#its 2023 im still going insane for them
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empty-dream · 2 years ago
The new Minato oneshot shot me on the heart
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It’s one thing that they train sealing jutsu with each other. It’s another thing that he created Rasengan (temporary name: The Ice Pop Inspired Nimbus Jiraiya Twin Whorl Sphere) because he wanted to protect Kushina by giving her a jutsu that specifically works well with her own unique nature as jinchuuriki :’‘‘‘‘
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She got someone inside her vessel and a new view. He got a new name for a jutsu he made just for her. What a LOVE.
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years ago
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girldriveroscar · 2 months ago
UGHH the SUIT. the more i look the more it seems oscar has lost a bit of weight by the end of this season? even his face looks more chiselled and his legs look less meaty overall if that makes sense?whereas lando has bulked up a bit, i swear i remember after the summer break there were a few weekends where his race suit was so tight around the chest that he very nearly couldn't zip all the way up
i also have crazy feelings about oscar's insane blush but i'm starting to ramble and lose focus
for oscar i think a lot of its just residual babyfat going away and his training !! going off the assumption his training includes a lot more cycling these days (cycling is his preferred cardio/got a bike/moved to monaco) id agree his thighs are more toned/ass is fatter now (and the suit kinda just adds to the illusion more that hes lost weight)
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(mind u hes wearing shorts under the wetsuit)
converselyyyy i think landos gained a lot of healthy weight, like second puberty weight LOL IMO before he looked fit in the way young guys w good metabolism r naturally toned wo rlly trying — and now he looks intentionally swole from exercise and diet which is Deliciously better. imo. imo imo.
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both of them i think REALLY grew into their features and lost their “teenager” face over the course of the season - theory supported by max commenting on how Oscar looks like a chad now (bro just say he's hot wtflmao) and my mother who thinks both are "glowing up" (we had an extensive conversation) (atp i could do a highlight reel on all the weird shit my mom has said about drivers.)
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ik the photos r getting redundant but for personal sake i need the side by side. God.
and honestly. Honestly. im kinda waffling. u can really make up any narrative ab their appearances bc their looks/size varies sm in photos. im not claiming this as bible Landoscar Aesthetic Growth frm the 2024 Season.
BUT. but i think i can say with some conviction, the biggest factor separating 23 landoscar to 24 is purely the Race Winner EffectTm aka just. self actualizing in tune with their cars.
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feb 24 — nov 24
like the physical diffs r so slight! BUT the energy…the aura... 100% shift. and that shift reflects in how we (me) feel like these r two completely different men. have a longass draft ab this but cant b assd to edit it GUH. U Get what im saying. MCL38 stays fastest and lando can achieve orgasm. Basically.
mini tangent for funnnn. i tried soooo flipping hard to find more recent pics but I cannnnnnt! #recruiting unemployed oomfs. but from the Spanish GP 2023 their Nomex sizes were both S/M ! ngl I feel like Oscars poor posture (sorry I rly do love him its Endearing tome and I have to bring it up every time I talk about him) makes him look a lot bigger than he really is, especiaaallly when u see him from the back. Like he dwarfs lando from the back! but anyway I bring it up bc I think he rly is still one of the smaller drivers on the grid and wouldn't be surprised if his size is still a S/M
Lando is a funny case to me bc sometimes he looks pretty thick? then u see a close up of his wrist or thighs n its like wow ! u are literally breakable!!! to me he's got like..a lean sleeper build idk though
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and yesss let s talk about oscars blush bc i could go on and on. does his chest get as rosy as his inner cheeks. do his thumbs go red when he's drunk. does his Three Sixteenths Chinese come out and give him asian flush when he's fucked up. (joking... but do es it... does it....) is his blush the color of his dic (GET DOEN GET DOWN GET DOWN) yeah. anyways.
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blkkizzat · 2 months ago
tw: discourse, plagiarism, drama, etc. im a bit snarky here but i reserve that right. the truth could never be a diss.
I hate that it had to come to this as I have had this blog since Aug 2023 without ever having to do something like this. But being gaslit and when people start blatantly playing in my face like I’m stupid is where I draw the line. I will not tolerate any kind of plagiarism with fics I work hard to create for free while working full-time and going to grad school.
Tumblr user @/rissouu has plagiarized my work. Specifically part 3 of Plug!Choso fic (with minor things from the end of part 2) with their brat taming/plug!choso smut drabble. I posted p3 of my fic on 7/3/24 they posted their drabble on 1/1/25 [screenshots below].
Note: This is not a direct word for word copy, but heavy detailed inspiration including dialogue, actions, reactions, sexual situations, etc. It’s been said to me by many other people I have consulted to get their opinions, that it reads like a watered down, condensed, version of my smut scene —and I would have to wholeheartedly agree.
(more details below)
Now to be clear: I do NOT own any concept. I hope I can effectively convey in this post I am NOT doing all this because someone wrote plug!choso or brat taming!choso and combined them. There has been plenty of both, even combined, well before I even wrote my fic and has been in the months after, none of them have been anything like my fic. Also these have BEEN my sentiments as I expressed this months ago when I kept getting TNMN concept asks/dms after my fics:
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Not to mention I give tutorials and share methods of how to do my graphics, formatting fics, writing tips, etc as I believe in knowledge and information sharing. I haven’t ever played gatekeeper on a single thing. 
Sidenote: 98% of the people who have ever tagged me as inspo credit per my statement above didn't even need to do so. But I appreciate they did. It shows their character and integrity that they would even consider doing so when its not 100% needed nor expected, so thank you!
the drabble @/rissouu posted is on the far left column and specific excerpts from my plug!choso fic are in boxes in the middle and to the right. Each box on the drabble is color-coded and connected to corresponding boxes with my excerpts. Every single paragraph connects to my fic: 
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Now, the crazy thing here is @/rissouu even tags this drabble #plug!choso as the first tag. Yet there is not one mention of drugs or plugs or even a damn ibuprofen anywhere lmfao. When confronted on this they said—
"it's strictly to give that kind of aggressive/dominant or stoner man vibes, so i don't care as much to input it into the writing itself. me tagging it as 'plug choso' [...] is simply to reach out to my audiences who like the concept of plug!choso. i do this mostly for my girlies of color who i try to reach out to more because it's what they request and like." [full convo screens at the very bottom]
Now, I'm ignoring the problematic implications that only poc girls would like or write plugs, so I'm gonna table that and y'all can make what you want of it. What I want to focus on is this weakass excuse. It's the fact that writing a plug/drug dealer fics does not make that character automatically aggressive or outwardly stoner. There's infinite ways to write a single concept [and as someone who has actually done alot of party drugs and had many dealers living in nyc before, the best dealers are the ones who don't look or act like ones!]. So it's mind boggling a writer would explicitly tag a concept because they were too lazy to actually write it in the fic. Then assumes everyone will interpret it the exact same way and get their meaning from the tag of a generic concept and not their actual story lol 😭. Insanity.
100% transparency, I thought the fic was rip way before I even got to the bottom to see the plug!choso tag. The tag just confirmed it more for me.
Now even with ALL this, I still likely wouldn’t have brought it to the TL. Even though I think it’s clear she took inspo from me and is straight lying through her teeth, I could have let it go. However the next thing @/rissouu did was so insane and shameless, I can't let it go. Like personal creativity and imagination in the trenches but plenty of audacity to spare. This is just a slap in the face.
So the timeline (pst) goes like this:
@6:20pm @/rissouu replies a few times, she explicitly says she will read my chapter to see if there are any similarities. [full convo screens at the bottom]
@7:06pm I posted rm!choso and babydaddy!toji who reader has a baby girl with but they broke up.
@8:59pm @/rissouu posts babydaddy!Choso who reader has a baby girl by but they broke up and takes ANOTHER part of dialogue/reaction from p3 of plug!choso.
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Is this real life?
I know if someone accused me of plagiarizing them and I told them I would read their work to check… I wouldn’t in less than 3 hours later post a drabble with one of the same concepts from a fic they just posted 2 hrs ago, and then turn around use the more dialogue/reactions from the other fic they just accused me of stealing from, that I just told them I was going to read!! And I for damn sure wouldn’t have claimed to have just “pulled this outta my ass” !?!? Like @/rissouu really said, fuck all of what kali saying and her artistic integrity with this post loud and clear lmfaooo.
Sorry but *in remy ma voice* b*tch is you DUMB!? Like I know I'm cracking jokes right now, but this situation is so ridiculous it’s gotta be a joke, so I’m treating it like one. They clownin’ with the whole damn circus cause wtf is this 😭😭?? 
You know what else is circus behavior? This disclaimer: 
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Lol… so consequences for everyone else but you girl? Okay lmfao. Like such aggressive disclaimers for someone doing exactly that.
Ironic though that all 3 times I have had to confront someone about plagiarism/inspo (in dms) in the past couple months I have been gaslit in the exact same ways.
Their first defense is always “this is a common concept” —Sure, but it shouldn’t be executed in the exact same way, so closely to my fic that's why I'm speaking up.
Their second defense is always, “oh I have written this [topic, headcanon, dialogue] before.” Great. I’m not speaking of those prior times, I’m ONLY concerned that 100% of their current drabble mirrors my fic. They could have written 50 drabbles on this topic/concept, there's no reason any of them should so closely mirror mine.
Finally, the third thing is (after proof is given): “well you don’t own the use of these details or these words. so I didn't copy!” No, I don’t own the individual words or phrases or actions. What I DO own is how those individual words, phrases or actions come together in the fic I wrote. The fic that @/rissouu mirrored and diluted. 
One more thing before screenshots of the full convo. You can see on the very first one below that I had been following @/rissouu for 11 months lol, so since 1 month after they created their account. Granted, I don’t think we’ve interacted much at all as I do follow lots of people but I try to spend most of my free time writing or interacting with commenters, anons, closer moots or those who reach out to me. But I know for a fact i've seen them in my notifications before liking things, even in the last week and I honestly thought they followed me at one point lol. That's one of the reasons I was shocked to discover this. So the fact they would try to say they never heard of me or my story or seen my fics ever is looney tunes fr. Not to mention plug!choso is probably the fic people have recco'd the most from me. None of that is important to me though, so I don’t really care about anything but the facts that she took heavy inspo from me and is refusing to even acknowledge that it's pretty weird/odd/uncommon considering how similar they are. (sorry i would have taken screenshots of notifications but i barely got the chat before it disappears after two ppl block each other)
screenshots of our convo here:
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As you can see, they apparently think i'm casper. they refuse to acknowledge they know me, or take it down, or give me credit and has me blocked now, so here we are.
Lastly... no one under any circumstances should be harassing or sending anyone hate! If you don’t like what they did, unfollow/block. If you don’t like what I am doing now or don’t agree, unfollow/block. I won't be offended if you do, if you don't like me , you don't like me. Please curate your own experiences.
Also, may choose to answer clarifying questions about this in public asks or comments but I reserve the right not to (even if you are in support of me). Honestly this is all so mentally draining and taking away from the things I actually want to do with my blog and I always feel really bad when I miss responding to comments people leave on my stories/works. So I will likely mute notifications on this. Like I could have been actually writing the many fics in my backlog last night or answering the very sweet or slutty asks in my inbox instead of writing this. I've always tried to keep my blog a pretty positive, goofy, unserious, slutty and drama-free place and I won't let this change that.
Additionally, no overly hateful/bashing comments towards me or @/rissouu will be answered/tolerated. If tumblr had an option to turn off comments on individual posts, I would for this one. I'm not going to waste time justifying something that is clear as day to me and many others. If anyone wants to play Stevie Wonder too, go for it! Nor do I want to waste energy bashing someone and beating a dead horse. I know what they did, they know what they did. @/rissouu wants to steal, lie and play games? Let them do it on their own, I guess. Clout is a helluva drug and I suppose my Plug!Choso was the best dealer for that but call me Desiree Perez cause imma snitch!
I'd prefer anyone really wanting to talk with me about this further and has something to say —good or bad, DM me.
—🎀 Kali
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gavisfanta · 1 year ago
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summary: you and Gavi don't need words to communicate.
a/n: short one but Im working on the requests
warnings: none
"words are very unnecessary"
Gavi asked you out on the 24th of April 2023.
You said yes, nothing more.
Unlike others relationships, yours and Gavi's was... quiet.
"How was your day?" You sometimes asked after he came from practice, you always waited for him to come home before going to sleep.
"Good, yours?" He asked while taking off his shirt and his pants too.
"Good too." You answered and he flashed you a quick smile before going to brush his teeth.
After he was done in the bathroom he crawled onto the bed with you and fell asleep, with his head on his chest and your arms around him.
Sex wasn't diffrent either.
Nothing more escaped your lips than a few moans and swearing under your breath. For Gavi it was the same, after you two were done and all cleaned up, he mostly sealed the act with a short and quiet "I love you" to which you responded quickly.
"I love you too."
The friends of you two considered you crazy.
"Relationships are based off of communication?!" Pedri asked the two of you, but in reality, a relationship was built off of comfort.
Gavi and you didn't feel uncomfortable while being around eachother. It was exactly the other way around.
You two were both very shy, quiet and not talkative. That's why it was perfect that you two found eachother.
Even if people often told the press after being asked about your and Gavi's relationship that you two are crazy and never talk. That wasn't entirely true.
Gavi learned to read your body language and your looks, just two days after meeting you. Now he could easily tell if you wanted to leave the place, and that only by a single motion.
The same was for you with Gavi.
One move with his arm or his head and you immediately understood.
So one day you and Gavi were sitting on Pedri's couch, on the opposite side of each couch, still facing each other.
As soon as they started talking about their hookups, Gavi and you made eye contact. He raised his brows as soon as he saw your eyes. He saw that you were uncomfortable since some of the guys have been hooking up with your friends and you didn't wanna listen to them talking about it. He then tilted his head to the door and you nodded. Then you two stood up at the same time and Gavi put his hand on your lower back and then turned his head back.
"We'll be right back." Pedri nodded as soon as Gavi said that. As the two of you left the room and went outside, Ferran spoke up.
"That's actually creepy, did you hear them talk?" He asked and looked around the room.
"I told you its creepy what they do" Pedri laughed out and Ferran shook his head.
"taken only to heart"
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dollfaceksj · 2 months ago
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omg.🫣 hi..
its been so so very long. i know. i’m sorry. forgive me plz. <3 how is everyone<33
today is 6th of january, 2024 and i just took my first exam of the semester today i feel nauseous</3
i just wanted to swing by and update everyone on how it’s been and wish everyone a happy new year. 🤍
first off, i want everyone to know that i really, really appreciate your support. thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. sincerely<3
that aside, as 2023 was coming to a close, i turned off my tumblr notifications because my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing and i was trying not to get distracted from school. (so no, im not ignoring yall !!)
but let’s talk about 2024.
i’m going to be honest to y’all.
2024 was terrible. it was a really, really shitty year for me. a lot of things happened and writing just kept slipping out of my fingertips. yall felt the 2024 drought from me and for that i’m so sorry omg. (my acc was dry as hell and i still gained like 1k+ followers yall r insane thank u sm😭)
everything that could go wrong WENT wrong. like damn i got my ass whooped this year!!! that topped off with school made it really hard to even stay afloat, let alone write
plus i kind of underestimated these classes🫠🫠 like i knew it was gonna be a lot but i didn’t know it would set me back this much. yes i’m stoopid
on the bright side, 2024 changed me as a person SO i’m rlly excited to see how i’ll write and how i’ll express myself differently than i have in the past
as of 2025:
currently i’m going through exams and it’s eating me up but when i’m finally through with these, i really wanna write more. i wanna show y’all what more i have in store and i’m far from being done !!
that being said, i have a few wips in the drafts still, some i have been giving small updates and some i haven’t even touched since first writing them. (currently, 2 ongoing commissions & jimin’s the pink pill version.)
plus… bts year??? like i’m gonna be honest, bts being ‘inactive’ was also so rough on me because i’ve always had them and now it just felt idk. different? stressful? especially stepping into a new life after i decided to go to college at 23. i miss them😭
so, i hope you’re excited like me !! i can’t wait to be back ! not saying im fully back steady on my feet but i wanna try to make a schedule for my daily life and try to fit in writing as much as i want🥲 does anyone know any cute like agenda or calendar apps for that?? lmk plsss
have a good year!! see you soon<3
— 🍀
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moonshynecybin · 5 months ago
WIG.... sexy ship destined not long for this world... im of two minds about it. ONE. every bit of it has to be a triangulation of desire for one valentino rossi, who they BOTH spent their youths obsessed with in a little gay boy sort of way but only ONE actually fell in love with like for realsies. so if anything its gonna happen,its going to be BEZ attempting to work out his racing-bike competency kink/sexuality crisis born of valentino and exacerbated by following marc on instagram when he was 15 and seeing him post shirtless pics eight times a minute (bez was still following him when he posted THIS), and MARC has to be looking at brown curly hair, a familiar accent, and a goofy sense of humor and also. be kinda emotionally off-balance and DRUNK. and it happens once or twice but never again... and yes it is sexy and yes it feels insanely transgressive and illicit for them precisely BECAUSE of the vale in the room underlying rivalry tension. they feel WEIRD, they feel GUILTY, they are so turned on they cant see straight— specificallyyyy because its the closest to vale that they can get AND because its something they explicitly know would piss him off so fucking bad.
TWO. bez is someone that needs a lot of validation, and fundamentally i dont think marc respects him whatsoeverrrrr.... even beyond the valencia 2023 of it all, i think he looks at bez and sees a rider who is kinda wet and pathetic and doesn't adapt to the motorcycle and folds the front whenever marc races him properly... idk one of the sexy things about marc's OTHER fandom love interests that make a modicorum of sense 2 me (vale, dovi, even fabio) is that they can ALSO race him really well, and marc knows that and REALLY enjoys it! hes happier when he has to scrap for a win! he has just as much of that valentino rossi-oriented competency kink as bez does! and unfortunately now that theyre on equal machinery, he is all too aware that bez isnt as good as him— and even worse i think bez KNOWS THAT, and theres this part of him that craves marc's respect that absolutely will not get it...
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enzoarweq · 1 year ago
(im talking about the characters q!, not the cc!)
imo no one else seems to understand the landduo/foolhalo relationship is much much deeper than "he's a friend who annoys me and i love to annoy him" or "they are secretly in love" in fact i might be as bold as to say NO ONE does till this day. which is pretty funny how they understand and notice the littlest things about each other but no one can see their deep bond despite that... tho to be fair Bad has said multiple times that he praises Foolish till high heaven from his skills, smarts, to his good looks but he would never ever admit it or say it to his face. (he RARELY does actually so when it happens, we all cheer and die) same for foolish.
Jaiden, who is probably one of the closest to Foolish rn said recently no one else takes Foolish srsly or that they are like outcasts of the island or that no one cares for Leo (para). and im like um theres literally Bad who cares a lot for Foolish and Leo. and has said multiple times that he is much more intelligent than ppl have granted him to be (but ofc she doesn't know, she doesn't know the early moments where they would hang out together almost all the time, constant banter, she doesn't know of THE convo where Bad literally for his advice and was treating and talking to him like two gamemasters in equal footing talking about the games they will play, she doesn't know should anything happen to Bad, he left Dapper in Foolish's care, Foolish constantly leaves Leo in Bad's care, she doesn't know that Leo loves and adores his Tio Bad, she doesn't know a lot of their "true hidden" relationship/sides, she doesn't know how easy Foolish can read Bad like an open book like that mine roulette game which i think she participated but not when both bad and foolish were playing iirc etc etc) not to mention theres also Roier who cares a lot for Leo and vice versa and constantly thinks about her (but this post about foolhalo so i digress)
There was also that moment with Bagi and Tubbo where they were like go ahead and cage Foolish or smtg. like daring Bad to do it. Bad was like aww thats no fun, its boring (cuz yk theres no song and dance, theres no arguing back n forth, it was just that). so when foolish shows up and bad was like hey could u step in ig *shrugs* Foolish was like urgh ok ig. I still remember Bagi's and Tubbos reaction, they were like mildly surprised. like ok what now. Bagi then said to Foolish, hey Bad is insane. Foolish then replied, yeah i fcking knew that already (in a so what tone) and again, Bagi seemed slightly taken aback. Tubbo then went on a rant about them being in love or smtg idk.
or the time when Bad would make a torture chamber for Foolish which he willingly went along cuz why not. and ppl were making angst about it as if Foolish didn't just walk into the torture chamber willingly to play a fun torture game with Bad smh.
also the time when Foolish was hiding his hurt over Leo's absence but Bad knew deep inside he feels deeply. that time where Foolish will run away from everyone else when confronted about his feelings but finally stood silently besides Bad in comfort, instead of a hug. (wasn't Jaiden there for that?)
theres soooo many foolhalo landduo moments where so many fans just blatantly ignore, like they have selective memory. genuinely confuses me everytime, like are we even watching the same POV.
theres also a lot of moments where ppl were gen mad at bad for the pranks n shit, like its 2023 ppl, we've been thru with this already in dsmp, do better pls. (ik them be new fans but still urgh)
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scrumptiousstuffs · 4 months ago
yknow what i want for fk? more shows. PUT THEM IN INSANE HET SHOWS I BEG 😭 no more one bl a year i need them in a show in every part gmmtv announces shows in. i would literally pay for home school 2 for insane khao. i would pay gmmtv for insane first in a show. LET THEM PLAY INSANE CHARACTERS. FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH.
gmmtv's het shows are so underrated because those things are way more unabashedly queer even compared to a lot of bl's they produce <- preaching like im from the missionary of 'gmmtv het show are gay af' alliance
(i just love the het shows and will take any moment to talk about it. like yea ofc theres stupid ones but some of them are just so fucking good and made with so much love and passion and its so visible and it makes me so soft 🥺)
- burnsuncomet (they should really let me ask stuff from my sideblog smh 😔)
Go on. Tell me more about what het shows you like from GMMTV (and why you like them). And tell me what ideas do you want for your het shows for FK?
I personally enjoyed Home School (so I am definitely on board with Khaotung versus Gun for season 2!) , Midnight Museum, Enigma (for a horror show, this pack a lot more than just good special effects) and the currently airing Peaceful Property (which we are still debating whether it’s BL or not 😂).
And I cannot stress enough how much 55:15 Never Too Late is such an underrated gem (yes it has a side BL featuring our own Khaotung who nailed his role as SongPol/Paul) but my other fav storyline in that show was View’s character and the friendship between Paul and Piploy’s character.
I didn’t mind Summer nights but I got terribly bored by Phuwin (and whoever his love interest was) - and really just perked up when Dunk’s character White and Lookjun interacted.
And if you are asking me what het shows I’m looking forward from GMMTV - Hide & Sis (it has Jan, Piploy and Lookjun plus Chimon playing a sleaze ball? - sign me up!)
But I’m digressing - we are talking about FK hehe. I admit I was disappointed when they only have one project for 2024, which has yet to air 🥲 (especially after getting spoilt with 3 shows from them in 2023 😩).
I think FK is under utilised by GMMTV (but then again, don’t we all say the same when talking about our own bias CPs?) - I want them to be in reality show, talk shows, V-log ANYTHING really beyond just one BL cause they have so much potential (we are definitely in agreement with this. Although it’s of course not feasible to have everything for the boys cause they will burnout otherwise 🙂‍↕️). But we can all dream yeah?
Anyway, I thought this user from Twitter has the cutest idea ever for their YT content 👇🏽 (credit on the screenshot)
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(Or I take the boys going camping together with us watching them cook and playing guitar and toasting marshmallows by the campsite)
In my alternate reality where FK gets to act more than one BL per year, these are my pick for hetero show/concept with FK in it:
The currently aired “The Judge from Hell”, k-drama starring Park Shin Hye and Kim Jae Young. I want a Thai remake - with Piploy as the devil in the judge’s body (she plays beautiful evil/anti-hero well! - her performance in Enigma was a good example of this) and First as our dutiful cop who joined force (literally selling his soul) to the devil after his mother figure got killed by a serial killer who also killed his birth parents. We know First can play tortured and devastation well, but truly seeing him fight to keep his morality? - 🤌 (also First already looks like a Korean movie star, so he will fit in well! Plus not going to lie - a tall First having to lean down on tiny Piploy while they bicker and fall in love 🤭 (these 2 have quite the chemistry in The Shipper)
As for Khaotung (we already mentioned Home School), but if I want to see him in a hetero couple - it will be with Ciize. These 2 were wholesome together in Tonhon Chonlatee (the show has flaws, but I still enjoyed it and Khaotung/Ciize being besties in that show was one of the highlights for me!)
And again, I’m borrowing this from one of my favourite k-drama, Happiness (2021) featuring Park Hyung-Sik and Han Hyo-Joo. Beyond just a zombie flick, it’s a commentary on social class but also the desperation and the length people go to when trapped with no where to go. Also, I won’t lie, I just want to see Khaotung (now that he is so buff!) and Ciize (despite her tiny frame) being badass with guns- it also has a sweet romance line between the main characters 😂
And bonus - if I can make my own FK-centric drama:
I want them to play cross-lovers in the past but one of them was a woman.
They both reincarnated - the woman’s soul now in one of the boys (I haven’t quite figure out who I want to play this role between them 🤣). This soul remembers his previous life and lover but avoids trying to look for him (cause you know, she is now a he and thought his previous lover is straight)
While the other person - knows he is missing someone, he has a deep yearning for this one person. However, he can’t remember the face or really anything beyond vague flashbacks except he knows it is a she. So he keeps looking at girls of course not finding the one. Meanwhile, fate (of course) made them meet and they keep avoiding trying to not fall in love but fail 🤷🏽‍♀️. I have even thought of what jobs these boys could have, the side characters 🤣…but alas, this will stay in delulu land (and yes, if you think the plot sounds vaguely familiar, it likely is! Cause I just pick all the plots/tropes I like and meshed it up!)
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couch-house · 1 year ago
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2023 baybeeeee. havent done an art summary in a while since i basically stopped drawing early 2020 and didn't get back on the horse until mid-2022 (i wonder... what could have caused that!) i dont feel like my art has really changed this year, only in the ways that I draw specific sonic characters (looking through my archive is fun bc i can see the progression of the diseases known as Giving Them Big Eyebrows and Drawing The Monoeye) and--more exciting 4 me--my practice with paneling comics! :)
i think the progression is much more noticeably when you line it up with last year's sonic art... i can see all the Milestones.. more talking abt that under the cut
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May: couch gets into sonic. June: Yucky Sonic 1.0. this was also the month when i Heard Of fleetway super. July: couch comes back from brazil, having read stc. this is also when i start dong actual short comics. compare may -> june -> july. (also please forgive whatever tf i was doing with skintones. i needed some practice)
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august: merger au takes shape. dog invented. also i just really like that speed racer sonic mspaint picture. its fun :) september: deep in the fleet mines. october: i lose a lot of steam and mostly just doodle. another comic comparison for those three months:
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november: frontiers comes out. i go crazy mode and make that sonic + knuckles comic with the pretty backgrounds and LOTS OF TINY TEXT. december: winter break AND im tired. january 2023 i come back insane crazy mode and write some fanfiction?? still havent finished that LOL. made some nice cover art :) february: i shift into knuckles mode fora month. make another comic. this one is much better i think :) november -> february
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march: i shift into transfem metal sonic mode. also just stick to a lot of doodling. also write more fanfiction. crazy. april: transitory period as i shift back into stc/exit: sonic mode. may: more fanfiction. more comics. i really like how both of these turned out :) while the last two were definitely taking a lot more notes from stc, i think around here i start paying attention to and trying to learn from more creative panelling from artists i admire. like @/superemeralds THOAM and @/starrjoy's pandora au.
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june: i play sa2 and it's good. july: i play unleashed and it is both miserable and good. i get in kind of an artistic frustration zone and wiggle my way out. august: idk i think im just chillin. super react dot jpeg happens. it's not even named that, it's named after the other image on the canvas, which was maria holding baby shadow. more comics.
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september: i burn out for a bit. get real tired. eventually get back up and make more comics. the goal here and last month has become "try to make more interesting panel shapes. I've noticed other artists don't just use rectangles--try playing with irregular polygons and see where it gets you." well it gets you mixed results as you learn :) also i think after that pause i accept the monoeye into my life. sigh...
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october: oc showdown starts and @/neurotypical-sonic asks me to make some halloweeny art :) feels like i dont do much this month bc i focus on those. november: A LOT OF ART?? INSANE. more oc showdown stuff. i play shadow the hedgehog (2005). it's good and i love it. i draw a ton of shit on one canvas for it. Fucking Dember: i have shifted back into stc/EXIT mode. motivation's a little weird bc work's a little weird. doing commissions also makes it weird. well im having fun and being myself :) a final handful of comics from this month:
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idk maybe ill do something sicko crazy b4 the end of the year. mayb i'll follow exit sonic's example and #GetWorse. who knows :) well this is fun i love looking at my art and seeing and noticing things. thank u all for your support and I hope we all have a great 2024!
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httpiastri · 28 days ago
I kinda get what that the other anon means about Ollie seeming a little, fake (for a lack of a better word), at times.
I think it's because of that classic FDA PR training which in the words of Marcus Armstrong teaches you to "say a lot of words which mean a bunch of nothing".
Everything he says feels so sanitised, I feel like you never really get to hear any genuine, strong opinions from him.
It's really hard to explain it in words if you don't see it for yourself. I think it's more obvious if you compare him to other F2 drivers like Christian or Pepe, for example. They speak with so much conviction and don't seem to mince their words (whilst keeping things civil still) and you get such a strong sense of personality from them.
Tbh I'm not even sure if we can blame the FDA entirely for this because Dino is part of the FDA but I feel like his personality still shines through.
Prema's social media team is good at making Ollie break out of character at times but you can always see him trying to keep it cute still.
I feel like the closest we get to seeing his real personality is when he leaves comments on his family's SM accounts. Everyone views him as this well-behaved golden retriever but those comments show that he's actually quite sassy irl, he low-key seems like a menace (in the best way haha).
In a way I don't blame him for trying to maintain a certain image because people seem so eager to jump at any chance to cancel public figures these days.
I'm not gonna lie, part of it is also the cheating rumours for me. I don't consider cheating to be a trivial thing. It shows a real lack of character and integrity and I don't put anything past people who are capable of cheating. If people are allowed to be put off from Mini and Montoya because of their cheating rumours, then I don't see why it should be any different for Ollie. Of course, I don't think this should mean that people get to send any hate or abuse to the drivers but I don't blame them for side-eyeing them at least.
oh 100%!! we know how picky the fda is with their drivers and how they media train them. its funny how you used dino also because idk if i agree 100%? like i think he seems like such a funny dude but 90% of the time, he's holding all that back bcs of how he was brought up in the academy… he also seems "fake" in that way, esp when you compare clips of him from prema 2024 to when he was with paul in 2023 etc. but yes definitely letting more loose than ollie….. also thinking abt how paul has been very calm and collected in a media way but whenever he was with dino….🥹
lol yeah it would take a lotttt to hear a proper strong opinion from him… he aint gonna say anything other than "the car felt kinda bad but it’s okay 🙂" for at least a good while lol! and ofc no opinions on non-racing stuff like that….. god yes abt his sm comments, i saw a comment the other day that made me so "!! yes this is him!!!!" but now i cant remember what it was 🫠
but like yes as you say, i understand it 100%. damn its not easy to just "be yourself" without controlling your personality even as a "normal" person, so to expect a celeb who's got the entire racing world watching him to just be 110% himself without thinking about how he looks or what people think ?? that would be insane. all celebs do it, whether we notice it or not, so like 🤷‍♀️ plus he's still young, not even 20 yet….
yeah i get your point with the cheating… i agree with my entire heart, i have had this convo with friends before because i am not okay with people who cheat in any way (i don't see how it would even be possible that people do that?? it's so…. no i wont even think too much bcs im boiling already), so this situation has me kinda conflicted. obvs since there's no proof from anywhere, we can't properly know what happened. but in my mind, ebba (and maybe hermes) is way more reliable than estelle. like just… the amount of stuff going on around her, the rumors she starts and spreads… damn idk 😓 but i understand your point of it too!! i usually always support a girl who claims they were cheated on!!! it's just estelle i dont trust ig? :/
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vacantgodling · 8 months ago
Hi, I hate to be a bother but is chapter 1 of Paramour (hope I'm spelling that right) the only chapter you've shared or are there more posted? your writing is so good and I've fallen in love with the story after seeing your anniversary art. Also, do you post it anywhere outside of Tumblr? unfortunately, the color scheme of your blog and the size of the font makes it hard for my poor eyesight to read (No hate to you btw I just zoom in real close)
hello hello!! firstly you are not at ALL a bother <3 (also you're spelling it right lol) regarding my desktop blog, i bumped up the font size so i hope that's helped it be a bit more readable? i'm planning on changing up color schemes and the like at the end of this year, but i hope the size change makes it more bearable ;3;
secondly, hearing that people like my writing enough to want to seek more of it has me giggling and kicking my feet so THANK YOU for enjoying chapter 1 and the art so much--there's some details that may or may not get added in whenever i eventually make a third pass at writing this behemoth and i spent 6 hours slaving over that drawing LMAO SO i really appreciate you reading it AND telling me you enjoyed it im so EEEE
at this time, i'm not formally publishing / putting out paramour because its still very much a work-in-progress (essentially, i'm working on draft 2 right now bc i'm doing some major outline renovating, but tbh i'm thinking that when i DO feel like i'm at the point that i want to publish it, i'm kinda leaning towards a serial style like @/stjohnstarling's what manner of man... but those are details for several years from now, i'm just rambling at this point) BUT FEAR NOT!! its my main obsession at all times and i have posted a TON about it on my blog. but for your convenience, i've compiled all the 'main' writing bits that i've posted on this blog over the past several years into this ask so that way if you wanna just read the 'main' meat and potatoes that i've decided to release from the vault so to speak... then here they are.
but, if in general you want to peruse my main wip tag, i talk about paramour so much its Ridiculous lmao -> s: paramour and you can check out the overview powerpoint intro i made for it here, just to get a clearer picture of what the heckie is going on lol -> powerpoint intro
anyway though, the list of main writings, broken into a couple of sections. i will also preface, that chapter 1 doesn't make it too apparent--but there is a LOT of sex, kink, and romance involved in this story. so proceed at your own disgression dear anon since i'm not sure how you feel about that lol.
MAIN WIP WRITINGS (in chronological story order)
paramour draft 2 chapter 1: pre-wedding
paramour (title drop 👀 but this scene is gonna end up slightly different in draft 2)
midnight query (amon and erecia talk in some undetermined chapter)
the bird & the worm (flashback to amon at 12)
but i am not (a bit from chapter 9 of draft 1)
masquerade (the first time hya and amon fuck—there is smut proceed with caution. also the latter half of chapter 9 draft 1)
an invitation (excerpt from chapter 10 draft 1)
displeasure (a relationship snippet from an undetermined chapter)
nervous (just hya and amon being kinky)
ties that bind (kink interrupted by feelings from some undetermined chapter)
divine (some sappy shit from an undetermined chapter)
hiccup (excerpt from chapter 20 of draft 1)
AUS & JUST FOR FUNZIES (meaning not in the main wip)
jealousy (amon & hya slums au—where both of them grow up in central halifax)
pleasure (amon’s birthday present 2023-> this is sex/smut so proceed with caution)
a fool’s errand (role swap au—aka the au where amon is rich and hya is the butler)
laundry (role swap au)
wedding invitation (role swap au—amon being friends with myrtus makes me insane actually)
i know what you’re saying (amon & hya slums au)
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loonarii · 10 months ago
check out last months installment here :)
Bubble Gum - NewJeans
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With HYBE collapsing in on itself and ADOR being the epicentre of the explosion, a part of me was a little afraid that NewJeans' comeback would take a hit in the quality department. From the first bars of 'Bubblegum' I knew I had been worried for no reason.
'Bubblegum' is an early 2000s synth fueled record with an edge of 80s Japanese citypop. It's groovy, simplistic, and effortless in execution, and while it isn't necessarily an innovation in NewJeans' notoriously trend-setting discography, it's still a welcome addition that capitalizes on the members vocal tones and the group's style beautifully.
The music video is gorgeous, as usual, with it taking notes from the raw, realistic nature of 'Ditto' and the colour-pop confidence of 'Hype Boy'. Danielle looked especially gorgeous in her natural curls, and Hanni's sharp bob is so striking - she looks like an anime heroine, and I love it.
I know we've all heard the phrase 'I think I just made the song of the summer' a little too much these past few years, but I am of the opinion that NewJeans has successfully achieved it with 'Bubblegum' - it's been a whirlwind year so far for me, and something easygoing and chill like this is exactly the energy I will be bringing into the hotter months.
Even though they have made ripples in the kpop industry, it seems nobody can do it quite like NewJeans.
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note: i will be covering the rest of the mini album when the m/v for 'accendio' is released next month, so stay tuned :)
Coming off of the mildly contrived 'Baddie' and the shockingly beautiful 'Off The Record' from 2023's 'I'VE MINE' EP, I wasn't sure where I was going to stand with IVE's comeback. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised.
'Heya' is a track with a chorus melody that makes such perfect sense that you are left amazed that nobody has thought of it before - its so easily catchy, and being 100% real, it's been stuck in my head since the m/v teaser. The construction of this song is honestly very impressive (Dem Jointz is the arranger so this is unsurprising), every vocal or instrumental motif pokes it's head in and reappears in an effortlessly perfect way, even the raps aren't jarring, a pitfall many a kpop track have fallen down before.
Functionally, this song is the perfect response to 'Baddie': that playful edge they centred in on in that track is still present here, but IVE have returned back to home base a little more and drawn from that elegant, untouchable concept they built in their iconic debut trilogy. 'Heya' understands the elements that saved 'Baddie' from succumbing to unlistenability, and knows how to use them redirect back to the right track without discarding the lessons learnt entirely.
While I don't think this song has reached 'After LIKE' or 'Love Dive' levels of perfection for me, it's still a super fun song for IVE, and absolutely a step in the right direction.
(final note: does anyone else feel like this song samples 'flashing lights' by kanye west?? does anyone else hear this? like at 45 seconds?? maybe im slowly going insane idk)
Midas Touch - KISS OF LIFE
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(check out my breakdown of the historical allusions in the mv here)
Kiss Of Life seems to just know exactly what they are doing, and the music is just getting better and better. The Britney edge and old SNSD flair on this track is right up my street, and all the members just give their all on this song, their talent is so consistently clear.
Their seemingly exponential growth in popularity and success from debut is so well deserved, they are truly setting the standard for the quality of music of the 5th generation; they are proving with every release that kpop does have more to offer, there is more innovation to be made.
My grievances at this release being a single album aside, this was a perfect comeback in my opinion. Congratulations Kiof for graduating nugudom, I can't wait to see what you do next.
Impossible + 9 Days + One Kiss - RIIZE
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And just when I thought I would never enjoy a boy group release again, RIIZE dropped 'Impossible'. The audacity to release something as fucking amazing as this like 3 months after 'Love 119' (which i controversially loved)??? Insane.
This track marks SM's latest addition to their arsenal of iconic house bangers, 'Impossible' revitalizes everything that made Shinee's 'View' and f(x)'s '4 Walls' so good for the 2024 music scene. It has that late night BBC Radio 1/love island pop edge to it that I have been yapping about for months, and I am so obsessed. This is how to compete with Somi's 'Fast Forward' for the most british sounding kpop song.
'One Kiss' is a sonic sequel to 'Love 119' - I am just so obsessed with how much they sound like an early 2000s western boy group on tracks like this, they just exude NSYNC energy. '9 Days' is another laidback pop hit, with a little more energy and longevity than 'One Kiss'. The sound of 2024's summer in kpop has clearly been established, and I for one am in favour.
RIIZE being the first boy group to last more than two comebacks on my stan list is really something I didn't see coming, but it's a welcome change.
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I think babymonster may start to be delegated to the mini review section of these monthly reviews, because I am genuinely struggling to find something likeable within this song. 'Batter Up' at least had a danceability to it, even if it was highly derivative, but 'Sheesh' is just so predictable to me. Even the switch up from the standard YG party final chorus felt formulaic somehow, and the mini album wasn't much better.
Ahyeon is back though, and she proved once and for all that she is absolutely a necessary part of the group - her rap was easily the song's highlight. The performances from this era were genuinely excellent considering what they were working with.
I don't like being a stuck record with groups I just will never enjoy, so I apologize, but discussions around their future releases will be limited going forward, unless they drop something that I actually enjoy.
Pre2: Flower Rhythm + Pre3: Candy Crush- ARTMS (Dall)
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There is something about modhaus production that just works for me, and the interpolation of Heejin's 'Algorithm' on 'Flower Rhythm' is a really exciting choice. The verses, post-chorus and bridge are very strong in my opinion, but the chorus itself seems to get a little lost in the sauce. I can see that chorus growing on me however, and the rest of the song is highly enjoyable, very evocative of the yyxy sub-unit.
Haseul's 'Plastic Candy' is one of my favourites from the ARTMS girls' releases, and with it's interpolation in 'Candy Crush' means I am predisposed to be obsessed with this song. It's a little jazzy, a little citypop, and it's the perfect late night summer vibe. This is easily my favourite of the pre releases so far, but the sheer array of styles the girls have demonstrated makes me very excited to see where they go for the title track.
Girls' Night - Loossemble (One Of A Kind)
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Loossemble's 'Sensitive' was pure pop perfection, and the album was just as impressive, so going into 'One Of A Kind' and its title 'Girls' Night' I just knew they were going to deliver.
'Girls' Night' is a classic LOONA type track, a total kaleidoscope of sonic innovation, and it stuns throughout its 3:24 runtime (we love long songs). My girl Yeojin got PINK HAIR, Vivi got a lore update, and Gowon unlocked her irish ancestry - overall a 10/10 in the visuals department. The rest of the album is an actual masterpiece; 'Moonlight' is a banger that caught me off guard by how good it is, 'Boomerang' has an addictive almost hyperpop edge - it's very evocative of Yeppi Yeppi by aespa, or even Paradisin' by Rina Sawayama. 'He Said I Said' plays it a little too safe in the production department in my opinion, and it comes off a slightly childish for them - it's a perfectly enjoyable song, but probably the weakest on the album. 'Truman Show' brings in a more acoustic sound, which builds with the synth to create a truly cinematic feel - it has a ballad vibe, but keeps it on the upbeat side, so if kpop ballads aren't your thing, you still might enjoy this one. 'Starlight' is a perfect album closer, and although it will never be my favourite LOONA song with 'Star' in the title, it's a really beautiful song. This was a really successful album for them, and I can't wait to see what else they bring to the industry.
SPOT! - ZICO feat. JENNIE: I was fully prepared to lie and act like this was a masterpiece before I listened because it has my queen jennie in it, but when I actually heard it I was pleasantly surprised with an absolute certified banger. This has that TripleH - 365 Fresh energy that I love, and Jennie's amazing vocals have made me so excited for what shes going to do with her solo work at odd atelier :)
Could It Be + Freak - YUQI ((G)-IDLE): I've never been a huge (G)-IDLE fan, so 'Freak' really wasn't my vibe, but 'Could It Be' had a Sunmi-esque edge that draws me in somehow. Having heard a snippet on TikTok, I also listened to the b-side 'Red Rover', and it's a real standout, make sure to give this one a listen if you only heard 'Freak'.
Blush - woo!ah!: i am in denial thay the official group name is now WOOAH, why are we erasing herstory?? Anyway, 'Blush' really blew me away - this song is so fun, every second is packed with memorable melodies and beautiful production, and that post chorus??? a killer!! SO underrated, if you haven't checked out this song yet this month, be sure to, it's an underrated song that I can see making it high in my yearly ranking.
고민중독 - QWER: Sapphic themes?? in a kpop music video??? with a girl BAND??? yoasobi vibes??? of course i was going to love it! I had never really heard of QWER before this month, but this song is such a banger and the pop rock sound is immaculate - ( @a-moth-to-the-light this feels very much up your street) I will 100% be checking out their discography, and I can easily see these girls making a home on my stan list, this track is truly amazing.
Final Love Song - I-LAND2 Contestants with ROSÉ: This is the kind of kpop song that makes me understand why this genre is so bullied. What are we doing. Rosé sounded good I guess. Moving on.
IMMM - ILY:1: Such an unexpected groovy sound - big Momoland energy. Pretty much everyone is eating up these April releases, even the nugu girlies are bringing it more than usual. I'm slightly worried about the lack of music video or promotions, but this song is really fun, so please go stream and show ILY:1 some love :)
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oceanjoker · 9 days ago
Charismatic anon here, I'm intrigued by your BBS F1 Au, feel free to use my ask to ramble.
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I have just so much to talk about it, mainly now since the F1 2025 Season is coming soon, and there's so much i'm excited about, We got Hamilton at Ferrari making my two favorite drivers in one team that I always loved, Gabriel Bortoleto making his debut. and the list goes on! there's so much stuff to look foward! I can do so much yapping but I don't want this to be a very long post. BUT ONTO SOME DETAILS ABOUT THE AU, I'll be working on them again once the season starts cuz then i'll feel motivated again. They'll still be youtubers so nicks like "Vanoss" and "Terroriser" are still a thing since the F1 Drivers themselves often streams or record together when they're not racing, biggest example of this is Max Vertstappen WHO BY THE WAY WAS PLAYING A RACING SIM INSTEAD OF RESTING 3 HOURS BEFORE A GRAND PRIX- This man casually having his world champion trophy beside his computer
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So all of them will still be having their Youtuber career, And AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALSO also, Vanoss will be having his music career as well ill have some fun making this man multitask kinda like Charles Leclerc who often produces music based on some races by the way i recommend they are so...i dunno inspiring? its always lovely listening to them
Im often using the drivers as example cuz i kinda feel like I have to justify some stuff, and also because these examples show me that these type of things CAN HAPPEN!
Now talking about the AU itself, the main focus is going to be Vanoss and Terroriser, since they'll have a fierce rivalry. Brian's a two time world champion, but Vanoss is a rookie, and is making an insane debut, he's a fast and somewhat a calm driver, making his strategies really impressive even for his own team. While Brian is a bit more aggressive and their team struggles in making these two get along, sometimes they'll be racing wheel-to-wheel for five corners just to win a race or even crash at each other's cars. But that does not mean they'll be enemies.
Take Senna's and Prost's Rivalry, They used to fight so many times, crash into each other in deciding races. But off track? They were really good friends, to the point after Prost's retirement, Senna would always say that F1 wasn't as much fun without Prost as a rival.
other than that, I'll drop some headcanoons cuz again, If I talk too much this post will be long, and its actually getting long i am so sorry but lets go,
Pre-Race interviews with these guys together are a nightmare, they can't take anything seriously
Vanoss is making his debut in F1, and F1 being a big sport, he's not used to having multiple reporters, paparazzis constantly on his face, which makes the media day one hell of a challenge for him
Everyone expect for Vanoss and Delirious, Often vlogs the behind the scenes of race weekends
Moo has been in F1 for some time now, He knows the dangers of this sport and how sometimes the race directior can be disappointing, so he is very attentive to each driver, and in cases of accidents he always makes sure that the injured driver is okay, even if it costs him a victory.
Nogla is a driver who either wins in a spectacular fashion or crashes out in the first lap. There's no in between.
Terroriser has a love hate relationship with his engineer, who has to deal with his mid race rants
Delirious is the only driver who refuses to show his face on camera of course, he's always wearing his helmet or just a regular mask
and I have SO MUCH MORE to talk about, But I do have the time to work on this idea, and of course. Draw about it, and I want to show my ideas, even if they're just nonsense. Youtubers as F1 Drivers? That sounds ridiculous
But I don't know...I just love, mixing up things I really like.
This group of youtubers and Formula 1 played such a huge role in my life, I can't even express how much. so why not do a little mix?
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jaaankiey · 3 months ago
huh? what? i'm STILL doing the same shit?
2025 is here? what the fuck?? and i'm still in this fandom writing the same pairing? erm... what the scallop!
jokes aside, i'm glad i'm still here, still chugging even if its dumb leafpin stuff. i mean, writing is a good hobby to have or something.
i feel like this is the year of really long works for me, especially for the after-dark pseudo, ohowlom, so its been less about writing a bunch of different works and more about a few different works.
AND i managed to find the first 2023 rewind (again, i am in awe that it's another... YEAR). hopefully this means more to go over yipepepepe!!!
once again, join me as we go over my thoughts on my own works that no one asked for.
putting this under a cut because it's getting a bit long:
maybe you can wish upon a star (MYCWUAS) has spiritually turned into something much worse, enter santa salvacion. hasn't progressed very much due to the fact that i need to be in a specific type of mood to make each chapter (waiting for that hyperfixation to hit here's hoping) but it's gotten good reception! and by good reception, it's downright frightening. go team! :D
the special edition, snows of change, within the battle for warriors au was completed like... january 2024. it's been a while and throughout the year, i've been itching to start work on the official second book so to speak. some plot ideas are floating around, but as of now, it's probably safe to say that this series is in the backburner for now (but ARGHGH CLEARPAW AND SNOWSHADE MY BELOVEDS... I MUST TELL YOUR TALES...)
fluffiest fic of the year for me? hm... like i said, i feel like i haven't written many one-shots this time around. leafpin specific, i would have to go with for all the christmas in the world and/or the scholastic book fair in middle school. otherwise, i thought but with luck (coiny/firey work) had a super cute premise.
the parade of terror is coming is the new psychological drama/horror leafpin longfic that i'm trying to work through! been also putting a lot of work in the back scenes for this one and hope people will enjoy its insanity MWAHAHAH.
let's not forget other minor chaptered fics (that you totally shouldn't be reminded of that i haven't updated them in FOREVER) such as when the birds chase away the snow and the high wills in terms of the leafpin works! i think they're also pretty cute but argh... maybe i got too ahead of myself and jumped to the next idea.
introducing a silly new category for the silly new series, cosmic dreaming!
numerology is the foundational work for this despite being basic in nature. also HOLY COW, IT WAS MADE IN 2023?? all this time i thought it was this year bro...
however, i can confirm that self-worth is actually this year!! following ruby's interactions with the new god of Earth, maybe there's more to the gods than meets the eye as well as the meaning of life. (really this is an exploration into the whole cosmic horror type of writing). def planning more chapters with this and if not, an entirely new work. love the worldbuilding im doing in the background for this and no i will not stop.
moving on, word count! I think it's an interesting measure to track (mainly to see how deep my insanity goes). This is the one thing last year's rewind didn't go over... I think I just forgot so I'll just compare now.
Now, I'm not sure how Ao3's word count in the statistics page works (not sure if it counts builds from last year's word count into the new year or it solely. Leaning towards the former because there is no way I wrote as much as ao3 claims I have).
For reference, 2023's word count was 140,883 words! (jankiey2 started in 2022 and for that year, it said I only wrote 140,883 words).
For 2024? Nearly DOUBLE!!! 2024's word count was/is 303,706 words! (give or take in the off chance i somehow upload something before this year ends officially).
Despite being started in 2023, I gotta say the heaviest hitters were ohowlom's hammer and metal along with santa salvacion. (maybe what's new but sorry yall been slipping on getting that finished i have attachment issues kldnvakldnva).
ok but tell me why there's a fat chance that like 90% of those words... is all leafpin i s2g. /j i be like "im so normal" and then i do this shit.
last year's rewind has a little list of stuff i hoped to get to in the new year and while i don't have much ideas now (plus looking back, i realized i didn't do SHIT), let's do it anyways!
INTO THE 2025:
again, nothing's definite because ideas come and go like the summer birds, but hopefully they persist long enough in my mind to get done.
jankiey-specific works:
make a firey and firey jr work. PLEEEASE i love their dynamic and i have such cool ideas in my head... please i am suffering.
continue work on self-worth and the overall cosmic dreaming series/worldbuilding.
finish santa salvacion or at least... write more than two chapters for it.
FINALLY work on that sequel in the battle for warriors series.
ohowlom-specific works:
actually complete both what's new and hammer and metal. yes its gonna hurt me so bad staring at the screen and being like... "tHATS ALL??" but they have to be completed some day.
continue working on the parade of terror is coming. made like... a graph for it. future me will be pissed that i forget to update this.
Hope next year treats everyone well again! If you're a long time reader, thank YOU for reading my works and such. Don't care if you started this year or before, I appreciate you so much jkfnvjkndvjak!!! This year I recall chatting with a few awesome commenters on my works; really appreciate each one of yall.
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5-htagonist · 3 months ago
god damn im so happy rn... ill stick it under a readmore bc its about food and my appetite idk if it would be triggering also this turned into more of a diary entry than anything lol My Blog My Rules though
i made curry last night and im really happy because ive been having a lot of trouble eating and Making myself eat, on top of being really erally really broke so we havent had much food in the house thats just Ready To Go consistently.. like, we always have oats, but we dont always have milk, and i cant eat them with water.. or we have ham but we run out of bread, or all i want are fruits and leafs but we cant really keep anything except apples/oranges/grapes because they dont go bad before we finish them, or bananas cause they arent really ruined if theyre overripe you just throw them in the freezer. so we cant get salad materials.
if i try to just shove calories in my body and i dont like it i wont finish it. like i will feel full until i stop trying to make myself eat it. and this isnt even just when adderall affects my appetite.
then, on top of all that, i know if i eat i have to do dishes. my husband usually does them, but hes been going through a really bad time for the past couple months too, plus we only moved out july 2023, and before that his mom had been Divorced outta the house earlier that year iirc plus id been living there since july 2022, so his brain and nervous system has felt safe enough for the ptsd recovery stage for nearly 2 years. and he gets hit really hard with seasonal depression, and he has adhd too. he typically does dishes, i typically do laundry. the problem is its easier to wear the same clothes for a few days, or rewear laundry that isnt rancid, or wear ill fitting clothes that have been shoved to the back of the dresser, but its hard to wash a dish when the sink is full and the kitchen is overwhelming.
so, to avoid having dirty dishes, i wont eat. whats worse, is i was insanely stressed over school for like 3 weeks. all the stress i should have had this semester hit me really bad all at once. when im that stressed, i cant think about anything relevant to maintaining myself-- especially not maintaining neutral-positive self talk and constructive self esteem. which means i shut down if anyone needs anything from me real or imagined. which means i cant be there for my husband and make sure he eats and check in on him. so all this stupid shit just feeds into itself. ive had more s/h urges than ive had in years i think, and not even in response to anything extrinsic.
my goofy ass got drunker than i usually do super quick the other night, it wasmy husbands birthday party. i cleaned up the apartment super nice since mostly my stuff was strewn everywhere and did the dishes. i didnt eat all day and i think i had like, one inadequate meal the day before. so i was exhausted after cleaning, our roommate ordered pizza and i ate and passed out for 3 hour nap. by the time i got up everyone was already at Least buzzed. my brother in law got a mom call and my husband (drunk) was like Hey. Give me the Phone.. tell her i wanna talk... because she LOVES being upset that her kids are having a good time and feels the need for Hour Phone Call when and where she wants it, and my BIL is an adult but they dont treat him like one, so hes still really deep in feeling trapped in these trauma responses.
this i think is what really got me, other than not being on my full dose of adderall so my emotional abilities were compromised lmao. i was tryingto tell my husband i love him, because i was leaving to weed store, and he was getting triggered while drunk, so he was annoyed i was interrupting the call and i didnt get my byebyehugnkiss. not to mention they were being really loud earlier. so now i feel bad. i get back immediately down 2 shots (3 shots is where i am Comfortably Drunk) and share a j actually post cancelled kendrick just dropped. the point was that i got too drunk and started hitting myself on the head and crying in the kitchen floor lol but who cares about that KENDRIIIIIIICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
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