#its hard to find tweets that work for him because he tries to hard to pretend hes cool and intelligent and Normal
sandwichsapphic · 5 months
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every time i try to start an essay my brain stops and i make one of these instead
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yousayusei · 1 year
utsukare's writer talking about how yusei got casted for the role of kiyoi:
disclaimer: this is translated from korean and not from japanese so it's not 100% accurate. here's the audio so if anyone who can understand japanese has corrections, please tell me! thanks!
im guessing since the tweet OP used 작가님, which means writer, the one talking is tsubota fumi, utsukare's writer. if anyone who knows for sure, please do tell! but since im not sure im just gonna use "writer" and "MC"
writer: first, because the title is "utsukushii kare"
MC: you're right
writer: if there's no "utsukushii kare (beautiful man)" starting is not possible.
MC: right
writer: because the title is "utsukushii kare"... a beautiful man is not common. i thought, no, do they even exist? the producer also tried to find one beautiful man, continuously trying to find one.
writer: one day, i received a photo through mail, yagi-san's photo, that said "i found the beautiful man!" (laughs) like a breaking news. it's a work mail so of course its not written like that but with feels like a breaking news: "the beautiful man have been found!!"
writer: but since i have seen so many photos until now, i've seen many actors(' photos) too, my standards have become fairly high. i looked at the (yagi yusei's) photo like "ah well..." and at that moment i go "uwa!!! it's kiyoi!!"
writer: i think i won't forget that shock. (i thought) "utsukushii...!!"
MC: like going "this is the beautiful man!"?
writer: yes! even if there are many handsome people, finding a beautiful person is hard
((i just feel so proud cz this was yusei's first time and he really did so well in justifying the role. sure he got casted based on his looks but looking at his performance playing kiyoi, he did more than what is probably expected of him as a first time actor in a genre like this. as a picky drama watcher, if i feel awkward or i cringe watching an actor/actress in a drama, i stop but i never felt that while watching yusei and of course riku too.))
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi! I'm new around here (but not new to jikook) and I saw your recent posts where you linked to, among other things, a post where you talked about the 2016 jinmin vlive where they were watching jk on celebrity romance. And I just wanted to say thank you for bringing that up! I think that vlive is wildly underrated. It tells us so much about jikook's relationship at the time. It really showcases how jikook weren't at same place emotionally in the beginning (and how insecure that made jimin) and how their relationship was possibly mostly physical back then. Jk definitely had a lot to work through. I'm sure he was already in love with jm, but had a hard time expressing it. But all's well what ends well, right? :) Very highly recommend that every jikooker watch that vlive if you haven't already!
Okay. First of all, if I have to link this post one more time I'm gonna start side eyeing y'all. I thought I was a pervert till I met y'all. I'm watching you 🧐🧐
He he hee! The video anon is talking about.
Its like 11 minutes guys. Watch it. You've been in the toilet for longer than that. Don't even 🙄 just watch it.
Anon I think you have put it perfectly. Actually. The last part where I reference on my post about JK not showing Jimin any emotions, I think that caused alot of fighting. Like alot. I joked about JK hitting and quitting but really that's how it comes off. The xes part was good. Probably really good. But after that JK would go back to treating Jimin like he did everyone else. Jimin knew he wasn't just anyone else. They had something going on and he wanted JK to act like it.
I saw something on twitter a long, long time ago so I cannot find it. And its now a blur in my head. But OP was alluding to JK playing video games and ignoring Jimin after xes. I don't recall how OP drew to this conclusion, but it was from something Jimin said. Something about JK and video games. Not sure. Like, we all know when it comes to Jikook its all about reading between the lines.
I remember seeing that and seeing where OP was coming from but I dont remember the context which is a tad frustrating rn. Anygays, it obviously took a while for JK to start acting like Jimin needed him to. Feelings wise anyway.
I am happy Jimin did not give up because look where they are now. (I'm sure the Jungkonda had something to do with it 😂😂) JK basically worships the group Mimi walks on.
We heard it from the man himself so we know it's true, right? He's stubborn, he's hard to handle, and I bet Jimin knows all of it first hand. 🤭🤭
Okay so for some strange reason, your ask made me think about this tweet; (Don't ask me why. My mind is a weird place)
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Before anybody freaks out, I would like to advice that u take this with a grain of salt. My friends and I tried to find where/when this could have possibly happened but we couldn't. And we really tried guys, because.... WHAT!?!?!?! Why would Jin say something like this that basically outs Jikook? Right?
But then I think about how BTS used to word vomit alot in the early days so I haven't completely disregarded it. So hopefully one of u have heard of this because I would love to see it. Honestly. It's fucking wild. Like.... it's insane 🤯
That being said, 😁😁😁 the correct members are involved when u really think about it. Right? Like these are the right members for this strange scenario 🤭
We know this is how Jin used to wake JK up. Jin even demonstrated that one time exactly how he used to do it by touching JK's nipples. (I can't with the Tannies sometimes. Honestly 🤦🏽‍♀️) From the huge amount of Jikook nipple play (inside this post is another post about this) we can safely deduce that JK's nipples are sensitive. So to me, yeah? To me it makes sense that a sleepy JK thought it was Jimin touching him. IF this is true and it did happen, the maths adds up. Just saying....
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Lord have mercy 🤣😂😂
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
I love all your writing and I really love the way you write ererei. I was curious, what type of relationship do you think Karina Braun and Eren would have. Cuz I once saw a tweet that said the best punishment for Karina Braun would be having Eren as a son in law 💀 I have to know your thoughts on this 😂
OMG!! thankies!! 💙❤️ I love writing ererei! Theres just something about two broken men finding each other and making it work that has a place in my heart tbh! And I really do think Eren would be Karina’s worst type of punishment 😭💖 She’d absolutely hate him but being the passive woman she is, would ‘tolerate’ him just for Reiner’s sake
content: bimbo!reiner, slight manipulative!eren, mlm relationship, kinda cracky 😭😭
for starters, eren would butt into every conversation uninvited 😭 would intentionally be crude enough to remind karina that he is in fact in sexual relations with her son!!! doesn’t fail to add that reiner occasionally receives either and karina has to physically remove herself from the room/conversation to stay sane sskdk
“reiner, you’ve got to be eating properly. you cant just have a plate full of meat and call it a meal! i dont care about no gym diet, just eat properly.”
karina eyes reiner’s fixed plate with a face of concern. the blonde man only has time to look down at his plate with a pout before hes being spoken for. eren is quick to pop his head around reiner’s build to watch karina in her two eyes.
“don’t worry about how he’s eating. i make sure he eats well enough at home.”
and karina absolutely hates how shes being spoken to because its almost as if eren is indirecting, insulting, her ways.
“im his mother and have been feeding him for a fine majority of his life.” karina gestures to her son’s tall and buff build. “don’t i have a right to be concerned that he’s suddenly not eating balanced meals!?”
reiner can only mutter a soft ‘ma…’ in embarrassment because he’s not sure that her exposing that he’s never fixed his own plate a day in his life is not looking good on him right now. either way, eren doesn’t care. his face scrunches up as he looks karina up and down, ready to stand up to her.
“okay and im his partner who lives with him, cooks most of his meals and usually has him hands on knees begging for me to go deeper. and look at him — fine!”
reiner now looks to eren with a gasp, a scandalous ‘r-ren?!’ leaving his mouth as karina can only look on in shock. clearly eren isn’t too phased and only pushes reiner along so that he can go and eat his food.
“in this instance, i dont think your parent status matters so keep it to yourself next time.” he mutters in karina’s direction, and the woman is simply too stunned to speak.
despite karina not necessarily approving of their relationship, she still very much loves reiner so she tries to be as understanding with him as she can but its every hard with someone like eren who actively wants to make her life difficult. very much lacks manners for his elders
“oh you two look very dashing in those! stand together so i can take a picture!”
karina smiles wryly, her phone already raised in hand as she moves her other one to signal them to stand closer. both reiner and eren move on her demand, fixing their paper crowns so that they look presentable.
“okay lets take one!” she quips
just as shes about to take the photo, the boys start shuffling around
“reiner, grab my ass for this.”
“like this?”
“yeah, that’s it, like that.”
karina moves her head pass her phone screen to glance over at the two. with a frown, she watches as eren has his body pressed against reiner, but makes sure that his hand was taking a handfull of his ass which was now the main focus of the picture.
“uh… lets do a family friendly one first! we can… do a funny one afterwards.” she tries.
giving her a raised eyebrow, eren pretends to be taken aback.
“you think this isn’t family friendly, karina? you think its funny?”
the woman stutters for words. she doesn’t want to be crude but this isn’t exactly a picture she’d be okay sharing with her sister and niece.
“i…well-“ she tries.
“coz i dunno. if i didn’t know any better, id think you were kinda coming across a bit homopho—“
“his hand is literally on your ass! rei— reiner get your hands off his ass!” she practically squeals and reiner fumbles around due to no longer being able to play a passive role.
he doesn’t even know where to put his hands and so karina guides for him.
“just…bring it higher if you must, god.” she whispered the last word in absolute agony.
most of all, eren is the best punishment for karina as a son-in-law because shes no longer the most avid voice in reiners life. with other relationships, he would have still listened to his mother’s advice over his partners but since eren came along, she practically has no more influence with reiner’s choices
“i don’t think you should take it on. especially since you’ve got a lot on your plate recently and you’re still adjusting to your new role at work. maybe another time.”
reiner hums as he looks over the volunteer chick feeder opportunity that flashes on his phone. he’s always wanted to feed small baby animals, he thinks, but he just didn’t have the time to do that. either way the offer just looks so tantalising.
“but theyre so cute…” he pouts, his eyes sparkly as he looks onto the shutterstock photos of yellow baby chicks being fed.
“i know they are, darling.” karina stresses. “but you just dont have the capacity to do that right now.”
she wasnt even focusing on the conversation. she didnt think she’d have to say or do anything drastic for reiner not to take the job on. it seemed pretty self explanatory.
“yeah…yeah you’ve got a point.” he mumbles.
this however also seemed to be the wrong time that eren happened to walk in and glance over his lover’s shoulder. within three seconds, he’s gasping with a soft sigh.
“omg is that a chick feeding opportunity?!”
reiner enthusiastically nods as he looks back at eren with wide eyes.
“yeah! it just opened up 12 miles away and i was wondering if i should give it a go…”
karina looks over at reiner with a credulous look.
“12 miles?! for a voluntary job? reiner, i dont think thats—“
“reiner this has literally been your dream for the past 2 weeks. fuck work, you never know if tomorrows your last day. go for it!” eren butts in.
karina looks between the two with a face of confusion because this had to be a joke they were playing on her, surely. yet, as reiner looked back down at his phone and the badly designed flashing ad looked back at him, he couldn’t help but press apply button.
“yeah. yeah you’re right eren. i never know what tomorrow might bring.” he coos, and karina cant help but cover her face in agony.
where on earth did she go wrong?!
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69misato69 · 1 year
OKAYOKAYOKAY SO... hear me out. i will spill more zc🍁
listen listen listen zc with both as switches, just completely fighting over dominance in the bedroom. pulling eachothers hair, pinning the other to wherever but then again being so sweet. i will elaborate
childe who'd be so sweet to zl, praising him, treating him so well
i think this connects well to the dynamic of zl liking being spoiled because he didn't expect to be treated like that
so childe handles him with utmost care, getting him to submit that way
zhongli on the other hand, who knows he can easily win childe over by viciously grabbing his hair, throat, by being rough with him, because childe eats that up so well he'd be loving every second of it. zhongli who knows childe thrills of of his roughness and he'd be playing along easily.
send tweet
// nsfw below
YES !!! its like a silly little dance where one takes the lead and the other plays along for some time. mostly childe as the latter, he lets zhongli lay him down and play with him, only to flip him on his back a few minutes later. zhongli falls for it every time (partly because he likes falling for it and watching childe's reactions)
i assume there would also be times where childe gets too caught up in his own act, being touched all over by zhongli is too sweet to give up so he surrenders (lives to fight another day, if you will)
sometimes it is a bit more complicated as you described, i definitely agree. childe pampers zhongli for so long, teasing him until he's shaking and no longer has the resolve to fight for dominance. though he enjoys pain for himself, gentleness really works wonders for zhongli so his moves are so soft and sensual, purposefully underwhelming at times so that zhongli begs him for more.
though sometimes it doesn't work out because zhongli is just that committed to having him and having it his way. though he is kind and easy-going and tries to adapt to the changes in his life, childe is the only person that gets to see the more stubborn and territorial side.
at the end of the day it is hard to override that rock-like nature of his, he is solid and unchanging with a body and mind that stood the test of time because of that.
still, not in the romantic aspects of their relationship in my opinion. he compromises and listens to childe, does his best to work out their differences. but when they're alone and he craves childe it does help a primal and feral part of him resurface. a bit blinded by lust at times, which is something he hasn't experienced in a long time.
he isn't a big fan of surprises usually but he finds beauty in how unpredictable childe is.
and i mean............childe is always up for a challenge and he never backs down from a fight so...................
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So there's this post about the new Peter Pan and Wendy movie bemoaning the creative bankruptcy of the movie because of the reason for Tinkerbell not glowing. I can't exactly blame Tumblr for this line of thinking, given most Disney live action remakes are creatively bankrupt, plus the fact the movie wasn't actually out yet. I'd probably also have implicitly agreed with the post and moved on if it were about the new Pinocchio or Little Mermaid or something.
Peter Pan and Wendy is out now though, and I really liked it, which compelled me enough to check up on the context of that quote. And while it's not so different from what the tweet describes, I do think there's some nuance that deserves sharing.
Here's the full quote from SFX:
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To me, this doesn't read like somebody who removed this particular aspect of Tinkerbell's visuals out of a completely shallow attempt at realism. Not only was it simply what was arrived at as the most fitting look for her, it doesn't even seem like removing the glow was much of a conscious choice. "That's something that never even occurred to me" doesn't make it sound like something he's taken a super hard stance against, as many seem to interpret it.
I also want to defend the decision as it relates to how this movie looks, both in terms of the movie's themes and just the cinematography in general. David Lowery, the director of the wonderful The Green Knight and the other-apparently-not-terrible-disney-remake Pete's Dragon, has not only done this purposefully, but it's his entire style. Green Knight and A Ghost Story are both acclaimed movies that deal with supernatural and mystical elements, but forgo effects and dramaticism in favour of a more low-key, spare and picturesque visual style. This isn't some $200m movie that Disney has filled to the brim with CGI garbage, as seems to be the case with Little Mermaid, and this isn't Cruella shooting scenes on green screens with flat lighting for no reason; this is a director with a purposeful style achieving such with real locations and practical sets and costumes. And while Peter Pan and Wendy's visuals aren't mindblowing or anything, I do think it manages to look quite nice at times.
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Critical to all this, I want to emphasise that Lowery choosing to do a Peter Pan movie with a sense of realism is not merely some outdated idea that realism = more mature or something. It is an active component of the movie's themes. Neverland looks and feels like a random island out in the middle of nowhere because that's what it is in this movie. It is not the perfect paradise of fun and adventure that Peter makes it out to be, and Wendy recognizing this is a part of the movie's core message: that one shouldn't be afraid to grow up, because there is beauty and happiness to be found even in the mundanity of real life, not just in the fantastical ideas of childhood whimsy. Does Neverland seem so much less whimsical than that of the 2004 movie version? Sure. But that doesn't mean it isn't also beautiful. And that's how she realizes she doesn't need Neverland to be happy, that she doesn't need to run away, she can find purpose and happiness in the challenges and joys that growing up will put before her.
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Tying back to Tinkerbell, all of this is to say that perhaps the toning down of her magical elements wasn't totally without nuanced thought. Maybe it could have worked, maybe it couldn't, I'm not the director and didn't see what they tried. But given how well I think this movie balances its realistic tone and its magical elements (it's not a complete rejection of anything magical; the fairy might not casually glow, but she is still blowing magic fairy dust on kids to make them fly from happy thoughts) I'm inclined to take him on his word that he knew what he was doing. Maybe trails of sparkling fairy light everywhere she went did come off a little too whimsical for how he wanted Neverland to appear. You may not personally enjoy that take, but I do think it's one born of creative intent, and it's one I like a lot. And isn't movies daring to take a stance over appealing to the widest possible common denominator something we've been yearning for?
I implore people, if you think you might be interested in this movie, go watch it. Pirate it, if you have to. It's a legitimately good movie that's being screwed over by a complete lack of marketing from Disney and internet chuds reviewbombing every online score because they're still mad about a black Tinkerbell. Trust me, even if the movie isn't setting the world on fire, it deserves better than that. Especially when Little Mermaid is gonna make ten bajillion dollars in a month.
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The Unsympathetic Rob Thomas (Trigger Warning: Suicide)
(plus how Ryan Hansen learned from Rob Thomas' unsympathetic ways)
And no, I'm not talking about how he made Veronica Mars. It was about Party Down, its history, and his apathy-ness when creating the show with his friends.
Based on his own interview about Party Down, Rob Thomas was asked the reason why he made Party Down: The show was a collaboration between him, John Enbom, Dan Etheridge, and Paul Rudd; friends who wanted to make a comedy series based on the experience they had in Hollywood.
He went to this party in Hollywood and struck up a conversation with one of the waiters or a bartender. While his friends were sometimes listening to the bartender telling the story of how he ended up in Hollywood, Rob was listening intently. The guy told him that he was a small-time actor, who was basically a glorified extra. The more he told the story, the more unhinged he became. He admitted that he got depressed after a string of failures. And he had to take a catering job to support his life. In the middle of the story, he cried as he poured his heart out about his failed life and even one-time considers suicide.
As the bartender practically sobbed while telling the story, Rob awkwardly left him.
And this part made me cold in my heart when he returned to his friends - he LAUGHED telling this story about a failed actor who was so depressed that he almost committed suicide. He then told John that this might be a really good basis for a tv show. "How about we make a comedy series about a bunch of losers who work in a catering business, and no matter how hard they try, they will never succeed?"
John thought it was a good idea and was ready to recruit his friend, actor Paul Rudd to be a part of the creators of the show. When the interviewer asked Rob what happened to the waiter/bartender, Rob just shrugged and answered, "I hope he didn't kill himself." As I read that interview (I'm sorry I can't provide the interview link because I don't remember where I read it and it was a very long time ago, almost 12 years or so) I was so sick to find out that Rob nonchalantly telling this story. The amount of apathy from this man, telling a story about a suicidal man, laughing about it, and thinking it would make a good COMEDY series...
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Look, you can get inspiration from anywhere. Sometimes you'd get it from the darkest place of humanity, and it's legit. But... the way Rob was telling the story like it was no big deal, and the lack of empathy radiating from Rob, made my skin crawl. And the fact this is a true story, not a rumor created by some blogger, but a legit interview from an official magazine, made me shake my head.
And the ironic thing is that when Brad Bufanda died of suicide, Rob actually tweeted his condolences. But it felt... how do I say it... empty? It was like he had to do it because his death was Trending on Twitter, and many casts tweeted their condolences, especially Francis Capra and Julie Gonzalo. Francis was a friend of Brad's family, so he reached out to his mother. Julie was his co-star in Cinderella Story. But Rob (and KBell) didn't say anything until everyone sorta tagged them about his death. Btw, KBell never tweeted anything.
Brad Bufanda's mother reached out to me on this blog, and I felt gutted that the show meant something to him and his family. I still remember when Brad and I DM'd a few times a few years before his suicide. He was DEPRESSED. Apparently, after Veronica Mars, he didn't have a steady job. He got rejected so many times whenever he went to casting calls. He even said "The fans don't care. They don't care about me." I was so confused about how to answer that, but I tried my best to encourage him that the fans did care about him. Anyway, he deleted his Twitter account and I didn't know how to reach him until I heard about his suicide.
So... to have Rob making fun of a depressed person who was suicidal and at the same time tweeting about someone he knew who committed suicide is making me nauseous.
Another story about Party Down was coming from Ryan Hansen who was also one of the cast of the show. It wasn't an interview per se, but more like a tidbit behind the scene regarding one of the episodes.
There was an episode (I forgot the title), but if you watched the show, you know which one I'm talking about. It was about the orgy episode where the Party Down caterers served them, and the interviewer asked the cast about how the episode was made; the technicality of it, the guest stars, how they filmed it, etc etc.
Ryan, jokingly, talked about how there were so many nude extras, and some of them were beautiful girls. And as they were hanging around, Ryan struck up a conversation with a bunch of naked girls. He was making small talk and trying to make everything fun because apparently, directing a bunch of naked people doing sex wasn't easy.
Ryan, then, ASKED WHETHER HE COULD TOUCH THE BOOBS. The girls at first were reluctant, but one of the girls let him touch and fondled the boobs. Some of them were laughing like it was nothing because most of them were okay doing that. It was a bizarre situation but nothing new in Hollywood. It wasn't until Ryan fondled another boob from a different girl, the girl burst into tears.
The nude girl said she had no choice doing this type of role. She was a small-time actress and had to accept this kind of role to support her life and school. Ryan, while telling the story, mocked her cry. He mimicked her sobbing and cry "Booohoooo hoooo!" and he had no choice but to stop fondling her boob. He laughed and made a comment that if she didn't want to be there, then she should just leave and find another career.
Now, I don't care whether you agree or disagree with someone's career choice, whether it's a sex worker, nude artist, an extra, or whatever. I do care whether you are dick or not (pun intended), and actually be a human being that shows empathy or something.
The interviews were after Party Down had already been canceled at the time, and I already watched the show and didn't think about the complication behind the scenes. But I lost all respect for both Rob Thomas and Ryan Hansen back then. And I have to admit, I had a myopic POV regarding them when they announced the Veronica Mars movie and their interviews were forgotten by me. It wasn't until recently that those memories came back to me, and I regret having ever supported them and even have a blind spot regarding them. That is why I changed the Rob Thomas Book Club to BLIND RATS.
My point is... jebus, it's not hard to be kind to strangers who poured their hearts out. Don't be an asshole and laugh when someone said that they have a problem.
“when someone shows you who they are, believe them”
Note: No, this is NOT the interview I was talking about. This is a new interview, in which Rob is adamant that Party Down is not based on a true story, very different from the old interview that now I can't find the link. Feel free to believe which version, but I do still remember his original story.
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kal-lyp-so · 1 year
down bad bad or down down bad?
well, as you might guess, i am either one or both.
few years ago when i was still a freshman, I knew this one senior from my uni and developed a tiny meeny crush on him. dude got a gf so I pretty much just moved on.
im in my junior year now, (third year for those who doesn't know), and we started talking few weeks ago (oh he broke up last year) and best believe that tiny crush ain't tiny anymore.
its humongous, big fat crush now.
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the thing is, its too heavy for me now.
i like him for his personality. yes, I'm attracted to his physical at first but he is so much more than that, he makes me want to be better and yes, I don't need him to be better, but he sparked that fire.
what a wonderful human being. i truly believe that my judgement is not wrong about him and they're not clouded by my own feelings for him. i don't let emotions affect my judgement and I'm confident about that.
but i fear he only sees me as someone a friendly younger junior or might even sister. i don't think he finds me attractive for him and that sucks. i dont even find anyone else attractive since I'm into him for his personality ㅠㅠ
he has the face, fun, smart and great personality. everyone else would fall for him in a minute, its just a matter of time for him to like them back.
he told me the other day once you're desperate enough for something, you'll get it.
youre wrong.
its abit sad how i know i can treat you better than anyone else could've treated you. you have no idea how i could love you unconditionally without anything in return, its just that you have to let me.
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credit: @iamnovibrown from twitter
when i first saw this tweet, all that i could think isn't that i had never experienced it, but how i can provide him that.
no, im in love. definitely.
i never thought that having a genuine feeling for someone is this hard,
its a burden. you have to carry it yourself in silence especially if its not reciprocated.
to you, whatever the future decides, ill be rooting for you.
you truly deserve someone that can love you more than anything in the world, you deserve someone that can be there when you're having you worst mental breakdown, someone that can remind you to eat because you're so into your work and research, someone that can laugh at your high pitch huh when u cant process stuff,
you deserve someone that remembers what you can eat, what you cant, what you love and what u don't, you also deserve someone that forces you to eat what they love aswell, you deserve someone that can mend your heart whenever people hurt you.
you have no idea how you truly deserve someone. i tried to think and ask myself is there anything about you that can make you not deserve any of these wishes i have for you
no. i just couldnt think of a thing. you're too nice to be true. you don't hurt people.
ive been hurt many times by people up to a point I'm not even surprised cause that's our nature as humans. to hurt and get hurt.
but when i found out theres someone who doesn't hurt a soul because you too, always get hurt. if only you know, how much i wanted to give you the world, or might even show you another one.
i wish you would have liked me too. i wish
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Next Fest, Pt 6
Yes, I know, more demos, it’s a thing.
Scene Investigators: It’s not bad, but it is frustrating, especially in demo. It’s a Kickstarter-funded crime scene investigation simulator of sorts, so it mostly involves poking around and looking at things. It plays like one of those paper-and-pen logic puzzle games except that you have to dig the clues out of the surroundings yourself. Also it’s very brown. So kinda, but meh.
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened: We’re on crime scene investigation again, sort of. It’s got more of an adventurous feel to it, mostly because you’ve got a third person perspective and a character to pilot around. Unfortunately, it’s also a little tricky in terms of its UI. Got stuck fairly early on when I could not entirely figure out what the hell I was missing in terms of getting past a guard. Please give me a way to actually use an item, pity’s sake. Still, once it’s out, there’ll be a walkthrough somewhere to help, plus probably an easier tutorial stage rather than dumping me in the middle of the game, so it’s a pretty solid maybe.
Urban Strife: Turn-based zombie survival game. I mean, interesting concept in an XCOM kind of way, but the graphics are ugly as hell, the controls are clunky, and at the end of the day, I’m just not that interested. They tried, whoever made this. There was even a sort of character customisation screen. But let’s just say that it looked like a cheap knock-off mobile game. Nope. If I want something turn-based (and I do; I like that kind of thing), I’ll hopefully find something else. Not that I require top-of-the-line graphics for everything. In fact, I like simplistic graphics for some things. However, there are limits.
WitchSpring R: This one’s not bad. Very, very Japanese in the kawaii sort of sense - turn-based combat a la Final Fantasy, not always particularly well balanced but kind of fun so long as you keep your health and mana-granting items stocked. Some of the getting around places is a little annoying (I stopped when having to get past a bunch of pirahna but I probably should have been riding rather than attempting to run), but hey, still cute. It can stay. Not very high up on the old list, but it can stay.
I think I’m pretty much done with demos for the time being. At least partly because tomorrow’s the start of a fairly busy weekend - Friday’s the actual birthday and will involve sushi and little TLOVM watch party; Saturday and Sunday are both D&D days. Thus I might not have the time to indulge in demos from that point. Especially if I use some of tomorrow to actually try making some hard candy. I was going to earlier this week but there was pain and then there was chat-with-stepfather stress and today I just slept for most of the day (sometimes fibro fatigue just hits, I guess?) so there wasn’t really time.
Also, as a video game-related aside, Greg Ellis, who apparently voiced some of the minor characters in Hogwarts Legacy, tweeted some support for JK Rowling in general and the game in particular and honestly I’m not surprised. He’s a decent voice actor but a shitty human being, and while I think Cullen’s story is basically done at this point ... well, if for some reason they do bring him back, EA’s distancing themselves from Ellis basically means that Cullen will have a different voice actor. Worked for Anders; why not? Also, had not heard about the domestic violence arrest, so that’s going to make it even harder to separate person from character enough to finish my Meep!Herald Cullenmance playthrough. I hate it when people who play characters I like turn out to be shitheads.
0 notes
k3rm1e · 3 years
cuddling headcanons! ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
this is more of a test thing to see if i like writing this way and if this blog does well
other imagines and headcanons won't include everyone i write unless it is specifically requested and is a prompt i really like
includes: wilbur nihachu karljacobs quackity dream georgenotfound sapnap p!tommyinnnit p!badboyhalo p!skeppy p!eret p!philza p!tubbo p!ranboo
cw: cursing
wilbur is a very cuddle-y guy
to me he seems very soft
i always see people saying he would like spooning, but i disagree
i feel like he would do more of a half-spooning thing with his head on your chest or the other way around
mans would DEFINITELY make you run your fingers through his hair
i feel like he would lay on your chest and just *nuzzle* into the space between your shoulder and neck
anytime you tried to leave him, whether it was because he had to do something or you had to, he would whine. so. fucking. much.
It would probably always go something like:
you - i need to piss
wilbur - no <3
but the moment he decides its time to stop cuddling its fine
and if you complain that you’re gonna miss him he’ll just call you clingy and tease you
like??? sir???
all in good fun though, no bad intentions :)
i feel like you and niki would face each other
with your head like under her chin and in her chest (this is a bad description but look at the “honeymoon hug” on the list for better explanation ;-;)
she would always want to protect you
so she does that by like almost guarding you and keeping you close
niki would definitely do the arm thing where she just lightly moves her hand up and down you arm
i’m so sorry if you don't understand that, it just feels like something she would do
if you haven't experienced that it kinda sorta feels like spiders??? but in a good way???
but generally she is very protective
she just holds you so close the whole time
even if she doesn’t want to let you go, she’s more understanding about it
she would be upset but wouldn’t show it because she doesn’t want to make you feel guilty
niki is generally just an amazing cuddle-r (is that a word?) and has a super comforting presence
karl would definitely keep your head on his chest
the whole time he would just absolutely squeeze the life out of you
he would constantly bend his neck down to kiss your head
and instead of just like leaving his head down so he could kiss you it would just be:
*inner monologue karl* hmmm i wanna kiss them on their head
and he would lean down to do so which, cute
but then five seconds later he would do it again
and again another five seconds later
and again
very cute karl but please sir, your neck is gonna be so messed up after this
when you had to leave he would be upset, but like niki, would try not to show it
except karl is very bad at that and his pouting would be so obvious
so you would feel guilty and layback down with him
immediately he just becomes (●´ω`●)
like a happy little puppy
karl is just too adorable for you to deny
now we all know this, quackity is a huge dork
which is why i believe he would DEFINITELY use your butt as a pillow
not even in a weird way
i just feel like quackity isn’t too comfortable with touch so this is sorta his way of being close to you without it being a whole serious thing
like he still is able to be goofy and comfortable without it being a whole big thing
him doing this would almost always come with a flatty patty joke from you
which always causes him to threaten divorce, even though you aren’t married
while it isn’t a very good position for things like physical touch, it is good for talking and having conversations
for some reason i feel like he’s the type of person to text someone when they’re right next to each other
so while he’s laying down he’ll just send you random photos of himself
very annoying when your phone is spammed, but also good blackmail material >:)
i don’t think he’d be too clingy
obviously, he enjoys spending time with you
but if you told him you need to go do work or something he wouldn’t throw a fit or pout
big q just seems like he’d be more rational about stuff like that
overall a 420/69 cuddle partner
one word: spooning
mans just envelops you and has no shame
very big: “no you are mine! >:(“ energy
while he’s sleeping he’ll unconsciously nuzzle his head into your hair/the back of your neck
when you guys got to bed patches usually climbs in and you hold her
i love patches so much i could write headcanons just about her
dream always wants to be cuddling you
if you try to leave he won’t pout, there simply isn't a discussion on whether you’re moving or not
incase you haven’t caught on yet, the answer is no
you need to do work? just bring the laptop to bed
he needs to edit? just sit in his lap at his desk, duh
obviously, he knows at some point you guys need to stop cuddling
he just isn’t too stoked about it
when it comes time where he absolutely can’t cuddle with you, i feel like he’d be more chill
mainly just annoyed
i feel like george, like quackity, also wouldn’t be too touchy
i’m pretty sure he has a hard time expressing emotions (please correct me if i’m wrong!!) and i think that would crossover to his sleeping habits
i think he would prefer a sort of back-to-back cuddling position
it seems cold, i know
but also he would most definitely kick at you
so every night while trying to go to sleep suddenly you would just feel *kick*
and then instead of sleep you’re suddenly playing footsie
lots of laughter and warm feelings involved
george would probably pretend that you kicked his leg hard or something and act like you hurt him
the first few times you were actually worried
but then after a few months your only response was a sarcastic “cry about it”
which just led to more laughter
sapnap and you would do a sort of leg hug thing
you both you try to go to sleep in a cute spooning-type position
but the moment one of you fell asleep it all unraveled
you would wake up apart but you’re legs would still be touching
sapnap would joking blame it on you
“wow can’t believe you don't wanna be close with me even when we’re asleep”
“it’s not my fault! i can’t control where i end up when i sleep!”
“no, no. you don’t have to lie. i see how it is.”
but it's okay!
your legs are the first thing to react in a flight-or-fight situation, so they usually react in an honest way
which is like your legs are both reaching to hold each other!
i don’t get a very touchy vibe from tommy
i feel like the most he would do is put his arm over your shoulder
not in a flirty way, just in a “hey, there isn’t a lot of space, this will make sitting down more comfortable” way
he will let you sorta fidget with his hand/arm
i don't know if that makes sense but what i mean is that he’ll pretty much let his arm go *flop* so you can control it (by like moving it around or playing with his fingers)
in the beginning he would get annoyed
but eventually he would get used to it and wouldn’t really care
it sounds a bit strange but i personally find it very comforting to just have something to fidget with while watching youtube or netflix in bed with my friends
and it’s entertaining (sometimes i do this to me sister to annoy her :>)
he would act like he didn’t mind if you left him
but holy shit he is so clingy
If you try to leave it’ll just be “no, why??? stay here dumbass”
you would be slightly annoyed when he had to leave  but knew he had to film and stream and all that so you would be okay
you would kinda sit within bad’s lap
like not on his lap, but more of in between his legs
he would have his arms around you
and his phone would be in front of you so you two could scroll through twt or instagram together
or you guys could watch skeppy’s youtube ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
rat would sit in your lap
she’s just;;;;;;;; so adorable
rat is just so soft and fuzzy in your lap and everytime you move to pet her she just melts
rat is the the superior cuddle buddy to any of these block people
skeppy, similar to quackity, is a total dork
he would make sure you guys were in a position where he could effectively troll you
so if your head was near his lap he would just flick you or some
“dude can you please stop hitting me in the head”
“it turns out i am not actually hitting you in your head because based on the perpendicularity of the bisector multiplied by the photosynthesis of the dividend, it is impossible for me to do so”
lya is so goddamn sick of you guys
she's trying to get him to actually do something but instead he’s just sitting there throwing paper airplanes at you while you sleep
he’s an annoying asshole but it's okay because he gives you money for absurd reasons
eret has such a comfortable presence
i feel like she wouldn’t be up for cuddling too much
more of like putting your head on a friends shoulder so you can see the tweet their showing you
but they do like to hold hands
holding hands isn’t very intimate but it's also just such a sweet comforting thing
she even holds your hand when you guys are out walking around
like if you guys were getting food somewhere (post-covid of course)
you most likely would get addressed as a couple
and he would just be like”...wut?”
it’s happened so many times at this point you just go along with it
“you guys look like such a cute couple!”
“oh we aren't-” “thank you!”
can you tell that i love eret?
phil always has such dad vibes
i feel like the closest he would get to cuddling is hugs and hand holding
even though cuddling isn’t inherently romantic, he is married to kristen
so i fell he would get most of his touch in with her
but with you he’s just so fatherly
hello dadza
whether you have a good or bad relationship with your father, everyone can admit that philza minecraft is dadza
this is such a dad thing, but tries to hold you hand when you cross the street
no matter the age, he just feels the need to protect you
hugs are similar
uses hugs as a way to comfort you and protect you
just so amazing all around
tubbo would love cuddling in any way, shape, or form
if you guys are hanging out at like the park or something and lying down
get ready to become this mans pillow
this is really fun to do with your friends but imagine you guys are hanging out in a field type area (with my friends we hand out in the field next to the cemetery but it can be any open grass area)
tubbo would just use your lap as a pillow the whole time
and when you guys were walking back to his house he would sorta drape his arms over your shoulders (assuming he’s taller than you)
he would do the same thing when you guys were sitting in chairs or at a desk
just drapes his arms over your shoulder with his chin on your head
if it's really late and he's tired he’ll just hug you
if you thought tubbo is bad, ranboo is even worse
not even really cuddling, he just likes having a sort of skin-to-skin contact
so handholding and laying on top of eachother
if he’s streaming he will legitimately message ou to just sit next to him
so sometimes if he’s just chilling by himself on the smp you’ll end up on his streams
he’ll have you next to him just because he likes be near someone
and so randomly it’ll just be like “chat, a real human is here, behave”
chat does not behave
(they heavily bully him)
he’s pretty clingy but when you HAVE to leave he’ll understand and just be a bit bummed out
holy shit this took me so long-
if you read this whole thing thank you!
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Perfect distraction (Legolas x Elf Reader)
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Summary: The reader, daughter of Elrond, is working on the library and, suddenly, Legolas starts distracting you…
Word count: 1,415
Warnings: Fluff and steamy kisses
Pairing: Romantic relationship
A.N: Hi my elves!! Sorry for not posting anything but i was with a lot of exams and assigments. Now that i’ve finish uni I’ll have more time to write. I’m so exited because I’ve been recieving requests and I enjoy writing them a lot. If you have requested something I’ll eventually get to it and post it. Sorry if there are some errors but english is not my firts language. This is my first post, based on a short image that i had about Lelogas. Please give it some love and comment if you want, I’ll appreciate it so much🥰. Thank you everyone!! Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn (A star shines on the hour of our meeting)🌌🧝🏻‍♀️
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
It was a quiet morning, you could hear the birds tweet between the trees, laying in their nests. The sight from the library was so breathtaking, the valley of Imladris was above your feet, with all its beauty and magnificence, it felt like you were living among the clouds with a light so pure and intense that made everything ethereal. You wanted to go for a walk, maybe visit the lake and take a bath, but you needed to finish what you were doing, as soon as possible.
Suddenly, a pair of known hands startled you, caressing your hair and braiding it to be able to expose your sensitive neck to his touch. Only his. The tender touch of your skin was replaced by the splendid feeling that the brush of his lips against your collar bone provided you. Your eyes wanted to shut and you fell back to give better access to the tongue that was teasing you, wanting you to lose your mind because of his wet but soft kisses. He was asking you for permission to continue…
- Legolas, please, I’m trying to work. You’re distracting me. - You said while you attempted to escape from his grip.
- Do you know that when you’re concentrated you slightly bite your lips? I find it very hard to resist… - His hands massaged your back searching for your waist.
- Let me guess, you’re not letting me finish this, aren’t you?
- You’re very perceptive, meleth nîn (my love). You know me so well.
You tried to answer back, however, the blonde elf grabbed your waist, lifted you up for you to stand up and pushed aside the chair where you were seated in, giving him perfect access to your body. The table was pressed against your back so you didn't have nowhere to run. Your eyes met, feeling as if you had been separated from each other for a very long lifetime. He was eager for your touch, his eyes speaked for him. Without breaking your eye contact your hands wandered resting in his chest, covered by a silky shirt that showed part of his pale but radiant skin. You were so entranced by his beauty that you didn't feel his strong arms pulling you closer until your foreheads established contact.
- As much as I love the direction this is taking I need to finish reading that book. I promised my father I’ll help him and you know how he gets when I don’t “fulfill my duties” - You said noiselessly.
- But you’ve been working all morning and yesterday too. I just want a little attention from you, brennil nîn (my lady). - He said resting his hands on your waist.
You could feel his thumb rubbing on your hip, lightly pressing the skin underneath your dress in circular motions, which made you completely shiver. Your body, entirely, was reacting to the feeling of being pressed against Legolas’ figure, perceiving his soft breathing that synced with yours.
- I really think that last night I paid the proper attention you deserve, Melethron nîn (my beloved).
After saying that you knew your cheeks would be bright red, remembering last night made you flush. Legolas, noticing your expression, smirked showing his perfect white smile, making you remember the softness of his lips exploring every part of your skin. The elf, still smiling, pulled your body against him, hugging you so tight that he was able to rest his face in the crook of your neck, which made every cell in your body bristle. Legolas made you feel safe, his embrace felt like home, you were like glass between his hands, not fragile but dazzling and divine. You could sense him smiling while he stroked one side of your neck, your skin knew him so well. “Of course you did”, Legolas managed to say among needy touches and kisses on your neck and chin.
Whereas Legolas’ lips lowered your guard, your hands reached to his hair. It was styled with two little braids at each side of his head, behind his ears. Slowly, your fingers started to untie them, brushing Legolas’ hair and, momentary, fondling his ears with extreme tenderness. The moment when the tips of your fingers touched his silky lobes, Legolas lifted his head, watching you directly in your eyes, making you feel like your pupils were melting into each other. Calmy, not breaking your eye contact, he separated himself a few centimetres from you so he would be able to enclose your waist, firmer than before, suddenly sitting you on top of the table. You tried to push aside all of the papers and books that were on the table but Legolas was quicker.
- Y/n, do you really know what you do to me? - He told you taking your hand and placing it where his heart beated rapidly.
- I… I just want you to feel like I feel everytime you look at me with those absorbing blue eyes. - You smiled.
- Gellon ned i galar i chent lîn ned i gladhol (I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh).
As those words were mentioned by Legolas, all your body sensed a feeling of warmth and nervousness. You were like a little elf discovering love for the first time, you were reviving the intoxicating feeling of your heart stopping because of him. That prince made you lose your mind and you made him lose his. You were the perfect combination. You were in love with Legolas, you've always been.
You took a moment to admire your lover’s beauty. His golden hair, now wavy because of the previous braids, fell down, like magical waterfalls, and rested in his muscly shoulders. You couldn’t resist caressing him, sliding your fingers through the slight waves that had been formed. You reached his cheek and your thumb started to draw perfect circles, feeling his skin warm and flushed. Legolas kissed your hand gently making you feel the softness of his lips and the desire in his grip.
- I love you with your messy hair, that way I can see you, the real you. - You said with your eyes shining because of the emotions he made you feel.
- I simply love you, my starlight.
Your fingers wandered, wanting to touch each other, and you, at last, gave in to desire. Legolas’ orbs traveled between your eyes and lips, he was asking for permission to make the next move… That was not your first kiss but it would always feel like it has been. You dampened your lips, giving him the sign he needed to proceed. Your bodies were pressed against each other, your hands were held and the touch between your noses teased the other one. Both of your lips were ready. Legolas, tenderly, closed the distance between your mouths. Both of you were hungry, eager for the delightful brush of your lips. You were in ecstasy. His hands searched for the end of your skirt and sneaked inside your clothes, touching the soft skin of your thighs that reacted immediately to his touch. Your heart couldn’t beat faster.
Your tongues met and the kiss deepened, making the ambience of the room turbid, hotter. You could feel how Legolas lightly bit your lower lip between kisses, your head was on fire, you couldn't think about anything but the marvelous sensation of his lips against yours. Electricity runned down your spine, needing his touch. While your lips were desiring the other and increasing the rhythm of your tongues playing, savouring each other and being delighted with your taste, your hands began to unlace the elf’s blouse to be able to touch his torso. When your cold hands established contact with Legolas’ skin a growl escaped from his throat forcing you to not stop, you didn't plan to.
Without warning, the sound of far steps scared both of you, making you break your union. You realized you were at the library, you were on top of a table with your dress made a mess, Legolas with his shirt wrinkled and his hair messy. There were papers everywhere. You stayed in silence, looking deeply into your eyes, your hands held and shivering from your mutual arousal, until you could breathe again. Legolas’ lips were swollen and you supposed yours were too.
- Legolas, gi melin (i love you). - You whispered.
- I love you more than life, my starlight. - He said before grabbing your hand and guiding you to your bedroom.
Gi melin, y/n. He also whispered before kissing you again.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
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falcqns · 3 years
Hii i have this request in mind like Chris Evans x Actress! Singer! Reader like the reader and chris dated for 3y idk but they broke up but the reader always visit chris’ family bc she treated them like family aswell specialy when the reader’s parents died so she spend Christmas there or any occasions bc chris’ family invite her and when chris got a new gf the reader is kinda hurt bc she still love chris but she try to look like she doesn’t care but then she released her new song its called deja vu (by olivia rodrigo) and she release it to her bday so when the song is released the fans knew its abt chris bc of the new gf (chris’ fam doesn’t like the new gf and the fans kinda didn’t support them bc of the girl’s attitude) and chris’ family invites her over bc they want to show the reader something and when the reader got there they surprise her for her bday and congratulate her and turns out chris is there too with his new gf🤨and the reader knew chris’ new gf hated her bc of her look and scott called you all to the living room and watch the mv of the reader’s new song and when the mv ends scott and the fam congratuleted the reader and chris’ gf is giving the reader looks again and chris is noticing it and when the reader is in the kitchen alone getting something chris talk to her and congratulate her and chris’ new gf wrapped her arms around chris and chris tried to stop her to make a scene but she started a scene and scream at the reader but the reader cut her off and embarrassing her and the reader prove the new gf shes first not her (idk if that make sense lol) and the new gf leave(idk you can make her a random name so its not only “new gf”) and the reader and chris talk and they got back together, you can do wha you want at the end this is just so random bc i was listening to deja vu and advance thank you if you do my request! Stay safe! ❤️ and im so sorry if this is so long
Deja Vu
pairing: Chris Evans x singer!reader
warnings: parents death, major angst, fluff. 
a/n: thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy!
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You had known Chris since college, when you had met him in your communications class. You two had grown close quickly, and became best friends. 
He brought you home every Christmas Eve, before you would go home to your parents house on Christmas Day. You had always felt like a part of the family, so when your parents passed a way, you turned to him. 
You and your parents were driving home from a Christmas Day church service, when you were hit by a semi truck. It had completely totalled the car, and your parents had died on impact. You had been sitting in the back, and only had a broken leg from where your moms seat had been pushed back into it roughly. 
You had been pulled from the car and sat in a second ambulance, while your parents were transported in another. You knew you'd never forget watching that ambulance door close and drive away, knowing that was the last time you'd ever see them. 
When the police officers asked if there was anyone you could call, you didn't know what to do. Your parents were both only children, so you had no aunts, uncles or cousins. You were an only child too, so you had no siblings, and your grandparents had passed when you were little, your other ones passing before you were born. 
So when the officer asked you, you told him the Evans’ phone number. Lisa picked up on the second ring, and you tearfully explained what had happened as the shock wore off. She immediately said she’d meet you at the hospital, and not to worry, that she and Bob would take care of you. 
You were taken to the hospital and treated for your broken leg. Less than an hour after you arrived, Lisa arrived at the hospital with Chris in tow. They comforted you, and took you home with them. You stayed in Chris’s room for the first few days, and when you were given your own room, you still had a hard time sleeping alone, so Chris ended up in your bed with you most nights, not that he minded. 
You never went back to college, and instead turned to singing as a release from all the pain you were feeling. You started out posting covers on YouTube, and gradually progressed to getting a record deal with Interscope Records, which didn't surprise anyone who knew you. You had immense talent, and your parents used to tell you that they were counting down the days before you were a celebrity. 
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When Chris graduated college and told you he was moving to Los Angeles, he convinced you to come with him. Prices were high in LA, and he didn't want to be separated from you for too long, so you joined him. He got to be an actor, and you got to be a singer, which is what you both had wanted since you were younger. 
You went to every one of Chris’s movie premieres, and he attended as many of your live shows as he could. You supported him through all his relationships and his breakups, and played the middle man whenever he and Jenny would fight, up until the very end. You told yourself you did that because you just wanted what's best for him, but you both kind of knew that wasn't the reason at all. 
Throughout your time living together, you friendship grew, as did your feelings for each other. You'd be lying if you didn't have a small crush on him in college, and those feelings only grew as time went on, especially since the two of you decided to only get a one bedroom apartment. Mainly because it was cheap, but also because Chris made a decision a week after your parents death to never allow you to sleep alone because of the nightmares that would occur if he wasn't there.
So, when you won your first award for your first album, named ‘hand in hand’, he kissed you the second you came off the stage with your award in hand. It blew your mind that he felt the same, but you were happy nonetheless. You two began dating that night, and everything was perfect. 
Until, you were invited by 5 Seconds of Summer to be their opening act on their newest tour. You had agreed, and Chris let you go. You two had been dating for over 3 years, and you thought your relationship would be fine. 
You quickly realized however that that wasn't the case, when the two of you started fighting less than two weeks into the tour. The fights weren't anything major, more petty things like ‘did you change the Netflix password’ or ‘why did you take this piece of clothing, that was mine and it was my favourite.’ All around stupid fights. 
You had turned to Calum, who you were closest with, and he consoled you as much as you could. You realized however, that you couldn't be with Chris anymore when he drunk called you in the middle of the night while you were in the UK and got angry with you when you answered and told him to call you back in the morning when he was sober, to which he proceeded to brag that he slept with his co star at the time, Jessica Alba, you freaked out and ended things. 
You got a message from Jessica on instagram the next day letting you know that they did not sleep together, and that she was sorry he even said it. You assured her it was fine, and felt relief.
Relief because you got to the bottom of the situation, but also relief from your relationship. You didn't know what happened in those few weeks, but you knew the relationship was turning toxic, and you wanted to stop it before that happened. Neither you or Chris needed that. You told him you’d find a new place to live, and by the time tour ended, you bought yourself a house in Beverly Hills, and moved out of the apartment.
Chris moved out not long after, and bought his own house. He had tried to stay friends with you, but you didn't want that at that point in time. You were still hurting, and needed time to heal. 
Once you felt ready to date again, you were asked to be Calum’s date to the Peoples Choice Awards, you accepted. You knew Chris would be there, and you were hoping to talk to him, and maybe work it out. He had told you during the break up that he would always wait for you to come back, and that he still loved you, and always would. 
But you knew that wasn't the case when he showed up on the red carpet, with a new actress named Myra Woodfield. You had smiled at him, while trying not to break down inside, but he gave you a dirty look and rolled his eyes at you when Calum wrapped his arm around your waist for a picture. You furrowed your eye brows and took a good look at Myra. 
She looked almost exactly like you. Same build, same hair colour, same eye colour. The only difference is that she was slightly taller than you. You didn't know why he was replacing you, but it hurt. You pushed it out of your head however, and enjoyed the night with your best friend. 
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It was a few months later when you were awoken by the constant dinging of your phone. You unlocked it, and saw you had a lot of unread messages from Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, and your other best friend Ashe about Chris’s new movie trailer, you sighed. 
You watched the trailer, and sighed when it looked like a recreation of a bunch of moments in your relationship with him, only Myra was in your place. 
Your fans and some of Chris’s had commented on it, and Myra immediately became aggressive with them, and insulted them. She told them that you were a nobody who could make Chris happy, which she was glad about because she made him happy how. 
Within minutes of this happening the hashtag #cancelmyrawoodfield was trending on twitter. You shamelessly went through the tweets and like and retweeted a couple. Then an idea popped in your head.
With a quick google search, you had a plan. 
You had written a new song called Deja Vu after the peoples choice awards, and it was had been recorded a few weeks ago, and you just had to decide on a date to release it, and make a decision on the music video. Her birthday was in about 3 months, which gave you enough time to get everything in place to drop on her birthday. 
Was it evil? Yes. Did you care? Not really. Besides, you inherited your pettiness from your mother and you knew she’d be proud of you. You called your manager and label, and got it planned out. 
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When the new music video had been announced, Lisa called you and invited you home to watch it premiere with the family. You accepted, knowing Chris and Myra would be there, and that her birthday would get overshadowed by the release of your music video.
So, three weeks later, you were sitting with Lisa, Bob, Carly, Shanna, Scott, Chris and Myra in Lisa’s living room, waiting for the video to premiere.
Scott had picked you up at the airport earlier in the morning along with Carly and Shanna, and the four of you had a laugh about the face that no one acknowledged Myra’s birthday, not even Chris. It was mean, but no one liked her. 
Lisa absolutely hated her, but didn't want to upset Chris, so you got a call shortly after the PCA’s from her and the two of you ranted about her for a good two hours. 
You watched as the timer counted down from 10, and then the screen turned black. You took a deep breath and watched Chris out of the corner of your eye. 
You had searched for a while for a guy who looked similar to Chris, and you stumbled on Andrew Siwicki. He didn't look exactly like Chris, but it was close enough that everyone would know who the song was about if they didn't already. Andrew was a fan of Chris and hated Myra too, so he was more than glad to help you out. 
The music began to play, and you watched as the black screen faded in on two people walking along the beach, holding hands. 
“Car rides to Malibu Strawberry ice cream One spoon for two And trading jackets Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you,”
The next scene was a recreation of yours and Chris’s first date where you two had a picnic on the beach, and ended up splashing each other with the ocean water. Towards the end, everyone watched as Andrew picked you up and threw you into the water the same way Chris always did. 
You glanced at him, and could have burst into laughter at how uncomfortable Chris looked, but more importantly how angry Myra looked. 
“Watching reruns of Glee Being annoying Singing in harmony I bet she's bragging To all her friends, saying you're so unique, hmm,”
The next scene was you and Andrew (who was dressed as Ransom) on what appeared to be a recreation of the Knives Out set, running around with a dog that looked like Dodger chasing after you, the two of you laughing. The next shot was the two of you kissing behind a trailer, seemingly hiding from production. 
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was our place, I found it first I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you,”
The next scene was the two of you driving through Southern California, in a car that was almost identical to Chris’s. You two were laughing and singing along to the song, your hair whipping around you.
You took a deep breath, knowing this next scene would piss him right off.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? (Ah), hmm Do you get déjà vu, huh?”
This scene was you, along with the rest of Chris’s family sitting around a living room that looked like the one you were in now, a Christmas tree full of presents in the corner. The camera panned across everyone as everyone was talking and settled on you and Andrew and the two of you recreated the scene where Chris whispered in your ear how much he loved you, and couldn't wait to start a family with you. 
“Do you call her Almost say my name? 'Cause let's be honest We kinda do sound the same,”
The screen showed you and Andrew saying goodbye at the airport, with 5 Seconds of Summer standing behind you. They weren't actually there when you left for tour, but Luke suggested it to piss Chris off, and you had agreed. 
Then there was a small montage of clips from tour, including a shot of Michael elbow dropping Ashton into a pool, which made everyone laugh, except Chris and Myra. The montage was followed up by you sitting on the floor of a dressing room and crying as you sent a text that said “I’m done.”
“Another actress I hate to think that I was just your type,”
Now you were on the red carpet, with Calum right beside you. You both were wearing the same clothes you wore on that night, you hair and makeup recreated perfectly. The camera unfocused on you as you turned and looked at Andrew and an actress named Alexa Morrison, who looked a lot like Myra, and they were recreating Chris and Myra’s actions perfectly. The camera swivelled around and came to rest pointing towards your face, as you looked in shock, and a single tear fell down your face. 
“I'll bet that she knows Billy Joel 'Cause you played her Uptown Girl You're singing it together,”
You were shown watching a movie trailer with Ashe sitting next to you, while you sobbed at what Alexa and Andrew were doing. You looked at the camera and began singing the song, while Ashe and everything else around you was frozen.
“Now I bet you even tell her How you love her In between the chorus and the verse (ooh) (I love you),”
You were sat on the bed in Chris’s red flannel that you had stolen before leaving for tour, and you were writing in the notebook aggressively with tears rolling down your face and singing.
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was the show we talked about Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you,”
You were now being shown sitting on the couch, and watching Andrew run across the TV screen dressed as Captain America, an ice cream tub in your hand. You were wearing sweats and a t shirt, your hair in a messy bun.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? Oh Do you get déjà vu?”
The camera circled around you before transitioning to the next scene. 
“Strawberry ice cream in Malibu Don't act like we didn't do that shit too You're trading jackets like we used to do (Yeah, everything is all reused),”
You were shown laying down in bed, and your eyes closing before an image of you and Andrew danced, dressed as Steve and Peggy in endgame, a scene Chris always told you the two of you would recreate one day. You had called Hayley and asked if it was okay, and she immediately said yes, and even came and watched you do the scene.
“Play her piano, but she doesn't know (oh, oh) That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel (oh) A different girl now, but there's nothing new (I know you get déjà vu),”
When your eyes opened, you were sitting at your piano, and playing while singing along. 
“I know you get déjà vu I know you get déjà vu,”
Suddenly, the piano disappeared, and you were left standing in an empty living room as the screen faded to black. 
The entire room burst into cheers as the video ended, except for Myra, who looked like she was going to murder you, and Chris who just clapped with a tight lipped smile. 
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Later that night after all the kids had gone to bed and Lisa was driving Bob home,  Scott had pulled you into the kitchen under the pretences of ‘helping him fix a drink’, which ended up just being the two of you gossiping about Chris and Myra, and the music video.
Suddenly, Chris walked in, and nodded for Scott to leave. You cleared your throat and ignored him.
“That was a good song, and an amazing music video.” He said. “I can see you're just getting more and more talented as time-” He began, as you rolled your eyes, and looked at him. 
“What do you want?” You asked bluntly. 
“I just wanted to congratulate you.” He said, and you were about to open your mouth, when Myra came slinking in the room with an evil look on her face. 
“Nice job, Y/N. I’m glad I could inspire your music video.” She said sarcastically, and you could tell Chris was about to defend you, but you opened your mouth first. 
“Well, I’m glad I had such a snake like bitch to draw inspiration from,” You said, and heard Scott, his siblings burst into laughter in the living room. Myra’s jaw dropped and she turned to look at him. You looked up at Chris, who was leaning up against the counter, and biting back a smile.
“You’re just going to let her talk to me like that?” She asked, and Chris sighed.
“Myra, don't start. Not now.” He said, she scoffed. 
“I knew you still loved her. Only a pathetic loser could love someone as ugly and untalented as her.” She spat, and Chris growled. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and you ran out of the room, your drink abandoned on the counter. 
You ran into your bedroom, where you shut the door, and fell onto the bed in tears. 
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Back in the kitchen, Chris had gotten in Myra’s face, and was yelling.
“You need to leave. If you don't we’re going to call the cops.” He stated, and Myra rolled her eyes before storming out of the house. 
Scott turned back to Chris, and was shocked when he saw him in tears. 
“You need to work shit out with Y/N. It’s clear the two of you are still in love, and you need to figure it out as adults,” Scott said, his sisters nodding. Chris took a deep breath, and looked at your closed bedroom door.
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Chris walked up to your bedroom door, and took a deep breath before entering the room where he used to sleep in every night.
He opened the door, and saw you curled up in a ball on the bed, your body still shaking. He smiled sadly, and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He sat on the bed behind you, and rubbed your back gently. 
“I’m sorry. Not just for what Myra said, but for everything. For breaking your heart, and for causing you so much pain. I didn't realize how much I was missing you too until we watched that music video and I saw how truly broken you were. I never noticed that before now. And I’m sorry I didn't. If I’d have, I could have fixed this sooner, and we could be together right now.” He said.
You furrowed your brows at his last sentence and sat up.
“W-What?” You asked, and Chris moved closer. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. 
“I still love you. So so much.” He smiled, and a tear rolled down his face. “You're my entire world, and not having you here is slowly breaking me apart. I didn't know just how much until today, but I can't live another day without you.” He said. “I’m so sorry I hurt you baby.” He sobbed, and his head buried itself into your hair. Your body shook with sobs too, and you turned around to face him.
“I love you too.” You sobbed out. “I never should have ended things, but-” You said, but were cut off by Chris’s lips on yours, and you felt yourself melting into it.
He pulled away a few seconds later. “Don't. It was my fault, not yours. I am so sorry, and I am going to spend the rest of my life making up for it, I promise.” He said, as he stood the two of you up and led you out of the room, and to his.
“Where are we going?” You asked, and Chris pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I have to grab something.” He said. He opened his closet, and grabbed something out of the top corner before turning to you. 
“I said I planned on spending the rest of my life making it up to you, and I plan on keeping that promise.” He said, as he got down on one knee. You gasped, as he opened the box and your dream engagement ring was inside. “I want you for the rest of my life, and the next. Will you marry me?” he asked, tears pouring down his face, just like yours.
You nodded enthusiastically, and Chris stood up. He placed the ring on your ring finger and scooped you up. “I love you,” You choked out, and Chris sobbed harder into you. 
“I love you too, and I’m never letting you go.”
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@nerdypinupcrystal @kpopgirlbtssvt
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fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
Ur ninjango posts...bruh I thought that show was for kids. Anyway for no particular reason, how is the whump?? U mentioned smt abt torture would that be like onscreen or implied or??? 😳
hdkjafdsfkaljdsfkljadskljl I mean sure, Ninjago is technically a kids show but HOO BOY the writers sure don't let that stop them. For example, the aforementioned torture? Jay ends up captive to a bunch of pirates who are tormenting him with the specific intention of breaking his spirit. At first it starts out innocuous enough - swabbing the decks, your traditional ball and chain bound to his ankle, endless labor to the point of severe physical exhaustion...but then comes the Scrap n' Tap. A game where each pirate takes turns beating him up ruthlessly and relentlessly. His injuries are so extensive that he actually has to wear an eyepatch for a bit, and when his friends come to rescue him he can't even walk on his own without support. It's not, like, graphic full-on torture, but it DOES happen on-screen and it is lowkey messed up. And for a kid's show...yeah.
Like, is the show primarily lighthearted and fun? Yeah. Definitely. But that just makes it so much worse when the show decides to punch you in the gut. And goddammit it sure loves to punch you in the gut. All the time. It certainly isn't afraid to throw its angst around. Not always whump, necessarily (unless Zane is involved, the poor whumping bag), but definitely angst. This show HAS made me cry quite a few times and I'm not ashamed to admit that.
Now, I couldn't find any clips on YouTube of the Scrap n' Tap, nor of Jay's torment at the hands of the sky pirates, but I DID end up going down a rabbit hole of angsty scenes from throughout the series. A few examples, for anyone who's curious:
Harumi's flashback to her parent's death
Zane dies (for the first time)
Cole's flashback to his bedridden mother
Nya tries to comfort a newly ghost-ified Cole (the video quality on this one sucks but this scene also means a lot to me, so naturally I had to include it here)
Cole falls off the Bounty
Morro's death
Kai tries to help Lloyd resist the ghost possessing him
BONUS: a compilation of Zane getting hurt/shut down (not all the times, but a few of the more memorable ones)
I actually didn't even put the angstiest stuff on this list! Didn't wanna give away the best tearjerkers on of the off chance that any of my fandom-baiting actually ends up working on somebody one of these days (pspsps please check out Ninjago it's a fun show and also will cause you lots of pain, and I need someone to cry over the season 15 finale with me because holy shit that ending changed me as a person and I'm still in denial)
I'm not saying that Ninjago was some super mature, dark show. It is, fundamentally, a kid's show about gay Legos getting up to wacky found family shenanigans. But I AM saying that you can't go through all 15-seasons-and-counting without at least getting the tiniest bit messed up by it.
Like! Recently the series producer released a Tweet saying that season 16 is gonna be another tearjerker and I am NOT ready, I am SO NOT READY for it. I haven't even finished recovering from the last season, give me some time to cope will ya!
So to answer your question. The show tends to be pretty mild by traditional 'whump' standards, but it DOES go pretty hard on the angst. And the Scrap n' Tap thing IS on-screen. Do with that information what you will.
Thanks for the ask! And sorry to rant on about Ninjago for so long, I'm just extremely passionate about this series and I tend to get ramble-y whenever it gets brought up! <3
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IOTA Reviews: Crocoduel
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When you stop and think about it, this episode is really just the world's most intense custody battle.
Let's get into the thirteenth (chronologically the twelfth) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Crocoduel
We start off with the band Kitty Section (composed of Luka, his timid sister Juleka, her “best friend” Rose, and Ivan) performing a concert for the super amazing Zoe and all the peons beneath her greatness (Alya, Alix, Nino, and Mylene). Luka notes its been a while since Marinette came to the Liberty. Because I guess even the show wants to forget the events of “Sole Crusher”.
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Luka is still upset that Marinette hasn't wanted to be around him since their breakup, so after he walks away, the others scheme to force them to spend time together.
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Yep, even though they promised to back off in “Gang of Secrets”, Marinette's friends are once again trying to meddle in Marinette's personal life as well as Luka's this time. Because it's not like they can understand how hard it is for two exes to remain friends after a breakup and give them their space, right? They plan to invite Marinette to Luka and Juleka's birthday party while reminding the audience that they're twins.
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In all seriousness, I do feel like I was a little hard on Astruc for this. Compared to other things he's made canon on Twitter, this is fairly minor, and we only knew Luka was the older brother at first through a tweet. And considering the other retcon we'll see in the very next scene, this isn't as big of a deal as I made it initially.
Alya invites Marinette to the party, but she easily deduces that it's a trap. Alya then tries to convince Marinette to talk to Luka.
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Uh... since when? When did Marinette lose all romantic feelings for Luka? The whole point of the breakup in “Truth” was to show that she couldn't pursue a romantic relationship with Luka because of her duties as Ladybug. She never showed any signs of not loving him, which made the breakup all the more tragic. Yeah, “Mr. Pigeon 72” was an excuse for her to go back to loving Adrien because the writers don't know how to write anything else, but it didn't mean she stopped loving Luka. You know, it's almost like the writers want to make sure the audience knows Lukanette will never happen and the sacred Love Square is the only way Marinette will ever feel love for someone else.
Alya still forces Marinette to go, making her ask Juleka if Luka won't be there. Some people have gone down on Marinette for this, but she does later acknowledge how wrong this was to ask, and apologizes to Juleka for trying to force her to do something she didn't want to do. If only Marinette's friends learned the same lesson.
Juleka goes to tell Luka about the party, but hesitates to tell Luka he can't go there. While he knows Juleka is hiding something, Luka is distracted by the sudden arrival of his father who he loves despite abandoning him for his entire life, Jagged Stone. However, Luka and Juleka's mother, the anarchy-loving Anarka isn't happy that much like his sperm when the condom broke, Jagged came in without her permission.
At the day of the party, Marinette panics as soon as she sees Luka, who in turn realizes she didn't want to see him. Rather than comfort Juleka who just ran away crying, the others comfort Luka, preventing him from being akumatized by Shadowmoth, though he still keeps his Akuma around just to be safe. Marinette apologizes to Juleka before Shadowmoth can akumatize her too (even though she got a Magical Charm in “Guiltrip” so it wouldn't work either way). Then Shadowmoth tries to akumatize one of the guests as they find out Jagged (who just arrived) is Luka's father, but since they're dumb teenagers who don't know Jagged was winning awards and being celebrated as a rock icon while Anarka was working two jobs and struggling to make enough money for rent, they think it's awesome. Very confusing day for Shadowmoth, isn't it?
Marinette also finds out Jagged is Juleka's father and finds out Juleka worries Jagged loves Luka more since they share more interests, which she thinks is true when Jagged gives Luka a guitar case and instructs her to not tell his sister. Marinette tries to call out Jagged for neglecting Juleka over Luka even though Jagged was more of a father to his pet crocodile than either of his biological children, but it's obviously a gift for Juleka, the first bass guitar Jagged ever owned, which calms her down. Funny how nobody acknowledges how Jagged practically abandoned his family, isn't it? Sure, it looks like he's trying to make up for it, but he just acts like he's always been Luka and Juleka's dad and they don't have any problems with their father literally never being in their lives until now.
Jagged's gift to Luka is a record of the first record he made in his band with Anarka before they broke up, Crododuel, but Anarka is naturally pissed he wants to give that to Luka. Jagged and Anarka argue over which one was the Yoko Ono in their relationship while they both grab the record, which Shadowmoth uses to akumatize the two as it breaks, turning them back into Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock respectively, Shadowmoth labeling them as Crocoduel.
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Unlike the other team Akumas like the Punishers or the Gang of Secrets, Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock care more about fighting each other than working together, and they see getting Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous as a competition to help prove who was right in their argument. It's a pretty interesting gimmick, though I don't get how Shadowmoth thinks this will help him and not ignore Ladybug and Cat Noir while they fight.
Alya provides a distraction to help Marinette transform, and after we get Adrien's single scene to remind the audience he's still a main character, he transforms into Cat Noir. The two heroes give chase, but then Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock decide to take their fight to above the clouds.
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Yeah, it's not like you have a form that specifically allows you two to fly, right?
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All they had to say was that Marinette was still making more potions for that form, and it would have been better than ignoring the fact that they can fly.
Much like the hotel room during the night Luka and Juleka were conceived, the crossfire from Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock's fight starts to damage the area around them. Ladybug and Cat Noir get Luka and Juleka to safety, and Luka tells them about what's happening, while Ladybug spouts the lesson about people needing to talk even though they don't love each other anymore, reflecting the situation the writers retconned her into learning.
Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, a roll of scotch tape, and comes up with an idea that involves Juleka. She takes her away into an alleyway and gives her the Tiger Miraculous. The tiger Kwami, Roarr, demands Juleka show some courage, so Juleka yells in her face. Unfortunately, as much as I want to show this scene, the subs I got don't really match up, so I can't really give some screenshots of it. So I guess you can watch this scene from Full Metal Jacket instead to get the gist of things.
So Juleka takes the Tiger Miraculous and transforms into Purple Tigress.
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I think the suit has a pretty good design. I like the striped pattern with the gold highlights around the black stripes, and think the color scheme is visually pleasing, especially the hair. I wouldn't call it one of my favorite hero suits, but I still like the way it looks.
Cat Noir launches Ladybug and Purple Tigress into the air where they split up to steal both halves of the record, but when they break them, no Akuma comes out. It turns out that since the record was broken while Jagged and Anarka were akumatized, they need to put it together again before breaking it in order to free the Akuma.
Purple Tigresse goes to distract Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock with her power, Collision, which she uses to KNOCK CAPTAIN HARDROCK'S SHIP ABOVE THE CLOUDS, TAKING GUITAR VILLAIN WITH HER.
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Why the hell did it take four seasons to break this Miraculous out if it gives the user the ability to go Super Saiyan on the enemy? I think Cat Noir's expression after seeing the power in action says it all.
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Cat Noir Cataclysms the record (because a record is just so hard to break without using the power of destruction, isn't it?), Ladybug de-evilizes the Akuma, uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix everything, Jagged and Anarka somehow weren't killed by their own daughter, the three heroes pound it, and Ladybug gives two Magical Charms to Jagged and Anarka.
Back at the Liberty, Juleka tells the two to forget what caused them to break up and just apologize while they ignore the past, proving the writers really don't get how hard it is to move on from tough events in life. And despite building it up for the entire episode, Marinette and Luka talk in the final thirty seconds of the episode and just agree to be friends, meaning once again, Luka was sidelined in what should have been a focus episode for him.
Aside from the way Jagged and Anarka's relationship was portrayed coupled with the retcons surrounding Luka, this episode was alright in my opinion. Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock are some of my favorite Akumas, so I thought it was nice to see them again, even if we didn't get to see their powers at full potential. I also thought this was a really good episode for Juleka, as I felt like the hero debut really helped her grow as a person and didn't just feel like she was given a Miraculous because the plot said so. She wanted to help her parents, and using the Tiger gave her the courage to symbolically speak out while potentially launching them into the stratosphere.
But the biggest problem to me has to be the way Jagged is portrayed in the episode. Just like with “Truth”, the idea of Jagged being a terrible parent is just swept under the rug and everyone just accepts the fact that Jagged is Luka and Juleka's dad very well. Despite the idea leading to some interesting drama in a show that's no stranger to family drama, they don't really do much with the whole “Jagged abandoning Anarka” thing. Aside from a brief interaction between Luka and Jagged while the former was akumatized into Truth, nobody is really angry at Jagged. Nobody really feels angry at Jagged for what he did, despite the drama being the main focus behind the episode that also had the Lukanette breakup. You would think this would at least lead to some tension between his family, but nothing really comes from it other than an argument that was pretty much played for laughs. But considering this show has a history of teaching kids to love their parents no matter how cruel they are to them, I'm not entirely surprised.
Overall, it's just a decent, albeit forgettable episode. If the writing with Jagged was different, it could have been a lot better in my opinion.
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
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This week's [23-08-2021 - 29-08-2021] reading log is here! I read a lot again this week and I feel like it's a lovely variety of fics. Most fics are Stucky like usual, but there's at least one other ship. I am constantly amazed by the talent people have in this fandom! There was one fic I read on Tumblr that I can't seem to find unfortunately, but when I do I'll make sure to reblog and rec it 💕
Favourites are marked with a 🌻
When life gives you lemons by moonthejedi394 @moonythejedi394 [Stucky, 40k words, Mature] (12/15 chapters available)
Or 13 Terrible Things to Do With Lemons Other Than Making Lemonade
Steve Rogers is a home health nurse. He works for an agency, which assigned him to the aging Winifred Barnes, the one and only Silent Era Hollywood darling. As her needs increased, she requested the agency assign Steve to her full-time. She could pay for it, so she got it. Steve then moved in with her, becoming her caregiver; he cooked, he cleaned, he managed her medications, he made sure she was comfortable.
Winifred's children treated him less than ideally. He was the help, after all. And then Steve had the audacity to go and turn out to be eldest son James Barnes's soulmate. No one saw that coming.
The Masseur and the Assassin by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 17k words, Explicit]
Bucky Barnes needed a vacation from his job. What he found was a happy ending.
The Words Breathe by buckbarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
All Steve has to do is keep his promise. When he doesn’t, Bucky gets mouthy.
Soft by this_wayward_life @wayward-lives [Stucky, 2k words, Explicit]
The last time he'd seen Bucky he'd looked unhealthy, with pallid skin and greasy, lanky hair. Now, Bucky shone; his hair was thick and silky, his skin a deep bronze from spending so much time outside. He was softer, too; the hard muscle that used to cover him was now replaced by soft fat, his body still strong, but in a more mundane way. His thighs were thicker, his ass plumper, and when he'd pulled Steve into the river Steve had noticed the pudge on his stomach.
Seeing Bucky so happy, well-fed and shining, was a bit of a kick in the face. For all the years they'd known each other, he'd never seen Bucky so... care-free. Now that Bucky was putting on weight, his middle soft and his body malleable, it sent a bolt of arousal through Steve every time he noticed the curves of Bucky's body.
Or: Bucky put on a bit of weight in Wakanda, and Steve is Not Coping.
🌻 Revive Another Side of Me by dontcallmebree @iamthe-wo-manwhocan [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Steve’s never lived in a world without Bucky, and he’s not living now. It takes them a while, much too long, to get that awaited rest, a little slice of peace after the dust has settled.Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are inseparable, history remembers. But they’re not men of the past quite yet.
🌻 imagine being loved by me by spacebuck @spacebuck [Stucky, 20k words, Explicit]
Just after 1am - a few hours after he posted today’s photo - he hears the tell-tale sound of a twitter message. Bucky grabs his phone, not checking who it’s from as he opens it because it’s probably one of his mutuals yelling at him as per usual. When he actually looks at his phone, though, it’s not Natasha
The ‘verified’ check stares back at him for a long moment before he can even bring himself to process the name on his screen. Steve Rogers is messaging him. Or, he reasons, a very good fake. The handle looks right though, not that Bucky knows. Not that Bucky has Captain’s America’s tweets set up as notifications, or that Bucky’s own display name is set to captain america’s bitch. Not at all.
Hey, the first message says. It’s Steve.
🌻 JB’s Complete Lube Services by dixons_mama @dixons-mama [Stucky, 3k words, Explicit]
People just didn’t approach Captain America and proposition him. Although, sometimes Steve wished they would; even the pinnacle of virtue and justice needed to get dicked down from time to time.
Or, the one where Steve has the hots for a mechanic and decides to be proactive in getting that dick.
If it had to be someone by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Bucky had known since he was a child that he didn’t have a choice in who he married, but he’d thought he had more time before the day arrived.
Miscalculations by christywantspizza @christywantspizza [Ransom Drysdale/Reader, 6k words, Explicit]
Ransom tries to get you to sleep with him by less than honorable means. You give him what he wants, just not how he wants it.
How to Seduce a Writer by obsessivereader [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
What's a determined master strategist going to do when the oblivious writer he's trying to woo keeps missing all the clues?
He doesn’t think it’s because he hadn’t signaled his own interest to Bucky. He’s pretty much done everything short of hitting Bucky over the head with semaphore flags by this point. There’s no way Bucky could’ve missed them. Unless… There’d been that one link he’d stumbled upon when he’d googled ‘how to talk to a writer’. It’d been written by a writer, who’d been candid about how oblivious writers could be, and how someone could go about seducing one. An idea starts to form. It’s ridiculous, but at this point, he’s willing to go with ridiculous, since subtle wasn’t getting him anywhere.
🌻 Pod Bless America by Deisderium @deisderium [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
Bucky can't believe his favorite podficcer recorded his newest fanfic AU of the show Commandos. He's even more surprised when the customer who busts him listening to fic while he's working in the office supply store turns out to be that podficcer.
* The guy—maybe bi_shield?—took his phone, looked down at the screen, and smiled. "Yeah, that one's mine," he said with no evidence of embarrassment. "It was a good one." He handed the phone back to Bucky.
"I wrote it," Bucky croaked.
take a bite by wearing_tearing [Stucky, 7k words, Mature]
"I’d never let anyone freeze to death.” Steve gives a big sigh and flutters his lashes. “All that blood gone to waste.”
Bucky’s lips turn down and his nose scrunches up a little. “I want to be grossed out, but…”
“But you get it.” Steve gives him a pointed look. “Vampires aren’t the only ones who can appreciate how juicy blood is.”
Or: Vampire Steve saves newly-turned werewolf Bucky from a snowstorm.
Leaving the Shield Behind by BuckyAboveEverything [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
“So, on one hand, we have Steve Rogers - hunk, genius, animal lover. Buys you waffles and overpriced coffee. 100% wholesome all-American boy.”
“And, on the other hand, we have Capsicle – twink, smart-ass, fanboy. Reads your stories and sends you fanart. Possibly a pervert or a serial killer.”
Bucky groaned.
“I am 100% certain I am 0% sure of what to do."
Bucky Barnes, full-time copywriter and free-time fanfic writer, struggles to choose between two equally-attractive suitors, only to find that he doesn’t have to after all.
* Based on a true story *
Cap's Book Corner by Neche [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
Recluse Author Bucky Barns stumbles into fanboy Steve Rogers bookstore one day...
Cat Nap by galwednesday @galwednesday [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
Objectively, losing the Bucharest safehouse and its contents was the least of Bucky’s problems. The balding agent he’d seen directing the raid was apparently affiliated with SHIELD, which was a shadowy government agency that made representatives from other shadowy government agencies suddenly remember urgent appointments when Bucky tried to bribe, threaten, and otherwise shake them down for information on what the hell SHIELD might want with a former brainwashed assassin. Dodging SHIELD should be his number one priority.
Subjectively, he wanted his fucking cat back.
at any given moment by honeypuffed [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
Steve and Bucky find out that everyone thinks they're sleeping together.
Brought to Brightness by eyres [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
Army veteran Bucky Barnes has fallen in love with Steve, a guy he met online a few months after he returned from Afghanistan. Only problem is, he doesn't know Steve's last name or even what he looks like.
When his sister helps him send his story into MTV's Catfish, he's hoping they can help him meet Steve or, at least, let him move on with his life if Steve isn't real. Little does he know, Steve and Captain America have more in common than just a first name.
🌻 Nokken Wood by leveragehunters @leveragehunters [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
When Sam's friend needs a house-sitter for his place in the country, Steve jumps at the chance. Six months rent-free to do nothing but draw and paint and wander the countryside, looking for inspiration? It was like a dream. But when he gets lost in a storm and nearly falls into a pond he starts to rethink the whole like a dream aspect of life in the country. And when a red-eyed, sharp-clawed, silver-fanged creature rises out of the darkness, Steve is one hundred percent certain the dream's morphed into a nightmare.
...until it gives him a cup of tea.
(Inspired partly by this prompt a supernatural creature is supposed to scare you but instead it gives you a cup of tea and a blanket because you're having a bad day and you keep coming back and partly by this painting.)
Professional Pride by galwednesday [Stucky, 700 words, Teen]
Bucky is having a very good day, until he turns around and finds himself face-to-face with Captain America.
“Oh shit,” he blurts before he can stop himself, and Captain America blinks at him. “Hey, hi, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Here, at New York’s Pride parade, surrounded by thousands of happy screaming people wearing rainbows and sometimes not much else. What is he doing here? Is he on guard duty or something? Was he just on a mission and happened to be passing by on his way back?
He’s in uniform but with the cowl loose around his neck, so when he rubs the back of his head it fluffs up his matted hair. “I, uh. I saw one of your–temporary tattoos?” Captain fucking America says, like it’s a question.
The A-bridged Guide to Trolling by galwednesday [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
“I don’t have any money.”
Oh no, now the girl looked upset. Her eyes were huge and her lip was wobbling. Bucky tried to think fast despite the oh shit oh shit oh shit looping through his head.
“That’s okay,” Bucky said gently. “I don’t need money. We can figure out another kind of toll.”
The girl frowned at him. “Like what?”
Bucky scratched his head, trying to think of something a kid was certain to have on hand. “Do you know any jokes?”
(Fantasy AU in which Steve is a hedge witch with a green thumb, Bucky is a bridge troll who's new in town, and knock-knock jokes are a viable form of currency.)
It's a bittersweet ending (if you know what I mean) by relenafanel [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
“I’ll see you around, Steve,” Bucky answers with a smirk, moving away from the counter with a wink.
Steve watches him go. Bucky’s wearing a pair of skinny jeans coated in something to give the appearance of leather. It’s impossible to not watch him go.
stuck on you by wearing_tearing [Stucky, 5k words, Teen]
“Bucky? You don’t look so hot.”
Bucky makes a tiny little sound in the back of his throat, only to start coughing. Of course he doesn’t look hot. He’s sick and he’s dying and Steve obviously isn’t attracted to him.
Decision-Making in Relationships (Paid Research Opportunity!) by castiowl [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
Clint looked thoughtfully at the flyer. “I guess your actual roommate wouldn’t be down with it?”
Bucky frowned. “Have you met Steve Rogers?”
no way out but through by hollimichele [Stucky, 9k words, Teen]
Steve never sees it coming.
you got blood on your hands (and i know it's mine) by nighimpossible [Stucky, 3k words, Teen]
Bucky refuses to see Steve after his deprogramming.
Like What You See by daisymondays [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
For all the time Bucky’s spent fantasizing about meeting Captain America, he’d never imagined it would be while posing nude in front of a drawing class.
🌻 A Real Boy by itsnotbleak [Stucky, 5k words, Teen]
It took the Winter Soldier three weeks to remember that human beings needed to sleep and eat.
It took Steve far too long to realise the Winter Soldier was sleeping in his bed.
Amapola by chaya [Stucky, 830 words, Teen]
Total fluff. Bucky's recovering nicely. Steve's oblivious. Sometimes it's best to set aside subtlety for action.
Knocking Boots With Sugar by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 4k words, Explicit]
In between summers at college, Steve Rogers wants a new adventure beyond his lonely life in Brooklyn. He ends up in West Texas working on a dude ranch where Bucky Barnes is a long-time employee. When Bucky offers to buy Steve a drink, they end up drunk on tequila and making out in public. For the rest of the summer, they're inseparable. As the summer draws to a close, Steve realizes he doesn't want to leave.
Rogers and Associate by roe87 @jro616 [Stucky, 7k words, Teen]
When they first meet, Bucky is a hooker and Steve is a cop. She's been arrested, but Steve lets her off.
Years pass and they maintain a casual friendship, seeing each other out on the streets most nights.
Though he later makes detective, Steve loses faith in the system and quits his job.
He wants to set up as a private investigator, and he asks Bucky if she'd be his assistant.
Just in time by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Bucky knew the apartment he was renting was old fashioned, but walking in the front door and finding himself transported back to 1938 was not on the list of things he had prepared himself for.
🌻 You Like What's in My Head by dontcallmebree [Stucky, 15k words, Explicit] (with art by @kocuria)
Bucky can’t decide if Steve’s a tough nut to crack or incredibly easy. The timbre of his voice, a low and almost amused, “Sure, kid,” when Bucky asks for a drink feels like something gripping him on the back of his neck.
He thinks this might be one of those moments in life he’ll pinpoint in the future and either curse at for dooming himself, or remember fondly with pride.
He’s right. Bucky Barnes blunders through falling in love with Commander Rogers and tries to find a deeper meaning behind the expensive gifts and thorough fucking.
Can I Sit Here? by BuckyFrickenBarnes [Stucky, 962 words, General]
Bucky has unusual methods for getting rid of his writer's block.
Or, Bucky needs that table.
Workplace Romance by BuckyFricken Barnes [Stucky, 1k words, General]
Bucky is under the impression that his boss hates him.
Steve needs to get better at dealing with his feelings.
🌻 1-800-MAYTAG by Miss Plum @misspluckyplum [Stucky, 1k words, Explicit]
Bucky just wants to get some housework done. It gets out of hand fast. Silly little fluff and smut romp with snarky stucky boys.
Eyes of the Forest by Lordelannette [Stucky, 7k words, Explicit] (2/8 chapters available)
When Omega Bucky Barnes comes to Eagle Lake, it was in search of wolves, a creature that had not been seen in the area for decades.
What he finds instead is Steve Rogers, a handsome, though quiet Alpha who seems to be everywhere in the forest.
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Always Yours
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Sometimes dating a celebrity is hard...but Tom & Y/N have always said no matter what happens they could get through anything. Some angst but a lot of fluff.
A/N: So sorry for leaving yall hanging! Life is just crazy right now and this blog needs a lot of TLC tbh!! Also ehh I def dont think this was my best work but enjoy?
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“Oof” Y/N lets out as she plops on to her boyfriend who was lying comfortable on the couch. Tom groaned at the impact with a cheeky smile on his face, his arms instantly wrapping around Y/N’s frame.
“Y’know..there are empty seats right there.” The soft brown-eyed boy gestured with the flick of his thick head as Y/N raises her eyes looking down at him, pretending to be slightly offended.
“Oh I see how it is then. It’s cool...Ill just cuddle with Tessa instead. I know she would welcome me with open arms instead of—” As she slowly starts getting off his chest, Tom is quick to pull her back in, securing her with his strong arms. “No baby, I was just kidding. I want you right here, and Im never letting you go.” he pleas.
The only thing Y/N could manage was letting out a fit of giggles into his chest, a sound that Tom adored and would do absolutely anything to hear every minute of every day. They stay like this for a while enjoying the feeling of each other as they both run their hands into each others hair, the feeling of their chests moving up and down, the subtle thumps of their heartbeats, and the little slips of adoration that came out of their mouths. It was peaceful. A moment that nobody could really take a way because it was theirs.
Y/N casually pulls up her phone, and scrolls through Twitter when she noticed a particular tweet on her timeline. Her eyebrows furrow, as she read the 160 character message.
Why Tom Holland Should Be With Aaliyah Cole and Dump Y/N: A Thread.
She knew it wasnt a good idea to open up the thread. She knew very well that everything within the shallow string of tweets would be a complete waste of her time because it was made up by fans who just wanted to satisfy their fantasy of shipping Tom with his co-star. Who can blame them? They always had great chemistry, but it was part of the job and thats all it would ever be.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Tom murmurs, as he places soft kisses at the crown of her head. “Whats going on?” She was lucky her phone was facing away from Tom, quickly closing the app and pretending to be on one of her many tabs in Safari.
“Mmm..nothing.” Y/N lies softly, a tight-lipped smiled plastered on her face.
“Absolute bullocks. Youre not a very good liar.” He chuckles. “Tell me darling. Whats on your mind?”
Y/N rolls her eyes in response. She’s heard that comment one too many times in her life from everyone shes known. After not giving it much thought, she gives in, sighing heavily. “Dont judge me for what Im about to say.”
“Mmm...I think it might depend on wha— Ow” Tom reacts as he playfully rubs the side of his chest that Y/N hit. “Okay too soon for jokes. Go on.”
Again, Y/N sighs as she props herself up. “Its just ... well a lot of your fans keeps talking about wanting you to get with Aaliyah.” She looks down trying not to make eye contact with Tom, who she’d imagine was looking at her with annoyance.
Tom rolls his eyes at the ridiculousness. Not so much at Y/N but the fact that some of his fans just didnt want to accept the fact that he was happy with Y/N. If it had to come from his mouth to stop the stupid rumors and give his girlfriend peace, then hed gladly yell it from the rooftops for everyone to hear. “Thats it Im making a statement about it.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in fear, scrambling to prevent him from grabbing his phone on the table next him. “No no no no.” She repeatedly declines. “You’ll only make it worse.”
“Darling, Im not going to stand here and watch you get all insecure because of their delusional ship.”
“Yeah well Im not gonna be the reason your fans hate me because Im getting in the way of your friendship with Aaliyah Cole.” She fires back.
Tom was ready to open his mouth only to be cut off once again. “And you know better. That is how your fans will always see it.”
“Okay, are you done?” He calmly asked, cautiously observing her. Rarely did Y/N ever get worked up about anything, but when she had her tangents, Tom always made sure she got off everything she needed to say before he becomes her voice of reason.
“Yeah, I guess.” she says feeling defeated. “Look its whatever and Im tired, can we just let this go and forget this whole conversation even happened?”
Tom was unconvinced, but didnt want to push her further. So reluctantly, he gave in and wrapped his arms around Y/N as they both tried to lull themselves to sleep.
Y/N wasnt sure how she ended up in the Tube. It was strange how the lights flickered off the rusted tile floor. The train was no where to be seen, but off to the side of the railroads was pitch black, she could hardly see beyond. To her right she noticed herself standing in the corner of the room, and to her surprise Aaliyah was there. Her milk chocolate kissed skin, and fashionably long frizzy hair dropped down past her shoulders. Her figure long and poised, as she wore a rain jacket and sweats. An outfit only she could pull off and make it look like she was a model for Vogue. Aasliyah smiles brightly at Y/N.
“Hey Y/N.” She says cheerfully as a genuine friend would.
To Y/N’s surprise she greeted her back in the same tone. “Hey Aaliyah...uhh whats going on?” Y/N wasnt sure if she wanted the answer of how they both ended up in the Tube or if she truly wanted to know how her day went.
“Well Im getting ready to present at the Oscars.” She replies, a smile plastered as if she was so excited about it, almost too excited like she was keeping a secret.
“Really? Oh my god, that’s amazing! Im so proud of you Aaliyah! Who are you taking?”
Aaliyah pauses for a few moment looking back and forth, making sure no one else was around. “Okay can you keep a secret?” She whispered.
Y/N nods her head slowly, not having the slightest clue of what was going on. “Im taking Tom. I think he really likes me, and well...I like him too! Do you think maybe I should ask him when we go?” Aaliyah asked genuinely. It was almost like she had no recollection of Y/N and Tom being a couple. “I think we would look good together. Everyone is already making rumors and ships about us.”
Y/N backs aways lowly only to bump into a broad figure. As she turns around she sees Tom, emotionless and almost sad. “Y/N.” He speaks out. “I dont think this is going to work out. Im leaving you.”
Y/N’s heart quickens, and her breaths become shorter as she tries to find a way to run. Running and running into the darkness, until all she could hear was Tom’s faint voice calling out her name.
“Y/N! Y/N! Baby wake up please.” Tom cries as he gently shakes his girlfriend from her disturbed sleep.
Quickly Y/N opens her eyes and clutches on to Toms hoodie firmly. Back home, and in Toms arms. It was a dream was all she thought. A sigh of relief escaping from her mouth.
“Darling...” he speaks softly, worried about his girlfriend. “Are you okay?”
Y/N looks up at him and nods frantically. “Mmm..bad dream.”
“Yeah it seemed like it. You were so frightened...I was scared. What happened?” He’s looking at her, trying to read her saddened eyes, wanting to desperately understand what scared her so he could make it all go away for her.
Y/N looks down at her fiddling hands, as she sits on the couch. “I uhh...” she lets out a chuckle, thinking of the ridiculousness of it all. “I uhh...dreamed about Aaliyah going to the oscars and saying how she loved you and how you two are perfect for each other. When I turned around I saw you but you werent happy and said you were leaving me.”
Tom doesnt say a word, all he could think about was how sorry he felt to put Y/N in this position. Though both of them knew, It wasnt Toms fault, or anyone’s for that matter. Feelings are feelings and that was okay. No human being was ever born perfect and without insecurities.
Y/N always tried to be a good sport with situations like this knowing every shippers theory and evidence were hardly ever true, but at some point there was only so much she could take before it all came out like an oil spill. Maybe it was a sign that she wasnt good enough to be with Tom if half of his fanbase thought this way as well.
Tom cradled her into his arms again, holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head. “Darling, I know youre still doubting yourself about all of this, but please believe me when I tell you that I love you so so much and no matter what happens...Im always yours.” He whispers gently in her ear. “It was only a dream and these ridiculous rumors and theories are just that. No one woman in the world could ever make me feel the way I feel for you.”
Y/N blinks softly, as she stares into space. Afraid and in a weird way ashamed, its funny how something so small and so minimal could affect her self-esteem so greatly. Tom gently brings her head up, so her eyes can meet his. He rolls his thumb on the bottom of her soft lips. “Hey, I love you.” Tom smiles.
Time stopped for the both of them the moment Y/N looked into his eyes, she felt safe. All the bad words and thoughts slowly disappear. Tom was right, none of the things that anyone said about their relationship mattered. She knew Tom loved her, and how much she truly loved him. Isnt that enough? Of course not. It was more than enough. A smile slowly forming on Y/N’s face. “Theres that smile I love so much.” He comments.
“Im sorry, for being such a —”
“No. Its okay. You have a right to feel the way you did.” He picks up her hand and leaves a gentle kiss.
“I love you so much Tom.” She says pressing her lips to his. “I dont deserve you.”
“Darling, its me that doesnt deserve you. Im always yours.” Tom proclaims as he kisses her back.
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