#its just the featherman on the tv
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elle-p · 2 years ago
P3 Club Book pages 31-32 scan and transcription.
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美 私の場合、ペンテシレアに攻撃の効果範囲を精密に予測する力があり、その応用でこれから行く先の地形や敵の有無を感知できる。ただ、探索結果を伝えるには通信機を必要とするのがネックと言えるな。
風 私のルキアやユノは、生命の流れを感じ取る力がありますから、そこの力で戦闘パーティの皆さんの生体情報を共有して、付近の地形や敵を知ることができます。その際、皆さんの潜在能力一杯まで知覚情報を受け取れますので、直接見えていない場所の敵もわかるんですよ。
チ ちなみに私も、同じ理屈で素敵ができるわ。あっちは受動的、私は能動的だけど、生体情報を共有するというメカニズムは同じ。そして、私の方が少し素敵能力は劣るけど、代わりに相手の知覚に干渉して妨害するという力を持つの。わかった?
幾 こういう質問は、���が答えよう。適応や能力者の定義は前にも説明したけど、要は自分の中の死を見つめたり、それと積極的に関わろうとする意思がポイントだったろ?だから理論的には、大人でも召喚可能だ。ただ、若い子のほうが覇気があるというか、妥協することが少ないから、より発現しやすいんだろうね。
真 俺が両親や妹の死に直面しても、諦めずに力を求めたことが、ぺルソナ能力を覚醒させた······確かにな。
荒 アキだけに、諦めない······。
順 あ、荒垣先輩······?
幾 ぼ、僕のセリフを······シンジだけに、信じられないよ。
順 もうヤダよ、この人たち······。
ゆ あれはホント気になるよね。私も初めての授業では驚いたもん。
風 すっかり慣れちゃったけどね。
順 何でも、モデル作成担当の開発スタッフに、鎧兜マニアの人がいるらしいぜ。その人の仕業。
ゆ よろいかぶとマニアぁ?
順 副島さんも企画の田中さんも知らないうちに出来上がってて、開発中だからそんな変なモデルなんだろうと思ってたら本気だったと。
風 うわ、そういうことあるんだ?
順 ちなみにシャドウの○○の武者シリーズも、その人デザインらしい。
ゆ 筋金入りだー!
美 そもそも無気力症とは、精神からシャドウ=無意識の一部が失われることで引き起こされる。だが、そのシャドウを影時間に倒すと、シャドウはもとの宿主の精神に戻る。これが無気力回復のメカニズムだ。
真 ただ、宿主から離れていた時間が長いと、記憶や思考能力に多少の障害が起こる可能性があり、完治しきれないケースもあるらしい。
順 でも、治ったとしても、また懲りずにボーっとしてたら、シャドウ出ちゃうんじゃないんすか?
美 その可能性は低いな。シャドウが戻ると同時に、その間、シャドウが感知しえたことも、宿主は心の奥に無意識に受け入れる。具現化した死、ニュクスに肉薄した記憶をな。漠然とした「恐ろしい」という感覚でしかないが、よほどの間抜けでなければ、何かしら考え始めるだろう。その無意識下の恐怖の記憶が、再発を防ぐストッ��ーになるのだ。
ゆ あ、看板が落ちてきて入院した “ブルマン” ね?私、アイツ大っ嫌い!もー、冬場でもジャージ禁止で女子のフトモモ見てニヤけてるし、足が遅い子に「胸がでかいからなあ」とか言うし、サイッテー!
風 本名は青山先生、担当している教科は体育です。私も苦手······。
タ まあ、ちゃんと仕置きしておきましたから、安心してください。
ゆ って、あの看板あんたらの仕業だったのっ!?······よくやった!
タ 戸籍がありませんからねえ。自分たちの本名すら知りませんし。
ジ 就職するのも家借りるんも一苦労ちゅうわけや。ま、そこらへんは幾らでも抜けはあるんやけどな。
チ 影時間になれば、生活雑貨も洋服も盗り放題、だしね。
順 チドリぃ!ダメだって、そんなことしちゃあ!
チ 大丈夫、もうやってない。
ジ まあ、足は絶対つかんのやけど、現金が必要になることもあるから、一応カタギの稼ぎもやっとる。復讐代行サイトに広告載せたりな······。
順 アフィリエイトかよ!
ジ ただサイト見るヤツらが少のうてな~。収入は微々たるもんや。
順 当たり前だっつーの!
風 気がつくと、誰かがチャンネル合わせたりしてるんだよね。
ゆ じつはウチの家に、隠れオタクがいると見たっ!
美 そう言えば、中学ぐらいまでは明彦も荒垣とヒーローごっこをしてたようだしな。ふふっ······。
真 お、俺じゃないぞ!
幾 でも、あれは昔すごい人気があった特撮ヒーロー物の続編でね、懐かしいなあ。『ペルソナ2罪』をやった人なら、主人公たちの過去のシーンで、彼らがお面かぶっていたのを覚えてないかな?あれが元祖『不死鳥戦隊フェザーマン』だよ。
順 へー、そんな昔の番組なんだ?
幾 もう20年近く前だね。
風 ちょうど、ゲーム本編で確認できる予告編リストがありますから、上に紹介しておきますね。
ゆ って、ちょっと。これ誰がまとめたのよ?オタクは誰だ~?
真 た、岳場!変な目で見るんじゃない!俺じゃないと言ってる!
順 俺も別に興味なし~。
天 僕も違いますよ。もう高学年ですから、とっくに卒業しました。
荒 俺のワケねーだろ?
ゆ んー、消去法で考えると······。ま、まさか······現場リー······。
順 あ、ありうる!何考えてるかわかんねえヤツだし!
ア あ、そろそろフェザーマンR再放送の時間であります。
順 おまえかーっ!
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rpking99 · 2 months ago
Phoenix Ranger Featherman R. The Tokusatsu program within Persona 5.
Show me how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Okay so first off, Featherman is an in universe Sentai series for Persona as a whole and is a homage to Choujin Sentai Jetman (the Sentai series just before Zyuranger, the show that became MMPR) as well as Science Ninja Team Gachaman. However, it appears as though Featherman is the in universe Sentai equiviliant instead of a singular team
It's a Saturday morning show, and a tokusatsu. Meaning live action with special effects being a big part of the film making process. Spercifically it is part of the Henshin Hero genre, meaning they are normal people who transform into super heroes.
We know of five distinct itterations of the franchise. Like Sentai, the team changing every year with new suit designs and weapons and mecha and stories with all you'd expect
Featherman , Featherman R, Neo Featherman, Featherman V, Neo Featherman Again
Featherman is the one most connected to the plot of the game, this being part of Persona 2 Innocent Sin where it is what the main characters bonded over as kids. You see at festivals, kids tend to buy and wear these little plastic masks. Those who played the Teal Mask DLC of Pokemon probably know what I am talking about. Well, Sentai and Kamen Rider masks are fairly common at those stands since popular characters and heroes that kids know
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These be the masks I am talking about. Just super simple
We then get to Persona 3, a lot of peoples first Persona games and also the first one of the Modern Persona games. Plus, the first one where Featherman was featured (P2IS was not imported, but its sequel PErsona 2 Eternal Punishment was. Until the upgraded PSP versions which had the inverse treatment)
In Persona 3... one of the characters, who is a kid, loves the show and you can get snippets of random episodes on the TV on Saturdays
Now we have Persona 4 with Neo Featherman, the series that made more of the western fanbase knowledgeable about it because it's more in your face. Kanji and Naoto are both fans of it and in Golden, you get costumes for the characters so they dress as the Neo Featherman.
Also, Naoto's entire dungeon.
As Naoto's entire character arc is about being dismissed because of her gender and age, and having to throw away her own childhood and identity, her True Self/Hidden selfs dungeon was based off old Tokusatsu henshin hero villain bases.
Now on to Persona 4 Arena Ultimatimax. Or as it's known in Japan: Persona 4: the Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
As this is a crossover between Persona 3 and Persona 4, we get to see the P3 cast older. And in this case.... Yukari is an actress for Featherman V acting as PinkArgus, and following the trend of a few Sentai such as Kakuranger and TimeRanger and DekaRanger she is the leader of the team
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And she is kidnapped for the plot of the game in the middle of filming an episode. Also it's revealed that Mitsuru watches this show to watch her friend
And then we get to Persona 5 with Neo Featherman Again. where in Royal you can play a video game based on them and you once again
And that's the basic plot and info about Featherman as an in universe thing
Also they take great thought into which character wears what colour of Featherman suit for their costumes.
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megaderping · 9 months ago
Akechi awoke early Sunday morning in anticipation for the big day. For once, he chose not to wear one of his sweater vests, opting instead for his Featherman tee and a pair of jeans. Something more casual would likely help Naoto relax, and with the summer heat and a bike ride up the hill awaiting him, it was best to err on the side of caution, lest he become a stinky, sweaty mess. All he needed was his backpack for his study materials, which he set at one of the empty chairs at the kitchen table before shuffling off to the bathroom.
After his shower, he stayed just long enough to enjoy a quick scrambled egg breakfast with Yu and Nanako. Before long, he met with Kanji and Rise outside Marukyu Tofu, and the three of them biked together to the top of the hill, where Naoto waited for them at the covered table.
So they all sat together, Akechi, Kanji, and Rise on one side and Naoto seated across from them. With his head slightly downturned, Naoto threaded his fingers together. He breathed in, then out, slowly and quietly. Though he kept a calm expression, his anxiousness was all too clear.
Rise reached across the tabletop. "Hey, Naoto-kun, it's okay if you're nervous. We don't have to rush this."
"But we can't afford to delay it any longer. By the sound of it, my Shadow has grown quite hostile."
Kanji winced, inhaling through his teeth. "Got real pissy at Akechi's Shadow. Thought he made himself a puppet when that ain't even close to the truth."
"I suppose it's to be expected. My Shadow has existed for even longer than Akechi-kun's. All that time, left to languish in the TV world, developing an ego and a sense of self all its own." Naoto peered at the cloudy horizon. "Add that to my hesitance to simply face my other self, and the depth of its resentment was an inevitability."
Previous Chapter | Full Chapter | Read from the Beginning One of these days I'll remember to post to tumblr on time... New chapter drops in a lil' over an hour!
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pixxyofice · 5 years ago
You guys know how in PQ2 there are scenes that jokingly give the members of other teams Phantom Thief names? How these names were not the most serious, how they weren't exactly treated seriously?
Well. I decided I wanted to give a serious shot at trying to determine what the Investigation Team's Phantom Thief names would be. Note that due to a lack of familiarity with the SEES members that I won't be doing them; just the Investigation Team members.
The Phantom Thief Outfits are based on what someone's Image Of Rebellion is. The Phantom Thieves (usually) name themselves after the image their Phantom Thief outfit represents. If not that, then they are named after something meaningful to the Phantom Thief themselves (which can tangentially relate to the outfit in some way.)
For examples...
Joker looks like the traditional Gentleman Thief. His name relates to how his wild card ability makes him a useful asset up the sleeves of the thieves. The Joker's power can depend based on what game of cards you are playing, after all, sort of like... Well, Joker.
Queen looks like a post apocalyptic hero, which are usually in Very Badass Action Scenes. Cool scarves, odd outfits, spikes and metal armor... Very cool. As someone with a position of power, she can be seen as a sort of 'ruler'... A Queen.
Noir looks like a musketeer. Traditionally defenders of justice, known for a tale where they fight off evil to their kingdom. Noir named herself that because she views herself as working on the darker side of the law... hence the French word for black. (Which actually fits her thief outfit a lot! The french, I mean.)
So when giving the IT thief names, we have to consider what their personal images of rebellion would look like. Along with that, we have to consider what they would name themselves based on those images.
Let's get started.
Souji Seta/Yu Narukami. (I prefer Souji, so that is the name i'm going to use.)
Souji's image of rebellion very likely closely resembles his Persona. What was his persona based off of... A banchou or something? Kingpin, whatever. His image of rebellion seems to be a cool, collected, intimidating figure. See his Persona and also how he dressed up for the cross dressing pageant. His mask could look very similar to Izanagi's mask.
As Souji is similar-ish to Joker, I reasoned that Souji would be named in a similar manner. He is the leader of the team, the level head making the decisions... And a Wild Card. His look is intimidating, like a Kingpin, so... Name him after a strong card in a deck, or the central piece of a chess board: King. (After all, if he falls, the game is over.)
Yosuke Hanamura.
I'll be real with you. I thought image of rebellion for Yosuke, and I thought Superheroes. Sure, his first persona looks like a Ninja... But all of his Personas have a Hero Vibe to them, yeah? And he wanted to look into the TV world because he wanted to be a hero... So, Superhero Costume. His mask would probably be that Traditional Superhero Mask.
As for his codename? Knowing him, he'd probably try to come up with something Cool. Hero Sounding. I am not good with names, alas, but... What I came up with is Galestorm. It fits his wind vibes, it's a cool sounding word... Uh... I dunno. It fits him maybe!!
Chie Satonaka.
Let's be real here. Her image of rebellion is TOTALLY the protagonists of kung-fu movies. She would probably wear a yellow tracksuit, like her Persona, which.... Yeah, reference. As for her mask? ... Haha I have no idea, y'all come up with one.
As for her name.... Well, Dragon. As in Trial Of The Dragon. Alongside that nifty reference, Dragons, as mythical creatures go, could very well fit Chie. Protective, aggressive towards those it deems a threat, a fiery attitude... Its pretty good! Maybe!
Yukiko Amagi.
Yukiko Amagi's image of rebellion is likely closely related to birds. You look at her outfit and you probably think 'bird'. Remember in the Anime how Yukiko admired her pet bird for being able to fly free? Yeah. That. That's why her image of rebellion would be birdlike. Her mask could resemble plague doctor masks, somewhat. Think a less pointy Prince Akechi and also it covers more of her forehead for Beak.
As for her name? She would likely connect the feathers on her outfit to the attachments of her Persona, which represent... Sakura Petals/Blossoms. She probably had a thought jump from "sakura" to "flower terms", and probably prefers Blossom out of the two terms she thought of. It sounds pretty... But also has a tougher name Feel than Petal. Blossom sounds more like a codename, too!
Kanji Tatsumi.
Lets be real here. There's a reason the Thieves named him Skull 2.0. Their images of rebellion would be... similar? Kanji's is influenced by various outside factors, including a certain manly push, but still. His costume would probably represent his punk ideal... maybe subtly mix in his preference for cute things here and there in accessories? Dunno.
As for his codename? Well, he looks tough, and he is tough! He's the one to point to if you want someone to smack people down. Call him... Breaker. Because he breaks things. (Additional thing I only realized and laughed at now: he's an electric user. Aren't Breakers also the names of the things you use to control whats powered in the house...?)
Rise Kujikawa.
I'll be honest, I... Have no clue. In the version of this post that I lost, I think I HAD a clue, but it went with the wind. If I were to think, though... Maybe her image of rebellion is... sorta like Panther's. She has an image of a woman who is assured of herself, knows herself and her friends, and reflects their brightest points. A somewhat revealing outfit, but one that's... mature? I don't know... Her mask would probably resemble Himiko's "face" of solar panels (somehow).
As for her codename... Let's think about how she's the IT's support. Or... Well, her Persona. Her Maxed Persona has a solar system orbiting around her, with the Persona itself being the very center, like a sun. The Investigation Team could be like those planets; strong and sturdy on their own, thriving with the touch of the sun. She's like... Sunlight is necessary for a human to live, and she provides that sunlight for her teammates to stand even taller. With her outfit idea in mind... Sunlight sounds too "young". So perhaps Sunbeam for her codename. Same idea, but sounds Better!
...... Hey, before I just go right out and say it... Technically... Aren't both of Teddie's forms some form of rebellion from the other Shadows? He formed his bear image so he could be loved by humans, and then formed his human image so he could be with his human friends. That... That's rather unique, isn't it? Could be a rebellion in itself.
... And now for me to just say... It's Ted. Teddie gets the Morgana treatment here. A shortened version of his name that just sums up that, yep, he sure is a bear that helps in fighting shadows. No fancy name for him.
Naoto Shirogane.
Naoto's image of rebellion is rather simple, honestly! ... The outfits of the heroes of shows like Neo Featherman! Sure, Naoto admires detectives and loves reading/watching detective things... But thats not their image of rebellion. When they think rebel, they think of posing live action heroes, fighting bad guys regardless of the laws! As for their mask... Uh. Bandana across face look. Also worth noting: their Persona's little wing/cape thing would Definitely be a part of their thief outfit.
As for their name... Naoto would probably go with something on the simpler side. Their outfit reminds them of their Persona, who is bug based, and thus, bug theme names. Wasp... Beetle... Moth. Moth fits their Persona's wing/cape thing the most, and sounds sort of soft... But if you underestimate Naoto, they'll show you that their softer name hides a brain of steel and a quick trigger finger.
So... The Investigation Thieves are:
Souji Seta/Yu Narukami - King
Yosuke Hanamura - Galestorm
Chie Satonaka - Dragon
Yukiko Amagi - Blossom
Kanji Tatsumi - Breaker
Rise Kujikawa - Sunbeam
Teddie - Ted
Naoto Shirogane - Moth
What do you guys think? Should I have come up with better names? Reblog/Tag with your thoughts!
please I know there could be better names for Yosuke and I know someone out there has a good Rise Thief Image, please
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xsparklingravenx · 5 years ago
the broken mirror
Title: the broken mirror
Fandom: Persona 5 Royal
Characters: Goro Akechi, Akira Kurusu
Rating: T
Word Count: 5,582
Summary: “Get to the point, Akira,” Akechi said, his name dripping from his mouth like poison. “We both know that you didn’t blow up my phone with notifications for a simple outing.”
“No, I didn’t,” Akira replied, so slow to speak. It reminded him a little of himself, selecting words for the best possible outcome, wearing a thousand different masks to hide his true self. “But what I want to discuss, it’s not something we should do over text. Or phone.”
Major spoilers for the entirety of the third semester. Akechi and Akira, and the truth of the world through one set of eyes.
The first time Akechi’s phone rang that evening, he ignored it.
It buzzed through the wood on the table, shifting as it vibrated and lit up, casting a light on the cracked ceiling of his shitty rented apartment. The pi-pi-pi noise of its incessant ringtone made him wrinkle his nose in disgust, but it was an easy thing to forget. The laptop in front of him, containing all his notes on their current situation, commandeered the majority of his attention.
Reality was a mess. He was back from the dead through unknown means. A paltry conversation with a paltry human being was the last thing on his mind.
The second time his phone rang, he spared a careless glance its way. Careless, because he knew who was calling, and careless, because he knew it would destroy any of his focus. There was only one person who had his number who would actively call him, and unsurprisingly, it was his name that had flashed up.
Akechi stared at the phone until it stopped ringing again, the screen fading back to its usual, factory-set background image. Most other teenagers his age had images set there. Takamaki, he knew, had a picture of herself and that girl who had been involved in the Kamoshida case. Sakura had a group shot of the entire cast of Featherman R. Even Akira himself had a photo set there, a ridiculous picture of Morgana gorging himself on the largest plate of fatty tuna that Akechi had ever seen in all eighteen years of his life.
In the silence he tapped away at his keyboard, connecting theories and cross-checking intel. Takuto Maruki’s name was scattered about like a constellation across his document. As his phone screen switched off, he was left mostly in the darkness, only the light of his laptop screen left to illuminate the room.
The third time his phone rang, he blocked the number.
It was an easy thing to do. He reached over, unlocked the screen, and with a few taps Akira Kurusu was barred from contacting him. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it, and it wouldn’t be the last. Sometimes, when he left too many messages on read in the Phantom Thieves’ group chat, the members would individually leak into his private messages. Never Sakura or Okumura, but sometimes Takamaki, or Yoshizawa, and always, always Akira.
It went in cycles. They’d contact him and he’d block them. Then he’d require them, and he’d unblock them, enter their group chat, and lurk in the shadows. They were not friends. They were not even teammates. They were colleagues at best, their relationship one based out of a mutual need to solve their current predicament, and nothing more.
That meant he didn’t need unnecessary distractions.
He returned to his work. Websites, tabs. The Phan-site’s question was stark against his backlit screen. WOULD YOU JOIN THE PHANTOM THIEVES?
He scoffed, scrolled down, and then slammed his laptop lid shut. In the darkness, he grabbed his phone, unlocking the screen again to stare at Akira’s name.
“Who’s more pathetic?” he asked. “You for continuing this ridiculous charade, or me for letting you?”
No answer, because Akira wasn’t a mind reader, as much as he seemed like one.
No answer, because Akechi had blocked his number.
No answer, because Akechi didn’t want to give him the opportunity to give one anyway.
 Akechi didn’t have fond memories. Tolerable memories, yes, but fond memories pushed it. Fond memories suggested that he’d formed an attachment to them, which was an impossibility. He made sure to keep a healthy distance away from anything that might have tampered with his mission, or, anything that might have twisted his view of the world. He achieved that through cool detachment, masked by his cheery, ace-detective persona, his flawless disguise.
One of those tolerable memories happened to involve Akira Kurusu and a jazz bar, the songstress’s dulcet tones melting into the air as they both tended to their non-alcoholic beverages of choice. Akechi’s was sweet. It wasn’t that he favoured that particular taste over anything else on the menu, but multiple people at school had mentioned the flavour. He jumped on the trend like he did all others; quickly, and without thinking.
“Is it good?” Akira said. “Your drink, I mean.”
“I can certainly see why it’s popular,” Akechi lied. “All these flavours, exploding on my tongue…truly, a delectable experience. I suppose that’s what is needed to appeal to the masses, though. Something that is universal, that can be really enjoyed.”
“You’re funny, you know,” Akira said, swishing the little cocktail umbrella that the waiter had put in his drink. He had that smirk on his face, the one that screamed that he was trouble. Hell in a handbasket. A devil wearing human skin.
“Oh? Certainly the people who chat about me online seem to think so.”
“No, not like that.” Akira leant back in his chair, sipping his drink slowly, savouring each drop. “It’s the way you use words. You fire them off like they’re infinite ammo in a video game.”
It was easy to figure out a response for something like that. Inwardly, Akechi thought that Akira was a fool. Outwardly, he grinned, several blocks of laughter falling from his lips. To the trained ear, it might have sounded artificial, but Akechi could blame that on the TV studios, on the fact that he needed that laugh to appeal to the millions who watched him from afar. “Are you trying to tell me that I’m babbling, Kurusu-kun?”
Akira watched him over the top of that tiny umbrella, the low-light of the jazz bar reflected off his glasses. Fake, of course, much like his honest high-schooler act, but then, who was Akechi to judge based on appearances? “No, I’m just saying that maybe you could do with being more honest.”
It was more difficult to formulate a response for a statement like that. In the half-second he had to think one up, Akechi ran through a thousand potential reactions. More laughter? Stare in shock? A question in response? A joking answer? There was no way that Akira could know the truth behind him, behind his actions or his words or his façade. There was no need to be worried, but selecting the perfect comeback was vital. He needed to keep him in his pocket, or everything would be over.
In the end, joking answer won out. With a grin, Akechi said, “Why, I don’t know what you mean. What would make you think I’m lying?”
“Just something I was thinking,” Akira said, giving the most subtle of shrugs. “All those words just makes what you’re saying difficult to follow, like you’re diverting. That, and you’re wrinkling your nose every time you take a sip. If you hate it that much, don’t drink it.”
Akechi put the glass down, his own paper umbrella bobbing in the liquid. Hate was too strong a word for such an innocuous thing. Hate was a word reserved for Shido, for the foster families who had made his life living hell, for the people who dared try and stand in his way as he did all he could to make his world manifest.
Hatred was what he felt towards Akira Kurusu. The drink? That had done nothing wrong other than being a little off for his tastes. Akira? Oh. He’d done everything.
“It would be a waste,” Akechi said. “And I’m certain that there must be something to like about it. My classmates often speak of this flavour.”
Akira laughed then, a genuine brand unlike Akechi’s bootlegged version. “And if your classmates said that the fall from Skytree was amazing, would you still take the leap?”
Akechi nearly scowled then, only just covering it up at the last moment. “Are you suggesting that I’d endanger my own life for the whims of others? I’m afraid not, Kurusu-kun. Still, what a drastic change in conversation, all over a simple drink. Tell me then, is yours any better?”
Leaning close, Akira offered his drink to Akechi, pressing the glass into his gloved hand as he snatched the sweet drink off the table. It was a simple exchange, one beverage for another, and yet Akira remained close. “Try it for yourself.”
He downed the rest of Akechi’s drink in one go. All of that sickly-sweet fizz, gone in a moment. Akechi looked at the drink he’d been handed, the one he hadn’t chosen for himself, and simply shook his head in an exasperated show. “Well, I never have been one to turn down a challenge.”
Putting the glass to his lips, he tipped his head back. The fruity mix washed away the saccharine flavour of what he’d had before, a refreshing, yet unexpected taste. When he was finished, he put the glass down on the table, meeting Akira’s expectant gaze.
“So,” Akira said. “What did you think of that one?”
Akechi leant his elbow on the table and rested his head in his hand. With his left hand, he plucked the umbrella from the now-empty glass, regarding it with disinterest as he said, “It was good.”
He couldn’t see Akira past his focus on the tiny, paper accessory. That meant he definitely didn’t see the self-assured smirk on his face.
 It took him half an hour to unblock the number. Half an hour of opening and closing the lid of his laptop. Half an hour of getting up to check the window and then sitting back down. Half an hour of locking and unlocking his phone, checking social media idly instead of doing the work he knew should be taking priority.
It took another fifteen minutes for the first text to show up.
KURUSU AKIRA                9:33
Have you unblocked me yet?
Perceptive, but not a mind reader, Akechi reminded himself. He sat at the table, staring at the screen a while before finally resigning himself to a begrudging answer.
AKECHI GORO                 9:37
I’d congratulate you on your clever insight, but we both know that’s bullshit. Regrettably, you’re just good at figuring out patterns. What were you doing for the last half hour? Sending that text every time I crossed your mind?
He set the phone on the table and tried to ignore it. There was no immediate reply. Back when he’d been a part of the Phantom Thieves the first time, there were often long swaths of time before anyone would get back to him when he offered up information in the group chat. Now he knew that they likely had a second one to scheme against him, to laugh at how he was such a fool for falling into their well laid trap. It wasn’t something that stung. He’d been the one who had set out to betray them, after all.
When his phone vibrated again, he sighed. There was Akira’s name once again, because he didn’t know how to leave things well alone. A blight on the background-less screen that Akechi was so used to.
KURUSU AKIRA                9:38
Something like that.
His responses were always infuriatingly short. It wasn’t something he reserved for Akechi, he seemingly treated everyone that way, group chat or not. Akechi deliberated on whether or not to send a follow-up, which turned out to be a mistake. In the time he spent trying to figure out what on earth to say, his phone started ringing again, buzzing through the wood.
He hit the busy button immediately.
AKECHI GORO                 9:40
I’m not picking up. Stop wasting your time.
Responding to him was defeating the point entirely, but Akechi was already a lost cause in that regard. He chuckled, low and bitter, his right hand brushing through his hair to grip at it as he leant over the phone, the little bubble indicating that Akira was typing popping up instantly. It felt like a game. An illicit game that he should have had no interest in playing.
KURUSU AKIRA             9:41
So you want to talk over text only?
AKECHI GORO               9:41
I’d rather not speak to you at all.
KURUSU AKIRA             9:42
Says the one who came to me when the world went to hell.
Akechi’s fingers ghosted over the keyboard, but he didn’t actually type anything. He wanted to snap at Akira, to tell him that he'd gone to him because he was the only one who’d retained his sanity. He didn’t, because raging at someone didn’t have quite the same effect when it was done via toneless messaging.
His fingers itched for his sword. How he wanted to call upon Loki and fight like a beast in the confines of the Meta-verse. He’d spent years venting that way. Blood spilled in his quest to feel like a human being, only it never worked. He only ever felt like more of a monster, a monster he enjoyed being.
The phone buzzed again. Akechi gazed at the message with resentment gnawing in his gut, at himself, at Akira, he wasn’t entirely sure. Discerning his true feelings wasn’t as easy as it used to be. Once, it had been clear-cut. Once, it had been the world against him, and there had only been one way to survive that; detach, shut-down, hate everything.
Morgana, in his whiny little voice, played on repeat in his ears. You don’t really hate Joker, do you?
He switched screens, finger hovering over the block button again. In the end, he switched back, the message still on the screen, plain-as-day.
KURUSU AKIRA             9:45
This is because of what happened today, isn’t it?
 In movies, in shows, in fiction, the heroic sacrifice was big. It was showy. In the old reruns of Featherman, often out of order, it still managed to be righteous, to be tragic, to be justified.
For Goro Akechi, it was lonely.
Back to the wall, the one he’d just dropped to stop the Phantom Thieves getting in his way. Shadows and his own cognitive puppet ready to rip him apart, just before him. His own darkened garb a shroud around him, not a shield anymore, but just a shame. A testament to his true, undesirable self.
A toast, to Masayoshi Shido for having a child every bit as ugly as him. Both of them, murderers. Both of them, scum of the earth. Shido might have put the gun in Akechi’s hand, but Akechi had done the deeds. He’d been used, but oh, hadn’t he put himself in that position?
The truth was so; in those final moments, he wondered if he’d been wrong. To decry the Phantom Thieves for believing so strongly in their bonds, to turn on them as savagely as he had. All along, Akechi had hid his jealousy and envy of Akira behind sugared smiles and soft words. He was everything he wanted to be. He had everything he’d ever wanted.
Taking the bullet for them, letting them run, it was no selfless act. It was one last ditch attempt to be the hero in a story that he’d chosen to play the villain in, and even then, karma had to be a bitch about it. What was supposed to be a magnificent death in a blaze of glory was instead a lonely, bitter end for the ace-detective who had given his all to revenge.
(It was not, and never had been for Akira. Morgana’s words rang hollow. Crow and Joker, Akechi and Akira, they were each other’s antithesis, that was how it was supposed to be. To give his life for his after everything would have been laughable.)
Or at least, that was what he remembered. When he came to, it was Christmas Eve and Shido had been taken down. Sae Nijima was talking about getting Akira to turn himself in across the street, and Akechi, with no memory of how he’d gotten there or how he’d even survived the cruise ship, had marched straight over and taken the metaphorical bullet for him a second time.
It was what he thought about all those nights later, after he’d sought out Akira and Maruki had taken Yoshizawa hostage. As he laid in bed, phone on his pillow at his side, he knew it was that which had tipped him off that something was wrong.
His version of sacrifice meant that he was destined to be lonely, forgotten, discarded. And yet, in turning himself into Sae, he’d found a sense of satisfaction, like finally, finally, he’d done something right.
He’d turned himself in not for his own sick sense of righteousness, but he’d done it for Akira—and there was no way that life would be so kind as to grant him the opportunity to save him. Not in a way that would save them both.
His phone was ringing again.
The ringtone was an annoyance, something he needed to change before it grated too badly on his nerves and he threw the entire thing at the wall. Akira’s name flashed up once more like a curse. The block button was nearby. A single tap of it, and he could open his laptop and stare at the Phan-site’s question for another twenty minutes instead of working.
He answered the call.
“I didn’t expect you to pick up,” came Akira’s voice, crystal clear on the other end.
“Yeah, well,” Akechi said. “I didn’t expect you to try calling again. You’re a fool, Joker. It’s quite tiring.”
No energy to it. He didn’t have much to inject in his voice anymore, not unless they were in the midst of fighting Shadows, anyway. That kind of mania he couldn’t hope to reclaim in his day-to-day. There wasn’t any point in it anyway.
He heard Morgana’s voice in the background, asking if Akira was talking to Akechi, asking after him like he was part of their ridiculous little team, like his well-being mattered. Akira’s voice broke away from the receiver for a moment as he answered the first question, and then came close instead of answering the second.
“Don’t call me that when we’re not on a mission,” Akira said. Akechi laughed humourlessly. “We’re not Joker and Crow when we’re here.”
“Would you prefer Kurusu-kun then? Or, perhaps Akira, seeing as we’re on such amicable terms now? Why, I’ll even let you refer to me as my given name, if that’s what you wish.”
“Akechi—” Akira cut himself off, and Akechi felt him wince down the line. “Call me whatever you want, as long as it isn’t Joker.”
“The same to you,” Akechi replied, drumming his fingers against the table. It felt so real beneath his touch. Or was it that he felt real against it? “Come now, Akira. You didn’t call me up to make small talk. Get to the point.”
A hesitant moment. How odd. Akira wasn’t the type to think twice. “Are you free tonight?”
He had a date with the Phan-site, but that wasn’t going all that well. Lots of staring on his end, and no answers for it when it asked him questions. His document on Maruki was a lost cause. “That depends on what you’re about to ask me.”
“Penguin Sniper. There’s a billiards table with our name on it.”
His offer sounded too good to be true. There was a moment when he wondered, maybe it is. Maruki was offering them the world on a silver platter. But no. It wasn’t perfect just yet. There were still flaws in Akira’s reality, still flaws in his own. Akira hadn’t called him up with billiards in mind. There was something going unspoken in this simple back and forth.
“Get to the point, Akira,” Akechi said, his name dripping from his mouth like poison. “We both know that you didn’t blow up my phone with notifications for a simple outing.”
“No, I didn’t,” Akira replied, so slow to speak. It reminded him a little of himself, selecting words for the best possible outcome, wearing a thousand different masks to hide his true self. “But what I want to discuss, it’s not something we should do over text. Or phone.”
Akechi should have left the number blocked. He should never have turned to Akira for help. He should have died in the halls of the cruise ship, lonely and forgotten.
Gritting his teeth, he said, “You just don’t know when to give up, do you?”
“I can be there in half an hour. What about you?”
Back to the wall, only this time, it was Akira instead of the Shadows. There was a certain species of delight to be had in this game of cat and mouse. He could escape. He could run. All it would take would be a single tap of a button. End the call. Move on.
“I’ll be there,” Akechi said. “Don’t make me regret this, Akira.”
 Tokyo felt distinctly unreal as he travelled through it. It was like he was passing through a bubble, everything distorted and swimmy, a film over Shibuya and the people within it. His head had felt much the same lately, his emotions filtered through that lens, Akira through that odd sheen.
The trains were bustling, yet not packed. Akechi tucked himself into the corner, arms crossed tight against his chest, and switched stations whenever needed. When the announcer’s voice rang out, telling the passengers that they’d arrived in Kichijoji, he got off and prayed he wouldn’t run into Akira until they’d both arrived at Penguin Sniper.
Fate was not so kind. As he headed up the steps and got his phone out to pass through the barriers, he saw a familiar head of black hair waiting on the other side, head dipped down towards his bag. No doubt speaking with Morgana. Of course the cat would be here, he never went more than three feet away from him.
Akechi considered turning around and just heading home. Akira lifted his head and locked eyes with him, and Akechi slammed his phone down harder than necessary on the barrier. There was a cut on his cheek, easily mistaken for a small nick, not quite healed even after all the spells his teammates had poured into him. Earlier, it had been a gash that had exposed the cheekbone.
The gate popped open with a ping.
Akira didn’t approach him. No, he kept his distance, but he didn’t look away. Akechi took his time approaching, arms crossed back against his chest, his teeth grinding together. He felt very much like a puppet on strings being marched to certain death, only death looked a lot like Akira Kurusu and his gleaming glasses.
“You actually came,” Akira said.
“I told you I’d be here.”
“We thought you might have just said that to get us off your back.” Akira led him out of the station. As soon as they were out in the night air, Morgana hopped out of the bag, stretching himself out. Akira said, “You’re heading off?”
“Yeah, just make sure you’re back before too late! And you,” Morgana steeled Akechi with those bright blue eyes of his, giving his tail an indignant shake. “You better not try anything. You hear me!”
“Your request has been duly noted.” Akechi said. He watched as the cat disappeared into the night. “Well, now we’re alone, you may as well say your piece. Though I don’t understand why I had to come all the way out here to hear it.”
“No, not yet.” Akira pushed his glasses up his nose and turned. “Penguin Sniper, like I said. I wasn’t joking about the billiards table.”
Akechi grimaced. Penguin Sniper was filled with tolerable memories, as was the majority of the joints here, but that made it all the worse. Beating Akira, being beaten by Akira, touches stolen here and there, a trading of drinks, a duel not quite to the death, an exchange of gloves—the last time they’d played nice before Akechi had betrayed them all, stormed into his interrogation room, and pressed the muzzle of a gun to Akira’s head.
Twisted by the thought of revenge, distorted by his hatred for his dear rival, Akechi had not regretted pulling that trigger. He hadn’t even hesitated. All that mattered was Shido’s downfall, and Akira’s blood was to paint the path that Akechi needed to take to get there.
What was one more death when Akechi’s hands were already so dirty? What was one more death when it was the only person Akechi had ever given a damn about other than Shido? It might have been hate, but hate was just a simple way to describe someone that appealed to your emotions in some form. Positive or not, Akira did just that.
Still, he followed Akira up the stairs to Penguin Sniper, and he didn’t fight back when Akira handed over the 800¥ fee to access the tables. In the end they stood at either end of the table, pool cues in hand, the balls all lined up perfectly, ready to be struck.
“Should I go first?” Akira said.
“Be my guest,” Akechi said. “I didn’t want to play anyway.”
Akira’s grip tightened on the cue. He leant over the table, the curve of his body a perfect silhouette, and Akechi hated himself a little more than Akira for thinking that.
A sharp strike against the ball. They struck one another and scattered across the table, a veritable destruction, and behind Akechi’s eyes, a memory flitted. Earlier that day, Shadows on every side, an ambush they’d been sloppy in the face of. Joker’s Wild Card failing him in the worst way possible, leaving him open to a weakness that he’d not accounted for when taking on that particular Persona. A strike of thunder sending him down like a house of cards in the wind.
“Something on your mind?” Akira said.
Akechi scowled. “Not in the slightest.”
“Same way you like sweet drinks, yeah?”
He could have snapped the pool cue in two. He restrained himself, barely. “If you want to talk about honesty, Akira, how about you start? Take off those glasses and look at me. No more masks, no more distractions. Me and you. Here. Now.”
Akira reached up and removed them. He was sharper without them, blazing, unmasked and brutal edged. His lips quirked upwards, the tiny cut pulling at the movement, and a single word came to mind. Trickster.
“I’m putting my cards on the table,” Akira said. “Your turn, Goro.”
Oh, how sick Akechi was, for his stomach to flip at his name on Akira’s lips. He leant over the table himself, picking the angle, striking the ball once more. Joker had gotten to his feet, swaying. The Shadow had swung its scythe and there wasn’t time to dodge it. Oracle screamed his name from her safe space within Al Azif, and Akechi, despite all his frenzy in a fight, couldn’t get there fast enough to stop it.
The ball hit the others. The Phantom Thieves lost themselves in the blood, panic running through their collective veins as the scythe struck more than once. Skull’s Persona rising above on its ship, Fox’s throwing ice while Queen and Mona’s tore through one healing spell after another. Fire blazed through the ice as Panther charged up, gunfire as Noir held off the ones fast approaching. Violet threw out spell after spell, bless magic crashing down through the Palace, and Akechi felt it sear his skin, felt Loki react.
Akira regarded the scattered balls. Akechi had downed a couple. “Your move, Akira.”
“Earlier,” Akira said. “What happened?”
It still hadn’t been enough. Surrounded as they were, even all those spells couldn’t get them the upper hand, and the one with the scythe was laughing, swinging its weapon like a toy. It was the kind of fight that Akechi lived for. It was the kind of fight Akechi would die for. Joker was on the floor, bleeding despite the magic that was being desperately thrown his way. He could see the flash of white at his cheek through all the red. His shirt was drenched with blood where it had gouged into his chest.
It wasn’t excitement. It wasn’t fun. Anger had flooded him, rage and fury and the desire to kill. That wasn’t unusual. His way of fighting scared the others, the way he took joy in spilling the blood of Shadows disturbed them, but in that moment, it had been different. It wasn’t his spells he called upon in that moment, even as Loki manifested above him.
“I got angry,” Akechi told him, putting the cue down.
His power had taken hundreds of lives, directly, indirectly. Never had it been used to save someone. His own ragged voice had screamed for Loki above the din of the Phantom Thieves’ panicked battle, and without a word, Loki changed his heart for him. Turning himself psychotic, it was a small price to pay. He tore through the scythe-wielding Shadow with a deranged cackle, throwing himself into the firing line of not only their enemies, but their allies also.
Fire and ice, lightning and wind, psychokinetics and nukes. All of it he took in his stride as he slashed and tore and cut, bladed edge erasing Shadows the second it touched them. For Joker? Loki laughed. Akechi laughed. What a joke. What a joke.
So lost in the rage, he took the blows like they were penance. They were not his friends, they were Joker’s friends. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt.
Violet screamed, “Crow!”
He ran into the bless spell before he realised what he’d done. The blow of light struck him to the core, making even Loki screech. The world blacked out as the force of it took all of his energy, shaking up his ribcage and his lungs. He went down in an instant, all of the rage swept out of him in one moment.
It only made sense. Life wasn’t kind. There was no way for him to save Joker.
“That was more than anger,” Akira said, stalking across the floor towards him. The billiards had been a ploy, Akechi realised, just a catalyst. “You’re still lying to me.”
“Not lying,” Akechi said. “Do you hear any unnecessary words? Am I talking you in circles, Akira?”
Akira grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket. “You blocked my number, and yet here you are.”
Akechi had awoken in a safe room, sat against the wall with the Panther’s face peering curiously down at him. He looked up at her, watching her expression morph into shock. “You’re awake! Yeesh, you moron! Do you know what you did?”
He pressed a hand to his mask as he cackled. It was a low, broken sound. “Is he dead?” he asked.
“Do I look dead to you?”
Akechi looked up. Joker stood over him with his hands in his pockets, his mouth turned downwards, his gaze icy behind his mask. His cheek was still bleeding a fraction.
“You’re a fine looking ghost, Joker.”
Akira was a different creature in Joker’s skin. He moved like a cat, his emotions more pronounced. It wouldn’t have been incorrect to call the expression coating his face a type of fury with how his lips peeled back. “So are you. Why did you do that?”
For you, Akechi didn’t say. “Because I wanted to run wild.”
Akira said now, “I know that it was a lie, in the Palace.”
Nobody interrupted them. To the rest of Penguin Sniper, they may as well have not existed. Akira’s hands tightened in Akechi’s coat, their distorted reality theirs and theirs alone.
“Tell me something, Akira,” Akechi whispered. “What is it you truly wanted from the world? A companion who would play detective with you? Someone who would play hot-and-cold in this thing we call a friendship? Did you want someone who would give their life for you time and time again?”
“No—” Akira began.
“Someone who would deny it, because you don’t want to admit you’re that selfish?” Akechi grabbed Akira’s jacket in turn. “You have so many friends. So many talented, incredible friends. And yet here I am, back from the dead, not a memory of how I survived in sight.”
Akira, for once, had nothing to say, and Akechi, who was doubting his own memories, who was doubting his own feelings, who was doubting his own actions, knew he’d struck gold.
Wakaba Isshiki, Kunikazu Okumura, Makoto Nijima’s father. Was it any surprise he doubted his own existence too?
Reality pulsed and squirmed beneath them, a broken mirror of an existence, reflecting their cognition the way they wanted to see it. Akechi pulled Akira close, a brush of lips. Love and hate, two sides of the same coin, just like they were. It was what Akira had wanted all along. Maybe it had been what Akechi had wanted at some point, when he’d been real.
“I refuse to be a slave to a false world,” Akechi whispered in his ear. “I hope you feel the same, Akira.”
“I know,” Akira replied. “But, when all this is over, I just—you don’t have to leave. You can stay with us.”
Akechi laughed, genuine—or fake, depending on the perspective. Maruki really did have the right idea. Trap someone in despair and they’d do anything to escape. Trap them in their happiness, and they were putty to be played with, never wanting to leave.
“Tell me that again when we’re done,” Akechi said, picking up the pool cue. “Then we’ll see.”
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badlydrawndrawnings · 5 years ago
I figure that given some content of Royal is well, fan translated, and thinking it over, I think I can order of the PT (sans Kasumi because she technically accept Royal!Goro up front and knows him as the feral bastard he is) on the ‘Yeah Willing to Forgive’ to “Won’t Forgive Unless the Circumstances are Right” list because while Goro probably isn’t seeking forgiveness, Atlus is going to give it to Goro and I want to do my take on it:
Joker (Royal; Joker maxed out Justice Arcana and requirements for Hereward are met it): Joker in Royal knew something was up with Goro at New Rank 8 given Goro decided to almost show his true colors. Joker also had a realistic friendship with Goro that grew over time and it actually consisted of them hanging out and Goro felt comfortable to reveal his past to someone he legitimately thought he was close too. If requirements are met, Joker and Joker only wanted Goro to be alive and not dead. Basically, Joker is willing to forgive Goro for his criminal acts and attempt murder (in part because Joker knew it was rigged in his favor) and would prefer to be friends given Bad Ending Three (though how likely to be friends in reality is up to Goro and Atlus’ writing).
Ryuji (Royal and Vanilla): Ryuji was one of the PT who was nice to Goro. Ryuji also hated him the for most whole game. Ryuji also reacted bad when Cognitive!Goro showed up in the Engine Room Scene (ERS) and sprouts his nonsense. And canonically, Ryuji says he won’t forgive Goro, but he also won’t forgive Shido even more (because of Shido being a shitty father). With Royal, Ryuji saves Joker and Goro without a second thought, and Ryuji wanted Goro’s opinion when they all meet up to talk to Lavenza, meaning Ryuji thinks Goro is temporary one of them again (remember Goro flat out said that he isn’t a PT to Ka-Sumire). While its canon status is still up in the air, because Ryuji and Goro interact a lot in My Palace, it means Ryuji and Goro are most likely going to get a conversation between them and it won’t get drop. Basically, Ryuji would forgive Goro faster without realizing it and accept it without trouble because of Ryuji knowing the feeling of a shitty biological father and actually become friends with one another if/when things get settle down.
Yusuke (Royal and Vanilla): Yusuke flat out admits that he haven’t met the PT, Yusuke would have turn out like Goro. While Yusuke isn’t saying kind words to Goro (though they aren’t real cruel words either), Yusuke is one of the few PT Goro probably didn’t affect in their personal life sans the murder attempt on Joker. Similar to Ryuji’s section about My Palace, Yusuke and Goro also interact, just not as much as Ryuji and Goro. This is why Yusuke is rank third. Basically, while having a lot in common, it’s possible that because they don’t spend a lot of time with each other, Yusuke’s willingness to forgive Goro will be slower than Ryuji’s forgiveness because they don’t know how to interact with one another, with the factor clearly being their different personalities (so they won’t be friends but can be if/when they get this sorted out).
Joker (Vanilla Only; Royal if Hereward requirements aren’t met): With the Automatic Co-Op/Confidant or remnants of the Automatic Co-Op/Confidant with some Manual Ranks, Joker has a understand of Goro he honestly didn’t expect to happen but accept anyways. They won’t say they’re friends they’ll say close rivals...which is why this Joker is rank lower than Yusuke. Vanilla!Joker isn’t close to Goro and probably think he can’t see him and Goro as friends (just close rivals) because they never truly hang out one on one. Sure, Goro let it slip of his past, but Vanilla!Joker doesn’t known the real dark part Goro never tells anymore. Or if Royal!Joker does know and are close, he doesn’t think Goro and himself are close like Goro think they are and will never admit the word friends ever. Still, I think this Joker would forgive Goro after yelling at him and giving the silent treatment in part because the plan work in Joker’s favor and probably admit to being friends once before saying close rivals again (and I will say this now; anyone lower than this Joker probably won’t be friends with Goro with maybe two PT, with one working under a particular theory).
Ann[e] (Royal and Vanilla): Weird placement, but it makes sense. Goro and Ann[e] few Mementos conversations while ‘artificial’ on Goro’s end are kind of nice. Goro’s prince act (especially when it comes to food) is something up Ann[e]’s alley, in part because Goro and Ann[e] having a conversation over food and sweets is something I like. Like Ryuji, Ann[e] was one of the PT who was nice to Goro and she was the one who brought up the idea of Goro teaming up with them again to take down Shido. Like Yusuke, Ann[e], is one the few PT Goro probably didn’t affect in their personal life sans the murder attempt on Joker. With My Palace, from their few interactions, Goro and Ann[e] do butt heads because Goro is feral and unleashed here. But I remember seeing a wild fan translation of Ann[e] talking about Loki and has interesting thoughts on it and Goro (I think it was her?). Basically, Ann[e] and Goro after Goro drops his act would clash a lot, but Ann[e] will on her own time and pace forgive Goro (and I think in theory they can be friends if/when things get sorted out like Yusuke).
Morgana (Royal and Vanilla): Morgana has no idea on what is Goro real true self only until the (ERS), where Morgana pick the pieces up fast and is all ‘you actually wants friends and don’t hate Joker as much as you think’. Morgana also has a few nice words about Goro post ERS. With Royal, Morgana technically is there for the reveal of Goro being ‘dead’ with or without Goro crashing the calling card scene and isn’t happen with it. With My Palace Conversations, they interact too, but it’s like Yusuke -just not as much as Ryuji. Basically, think Ann[e] without the clashing but having the fact it will be slower pace than Ann[e].
Makoto (Royal and Vanilla): They flat out a a real hatred for one another, more on Makoto’s side, and it’s more like a rivalry at time. Makoto while not having kind words to Goro in the ERS has interesting words to Goro that are almost kind, and she is also clearly disgusted by Cognitive!Goro when he shows up. With My Palace, they interaction little but it’s a bit more civil than you think (Goro sort of compliments the PT for their plan in Sae’s palace and the main PT he talks to is Makoto). Basically, the issue isn’t Makoto forgiving Goro because she would do so (probably around Morgana’s speed maybe a bit faster); it’s whether or not Goro has it in him to be tolerable for Makoto tell it to his face.
Futaba (Royal and Vanilla): Goro killed her mother, so clearly, that’s going to factor a ton into why Futaba is near the bottom. The thing is, they have lots in common and Futaba’s feelings of her mother’s death is a bit of a mess. So, what they have in common is that they’re raised by single moms, being bastard children (Futaba isn’t  stated but because her dad isn’t in the picture it means Dad doesn’t know Futaba exist, which is closest to bastard as she can get), tokusatsu/Featherman fans (Goro isn’t confirm to be a fan but his Black Mask outfit is something that is clearly influence by tokusatsu/Featherman), and that desire for justice for their mom. 
The mess that is Futaba’s feeling of her mother’s death: Futaba never said she would forgive him in Vanilla. She is really focusing her wrath onto Shido in part because Wakaba died two years ago, Futaba accepted her mom is dead, and realizing the killer is a hitman and not the person who wanted Wakaba dead in the first place. Royal has Futaba being the one who decides that Goro and the PT should team up, and makes it clear she’s willing to put the past behind for the time being, and oddly enough -based off fan translation- won’t forgive Goro if he betrays them again. Hence, mess. Futaba has anger at Goro but it’s canonically low anger to where Futaba won’t forgive Goro if he betrays them again? 
They knew he was the traitor! The betrayal is something they planned! It may be the fan translation itself, but my interpretation of Futaba’s anger as a whole sans that is that she’s less looking of an an apology from Goro for killing Wakaba and more Goro admitting he agree to be the hitman for Shido in his plan for justice/revenge for his mother. Fuataba knows that feeling and probably wants to understand Goro’s inane logic, and I think Goro would actually admit his fault in it all because Goro knows they share that feeling longer than Futaba and feels to give Futaba more closure.
Throw in the Futago Sibling Theory, and brings up a lot of potential of fun (Royal didn’t debunk it despite TV Tropes insisting; Shido could be that much of a horn dog and cheated on Wakaba with Goro’s mother). Futaba could find out her dad is Shido and go ‘Oh this is why Mom didn’t tell him he’s an asshole’, but wonder if her mom knew about Goro and if she did, why didn’t she help him, and if Goro knew (Futaba comes to the conclusion Mom and Goro doesn’t know because she dig up his background + Royal!Joker spills about Goro’s mother), with her wondering if things went different they could be siblings and friends.
After some supernatural event that shows Goro is alive and working the Shadow Ops (Goro can’t go to regular jail for his mostly supernatural I figure after getting revealing to be alive and getting busted on a non-supernatural crime the Shadow Ops did their research and pull strings to get Goro serve time under their heavy watch look it’s the best option I can think of okay) Futaba gives Goro a demo of a possible friendship with her without telling Goro the reason. So Goro is just confused out of his mind and Futaba is all ‘oh yeah this trial run will be fun’ and continues this friendly torture. 
Haru is dead last obviously but her section deserves it’s own post because I have a hot take on some fanworks of Haru when it comes to Goro to explain it.
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fatexbound · 3 years ago
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@kaeruninja​ said: With a casualness one expects from him, Yosuke throws an arm around Naoto, takes off her cap and tousles her hair before returning the cap back to its usual spot. From the plastic Junes bag looped over his arm, he fishes out a neatly wrapped package and hands it to her.
“I want to keep it a surprise, but I just have to tell you now. It's the complete collection of Featherman, from the first series to the last finished season!” Not counting the ongoing one. “There’s even a Feather Swan keychain.” And a guidebook containing a lot of information, including how things worked behind the scenes. Lucky him that Yu agreed to share his sums of wealth earned from the TV World.
“Happy Birthday to my favorite tiny detective!”
Naoto’s birthday | No
“Ah--” She couldn’t even get a single word in and her hair was already a mess thanks to his antics. A huff left her lips and she half-glared at him for not warning her beforehand. “Why would you--” Any thoughts she may have had vanished at the sigh of her present. Ah yes, her birthday. An awful time in the past, but not so much now.
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“Did you say... Featherman?” Her wide eyes spoke volumes of how unexpected this was. Her dungeon had certain themes of it, however, she assumed he’d forget such a detail. Perhaps she underestimated him. “I... um, thank you, Hanamura-senpai...” She was at a loss for words, but she handled them with care.
Until that last part. “What did I say about making fun of my height?! It’s not funny!”
She’s pleased either way.
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angevon · 7 years ago
Souyo Nov Writing Challenge (prompt list)
Day 23: Christmas
an overly white american christmas souyo
Edit: oh yeah it takes place in Days Without Nights universe
After a long, long day of retail hell, Yosuke came home to this.
Have a holly, jolly Christmas~~~
As soon as he heard it, he screamed. His scream was so loud it probably carried to the Ito family residence all the way down the road.
Soon Souji was rushing in from another room. "Yosuke?" he asked. "Are you okay?"
It's the best time of the year~~~
"Why," Yosuke growled, drawing his fingers down his face like claws. "I listened to this crap all day at work, so why, why, are you willingly playing it here!?"
Say Hello to friends you know~~~
"Because..." Souji said slowly, "it's Christmas?"
"I don't care, I don't want to hear it!"
Souji watched him for a moment without blinking. Then he nodded his head. "Okay," he said.
He headed into the kitchen and soon there was blessed silence. Yosuke sighed in relief. The migraine he had wouldn't go away soon, but this would help.
Souji returned with an apologetic smile on his face. "Sorry," he said. "I just wanted to set a mood, since it's Christmas and all."
"No, I'm sorry," Yosuke said, shaking his head. "I shouldn't take it out on you."
"Rough day?" Souji moved around him to help him take off his heavy winter jacket.
"Yeah," Yosuke said, shrugging out of the jacket. "You don't need to know the details."
"You can tell me anyway. You know I'll listen."
Yosuke flashed him a brief smile. "Maybe later."
He tried to step forward, intending to head to the bedroom and get changed into something more casual, but found Souji hugging him around his waist.
"What can I do," Souji said, "to get you in the holiday spirit?"
"Uhh... Do I really need to be in it? I mean," Yosuke rushed on to explain, "we're Japanese, we don't really do Christmas—"
"Daaaaad!" called Kichirou, and a moment later the boy joined them at the entryway. He was wearing a Santa hat that was a little too big for his head and some cheesy holiday clothes.
Seeing how Souji was hugging Yosuke, Kichirou quickly joined in by hugging his dad's legs.
"Welcome home, dad..."
"Thanks, Ki-kun," Yosuke said, "but uh... can you two let me go now?"
Kichirou stepped away only to tug on his hand. "Come on, Dad, look what me and Uncle Seta did today!"
Kichirou led him into the living room, which was suddenly decorated in all manner of Christmas. It hadn't been this way this morning. Pictures of cartoonish angels with trumpets were on the wall, bell-patterned streamers hung from the ceiling, a 2-foot tall fake tree stood next to the TV, which was covered in blinking lights, and the couch had a red and green throw over its back.
"Do you like it?" Kichirou asked.
Stunned in his surprise at the sight, it took Yosuke a moment to answer. "Uh, it's great," he said. "I can tell you two had a lot of fun."
"We baked cookies, too," Souji said, walking into the room with a bowl in his hand. Yosuke noticed then that Souji was wearing an ugly-as-sin green sweater with a cat on it with text that said, of course, 'Meowy Christmas.'
"Uh, yeah?" Yosuke ventured. Come to think of it, the house did have a nice homey baking scent in the air.
"Yeah!" said Kichirou. He reached for the bowl in Souji's hand. Souji 'nuh-uh'ed at him and held the bowl out of his reach, making him pout.
"Let your dad have some first," Souji said. He offered the bowl to Yosuke.
Yosuke peered inside and found red, green, and white frosted ball cookies. "What, are these a different type of strawboball or something?"
"Mintoballs?" Souji said. "I don't know, I didn't really think of a name. They have peppermint in them. You see how they're striped, like candy canes?"
"Oh, that's different," Yosuke said, taking out a green one. The striping wasn't done that well, making it look more marbled than anything. It was probably Souji's first time making them.
"It might be too minty," Souji warned.
Yosuke shrugged and popped it into his mouth. The taste was strong and nostalgic somehow, though he couldn't quite place why.
"So, uh," Yosuke said after finishing the cookie, "it's Christmas but uh... I mean, I didn't get you guys anything, like gifts." He glanced at the little tree, noting that there were a few boxes under it.
"That's fine," Souji said. "I didn't warn you that we were going to celebrate or anything. It's our first Christmas together, though, so I thought we should at least get into the spirit and decorate."
"Geez," Yosuke said, feeling more than a little embarrassed. "You're so cheesy sometimes."
"Speaking of cheese," Souji said. He left for the kitchen and returned with a tray of cheese bricks and sliced meat. He put it on the low table. "I got this cheap at the grocery store. I think they were trying to get rid of them. Sit down and let's snack out!"
Yosuke took a seat and speared a cheddar block with a toothpick.
Kichirou took a seat on the floor and peered over the selection. "We need crackers!"
"Oh, right," said Souji. "Be right back!"
Nibbling on the cheese, Yosuke mentally shook his head. He hadn't expected this at all when he'd come home. Honestly, after that stressful day at work, he'd planned to take some headache meds and conk out. But now his raging headache was just a faint pulse at the back of his head. It might even go away by the end of the night.
Maybe all he'd needed was some love and festivity.
Kichirou had been munching on a cheese block too. He made a face and tossed his half-eaten block back on the table. "That one's gross," he said.
With a curious frown, Yosuke speared it and put it in his mouth. "Oh," he said, chewing thoughtfully. "It's Swiss cheese."
"Blech!" Kichirou said with extravagant overreaction.
Yosuke tossed a mintoball at him. "Here, get the flavor out of your mouth with this."
"No way, Dad!" Kichirou said. "Minty cheese? That's even worse."
"Here," Souji said, returning from the kitchen and placing a tray of crackers next to the meat and cheese. "This'll do the trick." Kichirou took three crackers and put them all in his mouth at once.
Souji joined Yosuke on the couch and turned on the TV with the remote.
"Oh, oh!" said Kichirou through a mouth full of crackers. He swallowed then continued, "Are we gonna watch it now?"
Yosuke glanced at his son curiously, then looked at Souji, who was nodding.
Souji smiled at Yosuke. "Kicchan told me you can quote this entire movie from memory."
"Oh my god, I know exactly what movie this is going to be..." Yosuke began to grin. "It's your first time here with us but you sure know our family holiday tradition."
"I haven't seen this," Souji said. He leaned back on the couch and pressed the play button on the remote. "So this is going to be fun."
Yosuke couldn't wipe the grin from his face as the opening to the Featherman rendition of 'A Christmas Carol' began to play. Kichirou grabbed a blanket and joined the men on the couch, snuggling himself comfortably between them.
"You know," Yosuke said, "when this first came out, Ki-kun watched it every day for a week straight. Sometimes twice in a day."
"Umm," said Souji hesitantly. "Nice?"
Yosuke chuckled, knowing Souji didn't care for Featherman. It was a surprise he was willing to watch this with them now, but he figured Kichirou had probably begged him for it, and no one could resist that.
Kichirou giggled, and then the movie finally started. Both Yosuke and Kichirou simultaneously said the opening line: "Black Condor was not a humbug. But his heart told a different story..." The narrator followed just a fraction of a second later.
The movie was just as ridiculous as Yosuke remembered, but sharing it with Souji made it different. Despite his professed disinterest in Featherman, Souji got into it, asking Kichirou what was going on. Kichirou explained it as well as he could, but without the full lore, Souji was probably missing half the story. It didn't matter. They had fun anyway.
And then they were at the cheesy finale.
"A Christmas without love... is not a Christmas at all," Yosuke and Kichirou quoted.
"The end," Yosuke said after. "What'd you think, partner?"
"That was pretty cute," Souji conceded.
"Yeah!" said Kichirou. He looked up at Souji. "Can we watch it again?"
Yosuke saw the mischievous glint in his son's eyes and almost laughed. Oh, he knew Souji didn't care for Featherman. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Maybe," Souji promised cheerfully. "But now... it's about time for bed, hmm?"
"Already?" Kichirou made a pouty face.
"Let him stay up a little more," Yosuke said. "It's Christmas, after all."
"Yay," Kichirou cheered. "Oh, can we have hot chocolate?"
"Good idea," said Yosuke.
"Is this another Hanamura family tradition?" Souji asked as they headed into the kitchen to make the drinks.
"Nah," Yosuke said. "But we can make it one, along with your mintoballs."
Souji smiled at him, and Yosuke had a feeling that was going to be a promise.
The hot chocolate was just what a cold night asked for. Kichirou put too many marshmallows in his, leaving him without much to drink, and Souji put a mintoball in his to give it a minty flavor. Yosuke didn't get fancy and just drank his straight.
They were enjoying their drinks in the living room when Kichirou said, "Dad, I think... you should look out the window."
"Huh?" Yosuke looked towards the window. Since it was night, there wasn't much to see except the outdoor lights from the home across the street.
"No," Kichirou said. "Go over to the window, and look out." He grinned. "You too, Uncle Seta!"
Yosuke glanced at Souji, who was hiding a smile behind his hand. He knew what this was about. Yosuke didn't, though, so he just shrugged and followed Souji to the window.
He looked outside, straining his eyes. Maybe Ki-kun and Souji had made a snowman or something out there? He couldn't see anything of the sort.
Souji tapped his shoulder. Yosuke looked and found that Souji was was pointing a finger straight up. Yosuke followed the direction it was pointing. Right over the window, someone had put mistletoe.
Yosuke began to say "Really?" but then Souji was kissing him, sealing the words forever. The faint taste of mint was left on Yosuke's lips.
"H-hey," Yosuke protested when Souji drew back, his face warmer than the hot chocolate had been.
Souji's eyes were half-lidded, his smile serene. His hands held Yosuke's lightly between them. "Merry Christmas," he said.
"Yeah..." Yosuke said. "Merry Christmas."
They looked into each others eyes for a long moment, hardly blinking.
"Was this Ki-kun's idea?" Yosuke murmured. "The mistletoe?"
"You know it," Souji murmured back.
Yosuke ignored his son's giggling as he moved in to kiss his partner again.
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stuffandsundry · 7 years ago
Lemme preface this with a big hello there! I didn’t actually expect anyone to reply to this post, and so comprehensively either, haha!
dynamojacks replied to your post: Alt. P5 Justice Confidant
Hrrrrrmm. Can’t say I agree with all of this. It’s not like ‘being foil to the protag’ is the flaw with the interaction - or characterisation, of all things - it’s mostly the way said interaction is framed. Also, he’s less of a direct foil to him and more an 'equal and opposite’. Goro isn’t supposed to relate to the protag entirely, that’s kind of the point. He envies him. But he’s on his level, so to speak. It’s that aspect that draws him to him.
I think we’re using foil in a two different ways here. I use it as shorthand for “we, as third parties to this story, are supposed to compare and contrast these characters”. So, yeah, he’s set up as an equal and opposite you are totally correct there, but Goro aint the one relating to the protag, we as the audience are the ones comparing them. And that’s when problems arise, because quite a bit about the protag is so open to interpretation.
He also kind of KNOWS he’s special because he’s.. seen him, and Morgana, in the Metaverse (see: pancakes ‘gaffe’). It’s not just a one-sided perception, he’s absolutely right and this is a big fuck-off hint that he’s a wildcard in hindsight.
yo what seriously? i thought that the pancakes thing happened in the hallway of the TV studio how the hell did i misremember that badly holy shit
I agree that this should have been dealt with better, and that we needed more interaction with the PT to build a collective bond. A WHOLE, WHOLE lot more. I live and breathe any writings that bring them all together, like really. But to narrow the issue down to the protag being foil just seems flimsy. They ARE fated rivals per se and for good reason, it’s just that this aspect was shafted to buggery when it got down to it.
It’s not protag being foil that’s the problem, it’s “protag is the foil, focused on almost exclusively to the detriment of any meaningful interaction with the rest of the cast.” like, yeah, it does work, to a point. but it also could be a lot better, by giving the others a chance to shine.
The ‘god’s game’ apparently meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. That was exceptionally bad writing. To build up shit like that, but for Goro’s role as wild card to mean next to zilch.
Oh yeah, that resolution was very much so missing, which is a massive pity. Like you said, the whole fated rivals chosen to duke it out by god is a pretty interesting concept. I’m interested to know more about why you think that Goro’s role as a Wild Card mean zilch, though. Personally, I’ve been looking at it as: “Goro did had the potential to choose many different paths that could shape the world around him, signified by the Wild Card, but he locked himself very quickly into one path where he was simply being used as a tool by Shido. This, in combination with him holding everyone at arms length, meant that he didn’t form any significant bonds either aside from the real fucked up one with Shido, and so he inadvertently crippled his own Wild Card ability from the beginning” Actually, on that note, maybe he couldn’t have formed confidants. Whenever you initiate a Confidant in-game, it’s Lavenza’s voice that you hear, not Caroline + Justine. Would Lavenza have reached out to Akechi? Hmmm...
Also regarding Goro and fame, he’s not as hung up on it as Ryuji is/was, not NEARLY as much. One, mistranslation (not ‘public image’ or 'celebrity’, but 'reputation with adults’ and 'charisma’), and two, he knows his fame is fickle and dangerous in itself, having lived it for long enough. Ryuji romanticises it, Goro does not. Goro resents that those people do not know him for who he is, Ryuji thinks that fame will make him beloved.
Yeah!!!! This right here!!! This is a great contrast to have, they’d be amazing foils!! Ryuji and Goro are practically complete opposites, but they also share a lot of similarities too despite that. I spent like 5 min on this section the first time, so these are just the things that instantly popped into my head, but you could also draw parallels btwn the fact that Ryuji’s dad being in his life made it worse, while Goro’s being absent made his worse, or they way that Ryuji always had his mother with him vs Goro who’s mother left him alone, or the way that Ryuji is very bluntly honest about everything vs Goro who tries to keep everything hidden behind a veneer of politeness, or public perception of ryuji as a no good thug even if he honestly just wants to do the right thing vs the perception of goro as the person who would uphold justice/stop the breakdowns even if he was the very same person who was causing them, but DESPITE ALL THIS CONTRAST, ryuji is one of the most empathetic members of the team and absolutely would have tried to help Goro if he’d only known sooner what kinda trouble he was in (re: first impressions of makoto as a prick vs jumping in front of a car in order to rescue her)
(Speaking of Makoto, she’s absolutely the person that has the most parallels to Goro, and she should have been his rival. Both joined the team through some form of blackmail, both have incredible pressure but on them by the adults in their lives, both very similar characters vis-à-vis approaches to life in general, actually wait one second i have a quote from a friend on this.... “But I think Makoto works really well in terms of how they’re narratively set up as opposites? idk, like Makoto’s approach to subterfuge is to orchestrate the people around her while Akechi’s approach to subterfuge is to manipulate the people around him, Makoto’s impulsivity means she can be prone to direct confrontation while Akechi is on guard until he’s literally right at the breaking point, I just think…. it would’ve been so much more interesting to explore more of this than putting the burden on protag to carry Akechi Interest”)
and oh god im babbling sorry I HAVE OPINIONS
As for Yusuke? Madarame’s exploiting of his talent to his own ends (check), Yusuke wanting to please him but also trapped and nigh desperate to leave (check), Madarame being essentially responsible for his mother’s death (check), Yusuke having to rely on him to survive, for roof over head (check), and would be ruined, and even die one way or another if he tried to escape (check, check, and double check).                                                                      A comment Yusuke makes in Okumura’s Palace is extremely telling- about how someone who is oppressed will ‘desire for it’ (paraphrase). What’s even more telling, is when Yusuke said about Goro, quote: 'had I not met you all, I would have turned out like him as well’.   Haru? They’re both puppets to their fathers. Both are manipulated for the sake of political goals. Both are actually sweet by nature- at least, not ruthless, and really have to be pushed to be (SIU Director’s comments about the plot to FRAME the PTs as being ‘too brutal’… imagine how much more actually KILLING would be..). And both started out with a naive(ish), idealistic core, if Robin Hood and his fixation on Featherman R is anything to go by.
And part of the reason why opinion changed per se, was realising just how flimsy Goro’s own resolve was, and how vulnerable. He wasn’t hell bent on bringing disaster, he was clinging on to straws in desperation. Ryuji’s comment, urging him to realise that he was his own person, makes this much clear. Their ire was more focused on Shido at this point. Still, they did not really forgive Goro, and made this much VERY clear. In any event, the last point might have been down to cultural differences. I’m.. not sure, but to those who understood this scene, it didn’t come ‘out of nowhere’, so you can’t necessarily say that’s a writing flaw on it’s own.    
Mmmm, sorry if I was unclear, but the two times I used ‘out of nowhere in this post were in regards to how i dislike goro approaching protag with little prior warning? So.... im not quite sure what you’re trying to say here. Out of nowhere is too strong of a term to use for this scenario, so if its a thing I’ve said someplace else in regards to the last scene then sorry, I’ll clarify now. It’s not out of nowhere, however, it stands in stark contrast to the entire team’s opinions of Akechi up until this point. Not necessarily a terrible, awful choice, but it is certainly jarring in a way that is completely avoidable. Which, again, brings me back to “give Goro and the other PT a larger share of attention instead of focusing on Protag”. Sae’s Palace would have been a perfect place for Goro’s facade to slip a little bit, and give the rest of the team a little bit of an idea of how he’s like when he’s not constantly on guard. Instead, Sae’s Palace focuses on setting Goro up as smart which............. he’s a teen detective that works with the police. We know that he’s smart already. We should have gotten more characterization in there instead! Giving us some form of transition, like, “he’s an enemy of the Phantom Thieves” -> “hmm, there seem to be some circumstances that we can relate to that made him the way he is now” -> “we understand why you did the things you did. we still can’t agree with it, but we know now.” ...Granted, the reason that I think of it as an abrupt about face could have been due to the face that they never mention Goro again after his battle. A short scene after Shido’s Palace had been cleared to look back on the impact that Goro had had on the PT would have been a great help.
thank you for your thoughts! c:
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archived-knightsworn · 6 years ago
Ask game/still accepting “I really want to throw cabbages at Adachi for some reason,” Onyx couldn’t answer why. Rocks would make more sense. 
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“Onyx, will never reach her dream, because she has no idea what being a hero has to do. She’ll fall no matter what because she just doesn’t get it,” Ron doesn’t trust his fellow strength arcana.   
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Alter can apparently handle Fuuka’s cooking. If its because the berserker has no sense of taste, or its because its Fuuka, and Alter is just being nice. Even Alter doesn’t know. 
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Onyx does not realize Featherman rangers aren’t real, and are a fictional tv show. She thinks they are real. Thought probably doesn’t help that she found out that Yukari is a persona user.
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spherekuriboh · 6 years ago
lmao in a natural state where his mom didn't Get Fucking Murdered goro wouldn't be an idol or a cop and that's my spicy persona 5 opinion of the night
#because we're beautiful and sexy me n brit have a mom oc which flavors my opinion slightly but like.#goro doesnt... like? espionage? it's his means to an end. he doesnt like or respect the system he just plays it to his advantage.#his cover as a glorified idol (the second detective prince is a tv personality more than anything else) is convenient for shido.#akechi isn't particularly GOOD at finding things or people he just used his persona to cheat.#without like.... the crux of p5 happening like that? like if his mom had lived? goro would be the motherfucking newspaper club guy!#the bastard who caught you with egg on your face and then let YOU decide how that went. you can buy him off with featherman merch.#if you peel the layers of trauma out and examine who he is at the core he's still a jackass who likes having the upper hand on people#(even if that involves cheating a little bit)#but like.... without Patricide And Loss And Being Manipulated By GOD driving his character he's just a guy! talk shit get hit!#manipulate the general opinion by manipulating the gossip channels and that is newspaper club.#he's very upfront about the rules he abides and they aren't even bad he's just a dick and everybody knows it even and especially him.#also akechi is DEFINITELY a fake name he named himself after one of the CLASSICS#its like calling yourself locke holmes. no. absolutely not. he just dropped his mother's name and thats my other thing. anyway.#distext#oof ouch my tarot#everyday im shuffling#also obviously shido killed goro's mom goodnight
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afortiicri-aa · 5 years ago
"Akira!" The man spoke with a serious tone, even his expression was completely serious. "Urgent news that requires your utmost attention, in fact the fate of Japan rides on this." Lupin spoke before placing a catalog onto the table and points at a red Phoenix ranger Featherman figure. "I will need this!!" Once again, the so-called dark harbinger of twilight was indulging in his newfound love for the modern age and its figurines.
"Yeah?" The teen was occupied with making a new lock pick, tinkering with it when his other self got his attention. Looking at the catalog next to him, he raised a brow. "You want this? Just watch the anime, it's better than the merch. Or you can ask Futaba for one. She's a big fan. I wanna save some money to buy a better TV."
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