#its not a 'real' chapter
tangledinink · 1 year
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Chapter Fifteen of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is now live. Please read it on ao3 or below the cut.
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My Dear Children,
The other day I saw a story on TV about a man who's friend had died at a young age. He decided to create what he called a 'life list'.  What many refer to as a ‘bucket list’ he turned on its head, instead making a list of things to do with his life. He's become something of a celebrity as he posts videos of himself accomplishing his numbered goals. He's spent a week on a deserted island, he's helped a stranger, he's gotten married to a person he met that day in Las Vegas, etc.
So as I watched the story it struck me - if everyone made videos of their ‘life list’ there would be hundreds of thousands of videos and no one with enough time to watch them all.  Plus, many of life's more important accomplishments don't really translate well onto video.
So I decided to work on my own life list which I am sure will never get a lot of you-tube play, but I think is kind of important nonetheless:
1)  Give some very worthwhile children a chance to see if they can make it in the world and achieve their own sort of happiness
2)  Find people honest and kind and who love you for who are - despite your failings and flaws
3)  Be kind to your world and treat it as if it's important and needed by those who will come after you are gone
4)  Be a good and respectful neighbor for all and treat those you meet with kindness and helpfulness
There are probably tons of other stuff that should be here, but these four are at the top. Call it my Mt. Rushmore of life achievements.
I love you all,
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hinamie · 1 month
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9 / 266
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venator-signum · 10 months
kamala khan would have the most horrendous ao3 author's notes known to man
"hey guys sorry the update is late i switched places with an avenger (ajdgrhsh literally crying) and a really cool space scientist lady and then got into a fight and some alien dudes wrecked my house and then I met Nick fury and I was literal space it was crazy and I had to help save the universe and saw said scientist lady give up her life to save all of us... anyways hope you like the new fic, branching out with an arranged marriage au for this one!!!"
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wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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choccy-milky · 4 months
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seb vs. clora's Childhood Friend™️ 😇🥰 ((from my new chap! ao3/wattpad))
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fumifooms · 5 months
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That. That screentone on Chilchuck’s chest in the low open collar. Is Chilchuck having chest hair canon Kui. Kui? Gripping my knee
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suntails · 6 months
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dance of dreams
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sirsunnydays · 9 months
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He's offering you a lollipop
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escaping-peril12 · 2 months
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obsessedwithstarwars · 4 months
An excerpt from a fic I’m writing:
The Red Hood turned toward her so fast, he hissed as he felt a sharp pain in his side. Oh right. He’d been shot. Twice.
“Touch that.” Jazz finished quietly. She strode over to his bedside and sat down, revealing a first aid bag. She waited until he nodded his consent to check his bandages and started to change them.
Shit that hurt. Her touch was light but a bullet wound was still a bullet wound. In an attempt to keep his mind off of what she was doing, he asked about the object.
“What is it?” She looked up. He nodded his head toward the… whatever it was. He could have sworn it had a faint green glow around it now.
“Oh that.” She resumed her work while she spoke. “It’s highly contaminated. One touch and your food will come alive and attack you for days until it wears off.”
Ooookay. Not what he expected to hear. And she was so nonchalant about it.
“Really?!” He asked incredulously.
“No!” She finished wrapping his side with new bandages and moved on to his arm.
“I just don’t want you to touch it.” She said with a mischevious smile, then resumed her work.
He chuckled at that, then winced at the pain.
“Careful. Don’t tear the stitches I put in. I won’t do it again.”
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bakudekublogblog · 4 months
kacchan there is actually a way you and izuku can be together forever i have this crazy inventive solution for you it's called a marriage license
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hinamie · 3 months
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fire nation festival wear aka a blatant excuse for me to push atla clothing design conventions to the absolute Limit
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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literallybreadsticks · 6 months
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buwheal · 4 months
hey spamton, do you know a place you can afford to get a decent meal NOT from the trash? you need proper nutrition.
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yuzuuu4 · 2 years
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long time no dokja
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emilybeemartin · 8 months
Okay Emily, I have to ask a question that's been burning in the back of my mind since you started your Boromir Lives AU series: how did Amon Hen go down in this AU?
Canon Amon Hen: remote, isolated, barren, full of enemies
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Fandom Amon Hen: populated by tiny cottages full of lonely young women with healing skills and beautiful eyes
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tiny house photos from bhg.com
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