#its worlds im within my right to nerd out
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arom-antix · 2 years ago
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Scuffed Tamagotchi hour
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uldahstreetrat · 1 year ago
Im trying to take note of real world influences in XIV for some projects going forward, like languages used in areas (French names in Ishgard, Roman terms in Garlemald) or like in aesthetics I suppose (like Radz-at-han in particular reminds me of Istanbul), and I'd like to hear others' thoughts about those kinds of influences that they've noticed
(little more context on things im working on under the cut)
right now this has a lot to do with things like stamps lmao I have in fact gotten kinda into stamp collecting now and I'd like to design some for XIV areas based on similar irl counterpart countries? like regular stamps and stuff like a sort of Garlean version of US postal war savings stamps? so having irl countries to reference for stamp styles would be helpful to like figure that stuff out
and honestly all of this is just part of making a physical copy of Q'ihnn's journal more complicated than it needs to be but never let it be said that I dont have a love of unnecessarily dense world building
plus by having a list of reference countries I can also build out other kinds of like, souvenirs? in the journal from the places visited across msq - a lot of things I see people keep in journals, especially travel ones, are stuff like wrappers or other packaging, pieces of maps, receipts (that's its own rabbit hole ive gone down), ticket stubs, and other various little paper things along with photos and drawings (which are much easier to manage in comparison)
cause a lot of this shit doesnt extensively exist within the game often beyond a mention in a stray line of dialogue or two so there's advantages to having irl cultural and historical reference to make something that feels real - plus im often off in lala fantasy land in my head because im stuck at home a lot, im not exactly well traveled, so im sure its easy for me to miss especially like language use in certain areas (I didnt even notice how French Ishgardian names were until someone else made a joke about it, it just doesnt occur to me)
like some of these influences are fairly obvious, right, like Doma and Kugane being Japanese inspired and Greek influence around Sharlayan (which the Greek/Roman dichotomy that Sharlayan and Garlemald have going on is its own whole thing I could go into btw they're so similar yet different in such interesting ways) - but places like Ul'dah?? not a clue. Ala Mhigo? no idea. The Crystarium and Eulmore in the first??? oh I'd put my head through a wall trying to thing of a real world counterpart for reference
granted now having said that someone is going to point out something obvious that I just entirely missed some way or another lmao but like that's why im asking, right? anyway if you have nerd ass thoughts too just hit me up
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afantasyoffiction · 3 months ago
a lil intro :)
hi hello to anyone who's checking this out!
i’m caitlin, an aspiring fantasy writer and maybe poet, english literature nerd and general fandom weirdo who likes to talk a lot about all my many many obsessions :)
i'm new to actively participating on this site as opposed to watching thru the window of pinterest...but now that i write more and 9-1-1 in particular doesn't post on pinterest so much, i'm on here too rip
i talk about: writing, procrastinating writing, reading writing and characters in writing who drive me insane!
my writing: i write poetry which i will post on here occasionally! but my main writing that is intended for other ppl to read is fanfic, and my fantasy wip:
my fics that you can go read literally right now if you want:
just to sit outside your door - buddie post-hiatus wip
if I glued myself shut (you would find your way in) - buck's pov during the 'are his concerns your concerns', feeling realisation
you've haunted me so stunningly - eddie pov during the post -lightning convo w buck, based on that amazing edit making the rounds rn
just to sit outside of your (ipad screen) light - eddie post-hiatus mini fic, feelings realisation
the witches wip: a ya fantasy book (one day trilogy i hope!) about a world where witches are gone, but persecution of them isn't. trying to save her innocent sister from execution, my fmc gets dragged into a storm of political plotting, conflicting agendas and strange powers beyond her comprehension. a book about family, and realising that what you thought was a bedtime story might still be around to haunt you... tagged with #the witches wip
my ao3: a_fantasy_2 - all the good stuff is copied above! tags are #shameless fanfic plug and #caitlin's original writing
main fandoms: i have been in a ridiculous number of fandoms so this is not all of them but these are my main ones - bold are ones im currently in the trenches abt :)
9-1-1 (pls no ship war content tho i just cannot)
marauders (my og loml one true fandom its a canon event i fear)
good omens (book and tv show changed my life)
anything leigh bardugo but SoC and RoW especially
supernatural (its been a while but then again i'm fandom posting on this site so its kinda a given)
anything by chloe gong....(message me PLEASE. best ya fantasy writer and my literal writing idol)
EPIC the musical - i love this so freaking much, if you don't know what this is go find out u won't regret it
hamilton (i am in fact hamiltrash, unfortunately)
aftg (im not writing that out. if you know what that acronym is thats on you.)
tagging system: i got one of those creepy teeth 'frequent poster badges', so i think it might be time for me to get one of these. ahem. on an incoherent blog, i declare order:
#caitlin writes and yaps abt it - writblr content (these will almost always have the 'writblr' and 'writers on tumblr' tag as well)
#caitlin's homebrew hallucinations - any writing or OC content from my wips or poetry i share
#the witches wip - specific wip content!
#caitlin the english major - literature posts
#caitlin reblogs from even cooler blogs and/or #caitlin's moot besties - reblogging my moots or other cool ppl!
#caitlin does ask games / #caitlin does reblog games - making a separate tag bc i LOVE these
#shameless fanfic plug - fics that i write on ao3 and want to share here
#caitlin rambles miscellaneous - anything else thats incoherent
fandom posts will all be tagged with their fandom and with #caitlin a fandom nerd
sound good? let me know if this actually makes this blog make any more sense mk team
please send me: asks/posts/comments about these fandoms, short fic writing prompts within these fandoms, writblr content, writing questions, or literature thoughts :)
(pls don’t send me requests for money or ai content. i will block and delete, here’s why. )
basically reach out if you just want to ramble about any of these things because what else is tumblr dot com for ... seriously what. actually what was this site made for it beats me
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secriden · 2 months ago
yeah it was me who made the post about subbing in the assassins for the women - tbh i think you can assume if there’s a meta post about thk and comparing it to taming, im the one that made it cause i have genuinely not seen anyone else making meta posts about it shskdhd which is like fair! i get that people are way more familiar with 10 things and i also get the urge with the source material being so heavily about misogyny, but tbh i feel like you’re taking away from either one by making it about men, because while the misogyny isnt as prominent in 10 things, kat being a feminist is very integral to her character, so either way there’s things that are being lost if we’re saying it’s based on 10 things. but it’s just. very frustrating when i or other people comment on taming and people reply with stuff like “oh it’s not even actually based on that lol” because!! it is!! it actively is!! like i know a lot of people are gonna miss the direct references, hell IVE missed a number of references that i only caught upon rereading taming post ep5 but it’s such a discredit to jojo and the team when they have put in the WORK of this being a shakespeare adaption for so many people to just kind of dismiss it. like i have my grips with taking out the women but subbing them in for assassins and therefore allowing the stakes to be raised to the same manner that the misogyny exists within taming is something i have genuinely not seen in another taming adaption and it is utterly fascinating to me and it’s a genuinely interesting route for them to have gone. sorry for going off in your inbox but as a shakespeare nerd/someone who got their degree in theatre, i take the shakespeare aspect of this show far more seriously than most other people and it’s genuinely frustrating to me when people dismiss it shskdhd
Ok first off, please don't apologise for going off, I love this! I love reading about other people's passions and how they influence perspectives on something I also love because it's soooo fascinating to me the details that other people see that I'll miss because I don't have the same interest/background/experiences. Like. Everything Style right now is going to be tied to him losing his mother and how that influences his Character and Personality and Way of Looking at the World, but I'm also conscious that it's because that's literally My Story, too. Anyway, sorry for going on a bit of a tangent there.
I didn't mean to downplay (my tags here for context) the inaccuracy of assuming that THK is an adaption of 10 Things vs ToS, but what I was trying to get at is how it's simply easier for a contemporary audience to see scenes like Style embarrassing Fadel in the stadium as being a reference to 10 Things and Patrick serenading Kat at the end of the show and ignore the way the tone and the intention of the characters (Style in ep 3 vs Patrick at the end of the movie) are TOTALLY different, and actually Style doing that was far more in line with Petruchio subjecting Katherina to public humiliation in his method of wooing in the early stages of the play (although tbh I don't think that ever really changes in the play and in THIS, at least, I'm glad THK is ALSO a romance). Even the way the people in the stadium respond to Style's antics with baffled amusement is a better reference to how Petruchio's behaviour was mostly accepted by the society at the time despite how cruel it really was to Katherina.
But yeah, like, its just harder to see that because while both ToS and 10 Things actually does, as you say, deal with misogyny very intentionally, because they're both depictions of misogyny set in their respective time periods, what we see in ToS is SO alien vs what we see in 10 Things. And since THK is again an even more recent/current adaption, the social 'vibe' it has is closer to 10 Things than to ToS.
As a 90s kid, 10 Things was one of my favourite movies precisely because it unflinchingly commented on (and dramatised) my own experience of how girls/women were required to behave/speak/think in certain ways to fit a 'feminine' ideal, but if you compare it objectively to ToS, what it depicted was so much tamer (pun not intended) to what women in Shakespeare's time experienced.
And as someone who's currently working in education, it's sad to see the way classics like Shakespeare's plays have slowly lost value in education for more "modern" and "relevant" pieces of literature because I actually think the lessons to be learned in these works are so valuable and necessary to raise a generation of nuanced thinkers.
And the byproduct of this is that when people are watching something like THK it's simply harder to appreciate where the true inspiration lies.
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 9 months ago
for the title ask game: We Were Gods (we were kids)
I want to hear more about that one, that's a riveting title! :eyes:
Ahhh yes, so originally this fic was inspired by the song Battle Cries by The Amazing Devil. It's a duet and like a divorce song? "This isn't a break-up, dearheart, it's a season finale!" I got the title from the lyrics where one part sings the line "We were gods" and then the other part echoes it with "We were kids" and that's just *chefs kiss* perfect fanfic title thank you TAD <333
The premise was childhood friends to estranged almost lovers to supers fighting on opposite sides to reluctant allies to (finally) lovers. And it was going to be a parkner fic (peter parker/harley keener). It was going to be an epic slow burn spanning nearly their whole lives.
Then I thought why not pry it out of its fanfic foundation and stand it on its own as an original concept? Harley is essentially my OC and Peter could be shaped into an OC too and the plot I had in mind had hardly any of the source material in it so why not? I'd just tweak some names, create my own super powers and aliens and then boom! Book!
Didn't work 🙃 I wrote a 110k draft and got to the end and was like wow this sucks. I half-assed the world building and tried to hang onto plot devices that just don't work outside the mcu (they don't even work within the mcu but I digress) SO now we're back to square one: making it a fanfic. Except it's not really square one because I have 110k that I need to snip and prune and repot back into a fic.
Actually it's more like 85k bc I have to re-write the beginning since I ended up keeping that part for my book, but the rest just needs reworked into something I like with the characters that we know and love plugged back in. It's going to be a massive revision project but not any more difficult than writing the thing lol
But anyway! It's going to feature super villain!Harley which I am very excited about. He is sooooo tortured in this one and Peter has the shittest luck in the whole world <333
I don't have a good excerpt to share so here is the high-level outline for part one!
Part 1: Childhood
Peter’s parents die in a plane crash. He moves to Rose Hill to live with Uncle Ben and Aunt May and meets Harley
Harley has his hands full with… his dad just walked out. He wasn’t abusive. It was just shocking and all at once. They thought something terrible happened, but after they report him missing Scotty at the corner store stops by and says he sold him scratchers. Then a few hours later the sheriff stops over with his hat in his hands and tells them his truck was found in the lot at the airport in Nashville. “Let him go,” Mama says. “Don’t want no man who don’t wanna be around. Let ‘im go.” And that was the end of that.
Peter arrives while Harley is getting used to being the only one home after school. Abbie’s off with Mrs. Farley in town while Mama works, so it’s just him most days ‘til Mama gets home around 5.
Starts hanging out with the Parkers. They keep him ‘round for dinner. Scares Mama the first time bc he didn’t ask ahead and wasn’t home when she got there. She demands to meet them.
They get on great and once they learn of her newly single situation they offer to watch Harley in the afternoons until she gets home from work. No need for payment or thank yous—it just so happens that Peter could really use a friend right now and they’ve been getting along so well.
So it begins. No creek. No pokemon. Peter and Aunt May clash like the dickens, but Uncle Ben is always cool and rational and settles things before they go too far. It’s nice.
Peter is obsessed with planes and tracking flights and researching news of lost flights, crashes, etc. Huge fear of flying, but not of heights. This fear stays with him, even when Harley turns into a flying superhero.
EJ is Harley’s bully. Harley is a talkative little nerd with a stutter and a penchant for mathematics. He attracts the mean types and Peter has a loud bark and never has had the good sense to back down from a fight. The shared battles cement them together.
After being blindsided by his dad leaving, Harley had to reevaluate everything he thought about family. Family is no longer who you get along with, despite differences. It’s no longer who you put on a smile for. It’s who you can disagree with and still hug and laugh with at the end of the day. It’s refreshing that he always knows where he stands with the Parkers. They have big feelings and they don’t bury them, but they’re solid. They’re dependable. They’re there.
Then the Parkers move to New York and leave Harley behind and his theory on what makes a family falls apart all over again.
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itspkuwu · 1 year ago
EEnE characters ranked (MY OPINION)
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Let’s cut right to the chase, because I really wanna put this out there.
Lee Kanker is in last place. She gets lower than F tier. Where Marie and May had moments where they seemed to genuinely care about each other, Lee just sits there, manipulates, and spreads cruelty. And as for the times where Marie and May were fighting/being mean etc? Well, I have a theory. Remember in Big Picture Show where we see that Lee has a third eye? You know who else has a third eye for no good reason…?
And remember when Nazz kissed Double D and Eddy on the cheek? Compare that to how they react to the Kanker’s kisses. How big those lips are… that specific shade of red… the way the Ed boys become horrified every single time…
(that was a joke lolol)
Everybody in the “lol why” tier it’s just an object that isn’t Plank or I haven’t seen those episodes yet. So I can’t really give my thoughts yet.
Rolf’s animals get their own tier. They have an amazing caretaker :3
He’s just a jerk lol.
Eddy’s brother (whose name is apparently Tarry??) is also a jerk. But he makes a pretty cool antagonist. And he just makes me like Eddy even more.
also i feel like he would be a tumblr sexy man
Mildred blinks at you :D
Plank is an immortal God who will one day rule the world. This is my canon.
I REALLY wish we could have seen more of what happened to Jonny post Big Picture Show. Him being “The Gourd” and having a villain arc just sounds super fun. Other than that he’s just a weird kid. I like him.
Don’t let Jimmy fool y’all. He’s a lil maniac. He probably gets it from Sarah. And it’s always a shocker to me given how much he acts so innocent and harmless. He’s a pretty neat anti hero.
I KNOW I SHOULD HATE SARAH. But I feel like there’s more to her than meets the eye. I honestly think her parents taught her the hate her big brother. If they weren’t around, she probably wouldn’t been to mean to him. Making me feel extremely sympathetic for both of them. And at least she looks after Jimmy, giving her redeeming qualities.
To be honest this show needs a character like Nazz. Everything has to be balanced out with someone who isn’t constantly out to get something, being mean, or acting like a weirdo. But yes, she does have her moments, which are rightfully deserved. Plus, I just really like her chill and hippie way of going about.
Marie Kanker and May Kanker are being ranked together. The potential they have to be redeemed is through the roof. They deserve so much better. If Lee wasn’t around to mess with their heads, I think they would be truly happy. Marie could spend her days jamming out and living on the edge, while May is cute and ditzy and a voice of reason at times. Plus both of their hairstyles are really eye candy for me.
The Ed boys are also being ranked together. What else can I say that hasn’t been said already? The way these three bounce off of each other is extremely enjoyable and definitely gets good laughs out of me. I know they have their moments where they aren’t so friendly, but you don’t always have to get along with someone for you to still love them. And when the gentle giant goof, the soft hearted nerd, and the selfish man with a heart of gold do get along, it’s sweeter than jawbreakers :)
Rolf is hands down one of if not the best side character in animation history. He’s a goober for one thing. But a goober that’s gets us to take him seriously. You do not mess with this man. His pride is enough to break you leg. And yet, he still manages to be one of the nicest characters in the show. He’s so friendly and upbeat! And when he isn’t… his dark side is also a fun time.
And another thing, he’s a fish out of water. Which also allows the viewer to feel sympathetic for him. Like in Wish You Were Ed. Seeing Rolf cry is something you’d never think you’d see, but when you do, it makes you feel a somber emotion you had no idea existed. It’s amazing.
yeah, Rolf is amazing.
Also I asked my sister if she wanted to dance to That’s My Horse at her wedding and she said no. What a loser right?
So uh, that’s my list. Hope you enjoyed.
Go hug a chicken.
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understandableparadox · 9 months ago
Bottom of the barrel isekai review!
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hey buddy
if you think im going to spell that, you can go Fuck yourself.
hey sweet peas, it's time to indulge in my favorite self masochistic pass time of reading horrid isekais and then explaining why they are bad to you.
anyways we have (read above). What's it about? let's present ourselves onto the steps of christ and ready some self flagellation devices~!
meet our wannabe hero Kurei yuugo, they are a god damn sentai nerd who dreams of being a boot licking fucking pig or a fire fighter in their never ending quest to be the hero they admire ever so dearly. he goes out and buys himself a brand new power ranger figure when some dude pops out with a knife and decides today is the day to snap. he tries to snap but with the dreams of every boot not yet licked kurai jumps to action, beating the shit out of this guy! only to realize he has been shanked with a one way express ticket to isekai land!
oh fuck, did i say his name was kurai? it's actually yuugo clay now and he wakes up about to get shanked again by some random blonde twink that is stealing his apparent girlfriend. That's right folks, your favorite kaman rider nerd reincarnated into an otome game right at the annulment event!
This world is a game luminous history, a dating game with a rpg magic system, how do we know this? Because Aryan wet dream with a sword that we saw sticking up yuugo is also not a native here, he popped into this world with a slightly better spawn spot as one of the game's romanceable targets. we also get to know that their are multiple chuckle fucks out there. anyways his plan is just to have a harem so please remember to have a foam hand out whenever something bad happens to him.
anyways that's not the meat and potatoes of this, we haven't even gotten to the god damn Gimmick of this series! Yuugos gets disinherited because Yuugo is a bitch prior to getting soul snatched and has to be homeless. his younger brother phil helps him out and gives him a apparent weak magic item, a bracelet that can transform into a full set of armor that looks suspiciously like a kaman rider suit, which is great because some random asshole decides to spawn kill the moment school starts, forcing him into a duel by... vaguely threatening his new lil brother, i'll be real, they aren't exactly clear what they are going to do to him but its props physical harm.
turns out the rider suit is pretty strong for him as he one shots random asshole, earning yuugo his first duel!
anyways, this makes blonde twink go fucking insane because now the script is off, but again asserts that its all gucchi and he is still going to have a bunch of girlfriends because in a world of endless magic the one constent is someone is looking to get their dick wet. fuck learning how to be a fucking wizard i guess, or looking for bad ass magic sword, Dick must have its moisture level elevated. Damn.
oh, also, yuugo is still homeless, that never stops being a thing. I'm going to stop regenerating the plot and actually start talking about its themes and such.
Again we are met with the idea that someone is taking over for someone. the implications of which are somewhat horrifying if we choose to dwell on it but we got school politics to deal with so we don't. The main character is mostly a blank slate uploaded with the bog standard lawful good personality of your average shounen protagonist.  A welcome change of pace even though it creates a somewhat boring lead whose main point of attraction is “they did/said something nice to me and now i'm going to be their super bestie fore-ever and root for them.”  which we see with the characters brother and the first introduced  female love interest melt. 
But we do see another plot theme erupt in the main antagonist within the story. That being engaging with the world in earnest vs attempting to interact with the world with prior knowledge in effort to enrich yourself through that knowledge. Yuugo does not care that he is in another world, he already died a hero's death so at this point he is just playing a new game plus. The antagonist on the other hand was a Hardcore gamer, the horror, who had memorized the routes throughout the game and was meticulously taking actions in order to take over as the protagonist and rich the “poly for me but not for thee” ending. 
To me this makes the thesis of the manga that you should really not be like the antagonist. I know, truly bold readings here at the bottom of the barral, I'll take my reward for it later. 
Ok ok but what makes it bad? It's because isekai is an inherent colonizer trope. You, the one from the enlightened land, come to some fantasy world, notably behind in technology and become its god. You are perfect at everything, you are able to emasculate the lands men and make the lands women soon with every wayward cape swish. Of course yuugo is still participating in it but to a lesser extent. They understand that this is a fantasy world but they are coming at it from someone who wants to earnestly learn about the world and participate within it as the native populace would. The antagonist has no interest in that and wants to exploit what they know of it as much as possible to reach their desired end point. 
I will admit that i'm reading a lot of this manga that may not be there. To be clear, the point of this manga is that a jock kaman rider fan beats up a bunch of shitty nerds while in cool armor. That's the if and and but of it all and there is not much that can change that. Though i do think it's interesting that even if by accident the author created a really interesting point about something inherent within the genre that they write in. 
Do you have to worry about copious sex stuff?
The main antagonist keeps yapping about wanting a harem and there are some lucky pervert moments with melt but that's about it. 
Is the author heavily invested in the use of troupes to aid the story?
Is it worth reading?
Again, Kinda. If you like kaman rider stuff, this is like a dinner mint, fine but if you got it at a restaurant alone you would want to kill someone.
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morphids · 5 months ago
false pretenses, hange zoë
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so im absolutely obsessed with this thank you for putting this idea in my head😰😵‍💫wish i could tag u anon </3
original request here [X]
pairing: college au - engineering student!hange x student!female reader - they/them pronouns for hange, afab anatomy for both
summary: the best way to get what you want is to do it yourself right?
warnings: listen this is real slutty ok, explicit sexual content 18+ minors dni - loser lesbian!hange (hange has that autistic nerd rizz), its always the quiet ones, r thinks she’s slick af, poc friendly- no physical descriptions of reader, kinda-bratty/switch!reader (r gets v subby) top-leaning!Hange (im a top i swear), strap, dirty talk, nicknames, munch activities, fingering, finger sucking, cunnilingus, praise, brief asphyxiation, i cant think of anymore
wc: 4.9k (not proofread)
an: excuse the shitty engineering attempts im not a stem girl!! hope y’all enjoy <3
You watched Hange from across the library, gazing over their features as they frowned. Brow creased as they solved equations that your professor had so kindly left everyone to complete after your seminar. Sometimes you’d catch their teeth nip at their bottom lip, in pensive thought.
Hange wasn't around many people, not that you saw anyway, usually kept to themselves or with the same two friends you'd seen them with. Their head often deep into a book or back hunching over a desk working some form of assignment, headphones placed over their hair.
Looking over their face, you studied Hange's strong jaw, the way their slender hand held up the weight of their head as the other scribbled down notes into their notebook. The sluttiest black tank top layered underneath an unbuttoned white dress shirt, draping over baggy brown straight-leg pants. Hair up with so many layers resting against their cheeks, framing their lovely face as multiple strands plumed out from within the hair tie. Their amber eyes lay under small, thin, glasses atop their nose. God, that nose. Perfect to sit on. Perfect to ride to holy heaven.
If it wasn’t clear, you'd had a bit of an eye on Hange for the last semester, they had transferred from a different university a while back. Upon seeing them for the first time, you wanted to speak to them. Their slightly introverted nature had made you keep your distance, though, but it was getting harder to fight the urge to go talk to them. I mean, how weird would that be? Hi, I know you don't know me but I've been obsessed with you since you transferred here? Yeah right.
No, you had to be more creative than that.
You needed a valid reason to speak to Hange so that you didn’t come across as the world’s biggest creep. Luckily for you, Hange was by far the smartest person on campus. Grades always incredibly well above average, scoring top marks in every assignment they’d submitted. So much so, that the professor had pretty much already taken them in under his wing. Due to their helpful nature and extensive knowledge in a fair range of fields, your professor was preparing Hange to be his TA after graduation. Oftentimes, passing Hange over to tutor students in his classes that lacked the grades that were expected of them at this stage in the course.
And even more luckily for you, you seemed to be really struggling with the new module. Or at least that’s what your alibi was. Who needed to know that your grades had actually been consistent passes? You were pretty strong at your theory, but you had only slightly slacked off in your classes during your professors teachings of mathematical methods and linear equations. It couldn’t hurt to get a bit of extra assistance to fill in the missing gaps.
Deciding to bite the bullet, you walked up to Hange, they barely noticed a presence beside, music blaring through the headphones, until your shoes came into their peripheral vision, spotting the black boots right beside the chair.
Their gaze followed up your bare legs, eyes slightly widened as they realised you were indeed about to induce a conversation with them and not just wandering past to get to an actual destination. They removed one cup of their headphones off their ear, holding it up with their fingers so they could listen to you. You noticed the multiple bands resting above their knuckles, bulky metallic rings varied with different patterns and weldings.
“Oh, um— hi?” Hange spoke, slightly confused, they had been deeply distracted into their equations, not anticipating someone coming to speak to them. Definitely not you, of all people.
“Hey, um— sorry to ruin your flow, but I was wondering if you could,” hesitance struck you, feeling your carefully planned script fall apart under Hange’s gaze, eyes still wide and nodding their head as a prompt for you to finish, removing the headphones fully to rest the band on the back of their neck. Why are they so hot, you thought, fumbling over yourself. “If you could tutor me with this module, you’re the smartest person in this place according to Mr. Fritz,” You joked, softening your words with a meek giggle. An attempt to make not make it seem like a big deal even though you could feel your heartbeat thump in your ears and throat.
“You can totally say no, of course,” you quickly added, after realising you didn’t actually offer them an out, not wanting to pressure Hange into having more on their plate than there already was.
Hange’s eyebrows pulled together, lips split as a wash of suspicious perplexity strained their features, only for a second before returning to normal. Back to their friendly warmth with an amiable smile stretched on their lips.
“Sure, I’d love to help,” Their eyes held yours, you to let out a faint breath of relief. “I’ve got a few things to do on campus for a while, but, I can meet you after?”
“That’d be great, thank you!” You offered to exchange phone numbers for ‘easier communication’ to plan around Hange’s schedule, before duly proposing that they come over to your dorm, as the library closed after five o’clock, and your roommates were gone for a week-long field trip.
“I’ll let you know when I’m on the way, then,” They smiled, an amused smirk etching itself on their lips before they could help it.
“That’s perfect, I appreciate it,” You beamed, “I’ll, um, leave you to your equations,” You stepped away, turning around to make your exit from the library. Hange didn’t miss the way your eyes fell onto their lips for just, perhaps, a little bit too long than was deemed socially conventional, or the way you seemed to grow flustered as they stimmed with their fingers. Hange’s gaze followed you as you walked on, trailing down to your exposed legs underneath a short skirt that hung over thick, sinuous thighs. Hange looked back down at their notebook, as they chuckled, shaking their head with endearment at your crafty deceit.
Hange certainly isn’t stupid, due to their proximity working with the professor, they were painfully aware of the more… problematic students in Mr. Fritz’ class. You were never one of them. In fact, he had even used some of your past assignments as example guidelines for the newer students. Needing help with the easiest part of the module? No way were they believing that.
A knock at your door, and you smoothened the fabric of your clothes, hoping to reduce any lingering creases or maybe even just to calm your nerves. You had tidied up, making your bedroom look more presentable and less like a cove of disordered chaos.
Opening the door, there stood Hange, handsome and ravishing in all their tall glory. A hand reached up to stabilise the one strap of their backpack that hung on their shoulder, the other strap dangling behind. You tried to stop, you really did, but you trailed over their figure, lured into their nonchalant stance that just exuded casual confidence as they looked back at you, an eyebrow cocked up.
Breaking contact, you welcomed them in, Hange dropped their backpack onto the floor to relieve the weight of all the heavy textbooks from their shoulders. Hand raising back up to remove the headphones from their neck, placing them atop their bag, hooked on the top handle.
You sat at your couch, leaving enough space for Hange to comfortably place themselves on. Trying to be discreet, you watched as they took off their dress shirt, hanging it on the arm of the couch, you presumed Hange was using the layer against the slightly cooler breeze outside— you couldn’t lie, you were kinda glad to see it off. Hange’s bicep was well sculpted against their black tank top as it melted into toned forearms. Tanned and strong. There was a brown cord bracelet dangling from their wrist as they rested it on their propped up knee. God, I’m no better than a man, you thought.
“So, what’d you need help with?” Hange pushed up their glasses with their ringed index finger, you wondered if that was something they often did subconsciously before beginning a task.
“Linear algebra and probability theory,”
“Hmm,” Hange nodded, a short tug at the corner of their lips, leaning their elbows on the top of their thighs, “Yeah, that stuff is pretty hard, but,”
“What did you score on the last exam?” Hange turned their head your way, amber eyes meeting yours, with a devious look.
You froze, shit. It felt like a trick question, surely Hange didn’t know the score you totalled? Surely, Hange didn’t know that you were just seven marks from a full score? It almost felt as if they were luring you into a trap; to see if you’d double down with the lie and continue with this facade or if you’d crack and admit defeat. Lose-lose either way, you’d end up embarrassed or having to make yourself look incredibly foolish.
Voice breaking in your throat, you held eye contact. Whereas Hange’s was steady and sharp, yours felt like you were just exposing yourself further the longer you remained silent.
“I-I don’t remember,” A neutral answer, you decided, totally not because you had been rendered nonverbal, clearing your throat and seeing the way Hange’s lips stretched fully into a knowing smirk.
“Hmm, you don’t remember,” They were definitely mocking you now, voice low, humming and melodic as you felt the thunder in your chest beat. You looked down at your thighs, fingers fiddling with a loose hem on your skirt.
“Getting the impression I wasn’t invited over for some homework,” They chuckled, leaning back against the support of the couch, arm stretching over the top.
One sentence and it was out in the open, the illusion you thought was so deceiving completely shattered as your true intentions came to light. Yup, embarrassing, just as you thought.
“So, why don’t you tell me the actual reason you invited me over,” If the last sentence was a stab to your confidence, this one was an extra twist in the wound. Hange was smirking at you, the mirthful look in their eyes showing you that they were relishing in your embarrassment and flustered face.
You swallowed a deep breath, feeling your skin ignite both with anticipation and nerves so lethal you almost wanted to bury yourself underneath the seat, never to be seen again.
“I, uh—“ you mumbled, the script had truly crumbled, you had no plan B apart from just spewing out the truth. You’d die before you had to do that.
“You seem a bit flustered,” Hange hummed, leaning on the back of the couch, as their thighs came to spread, “Why’s that, hm?”
The unlevelled confidence that radiated from them just seemed to further your own unease. It wasn’t often you felt that way, usually being the one to initiate flirtations with others. Yet, everything about Hange just seemed to drag you into a state of bashfulness, totally out of character as you failed to make eye contact.
“Will you look at me, love?”
You ceded, eyes meeting, as you let out a sigh. Hange placed a testing hand upon your bare knee, tentative runs of their thumb over the skin. Soft, Hange thought. The feeling eliciting shivers down your spine, warm waves down to your core, reducing you to a state of feeling unreasonably touch-starved. Hange gazed down your thighs, deliciously covered by the fabric of your skirt, moistening the edge of their upper lip with the tip of their tongue, before flickering their eyes back to you.
“What is it you really want?”
Fuck. A short gasp escaped your throat as their hand trailed up, fingers reaching underneath the hem of the short skirt. Hange was toying with you, no doubt about it.
“I… I wanted to speak to you,”
Humming, their hand moved further, “Why?”
“I found you…” you paused when their fingertips skimmed over your panties, your thighs twitched. “C-captivating, needed a reason to speak to you,”
Hange chuckled, as they leaned forward to reach the bottom of your ear, your breath hitching as their lips ghosted over the skin.
“You could’ve just asked, pretty,” Hange’s voice whispered against your ear, as you closed your eyes. You were so down bad.
“Think I haven’t noticed you, huh?” One light kiss at your skin, “Think I haven’t seen the way you stare at me?” Another kiss, ever so gentle that you almost melted into them, biting back a needy groan. Hange’s hand squeezed at your thigh, fingers towards your centre, just barely grazing over the fabric.
“I mean—god, darling, if you wanted me to fuck you that badly all you needed to do was ask nicely,” Hange’s teeth nipped at your lobe, drawing out the skin with it.
“So, ask me nicely,”
Another squeeze at your inner thigh, and no longer could you withhold the groan that you’d been holding back. You were fighting so many demons right now, hesitant to verbalise your inner desires. Hange remained near your ear, licking at the soft skin. Fuck it.
“I want you so fucking bad,” Your voice came out so much whinier than you expected, used to hearing that tone from others, but never from yourself.
“Aren’t you gonna say please?” They chuckled, dragging it out, teasing. Hange eyed the pout at your lips, the slight frown in your brows—could tell you were used to getting what you wanted easily, to not submitting. They planned to fix that.
“Fucks sake—please, Hange,” You pressed your thighs together, trapping Hange’s hand as they gripped you, as a prompt for them to do something, anything.
With their other hand, the one not currently trapped in between your legs, Hange grabbed at your hip. Kneading over your hip bone, where the dainty zip of your skirt dangled. The sensation caused your thighs to loosen autonomously, as Hange opportunely released their hand an inch. Slipping underneath the hem of your damp panties, fingers teasing at your slit, collecting your slick.
“You this messy just for me?” Their sinful, warm words made you shiver, goosebumps down your arms as they hit your ear. You wriggled, skirt rolled up to your hips, exposing your panties. Messy, indeed. You were growing impatient as you attempted to roll your hips into their hand, craving contact. Hange’s fingers recoiled, pushing from your slit pulling the fabric with as they tutted. Tightening their other hand on your hip once more, stilling your movements.
“C’mon, surely you’ve figured out how this works by now,” Hange’s words sounded so sweet, if it wasn’t for the absolute torture lurking underneath. Eager to tease and play with you for as long as it would take for you to actually listen and cede. With a brattish groan and a sigh, you nodded.
“Words, darling, use them.”
“Y-yes, shit—all for you, Hange.” Voice breathy, avidly impatient. Your core leaked more slick when it clenched, totally ruining your panties as it clung to your folds. The sight absolutely delectable. “I need you so bad—can’t take it,”
There it was. Finally.
“Was that so hard?” Hange hummed, a satisfied smirk creeping over their lips as they teased a finger down your slit, only slightly breaking through your entrance. Pressing your lips against theirs as you whimpered into the kiss, biting at Hange’s plump bottom lip.
“Now then, be a good girl and stay put.”
Hange pressed their finger fully into you, soon adding another two once they saw how keenly you were taking them already, walls wet and ready. Your head fell into Hange’s neck, meek moans spilling from your mouth as their slender fingers hit the back of your squishy walls.
Without removing themselves from your warm heat, Hange cased a hand at your ass, pulling you on top of their lap. Using their clothed thigh to rut their fingers up even further, other hand forcing your hips into gyration against them. The friction from their jeans hit against your sensitive clit and with their fingers inside you, you were a hot mess already. Needy and desperate from their heartless teasing.
“Ah—that’s…fucking good,” You hissed, as Hange lapped their tongue down your neck, before sucking, branding you with many dark marks leading down to your chest.
Catching the hem of your shirt, you threw your arms up to discard it, revealing your breasts to the room’s cool air, heaving up and down with heavy breaths. Hange almost moaned at the sight of you, shirtless with a short skirt pooled around your hips, draping over their knees. Of course you weren’t wearing a bra, they thought. As Hange thrust their fingers into you, their mouth wrapped over your nipples, flicking over them with their tongue. Nipping lightly over the peaks. You arched your back into them, feeling yourself grow closer, the tension in your abdomen building as you bit your lip.
Your hips lost their rhythm, aimlessly chasing the feeling of Hange’s fingers deep within you. Languid gasps and breathless moans escaping your lips. So, so close to your peak until the sensation was suddenly stripped away, leaving you totally empty. Hange removing their fingers, you could hear your own slick cry as they did, your walls tensing.
“Wha-“ You were a bit dazed, a truthfully a little annoyed, you had been so close.
“You’ve not earned it yet,” Hange laughed, clearly relishing in your frustration. They liked this, liked making you destitute, left wanting. Hange had every intention of fixing that sugared insolence they could see within you. Had every intention of tearing it inside out.
Hange reached down to their leather belt, maintaining eye contact as they unclasped the metal peg, lifting you up off their knees slightly to pull their jeans down, before removing their tank top. Their chest rose up and down, bound beneath a black binder. You could see their own centre soaking through their underwear. You ogled their figure, groaning as your sinful thoughts worsened. The kind of imagination that would surely commit you to purgatory indefinitely.
Hange pecked your charming pout away, before bringing their soaked fingers up in front of your mouth. Spreading your lips open with their thumb, shoving it inside so you could taste your own slick on it. Their other fingers followed suit.
“Clean up your mess,”
Hange watched you, your lips bruised and plump as they split to allow entrance for their index and middle finger. Sucking your juices off them as you moaned, gagging as they hit the back of your throat. Brows pinched and eyes brimmed with tears from the hot burn. Hange’s thumb pressed against your bottom teeth, pulling your jaw open, a line of drool slipping out from the corner of your open mouth. Hange would kill just about anyone for you, they thought. Irreversibly addicted to you, your needy eyes and the way you fell to follow their orders.
“So beautiful,”
Hange hung over you. Looking into your glassy eyes, with the hold against your jaw, pinky finger at your chin, they held your mouth open, spitting on your tongue.
You did. Quite happily as you groaned, muffled as your mouth was stuffed. Feeling yourself grind against Hange’s bare thigh, your core clenching around nothing as you yearned for the feeling of their fingers back inside you. Your inner thighs completely soaked, spreading it all over Hange’s bare legs.
“Such a good girl—so obedient for me,” They hummed, relieving their attack on your mouth, taking their fingers out and grasping the back of your neck, “Wonder if anyone else has ever slut you out like this, hm?”
You shut your eyes, leaning into their touch as you whined out a passive ‘No’, shaking your head to Hange’s question, not fully trusting the strength of your own voice. Fuck, you were totally gone, lost in salacity and paralysed by your own thirst. Almost brain-dead as your desire thumped in your ears, and throbbed at your core. About to explode from your own ardour as it’d eagerly been building up. Hange was divinely addictive, a substance you should never have risked trying. You could never possibly go back now, too ruined to ever possibly go to anyone else. Totally and utterly hooked on Hange.
“Aw, look how docile you are now, pretty.”
Hange kissed at your neck, coming back up to meet your lips again as you mewled against them.
“H-Hange— please, need more,” You squirmed against their lap, “Can’t take it, need to cum so badly,” You were finally begging, hesitation leaving you to fend for yourself as Hange had you right where they wanted.
“Yeah? How do you want it, baby?”
In between strained breaths, you pointed to your drawers. Strategically placed next to the couch, as Hange reached over. Chuckling once they saw your strap in its resting place.
“This what you want?”
Nodding, you rutted against Hange’s thigh, forcing some friction to rub against your clit.
“Please, fuck,” You sobbed, visions of Hange stuffing you with your strap forcing you to squeeze your thighs against Hange’s lap.
“Since you asked so nicely,”
Hange gently nudged you off their lap, to allow them to slide the harness over their thighs. You sat beside them, legs folded underneath yourself. Hand placed delicately on the side of their head, pressing sweet kisses down the skin of their neck as they adjusted the harness to fit around the circumference of their thighs. Hange shivered under your lips, eyes shutting as they indulged in the sensation for a moment, cursing as you began to lick under their lobe. You were delightful.
Hange’s hand danced along your thigh, fingers streaming past your slit as they groaned at how unbelievably wet you were.
“You’re fucking sublime,” They groaned, dragging you over their lap, hands ripping both the skirt and your ruined panties off your legs. Hange laid their back on the couch, folding your bare thighs over their jaw. You bit your lip in keen anticipation, it was almost as if you had manifested this.
“Fuck—Hange, I’ve dreamt about this for so fucking long,” Your legs twitched above Hange’s face, as a radiant smirk shone on their lips.
“Yeah? Thought about this?” Their hands clung around the plush skin of your ass, fingers squeezing tightly. They pulled you on to a steady stream along their face, teased a lick up your folds before your slit was pressed down against their flat tongue, lapping up your slick as their nose rubbed over your clit.
“F-fuck, so much—was just like this,” You gasped as you rode Hange’s face, watching dumbly as their face contorted with gluttonous solace. Eyebrows creasing as they focused on eating you out. You crumbled, finally feeling some release after being teased for what felt like many unbearable hours. Truly, it was better than you could have imagined, Hange’s fly-aways catching on their cheeks and the sides of their face as they grew dampened, your slick slapping their cheeks and fogging up their glasses from splatters and wet heat.
Resting your hand on their knees for stability, your fingers acted on their own as you came to reach underneath the strap that was dangled in the air, waiting to be used. Your fingers came to meet Hange’s folds, sliding easily past their sensitive labia, nearly as wet as your own, aching. Having been unbearably turned on since they saw your body’s visceral responses to them.
“That’s—so fucking hot, shit,” You whimpered, lost in the feeling of Hange’s insistent tongue slowly flicking deep against you and the way their centre seemed to just suck your fingers right in. Hange let out a muffled, guttural grunt into you, the vibrations making you clamp your thighs tight against their head. You almost felt apologetic, if it wasn’t for Hange, who seemed to get riled up by the very prospect of being choked out by your luscious thighs. Oxygen supply decreasing as amber eyes rolled into the back of their head, toned arms pulling you closer against them. Leaving behind marks on your skin that outlined where their fingers had been digging in.
Whilst simultaneously, you were plunging your fingers knuckles deep into their entrance. Your body leaning back as you bucked your wrist against them, fingers curling inwards against their walls. Hange’s eyes were stuck on you, watching as your body rocked against their mouth. Head hung back and breasts perked up as beads of sweat trickled down, illuminating your skin, the fine hairs around your stomach standing upright. Looking properly, they spotted a few moles scattered on your stomach, your lips were swollen as they bit out mutters of curses under your breath. Still trying to return the favour even despite feeling ruined. How divine.
The sight alone brought Hange to their knees, hazy pleasure erupting through them as they felt their body tremble. Truthfully, Hange seldom let people touch them, opting to typically give rather than receive, yet they felt like giving you permission to do whatever you wished with their body. They were so hypersensitive, extra responsive under your ambrosial touch. Debauched gasps melted into your core, still lapping at your slick as they rode through their own peak. Shuddering, as they seized their thighs against your wrist.
“Did you cu-“ Your excited, breathy voice was cut off by Hange grabbing your wrist, ripping your fingers out of themselves from overstimulation, their centre tensing with arousal dripping down their folds. Hange nodded as an affirmative, you could tell they were slightly stunned. Hange held your wrist against your back, elbow folding over as they lifted themselves up. Disconnecting your slit from their mouth, and moving you around as you returned to facing each other, your legs resting over their lap once more.
Hange’s spare hand caressed your jaw, uniting your lips together as they melded over yours. Sloppy, open-mouthed kisses, slipping their tongue into your mouth. You whined as they angled the tip of the strap over your folds, your slick lubricating the plastic. Hange was frenzied, desperately needing to see you stuffed with the silicone length. Elated from their own high, their words grew more depraved.
“Need to fuck this pussy,” They rasped, voice at the lowest frequency you’d heard from them, “Prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen,”
Your lips parted as Hange slipped the tip inside, stretching your walls out as you gripped onto their shoulders. Hissing as you adjusted to Hange burying themselves into your tender flesh. Sinking yourself down on the strap as your hips undulated against them, pressure building up again within your abdomen as Hange fucked the strap deep into you. Tip massaging over your inner walls, repeatedly hitting that same spot that made your breath catch in your throat and your vision go white.
“Fuc—keep going, pleas—please,” Mewling, you shut your eyes, eyebrows furrowing as your nails came to scratch at Hange’s back. Your words coming out in broken sobs, tears spilling down your cheeks as you were split apart on your own strap.
“So full—Hange—“
Hange sucked against your neck, then licking over the sore spots.
“Taking me so well,” Hange praised, voice sweetly laden with saccharine honey, “Sat so pretty on my cock,”
“ngh—Shit-I-I’m gonna come,” You were shaking, thighs trembling and abdomen twitching. Finally about to release after being so cruelly edged twice. The expression on your way was picture-worthy, fucked out and wanton.
“That’s it,” Hange kept rutting up into you, muttering praises, “Come all over me, baby,” A nibble at your earlobe and you were done for. Your climax reached you, tensing up your spine, mouth agape as you shuddered, face contorted.
“You look so pretty when you come,”
Your core tightened as you spilled out your release; the force pushing the strap out from inside you, squirting all over Hange’s lap. The hardest you’ve ever come in your life.
Hange didn’t relent just yet, making sure to fuck you through your peak so you could ride every second of it. When you finally stilled, your head fell onto Hange’s neck, murmuring softly against their clavicle. Sighing, you lifted your head up, greeting Hange’s half-lidded eyes with your own. A beat and Hange reconnected your lips together, gently kissing you as you came down. Mind still fuzzy and reeling. Their hands caressed your hips, thumbs running down your skin.
“You’re beautiful,” Hange whispered, pressing a tender peck down against your swollen lips, “Wish you would’ve talked to me earlier,”
You laughed, breathy and uneven, as bashfulness struck again. Once the cloud of lust had settled, you were left with nerves, that doe look back in your eyes as you weren’t quite sure what to do now. What if Hange never wants to see you again? After all of this, you don’t think you could handle being emotionally ghosted. It was unlike you entirely, but the interest in Hange remained, simmering as you relished in their tight hold— a hold that almost promised you it wasn’t going to leave. You dared to dream.
“What are you thinking about?” Hange muttered, resting their forehead against yours, eyes closing.
“Um…” You hummed, hesitant, “This, I guess, I’m a little… nervous,”
“I guess I am, too,” They chuckled, pressing their head closer, hands still setting your skin aflame, “But, i-if you’d like to, I wanna take you out,” Pausing, “On a real date, that is, not under false tutoring pretences,”
You pulled your head back, trying to suppress the smile that threatened to stretch, an attempt at masking the hopeful beam in your eyes.
“I’d love that.”
listen u guys 😭 someone pls sedate me or give me a lobotomy cos what am i meant to do when i PINE over 2d characters
let me know if u guys enjoyed <3 i love to read ur comments and inputs
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phantastus · 3 years ago
Yo, if you're doing the character bingo, I gotta ask about Heather Mason
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SLAMS STACKS OF NOTES DOWN ON THE DESK (jk i do not have the energy to go into full sicko mode tonite, but you know how it is).
"Everyone but me is wrong about them". I have seen some truly incomprehensible fanon about Heather throughout my years on the internet and it has resulted in me becoming incapable of being normal about her. I do my best to suppress this because despite the frothing beast within going BARKBARKBARKBARK I genuinely do want everyone to get to enjoy Heather and SH3 in each of their own respective ways. Unless you are a cishet man drawing her with giant balloon tits. I'm going to maul you like a wild chimpanzee.
"I'm obsessed with their character arc". TROUBLED YOUTH PLAGUED BY HARROWING CIRCUMSTANCES NAVIGATES MYSTERIOUS OTHERWORLD, DISCOVERS SHE IS ACTUALLY A CREATURE OF TERRIFYING POWER AND POTENTIAL, CONFRONTS PAST TRAUMA, PROVES "NURTURE" OVER "NATURE", AND SAVES THE WORLD BY FIGHTING GOD??? sign me the FUCK up 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
"They got done dirty by the fans". See former note about cishet men deciding that the scrappy tomboy teenager would look much better with a real set of badonkers. Bonkhonagahoogs. Humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous. I'm going to turn into an extra from the Walking Dead and chew some skulls open.
"I am rotating them like a fork in the microwave". See former note about me not having the capability to be normal about Heather Mason. I have been doing this for over a decade and my interpretation has only ever gotten more deranged.
"The popular ships for this character suck". Honestly I don't think there actually ARE popular ships within canon for Heather anymore??? WHICH IS GOOD HONESTLY I'm all for shipping Heather but for awhile there was a lot of Heather/Douglas and Heather/Vincent and even (puking in my mouth) HEATHER/HARRY around and let me tell u I did not care for that ONE BIT. One of the things I really like about SH3 is that the closest thing to a canon romance for its female lead is the tragic childhood bond between Heather/Alessa and Claudia. For actual SHIP ships, I will stick to putting her in ridiculous crosscanon RP ships with anime villains and also Laura Palmer.
"constantly listening to songs/holding them up like paint swatches". I have Heather songs coming out of my freaking ears please listen to them: "Black Dahlia" (Angel Haze), "God's Got Nothing On You", (Thea Gilmore), "Little Secrets" (Passion Pit), "Invincible" (OK Go), "Fear of Fireflies" (Calla), "A Better Son/Daughter" (Rilo Kiley), "Rejoice" (AJJ), "Forces of the Unseen" (Cloud Cult), "Black Eyes" (Radical Face), "Shake it Out" (Florence and the Machine), and of course that classic "Welcome to the Black Parade" (My Chemical Romance). And because I'm a fucking nerd, go ahead and also have the two songs I picked out as her main themes from the two most prominent RPGs I've played her in the past fuckifIknowhowmany years: "Inferno" (Promare OST) for the slice of life Pokemon game, "The Crow" (Dessa) for the monster-horror game where she got turned into a cannibal bird thing.
"what's wrong with them (affectionate)". [slaps top of Heather's scruffy dandelion head] this baby can hold so many issues.
"not enough screentime". More Heather is always the answer. There should be an optional setting for all SH games where there's just a live Heather reaction cam in the corner the whole time.
"My opinions would be received with wasps". I mean I am always on some level assuming that everyone around me is responding to my stronger opinions with that one photo of white girls holding solo cups and judging the viewer. AND PERHAPS THEY ARE RIGHT TO.
"The best character in the work". I mean. I am pretty biased.
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midnightsconspiracy · 4 years ago
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Instincts - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: Jay’s past has caused him a lot of trauma in the form of PTSD, and an episode finally breaks your bubble of perfection
Warnings: PTSD Attack, Violence
Word Count: 1212
Requested: Yes!!
'Something where jay has a PTSD episode and scares the reader cause he had a nightmare or something and she leaves for the night but then comes back in the morning and she talks him into going to therapy maybe by revealing something that therapy had helped her with? Thank you!'
A/N: I didn’t know how to write a PTSD episode at all but I gave it my best shot, so I hope y’all like it! REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN
The feeling of warmth took over your body, as you wrapped yourself further into the comfort of the blanket. Sleep was close, you could feel it, as it lulled you further into its trap. The comfort surrounded you, both from the feeling of your bed and the security from your boyfriend who laid next to you. Everything was just perfect at that moment, your own little bubble of perfection that came before you faded off into dreamland. But that was soon disturbed, as Jay shot up, bringing you back to reality as he pulled his arm away that had previously been underneath you. You'd witnessed one of his nightmares before, simply calming him down and returning to sleep. This was different though, there was a certain glazed over look in Jay's eye that you'd never seen before. So, as you called out his name to try and ground him, he turned to look at you, fury blazing from within, grabbing your neck and squeezing. Panic spread through every cell in your body, your survival instincts kicking in, just as much as his were. You clawed at his hands, begging him through your expression to let you go, nothing seeming to get through to him. Kicking your legs out, you managed to catch him in a weak spot, allowing his grip to falter for a second and you to escape. Running into the bathroom, you locked the door as quick as physically possible, sliding down the door to regain your composure.
The harsh impact of your kick had brought Jay back to the present, taking in his surrounding and what had just happened. His hands shook as anxiety ran throw his body, calming down from the life-threatening place he thought he was just in. As he calmed down, he surveyed the room, hoping to find you, his lifeline and saviour when it came to these things. He racked his memory to remember when he had last seen you, but only coming across flashbacks of his hands around your neck, your face draining of colour as he squeezed the life out of you. Hearing a faint sobbing from the bathroom, he knew what he'd seen wasn't just part of his nightmare but a reality. How could of he done that to you, the one person who helped him and he trusted most in this world? Guilt racked over him, he was a monster, so how could you two go on from this?
"Y/N?" He knocked on the door, wanting to make sure you were ok, despite what he had done.
"Y/N please i'm sorry, I don't know what happened." His voice portrayed it all, the guilt, the sorrow, the shame. But you couldn't comprehend that right now, only thinking about how the one you loved had tried to kill you, unconsciously or not. Bracing yourself for having to see him, you took a couple of deep breaths, unlocking the door and walking back into the bedroom. Keeping your head down, you collected your things, flinching when Jay reached out to stop you in the process. You knew he didn't intend to do it, it was just his trauma fighting back and that felt extremely bad, but you just couldn't look the man in the eye. So you packed only the essentials, walking past Jay's trembling body on the bed, leaving his apartment wearing only pyjamas, not having a destination in mind, only knowing you needed to get out of there.
The only person you had seemed to be able to get through to at that time of night was Adam, begging him over the phone to let you sleep on his couch for that night. When you arrived, he had tried to pry for answers of why you'd randomly turned up at his place, but you had brushed it off, telling him to save it for an acceptable time to be awake. After an extremely uncomfortable night on Ruzek's cheap couch, you had explained to said man on what had happened. He attempted to give advice to you, despite his rocky history with relationships, but you had taken it, not knowing what to do otherwise. And so after a burnt mug of coffee and a haste goodbye, you set off back to your boyfriend's apartment to confront the events of last night.
Pausing at the door, you were hesitant before putting in the key, nervous of what was about to happen. Pushing the door open, you were confronted by the sight of your boyfriend, sitting on the couch, head in his hands. He turned his head at the sudden disruption to his eerie silence, eyes softening at your frame coming into his view.
"Y/N" He broke the silence once again, scared that he had ruined everything that you had built up over the past two years.
"Jay," You said back, trying to show him you weren't angry now, just scared in the moment. Seeing his remorseful face broke your heart, knowing that none of this was his fault, he just needed help to deal with the traumas of his past. So you rushed forward, bringing him into your arms, showing him your love through just your actions.
"Im not upset with you baby, I was just scared yesterday," you reassured him, rubbing up and down his back in a comforting manner, trying to calm him down.
"I know Y/N, and im so sorry, I was reckless and this is all my fault." Crying out the words, he started shaking once again, tears flowing from his eyes, the shame he felt resurfacing again. Guiding him to sit back down, you let him sob in your lap, letting whatever pent up emotions he had out.
"No no no this is NOT your fault Jay, you did not voluntarily do that." Making him look you in the eye, you made sure he knew what you were saying was genuine, all the feeling you had experienced yesterday not mattering now.
"But Jay you have to promise me that you'll seek professional help because we can't have something like this happen again," you said trying to reach out through his sobbing.
"But Y/N I-i," he tried to protest
"No Jay listen to me. I know you haven't had it great with therapy in the past, but we'll do it right this time, get someone who specialises in this sort of thing and who you click with, ok?" You were so desperately trying to get through to him, knowing he had had a bad experience with his previous bout of therapy. But you knew it was effective, having resolved some of your own problems via that method. Although you were hesitant to reveal your past trauma, you kept it brief explaining what good it had done for you.
"Look I know you're sceptical but it does work, I know from personal experience. My therapist back in Atlanta helped me tackle my anxiety stemming from my trauma and I really think it could help you too Sweetheart."
"Ok," he answered, trusting you with his life.
And so as you kissed his forehead, whispering how much you loved him, you hoped something would finally change, not knowing if you could deal with another episode like that again.
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emonaculate · 4 years ago
AOT Freshman v Senior Year headcanons (Eren, Armin, and Mikasa)
❥ AU: Highschool!AU
❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Rating: Everyone can read
❥ Pairing: hinted at Eren x reader
❥ Warnings Include: Profanity, mentions of violence, manipulation, mention of weed, and slight angst
❥ Author Note: I'm making this an entire series for the main cast or my favorite characters from AOT
Eren Yeager
Freshman year
Extremely fucking loud for no reason
Runs to class and somehow always manages to be late
Tries to pay attention in class but due to his ADHD would always spaces tf out
Despite being loud, only talks to Mikasa and Armin
Smells like nothing but AXE body spray, its not even a bad smell, its just too much
That kid that takes P.E. TOO fucking serious
"Eren you know why you're in trouble right?"
"...You hit your classmate in the face with a ball."
"He could have dodged."
"Eren it was a basketball, you broke his nose and chipped his tooth."
"He shouldn't have gotten so close to me."
Im sorry but totally dresses like this
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Constantly compared to his older brother.
"Yeager... Are you by any chance related to Zeke Yeager?"
"No way, your brother is THE Zeke Yeager?"
Makes a name for himself rather quickly
Listens to heavy rock/metal music
He loves My Chemical Romance and Three Day Grace.
Learned how to play the guitar just so he could play "Teenagers"
Forced Mikasa and Armin to also listen to the bands
They ended up all deciding on making a small little garage band; Miki on vocals and drums, Min on bass, and Eren as lead vocalist and electric guitar.
His style changed randomly but no one questioned it since his personality remained the same.
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Senior year
180 personality
Completely mellowed tf out
Either he is in class on time or not showing up at all
Senioritis is strong within him
Works better when he is completely out of it
This mf always high as shit
Either you love him, hate him, or respect him there is no inbetween
Smart as hell but usually on the low
His music taste has changed a little
J.cole and Kendrick stan; it is not up for debate
His favorite songs are Neighbors by J.Cole and Alright by Kendrick
Listens to throwback RnB when high
Still godly at the guitar
Has a couple stick and poke tattoos; He has one behind his ear matching Min and Miki.
He has the sun, Armin has the ocean waves, Mikasa has the moon
A total of 8; 4 in his left and 2 in his right + the industrial
Has a tongue piercing
A two slices in his eyebrow but only got them as a dare
Most of them minus the industrial piercing was done at home because he has an abnormally high pain tolerance.
Dresses like this
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Doesnt really play sports but is super good at soccer and basketball
He's actually good at most sports just refuses to join because why would he want to support a corrupted system??
Still more of a loner but has a rather nice friend group
Looks mean asf but is actually really nice
Goes the hardest for his friends
You fuck with them = you getting your shit rocked by him
100% the friend that hits you for forgetting to eat
Despite being hot as shit; never really has a girlfriend
Its only because hes oblivious or just not interested
Deathly scary when hes pissed
If you guys got beef; there is no talking
Its on sight bro
Be prepared to get beat the fuck up
A few things that makes him go from 0 to 100 is racism, mocking disabled people, and domestic violence
He's an activist
If you need help organizing a protest; he'll help and somehow manage to get people to come.
Basically a really good guy just hot headed as hell
Armin Arlert
Freshman Year
The kid who looked up those lame videos on how to survive highschool.
Panicked when it came to speaking in class
Stuttered like hell
He's way too advanced like could graduate early but refuses to so he can stay with his friends
Super sweet but extremely naive
People definitely took advantage of him.
"Hey Armin, my dog got in a car accident so I wasnt really focused in class, can you give me the homework answers?"
"Yeah sure its no problem."
Sends them a whole ass powerpoint on the entire lesson and teaches them better than the actual teacher.
Band nerd
Can play the Piano, Bass, and Trumpet
Listens to Mother Mother and Queen religiously
Only joined Eren's garage band after he agreed to watch Bohemian Rhapsody
Dresses like this
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Moved in with Ren and Miki after he went through some shit with his family; he came out as bisexual after realizing he was attracted to one of his classmates.
Sometimes worries that Eren gets uncomfortable but relaxes after he remembers who Eren really is.
Wouldn't trade his friends for the world
Senior Year
His glow up took awhile because he didnt really feel the need to change
He was always rather cute; just shy and timid
Slightly because he manipulated his runner up into become a burnout gifted kid lmao
Everyone has his Snapchat and Instagram so they can get help
Now he knows when people are using him and he still lets them; the only difference is you fuck with him and he can make you end up repeating the same grade.
Lets people copy his test and at the last minute pauses and erases all his answers before putting the correct ones.
No one has realized his plan.
His fashion sense changed a lot
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Subconsciously tries to match Eren all the time
The only person that noticed was Mikasa; she thinks its cute
Is in love with Russian foreign exchange student, Annie.
He talks to her from time to time before gathering enough courage to ask her out
Doesnt realize how popular he is.
Oftentimes volunteers at the aquarium to study the ocean life as well as help out.
Helps plenty of organizations clean up the ocean.
A total of four piercings and the tattoo that matches his friends.
Two in his ears and nipple piercings.
It was a dare he sobbed through
Mikasa Ackerman
Freshman year
Follows Eren and Armin around
Super quiet
Doesn't really have much of a personality
She is cute though
Dresses like this
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Like I said no real personality at all
Well except she was the girl who thought she was in a romance novel
Especially when Eren would get into a fight.
"Eren look at me... This isnt you."
"Mikasa move."
Most times it wouldnt work.
It was just cringy man...
Can play the violin, flute, piano, and cello
Only learned the drums so she could play with Eren and Armin
A secret pop stan
Loves Ariana Grande and Doja Cat
Thank god she manages to grow out of that yucky phase.
Senior Year
Track, Gymnast, and female basketball player
She mellowed out as well and became her own person
Still heavily in love with Eren
Confessed to him during a karaoke session to the song Baby I by Ariana Grande; he didnt realize.
Sang her heart out and was a blushing mess but still got no where
Has deep down accepted that she may never be more than just his friend
Is okay with it and NOT toxic when he's crushing on someone else
Just wants him to be happy
Saw how he looked at some girl during a fundraiser to raise money for animal shelters and realized that he may never look at her like that.
Turned a guy down because Armin had a crush on him
The ultimate wing girl
Introduced Eren to her opponent after a track meet after realizing it was the girl from the fundraiser.
Dresses like this
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Super sweet despite her look
However pick on her friends and you're fucked
CAN and WILL whoop your ass
The only person who can get Eren to not fight.
Pissed them both off at the same time and you're screwed
Has a total of three piercings
Her ears and nose
Loves her boys more than anything
Stays with Eren while her parents travel to help with natural disasters
Noticed that Armin's ideal type is Eren but never mentioned it because she knows Armin would overract
Very observant
Just wants the best for her friends even if she is the one who ends up happy
Eventually falls for the guy that asked her out junior year.
Still close to her boys because they come before anyone.
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likefeathers · 2 years ago
band review #1: owalloil
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im not sure exactly how i want to format these posts yet, so i apologize if this is a bit rambly.
great seoul invasion brought a lot of new bands to my attention, which ive been beyond thankful for because oh my god theyre all SO talented. one of these has been owalloil! i really enjoyed watching their live audition, where they played their songs ‘young adult’ and ‘tree.’ i added them to my playlist after hearing them, but never listened to those songs much afterwards and never dove into the rest of their discography...
until a few days ago!!
i decided to put their music on shuffle while on my way to get breakfast; usually i wont listen to new music first thing in the morning but i was in a Mood and decided why not lol. i actually remember this really vividly, because the weather was amazing--it was foggy and not too hot, and there were leaves falling everywhere. the vibes were immaculate and i feel like they really complimented owalloils sound...which is what ill be moving onto!
i wasnt entirely sure what to expect after listening to the two aforementioned songs..i liked that they were upbeat, but often times ill listen to a song or two from a band, like them a lot then find out none of their other songs sound like that (not that its always a bad thing!). owalloil, however, leads a really nice transition from their softer songs to their more upbeat ones. they have an INCREDIBLY distinct sound, which is something that always pulls me deep into a kband
before i talk about the instruments and roles within the band, i wanna talk about the members. there are three members; leader and synth kwak jihyeon, vocalist and guitarist ryu jiho, and guitarist jang taewung. jiho and taewung are enfps and jihyeon is infp which i think is the funniest dynamic on the planet. jihyeon looks like their supervisor who never outright admits how much he adores his children... anyway! jiho is an absolute sunshine im a bit shocked its possible to be as cute as he is. he has the most ADORABLE smile on earth i cherish it dearly. taewung...i haven’t completely figured this dude out yet but hes like jihos partner in crime. overall incredible vibes with these guys
now onto instruments, you probably noticed i didnt mention a bassist or drummer (or have been waiting to hear me talk about this if you already stan!). owalloil has by far the most unique instrument lineup ive seen in a band. they were lowkey ridiculed for it on great seoul invasion, but i think the idea that a band must consist of the four traditional elements is so outdated. im not completely sure about this, but from what i hear and gather from my knowledge of synthetic instruments, it sounds like jihyeon produces the bass and drum sounds using his synth getup. the rhythm lines sound like they have less full of a base compared to recorded instruments, especially when you compare their independent tracks to their songs from great seoul invasion, where they had a guest bassist and drummer. im a total nerd for synthy stuff, so you can imagine this sound is right up my alley. jiho’s voice is REALLY nice. like. really really nice. the veeeeery vague rasp, the curve of his vowels, the range, its all just perfect. its really fun listening to how much energy his voice can have when singing quicker paced songs, and how relaxing and soft it can be in owalloil’s ballads. i was actually a bit sleepy while listening to them in one of my classes recently...they make incredible lullabies! taewung is a really fun guitarist to listen to. the bands guitar parts always sound like the ocean, very flowy and wavy and they have this glimmer to them that makes them really memorable as something that makes you feel lively. overall, owalloil is a complete feel-good band
oh oh real quick though, theres another thing i wanted to add about instruments! in one of their gsi stages, ‘the world we lived,’ jihyeon plays the glockenspiel! if youre unaware, glockenspiel is a mallet percussion instrument, like a tiny metal xylophone. it adds the most beautiful sound to the song..to me it sounds like twinkling stars. as a mallet percussionist myself seeing jihyeon play it honestly made me consider biasing him even more...
my favorite songs by them are ‘warrior’, ‘tree’, and ‘echo!’ the melody of echo is SO satisfying, and the lyrics to warrior are so gorgeous, especially the chorus. tree is so fun and its special to me as the first owalloil song i heard!
all in all these guys are an incredible addition to my stan list, and im honestly so thankful they seem to be getting a lot of traction from other kband stans these days. lets hope they go far!
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multiverseofimagines · 3 years ago
hi!! could i please have a male and female stranger things ship?
i’m a plus size bisexual girl, 5’3 with medium length shaggy blonde hair and blue/grey eyes. I'm very artsy and really really into music and I would describe my style as punk/90's grunge. I try my best to come off as a confident person but I do get flustered and shy rather easily, I am the designated badass mum friend though. I am a pisces and an INFP. Thank you sm ❤️
I ship you with
Eddie Munson
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Oh my god just imagine him smiling at you like that 😭 I’m fucking dead, deceased, gone.
I think you two just would vibe really well. He would confide in you often about his issues with his father, and his family in general.
You’re always there to take care of him, and make sure he’s okay.
You guys are both weirdly, lone wolves? You guys like to wander and be free, this sense of like, wanting open road and just living you know? You spend your time in the woods or at reefer ricks, getting stoned, deep talks.
You guys are literal soulmates, like it feels destined to be. Complete twin flames.
He has a ceremony with the hellfire club to make you an honorary member for life, they make you your own tshirt and everything.
He’s terrified of losing you. Would definitely sacrifice himself for you, because the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt + you make him brave, his love for you is hella inspirational.
He gives you his guitar pick necklace 😭 so you have a piece of him wherever you go.
When he distracts the bats, you jump into the gate instead of dustin and run after him. You find him fighting for his life before death settles in. Your hysterical but trying to stay calm so you can talk to him “you idiot! Why would you do that? why? “ he can’t help but chuckle as he coughs up blood, your hands have settled upon the bloody wounds he’s suffered, you can’t let go. “ It’s okay, we just gotta get you back, its okay.” he looks up at you, tears rolling down his cheeks, his breathe is rattled, “ I told you, that I would do anything to protect you.” You cried harder your hands soiled from his bloodied wounds, “Im gonna get you home okay? and we’re gonna go back to the way it was.” he smiles softly, you can tell he’s in pain, “that place was never my home, you were.” he rattles out his last breath. You do not leave his side.
(I’m sorry y’all were giving me starcrossed, destined to be doomed vibes and plus im emotional tonite so don’t hate me 😂)
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- it was a little difficult finding plus size friendly examples, ( cause fatphobia is so prevalent on sites like pinterest still and within the fashion community tbh) but as a plus size woman, I wanted to choose the best options that not only would fit all sizes, but were keeping accurate to the time period and your style so hopefully your good with this!
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- when looking for the music for this I was like SO INSPIRED. I stg I wanna write a whole ass fanfic about you guys. I chose songs that were giving me; you and eddie vibes, I chose a couple that were definitely more 90’s instead of 80’s. I decided for this one I wanted to add like my fave lyric from the song that made me pick it, so you can have some insight(from one music nerd to another), and also cry with me cause y’all made me soft ANYWAY.
Heaven and Hell By Black Sabbath; “ Love Can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer.” And “ The world is full of Kings and Queens, who blind your eyes and steal your dreams.” THAT ONE had me like “vecna???” also the guitar solo and bridge right there is AMAZING. Waisted potential they didn’t use this song in Season 4.
Straight Through The Heart by Dio; “ Living in a world of Make Believe, I can hide behind whats real.” This whole song gave me Eddie vibes and how he felt growing up, being kind of abandoned by his Family in a way, and being bullied.
Bigmouth Strikes Again By The Smiths; There wasn’t much of a lyric in this song that really took me by the heart, it was just the whole thing, it sounds sad and somehow romantic? Its about how the protagonist feels as though he is being judged for the things he says, and how he has a big mouth, which is just so relatable to Eddie, how passionate he is about being different and how he feels about society (jumping up on tables with his big speeches and such) The way he says “Sweetness” really sold me as something Eddie would say as a nickname for you perhaps as well.
Love will Tear Us Apart By Joy Division; “ Why is the bedroom so cold, turned away on your side.” Honestly I thought about the aftermath of his death after Dustin probably had to drag you away, the feeling of not knowing how to move on feeling the coldness of the room without his presence. Also feeling resentment for his sacrifice, how his love for you tore you apart.
Heart-Shaped Box By Nirvana ; You said 90’s grunge and that you were pisces and I was sold on this one lmao 😜 okay that was only half of it!! The whole song is super romantic, its so devotional to the person he loves and I feel like Eddie would be similar, just completely utterly in love with you in a torturous way.
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) By Journey; “If we can’t go on, to survive the tide love divides.” “ If you must go, I wish you love, you’ll never walk alone, take care my love.” This one had me in like TEARS. Like if You and Eddie were in the show, this would be playing as he sacrifices himself i stg.
1979 by Smashing Pumpkins; “ I know you better than you fake it.” The whole song sounds like love ended too early, so I added this one! And “ We don’t know just where our bones will rest, to dust I guess.” Its really about the mortality of a relationship, and accepting it because you appreciate the time you have with that person.
Malibu by Hole; The whole song sounds like grief from tragedy of losing a loved one, trying to save them from their fate. I just really wanted some tragic songs to go along with my headcanon so have fun with that. (Also Hole lowkey slaps so hard, Like I’m not a huge fan of Courtney, but damn I just love all her music?)
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ofcowardiceandkings · 4 years ago
I think you mentioned listening to podcasts? Do you have any favorites to reccommend? I've run out of content :(
that i do !
im not entirely sure what kind of podcast you'd be interested in but i'll throw out a few of the goodies in my huge library of stuff , i'll miss out a few of the HUGE podcasts that have been all over tumblr though
a LOT of it is true crime or human interest stuff , or history because im nerd ,, and a few of these dont have nearly enough attention so [shrug] i'll try to keep this short i guess lol this isnt EVERYTHING ive got in my library or listened series' by any measure
i AM gonna pop a shout to both Stuff You Missed in History Class and Stuff You Should Know from iHeartRadio because their HUGE archives have kept me from losing my mind many times over , and they cover a wide range of both important and wacky topics
BomBARDed (ongoing) this is the only fiction podcast i have happening right now really but its DAMN GOOD ONE .... it's an actual-play D&D 5E podcast in the DMs own musically-inspired world, focussed on a group of multiclass bards going to music school !! and all players (+DM) are members of the Texas band Lindby !! and they actually use and play music in the show with one original song an episode !! Kyle's worldbuilding and storycraft are truly incredible, and (Nick) Goodrich, (also Nick) Spurrier, and Ali's characters are in depth and interesting as well as an absolute powerhouse :') i actually made a piece for its first fanzine, Bardic Dreaming, which published earlier this year and is free to view now, all the players and the community are super wholesome its just very good overall 💙
History & Humans;
Fall of Civilisations (ongoing) legit one of my favourite podcast finds, im so glad my youtube autoplayed one of these ... it took me like 2 hours to realise it was 1) not the same as what was playing before and 2) had been on for 2 hours and wasnt near finished lmao. anyway, this is a series by historical fiction writer Paul Cooper, and is honest to all thats good one of the best documentary series ive encountered in years - and ive consumed a LOT of documentaries. it covered the downfall of various civilisations through history, and the episodes run from an hour to FOUR hours depending on the topic. its so chill to listen to and just get done, but over the pandemic all of the episodes have been given full movie-quality video versions too on youtube if youre more of a visual person.
Casting Lots: A Survival Cannibalism Podcast (on series break) yeah that says that lol ... its a SUPER niche topic but its very interesting and treated very well despite being kind of comical at times, the hosts are just naturally funny lol ... it delves around from the history of cannibalism in whole regions to specific incidents as recently as the 1970s, and of course the first episode is about the Donner Party, and it covers things ive never heard of despite being kind of important ?? anyway Alix and Carmella are good eggs
Sawbones (ongoing) i probably dont need to mention much here other than say that Justin and Sydnee saved me from being SO BORED sooo often, the history of medicine is wacky as hell and its what most of my history GCSE was on so [shrugs]
Cautionary Tales (on series break) this was a wild-card find lol ... it's by Tim Harford "the undercover economist" who writes for the Financial Times, and its topics kind of weave modern topics and science with how to learn from historical errors ... its a bit weird but well worth a go, also each series has a few celebrity guest voice actors which is pretty awesome
Ephemeral (ongoing) this is a very strange but thought provoking series about sounds and other things just barely saved. topics include the last castrato, the hello girls, hand-stamped records, the spread of kīkā kila music, and acoustic fossils of wild places.
Neat! The Boozecast (ongoing) history and bartending whats not to like lol ... hosted by Teylor Smirl and now their dad Tommy, they're just digging around in how important booze is to human culture
True Crime (white collar and weirdness);
Swindled (ongoing) this is an amazing show full stop. A Concerned Citizen details some of the most impactful and unruly things to happen in white collar and corporate crime. very factually accurate but given the sheer bullshit of the topics the deadpan snarking is [chefs kiss] absolutely warranted ..
American Scandal (on series break) this one is a series within a series type, and spends a few episodes at a time poking holes in some of America's biggest scandals, from a dramatised but fact-based point of view. such as what the hell was going on with Enron, how big tobacco was forced to own up to covering its own ass, how Iran-Contra happened, etc. it also now has a sister show called British Scandal, which does the same thing for British cases but with a slightly different format.
Missing in Alaska (finished) this was a fascinating series, a deep dive into what happened to two US government officials who disappeared on a small chartered flight in Alaska in 1972. it goes some really strange places, but it actually turned up a lot of previously unknown information through the audience. John Walczak's new series in a new feed is Missing on 9/11 which looks into what happened to Dr Sneha Philip.
Pretend (ongoing) Host Javier Leiva holds interviews with anyone living a lie, or who have been touched by them. con artists, snake oil salesmen, former cult members, catfishing victims, anyone and everyone.
Power: The Maxwells (finished) hosted by journalist Tara Palmeri, the story of media tycoon Robert Maxwell from nothing to empire to mysterious death and the scandals uncovered after he was gone.
Lets Talk About Sects (ongoing) Sarah Steele covering cults from around the world, in particular those in Australia - where she is from. She often has former members on the show to share their stories, and share knowledge of how they left. each story has the relevant content warnings at the start of each episode.
Brainwashed (finished) investigation of the CIA's covert mind control experiments, centred on the experiments performed at a hospital in Montreal, and its cultural impact.
Dr Death (2 series finished) two series investigating huge cases of fraud and medical malpractice, and how they were brought to a stop. series 1 covers Dr Duntsch and his horribly butchered neurosurgery, series 2 covers Dr Fata and his fraudulent cancer clinic
The Immaculate Deception (finished) untangling the weird and disturbing fertility fraud of Dr Jan Karbaat, who fathered children himself through his fertility clinic, and the impact of his deception. later episodes also touch on other similar cases.
True Crime (Violent/General);
The Casual Criminalist (ongoing) Simon Whistler of-the-many-youtube-channels cold reads a script about the case of the day, with some of his daft commentary thrown in.
Southern Fried True Crime (ongoing) Crimes from the American South hosted by Erica Kelley, she puts all the facts out there but refreshingly for true crime she doesnt hesitate to tell you if she thinks someone is human garbage lol
They Walk Among Us (ongoing) probably one of the most popular UK crime podcasts, very measured and well put together, not weird or annoying about it either.
All Crime No Cattle (ongoing, feed slowed down for now) specifically about crimes from Texas, hosted by Erin and Shay, they're very sensitive hosts and a lot of the cases they cover shed light on why the Texas criminal system is how it is or show an impact at a national level
Canadian True Crime (ongoing) Canadian crime from an Aussie who's lived there for a decade, Kristi is again a sensitive and measured host covering some important topics
True Crime (Violent/Deep Dive);
Hitman (finished) journalist Jasmyn Morris digs around in the sticky tangle around a book published by fringe publisher Paladin Press, and its apparent use as a blueprint in the killing of a mother, her friend and her 8 year old boy for financial gain.
Camp Hell: Anneewakee (ongoing) this series is exploring how a wilderness camp "correctional facility" was endorsed by the Georgia care and juvenile reform system, despite widespread abuses and shady practices the whole time. warning for csa and child cruelty throughout.
True Crime Bullshit (on series break) this one is a huge huge rabbithole but a very interesting one where the host Josh Hallmark has spent years digging into the life and potential crimes of Israel Keyes. Keyes is often mentioned as a serial killer with no pattern, but in picking it apart thats not quite true, and has sparked some re-evaluations of missing persons cases and stumbling upon information the FBI has redacted organically. there's also a series in the middle looking into the crimes of Kelly Cochran
Forgotten: Women of Juárez (finished) this series looks into the huge numbers of missing women of Ciudad Juárez, the strange circumstances surrounding them, and the potential cover-ups and corruptions on both sides of the border, trying to give a voice to all of the forgotten women and girls and their families without answers. the series itself is finished, but a spanish language edition is being released every week now.
aaaaaand i'll call it there before i list everything lol, i hope you find something to plug your boredom hole with !!
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breadboylovin · 4 years ago
This is kind of a vague ask but what are some of your general headcanons for TLB and/or Michael? Like what’s just true about them for u?
[cracks knuckles] oh i love spewing some random bullshit lets GO (under the cut bc it got long)
- michael has more of a strongfat body type. like we see him with vague abs in the movie but in my head hes just Fucking Huge so being strongfat would reflect that
- i also think david has like a little bit of chubbiness on him and i can say that because his gay ass trenchcoat and all black clothes make it so hard for me to discern a body type from him
- we know marko owns pigeons but i think he also has influence among the crow and raven communities of santa carla. they bring him trinkets that he will occasionally add onto either his jacket or pauls. hes basically this guy but with no moral qualms about it
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- adding onto that. marko loves animals in general. like he doesnt fuck with humans too much but he loves a good creature (ESPECIALLY a good bird). yes this is me projecting because im a biology nerd
- paul will routinely pretend not to know what specific animals are just to piss him off. he has asked if butterflies are birds multiple times
- paul loves reptiles though. i think if he owned any pets they would all be snakes and geckos
- ive already drawn dwayne with his giant california condor and the tag about him being a leading figure in condor conservation was a joke BUT it would be really funny if they let a random hot shirtless man named dwayne keep a condor because he takes very good care of it
- david could not give less of a shit about fun animals but he has seen bearded vultures (pictured below) and wishes he had one for the swag of it all. however they are old world vultures so the only way to acquire it would be by stealing from a zoo and if the local animal lovers (marko and dwayne) found out they would beat the shit out of him for inconveniencing conservation and education efforts
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- marko is the most reckless driver on his bike and rides at the speed of light. i have no clue when ill finish my dating sim but one of the routes involves going on markos bike and immediately throwing up from motion sickness
- marko loves to draw but its mostly cartoony doodles and stamps. paul cannot draw to save his life. dwayne can draw very well and would sit down looking at you and moving his pencil for like an hour and then come over and show you a masterpiece. david has tried to become an artist multiple times and given up within an hour because he cant draw a circle right (dwayne has told him multiple times that circles are hard to draw and he does not care)
- in a lost boys live au where they reach 2021... david loves taemin from shinee. i put three taemin songs on my 95060 playlist just for him. all of his songs either have ‘im an evil whore >:-3′ or ‘im being seduced by another evil whore 0___0′ energy and david would LOVE IT
- fuckin uhhhhhh im trying to think of one last one. paul likes lollipops i think he would have the biggest sweet tooth out of all of them
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mydearesthrry · 4 years ago
places we won’t walk (chapter one) || peter parker
summary - the doors at midtown seem a little boring, but when you get introduced to someone you seem to remember, what happens when they seem to remember you too?
word count - 2.9k (wow shes gettin better!)
pairings - peter parker x fem!reader
warnings - like mild mention of s*xual assault, angst if you squint really hard, mj being a softy for you, mj being a lowkey bi, peter being stupid as always, y/n calling peter a colonizer.... thats it ok enjoy
a/n: so i know i last updated in october, but as u all saw i have a 25 days of xnas thing going on (PLS I WROTE THE A/N LIKE A MONTH AGO PLUS I FORGOT ABOUT THE XMAS THING DISREGARD) so pwww updates will be slow (as if they werent already omg) but the next chapter will be arriving hopefully, fingers crossed, on xmas eve or xmas! also, are you guys watching the new euphoria episode? also, i’ve stopped using the word ‘stuttering’, as it may be ableist, and i’d never wanna come off as insensitive. anyway lmao, enjoy chapter one, the trials and tribulations of hitting someone in the nuts.
also side note psa: biggest thank you to @blossomparkers for helping me so much w this chapter. i owe it all tooooo u lani yani. thank u for everything !!!!!
series masterlist | regular masterlist | series playlist
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(gif not mine!)
when y/n y/m/n stark was in her early years, she was never aware of the impact her father would and did hold over her life, and in turn, the whole world. for the longest time, you’d always assumed that your father wasn’t real, and everything that had been told to you by malicious family members who were jealous over your father’s “successes” had been lies, and you had it believed yourself. no one would even think that you were tony stark’s daughter until it had been mentioned. tony’s snarky attitude had been a character trait that you’d gotten, and you always took pride in your humor and attitude.
the story of your mother and tony had been messy and all over the place. from a drunken hook-up followed by multiple days of morning sickness, to a surprise pregnancy test, the storyline of your parents had been.. well.. interesting to say the least. you never focused on your family’s history, solely based on the fact that you didn’t have two fucks to give about your family history, but you also never knew your father which was-- bizarre. 
when tony had found out about you, he claimed it was a drunken accident, a mistake, and one he made when he was “less responsibly a stark”, which was actually just some fucking bullshit, but he didn’t wanna admit that he hooked up with some random chick at a bar that he thought was hot.
since you had been raised by a mother who was barely there, you had to raise yourself. you were kinda street smart and book smart, and you were always smart when it came to books, because you were the type to want to learn-- unlike others.
when you were in your teen years, you had tabs on you and the media on you 24/7 to make sure you didn’t royally fuck up. the unwanted attention became too much when you started realizing that people didn’t want you for your personality, they wanted you for your title. but this was after you moved from brooklyn. nuvale and peter never saw you as some “movie star”, or some famous person in the media because you weren’t. but when you had grown to learn what your father did, he had forced you to not fuck up to maintain his-- somewhat okay reputation. 
you always wanted that superstar life, as a fantasy of course, but when you got to it, you realized the cliche-y-ness of it all. you’d idolized the famous women in the media-- idolized how they looked like. you realized fairly quick how fucked up the media truly is. you realized how things really aren’t as they seem. its not just the galas that look extravagant, or getting to wear a fancy new gucci outfit every night. it honestly was a whole bunch of other shit you wouldn’t even imagine. it comes with the no privacy thing- people stalking you in public, the death threats, so much shit that wouldn’t happen as common if you were just anonymous.
being an avenger (basically), your dad had natasha teach you the ropes; the basic rules of how to kick someones ass. it was a handbook that the women of the avengers had created, and it had all the rules and regulations of how to spar someone on the team, and basically how to righteously beat someone's ass up. it was never really something you found too important, but as you grew older, you realized that it was very important to know, especially since you were a girl.
despite your harsh remarks and snarky attitude, your father always knew how to hit a sensitive point in you that always managed to break you down. you never quite understood why he would want to make you feel worse about yourself than you already felt, but regardless, you always felt underappreciated by him. being a stark, you were expected to be a genius, get over the top grades, and constantly be able to keep up, but with your luck, you were graced with depression, social anxiety, and a 4.0 gpa. fun, right? 
when you were 11, you had made friends with the kids in your apartment halls, and you learned that their names were nuvale jones and peter parker, and you were basically the golden trio. you were hermione, peter was ron, and nuvale was harry. which, now that you look back at it, makes much more sense than any other arrangement. you also had another friend, harry osborn, but once he moved away, there was no way for you to talk to him anymore. he had moved across the country to california, and from then, it was just you, peter, and nuvale. your best friends ha been there for you for what seemed like decades, although you only knew them for about three.
peter was the boy with the rosy cheeks who little 12 year old you would get butterflies in her tummy. or the type of boy to bring you an extra snack if you weren’t able to pack it the night before. he was the type of boy to walk you to the nurses office if you got hit with a dodgeball. he was the type of boy to fall for someone like you. but he didn’t. or so you thought. 
little prebubescent y/n was an awkward girl who thought the world would be on her side when she needed it the most, or that whenever you needed peter or nuva, they would be there. you didn’t think your best friend would stop talking to you after you had moved away. you were too naive to know that peter liked you, and you were too naive to know that he had liked you back, but you wanted to believe what your brain would tell you, so you decided to flush your feelings down the drain and forget about them, which, in hindsight, was a pretty shitty idea. who would’ve known?
your alarm clock blared loudly from beside you, causing you to let out a loud groan in protest. you hit the side of your head angrily, then whining and rubbing the spot which you hit. whines and loud sighs fell from your lips as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and pulled the covers over your head, knowing what would come next after you would try to snooze your alarm.
“good morning, miss stark, how could i be of service to you this morning?” friday’s voice echoed through your large bedroom. you peaked your eyes and forehead from beneath the covers, your eyes slowly starting to adjust to the light that was pulled through the big blinds which were now open. 
“mmm, fri, just tell happy to get the car ready, ill be ready in a few min- nevermind, tell him to get ready in thirty, im probably gonna fall asleep in the shower.” you croaked, taking your phone from the charger which was on your nightstand. you slipped on your bunny slippers and turned on the heater in your room, the draft filling your room with cold air throughout the night.
once you walked through the large industrial doors of midtown’s cafeteria, everyones voices started to drop into sharp hushed whispers, making you roll your eyes and pull your hood up over your face. you pulled your airpods from your pockets into your ears and tried your best to avoid any and all eye contact with anyone you did end up coming into contact with. you walked over to the food bar where you grabbed a red school tray and plastered on your best smile to the lunch ladies who work oh so hard to make sure you all were fed. as you walked through the line, you could feel the intensified stares on you, making your back erupt in chills. you didn’t like to be watched, and the fact that you were a so-called celebrity didn’t help your cause in any way. 
“hey.” a low voice called from behind you. it was a girl with curly hair with gorgeous light brown skin, and a jawline that would cut you. you were almost astonished by her beauty, but you remembered the facade you had to hold, especially to strangers that you didn’t know.
“hey?” you asked unsurely, wondering if she was with the media or not. which was something that tended to happen quite a bit.
“don’t worry, i’m not with the press. you just seem interesting.” she said in a monotone voice, but still with a strong look of seriousness on her face. you giggled softly when your eyes locked and your faces went totally still, making the girl in front of you laugh as well. she held out her hand in front of you, while also balancing her tray and book in the other hand. you placed yours into hers and shook it, smiling when she told you her name.
“michelle jones.” she smiled, your throat getting a little tight at her last name, and you had to admit that it struck a little chord within you, but you quickly cleared it from your thoughts and introduced yourself as well.
“y/n stark. pleasure to meet you, jones.”
“pleasure to meet you too.”
“so, i get that you’re new here,” she started walking, inviting you to walk along with her. “what- what are you doing here? i mean i get you’re smart and all, but this is a nerd school; you literally could’ve gone anywhere, so, might i ask, why here?”
“hm, interesting question. seriously i don’t know. my dad and i don’t really get along so he makes the decisions and i tell him if i like it or not. which by the way, i’m gonna have to stay near you-- you’re the only one making this bearable for me right now.” you snorted, nudging your elbow to hers. 
“hm, daddy issues. great song, love the artists.” she smirked, making you shoot your head back in loud laughter, gaining some side eyed glances from a few people sitting at the tables around you.
“so, where are we sitting? i usually nev-”
“hey mj!” you were interrupted by a boyish laugh and hoots and hollers coming from a table two tables ahead of you. 
“jesus fucking christ. what? just because i got some and you didn’t doesn’t mean that you have to be that fuckin’ loud about it.” she grumbled, placing her tray down, slinging the backpack on her right shoulder beside her. you looked at her with a nervous but curious glint in your eyes. she gave you a knowing look which said, ‘just go with what i say’, making you nod in understanding.
“woah! holy shit! i m- i mean woah- nice to- nice to meet you!” the boy fumbled over his words, looking at you and michelle in disbelief, shaking his friends shoulder and poking at his cheek.
“nice cut, g. looks nice.” you said to him, giggling as you stuck your straw into the mini juice box.
“o-oh, thanks… g?” he said back to you, observing your looks with a confused expression written on his face making you giggle at his confusion. 
“peter! look! y/n stark is at our table!” he whisper shouted to his friend, making you look at michelle with a smile on your face and playfully rolling your eyes. she looked back at you, rolling her eyes as well, gesturing to her head as if saying ‘idiots’, making you giggle and turn back to them. 
“so, bowl cut dude, what’s your name?” you nodded to him, picking at your salad with the blac spork that was so cordially given to you by mj. 
“n-ned, ned leeds.” he smiled sheepishly.
“and you, colonizer, what’s your name?” you tapped on the table, alerting the boys attention. you could hear michelle and ned hollering and snickering from their seats, but decided to keep your poker face rolling. but i mean, how couldn’t you? the look on his face was absolutely priceless. 
“peter park- wait did you just call me a colonizer?” he cut himself off in his own sentence, looking at his other friends for confirmation, to which they nodded, still cackling at the fact that you had indeed call him a colonizer.
“peter park, hm?” you teased, ignoring the way you hesitated and ignoring the way your chest felt heavy when the name of peter was said.
“n-no thats not my name-” he said, tripping over his words, making you let out a chuckle. 
“i’m messing with you. with what you’ve given me, i could only guess your name is peter parker?” you rested your chin on your hand, engaging in the awkward conversation.
“yeah. thats my name.” he said more confidently, giving you a tight lipped smile.
“nice to meet you, parker.”
“you too, stark, my pleasure.”
after the small encounter with your new found friends, you had gone back to your respective classes, which meant that your next class had peter in it. after you had split up, you decided to get there early to avoid any commotion surrounding you.
as the boring class continued, you heard the loud clicking of high heels in the hallways, which had to be one person and one person only.
“stark,” someone shouted from the door which swung open. low and behold, in front of you was the prickly bitch, your principal, mrs cunningham. “come with me, eugene’s parents have requested a meeting with you and your father considering that you had just hit their son in the private areas!” everyone snickered and laughed. finally someone had stood up to flash’s shit. 
“y- you punched flash in the nuts? i thought that was just a rumor?” peter stuttered, looking at you in disbelief.
“yeah, the fuck was i gonna do? let him flirt with me? no. that bitch tried to grab my ass. i’m a stark, i was raised better than that.” you whispered to him, packing your bag as you did so.
“hm, guess you’re right. well, good luck stark.” 
“thanks parker.”
once you arrived in the principals office, you saw what seemed to be his mother in one of the seats decked out in expensive pearls and diamonds. typical.
“little miss over here punched my son in the privates! i will not allow this to happen!” fuck. you thought; another one of those stuck up cunty parents.
“pfft, probably paid to get their son into here.” you muttered under your breath, playing with your protection bracelets incase anything was to ever happen.
“wHAT? mrs cunningham, i will not allow this child to talk about my son this wa-”
“hello! i was called in?” a voice interrupted, one you could only peg as your father.
“ahh! mr stark! you’re finally here!” your hilarious excuse as a principal said cheerfully.
“i am! and i am here to.. come and have a meeting about my daughter's- behavior?” he asked questiongly, already seeing the triumphant and cocky look on your face. he knew you weren’t at fault, and you were gonna lie your pretty ass out of it.
“well, mr stark, we have a student in the nurses room due to the actions of your daughter!” she looked at him menacingly. he shook his head with a smile on his face and walked over to you, grasping your shoulders in his hands.
“well kiddo, wanna explain what and why you did what you did?” he smiled, giving you two taps on your shoulder, already knowing what was next. you two had a pretty good acting schedule when it came to it, when in reality, you despised eachother.
“sure daddy! eugene had been hitting on me for several days now, and even found my private social medias in use to.. how can i say this, use me for my fame? he tried talking to me, very inappropriately on several occasions, and even went as far as to try and grab me in areas in which i find extremely inappropriate, without my consent, might i add, which doesn’t seem okay with me. does it seem exceptional to you, mrs thompson?” you asked, while only keeping your eyes on his mother.
“why, i am so sorry miss stark! his father will be in contact, i did not raise my baby to be this way! im sorry for any inconvenience he may have caused you!” she gasped, raising a hand to her heart. 
“it’s okay, i just request, may this never happen again? i would not like my privacy to be invaded, much less from your son, and can i please ask that he never try to hit on me, nor any girls at this school ever again? i can only imagine how many other girls this may have happened to, mrs thompson.” you sighed, your eyes filling up with fake tears. you reached up to touch your fathers hand, tapping it twice back, knowing that you both had just won.
“never again miss stark, once again, i am so sorry this happened to you.” 
“it’s okay. now mrs cunningham, shall we see our way out?” your father answered for you, looking over at the old white woman who looked like a piece of cheese. she could only nod in awe, giving you the cue to pick up your bags and walk proudly to the door.
“thanks i guess.” you muttered, pulling out your airpods once more, hoping to seal the conversation with your father.
“yeah yeah, no problemo.” he muttered back, avoiding eye contact and stuffing his hands in his  pockets. 
once you reached the door, you remembered that you had left something in your locker, and informed your dad that you’d be going back to get it. he all but nodded and looked back at his shoes before trudging to the car.
once you entered the seemingly halls, much to your surprise, you saw a scrawny teenage boy lifting open a set of lockers, which you didn’t even know was possible, and pulling out a red and blue suit. once you saw who the hands belonged to, your mouth fell agape as you gasped,
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