#italian magic
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coven-of-genesis · 2 years ago
Italian traditional folk magick
There is a rich history of traditional magic in Italy, some of which dates back centuries.
Here are a few examples:
The Evil Eye: The belief in the evil eye, or "malocchio," is prevalent in Italian culture. It is said to be caused by someone looking at you with envy or ill will, and can bring about bad luck or misfortune. To protect oneself from the evil eye, some Italians wear red coral jewelry or carry a small horn-shaped charm known as a "cornicello."
Tarantism: Tarantism is a traditional healing ritual that originated in Southern Italy. It involves music, dance, and the use of tarantula venom to cure people who have been bitten by the spider or who are suffering from a variety of ailments. The dance is said to release the toxic energy from the body and restore balance.
Stregoneria: Stregoneria is a form of Italian witchcraft that has been practiced for centuries. It involves the use of spells, charms, and divination to influence the natural world and bring about desired outcomes. Stregoneria practitioners are said to have a deep connection with the earth and the spirits that inhabit it.
La Befana: La Befana is a traditional Italian figure who brings gifts to children on the night of Epiphany (January 6th). She is often depicted as an old woman riding a broomstick and carrying a sack of toys. Legend has it that she visited the baby Jesus on his birth and has been giving gifts to children ever since.
Cimaruta: The cimaruta is a traditional Italian charm that is said to provide protection against evil forces. It is shaped like a sprig of rue, a plant that has long been associated with protection and purification. The charm often features symbols of the moon, stars, and other celestial bodies, as well as images of animals and other nature spirits.
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annachum · 4 months ago
Torrefaro School of Magic moodboard
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trashbucketadolescence · 2 years ago
I have just recently discovered the Benandanti. I myself see myself as a modern one who is just learning the practice. I have Italian ancestry and I am curious to learn more if anybody out there in Witchlr knows about them or their practices in modern age?
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illustratus · 3 months ago
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The Enchanted Garden of Messer Ansaldo by Marie Spartali Stillman
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folkandbooks · 1 year ago
Folk witch tip #2
Someone did you dirty but you don’t want to get down into the nitty-gritty? Instead of hexing or cursing, bless them.
Bless them to learn their lesson sooner rather than later. Trust me, life lessons hurt.
Ooooor, you can bless the people around them to see their true nature.
You’ll make them pay for sure ✨
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moniniconii · 6 months ago
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Bloom 🩵🔥✨
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nabaath-areng · 6 months ago
I have this one "OC" that does not yet have a name that I've drawn several times for a couple years. I was thinking that if I tried making them in FFXIV that I'd use elezen as a base... but then I remembered what other race have their near exact hairstyle... and now I'm like damn... I played myself...
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occultesotericart · 9 months ago
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Vigilant labor /// circa 16th c
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that-one-grey-witch · 7 months ago
I feel like, maybe we dont talk about how mundane some practices can look? You know? As a whole im so here for the spooky vibes. But thats not my day to day practices. Thats not what makes me feel grounded and in love with my practice.
To me it looks like offering portions of my meal to my ancestors (who i generally honor as a whole unit not individuals). Pouring out pomegranate juice or whatever fun thing im drinking to the gods. Lighting the one candle i have for all of them in the morning and keeping it burning all day when im home. Picking flowers for deities. Chillin. Chatting with deities on my walks to work. Knitting as devotionals to them. Preparing food thats good for my body with them (altar in the kitchen ofc) and salting and sweeping the floors at the end of the week to bring in fresh energy for the week ahead.
Its become so ingraned in my life its begun to just feel like part of it. Not something i have to force to work.
Of course i do more elaborate spirit work.
Of course i do larger devotional practice.
But the smaller practices can have big changes. Especially when people (me) can struggle to clean or eat at all.
Big witchcraft is incredible. Please also do whatever small and humble things work for you along side the beautiful showy side of witchcraft. You deserve to be taken care of.
You deserve to show love and compassion to yourself.
Please remember that ❤
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frog-in-a-dew · 1 month ago
Help me choose a design for this oc please??
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The last one is the closest one to me in spirit rn, but it still missing something??
Any criticism is both wanted and accepted, just plz be gentle my frog heart is fragile 😔
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bklily · 4 months ago
realizing i spent my entire childhood obsessed with a french franchise about a normal girl living a normal life and being pursued by many love interests one in particular being a blonde guy with severe daddy issues.
only to shift gears completely and spend my teenage years and adulthood obsessed with a french franchise about a normal girl living a normal life and being pursued by many love interests one in particular being a blonde guy with severe daddy (and mommy) issues.
life is a fucking circle and i cant get the fuck out.
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coven-of-genesis · 2 years ago
Italian folk magic basics
Italian witchcraft, also known as Stregoneria, is a form of traditional witchcraft that has its roots in ancient Italy. Here are some basics of Italian witchcraft:
The practice of Italian witchcraft is often passed down through family traditions, and many practitioners are born into it.
The practice involves working with spirits, ancestors, and deities, and often involves honoring the elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
Italian witchcraft is centered around the idea of "la vita e bella" (life is beautiful), and emphasizes the importance of finding joy and beauty in everyday life.
The use of natural materials, such as herbs, stones, and crystals, is an important part of Italian witchcraft. These materials are often used in spells and rituals, and are believed to have specific properties and energies.
The practice of divination, or seeking guidance from the spiritual realm, is also an important part of Italian witchcraft. This may involve reading tarot cards, using pendulums, or other methods.
The Italian witchcraft tradition places a strong emphasis on the importance of the sacred feminine, and many practitioners honor goddesses such as Diana, Hecate, and Isis.
Some Italian witchcraft traditions also incorporate elements of Catholicism, and may involve working with saints or angels as well as other spiritual beings.
Overall, Italian witchcraft is a deeply rooted and rich tradition that emphasizes connection with nature, spirit, and the sacred feminine. It is a beautiful and powerful practice that continues to inspire and captivate practitioners around the world.
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chthonic-sorcery · 4 months ago
love how Dio popularized the 🤘(La Corna) at concerts because he saw his Italian grandmother doing it. The Horns are an ancient form of magic (apopotraia) that wards off evil, like the Nazar, dating back all the way to Mycenaean creece (some argue Minoan Crete)
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cursecuelebre · 7 months ago
How to Diagonise the Evil Eye using Tarot
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It’s a fun little trick that I learned that really helped me and others to find if the evil eye is affecting them. It’s rooted in Italian folk tradition.
First get any tarot deck you have handy and take out six cards: 10 of swords, 7 of swords, the Devil, The Star, The Sun, Temperance.
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Face them down on top of each other taking deep breaths before shuffling as you shuffle facedown. Chant this incantation three times:
“Saint Michael sees what the devil bids, anger bursts, and envy dies, and I now have the Archangel’s eyes”
Now it has catholic symbolism for obvious reasons, you can if it makes you uncomfortable replace Saint Michael and the devil with other names.
I used Athena once for this incantation cause she is also known to drive away evil spirits and energy.
“Lady Athena sees what evil bids, anger bursts, and envy dies, and I now have the Goddess’s eyes.”
Whilst chanting do it slowly and patiently while having your eyes close, take a short pause after each shuffle so that you can get an accurate diagnosis. Then flip over the first card ontop for an answer.
Positive for the Evil Eye: The Devil, 7 of Swords, and 10 of swords.
The Devil: The Eye is present and direct result of someone’s manipulation and deception usually by someone close that you actually trust but the person is masking their bad intentions be careful around them especially when it comes to money.
7 of Swords: The Eye is present by someone’s result of envy and jealousy or intent to harm. Can be someone you know or a stranger.
10 of Swords: The Eye is Present by one’s own pride and ego whether intentionally or not. A card to check the querent’s behavior.
But the other Three: The Sun, Star, Temperance. Are cards that are negative to the presence of the Evil Eye. In my own personal practice I did give them meanings to help explain why I don’t have it. I see that these cards are under protection from the divine like The Star and Temperance. The Sun is joy and good tidings of yourself and people around you. Nothing is eclipsed the sun or your joy. The Star can be healing as well maybe you got rid of the Eye already or the person who casted the eye and recovering from the experience.
I hope you all enjoy this I learned it from Antonio Pagilarulo’s book The Evil Eye. From using this technique it helped me a lot and I even helped others to get rid of the eye within my family. I really hope this will provide you the same benefits that I experienced!
Tarot used: The Crow Tarot by MJ Cullinane.
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calabria-mediterranea · 14 days ago
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Dario Brunori (born in Cosenza, Calabria, Italy - 28 September 1977), known professionally as Brunori Sas, is an Italian singer, songwriter, and poli-instrumentalist.
Brunori spent his childhood in small towns of Calabria: first in Joggi, a hamlet of Santa Caterina Albanese, and then in Guardia Piemontese.
In February 2025, Brunori Sas is one of the participants in the Sanremo Music Festival 2025.
«L’albero delle noce», (The Walnut Tree) is the title of the song with which Brunori Sas is competing at the 75th Sanremo Festival, really exists and is located a few meters from the house of the Calabrian singer-songwriter, in San Fili (photo) in the province of Cosenza. A vision that is as pastoral as it is emotionally important for Dario Brunori, who at his first Festival has decided to put a part of his beloved Calabria back at the center of his words.
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«The walnut tree is in front of my house. I always look at it when something comes to mind, also because for years I have been convinced that it is he who suggests the songs I write. I am happy to sing at Sanremo a song that makes my heart sweet and in which I have courageously tried to sing the joy, but also the restlessness that a new birth brings with it. And then the earth, the roots, the seasons, the leaves that come and those that go», says Brunori.
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Words from which the singer-songwriter's visceral relationship with his family and San Fili emerges in clear tones.
It is a private snapshot that says a lot about the spirituality of the village where the singer-songwriter lives, just over two thousand souls, perched on three hills at over a thousand meters with the peak of Mount Luta standing out like a lighthouse.
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A medieval village known for being the Country of the Magare, or witches, and above all of the Fantastica, or a figure halfway between a Befana, a witch and a magical protector. Therefore a place founded on Gothic legends and in which a very strong Christian religiosity reigns, which has its episcopal epicenter in the beautiful Chiesa Matrice della Santissima Annunziata.
Follow us Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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uspiria · 2 years ago
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Black Magic Rites (1973) dir. Renato Polselli
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