#its done holt shit
iridescentpull · 1 year
Title: If I only could, I'd make a deal with God (and I'd get Him to swap our places)
Fandom: Ordem Paranormal: Quarentena
Relationships: Diego Thalles & Emília | Emi
Summary: A look at Diego and Emi's relationship, and how it evolves.
Words: 13,120
A/N: Work based on this post I made. I went feral, so it's a long one, hope you enjoy <33
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love-songs-for-emma · 6 months
am i going to single-handedly create a fandom about jay holt from the video game "as dusk falls"? i just fuckin might
#i Cant stop thinking about him. ive literally been dreaming about him. i Need to help him. please#hes just a fuckin kid!!! (18?? 19??) hes a TEEN and his family is FUCKED and its not his FAULT#none of this was his fault. he deserves so much fuckin BETTER#also i thought i didnt care about vanessa but then shes got dead brother trauma hi hello hiiiiii#and now jay does too#fuck my LIFE#ive never been one for self-inserts but actually me jay and vanessa hang out regularly in a tree house we built#we laugh and shoot the shit and talk about what losing our brothers have done/are doing to our psyche#as dusk falls#jay holt#vanessa dorland#new hyperfix u say ? this one will be brief hopefully. bc the game is fucking. unfinished. stupid ass cliffhanger ass bjtch ass#plus im rewriting canon so jay has a good young life. no timeskip for MEEE#maria is literally just rambling. hi#.txt#the only fic ive ever written/outlined was about alana bloom from nbc's hannibal & she Deserved a rewrite#but maybe i need to indulge in writing jay holt's better reality TOO#theres a quote. hang on. a quote from a beloved piece of media. why cant i recall what its from rn#but theyre talking about different timelines n shish and one of them says ''maybe this *is* your best reality'' and its SO sad. fuck#is it hannibal. i feel like its always hanniba#no but also i feel like its not???#its like ''this is your best life. youre not getting a better one''#what the eff is that. im gonna be stuck on this forever#EDIT: IT IS FROM FUCKING HANNIBAL. BUT ITS GODDAMN FREDRICK CHILTON OF ALL PEOPLE WHO SAYS IT#''The optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist fears this is true.#This is your best possible world Will. Not getting a better one''#fucking CHRIST chilton#lines that go HARD
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pidges-lost-robot · 6 months
OH SHIT IS IT THE BIRTHDAY GIRLS BIG DAY?! I didn't even know wow, fake voltron fan I am
all my favourite art ive done of the little weirdo
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and this interaction cause its still the funniest thing i ever drew of her:
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spghtrbry · 4 days
For me the most traumatizing bcs episode is still 3x7 because idk theres something so evil about seeing a character that is essentially Not A Bad Guy (and we fucking know hes not a bad guy weve seen him try and try and try to change for better throughout the whole fucking show) getting his life completely ruined, and at first i was like “oh this is sad :(“ but then i saw that scene where he cried his eyes out in that stupid office talking about his brother that hates him and his gal that is disappointed in him and all that stuff and then he left the office with that manic smile because he knew fully well what hed just done and holt shit man i cried so hard after that episode. i swear to Gd i was sobbing for like 5 hours straight. I dont know man something about that one scene. That godawful smile. and i still felt sorry for him i still liked him as a character but its like at that exact moment he deceived ME personally because he was genuinely trying to be a good person and do no wrong yada yada and then its like he nullified it all with that one thing he did to Chuck in 3x7. and fuck the worst thing is that he knew it too and he did suffer because of that later he surely did suffer because of that all the way through. and yeah ofc i didnt feel so sad abt that scene later when i moved on and continued watching the show. but man that fucking night. i was HEARTBROKEN!!!!
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blue-sadie · 9 months
The Ones I Don't Remember
Moon System x Wife Reader
Series Masterlist
Prt 1 of the Different Versions Series
Summary: waiting is more tiring then being together, what changed was it you or him?
Warning: car crash
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Yn/3rd person pov
I huffed lightly as I played with the cold food on my plate, I was waiting for him but I knew it was a lost cause my eyes lazily moved over the clean apartment that I cleaned and decorated for this very special occasion.
I'd be lucky to even get a 'looks good' from one of them, I sighed dropping my fork onto the plate running my hands over my face "I'm so tired" I whispered the feeling of hurt crowding my heart again I let my hands fall to my sides as I got up rolling my shoulders to rid of the stress.
I picked up the two full plates of food putting them into his microwave and grabbing a few containers to put away the left overs, my phone buzzed with a notification but I ignored it putting the leftovers into the fridge, it buzzed a few more times before it turned into my ring tone echoing through the apartment.
I closed my eyes taking a deep breath before picking it up "hel-" I spoke but got interrupted by his rigid breathing "come pick me up" he muttered I already know who was talking.
"Marc w-" he didn't let me finish my sentence before hanging up another notification was him sending me his location "unbelievable" I let out a forced laugh as I rolled my eyes.
I grabbed my keys and coat taking my time to get to my car, he made me wait so I'm making him wait, I sighed getting into the car putting the key in with a click the radio started to play softly as I turned the car on, the soft tones slightly calming me down.
I pulled out the parking of his building only glancing at my phone for directions "on our fucking anniversary" I spat my knuckles turning white as I gripped the steering wheel.
It was 30 minutes to get to Marc's location it was in the outskirts of the city, it was a dimly lit road only surrounded by a few abandoned buildings I couldn't see anything in till I squinted looking carefully I saw the wreckage of about 6 cars the puddles of blood but no bodies.
"What the fuck" I muttered bringing the car into a holt "what have you done" I whispered unbuckling my seat belt and climbed out looking at the damage that has been down.
"Finally" I jumped as he landed infront of me his suit overed in blood and his mask was off his face littered in splats of blood and tiny cuts "what the fuck happened" I muttered gesturing to the mess.
"That's none of your concern" he grumbled as he rounded the car to get to the other side "kinda is when your covered in blood" I muttered my anger slowly raising as we climbed  into the car.
"Its not mine so it shouldn't matter" he sighed using one of his hands to run a hand over his face leaning on the car door his eyes staring dead ahead.
I bit the inside of my cheek holding back on my anger "but why tonight" I asked my voice bearly louder then a whisper he huffed turning his head towards me his eyes glaring holes in the side of my head.
"Yea like I can tell a God to wait till tomorrow" he muttered, my heart pinged with pain 'but you used to do that' I thought back to the good times before everything turned to shit.
The date nights he planned, to him showing up at my work with 2 dozen roses and my favorite coffee or when he forgot a date the lengths he went through to make it up to me what changed?
I glanced at him my eyes filled with hurt "what happened to us" I murmured my voice slightly wavering he dropped his head growling in annoyance "let's not talk about this yn" he didn't even use my nickname anymore.
My eyes glazed over with tears as I bit my lip "we have to talk about it sometime" he groaned as I spoke again I could see him clench his fists tightly "we could work this o-".
"Just stop ok" I tensed as he raised his voice at me "there's nothing to fix because it can't be ok" he seethed with anger a silent cry rippled through my body and I turned my head away so he couldn't see my tears but that's when I saw it.
"Marc" I murmured but he didn't answer "marc" I said making him shout again "wha-" but he couldn't finish a car had rammed into us hard making us swerve into the barrier "fuck" I cried out in pain as the indent squished my leg and my head collided with the door.
Marc's eyes stared at me with concern and pain of his own but he didn't speak "Marc d-dont leave me" I cried as he got out "no" he yelled and another impact made the car flip over the barrier.
I screamed out as the car rolled only stopping with it came into contact with a tree landing upside down I cried out more as the metal dug into my leg my blood running dripping onto the roof beside my head.
I looked around trying to look for something to help me pry me out but there was nothing "marc" I yelled but started coughing soon after my lungs felt like they were collapsing.
My eyes started becoming hazy and my mind foggy I must have lost alot of blood I reached out my hand to grab a hold of the metal that was impaling my leg, I screamed out as I slowly pulled it out of my leg with my remaining strength.
"Fuck" I yelled the pain and blood only increasing "yn" I heard marc called and his thundering footsteps fast approaching "yn" his voice was filled with panic as he came to a stop at my door.
He pulled open the door his breath hitching as he saw my state he carefully kneeled down beside me pushing his arms underneath me, I cried out in pain as he lifted me up.
I heard him speak but the words were muffled "t-tired" I whimpered my eyes becoming more heavier with each passing second, the only good thing was the pain was slowly subsided my eyes slowly fluttered shut.
"Stay with me stay with me don't you dare close your eyes"
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ot3 · 5 months
tangentially related to 30 rock... i just finished watching girls5eva because its the level of sitcom that's fine for me to watch while working and someone brouht it up in my inbox a week or so ago. but when i saw the tiny fey EP credit i was like ahhh okay that makes sense.
showrunner of girls5eva was meredith scardino who was a writer on kimmy schmidt, which also tracks. the 30 rock dna is really trickling down through those shows and i can't tell if its getting weaker as it goes or if its just that since this style of humor is no longer novel it doesnt hit as well
girls5eva was fine i watched the whole thing (i accidentally started on season 3 and did not realize until it was finished. i dont know why netflix decided to start this show at season 3 for me when i hadnt watched the previous ones?) and it definitely had some funny moments but i felt it just like it wasn't quite getting where it needed to humor-wise for me. like all of the ribbing about the horrible misogyny and shit that was just Everywhere in the 00s was fun but i think over all just nothing about it was fresh in a way it would have needed to be to make the show stand out
i never finished kimmy schmidt but i do remember it being pretty funny. havnet watched it since the first few seasons were originally airing, maybe ill go back and do that to compare. but theres also something to be said for how much shorter every show has to be now. girls5eva is 3 seasons with 22 episodes total (dont know if its getting a 4th but it's still listed as 2021- on everywhere), kimmy schmidt was 4 seasons with 51 episode. meanwhile 30 rock had 7 seasons and 139 ! episodes. that's a pretty fucking significant difference. so it may be that just having more leeway to throw spaghetti at the wall gives you the chance to be funnier.
im not exactly tapped in to the sitcom market but i feel like it's been probably around a decade since we've gotten a new one that's really managed to produce what i view as stand-out and novel humor. definitely the best one since 30 rock has been community, but i also do think brooklyn 99 managed to really nail a lot of good Bits even if the way it made people act was intolerable a lot of the time. captain holt you will always be famous. but other than those 2 i don't think anything really groundbreaking has been done in the US sitcom landscape since the aughts
im sorry abbott elementary stans its perfectly enjoyable television but it's just like Doing a Parks and Rec again which was in turn Doing An Office But Twee itself.
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thefandom-casserole · 8 months
Episode 50 Notes-
Very very excitedddddd
Eeeeeeeeeeee abhhhha ahhansnsnsnsnsndg
This intro 😭 
The dolphinsssssss 
I have no idea what just happened in that intro omg
Taylor is a demon!!!! Taylor hasn’t hit demon puberty yet — how did Nicky get it then???
Taylor Teen Fact: Taylor used to do the chocolate for his baseball team going door to door. But, his mom just bought them all instead
:> he did all the last names!!
Linc Teen Fact: Linc cleans up for his parents every single morning (both of them think the other one did it). Linc wakes up really early in the morning 
Normal Teen Fact: Normal also sold chocolates and offered to sell way too much of them, couldn’t do it (and because it’s not vegan chocolate his family can’t even buy it!) and now is in debt
Scary Larry Fact: Larry is based off of a tweet on a reply to Elon Musk (Larry is not from the school) 
Scary Teen Fact: Before the release of her album she was going to release a musical (a soft boy musical, but then she realized it was just Dear Evans Hansen)
Larry Fact pt.2: Larry’s favorite show is the Big Bang Theory because it deals with an important scientific principle
Anthony Fact: He should’ve come up with a different name than Daddy Master - Like chaperone or whatever (The rest of the cast disagreees)
They’re all still separated!!!!
Of course Normal thinks Larry’s cool 😭 
Omg all the Linc shippers are eating so far
Linc’s adamants towards Taylor, him wanting to find Scary, him actually being with Normal
Chester and Julia gave Linc therapy!!!
“Linc are you happy?” “No of course not, that’s a silly question nobody’s happy” SOBBING SOBJNG OKG OMG GRANT YOU FUCKWD THIS KNE UP SO BAD
(Obviously it was more than just that and that was a gross oversimplification but you understand what I’m getting at)
Lincccc :cccc
“I’m definitely broken” OMG LINC 
That glass analogy was so fucking good holy shit “And probably they’ll just throw it away because who wants to fix a glass” 
Linc likes stickers!!!!!!!!
Matt Arnold is bringing it this episode
He wasn’t joking when he said that he was gonna get through it all
In a sense
Into the papersssss into the papers (to the tune of into the thick of it)
Initiative to fight the Angel!!!!
This whole thing with the paper is reminding me of the fight with book castle when Ron disappeared into the books against Well Actually
I just paused the episode and listened to the trailer because I just realized I never listened to it 
Ahahahahahahahahah the background music in it though it’s lovely
Omg dude I never realized that Lark doesn’t mention Scary in the video because she wasn’t there!!!! Ayyyyy
Okay done with that back to the episode
Beth playing Larry is my new favorite thing now
She should just play Larry season three
I beg
Oooooo the throne’s empty!!!!
Larry should be king of hell
Larry reminds me of if Paeden was evil and annoying
What is it with Linc and Taylor and the sweet prince thing 😭 
I love them so much
The Swiftli shippers are eating this episodeeeee
Fancy Anthony voice
He was a pissomancer 
That’s insane
Piss boy Wilson’s again!!!!!
Heaven photoshopppp
A 22 😭 
Lincccccc linccccc
Angst episode :cccccc
Oooo Angel’s are yummy??
Taylorrrr nooooo
Taylor and his carts 😭I love him so much
Sisyphus just pushing a meatball up the hill 😭 😭 😭 
Nooooo this is one of my favorite bits
Linc loves his friends so much
God I fucking hate Willy
god god god he’s so gross
If they got Willy in the paper sea I wonder what would happen
“I tried to kill my son”
“I will do anything to not be submerged in water ever again”
“I did not have sex with Marilyn Monroe, I could not get it up so I stood there and had her sing things to me for a couple hours so I jerked off”
“I’m scared”
Dood babyyyyyy
Dood babyyyyy nooooooo
“This isn’t your fault Dood”
“No I think it is”
I cannot believe Taylor convinced Vince to change his name
Taylor Swift the piss genius
Freddie’s voice as Taylor was backtracking made me laugh way way too hard way to much that’s insane
It always was gonna be piss between them all
Of course
Of course
She’s a JO crystal witch!!!!
She pulls out a gunnnn
Wowwww they found each other!!!
Wow that was such a good fucking episode 
If Willy isn’t taking girls seeiouslyyyyyyy
I don’t say it enough but On Our Way makes me want to violently sob every time I hear it
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loadedberetta · 1 year
the wolf is not to blame // Ghost x Reader (fem no body desc)
cw implied non-con, general dark woods vibe, intimidation, hunter-prey dynamics
1.2k words
She registered the pair of boots sitting by the foot of the dresser like a parasite latched onto its host. They'd been there for weeks. Two weeks almost exactly, since Simon moved out, rather stormed out of the apartment one night after a particularly nasty fight. They burned the decaying remnants of their relationship, and argued over the fire, streaks of the greenish-red flames illuminating their true faces.
She'd also found a jumper in the laundry basket that she couldn't touch for the life of her. As if roots grew around it and pulled it down to the bottom of the hamper, turning it into rot and moss, somehow sustaining her while simultaneously plaguing her every growing sprout of potential happiness.
Still, she couldn't rid her sweet garden, the lovely place she retreated to each night of his belongings.
She half-expected for him to return, and convinced herself to keep the items around.
Even when a lone trespasser stumbled upon her carefully curated eden and plucked her ripe fruits right when they were the most supple and sweet, leaving behind empty apple cores strewn around the patch and nasty bootmarks in his wake, as he left just as quickly as he intruded into the dense woods on a whim.
- And the time Simon returned, couldn't have come soon enough. She knew it was coming, the crisp air around her had already whispered about him to her. When the three knocks on the front door resonated in the home, she wasn't even surprised. She opened the door to find Simon waiting in the hallway. He spoke before she could. "'m looking for a jumper and a pair of boots. Must 'ave left 'em here."He grumbled in his gruff voice, avoiding her gaze.
She sighed and opened the door more. "Be quick about it." That's all she told him before he walked past her, hands in pockets, hood of his sweater still up.
He disappeared into the bedroom quickly before emerging with the pair of boots. "The jumper?" He asked noncommittally and waited for her to reply with a tilt of his head.
"Laundry." She answered a little breathy, unsure why she was short of air. Him disappearing in the bathroom pulled her from her thoughts and she followed. She stood still in the doorway and looked up at him, only to see that he was holding a foreign piece of clothing in his hand.
"Whose is this?" He asked almost accusingly. Her face hardened and she snatched the garment from him. "None of your concern." She replied while she exited the bathroom and threw the item on the bed to hide her embarrassment about letting him find it, hoping the fabric of the covers would swallow the piece of cloth like a wet pile of leaves disappear a small corpse of an animal.
She couldn't see his hardening expression, lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at the place she disappeared from.
"You done packing?" She asked when she returned, trying to shift the topic from the obvious. Leaning against the doorframe, she crossed her arms and looked up at him, expecting an answer.
He reached into the laundry basket and pulled out the jumper he came for; "I'm not going anywhere." Came his reply, along with a stern, almost meditating look at her.
"You don't live here anymore, Simon. Now get your shit and leave." She retorted, trying to hold her ground, but starting to slip on the mossy, muddy ground and rapidly losing her footing in the dense, wet holt he summoned around her with his words.
"You were with someone." His mouth barely moved with his words, yet their weight sat heavily on her shoulders like vines growing on her unrelenting.
"None of your damn business." She hissed at him, feeling cornered by his presence.
"Someone spent the night here." He stated the obvious. Someone breached his territory.
"What happens then?" She scoffed audibly, but it sounded too desperate to be believable. "You don't own me anymore, Simon."
He chuckled darkly, maybe how she imagined a fox to laugh. "Foolish of you to think tha'…" He sighed pensively and moved ever so slightly closer to her. "Do you have any idea how much of a stupid fuckin' idea it was, to let anyone else touch you?"
His voice dripped with sarcasm, much like a prey animal's saliva hangs from its teeth when they sense the addictive aroma of fear filling the air the closer they creep to their helpless victims.
"You had your chance, and you messed it up." Her hands gripped the doorframe behind her as she felt Simon's suffocating presence close in on her.
He scoffed, bearing his fangs. "You think I'm the reason we broke up? That just proves my point, pet." He accentuated the derogatory name he used, which made her flinch. His brows shot up slightly as he continued; "Everything that happened was your fault. You pushed me away, the only person who seemed to care about you… for someone who leaves the moment they get their feed from you? I took you to be better than that, but I guess I was wrong…" He practically drawled, metaphorically licking at the supple pink of her skin before biting down on a vital vein.
"Get out." She managed to force it out of her mouth as Simon towered over her. She would have been too embarrassed for him to sense just how much of an effect she had on him. "I don't want to hear it." She said, squeezing her eyes closed, her hand in the air pointing toward the front door.
"Just because I'm right?" He smirked and tilted his head slightly again. "Look at you, you can't even deny it, pet." He was standing over her at this point, belittling her with solely his broad, muscular figure that seemed to be covered in dark, dark fur that furrowed in excitement and wrath equally.
"Oh fuck off…" She turned away from her, feet rooted in place by a nefarious rush of an emotion vaguely similar to zeal, danger close to triggering her fight or flight response. "Why are you suddenly so interested in what I'm feeling?" She squeezed the words past her lips with her eyes screwing shut.
"I'm interested in what you're not feeling… and that is me." He leaned in, face only inches from hers, his hot breath fanning over her exposed jugular. "If I'm a joke to you, why are you still afraid of me?" He growled at her, donning a wolfish grin she didn't dare observe, as it was already plastered on the insides of her lids.
"Simon, please leave." She whispered. "Leave before I make you leave." Her terrified, delicious scent slowly crept up his searchingly flaring nostrils.
He laughed that small muted laugh that reminded her of a hyena almost; condescending and mocking.
"You can't make me." He took a final step toward her, closing the last stride between them and enclosing her in his vicious space. "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry." He soothed her with his venom while snaking his hand up to her face, where he cupped her cheek with a bruising strength, pressing her flesh onto her teeth, making her wince. "I'll always be here for you, even if you don't want me to."
so yeah- I don't think I should string this idea any further, it sits right with me as is. feral possessive Simon will always have my heart.
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Monster High Characters as things me and my friends have said or done part 2!:
Holt: PUT UP THINE DUKES SIRE! I SHALL UNLEASH MY MOST POWERFUL ATTACK!!!!!!! *Punches Heath's arm hurting his wrist in the process* OH GOD HE'S TOO POWERFUL!!!!! *Runs screaming*
Heath who was about to ask him if he knew where a rubber band was: ???????????
Deuce watching Clawd eat a kitkat without breaking it apart first: god is dead you killed him and I'm gonna go join him
Cleo: I may have girl bossed past the sun
Clawdeen: Isn't it "I may have girl bossed too close to the sun"?
Cleo: No I girl bossed past the sun my ego has started getting bigger with every insult this is not how its supposed to work
Jackson: Ya know I think my depression may be gone
Heath: Jackson your sitting on the edge of a fucking roof
Lagoona: I don't know about y'all but I'm having a great time
Frankie: Lagoona.... the house is flooded
Lagoona: Exactly! Free pool
Draculara: I collect transgenders like pokemon cards!
Clawdeen: What???
Cleo playing candy land with Deuce, Abbey, Frankie, Viperine and Lagoona: She collects transgenders like pokemon cards
Jackson: We're all queer right? cool
Clawd: I'm not
Deuce: Clawd describe the monster that sits two seats to the left of you in your clawculus class?
Clawd: Hot
Deuce: Heath what's the gender of the monster that sits two seats to the left of Clawd in your clawculus class?
Heath looking up from his phone with no context: Last time I checked he was a guy
Jackson: Alright so we're all queer-
Deuce: *detailed explanation about gorgons in greek myth*
Clawd: Why did you have to bring up greek mythology
Heath: I wasn't expecting this dude
Deuce: SHUSH! anyway blood drawn from the left side of a gorgons body is instant death while blood drawn from the right-
Heath frantically crawling away: GET THAT OBJECT OF PURE EVIL AWAY FROM ME
Deuce: It's a fucking croissant
Deuce, way to sleep deprived for this shit pointing the croissant he was eating at Heath: Avada Kedavra-
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boopernatural · 3 months
i just finished a brooklyn rewatch and i will always love this show, though god it hurts andre isn't here.
a penny for your thoughts on things floating in my mind if you are still engaged at all. and no worries if not
how do you think amy and holt do at police reform? successful? is success even possible?
how do you think the friendships change with them no longer all working together?
think jake and amy stay happily married forever?
think jake ever goes back to work?
STOP i was just rewatching b99 this week god its so good. i get the same way seeing andre now that he's gone it's so hard not to think about it :(
thoughts for free no pennies needed!!!
i think obvi in this fictional, idealistic world maybe they do make some good changes, if anyone can get it done its them (much more complicated issue irl tho ofc) they def hit roadblocks though
i think charles and jake maybe drift a bit because theyre both busy dads, but prob schedule time whenever they can to catch up just the two of them and do boiz shit. jake and rosa are both off the force so maybe they see each other a little more often, she's around and helps out with Mac and pretends she doesn't like it but secretly she's his favorite auntie. Def playdates with Terry's kids too
Holt and Kevin stay close by too and esp with Amy and Holt working so much together they def share dinners and some holidays like they always did and Kevin gets Mac his first classic literature novel for kids and Amy just about falls OUT while Jake and Mac look at each other like "ok but it's no Lorax"
Amy and Jake stay happily married forever and ever and ever because I say so <3
& I def see him going back to work once the kids are older! Even if not back to detective work, maybe a PI or something like Rosa did, or some sort of mentorship. Jake is not a person who can just be idle all his life and he definitely NEEDS to do some sort of work, so once the kids are taking care of themselves for the most part, he's definitely going to find something fulfilling outside the house
thanks for sending me this ask!!! rewatch and reread of fics commence smh
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mischiefxmuses · 2 years
Okay so mini event - My Bloody Valentines Day plotting/starter call. 
In this post I’ll lay out who they are paired with (will be updated on the 3rd when the random pairings get done). Pre paired plots are being discussed but this is sort of how they are reacting the the event and the magic. (I will add fc in case they are a doppleganger for plots.) Plot ideas are not the only plots. They are just ideas. 
(death, violence, flashing gif, weapons, blood, fire tw)
Like for plotting
comment for starter (with the muse you’d like the starter for)
if there is a line through it that means that plot has been filled.
Henry Creel (Jamie Campbell Bower) - Random Pairing with Sharon Carter (4/4) - Eddie, Daniela, Eleven, Stitch
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Henry will fully embrace the magic and the chaos. He will not try and fight it. If anything he will lean into the feeling of anger and aggression. He thrives on chaos. He will not be helping, he will add fuel to the fire. He has no interest in his date anyway. Why not make their life hell?
plot ideas: someone to cause chaos with, he is likely to unalive someone or injure someone, minor injuries
Angel (David Corenswet) - Paired with Buffy (1/4) - Buffy
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Imagine soulless angel, this will likely be him but he will be fighting it tooth and nail. The episode where he is tormented by visions of his victims. He will be on constant battle with himself. He won’t be fully soulless but it will be a fight between the two. Angel vs. Angelus. He will try to help those who need him while wanting to stay away from Buffy to not hurt her. He does not want to even come close to hurting her or risking her. He would chain himself up before he let himself near her. But he is very susceptible to magic.
plot ideas: helping him to stay away from buffy, someone he might bite or hurt in his rage, minor/major injuries, a full on fight, someone he saves
Billy Loomis (Thomas Doherty) - Random Pairing with Na Ji Na (1/4) - Josh 
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Oh you’re not ready for this little shit. He’s embracing the chaos. He has a history for trying to murder partners so why not now? He is embracing ghostface, will probably wear the mask and just go nuts. He doesn’t care. (Except Sam. If he catches wind that she’s been hurt then he will lose it even more.) Its almost like the purge for him. 
plot ideas: minor/major injuries, someone he kills or hurts, any sort of victim, chaos buddies. 
Charles Xavier (James Mccavoy) - Paired with Ororo (1/4) - Elliot 
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What if Charles was a villain. Bloody dangerous this man. He will have moments of clarity and not wanting to do what he is doing because he is strong. He might be the only one of mine to be able to snap himself out of it. But have a bit of villain charles first. In those moments of clarity he will help if possible. But he might switch quickly back to villain with his abilities being so in tune with everyone else.
plot ideas: minor injuries. someone who gets injured by him, someone who is with him when he snaps back and forth, someone keeping him away from Ororo. 
Cleo Mckinnon (Claire Holt) - Paired with Thor (0/4)
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Cleo is not winning a fight against the god of thunder. Even with the magic she is smarter than that. So she might try and outwit him. She will not be fully bad, knowing that she does not want to hurt him. She will want to stay away from him as to protect them both. She doesn’t think she’d be strong enough to fight it. 
plot ideas: minor/major injuries, people she helps, people to keep her away from thor, death eaters she might join up with and cause a little chaos, doppleganger plots
Cordelia Goode (Jessica Chastain) - Paired with Alastor (0/4)
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Supreme Witch Bitch. Magic that makes her a killer, not great. She’s got so much power at her command that if she thinks she wants to do something she will. She is likely to be hyper aware that she doesn’t want to hurt Alastor but it will be heart vs. mind. The magic of the event has her mind but in her heart she won’t want to harm Alastor. She will be very unpredictable. 
plot ideas: minor/major injuries, people she helps, someone she might ask to lock her up to keep her from Alastor, jessica chastain doppleganger plots
Dream (Tom Sturrige) - Randomly paired with Max Lightwood (1/4) - Max
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If he is randomly paired, good luck. The king of dreams is not someone you want hunting you or trying to unalive you. He will be very susceptible to the magic. He will try to help others but will hyper fixate on his goal. 
If he isn’t. Then he will helping those who need him where possible. He could easily say he’s not getting involved in human affairs but with all the chaos and pain happening he would feel obligated. 
plot ideas: Minor injuries, unaliving someone, protecting people, he can send muses into a sleep if they don’t want to kill their partner 
Fleur Delacour Weasley (Amanda Seyfried) - Not affected - (1/4) - Vic
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Her and Bill are going to try and stay out of it. Stay at home. Lock the door and not get involved. But of course she will be worried for her children. Worried about how long it will be like this. What is happening.
plot ideas: offering refuge for someone, helping someone, helping her look for he children, getting caught in crossfire 
Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) - Paired with Will Graham (0/4)
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Galadriel has been toying the line between good and evil for a while now. So this is what she might look like if she had agreed to be at Sauron’s side. She will be fighting hard against it. With all her will and might to not hurt someone she cares about. But she might be pushed over the edge into villain Galadriel. 
plot ideas: someone to lock her up to prevent her from hurting will on her request, someone she helps protect, bad influences 
Harwin Strong (Colin O’Donoghue) - Paired with Rhaenrya Targaryen (0/4)
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Harwin would fall on his own sword before hurting Rhaenyra. So he will be doing everything he can to fight it. Knowing how aggressive he can be and his skill set. He will be fighting the magic with every fibre of his being. He does not want to hurt them.
plot ideas: someone he asks to lock him up to not hurt anyone, someone he saves, someone he asks to kill him or knock him out so he can’t hurt rhaenyra
Hunter (Jason Momoa) - Paired with Rowena Ravenclaw (3/4) Heron, Rowena. Helena
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Hunter has been trained to kill, what if order 66 had worked on him and he just became a ruthless fighter. Emotionless and set on one goal. “Good Soldiers follow orders.” He has a good hard and will have moments of clarity and fighting back but he will be very soldier on mission most of the time. 
plot ideas: adelaide kane doppleganger plot, minor injuries, someone he gets into a fight with, someone he saves (he is still a good person just has a mission), someone who joins him on his mission
Iorveth (Austin Butler) - Random pairing with Luke Skywalker (1/4) - Luke Skywalker
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There was a reason that Iorveth was feared back at home. Because he can be ruthless and uncaring. If he has his heart set on something he intends to see it through and it is very hard to waver him from his path. It takes a lot of convincing. Lethal. 
plot ideas: someone he saves, someone who joins him on his hunt, minor injury, someone he injures 
Jorah Mormont (Aaron Tveit) - Paired with Daeneyrs Targaryen (0/4)
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Like Harwin, Jorah’s loyalty is so strong that in moments of clarity he would want to take himself out in order to protect his queen. He will try and help people where he can. Wanting to stay away from Daenerys. He will be looking for Drogon as well to make sure he is safe.
plot ideas: Someone he asks to kill him or severely injure him to protect daenerys, minor/major injury, someone he helps and protects, someone helping him to find his son
Kirby Reed (Penelope Mitchell) - Paired with Randy Meeks (2/4) - Randy, Jill
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What if Kirby had picked up the ghostface mask? She is going to lose touch with the kind and lovable kirby and be incredibly dangerous. All bets are off. She is set on Randy needing to die. She will see it through. Don’t get in her way. Final girl. Done. She does still have her medical training so can help people.
plot ideas: someone who gets in her way, someone to pair up with, someone she helps, penelope mitchell doppleganger plots
Loki Laufeyson (Tom Hiddleston) - Paired with Diana Prince (2/4) - Diana, Natasha
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One thing to say about Loki is he is very goal orientated. He cares about Diana a lot and lost her once, unsure he can bare it again. But he does not want to be controlled by anyone or anything ever again after what Thanos did to him. He will be fighting the magic tooth and nail. Will he succumb to the magic and be a killer once again or does Loki get to be a hero? 
plot ideas: someone he helps, he can create an illusion of someone’s victim that they can ‘kill’?, someone to help him stay away from Diana, someone he might hurt on accident in one of his switches
Xavier Thorpe (Grant Gustin) - Paired with Wednesday Addams (0/4)
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Its a game right? Trying to kill your date? It’s just sort of how it works with Wednesday right? To him its a game. Like tag almost. He wants to win the game. His paintings are coming to life around him because of the lack of control he has over his abilities
plot ideas: people he convinces to join in on the game to find wednesday, someone hurt by one of his paintings coming to life, jenna ortega dopplegangers, grant gustin dopplegangers
Peter Hale (Ben Barnes) - Paired with Beverly Marsh (2/4) - Beverly, Tatum
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Peter Hale is one dangerous son of a bitch. The last thing he wants to do is to hurt Bev. But he will almost be full werewolf mode a lot of the time. He will want to be kept away from her because he knows if he is allowed near her he will kill her. And he cannot do that, no matter how much the magic makes him want to. Be ready for fights with him because he will fight back even if he has asked to be kept away from Beverly the magic will make him fight to get at her. 
plot ideas: someone who chains him up to stay away from beverly, someone he unalives in his rage, minor/major injuries, abigail cowen dopplegangers, an alpha he unalives and becomes an alpha
Rabastan Lestrange (Daniel Gillies) - Paired with Cissy Black (0/4)
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Bash is evil, straight up he will fight anyone. But he refuses to hurt Cissy. He promised himself that he would never let any harm come to her and if he is that danger he will do what he can to remove himself. He might try and distract himself by causing chaos elsewhere but he will be dangerous, hoping that violence elsewhere might prevent him from wanting to hurt the woman he loves. 
plot ideas: someone who locks him up to prevent him from hurting cissy, someone to cause chaos to distract him, someone he injures/unalives, major/minor injuries, someone he tortures
Satine Kryze (Nicole Kidman) - Paired with Obi Wan Kenobi (0/4)
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So long pacifist Satine. She has gone fully back to her youth of being a mandalorian fighter. The one who got the job done. She will be dangerous, there was a reason she put down her blaster and became a politician because when she fired her blaster, someone died. It is mind vs heart again. She could never imagine wanted to hurt her dearest friend. So she will do what she can to stay away from him because she has a good heart. 
plot ideas: someone she requests to keep her away from Obi Wan, someone she helps, someone she over refuge too, someone she injures, minor/major injuries
Silco (Tom Ellis) - Paired with Sarra Palpatine (2/4) Gwen, Jinx
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Silco does not want to go after Sarra, surprisingly he quite enjoys her company and does not want her dead. But the magic... he will be fighting back as much as possible to not hurt her. He knows how dangerous he can be when he is set on a goal and will see it through. He will be fighting tooth and nail to not hurt her, that anger might lash out at others though. He doesn’t want to be a villain. He will also be looking for Jinx and Tyler. Make sure she is alright and safe. And to make sure Tyler is alright. 
plot ideas: someone he requests to lock him up, someone he injures, someone he helps, someone who helps him look for his daughter, someone he lashes out at
Sion Val Palpatine (Brenton Thwaites) - Paired with Ciri (2/4) Samara, Sarra
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He is my sweet boy!! Stop hurting my sweet boy!! Sion has a good heart, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone but he also is Cosinga’s son and Sheev’s little brother meaning he has the capacity for a lot of anger and aggression. He will have moments of clarity in his rage where he will be completely broken and scared of himself. He does not want to hurt Ciri, he likes her. But he is also worried about losing a sibling again with everything happening. 
plot ideas: florence pugh dopplegangers, someone who finds a very injured sion, someone he helps, someone who is with him when he snaps in and out of it, someone who saves him
Tenel Ka Djo (Katherine Mcnamara) - Paired with Jacen Solo (0/4)
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What if Tenel Ka Djo went sith? That is it really. She still has a good heart but she is a fighter. She will not let anyone get in the way of her making sure her daughter is alright (if she cannot find her she might be convinced that its Caedus in front of her and not Jacen who did something to Allana). She will help others still but might be quite set on not letting Caedus hurt her family again. 
plot ideas: someone who helps her look for Allana, Jacob Elordi Dopplegangers, minor/major injuries, someone she helps
Thea Queen (Willa Holland) - Randomly Paired with lillian deville (0/4) 
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She was bloodthirsty once, she will be bloodthirsty again. She doesn’t care about her partner, they have to die. It’s that simple in her mind and she will see it through. She might cause some trouble along the way but no one tells her what to do. 
plot ideas: someone who causes a little chaos  with her, willa holland doppleganger plot, someone she saves, someone she hurts, minor/major injury
Toothless (Joseph Quinn) Not participating 
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 Thank goodness he’s not because he could be very dangerous if put into a position where his instinct was back on to just kill. So he will be helping others. Using his powers to protect. He will also be looking for his daughter and Light to make sure they are okay. 
Plot ideas: joseph quinn doppleganger plots, minor injuries, someone he saves, someone who helps him look for his family, someone he offers refuge too
Yennefer of Vengerberg (Anya Chalorta) - Paired with Geralt of Rivia - (2/4) - Ciri, Geralt 
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Yen has just got Geralt back. She does not want to hurt him so she will do what she can to stay away from him, she will be constantly fluctuating between control and wanting to kill Geralt especially when around him. She does have a good heart and does want to help instead of destroy. But if she loses herself completely it could end with a lot of fire. 
plot ideas: someone she saves, someone she hurts, minor/major injury, a member of the white house she is protecting, 
Ygritte (Lindsey Morgan) - Paired with Jon Snow (1/4) - Jon
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She loves Jon, of course she does but she is aggressive and a fighter. She will fall victim to the magic easily and just want to hunt Jon down. Her hunter instincts will take over and she will be goal orientated. Causing some chaos and destruction in her way. 
plot ideas: someone she saves, someone to cause chaos with her, minor/major injury, someone to help her hunt
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
2/2Now the heartbreaking Britin scene is up ‘he’s helping him. This is why you need to tell him Brian! Take your own fucking advice, a man needs to know when to ask for help and bro, cancer is one of those times! *pauses tv* wait. Is that Brian’s shirt he’s wearing? *looks at me all sad* is he wearing Brian’s shirt? Please answer me (i tell him yeah) *closes his eyes and takes a deep breath* oh this is going to hurt me. Look at him undressing him and taking care of him. This is killing me. He better be okay! *He is now dead silent, with tears in his eyes watching as Brian talks about Ibiza* i need him to be okay. This is fucking bullshit. Fuck cancer.’ *he is now even more teary eyed as he watches Justin hold Brian and then he just pauses it on them and looks at me* ‘okay this is a seriously sad scene and my heart is breaking right now but also….literally me. Even the white shirt is accurate, just write Team Brian on it and there’s me, hugging Brian as if he’s never done anything wrong in his life’ (this made me laugh so hard btw because he’s actually right. Hes even wearing the shirt now. It is the most accurate representation he couldve thought of) ‘i get Michael wants to respect his wishes but Justin is right, he’s his partner. That’s different. They live together…wait do they? Where the fuck does Justin live? Anyway, theyre together 24/7, he is seeing a different side of Brian than Mike. So like if Mike wants to be quiet and honor his wishes, okay but Justin should tell him’ ‘EMMETT AND CARL! I like this. Come on Carl, go to Deb and make up for whatever you did that pissed me off and i forgot about already’ and we are at that scene of Mikey and Brian ‘i wish this was Brian and Justin instead. Of course he will be at the premiere as Justins plus one. Idiot. I love Brian so much but dude, why would Brian’s footprints be at the theater when its you and Justin that made Rage (michael starts crying about Brian and tells him he knows) what the fuck is going on? NO. DUDE. WHAT WAS ALL THAT BULLSHIT ABOUT HONORING HIS WISHES BEFORE? YOU FUCKING TRAITOR. YOU DUMBASS! YOU FUCKING MORONIC IDIOT. I GET HES SAD AND SCARED BUT FUCKING MORON. HE WAS ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY AND NOW HE PULLS THIS SHIT. (He tells justin knows) *pauses tv and takes a deep breath and looks at me* Remember how that one time dad said that if he wanted to kill himself he would just jump from my confidence to my IQ? Yeah, i feel the same way about Mike right now *presses play* Oh Brian is pissed. Why does he look pissed about Justin knowing but not Michael?’ ‘oh poor debbie. Poor carl. Im glad she has him right now. Bless Emmett for doing this. Now give me Brian and Justin because i am afraid and i have a bad feeling’ and we are the Britin scene ‘fuck, Brian is angry. Now see if Mike didn’t ruin everything, I could’ve gotten Brian and Justin cuddling on the couch, watching movies. Fuck that fucker. (brian says “my boyfriend has cancer”) *pauses tv before the outburst* awwwwww he called himself his boyfriend! I KNEW HE WOULD GET THERE EVENTUALLY! MY BABIES ARE BOYFRIENDS *presses play and brian goes crazy* what no, thats not how it was supposed to go? WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY TOWARDS MIKE?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT ANYMORE? WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?’ *his jaw is basically on the floor and he’s just staring at the credits roll* what in the actual fuck just happened? Did they break up? Why wasn’t he like this towards Mike? Fuck Mike. I hate Mike. *puts his hands up and shrugs and then like moves them all over the place and then looks at me* who wrote this show? (Me: umm well technically these two guys Ron and Dan) well in that case: fuck Ron and fuck Dan. Fucking assholes.’ He then got up and went outside and the last thing i heard was ‘mom? I gotta talk to you about some bullshit and don’t interrupt me because i am in PAAAAAIIIINNNNN’ *said as holt in that one b99 episode*
Is that Brian’s shirt he’s wearing? *looks at me all sad* is he wearing Brian’s shirt? Please answer me (i tell him yeah) *closes his eyes and takes a deep breath* oh this is going to hurt me.
This is the correct reaction to clothes sharing.
okay this is a seriously sad scene and my heart is breaking right now but also….literally me. Even the white shirt is accurate, just write Team Brian on it and there’s me, hugging Brian as if he’s never done anything wrong in his life’ (this made me laugh so hard btw because he’s actually right. Hes even wearing the shirt now. It is the most accurate representation he couldve thought of)
Where the fuck does Justin live? <- this is only important because of the last Britin scene in s4. But yeah Justin is living with Daphne right now.
Remember how that one time dad said that if he wanted to kill himself he would just jump from my confidence to my IQ? Yeah, i feel the same way about Mike right now
This is the correct reaction to Mikey being all like "respect his wishes" and then "tell him the moment I have a chance" during this arc.
(brian says “my boyfriend has cancer”) *pauses tv before the outburst* awwwwww he called himself his boyfriend! I KNEW HE WOULD GET THERE EVENTUALLY! MY BABIES ARE BOYFRIENDS *presses play and brian goes crazy* what no, thats not how it was supposed to go?
Um, yeah, the whiplash of this scene is so extreme! From boyfriend to violence in a moment.
well in that case: fuck Ron and fuck Dan. Fucking assholes <- this should be his next t shirt.
PAAAAAIIIINNNNN’ *said as holt in that one b99 episode*
Oh yes, the accuracy.
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dryingpanzer · 4 months
(CW: Minor Nudity, also spoilers for different media)
Alright baby! Here’s the TL;DR for the media!
Les Miserables: 10/10
Wicked: 9/10
“In Case I Make It”: 8/10
Delicious in Dungeon: 10/10
Brooklyn 99: 9/10
Now that that’s done, let’s go more into detail!
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Les Miserables - Oh, this musical hurts. The indomitable human spirit truly passes on in times of turmoil and misery. Amazing music, amazing set designs, and overall such a moving show. Going into it, I thought for some reason Jean Valjean would be this idol for which people rally behind, but instead he’s just some selfless dude that joins the revolution at the barricade and even saves Marius, bringing him home. This musical hurts, but it’s a good kind of hurt. 10/10
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Wicked - Probably the pinnacle of media where it twists the roles to make the antagonist the main character. All of the meta, referential moments that callback to the Wizard are very cute and funny and also helps to connect the two different stories together. The costume design was also amazing and is very befitting of the strange world of Oz. The music was very compelling and catchy. The set designs were great as well, shoutout to the one dude up in the rafters puppeteering the giant dragon. Elphaba was a very compelling protagonist that shines light on the “Wicked Witch of the West” and it was cute seeing an actual friendship form between her and Glinda. Fiyero also had an amazing ass. 9/10, makes me appreciate Twisted more and what they went for.
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“In Case I Make It” - Having listened to his previous albums “Everything is a Lot,” “SEFL-iSH,” and “The Normal Album,” the style in this album took me by surprise, but makes more sense as he didn’t have his band members from the Tapeworms this time around (iirc he still used Tapeworms for Normal Album, the album just isn’t listed as a Will Wood & the Tapeworms album). It seems this album goes through more of his mental illnesses and self-conflict, will definitely need to listen to it again more in depth to understand it more. 8/10, fave song is Vampire Reference in a Minor Key, Big Fat Bitchie’s Blueberry Pie (don’t make me type out the full thing please it’s almost as bad as the Song with Five Names) is funne.
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“THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND” - Another album where the style was vastly different than what I came to know of Bad Omens. It could also be I was use to their heavy shit with self-titled and Finding God Before God Finds Me, but this seemed to have more clean vocals and electronic parts. Not a bad album though, I still enjoyed listening to it! Then of course ARTIFICIAL SUICIDE came in and just basically knocked me unconscious with its raw energy and sound. 7/10, might have to be another album I listen through again to appreciate more!
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Brooklyn 99 - I finally decided to check out this series after hearing and seeing so much about it and also since I was waiting for Delicious in Dungeon episodes to drop. Absolutely hilarious show that I feel does the cutaway gags much better than Family Guy. All the characters are enjoyable in their own ways with my faves being Sgt. Terry and Capt. Holt (rest in peace Andre Braugher). 9/10, fun show!
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Delicious in Dungeon - You mean to tell me there’s a show that is a fantasy party adventure that is comedic, heartfelt, AND has good food? Me ass show! From the beginning it felt like the show was already subverting expectations and tropes, from Laois being human fighter but having depth with his extensive monster knowledge, to Chilchuck being the smol-looking boi that (pseudo-head canon) enforces his union-mandated smoke breaks. I am super invested in this anime and is probably one of my fave ever (Lupin III still tops my fave anime). 10/10, I really need to make bread.
0 notes
snepadoodle · 6 years
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$10 says yall cant guess what im working on right noW
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The Reaper and The Death Angel Part 37
I've got covid and I feel like death. However, if I don't write, I'll do nothing all day long and it's the only thing taking my mind off how I feel. Please enjoy!
Part 36
Series Masterlist
Contains: Fluff, angst, violence, canon typical misogyny, smut (oral sex F receiving, fingering, P in V)
7.K Words
Comment if you wanted to be tagged or follow #the reaper and the death angel
Home again, home again, jiggety jig.
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"Oh Herman, you're gonna want to hear what I just found out."
Holt came screaming around the corner with the stack of faxed papers in his hands, waving it with a strange look on his face, "you sure?"
You nodded, "yep, positive. I've got to have this phone call then I'll be in to go over my theory."
"Sorry about that. I just crossed referenced some things, the developer Hale is trying to get into Charming is a serial arsonist or is hiring one, to burn down buildings so he can buy then at a lower price. So far all the fires have been in Oakland but it's only a matter of time before it happens here."
"Shit, I'll have Miles and Phill go to Lumpy's make sure nothing goes wrong, thanks for letting us know so soon."
You could hear him yelling orders in the background, "I've got some Anvil guys to go down there as well, we can never be too sure. What happened to Shepard?"
"He bailed, dude had the heart of a bird that was scared of its own shadow."
It wasn't a surprise, "alright friend, I've got to head back to work but I've faxed all the details to you. I'm going to see if there's someone in Oakland who will lend me their ear."
Kozik chuckled, "who you got in mind wonder woman?
"Damon Pope."
"The IRA already put out a kill order."
Stahl huffed, "if you want to get reduced time for the Club you need to try harder."
Jax hung up, as he walked up the stairs, Maureen came down them, "I'm not sorry about Trinity, but I'm really glad you told her."
She waved her hand, "you did the right thing Jax, thank you."
He pulled her into his arms, "I've got something you boys might want to see." They walked into the inn and Maureen handed them an address, she didn't know what it was for but she hoped it would help them find Jimmy.
When they showed up, they found Sean Casey dead and a stack of paperwork that put Jimmy squarely in the Russian's pocket. When Happy found Casey's teeth at his feet Chibs was rushing off to find his family while someone called Juice.
Sam went over the strewn about files, "Putlova? He's in Norcal, right?"
Clay picked up the bit of paper, "yeah, he is. Call Tig see what he can find out. Remind me again what your sister's guy came up with?"
Sam shrugged, "standard Russian Mafia stuff, they own strip clubs and brothels throughout the state. They have a small gun-running business but nothing close to what the Irish have. Nothing she found was of much help past that."
Clay nodded, "get some of this Cyrillic to her, see if she can translate it before we find Jimmy."
Sam was halfway to dialing you, "already done, it will take her five minutes tops."
"Hey little brother, how can I help?"
You could hear the shuffle of papers, "I just sent you some photos, can you tell me what's going on?"
You huffed, "that was a silly question."
The photos came through on the Anvil app seconds later, "it's the names of shell companies, four to be exact. One is shipping, one is moving and packing specifically for large shipping containers, one is trucking and the other is load security. I'll send you the names but it looks like they're all California companies."
"You are a life saver, we owe you so hard." He hung up after a very quick goodbye, "Clay, y/n came through. I've got something."
You straightened your lab coat one last time before walking into the building, "hello miss, how can I help you today?"
You smiled warmly, "I'm Dr y/n, I need to see Mr Pope. Please tell him I'm here about some fires in a handful of low income properties in one of his neighbourhoods, I'm not with the cops, I'm just a concerned citizen."
She smiled, "he's very busy but I'll see what I can do, have a seat right over there."
Half an hour later, you were being called into his office, "hello Dr l/n, how can I help you today?"
You smiled and accepted his extended hand, "you don't remember me do you?" He tilted his head, "we were at a funeral for a little girl, Heather Willams, she went missing, I was the one who identified her."
He nodded softly, "I do remember you, you came with all the staff from the lab where her body was being held."
"Yes, fortunately, I'm not here about dead children today. Have you heard of a Mr Mason Tutler?"
He squinted and picked up his office phone, "yeah Jenny, send August in, please." About a minute later, a tall man in a grey suit walked in.
"What do you want with Mr Tutler?"
It sounded like he didn't like the man, "I believe he's responsible for fires that took the lives of people in your old neighbourhood. I have all the proof I need to send him to prison for the rest of his life but I can't go to Charming PD because all the fires happened in Oakland. I also know that some of the fires happened in buildings you were going to buy so you have every reason to want this man behind bars."
"What's in this for you?"
You turned to August, "this man he's working with is Charming's main developer Jacob Hale, who almost hired a Neo-Nazi to beat a holocaust survivor. You can understand that I don't want fires catching at home." Pope smiled, it was hard to tell if it was false.
"Let me call a detective I know and we'll go over this together. Are you here because of that huge warehouse fire, last I heard it was a drug cook gone wrong?"
You shook your head, "nope, had our machines not picked up on the minute traces of accelerant, it would have been ruled that way but it was there. I had someone I know and trust look into other fires in buildings Mr Tutler owned or was interested in and found the same thing."
The defective arrived much faster than you expected, "Dr l/n has something I'm sure will interest you."
You went over the information, pausing to answer questions and give more details. The detective looked over the photos of the burn patterns, "why do you think he's done this?"
"Personally, I think he loves money but if I was to go with what I'd say in court? He chooses properties that are either owned by small businesses or ones slated for low income and subsidised housing. My guess he's using the tax breaks and government handouts to fill his pockets while using poor buildinng materials and cheap labour. The rest of the money goes into his pockets.
"Well this is… I can arrest him the moment I leave with all of this. Can you fax the lab reports to me in organised crime and I'll file them with the arrest paperwork?"
You nodded, "done."
Pope locked his fingers together, he looked like someone out of the Godfather, "what do you really get out of this?"
You smiled, "I told you, justice for the six burnt bodies I had to wade through over the last few days. However, if you feel like you owe me something, you don't."
"At least let us pass your name on to the people affected, I'm sure their lawyers would want to know this before he hits the courts."
You shrugged, "if you want to do something, make sure you find a link to Jacob Hale. He'll do this to my neighbourhood if given a chance and I can't let that happen."
Pope nodded, "that's all you want?"
"Yep, I have no motives other than bad people getting what's coming to them. What happened to Heather's killer tells me you want the same thing."
He looked at August then gave you a half smile, "you are an impressive young woman. Here's my card, if you have anything else you want to discuss please don't hesitate to call."
You took the business card from him, "thank you, Mr Pope, August, the offer goes the same way. I'm sure the kids you buy ice creams for would love a tour of my museum."
"Are we any closer with a location?" Clay shook his head, "nothing panned out, can your sister do some more digging?"
Sam nodded, "I'll talk to her but she's swamped with a problem with Hale, something about a dirty developer."
Clay didn't look impressed, "leave her to that, we can have him growing another head while we're here."
Before the others could suggest something, the priest showed up. "We have word on Jimmy, we think he's about to board a Russian plane back to the states, I think I've managed to convince the Kings to allow you to handle it but they still need to decide. The moment they come back with their decision, you have to move."
They shared a look, "get us his location and we'll do it."
Jax turned towards Sam, "call Russo, tell him we'll be leaving soon." Sam was already on the phone by the time Jax was done talking.
"I will be back with news soon."
The priest left and there was silence in his wake, "he can't get out of the country."
Juice was understandable upset, "we know, we'll get to him in time." It took an hour before the kings came back with their decision.
"One of Jimmy's soldiers gave up his location, you are to follow your task then leave Ireland, we will be in touch when you land back in the states." They raced off as soon as they were allowed to, heading to the address that they were given.
It was an aeroplane hanger, the wheat fields around it were damp with the rain and they could smell the farms in the distance. As they drove up, they could hear people moving around, Jimmy voice was clear, along with a handful of thick Russian accents.
Clay put his finger to his lips as the others pulled their guns. They rounded the corner and the men stopped still for the briefest of moments before drawing their guns and firing, the Sons returning with their own bullets.
"Get him into the plane." There was a rush of bodies and the rage of the muzzle flashed as they loaded Jimmy into the plane, the Sons were pinned down by heavy fire as the pilot started pulling out of the hanger, as Sam raised his gun to aim at the plane, Jax pulled him back, they couldn't focus on Jimmy now.
Jax turned around to see Happy clutching his arm, yelling over the gunfire, "you right brother?"
Happy cursed again, "it's just a graze."
Jax nodded, "we need to get out of here." They retreated slowly, at this point the small Russian force was on the back foot and got onto their bikes.
As they pulled into the safety of the road, they watched the plane climb into the sky.
You were driving down the highway with Ima and Abel in tow, the stars had just starting to come over the sky. "Is there a reason you were asking Cindy about her design business?"
You nodded, "yeah, Anvil's looking to do some more high-end stuff, including luxury boat rides for their wealthy clients who want to party in safety and style. I saw some of her stuff and thought she'd be a good fit. Billy's sent her the contract just before I left."
"Wow, that soon?"
She seemed very surprised, "yep I own a large amount of the company, Billy trusts me."
She smiled softly, "when does their Oakland field office open?"
Abel was babbling along, doing his best to contribute, "two weeks, I wanted to ask Jax if he wants to come to the opening party but he's got so much going on right now."
Ima shrugged, "I'm sure he'd love to go, it's only one night." She took out her phone as you stopped at the lights, a car pulled up behind you, close enough that it was rude. Out of habit, you checked that all the doors were locked, they were. Your ears pricked as you heard the doors of the other car open, you looked in the rearview mirror to see two men with guns on their hips getting out.
"Act natural, someone's about to try and carjack us. This thing's a tank, they'd need a bomb to get into it so we're just going to sit here, call the cops."
Knock knock
One of the men was standing at your window, "can I help you sir?"
He was doing his best to act normal, "yeah, we're really lost. Can you point us to Charming?"
You gestured behind you, "you're on the right track, keep following his road then turn left and you'll be there. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Ima was on the phone, you could hear Hale saying he was on his way.
You got out your phone and snapped a picture with the flash on, "sir, if you're going to try and rob us it's not going to work. This thing is a tank, did Jacob Hale send you?" His eyes went wide as he looked to the other man, Ima was keeping herself together.
"My child is in the car, I will not hesitate to kill you if you put him or my passenger in danger. I have your faces, leave now and this stays between us."
He went to pull his gun but you were faster, "not a good idea, I've killed far more men than you, would you like to test me?" His friend checked Ima's door, "they're all locked, you can check all of them if you want." Another car pulled, and they turned their heads.
"Keep driving." But the driver didn't move at the sight of the gun, and with the opening of the door, Hale and two of his deputies we getting out.
"Put the guns down." They went to run but you opened the door on one of the men, the shock of the heavy thing hitting him stunned him enough that he hit the ground. He took one look at your gun in his face and put his hand up.
"Move and you die." The other man was frozen to the spot as Hale put him in cuffs, something about the way he looked at Ima, you imagine his smug smile set her off and she was coming out of the car. The deputy holding the man was shocked enough that he didn't react right away, then Ima's fist flew at his face.
"You fucking asshole, my nephew's in the car." Hale made no move to stop her as her knee met his crotch as he flopped over, it was only after her shoe met his face did someone pull her away.
"Shit Ima, you know how to hit a guy."
She smiled, "it's been a long week, I really wanted to hit something."
You held up a finger to signal to the deputies to stay where they were, "I've sent their photos off to a friend of mine, she's going to get back to me in ten minutes. That's the time you have to come clean or I'm going to ask Charming PD to add child endearment to your rap sheet, I'm sure that will make jail fun."
"It was his brother, but he just wanted us to scare you, I swear."
David walked off and the men were loaded into the back of the car, "David, do nothing, we have no proof."
He swallowed, "I'll keep them away from the phones, I hope you know what you're doing."
You climbed back into the car and drove away, "you good?"
She nodded and looked behind her, "he has no idea what just happened."
You smiled, "I think we should head home and eat ice cream on the couch."
"Good idea."
"We know that Jimmy is heading back to Northan California with the Russians. You'll only have a small window to get to him, we need you to kill him." This flip-flopping was really starting to get to them. They shared an unimpressed look, "it's come with rewards, a massive expansion to your gun business."
Clay put a cigar in his mouth, "if you do this, we'll give you access to our full arsenal. AR-Fifteens, MP5s, RPGs, everything. Plus all of Jimmy's contacts in the Western US. It means putting up more charters, creating more alliances. You think The Reaper is up to that challenge?"
Clay nodded, "yeah, I think we can help you out."
There was a knock on the door, it was Juice with their bags, "time to go guys." They left soon after, waiting at the hangar for the plane to arrive, just before they boarded, Jax got a phone call.
"Hey Darlin, we're just about to fly home. Is everything ok?" It struck him as strange, you would be at work right now, there's no way you call outside one of your breaks.
"Jacob Hale just tried to have me killed, while Abel and Ima were in the car."
Jax took a sharp breath, "is everyone ok?"
He was starting to shake, "we're all fine. One of the guys said that he was just sent to scare me but when David went through his phone they found the opposite, it was a paid for hit."
"We're getting on the plane now, we'll be home by the time you wake up in the morning."
You could hear the fear and anger in the voice, "we'll meet you there. We're ok, I promise."
Billy laid a hand on your leg, "they'll be here in twenty minutes, stop worrying."
You bounced your leg anyway, "this is the second time something almost happened to Abel on my watch, what kind of mother puts their child in that much danger."
Billy shook his head, "you had him in a bomb proof car in the car seats that are rated to be used for high ranking government staff, nothing was going to happen to him. Ima is fine and Hale is probably going to prison. Stop worrying, that's on order."
You chuckled, "me not worrying? You don't know me very well."
He shook his head, "go inside and play with Abel, I'll wait out here." Billy came to get you just as their bikes pulled up.
You raced up to Jax and he all but lifted you into the air, "I miss you so much Darlin."
You rubbed your nose with his, "I missed you too." Billy handed him Abel, who lifted his little hands and tugged on Jax's beard.
"I missed you too little man." Before the reunion could continue, Clay got a call. The call was short, Clay spoke very little and seemed unimpressed, he almost crushed his phone as he hung up. "That was Arizona, they'll be here in two days. They're working closely with the Mayans charter in Santo Padre and want to talk about a bigger cut if we start selling them more guns."
Jax huffed and his head dropped against your shoulder, "the work never ends."
You shook your head, "no it doesn't."
Sam cleared his throat, "I'm here too."
You rolled your eyes at him, "yeah well, you smell like a foot so I'm not hugging you until you've had a shower."
He laughed and pulled you away from Jax, hugging you so hard that your face was pushed into his chest, "I missed your too sis."
Jax and Sam slept the whole day and into the night when they got home, Jax only waking up when Abel wouldn't stop crying. "You feeling better now?"
He shrugged, "still a little jet lagged but I'm happy to be home, have you heard anymore about Hale?"
You nodded, "yep, they're drawing up the warrant now."
"I don't want you leaving the house without protection. We have church, then I'll be home."
You went to protest but Jax put a firm hand on your shoulder, "I almost lost you and Abel twice in as many months, I know you can look after yourself and I know you'll do anything to protect our son but please do it for me."
You smiled softly, "alright, are you going to tell Kip about his patch today?"
Jax chuckled and buried his head in your neck, "yep. I love the fact that a local politician is trying to kill you and you're thinking of someone else." His hand came up to put a strand of hair behind your ear.
"We'll be home for a late dinner but don't wait up if you're tired."
You nodded and Jax pressed a firm kiss to your lips, "can you give us everything you have on Hale and his buddies?"
You walked to the bench and handed him a thick file, "that's everything, but Penelope is expecting your call, I've put her number at the top."
Thank Darlin, I love you."
"Love you too."
"Take off the kutte." Kip's eyes went wide as he pulled the leather off his back, "put in on the table." He placed it in front of Chibs, who sliced off the prospect patch. Just as he was about to walk out, the table burst out into cheers and the other rockers were placed on the now blank kutte.
"Welcome to SAMCRO Sack." He sat down next to Chibs and they started to go over the events of the last few days.
"I didn't know y/n's guy was actually a woman."
Sam smiled, "Derek Morgan, the tall black guy setting up Anvil's Oakland office, is her husband. She's the biggest ray of sunshine on the planet."
"Y/n said she talked to some Oakland hot shot about Mason Tutler. From what she said we won't need to worry about him after this guy gets to him."
Kozik shook his head, "you old lady is one scary chick."
Jax smiled, "I know, who did she talk to?"
"Damon Pope, apparently he used to be a shot caller for the gangs in Oakland, he still helps with The Niners, but now he's a community leader. She told me he had a child molester who she helped put away get killed inside."
Sam huffed, "I like this guy already."
Jax tilted his head, "was that the Heather Willams case? I remember when she read about the guy's death in the paper. She said she thought someone at the funeral might have been responsible but she didn't go into it."
"If she thinks it's him she won't say anything to us, she would have said something to him though."
Juice flipped through the paper in the files, "I'll call Penelope, we'll see it she has anything else to say."
"Hello gentlemen, y/n told me you'd be calling."
She did sound like a ray of sunshine, "what can you tell us about this developer?"
There was the clanking of keys, "nothing now, he's dead. Killed by a tenth street killer gang member four hours ago. The killer said his little sister was burnt in a fire in a building he owned, said he saw him and couldn't contain himself."
Someone huffed, "wow, this Pope guy really comes through. What about Hale?"
Penelope tutted, "we have enough of a paper trail to put him in prison for the rest of his life. He'll have to pull out as mayor now. Can I help you with anything else?"
Clay shook his head, "no thanks, you've been a huge help."
"It's nothing, I hope to see Jackson at Anvil's opening party in two weeks. Call me whenever you need a hand." Jax blinked in confusion, you have never mentioned the party to him.
"What's next?"
Sam rubbed his face, "we've reached out to the Russian but we're still waiting to hear back, other than that, there's nothing to report."
Clay slammed the Gavel, "head home guys. Arizona will be here early in the morning but they won't be here for long. I know we've got a lot going on but this could be big for us so I expect everyone to be on their best behaviour."
Jax pulled you into his arms, "hey." You walked him to the kitchen and handed him a ladle, "we're just about to sit down for dinner, help yourself."
Jax piled his plate high and sat down, "did I hear right that you kicked one of the guys in the calls?"
Ima nodded, "yep, he deserved it. What should Jax wear to the Anvil party?"
Your eyes went wide, "umm, it's doesn't matter, there's so much going and I can guarantee it won't be any fun."
Jax waved his hand, "I want to go, this has been in the works for months."
You rolled your eyes, "a three piece suit, sorry."
Jax smiled, "done, I can't wait to see your dress."
The conversation went on late into the night, "I beat, I'm heading to bed. They're letting me back in the lab tomorrow but only if Hale's arrested. I'll be at the Clubhouse for when Arizona shows up."
Jax walked into the bedroom soon after you, "I'm really sorry all this is happening."
You shrugged, "this is nothing Jax. When I was overseas, the biggest bounty on my head was forty million US dollars, I get offended if someone isn't trying to kill me."
Jax chuckled, "your grandfather would be proud, a Neo-Nazi wants you dead."
You smiled softly, "yeah he would be. I miss him so much sometimes. He didn't care I'm into women, I brought a girlfriend to the house expecting him and my grandmother to never speak to me again but he hugged her and said that the only thing that mattered was that I was happy."
"I'm sorry I never got to meet him."
You dropped your forehead onto his chest, "he would have loved you, probably would have asked you to help him with one of his old cars."
Jax pulled you into his arms, "let's hit the hay, it's been a long week."
"Good idea, good night beloved."
"Good night Darlin, I love you."
The pounding on the bedroom door woke you up, "aah, what?"
Sam pushed and the door flew open, seconds later the newspaper was being thrown and your head, "read it." Sam yelled it as he walked away, Jax was looking around bleary eyed.
"What was that?" You showed him the front page.
"Trouble in paradise, how Jacob Hale might spend the rest of his life inside."
"Shit, you going to work today?"
You nodded, "yeah, I'll have David come to the lab to take my statement, I'll be at the Clubhouse just after five."
Jax smiled, "are you forgetting something?" You tilted your head then it hit you, so you leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek.
"Good morning beloved."
"Ahh, a Mr Pope with a handful of tiny humans at the door for you."
You smiled, "send them in, they're here for the tour." Seconds later, Pope and a group of ten children arrived, "Hello everyone, when I offered Mr Pope some tours for his friends, I didn't think he would act so soon. Where would everyone like to start?"
All the hands went up, "can we start with the Dinosaurs?"
"Of course we can." Pope walked next to you while you showed the kids around, "I hope that young man has a good lawyer, temporary emotional distress is a valid defence."
Pope nodded, "don't worry, he'll be taken care of. All these kids lost their homes, we're helping but I figured they enjoy a break."
You nodded, "this is the best part of my job, I need it just as much as they do."
He smiled, "yeah, I get that. Thank you for bringing up the issue that started all of this. August and I do our best to keep the neighbourhood safe but with guys like this, sometimes they slip through the cracks."
The tour finished just after three, Pope pulled you aside as the kids were getting their faces painted by Angela and her intern, "my offer still stands, if you ever need anything, please call. I think we could do a lot of good together."
"Thank you Mr Pope, I can say the same thing for you. You have my numbers."
You put on a simple outfit for the Club party, jeans and a nice button up black top with sheer sleeves and a mesh back that showed off your crow. Jax walked over to you as you got out of the car, Arizona was already there, milling around the compound.
"Hey, how was your day?"
You shrugged, "good, I'm halfway through a case and I got to give some kids from Oakland a tour. Have you heard anymore about Hale?"
Jax nodded, "he's been at the station all day, it looks like he's going to plead to a lesser charge but it's hard to say."
The sight of Billy's car pulled your attention away, "did you call him?"
Jax shook his head, "nope, did you?"
You waved to your friend, "nope, he must be here about the field office." Sure enough, Billy spoke to Sam and Jax about T-M doing the vehicle maintenance for Anvil.
"It's pretty simple, you send your guys our way, we train them for a week at our expense and then they do all our cars. You don't all have to come all at once but we'd like it if you all did the training."
Jax tilted his head, "why didn't you bring this to Clay?"
Billy was blunt, "because y/n didn't endorse him. You guys can handle it, I'm sure Gemma will be fine doing to programing. I have no problem telling Clay why."
Billy actually waved Clay over to speak to him, "while you do own this business, I like to work with people I know well and I know these two far better than I know you. I'm sure the two million dollar advance, the free top notch training and this massive contact make up for the fact that I brought this to you step-son and not you?"
Clay nodded, "I get it, you know these guys and you don't know me. I'm grateful we chose us. Stay tonight, drinks are on us."
Billy looked over at you, "why not, free booze is free booze."
The night was fun until the party really started, the man who caused problems for you last time Arizona was here was still in the Club, even if no one liked him. You were talking to Billy and Jax when you saw the man talking to the new Arizona prospect, and then he was coming up to you.
"You still with Teller."
You drew back away from him, "do I know you?"
He crossed his arms, "I asked you a question, are you still with Teller?"
You nodded, "yes, why do you want to know?" He was acting like Jax wasn't even there, when he went to intervene, you put your hand up.
"I don't appreciate your attitude. As you can see, I'm still with Jackson, why do you want to know?"
He was getting pissed off and you had no idea why, "because you're a bitch." Your eyes went wide, Billy had moved in front of Jax so he couldn't do anything.
"Can I help you or are you just going to insult me?"
He huffed and turned to Jax, "you shouldn't have an old lady that everyone hates."
Billy was working to keep Jax at bay. "How about this, I go around and ask everyone how they feel and say you told me no one likes me."
He looked like he didn't want that, "you really love the sound of your own voice, don't you." You looked behind him and the other member was watching on, "walk away dude, if you have a problem with me, take it up with Clay." He went to walk away but when he met the eye of the Arizona man, he turned around and slapped you across the face.
Billy put all his weight into stopping Jax from moving and the Clubhouse went silent. You looked the prospect in the eye and started to talk, "who put you up to this? No prosepct in their right mind would hit the old lady of the mother charter's VP. Was it your friend behind you?" He looked behind him and did his best to backtrack but you were walking past him and standing in front of the man.
"Don't bother lying, was it you?"
He sneered, "yeah it was, you need to learn your place."
You smiled, "don't be a coward sir. If you want to hit me, let's put on gloves and head to the ring now. I'll sweeten the deal, we do two ten-minute rounds, MMA, and if you win, I'll never come to a party while you're here again."
He crossed his arms over his chest, "fine but no tapping out, until we're pulled apart, it doesn't stop."
You stuck your hand out, "done."
Jax was shifting from foot to foot, "what is she thinking?"
Billy smiled, "she's thinking she wants to beat a man to death tonight. This has happened before and she almost killed him. It's going to end every bad for him." You walked up to them, having dressed in clothes from your car and gotten tap and MMA gloves from your trunk and handed the tap to Billy.
"Please don't kill him, it would be bad for business."
You smiled, "I'm not going to kill him, I can't say if he'll ever ride again when I'm done with him." With the tapping done and your gloves on, you stepped into the ring.
Bobby came between you two, "now, you've agreed among yourselves the rules. But we don't want any problems so no cheap shots." Put placed your glove out for him to touch but he ignored it. Billy leaned in with a sadist smile on his face and it started.
The man didn't stand a chance, after one well placed hit to his jaw he was stunned and couldn't recover. They watched on as he took hit after hit after hit. His face was soon bloody, and he could bearly stand up.
"Are you thinking this is hot or scary?"
Jax couldn't take his eyes off you, "both. Oh fuck." He shrank into his skin when you placed a well aimed kick to the man's knees, the crack noise filling the air and the man hit the mat. You were on top of him within seconds, shoving his hand away from you while you pummeled his face.
Jax noticed you were holding the man's head off the canvas by his hair and he can recall when Sam told him that most of the damage from punching someone came from hitting them against a hard surface. You were pulled off him spitting mad when he went limp, Billy and Jax jumping in when Bobby was struggling to keep you back.
"I'm not fucking finished."
Jax held you tighter, "yes you are. It's done, look at him." He was still motionless on the mat, you shrugged Jax off you and walked up the Armando who was watching with Clay.
"Do you have a problem with me?"
He put his hands in the air, "no ma'am, he made his bed and now he needs to lay in it. I'm going to have a serious talk with my men about respect. I've always liked you, so do the other guys, I'm sorry this happened."
You nodded, "great, if it does happen again, you'll be the one bleeding on the mat."
You looked at Jax and put a still tapped hand out, "what to help me clean up?"
Jax smirked, "sure Darlin." You took his hand in yours and walked to his old dorm. Before you could blink, Jax was slamming the door and pushing you against it.
"That was so fucking hot, I swear to God, I've never seen something so sexy in my life."
You smiled, "I wanted to kill him, I could have too, if I could have gotten away with it."
Jax had Sam's voice ringing in his head, "it means the death angel."
"I would have let you." He pulled away and looked at your cheek, "you ok?"
You nodded, "I'm fine, it won't even bruise."
He took your hands in his and unwrapped them. "Now that that's taken care of."
Your back was against the door as he leaned in to kiss you, it was firm and you could feel his teeth meet your lower lip. "You want this?"
You nipped his lip, "yep, nothing better than sex after vanquishing a foe."
Jax smiled and ripped your top off, then yanked your pants down your legs for you to kick them off. He shoved you against the door again, then pulled you away and pushed you into the bed.
He was on top of you within seconds, smirking down at you like he was going to unhinge his jaw and eat you. "I can't believe you're mine. I am the luckiest man in the world."
He kissed you like you had the last breath on the planet in your lungs. Then he was pulling his own clothes off while you ran your hands over his firm torso. "See something you like?"
You bit your lower lip, "every fucking day." He yanked you to the edge of the end and dropped to his knees, lifting you towards him as he buried his face into your core.
"You taste like heaven."
You pushed his face towards you, "less talking more action." You felt him smile against you as his tongue darted out to lick your clit. His beard was scratching your skin as he slid two of his thick fingers inside you, "oh my God, more please." Jax chuckled and sucked your clit into his mouth, his other hand gripping your leg firmly enough for you to bruise.
"Jax, I'm close." He doubled down, adding a third finger before crooking them and rubbing your G-spot. "Ah fuck." You clenched around him as Jax used his forearm to stop your hips from bucking, Jax pulled away before the orgasm ended, making your groan in frustration.
"You're being a dick." He smirked and wiped his face with his hand, spreading your legs as wide as he could before stepping between them and lining himself up with your entrance.
"Please." Jax nodded and slid inside you in one hard thrust, setting a rough pace that made you hold onto the sheets so you weren't shoved up the bed
"Tell me you mine."
You smiled and ran a hand up his chest and to his face, Jax leaning down to kiss you, "I'm yours."
Jax grunted against your lips as his hips slammed into yours, "I love you so much."
His hand went to rub your clit while he lifted your lower half off the bed with the other. "I love you too." Jax grunted again, his knees shaking a little.
"Jax please." He smirked and rubbed your clit faster as you squeezed around him, then he was pulsing inside you and falling onto your chest. "That was amazing, but I need a shower."
He laughed and took a deep breath against your skin, "really? I think you smell amazing." You shook your head.
"I stink and I'm pretty sure I have blood on me."
He smiled again, holding you tight so you couldn't get up, "Jackson, let me go or I will bite you."
Jax shook his head, "you say that like it's a bad thing."
You laughed and nipped his shoulder, "will you let me up if I let you join me?" He smirked, "of course Darlin, I was waiting for you to ask."
You shook your head, "you're insufferable."
After your shower, Jax drove you home and now you were sitting in bed in his lap while he ran his fingers over your bruised knuckles. "I'm really sorry that happened to you, I should have stepped in long before it got violent." You lifted his hand to your lips and pressed a kiss to his fingers.
"My brave knight, I wasn't going to let you and neither was Billy. I can handle myself."
He huffed, "I can see that, I don't think that guy's ever going to think about you again, let alone try and talk to you."
You turned over in his arms and buried your face in his chest, "I love you so much Jackson, I hope you know that."
He gave an affirmative grunt, "I know, I love you too."
You kissed him softly and you felt something prod at your tight, "really Jax, I'm not that hot."
Jax smiled and nuzzled his nose along yours, "bullshit, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He rolled on top of you and sucked on your neck while his hand moved down your body, just before it could slide into your pants, someone knocked on the door.
"You guys decent?"
It was Sam, "morally or am I currently in the middle of something? No to the first one, yes to the second."
He groaned behind the door, "you guys need to see this."
Jax climbed off of you and opened the door, Sam showing him a Fax.
"Jacob Hale, witness protection application."
Jax took the paper from Sam's hand, "what the fuck is this."
Sam shrugged, "looks like he turned on someone, David will be here tomorrow to talk to everyone about it."
You shook your head, "the bad guy never gets what he deserves, does he?"
Jax smiled sadly, "I'll fix this, I promise."
Part 38
43 notes · View notes
just-my-fandom · 4 years
Reader being the one to fight Matt and they reunite!!
Request 2: Hi. So uh, can I request a Voltron story? Where the reader used to date Matt Holt, but after he disappeared reader changed from the nerdy quiet girl she was to like a badass, and starts dating Keith. Thank you. Have a great day.
Request 3: any thing Voltron where reader gets hurt!!!
Summary: Now that Matt is back, he can’t help but feel that his (ex) girlfriends teammate is taking her away from him. Reader has to break to Matt that she has moved on after his disappearance and is now with the paladin of the black lion.
Date started; February 2, 2021
Date posted; March 1, 2021 (Jezus)
Warning(s); Cursing, fighting, blood, jealousy, angst.
Was not proof read.
Matt and reader have a past. This story is a Keith x Reader.
A/N: We’re slowly but surely getting things posted. Life’s been a bish lately so I haven’t been motivated to write. I had absolutely no idea how to end this, so it just cuts off.
Tagged; @boiled-onionrings
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“What is this?” Your eyes narrow in thought. Narrow at the footsteps that close in behind you. Widen when you turn, and a man is swinging his blade straight at your head.
Your body is quick to push back, into the control panel so it flickered and powered off, your hands pushing off in an attempt to roll to the side.
Your hand pulls your bay-yard from your belt, twisting in time for your weapon to collide with your opponents, both grunting at the impact.
The figure shoves forward so you fall onto your back, gasping as your bay-yard slides feet from your reach, pushing to sit up and reach for your weapon.
The quick swipe of the males blade causes you to hiss and clutch your shoulder, lifting your foot high enough to kick him backwards, into the control panel like he had done to you prior.
You reach out and lift your bay-yard, slinging your arm out so it hit your opponent in the jaw, knocking his mask off and over his shoulder.
You lift your head, jaw clenched and weapon drawn, eyes widening as your lips part in a gasp, when you meet the gaze of your opponent,
“Matt?” You squeak, dropping your bay-yard so it clattered on the metal floor and quickly retracted into its holder, free hand pressed hard to where your fingers slowly held blood,
“Y/N,” Matt breathes, his body pushing to stand up from where he fell to his knees, arms pulling you tightly into his chest so you hissed a second time, his hands holding your arms as he leans back, examining your injury,
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” He exhales, your head shaking as tears burned your eyes from behind your helmet,
“Oh my god,” You heave, bloodied hands pulling your helmet off so he could fully look at your face, “Oh, god, you’re alive,”
“I’m alive,” Matt nods, hands caressing your head so he could lean his forehead to knock against yours, your eyes pinching shut before you lean back, opening your eyes.
“Just wait until Pidge sees you, and-and Shiro,”
“Wait, they’re with you?” Matt knits his brows together, as you glance down at the blood through your amor. It’ll be fine.
“Well, on their own mission,” You exhale, “Any chance you’ve heard of Voltron?”
“Of course I’ve heard of Voltron,”
“Well,” You repeat, smiling shyly as you look up at him, “We’re all Paladins,”
“No way,” Matt shakes his head, “That’s so cool!” He reaches forward to twirl you around, pausing when noticing you flinch at the movement of your shoulder.
“Come on,” Matt pulls back, hand at your arm, “Let me fix your shoulder,”
“Actually,” You lift your helmet off the floor, placing it over your head, “I have somewhere we can go,”
“HEY, look, Y/Ns back!” Hunk and Lance turn at the white lions appearance, the team of five moving forward as the lions jaw opened, your figure stepping out with a hand on your shoulder,
“Whoa, what happened to you?” Pidge asks, eyes narrowed as she moves up to you, but you smile, her brows pinching as footsteps sound behind you, her gaze looking over your shoulder and widening at Matt’s figure,
“Matt!” Pidge gasps, your smile softening as you step to the side, Shiro crossing his arms as he moves up to you,
“How’d you find him?” Shiro asks, calmly, your eyes flicking up to him.
“That so called secret base?” Shiro nods, “It was Matt’s. He returned as soon as I went in. Started fighting before we realized each other,”
“You did a good job,” Shiro smiles, and you nod, looking over at Pidge and Matt pulling out of their embrace, “Does he know?”
Shit. No. He doesn’t. He hasn’t even met Keith yet. “No,” You murmur, sighing as you turn, “I don’t know how to tell him,”
“That might be something you talk about in your own time,” Shiro raises his eyes from your shoulder to your eyes, watching you nod and brush past him, missing Matt’s worried glance.
“FOCUS, Keith!”
“I am focusing! You’re the one not focusing!”
“Now you’re just fucking with me,”
Matt stops at the doorway of the training deck. By now he had gotten a feel of where each room was located on the ship, which lead him to sneak off and search for you.
He watches silently as you slung your bay-yard at the red paladin- Keith, Matt thinks- leading Keith to jerk back and knock his own weapon to the metal, pushing you away from getting a hit on him.
It’s a quick tuck and roll as you duck away from Keith’s swing, your foot hooking around his leg to knock him on his back, your teammate grunting loudly at the impact his body made.
Knees pinned at his sides, your hands pin his shoulders down, lips pulling upward in a snort as Keith rolls his eyes, head dropping against the floor in defeat,
“You win,” Keith huffs, hands at your thighs as you raise your eyebrows, eyes flicking between his.
“Nice,” You grin, dropping one eyebrow, “Rematch?”
Matt frowns as Keith lifts his head, lips nearly against yours, “Absolutely not,”
“So you admit I’m better than you,” You lean back, sitting up so you were sitting on his legs, “I’ll take it,”
Keith narrows his eyes, gaze then shifting to the side, so you turned and your smile dropped.
“Matt,” You call, when the dirty blonde turns and exits the deck. You send a short glance down at Keith, pushing to stand up, “Matt, wait,”
Huffing at his refusal to turn around, you fasten your pace, “Matthew Holt, look at me!”
“Oh, so now you care?” Matt turns, sharply, arms crossed as he watches your brows furrow and footsteps stop.
“Matt, I always cared,” You breathe, shaking your head, “You’d been gone for years. I had to do what was right for me and move on. I should have told you when you first came back, but I didn’t know how,”
“So you two?” Matt’s eyes flick to the door of the training deck, and you nod, gazing down.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” You say, lifting your gaze, “As the paladin of the white lion, my main focus has always been saving earth. Im not the girl you once knew, who only read books and was afraid to talk to anyone outside my little circle. I’m a paladin now. I save people,”
You glance to the side, silently moving back to the training deck where Matt frowns, jaw clenching in defeat. He had lost you, years ago.
“ARE you two okay?”
Lance and Hunk skid to a stop into the abandoned ships control room, both breathing heavily through their helmets, “We’re fine,” Lance heaves, “But we need to get out of here, now!”
“Why?” Pidge rushes, “What happened?”
“It was-,” Hunk pauses, shock still in his system, “Monster- blue flash- I had rotten food goo,”
“Wait,” Lance stops his teammate, eyes narrowed in thought, “Where’s Keith and Y/N?”
YOUR eyes scan the empty hall. Galra bots float, lifeless, Keith and Kosmo floating beside you, “Hello?” Keith calls, Kosmo growling in defense,
“What are you?” The robotic voice of the remaining Galra bot causes you to pause, eyes squinting. The bot repeats his question, Keith raising his flashlight to the bots face,
“My name is Keith,” Keith starts, head barely tilting towards you, “This is Y/N. We are Paladins of Voltron. Paladins of the Black and White lions,”
“Wait,” You speak, “Yordum Bering Exus. Is that you?”
“Where are the rest of the Galra?” The bot asks, your head turning to look at Keith,
“They’re still on Planet Ryker. Why?”
“Planet Ryker,” The robot repeats, before it pushes forward, your eyes widening at the large monster behind it.
“Keith,” You alert, reaching to grab his arm so he tugged you into him, sharply, avoiding the sudden purple blast ray that the monster- Sentry- send, his shield coming up to block the second shot, shoving you and him both into the metal wall beside you.
You grunt out in pain at the impact, Keith pushing you to the side so you rammed into Kosmo, who quickly teleported next to Keith, Keith grabbing your hip protectively as you vanish.
“Keith, Y/N and I were in communication before we got disconnected,” Pidge explains to Lance, hearing Matt in her earpiece ask in a panic,
“You lost contact with them?”
“Keith and Y/N can hold their own together,” Allura breathes, “We need to figure out what that thing is,”
You reappear in the control room, gasps wheezed in fear before you push away from Keith, eyes wide, “What the hell was that?”
“What?” Pidge rushes, “What did you guys see?”
“Some- monster!” You heave, hearing Matt’s voice glitch in your earpiece as it gained connection,
“Oh thank God,”
“The base you sent this fleet to plunder, was it Warlord ranveigs?” Keith rushes, flying up to Lahn.
“Yes. It was,” Lahn answers, shortly, Allura glancing at you in alert.
“Keith, what’s going on?”
“The creature on this ship is a superweapon designed to destroy the Galra, and only Galra,” Keith starts,
“Warlord Ranveig would never create such a thing,” Lahn hisses, Keith shaking his head.
“Ranveig found the creature in the Quantum Abyss and experimented on it with Lotors Quintessence,”
“How do you know so much on this, Keith?” You ask, floating up between Pidge and Allura.
“Krolia and I let it lose so we could escape Ranveigs base,” Keith sighs, eyes fluttering shut, “This is all my fault,”
You shake your head, ignoring the glare Lahn sends your teammate, “Pidge, can you set a protocol that could self destruct this place? We need to get rid of the ship, and that monster,”
“Once I set it we’ll only have two minutes to leave the ship,” Pidge rushes, fingers pressing buttons, before she turns, waving a gloved hand, “Go. Go!”
You turn, jaw clenching at Sentrys appearance at the side door, “All Galra must perish,”
You yelp as the monster lunges forward, darting to the side before flying up with your jet pack, rushing for the door. Your front slams into the now shut door, fist curling to punch the metal before you look over, realizing Keith, too, had been trapped.
“Guys!” You shout, eyes wide in terror as you face Sentry, pulling out your bay-yard as he flew forward, you and Keith dodging in different directions so Sentry slammed into the doors front.
You hiss as Sentrys tail wraps around your body, pinning your arms at your sides, your gasp cut short as his tail flicks, hard, sending you into the metal wall feet away.
Your vision swims black, growing blurry as your lungs gasp for air, the sudden pain in your ribs causing you unable to move. Keith looks over as Sentry roared, rushing to you, Keith’s body protectively shielding yours as his shield protects himself, shoving you both into the wall a second time.
“Stay awake, Y/N!” Keith demands, rushes, arm at your lower back keeping you from floating away from him. His bay-yard shifts into a large gun, blasting at the monster before he turns and aims, shooting a hole into the locked door.
“Go!” Keith demands to his team, jet pack activating as he rushes forward,
“What happened to Y/N?!” Lance rushes, looking back at the distant explosion, where his eyes widen at the fire rising.
With a heatwave, the team of seven are thrown into space, the black lion quick to catch you and Keith so Keith landed on his feet, looking out his front visor where the white lion floated in front of his own.
“Let’s get her to the castle,” Keith demands, looking down at where your hand pressed to your rib, blood at your lips, “Stay with me, okay?”
You whimper, head tilting back before it leans to the side, dropping onto his shoulder.
“WHAT happened?” Matt and Shiro move forward towards their friend, Keith moving past them with you in his arms,
“The thing we had to destroy, attacked us, twice,” Keith hisses, teeth bared as he bends down to stand you on your feet inside the healing pod, stepping back in time for it to zap shut,
“She only seemed to be in danger around you,” Matt seethes, Keith looking over his shoulder to glare at the dirty blonde,
“What was that?”
“Do I need to dumb it out for you?” Matt steps up, ignoring Shiros call, “You’re the reason she got hurt. You’re the reason she left me!”
“Y/N left you because you ran off into space,” Keith snarls, Shiro and Pidge both jumping between the two so Keith stepped back, jaw clenched.
“Now is not the time to be fighting,” Shiro orders, Pidge nodding then shaking her head as she points to your unconscious, healing figure,
“Y/N needs you both right now, as much as you might hate it. So shut up and be here for her when she wakes up,”
Matt’s eyes shift from Pidge to Keith, Keith firmly crossing his arms over his armored chest before facing the healing pod.
Matt watches as Keith’s eyes drift to his bloodied gloves, glare faltering before looking back up to you.
Pidge exhales a heavy breath and follows Shiro, reluctantly, out of the med-bay, Matt crossing his own arms and scanning his eyes across your face.
“I’m sorry I came out rude,” He starts, Keith barely side glancing him, “It just, sucks. Coming back from being in space prison to find out your girlfriend moved on,”
“Y/Ns a lot different now than she used to be,” Keith reminds, “When I first met her I was an asshole and she was quiet. We didn’t click right away. But I found a meaning to my team and she’s apart of my team. It just- happened,”
“She’s definitely different,” Matt chuckles, Keith raising an eyebrow, “When I ran into her, I didn’t know she could fight like that,”
“She didn’t learn from me, that’s for sure,” Keith smirks, which instantly falls as the heal pod beeps, opening so Keith’s arms shot out to catch your leaning figure,
“That was quick,” Matt mutters, Keith shooting him a glance before you lift your head, brows pinched in discomfort,
“What happened?” Your eyes shift from Matt to Keith, who’s muscles visibly relaxed to see you up and moving. Matt noticed.
“We’ll tell you about it later,” Matt steps up, smiling lightly, “I’ll let the others know you’re okay,” Matt’s eyes meet Keith’s, his nod short before he steps back and out the door.
Maybe, just maybe, Matt forgave him.
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