#itbc survivor
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coining-system-terms · 2 months ago
Based on my last reblog I propose using the following tags for talking about "mind control" or programming
tw itbc
itbc survivor
intentional torture based conditioning
This does not come from a place of wanted to downplay the trauma we've gone through. This comes from a place of wanting to destigmatise and demistify it to people who are not part of the community. I have personally found that explaining what I went through as "conditioning that used torture methods" made my therapist understand what I was talking about much more quickly than if I would have used terms like programming.
I also think it will remove a lot of back and forth about "what is mind control" "what is programming" because conditioning is a very basic psychological theory and is simple to explain and understand. I hope the community agrees or wants to talk about this because I'm very interested in it as a topic.
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cannibalcreature777 · 3 days ago
Hello! Want to make some nice friends?
Well, my partner and I own a discord server catered towards OEA/ITBC (RAMCOA) Survivors, people of the Anti Harassment Specturm such as Proshippers, Darkshippers, etc, and people who have paraphiles (who are anti contact only)
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We have a verification process, so the community is protected. We are open to any people who are okay with ProPara or who have Paras, anyone who is okay with The Anti Harassment Specturmor or apart of it, and people of the OEA/ITBC (RAMCOA) community.
There are different sections for each thing, and many fun roles! We have many fun bots and many systems bots (Plural Kit, Tupper Box, Octocon). We have active moderators and two owners (my partner and I). With certain roles, you can get access to different categories, but you must be verified and fill out a separate form to get OEA/ITBC/RAMCOA channels.
We are open-minded to all types of people! If you think you might not fit into this server, go to my tumblr page and look at my pinned post to see my DNI/Interaction Stances!
Link ⤵️
We would love to see you there!!
Only qualifications you must have to join is:
15+ years old (bodily)
No TransRAMCOA people
Must be Anti Harassment (be respectful of everyone even if you don't agree with their opinions)
If you have a problem with any type of shippers or no contact Paraphiles or are easily triggered by OEA/ITBC (RAMCOA) topics, this server may not be for you.
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ghxst-system · 27 days ago
google how do u cope knowing u escaped while living with the guilt that the others didnt
-Huxley [He/It]
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rottedchildren · 2 months ago
Happy holidays to those who celebrate and have a great break for those who dont. For those of you struggling this winter I wish you all the best. You'll all make it, keep going❤️
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thestarpletsystem · 26 days ago
CW: mentions of trafficking and programming, no details, just asking for resources. I'm wondering if anyone has any good resources on child trafficking and particularly Familial trafficking as well as programming/conditioning? I know of the book Organized Sexual Abuse (Michael Salter,) and other books by Alison Miller, but pretty much none others. I'm looking for resources for my partner to read so she can help understand my whole situation and how to help me better. Thank you!
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turnitsysclusive · 2 months ago
Being punk is:
supporting all of the LGBTQ+ community (this includes those with contributory labels, mspec people, intersex people, being pro-mogai, and pro-xenogenders)
supporting autistic people (this includes being supportive of stimming in public, being pro nonhuman identities, using tone tags when asked)
supporting dissociative trauma survivors (this includes calling out fakeclaiming**, believing itbc* abuse is real, believing persecutors are NOT "evil", systems with mixed origins)
supporting kink pride (this includes no contact paraphilias, "weird" kinks, being pro sex workers)
supporting all cluster-b disorders (this includes not viewing people with these disorders as "evil", not using terms like narc or yandere if you can't reclaim it, not viewing "narc abuse"/cluster b abuse as a real thing, not using "delusional" as an insult.)
* Intentional torture based conditioning
** this one original said "being anti Endo" and I just wanted to say that fakeclaimers calling out fakeclaimers will be more effective since fakeclaiming is a principal that affects everyone across the neurodiverse scale.
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granulesofsand · 2 months ago
hi i'm sorry if this is a really bad question i do not mean to disturb
if someone develops DID as a child during the normal time for it, is it possible for them to be programmed as a teenager? or does it always happen as a child?
i went through OEA in my teens by a group that knew i had DID and i have things happening now that feel really aligned with what i see about programming. i don't know what happened earlier in my life to cause the DID, but unless im really missing something, the OEA was a teens only occurrence. but it seems like programming can only happen to children during the initial development of DID, so i am trying to make sense of the responses i am having.
i struggle to be specific about it but if i would need to explain the 'things happening' in any capacity i can try. sorry to disturb have a nice day !!
TL;DR: Yes, it is possible to be programmed as a system in teen years. No, it is not always children. Your story is yours, your interpretation is yours, and your details are yours. It’s enough, for them to be yours, and you are welcome here.
What is Programming?
Given how little agreement there is on what constitutes programming, depends on who you ask. We use it to mean torture-based coercion, or, following the language shift in the online community, intentional torture-based control, usually in relation to multiplicity. That relation is alters and structures created or forcibly modified by ITBC.
At its loosest, it can be called mind control. The language shifts are towards respectability, which is always a stretch, but is worth a try. Another phrase for mind control is coercive control, which does not necessitate torture.
By any of those definitions, I would say yes, it is possible for a system to be programmed as a teenager.
Who Can Be Programmed When?
Anybody at any age can be subject to the level of manipulation that makes up coercive control. Many, if not most (I’d say all, but never say never) high control groups recruit outside of familial lines because they want a next generation to keep the group alive.
It’s easier to gain total control with total access, and adults can be convinced to give that over because their brains are developed enough to be played to. Those are usually singlets. I’m not positive of the origins of ‘programming’ besides that supposedly some groups use it, but I know it’s used often to refer to people with OSDD-2, identity disturbance due to prolonged and intense service persuasion.
There are survivor narratives of people first entering into high control environments in their teens. There are narratives of people of all ages having a CDD that was twisted back on them in a high control environment, despite having had the structure before their involvement.
You have a narrative of entering a high control group and having a CDD twisted back on you, despite having the structure before your involvement. If it happened, it happened.
A high control group is a shift away from cult, which has a more religious and historically neutral connotation. If the group you were part of put you through OEA, it was a high control group. You don’t have to call it that, but a rose by any other name….
The Bare Bones
1) anybody can be programmed at any age;
2) a CDD can be weaponized at any age; and
3) it happened to you, and you don’t need permission to have history.
Beyond That
There are differences in programming a CDD at an older age. The structure of the system already exists, and the brain has developed and gained experience in ways that prevent the same methods of control. A four year old child needs little display of omnipotence to accept their abusers have magic powers, a fourteen year old adolescent is another story. A toddler being trained to associate colors with behaviors will have a basis for their system that a teenager would have to build in over what they already have.
It’s also worth noting that many perpetrators of ITBC aren’t aiming for complex systems of alters, but for dissociative responses. Amnesia, silence, confusion. Systems that do result from the coercion are often based on differing self-states, each with their own behavior, information, thought, and/or information control (following the BITE model). All of that to say, the end goals of the perpetrators don’t always or usually require the level of control they would get from complete access to a child into adulthood.
More Kindly
Yes, it can happen, and I believe you. It’s your story, and you can tell it however you want. The thing about it being your story is that you’re not only the main character, but the reader, and now the writer of every page that comes after. It’s yours, and you deserve agency.
You are not disturbing me, I run a blog and encourage asking. I will sit with you when I can. You can tell me details if you’re comfortable, but I am not your authority. I am a stranger on the internet, and it is okay and a healthy boundary to keep pieces private. They are yours. Take what helps, leave what doesn’t. You already have agency.
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mirrorobsidian · 1 month ago
It is uncertain if we have made an introduction on here or not so let's do one. Better late than never I guess
Our system name is Broke Mirror Syndicate however due to not being able to have the same name on Tumblr, we opt with the name used by our Programmed Parts as more of a collective whole
Yes, we are survivors of OEA/ITBC. Born in North Korea during the Arduous March, that is our first experience of OEA/ITBC, we didk not know we were being indoctrinated, trafficked, tortured, etc....as we believed it was "normal"
Our second round was more within ITBC. Ages 5-17, we were tortured and nearly killed three times by the first friend we made after defecting from North Korea and being adopted in America
The third and final round within OEA/ITBC was being trafficked by an ex-girlfriend of ours. The group was an underground BDSM cult with some being members of Scientology and NXIVM
With everything that had happened to us, came a plethora of disorders and disabilities however we still strive harder and better than what was done
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coining-system-terms · 2 months ago
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ITBC survivor (intentional torture based conditioning)
An umbrella flag for all survivors of ITBC.
Flag Meaning: The cracks show the trauma responses due to the ITBC, this especially refers to alters. The shades of purple show the losses that result from the torture, and the conditioning itself. The light grey represents the memory loss and amnesia that the brain uses to cope, a lack of knowledge and a lack of self.
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cannibalcreature777 · 1 year ago
🧠About Us🧠
This a blog with poems, writings, vents, and daily life things we go through. Our main topics will be about our life with HC-DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). We are a Polyfragmented system and an OEA/ITBC survivor.
We are professionally diagnosed with Autism, HC-DID, Tourettes Syndrome, Sciatica, EDs, and other disorders.
If you wish to join a community for OEA/ITBC survivors and systems, join our community we made on tumblr. Link below⤵️
We use over It/It's pronouns
We are disabled, physically and mentally
To talk to us, join our discord server :
CW for more talk about what RAMCOA/OEA/ITBC is and our personal DNI and Fine to interact
RAMCOA is an old term that means Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse
🧠Ritual Abuse (RA) - Ritual Abuse takes place through any kind of religious following and activity, whether orthodox or otherwise, wherein individuals are forced to participate against their will. This abuse can be perpetrated by religious figures and their following. If your parents forced you to participate in their following of Christianity, this qualifies as a type of Ritual Abuse. You may be a victim of Ritual Abuse if you are a victim of any of the following: Forced Religion, Sexual Assault at the hands of a Trusted Religious Figure, Branding, Exposure to Inappropriate Topics or Visuals regarding Religion
🫀Trauma Based Mind Control (TBMC) - The full abbreviation of Trauma Based Mind Control refers to the intentional creation of a system through deliberate and repeated acts of trauma and abuse. Mind Control by itself as it relates to this topic refers to this being done unintentionally but by no means is one better or worse than the other. TBMC is accomplished through things like: Electro-convulsive Shock Therapy, Conversion Therapy, and Repeated acts of Ritual and/or Organized Abuse.These things can be done without intending to create a system but such severe acts of trauma on a young child can result in the same effect either way. MC by itself can be accomplished via: Ritual/Organized Abuse, Gaslighting, Manipulating a victim, or beating them.
🫁Organized Abuse (OA) - Organized Abuse is any consistent act of abuse that comes from a group. This can be: Sex Trafficking, Cults, Sexual Assault on a repeated basis, or in a single event in which a group perpetrates the act. Usually, RA and OA go hand in hand in some capacity. With those terms and definitions out of the way, let's talk about programming. There are many different types of programming that arise from different types of abuse.
The term RAMCOA, however, has been retired due to its problematic root origin, so the newer terms to use are OEA and ITBC.
OEA means Organized Extreme Abuse, and ITBC means Intitional Torture Based Control.
🍖About Us
Traumagenic HC-DID System
OEA/ITBC Survivor
Just became an adult
AroAceFlux PanFlux Polyamerous (Taken ×1)
Uses XenoGender
It/It's/GoreThemed Pronouns
Bodily Trans Masc Transitioning
Luciferian Witch
Traditional Artist
Book Writer, Poet, Song Writer
Fennec Fox Therian
🥩We Support
Traumagenic Orgin System (We're okay with other Plural Orgin people as well as long as you are well informed and don't misinform people.
Pro Recovery
Pro-Para (Anti-Contact)
Kink Positive
Pro/Com/Dark Ship Positive
Anti Harassment Spec
Unharmful TransIDs (TransSpecies, random joke ones)
🦷Interact if....
DID/OSDD Systems
OEA/ITBC Survivors
Cult Survivors
Neurdivergent People
LGBTQIA+ community
Xenogender/Neo Pronouns users
ProPara (Anti Contact Only)
Anti Harassment spec.
🫁DNI Interact if....
Anti-Neo Pronouns/XenoGenders
TransHarmful Radqueer (such as TransAbuser, TransRAMCOA, TransProgrammer, Trans Disabled, trans age, trans race, etc.)
Thinking not wanting to fully fuse is "Anti-Recovery"
Forcing Religious practices
IRL/Kins that use system terms
People who believe introjects are same as sourse
Uses disabilities as an excuse to do bad things (basically blames bad things they do on their disability)
Pro Paras that are Neu/Pro Contac
Xeno Satanism
Trans Race
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ghxst-system · 4 days ago
what hurts is the fact i can never say the thoughts about what i went thru out loud because its so fucking scary
all the shit they make u think and feel to the point theres a part in my head that just wants it all back.. i hate it
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rottedchildren · 2 months ago
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Hello! You can call us Rot, we have a different name however I would like to keep this account as anonymous as possible. Please use he/him pronouns for us unless stated otherwise. Note that we call our alters "parts", it feels more comfortable to us.
We are a C-DID system with possible RAMCOA/programming trauma. Our page is going to be used mostly for venting and processing our experience. Another topic on our page is going to be about our experience of rediscovering our system, due to being taken advantage of we stopped documenting our symptoms and parts and we recently decided to start up again.
Blanket TW for themes of ITBC, OEA, programming, etc on our page.
No DNI list, just dont be an asshole and please don't interact if you are an endo.
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itbcrunch · 7 years ago
via ITBC
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coining-system-terms · 20 days ago
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Childhood ITBC survivor
Flag Meaning : The cracks show the trauma responses due to the ITBC, this especially refers to alters and dissociative barriers. The shades of yellow and gold show the losses that result from the torture, and the conditioning itself. The light pale yellow represents the memory loss and amnesia that the brain uses to cope, a lack of knowledge and a lack of self. The gold colour scheme represents childhood.
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coining-system-terms · 17 days ago
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Nonrecovered ITBC Survivor : A survivor of ITBC who isn't currently recovered but is working toward it
Flag Meaning: The cracks show the trauma responses due to the ITBC, this especially refers to alters and dissociative barriers. The shades of purple and pink show the losses that result from the torture, and the conditioning itself. The light grey represents the memory loss and amnesia that the brain uses to cope, a lack of knowledge and a lack of self. The center stripe represents not being recovered from the trauma.
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coining-system-terms · 2 months ago
I'm going back through posts and changing all mentions of TBMC and programming (except for the tws in tags) to ITBC.
Requests are still open and under the cut is the list of things I have ideas to make. (You can fast track any of these by actively asking for them)
ITBC survivor
sexual ITBC survivor
childhood ITBC survivor
adulthood ITBC survivor
recovering ITBC survivor
recovered ITBC survivor
non-recovered ITBC survivor
Please use masculine terms on this user
Please use feminine terms on this user
Please use neutral terms on this user
Please use non-human terms on this user
Please use masculine and feminine terms on this user
Please use masculine and neutral terms on this user
Please use masculine and non-human terms on this user
Please use feminine and neutral terms on this user
Please use feminine and non-human terms on this user
Please use neutral and non-human terms on this user
Please use masculine, feminine and neutral terms on this user
Please use masculine, feminine and nonhuman terms on this user
Please use feminine, neutral and non-human terms on this user
You can use any gendered terms on this user
This user is in love
Please listen when this user says to not bring up a topic
Please listen when this user says to not bring up a topic, they aren't joking
This user loves EPIC the musical
This user sucks at talking one on one
This user wants to be part of a community
This user loves their fandoms
This user is eepy
This system doesn't want to talk about their sources
This alter doesn't want to talk about source
This uses fucking hates ai and all ai users
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