an explorer. Every time they had to leave a kingdom or village, he'd always just felt disappointed. But Dark wanted to keep going, so he followed.
Eventually they started to get a reputation. They would do any quest, no matter the morals, and they wouldn't sell you out. They would get worse and worse clients, and were quickly teetering on the line of hitmen, and Chosen eventually had enough. He didn't see the point in it anymore, he liked the slow moments. Dark meanwhile thrived in a fight, because it was the only thing hes ever known.
This led to a fight between them. A bad one. Dark had been experimenting with Roach crystals to boost his own abilities, and somehow, Chosen ended up accidentally dragging Second and the Color Gang into it. There was a lot of collateral damage and Dark showed off how he was not above killing people, by targeting Second's friends. They died, and that mixture of sheer rage and grief was what triggered Second's skill in magic. Y'all know how this goes, Second beats the shit out of Dark Lord, revives his friends, but before he can land the killing blow, Chosen stops him.
Chosen doesn't want Dark to die, but he can't be with him anymore. So he rats on Dark. Gets him thrown in Rubber Prison, and Dark takes this as a betrayal. They depend on each other, and Chosen wouldn't even defend him and never visited him. Chosen regrets this decision every day and before he can get arrested too, he hides and is labeled as missing.
Anim VS Minecraft
This stumped me at first because how the hell do you mix bug fables and Minecraft but NO WORRIES I FOUND A WAY
After the Deadlands, first thing Color Gang does is sign up for the Explorer's Association. Unfortunately there can't be teams of 5, so they split into two teams: Blue and Yellow form Team Sunset, and Second, Red, and Green form Team Second. They do quests for a while, Yellow spends a lot of time focusing on the key half, and eventually they team up for a pretty important quest!
Not sure what this quest would be exactly, but basically they get lured into a cave and when they get into it Red starts acting weird. And then he starts attacking them and going for the key and yep if you've realized it WE FOUND A WAY TO ADD HEROBRINE FUCK YOU MINECRAFT CREEPYPASTA BUGSONA
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Art once again by @tatos-stick-pile
Herobrine is a recently awakened Golden Orb Weaver spider who uses his silk to puppet Red around. This silk is SHARP too. He tries going for the key because he's heard of the artifact and its power and he really wants it to expand his territory. He gets his ass kicked when they figure out whats going on and he escapes.
Afterwards Yellow decides to be more secretive about the key half. They don't figure this out for a while though, but the entire reason Herobrine was expanding his territory is because he looks after lesser bugs ESPECIALLY ones that have recently awakened. He just hates regular bugs.
And I lied to start with Purple I have to start with an Explorer Team y'all should be familiar with-- unless youre coming from the bug fables fandom and to that i say hello how do you like the shitstorm so far. Anyway one Explorer Team, Team Orchid. It consists of an orchid mantis named Orchid and another mantis named Navy.
Orchid is an explorer for the sightseeing and to help people. Navy doesn't exactly care about that, he's mostly around to make sure she doesn't get herself killed. Eventually he gets an idea that they can get a pet for some extra defense. Orchid LOVES the idea, and so Navy drags her to the Forsaken Lands to find something strong enough.
Orchid falls in love with a mothfly and won't settle for anything else. That mothfly is Purple, a recently awakened mothfly who is extremely confused because he's only been around feral mothflies and its his instinct to stick with them. Anyway y'all know how this goes, Navy "trains" (aka beats) Purple, who can't fight back and goes to Orchid for comfort. Purple causes a massive rift in their relationship and its not even their fault. Orchid wanted a pet to dote on and Navy wanted something to train. But Orchid isn't stupid-- even if Purple is a mothfly and can't talk she starts recognizing he's awakened. He's a child. She starts treating him as such despite how much Navy HATES it and Purple of course starts seeing them as their parents and really looks up to them.
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And one day Navy is sick of it. Takes Purple by the arm and drags him back to the Forsaken Lands and far from Orchid. Purple is nervous but still trusts him, thinks its for training. Navy drags him all the way to the abandoned Ant Settlement and tells him to stay there. To prove his training he needs to protect that settlement until he comes back to get them. Purple of course is "okay ❤️ yay❤️."
He doesn't come back. Neither does Purple. But Purple sticks to the settlement and protects it-- getting a little overly defensive of it. Overtime more mothflies are drawn to the area and of course they form little hivemind clusters and whoops! False Monarch 2. But since Purple is awakened and actually intelligent he has a lot more control over the mothfly clusters-- or False Citizens-- and they act more as an extension of him. Purple forms his own little cluster too-- and hates being separated from it and DESPISES being acknowledged as "just a mothfly" so he dresses with a mask and cloak to be a better bug. He gets a bit of a superiority complex as well due to just being surrounded by nothing but feral bugs that he can control.
Anyway the sudden re-population of this abandoned settlement with False Citizens does not go unnoticed. Especially because whenever one wanders close, Purple tends to have a citizen stalk and lurk around the edge until it creeps the bug out enough for them to leave. So a bounty is made once again for the False Monarch.
Blue and Green see it. They think it would be SO fun to lean into their competitive sides and see if whoever got the killing blow on the bounty would finally prove their team as better. So they go to the settlement, see the citizens staring and stalking them and ignore it. They aren't attacking them, after all. They're just being creepy.
They end up finding Purple who is NOT happy and is immediately defensive. But he's not attacking them. He's just kinda throwing a fit and making himself look bigger. Which is weird because bounties are usually extremely dangerous and hostile, but this one is just... throwing a fit. They end up just nearly dodging a fight when some of the citizens start grabbing Green and Blue to throw them out and Blue blurts out they don't want to fight. Turns out Purple does understand Bugnish, but can't speak it.
Great! So they don't have to kill the pretty chill bounty. But others don't know that, and they need to bring back proof they killed Purple to get the bounty taken down. They bring it up to Purple and after vague translations, they make a deal. Purple's been having trouble with a strong enemy near the settlement, so he gives them their mask and helps them defeat the enemy.
And its a big fucking spider, but thankfully they have Purple's range to help in the fight, and while its going smooth at first-- Purple ends up bailing. He's spent too long away from the settlement and figures since Blue and Green are strong enough that they'll be fine. They aren't. Because they needed Purple's range. Purple almost ends up getting them killed, the only reason they survived is because their friends realized they were gone for a long time and come just in time.
Green and Blue afterwards take the mask and leave. They're pissed at Purple but they can confront him another time, they mostly just want to be away from him at the moment.
Time for King! Y'all know King's deal. He has a child he loves with all his heart. In this AU he is a Violin Mantis and his little Goldie is a mantis nymph. King personally isn't an explorer, but Gold REALLY wants to be once and he always finds it difficult to say no to Gold.
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Anyway Gold hears wind of a tourist thing. They're doing this mini-tour of the Deadlands in a 100% totally nothing will ever go wrong encased area. Its gonna focus on theories on the Deadlands and what Gold is more interested in-- how Explorers made it safer and how they traverse it.
King doesn't like it. Its called the Deadlands for a reason. But Gold really wants to and is begging him and is doing all his chores and being the most perfect little nymph so he can go. And they claim its safe. King finally caves and takes Gold, and y'all can guess what happens. Deadlander breaks through and kills his son right in front of him before the Explorer escorts can kill it.
So like any regular parent experiencing grief King vows to fucking blow up the Deadlands and everything in it. Not like anybody cares about that fucking place and is widely considered a No Man's Land. He ends up getting his hands on the other half to the Key and is obsessed with finding the other half.
AVM Season 3
While going towards the Termite Kingdom to hopefully find some clues on where the other key half is, King gets lost along the way and finds the abandoned Ant Settlement. False citizens are of course not happy and watch him, but he ignores them. He might as well search the place while he's here. He ends up finding Purple, whose not happy and already a little on edge because Blue and Green haven't come back despite promising they will.
King notices the bounty paper Green and Blue drop and promptly manipulates Purple. Tells them that they probably won't be coming back. But I imagine Green and Blue were yapping to Purple, mentioning the key half because both dont take it that seriously, and Purple sees King's key half and mentions it through a drawing.
King turns up the manipulation to 100. convinces Purple to take his citizens with them (wants to use them as a deadlander bait). If they get the key they'll be strong enough for their village. He just has to get the key from his friends and bring it to King.
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Very cute doodle once again from @tatos-stick-pile
Purple does. A while after he's ditched the village to be with King, they run into Color Gang again. They're chatting and having fun and eventually Purple just... dissapears along with the key. Y'all should know what happens, the chase happens, Purple brings the key to King, he combines them and gets really strong and starts destroying shit. Big fight starts up, King focuses on superpowered Second, the color gang go after Purple, who isn't really that strong. He tries getting help from King, but King ignores him. Leaves him for dead.
This fucks up Purple. Because King introduced that fear and realization of abandonment in Purple. And Purple not only realizes how many mistakes he's made, but also realizes he's in fact a lesser bug. That's why nobody wants him. And people don't hesitate to kill lesser bugs when they're in their way. Purple gets both super emotional and terrified for his life, and is forced to abandon his beloved cloak and mask to make a run for it. Green pursues him, everything else happens.
Not sure how everyone splitting up would work so far, but Red somehow gets Herobrine and some of the bugs he watches involved in the fight. Green convinces Purple to go after King, and the bigger fight starts. King uses the Key to attack anyone and hes close enough to his goal hes gotten a lot more brutal. Will just hold whoevers nearest and shoot them point blank with it. Y'all know that scene. The scene where King is nearly killing Purple and goes through that flashback and is slapped in the face with the realization he sees Purple as his own son. That still happens, King gives up, helps Purple and Purple still sticks to him.
Victim & the Mercenaries
Shortly after being discarded by Alan, a cordyceps fungus found and started growing in the grasshopper's body. He is EXTREMELY lucky, because the tiniest crumbs of magic crystal left in his body was just enough magic to balance out the fungus sticking to him and passing on its memory without completely overloading it and turning him into a zombie. But its not perfect, and it still shows in the mini holes in his body. He also woke up fucking PISSED enough to turn him into a Locust
I'm gonna keep this section extremely vague since we still don't know what happened to Victim in AvA canon. Just know he built a massive "charity" corporation in the Termite Kingdom that claims its going to find a way to turn the Deadlands useful. AKA he wants an excuse to have enough money to research a way into killing Alan.
This involves hiring explorer teams, leading him to the Mercenaries: Hazard, Ballista, Primal, and Agent. They are explorers who work in the shadier areas of the Association and are EXTREMELY difficult to hire as they only accept high rewards up-front.
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Some concepts for Victim and Agent since I haven't settled on a design for them...
Chosen and Dark catch Victim's eye, since they're rumored to have attacked an Omega and lived. However since Chosen is missing, Victim and the Mercenaries stop by Rubber Prison to visit Dark. Now Dark and the Mercenaries were very well known in the same area, so they know each other. Doesn't mean Dark likes them.
They convince Dark to help them with the promise of his bands back and a dead Omega. Dark thinks Chosen would absolutely love a dead Omega, and so he doesn't hesitate.
Shit happens. Chosen and Second get captured by the mercenaries and Chosen is PISSED at Dark despite all the regret. They're both mad at each other but Dark's doesn't last long when Victim starts torturing Chosen for information. He's mad at Chosen but he doesn't want that.
He blows up at Victim a little at it, so to get Dark to listen, Victim rips off a good chunk of Chosen's remaining wing. That makes Dark stand down, and now Dark doesn't know what to do. Chosen feels too guilty about everything to say anything, and Dark is too prideful to apologize. More shit happens-- Victim has the gem of Hoaxe's crown. Long story short it can brainwash Hornets, which Victim starts using when Chosen keeps refusing. That pushes Dark more off of Victim but he can't do anything lest Victim directs it all back on Chosen tenfold.
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More vague shit. Mr alan becker i need the next part of episode six soon please. Anyway big fight in the Deadlands. Everyone's in there and Victim wants Alan DEAD. But Victim is getting progressively more and more pissed off because despite being attacked Alan is being as gentle as he can. He's going the extra mile to make sure he doesn't kill them. Anyway Dark ends up snapping Chosen's antennae to break him out of the brainwashing and Victim gets cooked.
Chosen decides to not murder Victim-- mostly because clearly that's not permanent and its too good for him. Victim is extremely upset about this because the fact nobody is killing him and just being weirdly merciful and the fact hes lost all control has sent him into a breakdown. Its challenging all the rules hes lived by and how he thought the world worked. Hes screaming and shouting at them.
Which attracts the attention of another Omega. Now the thing about Omegas is because they're pretty fragile due to being mostly bones, it means they need to build armor to survive. And they're territorial. Usually if an Omega picks a fight the one with the better armor survives.
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Once again-- art provided by @tatos-stick-pile THEY ARE COOKING
And to protect the bug he KNOWS he hurt and was alive-- Alan attacks the other Omega despite already being extremely injured and losing most his armor. The others dont have a choice but to hide out of sight, and eventually the other Omega wins and kills Alan. Tries looking around for the interesting thing that was shouting but finds nothing and fucks off along with a few undamaged parts of Alan's armor.
Everyone except for Second and the Color Gang decide to take their leave. I imagine throughout the story theres a lot of moments where Alan works on making it up to Second and just truely shows he cares and is regretful. So Second tries reviving him, but the problem is that Alan is just... fuckin' massive. Even when they're dead or asleep they're so big their bodies get mistaken for terrain.
It doesn't work at first. Until Yellow finds the gem Victim left behind that he used to control Chosen, and he learned that this can boost magic. He gives it to Second and he completely exhausts himself and they revive Alan. Yipee!! Everyone is saved happy ending go home its over
After Everything
Chalk my liar count to 2 y'all
Purple lives with King, and King has officially adopted him. They still have their own issues they're working towards, but they're slowly getting there together.
Dark and Chosen don't know what to do at first. Chosen wants a chill and peaceful life, but Dark directly contrasts that. He's much more well known and hated than Chosen. Just by being with him, he ruins Chosen's happiness, but he just wants to stay with him. Chosen wants to stay with Dark as well. Thankfully, one of the mercenaries pops up. They're pissed at first, but all they do is mention a town.
Looking into it, after the attempted takeover half a century ago, the bandit leader Astotheles got inspired by the celebration. He wanted a home, a nation for his people, so he left Bugaria because it obviously wasn't gonna happen there. Outside the nation's borders, he established his own village. Where bugs who are abandoned or discarded can come to start anew.
Chosen and Dark decide to move to there, leaving behind and finally moving on from everything that happened to them.
Victim on the other hand went missing. He took that loss HARD. Agent thinks he has an idea on where he went, but needs extra help, so he puts up a request. He's not bringing the other mercs because they don't know about the cordyceps thing and Victim prefers to keep it hidden.
Color Gang ends up taking it up. They are low on berries and its the only request on the board. Nobody is happy about this. Agent makes sure to go with them, and he leads them all to Snakemouth Den. In the den there's a lot of spores and magic in the air, and it gets worse the deeper you go in because in that cave is an ancient Roach laboratory where experimented on cordyceps and magic in an attempt to recreate the immortality of the Everlasting Sapling (that thing is long dead it doesnt matter).
Anyway Victim went here for a power boost. Thinks he just needs to try again and he'll have more control and he'll win. Now he aint thinkin' clearly because the magic that is so goddamn potent in this cave is messin with the fungus. And y'all remember what i said?
"He is EXTREMELY lucky, because the tiniest crumbs of magic crystal left in his body was just enough magic to balance out the fungus sticking to him and passing on its memory without completely overloading it and turning him into a zombie."
Yeah. Ends up shanking himself with the crystals to try and force more magic in him and it makes the fungus go stupid crazy and completely overgrow out and through his exoskeleton and whoops! say goodbye to your sentience. Control freak loses everything even the control over himself. Fun little boss fight I also imagine he has a poison thing going on.
Anyway they end up knocking him down and restraining him, Agent rips out all the crystals. Victim isn't dead yet but he's in awful shape, and congrats you earned Second's pity. Second heals him and Agent pays them a shit ton for that and brings Victim home to help him recover.
Anyway thats it for the AU so far holy god that was so much longer than I expected if you made it here we should go on a date to texas roadhouse together
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algea · 5 months
Ghoul School (pt 2)
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prompt: when you get out of the hospital, Lars has put it onto himself to take care of you until you're healed. I can confirm that there is a big chuck of text where you're really pissed off at him before he gets his shit together!
warnings: tbh i literally dont even know. umm yeah your shin is broken and you're concussed so. things may or may not get a little steamy...cussing duh
a/n: im super mega surprised all my Lars stuff has gotten popular; i think it’s very insanely unhealthy how much i love James Acaster.
~ there are a LOT of little secret references to James in here, comment what you picked out ;)
~ also this is probably longer than the first part idk, but its officially the longest post ive written @jesssuperwholock03
~requested by @thestralluvr
Lars visited you everyday. Every morning, every evening after work, sometimes even over his lunch breaks, like clockwork. You were beginning to think it was seriously unhealthy. You were lying in the hospital bed, 4 days after the incident, with your eyes closed. You heard a soft click of the door and you cracked your eyes slightly. You, being oh-so-surprised, were met with the tired face of your crush colleague and work partner. He wore his jumper tied around his waist, a dark colored button up adorning his body. His hair looked disheveled, which could only mean he had just finished a job. He looked so tired, more tired than you've ever seen him be. It was annoying, honestly. Annoying how attractive he was without even trying. 'Why can't I look like that' you thought to yourself, mentally frowning. You decided to acknowledge his presence, seeing how he took time, again, out of his day to come and visit you.
"Lars." You stated, turning your head look over at him. Lars froze, gazing down at your solemn face. You started to reach out to him, but thought otherwise and rested your hand back on the crisp sheets. You watched as he pushed his glasses up and pulled a chair to sit beside you. Lars rested his forearms on the edge of the bed, his hands clasped.
"I was told that you'll be able to get out of here today." He whispered, his tired eyes searching your face. He was desperate for you to come back, back to how things used to be, where he would tease you, and you would always find witty comeback. But he knew you couldn't, not for a while at least. Lars was so scared you weren't going to be able to work for Ghost Corps anymore, especially since the concussion you got really fucked up your head. Not to mention your shin, which was a huge impact on you.
Lars let out a shaky breath. He unclasped his hands and ran one through his hair. You reached out, more confidently this time, and rested your hand on his. He didn't move his hand; he was scared if you let go, you'd disappear.
"Lars." You said again, your face flashing with worry. Your other hand softly touched his chin, holding his face so delicately.
"I'm scared that you're not going to come back." Lars stated, grimacing at the words that flew out of his mouth.
"Why wouldn't I come back? What made you think this?" You asked, your eyebrows drawing together in a sad furrow.
"I want things to be the same, I don't want things to change." He whispered quietly, his eyes cast down.
"I think you and I both know that it won't be the same, neither of us want to admit it. Normally, you don't go around kissing people and pretend like you hate each other for the rest of your life." You explained, searching his eyes for an answer. His eyes glanced back at you as his cheeks burned with pink. You tipped his head to the side ever so slightly, your thumb brushing over his cheekbone.
"That's unfair, Lars. You can't expect me to leave you alone after that." You pleaded.
"Can we just drop it? It really doesn't fucking matter right now.” Lars snapped. You drew your hand away from his face, hurt flashing across your face.
“What I meant was that we should focus on getting you out of here.” He frantically explained. He reached for your hand, but you pulled away again. Lars had never felt an emotion like this. His ears were ringing and his brain was hazy. It could’ve only been described as embarrassment. He wouldn't cry, no, that's not what he wanted to do. He wanted to apologize over and over again until you'd forget he ever did anything or said anything.
“I think it's maybe time for you to go. When I get out, do me a favor and send Lucky and Pheebs to get me.” You muttered, looking down at your hands. Lars sat there for a few moments, his jaw clenched. He wanted to say something, anything, to make you understand how he felt. Instead, he got up and, with a longing gaze down at you, left.
You felt hot tears sting your eyes, which you allowed to fall down your cheeks. If he wanted to play that dumbass game again, you could do it, just not like you used to. You didn't realize that you were holding your breath until he walked out of the door, not looking back. You slammed your hand down on the bed in a fit of rage, which turned into a soft cry. You wished that you could make better sense of it all, but your wishes never came true.
It was only 2 hours after that you were discharged. Lucky and Phoebe, just as you had requested, rushed in to see you as soon as they could.
"Y/N!" Phoebe exclaimed, running to you and giving you a big hug. You smiled and hugged her back, or at least as much as you could with your crutches. Lucky joined in on the hug before you parted and started making your way to the car.
"Everyone is so happy you're coming home! We've all been super worried." Phoebe smiled, giving you a big smile.
"I'm so happy I get to see you guys again, Pheebs." You grinned back, ruffling her hair. Your mind wandered to Lars as you crutched your way to the car.
"Has um..." You started, realizing that the words were harder to get out of your mouth than you thought.
"He's not here. I haven't seen him since we went out this morning." Lucky explained, catching on to what you were about to ask. You looked down and nodded. 'Of course, how could I be so goddamn stupid.' You thought. Phoebe helped you into the car while Lucky set your crutches next to you. Trevor was driving, which was a whole other risk to be taking.
"Since when did they let you drive?" You asked, grinning at Trevor.
"Since Lars bailed at the last minute. I'm a great driver, so I have no idea what you're even talking about." Trevor bragged. 'He bailed at last minute? He never does that...' You thought sadly. He could've just been working really hard on whatever science thing he was studying. You really didn't know, but it did cut a little.
You didn't know you were carsick until you let Trevor drive you home. You thought Lars was a bad driver, but you quickly realized that Trevor was on the list of 'Never-Ever Drive Me Again,' along with Gary and Ray. You made a mental note of that as you struggled to stand to get out of the car. Trevor quickly rushed to your side to help you, easily pulling you up. You casted your gaze up, which fell on the Firehouse. 'Oh good, he won't be here.' You thought, as a feeling of relief washed over you. You hobbled in next to Phoebe and Trevor with Lucky trailing in not far behind. Callie and Gary stood right after the door, waiting for your arrival. As soon as you entered the Firehouse they were by your side, giving you warm 'hello's' and 'I'm so happy you're back and ok.' You were quick to hug them, hoping to talk to them about your situation with Lars.
"Alright kiddos, time to let the adults talk." Gary clapped, shooing away the smaller kids.
"Hey but I'm not-!" Trevor started, but was dragged away by Lucky. You three sat down around a table. It was silent for a moment as you tried to say what was on your mind.
"Did he come see you?" Callie asked, leaning in close.
"He came and saw me everyday. Sometimes up to three times." You whispered, your hands clasped together. Callie and Gary looked at each other.
"But when he came and saw me this morning, he was different. He was super moody, and got upset when I tried to confront him about kissing me like you said for me to do. I don't know if he doesn't like confrontation or if he, yknow, might be seeing someone else." You went on, nervously biting your nails.
"Y/N, I seriously doubt that there's many women who actually like Lars, much less want to even date him." Gary said, using his left hand to talk. 'Is he right? But I'm sure women think Lars is attractive.' You thought, scrunching your eyebrows together.
"I'm pretty certain that you're like the only woman he's ever talked to in a romantic way, probably even the only woman he’s ever even talked to." Callie confirmed.
"Either way, he likes you. We all know that." Gary finished. You were really hoping he was right, otherwise you were a fool being played.
You chatted for a little while longer, mostly about anything and everything that came to mind. After a while, you told them that you were ready to head home.
"I'll drive you home." Callie said, standing up and grabbing the keys. The ride home was filled with you and Callie singing awful 80's songs, the vast majority of them by Tears for Fears. That was something that cleaned your soul and freed your mind a while. Callie helped you into your apartment before she left with a hug and a warm 'see you soon.' You were seriously hoping that your torture would end.
After a day, you got restless. So restless that you decided to go back to the lab and start working again. Yes, it was idiotically stupid. No, you weren't going to listen to anyone and take a break. Honestly it was going to happen anyways. You walked into the lab the first day, partially hoping that Lars was going to be there, but alas he wasn't. You felt disappointment but you were hopeful that you'd see him tomorrow. Except you didn't. More days past by and you hadn't seen any sign of Lars in the lab at all. You were starting to get more and more worried.
It had been more than a week and you hadn’t seen Lars since. Concern was growing and you were growing weary waiting for him to return. It was extremely hard taking care of yourself, especially since you had to trek a long ways to get yourself to your car outside of your apartment. Finally, you decided it was time to go see Lars. It pissed you off so much that you were running to him, instead of him coming to you. You knew his place, mostly because you, Phoebe, Trevor, and Lucky would sometimes prank him by doing something so absurd he would tremble with anger. That was back when you had your little schoolgirl crush on him, before you realized that you loved him.
You decided to walk, opting for the fact that he knows your car all too well. You weren’t even sure if he was there, you really didn’t even bother checking to see in your group FindMy. You didn’t even bother use your crutches because they were stupid anyways, you could walk just find even though you had a little limp. God you just wanted to fucking punch his stupidly handsome face. He made your blood boil so much.
You were only a few blocks from from his house when it started to rain. Not just a light rain, but a pour. You grew a little worried for your cast, but continued on. You were completely drenched by the time you were on his doorstep. Even worse, it was cold out. You stood on his doorstep for a minute before you started to knock on his door. You breathed out, seeing your own breath in the air. You were so cold. No one answered, which was pretty typical for Lars. He was probably standing in the kitchen, not going to open the door.
"Lars!!" You yelled, knocking on the door some more. Water dripped from your face and you shivered again. The door still didn't open. You sighed and started walking away, the pouring rain drenching you again. You started to tread back to your apartment when you heard a loud bang and turned your head. There Lars was, standing in the doorway, eyes wide as he stared at you.
"Y/N!" Lars yelled back, meeting you in the rain. He craned his head to look down at you, his hands flying to meet your face.
"What are you doing here?" He said, his thumb swiping at your cheek.
"I came to see you. Where the fuck have you been, Lars Pinfield?!" You boomed, your right hand gripping the front of his shirt. His head dropped and he closed his eyes.
"I...I couldn't face you after that dumb shit I pulled. I wanted to apologize, really I did, but I couldn't bring myself to face you." Lars explained, his breath creating a misty cloud. All that either of you could do was stare at each other incredulously.
“Are you fucking stupid? I’ve wanted to see you all week, but your dumbass wouldn’t show up. Jesus Christ Lars, do you have any clue how much I’ve missed you? You’re so goddamn unfair you know that?!” You screamed, pounding on his chest. Lars’ hands moved from your face to your waist, holding you steady while you angrily punched him. He could only see you through his hair, which now stuck to his forehead, and his rain covered glasses which were fogging up. He was freezing, but all he could ever think about was you. How cold were you? Why would you sacrifice your time, hell, your health to come see him. He really couldn’t understand it. He couldn’t comprehend why someone would ever do that for someone. You would think with him being such a genius he would figure it out, however some people can be dense. But he realized that you were giving up all your time to invest in him. So, he decided that he needed to do the same.
"Do you think, maybe, that you'd want to spend the rest of your life, with me, maybe not just hating each other. And maybe not while hating each other, you'd like to be with me, y'know, for a long while?" Lars whispered, causing you to stop throwing punches. You looked up at him, in all his rain drenched glory. God, he looked so beautiful. You began to tremble, your hands lifting to capture his face with them. Lars breath quickened, his large hands gripping your waist. His hazy blue eyes captured yours, holding you in his everlasting gaze.
"Lars..." You murmured, swiping your thumb across his bottom lip. It was soft, softer than you thought it would've been. You found yourself daydreaming again about kissing him, though you'd never let him know how many times you've done it. You realized how close you were after you felt his breath against your cheek. You leaned in closer, pressing your chest against his. It was like something out of a movie, the way time stopped then. When your lips pressed against his, your body shuddered. It was like fireworks went off inside of you, making you all jittery and excited. Lars' hands slipped from your waist to your ass, softly gripping the flesh there. You slipped your fingers into his blond locks, tugging lightly. You heard a light groan rumble from his chest as he pressed into you further.
You weren't sure if the rain mixed with the cold had made you delirious, but after Lars had pulled away, it made him look even hotter. His tousled, wet hair, his lips that were red after the kiss, the ruby flush that adorned his cheeks and ears, and his half-lidded eyes made him even more beautiful. You found yourself feeling heat creep up through your neck to your cheeks as he stared down at you.
“Shit, right, you need to get inside, now.” Lars commanded, dragging you towards the door.
“Lars—!” You exclaimed, eyes widening as he basically picked you up. Your hands fly to grip the shirt on his back as you hoists you over his shoulder. He muttered a few things under his breath as he strolled to the door, obviously not caring that the rain was coming down harder. Lars opened the door, set you down, and shut the door with the heel of his shoe.
“Give me a second.” He commanded, leaving you standing in the foyer. You shivered and looked around, noticing some things that seemed quite out of place. Lars had multiple different band posters framed and hung up around the house, most of them signed. You could pick out a few like Pindrop, Temps, and the Timewasters. You also found multiple different movie titles like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and other things. ‘Interesting’ You thought as you took in your surroundings. Lars appeared again with a towel and some sort of clothes he had found for you to wear.
“If you fuck up my good clothes, I’m kicking your ass to the curb again.” Lars sighed, throwing the towel at you.
“Whatever, brainiac.” You bit back, trying to hold back your grin as you shoved past him. That earned a scoff and an eye roll from Lars.
“Washroom is down the right hall, second door to the left.” He called, peaking down at you as you went to change.
Lars had never had a girl in his house before. Other than the times his mother and sister had come over from Britain, obviously. His “outside” friends insisted that he bring a girl home, but he couldn’t ever bring himself to when he could only think of you. It made him a little giddy knowing that you were here with him. It was like a fever dream, if he woke up it all would be gone. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure that there was a way to prove that this was real. Lars found himself wondering if you liked how his house was decorated, the clothes he brought you, even the way the house smelt. At the thought of these, he began to worry that you didn’t like it here. Those thoughts were denied when you waddled back from the bathroom, furiously rubbing at your hair to dry it. It was silly, really. Lars thought you looked a little too good in his clothes. His Temps T-shirt was too big for you, and his plaid pj pants were rolled a few times to even try and fit you.
“You look stupid in that.” Lars scoffed once more, looking anywhere but your face.
“Hey man, you picked this out. Don’t blame me for your shit style.” You tried back. A hint of a smile could be found dawning his face. You smirked and poked his cheek.
“Is that a smile I see? Is the Lars Pinfield smiling in my presence?” You giggled, covering your mouth with your hand to fake gasp.
“No, it isn’t.” He replied, the smile growing wider on his face.
“It so totally is!!! Lars Pinfield is literally smiling right in front of me!” You exclaimed. He shook his head.
“Shut up. Anyways, I’m getting changed, don’t fucking break anything.” Lars sighed, sliding past you.
“You can put on anything, just as long as it’s not some stupid BritCom.” He added, shutting the door to his room.
“Who even watches BritComs…” You muttered to yourself. Walking back into the main foyer, you sat down on the sofa, which was surprisingly nice compared to how you thought your scientist boyfriend colleague lived. You sat down and flicked through the channels, stopping on whatever stupid romcom movie was on. You sighed and put your chin in your hand, anticipating the snappy response of ‘this is the shittiest movie I’ve ever seen.’
“Hey.” You heard from above you. Looking up, you saw Lars resting his elbows on the top of the sofa next to you.
“Hi.” You peeped back. Secretly, you were gawking at him. Lars wore a pair of white sweatpants and a black shirt. You’ve never seen him in casual wear, but you were absolutely loving it right now. His glasses weren’t pushed up, loosely sitting below the bridge of his nose, and his hair was still damp. If this wasn’t heaven, you didn’t know what was.
“What’re we watching?” He asked, glancing down at you. You shivered when his eyes locked on to yours.
“Some stupid romcom, you probably won’t like it anyways.” You answered.
“You’re right, I’ll probably think it’s super shitty, but I’ll watch it anyways.” He sighed, tipping his head towards you. You reached up and placed a kiss on his lips. Lars scrunched his eyebrows and sighed. After you pulled away, you patted the seat beside you, beckoning him to sit down. He all but scrambled to get next to you, plopping down with another big sigh.
“How’s your leg?” Lars asked once more, motioning to it with his eyes.
“It has definitely seen better days.” You replied earnestly. He nodded in sincerity, then turned his attention back to whatever you were watching. You looked over at him again before reaching over and slipping your hand into his. He didn't move, so you considered it a win. Taking matters into your hands again, you slid closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. Lars' head rested on top of yours immediately and you smiled as he snuggled in closer. You could smell whatever cologne he was wearing, a citrusy, vanilla smell.
"You smell good." You muttered, looking up at him through your lashes. Lars didn't reply, but you could definitely imagine the look on his face. That little embarrassed smile with a scarlet blush dusting his cheeks. You found yourself becoming a little sleepy as you settled in. Blinking a few times, you tried to wake yourself up, but that only made you even more sleepy. Unintentionally, you started to fall asleep. As you drifted off to sleep, you could hear Lars mutter something to you, but you didn't respond.
Somehow, in the middle of the night, you had moved from the sofa, to Lars' bed. Now you only had 2 options as to how you got there. 1. You sleep walked to the bed and magically laid down, or 2. Lars had carried you there. You groaned and opened your eyes, lifting a hand to rub them. You blinked a couple times and sat up. No, Lars wasn't in here. So then, where was he? You slipped out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen, finding that he wasn't there either. A cup of coffee and some breakfast was left on the counter, along with a note saying,
'I'll be back later, got a couple things I need to work on at the lab. I left you some breakfast and I'm sure you can fend for yourself for lunch. Please don't burn the house down. - Lars' You smiled and picked up the coffee, finding that it was still steaming. You noticed that Lars had made the coffee the way you liked it, which meant he definitely paid attention whenever you ordered it.
After basically spending the whole day exploring Lars' house, you settled into the sofa once more with a random book you had picked out of his bookcase. Hearing keys jingle, you lifted your head from the book and saw Lars venture in. You slowly got up, minding both your head and leg, and made your way over to him.
"Hi handsome, how did work go?" You smiled at him, leaning against the doorway.
"It was...eventful. I got thrown up on by pukey." Lars sighed. You laughed and patted his shoulder.
"That was probably hilarious. I'll make dinner while you take a shower." You said, pushing him along to the bathroom.
"Mmmm, fine. But..." He started before he swooped down and kissed you. Your hand flew to his hair, giving it a nice tug. With that came a loud groan. Lars' gripped your waist and pushed you against the wall. His tongue swiped at your lips, which you gladly accepted. You snatched his glasses and tossed them away, squirming slightly as his nails dug your waist. When he pulled away he grinned,
"Looks like I'm not getting my shower in tonight."
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
HEY WASSUP ITS 👾 ANON!! YOU BEEN DOIN ALRIGHT? sorry for my disappearance i have been doing alot of different things that weren’t on tumblr— BUT I HOPE YOUVE BEEN DOIN OK!!!
I WAS READING SOME OF YOUR POSTS IVE MISSED and YOUR DOING AN EVENT?? i wanna submit a request if thats alr ofc!!
im thinking about two because 1 with dark cacao SEEMS LIKE IT WOULD BE SO WHOLESOME TO DO,,, the dude with all the anxiety finally gets some peace. but,, 10,, with capsaicin,, IMAGINE HIM GETTING FLOUR EVERYWHERE AHSHEHABSH that scratches my brain,,, YOU CAN DO WHICHEVER ONE YOU WANT I JUST HAD THOSE TWO IDEAS
Comfort in You
dark cacao x gn reader
prompt: your presence makes all my worries disappear.
warnbings: physical touch, bro is on the verge of tears please comfort him
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i have so many thoughts abt this omg where do i start
as we all know, he probably doesn't get very much time to himself considering he literally runs a whole ass kingdom
and since he has very little time to rest, his stress tends to build up a lot :((
when he does FINALLY get some time away from working, he goes straight to you.
when he finds you, he literally melts in your arms. he feels like he can finally let out all the emotions he was holding back before
please just keep hugging him and holding onto him,,, your touch is sososo comforting to him
sometimes he'll rant to you about whatever matters are annoying him at the moment to get it all off his mind
pls listen to everything he has to say and hold him and comfort him and everything,,,, he appreciates it so much :,))
your very existence soothes all his worries and anger, and for that he is thankful :]
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a/n: OMG 👾 ANON HIIIIIIIIIIII!!! both these prompts scratched my brain so good but i ended up going with cacao since i already wrote the other one with another cookie :,)) i might make another post with that one & capsaicin tho :] lmk if u want it cuz that idea makes me so happy :,)))) also sorry this was shorter than i wanted it to be but i tried,, doing my best to defeat writers block in super smash bros ultimate
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules uhhh where was it um oh here it is!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 months
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Hi? Gosh how do I even start with this :'D
I know it's been ages since I've last popped up on here. I've been debating when to post this for a while, but I kept adding to my draft more and more and now it's the end of JULY omgg I felt so guilty disappearing with zero updates but then thought my birthday would be the best day to finally address this considering it'll feel less random? idk but Ive always celebrated my bday with you guys and I'd feel so bad answering your kind asks without me at least explaining why I was gone for months.
Truth be told, I was dealing with a lot of stuff irl. health issues and sudden declining grades that left me stumped and drained for months now- along with technical issues like having to replace some parts of my computer that took a while for me to find to even draw digitally, which I didn't have the time for anyway with how tired and weary I felt every day.
I'm frankly shaken up by a lot of shit rn and I don't know how to be active online with this burden on my chest- Especially as it's been a while since I've even looked at utmv related content and my motivation dwindled. I swear I'd hype myself up to post or reblog something- but I'd see just how much I've missed or the overwhelming amount of posts I'd need to go through and I'd feel so swamped with exhaustion and most importantly guilt, for not clearing the air up sooner to reassure you guys that I'm, y'know, alive, and not dead in a ditch somewhere. And I'd procrastinate cause typing it all out is hard and I'd give up halfway every time and it's just not fair to you all!
I thought I was handling it well when I started going out and socializing more, instead of staying cooped up at home on my computer all day. and in the first draft of this post I made months ago I was gonna detail some of the fun plans I had, for my life and for this blog :D but relaxing my strict study schedule and letting go a bit of my tight routine, thinking it was better than wringing myself dry to keep it up, backfired horribly, to say the least.
I know right?? so silly to be hung up on stupid shit like studies of all things! but this is a very important thing for me considering my career plans and the competitivity encouraged by everyone I'm surrounded by, the pressure of keeping up adding to my already stressful days. I had to fix myself up first and I couldn't handle the strain nor interact with people and thinking of jobs and exams sapped my energy so much it's frankly embarrassing. writing this feels so cheesy too and it frustrates me to know I could've come back a month earlier if it weren't for that, but I also know putting all of this into words then would just sound like incoherent venting (not that this is very different tbf) and I wasn't in the right headspace to address my absence, or anything really- I didn't want everyone to see me return when I couldn't muster up a genuinely positive message, let alone talk to anyone with a shadow of my usual cheer
I feel like a complete mess and It drives me up the wall how depressed I've gotten. I debated deleting this blog so many times 'cause the fear of disappointing my audience and my friends, for lack of a more fitting sentiment, made me feel even shittier. I'm constantly thinking if this wall of text is worth posting, or if it's better not to burden you all with all my sappy troubles as if it's the end of the world. Trust me, I'll be fine. I'm not trying to dramatize this situation, but I don't think I'm up to pretending I'm all sunshine and enthusiasm you're all accustomed to.
So sorry for worrying you all! I'll try to catch up, deliver some missed birthday gifts, and answer some asks while I'm at it! Again, I can't state how much I appreciate your support throughout the years. It's frankly a miracle I kept any of you around with how much I keep popping and leaving at random with no warning. I definitely can't promise for my stay to be without a hitch, and if you don't mind an inconsistent schedule you're free to stay of course, but I'm afraid I can't sustain the pace I had when I first started this blog. I'll keep posting art, but lower my activity in the fandom sphere to reduce the strain on my mental health. so fewer rants and walls of text, more art, and less stress overall. Love you all and thanks for waiting for this long <3
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embersofhope-if · 10 months
i have bad news
BUT i also have good news
demo is coming friday its just going to be a lot shorter than i wanted☹️
longer explanation under the cut for those who are curious🫶🫶
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firstly, im so sorry for disappearing. i didn't realize how long I've been gone until I saw just now that the last thing I've posted was on October 17th
But i am back now, and that's all that matters (please agree). Demo is coming Friday, November 17th, but like i said before, it's going to be far shorter than i wanted. I had originally planned to post the first two or three chapters as a little treat since this blog hit 1k followers but last night my laptop decided to refuse to accept my password forcing me to hard reset and wipe it and i lost ALL of the work i had on both embers of hope and shadows of the gun☹️(i was in genuine tears im ngl)
So! The demo will only be the prologue, but i assure you i am working to get back to where i was before. I'll stop myself here before i start rambling. Anyways, I love you and have missed you guys. Feel free to send in any ask if you have any questions or thoughts (or just say hi. ive missed talking to you guys)💞💞
I've also maybe written the start of that shadowhunter/vampire game i was talking about a while ago, and i may or may not be making a blog for it rn. if anyone is interested im 100% willing to answer any questions abt it too🤭
69 notes · View notes
justanamesstuff · 4 months
Chapter 10 (the end)
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Matty Healy x f!reader
A/N: First of all, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for everyone that reads this fic and supports me. It's been a hard process to post it, a lot of big and sad things happened during it (personally speaking) so I'm more than humbled and grateful for you all <3 I hope you like the end...I love these two a lot, as I told you, it is the first fic ive ever written so it has a special place in my heart. Anyway, I love you guys! enjoy! Warnings: a tiny bit of angst, FLUFFF, kisses, couples, love wins, typos. Word count: 4 K
< Chapter 9
Here we are at the end of a season,
and as we depart today,
we take away all the memories
we have gathered during our stay.
- (extract of ‘The end of Seasons’) by David Harris
“Y/n…I love you, I’m in love with you.” he finally said it at loud, to her. Matty felt his blood turn cold.
Y/n didn’t show a single emotion on her face under Matty’s scrutiny. “That’s not even funny, Matty.”
“I’m not jokin’. Heck, I’m so far from joking.” he approached her until they were centimetres away, graving gently her arms. Her eyes started to watered again. “Since that first night…” he stayed silent, he didn’t want to overwhelm her.
Y/n shook her head. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am.” he bumped his nose with hers. “You’re everything to me since the first moment I saw you.” Matty stated before placing his lips on hers. 
For a solid minute, they stayed just like that. Lips together, closer like they have never been before. Matty’s heart was beating so fast that provably Y/n could hear it. He was expecting her to reciprocate the kiss, to want him back.
He waited what it felt like an eternity.
At first, Y/n was shocked, she didn’t know what to do or move. Something was sure though, she instantly felt safe. Their hearts were close, they were close to each other and it felt right. It was everything she had needed since the first moment her eyes found his. The fear was trying to win the war against her wishes, even though she didn’t want to fight any more, she wanted to feel Matty close without thinking for a minute and just be with him.
After a few minutes of Matty feeling like a teenager all over again, Y/n started to reciprocate his kiss. The sight of contentment was transformed into a smile that slightly broke the kiss, even though he prevented Y/n’s body moving far from him. He placed his hand gently on the back of her head, bringing Y/n's mouth impossibly closer. 
Matty held Y/n as the most precious person in this world because for him, she was. The euphoria was taking over his body, his senses, urging him to tell Y/n all he had kept under secret for years. Quickly all his ideas or necessities disappeared from his mind, all he could feel and think was her. 
Both of them were afraid to break it because they weren’t sure if they would have another opportunity. 
Matty started to pushed her body backwards still with their lips interwind, which made Y/n opened her eyes as he did too. In a silent question, Matty placed his hands on her tights silently asking to carry her to another room. Y/n nodded as a reply, jumping until her legs rounded his waist. 
Matty walked all the way towards his room stopping from time to time so he could kiss Y/n a bit more or keeping his eyes forward but his mouth on her neck. Once the door was closed behind them, he gently let her body rest on top of the covers of his bed. He didn’t detach himself too much from Y/n’s body, watching her from above. He couldn’t get enough of her. Matty didn’t want to scare her or do anything wrong that would push Y/n to leave his room.
Y/n whined making him weak on the knees, before bringing him down for another kiss. Matty’s hands fell on her waist as his entire weight rested on top of Y/n’s body. 
His experts fingers touched the expanse of her belly where her shirt raised up, triggering a combo of thoughts Y/n wasn’t expecting. The woman kept kissing Matty at the same time sounds and scenes of waking up during the quarantine hearing him and his ex-girlfriend fucking ripped her heart apart. Probably those things happened in the same mattress she was lying on at the moment. 
Matty noticed her disconnection from the situation asking her, “What?” he fixed his eyes on her face, keeping a wide smile that disappeared seconds later. “What’s it? Did I hurt you or…”
“No, no.” she quickly said. “I- It’s so stupid.“ the woman hid her face behind her hands, embarrassed of her own thoughts. 
“Love, you’re scaring me.” Matty took one of her wrists, staring at her intensely.
“‘S nothing.” she protested, her voice muffled. 
“Y/n, did I hurt you?” the singer repeated.
The worry dripping from his voice startled her enough to show him her face entirely, her eyes finding his.
“No, no…of course not! I’m sorry.” she pecked his kiss as an apology. “Nadia.” Y/n tried to start telling Matty about her childish jealousy, gaining only a frown from him.
“You, her. The room. I-“
“Y/n, I don’t understand.” he said meanwhile Matty’s face keep twisting by confusion.  
“Don’t laugh, okay?”
“I will try.” Matty said, already laughing slightly. 
“I hated every single minute of quarantine when I woke up by the sound of her moaning your name.” 
“Really?” he inquired with a smirk.
Y/n cried out, “Matty!” 
The frontman fell back down on top Y/n’s body, crushing her a little, peppering kisses on the expanse of her throat. 
“Why didn’t you never tell me that?” he spoke into her skin.
“Oh, yeah, right!” she scoffed, twisting her neck to the side trying to get a look at his face. The man was still smiling. “‘Matty, hear this!’” she started her representation of that hypothetical moment. “‘Your girlfriend moans a lot, it’s a bit annoying, y’know?! Can I take her place?’” Y/n blushed after realizing her last question.
Matty prompted his body back up a little, arching his eyebrows. “Did you want it that bad?” his raspy voice made her belly twisted with pleasure. Y/n moved her head indicating a silent yes. “Really?” the singer needed the clarification.
“Yes, I spent months just trying- trying not to hear a single noise. But hell no, you have to be that vocal. It broke my heart every time.” the embarrassment was too much so she looked away.
“Why?” he asked, his face emotionless.
Y/n realized her mistake. “Because it was awful.”
“Just that?”
A question struck the woman’s mind, “Did you mean it?”
“When you- You said-” Matty felt tiny under her loving gaze. “The part you said you…me.”
“That I love you?” she nodded. “What about it?”
“How you were in love with…me…but then you were with…her?” 
“To say that I’m in love- That I’m in love with you since the first moment it’s not saying that I always accepted it.” Matty tugged her hair behind Y/n’s ear lovingly. 
“I don’t follow you.”
“You know me, Y/n. I’m not always coherent with my choices.” he pulled a face that made her giggle. “I fell in love with you three eyes ago that night,Y/n.” Matty said, more seriously that time. “You stated pretty clear that you didn’t want anything with me back then. I accepted. I just didn’t get over my feelings for a long time…or never, to be honest.” his fingertips found the apple of her cheek. “Believe me, I tried so hard to get over those…” Matty paused, lost in his thoughts. 
“Did you want to get over your feeling for…me?” she said, kind of hurt.
“I’ve told you it is difficult to explain.” he shook his head slightly and continued. “I thought for a time that I had got over my feelings for you. I was wrong. At the same time, Nadia came around.”
“You already knew her.” Y/n moved uncomfortable under him.
“Yes, but we became really close when I was getting over my feelings.”
Y/n looked into his hazelnuts eyes puzzled,“You’ve started dating her less than a year and a half ago.”
“What about all the previous time?” 
“Part of that time I didn’t reconsigned it either. I mean, I’m not proud of this…I’m not a saint, Y/n.” Matty explained knowing she would understand what he meant with those words.
“Believe me, I know.” Y/n tried to move from under his body, although Matty was quickly and pinned her down taking her hands over her head.
“Anyway, a year and a half Nadia came around, and I thought I was over you. I was wrong, I convinced myself I was. I started the relationship with her, and I loved Nadia but not in the way I love you.” his brown eyes piercing into hers. 
“So, what happened next?”
“I decided to stop being a twat.” Matty bumped his nose into hers. “To be honest, Hann helped with it a lot.” he confirmed, making her chuckled.
The frontman let go of her hands, running his own down her body at the same time his lips found hers in a sweet kiss. 
“I don’t know, Matty. It is a lot.” Y/n continued the conversation as if he hadn't given her a kiss that took all the air on her lungs away. 
“I know” he agreed.
“Did you break up with her? Because of…”
“I break up with her because I couldn’t keep lying. It had nothing to do with you…directly. Okay? It’s not your fault.” Matty said, hitting the nail perfectly. 
“This’s awful.”
“Me loving you it’s awful?” he tried to joke.
“No.” she blushed.
“Oh, no?” Matty couldn’t help it smiling like the biggest idiot in town. 
“Matty!” she warned him, gaining a few kisses all around her face and neck as a reply. “So, what now?” 
Y/n’s initial smile disappeared a little from her face when she witnessed how Matty got into his mind leaving her out. She let him have his minute before speaking again, not without worry infecting her blood. 
“Y/n?” Matty asked, searching for her eyes.
“Yeah?” she whispered. 
“Do you love me?” 
His intense sight, the weight of his questions made Y/n felt a bit dizzy. 
“I do, Matty.” she stated without a single doubt on her voice. 
“Do you really?” 
“Yes, that’s why it hurt me every time to see you with other girls. You said it, they occupied the place I wanted for me. I want nothing more than your love, Matty.”
“But I tried to show it…you never gave me a sign.”
“Firstly, I was deeply scared about what you make me feel. Secondly, how could I think you loved me when you spend time with me, being nice and all but then went from pub to pub with a girl under your arm? How could I think you wanted me when you had a girlfriend?” Y/n had a point.
“I made a move on you the first night!” Matty protested.
“Maybe is selfish, or cheesy, or whatever but…I didn’t want to be the girl you take home and never call again.”
“You would never be-” 
“How are you so sure? We don’t know, we didn’t know…we will never know. Now I’m the hypocrite or hysteric that said no but then wanted you to love me.” she hid her face behind her hands for the second time during that night.
“You’re not that. I don’t care what happened. We love each other, Y/n! I want to be with you, I don’t care anything else than you.”
“I do care about it because I don’t want another season to arrive with the same problems undone. Three years we were like this, without talking about it…It's not right.” Y/n clearly stated. 
“You’ll have to trust me with this one, Y/n. You have to believe that we can make it happen.” Matty sneaked his hand into hers, watching his fingers intertwined with hers perfectly.  “Please.” he kissed her again. “Give-“ another kiss. “us a” once more. “chance.” Matty finished looking at her directly into her eyes. He waited for a reaction that soon came as another kiss. 
Y/n needed to stop running from her feelings. 
“Let’s get some tea.” he smiled to her pushing his entire body off the bed and offering a hand for Y/n to take.
“Weren’t we?” Matty saw how a crimson colour took over her neck and cheeks. 
“Darling, are you okay?”
Y/n frustrated ignored his hand, passing by him who was quickly to take her back into his embrace hugging the woman from behind. 
Matty whispered his words in her shoulder. “I want to take all the time the first time I get to fuck you. I still have that annoying interview in a few hours, baby.” he left a kiss sensing how her body relaxed into his. “Patience is key here.”
“Shut up, philosopher. “ Y/n giggled, titling her face to the opposite side offering her neck for his lips. 
Matty ended up making the cups of tea, meanwhile Y/n waited for him at the table. “Here.” he placed her favourite mug in front of her. 
“Thanks.” she said, while he sat in front of her.
“No.” he exclaimed in a whinny tone.
“What?” she laughed.
“Come here.” he moved around the table.
Matty approached her, sitting right beside her before palming his own lap as an offer. “Come here.” he stated.
“Only person that can call my full name and not make me irk right after.”
Y/n laughed loudly because of his pout, sitting down on his lap comfortably and sipping from her mug. 
“We love each other.” she said looking far from him, blushing, while Matty laughed due to her reaction. “What?” Y/n asked, this time giving him a look.
Matty mumbled into her shoulder, “It’s not a business deal, y’know?” 
“Shut up.”
Y/n’s laugh was his favourite sound in the entire world.
“But…yes, I love you and you love me…I think…”
“You’re so boring sometimes.”
“But you love me.” It was weird and exciting for them so say it every single time.
“I do.”
“It’s so weird for me.”
“It’s difficult after so many years…years, Matty! Accept that after all this time you felt the same?” Y/n huffed.
“Yes, I know. Why you care so much though? I mean, at the end what it matters is that you love me and me you.”
“Because it means, one, that we could've been together since the start…and, two, that we could avoid hurting others.” Y/n said, her smile falling a little.
“About the first, I don’t think we were ready…I was an fool-“
“Was?” she teased.
“Shush! As I was saying, I was an idiot- yes, I still am- and I don’t want to think about the what if’s…I know I made you suffer, and I know I suffered too but we’re here…together.” he sneaked a warm hand under the layers of clothes, touching her soft skin. 
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. We learn slowly.” he laughed.
Matty found her eyes, saying, “And about Nadia and Tom…it was wrong, but we didn’t do it on porpoise.”
“Of course not! Still though…we hurt them. I can’t avoid thinking that I shouldn’t have accepted anything with Tom. I love him, he’s an amazing guy but I was in love with you…I-“
“Yeah, you should’ve just ran to my arms” she hit him on the chest.
“Be serious for a minute!”
“I’m serious!” he said, and she placed her head on his chest giggling. “I was incredibly hurt by you choosing him…over me.”
“Yeah, I can see that now.”
“Understand my position. I’d been trying to be with you that first night and you were all no’s. Then I see many times how idiot asked you out, then you just avoid them…but Tom was there, and you asked him out?”
“I was trying to get over you.”
“Don’t be so hurt! I’m not proud of asking him now. I hurt him really bad.” Y/n pouted a little. A pout that Matty kissed away.
“What happened…that night…after?”
“He asked about what was going on between us…and-”
“I ended up confessing that I had feelings for you.”
Matty was taking aback by her confession. “You what?”
Y/n continued speaking like the singer didn’t say a word, “He got angry.”
“Of course!”
“Don’t be like that. I still feel awful about it.”
“Poor Tom.”
“Matty!“ she whined.
“What? I feel sorry for him! I know what it’s getting hurt by you…I pity him”
“Not funny, at all.”
“I’m messing with ya’, I’m sorry.”
Y/n pushed her head away from his shoulder, asking, “What about Nadia?”
“I told her I was going through a lot and that I couldn’t continue with it…”
“You never explained her that…you have?”
“Feelings for you, baby? No, but she still hates me.”
“Poor thing.”
“Yeah, I tried to see how she was doing, she didn’t answer. I get it though.”
“Hey! I also felt bad for doing that to her. She was my friend before everything.”
“You have a thing for your friends.”
“Not all of them.”
“Mmm, I’m not sure.” Y/n said, playing with the hem of his shirt.
“Only with you.”
“Am I special?”
“Yes, for me…you are.” 
He kissed her again and again, Matty couldn’t get enough of her. Faster than he expected Y/n broke the last kiss making which he protested against.
“Why you keep doing that?”
“Doing what?“ Y/n faked innocence.
“Pushing away, as if you weren’t…still..sure about us.”
Y/n took a minute to answer, “Do you know we’ll have to do a lot of work for make this really happen?”
“It’s already happening, darling. Besides, Y/n-” the singer placed his hand on her jaw in a gentle gesture, forcing Y/n to look at him. “I would do everything for us to work.” 
“I know. But- Seriously- We hurt each other, we hurt others…no because we say we love the other the rest it’s erased.”
“Of course not…although, we can’t focus on the past when we’re trying to make the future work, Y/n.”
“I know.” she stated her words kissing his cheeks. 
“If you let me I’ll do everything in my power to stay with you till this life, the universe or whatever let me. I can’t imagine loving someone else, my love.”
“I’m 100% serious. I repeat, for the thousand time, I know I hurt you and I can’t promise I won’t do it again, but I’ll do my best to avoid it, okay?”
“I hurt you too-“
Y/n sensed his hesitation, knowing that probably Matty blamed himself more. “You’re not the bad guy here, I’m not the good girl either. We made mistakes, big ones.”
“I did a lot of wrong things.”
“Yes, me too. And the entire world make mistakes…we can’t punish ourselves forever about those.”
They left silence to occupy the space between them meanwhile they lost themselves into picturing a better future together. 
Matty was the first one to break it, “I can’t believe I wait so long to tell you.”
“It’s alright.” she caressed his cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The singer’s hand found the back of her neck, bringing Y/n closer for another kiss that took her breath away. 
Not so long after they lost themselves into the other, someone walked into the kitchen.
“Well, well, well…what we have here!” George startled them, sporting a smile that occupied his entire face. Matty and Y/n drifted apart, but he kept his arm, protectable, around her. 
“Not your business.” Matty spat.
“Oh, I think it is!”
“It’s not.” Y/n interfered choosing Matty’s side.
“Excuse me?” Ross interfered. “It fuck’ is our business. We had to bear with you two all this time.”
Y/n groaned and hide into Matty’s chest. “I hate them.”
“Me too.” he kissed her head.
“Did you hear her?” George said to Ross.
“She’s so ungrateful.” the bassist shook his head, giggling. 
“Stop with that, you two.”
“What’s going on?” John asked, making himself noticeable.
Y/n’s gaze met Matty’s.
“We talked…” she said.
“Aja.” George said, sitting in front of Matty. 
“And we came to terms with each other…” Matty completed her phrase.
“Good, good.” Ross’ tone urged them to keep talking.
Then was John’s time, testing the wasters, “Are you friends again?”
“We-“ she looked at him.
“Hell no.” Matty said clearly.
George turned around, talking with John, “Mate, she’s sitting on his lap. ‘Course they aren't just friends.” Ross and John laughed at Y/n and Matty’s embarrassed faces.
“I mean…I love her.” 
“We’re not friends?” Y/n faked getting hurt.
Matty got confused for a second, “We’re but… I thought-” he looked at her with a puzzled look. She laughed at him.
“I’m joking.”
“They’re in looove!” Ross mocked them.
“Yes, we’re.” Y/n smiled feeling like an idiot.
“So, you’re together now?” one of the guys asked, but Matty was lost on looking at his girlfriend. 
Matty detached his gaze for a second, saying,“Could you guys stop asking questions? We’ve just talked about a lot of things…that are not your business by the way.”
“Don’t be that harsh, baby.” Y/n calmed him.
“I hate them.”  Matty told Y/n, gaining another round of laughs.
“And we here all happy because you’re finally together!” George sarcastically scolded the couple.  
“I’m happy we can go to normal…well, normal…” John said.
The guys continued bickering like the teens they still were when all the gang was together. Meanwhile Y/n’s eyes found the closest clock. 
“Shit!” she mumbled, pushing her body off Matty’s embrace. 
“What’s wrong?”
“We are late.”
“For what?”
Y/n rounded the tabled, carrying their mugs to the sink, “For the fucking interview.”
“Fuck me.”
“She will do that later, mate. You have an interview!” 
Matty went to say something back to Ross, even though Y/n cut the childish fight off, “Don’t! We don't have time for that.”
After a few quick change of clothes, Matty and Y/n ran out of the house meeting the driver for the day. 
Universe was with them that day because they quickly arrived and met the people hosting the interview. Y/n saw Matty walk away far from her even though they made eye contact constantly. 
The interview went better than she expected based on the interviewer having a tendency for being aggressive about his questions. Matty had a lot of experience with interviews so Y/n only relaxed while listening him talk about the instruments and techniques they used for the last record. 
“So, for the last question Matty…” the old man said, reading something on a paper in front of his eyes. “Where do you get inspiration for your songs? There is something or someone you have as your muse.”
The singer felt Y/n’s gaze on him and only him. Even when he wanted to say she was the reason behind most of his songs, he couldn’t. 
Matty took a short, discrete look at Y/n,“It changed a lot during the last few years, y’know? It can change depending on the season or the place I’m writing or-” Matty started explaining, but he got into a tongue tie so he chose another tactic. “I won’t give away my muse, sorry mate.” he decided to give an ambiguous answer instead.
The second time his eyes met hers, Y/n understood everything. He didn’t have to clarify more for her. 
“Okay, I get it. Well, this is everything from me.” the interviewer said to Matty. “Thank you for joining us, it has been a pleasure.” the man saluted the singer. “Stream…” he continued promoting the album but Y/n’s mind was else where. 
She was the first one Matty approached after shaking hands with the interviewer once more. 
“Everything alright?” he asked quietly. 
“Yeah, more than alright. Let’s go, we have to meet Patty.” Y/n walked towards the exit, making him run softly reaching her side and taking her hand on his. 
The end
Taglist: @sinarainbows @eaglestar31 @sugarkane1001 @brittluvs1975
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
Chapter six (Final for now), Life's Too Short
Chapter one , two, three, four, five, <- if you missed it.
Cooper howard/The Ghoul x Lucy Maclean
Post end of season 1
No beta.. I tried to edit 🫠
Leaving it here from now.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This is fluffy and a lot of smut. Biting, riding, finger fucking, leaving marks, screaming.. it goes on. V and P. Deviates from canon clearly.
🚨+18 only - MDN🚨
Slow burn is over!
Please be nice this is my first fic in almost a decade 🫣
Will eventually post on AO3 once I can get access... or where suggested 🤷🏻‍♂️ Like please tell me I am old and don't know things anymore.
Getting out of the Deathclaw’s territory proved to be tricky. Particularly with a Brahma, the beast was not really happy about being dragged along. There was also the Deathclaw’s head strapped to it. Making sure it got water and something sort of like food was difficult. It made the traveling slow.  By the time they got to the next outpost, Lucy was out of water and Cooper was dangerously low on chems. They had gotten a lot of looks as they walked through the big pieced-together gates. Most went back to whatever they were doing. But some stared. Lucy made sure to keep herself close to the Ghoul. They hadn’t really discussed anything since the warehouse, much too busy trying not to die. But something had changed, the leather-cladded man didn’t scoff when she ran into him. Didn’t mind when she snuggled up to keep warm overnight. The idea of a bed and not being hunted by giant damn monsters sounded amazing. 
The head of the Deathclaw that Lucy had blown up hit the front desk of the outpost hotel. Well if you could call the two-story pieced together building that. The small man looked at the head for a moment, then back at the two of them. 
“I am guessing you want a room?” He raised his eyebrows at the two, his glasses perched on the end of his nose. 
Cooper also grabbed a paper from beside the hotel manager's head and slammed it down beside the head. “Also take the caps for its bounty, and where we could offload a Brahma.”
“Well,” The man looked up over his glasses at Cooper. “The bounty is for the full body of the Deathclaw, and the beast can go to the farm east of the town.”
Cooper leaned closer to the little man. “Want me to ‘ive yah directions to the thing? Or should I walk yah over to the corpse ‘yself?” 
The man had tried to lean away from the Ghoul but he had followed him. Making sure his face was within the inches of the man. Lucy bit her lip, something about watching him take charge did-. Well, it made things get hotter in the room. 
The man stammered, “Let me get my manager and we will sort your caps.” 
Cooper stood up and gestured dismissively at the small man, as he scuttled away. Coop leaned against the desk as Lucy watched the door hand on her pistol. The man came back looking flustered and plopped the bag of caps onto the desk along with the room key. Cooper snatched it up, tipping his hat at the man. 
They walked back into the town, Lucy bartered some of her bits and bobs with a merchant getting herself some radaway and a few stimpaks. As well as some better-fitting clothes, and a new poncho. Then she and the Ghoul walked a little ways outside the camp to trade the Brahma. The farm had looked a little flustered but offered to give them a good supply of dried foods and moonshine. They didn’t want to owe Ghoul but a Brahma was something sorely needed. Cooper had accepted the offer as he was not interested in hauling the animal around. 
Then they were back in town with all the eyes on them. Cooper had disappeared into a particularly shady spot. Dogmeat standing guard in the dingy alley. She made sure to keep her wits about her. The place wasn’t bustling but it wasn’t quiet either. Women sneered at her muttering about Ghoulfuckers. It made her stomach flip again. Was it that obvious? After being on the road for weeks, being beaten to shit by various creatures. She figured she’d had to have started to blend in a little. She looked around again. A couple more men had walked out to look at her. She moved closer to the alleyway entrance, her finger on the pistol. 
“Come on Coop, get the chems.” She muttered her hands mindlessly running over Dogmeats soft fur. 
The longer she stood out there the more people she saw looking at her. She licked her lips, they had become permanently chapped at this point. Maybe they'd be callous over time, like the rest of her. The wounds in her back and thigh still ached. The mark on her shoulder had healed, for the most part, but it still aches if she overused it. A hand touched her hip. She jumped hands on her pistol as she turned Cooper’s crooked grin greeting her. Her shoulders sagged as she leaned against him. 
“Come on Vualtie, let's go see what accommodations we got.” He guided her back toward the hotel.
Coop locked the door behind them as they got into the room. It was more of a closet with a somewhat functional toilet and standing shower. But at least they weren’t hiding from any deathclaws tonight. Maybe some pissed-off townsfolk but they’d take that as they came. Right now his eyes were on her. He had gotten a nice stash of Chems from the backdoor pharmacy, they had water and some decent food. As far as wastelanding went they were better off than most. Dogmeat had already settled into the bathroom closest to the door. 
Lucy had placed all their weapons within reach and laid out some food. She had even drunk a good slurp of water, and they could get more too. 
“What do you feel like? They said this was mole jerky, but I don’t know how reputable the vendor was. Plus I haven’t seen a mole that wasn’t glowing in a long time.” Lucy rambled, waving the offending jerky in the air. 
“Not really feeling like eatin’ food,” Cooper stated licking his lips. 
Lucy turned her brows furrowed, she looked up at him. “Oh. Well.” She looked back down at the food and then back up at him. He could see her piecing it together. 
“Oh. Oh. Do you mean?” Lucy blushed and looked down at her feet. 
“Don’t get bashful on me, killer. You nearly blew me up with a grenade and dragged me across the desert barefoot. Stripped me down to my unmentionable and pulled out a damn piece of bone out of my chest. You don’t get to play coy with me anymore.” He stated plainly as he walked towards her, his hand tilting her chin up so he could look at those big doe eyes. 
Lucy licked her lips looking up at him. He didn’t know what she saw in him but whatever it was had her melting in his leathery hands. 
He couldn’t fuckin take it anymore his free hand grabbed at her hips pulling her into him. His mouth clashed against hers as he kissed her. Not gentle like the first time, or even the second time. No, this was hungry. The months of being together, watching her move and change. Her lying on the floor of that fuckin warehouse. No, not anymore. He wanted her and he wanted her now. He wanted her more than he had wanted anyone in two centuries. 
She started pulling at his duster fingers, shaking as she pushed the leather off of him. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and dragged it up off of her. She untucked his shirt and pulled it up over his head. Hat falling onto the ground behind them. Lucy giggled and snatched the hat placing it onto her head, before leaning back into kissing him. She pushed him down onto the mattress sliding herself onto his lap. He groaned as she ground her hips down onto his crotch. He grabbed her hips rocking up against her, eyes rolling back in her head as she felt him press. 
He grabbed one of her breasts in his hand rubbing against the smooth flesh there, fingertips rolling nipples that had Lucy biting her hand trying not to cry out. Cooper batted her hand away. 
“No, no, I want everyone to hear you.” He hissed, pulling her down so he could bite at the top of her breast. 
A small cry squeaked out as he left an indent on her skin. She ran her hands over his head holding it against her skin. He rolled her so he was on top, leaving a trail of fresh bite marks that had the Vaultie rolling underneath him.
His hands trailing along the edge of her pants, she tried to wiggle free of her pants but he held her firm. Licking and kissing along the top edge. Tomorrow if her shirt rode up everyone would see the marks. He wanted them to see the marks. To know that her screams came from him. He bit hard right below her navel and she bucked 
“Oh, Oh, dang it that hurt.” Lucy groaned and pushed his head down. 
“Come on darlin’ tell me whatcha want.” Ghoul grabbed at the edge of her pants pulling them slowly down.
“Just-” Her voice cracked.
“Come on. Say it.” He growled, pulling them a little further down. Her hips moving and wiggling trying to get him to take them off.
“I want you to lick me.” She swallowed looking down at him eyes so dark 
The man grinned, yanking her pants down. Leaving her underwear on, he pushes his shoulder in between her knees pressing his face against her. Breathing her in, she smells so good. 
Lucy lets out gasp her knees pushing against the side of his head as her ankles lock behind his head. His tongue flicked out to go over the thin fabric. 
“Come on, tell me. Tell me what you want me to do.” 
Lucy let out a few strangled sounds as her hands grasped for purchase. He sucked at the wetness coming out through the underwear. 
“Say it.” 
“Ohmy, if you-” She choked again as he kept sucking. “Please- ughn- I want to feel your tongue in me please.” 
“Good girl,” He grinned using a finger to push the thin fabric aside he leaned in and ran his tongue along her. She tasted so good, he groaned and sucked on her lips. Before sliding his tongue down using his fingers to separate her folds, she was dripping as licked in there. Her fingers gripped the sides of his head, as her back arched up pushing him forward. He moved his hands under her ass, lifting her hips towards his face. 
“Oh, don’t stop.” She trembled her body, vibrating as he licked inside of her. 
He pulled his head away licking at his tattered lips and sitting back to admire her. Lucy’s legs trembled as he pulled her underwear off, leaning in to nip at her thighs. She cried out as he left a line of marks up where her thigh and hips met. 
Lucy pushed herself up, staring at him, her eyes lidded, lips red and swollen. “If you don’t-”
“Don’t what?” Cooper hummed, taking his fingers to run up and down between her lips.
Her eyes rolled and she shuttered,” Torturing me,” Her words were stuttered and hardy formed as a finger sunk into the wetness. 
“Not torturing you,” He hushed, “No gulper bait here.”
She gasped as he pushed back and up, hitting a soft spongy spot that made her toes clench.
“Motherfucker,” Lucy gasped as her hips started to push down onto his finger.
The Ghoul leaned forward sucking at her clit as he pushed another finger in slowly. Purposefully dragging it out, making her keen and grabbed at the bed as he scissored and edged her. He watched her for a moment more before he began to a steady pace the wet sounds filling the tiny room. Her hips rolling with him, insides sucking him further in and squeezing tightly.
“That’s it, let it go.” He murmured licking and sucking against her clit. 
Her legs began to shake as her fluids gushed forward as his fingers kept going until she was trying to push him away. 
Lucy was a puddle, and there was actually a puddle under her ass at the moment. The damn man between her legs was going to kill her. Nothing in her very small sexual history had felt like that.
Cooper rested his bald head against her thigh as he lazily made circles around the bruises. Then he was moving before she had time to recuperate, his pants clattering to the floor as he snatched that hat off her head. 
“Think this belongs to me, little lady.” He grinned down at her, gold eyes almost black as he pushed his hips forward against her. 
Reaching up she pulled him down on top of her, she was so overstimulated but the hard line of his cock against her was making her want more.  Damnit if she didn’t want it right now. She rolled her hips up and kissed along his jaw. She could taste herself on him, they tasted so good together. 
“Fuck me,” She whispered into his ear taking the lob into her mouth, her hand found away between them fingers running over his hard length. 
“Come again,” He grinned and sucked at a new mark along her neck. 
Her toes curled as she stroked him, fingers pushing at the slit on top making his hips stuttered forward. 
“Fuck me, Cooper,” She said into his ear as her hand tried to get him where she wanted him to be.
He leaned back looking down at her like he had never seen her before, as if he was trying to memorize her features. Then he pushed his way in, and both their mouths opened slightly. The girth made her inside ache as he seated himself as deep as he could go. They stretched a hot fire that made her inside shiver. 
“Fuck, you are so beautiful.” He groaned and began to pull out, Lucy immediately wrapped her legs around his hips trying to get him pushed back in. 
“Nuh-uh,” He grinned as he grabbed her legs and bent her in half. He slid back out and then slammed himself back in making Lucy see stars as he bottomed out. “I am in control here.”
Each word was punctuated with a snap of his hips, Lucy felt like her brain had gone foggy, her mouth hanging open as she pushed back against him. His pace started to increase as he held onto her hips bouncing off of her hips, her breast bouncing. She let her fingers grab at her nipples pulling at them, how was she so close already? Heat spills into her stomach as another orgasm builds up again. 
“I am gonna-” 
He pulled himself out, making her scrambled to try and get him back. The Ghoul placed one large hand on her stomach holding Lucy in place. Cooper grinned from under his hat the tip of his penis sitting right at the entrance. 
“Told you, Princess. I am in control.” 
Lucy growled fighting herself up from under him rolling so that she was on top of him. She grabbed his cock without a second thought and pushed it back in. 
“Oh, oh yes,” Lucy groaned, tipping her head back as she started to move her hips in circles. His hands grabbing at her breast, squeezing, started to move his hips up against her. She tucked her legs a little, hands on his scared stomach pushing herself up and ridding him as he fucked her. 
The heat built as the man’s fingers rubbed at her clit. There was no stopping it now heat uncoiling as her hips moved wet making his dick slip in and out with slick wet sounds. Lucy’s voice came in as she called out his name, her second orgasm making her tremble and bite her lip hard enough that she felt blood. 
Cooper took the opportunity to roll them again, one hand grabbing both of hers and pinning her to the bed. He bit onto her collarbone hard enough to make her wonder if he was going to take a chunk out of her. His hips snapped so quickly as his other hand held her hips close, his eyes rolling close as his own pleasure slipped deep into her. Hips stuttered from overstimulation in jerky motions till he stilled. The Ghoul let go of his bite, a deep mark blooming, his head resting over her pounding heart. His tongue licked out over his lips.
Then he was up, Lucy groaned. Trying to get him to come back, she watched as he walked over to his saddle bag. Muscled body moving swiftly as it dug around for something. She sighed staring up at the ceiling. Her body hurt in many different ways. The marks would be visible for days. Lucy’s fingers came up and felt at the one on her collarbone, clear indents where his teeth had sunk in. Her face flushed realizing that everyone would be able to see that.
The bed dipped and Cooper handed her a bottle, the label was barely readable ‘Rad-x’. Reaching across he also grabbed the flask with water.
“Take two,” He said firmly before getting up again despite her small whines of annoyance. 
She looked the bottle over and uncapped it, taking out two of the pills. They smelled awful, not nearly as awful as some of the bugs she’d eaten. She popped both in and swallowed, they burnt a little but it could have been worse. Sighing she stared at the ceiling, it was stained. Lucy rubbed her face as Cooper came back in with a towel. 
His hand grabbed her ankle and he dragged her to the edge of the bed. She squeaked as he spread her legs and started to clean her. Biting her lip she watched as he carefully wiped her down. Leaning in to kiss the bruises before he tossed the rag into a corner. 
“Thank you,” She giggled, reaching for him, he climbed in dragging her to his chest.
“Anything for you. Life's too short."
I may come back to this, I haven't decided yet. But I like it where it is fo now.  
Let me know! Thanks for reading. More to come <3
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wastefulreverie · 1 year
how disarming you can be
word count: 3921
see end of post for content warnings
Danny woke up to a familiar tingle in his throat.
Then came the beeping.
Something was in his wrist and oh—fuck. Something was on his face. He was strapped down and this was it. The GIW had finally caught him. It was game over.
When he opened his eyes he caught sight of a thin white sheet wrapped around his body and wires and tubes and speckled gray ceiling tiles. When he moved his arm, the IV tube moved with it and before he knew it there were warm hands on his arm and Danny flinched.
Danny tried making out the words spoken to him, but everything sounded like he was underwater.
“—up his drugs a bit more. He’s coming to soon.”
In his peripheral vision, two white-clad agents in shades stood by the door with matching grins.
And the world went dark.
The next time he woke, there was a woman in front of him wearing scrubs. He couldn’t make out the words but there was a badge clipped to her chest with her face on it and the logo for West Amity Hospital—he remembered that much from after the accident at least. In the photo, her eyes were kind. They were a deep chestnut color and if Danny focused enough they could almost make the incessant tug on his wrist and nose disappear.
“—said, can you hear me, Danny?”
Oh, right. Danny was his name.
He nodded.
“Good. Now, can you tell me what year it is, Danny?”
Why wouldn’t she know?
But she seemed so sincere that Danny couldn’t not help her, so he told her the answer.
“And the current president?”
He told her the president.
She reached somewhere to her left and grabbed a clipboard. And jotted something down. Because this was a hospital, or it seemed from the looks of it. What happened to him that left him in the hospital—?
Oh God. He was a ghost. He couldn’t be here.
They’d know from his vitals alone that there was something wrong with him and then they’d call the government on him—and worse they’d tell his parents he was a ghost and so then he wouldn’t even be able to go home or back to his life and—
“Danny. Danny, are you with me? Your heart rate just went up by a lot.”
The world seemed to swing from a pendulum, and Danny had to pat the bed to make sure that he actually hadn’t floated off of it. He dug his nails into the thin, hospital bed and scrunched his eyes shut so that the world would stop moving but it didn’t help because he could still feel the swaying movement, tying knots in his stomach, and oh God why wouldn’t it stop.
“—having what looks like a panic attack. Danny, I need you to focus on the sound of my voice. Can you do that for me?”
“Stay—stay away from me!”
He couldn’t have them find out. If they didn’t already know. He was fucked. He needed to find a way to leave, to turn into Phantom. But he couldn’t have them find out about his ghost powers, so as long as he was monitored he was screwed. Where were Sam and Tucker and Jazz? They’d planned contingencies to make sure Danny never ended up in a hospital. How had he even gotten here in the first place?
The last thing he remembered was—
She’d been at the mall, releasing her new demo. It’d been a quick fight all things considered, maybe she was still weak from the last time they’d clashed or maybe he’d just gotten the jump on her, but it took under fifteen minutes for him to wrap up the fight. All in all, not a personal best for Ember but close to it. He’d just gotten the cap on the thermos secured when the GIW arrived guns blazing.
Danny made a run for it. They chased him to the outskirts of town and Danny was so close to just jumping into a ditch, turning human, and hoping for the best. He couldn’t let them catch him, no matter what. And then they got a lucky hit. There was a glowing green spear jutting out of his shoulder and he had just enough time to register that fact before his flight gave out and he plummeted to the ground. Hard. It’s been a while since he’s hit the pavement that hard, but usually he’s able to bounce back given enough time to recuperate.
They were waiting for him on the ground. White boots surrounded him.
The last thing he remembered was the mechanic whir of a thermos and then squeezing tight darkness.
It just didn’t make sense how he ended up here.
The woman was still talking. Trying to assure him to calm his breathing, doing some kind of counting exercise that sounded like one of those meditation things Jazz liked to rattle off. Danny couldn’t afford to be off his guard.
“How did—how did I get here?” he ground out.
The woman paused.
“How much do you remember?”
“Answer my question first.”
“A lot has happened while you’ve been out, Danny. I’m not sure which parts you are aware of or not.”            
“Fine. I remember being at school. Then I can’t remember anything after that.”
“School?” She paused, as if deciding how to phrase something. She gave a nod. “You were found injured on the shoulder of the road near the edge of town. You’ve been unconscious for several days.”
“That’s not right.”
Because the GIW had him. They’d put him in a thermos. Then they just let him go?
“You were found by a truck driver passing through the area. When we contacted your friends, they said they weren’t sure why you were out there.”
“You’ve talked to Sam and Tucker?”
She smiled. “Yes. Sam and Tucker. And your family, too.”
“Where are they?”
“Well, I imagine they’re at home. You’ve been out for several days, but they’ll be here eventually. Though, there is the matter of…”
“Matter of what?” he asked.
“I think it’s best that the doctor tells you,” she explained. “Now, is there anything I can get for you, Danny? Anything at all?”
“You could start by discharging me?”
She chuckled. “Not till you have a clean bill of health. Now, I have to go for a bit but I promise I’ll be back.” She tapped the remote built into his hospital bed. “Feel free to watch whatever you want in the meantime.”
In a matter of seconds, she strutted out. Left alone with the soft hum of the machines.
If he was going to escape anytime, it would be now.
He leaned forward, but as he moved there was a sharp pang of pain in his upper left shoulder. He pulled down his hospital gown and found that his shoulder had been bandaged thoroughly. As he shifted his weight, there was also a sharpness at the back of his neck that made black spots dance at the edge of his vision. Nausea pooled in his stomach and Danny slumped back against his hospital bed.
He wasn’t going anywhere.
Danny didn’t know why his ghost powers weren’t kicking in to heal him, but since the doctors obviously hadn’t caught on, he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. His vitals were also less fucked-up-looking than he expected. He’d checked his vitals in human form with Sam and Tucker several times, all of which were within impossible ranges for human beings (a resting heart rate of thirty beats per minute and normally hypothermic) but none of that was directly reflected in Danny’s vitals.
From what he could figure, the weapon that the GIW had hit him with must’ve done something to his core which explained why he wasn’t healing like he normally would. It rendered him visibly human. As long as it didn’t tip off the doctors, Danny didn’t really care about what it did. Though, there was the eventual issue of potentially permanent damage to his core, but he’d deal with that once he wasn’t being monitored by nosy doctors twenty-four-seven.
Now that he was awake, the doctors informed him that for some reason or another, some long string of word soup that Danny’s drugged brain couldn’t follow, they thought it best that neither his family nor friends would be allowed to visit him because of something with the stress levels of his injuries yada yada yada. Danny told them that sounded illegal. They asked him what law said that, and reminded him that he was still a minor. So, Danny shut up.
At least it spared him from Jazz’s flavor of overbearingness.
Though, admittedly he did miss his friends. He could only watch so much cable TV. The hospital’s channels sucked ass, hard. It was all shitty reality TV shows, movies from the ‘80s, and Cheers reruns. They didn’t even get the local news stations, so Danny couldn’t really keep up with the town at all. Unfortunately, the hospital said his phone had been smashed whenever he was found (made since, from the height of that fall—not his first broken phone nor his last) so his only way of knowing what was going on in the world was through his TV and the hospital staff and the hospital staff wasn’t budging.
The only person on staff that Danny liked was Carmen, the nurse from when he first woke up. The doctors kind of just brushed him off as a stupid mouthy kid, but she actually took the time to have a conversation with him.
“You know, your parents are good people,” she told him. “Must be cool with all their ghost-hunting gadgets and stuff. Or I bet you get tired of it after a while. Loses its charm when you’re around their stuff all the time.”
“Yeah, I mean their job has always been cool but it’s also a lot to deal with. Their stuff… is a little aggressive sometimes.”
“Aggressive? You don’t mean it ever targets you or anything?”
“Uh, I mean. It’s not supposed to,” he assured. “But Mom and Dad are still working out the kinks. It’s just part of their process. Stuff is a little sensitive around me, I think.”
“Just you? Why’s that?”
“Oh, you know. I’ve just been exposed to a lot more ecto-radiation than most people. Growing up in a house like that, it uh, you run into experiments eventually.”
“Your medical record shows that the last time you were with us, you were admitted for an electrical shock from one of your parents’ inventions.”
“Hehe, yeah. Um. The Fenton Ghost Portal. Don’t recommend getting too close to that during its power-on. Just a little shock, nothing too bad. I mean, Sam and Tucker made it sound worse than it was and so of course Mom freaked out and I didn’t even need to be admitted because nothing happened.”
“You were electrocuted by the portal?” Carmen’s eyes widened. “Did it hurt?”
Did it hurt…
Lightning wracking his body, pain touching every single nerve. The pain ended where Danny began and both bled into each other until they were one and the same. His body seized up, unmoving, except he could feel himself twitching as he was caught in the portal’s start-up, and he knew in that moment that he wasn’t going to survive. Screams ripped through his throat but he couldn’t hear them, didn’t even register their echoes because he was too far gone. Danny was dead. He wasn’t coming back.
And then he did.
“It was a pretty nasty shock, I guess.”
Her brow furrowed. “So, could that have made you sensitive to your parents’ inventions? You said something about—what was it?—ecton-radiation?”
“Ecto-radiation,” he corrected. “And yeah, that was probably it. I mean, their inventions started malfunctioning around me after the accident, but I don’t think it means that much.”
She hummed. “Probably.”
Danny needed surgery on his shoulder. He wasn’t sure what they could do exactly, but he was starting to panic because if they had him under the knife, then surely they’d see that his insides are a little too ghostly to be human. And even if they fail to notice that he bleeds a little green, what if by fixing the injury to his shoulder his core starts healing and they notice that his vitals aren’t right and then they never let him go home because he’s a freak of nature?
Danny’s fucked.
“I’m sorry, Danny, but your parents have consented to your surgery.” Carmen smiled. “They also told me to tell you that they love you and know you’re strong enough to get through this.”
Carmen squeezed his hand and Danny tried to believe her, even though he knew it was futile. They were going to find out he’s part-ghost and there’s nothing he can do about it.
“Now, let’s get you ready for surgery.”
When Danny came to after surgery, there were no government agents lurking at the edge of his bed. There were no baffled stares from the doctors. There were no ghost cuffs around his wrists.
There was one of the surgeons, Dr. Nguyen, and Carmen, standing to his left.
“Danny,” Dr. Nguyen greeted, “glad to see you’re awake. The surgery was a success and you’ll be able to regain use of your shoulder in the next few days or so, so no worries about that.”
He waited for it.
The ‘but.’
“But—” he held his breath “—when we were doing examinations after the surgery, we noticed something weird.”
Oh God. Here it is.
‘We  found out that you’re actually some sort of weird human-ghost hybrid and we’re going to have to release you to the care of the Ghost Investigation Ward. Sorry about that!’
Dr. Nguyen shuffled through some papers. “Your appendix is pretty inflamed, enough that we’re worried it might be cause for concern. Do you know what appendicitis is?”
They had to be the least observant doctors in the world or something really, really weird was going on here.
Danny was a freak of nature. There was no way they couldn’t put two and two together and not come up with ghost physiology.
Now, the doctors were preparing him for a second surgery and none of them seemed concerned about the fact that Danny’s blood was a lot thinner than it should be and was also, you know, somewhat green. Maybe whatever damaged his core had affected his blood-ectoplasm proportion or something?
He was at a loss.
He was almost tempted to ask, but the last thing he wanted to do was give them something to look for if they hadn’t noticed on their own. So he kept his mouth shut and ate his stupid, sugar-free hospital jello and watched the stupid hospital cable. He was getting sick of Cheers, but it was somewhat favorable to the Real Housewives of Whatever Fresh Hell they’ve descended on now.
(Note to self: Real Housewives parody set in actual Hell. Sam would like that.)
“Any word from my family?”
Danny had been in the hospital for almost two weeks now, and he was about to go in for his appendectomy. Carmen had been at his side almost the whole time and it seemed like she was the only one who cared enough to relay messages from Danny’s family to him.
“Jazz says she knows this surgery will be a breeze for you and your parents know you’ll be out in no time,” Carmen said. “Is there anything you want me to tell them back?”
“Tell them I’ll see them soon.”
Danny would be out before long. He didn’t care if the doctors didn’t think he could handle seeing his friends and family, he was getting sick of being trapped in this stupid hospital room and he was going to make them discharge him. He had a life to get back to, after all.
“Will do,” Carmen said.
Danny was knocked out before arriving in the Operating Theater. He expected to wake up in his bed like he had during the previous surgery. He hadn’t been expecting to wake up on a cold, metal surface with a light shining in his face, white barren walls framing his vision, and a gloved hand streaked with red and green ooze digging into his torso.
Oh God.
There was a fucking HAND in his chest—!
“—subject’s heart rate spiked, I think he’s awake.”
“Knock him back out. Now!”
“—working—on it—!”
Danny wanted to cling to the vestiges of his consciousness because something was deeply wrong here. His blood had been green and there was no mistaking it.
But the world sank into nothingness all around him.
White walls.
To black.
He awoke with a gasp. Carmen sat on a stool across from his bed. Expectantly with those oh-so-kind eyes he’d grown to know.
He wasn’t sure if he trusted them anymore.
“You know,” he exhaled.
They all knew he was a ghost hybrid. They’d been lying to him. And for—for what!
“I’m not sure what you mean, Danny,” she said softly.
“I woke up.”
“The doctors told me. That’s a traumatic thing to happen. The drugs don’t often wear off, but it’s a frightening thing when they do and—”
“No. I saw my blood. I know that you know about the ectoplasm, and for some reason you haven’t—why haven’t you—”
“Oh, Danny. We have been meaning to tell you everything, it’s just with your powers, the doctors and your friends were afraid that you would react the wrong way if we told you the truth.”
“My friends?”
“Your friends, Sam and Tucker.” Carmen stood from the stool and hovered beside his bedside. “The truth is, the night that you were found, you were captured by the GIW in a thermos. But then—we’re not sure what happened—they lost you somehow. You were brought here, bleeding out. Your vitals were off the charts, all of which your friends told us was normal. The GIW tried to get you back—”
“They what?”
“They did. But because you’re part-human, they can’t touch you here. You’re safe. As long as you’re in our care, they can’t harm you. Though, the drawback is that you’re also an ecto-entity and you can’t receive any visitors, which is why your family and friends haven’t visited. We thought it best that you have no knowledge of this because you might try to escape and put yourself in danger’s path before you receive medical treatment.” Her eyes were pleading. “Do you understand why we hid this from you, Danny? To keep you safe.”
So the doctors weren’t stupid.
He was.
“So that—so my vitals here. They’ve been fake?”
“Yes. We have access to your real vitals.”
He took this in.
Then there was nothing wrong with his core. Except.
“Then—then why didn’t—?" He touched his shoulder. “Why was I not healing?”
There were holes in her story. He wasn’t sure what they all were yet, but things still weren’t adding up.
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
When he’d woken up the first time, he’d thought it had been a trick of the mind, but he’d sworn he’d seen…
And when he woke up during surgery, all the walls were…
He looked beneath his hospital gown and etched onto his chest was…
“Carmen,” he said tentatively, “did I ever escape from the Guys in White?”
She looked at him with wide, doe-like eyes. “Danny, are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
There were no windows in his room. She was standing between him and the door, so he’d have to make a run for it and fast. If there really was a real hospital outside of this room, then no harm no foul—Carmen would just chalk this up to extreme paranoia.
The other alternative was that there was no such thing as Nurse Carmen.
Danny didn’t waste time ripping out his IV. Instead, he just phased his arm out of it. After not using his powers for so long, his arm felt tingly and numb when he pulled on his core (and not in the familiar way). He leaped to the side, and his chest BURNED and he was suddenly aware of the stitches up and down his torso but he didn’t have time to think about that now because Carmen had just snapped out of her stupor and realized he was making a break for it.
Danny made a mad dash for the door and outside there was a dimly lit vacant corridor. There were no other medical personnel in sight. Danny pulled on his core and let his full transformation sweep over him. He wasn’t sure what he was doing yet, but he didn’t have time to think about it. He tapped into intangibility and flew upwards. He hit the ceiling with a resounding SMACK and careened down toward the floor.
Ghost shield.
“Danny,” Carmen shouted somewhere behind him, “Danny, you’re going to hurt yourself!”
If he couldn’t go up, he would have to follow the corridor until he found a way out. Danny shot down the corridor and noticed as he passed that there were plates for each room number, but none of the doors were open. All were shut. Lights off inside.
Because Danny was the only patient here.
He finally reached the end of the corridor. Where there should be a turn or a door, there was nothing. He tried phasing, but just as he’d tried phasing through the ceiling he hit a ghost shield.
Carmen, frizzy hair in a high ponytail and donning teal scrubs, caught up to him.
“Danny, come to your senses. If you leave, the GIW will capture you. You need to recover. Let us buy you some more time.”
“I’m not falling for your tricks again!”
If the ghost shield was inside the wall, he couldn’t do anything as Phantom. However, if the wall wasn’t there… Fenton could step through.
Danny fired up an ectoblast.
Just as he did, there was a pinch at the back of his neck.
Not a pinch.
Waves of white-hot pain—!
Electricity. He was being electrocuted.
He knew the feeling like nothing else. You never forgot how you died.
He crumpled to the floor like a rag doll and Carmen stood over him, a slender white button in her hand.
“A shame,” she frowned, and her voice was sapped of all the warmth he’d come to expect. “I’d hoped our game could go on for a little bit longer.”
Footfalls. More people were coming, from somewhere. Somehow.
Everything hurt.
Everything was on fire.
Carmen crouched down and lolled his head so that he looked her in the eye. “I want you to know that when I agreed to do this job, I was afraid I’d find something human in you. A scared kid. A sympathetic hero. Something.”
His nerves were BURNING—!
Carmen smiled, but not her kind smile. A twisted facsimile of what it once was. “And when I got to know you, I didn’t find it.” She let his head drop to the floor. “Ghost.”
He just wanted it to be OVER oh God oh God oh God—
“What now, Agent C?”
“Put him in the cell with the others. He’s had enough luxury treatment. We got the intel we needed from him.”
Her voice echoed. Quieter.
“Now, the real fun begins.”         
content warnings: brief description of vivisection, gaslighting, dehumanization
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daniigh0ul · 6 months
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welcome to chapter 3 !!! i stole AFI's love like winter for this post. i alsot should acknowledge that 'fruit bats' is a real band with a very different vibe from the fictional fruit batz lol :) if there are any typos, no there aren't.
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transcript includes the wiki bio ! wiki psd can be found here
Tati arrives around 4PM at the Copperdale library to meet Diego.
TATI: Hi. DIEGO: Hey. A short but awkward silence follows. TATI: So...what do you know about vampires? DIEGO: Not much...but I do know where a lot of them live. Have you heard of Forgotten Hollow? TATI: Yeah! Have you heard of Fruit Batz? They're my favorite band! My boyfriend doesn't like them--more of a BMTH fan. But, anyway! Their frontman Caleb Vatore is from there. DIEGO: Oh yeah, Fruit Batz! I love their second album 'bloodsuckerz'. Too bad Caleb quit after that. TATI: Oh my god yeah. He's basically a recluse now from what I've heard. DIEGO: The only thing I remember about him was that he was like, an out-vampire? Like he didn't hide that he was drinking plasma. TATI: Yeah! He was so punk rock for that. My favorite song was 'Love Like Winter'. Have you heard it? DIEGO: No. TATI: I have to show you it. One sec. [gif of caleb and his band mates performing Love Like Winter (a real song)] it's in the blood, it's in the blood i met my love before i was born he wanted my love, i taste of blood he bit my lip, and drank my war DIEGO (laughing): That hair sure was a moment. TATI: I'm sure you've had a few questionable hair choices. DIEGO: What? This beautiful shag? Never! TATI: OK you have to see his hair at the end of his career (furiously googling) DIEGO: OK, I know about their manager Miss Hell and the messy break up--who is 'Vladius Strod' and why is he mentioned!? TATI: Huh. I think this is new. Vladislaus Straud IV...
cw: implication of murder/violence
vlad's wiki bio
Count Vladislaus "Vlad" Straud IV (birthdate unknown), renowned musician and entrepreneur is the descendant of Count Vladislaus Straud I. His ancestor immigrated with a settling party and founded what became Forgotten Hollow. It remains a mystery what happened of the settlers, though there are many contested theories. Vlad is known for his charitable donations toward the Forgotten Hollow Symphony and his inheritance of his father's company Vladislaus Hardware.
Vlad was a notable organist on SNL in the 1980s. However, after an incident on Sims Night Live, he walked off set and never returned. It is unknown what triggered the incident nor is it known what happened to Miss Hell, that night's host, whom mysteriously disappeared for two weeks afterward.
His most recent public appearance was in a rare interview with The Copperdale Times in 2010. It was much discussed in online forums and Social Bunny, but he has not made an appearance since then. When asked about the SNL incident, or his relationship with former Fruit Batz band member Caleb Vatore, he laughed it off.
Notably, Vatore and Straud had a duel (as is vampiric custom) at sunset. Straud won, and now the Vatores hold a grudge against him. There is much speculation that the reason for this duel has to do with their differing beliefs about feeding on Sims.
Vlad is a well-known advocate for vampirism and is an out and about vampire. He believes it is the right of the vampire to feed on Sims as it is the right of the Sim to eat meat. When asked to clarify his position on consent of the Sim, he scoffed.
In the 1990s, Vlad was detained and arrested on suspicion of murder. A young man's body was found in the alley dumpster behind the well-known gay bar Martini. The young man had two bite marks on his thigh. It made international news when Vlad was acquitted of all charges.
DIEGO: There's been FOUR of them? I thought vampires were immortal... TATI: Hm. Do you think we should send Vlad an e-mail? Maybe an interview with him would be good for research? DIEGO: Yeah. I'll ask Mr. Flowers about it tomorrow. What better way to learn about a culture than from someone apart of it. TATI: Oh shoot. It's almost 7. My turn to make dinner. Gotta go! Let me know what Mr. Flowers say! DIEGO: Yeah! See ya! DIEGO (softly): Shit. Tati is out of earshot and on her way to her rusty truck and does not hear this.
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penny-anna · 11 months
feel like i saw this recipe in a tumblr post a while ago but don't have it to hand anymore. oh well!! made this soup ^^ today.
i used a mix of chicken & veggie stock since i had some of each to use up. & i used black treacle in place of molasses.
i didn't use any onion bcos im the rare onion hater. i did season it w onion salt tho. the actual recipe says to add tomatoes but the transcript in the blog post left that out - i also really don't like fresh tomatoes so would have skipped those but if i'd noticed probably would have added some tomato paste
the full recipe also says you can add herbs at the end but again the transcript left that out. i added some bay leaves at the beginning + a couple of big sprigs of thyme with the vegetables + some fresh coriander at the very end
all in all i'd recommend looking at the screenshot of the OG recipe as it has quite a lot of useful info that's not in the blog post oops!!
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the recipe doesn't actually say how long to simmer for after adding the vegetables so i took it at its word & just left it till dinner time. all in all i simmered it for about 8 hours (10am-6pm)
both the OP of the blog post and one of the commenters mentioned that the liquid boiled away too quickly so I added some extra stock + topped it up periodically with salted water. after the first hour or so however ig the lentils hit Saturation and it stopped needing more liquid & after that it was pretty low maintenance.
i didn't taste it before adding the wine etc at the end so not actually sure how much flavour it added but the final step defo made it a more appealing colour!!
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VERDICT: 'gentle lentil' is a very good description!! its very mild and very very creamy. its mild but doesn't just taste like wet lentils (not a pleasant flavour experience IMO). the lentils got boiled to the point that they basically became one with the stock. celery also fully disappeared. if i'd added onions i imagine they'd have been imperceptible by the end. very comforting & easy on the tummy. if you like your soups stronger tasting u could add all kinds of things along the way. if u like your soups milder OR are looking for something extra gentle for the tummy then its the soup for you!
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here ends my excessively long soup post. in my defense ive been Souping literally all day. its good!!
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hananono · 5 months
ok some thoughts about the hnk ending now that ive sat with it a little
i think ultimately i am satisfied with phos' ending. theyre among people who are happy just having them around, who have no expectations or ulterior motives—just pure, unconditional friendship. no one's ever offered that to them before. and yes, one day theyll break away entirely, and one day brother will shut down, but thats ok. it doesn't need to last forever. the cycle doesn't have to repeat. the process that lead to all of the pain they were put through isnt going to be renewed.
however, where i feel like things are lacking is in regards to the side characters—pretty much every interpersonal conflict with the gems was never really resolved? like on one hand i think the ambiguity is kind of okay, since i don't think we were ever supposed to see them becoming lunarians as a unanimously happy thing (like, padparadscha is still emotionally distant from rutile, the diamonds are estranged more or less for good, and i think these were left unresolved on purpose)—but on the other hand i feel like a lot of it was just dropped, and there were some things that really should have played out on the page (i am thinking especially of welegato, ghost, and aechmea here). and while i feel like phos agreeing to pray and make them all disappear made sense from an in character perspective, it felt a bit lacking in... vindication? im not sure if thats the right word for it, but emotionally, i felt unsatisfied. aechmea just getting everything he wanted in the end felt kind of lame since he was very much set up as a villain, or at the very least a shithead. i wonder if certain plans ichikawa may have had were changed on the fly, resulting in some of these threads feeling like they were sped through or dropped entirely.
i think one of houseki no kuni's major themes is breaking cycles—and chapter 108 definitely feels like it satisfies this theme, giving us the hope that somewhere out there, these little rocks will do better than the gems, the lunarians, and humanity did. and i think with the direction the manga ended up taking, im not upset with this ending. but i also do kind of wish things had gone a bit differently in regards to a lot of the side characters' arcs, and i think if those had been given the same attention they were given in the early manga, what we could have gotten would have been really amazing. i don't have a super satisfying conclusion to this post either, unfortunately. but i enjoyed the ride regardless.
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crowfootwrites · 8 days
Devotion & Diplomacy - Part VIII
I got a day off work (thanks, Francine! 🌪️🌊), so I'm posting a new chappy!
Tagging my usuals: @horta-in-charge, @starrynightgardens, @sleepycat82, @vreenak, and @deepspacedukat
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Read on AO3
Warnings: abductions; political backstabbery; lots of tension and threats; just your average ✨ action-packed chapter ✨, no big | Words: ~2,615
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Emrys stepped out into the cool evening air of the Imperial Plaza with a sigh of relief. Going toe-to-toe with the Gul-Tar the way she had, while not entirely unexpected for the day, had been more taxing than she thought it would be, and she found her energy flagging now that it was over. After Ziven’s departure, Legate Domat had called for a recess and she had met independently in her temporary quarters with the rest of her treaty team to discuss what had happened and what to do next. As her sense of overwhelm grew, she found herself longing for Daro’s presence. 
She gazed around the plaza, looking for him, but the open space was completely empty. A frown tugged at her lips – it wasn’t like Daro to be late, especially since the afternoon session with Central Command had taken slightly longer than she anticipated. He should already be here.
Fidgeting with the hem of her uniform jacket, she turned on her heel and went back inside, making her way to her quarters. She grabbed the PADD on her nightstand and sent a quick message to Daro. As she waited for a response, she went to the replicator for a cup of red-leaf tea, pacing around the room as she gulped it, trying not to let her mind conjure up worst-case scenarios.
After several minutes of no response, she set her cup down a little too hard on the nightstand and grabbed her PADD, stuffing it into the inner pocket of her uniform jacket. As a gesture of goodwill, the Federation group had agreed to bring no weapons with them to treaty proceedings. The Cardassians were theoretically abiding by the same rules, but they were still on their home planet, with far greater access to potentially hostile resources, even while in the legislative buildings. For the most part, Emrys had been unbothered by this demand, despite the loud objections some of her team members had imparted; for the first time though, intending to make her way through Cardassian streets alone and in the dark, she wished she had a phaser. Really any kind of ranged weapon would do. Checking to make sure that her KaBar knife was tucked safely in her boot, Emrys sighed and made her way back to the exit.
The plaza was still empty. Something was most definitely wrong, and Emrys allowed herself some momentary handwringing before making her way down the steps toward Daro’s home on the outskirts of the city.
She passed a few Cardassian civilians as she strode down the wide streets, attempting to appear calm and confident. Most of them eyed her in confusion or something approaching suspicion. As the last soft glow of evening disappeared from the sky, immersing Emrys in the full darkness of a Cardassian night, she picked up her pace and attempted to keep to the middle of the pedestrian streets, eager to steer clear of pitch-black alleyways and the deeps shadows of recessed doorways.
At the sound of a heavy boot too close for her liking, Emrys whipped her head around as she turned a corner. She was met by the sight of an empty road behind her, but when she turned to face forward again, her eyes glossing over the edge of yet another sand-colored building, a searing pain lanced through her chest, pulling a choked gasp from her throat. The pain knocked her off her feet in an instant and as the world tilted beneath her, the last thing she saw before her back slammed to the ground and her eyes closed was a dark Cardassian sky full of stars.
— — — 
Daro paced furiously in the grim, murky room. He’d assessed his surroundings as soon as he’d woken, finding himself in a small, empty room that was freezing cold. The stone walls were bare and grimy, except for where a heavy metal door was set. A single, dim light flickered in a sconce above it. No windows, no way to tell what time it was or how long he’d been out. He was disarmed, of course, his disruptor missing from his belt and his boot knife gone. Clenching his fists, he tried to push the limits of his memory, frantically trying to recall what had happened before he awoke here.
He'd gone to meet Emrys, he knew that much. He’d left his home, making his way toward Imperial Plaza, his chest feeling lighter at the prospect of having her in his arms again. He didn’t want her walking through the streets of the capitol by herself, not with relations still so fragile between their peoples. He’d considered briefly how they’d spend their evening, but he also had to contend with a scheduled meeting with Gul Macet via subspace in a few hours. The Trager’s routine maintenance was being completed at a nearby station, and today’s communication with his commanding officer would give him an idea of how much longer he had on Cardassia before he was forced to return to work and leave Emrys behind. It was a dreadful prospect.
He’d made it almost to the plaza before he felt the disruptor in his side, pressing in the gap between the plates of his armor. Before he had a chance to turn or reach for his own weapon, he heard and felt the sharp hiss of a hypospray against his neck. Then the world turned dark.
He was almost certain this was the work of the Obsidian Order – no one else would attempt an abduction of a military officer in broad daylight with witnesses around. Which left only the Order responsible for his current predicament.
His thoughts flickered worriedly to Emrys, wondering how she was doing, if she was safe. If the Order was behind this, he could almost guarantee she wasn’t. Anger flared in his chest, his desire to protect her nearly overwhelming him. Taking a few deep breaths, Daro calmed himself as much as possible, trying to avoid that particular spiral of thoughts. He wouldn’t be able to think clearly enough to get out of here if he couldn’t focus on the task at hand. If nothing else, his military training had prepared him for things like this.
“Ah, Glinn Daro.” The disembodied pronouncement slithered through the darkness. “You’re awake… Do you know why you are here?” A chill raced down his spine at the absolute delight that housed itself in the unfamiliar voice.
His eyes flickered, trying to assess any immediate physical threats. “No,” he uttered through gritted teeth.
“Hmm,” the voice followed. “Such a pity you haven’t figured it out yet.”
Daro remained silent.
“You see, Glinn, the Central Command is very unhappy with your… Federaji plaything.” Daro’s breath hitched, his most prominent fear confirmed. “The Federation makes too many demands for our liking, using these negotiations as an opportunity to lord themselves over our great empire. To take what’s ours, to tell us how we may conduct ourselves and our business. We cannot abide it. Cardassia will not sit idly by as the Federation becomes our overseers.”
There was a moment of silence where Daro supposed his captor wanted him to say something. But what was there to say? He could feel his breathing growing shallower, more frantic.
“We’ve taken it upon ourselves to see that the Federation understands our dissatisfaction completely – with a gift, of course… Tell me, do you think your Human’s superiors would like to see her die in real time? Or should she simply disappear?” A dark chuckle punctuated the perverse suggestion.
“What do you want from me?” he ground out, his fists clenched at his sides. “If you already know what you’re going to do to her, why do you need me? Are you simply planning to make an example out of me?” He began pacing again, the fury spilling out of him. “‘Here is what will happen to you if you dare to bed a member of the Federation?’” he spat mockingly.
A truly sinister chuckle flooded the room. “Oh no, Glinn. You see, we don’t actually need you at all.” Daro paused in his restless march across the floor, the ridges over his eyes furrowing. “We just need to keep you out of our way.”
“In fact, we rather enjoy the idea of you mourning the loss of the weak little Human you couldn’t protect for the rest of your years. Just think, Glinn, she put her trust in you and you’ve failed her. Won’t that be absolute torture to contemplate until your own death?”
Daro’s chest constricted, dread pooling in his limbs as he began to understand exactly how this would play out. Unbidden, his mind conjured up an image of Emrys, flushed and radiant beneath him, sharing his bed, smiling up at him like he was the greatest being in the galaxy.
Driven by a measure of anger he hadn’t felt in a very long time, Daro threw himself at the door to the room, roaring out his displeasure. He beat at the cold, heavy metal with his fists, bellowing incoherently in a chaotic mix of Cardassian and Standard, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes in his desperation.
“Ah, please do tire yourself out, Glinn,” his captor mocked, his taunt barely audible over Daro’s bellowing and the crashing of his armor against the door. “You might consider getting some sleep - you could be here for a while.”
Daro paused in his frenzy for a moment, a new threat seeding in his mind - if he was going to be here for a while, then they weren’t planning to take Emrys out swiftly. They were going to torture her. The large metal bolts ornamenting the door to his prison swam before his eyes as they unfocused, his breathing growing shallower. He vaguely registered the beeping that signified the end of a communication in Cardassian messaging. And then there was silence, punctuated only by his panting breaths.
Lowering himself slowly to the damp, frigid floor, Daro tried to focus. Despite his training, he could think of no way to get himself out of this predicament on his own and somehow manage to find and save Emrys. Even if he could find his way out of this room, no one escaped the Obsidian Order. Not for long anyway. The anguish that was rooting in every part of him turned all of his thoughts back to Emrys - to what he was about to lose.
Allowing himself to surrender to his growing sense of powerlessness for a few moments, he sank against the door and dropped his head into his hands.   
Daro was unsure how much time had passed when a faint click echoed in the quiet. He was on his feet in a second, his vision zeroing in on the door. He backed slowly away, in hopes that space would give him an advantage over whoever was about to enter. Tension held all his limbs at the ready.
The heavy metal door before him swung inward with surprising quietness. After several strained moments in which nothing happened aside from the wild thumping of Daro’s heart in his chest, he stepped slowly toward the threshold. He’d presumed that whoever he’d been speaking with earlier would have been stationed nearby, perhaps even on the other side of the wall. Confusion furrowed the ridges around his eyes. No one, it would seem, was manning the door; no one was coming in to attack him or retrieve him. The muted gloom was all that occupied the space on the other side of the doorframe. 
Suddenly presented with options for action, Daro found himself more focused, his thoughts coming quickly and more fully formed than the chaotic jumble he’d been dealing with since he’d regained consciousness. With practiced ease, he peered around the edge of the doorway and, finding the dim hall empty, slipped out into the gloom.
A light flickered erratically far ahead of him down the hall. He could barely make out his surroundings, leaving lingering questions over his whereabouts. He moved toward the light as quietly as he could manage in his armor, taking note of several open doors along the walls – the doors and the empty rooms beyond all identical to the one he’d been held in. 
As he drew closer to the light, his right hand clenched into a tight fist, he could just begin to make out the outline of a door before him – the hallway he’d been traversing had reached its conclusion. There was nowhere else to go but forward through the door, or back the way he’d come, and for a moment, he hesitated.
It was all too easy. With his military background, Daro was naturally suspicious of anything with an element of danger that felt too easily managed, too simple. Perhaps, since no guard had been stationed outside his door, there would be a sentry on the other side of this one? It was a reasonable assumption. And if there wasn’t, what did that mean – what could it mean that he’d been captured and held by the Obsidian Order, but then escaped so easily? Given their notoriety, Daro could only assume that was intentional. But if they wanted him to escape, why?
He'd been deliberating for too long. Regardless of what happened to him, he had to get to Emrys if he could. A fleeting memory of her walking beside him along the street, the early morning Cardassian sun glinting in her eyes as she gazed back at him, propelled him forward. 
This particular door was not one of the ancient, hinged-style doors that lined the hallway behind him – it was more modern, with a grimy, poorly backlit control panel set into the wall beside it. He wiped away some of the filth with the sleeve of his shirt and peered at the panel, trying to make out the controls. Opening the door required an access code. Daro huffed in frustration, feeling time slipping away from him. Who knew how long he’d already been in here.
He slipped his currently empty tactical belt from around his waist, grasping the sharp metallic tip between two fingers. He wiggled it into the slight gap between the panel and its housing; with a little force, he managed to pop the screen free and caught with nervous fingers just before it clattered to the ground. Setting it down lightly, he surveyed the mess of wires and isolinear chips before him. A brief flare of familiarity filled his chest and tingled through his probing fingers – this is where he excelled. He quickly mapped the wires in his head and sorted the chips into their likeliest subcommands. In only a few minutes, he’d managed to completely dismantle the panel. When he repositioned one last chip, he knew the door would hiss open and, not knowing what awaited him on the other side, he flattened himself against the wall on the other side of the controls. With a flick of his wrist, he’d moved the chip from one slot to another and, as he’d anticipated, the door slid open. The sound was loud, though he’d been in silence for so long that he really had no way to gauge it with any accuracy.
The threshold of the newly opened door heralded the open sky and empty street of the outside. Dread sunk a little lower in Daro’s gut as he considered the increasing likelihood that he’d merely been allowed to escape - it morphed into something like terror as he noticed the sky. It was early morning. He could just make out the distant shouting of vendors preparing for their morning markets. That he’d been trapped all night did not bode well for Emrys.
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aurienneirua · 23 days
trying to think about how aurien would take castor’s death since i haven’t really articulated it quite yet . .
i think ill be using how blue diamond from steven universe take’s pink’s death as a bit of an projection onto aurien and inspiration !
well, ill start on how aurien was with solei’s disappearance . since me and @billwasnot actually discussed this before, i feel like i can articulate and word this much more then i usually do . ill also limit how long this is since that’s probably for a whole nother post .
( edit after finishing : wow im a really bad liar )
to put it into simple and hopefully straightforward words, aurien did not process solei’s disappearance at first, and her feelings about it in extension .
when they finally started to bubble up, she shoved them down . they poison parts of her in response, and she’s stuck in a cage and cycle of grief, slowly shutting down mentally and emotionally . even when she and solei reunite, she still has them shoved down .
now, finally onto cas !
for him mainly, id say she feels empty after his death .
she falls into a prolonged period of time where she either feels just . . empty, or all she can feel is pain and grief .
although she openly expresses her emotions now and doesn’t shove them away, she instead wallows in them, refusing to move on because she just doesn’t want to .
the words im referring to starting at 1 : 07 and ending on 1 : 16 being :
“ im sorry . im so sorry . i should have done more . ————— says it will all be over soon . i wonder what you would think . “
also think blue’s tone matches her exactly as well lol . quiet and low .
the words “ im sorry . im so sorry . “ transferring onto aurien in the way of how she knows she failed to save him, and “ i should have done more . “ being how she wishes that she could have, and regrets greatly how in the end, she did not .
also gonna put down some lyrics from what’s the use of feeling blue as well since that can also fit auri . .
“ why would you want to be here ? / what do you ever see here ? / that doesn’t make you feel worse then you do ? / and tell me, what’s the use of feeling, ( blue ) ? /
oh, how can you stand to be here with it all ? ( here with it all ) / drowning in all this regret ? / wouldn’t you rather forget ( him ) ? /
start looking forward and stop looking back, oh “
( formatting style originally by @sotogalmo ! )
ok, first, “ why would you want to be here ? / what do you ever see here ? / that doesn’t make you feel worse then you do ? / and tell me, what’s the use of feeling, ( blue ) ? / “ would probably be about her extreme unwillingness to move on ? and maybe also how as a result, she only feels worse and worse, inflicting pain upon herself because she feels she deserves it .
secondly and lastly, “ oh, how can you stand to be here with it all ? ( here with it all ) / drowning in all this regret ? / “ this one’s a more clear one for me . . she definitely is drowning in regret . another possible thing would be that the lyrics “ how can you stand to be here with it all ? “ can maybe be her actually asking herself that . .
how can she still stand here— why is she still here with everything that’s been going on ? she’s not special . so many people matter so much more then her . why does she live ?
anyways, i wrap it up here . . partly because i don’t think i have anything else to say, this post is already getting long, and im pretty disappointed about how this came out .
i came in with a clear mindset, ( which normally helps a lot when im trying to write things like this ) but it got muddled pretty easily . although i want to take more time on this, im not really patient with myself, and ive been having a lot of trouble wording things lately .
i don’t know how long it’ll take to “ word this right “, but i know it’ll be long combined with some other factors . I think I’ll maybe come back to update or expand on this though . . anyways, any thoughts about my depressed pookie aurien ?
( castor : @bluemoonscape )
( side note : lolol id love to hear your and possibly cas’s ( if he were still alive COUGH ) on this ! also i already have a little au in my head where auri and solei save cas . . and auri shoots and shatters a screen displaying kyo that was distracting cas mizi all in style . . may i know how he would react to this and hold up if they did save him . .
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uucest · 1 month
Hi! yes that’s the one :D the only thing i realized is that it is/was called lady english au
yes okay! that was vivi's lady english au; vivi was an important figure in early uUcest/cherry limeade fandom, she was one of the central figures of the ship and created a lot of the early social spaces we found each other in, and she was the original owner of the uUcest url. a lot of us referred to her as the "ship captain." she disappeared from tumblr years ago (hence me claiming this url for my sideblog), so i like telling people about her. credit where credit is due and all that, and i feel somewhat responsible for bearing the torch with everyone having dispersed for other fannish shores and no-one else really left who knows about how important she was in this pocket of fandom.
anyway, since she left tumblr without archiving any of her blog or giving any notice of where she went, i don't have any of the original materials for her au and can't track them down, save for a few art posts ive already reblogged here. however, i was really into it in 2013ish, and here are the details i can remember:
this was an au where a dead calliope went to join lord english postmortem
caliborn was in his pre-english form
they lived in the felt mansion in the dream bubbles together
calliope underwent a sort of corruption arc where she became a lot less fixated on protecting the humans and a lot more fixated on staying with caliborn at all costs
while it was called the lady english au, i also sometimes referred to it as the "maid au," because once vivi drew a piece of kink art for it where calliope dressed up as a maid to tease caliborn, but also because she did a lot of the cleaning etc overall for him as a part of their dynamic
their dynamic had a lot of bdsm overtones and overall it was a very sexually charged au
the au was a delight and so was vivi herself. she was really a charming and wonderful person, there's a reason we all coalesced around her/her blog for so many years, she was such a friendly and enthusiastic soul and i genuinely miss her and think about her often to this day. i still think about the lady english au almost daily because of how enthusiastic she was about it and how much it fucked as a result. i hope she moved on to better pastures and is having a great life out there.
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