#its like ppl who hate on cultures that eat with their hands but like do you eat pizza or sandwiches with a fork.
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neechees · 1 year ago
Ppl who are disgusted or put off by Inuit eating raw meat always confused me, like are you terrified of people eating sushi?
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astrow1zar6 · 1 month ago
Astro Observations~ 48
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Venus square Pluto men tend to have a really weird relationship with women. Can have a big love-hate relationship when it comes to women. I’ve seen these men treat their guy friends with more respect than their partners
Leo sun x Pisces sun mix in friendship is so underrated. They really match eachothers creativity & can inspire eachother a lot art wise
Jupiter in the 1st house makes someone very jolly naturally. Even if they are in a bad mood it rarely shows. Can also make someone pretty tall in a lot of cases (not all)
Cap risings can have very visible bones. Could’ve been told by others to “eat a sandwich “
You can feel more likely to create art or sing when the moon transit is in Pisces (even if you’re not the type to want to do that stuff on the regular).
Venus in the 8th house natives are very into hookup culture. Gets into a lot of unconventional relationships. Not really the types that wanna be “wifed up” I’ve noticed. They just here for a good time fr.
Pisces sun Aries moons are great manifestors (especially with an earth rising to stabilize the energy) with a cap rising for example I can imagine these people to be unstoppable when they have a goal.
Mars in Taurus’s usually prefer slower sex to fast sex. (Unless it’s in the 8th house) they are super sensual and want to enjoy every pleasure to the max. Going too fast can piss them off/leave them unsatisfied.
Venus in 2nd house synastry can have very long make out sessions together. Even if you aren’t comfortable with kissing this aspect will make you want to kiss them for HOURS.
Saturn in the 8th house people on the other hand kinda lack sensuality a lot of the time. They can skip foreplay and go straight to the act. Very “cold” sexual experiences.
Juno in the 1st house people are the best people to marry. Can attract some pretty selfish partners tho unfortunately:(
When a Gemini Venus has a crush on someone it’s like painfully obvious. Everyone usually already knows.
Jupiter in the 8th gives big 🍆 energy
Uranus in the 5th house are rarely ever fully single. The types to go on a lot of dates or dates someone outta nowhere or unexpectedly
Saturn in the 5th house have a natural awkwardness around their crushes
Venus in Libras pull game is so strong, they have so many admirers & ppl who have crushes on them
Having a Venus in retrograde in a detriment sign (Aries/scorpio) can make you come off as really rude to others or super vain
I also notice if not severely afflicted Venus in retrograde natives actually have a higher chance of marrying their soulmates than direct Venus natives
Taurus moons either have very a sloppy basic asf sense of fashion or its super chic & creative as hell no in between.
Lilith dominant women are usually treated like shit by other women a lot. Men can see them as someone they just wanna hook up with. It’s actually really sad what these people go thru.
Most fucked up friendship award goes to Pluto in the 11th house folks. Friends could’ve been really jealous of you or your relationship with other friends. Ur friends could also lack extreme boundaries with you and almost act more like a toxic partner. Friends get super obsessed & possessive of you!
Sun in the 9th house people have a gift usually for learning new languages. Could be the types to speak multiple languages.
Pisces mars can be super lazy. Could be the types to ask you to grab the the remote when it’s right next to them
Jupiter in the 4th house prevents you from being homeless. Regardless of your income you always tend to find a really spacious cute home.
People with a 10th house stellium are more likely to “fall in love” with their career. They are also really love $$.
Sun in the (1st, 5th & 11th) house people usually thrive in big social settings.
Sun in the 2nd house could be the breadwinners of the family. Could’ve been the first to break a poverty generational curse. Usually seen as the ones who “made it out the hood” iyk what I mean.
Venus in 2nd house natives face cards are LETHAL
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amphitriteswife · 4 months ago
Jay Jo dating hc’s
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🚲 Just like with Shelly, Jay will seem uninterested and unimpressed at first. Often being either blunt or not responding. He would rather stay in his studies or ride his bike.
🚲 Unlike vinny, he is not a romantic. He would be straight and matter of factly. He doesn’t see a point in beating around the bush. If he likes you he will say it straight up, but not without contemplating and badly slept nights as well as a lot of advice from Dom and Minu. Maybe even Vinny to keep him down to earth.
🚲 If you are dating Jay you need a lot of patience. His parents are strict and would not approve of a relationship, especially his mother who thinks it will be a distraction and that Jay should focus on studies instead. This would cause things to be like a mood swing.
🚲 If Jay would once again have a fight with his mom or his mom telling him to not come back home for the night he would probably go to your place. He wouldn’t want to talk about it. He’d rather spent his doing something else than talk about his problems.
🚲 ‘babe i fell down the stairs today. It was really funny.’ ‘How’s that funny.’ ‘My friend asked me why i started lying down. Some ppl saw me fall.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Babe you’re being dry again. Dryer than the desert. You need water.’ ‘Don’t pour water on me again please.’
🚲 he’s more of a listener. So if you yap a lot he wouldn’t mind. He listens and remembers very well. He is pretty dry with responses to he’ll let you do most of the talking, but if you give him a chance to also talk about his things he’ll get a little but flustered because he’ll feel like he’ll be put on the spot
🚲 He would let you ride his bike if you can ride one, if you can’t he’ll teach you. He’s a very stoic teacher, but he’ll make sure you don’t fall, he would hate to see you get hurt. He will let you ride his bike if you asks very nicely.
🚲 Sometimes he’ll cycle you home if he doesn’t have any tournaments or races. You can hop on behind and if you have school bag he’ll carry it for you. If you’re scared to go on the bike he doesn’t mind walking you home either. He’ll just walk with the bike in his hands.
🚲 He would probably like study dates a lot, it means he can spend time with you and do his studies. Maybe the two of you can help each other in different subjects and getting to know each other’s interests along with it.
🚲 ‘what would you do if you caught me eating bugs?’ ‘Why would you eat bugs?’ ‘I don’t know, but if i did. Would you break up with me?’ ‘Probably. I will not be with a bug muncher.’
🚲 If he’s staying over at your place, expect that he assumes its just a sleep over. It’s quite literally too. He’ll be in bed on time and sleeping. Even if he wants to be ‘rebellious’ it’s in his mind and soul that he sleeps on time and gets enough rest.
🚲 If he reads any good books he’ll recommend them to you so that he has someone to discuss the book with, especially if he has to read the book for school. That way he can prepare for the test and bond with you.
🚲 He would want you to get along with his friends. Minu and Dom aren’t super difficult to get along with and would probably tease Jay for having a girlfriend since he was so ‘uninterested’ in girls. Vinny wouldn’t really care and Yuna and Mia would get along with you very well , perhaps even make you their trio
🚲 if you’re a foreigner he’ll guide you trough some basic Korean things like the food, clothes, manners, language. Anything you want. In return he would like to know about your home country and culture as well. He likes the fact that the two of you are so different yet can like each for that same reason at the same time
🚲 Jay actually doesn’t talk a lot in general, so it also means he doesn’t talk much about himself. This means that most of the things he likes or dislikes can be noticed by his expression or body language. If you for example pick up that he’s uncomfortable and help him in the situation it will make him smile a bit out of graduate for you. He isn’t used to others picking up on his demeanor, especially since he’s considered a cold person
🚲 ‘jay! Are you available today?’ ‘Only until 7. Then i have to be home and study.’ ‘Didn’t you leave your mom’s house again?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Where will you stay.’ ‘With you.’ ‘Oh? Well we can invite Dom and Minu too! Maybe even Vinny. Do you think he’ll come?’ ‘If you have food then probably yes.’
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That’s all yall (I’m still not finished reading)
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lavalampravus · 2 days ago
HP Fans stfu already pls tyyy
I left the fandom some time ago but have gotten more and more posts in my feed recently. And I'm completely confused about how we're still at the same place/ maybe even further behind than we were years ago.
I haven't read any HP FFs lately, not even ATYD (?) when it came out, but since then I've seen a hunger portion of the fandom be interested in the marauders era. Which is great imo!
But how come we're still doing the anti/pro Snape/James shit?
Is fandom culture dead?
Yes. In other fandoms and on social media I have noticed this as well but there is a reason why AO3 is a great FF platform! No censorship with a great tagging system, perfect for "don't like, don't read". There is a reason for that system. If something genuinely triggers you, you filter it out. If you don't want something specific in your fanfic, you filter it out. And if you don't, YOU CHECK THE TAGS before you read. This also goes for Tumblr and other platforms. Dead dove do not eat and don't like, don't read go hand in hand.
So: if you don't want to hear about what the other side has to say, just block the tag or scroll past it. Simple as that. As well as the other way around, if you say something, you tag it so people who don't want to see that can filter it out. If you post something anti Snape, and don't tag it as that, you don't get to complain about pro Snape ppl interacting. This also goes the other way.
You don't HAVE to interact with people whose opinion you don't share, this is the Internet, so stop complaining and just use the block feature.
Why is ANTI Snape worse than pro Snape?
Obviously being anti ANYTHING is not bad. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is my opinion about the anti *thing* tag with the example of anti Snape. This could also be about Anti James, etc.
People talking about characters they like, no matter for which reason, is great. Characters are never saints. Debating certain opinions about the character and the actions they did is important and fun. This also goes about why you don't like a character. But the most important part about this is being respectful while doing so.
Just posting about why a certain character is an asshole in your opinion is a part of fandom culture and has its place. Feel free to debate your opinions. But if you see someone posting "X/Y is my favorite character :3 and this is the reason:.." doesn't mean you should go ahead and comment "but weren't they X? So you're excusing Y behavior? Why would that be your favorite when they are obviously Z?" That is not the place for a debate. If you want one, ask for one. But don't use people's posts being happy about their favorite character to hate on them when they didn't ask for it.
Like I said, this is not just about "Snape is a death eater Nazi equivalent bully of kids", but also about "James (/*other marauder*) bullied and SA'ed Snape for no reason and harassed Lily for years", as well as other characters and fandoms!
What happened during the marauders era?
We have certain parts in the books and movies that indicate what has happened during that time and even more about what happened after. Both the books and the movies are canon. Having characters without certain knowledge about what happened/ how they were like when they were younger is great for HC's! This gives writers more freedom to write than having to make up their own complete story or when writing about characters that do exist and having to tag everything OOC or AU. You HAVE to expect things to be "OOC" when there are nearly no facts.
This is why Jegulus is so popular. Regulus is a watered down Snape in fanfictions imo, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't ship it. It just gives people more creative freedom while writing that 'Savior x victim, forbidden romance, redeemed and saved Slytherin' type, which I PERSONALLY prefer with Jeverus.
Neither Snape nor James were saints!
As already said in the two parts above, there is a constant debate about which character is bad and why. I like both Snape and James, so I won't advocate for either. But people need to realize these characters are both not great people. Simply because one person is worse doesn't mean the other was great. Just because I say that James was a bully to Snape without any reason (since Snape was not a death eater as a student) and he was a rich entitled brat for harassing Lily by not accepting her no, DOESN'T MEAN I don't also believe that Snape was an unfit teacher with his bullying to his students, shouldn't have called people slurs and shouldn't have stayed a death eater 'just to be a spy'. People speaking out about either side are not asking for your opinion or believe either of that behavior can be excused.
Every character is flawed. Even Lily, the rest of the marauders and just, well, everyone.
Getting personal is disgusting behavior and you deserve everything bad that happens to you!
I have seen people genuinely tell people that if they like Snape, they deserve to get bullied. People have also said that to James fans. Bullying is never okay and I hope you guys start thinking about what you're saying. So stfu.
Same with death threats. Are you guys actually that chronically online and disgusting that you wish people death, illnesses and a genuinely bad life for liking/ disliking FICTION CHARACTERS??
Another thing I have heard people say, is that Snape fans are Nazis. I am German. The right wing party AfD is more prominent than ever. They got promoted by Musk. And the so called political middle party (CDU/CSU) spoke about working with the AfD. It is never okay to call people Nazis for liking a certain character (except when the person tells you that they are against immigrants, women, the lgbtq community, aka minorities & vulnerable communities of any kind). Look at Germany, look at the USA, LOOK AT THE WORLD. Go after the real right wing disgusting pieces of shit and nazis. Stop watering down what Nazis were. How it started.
Words have meaning. Using them has consequences. The internet is not a punishment- and law-free area.
Remember: Don't support JKR!
And have a great day <3
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I'm unable to go anywhere or do anything because of my stomach/bowel problems, and I feel so alone. doctors and hospitals don't help or know what's wrong, and i don't know what to do. I feel like I'll never get to go anywhere or do anything. (I get symptoms like stomach ache, nausea, acid reflux, diarrhoea, or constipation after I eat anything), so I'm unable to go anywhere where I'd have to eat. (so anywhere longer than a few hours.)
do you or anyone else have any experience in this or any advice?
i have been exactly where u r
i developed gerd in the spring of 2023
i made changes to my diet only to find out i have ibs n food allergies - i cant eat a lot of raw vegetables n fruits n nuts bc im allergic to them but i cant eat processed foods bc of my gerd either
so i have a limited diet n take magnesium capsules everyday bc i cant eat leafy green vegetables
but i definitely lived in fear for months n had a lot of anxiety abt eating n also my proximity to a bathroom. i was taking zofran around the clock n would keep a handful of tums in my pocket in case i started to have reflux
i felt like i wouldnt ever be able to enjoy food or the act of eating again. n so much of hanging out w ppl involves eating. i dont think ppl realize how much culture n socialization revolves around food until ur suddenly hyper vigilant abt what ur eating. also how hard life is when each n every meal brings w it the fear n anxiety of experiencing symptoms.
anyways my doc prescribed me anti anxiety meds n a ppi to get the reflux symptoms under control. n she told me to go to therapy. At first that rlly upset me being told my stomach problems were anxiety related n basically feeling like my doc was telling me its “all in my head” bc i knew it was psychosomatic i knew what i was going thru was real
but i started therapy n my therapist suggested i read a book called the body keeps the score by bessel van der kolk n it changed my perspective on the whole thing.
things like pills diets n exercise can definitely help get things under control- n idk what all u have tried n what all the docs n hospital have given u in terms of tools to work w ur undiagnosed conditions -but understanding the mind-body connection n how ur body holds n manages stress can rlly rlly help when it comes to actually managing chronic illness. bc chronic illness is tied to chronic childhood trauma which is often a pattern thats repeated in adulthood too. doctors can only do so much when it comes to treating the body but they have have no idea how to treat the mind. while i hated my doc telling me take anti anxiety meds n go to therapy initially now im very very thankful she knew that was smth that was behind her scope n so she sent to someone who knew how to give me the help i needed. bc if i hadnt gone to therapy id still be stuck at home locked in a prison of fear.
i go out to eat now. i had movie theater popcorn for the first time in 2 yrs last month. i can eat a greasy fast food cheeseburger. these things i only indulge in once a month bc i dont want my gerd symptoms to come back again but they r things i can do.
n bc ik n understand my own stressors ik how to prepare for things like that to keep my gerd n ibs managed. ik to make sure i only eat a gerd safe diet during times of stress n to avoid the greasy processed foods bc ill be more likely to have reflux then.
recovery rlly is a long journey n the medical field rlly is incompetent when it come to chronic illness. i wish u the best of luck on ur journey n i hope u get some relief soon 🙏
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vaspider · 3 months ago
It would be a different kind of shitty, yes. This kind of shitty? It has its roots in John Calvin's philosophies. Without John Calvin, we would have a different kind of shitty, but this specific kind of shitty is very much due to the effects of Calvinism on the development and mindsets of cultures and countries where Protestant philosophies derived from Calvinism are pervasive.
How do I know? Well, aside from the fact that a bunch of very smart people have studied this for a very long time, we can directly trace the effects of Calvinism through history and watch those effects, and we can see the difference in mindset and history between Calvinism-primary Western countries and countries where Calvinism never took hold.
Nobody is in this thread saying that Calvinism is the only sole cause of all the world's ills. We are saying the specific type of awful that a bunch of us is in fact heavily Calvinist.
The only mistake in this part of the conversation is y'all confusing people talking about how culture affects people's mindsets with us thinking that the world would be super cool and everything would be fixed if he hadn't been born. It's kinda like:
Me: Have you ever wondered why so much of the mandatory pie that we get forced to eat in these particular places is apple pie and why the crust is always burned? Well, it's because of the Pie-Burning Apple Man. That's why lemon pie is more common in other places in Europe, for example. I really hate how the mandatory pie we all have to eat is like 90% of the time apple pie with a burned crust in the places that the Pie-Burning Apple Man's recipes took hold. People like me keep trying to eat more cake with little sugar dreidels on top, and people who like Pie-Burning Apple Man keep slapping it out of our hands. It sucks. We don't believe that you should have to eat burned pie now to get unburned pie later!
You: You can't blame the existence of forced pie consumption on Calvin. People would find a way to justify that.
Yeah, we fucking know, that's why we're only talking about why the pie is the pie from Pie-Burning Apple Man's recipe and how much we dislike that particular variety of mandatory pie.
It's pretty funny to have branches of this thread where Dutch ppl are chiming in with how much of their entire national character is formed by Calvinism, and Americans are breaking down how this affects their daily lives, and then over here...
Me, starting a video that says it's going to explain how Victorian poorhouses fucked up the concept of charity forever: ok, show me what you've got
Video: it starts with the ideas of the Christian philosopher --
Video: -- John Calvin
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cloveroctobers · 4 years ago
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IG info/bio: @/callmetalia333 | 524k followers | Journalist | TALIA. but u may have formerly known me as user: brdf0rdsvasquiff—rip!!!1! so don’t even think about it 😌
(23) 25 going on (26) years of age
I’ve read a canon that her name is just Talia and not short for anything & I agree with that + she’s always quick to correct someone if they get it wrong too
Her hometown is Watford, England
but she was originally born in Maidenhead in the backseat of a car during a severe rainstorm
Nonetheless watford taught her all she needed to know when it came to music
She found her first love when she heard the sound of music soundtrack for the v first time as a young girl but is often nervous to admit that?
her father is Brazilian and is a firefighter
her mother is Bulgarian and works as a secretary in a elementary school
her mother is more traditional than her father when it comes to their cultures
I originally felt like she gave only child vibes but I can deff see her giving off big sis energy since she did mention she has a younger brother
V protective over her little brother
there’s a three year age difference
her parents have separated multiple times before which caused a riff in the family dynamic
The constant coming and going from her dad became quite irritating
And Talia was the most vocal by wanting them to figure it out and NOT get a divorce
Which led to talia’s commitment issues when it came to relationships herself
was born with blue eyes yet they shifted to brown once she grew
“Tom-boy” growing up & still is
netball was her sport and man was it something to see her play?! She was quick on her feet and can definitely shoot far-range with ease
Always down for contact sports too
She lost count how many bruises and scrapes she would come home with much to her mother’s horror but she would always brush it off—it was never that big of a deal to her
yet she takes time in healing her scars with homemade treatments or purchases from beauty stores when she wants to show her legs off
she didn’t get into “girly” wear until recently, she never thought too much of her body or when she started to get curves...she always hid that behind big tee’s, fitted jeans, and kicks—that’s what she was used to
she’s got broad shoulders and toned arms
had thick bushy brows that almost formed a uni brow growing up
her mother used to have her hair always plaited since she is very superstitious, believing that “the devil lives in the woman’s hair”
yet talia’s hair texture was much different than her mother’s, maybe due to the fact that her mother always had her hair up and out of the way? Talia’s hair is much bigger, heavier, and naturally curly
+ her mother used to say some harsh things in Bulgarian about her hair — that says a lot when you’re taught to hate your hair trust!!!
when she got a little older and able to manage her own hair + afford it, She learned how to love it herself and that’s all that mattered. Her hair became v important to her, it was her source of comfort
that’s the only thing she’s high maintenance about tbh
she spends a lot of money on her hair but devacurl can still piss off
diffusing is one of her fav things to do to her hair—besides washing it, and deep conditioning, after a night of letting her hair air-dry
loves rose jam
has a embroidery machine, along with a collection of her work but only one piece is showcased in her flat. She didn’t want her place to look completely like her bába’s (Bulgarian: grandmother)
her closet is filled with many Havaianas, they’re all piled up in a wicker basket and ready to tumble over on her top shelf... if she moves one of the ceramic pots her mother left in her flat for luck, that whole shelf might come crashing down
Swears drinking guaraná the next morning cures any hangover you may have
commonly sleeps in big t-shirts and panties or not or booty shorts depending on her time of the month—it’s freeing to her
Has torn her achilles due to whatever contact sport she decided to join in on during a beach vacation with her mates
has a touch of arthritis in her shoulder
this is where her love for massages came from due to injuries she’s faced
+ It’s always a good sign when you can make someone else feel better ya know?
She’s been told she’s great with her hands ;) it all takes practice
bi mami *cringe* but she likes what she likes, and feels what she feels
she kinda has a type but doesn’t want to admit that
her mother doesn’t understand this but her father easily accepted her preference/orientation
her little brother was the first she came out to, “alright!...you still suck”
always wants to fix situations WHEN it comes to HER friends but is oblivious when it’s come to her own issues whether its in relationships/friendships +
was called out by one of her friends who she often argues/butts heads with from time to time “you’re always sticking your nose in people’s business but can’t solve your own shit!”
maybe it’s the journalist in her? she’s not afraid to ask questions or look at things from a outside perspective
her group of friends are all from different ethnic backgrounds to Indian to Ethiopian
has been in and out of relationships...maybe had one stable relationship? Outside of mc but that relationship failed after a year and she feels it has something to do with her parents and how she watched their relationship unfold but won’t openly admit that
Doesn’t like to argue in relationships and often is a little undermining with how she responses to her partner’s feelings...she’s trying to be better at being understanding and listening, her mother is like this with her father
Aquarius girl + Scorpio moon + Taurus rising
loves the water + watching water sports rather than playing them since she almost drowned once by letting her confidence get the best of her
used to be a directioner and isn’t ashamed to admit that!
take me home album stan 100% bitch there’s no point in arguing!!! Buh bye!!!
She is ashamed however to admit that she used to write for them, mostly ziam fics with a touch of Harry thrown in the mix as well...take that how u will
has a few merch pieces as well, they’re mostly loungewear + that powdery perfume they dropped. YES she still has it, no she won’t sell it to u
still supports them on the low since you know, she’s a music journalist and reviewing songs is what she makes a living for so why the hell not? They will always hold a special place in her heart. She grew with those boys
she’s not in denial like Hannah that they’re get back together
If someone wants her to film a reaction vid to zayn’s new album or release a written review? She WILL. Her top 3? 1. When loves around ft Syd 2. Outside 3. Unfuckwitable
If someone wants to hear her thoughts on Harry’s mv’s + breaking down his lyrics, she’ll tell you what you NEED to know whether U agree or not she don’t give a damn lol
Can throw hands and stomp a bitch out if she needs too. Has gotten kicked out of clubs/bars for defending her friends mainly not because someone chatted shit to her, that’s whatever but once you cross her friends? It’s on
Allegra got lucky 🦶🏼☕️ and Lucy
remained super close with jake and tim as expected...Rohan’s cool too ofc! but she’s not here for their rapping shit sorry. She’ll hit them both with a quick side eye and snarl if they start or if jake wants to recite some poetry. She’s outta here
Talia hardly had issues making friends easily with the boys it was always harder with the girls :/
they hang out all the time!
she actually became close with sammi as well, which was nice to have another girl friend around even tho they weren’t together in the house long like the others. She’s spontaneous, cute, resourceful, and kind so talia had no issue reaching out to her first to see what she was about outside of the show
don’t even ask her about what she thinks of the new seasons, she’s not here to chat shit and have her words twisted like she’s watched many of the cast deal with. If you want to talk about the over kill use of pop as the soundtrack for each season, then yeah she’ll talk to you about that
doesn’t use social media much, she finds it funny how whenever she does pop back in people are begging her to post SOMETHING so that they know that she’s alive
Pretty private
she also can’t grasp why they want her to do the bussit challenge? Lmao like hey don’t get her wrong, some of them were pretty great but she’s barely got a bum to bounce and little booties matter ofc!!! but she can’t see herself doing it unless she’s drunk off her arse!!!
maybe mc can convince her...for the fans duh!!! “Give the ppl what they want! Talia! It’s not like you won’t be around music!” “I’ll think about it...nah.”
she’s been busier since the show, able to tour more and WRITE which is what she loves to do
Her secret pleasure is watching those nurse shows and firefighting shows in her free time and those singing shows you already know that’s a given
Wanted to be some form of a nurse growing up but knew she could help people in another way
*inserts* “music Is The best Medicine” overused but true quote here!!
I feel like she’s a r&b lover
listens to those hour long rain sounds on YouTube to help herself fall asleep
she‘s not the best cook but she’s a foodie and she’s down to try new food always
occasionally her and Tim are jake’s Guinea pigs when he’s whipping something up for his menu 
and hates eating the same things all the time unless it’s breakfast! There’s not too much more you can do with that
that’s also her specialty, making breakfast for u in bed
Morning afters with her are intimate but humorous. She’ll poke fun if you’re both looking crazy, always joking and in the best mood whether things got physical or not she’s just happy to have you here 🥲
I think her love language is quality time
if you’re playing her route and Lucy is the ex, and you’ve decided to fully commit to each other I deff see Lucy still trying to pull some shit outside of the show just because she feels like she can but once Talia see’s that it’s really starting to get to you despite how much you try to brush it off or snap at Lucy or even Talia!!! Talia is on Lucy’s ass in seconds! She doesn’t need a ex to ruin her possible future , “you’re not gonna fuck up this good thing I’ve got just cause you’re flimsy at relationships babe, so go be a cunt somewhere else or you’ll be sorry. I promise.”
anthem: Snow Tha Product — Shut up
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liquidstar · 1 year ago
Hi I've seen ppl tag this saying that they'll use it for writing or OC stuff and I think that's REALLY COOL, so I figured I could give you some more context too. This post is already kinda long tho, so I'll just put the rest under a readmore:
First of all, I don't think I made it clear what they were really about, beyond being a "working class subculture." Their ideals basically center around a denouement of anything bourgeois- They're very anti-authority. They might also be communists (My papou was, and notably raised children who would spraypaint stuff like "μπάτσοι γουρούνοι δολοφόνοι" (cops are murderous pigs) around town, so thats the kinda anti-authority we're dealing with). The arm being worn improperly out of the jacket might have been a symbol of this, not really on a "We agree this is what it means" kinda way, but in the sense that it showed a lack of care for wearing the suit the "right" way, mimicking a cape. The one-sleeved-jacket was also why they had the characteristic limped walk.
There's another explanation for the sleeve thing though... Stabbings. The idea is that if they were attacked by a member of another gang, they could wrap their sleeve jacket around the attacker's arm to protect themselves from being stabbed. I don't know how realistic that is, but it would be cool in a fight scene! This may have also been why they wore thick fabrics as belts, it protected a lot of their vitals. Again, these guys all carry around knives all the time, stabbings happen.
Also (And this is totally on me for using black and white pics) the outfits actually do have some pops of color! Red is the most common, especially on the belt. peep these:
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These are all super caricatured depictions of course, but you can spot pretty much any stereotype on them because of this. The komoloi in all their hands, the knives in the fabric belts (Right seems to have a gun), the hats, mustaches, the arm out the jacket (Right and left), and the bouzouki for rebetiko music (Middle). You can see where they'd usually place the red on their belts or ties.
(The right image is especially caricatured because its from "Karagiozi," a puppet theater in which most characters play in these types of Greek cultural stereotypes. The main guy, Karagiozi, is literally a stereotypical poor drunk working greek guy, his famous slogan is, "We will eat, we will drink, and starving we will sleep." A lot of the characters from the past dont hold up and arent used as commonly, but the mangas one is pretty safe)
Of course, it doesnt have to be red, again these are caricatures of what's most popular. You can use any colors you want in a character design. Here's a super colorful picture of a bar fight:
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Even with the bright colors you can't mistake what they are! If you look closely their arms are not in the jacket sleeves, once again! Plus, since its a bar fight it's the perfect time to take out those knives. Their ties are matched to the colors of their belts too, which is just good fashion sense, I'm sure. Also theres an MP that seems to be about to intervene. Again, manges hate authority. If you know anything about Greek history, you'd know its not just a typical "I hate being told what to do" attitude either, but the government was incredibly oppressive- there are lots of horror stories I could share from family, but thats neither here nor there. The point is there really was something they were rebelling against.
Oh, you didn't read all that because you were thinking, "Is that a fucking hookah?" yes it is.
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They were super common, and actually part of the reason komboloi were popular too. Even to this day one of the things that "Worry beads" are marketed to people, especially tourists, for is to help you quit smoking. They don't actually help you quit on their own, and most manges werent trying to, but what it does is keep your hands busy when youre craving a hit.
Pic on the right is also an album cover, so you might be wondering what kind of music these guys actually listened to. Well, its not exactly punk rock, and by today's standards it's sort of just seen as old timey, but this is exactly it:
Lyrically most of the songs tend to be about the reality of being a working class urban citizen at this time. Or really, any time. That hasn't changed, and thats why they stay classics. They can be about crime, violence, sex, drugs, poverty, love, war, death, family, whatever. They're not always sad either, sometimes they celebrate their lives through this. But what's important to understand is where the style came from, I'm sort of going to use a Wikipedia quote here because I cant put it better
The womb of rebetika was the jail and the hash den. It was there that the early rebetes created their songs. They sang in quiet, hoarse voices, unforced, one after the other, each singer adding a verse which often bore no relation to the previous verse, and a song often went on for hours. There was no refrain, and the melody was simple and easy. One rebetis accompanied the singer with a bouzouki or a baglamas (a smaller version of the bouzouki, very portable, easy to make in prison and easy to hide from the police), and perhaps another, moved by the music, would get up and dance. The early rebetika songs, particularly the love songs, were based on Greek folk songs and the songs of the Greeks of Smyrna and Constantinople.
Wikipedia also lists the important tenants of the music as, "Love, joy, and, sorrow." However, I think this is a rough translation. The word "Kefi" is translated as "Joy," but does not have an exact english counterpart. It's a passion deep within your soul, that yearns to be physically let out. This "Kefi" is where art and music comes from. It's also why Greek people break plates at parties! It's to let out your kefi. (Going back to the OG post- Stimming is letting out your kefi too!)
Anyway this is all very traditional stuff, so if you're trying to write a modern mangas... It's honestly a bit of a different story! (Though a traditional guy in a modern setting is fun). You could get away with just sort of writing a tough arrogant guy in general, and he'd still be labeled a "Mangas" because that term has sort of just become shorthand for "Tough guy" nowadays (Kind of like "Punk" doesnt always mean... Punk.) But there are some things like...
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Stereotypes that sort of get perpetuated through movies, for example! This is one from the late 1960s. The super buttoned down shirt wasnt that common of a thing way back when, but it seems to have become more of a thing over time (You can see it in that album cover from before), and media may have aided in that. The belts are also just regular belts and carrying a visible knife isn't as much of a thing (He might still have one on him tho). Also the necklace is important, i cannot stress enough how Greek fuckboys who wanna look tough will always be wearing a chain, often with a cross or icon (Mostly to be aesthetic rather than religious). Fashion from the 1900s-1960s is obviously going to change a bit. Also, holy crap that shirt on the right is yellow as hell.
Anyway uhhh this post was originally about komboloi remember? I feel like some people didn't fully understand how the "Stimming" with them works- It's not just sort of playing with the individual beads, you do tricks! It's cool to know the tricks, boosts your komboloi status. Check out this video:
So yeah! I hope this helps anyone who would wanna write a character with the "mangas" archetype. Even if you wanna do a traditional one in a modern setting, I think that's a fun sort of trope! It would also be cool to do a rare woman mangas lol. In general, it's an archetype you don't really see outside of Greece, so I think people being interested by it is really cool! Even if you don't wanna write anything about it yourself, and you just wanted to learn a bit about a different country's subcultures, thats also really cool!
Thanks for reading ^_^
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stim toys for old greek men ^
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fucker-anon · 4 years ago
Bloody Painter Headcanons
am i gonna write about helen even tho no one cares? fUCK YEA @creepy-bi-day hope you enjoy. Im still not a writer sorry :/. also my personal hcs, its okay to disagree. Also dark themes again. 
Bloody Painter
was born on Oct 1st, 1980, fully name Helen Otis
mother is white, father is Japanese
is an only child. Helen’s parents had a very difficult time in getting pregnant like yeeeaaars (10 ish) and they also really wanted a girl. Like in their head, they would be getting a girl. and when they did get pregnant the ultra scan did show a girl. so they were in shock when a boy popped out. 
they no likely. Since helen’s mom was a teacher, they decided to raise the boy as a girl and simply homeschool them until they had to go to college, once there they could simply transition into a girl. This is how they thought trans people were so they thought they’ll do the same to get a girl (This was obliviously wrong)
so they tried to do that but mother couldn’t get the needed forms and paperwork to homeschool Helen so they had to go to school. so their parents decided the best thing to do was to make them as manly as possible in 6 months. so everything pink and girl (lots of which were comfort items like plushies, and art things) were thrown out in front of poor 6 year old Helen who didn’t understand what was happening. Helen couldn’t do art, couldn’t wear certain clothes, couldn’t say certain things. punishments weren’t physical but there was a lot of yelling.
around the 3 month before school started, their parents decided that maybe Helen should meet their grandparents (parents kept giving excuses why they couldn’t visit). everything was going swell until the grandparents on the father’s side asked why name their BOY a GIRL name. before the parents could say anything, helen said “cause im a girl?” ... yaaaa queerphobic grandparents and little helen didn’t get along. plus helen was white passing so asian grandparents blamed their mom.
parents cut contact with the grandparents, and yelled at helen a lot. (poor bby) this mental abuse continued over 3 months and caused helen to stop talking and start repressing a lot of his feeling which his parents encouraged cause “”bOYs donT hAve fEeLinGs””
in school, the parents told the teacher that there was a mix up when filling out his name and that they should call him Otis. Of course one teacher messed up and called him Helen, and then they got a lot of comments form their peers, but they learned not to say that they were a girl at this point. 
helen was lightly bullied for his name, and when they tried to tell a teacher they were told to “man up :))” 
and so more repressing feelings
it wasn’t until middle school where someone (a kid who they later learned was named tom), stole and planted a watch of another girl into helen’s bag. This meant helen’s bullying got a lot worse. Before it was a comment here or there, now it was physical and a lot often. this is also when he began to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression.
he slowly became friends with Tom, who was also bullied a lot. But one day Tom took Helen to the roof where Tom confessed into planting the watch. Helen was very upset, and the two started to argue when Tom slipped off the edge, Helen tried to hold on to Tom, but Tom let go of his hand. Tom dead.
there was an investigation done, and Helen wasn’t in trouble as some students and teachers said how they saw him hold onto Tom. The school was given a speech about how bullying was bad, and tried to get things back to normal. Helen’s bully did die down, tho lots of ppl tried to spread rumors about how he pushed Tom. 
his parents were more upset over how this would look and not about Helen’s mental health. Helen never told them about the bulling. 
When high school started, the bullies acted as if nothing happened. and on Halloween, Helen snapped and killed 5 of the main bullies. He was caught and sent to a mental hospital. 
so you think that finally, Helen can get the help they need right :)). ahhah no....
so the hospital did diagnose Helen with depression and a mild case of anxiety, but basically put them on pills. the actually therapist had a very hard time getting Helen to open up. this is because the on their first session helen started with his gender identity, and the therapist told him “look you are biologically a boy, so you must be a boy :))” and when they said that sometimes he felt more comfortable when they were more fem, they was told that was wrong. 
so helen shut up like a clam cause they did not feel safe with this guy
at least they learned how to somewhat manage their depression and anxiety :)
once helen turned 18 he was released, and Helen decided to be an artist and not kill. but he saw another one of his bullies and said fuck it.
slender saw and was like “i like this child. imma adopt them”
and Helen joined the mansion
look Helen was mocked and betrayed by basically every person in their life, they don’t trust ppl
they are nice, but they don’t new people
if you’re nice they’ll be nice, if you’re mean they’ll be mean, simple
cold hearted, look if you are neutral to them and get run over by car they wont do anything. the world was shit to them, they’re shit back.
quiet. like Helen could be inches away and you still won’t hear them
buttttt if you get close (good luck) you see a passionate, kinda nerdy, very kinda touch starved, sarcastic person who just lived a shitty life. 
Fun Facts:
k mans has a 6 inch dick, 7 when hard, but is thick, and stretches you out-
*cough* moving on-
bi sexual. Helen has a very hard time acknowledging romantic feelings but is down to date the girls, gays and theys. again good luck getting there but it may happen.
gender fluid Helen has come a long way and their gender identity has ranged from girl, boy, both, none and yes. They’ve settled on gender-neutral pronouns but doesn’t hate being called she/her or he/him usually. On a bad day, they can’t say the same. 
Called them painter. The only ppl who can called them by their birth names are ppl who are close to them. On fem days, they like Helen. On masc days, they like Otis. Sometimes they don’t care, sometimes they just wanna be called painter. If you’re not sure and you actually care just ask, he’ll say what day it is. usually they dress accordingly, but still if you’re not sure ask, they’ll prefer it.
Speaking of clothes, the fit??? is on point???? like imagine dark academia with more blues, blacks and tans. Helen looks like the protagonist of a boarding school au.
they will wear skirt and dresses and corsets, and do they’re (slightly basic) hair and makeup.
some creeps (jeff) tried to make fun of helen for this. And when you look at Helen you dont think that they’re much of a fight. Helen’s lean and kinda thin (kid doesn’t eat a lot), but Helen did karate for year cause their dad wanted their “perfectly normal son” to do something manly and kinda close to their culture. Helen learned how to fight with a very good guard and how to be very fast but not so much strong. Wasn’t until he got out of the mental hospital did he learn about pressure points, specially those that dont need a lot pressure :) you see where this is going. 
Basically Helen is that one movie character who touches a spot on someone's neck and they pass out. (this is the best i can describe it, they dont do this exactly but similar things) 
also very talented at art and arty things. like annoyingly good. he’ll try wood craving and make amazing things after only learning about it an hour ago. Current draws online and does online commissions to pay for his coffee
actually likes hunting, not with gun but with like bows an arrows. they dont hunt often cause they like animals
has to finish whatever they’re working on. please force this baby into bed
has a coffee addiction
likes classical music and lofi. 
dont talk about the whole painting with blood thing, they were 14, it was cringey, they know
hair is like chin length ish, its black with waves, so if they wanna be masc they can tie it up and when its fem, they can let it down and straighten it 
forgets to eat, feed them
k this is long. As you can see I can also write a whole essay about Helen. I will write about Helen’s and Johnny friendship, along with the other creeps later. but im tired. 
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eye-cri · 5 years ago
aaaa I just couldn’t resist wanting to do this! Alphabet hcs (Fluff/Sfw style~) 
I’m gonna do this for both Najlynn and Aidma!!! 
A is for Adventure: something they haven’t done but have always wanted to
Both: Travel around the world and experience different cultures and have pure wild adventures to get to see beautiful sights. And they’d also want to help those they see that are in need of help and put them in a good place.
B is for Butterflies: How they act when they’re nervous
Aidma: Fidgets a lot. Usually she’ll fidget with her hands and kind of shift in place. It seems to get on other people’s nerves though.... 
Najlynn: Her feet tap a lot on the floor and she’ll fidget her tongue in her mouth. Her eyes can’t seem to stay focused either. 
C is for Crush: what is it like when they have a crush? How do they know/act?
Aidma: She’ll be blushing more around them. When she gets even just a simple complement she’ll go shy mode. But she can still interact with them casually of course. She’d most likely find out about the crush when she’s taking one of her nature walks. Shy complement giver but she wants to show that she notices the little things about her crush. 
Najlynn: Smiley smiley :). She’ll be your little comedian. She makes people fall for her through her jokes for the most part. She’d give you complements confidently a good amount too~
D is for Date: describe an ideal date for them
Both: They don’t really have date ideals just as long as both sides enjoy the time spent together that’s enough for them ❤ 
E is for Essential: what is one thing they could NEVER go without
Aidma: Well,,, support. trauma still haunts her to this day and she appreciates every bit of support she gets. I don’t think she’d still be here if she hadn’t had support.... 
Najlynn: Her close friends that understand her thick and through. They are her shields from the hate she gets for just being her (because she’s  pan-sexual and poly-amorous).
F is for Favorite: a favorite anything- food, place, smell, book, etc.
Aidma: Spicy chips are one of her favorite snacks. Any lake/pond is a favorite place of her’s. wood, flowing water and however Zeus smells are her favorite scents. :> Her favorite books are academia books. 
Najlynn: Macaroons with whipped cream and coffee is her favorite snack. Cafes, parks and board walks are her favorite places. Flowers, books, freshly gritted coffee beans and grass are her favorite scents. Her favorite books are also academia books (but she leans towards light and romantic academia books). 
G is for Giggle: how they laugh/what makes them laugh
Aidma: Usually it starts out soft and she’ll be covering her mouth but it goes further it’d get a a bit louder and she’ll be clutching her stomach. Sometimes she just bursts out in loud laughter but tbh its rare. 
Najlynn: She always purses her lips before laughing. always. And she never holds back, she can sometimes be the loudest laugher which can sometimes cause people to look at her weirdly but she never notices it.
Both: They both snort a bit in their laughs and i find that really cute uwu
H is for Holding Hands: Do they like holding hands? Are their hands warm or cold? Pinky promises?
Aidma: Y E S PLZ. her hands are warm uwu. also a big yes for pinky promises. Pinky promises are extremely important to her and if you break it then you break a lil piece of her :( 
Najlynn: handholding is such a cute thing to do in her eyes so yes. her hands are actually cold! Pinky promises she sees as cute childish things to do. she usually doesn’t take them seriously but if the other person takes them seriously then she will too. 
I is for Inside Joke: something they do that everyone thinks is funny but they don’t understand
Aidma: When she’s mad at Zeus she’ll call him pin-chan or pinny just because he hates it. He said “those are to much of childish names” for him lol. He especially hates it when its in front of people. 
Najlynn: She likes adding the word girl in the most serious of sentences. ex “I am sorry for the death of your father girl”. Some kind of dark humor that is..... 
J is for Jinx: Are they Superstitious?
Both: No, they usually make fun of superstitious people together. 
K is for Kiss: how do they kiss?
Aidma: usually soft, and full of emotions. They leave you with a nice fluttery feeling. But when she’s horni she’ll be very passionate and you’ll be left to have to catch your breath. 
Najlynn: itty bitty kisses and even though they were little, because there were so much you have to catch your breath. 
L is for Love Languge: what is their love language? How do they give and how would they like to receive love?
Aidma: whether subtle or not, she gives constant reminders that she loves them. gifts, hand holding, cuddles, hugs and ect are her ways of expressing love. But she prefers to be shown love physically. You don’t even have to say the words to her, but affectionate touches are her favorite way of getting love.She also likes looking into the eyes of her lover lovingly and seeing the same look on their face looking at her (even tho she’s really shy about this).
Najlynn: She likes whispering sweet nothings to her lover and seeing their reaction. That’s her favorite way of showing love. She also likes getting shown physical affection.
M is for Meant to be: how/when they know someone is “the one”
Aidma: That when she spends time with them, it seems to go by so fast. That’s honestly what she really wants with someone. 
Najlynn: That they’re okay with how she wants the relationship to be and it actually ends up working out. it never seems to work out with any body like this and she just wants someone who is cool with being in a polyamorous relationship. 
N is for Nickname: a nickname they would have or their favorite thing to be called
Aidma: her nicknames are: Adi, Didi/Di, Dia and, Mani
Najlynn: her nicknames are: Naji, Naj, Nana, JeJe (its pronounced zhe zhe) DISCLAIMER: NEVER CALL NAJLYNN, LYNN. just don’t. She hates it and will end up breaking your arm if you do. 
O is for Organization: are they clean or messy?
Aidma: clean for the most part, sometimes she is a little messy but later she’d end up cleaning it up. But she can get really messy on stressful days.
Najlynn: I mean, she’s kinda messy but her sister always ends up nagging her to clean up after herself so she ends up cleaning it up. 
P is for Pet Peeve: What’s something they absolutely CAN’T stand?
Aidma: Strangers and non close friends who don’t get personal space. and constant small noises(like the ticking of a clock).
Najlynn: Being asked personal questions from non close people. like yeah she’s an open person but not that open. 
Q is for Quiet: What do they do for peace of mind
Aidma: Nature walks, eat sugary foods, cuddle with her lover or get her emotions out by drawing
Najlynn: Scents really have a calming affect on her so she’d try to go somewhere that has one of her favorite scents. cuddling with someone also calms her pretty well.
S is for Soft: Describe their softest feature
Aidma: smile, laughter, basically her whole body. :3
Najlynn: her voice is loud but somehow soft?? idk how to explain it. her lips look so soft when she smiles i wouldn’t be mad if u wanted to kiss her right there when she smiles. 
T is for Telephone: are they a talker or a texter? How often do they use their phone? (modern au ofc)
Aidma: she switches btw liking to talk over the phone/facetime/txting. Usually, she doesn’t use her phone much, like around 1h some days or 5h other days. depends 
Najlynn: She likes txting better. sometimes she likes to facetime but its rare tbh. she uses her phone a lot, like around 7h. 
U is for Unique: a random quirk they have
Aidma: not really a quirk but she mocks ppl’s voices a lot. 
Najlynn: She can tell someone’s relationship with their family by first glance. lol idk how i thought of that.
V is for Valentine: Are they the type to celebrate or not?
Aidma: Even when she didn’t have Zeus by her side she loved valentines day. Although she did get a bit jealous of the happy couples she was happy for them.
Najlynn: Surprisingly, no. She doesn’t have any ill feelings towards it, she just doesn’t care for it.
W is for Wholesome: something extremely pure about them that makes you just *uwu*
Aidma: I know I already said this but she loves physical affection and imagining some Fluffy Adius scenarios really warms my heart 🥰
Najlynn: She’s just soo understanding!! I adore her for her supportive side. 
X is for Xenia: How they would entertain a guest/show hospitality
Both: Cook some bomb food and sweets, (modern au prt) and offer to turn on the tv. lol but they’d probably talk over the tv.
Y is for Youth: A fond childhood memory they have
Aidma: uh............................................... okay well.......... when she first met her older sister (Amalie) They were in hiding but here’s the thing, they had Iasona who was still a baby at the time with them cuz Iaso’s mother had been killed right after she had birthed Iaso and then Iaso had been thrown out left to die. But Amalie found her and took care of her. After a a year and a few months when Amalie found Adi they decided to go into hiding and Adi thinks that time in hiding, taking care of Iasona was “a calm in the cruel storm”.   
Najlynn: meeting her little siblings for the first time. She immediately adored them all.
Z is for Zzz: Sleep habits. Do they cuddle in their sleep? Talk? What do they dream about?
Aidma: She’s the biggest sleep cuddler. She doesn’t talk in her sleep (she’s quite happy for it). Nightmares unfortunately happen at least every week for her but her dreams are usually either totally chaos or, its of what she wanted her childhood to be. 
Najlynn: Sometimes she’ll cuddle but it’s not often. Yeah she does talk in her sleep (when she and Adi have to camp out on a mission her sleep talking annoys Adi to no end(cuz she’s do damn loudd))  Sometimes she has visions in her sleep but she never remembers them. When she does have nightmares, they’re creepy asf. Her dreams usually have clouds in them for some reason idk y. 
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gotatext · 5 years ago
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                   hllo ! i’m nora ( she / her, 24, gmt ) crawling back to this rp once more like the dirty sewer slug i am !! i just can’t get enough, baybeyyy ! u may remember me frm such roles as alma putnam, rory bergstrom, bridget matusiak or greta o’driscoll 2 name jst a few.... sure there were more over these long years, bt the show must go on.... this is mimi, she’s dogmatic, tenacious n single-minded 2 the point of recklessness, she doesn’t like handouts n she’s funding her degree through her onlyfans account n moaning abt shit on tiktok. we love 2 see it !!  slam that like button n i’ll creep into ur DMs like the slippery worm i am   OR u can discord me at that bitch carole baskin#8664.   a humble pinterest.
『ALEXA DEMIE ❙ CIS-FEMALE 』 ⟿ looks like MIMI MARTÍNEZ is here for HER SOPHOMORE year as an ARCHITECTURE AND SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY student. SHE is 22 years old & known to be STRONG-WILLED, GOAL-ORIENTED, ARROGANT & EASILY BORED. They’re living in MORIS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ nora. 24. gmt. she/her.
this is p embarassing but i actually originally wrote mimi for a discord rp based around love island asgjag dont laugh at me but it was so chaotic n someone deleted it w-out telling any of us so i lost her bio.... all her threads....e verythin.... it was mad. but anyway we startin from scratch w this intro so bare with
mimi is a really extra character so when trying to flesh her out i thot of the most extra thing i could do n made a colour coded mindmap with watercolour paints detailing her values, aesthetics and early life. shoot me
background: she grew up in a trailer home in boulder city, abt half an hour from vegas. her mom had worked in a vegas casino for most of her 20s but relocated to boulder city for a slower pace of life / lower crime rate when she started having kids. mimi has 2 older brothers n she’s the youngest. has that invulnerable younger sibling complex n basically thinks nothing can touch her. very confident in her own intelligence and her ability to get shit done 
has mexican ancestry on her mom’s side. doesn’t know her dad. was raised with spanish catholic principals n found it all very stained glass windows and extra n that’s why she was kinda drawn to the decadence of vegas and all these massively high key aesthetics, like dia de les muertos was her fave thing growin up just bcos the pure feel of the festival and painting a sugar skull on her face n being able to party on the streets in a flower crown where everyone was kinda anonymous but together in this celebration
in boulder city her mom worked as a carer as there’s a lot of retirees there. mimi really resented the slow pace of life, longed for some fucking energy n life. she was a cheerleader in school but outside of school there wsn’t much to do except practise stunts and go on bike rides.  occasionally they’d get dressed up and catch a bus to henderson, the next biggest city for them to get tht sweet night life
her teenage years consisted mostly of hanging around the renovated motel blocks used as housing projects n tanning by the pool. very florida project if you’ve seen that. she reminds me a lot of the mum in that. also she started working as an avon rep going door-to-door when she was 16 bcos she wanted to have her own income. like as young as 14 she’d decided she was smart enough to go to college but she didn’t have the money n her family didn’t really see it as a worthwhile thing, her mom was very like the mom from matilda “you chose books.... i chose looks!” which i think is where a lot of mimi’s more shallow / appearance-driven traits come from
wasn’t really ‘cool’ until high school. before that she was a bit of a lisa simpson type. won a spelling bee when she was 9. was in the mathletes squad in middle school. when she went from middle school to high school she started cheer and tried to reinvent herself basically. always been very concerned with social mobility and keen to socially climb, like when she enters a new situation she’ll find out who the alphas are and quickly try n befriend them
when she turned 18 she moved out and went to vegas despite her mom hating the idea bcos it was everything she’d tried to get her kids away from. she worked in the clubs there for several years as a shot girl, a table dancer, n eventually she started workin behind the bar in a strip club. in the club it ws really hard to resist becoming a dancer bcos of the sheer amount they made in tips. no one really pressured her into it she just eventually decided tht it was way more logical to do it while she was young n fit and had the stamina and ppl were willing to pay to see her body so she started taking pole fitness lessons. she also started working as a cam girl around this time
working in vegas strip clubs is basically whats paid for uni. like she didn’t go at 18 like most of her friends did bcos she didn’t have the money and she didn’t want to feel indebted to a college like she had to compete for her place and not put a toe out of line bcos she was on a scholarship. she was determined to pay her own way and it took 4 years of working really hard and saving n even tho she was working in vegas she basically never went out bcos every penny she had needed to go on uni n thts how we get to radcliffe baybeeyy
part 2  - interior / values / personality
values: the aesthetic !! literally loves the aesthetic so much. everything she owns is super embellished, she’s a pop socket gal, her dell laptop is covered in glitzy stickers, she always has acrylics n probs makes nail art videos on tiktok. really tuned into tiny details like painting a little hello kitty above her eye which translates into her degree when she’s doing small-scale mockups of town plans n stuff... she jst puts so much detail into them. ppl often get surprised when she tells them she does architecture but it makes so much sense bcos she grew up in a trailer park n was always thinking about ways the space could be more efficiently used, like she loves re-conceptualising neighbourhoods, definitely spent hours on sims as a kid. she also grew up near hoover dam n so loads of school trips they just took them there n she was like.... this is tight but it could be cooler.... where’s the passion....
massively into photography, has such a neat instagram feed like everything just compliments the tones in the next post like mMMM. idk if any of u know any architecture students but this is literally the one constant i can find…. like they all have super good instagrams feeds. is that bitch that will take 40 fake candids of u in a row at different angles to get u the perfect profile picture cos she understands the importance of marketing urself and having an online #brand
has wire rimmed glasses that she doesn’t need to see BUT they r like a magnifying glass for when she’s working with really small materials to do a mock up of an urban plan, and also just sometimes wears them for the aesthetic bc she’s such a pinterest bitch
assassination nation is such a big mood. literally the aesthetics of that and lily colson’s whole brand of feminism and nudity not being inherently sexual but at the same time wanting to profit off that bcos why the fuck shouldnt she use a corrupt system to her advantage is incredibly mimi
literally a human personification of a bratz doll both in attitude and fashion sense
somehow simultaneously gansey in the raven cycle AND elle woods in legally blonde? the two genders 
values cont bc i started rambling: her independence and freedom. being the best at any given task she sets her mind to accomplish because she is unable to accept failure. social mobility. sexual liberation. interested in the psychology of sub-cultures and how ppl form groups and interact w each other and cult identities which is why she minors in anthropology. pro-choice. pro-weed legalisation. pro-sex worker rights. very activist.
aesthetics tht remind me of her: von dutch. a strappy cami top that says ‘please do not do coke in the bathroom’. low-waisted jeans that show off her belly button piercing. acrylic nails tapping against a heavily embellished second-hand dell laptop. heart shaped sunglasses in every colour. translucent stripper heels with barbie doll heads and plastic spiders in the heel. spraying champagne you cant afford all over the walls. narcotics in a heart shaped locket. an amazon wishlist full of lingerie linked on your tinder profile. sex tapes recorded on VCR. a religious devotion to waxing clinics. necking shots like you were born to do it.
she’s an enfj type which makes her pretty charismatic and confidence, like she has a fierce kind of energy to her, but she’s also super unwilling to accept criticism, dogmatic and can only really see her own way of thinking, quite ruthless when it comes 2 other ppls emotions despite having a poor control of her own and being prone to turbulence / throwin a bitch fit in the craft lab. easily bored. competitive. self-assured to the point of arrogance. forceful. adaptable. usually more rational than emotional but occasionally loses the ability to make rational decisions when blinded by a need for perfectionism.
very goal-oriented. money motivates her. money and clothes. she wants to look bomb while earning big bucks. when she gets her mind set on a project it literally consumes her she will forget to eat and sleep? i don’t know her.  like when a final design project is due for architecture she’ll be up all night doing adderall and speed to keep her awake working on the placement of a single tree for ages cos its gotta be perfect
loves chaos. will spill your secrets and pretend it was an accident. will always be that gif of kim kardashian sipping her tea while drama unfolds around her. lives for the drama like that gifset of bratz when she comes running and gets her phone out to record a fight.
im makin her sound like a really bad person but hopefully she’ll be somewhat likeable she can be very charismatic and endearing and she’s naturally quite funny. also now she’s finally in college and doesn’t have to worry so much about money she actually allows herself to party n bcos she denied herself of it for so long she kinda makes up for it by going p wild like will be the girl climbing on to stage to crowd surf at gigs or doing a summersault off the bar and being escorted out by bouncers, thats the energy were looking at, pure dionysian hedonistic impulse
really gd at talking her way out of shit like parking fines. so good at being an ‘im baby’ girl and often dumbs herself down to figures of authority to appear less like a threatening ball-breaker and more like a confused fiat 500 girl who didn’t know red meant stop she thought it meant slow down
listens almost exclusively to female artists. has fergalicious on repeat when she does squats infront of the mirror n just the biggest fergie stan. also lana del rey’s whole vibe is massive mimi energy
ok ya thats all i have for now..... hopefully this is somewhat coherent and not just garbage.
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judehayward · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
lady gaga voice slowly fadin in: ju-Das juda-ah-ah… frankly i missed this ridiculous depressed little man so i’m gna try my hand at playing 2 charas again. the crowd grits their teeth in apprehensive nerves. it’s fine it’s fine it’s all FINE!!!!!!!!! also this is nai btw forgot to say. anyway. ahem. without further adieu.... his intro
he pinterest:
me in the voice of a card magician performing on the street: round up round up pick a pinterest any pinterest!
ta-da it’s aesthetics:
lead marbles instead of eyes, a stolen hearse careening down the wrong lane, wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, bags under the eyes that are so big they could pack enough clothes for a three week vacation, a cigarette wobbling from your bottom lip as you squint against the sunlight, passing out on a stranger’s rooftop, placing sunglasses over the eyes of a biology lab skeleton, gangling around the place like shaggy minus his scooby snacks, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects
about tha Bitch:
ok to start w i won’t lie i’ve pasted in an old intro here bc i just hate intros i hate writing them i hate them................. bt it’s fine.......................... lets pretend this is all fresh n sexy n new....... bsically this is jst a disclosure tht this isn’t tht well written bc it’s old n stinky bt we’re all jst having fun here. bye
he hd to do community service bc he kind of… hd a bit of a breakdown before the funeral of his elderly neighbour who bsically raised him bc her kids rly didnt care abt her they jst wanted her inheritance?? so he… stole the hearse w her casket still in it n ws jst like… drivin around the place sort of… tryin nt to cry…..KJJFHSFKJGHKFG i mean. it isnt funny its actually sad bt :/ in a very bizarre n jude way. he gt caught n taken in fr questioning bt her son kind of realised hw… broken up abt her death jude ws n had a heart n didnt press charges. regardless he stil hd to do community service bc it ws like taken seriously even tho it ws his first proper offence. doin it rly exhausted n depressed him so when he wsnt doin tht he ws just hibernatin in his room……. this ws like 2/3 months ago nw mayb bt... just some fun lore fr u all
in a new development in terms of sexuality i jst am nt quite sure……. hes always thot he ws straight… fooled around w a 90s hugh grant lookalike once n ws jst a bit like :/ my rocks rnt blasted off? bt who knows wht the future holds… who KNOWS wht the future holds ladies n gentlemen
born in sheffield in england, bt they went back and forth between there n san fran a lot jude was an unhappy accident. his parents never rly used protection bc they were super Liberal n Au Naturel n believed in the pull out method bc… they were maniacs. bt then the ONE time they used a condom in an effort to b safety conscious it broke n hence…. jude was born
they just kind of ran w it bc they had such a passionate relationship tht they were like What The Hell…. may as well! itll be fine we’ll learn to be good parents n love him like normal ppl do
spoiler alert: tht didn’t work out
they were ok to him like they weren’t abusive or anything like that bt they just found him to be a massive burden n hindrance to their plans. they literally….. had sex all day every day n acted like a pair of teenagers. it ws a super weird environment for a kid to grow up in bc he literally had no role models or… guidance or…. anything rly. occasionally they’d joke around w him or pretend they even knew what grade he was going into but for the most part they just Didn’t Care one bit
they were both suuuuper into the arts. they’re both rly good sculptors bt they paint too n they actually own a successful gallery in san fran
as a result he grew up around a lot of creative n sometimes pretentious ppl. the friends of his parents were more present in his life than his ACTUAL parents bc they were always jetting off to diff countries to scout out new pieces fr their galleries n just have a gd time in beautiful places without…. the annoyance tht ws their son forcing them to b responsible n look after someone else. tbh some of his parents friends were rly damaging too bt….i won’t go into that just yet. it doesn’t rly…need properly explaining bc jude never talks abt it anyway n it….is rather triggering so i’ll jst….leav it for now tbh fgkhdfgh. basically they just were Not Nice n jude had a lot of bad memories he keeps repressed
bc of how he ws raised he has a p cultured taste. he luvs classic lit n p much anything artsy. he can play piano 2 n sometimes gets rly high n thinks he’s mozart level gd at composing. i mean he’s gd bt… Calm Down Jude. personality wise he acts out sometimes bc he’s so frustrated. he tried rly hard to be someone his parents wld care abt by doing wild or stupid things so he’d hav funny stories to tell them n tbh sometimes it works n he gets them to laugh w him but it isn’t a parent/son bond n it never rly wil b.
he’s rly sarcastic, sleeps around a bit, has an overflowing secret sketchbook n if he cares abt someone he’ll probably draw them n get rly defensive if they find out abt it fkjgdhfkj bcos he’s an Independent Boy without a sentimental bone in his body. or so he says. at heart he is jst a very Sad Boy w lots of repressed issues like depression genuinely just does NAT giv him a single break bt he plasters over this w wise cracks n never discusses his emotions ever. he’s actually p decent or at least tries to b. he’s kind of like tht bit in superbad where michael cera gets rly drunk n makes a toast to women. tries to b? a feminist bt sometimes fucks up n offends ppl n is like dam….. my bad fr :/
he has p bad insomnia so he like never sleeps fgjkhfgjkf he always has rly sleepy eyes n rubs them tiredly mid conversation. he smokes a lot of weed to try n compensate fr this n make him tired bt he still struggles a lot
ANYWAY that aside he’s at lockwood doing fine arts. he luvs painting n photography n philosophy n all tht. a pretentious fiend sometimes? maybe_so.gif. he isn’t rly pushy abt it tho n tends to like.... take nothing seriously bt at the same time acts like he is??? like he’s very deadpan in everything he does
ummMMMMmm honestly idk i’m blankin on what else to say. ull find him smoking weed reading an american classic or gnawing at his thumbnail n getting charcoal smudges on all his clothes. wandering the streets eating frm a cereal box without care in public. he’s p broody n scruffy n he’s mostly here fr a good time. o and he’s That Guy that would die fr morrissey (his vibe not personality bc i hc jude was depressed n shut himself inside all day when he actually found out what a dick he is dfjkfhg) and all that stone roses the smiths etc stuff music wise. HMU FR PLOTS!!!!!! i’m down fr anything
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psychoticenjolras · 6 years ago
ok im watching Maurice, ill liveblog my stupid reactions and then maybe say something of substance at the end (but probably not)
-the teacher in the beginning is cute, love his little speech -omg is the blondie the main character? LOVE a blonde -their uniforms  -he’s practicing greeting this greasy ass dude?  -tfw u try to help a guy carry stuff but u drop it = /  -the way this dude rocks playing the piano lmfao cute -he rolled him up in ? is this? is THIS gay culture?  -love the shot of those shoes and socks *kisses fingertips* perfection -what’s up with these SCHOOLS why do they look like that!!!  -strok-STROKING! RESTING! CARESS???? SLOWLY EMBRACI NG -holy shit the feeling in my chest just then sent my head through a 6 second turmoil. that fear and distrust when they hold you? the desire to squeeze them to youu making you lightheaded? the necessity of tentativity? the doubt? the anxiety? -seriously, that hug? the emotions in blondie’s hand movements drove me to the precipice of weeping -oh my god the drama = / -laying in a field? with a lover... -oh ope he got kicked out? -oh flirt flirt flirt -these ppl are so fuckin rich it’s painful to look at -tag yourself, im the guy the rich lady doesnt remember the name of eating off someone else’s table -don't fall for it don't fall for it, the navy guy is gonna kill him oh god no no no -ohhhh my god  -im sorry I called u greasy risley I didn't realize u were one of us = / -this is awful -i’d faint too -i’d have a breakdown too -this is awful -whole thing is very sad but these outfits are phenomenal  -haha...    haha...….. ……. -oh Maurice!!! of course you didn't want to hurt him! oh clive couldn't you be more gentle about it? -this SUUUUUUUCKS why do u guys like this absolute horrorshow? Maurice's fucking face, this sucks -like I totally get it, I 100% get it, I understand, but also, fuck im so upset with clive. still I get it. it’s just so hard. but god, clive! but I know. -”for two people in love to marry”..... -I don't want maurice to cry anymore, it’s really getting to me...… -”I rang the bell and the servant brought a saucer” jesus -”we had to ring twice. twice” Christ -clive wait you. is clive not? is clive bi or something?? or like only sexually into women? is that why...…????? what the fuck is up with this guy. oh shit is he only lying? like is he so deep in denial he wont even admit it was real to the man he was with? oh clive... -this hypnosis scene sure is nightmarish as well -oh my god is the scudder kid who he ends up with?!?!??!!? -oh my god they had sex -haha theyre so cute playin their lil cricket game -oh oh my god he thinks the kid is gonna do something!! -OH ben kingsley, that’s his name -oh my god alec don't freak out man oh my god PLEASE alec ohhhhhh -awwwww teacher! I love teacher -theyre so sweet, tryna blackmail each other. they made up tho -alec’s leaving too holy shit!!!! I hate this movie!!!! -IS ALEC OK??????????????????? -OH HE’S- HE’S NOT GETTING ON THE BOAT!!!! I GET IT NOW!!! OH MY GOD HE’S AT THE BOATHOUSE -why is Maurice not at the boathouse! why is he going to clive! HE’S AT THE BOATHOUSE! -clive is a bit of a fuck -UUUUUUUUUUUUGH BOATHOUSE -n-...….. “now we shan’t ever be parted”? D’‘‘‘: oh have mercy -ahhhhh….. so Maurice opens windows, and clive closes them. I didn't mean to call u a fuck, clive, I understand = / 
OH ok it’s over! so it was very good! it’s a majestic, respectful, emotional film, and it depicts its characters with such raw honesty and frankness, it’s impossible to not be enraptured and sucked into it. the acting is off the walls, so many smart decisions and pretty subtleties and heartbreaking drama. and so handsome! the attention to detail makes it such a pleasing film to just look at. I love that Maurice really only seems to want to change in response to his heart being broken- when he finds alec, he goes right back to being intensely brave and audacious about his homosexuality. and a happy ending!!! how kind!!! how ahead of its time- how ahead of OUR time, even! I adore it. 
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kaledeedeshra · 6 years ago
-- Prompt 01: Questionnaire
(content warning for: uh like.... existential shit? depressive thoughts? idk)
01. Tell us about your character’s name. Was it given to them or chosen? Does it hold any special meaning? If your character has aliases or nicknames, how did they get them and what do they mean?
When he was first picked up by the Mando’ade, Kal refused to give them his name so they were forced to come up with one for him. He was also a p feisty baby so it amused someone to call him Kal aka the Mando’a word for knife. The joke being like..... he wanted so desperately to be a saber or genuine threat but he was just a lil poke instead. ANYWAY, the name stuck. And of course, Deshra is his clan name. 
For a while, his family and close friends would call him Kal’edee when he was being especially feisty (or, in their terms, adorable)-- it’s a nickname that basically means knife mouth or sharp teeth. He calmed down a lot over the years, but the nickname stuck and the one sister that still talks to him still uses it.... 
also he’s too much of a dumbass to use any aliases even when he has ppl hunting him so like that’s the that on that
02. What is your character’s relationship to their homeworld? Do they hold fond memories of it, or do they hate it? Are they still here, and if not, do they miss it?
Kal barely remembers Wayland, SO i’m going to be talking about Vorpa’ya since that is also his homeworld. 
I mean, he hated it at first because it wasn’t home, but over time he came to love it SO much.... He even loved the hard work that came with farming, although he did very little of that since his specific family were more the guards than the farmers. Being an agricultural world it was Covered in good plants and beauty, though, and he misses it every day. Spaceships and city worlds have NOTHING on Vorpa’ya. Sadly, he can never go back. At least he has his dreams. 
03. Describe your character’s relationship with those who raised them. Was it positive? Negative? Neutral? What sorts of ideologies were they raised with, and do they still stand by them now?
Brief background: Kal has three Mandalorian parents and three Mandalorian siblings, was adopted after a Mando raiding crew destroyed his home and took him with them, and of all of them only his youngest sister is still on speaking terms with him. 
Anyway, it grew from contentious to adoring p damn quick, honestly... Kal's the worst at holding grudges and he was only four when they picked him up, so like. He was really close with his family-- they’re still everything to him. Even after the exile and years of no contact, if any of them called him up out of the blue Kal would drop everything for them. There are like...... Maybe two people in the galaxy he’d value more. 
As for beliefs-- they raised Kal Mandalorian, following the Resol’nare (with some minor clan-specific tweaks, as Clan Deshra was moving towards a slightly more peaceful way of life), and he fully believed. He still does, actually. He doesn’t uphold the tenets anymore, though, having very slowly let go of them after he left. What this means is he fully believes that since he no longer upholds his culture in the way he was taught, he’s dar’manda, or soulless, and when he dies he will have no place with his warrior ancestors. Instead, he will be either destroyed or forced to wander alone for eternity. Basically, he’s going to hell and he’s (kind of) accepted that. 
04. What is your character’s relationship with the Force? Is your character Force-sensitive? Whether or not they are, do they believe in it? Do they lean more towards the dark or the light or are they somewhere in between?
Kal is as force-blind as they come, to be honest. Like, there is NOTHING in there, the force isn’t even sure he exists let alone the other way round. Regardless, he’s spent enough time around Jedi and other force users to know that something is definitely up. He trusts them when they talk about the force, so he believes in it. He just doesn’t believe it has anything to do with him. (If he were force sensitive he would lean naturally towards the light, though. In some alternate universe out there i can feel him.... trying desperately to use the dark side and failing miserably.) 
05. What three word would you use to describe your character? What three words would your character use to describe themself? What three words would someone close to them use?
me: Loyal, obnoxious, clumsy
kal: charming, handsome, useless
jav’nen: dodgy, persistent, sly
06. Describe your character’s aesthetic. Do they tend towards fashion or function? Do they like to accessorize? How does this extend into their own personal spaces, such as their home or their workspace?
Oh, function 100%. Maybe even 1000%, there is no fashion anywhere in Kal’s closet. If it can’t protect him or make his job easier in some way, he’s not wasting money on it. He doesn’t even have any piercings anymore, and personalized painted armor is a thing of the past. Now, this doesn’t mean he doesn’t get starry eyed and distracted every time he walks past a storefront, but the important part is that he doesn’t actually buy the things he wants. 
He has very much the same philosophy with his living space as he does with his clothes. Everything has its function and its place, and unless he’s very distracted or having a depressive episode, everything is immaculate at all times. He’s the kind of nerd that makes his bed as soon as he gets up, and cleans his armor and weapons meticulously every night. No trinkets, no personalization outside of the few belongings that are completely necessary. Any gifts he’s received over the years are in a small safe either in his closet or under his bed depending on the room. 
07. What are your character’s vices? Guilty pleasures? Bad habits? Weak spots?
Most prevalent is probably his willingness to abdicate all thought and responsibility the second someone he trusts tells him to do something. His moral compass is a fuckin roulette wheel because it depends entirely on who’s in the room and who he’s trying to impress at any given time. 
He doesn’t really see that, though, so as far as things he would recognize and admit to: every time he takes his armor off unnecessarily or skips one night of maintenance or lets himself indulge in a good meal or a small trinket or a moment of physical contact, he swears he can feel his soul drifting further out of reach. Most of that isn’t even in direct violation of the Resol’nare, but at this point he’s buried his guilt so far for so long that it’s bled into every aspect of life. Any moment of joy or relief feels undeserved, but that’s never stopped him before honestly!! As long as he can continue the tight rope walk of stringent self discipline to keep the sense of doom at bay, and taking as much joy as he can to keep himself alive, he will!!
Also, he’ll do almost anything for some properly spicy food. 
08. Tell us about your character’s relationship with food. What are their favorites? Do they enjoy cooking? Are they adventurous? Will they eat absolutely anything or are they hard to please?
Spicy !!!! Call him stereotypical Mando’ade but he loves spicy food to death and back. Mostly because it makes him think of home, but also just cause it’s Good. His favorite meal would be his parent’s tiingilar (a spicy casserole)-- as far as he’s convinced, no one else can make it like they did. Every other tiingilar is a disappointment in comparison. He also has a secret soft spot for uj cake, but will only rarely admit to it. 
As far as cooking himself, Kal knows how to make things edible. Barely. He knows enough to survive on his own, and in the wilds he’d be an invaluable resource to anyone less familiar with that kind of cooking, but if there’s literally any alternative you should go with that. Kal’s cooking is for nourishment, not enjoyment. And he’ll eat basically anything, but usually sticks to pre-prepared field rations when left to his own devices. 
09. How does your character feel about engaging in relationships—romantic and / or sexual—with others? What is their history like? Do they fall in love easily? Are they constantly in and out of relationships?
Kal falls in love at the drop of a hat, but Rarely. Basically, love hits him with the intensity and frequency of a lightning strike. That he falls hard and fast doesn’t mean that he admits it to himself or finds it very easy to actually engage in those relationships though-- it’s probably fair to say that Kal has spent the majority of his life pining in one way or another. 
He’s been with a few people, though-- only one previous Serious Relationship, but there was a period of time right after his exile that he tried to be promiscuous and have a few flings. It didn’t end up working very well for him, but it was worth a shot at least. 
For him, sex has always been a far secondary priority to romance. He likes it (at least, when he likes the person its with), but it’s never been his primary goal in a relationship by any stretch of the imagination. He’s a full blown storybook romantic, will treasure the memory of a brief moment of hand contact and all that bullshit. Also if he’s in love with more than one person at once (as is the case right now) he would literally rather die alone than be forced to choose. Don’t get involved with him, he’s a mess. Unless you’re into that, in which case by all means let the boy pledge his life to you. 
10. What is your character’s pain tolerance like? Can they hold their own in a fight, despite injury? If someone hurts them with the aim of gaining information, how much can they take before they cave?
Pain tolerance is one of his primary skills, actually! Finally, something he’s good at !! He can take a punch with the best of them. He has different levels of tolerance for acute pain versus more extended aching, but it’s safe to say that both are higher than average. 
All of his joints are pretty fucked up and usually in one stage of ache or another, which he manages with a combination of the right exercises, a consistent regimen of painkillers/stims, and supportive alterations to his armor. On top of that, it’s a rare day when he isn’t carrying around some injury from the most recent adventure. Basically, he hasn’t really had a pain free day since he was a kid, and even then it was rare, so he’s Very used to operating and fighting through it. 
Regardless, that kind of torture wouldn’t be the way to get him to cooperate. Threaten anyone he cares about and he’ll cave in a second, but hurt or threaten him? That’s not gonna get you anywhere but frustration. Which is to say, the more you hurt him the more annoying he gets. You’d better hope you have a gag handy. 
11. What is your character’s weapon of choice? Are they more skilled as a melee fighter or do they have more skill with ranged weapons? What’s their fighting style like? What sort of training do they have behind them?
Kal has a long standing love affair with his blasters, but he loves his vibroknives even more. Maybe it’s because of his name, or because his aim isn’t the best, but the Second the enemy gets close enough for a good stabbing, the guns are away and the knives come out. 
As for fighting style, he generally relies on being quick and fighting dirty. Honor is for suckers, if you left your dick exposed it’s your fault you got kicked in it, catch him if you can motherfucker. It’s not necessarily the traditional Mandalorian training, but his parents adapted the lessons to suit him better as time went on. He never really took naturally to guns or explosives, so they focused more on grappling and melee combat. 
That said, he’s not the strongest person but he has a lot of training in how to use momentum and leverage to his advantage, so it’s far from unheard of for him to take down much larger opponents, who might have been much more skilled than him in any number of areas. Also, he hardcore prefers setting up ambushes to being taken by surprise, and puts a lot of work into maintaining that. It’s a rare fight that he didn’t see coming, so he usually has an advantage. Especially now that he’s working with a Jedi !! 
12. Does your character have any words or catchphrases that they say frequently? Tell us about how they picked them up.
He tries to minimize that kind of stuff, but Kal still can’t resist throwing up a hushed “Oya, oya!” in preparation for any battle. It’s muscle memory. 
He’s also the kind of nerd that says things like “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” whenever someone leaves his general vicinity. Even just to go to the bathroom. Remember how I said he was obnoxious earlier? He thinks he’s so fucking funny. 
13. Tell us about a negative experience your character has had with either the Jedi or the Sith, and how this has affected their standing. Whether currently aligned or unaligned with either faction, if forced to choose, how would they side?
WELL... I MEAN.... Take your pick: the Sith kind of indirectly screwed over his whole life, and have caused the death of a number of loved ones vs he was hunted by a Jedi for literal years. The second one turned out okay, though, so he’s definitely aligned with the Jedi at the moment. Besides, he loves a good hypocrisy. 
Honestly, though, if circumstances were different he would align with whichever side had more of his friends in it. His allegiances operate at a much more personal/individual level, he kind of doesn’t care what evils a general organization has committed. Things that big picture are hard for him to conceptualize. 
14. How would your character react to seeing a relative or friend on the opposing side of a battle or mission?
Chances are good the result would be immediate capitulation. Kal’s not gonna fight a friend !!! Unless someone he cares about more tells him to! It would go like this: Kal sees friend, Kal drops gun, loved one tells him to pick gun back up, Kal picks gun back up and continues shooting. OR: Kal sees friend, Kal drops gun, no one tells him to pick gun back up, Kal switches sides to hang out with friend. At his most basic instincts, Kal is at all times essentially Patrick Star. 
Friend doesn’t even have to be a good friend, honestly, Kal would fight to the death for anyone from a friendly acquaintance to a bitter rival. That’s just how he operates. 
15. Describe a memory that your character finds embarrassing.
When they started working together, Jav’nen didn’t exactly share that he knew any Mando’a. I’m sure I don’t need to fill in much more but. You can imagine Kal’s longing for death when it was revealed that Jav’nen had heard and fully understood every idiotic nickname Kal had been calling him for months. 
Thinking about it still makes him want to die, honestly.  
16. What goals does your character hold for themself and what steps have they taken towards achieving them? How far are they willing to go to reach them? What is their be-all and end-all?
Goals? Kal hasn’t heard that name in years........
No, but really he’s just waiting for death at this point. I MEAN he has like, smaller, everyday goals. He gets really into it every time he has a job to complete. But if he’s not distracted enough he starts realizing that the rest of his life is just a yawning chasm with nothing waiting at the end, so he’s very attached to those small everyday goals! 
Secret ongoing goal that he won’t admit to himself or anyone else: Jav’nen hug. 
17. What is the one thing your character would change about their life if they were given the chance? What other lives could they have lived as a result?
Not that he would ever, ever admit to it, but Kal’s life would have been very different if he hadn’t been trying so hard to impress his family at all times. Even when they weren’t around.  He has no musical skills in this one, but in some alternate universe out there Kal's a great musician and avoids fighting as much as he can. 
18. Living in such a high-conflict time, how does your character feel about doing what they must to survive? Will they hurt or kill others—either directly or indirectly—to protect themself and / or those close to them? If so, do they regret it when all is said and done?
Oh, I mean, it’s second nature at this point. Even with his clan’s moves towards a more peaceful way of life, combat is so ingrained in Mandalorian culture that it’s become ingrained in Kal too. He’ll hurt and kill people to protect himself, to protect others, to earn money, to keep busy. When all is said and done, as far as he’s concerned, this is just the way the universe works. Everyone dies eventually, in some way, it’s not his fault that he ended up being the executor of their fate. 
It only really bothers him if he doesn’t keep properly distracted. 
19. What is the biggest problem your character is currently dealing with?
How do....... Protect Jedi partner? He’ll never admit it but powerful force users scare the shit out of him more than anyone else, so jedi hunters are like..... nightmare time. With the way the political climate has shifted recently, and his current partnership, Kal’s mind is on protecting Jav’nen pretty much 24/7. Don’t tell Jav’nen, though. That would be embarrassing. 
20. Give us 3+ headcanons of any length or subject matter.
Oh boy, okay. 
1. Fucked joints: I’ve referenced this in an earlier question, but Kal has joint problems. Specifically, he has a genetic thing that means the ligaments and cartilage around his joints aren’t as strong as they’re supposed to be, so his joints bend much further than they’re supposed to and dislocate really easily. This is an advantage in some cases, cause it allows him to houdini his way out of a number of situations, but it also comes with a decent amount of pain. He has his coping methods, though. Such is life. 
2. Animals: He doesn’t often get the chance to show it off, but Kal’s surprisingly good with most animals. Part of that low key farm boy upbringing. Anyway, he’ll never willingly have a pet cause he’d be too worried about them all the time, but you can bet your ass he’s taking advantage of any opportunity to pet someone else’s!! 
3. Physical Affection: SOMEONE HUG THE MAN.......... By that I mean: Kal is at all times craving physical affection. He’s a naturally extremely physically affectionate person, but between a distrust of the general population and a deep seated desire not to inconvenience those he’s close to, he almost never initiates anything. You know when a dog really wants attention but doesn’t wanna get in trouble for barking, so they just kind of sit nearby staring at you and low key vibrating? Kal. At all times. 
bonus. Give us a list of any length telling us why our “fave is problematic.”
i mean does it really need to be any longer than “kills people for money” 
the man has been putting people on pedestals for years will rise to any bait  desperate to please at all times over dramatic  did i mention over dramatic  thinks he’s way funnier than he is is fully willing to let things he’s not cool with fly if someone else says to has been involved in kidnapping and shit would rather die than communicate
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kendrixtermina · 6 years ago
Thoughts and Feelings about“Change Your Mind”
I really wish I could rewatch this motherfucker somewhere but I have to sleep and go to work 
Well on the one hand the main story lines are pretty much done for, on the other, the fallout alone could fill another season, and I’m actually glad that they’re not relegating that to the epilogue but actually going to show it
I assume season 5 will be Steven working with the Diamonds to improve homeworld, explaining things to Jasper, integrating the former corrupted gems on earth, finding out the deal with pink pearl, further developing Steven’s new fusions etc. 
Other open questions involve gem origins and peridot’s renewable energy project, but I suppose that will come up as Steven tries to make the Empire less... imperialistic. 
I understand why they wanted to air this in one piece, you couldn’t leave the younger viewers hanging with some of these creepytastic scenes and no resolution
There’s various concepts I feel reminded of. 
There’s this idea of “tzimtsum” in kaballalistic thought, about how God created the world - In order to create a being apart from himself, he “hid” some aspects of the being, the ones that would seem - So every part of creation reflects one aspect of god, but none shows the complete pictures of it, and because everything has some aspects of god but not others, it is unique - so all humans are made in gods image, but still be different from each other.  
Maybe Pink Diamond would be something like Lucifer in this analogy, part of the creation but as far from the god as you can get while still existing, and somehow their antithesis (stretching the analogy here, of course Judaism has no counterpart to Lucifer let alone the positive-ish early modernity interpretions of him - but of course, White Diamond isn’t exactly a benevolent God either. )
First of course Star Trek, like the ep where Captain Kirk is split into what at first seems like his good and evil half but is more like his animal instincts and higher reasoning, or in Voyager, when B’Elana Torres is split into her human and Klingon halves. 
I guess Garnet wasn’t completely wrong in his being something in-between fusion and human reproduction, his gem half could be considered A Pink Diamond, but not the same one who created him - He must be fricking powerful to shrug off WD’s beams like that, like how Stevonnie still has “boosted” versions of Steven’s abilities despite Connie being human, Steven’s probably like Pink Diamond, but ‘boosted’.  
Steven’s victory certainly showcases how it comes from both sides of his heritage. It involves making WD laugh/embarassed like what Pink used to do, but unlike her, he has the communication skills from Greg - I don’t think Pink ever talked to Blue in that way, she didn’t seem aware of what the other Diamonds were thinking at all, any more than she really understood Pearl’s lingering knot of complexes. It’s just not a skill she could have picked up before Greg - when? From whom?  
His responsibility is all uniquely him and due to his upbringing with the CG’s and wanting to help him more, tho, both his parents where free spirit hippy bohemians, but it was Steven who decided “Nope, I WANT to fix it, because I can”, not because he owes it to anybody, even when no one could fault him for running. 
Also, Frankenstein (the Novel not the film) - The original Victor was a sympathetic, even admirable character, but somehow he just couldn’t bring himself to have empathy with the monster, though Adam was in many ways alike to him and initially didn’t wish to be his enemy.  Because while the gems relate to White Diamond as their goddess and the other Diamonds see her as their mother, she seems to regard them as extensions of herself. Maybe she would, as their creator. Gods are expected to smile benevolently upon their followers and solve their problems, Mothers, while they are flawed humans,  are supposed to love their kids as they are and realize that they become their own persons, but artists frequently tear up their own work if they’re dissatisfied with it, because it’s supposed to be a reflection of their existence, so they might hate it for not reflecting them well enough - 
i often regret tearing up half my teenage fanfics, but I’m able to view them different now that I’m - Back then, I felt like they reflectzed badly onto me - but if had kids and treated them like my fanfics or crumpled drawings, well, that would scar them for life. 
You could certainly see this as a metaphor for narcissism, particularly in the way WD judged everything by how much it was like her, to the point that she would ‘overwrite`’ ppl’s personalities with her ideas of how it ought to be, while lacking a solid identity of her own apart from being “perfect/the best” by default, but that only goes so far because the gems literally are her creations who take their characteristics from various aspects of her being. 
She’d have a completely different conceptual framework to anyone else, though she’s certainly not “above it” in any way. 
I don’t think she was completely unaffected by Pink’s dissapearence either, if you want to complete the Stages of Grief analogy she would be Denial or Bargaining. Most likely,  she was growing increasingly frustrated with her ability to make her empire “perfect” like she ought to and that’s why she started keeping to herself more and assuming that Pink couldn’t be dead. 
She seemed like the knowing one when she was as much in denial as anyone else - you can tell they had a complicated relationship because of how White saw herself in her, that might be why she indulged and preferred her, but then again she didn’t always like what she saw and felt that Pink represented parts of her that she didn’t want to see. 
It’s not without reason that Steven tells her to “get out of her own head” and try to see the world for what it is rather than her preconceived notions of what it is or means. You could perhaps relate that to 
When she realizes that she’s actually dead - that’s when she has her breakdown. 
You could even draw a parallel to “Romeo And Juliet”, where the older generation only realizes how much its ways were fucked up when it gets their beloved children killed for just trying to live happy lives. 
Cal Gustav Jung would certainly remind us that what irritates us about others are often things that irritate us about ourselves, that we may be liable to “see the world as we are” and never is that more apparent than when we view everything through some skewed belief system, or when we hate - people hate people who blur boundaries because they don’t want to confront the ambiguity within themselves, or act as “superior” and merciless because they’ve rejected their own mortal fragile humanity.
Another observation is that when you set up anything as the “default” you create pressure not to deviate from the norm and prevent its members from experiencing their individuality. (see societal pressure on heterosexual men, or Euro-Americans saying they ‘have no culture to celebrate’ - maybe instead of becoming a devouring plague upon your fellow men, you could actually appreciate European culture? Like, read some books, eat some cheese, learn a language, listen to some classical music, vote for worker protection laws?)
It speaks for PD that she even tried to save other aliens at some point. steven stepped completely out of her shadow the moment he was able to feel sorry for her, like “Geez, she had to live like that? No wonder she turned out the way she did!” he pretty much calls the other Diamonds out at some point, like he gets a secure sense of the differences between them when he realizes how much better off he’s been in his own life. Like, UGH. 
For my part, I don’t believe the “best of the worst” thing was true, and more of an “evil cannot comprehend good” moment from White, if not outright projection. (after all, White seems to view all other Gems as imperfect copies of herself) If anything, Pink seemed upset that she got stuck being the leader even as “Rose Quartz” (see the Beach scene in “Greg the babysitter”) - but of course Steven, not being Pink, wouldn’t know whether or not White is right. 
Other Thoughts:
In the earlier scenes you could see a lot of parallels to less than ideal family situations, and how people might end up acting as proxies of the problematic person, almost sprouting their words, in the name of keeping the peace, and how people in such an environment may have no idea of how it’s not normal
You CAN talk down such a person (I know of multiple people who made a bona fide job out of talking sense into literal nazis and clansmen, person by person - their tactic was generally to find whatever problem their rage came from), but there’s a difference between “flawed” and “awful” and I do think it came through that White is a piece of work quite unlike, say, Connie’s mother, and that Steven’s dealing with her because he wants to for the good of society, because he’s the bigger person and secure in himself,  not because he owes it to her or anything
It seems like they went for “awesome” rather than “beautiful” with Steven’s fusions. The designs are kinda gaudy, but even so, once you getpast the gaudy design, it’s kind of touching how Steven’s and Garnet’s fusion is essentially a motivational speaker who sprouts encouraging advice nonstop. Garnet was always Steven’s Mentor and  as well as the main person (besides greg) to teach him morals, as well as generally encouraging & supportive, but Steven of course encourages and supports her too, and both like doing that for others
I love Peridot’s short shorts and that she and Bismuth repaired the ships/ went a-tinkering together. It took me a bit to notice that it’s supposed to be shorts and not just her old outfit with starts instead tho
Voice of Reason!Connieis a gift that keeps on giving
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hobisolostan · 7 years ago
85 question tag thing 🏹
tagged by: @sleepbugs (ilu !!! 😙)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 (lmao funnyyyy) people
tagging: uhmmmmmmmmmmm @libraop @justinsgf @lilchims @namugf @brightjoon @moon9oddess @joonsgoth
1. drink: h2o 
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: my yearbook group chat .. its just spams from my friend cause she’s touring Europe ALONE , lucky bitch
4. song you listened to: always you - astro (stan talent !!!) 
5. time you cried: two days ago ish
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: what is this kiss?
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: is this a question?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. favorite colours: blues/neutrals 
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yup!!
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yea ig ?? not like crying with tears streaming down my face but definitely a few tears slipped out 
18. found out someone was talking about you: o yea
19. met someone who changed you: yup
20. found out who your friends are: lets not go there :)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them ??? stranger danger kids dont friend people u dont know irl
23. do you have any pets: skjfl i wish :(( 
24. do you want to change your name: no actually, as much as i hate when it gets mispronounced and not like even a tiny mispronunciation, it literally gets butchered :) , it has a lot of ties and significance to my culture which is important to me
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friend whom i would die for (the one in Europe rn) invited me over to her place and her and two other friends planned surprised gifts and hot pot ! her mom literally paid for all the ingredients akfdskjl i love her sm :(( 
26. what time did you wake up today: 7 am, my body she just did it ? idk lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a horror movie
29. what are you listening to right now: aint nobody takin my baby - russ
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no
32. something that gets on your nerves: narrow-mindedness, arrogance, ignorance, when ppl chew with their mouth open skfsjldfjs
33. most visited website: definitely between tumblr and youtube 
34. hair colour: black
35. long or short hair: short, it’s just below chin level rn sklfjsld
36. do you have a crush on someone: u ask me when hoseok is right ... there ?
37. what do you like about yourself: uh my lips and dimples and the fact that I’m pretty self-driven 
38. want any piercings: more like need ????? ive been wanting double helix piercings for the longesstttt time. might get some this year .. hopefully
39. blood type: i literally dont even know sklfjskd but its definitely a or b or ab since my parents are a combination of those 
40. nicknames: utshee ? just my normal name but instead of the ending ah sound its an “e” as in the letter e lol and then ironically its usa, long back story id rather not get into lol. shira if ur reading this u know 😔
41. relationship status: married to hoseok obviously
42. zodiac: this is virgo solidarity !!! 
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: dont really watch tv shows anymore tbh but the last good one i can remember was supernatural but its .. been awhile lmao
45. tattoos: nooooooo , i want a few small ones tho one day when im of age
46. right handed or left handed: normal regular righty 
47. ever had surgery: nope, i did fracture my arm once tho when i was like uh 2-3 
48. piercings: 2! just regular earlobe piercings, one on each
49. sport: volleyball, lacrosse, and gymnastics i did for a while competitively. i also love ultimate frisbee and long distance running on my free time
50. vacation: i havent been out of country since i came here to the states ksdjsdf my family just isn’t one of those that take family trips, at least out of country 😔ig my last family vacation was 2016 winter break where we drove down to las vegas and arizona to see the grand canyon. it was so damn cold omg
51. trainers: um i have superstars and two pairs of nikes that i wear on the daily. i really want some new van slip ons tho ugh 
more general:
52. eating: i eat literally everything lmao, im one of the least picky eaters tbh but i prefer seafood over meat. i still like and eat meat but sometimes id just .. rather not lol
53. drinking: water !!!!!!!!!! ( i down a good 10 cups at least everyday) i also love boba so much omggg u dont understand but i really do try to limit myself 😔
54. i’m about to watch: perfect man jimin focus skdjfklsdf jimin stans raise up for ur national anthem !!!!!
55. waiting for: college apps to be over even tho they technically havent opened yet akfjds;lfs
56. want: to go into my career field with zero in debt so basically impossible but a girl can dream :( 
57. get married: yea if it happens sure
58. career: medical !!! looking into anesthesiologist but im not set on anything, just wanna do Doctors Without Borders as my end career goal 😔
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: kisses pls 
60. lips or eyes: eyes bc they just convey sooo much about a person but also pls ... if ur lips are as cracked as the sidewalk outside of my house we’re never smooching 
61. shorter or taller: definitely taller, also wanna be the little spoon during cuddles so yea
62. older or younger: older for sure because i look at the underclassmen and shudder in disgust bc they’re ur typical overgrown yet immature high school students. honestly dont know wtf happened to selecting genuine students to enroll into our school but skfjsdfjs im out of there in less than a year so whatever
63. nice arms or stomach: arms bc i like tummies but if u have abs i dont mind either
64. hookup or relationship: can’t really see myself doing hookups so relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends? i definitely want a playful relationship but they should know when their behavior is verging on immature so ig slightly  leaning on the more hesitant side
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: o yeaaa, new years eve and home alone with my in-college cousin lmaoo
68. lost glasses: I LOST MY FIRST PAIR IN 5 MONTHS AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE ???? i had to buy another pair after begging my parents for a good 2 months bc the first pair were so mfcking expensive ksfjsld tbh the ones i wear right now are a lot cuter tho so 
69. turned someone down: yes
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someone’s heart: maybe ? dont know to the extent the other person liked me so
72. had your heart broken: no
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yea
75. fallen for a friend: yea 
do you believe in:
76. yourself: love urself right hahha :)) lmao im trying ig
77. miracles: hmm sure 
78. love at first sight: idk depends, im neutral. definitely think theres more to it tho
79. santa claus: no, wish i was still at that age where i did 
80. kiss on first date: hmm depends
81. angels: yea
82. best friend’s name: i have two: one’s andreana and the other is sybil (the one who left me here to die while she went to europe yea, love that betrayer)
83. eye colour: dark brown
84. fave movie: was gonna say black panther but thats too much of a popular opinion so the ritual ?? its a horror movie which i love so much omg fljsd and it was surprisingly good ??? definitely have not said that about a horror movie in the longest time bc the newer ones are always so cringy and predictable 
85. fave actor: mistre kim seokjin of course 🤩🤩
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