#its very important i need to point it out
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that-hippie-user · 7 hours ago
*looks at context in notes*
ah, apparently a guy with a pope icon once said he didnt like a post cuz he considers the term "mousegirl" to be inherantly sexual.
(ramble below, cuz i feel i should.)
which, btw, if anyone's argument to keep a subject out of something is because of its naughty connotations, i remind you that blocking tags IS a feature, and you can minimize the exposure to subject matter that offends you while also not pushing your own dislike of it onto others.
we're adults, its expected that at any point in life we may encounter something we find repulsive, that doesnt mean we need to see that thing locked up or burned
AND, if i hear even ONE of you coming to the defense of furries by insisting the naughty side of things is a small minority, i will personally summon The Boot🄯 and it will Boot🄯 you to a Seat🄯.
that kinda puritanical nonsense implies a group is ONLY worthy of respect if they are easy to talk about in polite society, which is a mindset that slots VERY easily into homophobia.
i know, i know, that went from 0 to 100 p quickly, but i heard an artist i respect say it and i wanted to share cuz its semi relevant and important to remember.
mouse girl commercial airline pilot who gets on the intercom and says "this is your captain squeaking... we've just ahhh, reached our maximum cruising altitude of 32,000 feet, which is very high and scary for me because I'm a mouse"
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shouts-into-the-void · 2 days ago
Montresor caring about Will didn't come out of nowhere, Lenore was just mad: a biased completely unbiased post
The thing we need to remember as a rule is that Montresor's default personality is rude and antagonistic even when he's not actively trying to be an aggressor, which means you have to look at what he means rather than necessarily the things he says. He's a clear victim of abuse, who reacts to feelings trapped, cornered, threatened, panicked, or humiliated by lashing out. From what I have gathered, it seems like his mother may have been the type of person who was nice one minute, then became abusive at the drop of a hat, and/or acted loving while claiming she "had to do this for his own good", and he was clearly raised in a very strict religious environment where he didnt have a lot of control/was punished for things he couldnt help. As a reaction, Montresor tries to force an aggressive response out of anyone he feels threatened by, because at least then it's predictable and he feels in control. Okay, great, Montresor analysis out of the way, moving on.
Our first real look at Will and Montresor as a unit is when the clusterfucks (side note: I've seen a lot of people calling them the acoleets now? Far less funny, absolutely not) are discussing their spectres. During this conversation, Montresor is actually hyping Will up, and even when he agrees with Ada that is sounds useless, he makes sure to assure him that it "looks really cool though."
We only really see Montresor become outright violent and dangerous once it's revealed that only one person can win a new life. We see him actively panic about it, and while we don't really get a lot more context for him yelling at Will in the moment, I think its relevant that this is the moment when he starts treating Will less nicely, because now it's a competition an everyone else is potentially out to get him. Hell, he even immediately begins joking around with Will after telling him to shut up, so it's clear that he's acting out of stress and fear immediately after the revelation.
The interaction that immediately follows this is the incident with Morella and Ada, and I find it notable that Montresor goes out of his way to include Will. (when he makes sure to let you get your turn humiliating a woman to prove her loyalty to the group #romantic 🤡)
Later, during the Spectre vs. Students lesson, when Berenice bites Will and he asks for help, Montresor immediately tells her to leave him alone. While he seems mildly annoyed with Will the whole time (kind of understandably, because Will keeps screwing up the plan) he only says anything particularly horrible after Berenice slashes him across the face with her knife, which clearly pisses him off in general. We see him letting Will nap on his shoulder afterwards, which isn't super important I just think it's cute.
Montresor clearly sees them as a unit, as he still involved Will with the plan despite Will messing up the previous night with Duke and stops Will from helping Annabel with Ada despite not having a real reason to do by saying "We'll sit this one out." Like it should have gone without saying that if he's not doing it, Will isn't either. Then the next day, the fact that Montresor comes to get Will specifically so they can walk to breakfast together? Knows what his toothbrush looks like and goes out of his way to give it back? The little flick on the forehead when he calls him a church churchmouse? That he picks up on Will's distress and immediately goes to collect Ada to save him? I see you, fake-ass idgafer.
Which brings me to my next point, which is that it is Lenore on her enraged, vengeful tirade who claims that Montresor hates Will. She claims it's due to his behavior towards Will when he came to get him, but I think its pretty clear she only says it to upset Will. And Will can't think of anything nice Montresor's ever done for him because he's stressed, thinks he's about to get shot, and his self-confidence is super low. He even addresses the fact later that Montresor goes out of his way to save him all the time.
I also think now is a good time to point out that Montresor only seems to physically hurt Will in any significant way when he's been having a flashback. His expression when he comes out of his death flashback to find himself attacking Will is shocked, and while he doesn't apologize, his response does come across as apologetic. He has a similar expression when he wakes up from Ada's vision choking Will, only he looks incredibly panicked that time because he'd done actual damage. The expression on his face when Lenore points out what he's done is pained. I think this runs back to Montresor telling Will not to touch him, I'm pretty sure part of his trauma revolves around physical touch and when he's having an episode of PTSD/not fully aware of his surroundings he lashes out instinctively at the person touching him, which unfortunately means Will, who is a very physically affectionate person (man has 13 siblings and it shows.) Which is unfortunate, because I think Montresor also seems to be a very tactile person, and he actually goes out of his way to be touching Will a lot.
Another interesting thing? Montresor only ever addresses Will by name, which is very significant with context. The nicknames Montresor gives people are meant to mock them, so by only using Will's name it subtlely signals that he holds him in higher respect (or at least in more genuine regard) than the others. In Will's flashback, Sally–someone who went to school with him and was in all the same classes–doesn't remember his name, only that he's one of many Wilson siblings. So for Montresor, who can't even remember his "ace in the hole" and current fling's name, to be constantly making it a point to say he knows who Will is, is a great indicator of his actual feelings. By contrast, Will calls Montresor "Monty" exclusively, the only nickname he receives that is genuinely affectionate and something he never attempts to make him stop calling him.
Which pretty much brings us back to the events of the current episodes, which I've already talked about the significance of in another post. I know this is probably insanely biased for multiple reasons and im sure theres a bunch of little tidbits I've forgotten , but do with it what you will.
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buckley-diaztruther · 14 hours ago
sorry friends it's another long one
ive always been of the opinion that when buck and eddie end up living together it has to be eddie suggestinf/asking. partially bc its obvious gonna be in his house but largely because we need proof that this is a step theyre both wanting, it's buck being asked ti stay, it's very clearly NOT a moment where buck uses big gestures to save a sinking ship
and now the show has so perfectly given is the exact sce priority where this HAS to happen
because when eddie comes back, there's no question of him and chris moving back into the house. the question will be 'does buck stay or go'
and there's a few non-romantic reasons why I don't think Eddie would want/tell buck to go. first reason is financial. buck gave up his loft, fucked his credit even more, and would have a hell of a time trying to find any apartment that he can afford AND that would take him. eddies not going to just kick his best friend out, and at the moment no one else on the team really has a long term place for him. sure, eddies is cramped as well but at least all of bucks stuff is there. this is the practical option that is going to save them both money tbh
second reason is the diaz boys love having Buck around. he cooks, he cleans, he co-parents, and he is literally their favorite person outside of each other. doesn't even have to be romantic, they just love buck. he's family and its really that simple.
and then of course we do look at the romance of it all which. I think a lot of the fandom agrees would the the funniest reason for why buck would feel like he CANT stay. because whether he's accepted his feelings or not at this point, if he and eddie arent together then buck is now going to be hyper aware of anything that could be read as romantic and he's going to try to avoid that once eddie is home. so he's either gonna try to make living with Eddie the most platonic bro thing ever OR he's gonna wanna avoid it all together. meanwhile eddie is just like 'dude. wtf is ur deal just get in bed and stfu ur fine I'm fine and I just wanna go to sleep'
but then eddie is going to have to go to buck, romantically or not, and very directly tell him: "I WANT you to stay. I am asking you to stay here. With us."
bc everyone leaves and sure sometimes they come back but has anyone really ever asked him to stay? has anyone ever actually told buck in clear, explicit words that he is wanted, needed, and that him being the one to leave is not that they want?
because the few times buck has left anywhere (PA, the frat house w Connor, Abbys place, the bouncing between Maddie and chimney before finally landing the loft) it's either been something he's been told to do, or it's something he's felt like he has to do. he's known that he's liked and loved and wanted to a casual degree but no one has ever said that they're sad to watch him leave. no one has asked him to stay. they either let him go or they go first.
(im of the belief that every place buck ever left during his years of traveling was only either because whatever ties he had there dissolved or because he was following someone else, all except for the seals - Bucks first time choosing for himself, by himself, to leave something behind (i don't count Hershey since Maddie was such a big part of him leaving. I don't think he'd have really left if she hadn't told him to go and 'left' him first))
the closest he's gotten to being asked to stay, and i think this moment was huge, was when he brought up leaving the 118 and everyone verbally flicked him in the head for it. and I do think this was so important, but also undercut by chimney and then eddie leaving. it kind of perpetuates this theme for buck of always being the one left behind waiting for someone to come back (happened again end of s7 when Bobby tried to return, and then again where Chris and then Eddie leaving and buck is just there holding the fort to make their leaving either except this time there isn't even the hope of them coming back (he tells eddie 'Don't come back'. not 'don't come back yet' or 'don't come back without chris'. he says 'don't come back' because he doesn't want one without the other and he refuses to hold hope for the potential of them BOTH returning when the entire point of the move was for them to be together in texas)
so yeah. eddie needs to come back with Chris and Eddie needs to be the one to ask buck to stay. because buck needs to be more than a ghost haunting the spaces left behind, more than a spector wandering from home to home with no where that's actually his to keep. eddie needs to choose joy and buck needs to be deliberately chosen rather than just. kind of stumbling into a relationship once more without really knowing how he got there. so ig in a sense it needs to be both of them choosing, but eddie HAS to be the one to choose first because otherwise buck won't believe that he's ever allowed to even want it, let alone ask for it
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krsonmar · 2 days ago
Do I have to tap the Nietzsche sign?
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To be more serious and try to contribute something that hasn't already been said, what alarms the heck out of me is the loss of nuance--not loss, but outright rejection--because it does two very important things.
It de-skills our "intellectual muscles" to be intellectually lazy, which is useful for creating a malleable, manipulable population
It means we won't--we don't want to--talk to each other.
This got long so it's behind a cut if you want to read it.
This is a really excellent recipe for dismantling democracy. Democracy is fundamentally masses of individuals using their individual capacities to reason and make decisions for themselves and applying it in groups for the sake of numbers toward enacting their autonomy via self-governance or representative democracy. It is heavily reliant on a.) people being able to apply their decision-making skills in ways that serve BOTH their own interests AND the greater society's, b.) people having solid information informing those decision-making skills, c.) being able to, with reason, trust people who aren't you to be capable of both A and B, and d.) when you don't agree perfectly, to be able to persuade each other or at least discuss with each other why your stances differ in a constructive way.
All four of these things are now gone. We have bad actors in positions of power who seize the means of public information so that they corrupt B and weaken A, then they discourage C by encouraging us to see People Who Aren't Us as so unlike us and unreachable by reason that there's no point, and reinforce that by causing a breakdown of D so that we don't run the risk of disproving the lie and revealing the manipulation.
To go back to the original argument, we're all being encouraged by a dangerously and deliberately polluted ecosystem surrounding how public discourse is held not to do the intellectual work of holding two conflicting things--"This person does terrible things to others: unsympathetic" and "They were once a victim themselves: sympathetic"--in our minds at once. The two thoughts absolutely can be reconciled in a way that does not absolve the person being considered from responsibility for their harmful actions: "This person had a choice of how to react to their trauma and chose a way that harms the greater good instead of improving it".
But doing requires sustaining the intellectual work instead of deciding you don't have to bother. It keeps those intellectual muscles working, and flabby brains are so much easier to manipulate. And to be very clear, I talk about "intellectual work" as a muscle because this has nothing to do with "intelligence": that basically boils down to processing power, how much force an engine is capable of. If the machinery isn't maintained and gets gummed up or is applied to things no one needs, all that power isn't any good to anyone. An elephant that doesn't know how to apply its strength and tusks to uprooting a tree doesn't have nearly the power of a mouse that can figure out the best spot to chew to weaken the roots. People who don't practice these skills aren't stupid (which would be another great way to write them off as unreachable, wouldn't it?); they have a muscle that's out of practice because they've been told not to use it. There's debate to be had about how culpable someone can be for having been manipulated by a bad actor, but once you know you've been manipulated, what you do about it is what matters.
Nuance has been increasingly treated, by all political camps, over the past few decades, as equivocation: it's a moral cop-out, it's rationalizing away violations of fundamental morality. Right? To be fair, "nuance" has also been invoked to muddy the waters of discussions of patently immoral or illegal behavior as well: people pointing out, eg, times when the US government has instituted policies that are in flagrant violation of the Constitution have often been countered with accusations of being overly reactive or not having "serious" or "mature" stances. There, we're being trained to understand that sometimes, the highest law of the land actually doesn't apply, and that "mature" conversation means considering whether the rules we lay out for ourselves should always be followed or if they should only followed when they aren't inconvenient. It also has the useful effect of taking a vital skill--understanding that a situation is complex and requires a complex solution or set of solutions--and associating it with negative actions that have negative outcomes; essentially, giving an important tool a bad name so it will be less appealing to use.
Not to ramble, but my point is, all of this adds up to a breakdown of the public's ability to talk to each other, which is essentially a really great way to break democracy, and which is being deliberately cultivated. And if you see yourself in any of this, remember: it isn't your fault if you've been manipulated by a bad actor, but what you do when you realize it is what matters.
I thought it was fairly normal to feel empathy for bad people.
I thought it was common, even.
But after my Elon/Grimes post... now I'm wondering if I was mistaken about that.
I wrote a post about Trump being traumatized after his assassination attempt and a post about his poor adaptation to aging. I expressed sympathy for him in both cases. But I still maintain my white hot hatred of him and wish for him to face consequences.
Elon was abused by his father. Some of the stories are incredibly tragic. Hearing those stories triggers an involuntary response in my emotional systems that I can't stop no matter how much I despise present-day Elon. I also wonder if that abuse never occurred maybe we wouldn't be dealing with this current clusterfuck.
I have never held so much anger towards a single person as I do my brother. But I also see him as a victim of abuse. I know he was once a really good person and he was slowly corrupted. I feel sorry for him. I mourn the amazing person he used to be. And I still love him.
But that doesn't make me any less angry.
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itsgerges · 17 hours ago
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Best Regards The Space Is Created By Light Motion With Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second (Revised) https://app.box.com/s/9o6uauipdaj41j9b1jbj349abuuidnh9 or https://app.box.com/s/nhno1uf832c8kpwx06pk7kt909mgt3aq or https://www.tumblr.com/itsgerges/779296486321192961/the-space-is-created-by-light-motion-with-speed?source=share or https://gerges2022.livejournal.com/253332.html
NOTICE The revised version is typical the original paper with one difference- I have improved the paper argument proves and added more proves for it Paper Argument My 1st theory tells -the solar system space is created by one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam and this light beam moves by speed 1.16 million km per second- the light created all orbits before any planet creation- means- the solar system space is similar as one building has 8 stories and the designer built all stories before any one live in them- By that the orbits are created depending on each other (as proved by my planet orbital distance equation) and no planet data has effect on the orbit creation- because the orbits are built before any planet creation- the light created all orbits except Neptune orbit- the paper explains the reason The Major feature is (Space creation needs a motion by speed 1.16 mkm per sec) – this is the fact the theory proves- this fact proof produces 2 important results (1st result) it proves the speed 1.16 million km per second is A Fact – and proves there's a light beam moves by speed 1.16 million km per second (2nd result) it gives us an answer for the question (how is the space created?) and also it helps us to discover the space nature and features
The Planets Orbits Creation Details The light beam with speed 1.16 million km per second built the solar system starting its motion from Mercury orbit toward Pluto orbit- the light created the planets orbits before any planet creation-the orbits are created based on each other- after the light created all orbits and reach to Pluto orbit- the light energy is consumed in the space creation- and the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed is (300000 km/s = the known speed of light)- we understand this is one light beam its speed was 1.16 million km per second in Mercury orbit before the space creation- and its speed be 300000 km/s in Pluto orbit after the space creation as a result for the consumption of the energy in the space creation- In Pluto orbit- The light had NO energy to build any more orbits –because- any additional space creation will consume more energy and that will decrease the light speed to be less than 300000 km/s (the known speed of light) – and – No known light moves by speed less than 300000 km/s – means- If the speed is decreased to be less than 300000 km/s (the known speed of light) that would change the light beam energy nature into another type of energy which means the light beam will be perished for that the light couldn't create any more orbits and the light had to return to its origin point (Mercury orbit) passing through all built orbits- this motion didn't cost any energy because the orbits are created already- this analysis tells us- the light with known speed 300000 km/s can NOT create any space and the space creation needs the speed 1.16 million km per sec
Paper Argument Proof The light beam with speed 1.16 million km per second didn't create Neptune orbit – because Neptune original orbit was Pluto current orbit (5906 mkm)-Pluto had collided with Neptune and pushed Neptune out of its orbit- understandable – Pluto could NOT push Neptune out of its orbit because Neptune Mass is 7000 times Pluto Mass- but Pluto was carrying by very strong wave of energy and the wave pushed Neptune out of its orbit- it's similar to a small boat is carrying by strong wave of water and the wave pushed a great ship from its place and enabled the small boat to occupy this ship place- this story details is written in item No. (XI) The important news here is- Because Neptune had to leave its original orbit 5906 mkm- Neptune had to create a new orbit for itself (4495 mkm)- but no longer light beam its speed 1.16 mkm per second is found because the energy is consumed already as explained before- so- How can Neptune build its new orbit (4495 mkm)? Neptune used Jupiter motion in place of the light beam motion to build the orbit- because – Jupiter moves– in 24.6 h (Mars rotation period) a distance= 1.16 million km Shortly- there's a rate of time tells (one second of the light clock =24.6 hours of Jupiter clock) for that Jupiter motion can be used in place of the motion of the light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second- That's why I use Neptune orbit analysis as a proof for my theory tells (the planets orbits are created by the energy of light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second) Shortly– The speed 1.16 million km per second is The Necessary Requirement For The Space Creation- for that- the space is created by light motion with speed 1.16 million km per second and when this light beam with speed 1.16 million km per second is no longer found and it was necessary to use alternative player to create the space- the process used Jupiter motion as alternative to the light beam motion because Jupiter moves 1.16 million km per 24.6 hours- means- Jupiter motion velocity can be equivalent to the speed of light 1.16 million km per second- Here Neptune orbit provides a decisive proof for the theory- in fact- the data proves decisively that (the space can be created Only by a motion with speed1.16 mkm/s)
NOTICE Please note– Jupiter didn't provide the energy to build Neptune orbit- the energy is provided by Pluto- means-Neptune captured the energy from Pluto and stored it inside its orbit (this fact will be explained later)–the idea is- while the energy was available Neptune could Not Create its orbit because the space creation technical process needs the speed 1.16 million km per second- that's why Neptune had to use Jupiter motion to build the orbit - means without Jupiter motion the orbit can Not be created even if the required energy is available because the space creation technical process needs the speed 1.16 million km per second- we know the energy is provided by Pluto because Neptune orbit is created reflected on the other planets orbits- this fact is used as a proof for the theory and will be explained in details with the argument proof The Argument Proof Credibility The paper provides many deceive proves for the fact tells (The Space Creation Needs A Motion By Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second) – in following I refer to seven proves only 1st Proof The first proof is a table of data proves the light motion by speed 1.16 million km per second is the method by which all planets orbits are created- this motion created the planets orbits depending on each other- that proves one motion only caused to create all planets obits because the orbits are created depending on each other- (this fact is proved also by my planet orbital distance equation) This table is very important one because it shows the planets orbits are created depending on each other by using one motion by speed 1.16 million km per sec- means each orbit is created depending on this same speed ALSO The table also produces periods of time- let's define these periods- (for the inner planets)- each planet orbit produces the period of its previous neighbor- and -(for the outer planets)– each planet orbit produces its own orbital period- that explains why (Planet orbit defines its velocity–as Kepler stated)- because the orbit creation includes the definition of the revolution period of time- and by that- this planet velocity is defined also with the orbit creation
2nd Proof – Neptune Distances Table In this table I compare between Jupiter and Neptune distances- because- Jupiter orbit and its distances with all planets are created by a motion with speed 1.16 million km per sec–But Neptune orbit and its distances with all planets are created by a motion typical to the motion created Jupiter distances but in Neptune distances the used speed is 1.1318 mkm per day (Jupiter velocity per solar day)- that proves the light speed 1.16 mkm/s created Jupiter orbit and distances but Jupiter velocity (1.1318 mkm per day) created Neptune orbit and distances while Jupiter motion depended on a rate of time enabled its velocity it to be equivalent to the speed of light 1.16 mkm per sec These proves are the cornerstone for the theory tells (Space is created by speed 1.16 million km per second) –means- the analysis for any orbit or distance data proves the space is created by a motion with speed 1.16 mkm per sec whether this motion is done by light beam or by a planet- the cornerstone is the speed 1.16 mkm per sec because by this speed the space is created regardless this motion is done by a light beam or a planet- Shortly – The Space creation necessary requirement is the using of a motion by speed 1.16 million km per second (This Conclusion Is Produced Depending On The Data Analysis For All Planets Orbits And Distances In The Solar System) 3rd Proof – Neptune Orbit Is Reflected On The Other Planets Orbits As we have seen all planets orbits are created by light beam motion with speed 1.16 million km per sec and this light moved from Mercury orbit toward Pluto orbit –and we know this light didn't create Neptune orbit AND Neptune orbit is created by energy moved from Pluto toward Venus-means the energy is sent from Pluto orbit toward Venus orbit by that the energy is sent to Neptune supposing Neptune will send it to Uranus to Saturn to Jupiter till reach to Venus- BUT Neptune had captured the energy inside its orbit and didn't send it to Uranus- and Neptune used this energy to build its orbit- We see clearly the two energies move in the opposite direction to each other- means- Pluto energy moved in the opposite direction to the light beam energy motion For that reason Neptune orbit is created reflected on the other planets orbits- that also tell us (The Space Properties Depends On The Energy Motion Direction By Which This Space Is Created)
But – Why did Pluto send the energy to Venus? This detailed answered is written later but let's refer to a summarized idea only Planet motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy creates waves in the space- means- the space is similar to the sea water – and planet motion is similar to a ship motion in the sea- the ship motion creates waves in the sea- and planet motion creates waves in the space- and each planet waves move by its planet velocity- for example- Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves and its motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by (47.4 km/s)- All waves move toward Pluto orbit (Perpendicular On The Revolution Direction)- and in Pluto orbit these waves are unified into one unified wave moves by velocity 205.8 km/s (the planets velocities total)- this unified wave is reflected toward Venus orbit This is the energy captured by Neptune and used to build its orbit- this fact is explained in details in my second theory- 4th Proof – Neptune Orbit Violates The Solar System General Rule -we notice, Uranus Orbital Circumference= The Inner Planets Orbital Circumference Total + Jupiter Orbital Circumference + Saturn Orbital Circumference means- The Planet Orbit = The Total Of All Previous Planets Orbits I prove all planets use this same rule except Neptune orbit Means- Neptune orbit violates the planets orbits general rule- which proves Neptune orbit is not created with the other planets orbits
5th Proof – Planet Diameter Table This table proves there's a connection between each planet diameter and its orbit based on the known speed of light 300000 km/s which proves my theory tells (Each Planet Is Created In Its Orbit And From This Orbit Energy)- the table shows Neptune diameter proves Neptune original orbit was 5906 mkm where Pluto diameter proves that Pluto original orbit was NOT 5906 mkm because Pluto diameter is so small for its orbit
6th Proof – Neptune Original Orbit Was 5906 mkm Please note- my theory tells (Planet is created in its orbit and from this orbit energy) for that reason planet creation data is belonged to its orbit- and even if this planet left its orbit- this planet creation data will refer to its original orbit frequently The point is that- Planet is similar to a tree planted in some ground and its orbit is this ground- for that- the planet got its creation data based on its orbit data As a result- Planet creation data refers frequently to this planet original orbit data For example-my planet diameter equation proves planet diameter is created depending on its orbital inclination- for that- Neptune diameter is created depending on 17.2 deg where 17.2 deg is Pluto orbital inclination – that because- Neptune original orbit was 5906 mkm = Pluto current orbit and Neptune is created in this original orbit and Neptune creation data is belonged to this original orbit- for that Neptune diameter equation refers to the inclination 17.2 degrees- the proof provides many other data analysis proves that Neptune is created in this 5906 mkm (Pluto Current Orbit) Which proves the orbit 5906 mkm is Neptune orbital orbit 7th Proof – Neptune Orbit Creation Details Analysis The creation process analysis proves Neptune orbit is created by Jupiter motion while all other orbits are created by the light motion- the orbits and distances analysis proves this fact decisively These proves are discussed in details in item No. (XI) Notice The proves and discussions for my first theory tells (The Space is Created By Light Motion with Speed 1.16 Million Km Per Second) is found in Item No. (XI) The Paper Contents The paper provides 8 theories which are (1st Theory) The Solar System Space Is Created Of One Energy Provided By One Light Beam Moves By Speed 1.16 million km per second (explained before) (2nd Theory) The Gravitational Waves Are Created By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Gravitational Field- Moreover There's No Gravitational Field- And The Sun Has No Massive Gravity And No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity (Newton is wrong) Also- The gravitational waves are reflected three times in the solar system- the waves reflection cause effects on the planets data and cause to square the wave velocity Shortly The space is similar to the sea of water and any motion energy in space creates waves- based on that- Planet motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy creates waves in the space- and each planet waves move by its planet velocity- for example- Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves and its motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by (47.4 km/s)- all waves move toward Pluto orbit (Perpendicular On The Revolution Direction)- and in Pluto orbit these waves are unified into one unified wave moves by velocity 205.8 km/s (the planets velocities total)- this unified wave is the gravitational wave- means- the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies total (CONT)
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow
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proxythe · 9 months ago
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surgically removes characters from their source so they can live inside my brain instead] [joy] ^_^
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purpurussy · 11 days ago
everything Dan said about labels in BIG was so extremely real and personal to me and people really gloss over a lot of it sometimes I need to talk about it more about it when I'm not exhausted
#he spent years trying to fit into one box or another and then he finally said ah fuck this lmfao#ppl really ignore the “basically” part of basically im gay and it's like you'll get crucified if you point out the nuance#which he himself has talked about so many times#idk why celebrating someone's gayness for what it is in its own esoteric way in their own words is some kind of erasure#i guess because of the issue of ppl calling him bi because they're stupid and don't know how labels work lmao#but that aside i love that he rly is just dan and he's comfortable with that#because it's so hard not fitting into a certain ideal#the part where he said he recognises labels are really important for a lot of people and that's very valid#but he just doesn't give a fuck lmfao like....... i felt that#i felt like him saying “being a man means nothing to me” and then talking about “you could call me she or put me in a dress i wouldn't gaf”#and then calling himself a formless blob or whatever#he literally is just dan whatever that means whatever labels most closely approximate that and there rly is something so powerful#in just not giving a fuck especially on the internet where everyone is so hyper obsessed with labeling everything#and like thinking it's weird for someone to just not really care that much about labels#i feel like so many people misunderstand what he was trying to say in that part idk#like based on the amount of dangender haters#he really just does not give a fuck i fear being a man means nothing to him even if he is one like he just doesn't care#and that's so powerful <3 to me#who up not fitting into a box and feeling lost and untethered because every label you could possibly use makes you feel uncomfortable#on some level#because even trying to be unlabeled is a label in and of itself#i need Dan's therapist's number i think they could fix me#he is just not a labels guy and i love him for that i think it's very powerful and valid when people find joy and solace in labels#but it's also powerful to me when people just don't care for labels at all hadfghgfjkllsfjl#and i think that gets overlooked a lot on the anti nuance website#i love seeing posts celebrating him for being gay gay homosexual gay but i also love seeing posts celebrating him for being a formless blob#he can contain multitudes#and we can celebrate all of that per his own words#without necessarily erasing part of him#i said i wasn't gonna talk about this and then reached the tag limit lmfao i have a PROBLEMMMMM
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ven0moir · 1 day ago
HELP omg ty for this input!! let me expand and revise my argument a bit taking this into account bc yeah i don't think we'll see will being desperate/chasing chance either! rather, i think will is going to be in a position where he needs to decide whether or not he takes the chance ( lmao? ) to be with someone else or not. ( & i also think the reason why he's turned down girls is bc he just Doesn't Like Them. Remember what Jonathan said to him in S1? He shouldn't like things bc people tell him he's supposed to. )
whether he goes to someone else for advice, or makes the decision on his own bc of his trust issues, i'm not sure yet, only time will tell!
but i did mention before that will seems to be growing into his identity and accepting it in S4 more than what the audience noticed at first glance--he's painting for mike ( putting his heart and soul into a gift for his crush that symbolizes his love for him, what they do together and their party ) & is standing in front of a classroom and calling Alan Turing his hero.
he's being brave. his love for mike is motivating him.
"You make her ( me ) feel like she's ( I'm ) not a mistake at all and better for being different. And that gives her (me ) the courage to fight on."
but he succumbed to lying to mike at the end, bc he doesn't think there's a chance at love between then anymore. and sure, i see will being able to eventually be okay with just friendship, but the thing is that the painting lie is this ticking time bomb hanging over his head that'll explode at any given moment and the consequence, he probably believes, is being banished. so this isn't a normal 'my crush likes someone else' situation--there's something extremely anxiety-inducing in between.
so maybe we can say Chance represents a literal chance for Will to find himself outside of his bond with Mike. It IS risky and dangerous for sure, but maybe it starts as a way for him to try to heal, & depending on how the narrative goes, it might be very nice at first, but he eventually realizes it is more of a coping mechanism because he still has feelings for Mike. but he still learned something valuable about himself in the process. ( I'm still thinking out this part tbh )
but the main point is that Bychance subverts all of these 'One True Love/Soulmate/Love at First Sight' tropes in a way that feels thematically cohesive and natural to me. those ideas belong, and die with, mileven ( which is why us bylers disliked it so much to begin with ) imagine Bychance and Mileven paralleling each other in a way where it is more obvious with Bychance, but once you rewatch the show and see Mikes behavior in S1 you're like "oh ..."
'show don't tell' at its finest.
Byler are soulmates and each other's one and only bc they're a team--byler is about being with the Right Person For You. And being able to understand yourself enough to recognize when someone's good for you and you're good for them is important, it is part of growing and healing.
Will has to still accept himself on screen and they didn't dig into that enough for him to magically be doing gay stuff explicitly with anyone, Mike is the only one he would trust enough to do something like kissing him
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jewishgirlrevolt · 5 months ago
Parallels to the rest of the 118 and BuckTommy (I may be crazy. But we still have a week before the episode)
So I just had a thought about the framing of this episode in terms of character and interactions.
The episode obviously focused on Henren and BuckTommy. But we also have the Wilsons and the Hans. Even have a quick moment between Maddie and Karen. We also have Bobby and Athena sitting next to each other in the hospital scene.
But it also continues establishing other units. Friendships too. Hen and Chim wanting to be fair to each other (even if it was off camera), we got Maddie and Josh (heck, even a small nod to Josh and Eddie with Josh's costume which the actor playing Josh confirmed was supposed to be an Eddie reference). And of course Denny, Mara, and Mara and Jee.
The scene in the hospital: it opens with Chim talking to Maddie and asking about Mara and Jee. We see Athena and Bobby sitting together, then we get to BuckTommy, with Eddie on the outside of the framing.
So Chim and Eddie are sitting on the outside, while Bobby and Athena are sitting nearly back to back to Buck and Tommy. And I also want it noted that throughout this episode Eddie is a bit off, off to the side of Buck in every scene. That notes, perhaps that they're still friends, but demonstrates the difference between their friendship, and Buck and Tommy's relationship. I hope this makes sense. IDK if this means anything, but I do find it interesting how every friendship, familial relationship got a moment in this episode. And I think it shows that friendships aren't perfect, but also that they are different from your love relationships.
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sallymew4 · 5 months ago
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i dont think i made his hair big enough honestly
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watercolormagicalgirl · 4 hours ago
okay so. let’s start with the canonically transfem robots in ultrakill— the Mindflayers.
i’ll just quote the ingame data entry for them, it pretty much speaks for itself:
Rare but extremely dangerous, the Mindflayer is a machine that has adapted and mastered the use of Hell Energy alongside its own technological prowess.
The machine itself is only the top part of its apparent body, the rest of which is a plastic shell in the form of a human, which they seem to have built themselves.
The plastic body serves no function and is only for aesthetic purposes.
Despite it being a waste of resources, Mindflayers will use everything in its power to protect the plastic body from harm, even if that means destroying itself in the process.
Mindflayers seem to prefer a female form, though very rare occasions of male forms have also been recorded.
(and are beyond the scope of this post so you can’t erm actually me)
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to make the subtext clear: despite being subtly judged by the terminals displaying that data for “wasting resources” on something “only for aesthetic purposes”, mindflayers see that plastic body, forged by their own hands from the ashes of hell, as being as deeply important and meaningful to their presentation as we do, to the point of defending it with their lives.
so, in the level where you’re introduced to mindflayers for the first time, there’s the entrance to the “secret level” of that level set. in essence, it’s a small story about a character named Mirage, and her struggles with existential dread and meaninglessness.
you wanna know what Mirage looks like?
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contrast with V1 itself:
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so, Mirage is called that because the level isn’t “real”. it’s overtly stated to be fictional even in-universe, and at the end of the level, it just fades into the normal level transition of falling through a shaft. so this all makes me think it’s happening inside V1’s head in some form.
from there, my logic is that 2-S is a (perhaps abstracted) conversation inside V1’s mind. specifically, that Mirage actually does exist as a part of its mind in some way, as the part of its mind that holds onto the despair of its situation as a robot that subsists on fresh blood to continue to survive—blood which is quickly running out. and we already know how much that concerns it:
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but also, i think there’s a reason mirage is a girl. which is that V1 was just exposed to these machines that dared to be women for the first time, and some part of her began to stir from this idea, that a machine can become a girl, too. likely not consciously, but stir indeed. which is why only a few minutes later she would decide to conjure up a girl version of herself, leading to 2-S happening in the first place.
see, my thought, especially given that we know V1 has a sense of humor from the little characterization we get of her, is that 2-S started as a joke she was telling herself, since it isn’t even slightly serious at the beginning. but then she started riffing on it more, like an internal improv bit, until the hollow facade peels off and the joke goes off the rails and Mirage starts laying her fears bare, even mentioning using entertainment and art as a means of distraction from these worries. at which point the PoV character—in this interpretation, another part of V1–starts comforting her in an oddly pointed and eloquent manner, before dropping the act at the end and saying:
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which has always seemed like a deeply odd line, especially with how it goes unacknowledged, until i started thinking of 2-S this way, at which point it clicked perfectly into place. it’s the rest of V1 that will always love her—this burdened part of herself holding onto the fear she has about the world and the role she has to play in it. who detaches herself emotionally but can’t hide from her fears about reaching the end or her existence meaning nothing anymore. who likely keeps herself from wondering who she’d be or what she’d do if she didn’t need to kill to survive, and had the freedom to be like a mindflayer. in pragmatic terms, doesn’t really have any reason to consider that.
maybe she’d be a girl named Mirage.
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*cracks knuckles*
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telesodalite · 15 days ago
Thinking about Krok and his og squad again...
#mostly thinking about radar....#listened to mitski's ''a pearl'' one too many times while zoing out. and yeah... that goddamn finger man.....#(my scav inspired playlist is incomprehensible at this point. rip)#but like. thinking about all that led to another odd thought nugget about krok. his og squad. and the scavs#i think ive rambled about the concept of krok projecting his old squad onto the scavs before a bit. but i didnt think too deeply about it#but considering comparisons. and squad ''roles''. it struck me that radar was most likely the ''tech'' guy. krok's tech guy#and radar was possibly (or at least implied to be) who krok was closest too. (outside of his pet ofc :(...)#so that role. that space. that empty space. is important to him. greatly so#and until they found fulcrum. no one exactly fit that space. fit that role. krok was still searching for his squad#but now fulcrum is there. filling that empty meaningful space. playing that role. but its not the same. its too different#smth smth. another idea as to why krok holds a particular grudge with fulcrum for no obvious reason#because he wants radar back. but hes gone. and fulcrums there now. but hes not radar. kroks still mourning. and fulcrum just isnt radar#not that hes actively choosing to project radar onto fulcrum. but subconsciously hes trying to fill that space. and its not the same#hence the bitterness. a sorta uncertain discomfort about fulcrums presence and attempts at getting closer that disturbs the hole radar left#maybe im thinking too hars about these teeny tiny details. but theres so much underlying themes of grief in mtmte. esp with the LL crew#so?? like?? idk. it makes sense that itd be there with the scavs too?? or smth like it??#its probably way super obvious ive frequently thought too hard about the scavs and their grief by now#and not just like. grief in only the mourning death sense. but just loss in general. loss of purpose. loss of meaning. loss of stability#the way in which decepticon are made up of ''rejects''. but the scavs are the rejects of the rejects...#i could go on about how they each prob experienced alienation from their own. but i need to go back to sleep lol#the sleepiness has finally returned since i woke up a bit ago. so. not wasting the opportunity#but rq. thankss insomnia for making me associate krok with mitski songs again. thats very joyful and happy. ill sleep tear free.. totally...#also also. the posts and art and sthffs aboht radar and krok back whenever... so glad radar is fine and safe and happy and alive🥲👍#ok. jokes done. goodnight and goodmorning. bcs its like. 7am... oof
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animnightmare · 9 months ago
Throwback to the time I made House and Wilson into ponies.
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yay855 · 21 minutes ago
It's also about nudity, and specifically body positivity and a refusal to be ashamed of your natural self, being a major weapon against fascism. That specific image is from the very first scene in episode one, where a teacher is lecturing his class on how the original Nazis came to power only for a jackboot to break down the door and a giant man to step in so he can capture a student who had stolen a weapon from the student council in order to fight back against their tyranny. Said weapon is a suit of clothing that gives the wearer supernatural strength and speed, and the highest ranking students are given the strongest outfits custom tailored to suit their needs, while the rank and file are given generic and not nearly as good outfits in order to stop them from getting any ideas while still making them more powerful than the civilians who aren't allowed to have them.
The protagonist, who isn't that particular student, ends up living in a literal shanty town slum forcibly kept poor and miserable by those in charge and inhabited by everyone who doesn't or can't join the fascists military equivalent. Many of the people there have nowhere else to go, and poverty and criminal activity is less a way of life and more a necessity to have enough to eat. The family the protagonist lives with are back alley doctors who kill anyone who doesn't pay their medical debts and presumably sells the organs on the black market, and yet are willing to take in a total stranger indefinitely because she saved their daughter.
The villains are all arrogant and treat everyone below them in this bullshit hierarchy as less than human, being outright hypocritical with their attitudes towards anyone who isn't their superior, and outright rigging the system to be able to screw over the underclass even harder, often trying to outright murder them for being poor and changing the rules on a whim because the opposition was starting to win. And the dictator of this teenage fascist micronation is the daughter of a CEO who has a monopoly on clothing manufacturing.
I will 100% warn you that the series contains graphic depictions of child molestation portrayed exactly as horrific as it truly is. There are only a few scenes featuring it, but they tend to be surprisingly important ones for the series's themes and plot of fighting against unjust authority. The series also, bizarrely, contains the standard anime pervert characters who get a slapstick knock on the head for trying to watch a girl bathe or change her clothing, albeit it's something that the characters who do this gradually grow out of as the series goes on and they start having greater respect for both others and themselves.
Kill la Kill uses its premise of girls fighting in stripper outfits to draw in a teenage male audience so they can stop seeing female nudity as automatically pornographic. It wasn't as successful in that regard as the writers wanted, but it was still very good at having that be a core part of the metanarrative to the point that the camera angles themselves stop objectifying the main character once she stops seeing her natural body as lewd despite using it as a source of literal power to fight fascism. Thankfully this shift happens in episode three or four.
Kill la kill is about clothes that drink your blood if you wear them
alright alright i'm scrambling to legitimate sources of anime at this very moment
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ahalliance · 5 months ago
how do i turn qantoine’s spontaneous marriage proposal to qetoiles into evidence of his early-days fear of qfrench drifing away and keeping secrets from one another
#the conversation takes place in antoine’s vod: L’ANNIVERSAIRE DE TALLULAH at 41 mins ish#like . okay . its such a fucking crazy moment to me that still lives in my head bc it’s a a joke . but it’s also not#he asks etoiles directly after spiderbit wedding . ‘don’t you want to get married?’#after it gets mentioned*#etoiles turns him down bc he ‘doesn’t have time to fuck [he] needs to kill everyone’#and antoine says ‘well but— just a marriage’ like it’s the act itself that is the most important to him not anything that could come with it#the confirmation of partnership . of having someone to rely on . something that feels to him maybe more certain and solid than the#friendships antoine had at that point . like if he felt things were slipping and he was being left behind he wanted the certainty of#something like a marriage that is traditionally considered More important and certain .#and i think the end of their conversation is notable in how antoine brings up the notion of betrayal — he getting betrayed by others and how#he’s fed up with it . after etoiles says no to the marriage (though specifying that he’s gonna think about it) antoine brings the whole#betrayal thing up after a pause . he doesn’t necessarily consider etoiles as having betrayed him but it’s that lack of certainty#certainty that etoiles has refused to give him that makes him start to open up about how he’s tired of people promising him things (or#seeming to promise him things) only to leave him out and in the dark . and there’s an insecurity there that really shines if you take this#moment into consideration with the Larger Shifting his character is going through .#like tldr ; qantoine has begun to realise that his friends are starting to form deeper bonds with other people and thus keep secrets with#them which to him means leaving him behind . taking notice of this he brings this up to his friends in . not exactly direct ways . he#talks about how he doesn’t like secret keeping but doesn’t seem to push much further and he also tries to remedy the issue#of feeling left behind by doing shit as discussed above ^ however on account of the InHuman i’m not sure he understands what he’s doing very#well . and as we know antoine doesn’t make much progress and ends up retreating into himself and beginning to keep his own secrets . to do#his own shady shit . to work in the shadows and not be honest with any of his friends either . to hold them at arm’s length despite how much#he still cares . the only person he puts his full trust into anymore is pomme . not ayp who he deems too underhanded . not bagz who he sees#as having started the whole ‘secret keeping’ stuff in the first place . and not etoiles who’s actively going down a path with the codes and#resistance that he cannot follow#that was NOT a short tldr . why the fuck am i writing dissertation length tags about MINECRAFT BLOCKS#god whatever who cares i get joy out of this thats what matters#anw if you read this far holy shit ur insane . thank you#i am going to bed now godbless !#jay rambles#qfrench.posting
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sayakxmi · 3 days ago
Lmao, I feel ya. I ramble abt Chrono Stone issues a lot, too. For me it's still in the top 3, because I love GO with my entire heart, but CS is definitely on a thin ice, and half of my affection for it comes from my own rewrite of it (shameless promo). It really pains me, though, because the concept is amazing, just the execution that leaves A LOT to be desired.
I'm pretty sure I've said something similar - found it, here! Yeah, CS suffers greatly from just having too much ground to cover, as a result not having enough time to not only have characters be, yknow, friends, but also to even cover what it wants well. There are exceptions, sure, but it's extremely felt. I won't repeat myself here, tho. What I can say is that Chrono Stone is aggressively plot-driven, to the point of neglecting its characters unless it's their time to miximax.
Yeaa. I think GO is for the most part fine, tbh, but CS is a tragedy, and Galaxy is only marginally better. Much as I love it. There's a lot of stuff, even characters, that aren't given anywhere near as much attention as they needed. Idk, potentially a spoiler but Minaho is such an underused character I'm still salty. He (alongside Tsurugi) was the first to notice Matatgi's Dark-trademark side, it could've been such an interesting dynamic between the two, half of the characters don't interact with each other, Shindou's literal only real connection, excluding Raimon), is Ibuki... And don't get me started on how Faram Orbius is handled or Ozrock plot in general. I have A LOT to criticize it for.
Also, 100% agreed. It's actually something I recall myself talking with people before - how Fei's only bonds (in Raimon) are Tenma and Kinako (more bc he's literally her son than because they're close or anything - speaking of which, what I NEEDED was for Kinako to become friends with Fei, and actually, yknow, put some work to get to know her kid, instead of running of info from Asurei, essentially - I wanted to see her organically grow to care about him).
It pales especially when compared to Fubuki. Both are their series' 2nd season's central characters, and the difference is like a night and day. Fubuki has numerous important bonds and they are all necessary for his development, Endou, Someoka, Aphrodi, Gouenji... from the top of my head. (And his interactions with their opponents are important, too). And still you feel like he's a part of the team, and not just, essentially, Tenma's friend from the future who also plays with us. Like, Fubuki mattered to everybody, and Fubuki cared about them, too - it was never something that you felt the need to question. With Fei I'd say the only person he genuinely cares about is Tenma, and even that relationship feels more like it's running on They're Similar :) than them actually being friends.
As I've said in that other post, even Shindou and Tsurugi aren't given all that much focus beyond their arcs. Sure, they get a bit more for the main trio status, but it's still very little. It's something I still recall myself noting while watching&rewatching CS. I think Tsurugi even moreso? But that's speaking from memory, I'd have to finish the rewatch to say for sure.
And yeah. Also. Fucking Torb. Like, I don't dislike him, ok? But he's a randomass late addition that doesn't get much of anything, to be honest. He's just kinda there. Kariya should've had this miximax and I'll die on this hill. Especially after he gave Kirino that chance, it kinda felt like he desevred something for it smh.
Gamma is there to be used by Zanark, which pisses me off so fucking much I just can't. Like, I genuinely feel more bad for him than I should. Bro was just trying to do his job & was soul hijacked by a random criminal or whatnot, and then yeeted out, too, for the good measure. Zanark, too, while he has some stuff going, it's just... not enough... He join Raimon on a whim, he miximaxes just like that, and anyway, cool, we spent the entire season finding all these ppl/dinosaurs to miximax, and he just... rushes it, essentially. It feels too random, too fast, kinda like the writers woke up, realized there was one person missing, and just threw Zanark there. Like, I can genuinely believe that Zanark was always meant to join, but his arc is so fragmented that it starts to feel out of nowhere.
All of this. But even aside from that, what I wished was for exploration of Shindou and Kirino's relationship, especially post-France. I don't remember, so correct me, did Shindou notice that Kirino was starting to doubt himself before they went there? Like, Kirino is very attentive to Shindou's emotional state, we've seen it, but I don't recall Shindou ever doing the same. I love him dearly, but it does feel like he takes Kirino's presence and support for granted. And, sure, you can chalk it up to Shindou's trust in Kirino being that strong, but there's trusting, and there's ignoring the emotional well-being of your best friend. Kariya was far more attentive and showed far more care for Kirino if my memory doesn't fail me.
Literally just said that, lol. But the positon was a defender, so my pick is Kariya. Like, again, I don't dislike the character or the concept, but it's undeniable that he is the most useless character there. He's more of a gag character than a character, which is something I despise.
Are you fucking kidding me dude I'm living my best life here, I love talking and I love discussing, literally the only thing I can say is add your part in the post not in the tag you coward it's not like i did the same
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still thinking about them. they're both wearing green sob
i love this scene so bad, kirino walks up to this nobleman with no fear, tells him like it is and when kinako sees it she jumps in to support him, letting him do the main talking and have his moment while she gets to taunt the guy (and use her upperclassman as a shield skshfhfkjs). her support of kirino during this arc was SO sweet. she liked jeanne too, she connected with her as well but she saw that as much as she wanted to miximax with her, it was not something she needed. but kirino did, so she selflessly decided to help him achieve that :( screaming crying throwing up
truly the duo of all time, if chrono stone bothered to give them more moments together
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