Hell's Bells ;
20 posts
sidney chambers || 24 || bouncer
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
“are you kidding?” andie whipped her head toward sid’s direction. her accent rolling off of her tongue like melted butter. “thanks to late nights pounding my head trying to come up with shit for work – i either had to become a professional alcoholic or literally bash my head in.” jokes aside, she did look to liquor as help when it came to stress. not a very healthy choice but she didn’t need to head over to AA any time soon…she thinks. “good to know your head’s in the right place though.” andie ruffled the male’s hair a bit, a smile tugging at her bare lips before picking up the shot. she wasn’t entirely wasted yet, unfortunately her tolerance grew an incredible amount but she could get there. “cheers, to free booze.” andie chuckled lightheartedly under her breath, clinking the small glass cup against his before throwing the entire shot back. eyes squeezing at the sudden burning sensation coating her throat. slamming the empty shot glass on the bar counter, she felt a shiver course throughout her body as her head shook in immediate reaction. “jeeeeesus, what was that?”
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Sid let out a loud chuckle as he listened to the Australian speak, an elbow resting on the bar to hold him up as he leaned closer. There was something about her accent that was just so alluring, it practically turned him into putty. “A professional alcoholic, huh? Say what you want, but I don’t think you could keep up with me if you tried.” Hopefully it was a tempting challenge. He figured it’d be hilarious for them to both be bumbling idiots, drunk dancing around the bar, if he was lucky anyway. “Both of my heads are on just right, thanks for the concern.” If he had his way, his eyebrows would be waggling but that wasn’t the case. As soon as her fingers touched his light hair, the man’s head was involuntarily leaning towards her hand. Talk about touch starved. A small sigh escaped his lips as he sat up straight again, grabbing the small glass, “Cheers to drinking with pals. Even if it costs me double the money.” The shot was gone in less than a second, down his throat like nothing ever happened. An eyebrow raised as he watched the woman shake, doing his best not to laugh, “WOW, now that was cute.” He teased, slamming the empty cup onto the bar just a bit harder than necessary, both creating a loud thud and almost breaking the glass at the same time, “It was Patron, baby! Tequila. The best of the best. Tell me you’ve had it before.”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
April thought she had started her night early. She had always been a night owl, and her lifestyle had allowed her to live pretty much nocturnally. stepping into a bar at 9pm was almost like getting shitfaced at lunch, but it had been once of those days, and she was craving a drink. If she had thought she was peaking too early, however, the guy dishing out shots was determined to prove her wrong. “You know you aren’t giving me too much of a choice here, right?” She asked, picking up the shot and clinking the glass against his own before throwing it back and making a face. “The devil invented shots. No sane person would think that they’re a good idea.” 
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“That’s exactly the point, my fine friend. I’m so goddamn sick and tired of, of drinking alone.” Okay, maybe there were other things he was even more through with, but at the moment the only thing on his mind was getting drunk with a pal. He was usually lonelier than he let other people see. “Cheers!” Sid exclaimed with a wink as he tapped the glasses together, immediately tossing it down the hatch. Luckily the man was almost completely immune to the sting of alcohol after many years of drinking; it was practically like downing water. Indicating that he needed to be filled to the bartender with a wave, he let out a quiet hum and shook his head, “They say Lucifer was the prettiest, don’t they? God’s favorite. Seems like a smart dude to me. How else would we have fun?!”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
“i don’t knowwww. i’m pretty sure we locked eyes as we walked past each other. think that means he’s willing to buy out the entire diner just so i can have as many waffles as i wanted.” gaze meeting sid’s as her head tilted to the side. there was a certain grin spreading out on her lips which made it only apparent she was enjoying pushing his buttons. as usual. “i’m sorry if i upset you. hey but i’ll make it up to you. lunch is on me tonight, grandpa!” her free hand wrapping around the male’s forearm just as she playfully nudged his side. “seriously, i’ve been impatiently waiting to spend lunch with you even before i clocked in. emilio could have proposed to me and i would have – okay, i might have accepted BUT i would have told him he needed to wait until after our hang out. and don’t let that get to your head.”
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“Wait, hold on there for just one second. You’re telling me that you guys locked eyes and he didn’t chase you down like some cheesy romance novel? What a pathetic excuse of a man.” Sidney joked along, trying his best to keep a straight face. It was difficult to not smile around Ivy though; she was like this shining beam of light that seemed to brighten his usually dim world. He rolled his eyes playfully, reaching out to poke playfully at her side, “Hey! Excuse me. That’s Pop Pop to you.” Was he a fan of jokes about his age? Not really, no. But he’d play along for now. His eyes softened slightly as she reassured him that she actually did want to spend time with him, the contagious smile he had caught from her widening, “Aw, you really do love me! I’m honored. Does that mean I have to feed you your lunch now? Which, by the way, is still on me.”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
the amused but somewhat confused grin remained on the blonde’s lips as one of her eyebrows shot up. “oh?” a soft laugh spilled from her lips as she shook her head. “im sorry. that’s not funny if that’s true, its just something i’ve never heard before. it’s almost like the ‘my dog ate my homework’ excuse… but that should definitely get looked at. c’mon?” daisy nodded, soft smile replacing the confused look as she gently took his arm, leading him to their almost usual spot now.
the blonde hummed, taking a seat as she put on some gloves. “a bird really stole your lunch? i think that’s the first i’ve ever heard of something like that happening. there might be some snacks at the nurses station if you wanted something after i clean this up.”
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Sidney let out a quiet chuckle as he watched the blonde’s expression change, his head dropping forward slightly, “I told you you wouldn’t believe it! But you know my excuses to see you are always better than that; don’t insult me Daisy.” The man teased as he followed her to the bed, taking his seat on the edge. He did his best to keep the smirk off his face but the corners of his lips twitched upwards as he tilted his head back to look at her, “I think I just need a band-aid, and maybe a kiss or two.”
He rolled his eyes playfully as she questioned him, nodding solemnly, “He really did. I waited in line for 10 minutes and I didn’t even get to take the first bite!” It probably wasn’t the biggest deal in the world but he was really looking forward to that sandwich. “I appreciate that but those snacks are for you guys. I think we should just go get lunch together instead.”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
HELLO i thought id be on yesterday but I ended up sleeping like.. all day HOWEVER I work at the airport today so I can just sit on my laptop and do all my replies. Ill be on in like 2 hours then Ill hop to it:) -pj
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
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“dude did you see that look between Joe and Dacre after they say “sexier” and look at each other, then Joe is putting his hair behind his ear and they both look away wtf, I’m shook.”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
Sorry for no read more, Im mobile atm, but Im taking a spontaneous trip to NYC so I won’t be able to do replies tonight. Im off tomorrow so Ill be on then! -pj
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
Sidney wasn’t sure exactly what time he had arrived at the bar, but he knew it was sometime around noon and it was definitely still light out. Hours must’ve passed since he chose his spot at the bar because as he gazed out the window, he noticed that the sky had gone dark. Night had set in and so had the drinks he’d be pushing back all that time, his head fogged by the buzz. Clicking his tongue, the man ordered two more shots before turning to face the fellow customer sitting beside him, his words slurring together slightly, “One each! Ya can do shots, right?” He nodded in thanks towards the bartender as he placed the drinks in front of them before looking towards the other, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, “Keep in ya mind... the only right answer is yes.”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
When Sidney disappeared off to Las Vegas, he never expected to run into anyone that he knew. Especially not Teddy goddamn Green, his first and only girlfriend, and also the mother of his child. The mother and child that he abandoned all of those years ago. And at work, at an adult entertainment club nonetheless. She never seemed like the type to dance for random dirtbags but time changes people, so. He quickly looked away after the woman caught his eye, hoping that they wouldn’t make eye contact. She had already caught his attention on his first day but he did his best to stay away. This wasn’t the time nor the place for any kind of conversation that could ensue between the pair, so he passed off the next customer to another bouncer and headed towards the back for a smoke. Leaned against the brick wall with a cigarette in hand, the man fished around his pocket for a lighter. His name being called quickly caught his attention as he looked up, immediately freezing in place, “Theodora.... hey. It’s been awhile.” Clearing his throat, he retrieved the lighter from his pants and up went the flame along with the tip of his smoke, “I’m having a smoke break. What are you doing back here?”
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her head is resting against the lamppost, she hoped to god he hadn’t seen her. she was walking to work, when she spotted him. outside the doors of the dollhouse, god how could she be so stupid? of course her past would come back to haunt, quite literally. but sidney of all people? she’s going to be late, she knows it. but she stays with her head leaned back, and her eyes squeezed shut. minutes go by and when she turns, he’s gone. he went away from the place, or he’s inside. she can request only private dances if he’s there, maybe risk her luck with a few handsy men. better than being on the open floor and getting recognized. quickly crossing the street, she heads around back. but as she reached the back entrance, there he was. stopping, teddy hesitated. “sidney? what are you doing back here?”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
there was a genuine look of confusion washing over her features. ivy was joking about him being a mere three minutes late. “wait, wait – you actually forgot? i should be the one feeling INSULTED!” she chuckled under her breath as she gently squeezed his hand, failing at looking too upset on the matter. “you know what? emilio wouldn’t have forgotten, i’ll tell you that much. who knows, he might have cancelled filming to have a super late lunch with THE ivy williams.” her shoulders lifted into a shrug, looking over at sid as she playfully flipped her hair. all jokes, of course she was always up to hang out with sid. clearly as she visits him almost daily. “are the creeps and weirdos you have to deal with every day messing with your memory, or is it just age?”
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As soon as her face started to change, Sidney realized that he had messed up. Foot, he thought, meet mouth. If he had just played along, she wouldn’t have known. But it was Ivy, and he knew that she was only kidding. “I mean... maybe.” He shrugged, rubbing his thumb lightly over her knuckles as a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, “Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, darlin’. But I’m just saying, I think he’d be too cheap to pay for your waffles so who’s really the better option here?” A small laugh escaped as she tossed her hair, the man shaking his head. It was all fun and games until his age was mentioned, resulting in an over-exaggerated gasp and eyes going wide, “Did you just call me old?! That’s it. I’m done.” More jokes. “Buy your own goddamn waffles.”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
SUP yall?! I just got home from work so I’m going to feed my cats and then have a smoke but after that I’ll be back on to finish everyone’s replies and Ill throw a starter up too:) - pj
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
Sid was already in a poor mood before his shift had even begun thanks to some tourist who couldn’t hold their liquor. He was just about to walk through the doors to the Dollhouse when projectile vomit flew towards him, covering the front of his shirt. Thankfully his stomach was strong enough to keep him from yakking too, but he did have to go home to change because according to his boss, working shirtless was only for the women. So home he went, and then back he came, ready to start what was sure to be his worst shift as a bouncer yet.
He wasn’t sure how many people he had kicked out by the time the scrawny creep rolled around but he knew that he definitely wasn’t going to be kind about it. Catcalling and throwing money were fine, but once he got grabby with a dancer who was clearly not into it, the bouncer decided that enough was enough. Sid balled his fists as he pushed his way through the crowded club, his narrowed eyes set on the much smaller man. It all happened quickly as he grabbed him by his shirt, dragging him towards the back entrance. If the guy didn’t decide to open his mouth he probably would’ve gotten away with a simple shove into the wall, but he couldn’t hold his tongue and Sid couldn’t hold his temper.
Before the insult left his lips, the larger man was already swinging and his punches were landing. It would’ve been over soon if they weren’t interrupted by a third party, a random drunk who didn’t know what was good for him. Whoever this guy is, Sid thought to himself, he must really hate himself. Who would interrupt a fight piss drunk? It was like asking to get hurt. “Beefcake?” He repeated with a snort as he let go of the smaller man’s shirt, one eyebrow raised. It was actually pretty funny, funny enough that at first he didn’t want to swing. But then he was informed that he should fight someone bigger, his other eyebrow rising too, “Is that you offering to take his place? Because-“ Blue eyes jump around the night, trying to find someone else, “The only person my size around here is you.” 
And then the guy who actually deserved it was gone and once again, his red hot fury was back. The fight was only to defend his female coworkers, not just to be a dick, but now the creep was gone before he could learn his lesson. A scoff escaped as the weather was commented on, his head tilting slightly to the right. Any other night and he would’ve told him that he was almost too cute to hit, but someone had to take the blame. Without batting an eye, his closed fist was flying through the air and hurtling directly towards Raz’s nose.
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* @stfusid​
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EXITUS ERASMUS from the back door of the DOLLHOUSE, tumbling haphazardly into the alleyway. he sways tipsily, palm colliding into his forehead to steady himself. his head is pulsating. damn alcohol. raz is an all-or-nothing kind of guy; either he’s getting piss-ass smashed kind of drunk, or he’s sober as a damn rock … and he’d ventured in earnest to fulfill the former, but stopped half way through. damn headache. he huffs a breath, steadying himself on the wall behind him with his hands on his knees. why the hell was he even here? he HATED these scenes with a fiery passion. wouldn’t even think to dabble in the unchaste viewership of these kind of adult outings, and yet here he is. submitting to peer pressure like some high school kid. he scoffs.
lifting his skull to sweep the area with a glance, left first, then right, he spots a duo of silhouettes in the distance accompanied by grunts … back and forth banter. he squints his broken-lens gaze in the direction with a furrowed brow. were they … fighting? jesus. raz is never inclined to interrupt a good skirmish, but one of the two is so … small. was it a woman? concernedly thrusting himself off the concrete wall of the building, dirty converse motivate him forward in a half-hearted, uncoordinated jog, he’s determined to find out. as he closes in, the larger of the two looming and obscuring his view, he begins.  ❛ ——hey, hey, HEY, beefcake—- c’mon, man, lay off her, alrigh—— ? ❜ 
nope. that’s a dude. just two dudes, hashing it out—- newly three. that’s twice in one week with the ‘dude looks like a lady thing’, what the hell is with him? with one hand perched on his hip, the other swinging to gesture to the dueling duo, he nods.  ❛ —him—– y’know, why don’t you—– … pick on someone your own size.yeah. alright. ❜  he mutters, swiping a hand down his face as he accepts his fate. nice goin’, bozo. he nods, dropping his hand. talk about putting your foot in your mouth—– he can taste his ankle. praying beefcake conveniently fails to notice the mere inch height difference between raz and himself, raz watches the other flee the scene …  ❛ yeah. SOLIDARITY—– love it. thanks, bro. ❜  he calls after the dodger with the crown of his head bowed.
trio’s down to two—– just him and BEEFCAKE. this oughta be good.  ❛ nice night …  ❜  he offers to stall, glancing around. nice night to get his ass kicked.
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
It had been a decently busy shift for Sidney at the Dollhouse and for some reason, there were more creeps crowding in than usual. He had already bounced his usual amount of assholes before the night was halfway through, resulting in a grumpier mood than usual from the short tempered man. His concern for the dancers was enough to make him debate on skipping his break and he probably would’ve if he wasn’t interrupted by a familiar voice that parted the crowd. Blue eyes widening, his jaw dropped open slightly as he looked Ivy over, suddenly recalling the act that they were actually supposed to eat together. “Shit, that’s my bad. I totally forgot.” Dropping the license he had been checking over on the ground, Sid looked over at his coworker to make sure he had it before stepping off to the side, one hand grabbing the woman’s in an attempt to drag her along with him. “Wow, not because you’d rather hang out with me? I’m literally insulted.” An eyebrow raised as he kept the joke going, “Why don’t you ask Emilio Estevez to eat with you instead?”
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( @stfusid​ )
a normal night in vegas? drunken elvis impersonators still on the clock, “mind readers” harassing you and claiming they know you want to walk into their shop, drunken strangers getting hitched at the little white chapel and a burlesque dancer in full costume walking across the street to one of cherry bomb burlesque’s rivals…the dollhouse. well – kind of rivals. both establishments were different but it’s still competition nonetheless especially when cherry bomb has it’s own adulterated portions of the night. though ivy wasn’t going over to check on the competition, she was going over to check on sid. specifically to drag him to spend their lunches together. “hey!” her voice squeaked above the patrons crowding the entrance as she made her way over to him. bright eyed and ready to rush. “first of all, you were a whopping three minutes late meeting me in front of the exit so here i am. second, i think i just saw emilio estevez walk into cherry bomb and i just wanted you to know this is how absolutely starved i am – i passed up that opportunity…so i’m gonna need you to pick your pace up to 88 mph.”
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
Sid wanted nothing more than to eat his meatball sub as he sat outside the hero stop, taking in the afternoon sun. He was close to his goal with the sandwich in hand, mouth wide open, but nature had other plans in mind. Out of nowhere swooped in a hungry bird who dove at the food, biting at the bread and in turn, his hand. The man letting out as gasp as his finger was pinched, dropped his lunch in shock. He was more annoyed than in pain, but of course there was an upside. This could be just another excuse to stop by the hospital to see his favorite nurse, Daisy. 
Huffing down at the bird, and his lost lunch, Sid shook his head before heading towards the hospital. The scowl on his face didn’t budge until the blonde came into view, resulting in a small smirk as he made his way up to the nurses station. “Greetings and salutations, Daisy. It’s good to see you too.” He let out a quiet chuckle, shaking his head, “I’m not sure you’re going to believe this one...” Raising his hand into her view, a few drops of blood fell from a nick on his index finger to the tile floor below, “I was attacked... by a bird. He stole my lunch.”
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closed starter for @stfusid
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things had finally settled down around the nurses station. the blonde was relaxing as much as she could while still trying to get some work done. file after file went into the finished stack waiting to get put away and organized. as if on cue, the girl glanced up right as someone walked in. a small smirk mixed with a smile spread onto daisy’s lips. “well, if it isn’t my favorite frequent flyer.” she teased. “we’re just going to have to wrap you in bubble wrap or i’m going to have to act as your body guard.” the blonde laughed. “what’s goin’ on? what happened this time?” daisy asked, pushing herself up out of her chair before walking around the desk to better assess the ‘damage’.
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stfusid-blog1 ¡ 5 years ago
Good morning!! Sorry this isn’t under a read more, I’m trying to ready ready for work real fast so I’m mobile. Im going to try to get out of work early today and then Ill be able to get on to throw out replies and a starter:) -pj
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