#itchy mouth
babylon-crashing · 5 days
Q: what do you think/ feel about the elemental realm?
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[sisters Maria and Estela, Côte d'Ivoire shark shamanesses, yanyan Aje.]
Ocean, n. A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man — who has no gills. Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary.
I spend a lot of time thinking about the sea, which is itself the most elemental realm those mortals, with no training or interest in the esoteric, will ever experience. We can only survive under its surface for minutes, sometimes seconds, without artificial assistance. It is the source of all life and utterly indifferent to humanity and our narcissistic need to always be the Chosen Ones.
It’s no mistake that the Inuit placed Sedna, their creator, and her home where the dead go, Adlivun, not up in the sky or deep under the earth but at the bottom of the ocean. Shamans, if they wished to petition Sedna, had to travel to the ocean’s floor and comb out Sedna’s long hair in order to be granted her favor.
Of all the spirits that swim, none is so dear to me as Carcharodon carcharias, that which we call the great white shark. My first spirit guide came in the form of Big Blue (a pregnant great white). I wrote this poem earlier today, thinking about the sea as an elemental realm. What I appreciate about poetry is that it allows me to speak my own truth in ways that fall flat in my prose. To give oneself up to the briny deep, as they say, is also a shamanic experience.
But the language of sharks is difficult enough to master. Few try. Few can boast, without pheromones, or La Mer's occult craft, that they grok a gill flap's flutter; most basic sound in their ten-million year old tongue. Their poems unfold in waves, music few of us No-gills can fathom. I told that joke once to a Queen Mum, a mystic Itchy Mouth, who chortled. Get a Queen Mum to laugh, love, and the Seven Seas are yours until, for a bowl of soup, ten-million years are snuffed out. Just like that: going numb in the surf, calling and ... Stand on the shores of all the seas. Call. None will answer. None.
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gnomecorebipbop · 3 months
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Voidborn Honey's first time on an agri-world
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie’s live-streaming one evening, pacing around the house and complaining about writer’s block when he stops in the kitchen. Steve is there.
He’s working on lesson plans and eating cookies. Before Eddie can even reach for one, Steve smacking his hand away like, “You’re allergic.”
Eddie: Only to bees, babe. You can’t keep using that one.
Steve: They’re for Robin
Steve: You won’t like them, they’re cinnamon
Eddie: Steve, you’re allergic to cinnamon
Steve: Yeah, but like, not a lot
Eddie, worry mode activated: Steve, what the fuck
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razor-sweet · 2 months
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very much inspired by crosseyed & painless by @gaylittlerichie
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brooklynsspiderman · 8 months
I think im allergic to mint
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snzluv3r · 6 months
my allergies are actually nonstop today and because i’m also sick my sneezes are so harsh and itchy god my throat hurts and my voice is all raspy from so much sneezing but it feels better to sneeze than be tortured by the itchiness with no result
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beatriceportinari · 1 month
most tragic thing abt me after the mortality thing is that i am in fact allergic to peaches (and many other fruits) BUT only through skin contact. so i have to eat them cut up ij small bits with my mouth wide open so they don't touch my lips and i can't get juice anywhere : (
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tea-earl-grey · 1 month
i really like breathing. i should do it more often.
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Are there any foods that you thought were supposed to be spicy and make your mouth tingly only for you to find out after telling another person about how the food made your mouth feel that you might be kinda sorta allergic?
I recently found out what while pineapple DOES burn your mouth a little, it's not supposed to make your tongue, lips, and throat feel vaguely tingly and numb for a few hours after eating.
Omg it was kiwi for me! Like it has the hairs but eating the fruit itself and not the skin (bc I did use to eat the skin too) would make my mouth and lips burn/tingle in such a way that despite the fantastic flavor, I learned later in life that kiwis do not in fact Do That 😂
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onebluejey · 4 months
one of my greatest spots of hubris is my intense love of peaches. the hubris comes in with the fact that i am allergic to peaches. whole mouth and face itchy. i do not care. every time i eat a peach it is a race against my own biology to consume the entire thing before the reaction sets in.
you walk in i am hunched over a peach eating it way too fast with a scary glint in my eye. you stare at me. i look up at you. we make very intense eye contact and then i return to my delicious peach. once i have finished i will suffer the effects for the next hour or so and i will not care i will not regret
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pirategf · 3 months
i cant take it anymore let me hear 😭
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straydogged · 4 months
... wait a second. am I mildly allergic to food dye???
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fearandhatred · 5 months
i always have to have something wrong with me at all times and there are always about fifteen different factors that could have caused that Something Wrong With Me so i can never fix it
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comfymoth · 5 months
i wanted to compliment your style and my first idea for doing so was to say "your art makes me itchy" i hope you understand
AHSKDJDJ??? i. well. now that’s a new one. you know, i think i do understand though, actually, thank you, i appreciate it :3
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bonsai-wanders · 23 days
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When you're allergic to mango but decide to say fuck it anyways 😃
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sovietunion · 6 months
Pineapple is going to have to actually give me anaphylaxis for me to stop eating it because I seriously don't care it's so delicious.
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