#its the core of human mind with animal features
baby-xemnas · 1 year
i got a big sketch backlog i want to draw many 🐯🐻‍❄️ i havent gotten bored yet trust me dude
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raptorish · 1 month
On Sapience, Longing, and the Lack Thereof
Written by Max on August 12th, 2024.
So I was at Othercon 2024 this past weekend - and like many who attended, I came out the other side with a new piece of my identity to chew over. This essay is me chewing over my thoughts on archaeosapience, as it connects to my velociraptor paleotheriotype, and why I genuinely don’t feel like I fit the label.
One of the panels I attended and thoroughly enjoyed was “Not Humans, Still People: How Inhumanity Interacts with Personhood,” by Goratrix bani Tremere of the Draconic Wizard Workshop and Chaiya Askari-Vykos of the Treehouse System. During the panel, Goratrix and Chaiya argue that personhood is different from humanity, defining personhood as, essentially, sapience - the ability to understand oneself, to make rational choices, to comprehend the world in not only physical ways, but also the abstract and symbolic. All humans are people, but not all people are humans - nonhuman personhood is experienced by many, many alterhumans, and this is an important distinction to keep in mind.
Another panel I adored, presented by Sivaan of Candlekeep, was “Archaeosapience: To Awaken as Ancient in a Modern Age,” in which he discusses the label and the intricacies of his own experience as an archaeosapien. Once again, nonhuman sapience is a key feature here - as Sivaan writes in xyr coining essay, “[t]he “sapience” in archaeosapience exclusively refers to our awareness of our existence as ancient beings,” as opposed to an inherent connection with the species Homo sapiens. Archaeosapience does not require one to be human.
An archaeosapien is defined as “an individual whose alterhuman or nonhuman identity is intrinsically rooted in prehistory, antiquity or mythic accounts of history.” And funnily enough, here lies my personal disconnect with the term, even though I identify as a velociraptor - a prehistoric animal well known to be extinct. To experience archaeosapience requires personhood, requires sapience, an understanding of oneself as an ancient being. And this is one thing that my theriotype utterly lacks.
Now, I’m not saying that I lack sapience. I am a person, one who reads and writes and learns about the world around me. I also identify as human, separate but intertwined with my personhood, and my humanity is as important to me as my animality. Both of these core parts of myself contribute to where I stand today - as a prehistoric animal person who is, somehow, completely at home in modernity.
Throughout this essay, I’m going to refer to my raptor self in the third person - it thinks this, it wants that. I separate myself from my theriotype in this way because I do not feel like I’m myself in a mental shift. My raptorial mind is not a person, but an animal. It is incapable of understanding abstract concepts or philosophical thought, living in the physical world where it gets food, water, rest, shelter, and enrichment. This does not make it any lesser than my sapient mind - it does mean that it has a different way of understanding the world.
My raptor brain, the instinctual animal side, does not feel like it’s an animal from another era. It doesn’t even know what time is, beyond the regular cycles of day and night. It doesn’t understand common features of modern human society, like computers or elevators or money - not because those things didn’t exist back in prehistoric Asia, 75 million years ago, but because it’s an animal. I could be a gecko from the modern day and still feel the same mentally shifted apathy and confusion about the things I need to live day to day as a human being. The raptor doesn’t know or care about its status as a long-extinct relic, because as far as it’s concerned, it is alive and well, healthy and fed and comfortable in a house with people it knows.
In fact, my raptor brain doesn’t even feel attached to a habitat. Early on in my awakening, as someone who knows where velociraptors used to live in the spacetime continuum, I felt a sort of connection with deserts - I’d look at them and think, that’s like the place my species lived! This was the part of me who’s a person, putting a label to a place that I’ve never been, thinking fondly of it despite never having lived there.
The part of me that’s not a person, that knows nothing but pavement and grass and many-walled shelters keeping out the wind, looks at the desert and bristles with distaste. It doesn’t like the idea of being somewhere it doesn’t know, with sand and scorching sun and no food it knows how to catch. It knows its home territory, a place with cooling wooden floorboards and a comfortable nest of mattress and blankets and a cache of good food that never runs out, and it likes its territory. It doesn’t like the desert or understand the significance of it. It can’t comprehend the idea of wilderness enough to miss it. It doesn’t want to be wild and free, it wants to live in a building with air conditioning and clean freshwater from the sink.
As you can see, my raptor self is perfectly content to be a modern animal. How about my human self, the part of me that can think about my theriotype and know that it’s a prehistoric animal? Do I long for ancient deserts, grieve and yearn for a world I never experienced because I know it might have once been home?
Well… no. I don’t. For better or worse, my humanity feels inexorably linked to modernity, to cities, to technology. I can’t go anywhere or do anything without running into electronics. I use the internet every day of my life to learn, entertain, engage with the world around me. I couldn’t imagine living a life where I didn’t have it. There’s no disconnect from the modern day for me, no longing for the past - only the sense that I’m right where I want to be.
As a person, I’m content with where I am today. As an animal, a raptor can’t yearn for a time it has never lived.
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skzstoryvault · 8 days
Let Me Love You (Felix, spicy and angsty)
Just a little something I wrote while sick in bed. Story features Felix and afab reader The angst comes from reader's own bitter expectations One-shot If this is not yout thing, please scroll away. If you're underage, this is definitely not for you. Please scroll away. ***
“Wow you shouldn’t have.” Felix says, the moment he sees the cake on your kitchen table. His hands are already snaking around your waist, pulling you close. “I’ve had sugar flung my way since the day began. I was hoping for some other kind of sweet-” He interrupts himself, leaning down to suck a gentle nibble into the skin of your neck. “-treat from you.” 
You still wonder what he sees in you or when he’s going to dump you, replace you with a newer, more attractive model. He is so loved, so powerful in that way; he can have anyone. He would only need to say one word and even someone like Hyunjin would crawl on his knees before him. But Felix keeps seeking you out. Coming to your house at night, sometimes staying the whole weekend. Fixing minor things, helping you, cooking for you. Maybe it’s the fantasy for him. Of being an ordinary man, not an idol. A man, not an androgynous angel of desire or the keeper of everyone’s affections. But the fantasy only has power because it’s fleeting. No man dreams of having less power. 
When his lips find yours, his Romand Juicy Glasting Tint smears and transfers to your mouth. He always tastes clean, neutral, like taking a deep breath outside in the summer rain. It makes you doubt he’s really human. But he kisses like a god, and the gods of legends do have a habit of coming down as rain or beautiful animals to seduce unsuspecting ingenues. That tracks perfectly, the more you think of it - except you never get to, whenever Felix is around you can’t string two thoughts together. 
When you’re alone again and clarity strikes, you feel vulnerable and under siege. But when he’s with you, the spell he weaves is potent and thick like the 3D reality.
When you’re with him, your only reason for existing is to receive his love, in whatever flavour he deems you deserving of that day. It’s like he gauges his power by the way you fall apart beneath him, by how strong and uncontrollable the shivers of your body get, by how lost and inhuman your sounds of pleasure and abandon get. 
Before he set his eyes on you, you were certain you were over dick and the headaches it came with from the men attached to it. But Felix is not other men, and his pull on you is irresistible precisely because it is unique in its manifestation. Now, your small items of clothing fall away as though he wills them out of existence and he takes you in as many ways as it takes him to feel satisfied with your offerings. He knows the exact ways to curl his fingers to bring you to fountain-like, gushing orgasms that alter the cadence of your heartbeats. He measures how gone you are with his lips on your ankle, on a pulse point he can feel there, beating against his tongue. He can see it in the spasms of your leg and ab muscles, in the way your toes curl, beyond your conscious control. 
“I need you, baby. I need you to be good and take it, alright my sweetest?” He whispers in his dark, low as the pits of hell voice. Even at just that, your core tightens like the string on a bow, taut and ready and quivering with tension but not wanting to snap yet. He commands your body effortlessly with you as a mere passenger in it. 
You lose track of time and the world around you when his plump lips close around your straining clit. His fingers spread and smooth out the flesh around, exposing every idle nerve ending to his touches. It’s so mind-blowingly good, he eats you out like he really means to leave no crumbs, and you black out and come back several times before he deems you ready. Your bones have softened to mere cartilage, the contours of solid shapes only. By the time he removes his jeans and underwear and crawls between your open legs, he can plaster himself against you so closely you can’t tell where you end and where he starts. Tears run down your cheeks when he enters you, sealing you perfectly shut around him; the tears are not of pain, but overwhelm at the simple, yet unbearably intense pleasure of being perfectly filled, made whole for a fleeting, perfect moment. He doesn’t even need to prop himself up. His hands seek out yours and your fingers entwine on either side of your head. Even if he doesn’t move at all, you’ll still pass out from how unbearably flawless this feeling is; how connected he makes you feel - as though thoughts and feelings can truly pass between you unrestrained. 
He does move, wanting to witness your ruin and know that it is by his doing, over and over until your world is reduced to only him and your lips can only say his name. How does the song go? All gods bleed. All gods die. All gods will pay. You could love him unrestrainedly. You could feel like a girlfriend to him, a deserving, equal mate if he were not an idol. If the image of him that millions around the world see and worship were any less effective. You don’t want to be by-catch in the net of his allure. A footnote in a memoir written by a ghostwriter for him. So you remain a willing prisoner of this nightmare reality where he is the monster coming to feed off of whatever sweetness draws him to you for this quick moment in time. 
It never crosses your mind that the only one dishonest here is you; the only one cheating the other out of the joy of the here and now is also you. And in the process, you rob yourself of the very future you burn for. But Felix’s sweet tooth for you might just be stronger than your bitterness. 
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whencyclopedia · 19 days
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Arapaho Creation Story
The Arapaho Creation Story is the account of how the world was made from the mud at the bottom of the endless waters by Father (also given as Pipe Person in some versions) with the help of the duck and the turtle. The story is similar to one of the versions of the Cheyenne Creation Story.
Eastern Painted Turtle
Greg Schechter (CC BY)
Both of these accounts are also similar to the Lakota Sioux Creation Story as well as those of other Native American nations, many of which begin with the world as a great expanse of water and feature a central character – usually supernatural – who brings the earth into being with the help of waterfowl or the turtle. The Arapaho tale is also similar to that of the Cheyenne and others in that there is no mention of the concept of 'evil' or corruption. The Father, inspired by the Grandfather above, creates a perfect world, completely in balance. Any aspects of life humans will later find objectionable are entirely so because of their interpretation, not because of any flaws in the creation itself.
In some versions of the story, the Grandfather is the Creator God Be He Teiht (the Great Spirit) and Father (or Pipe Person) is understood as the First Arapaho, meaning the spirit of the Arapaho people, not the first man. In other versions, Father seems to be the Creator God and Grandfather is not mentioned or the Father figure goes by the name of Flat Pipe or, as noted, Pipe Person. There are also variations in how humans, plants, and animals are made in different versions, but, in all, the world is created for the greater good and its inhabitants, all related as family, are expected to share it generously with each other.
Versions of the Story & Arapaho Religion
These different versions of the Arapaho Creation Story are all fragmented and some incomplete because they were passed down through oral transmission by the people's storytellers, and so many of these were killed by US troops and settlers in the latter part of the 19th century – in conflicts such as the Sand Creek Massacre – or died of diseases or malnutrition on reservations that the story was almost lost completely. The best-known and most complete version comes from Traditions of the Arapaho by George A. Dorsey and Alfred L. Kroeber in 1903, given below.
In this version of the tale, after the duck and turtle have brought up the primordial mud, Father creates the earth and then the sun and moon before creating humans out of clay. In another version, he accomplishes this through prayer-thought – purposeful thought generating change – and literally thinks the world into being. All things, therefore, come from the mind of the Father, and are all closely related. This is a core belief of Arapaho spirituality – the close connection of all living things that inhabit the World House together. In the World House, every living thing is a brother or sister and all children of the same Father. This belief informed Arapaho rituals, including the Sun Dance, as well as the "medicine" objects (spiritual artifacts) the people carried. Scholar Loretta Fowler comments:
the Arapaho origin story focuses on Pipe Person's creation of the earth from mud below the surface of an expanse of water. Pipe Person, through prayer-thought, created all life, including the first Arapahos. Arapahos henceforth kept a replica of the Flat Pipe as a symbol of their covenant with the life force or power on which Pipe Person drew. Rites centered on the pipe bundle helped ensure the success of Arapahos generally and of individuals specifically. Seven men's and seven women's medicine bags contained objects and implements that symbolized forms of power, and these passed from one custodian to another. Prayer-thoughts could affect events and lives, and the sincerity of a petitioner's prayer-thought was validated by sacrifices of property or of the body by flesh offerings and fasting. (1)
Although the Arapaho observed the Sun Dance, they did not engage in the self-torture aspect of that ritual as the Sioux and other Plains Indians did. The "flesh offerings" Fowler mentions would be sacrifices of an individual nature, though still performed for the greater good. The Sun Dance was known as the Offerings Lodge to the Arapaho and, instead of self-torture, they would donate personal items or space (land) to the community. The flat pipe was (and still is) central to the Offerings Lodge ceremony – as it is to other Arapaho rituals – as it symbolizes their connection to the Creator just as the Sioux ceremonial pipe does to that nation. When the Arapaho separated into Northern and Southern, and were then forcibly relocated to reservations, the Northern Arapaho kept the flat pipe with them, and the Southern Arapaho kept the sacred stones symbolizing the pipe. These are still used in rituals today.
Native American Sun Dance
Jules Tavernier and Paul Frenzeny (Public Domain)
In yet another version of the Arapaho Creation Story, this one incomplete, the flat pipe is featured prominently. In this tale, the Creator God is known as Flat Pipe and he walks about on the endless water with his pipe (a flat pipe) looking for some place where he can safely rest it. His entire purpose in creating the world is for a place to securely rest the pipe because, from this pipe, he will draw the power to begin the work of creation. He appeals to a flock of ducks flying past and they dive down into the water for him, bringing up some mud. This is not enough to create land from, however, and so he then asks various other creatures for help. One by one, they dive into the deep, six times, but none of them are able to reach the bottom. The seventh time, the turtle goes and brings back the right amount of mud for creation to begin.
Although the name of the main character and certain details differ in these versions, the central message remains the same: as all things were brought forth by the Creator, all are related to each other as family. One should therefore treat the earth, plants, animals, and others as kindly as one would one's own blood relatives because, in fact, that is what they all are.
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from-a-legends-pov · 5 months
Star Wars Legends Highlight of the Week: Honor Among Thieves by James S. A. Corey
This is a new feature where a fan will share one thing they love from Star Wars Legends – a book, a comic, an author, a character, an event, or anything else they want to highlight – and tell us more about it.
If you, too, love Legends, follow @from-a-legends-pov and check out our upcoming Star Wars Legends fanfiction event, From a Legends Point of View, HERE. Signups open April 28 - please encourage your favorite Star Wars writers to participate!
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Today’s highlight is Honor Among Thieves by James S. A. Corey (actually the pen name of writing team Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, whom you may recognize as the writers of The Expanse), a 2014 Legends novel, and we’re talking with Dessi (@otterandterrier).
Tell us about your Legends highlight. What is it? What’s it about?
Honor Among Thieves is the second novel in the Empire and Rebellion duology (the first one being Razor’s Edge, a previous Legends highlight), and one of the last books published in the Legends universe by Del Rey. This book is Han’s story, and is told entirely from his POV.
The story is set about a year after Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and our heroes start off scattering through the galaxy in their respective missions. Han and Chewie are sent to the Core to retrieve Scarlet Hark, a high-level spy who is after a thief in possession of secret, deadly information stolen from under the Empire’s (and her) nose – and that the Empire is willing to do anything to get back. Han doesn’t want to get involved, as this is way above his paycheck. But then he realizes that Leia is at a gathering on Kiamurr, the very same planet their thief is headed to, which means the Empire will be hot on his heels. That makes up his mind about helping Scarlet get there first!
The plot is quite the wild goose chase, and you have to suspend your sense of disbelief many times and forget specialized bits of lore in order to buy it. Even so, it’s really fun and gripping, and I appreciate the way that the main conflict is used to give us excellent insight into our favourite smuggler’s mind.
What makes this a Legends highlight for you? What do you love about it?
This is one of my favourite Legends books, because I love Han Solo. I love the intensely caring, occasionally dorky, bad at flirting, barely concealing a soft interior Han Solo that somehow we were fortunate enough to get in the Original Trilogy and, somehow, so many people missed. And that’s the Han Solo we get here! I love getting to see the narrative peeling off his self-admitted layers, contemplating his involvement with the rebellion, his new relationships, and the man he could have been had circumstances not put him on the path of an old Jedi and an idealistic farmboy, by setting up a contrast with an old acquaintance that shows up. We also get to see how competent and clever he really is, something that is often neglected.
Favorite moment or scene?
There’s this scene where the group is walking through a jungle, and a character is about to shoot at a large mud creature that scared her—but Han stops her. He explains that the creature is harmless, then he pats its snout and tells it to look out for humans. Leia calls him an animal lover, to which Han replies: “If everyone got to kill anything that looked big and scary, Chewie would never be able to leave the ship.” I love this little moment because it shows that soft, caring, yet practical side of Han that not many people get to see, and it’s also a nice moment of connection between Han and Leia. Han’s concern over creatures that are “just trying to make it through another day” also gets called back towards the end, rounding off Han’s overall spot-on characterization—although that’s all I can say without spoiling the book.
Anything else you’d like to share about it?
A few other reasons I love this book:
It develops Han and Leia’s early relationship: as a shipper, the UST and the moments of deeper understanding between them here make me squeal. We see Leia through Han’s eyes and beyond his façade, and how he goes from “I can’t stand her” to “I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her.”
Scarlet Hark FTW: This OC is a bit of a perfect male fantasy, but I like her a lot. Intelligent, badass, take-no-shit female character? Yes please! I particularly love that she and Leia get along so well and it’s never a competition between them. She’s a really interesting character to explore, and I’d love to see the OT gang teaming up with her again.
Han and Luke’s relationship isn’t forgotten: I really appreciate that the authors gave this friendship the importance it deserves, with Han thinking several times that he’s sticking with the Rebellion mainly to look after Luke (which is a better motivation than him staying because he wants to sleep with Leia).
To learn more…
If you’d like to read more about Honor Among Thieves, you can check out its page on Wookieepedia or find the novel at your favorite library or used bookstore (like Razor’s Edge, it seems to be out of print for new copies, sadly).
And be sure to check out @from-a-legends-pov and our From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event; as another reminder, signups open April 28, 2024!
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satoshi-mochida · 7 months
ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist adds PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, and PC versions; launches in Early Access for PC on March 25
From Gematsu
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ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights sequel ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist will launch in Early Access for PC via Steam on March 25, followed by a full release across PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC at a later date, publisher Binary Haze Interactive and developers Live Wire and Adglobe announced. The PlayStation, Xbox Series, and PC versions are newly announced—the 2D action adventure RPG was originally announced for Switch on February 21.
The Early Access release will feature one village and the first four areas of the game, with unique enemies and bosses in each area, characters that can become allies in each areas, the core actions and skills of the main gameplay, skill enhancement and shop mechanics, and various optional features. More areas, unique enemies, player actions, and bosses, as well as enriched game mechanics and story elements will be added throughout Early Access. It is planned to remain in Early Access for approximately six months to one year depending on user feedback.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Decades after the events of ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights, Homunculi—sorrowful, artificial life forms—roam the land. In this dark fantasy Metroidvania, face formidable enemies and explore a bewitching post-apocalyptic world. Humans and Homunculi—what awaits at the end of the quest for their salvation?
Set in the Land of Fumes, this prosperous magical superpower is home to vast quantities of magical resources lurking underneath the surface. In hopes of advancing their kingdom’s development, artificial life forms known as Homunculi came into being. Regrettably, toxic Fumes from the underground drove the Homunculi to madness, turning them into feral monsters. You play as Lilac, an “Attuner” who possesses the power to save the Homunculi. Upon waking, you find yourself in a laboratory deep in the underground. There, you will become acquainted with the Homunculi closely involved in the kingdom’s downfall. Together with the Homunculi, set out in search of your lost memories and precious friends in the Land of Fumes. Follow the journey of destruction and rebirth in a post-apocalyptic world, decades after the disastrous Rain of Death.
ENDER MAGNOLIA is a dark fantasy 2D side-scrolling action RPG where you venture through the desolate Land of Fumes trying to save both humans and Homunculi. At the forefront of magical and mechanical development, the kingdom comprises of a hierarchical societal structure. Here, you’ll come across abandoned cities, discover laboratories oozing with heinous mysteries, a grand Sorcerer’s Academy, colossal factories, and much more. The hauntingly beautiful yet gruesome world of ENDER MAGNOLIA will unfold before you. Journey with Homunculi and help those who have lost their minds to the Fumes. Fight fearsome, powerful enemies, purify their souls, and rally your companions. Who will you save at the end of your quest—humans or Homunculi?
-Experience the revamped battle system that elevates your gameplay and exploration beyond that of ENDER LILIES.
Explore the mesmerizing yet grim world at your own pace and take on menacing enemies with the help of your companions.
Find your battle style using 30 different unique skills acquired from your companions.
Collect and upgrade loads of equipment, relics, and items.
Featuring new difficulty levels, you can choose to have a challenging experience or enjoy the gripping storyline at your leisure.
-Gorgeous 2D art, animation, and music all come together to create a whimsical world.
Humans and Homunculi live together in the kingdom known as the Land of Fumes.
Venture out, get to know people, and help one another while unraveling the mysteries of the world.
Witness poignant cutscenes and enhanced character interactions with your companions.
After lending their sweet and somber music to ENDER LILIES, Mili is back with new compositions that bring the mysterious world of ENDER MAGNOLIA to life.
Watch the announcement trailer below.
Announce Trailer
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nightwing-scp · 9 months
hello everyone
welcome to @n1ghtw1ng-scp's RP blog :]
featuring my main SCP OC Night and (newly added) my Fallen London OC, Axel! some extras include her ex-parasite Entity and coworker Lewis. also the Graveyard AICs from SCP-7374 for some reason.
general information about them :
Name: Nightwing Sky, alternately Night.aic
Age: 20 at time of death
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: ace and demi
Species: AI construct (mind), cybernetic human (body)
Abilities: She can use her core energy and manipulate it, up to a point. Also has retractable metal blade wings (think Murder Drones) and claws that can be equipped with a shock module.
About: Night is an AIC (artificially intelligent conscript) that works with the SCP Foundation. She is part of Mobile Task Forces Alpha-9 (with other anomalies) and Kappa-10 (with other AICs). She is also part of the dimensional research program, often traveling to different realities to gather and send back information. She was formerly a human/dragon hybrid, created by Red Nexus and employed by the Foundation, until she 'canceled out' 3125 and died, then her consciousness was brought back as an AI system and put back into her original body, which was heavily modified.
everyone else: ⬇️
Names: the Graveyard AICs - Janus, Caerus, and Hermes.aic
Age: on average, 2-3 months
Pronouns: they/it
Sexuality: sexuality? they don’t even have identity down yet
Species: collective AI system
Abilities: Individual: Janus can manifest minor memetic hazards (decomissioned for not ‘communicating effectively’), Caerus can access the Foundation intranet at will, and is able to find a way into most networks (decommissioned for not ‘showing signs of sapience’), and Hermes can perform minor localized reality manipulation (decomissioned for putting a researcher into a coma).
About: They’re originally from canon SCP-7374, they only show up in that one article and then they get destroyed, so this is sort of an AU in which Dr. Parker is less violent, and they're still there. They mostly speak together and often identify as one (because its easier that way), even though they have different personalities and skills. They're currently incorporeal, communicating by transmissions through devices (and their abilities.) .aic stands for Artificial Intelligence Construct, used to designate a specific AI as created by and working for the Foundation. All 3 of them escaped the "AIC Graveyard", a server where the Foundation sends AICs that they deem ineffective or dangerous.
Name: Entity
Age: 25, 16 at time of transformation
Pronouns: it/he
Sexuality: aroace
Species: mist parasite (idk)
Abilities: Can possess biological minds, including most animals and humans, partially or completely occupying their brains.
About: Entity is a parasite/symbiont who’s original form is a vaguely humanoid red mist figure. Originally only known as Phoenix, he was a test subject for Red Nexus along with Night. He got selected for ‘intensive testing’, and they put him through a series of processes that temporarily stripped away most of his base personality and eventually he took the form of a mist entity that could only survive through extended contact with a host consciousness. It ended up finding Night again, and taking her as its main host, until her biological consciousness was erased and it was forced to take the mind of her pet snake, Fang.
Name: Researcher Ashton Lewis (formerly D-9355 / SCP-939-102)
Age: 37
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human
Abilities: Currently no notable abilities. Is very bad at dying, though.
About: Lewis is a researcher for the SCP Foundation, specializing in interviewing and talking with different anomalies. He was formerly a successful experimental psychologist, until he got charged with assault. He accepted the offer of becoming a D-Class for the Foundation instead of taking jail time, but while he was a D-Class he started metamorphosing into a SCP-939 instance. They eventually turned him back using SCP-914. He recontained 682 during a breach by himself, which convinced the Foundation to let him temporarily become staff so they could utilize his skills in talking to anomalies.
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creamyclouds · 1 year
Master of Horror: Unraveling the Dark World of Junji Ito
In the realm of horror manga, there exists a master storyteller whose name strikes fear and fascination into the hearts of fans worldwide – Junji Ito. With an uncanny ability to tap into the deepest recesses of the human psyche, Ito has crafted a unique and chilling universe that leaves readers both spellbound and haunted. In this article, we delve into the enigmatic world of Junji Ito, exploring his artistry, thematic elements, and the impact he has had on the horror genre.
The Genius Behind the Pen
Junji Ito, born on July 31, 1963, in Gifu, Japan, rose to prominence in the 1990s with his eerie and imaginative manga works. His illustrations are instantly recognizable, characterized by intricately detailed, surreal, and grotesque imagery that lingers in the minds of readers long after they turn the last page.
Ito's fascination with horror and macabre art stems from his childhood, during which he devoured classic horror literature and developed a deep appreciation for the works of H.P. Lovecraft. This influence is evident in Ito's stories, as he skillfully blends cosmic horror with his unique Japanese cultural perspective.
Themes and Influences
At the core of Junji Ito's work lies a profound exploration of human fears, anxieties, and the unknown. He artfully weaves tales that transcend traditional horror tropes, often delving into the psychological and existential terror lurking within the human mind. Some of his most prevalent themes include:
Body Horror: Ito's mastery of body horror is unparalleled. He crafts tales where the human body is subjected to grotesque transformations and nightmarish distortions, often blurring the lines between the real and the surreal.
The Supernatural: Drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese folklore and urban legends, Ito introduces readers to malevolent spirits, cursed objects, and vengeful ghosts that haunt his characters relentlessly.
Isolation and Madness: Many of Ito's stories unfold in isolated settings, with characters descending into madness as they confront the incomprehensible horrors before them.
Fatal Obsessions: Ito's characters are frequently driven by obsessions that lead them down dark and destructive paths, exploring the depths of human obsession and the price paid for pursuing forbidden desires and impulses.
Landmark Works
Junji Ito has created an impressive body of work that continues to captivate readers worldwide. Some of his landmark works include:
"Uzumaki": A chilling tale set in a small Japanese town cursed by spirals, where the obsession with the shape takes a horrific toll on its inhabitants.
"Tomie": Featuring the eponymous beautiful and deadly girl who inexplicably keeps returning from the dead, driving those around her to madness and murder.
"Gyo": A nightmarish story of walking fish-like creatures that bring pestilence and terror to the world.
"Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu": A departure from his usual horror, this is a humorous autobiographical manga about Ito's life with his cats, Yon and Mu.
The Junji Ito Phenomenon
Junji Ito's influence extends far beyond the manga world. His works have inspired multiple adaptations, including animated series, live-action films, and even video games. Fans around the globe celebrate his genius by creating fan art, fan fiction, creating merchandise with his designs and participating in conventions dedicated to horror and manga.
As an artist who has read his book 'Uzumaki', I thoroughly enjoyed my reading experience and think his attention to detail in each of his drawings, plus his endless imagination for truly horrific scenes makes him stand out compared to other artists. In conclusion Junji Ito stands as an artistic enigma, a brilliant mind capable of summoning the darkest nightmares and phobias with the stroke of his pen. His contributions to the horror genre have secured him a place among the most revered and influential creators of our time. Whether you are a devoted manga enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of horror, Junji Ito's works promise an unparalleled experience of terror and wonder, reminding us all that even in the darkest corners of our imagination, true artistry can be found.
Author -
Shannon McNeil
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bigmelonblog · 1 year
Title: "Attack on Titan: Unveiling the Epic Saga of Humanity's Struggle"
In the world of manga and anime, few series have managed to capture the hearts and minds of fans like "Attack on Titan." Created by Hajime Isayama, this dystopian masterpiece has taken the anime and manga community by storm since its debut in 2009. With its gripping storyline, complex characters, and breathtaking action sequences, "Attack on Titan" has earned its place as a modern classic. In this article, we delve into the epic saga of humanity's struggle as portrayed in this captivating series.
The Premise:
"Attack on Titan" is set in a world where humanity resides within enormous walled cities to protect themselves from gigantic humanoid creatures known as Titans. These Titans devour humans on sight, and the remnants of humanity have been driven to the brink of extinction. The story revolves around Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert, three childhood friends who witness the destruction of their home by a colossal Titan. This event sets them on a path of vengeance and discovery.
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Themes of Survival and Freedom:
At its core, "Attack on Titan" explores themes of survival and freedom. The walls that protect humanity are a symbol of the fear that has imprisoned them for generations. As the story unfolds, the characters question the status quo, and a rebellion against the Titans and the ruling class ensues. This struggle for freedom and the quest to unveil the truth about the Titans drives the narrative forward.
Complex Characters:
One of the series' strengths is its well-developed and multi-dimensional characters. Eren Yeager, the fiery protagonist, is driven by a burning desire to eradicate the Titans. Mikasa Ackerman, his adoptive sister, is a skilled and stoic warrior who will stop at nothing to protect Eren. Armin Arlert, their close friend, brings intelligence and strategic thinking to the group. The character dynamics, growth, and internal conflicts add depth to the story.
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Mystery and Intrigue:
"Attack on Titan" is renowned for its intricate plot and the gradual unveiling of secrets. The origin of the Titans, the truth behind the walls, and the mysteries of Eren's Titan-shifting abilities all contribute to an ever-escalating sense of intrigue. As the story progresses, the mysteries become more convoluted, keeping readers and viewers on the edge of their seats.
Action-Packed Battles:
The series features intense, adrenaline-pumping battles between the human soldiers and the Titans. The Vertical Maneuvering Equipment, a system that allows soldiers to swing through the air and attack Titans from above, adds an element of high-flying action that's visually stunning. These battles are not just about defeating the Titans but also about the characters' personal growth and determination.
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Impact on Pop Culture:
"Attack on Titan" has left an indelible mark on pop culture. Its compelling storyline and striking imagery have garnered a massive fanbase worldwide. The series has inspired merchandise, video games, spin-off manga, and even a successful anime adaptation that further propelled its popularity.
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"Attack on Titan" is a gripping tale of humanity's struggle for survival and freedom, wrapped in a shroud of mystery and action. With its complex characters, thought-provoking themes, and jaw-dropping battles, it's no wonder that this series has become a cornerstone of modern anime and manga. Whether you're a fan of dystopian fiction or simply looking for a thrilling story, "Attack on Titan" is a must-experience journey through the depths of human resilience and determination.
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
Dame's Quirk Phylogeny Analysis, Pt. 1 - Categorizing Quirks Within Their Types
So for the first phase of me attempting to put every possible Quirk (and more, including ones from my own storyline) into a phylogeny chart, I've gathered 'em all up and given them categories that will help me in deciding which Quirks are related and which aren't.
I've always been the person to make things way to literal, but hey! I'm an environmental education student! And genetics have always fascinated me!
Not to mention the idea of the "Quirk Singularity" theory is insanely interesting to me and I want to dig deeper like the shitty biologist I am.
So without further ado, here are the categories I've thought of!
[Feel free to make suggestions!]
》--【 Emitters - Categories 】--《
Psychological – The user’s or target’s mind is altered by mental and/or cerebral energy or force caused by the Quirk.
Physical – One or more aspects of the user’s or target’s body is altered or used by/for the Quirk.
Alteration – The user’s Quirk alters or borrows from the world around them.
Elemental – The user’s Quirk derives from these core elements: Fire, water, earth, air, or electricity. Ice counts for water in this case.
Generative – The user’s Quirk creates or manifests solids, liquids, or gasses.
Amplifier – The user’s Quirk amplifies or enhances already existing objects, elements, or powers.
Sensory – One or more senses of the user are enhanced by the Quirk.
Suppressor – The user’s Quirk dampens or cancels out another’s Quirk.
Dependent – The Quirk relies on others’ Quirks, thus its category changes depending on what Quirk the user siphons from.
Parasitic – Quirk consists of organisms that rely on its host, the user, in order to be used in conjunction with the user.
》--【 Transformers - Categories 】--《
Cell Altering – The user’s Quirk utilizes their cell structure to alter one or more aspect of their body.
Object – The user’s Quirk formulates or manifests human-made objects from their body.
Extension – The Quirk extends or enhances an already existing feature of the user’s body.
Conversion – Intangible features of the user’s body are converted into matter that alters their physical structure.
Amalgam – The Quirk allows the user to consume or combine aspects of another's body to their own.
》--【 Mutants - Categories 】--《
Lesser Mutant – Less than 50% of the user’s physical appearance is altered by their Quirk.
Greater Mutant – More than 50% of the user’s physical appearance is altered by their Quirk.
Mythos – Quirk is based around a creature of mythology.
Animalia – The Quirk grants the user animal-like features.
Aesthetic – The user’s Quirk either serves no function or functions as an Emitter type, but one or more of the user’s physical features are altered by it.
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commenter2 · 24 days
"Cabin Fever" review
Here is my review on episode 4 of Murder Drones. A camping, slasher flick themed episode! Let’s see if Uzi and the other will survive.
Again Glitch Productions, please make a longer intro theme.
Now at first I wondered why the Drones would think bringing a bunch of teen Drones to the surface is a good idea given how dangerous it is for them, when I realized that they only know of the 3 Disassembly Drones and since Uzi killed J, and N and V are good (or controlled in V’s case) logically there really isn’t anything for them to be afraid of about the surface…until J 2.0, Tessa, and potentially other Disassembly Drones appear, likely in this episode.
Given their robots, the idea of vehicles being animal like makes a bit of sense while still being funny. Does that make the pods N and the other DDs came in birds XD
So these must be the new cannon fodder I MEAN characters for the episode. We have a stoner, female nerd, the jock/bully and his girlfriend, and the self-centered jerk. I wonder how they will change as the series goes on…XD
THAD AND LIZZY ARE HOLDING HANDS! BLASPHAMY! Though I do see it adding tension to the love triangle/quadrangle ideas I’ve talked about in the past.
Uzi’s backpack has wings, making her a bit like a Disassembly Drone. Foreshadowing? :3
Uzi’s mom is strangely happy about the core blowing up. Also what Khan said seems to confirm my theory from my last episode review about how this 3rd drone type was able to blend in with the Worker Drones.
Khan: Your mom was a catch!
Uzi.EXE has stopped working XD
Khan’s room has various door designs XD
If the idea of Khan immediately proposing to Uzi’s mom after she told him to make doors doesn’t become canon, we should boycott the show!
This singularity thing will be cool to learn about later. One quick prediction I have is that it’s some kind of electrical hive mind system that connects all machinery, and it’s a part of robots like Uzi and others. It also seems to give them visions. That or some kind of BATDR like vibe given some of the drawings.
If you can ignore the the cool S drawings (a difficult challenge, I know) you'll noticed that Khan is 3 for 3 of being a better father then he was in the pilot.
Seeing the teacher wearing a stereotypical tropical outfit may seem odd given its snowing, but I bet this kind of weather is pleasant for robots trying to relax. Same with the nerd robot making a cross symbol but Uzi did mention a robo Jesus in the pilot.
We better get camp counselor N and V plushies in the future!
WOAH! Poor robot guy. I feel bad for whoever has to tell his parents.
The book the nerd girl is carrying is called “Final Girl” XD
Nice to see Thad and Lizzy being nice to N and V WAIT DID Lizzy just pickpocket the dead drone’s watch!
Sad to see how the others are scared of Uzi to a point they would befriend robots that were killing them some time ago, or seconds in V case.
Cool to see that Uzi seems to have gotten use to her powers.
At 4:51 you can see that mystery human girl from N’s dream from episode 2.
It is funny seeing the other drones trying to use the canoes on a frozen lake and again having fun with N and V given they use to be afraid of them.
Since we haven’t seen N or V overheat yet, but see Uzi and Doll do so (more Uzi) does this mean the 3rd drone type overheat faster?
Bitch move V, scratching Uzi’s screen..face..whatever. It’s a good thing Uzi can heal herselWAIT A MINUTE!!!
A green bug! AND IT “TALKS”. It also seems to think Uzi is her mom. This plus how it seems to be a key to a lab, makes me wonder what the future of this series holds.
Even in the distant future audio to text features still suck.
Doll is back.
Where is Thad in the crowd?
Uzi has the power to turn inorganic matter into living things! This is some big Internecion Cube shit here. Fitting since Murder Drones and Internecion Cube are both made by Liam Vicker. It also seems to give us the main reason why the DDs are there, as robots like those could be very dangerous if they were to attack humanity. Heck Uzi seems to have caused a big problem without even trying! Also that thing she made looks like that image in the pile of papers near the dead drone where she found the green bug.
Now we get to the slasher stereotypes, starting with the couple going somewhere to make out.
Uzi is turning! Also totally called the backpack as foreshadowing!
While N is trying to turn on the computer, you can see a pair of red eyes (likely Dolls) behind him!
From analyzing the visions N sees, it looks like a robot went rouge and ate something organic, a severed organic arm was being held on by some lab equipment, and a giant black hole (likely the singularity) is near a house that looks like the one from N’s dream and the season 1 trailer. This gives me a small theory but more on that at the end.
Uzi’s unpopularity actually saved her from being exposed to the others. It would be funny if it wasn’t a bit sad.
Wait is Uzi’s tail organic? IT IS, and she has human arms on her wings! This is a nice change for the usual DD design and it reminds me of what J’s backup systems did in episode 2. This gives me hope that we will see different designed DDs later on in the series like I have been hoping will happen for some time now.
Lizzy is sassy even on the verge of death XD
The freefalling scene is a great moment. We get to see N’s caring side as well as some good Uzi X N content.
V is jealous :3. Please writers, gives us a love quadrangle. I mean if you can make me want to see one (and I usually hate that trope) then it has to be good.
Oh…Lizzy is alive…that’s good, I guess.
V likes the idea of being a diva.
So vehicles aren’t animals, there just hot-wired and when it acts up, they need to be treated like animals.
There’s Thad! I was wondering what happened to him.
It’s interesting to see V cover for Uzi. It also makes me wonder if at some point, because of V’s actions, the drone society will try and kick out N and V (maybe Uzi as well) for all the killings V have done…. Only for them to want them back when J and the other new DDs appear.
Uzi and N technically held hands!
Can’t wait to see what is on that tape. Actually Zombie Drones sounds like another nod to Internecion Cube.
That was an intense episode, as all slasher films are. I mean we now learn that if Uzi loses control she turns into a monster and why it seems the DDs were sent to the planet, we have a new “character/plot device" in the form of the robotic bug, N stumbling upon a tape that will likely explain everything, and we see V being jealous of how close Uzi and N are which I think could make her start to remember his life before she became a DD.
Only time will tell on what will happen next but I have some new theories based on what we saw.
After seeing Uzi’s ability to turn inorganic things into organic, I have this new theory that Doll is the mystery human girl we saw in this episode. See there was this old theory that went over the possibility of the drones being originally human or used human parts and something like this seems to be true, especially after seeing the lab machinery holding a human body part in N's visions. Maybe Doll’s mother was originally that girl in the flashback who use to own J, V, and N but died which made her father want her back as a robot. However, the inorganic and organic components resulted in their dangerous powers and had to be taken out, but failed and the the girl was able to escape where she had a robot daughter of her own AKA Doll. Also after seeing Uzi turn inorganic into organic matter, maybe Doll could do something similar but on a bigger scale as she could make herself look very much like a human.
I also have this theory that whatever gives Uzi and Doll their powers, its being used slightly for the DD’s. I mean thinking back to episode 2, that heart thing that came out of J gives me a similar vibe to the techno-organic substance Uzi was making in the episode. For all we know after the exoplanet incident, the tech behind it was perfected on Earth and they gave it to N and the other DDs to give them a fighting chance against the 3rd kind of drones. It would explain how they can make all those weapons and regenerate quickly.
What did you think of the episode? What did you like about it and do you have any theories of your own about the series?
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dhauldumptrailers · 1 month
Beyond the Ordinary: Why Dhaul is the Future of Hauling Solutions
In the dynamic world of construction, landscaping, and heavy-duty projects, the demand for reliable hauling solutions is at an all-time high. As the industry evolves, so do the needs of contractors, landscapers, and builders who require robust, dependable, and innovative equipment to get the job done efficiently. Among the myriad of options available, Dhaul stands out as a pioneer, setting new standards in the hauling industry. This blog delves into why Dhaul is not just a brand but the future of hauling solutions, offering beyond-the-ordinary features that cater to the ever-growing demands of the industry.
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The Evolution of Hauling Solutions
Before we explore the unique offerings of Dhaul, it’s essential to understand the evolution of hauling solutions. Hauling has been an integral part of human civilization, from the earliest days of using animals and rudimentary carts to transport goods to the advent of motorized vehicles. Over the decades, the industry has seen significant advancements, from simple utility trailers to sophisticated dump trailers equipped with hydraulic systems, advanced suspension, and durable construction materials.
As industries such as construction and landscaping grew, the need for specialized hauling solutions became more apparent. Today, it’s not just about moving materials from one place to another; it’s about doing so efficiently, safely, and with minimal environmental impact. This is where Dhaul comes into play, offering solutions that are not only reliable but also future-proof.
The Dhaul Difference: What Sets It Apart?
1. Innovation at Its Core
Dhaul isn’t just following trends; it’s setting them. Innovation is at the heart of everything Dhaul does, from the design of its trailers to the materials used in construction. Dhaul’s commitment to innovation is evident in its continuous investment in research and development. The brand’s engineers and designers work tirelessly to create products that meet the current needs of customers while anticipating future challenges.
One of the standout innovations of Dhaul is its use of advanced materials that offer unparalleled durability without compromising on weight. This means that Dhaul trailers are not only built to last but are also easier to maneuver, reducing fuel consumption and increasing overall efficiency.
2. Unmatched Durability
In the world of hauling, durability is non-negotiable. Dhaul trailers are engineered to withstand the harshest conditions, from rugged construction sites to extreme weather. This durability is achieved through the use of high-grade steel, corrosion-resistant coatings, and reinforced joints. Every Dhaul trailer is subjected to rigorous testing to ensure it can handle the demands of heavy-duty use.
But Dhaul doesn’t stop at just building durable trailers; the company also offers an industry-leading warranty, giving customers peace of mind that their investment is protected. This commitment to durability extends to every component of the trailer, from the axles to the hydraulic systems, ensuring that Dhaul trailers remain operational even in the toughest conditions.
3. Efficiency and Productivity
Time is money, especially in industries like construction and landscaping. Dhaul understands this, which is why its trailers are designed with efficiency in mind. Features like quick-release mechanisms, easy-to-operate hydraulic systems, and customizable configurations allow users to get more done in less time.
Dhaul’s focus on efficiency isn’t just about speeding up operations; it’s also about reducing costs. By optimizing the design of its trailers for fuel efficiency, Dhaul helps businesses cut down on operational expenses. Additionally, the brand’s trailers require minimal maintenance, further reducing downtime and keeping projects on schedule.
4. Customization to Meet Specific Needs
No two projects are the same, and Dhaul recognizes that different jobs require different solutions. This is why Dhaul offers a wide range of customization options, allowing customers to tailor their trailers to meet specific needs. Whether it’s adding extra tie-down points, choosing a particular type of axle, or opting for a specialized hydraulic system, Dhaul provides the flexibility needed to create a trailer that’s perfect for the job.
This commitment to customization ensures that Dhaul trailers are not just tools but integral parts of a business’s workflow, designed to enhance productivity and efficiency. Customers can work closely with Dhaul’s team to create a trailer that meets their exact specifications, ensuring that they have the right equipment for the job.
Why Dhaul is the Future of Hauling Solutions
1. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
As industries become more conscious of their environmental impact, the demand for sustainable solutions is increasing. Dhaul is leading the charge in this area by incorporating eco-friendly practices into its manufacturing processes. From using recyclable materials to reducing waste during production, Dhaul is committed to minimizing its environmental footprint.
But Dhaul’s commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop at the manufacturing level. The company also designs its trailers to be more fuel-efficient, reducing the carbon footprint of every haul. Additionally, Dhaul is exploring alternative power sources, such as electric and hybrid systems, to further reduce emissions and promote a greener future.
2. Technological Integration
The future of hauling isn’t just about building better trailers; it’s about integrating technology to enhance functionality and user experience. Dhaul is at the forefront of this movement, incorporating smart technology into its trailers. This includes features like GPS tracking, load monitoring systems, and remote diagnostics, which allow users to monitor the performance of their trailers in real-time.
These technological advancements not only improve the efficiency of operations but also enhance safety. For example, Dhaul’s load monitoring systems can alert users if a trailer is overloaded, preventing accidents and prolonging the life of the equipment. This level of integration sets Dhaul apart from its competitors, making it a leader in the industry.
3. Customer-Centric Approach
Dhaul’s success isn’t just due to its innovative products; it’s also a result of its customer-centric approach. The company understands that the needs of its customers are constantly evolving, which is why it places a strong emphasis on customer feedback. Dhaul’s team works closely with customers to understand their challenges and develop solutions that meet their needs.
This approach extends to Dhaul’s customer service, which is known for being responsive and reliable. Whether it’s providing technical support, assisting with customization, or offering maintenance advice, Dhaul’s team is always ready to help. This level of commitment to customer satisfaction is a key reason why Dhaul is seen as the future of hauling solutions.
4. Global Reach with Local Expertise
While Dhaul is a global brand, it hasn’t lost sight of the importance of local expertise. The company has established a network of dealers and service centers around the world, ensuring that customers have access to the support they need, no matter where they are. This global reach, combined with local knowledge, allows Dhaul to cater to the unique needs of different markets.
Dhaul’s commitment to local expertise is also evident in its approach to product development. The company understands that different regions have different requirements, whether it’s due to climate, terrain, or regulatory standards. By working closely with local experts, Dhaul is able to develop trailers that are perfectly suited to the conditions in each market.
Case Studies: Dhaul in Action
To truly understand why Dhaul is the future of hauling solutions, it’s important to look at how the brand’s trailers are being used in the real world. Here are a few case studies that highlight the impact of Dhaul trailers on various projects.
1. Revolutionizing Construction in Urban Environments
In densely populated urban areas, space is at a premium, making it difficult for construction companies to operate efficiently. Traditional hauling solutions often struggle in these environments, leading to delays and increased costs. However, a construction company in New York City turned to Dhaul to solve this problem.
Dhaul worked with the company to develop a compact, maneuverable trailer that could navigate the tight streets of the city while still carrying heavy loads. The trailer’s advanced suspension system allowed it to handle uneven pavement and other urban challenges with ease. As a result, the company was able to complete its projects ahead of schedule, significantly reducing costs and increasing profitability.
2. Transforming Landscaping Projects
Landscaping projects often require hauling a variety of materials, from soil and mulch to large plants and trees. A landscaping company in California was struggling to find a trailer that could handle these diverse needs while also being easy to use. After researching various options, the company chose Dhaul.
Dhaul provided a customized trailer with a multi-purpose bed that could be easily adjusted to accommodate different types of loads. The trailer also featured a quick-release hydraulic system, allowing the company’s workers to unload materials quickly and efficiently. This not only improved the company’s productivity but also enhanced the quality of its work, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
3. Supporting Disaster Relief Efforts
In the aftermath of natural disasters, getting supplies to affected areas quickly is critical. A disaster relief organization in Texas needed a reliable hauling solution to transport emergency supplies to remote locations. The organization chose Dhaul for its durability and reliability.
Dhaul provided a rugged trailer with off-road capabilities, allowing the organization to reach areas that were inaccessible to other vehicles. The trailer’s large capacity meant that the organization could transport more supplies in a single trip, speeding up the relief efforts. The success of this project demonstrated Dhaul’s ability to perform in even the most challenging conditions, further solidifying its reputation as the future of hauling solutions.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Hauling Solutions with Dhaul
As we look to the future, it’s clear that the demands on the hauling industry will only continue to grow. Projects will become more complex, timelines will become tighter, and the need for sustainability will become even more pressing. In this environment, companies that can offer innovative, reliable, and efficient solutions will lead the way.
Dhaul is perfectly positioned to meet these challenges. With its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, Dhaul is not just keeping up with the industry — it’s shaping the future of hauling
Visit Our Page: https://www.instagram.com/dhauldumptrailers/
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ridingancientrome · 3 months
The Timeless Joy of Riding Horse
Riding a horse is an age-old tradition that has been cherished by people across cultures and eras. Whether for work, sport, or leisure, the bond between humans and horses is profound and enduring. In this blog, we will explore the many facets of riding horse , from its historical significance to the modern-day joys and benefits it offers.
Historical Significance
The history of horseback riding dates back thousands of years. Horses were first domesticated around 4,000 BCE in the steppes of Central Asia. Since then, they have played a pivotal role in human civilization. Ancient warriors, traders, and nomads relied on horses for transportation, warfare, and commerce. The horse’s strength and speed revolutionized travel and communication, enabling the spread of cultures and ideas.
In ancient Rome, chariots and cavalry were integral to military success. In medieval Europe, knights trained rigorously in horsemanship, making horseback riding a symbol of nobility and prowess. In the American West, cowboys depended on their trusty steeds to herd cattle and traverse vast landscapes. Each era and culture has contributed to the rich tapestry of equestrian history.
The Modern-Day Appeal
Today, riding horse is enjoyed by millions worldwide. It has evolved into a diverse activity encompassing competitive sports, therapeutic practices, and leisurely pursuits.
Competitive Sports: Equestrian sports are a staple in the Olympics, featuring disciplines like dressage, show jumping, and eventing. These sports require a deep understanding and synergy between rider and horse. Competitions are held globally, drawing enthusiasts and athletes who showcase their skills and the remarkable abilities of their horses.
Therapeutic Riding: Equine-assisted therapy has gained recognition for its therapeutic benefits. Riding horses can help individuals with physical, emotional, and developmental challenges. The rhythmic motion of riding aids in improving balance, coordination, and muscle strength. Additionally, the bond formed between rider and horse fosters emotional healing and confidence.
Leisure and Adventure: For many, horseback riding is a way to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors. Trails and riding tours offer a unique perspective of the landscape, allowing riders to explore forests, mountains, beaches, and more. The sense of freedom and tranquility experienced while riding is unparalleled, making it a favorite pastime for nature lovers and adventurers.
Benefits of Horseback Riding
Horseback riding offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It is a full-body workout that engages core muscles, improves posture, and enhances coordination. The physical demands of riding also contribute to cardiovascular health and overall fitness.
Mentally, riding a horse requires focus, patience, and problem-solving skills. Riders must be attuned to their horse’s movements and behaviors, fostering mindfulness and presence. The challenges of riding, whether mastering a new skill or navigating a difficult trail, build resilience and perseverance.
Emotionally, the bond between horse and rider is incredibly rewarding. Horses are intuitive and sensitive animals, often reflecting the emotions of their riders. This connection promotes empathy, trust, and emotional awareness. For many, time spent with horses is therapeutic, offering a respite from the stresses of daily life.
Horseback riding is more than just a sport or hobby; it is a journey into the timeless relationship between humans and horses. Whether competing in a prestigious event, engaging in therapeutic riding, or exploring scenic trails, the joy of riding a horse is unmatched. It is an activity that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit, offering endless opportunities for growth, adventure, and connection. So, saddle up and embark on your own equestrian adventure—you might just discover a lifelong passion. For more details visit our website www.ridingancientrome.it
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no-degree · 4 months
How Holographic Fans Work: Unveiling the Magic of LED Holographic Fans
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising and visual technology, LED holographic fans have emerged as a revolutionary tool. These devices captivate audiences with mesmerizing 3D holographic images, redefining how businesses engage with their customers. But how do holographic fans work? Let's delve into the fascinating mechanics behind these futuristic displays.
The Basics of LED Holographic Fans
At the core of a holographic fan is a series of LED lights mounted on the blades of a fan. When the fan spins at high speeds, these LEDs light up in a meticulously timed sequence, creating the illusion of a floating, three-dimensional image. This phenomenon leverages the persistence of vision, a principle where multiple images blend into a single, cohesive picture due to the rapid motion, much like how film projectors work.
How Holographic Fans Create 3D Images
The process begins with the design of the image or animation to be displayed. This visual content is created using specialized software, often provided by the holographic fan manufacturer. The software slices the 3D model into numerous frames, which are then programmed into the fan’s control unit.
When the fan operates, its blades spin, and the LEDs flash in a synchronized manner, corresponding to the programmed frames. Because the blades rotate quickly enough to blur the motion to the human eye, the individual points of light merge into a smooth, continuous 3D image. This creates a hologram-like effect, where images appear to float in mid-air, captivating onlookers with their vivid, dynamic presence.
Advanced Features and Customizations
Modern LED holographic fans come with a host of advanced features to enhance their versatility and impact. Some of these include:
1. High Resolution: Advanced fans offer higher resolutions, enabling more detailed and lifelike holograms.
2. Wi-Fi and App Integration: Many fans can be controlled via smartphone apps, allowing users to easily upload new content and adjust settings remotely.
3. Interactivity: Some models feature interactive capabilities, responding to gestures or integrating with external sensors for dynamic content changes.
4. Modular Designs: Larger displays can be created by synchronizing multiple fans, allowing for expansive and immersive holographic presentations.
Applications of LED Holographic Fans
The practical applications of holographic fans are vast and varied. Retail businesses use them to attract and engage customers with eye-catching advertisements. At trade shows and exhibitions, holographic fans serve as powerful tools to draw attention and communicate brand messages effectively. They are also increasingly popular in entertainment venues, museums, and educational institutions for delivering immersive experiences.
In retail, for instance, a holographic fan can display rotating 3D models of products, promotional messages, or even interactive content that responds to customer gestures. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also drives higher engagement and sales.
Where To Buy a 3D Holographic Fan?
Well, if you are really interested in purchasing a 3d holographic fan it is important to choose the right place. That’s we recommend forevergenie store, since is a trusted website with thousands of satisfied customers. Keep in mind that the quality varies, that’s why it is important to but it from the right place.
The Future of Holographic Display Technology
As technology continues to advance, the potential for LED holographic fans is only set to grow. Developments in higher resolution LEDs, faster processing capabilities, and improved interactivity will push the boundaries of what these devices can achieve. Future iterations may offer even more realistic holograms, seamless integration with other digital technologies, and broader accessibility for various industries.
In conclusion, LED holographic fans represent a remarkable fusion of art and technology. By understanding how holographic fans work, businesses and consumers can better appreciate the innovative power behind these devices. Whether for advertising, entertainment, or education, holographic fans are poised to become a staple of modern visual communication, dazzling audiences with their unique and captivating displays.
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Beyond Flesh and Bone : The Curious Case of Blood as Spiritual Currency
Have you ever wondered why some religions seem obsessed with sacrifice?  Why does blood, in particular, feature so prominently in these rituals?  It turns out there's a fascinating reason – blood wasn't just seen as lifeblood but as a kind of spiritual currency used for transactions with the divine.
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This concept is explored by Dmitry Usenco in his book "African Traditional Religion versus Christianity." Usenco argues that blood, due to its life-giving properties, holds a special place in many cultures.  Imagine a time before supermarkets – survival depended heavily on hunting and the bounty of the land. Blood spilled during the hunt became a symbol of life force, a powerful offering to appease the deities who controlled this bounty.
But blood wasn't just valuable. It had a hierarchy. It is like a tiered payment system. Solid flesh, while important, wasn't quite as spiritually potent as the flowing, life-sustaining blood.  At the very top of the scale was breath or wind, often seen as directly connected to the soul or even the deity itself. That's the kind of spiritual power some cultures associate with breath.
This hierarchy comes into play when considering how blood functioned as a currency. In contrast, early humans approached a deity like a cosmic vending machine.  They needed rain for their crops, so they "paid" with the life force of a sacrificed animal, its blood acting as a kind of spiritual token.  In return, they hoped for divine assistance – a downpour to nourish their fields.
As societies developed, the concept of sacrifice evolved.  Hunting became less central, and offerings became more symbolic. Blood might still be spilled, but the focus shifted to renewing the covenant with the deity, a kind of spiritual refresh button ensuring continued divine favor.
The Bible offers a classic example of this shift in the story of Cain and Abel.  Cain, the farmer, offers the fruits of the earth, while Abel, the shepherd, presents an animal sacrifice.  Abel's offering held more spiritual weight because of the blood involved.  It was a more potent "payment" for divine blessings.
Fast forward to modern times, and the concept of blood as currency takes a surprising turn.  “African Traditional Religion versus Christianity” references a story from a modern African text about a lesser deity, Ywa Dɛnsu, who feels neglected by his followers. With offerings dwindling, Ywa Dɛnsu resorts to causing car accidents to obtain the blood sacrifice he craves. This dark twist highlights the enduring power associated with blood, even in contemporary contexts.
The idea of blood sacrifice can be a tough pill to swallow for modern sensibilities. However, understanding the concept of blood as spiritual currency offers a window into the minds of our ancestors. It helps us see sacrifice not as barbaric acts but as attempts to navigate a world where the divine played a more active role in everyday life.
The story doesn't end there. Usenco explores how this concept of blood as a divine offering is mirrored in the crucifixion of Jesus. Here, God himself is seen as offering the ultimate sacrifice to restore the broken covenant with humanity. To delve deeper into this parallel and how it sheds light on the core differences between these two belief systems, consider reading "African Traditional Religion versus Christianity."
Breaking away from the centuries-long theological tradition, Dmitry Usenc’s book offers a radically new reading of spirituality, proceeding on his original theory of the initial cultural unity that embraces language, technology, and religion. “African Traditional Religion” comes into focus as a valid alternative and—in the long run—an equal partner to Christianity in the creation of a modern pluralistic society. While the author’s concepts and conclusions may seem controversial to some, none of the readers can discard them as irrelevant.
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creativegarage2012 · 7 months
The Magic of Animation Videos: Bringing Stories to Life
In the vast universe of visual storytelling, animation videos stand as vibrant constellations, weaving narratives with colors, shapes, and motion. From classic cartoons to modern CGI marvels, animation has evolved into an art form that transcends age, culture, and language barriers. In this digital era, where attention spans are fleeting and creativity knows no bounds, animation videos have emerged as powerful tools for communication, education, and entertainment.
At its core, animation is the art of breathing life into inanimate objects and characters, creating a fantastical realm where imagination knows no limits. Whether it's a whimsical adventure in a far-off land or a poignant exploration of human emotions, animation videos have the uncanny ability to stir our hearts and captivate our minds. Through meticulously crafted visuals and compelling narratives, they transport us to realms beyond our wildest dreams, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the impossible feels within reach.
One of the most enchanting aspects of animation videos is their versatility. They can cater to a diverse array of audiences, from children giggling at colorful antics to adults marveling at intricate storytelling. Whether it's a short clip designed to go viral on social media or a feature-length film destined for the silver screen, animation videos have the power to evoke laughter, tears, and everything in between. Moreover, advancements in technology have opened up new frontiers in animation, allowing creators to push the boundaries of imagination like never before.
In addition to their entertainment value, animation videos play a crucial role in education and communication. Through the use of vivid visuals and simplified concepts, they can make complex ideas more accessible and engaging. From educational cartoons teaching children about science and history to animated explainer videos simplifying intricate processes for adults, animation has become a cornerstone of modern learning and communication strategies. By leveraging the universal language of imagery, animation videos have the power to educate, inspire, and empower audiences around the globe.
Furthermore, animation videos serve as potent marketing tools in today's digital landscape. With consumers inundated by a constant stream of content, animation offers a refreshing and memorable way to capture attention and convey brand messages. Whether it's a quirky animated advertisement or a captivating product demo, animation videos have the ability to leave a lasting impression on viewers and drive engagement. By harnessing the emotive power of storytelling and the visual appeal of animation, brands can forge deeper connections with their target audience and stand out in a crowded marketplace.
However, behind the enchanting allure of animation lies a labor-intensive process that requires skill, dedication, and creativity. From storyboarding and character design to animation and post-production, every step in the animation pipeline demands meticulous attention to detail and a keen understanding of the craft. It's a collaborative endeavor that brings together artists, animators, writers, and technicians, each contributing their expertise to breathe life into the final product.
In conclusion, animation videos are more than just moving images on a screen; they are portals to worlds of wonder and imagination. Whether they're entertaining audiences, educating learners, or captivating consumers, animation videos have the power to transcend boundaries and touch hearts. As technology continues to evolve and creativity knows no bounds, the magic of animation will continue to enchant and inspire audiences for generations to come.
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