#its just also going to be longer than the first so sketching it is taking time. and also see: busy busy bee
disruptivevoib · 3 months
whats your favourite au of yours!!
Eleutheromania has the most development and indepth thought put into it and its characters! But Sun Down is my first one, and while I'd rewrite it a bit now if I could, I really like the characters for it too. Twine, Coil, and Yarn are all fairly in depth as characters post the main catalyst events of the au, but it doesn't have a solid story.
Eleutheromania's story, tbf would be very long if I wrote it out entirely. SInce there are multiple periods of time. I think the au could probably take up the length of a book if I committed to it lmao
So yeah, one of those two!! Love all my aus tho. I adore the game au concept, and I wanted to work on it after the Pokemon pieces but got busy again.
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nohoney · 6 months
dabi’s pretty baby that accompanies him to get a tattoo. he’s getting a dark cybersigil piece that starts at his right forearm and goes partly onto his hand, a sketch that he had drawn the rough draft for and then let the tattoo artist finalize the design when he was satisfied with the final result.
you sit with dabi in the waiting room after he’s checked in for his appointment, filling out all the paperwork and then waiting for the artist to prep their station as well as the stencil. he’s pulled your legs over his lap, his hands idly tapping some random beat on your knees and you’re staring at the empty space of his forearm, thinking that it’s going to forever be decorated in black ink and it will be the last time you see it naked.
“alright man, let’s put the stencil on now.”
the thin paper is laid out on pale skin after sanitizing the area, carefully peeled back with light purple ink left behind in its wake. dabi rotates his arm left and right, observing how his skin moves with the tattoo. “what do you think, doll? does it look straight to you too?” he asks as he goes to where you sit and holds out his arm to you.
you look a little carefully, placing your hands on his forearm and also carefully rotating so that you can assess the placement. “maybe a little more to the right? so that the spikes line up more towards your nail beds?”
the stencil is readjusted and dabi gives the good to go, getting posted up at the station as he leans back against the seat and is able to rest his arm comfortably on the cushion. and you get to sit beside him, given a chair that you scoot as close as possible to his opposite arm.
the loud buzzing of the tattoo machine initiates the start of the appointment now.
you watch at first with fascination how the artist applies the tool to dabi’s skin, dabbing it in a little container of black ink and starts to follow the lines of a stencil. a funny thought comes to your head that you voice out loud to him, “it’s like you’re a coloring book.”
both the artist and dabi laugh a little at the observation, not necessarily wrong.
outlining the stencil is a much longer process than you thought. there’s a lot of wiping down in between as well before even getting to fill in the spaces with more black ink. dabi has to take two breaks, one for the bathroom and the other for food that you volunteered to walk over to the little burger place that was just a five minute walk away. there’s so much relief from him as he eats two whole burgers and fries with his left hand, commenting that he hadn’t realized how hungry he was now that he’s out the chair. but he checks in on you, eating away at ten piece nuggets with your favorite sauce and drinking a milkshake.
“i’m okay, i like watching. i think it’s kinda fun.”
back in the chair dabi goes in and you also resume your spot next to him. the artist had already switched to the other needle needed for filling out the rest of the tattoo. the last part of the stencil is dabi’s hand, which is one of the more painful areas to get tattooed.
dabi’s face twitches here and there, taking in a deep breath and assuring that he’s fine when the artist asks if he’s okay. you’re holding his left hand for support, also noting how he squeezes a little hard and you squeeze back in silent comfort.
but the design is finally completed, dabi sighing in relief and scooting out the chair when he’s offered to look at it in the mirror. he nods his head in approval at the fresh ink, even letting the artist take a photo to post on his instagram before laying through saniderm over the new tattoo. already knowing tattoo aftercare, dabi gives his thanks and a hearty tip before walking out with you.
the wrap for dabi’s tattoo gets peeled off after a few days and you help in applying moisturizer to his skin until he no longer needs to do the aftercare.
“baby, come here. i need you to check something.” he calls for you, waiting a few seconds as you arrive to the doorway of the bedroom. you’re waved over and you stand in front of him, asking what he needs to check. “just need to make sure the tattoo looks good, that’s all.”
his right hand goes to your neck and you gasp, your heart racing as dabi applies some light pressure to the sides of your neck. you moan softly as dabi genuinely inspects how the new ink looks, admiring the design before he lets go and kisses your forehead.
“yup, looks good.”
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To everyone freaking out over NM S2 premiering a wee bit later than expected. The amount of time/effort R&F put into this is colossal. They constantly and consistently pull 60-70 hour weeks. Week after week with no break, upwards of a year and longer, to the point they flirt with burnout like Leo/nore flirts with Annabel. That to me is the exact opposite of lazy. Over the last year, I and others have witnessed this mind-blowing work ethic first hand. Its insane the amount of work they put in. Often eps are well over the minimum panel amount, they don't have to do 10-20 panels more than the minimum, but they do it as they want to tell a good story with each episode ending where it feels natural. The next thing: Nobody is entitled to any creator's time, or gets to dictate how they spend their personal time off. A hiatus is merely an opportunity to create buffer. R&F are under no obligation to use it that way. It is their choice to. It is also a time for them to regroup, recover from fatigue -- as any artist or writer knows headspace is important to the creative process -- attend to the shop, catch up on any admin that needs doing, and a litany of other things that people need to do to go about their daily lives. This break -- because lets call it what it is, if this were a normal 8-6 we'd call it UPTO -- is for them to take time to themselves, same as any other job. If they want to play Star Dew Valley to relax or decompress or ruminate on an idea, who the heck are we to deny them that? They're two human beings, not machines.
Thirdly: Please consider: There is so much more that goes on behind the scenes of a comic of this calibre that we as readers don't see. (Think of an iceberg, how they are so much bigger than the tip that pokes above the ocean's surface.) R&F don't just make it up on the spot. There's script writing, planning, research, editing, more planning, rough storyboarding, more research, tests, and probably a heck of a lot more pre-production stuff than I can even guess at before sketching can even be considered commencing. We don't know their creative process, nor are we entitled to demand an explanation of their process, or that they use their personal time differently. (Personally, I listen to music and walk but what is one person's jam, might not be another's.) Nevermore S2 premiering a little later than expected is not some big drama its being made out to be. Its perfectly normal. I cant count the amount of times I've heard some comic/ book/tv series/movie has been delayed for whatever reason. (I've been waiting seven years for one book I won't mention here, as an example.) I don't know about you, but I know Id much prefer to read something that has been well thought out, with attention to fine detail applied to it than something rushed and shoddy. Give them grace to cook! I know we might be a wee bit disappointed, especially when we're so eager to find out what potential horrors might befall characters we've grown to know and love on the eve of one heck of a tantalising cliff hanger, but I ask that you all show a little patience and, more importantly, understanding.
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tw1l1te · 6 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼- 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
Part 2!! This will include Hyrule, Four, and Legend ₍ᐢᐢ₎
Warnings: mention of scars and negative mental health
Please read with the warnings in mind, this one is heavier in terms of mental health topics.
About 18/19, a couple years after his journey is done
Average height, his build is still toned but more on the leaner side because of height and anatomy
light freckles across his cheeks/nose and skin is tanner than the rest of the boys
Has 2 small cartilidge piercings, small silver hoops
Part fae, I know a few others headcanon him as fae too I just think it suits his character
Speaks and writes Hylian well, takes a bit longer to read though (he's trying his best)
Closer to Legend, they're the downfall duo :3, but also close to Sky
I wanna say he's like one of the last few boys to feel attraction towards Y/n. Fae bonding to humans is weird and Hyrule doesn't wanna freak you out and needs to really process it.
When he realizes he fell for you? Oh boy. Definitely more clingy and obsessive and frets over your safety, more than Sky even.
Major sweet tooth, favorite food has go to be spoonfuls of honey
Keeps a journal, lots of sketches and notes on herbs and flora and some thoughts on Y/n
Has a.... difficult relationship with Hylia/Zelda/the Goddess
Knows about some of Legend's past, not as much as Y/n though
Has a large scar on his lower stomach from Dark Link, and faded white scratches on his back from a past incident that I may or may not bring up later down the line
Do not let him near a cooking pot. Don't do it.
Our favorite smithy is about 18-19
He may be short, but don't let his height fool you. Mr. swordmaker here is built. You think all the hours hammering away at metal don't build muscle? You'd be wrong
Anywayss, I headcanon Four as having heterochromia, one eye green and the other a dark blue.
Has the lightest stubble, hardly noticeable because he shaves it everyday
Recently has also started tying up his hair in a pony tail, so he honestly looks like a younger Time from far away
Has lots of ear piercings and stacks rings on his fingers, most of which he made himself from spare parts. He made a few rings for Legend and Y/n
Develops feelings for Y/n slowly, though it hits him like a brick after the Yiga clan incident after realizing how close he was to losing you
Has a few scars on his hands and arms, a few burn marks from reckless accdients both in and out of the blacksmith shop
Has a tattoo of the Four Sword on his forearm
Ironically enough, close to Wild and Wind. He's keeping a tally of how many swords Wild has broken So far it's 46
Similar to Wild, he kinda has shaggier hair, though its only really visible when his hair is fully down without the headband
19, slightly older than Four and Hyrule
Average height, leaner build, and I wanna say he's on the paler side. He gets sunburned crazy fast like no amount of suscreen can save him
Pink hair, duh, but its more faded than it was when he first shifted into his rabbit form. It's more like leftover on his bangs and on part of his head.
Pinky is decked out in rings, every single finger is stacked with rings for functionality, protection, etc., but some he just thinks are neat.
Double pierced lobes, a few cartilidge piercings, maybe even a Hylian-equivalent of an industrial and has a dick piercing shh
Does not like wearing pants. no sir. Only if absolutely necessary.
Can speak/write Hylian and Lorulean pretty well, though pretty rusty on the latter because he hasn't used or read it much since his adventures
Like the 4th person to develop feelings for our protagonist, he's a little lost to be completely honest. Part of him wants to succumb to his feelings, the other is terrified of losing someone again
Close to Hyrule, Wild, and Wars ironically enough (mostly because of the bickering :D)
Keeps a scrap of Ravio's scarf in his bag, holds it sometimes.
Has a deep long scar along his forearm from a fight, some burn marks from the fire rod. He also has other scars that he doesn't show or discuss, those are difficult to talk about. He wasn't in a good place after.... everything.
Snarky and grumpy, but he softens up around people he trusts. He just needs time and love ₍ᐢᐢ₎
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snek-panini · 6 months
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Today I've got binderary book #3 to share! It's a lighthouse (burning) by books-and-omens. This is a really excellent canonverse (sort of) historical setting liminal ghost story-esque fic that I read practically in one sitting sometime last summer. It's fantastic, well-characterized, angsty and fluffy and fairly plotty and with some really unique worldbuilding. I honestly can't sing its praises enough; it's one of the only times since taking up this hobby that I've known I wanted to bind something before I actually finished reading it.
Have a look at the rest of the photos under the cut; this one came out really well and I'm in love with it.
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For this cover we have lineco book cloth on the spine, a strip of chiyogami paper that I got in one one ChibiJay's random paper packs, and blue-gray sketch paper for the primary gray space. It's a little hard to tell in the photos but the HTV for the titles is in two different colors, silver for "a lighthouse" and pewter for "(burning)". The effect is more pronounced in person and I love it. The pewter came in a multi-pack of cricut foil HTV and I can't seem to find it on its own anywhere, which is a shame because it's beautiful. The sort of streaky effect on the cover was unintentional but I'm kinda liking it? It's a more porous paper for drawing or painting or something, and I tried to wax it for waterproofing, but when I used the heat press to get the title on the wax darkened in the spots where the glue was applied to the cover board. At first I was disappointed, but the fic features a really massive unnatural storm, and it sort of looks like water running down a windowpane, so I'm leaning into that and calling it an aesthetic. The back didn't get this heat treatment, so it doesn't have the pattern.
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Top view, showing the bookmark and handmade end bands. The bookmark is a navy blue ribbon cut from the inside of a shirt, and I chose red and white because there are so many picturesque lighthouses that have red and white stripes. It's the only color in the book that's not blue or gray. The endpapers are a navy blue silk moire, and I had better luck with them than I did with the platinum ones on my Persuasion bind even though they are the same brand. Maybe it's practice or maybe navy just hides more sins than platinum.
For the title page I went fairly simple (for me anyway) with just a frame I pulled from rawpixel. It suits the story, though, being set sometime around or before the early 20th century. I also played with text colors on the title page, with some words being grayed out to mimic the effect on the cover. The section break is me getting clever with a feature of my printer. I often use a gray line to denote section breaks, but for whatever reason my printer doesn't like them and often makes them blurry. It is only these lines that come out blurry; larger images don't do this even if they are complex. So for this one, where a major feature of the story is trying to figure out what's real and what's a supernatural occurrence, I made one that was deliberately heavier in the center so it would come out sort of smoky or fuzzy, like it wasn't quite real and couldn't be clearly seen. It doesn't look this fuzzy in the unprinted file but I love the effect and I feel very clever for manipulating the printer like this.
I'm going to show off some interior shots but this bit contains spoilers for the story, so if you don't want to see that then maybe skip the rest of the post.
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I wanted to get creative with my title placement since a lot of my binds look very similar inside, and this concept really let me try that out. The plot of the story is that the reason there are so many supernatural phenomena at this lighthouse is that someone in the future ran an experiment to harvest energy and accidentally cracked spacetime with it, and bits of the future and the past and the might-have-been are seeping through the cracks, and the longer the cracks exist the more seeps through them and the worse the ghostly stuff gets. At first it's not clear whether there's anything weird happening at all, and it becomes clearer that something is wrong the further in you get because the cracks are worse. So I had this idea for a vintage lighthouse illustration with an overlay of cracks in glass, that become more defined as the story progresses until something is done and they're sealed up in the end. I am not a visual artist and even this straightforward concept was too much for my skills, so I chose the lighthouse and the crack overlay and my amazing husband did the actual image manipulation. There are five different images, with the cracks invisible in the first and final chapter and most visible in chapter 10 and 11, when the characters are trying hardest to fix the problem. I'm really really proud of how well this turned out.
And that's it! I have several more binderary books to post but they are all still waiting for titles before I do the photos, so I don't know when I'll have them up.
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ntls-24722 · 3 months
Hey so... Have you thought much about how disability is treated in your various societies? Like with the Debus and stuff? I've been thinking about it for a little bit and got curious 👀
Yes actually!
For disabilities involving mobility, I had sketched out some really clunky ideas for a Debu crutch and some accessibility for their mountain cave-dwellings awhile ago, so I revamped them! The crutch was specifically made for the situation where, say you have an arm compromised, but it's an inconvenient arm like a back or front arm that's mostly tasked for stability, so your balance is off. So there would be a crutch/walker for that, where you could bring support to the back or front and balance yourself better. And for their cliff dwellings, there could be these adobe-rock torons to help climb up with your arms and your mouth. Ideally, a settlement would have terraces up to your residents, but that takes awhile, so torons and pulleys could be an option. (I got inspired by the Great Mosque of Djenne for the torons)
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Then there's wheelchairs!
So, just a disclaimer, some of these wheelchair designs might not be around at the time that homo mousike is set in, homo mousike is set around when history just began and as you can imagine, technology isn't really that far yet (the first self-propelled wheelchair was invented 1655)
The bottom design was my first design before i realized, "hey, don't... dogs... have wheelchairs... why don't I just do it like that." The first/top design was my second try which eliminates most of the problems with the first, the main one being: Debu are really goddamn heavy. REALLY heavy. So heavy, in fact, that they can't actually lay down for long periods of time, because their own weight will cut off their blood circulation and get pressure wounds. It's why Debu caves are filled to the brim with bedding so they can lay down for longer - and why my first try at a debu wheelchair was less a wheelchair but a bed on wheels. I guess it's still viable and its design feels/looks more vintage to the point I think that this might become the OG Debu wheelchair that would've been present around now.
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Then there's blindness and deafness. Blindness is actually much better to have in Debu society??? Debu are actually not that great at seeing in the first place - their eyes are uniquely sensitive to color, but not to sharpness. And besides, Debu dwellings are in complete darkness except for one room. And because of the fact they live in complete darkness, Debu are historically inclined towards tactile language rather than sign language, which is a mode that deaf and non-deaf individuals alike usually communicate through. Written language is actually equally tactile in some cultures, with valley debu writing stories with beads that can be read by being felt, or read "aloud" by dragging the hoof across the text.
I also find it cool that alphabet letters are physical objects so you can go and buy a bunch of A beads. Defeated teacher at the store, buying a lot of C's and D's after a spelling test
Now onto zebramen.
When it comes to mobile disabilities, interestingly... you'd have a lot less problems in zebraman society out of all of them, which is ironic considering they're constantly on the run.
Before I go into that, I have to describe zebraman society: Instead of civilization forming once populations began to settle down into one place permanently and grow their food, zebraman civilization began when they left sedentary settlements to herd animals, leaving behind the seeds of swaths of crops months in advance in order to harvest them during circular trips around their massive, plains territories. Zebramen are similar to humans where they're able to run for very long periods of time, and they use this less to be persistence hunters but to guide their massive herds along "crop stops" that both they and their herd gather and eat from. They do run along their herds on foot, but those are generally zebramen with the specific job for doing so.
When it comes to the rest of zebramen, they practically live in their carriages, drawn by cloe-mena. They're not particularly fast, but they're really damn strong. As a mountain cow, they were originally built for hoisting themselves up mountains and are perfect picks for drawing carriages for one or two zebramen - or a massive brigade carrying an entire community.
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That is all to say that since zebramen spend most of their time riding in their carriages, not being able to walk isn't too much of a damper. Zebramen are, still currently in their ancient Sumer-adjacent technological era though, so they might instead have a wheelbarrow, or smaller wagon with a service animal that they ride instead of a wheelchair since those might still not be widely made/widely available. There may be a cultural result to this where people in wheelchairs are seen as wise and down to earth, the same way we see people with glasses as smart, since they'd have a closer relationship with animals, which is a big ideal in zebramen.
But in the future, Zebramen's wheelchairs would end up looking really similar to ours, except there's more footrests in the front to accommodate their frontmost and middle legs, a cutout in the back to rest the back legs, and the lack of an armrest. Zebrapeople naturally keep their arms in a mantis posture, so having an armrest would just get in the way of trying to propel themselves.
Zebrapeople have generally the same crutches as us, too.
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Zebrapeople are inclined towards sign since they're more visually oriented than Debu, so that's another similarity between us, but also because their fingers are stupid flexible and weird freaky cool signs are able to be made. Zebrapeople have the benefit of their sign languages being less species-exclusive between them, since zebraelves and zebramen have the same hands and much of the same languages, they get to share the same sign languages.
Zebrapeople do struggle with written language for the blind though, since paper's a very recent and very popular invention that has yet to find itself a widely used tactile way to read its text. The ones currently around similar to moon type where letters are instead raised curves and angled lines.
So onto what zebraelves have different for mobility impairments!
So, the zebraelf wheelchair might be a little different. Their butts are at an angle, which is why they can seamlessly go from octopodal to hexapodal, so they sit as if they're leaned forward. And that gave me an idea because this was the first self-propelled wheelchair invented by Stephan Farffler when he was 22 and this fucks severely.
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That's COOL. This is COOL. And it's the same principle that bikes were improved with, so thank him, every cyclist ever
But, I kind of get why this didn't completely stick around. You kind of have to reach forward for this, which you might not be able to do. You see where I'm going with this?
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Zebraelves live in trees though, carts like this are primarily for walking on ground. Yet, I would argue this only makes things better for disabled zebraelves because zebraelves are also really good at living in trees.
Their bodies are small and compact, and their bodies are adapted for both walking and swinging/generally hanging on and across branches. Having monkey bars on just about everything is used by everyone. Even if you're without the use of arms, your legs are morphologically the same as your arms, and you're free to use those, too. When you can't use either, there's still pulley systems to help you to get places.
And to answer your other ask, happy disability pride month!
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p-oisn · 2 months
let's get positive ! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
(the content below the cut contains mentions of sensitive topics such as implied su*cide & sh so pls scroll if you're uncomfortable w those !)
this is a long rant about life basically .. 💩💩
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i was going to make a post like this sometime later anyways bc i felt .. like a nice person ... but i made it a bit earlier than i expected bc i saw a post from oomf that really made me think .. so here u go
this comes from my own PERSONAL experiences and this is js my point of view yk !!! im no expert on any topic HSHSJ this is js the way i cope plz dont come for me in my asks ... i am aware that it isn't the same for everyone but , i hope this message can be helpful to some extent </3
if you feel like like life is leading nowhere n you feel like giving up I PROMISE it will get better bc i felt the same for two whole years n i will say that i have improved a LOT since . yes , it took me longer than i expected but i didn't give up and you shouldn't either ! it was hard n there were times i felt like i wasn't making any progress / improvement but in the end , it still got better
be kinder (to yourself, first) ☆
i think the first step to loving yourself is to forgive yourself .. its okay to try over n over again , you're still human n i think ppl tend to forget that often bc they're so tough on theirselves . let's not forget that your body is actively trying it's best to keep u alive , your WBCs for example ! (let's appreciate these little guys for trying their best 🎉🎉) your body too , deserves to be loved back , for fighting so hard just for YOU! so pls don't hurt yourself in any way </3
appreciate yourself for achieving even the smallest of tasks because even if it wasn't something big , YOU DID IT ANYWAYS ! every small achievement of yours deserves to be appreciated . even if it's momentary happiness , appreciate yourself while it lasts . i understand that sometimes even small things could be such a hassle but you can always reward yourself later ! i personally like to buy donuts everytime i finish something (this could come in handy when you're really craving something if you get what im saying ..)
It's okay if you're going at a slower pace than other people , what matters in the end is that you get it done ! everyone is not the same so it's unfair to put yourself down for such things .. also applies to comparing yourself to someone because in the end you'll still be you .. even if you don't like it .. that makes you unique ofcourse , there's only one of you in this world so embrace yourself for that !! you're one of a kind (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
oh, but, life's the same, it's boring ... ☆
yes , a lot of days could end up being the exact same because like , there are 365 days in a year so you can except most of them to be similar .. but as a new year starts , ofc many things change without you even noticing it , you grow older ofcourse , and you could be starting a new year in school , you meet new people and so on ! if you compare your life from a year ago or even a few months ago to now , you'll surely notice a few differences atleast so .. life is not reaaaaally the same right .... everyday is a new experience ! literally anything and i mean anything could happen the next day , you could even win the lottery who knows 🤫
when i felt like everyday was the same , i tried changing my patterns .. (my current favourite thing to do is go on a walk ! sometimes i take my dog w me , it's super fun) i would do small things that i dont usually do like sketch ! or i attempt cooking something new .. but obviously there were a LOT of days where i did nothing , sometimes even weeks , and that's okay ! we all deserve days where we do nothing ESPECIALLY if you're someone who is working or js in school / college everyday .. you deserve that break
i think a big factor is being unproductive ? don't get me wrong , i still am my same unproductive self at times unfortunately , n sometimes they do get so bad that they lead to a terrible burnout .. n i went through a rly bad burnout not long ago n trust me you do not want to get this far :( how do i deal with this ? (let's take studying as an example here) well i always start off with small portions , even if it's just a page or two . n then i slowly keep increasing the amount of pages i read .. n yes ofc , i understand how brutal burnouts can get sometimes n that's why it's important to not overwhelm yourself by attempting to finish a big portion of your studies in one go .. just take it easy , let the information marinate in your head for a bit before you move on to the next topic .. so basically what im trying to say here is don't overwhelm yourself with big tasks especially when you're already burntout
friends .. they're great ☆
the thing that honestly improved my life by a mile is getting good friends .. I've had my fair share of bad friend groups so trust me when I say this , it's better to be alone than with people who drain you mentally because . you deserve someone who treats you the way you actually want to be treated .
"but it's hard to make friends" i completely get this because i am a very shy person myself </3 but i think you could start by trying to make friends online ! its easy to find someone with similar interests on the internet .. so when you feel down atleast you know that there's someone on the other side of the world who cares for you ..
but this doesn't change the fact that solitude is AMAZING too (tbh i could go on for a really long time on how i love being by myself but this is already getting super lengthy ...) you can be your own friend too ! (okay see now this seems insane but if it makes you happy WHO CARES AMIRITE) i personally enjoy my own company like omg .. she can get a good laugh out of me sometimes ... you can do whatever you want when you're alone ! you can dance to your favourite playlist or experiment with a bunch of stuff ! if you get bored you can watch your favourite movie or consume your favourite piece of media that no one gets like you 🤫 so , as much as making friends sounds great , let's appreciate solitude too !!
ah, life can be beautiful sometimes? ☆
one of the biggest reasons i go on walks almost regularly is to remind myself how beautiful the world can be sometimes .. (atp half of this is me convincing you all to go on walks) i live in a beautiful neighbourhood n there are a lot of different flowers and fruits that grow here and that makes me really happy . going on early morning walks especially is soo fun , the world is so quiet then and you can even watch the sunrise 🥹
another thing is buying myself things i like ... especially clothes ... if you think you would look good in something then js go ahead and buy it ! don't mind what other people think because like ... YOU are wearing it and if people around you have a problem with that then i think they should close their damn eyes and not look at you if it bothers them that much 🤦 you deserve to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin , you deserve to dress the way you want to ! so if you feel like dressing a particular way would make you feel better .. GO FOR IT !!! this applies to other things you like, maybe accessories, merch or stationary that look cute .. it's okay even if people judge you for your style because in the end they're the ones who are boring and miserable because they spend soo much time hating on others 😒
life is soo much more fun when you take care of yourself trust me ... you deserve to be taken care of !! so spoil yourself once in a while i promise it's okay as long as it makes you happy <3
to sum it all up .. yes , good times don't last forever but so don't bad times , and you and i both can get through a bad day because life is still going on (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ bad times too , will pass . so please believe in yourself and hold on !! i love you
again, this is all how*I* like to cheer myself up so pls don't take anything here in a bad way 😖 all of this was made with good intentions and im so sorry if i still ended up hurting anyone in any way ..
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femalefemur · 4 months
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warnings: depression, face picking, changing for someone else, please let me know if i missed anything!
word count: 900
synopsis: Johnny agonises over his confession to Simon.
A/N: I don't know I just wanted to make him sad, also I am very sleepy so if you see a mistake no you didn't <3
Something about Johnny slowly falling in love with Simon, all the little quips and jokes he makes winning Johnny over. He loves how Simon is the only one who ever calls him Johnny, loves how Simon always checks on him first after a mission no matter how well it went. He loves that he's the only one who gets to call Simon LT, that he's the only one who can press up against the infamous Ghost and live to tell the tale, that he's the only one Simon trusts enough to see him regularly unmasked, not even Price gets that privilege. Every single thing just making him fall more and more in love with the man.
So it comes as no surprise when he finds himself standing outside of his Lieutenant's room late one night, a light flush to his skin as he knocks twice on the door. He beams up at Simon when the man answers, stepping aside for Johnny to enter his room before closing the door and asking what he's doing there so late especially the night before a mission. It makes Johnny fidget with his hands as he swallows and looks Simon in the eyes before letting the confession tumble from his lips, watching for any indication of what Simon may be feeling. He sees nothing cross the man's face and all he gets in return of his confession is a nod before being told to go to bed.
It eats at him the entire mission, the comms quieter than usual and Simon only speaking to him when necessary. He's met with silence when they reach the extraction point, Gaz being the one to ask him how he is instead, mumbling out a reply before he sits and watches Simon pass him to sit next to Price. It continues to eat at him as he watches himself slowly be pushed out of Simon's life, the touches, the jokes, the late nights becoming non existent over night.
The rejection and heartbreak worming its way into his heart and festering. Johnny watches himself slowly shut down, he smiles but it no longer reaches his eyes, he laughs but it's forced, he slowly becomes less and less of himself as he watches the man he loves distance himself no matter how much he's tried to fix things. It doesn't matter how many quips he makes over comms all he gets in return is silence, or how many times he tries to sit next to Simon, the man just getting up and moving or leaving entirely, he never gets to see him unmasked again.
All he has left is his sketches of all the moments they've shared together, the touches, the smiles, Simon's face. He falls asleep thinking of the memories of moments where they were so close together that Johnny could hear Simon's heartbeat, letting the slowly fading sound lull him to sleep. He thinks of it so often that he's not entirely sure the sound he hears in his memories is what it actually sounded like. Sits in bed and thinks about what he did wrong, how he would take back every word if it meant he got to share space with Simon again. He bites his nails down to the quick as stares at the drawings of Simon laughing, lets his fingers bleed onto the paper and smudge his sketches. He tugs at his hair and digs at his face as he lies awake at night and regrets every word that left his mouth that day, letting his fingers dig and scratch away his thoughts, covering his face in bloody scabs.
Johnny lets himself slip more and more into his own head with each passing day, if Simon notices he says nothing, not that he even looks at Johnny anymore. It all becomes too much when Simon walks onto base with another man in tow, arm looped around his waist as he presses the short man into his side and introduces him to the team as his boyfriend. He watches the other man with burning jealousy, takes in the way Simon leans into him and laughs at something he said. He looks at how the man has bright blue eyes and dark hair, how he's shorter than Simon but just as muscular, how he's soft spoken and on the quieter side, how there's a lilt of a Scottish accent in his voice but how it's not overly prominent, how it's not like Johnny's own accent, how he's like Johnny in every way but also the opposite.
He lays in bed that night and wondering if he was less brash, quieter, if his accent wasn't as prominent, if he wasn't everything he was now then would Simon like him? He lets the thought eat away at him and fester until he's a hollow shell, until he's withdrawing and becoming quieter, letting his hair grow out from his signature mohawk and he starts evening out his accent and making it more neutral. Watches as Simon's eyes start to meet his again while Johnny flutters his eyelashes and looks away so he isn't staring too long like how he used to. Listens as Simon starts to make small quips to him over the comms again, he replies in kind but in a softer voice and nothing as vulgar as he used to say. Preens as Simon compliments his hair and gives it a small ruffle as it grows out, he throws out his electric trimmer that night. Watches as he becomes less himself more someone else, someone he doesn't recognise, someone who wasn't ever him or who he thought he'd become.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Hongjoong + Firsts
Continuing my firsts series 🥰 thanks @xlli3 for also requesting to see this! Don’t mind me giving (y/n) & joong my dream pet for the man of my dreams 🤕
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First Date: The first time you officially go out, Hongjoong takes you to a paint night! He loves the idea of you guys receiving the same prompt, hearing the same instructions yet creating something different- to him, this date will more deeply capture some part of both of your essence. He already knows you, so dating is just to strengthen that! The theme is nature and sure enough, you create very different pieces, his an intricate design of plant life while you sketched an animal portrait.
First Time Holding Hands: You’re a few dates in when the late night chatting starts, both of you on your backs stargazing. The sky is like a broken string of pearls, light scattered, and the beauty has your voices quiet with awe even as you spill your innermost thoughts. Insecurity blankets you, though, itching beneath your skin harder than the blades of grass poking through holes of the quilt you laid on. Your quiet voice fails. “I- I don’t know if that makes sense…” Warmth flooded you as Hongjoong’s hand fell atop yours. He sat up, eyes fixing on yours, a soft smile upon his lips. “Of course I understand.”
First Kiss: It’s a little longer before your first kiss, definitely not because he doesn’t want to, but just so the moment is right. It’s early in the morning- a rare, sudden open time in Hongjoong’s schedule that has you getting ready at the crack of dawn. Literally. The two of you stand upon a bridge watching the sunrise, commenting of course on its beauty. “I love getting to see a new beginning like this with you,” you comment, “it feels right.” Something breaks in Hongjoong the moment you say that, drawing him in until your lips connect beneath the day’s first faint rays.
First ‘I Love You’: This was a moment you two would share in private, one that would be special if Hongjoong had anything to say about it. And he did, setting up a rooftop dinner complete with fairy lights just for you. Meal complete, he turns on a speaker, extends a hand. “May I have this dance?” You oblige him, smiling at the extra affection he’s been showing, whether it was the way his hand trailed down your arm at dinner or the way he held you tighter than usual as you swayed. Soon, though, you’re barely moving as he’s pouring his heart out to you, telling you that you’re his muse, his heart. “I love you.”
First Fight: “One day! One day is all I’m asking!” “You don’t think I would give it to you if I could?” All you wanted was for him to show a little spine, get one day off for you but it looked like yet again that wouldn’t be possible. “I don’t know, sometimes I wonder if you even try,” you shoot back, turning away from him. “You don’t think I-” Hongjoong sighs, the intense dark of his eyes subsiding. “Can you not tell how much I love you?” You were ready for him to yell, to keep going back and forth or leech more venom into his words, so the soft entreaty caught you off guard. “I just…” You sighed, too. That wasn’t fair. You knew he tried- seen it in the things he made you by hand and dates he’d set up carefully as arranging a stage. “Sometimes with it all it just feels like I’ll never be as important as your job. I let that take over.” His eyes fluttered shut, one final shudder of frustration draining from Hongjoong before he speaks again. “I know, love. I’ll try. I want to try for you, I do.”
First Anniversary: It seems like a romance novel come to life when you finally lay your eyes upon the surprise Hongjoong said he had for you. “Everyone tends to do rings,” he told you, “so I guess I wanted to do something different.” ‘Something different’ being custom-ordering a unique pair of necklaces for you each, similar but not identical, just like your unique souls. You held the chain with one hand, gently caressing the pendant with the other. It was obvious how much thought had gone into capturing your personality, something that spoke your name. “What do you think?” Hongjoong asks, glancing with a smile of uncertainty that surprised you. “Of course I love them!” You reply, all but rocket-launching into his arms, the pendant lightly striking the back of his jacket. “Happy six months,” his voice rang out in your ear as his hand wrapped around your back, pulling you close.
First Pet: “Are you sure that’s not dangerous?” Giggling, you shake your head. “Nope, he’s just a baby. Worst he can do is a nick if he bites.” “He bites?” “Only if we mess with him. Come on, you liked the idea before. Having cold feet?” Holding up the small young snake plaintively slithering along your hand where he wrapped himself, you watched Hongjoong’s apprehension melt into a smile. “No, not really. You look so cute with him. Got a name?” “Snape.” “Snape the snake?” “Yep.” Hongjoong just shakes his head, chuckling. “Alright, professor. Welcome home,” he bends down to speak to your new baby.
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emerxshiu · 5 months
rat brainrot going hard
sorry for not posting this week, i was cooking some stuff but this drawing took almost the entire week to do, worst part, it was a shitpost
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i still dont know why this took me so much
so uh, almost all my drawings this week have been related to this two(and lis) so much so that i struggled because i wanted to draw other things so i would just stare at a blank sheet of paper for over half an hour, god that was torture, tho i dont mind drawing the sillies, sometimes it gets a bit boring drawing the same over and over y'know? im also going to take this as an opportunity to ramble about my forgo gijinka, because surprisingly i hadnt done that yet.
og image
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ok now to actually talk about the wet rat
ive tried doing a gijinka of em since i joined the fandom (my first gijinka was fecto elfilis (well not really they were fnaf, but i mean when i got into kirby and when i started using the term gijinka))
but most of the time it just looked like elfilin but like...evil, with a different ear and a hospital gown, thats it, so i barely drew them since i didnt like that, but on february, i actually sketched an idea that i liked, and thought it looked cute but a bit off (i mean off in a good way)
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(yes im posting this image again because i think its the best drawing of my forgo (im very inconsistent with my style ok))
they have their eyes closed most of time, like in game, i considered giving them legs but i ended up with the tail, since i didnt want to end up with like a fourth evil elfilin, the arms are like that so i can have em be small and weird like in the actual game, but i also made it so they can like change it, that way i can make em have hands and stuff if necessary (like to hold that frying pan for example)
not sure if a lot of you notice it but um, bro has no neck, i took away his neck privileges, i did it just to see but i ended up falling in love with that and stuck around, and also that allows me to draw them bending their head like in the drawing above because their neck isnt necking and i like that, i like being able to draw characters doing stuff that shouldnt be anatomically possible or is abnormal (i did something a bit similar with void) thair clothes are rugged because well forgotten land you know what i mean, but in general theyre actually pretty simple
i also did the drawing in digital
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i tried doing very sketchy lineart, i tried a new brush in this one and thats the one im using for my last drawings (not sure if anyone noticed the brush change) it was pain painting it because i did it all with the brush in the same size, not changing it, god did my hands hurt and it was a bad idea
i accidentaly downloaded the following 3 drawings twice lol
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sleepy zzzz
i think they would wear something like this to sleep, i dunno i just wanted to draw em in something cute, and sleepy, with elfilin slippers (the mug also has elfilin btw) oh and also i like changing their hair, here one of their long bangs is tied into a bow, kinda like callie from splatoon, i have some drawing im probably wont post, one more of forgo wich looks very much like the upper one but like eyes closed, and one of fecto elfilis gyaru because my sister asked me to draw them like that, bad thing is i didnt look up references on gyaru since i couldnt use my phone at the moment, i did like the hair i did for them in that one tho, they have their bangs tied up in a bun, and then left the rest loose, making it look longer than it actually is. i might redraw it, but actually looking up gyaru so i can make something more accurate, i like the style, but im not too informed on it
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elfilin being silly like a kitty :p
not much more to say on this, just sillines :3
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there is totally not a cropped drawing there
based on the kirby manga, where they make it so elfilis sings really bad, at first i didnt like it that much since i had imagined they'd sign great, but after i while i started to find it a bit cute so now its a headcanon, they like to sing but suck at it.
writing this just made me remember i wanted to do another drawing too for this with kirby and them singing, but i forgot to do it, im kinda tired (and its late) ill probably draw it, but for next post or another one
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tried drawing fecto forgo as a plushie, silly.
i wanna learn how to sew so i can make plushies of characters (like prince fluf!) but im way too lazy, i will get around it some day! (hopefully)
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elfilin too as a plush
i also wanna learn to sculpt, i tried doing a clay kirby once, but one his feet broke in half, and one day my mom put it in a box, and his eyes fell off and stuck to the box :(
i really wanna do figures for characters i like or dont have enough merch or my ocs (prince fluff, flamberge, fecto elfilis)
but as i said, im way too lazy and unmotivated, though its be nice, one day, maybe one day if i stop procrastinating
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it doesnt have the same ring to it as "feto rata mojada alien" wich is how my sister and i call them (she doesnt know that much about kirby, but i sometimes show her my drawings (reluctantly sometimes, but im the older so like >:) she has too if she wants to show me her stuff too))
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silly rat and wet rat, thats how i call em (because wet rat alien fetus is too long sometimes)
you can tell the brainrot was too strong (were near done(kinda))
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they gain a mouth whenever i fell like it very much
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artblock hit, and all the rest of pages i stared at them for 30 minutes
it felt weird looking at my fecto elfilis with the eyes so big, it looked off (in a weird way)
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dunno, tried drawing them in a different pose i i dunno really
i think these are from tuesday. i did more but those were oc (mostly splatoon) or other kirby character related, and i want this to be a rat post (might post those tommorow or another day maybe)
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i dunno (x2), i tried drawing elfilin like elfilis, i really liked the hands here. i still struggle a bit with anatomy but i think this was quite good for my usual character just stading looking at the front or a quarter profile. im considering making this into a fully digital drawing, what do i say by considering im actually doing that fuck it, i just think it looks kinda cool
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"This new creation, driven by pure chaos, was defeated by the bright light of Kirby's hope."
Chaos Elfilis reminds me of a moth. kirby's hope is a bright light.
you can see my thought process. i just thought itd be a bit cute and kinda silly and funny.
the kirby fandom wiki, said that chaos elfilis looked akin to a moth, and it just stuck with me, so i wanted my gijinka of them to be moth inspired, and thats when i saw just how cute moths are! i mean im still a bit scared of insects but at least now i kinda like em.
i feel like i need to say sorry to that one moth i desintegrated in a matter of seconds with a book because i thought it was an spider and didnt think (im so sorry little guy)
but ah yeah elfilis, moth, it made sense to me since chaos elfilis has the soul of morpho knight, who is a butterfly, and moths are kinda like butterflies too. and i thought itd be cute
so uh yeah i sometimes like making my chaos elfilis be a bit like a moth, that includes liking light, a lot, so uh kirby is like a lamp in here because i said so
now to talk about the desing since for some reason i hadnt earlier, as i said before, they are very moth inpired so uh im might say that word way too many times (im sorry i suck at explaining stuff)
their horns are thinner to resemble moth anntenae, and they curve just because i thought it look cool, and to differentiate it a bit from fecto elfilis. their bangs tie into a bun (i forgot to draw that but i dont wanna go and change it now, way too tiredv man and i still have to post this on other places) the bun looks a bit like an eye, because well, they are basically a soul boss, and moths have things in their wings that look like eyes, btw chaos elfilis doesnt have their wings here because i got lazy and i didnt want them to like cover most of the drawing. the things coming from their bun are like the trhee things theyve got in their head, theyre shaped like that to resemble insects legs a bit, fecto elfilis also had the 3 things (i dunno how to call em sorry) as their eyelashes, but chaos elfilis has just white eyelashes, because the bun already has the 3 things and because my morpho has white eyelashes so (i still havent done my morpho gijinka yet, i just know im gonna give the butterfly some white eyelashes cuz cute and pretty grimm reaper) the rest of the hair is shaped into like a ponytail but like, adn shaped, with whats left shaped like a lil moth
the waistband they have is a nod to morpho, they used to have a bow shaped just like the butterfly morpho appears as, but i took it out because i thought it crowded the design way too much, and also because it was too on the nose. the arms have those golden things because my fecto has it and because my og chaos elfilis gijinka had them so i wanted to bring it back, the hand fades into white because the red in the hand wasnt hard to distinguish so i came up with that to make it easier to see.
the red part of the pants are actually a bit fuzzy akin to a moth and the white part has those stripes to loke like insect stuff because y'know akin to a moth. the boots are like the red part in their legs their model in-game has, so i just made em tall boots, the high heels? originally it was platform just ike my fecto but then i wanted to draw them in high heels when i was slightly redoing chaos elfilis, and welp, i loved it and now theyve got high heels. those rings around the ankle are inspired by the ones leaongar has around their arm. also can you tell anatomy is not my strong suit? and that i dont draw high heels often?
i made a slight change in my kirby, making the sleeves be a different color, since the one he had before i felt was way too white, and i wanted to have more saturation in it
i also forgot but elfilin is supposed to wear that during forgotten land, and then i decided that after the anding of the main story he changes clothes, but i forgot about that while doing this so he has his pre-ending clothes (also because i still cant really decide on their second outfit for the post-game)
god im so tired i wanna talk and show more drawings but o shit im sweating why is it so hot in here
um thank you for reading all the unnecessary long rambles about why i do certain stuff in my gijinkas, i appreciate it a lot (im still sorry about writing walls upon walls of text but i just cant help it)
Jambuhbye! :D
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venusbby · 1 year
sketches and sunsets
characters/pairing: itoshi rin x artist!reader
warnings: they are so stupid and awkward and cute but i just wanted to write this because i found my old sketchbook from years ago lol. not proofread, sorry if there are any typos <3
the sound of hurried scribbling and rough strokes on the paper filled the room as he tried his best to stifle a yawn. he couldn't help but cringe a little at the possibility of you seeing his weak attempt to do so, eyes focused on your form as you continued to bring those quick and light lines to life in your sketchbook.
with your gaze flickering between the book on your lap and him in front of you, you made the same mistake over and over- making eye contact.
although you were looking back and forth, his eyes stayed on you and it was more nerve wracking than any thing. it was as if he was studying you and creating a sketch in his mind, and there's nothing more scary than finding out what you look like from his eyes.
"sorry, uh, if you're tired already."
rin was looking at you already, but he wasn't, you realized, when he finally looked right at you this time. if not your eyes, then what was he looking at?
for you, as an artist, (not sure you'd want to call yourself that because it takes you a few months to come back to your sketchbook after each drawing) the eyes are the most important. they're your favorite part to start with because they somehow guide you to draw the rest of the face. (even if it might not be the valid first step according to some art teachers.)
so for some reason you didn't really understand what rin was looking at other than your eyes.
speaking of eyes, his were really pretty.
you don't need him to know that, and you also don't need him to know that you spent more time than usual to sketch out his pretty eyes.
"no, i'm not tired." he said, almost finding his voice unfamiliar because of how long it had been since either of you spoke.
there was no special lighting except the warm, orange hues of the sun coming from the window of your bedroom and rin was in his usual clothes: a hoodie and sweats, because there was no reason to dress up. he lived next door anyway, so if there was a plan to go out and eat street food he'd just change into some jeans. your favorite watermelon slice pillow looking smaller than usual trapped between his arms as he used them for support to avoid slouching.
you sat a few feet away from the bed where he was, partially because you didn't believe you had the guts to stay so close while you studying his features. some artist part of you and some part of you that has fallen for the boy next door thinks its too intimate.
rin gulped. was it him or were the strands of your hair looking a warmer shade because of the sunlight? and your skin was glowing. you just did that thing you always do when you're focused, just like you were a few weeks ago when he had asked you to choose which pictures he should post on his instagram that was gaining followers left and right after blue lock.
how much longer?
he might just end up saying the things he's thinking if he looks at you any longer. saying that you're driving him crazy.
"alright, just a little detailing left. im sorry." you mumbled, now squinting so you could see better the minute details that you started adding, like his lashes.
"stop apologizing," rin said calmly. "i know it takes time."
you quietly nibbled on the inside of your cheek, feeling your fingers go slightly numb and hesitantly tossing your pencil on the study table nearby. "done."
rin moved. he moved closer.
he sat on the edge of the bed now, right in front of you. you felt your back ache from how you sat in the most uncomfortable position in your chair. he looked at you expectantly, holding his hand out.
this is the first time you've drawn after months. this is the first time you've drawn your best friend.
the reality of it all is just sinking into you and the burning sensation under your skin grew. you asked him if you could draw him and now that it's done you don't want to show it to him because it's a little embarrassing that you'd never put this much your heart and soul into a drawing before.
with a soft exhale, you gave the sketchbook and cracked your knuckles to relieve the pent up pressure. rin scanned the drawing from top to bottom, those pretty eyes stopping for a second at some point of the image. you licked your dry lips, hoping you didn't accidentally fuck up his features in a hurry.
he set the sketchbook down and your back straightened against the wood of your chair.
"i like it," he nodded once, blinking a few times to use the same eyes that he saw just now on paper, the prettier version.
"im glad," you smiled, anxiety defusing slowly. "it's been a long time since i drew. you're pretty easy to draw. wait, not in that way-"
"i love it." he admitted.
"oh, okay." you smiled wider, and while you thought of something more to say, rin beat you to it.
"i wanna draw you too." he mumbled, leaning in so, so slightly. "teach me, so i can draw you. i don't think i'll be able to make you look as pretty as you look in real life, because i'm not even close to decent at drawing."
your mouth opened and closed like a fish. you weren't even sure you blinked for the next five seconds- and oh, since when were you leaning in too? this was the most rin had talked in one go.
"are you.. calling me pretty?"
he took his time to answer that. gosh, you were too close. maybe you would've been able to draw his eyes even better if he was this close before.
rin's hand hovered just below your chin. he was hesitating. he wondered if his face looked as hot as it felt. he wondered if you were going to back off. you didn't. he gulped once more. "can i kiss you?"
it was too late. words had already died in your throat and you were surprised you even had it in you to nod repeatedly, slowly.
kissing rin itoshi while the sun had almost disappeared. what a story.
his lips were softer than you had imagined. and he seemed just as lost as you were, but even he didn't care. because he was kissing you.
his thumb and index holding your chin and your hand coming up to disappear into his dark locks, slightly pushing him closer so you could feel it more.
rin was almost on the edge of the bed and he was going to fall if he tried to get any closer. so he pulled away and guided you to sit on the bed beside him. his hands stayed glued to your waist as it all continued with fervor until you ended up lying on the bed staring at the ceiling that was covered in the green glow in the dark stars with your chests heaving and lips yearning for more. he remembered helping you put them up after school a few years ago.
your sketchbook laid right between you both.
your intertwined fingers didn't let go until it was dark outside your window and you guys heard your mom announcing that she had home from work.
rin only had a few favorite days to look back to. that day was one of them.
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kiruamon · 6 months
Spring through the Seasons - Meeting the Winter
Second story part for this AU. Includes Y/N wandering into the snow covered parts of the island and meeting another deity of the seasons. Also, I had so much fun drawing the sketches! (Like last time the art/sketches are embedded in between the text.)
As if you had crossed an invisible line, a landscape so otherworldly stretches out before your eyes that for a moment you start to question your plan. It's not that the sight is completely unfamiliar to you. You've often seen the strange, white landscape from a good distance when you've gone to the lake. But today is different. Today it was no longer just a distant, obscure place, but lay spread out before you in its strange grace.
It was as if someone had stripped the landscape of almost all its colors. Only the green needles of a few fir trees stood out here and there among the white, wondrous mass. The deciduous trees that used to adorn the plain in front of you had degenerated into bare skeletons, frozen by the cold air and stretching towards the sky as if begging the sun to give them a little warmth. No young shoots, no buds or tender leaves could grow on the branches in this cold.
This sight triggered a feeling of uneasiness inside you. And yet… You can't help but feel a certain fascination that makes your heart beat faster with excitement the longer you gaze out at this strange world. The sparkling of the white mass as the sunlight breaks through the clouds and falls on it takes your breath away. You feel as if someone has picked the twinkling stars from the night sky to grind them into a fine powder to spread it over this patch of earth.
You step closer to the invisible border between your home and the icy, beautiful landscape in front of you. Step by step, you get closer to it. Leaving the blooming flowers and growing bushes with their young shoots behind you. Only a few more steps lie ahead of you before the grass beneath your feet is swallowed up by the white dust - or whatever it may be.
You pause as you stand directly in front of the white substance, which spreads out untouched and motionless in front of you. Can you just walk on it? Crouching down, you inspect it with a curious look and slowly stretch out your hand towards it. You are surprised to see how easily it sinks in. But you don't have long to marvel at how easily it gives way under your touch as a slight shudder takes hold of your body and causes it to quiver. Cold. The vines on your stole tremble and curl up a little. Brrrr. You didn't think the shimmering mass would feel cold. Or… wet? Curious, you pull your hand out of it and watch as what's stuck to it slowly changes shape on your warm skin and… … turns into water. You stare in amazement at the drops of water on your hand. This white mass is water! Stunned, you absorb this information and slowly get back to your feet. Hardened water. Is that what it is? Unbelievable. What an incredible place! Your enthusiasm is now even more ignited.
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You simply have to see more. Find out more about this place. You have finally found the courage to go further and put your first foot into the strangely stiff water. It sinks a little into the mass, but that doesn't stop you as long as you can feel the ground beneath your soles and slowly but steadily venture deeper into this unknown world.
The further you progress, the stranger, but also more beautiful, the landscape appears in your eyes. Odd formations hang from the branches of some trees, like small runnels of water frozen in the air. The green needles of the fir trees are often covered in a layer of white, as if they had wrapped themselves in a blanket. Even the air is different in this place. There are fewer scents than in your home. The air seems drier and the cold bites a little into your reddened nose and cheeks. It's not painful, but it's unfamiliar. You are used to warmer temperatures in the forests and meadows you are accustomed to, but your body still seems to be able to tolerate the colder weather here. On your way into the unknown, you approach a forest that looks as if it has died. The tree trunks are tall and the branches are at such dizzying heights that your neck hurts if you look up at them for too long.
In the distance, you hear the howling of wolves. The sound doesn't worry you. Quite the opposite. It teaches you that animals live even in such a cold place. You have often wondered where they came from or where they were going on their wanderings. Looks like you've learned something new.
Footprints. Still very fresh. The ruler of these lands eyed the peculiar tracks in the otherwise almost untouched winter landscape with suspicion. Here and there between them were strange little patches of frozen ground under the masses of snow. Had an animal - a deer perhaps - pushed the snow aside with its muzzle to look for roots to eat? But no. The snow looked as if it had melted and little green stalks were sticking out of it, trembling. Strange. Very strange. The shape of the footprints too. It didn't look like an animal. And the wolves hadn't gone hunting for it either. Whatever it was, it sparked his curiosity. In the company of the wolves, he decided to get to the bottom of this.
Are you still heading in the right direction? In this foreign place, you find it more and more difficult to keep your sense of direction. Perhaps you should have tried walking closer along the lake or the coastline. But your curiosity and carefree attitude had drawn you deeper into these lands. Had driven you to see what wonders awaited you here. But now the sky was already darkening. Swallowed the twinkle of the white mass around you. Dark, gray clouds hang in front of the sun, making it difficult to guess how much daylight you have left before it disappears completely. Is it going to rain? But there isn't the typical smell of rain lingering in the air. In search of shelter and a suitable place to rest, you continue to wander through the rows of petrified trees. Each of your steps is accompanied by a slight crunch as it sinks into the white mass and suddenly the sound seems strangely out of sync with your own footsteps. You pause in surprise, but you can still hear it. Blinking in confusion, you turn around and exhale in shock through your mouth as your breath rises into the air like a tiny wisp of mist. Someone is standing there between the rows of trees.
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For some reason, the air seems even colder and more stinging now. As if it wants to drive you back to your warm home. Telling you that you don't belong here. But you can't run. You feel frozen and completely mesmerized by what you see in front of you. It stands upright. A pair of curved horns on its head, like nothing you've ever seen before. Translucent, like the shapes you have already spotted on the branches of the trees. Is that an animal? But it doesn't look like one and it's wearing clothes. A coat with thick fur around the edges that the cold wind can't harm, no matter how much it tears at it. In its left hand it holds an oddly shaped staff. Only at the second moment do you notice the company it is in. Three wolves walk by it's side. Their fur is much thicker than the fur they wear in your lands. And yet their fur patterns seem familiar to you. Slowly they circle you with their watchful gaze and you follow them with your eyes in wonder. It is this brief moment of distraction that the entity takes advantage of. Because suddenly you feel a cold breeze on the back of your neck as it stands directly behind you and leans down lightly towards you.
The entity's breath is as cold as if it was the wind itself that sweeps across these lands. Instinctively, your body shivers. You are not sure what it wants from you. Carefully, you turn your head to the side. Trying to catch a glimpse over your shoulder and under its hood. But you don't even get that far when, out of the corner of your eye, you notice a hand with claw-like fingers slowly moving towards the thin vines on your stole. The touch is far more careful than you would have expected it to be. A tiny nudge against the delicate flower at the end of the vine, causing it to sway slightly and recoil from the coldness of the touch. Could it be… that you weren't the only one wondering what or who you had stumbled across here? A new confidence grows in you, like a little sprout digging its way out of the warm earth to greet the gentle rays of the sun. "He… hello," you mumble rather shy as you try to turn your head a little further around and this time you actually manage to catch a glimpse of the face under the hood, which is staring at you in surprise.
A pair of multi-colored eyes blink at you in amazement. Its mouth opens slightly in shock, but closes again a few heartbeats later before it opens again and you are no less startled to hear the being's voice. "You can talk," you hear him say and somehow this brings you a huge sense of relief and makes you giggle. "So can you." He seems almost embarrassed when he hears this. He slowly straightens up and circles you, while you follow him curiously with your gaze. "True enough."
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He looks at you with a thoughtful expression. Trying to take in every detail of you in an attempt to understand what or who he has in front of him. You can't blame him for this, because you feel the same way. You're still fascinated by his appearance, which is so completely different from yours. His face, which is divided into a dark and a light section, reminds you of a crescent moon in the dark night sky. And while on the light half his eye is as white as the landscape around you, his other eye glows as red as the evening sun. Beautiful. "Where are you from?" you suddenly hear him ask and are dragged back from your thoughts to reality. "Where I'm… oh! From the southern lands." "South. The green forests?" You nod and your answer only seems to make him more thoughtful. It's difficult to tell what he's thinking. Does he find it curious to hear where you're from? Or is he angry with you for some reason? "But why shou- ", for some reason he breaks off his words in mid-sentence. Blinks in confusion and stares down at your feet. You follow his gaze and… are no less startled than he is to see what you find there. The strange white water has disappeared right around your feet. Grass and snowdrops sprout from the thawing ground, their white blossoms swaying in the wind.
"How did you do that?" he sounds genuinely astonished. "I-I… just stood here…", is that so unusual? It happened all the time in your homelands. No matter where you settled, life followed you everywhere. Shoots that crawled out of the ground. Vines and grasses that stretched towards the sky and spring flowers that began to bloom. To be honest, you didn't expect it to happen even here, so far from your home. You can see how his eyes seem to shine as he looks down at the delicate flowers. "What's that?" "You mean… the flowers?" "Flowers… those are flowers?" You nod gently. "Yes. Snowdrops." Before you had traveled to the western border of your realm, you had rarely seen them either. But the further you had progressed, the more of them had appeared. Apparently… they seemed to cherish the cooler temperatures more than other flowers you knew. "Snow… drops," he repeats slowly. And then… then you hear him let out a soft laugh. "How fitting."
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You blink at him in amazement. "Is it?" "Yes, very much in fact. After all, this is the land of winter. Shrouded in snow and ice." The land of winter… Snow and ice. You look around and slowly start to understand. "So this… is snow?" He laughs again, it sounds… friendly. "Yes. What you see here is snow. And over there, do you see what's hanging from the branches? Those are icicles," he explains to you, almost amused, while you can hardly contain your excitement and slowly realize why he found the name of the flowers so funny. Now you can't help but smile. "Right, that is fitting." He nods at you with a satisfied look in his eyes. "Say, what's your name?" Your name? You blink. No one's ever asked you that before - how could they, when there's never been anyone to talk to - and honestly… you've never thought about giving yourself one. "I… um… I'm afraid I don't have one," you say with an embarrassed smile. "But if you want, you can think of one for me?" You wouldn't mind, at least. But admittedly, the question he just asked makes you curious. "Do you have a name?" Now he looks no less embarrassed than you were a moment ago. "I'm afraid I don't have anything to offer in that respect either," he mumbles to himself a little absent minded. If that was the case… "Can I call you Moon, then?" He looks at you in surprise, remains silent and you already fear that your suggestion was perhaps a little silly after all. But then the corners of his mouth twitch upwards and he says with a genuinely gentle expression in his eyes: "I… would quite like that."
"What brought you little snowflake here in the first place?" asks Moon as he accompanies you through the snow-covered landscape together with the three wolves. Oh, that's right! You hadn't even told him about that yet. You clasp your hands together and look up at him. "I'm looking for the place where the red leaf came from." He furrows his brow when he hears about it and his gaze wanders from you out over the untouched snow filled plain. "A red leaf…" his voice sounds calm, but you can tell that something is on his mind again. "Do you know where it came from? I thought it might have come from here, but… " but so far you haven't seen one deciduous tree with the tiniest of leaves on it. "You won't find it here." How odd, is it just you or does Moon's voice sound strained? Is he perhaps angry with you? Did you say something that might have offended him? "O-oh, that's really too bad…" you say and start to stare at your hands, rubbing them together a little. Is it just you or has it suddenly gotten colder? You look up into the dark clouded sky and… you are completely dumbfounded to see little white dots floating down from the gray clouds as if they were flower petals.
"What's that?" you ask, unable to take your eyes off it. Next to you, you can hear Moon laughing. "Snowflakes. It's snowing." Snowflakes. It looked beautiful. You see them stick to your clothes, but as soon as they fall on your skin, they melt and turn to water. So this is what the snow looks like before it huddles together so tightly on the ground. "It's beautiful." You miss the gentle smile that your words bring to Moon's face and when you finally manage to tear your gaze away, he is already a few steps ahead of you, so you hastily follow him through the snow. "We should hurry though. A snowstorm is coming. And then our vision will be so poor that we won't be able to see a thing. Not to mention that night is about to fall." Oh dear, that didn't sound so good. "Follow me. I know a place where we'll be safe."
As Moon had predicted, the snowfall was getting heavier. While at the beginning, scattered snowflakes had been dancing playfully across the sky, the wind and snowfall was steadily increasing. The air was cold. Much, much colder than before and the daylight is becoming more and more sparse. Although the cold temperatures didn't bother you that much before, they are now becoming increasingly uncomfortable and slowing your progress. Moon seems to notice that you are struggling more with the unfamiliar conditions. That your strength is dwindling. Something heavy slides over your shoulders and Moon's hands reach around you from behind to put the fur-lined cape over your shoulders before he gently pulls the oversized hood over your head. "Can you handle it for a bit longer? It's not that far anymore." He pushes past you and his face appears right in front of yours as he peers under the hood, which now protects your cold-reddened face from the icy winds. "Y-yes. It's all good. I can do it." He nods at you, gently placing his hand on your back and leading you forward with steady steps that are matching yours.
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It is dry and dark in the cave. The snow and wind can't get you here. Nevertheless, you feel completely exhausted after this long walk through the snowstorm and when you think about how long you've been on your feet. You're truly thankful that you have Moon by your side. Otherwise you might have collapsed somewhere from sheer exhaustion while looking for shelter and have been ended up buried under the snow. Instead, you are now safe. Tired, but unharmed. As soon as you have settled down on the rocky ground, two of the wolves join you. Their warm bodies nestled close against you. With a small smile, you brush your hand through their still slightly damp but thick winter fur. You are still wearing the cape that Moon lent you and even when you offered to give it back to him, he refused, saying that you needed it far more than he did at the moment. You are grateful for his kind offer, because you still feel a little cold. And tired… You rub a hand over your eyes as you slowly lie down, resting your head gently on the back of one of the wolves that you now remember why they seemed so familiar. They are the same ones you saw back home. Once last year and two years before when they were still just small pups. It's like seeing old friends again. And they obviously recognize you too.
Your gaze wanders over to Moon, who is sitting on a rock that rises from the ground, watching you in silence. At his feet lies the third member of the small wolf pack. "Moon?" you ask quietly into the darkness. "Yes?" His voice sounds calm. Soothing. "Even if I couldn't find what I was looking for here… I'm glad I came to this land. After all, thanks to it, I met you." You may not have achieved your goal, but… you have found something else that seems so endlessly precious to you.
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For a while there is only silence in the cave until you hear his voice calling softly for you. "… Snowflake?" You smile a little at the thought that you've somehow already gotten used to the nickname he's given you. "Yes, Moon?" "I know the place you're looking for." What? How? Suddenly you feel wide awake again, despite your earlier drowsiness. "Really?" A faint nod of his head, which you can barely make out in the darkness, confirms that you haven't misheard him. "Yes. But you'll hardly be able to reach it from here." "What do you mean?" you ask, a little confused and your heart pounding with anticipation. "The land of the colorful leaves and mist borders my land. But the cliff that lies between them is steep and higher than you can imagine. I can lead you to it, but it would be utter madness to try to climb down there. I'm not sure how the animals manage to get past it… maybe there's a passage somewhere, but I don't know where. Also, the weather near the border is unpredictable. It's simply too dangerous." There is a certain urgency in his words. You can tell he's serious with his warning. "Your chances might be better if you try to take a different path." That sounds really discouraging. Being so close to your goal and yet so far away from it. A different path. Dark, green leaves come to mind. Treetops so lush and full that the forests swallow up the sunlight. The realm that lies to the east of yours. Could there be a way from there? "I see… thank you, Moon. For telling me about it," you whisper softly into the darkness, hoping he can hear you. As you continue to think about his words, your eyes become heavier by the second. The warm, cozy fur of the wolves who have snuggled up close to you lulls you more and more to sleep. You simply can't stay awake any longer. So you nestle yourself tightly into Moon's cape and allow the long-awaited sleep to finally catch up with you.
Hope you had a fun ride with this entry. I surely did with finally showing some of the character interactions for this au.
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prof-ramses · 3 months
Helluva Boss Apology Tour review
In retrospect, it's pretty funny that my expectations for this and The Full Moon ended up being reversed, the episode I expected to by focused on character interaction ended up being more action focused, while the episode I thought would be action focused ended up being mostly character interactions.
For those who just want my thoughts on the plot developments: Once again, I'm pleasantly surprised by how Stolas is handled, with a few moments sticking out for currently neutral reasons (it'll make more sense later).
Now, do get to the details:
I felt the opening sequence was slightly longer than needed, but I feel that was somewhat intentional, evoking a sense of unease.
The montage of the bulk of Blitz's apologies is a lovely tribute to what amounts to the first third of the show, this is easily the most callback heavy episode, but I'd say it feels earned given its place in the story. And I simply can't gloss over the brief acknowledgement of all the people who ship Martha and Mayberry, for someone like me, who has a love of those tongue in cheek fandom gags, it's a real good treat.
Speaking of references, don't think I missed Grandpa's cameo when Blitz gets to Earth, oddly enough, it's not even the characters first interactions with the hellaverse, as Brandon's channel has a sketch of Blitz and Moxxie going after Grandpa.
The song was perfectly serviceable, even if I'm not a fan of Bryce Pinkham's voice in general. I'll also take this opportunity to say I loved both the joke of an actual Blitz plush being burned and the brief shot of the last "party" Stolas attended.
The major point of the episode is obviously the conversation between Blitz and Stolas at the party, and I certainly have some thoughts on it. The first moment that stuck out to me was Stolas saying he wants someone to care about him and want him in their life, only for him to clarify a moment later that he meant it romantically feels like it was done to show that he's, at least on some level, aware that he's neglecting Octavia, which I can't wait to see catch up with him, hopefully by the end of the season. The second is when her doubles down on wanting to be wanted, the exact moment when I came up with this question:"Stolas why do you think no one wants you in their life?" And this is exactly what I hope is built on, Stolas has drowned himself in self pity for so long that there's very little to him as a person to the point that no one sees any real benefit in having any relationship with him, not just romantically, but platonically as well.
This is all building to my point, I'm genuinely starting to think that Blitz and Stolas' relationship will ultimately end on a mutually respectful break up, and if that does turn out to be true then I might genuinely end up somewhat respecting this plotline, despite the major road bumps in the first half of the season.
The last major point I want to hit is Verosika, who manages to be both more extreme and more subdued than before while still feeling completely natural. While I don't have any concrete ideas, I am very curious to see where her character goes in the future.
In conclusion, while I think I prefer The Full Moon, this is still a better episode than roughly half of season. I just hope they can keep it up in the last three episodes as well as the three shorts we'll be getting in July, August and September, which are indeed a thing, in case you weren't aware. That's all for now, feel free to leave any of your own thoughts below.
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justgiulia · 2 years
Hello! I’ve never done this before so if this suck you can absolutely skip this. (I did make sure to read your rules and I hope I didn’t break any of them.)
How about a fluff of Jack and Deuce (separate) where the reader is an artist that wants to use their hands as reference to practice since they think that their hands look very expressive? And maybe y/n ends up wanting to draw them as a whole afterwards.
Like I said, you can skip this if you want but Thank you for your time! ^^
author's note: AAAA Thank you so much for this request anon!! I loved writing it, it's a really original idea and I also love the characters you requested sooo double win! I hope you like it <3 (also dw, you didn't break any rules)Characters may be OOC, Jack's part is a bit longer than Deuce's.
content warnings: none
Characters: Jack, Deuce(separate) x gn!reader
Hands on a canvas
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Being an artist in Twisted Wonderland was probably the best thing that could ever happen in your life. Since you have been transported to the new world you have never lacked the desire to portray everything of this world that always fascinates you.
Your artistic skills have also been a big help for other people like Azul and the Leech twins, who asked for your thoughts and opinions about their menu's design, and to the students who are in charge of the costumes and backstage work in the film research club.
You're laying on the bed of your room in ramshackle, thinking about the amount of time you spent in twisted wonderland, its people. Your mind then immediately wanders to your home, your world.
When will you be able to return to the place you really belong to?
You immediately cast these thoughts out of your mind.
Being depressed won't change the situation you're in.
To distract yourself, you decide to focus on what you love doing: drawing.
You open the bedside drawer next to you and take a sketchbook and a pencil to get started, you then grab your phone and make your way towards a desk near the window of the room where you usually spend your time drawing or doing your homework.
You look out of your window to find new things to draw but there aren't any, just the same trees and flowers...sure, at first it was nice drawing them but after a while anyone would get tired of portraying the same scenery. You sigh and grab your things, ready to go out and find something or someone to sketch.
You start walking around the school to find inspiration and you finally find it when you come across the track and field club or rather a member of it: Jack.
You watch as he plays on the field of the track club and you can't seem to pull your eyes away from him, almost mesmerized by his energy. You slowly start to sit down on the ground and open your notebook, your gaze never leaving Jack's figure.
Your attention shifts on his hands, you always liked his hands and thought they are very expressive and without thinking about it you start to sketch them in different ways. When you tear you eyes away from your drawings and look towards the field once again, you find jack staring at you.
For a moment you don't know what to do, but then he waves at you with an almost unnoticable smile on his lips.
Your heart skipping a beat and you swear that blood rushed to your face, making it hot and red. After a few seconds of you trying to recover from the shock, you smile back at him, returning the greeting and Jack goes back to the other members of the club to continue his game.
You follow with your gaze the figure of the boy who hoes back to his club activities amd you can't help but think of his delicate smile that he showed you earlier. Your heart skips a beat again and you start drawing his face on the white paper, with the intention of portraying not only Jack, but also the deep feelings you have for him.
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"Is there something wrong with my hands?" Deuce asks in the cafeteria while you, him, Ace and Grim were sitting together, eating your lunch.
You've been staring at his hands since the moment you sat down across from him with a noticeable interest and a bit of intensity, but you can't help it! The reason is that you have been practicing drawing hands for a long time, but recently the practice is not going well and the results are not what you quite expected and the pile of tattered and rolled up drawing paper in the trash can of your dorm can testify your failed experiments of drawing human anatomy. So you've been thinking about using someone's hands as a refernce.
You've always liked Deuce's hands and you tought they would be the perfect reference for your drawings. You just had to find a good way to ask him if you could his hands as a model.
"It's just that recently I've been trying to practice my drawing skills, to be more specific, I'm practicing drawing hands but I'm...uh...quite failing at it ahah" akward ass laugh.
Deuce looks at you for a few seconds and his gaze moves to his hands and then to you again, this continues for a few seconds before he asks in an almost embarassed way:
"Would you..like to use my hands as a reference then?"
Hard to believe, but Deuce understood your intentions.
At this point we might as well believe that the end of the world is coming
You immediately accept his help with a big grin on your face and literally DRAG HIM out of the cafeteria when you finish eating, not even caring about ace who was still sitting at the table drowning in his food.
After successfully finding a bench to sit on, you open your notebook and grab your pencil (two items you won't leave your house without) and start sketching using deuce's hands as a reference.
While drawing you explain to Deuce all your drawing techniques and show many of your sketches in the album, which receive many compliments and positive comments from the blue-haired boy. You also explain to him that you were hoping he would offer you help in your attempts of drawing hands, as you particularly appreciate the expressiveness that his hands have, and you swear that you've seen the tip of his ears turn a bit red.
You didn't mind it and kept drawing until you both had to back to class, promising to each other that you would spend more time together to practice.
Before parting ways you gave him one of the drawings you did of his hands, something he would cherish forever.
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hereforthefunnyguys · 3 months
I wanna hear your Yu-Gi-Oh genderbend ideas so bad. Please tell me please 🥺🙏
okay okay so
I have a lot of half-sketched out designs and i have like none of them on hand one sec
Like in canon, Yugi starts out looking kinda immature both in dress style and also appearance - like, at the beginning of the story, she basically dresses in the normal domino high uniform and doesn't wear any fancy makeup + lets her hair down and all floppy. By the end of the series she has both grown up a little (e.g. a little taller, slightly more muscular, doesn't wear as much baggy clothing, etc.) and also has a much more obviously alternative fashion sense that only gets stronger as an adult. Hot Topic is shooting a new advertisement campaign with her as we speak. Also her hair is both a little longer + fluffs up a lot more since she's taking care of it now.
Atem, by contrast always has so. much. Hair. It literally comes down to her waist. Why, you may ask, did I give her so much hair? Simple i watched dbz and i know that hair length directly correlates to power level
Cut because this got So Long I promise it gets better as it goes on
Speaking of: Atem starts out the series as dressing extremely edgy and more sexual-undertone-y than Yugi because she feels the need to look as confident as possible, kinda like a cobra puffing itself up, plus seem what Yugi would consider "mature", which in her case equals "sexy and dresses in absurd amounts of leather." As the series goes on and she develops her own identity plus more solid evidence she doesn't have to be in Scary Evil Ghost Mode 24/7 she starts dressing more like herself, which is a little more like... practical than yugi? probably similarly feminine, just less goth-y and more regal. Like the princess of the universe has decided to bless your local game shop by showing up in full ballgown regalia.
She has a definite "warrior princess" type aesthetic and personality going on because she had to take the throne when everyone else really really wanted a male heir instead so she took over until she can find a "suitable husband" (spoiler: she never will)
Back to the modern day! Jonouchi and Honda are butch
I will not take arguments on this
Honda's just kinda always been like that and part of why she acts so tough and hard to get to know at first is because she's needed to be to cope with the bullying and ~social expectations~ of all that shit
Jonouchi was a sukeban and used to wear the long skirt + had long hair tied up in a pony-tail + in general just looked more feminine while being a street punk
I have the hc that then becoming more explicitly more masculine is tied to reinventing herself with a different identity, + accepting parts of herself she wasn't able to before + kinda comes with the whole concept of 'butch chivalry' which if i am completely honest she is not good at she is not chivalrous under no circumstances should Joey be your knight
Ryou has a similar thing to Yugi where she dresses fairly tame but it's to cover up for the fact that she fantasizes about dressing what she considers 'cool', which for Yugi was punk type clothing but for Ryou is more gothic lolita clothing. However she is way too shy to try pulling it off lol
Yami Bakura will not be contributing to this fantasy because she has the fashion sense of a racoon crawling out of a goodwill bin. Sad!
I just realized that the whole gag of Ryou being constantly harassed by a crowd of fangirls does come off as much more uncomfortable once the genders are swapped and its instead a nervous teenage girl getting pursued by fifteen overly insistent male admirers doesn't it
Anyways I support Yami Bakura being exactly as weird and creepy as a girl as she was as a guy. Maybe spiders are living in her hair who knows
As the TKB (TQB?) (That makes her sound like some exotic barbecue technique) sauce comes back she starts regaining some fashion sense that is mostly limited to an attempt to appear Big
Trenchcoats galore. So many trenchcoats. Make it stop
Big fan of the invention of pants
Yami Bakura wears skinny jeans for the Edgy Aesthetique but TKB mostly wears either plain shorts or skirts still because literally who the fuck is gonna run and jump and thieve around in skinny jeans??? who???????
Speaking of back in Ancient Egypt TKB kept up a fairly androgynous image with the help of a lot of rumour-spreading and a lot of chest bandaging (she was cursed with backbreaker boobs. Not for long though as you see pharoah atem my deal with zorc necrophades included breast reduction surgery for the small small price of me sacrificing half of Egypt to the infinite void)
the reason for this was simply that the criminal element in ancient Egypt was probably not going to be intimidated or very impressed by a pompous teenage girl and it would have most likely been detrimental to her survival to come across as openly feminine while out on the streets esp if we consider the fact that she was probably at least as attractive as Ryou is
”I am bakura the angry teenage girl” -bad, makes it sound like I watch fullmetal alchemist and cry over my chemical romance yaoi vs. “I am BAKURA the ADULT MAN and KING OF ALL THIEVES” - makes me sound cool and mature and like a sexy arc villain in one piece
back to the modern day (pt 2)
Seto is interesting to talk about in terms of presenting as masculine vs feminine because on one hand she needs to come across as suitably “one of the men” in order to gain respect in the business world but also she needs to be feminine and ostentatious enough to gain attention as a celebrity + it tends to make businessmen suspicious if you act too much like a man because what if you get the crazy idea you’re on their level hahaha
outside of public presentation I don’t think seto cares that much about what she looks like but that doesn’t matter because her whole life is public presentation anyways
my gender is blue eyes white dragon - seto Kaiba, 1997
marik (malikah????) is a femme lesbian and is soooo. Sooooo. Something about it
something something I was denied personal possessions and a sense of independent self as a child so now I will make myself as constantly fabulous and eye catching as possible while flaunting my wealth in the process
A lot of people interpret her fashion sense as just “sexy bimbo Barbie doll” type stuff but honestly I think for her it’s just as much about appearing elegant and in control as much as it is about being attractive to others
Marik wears so much makeup because she has such a specific image she wants to project so she is practically sweating foundation half the time. Same thing with the absurd amount of foundation garments she wears, e.g. the bodysuits and leggings and push up bras and girdles and shit
i am not a fan of foundation garments b t w they are evil and i dislike them this has been a psa from yours truly
Yami marik is pretty much the manifestation of everything she doesn't want to be, so she has a disheveled appearance, torn up clothing, very "imperfect" look in general
kind of has a dominatrix vibe about her because what is yugioh duel monsters (1996) without vague bondage themes
I have a design idea where she just dresses in the foundation garments marik was wearing under her clothes that have gotten all tattered and dirty just for extra ~symbolism points~
Pegasus dresses in 1980s power suits WITH extra shoulder pads
picturing a leopard print minidress pegasus in my mind its a really good image
TKB is nought but a roguish lesbian fundamentally and the parts of yami bakuras soul that are made of zorc juice are in a constant fight to keep her from getting distracted from the mission by whatever somewhat attractive young woman that catches Bakura's attention
I'm. Running out of text
Tumblr won't let me text no more
There is no point in a genderbend au if you can't be weird about the genders in it btw
i forgor to mention I have five hundred pictures of thee guys made
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sixty-silver-wishes · 9 months
When I was a kid, the Appalachian/Southern US folk tale “Tailypo” used to scare the shit out of me. I’ve been wanting to illustrate a short horror story for a while, so today, I’ve been sketching out concepts for my own take on “Tailypo.” These definitely still need work (especially when it comes to the animal anatomy!) but I thought I’d share what I have so far:
So, first is the "Tailypo" itself. I devoted an entire page to this thing because I know it's probably going to go through a lot of changes, so I decided to start experimenting with what worked for me and what didn't. While many adaptations describe it as looking like a cat with a large tail, I wanted to make my Tailypo a mixture of animals- a wolverine, a cat, a mountain lion, a raccoon, and a weasel. Obviously, the tail had to be the most prominent part of the design, so I made it longer than the creature's body, with a jagged pattern. I think the Tailypo would be a very flexible animal, able to twist its body and slip into small spaces, so I modeled the body shape after a weasel, while giving it the back legs of a cat since its torso was higher above the ground. I'm still working out the details with its teeth; I want them to give it a frightening appearance, but I'm not sure whether I should base them off of a real animal or further stylize them.
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I'm having a lot of fun designing the old man's cabin, although I can't yet settle on how I want it to look:
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I've been looking at pictures of run-down Appalachian cabins, particularly from the 19th century (the story could be set any time, but I'm choosing to base my designs somewhere between the late 1800s and early 1900s), and they're giving me a lot to work with in terms of stylization. In terms of inspiration, I wanted to draw the crooked tree trunks supporting the porch in the first picture below, as well as the door and the uneven roof shingles in the second one.
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Lastly, here are the old man and his three dogs. I was admittedly sort of running out of steam when I was drawing these, so the dog anatomy sorta sucks, but I just wanted to get my ideas down.
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The old man is a hunter who lives alone in the woods, so I gave him a rifle and long facial hair because I don’t think he’d be super concerned with shaving his beard. He's heavily based on this picture:
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To add more to his character, because he's starving and desperate enough to eat the tail of a strange creature he doesn't recognize, I made him very thin, with his clothes falling apart, like his hat and shoe. His eyebrows and beard will help to exaggerate his facial expressions throughout the story.
The three dogs were drawn with shape language in mind. I wanted to make them all distinct shapes and sizes. Their names vary across versions of the story, but in most of the ones I could find, their names are typically some variant of "Uno," "Ino," and "Calico." This adds for the bit that scared me most as a kid, where, after the Tailypo kills the dogs and the old man insists he doesn’t have its tail, it tells him “you know, I know, you’ve got my tailypo” before killing him. I wanted to incorporate the dogs’ names into their designs- “Uno” is made of round shapes to reflect the round letters in his name, “Ino” is a bloodhound based in triangular shapes since his name is a play on “I know” and triangles are associated with intelligence in shape language, and “Calico” is a Dalmatian based in square shapes. I also wanted to give each dog a collar that not only reflects their shape language, but also will allow the audience to know they’ve been killed by the Tailypo when their collars are all that’s left of them.
There’s still quite a bit for me to design and workshop before I get into illustrating this story, but I’m really excited! I really want to give it the same creepy feeling I had when I was a kid reading it for the first time.
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