#it's very possible that I just need that break
pitchsidestories · 2 days
fight like a girl II Ona Batlle x Reader
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masterlist I moodboard I word count: 2202
pairings: Ona Batlle x Reader (romantic), Barcelona Femení x Reader (platonic)
warnings: disgusting men, mentioning of blood
“Look who has finally arrived.” Jana noticed you first when you stepped into the restaurant where the Barcelona women were having dinner. She was one of the closest friends of your girlfriend Ona in the team and you couldn’t help but to smile at her.
You might be small in height, but you always left quite an impression despite that. Even though your arm muscles were hidden underneath an oversized sweater you have stolen from your lover.  
“Hi everyone, sorry for being so late.”, you apologized, nervously redoing your ponytail.
“No worries, come here.”, Ona padded on the free chair next to her, her jaw looked tense. Something about the atmosphere was off.
You wondered why but the answer to the question in your head came promptly through a man and his male friend, you could hear the alcohol loosened their tongues in a way which made the women around the table deeply uncomfortable.   
“Oh, there’s another one.”, the taller man punched playfully into his mate's side.
“Not bad either if you know what I mean.”, the smaller but bulkier wiggled his eyebrows.
“Sorry, we asked them to leave several times now.”, Alexia sighed, she’s been clearly tired by their behaviour.  
“But they didn’t listen?”, you stood up abruptly from your seat next to her girlfriend.
“Y/n.”, Ona begun concerned, trying to stop you from doing something possible very stupid.  
“Let me deal with them.”, you asked her to, looking into her worried brown doe like eyes.
“Don’t.” she shook her head determined.
“But-.” you started.
“Just ignore them.”, your girlfriend begged gently.
“Come on you just finished training you need to drink and eat something y/n.”, Mapi changed the topic smoothly.
The older defender was right, in the box ring you forgot time and almost everything else. If you were honest with you were quite hungry at this point in the evening. Yet it was so hard to ignore the men close by.
 “Oh, she’s the baby of the group? What’s your name, beautiful?”, he cooed.
“Not your fucking business.”, you shot back grumpily.
“Oh, she’s a feisty one. You know how to make yourself interesting to men, huh?”, the smaller man grinned dirtily.
“Sorry to hurt your little ego guys but I’m not interested in men at all I’m a lesbian.”, you smiled smugly as you thanked the waitress for bringing you all the drinks before taking a big gulp of your beer waiting for their response.
It was like a dance in the boxing ring, attack, waiting for the response, defending and you wanted them to leave so you could have a nice peaceful evening with friends. But the other truth was you simply loved playing a dangerous game. Some might even say you were addicted to it.
“You just haven’t had the right one yet.“, one of the men replied with a laugh.
You almost rolled your eyes. Not even a creative insult. “How many times have I heard that sentence before? But I hate to break it to you, it’s a no.“
Instinctively you reached for Onas hand under the table.
The men remained unimpressed. The taller one flashed you a toothy grin and turned towards Jana: “Fine then. I’ll just take one of your friends.“
You wanted to laugh. None of the girls would even look at a sleazy guy like him. But you knew men like that. If women didn’t want him, he would get more aggressive until he got what he thought was his. You decided to keep your eyes fixed on him.
“No, you won’t.“, you said calmly.
He snorted: “What are you going to do about it?”
That was the moment you could feel your brain go into autopilot. Anger spread through your body like a wildfire, burning hot in your stomach and your chest. Your hands curled into fists, your nails digging into your skin as you slipped from your seat. There was nothing you hated more than being underestimated.
“You should be scared.“, you said plainly.
The tall man burst into laughter: “Of you? You’re tiny!”
His laugh was like gasoline to fire, only feeding your rage.
“And you’re tall with not a lot of brain to match your height apparently!”, you snapped at him.
He considered you for a moment before he ordered: “And you only have a big mouth so sit back down!”
With a frown, you took a step towards him: “I will. If you stop harassing my girlfriend and our friends!”
“Harassing?!”, he echoed and glared at you. “What are you on about? We’re just talking to them!”
“But they’re clearly not interested.“
You got angrier with every word out of his mouth but you also got this perverse sense of pleasure out of arguing with him.
“Amor, your food has arrived.“, Ona interrupted you. Her voice was gentle and cautious.
You waved her off: “I’m not hungry right now.“
“Please.“, she asked but your focus was back on the two men.
“I’m only asking you to leave on more time.“
The first man bent down to you like an adult would do with a young child. “Or what? You’re not scary at all, little one.“, he sneered.
That was all it needed. You swung at him and struck him right in the face. There was the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking and blood dripping on the floor. You heard the gasps from the football players behind you.
“Fuck! You fucking bitch!”, he cursed under his breath. You waited for him to lunge at you but he was too busy trying to stop the bleeding.
“I warned you.“, you said cooly and shot a warning look at his friend, signalling that you were ready to break a second nose that night.
“Time to leave, girls.”, Alexia announced in her captain voice.
“Please.”, Ona muttered.
“No, she’s got to pay for this!”, the man who you didn’t injure demanded hissing.
“What? You want your nose broken too?!”, you replied shaking your head in disbelief. Alarmed your girlfriend called your name but you couldn’t help to add. “That was no coincidence. I know how to do it.”
“Yes, but they aren’t worth it.”, she whispered into your ear.  
“Everyone harassing my friends is worth it.”, you told her fiercely while her teammates and you slowly made your way out.
“These men could’ve hurt you.”, Ona remarked. There was worry swinging through her words.
“No, they couldn’t. I’m a good boxer.”, you disagreed confidently as you wrapped protectively an arm around the brunette’s shoulder.
“I know you’re, what I’m trying to say is that you don’t need to protect us.”, she explained softly.
“He deserved that broken nose though.”, Mapi commented chuckling from behind.
“See?”, you grinned triumphantly at your lover.
“Just great, Maria.”, Ona groaned in frustration.
“Good night, girls.”, the older defender said with an innocent smile on her lips as she went for Ingrids hand to start the walk to their home.
“That’s our cue to leave too. Night.”, Jana declared.
“Goodbye, text me all when your home.”, the captain of the team hugged everyone before going her own way.
“Your captain can be such a mum, Oni.”, you smirked amused. The balmy night air felt nice against your skin, it made what happened in the bar appear like a faint memory.  
It didn’t have the same effect on your girlfriend for her the scene of you hitting that man was still replaying in her mind. Alone the thought of it made her heart sank.
“If she were more of a mum, she would’ve stopped you from doing that.”, Ona objected.
“Not that again.”, you grumbled.
Once you reached the safe walls of your home the adrenaline has worn off and your fingers started to hurt which didn’t get unnoticed by the defender even though you tried your best to hide your pain from her.
“Wait, I’ll get some ice.”, Ona noted.
“I’m fine.”, you assured her quickly. Although your sayings turned out to be useless, she was already up getting something to ease your hurt.
“No, you’re not I can tell that from the look on your face.”, the brunette sounded mad, but despite that there was a tenderness in the way she took care of you despite her furiousness.
“Ona…“, you whispered quietly, in hopes to calm her down but also because you weren’t sure what to say next. Of course, she had seen right to you even when you tried to ignore the throbbing pain in your hand. Your knuckles were still red and swollen.
“Yes?”, Ona asked. Her voice was tense as she took in the damage on your hand and gently applied some ice.
You watched her hold your injured hand in the dim light, her gaze directed downwards.
Only when she looked up with an inquiring expression on her face, you remembered to speak.
“I didn’t mean to… you know? I just never know what to do with my anger.“ You bit your lip. Nothing that came out of your mouth did your feelings justice. Nothing conveyed the message enough that you weren’t malicious, you were just an angry girl. Something that people didn’t want to see for some reason.
Onas eyes softened. She sighed quietly: “I know. And you don’t need to fight all the time. We could have handled that as a group together, not just you alone. Besides I get angry too, but only on the pitch.“
“That’s different.“ You blew out a short, hard breath of frustration. That was not even remotely comparable.
Ona nodded slowly: “Yes, you’re right… still.“
“Yes. Maybe. But I’m tired, Ona. Everyone sees my anger as something bad when it’s not!”
You regretted saying it as soon as Ona looked away again.
“You need to sleep…“, she said softly.
But you both knew it was not that kind of tiredness you were talking about.
You pulled your hand away from her: “No, you don’t get it. It helped me a lot in the past!”
“You never tell me anything about that so how am I supposed to know?”, Ona asked, frowning with her jaw set.
“I was telling you now!“, you retorted, rolling your eyes in annoyance.
Ona remained calm, unfazed by your rage: “Go on.“
To your surprise, her composure seemed to rub off on you.
“Doesn’t matter anymore. All you need to know is that I’m not ashamed of my anger.“
She shook her head determinedly, clearly not ready to let you sweep that topic under the rug: “No. I want to hear everything, the whole story. You don’t have to sugarcoat anything. Plus, I want you to teach me how to box.“
You blinked at her: “Wait. You do?”
“Yes, I do.“, she replied, leaving no room for doubt.
You studied her face. She looked so serious.
You could feel your heart beat faster thinking about Ona in a boxing, just because you loved the sport, just to get to know you better.
“How about I’ll take you boxing tomorrow?”, you suggested.
Ona finally smiled: “Sure.“
“And then we can talk.“
Ona and you went early to the gym the following day, mainly because it meant that you were completely alone. The morning light streamed through the large windows and highlighted the boxing ring which stood in the centre of the room. This was the place you felt most at ease and somewhere your anger wouldn’t be judged.
You recognized how your girlfriend struggled a bit with her boxing gloves, carefully you helped her to put them on.
Curiously she looked up to you. “When did you’ve to learn to fight for yourself?”
“When I was very young. People always made sure I knew that I was very different from them.”, you confessed alone the thought of it made you shudder.
“It must have been very painful for you especially when you were so young.”, Ona replied empathetically, the defender didn’t know she wasn’t standing right.
Gently you moved her into the right stance before continuing your story.
“Yes, and then people were surprised when I got angry for being treated differently.”
A cloud moved in front of the sun and darkened the whole room.
“And the boxing ring was a place to deal with your anger?”, the defender wanted to know genuinely interested.
“Well, when we had to flee from my home country, we were feeling so helpless and I never wanted to feel like this again. That’s a story for another time.”, you explained quickly.
With a cheeky smile on your lips, you advised her. “Hands up we want to protect your pretty face.”
While you showed her the essential boxing moves, Ona stopped your movement for a moment urging you to take her all in. “No, I want the full story.”
“Alright, but it’s going to be a long one.”, you warned the brunette.
You have circled around this topic for so long it was time to face it. And two things you were certain about, one your girlfriend was strong enough to handle what you’d tell her and second you were brave enough to speak about it.
Fight like a girl wasn’t an insult to both of you it was a compliment.
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cerise-on-top · 2 days
hi sunshine 🤍 could you possibly do T141 with a hyper-independent S/O?! I’m hyper-independent and sometimes it can get very overwhelming and it would be nice to have someone try to break down my walls to help me understand that i can ask others for help!! sending all the love💕 Thank you!!
Hey there, sure I can!
TF141 with a Hyper Independent S/O
Price: I don’t think Price was too traumatized as a child, so he probably can’t relate to you very well. Maybe to the slightest degree since he, as a captain, is often seen as an authority figure, who needs to be relied on and make all the decisions. It’s not often that he gets to shut off his brain a little and be left alone. But all of that comes from his work environment, not because he was neglected as a child. I think he’d notice fairly quickly how you don’t seem to ask him for anything, ever. Not to get you a small snack, not to ask him what tomorrow’s weather might be, not to help you build that IKEA furniture. Truth be told, he’ll feel as though he’s failed as a boyfriend since his love language is acts of service. He wants to do things for you, but you don’t let him. It would annoy him at first, but he wants this to work, so he’ll talk to you about it. You’d have to be honest with him, or else I can’t see things working out for you both. If you are, then he’ll try his best to be more observant, try to find out what you like and don’t like. He’ll give you as much attention as you want whenever he can and always ask you if there’s some task that hasn’t been finished yet. You need to calm down a little bit, he does want you to rely at least a little on him. Even if it’s just something along the lines of letting him wash your clothes for once. He wants you to relax, to take some time off for yourself so you can recharge. I know it’s hard for you, but he’ll continue to communicate with you. However, you need to do the same for him too. He doesn’t want your relationship to fall apart because of something like this.
Gaz: His parents did not love him after some time, so he had to learn to rely on himself because absolutely no one would do anything at all for him. And yet, he still became successful. So yeah, I think he could relate to you. Though, I think he was able to stop himself from becoming hyper independent somewhere along the way when he was just about to break yet again. I think he would ask you for things here and there. Nothing big, he’s just self-sufficient that way, but he will ask you to cook him a certain meal when he gets home late or maybe draw him a bath. Naturally, he would do the same things and so much more for you, if you ever asked. And yet, you take it upon yourself to do everything on your own. He could probably see himself in you a little bit, which is why he’d approach you and talk to you about it. He can tell you’re not doing too well. That’s probably one of the first times he’ll open up to you about his past as well, to show you you’re not alone. He’ll ask you how he can help, how he can take this burden off your shoulders and help you become a happier person. He will go to great lengths to show you that you can rely on him. It’s okay if you can’t ask him for help right away, he’ll make sure to always tell you that he’s there for you and will try to help you with whatever it is you’re doing, whether it be finishing a report or trying to help you cope with the inherent isolation that comes with being hyper independent. I think, in a way, helping you would help heal his inner child as well. He wasn’t cared for for a long time, so it’s nice to care for you instead. He had no one for a long time either and it wasn’t good for him, so he would do whatever he could to help you through it all. He’s a very patient man too, so there’s that.
Ghost: Ah yes, the king of trauma himself. As you can probably tell, he’ll also be able to relate to you since he was actively abused as a child and doesn’t trust anyone around him, that isn’t the 141, Nikolai, Laswell or you. He does everything on his own, and I don’t think he’ll ever ask you for anything either. Maybe a simple “Do you have a quid? I wanna buy that tea.” but nothing more than that. So it’s probably gonna be difficult for the both of you to admit that something is wrong with you. Chances are you’ll break before him, though, and will be caught having a mental breakdown. If you’re honest with him, then that’s the first time he’ll realize that being like this is, indeed, not normal. He doesn’t want to see you breaking down and crying because you’ve been isolating yourself this much and can’t trust anyone. I don’t think he’ll be able to help you. Sure, he’ll suggest leaving some things to him here and there since he is a very competent man, who refuses to let you down, but he doesn’t really know what to say. At all. So I think he’ll probably make the suggestion of the both of you going to therapy together. I think the therapist will make him realize that he is not, by any means, “normal” and will tell him what might be wrong with him, but that’s for another time. I think he’d try to work it out with you somehow, trying to be more open to set an example for you, as uncomfortable as it might seem for him. He will reward you for “good behavior”, though, such as asking him to clean the bathroom since you were too burnt out that day. He’ll get you some ice cream. Your favorite flavor too, naturally, since he wants this to become a common occurrence. And he, in turn, will try to ask you for help here and there too. Mostly comfort. But he’ll try, just for you.
Soap: Another lil fella, who had a loving family. Sure, his parents sometimes ignored him when he became too loud and rowdy. But other than that? His childhood was pretty alright. He got into a lot of fights, though. Little Johnny never knew when enough was enough. However, he grew up to be a fine and observant man. He knows what you like and how you like it. Do you like your tea with sugar, honey or milk? He doesn’t even need to ask since he already knows. He will do what he can to help you however he can. He knows he’s a damn fine boyfriend, who will make your life as easy as possible. …except, for some reason, his plans aren’t working out? You avoid him more and more the more he does for you, and for no apparent reason as well? Oh, he’s pissed, but will talk to you about it. “Bonnie, you know I love you, right? So why do you avoid me like the plague?” Once he realizes why you’re the way you are, you can count on him being pissed beyond compare. You need to hold him back if you don’t want him to call your caretakers and insult them in a way only an angry Scot can. At that point, he’ll vow to himself to become an even better boyfriend. He’ll remind you that he’ll do absolutely anything for you. And he keeps his word as well. He’ll bring you coffee, he’ll buy groceries, he’ll deck someone for you. Just give him the word, please. However, he’ll be super proud of you if you ever do ask him for help and will give you a big hug and a few kisses. Baby steps, as he always says. He loves you more than anyone else, so naturally he’ll be patient with you and help you however he can. Even if it’s just a small reminder that he could do it instead.
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The beauty of accidental marriage proposals
Yuuri very likely didn't intend to propse to Viktor at the airport but his heart knew what it (and he) truly desired and twisted his words into a proposal—or rather something akin to a proposal that resulted in a spontaneous engagement.
Let's unpack this.
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Yuuri returns from the Rostelecom Cup with his mind full of things that he wants to tell Viktor. While we don't learn the details, his inner monologue in the previous scene gives us a good idea of the things he's mulling over.
Yuuri has convinced himself that Viktor will abandon him after the Grand Prix Final. Thus, that competition is his final chance to win gold and he's determined to fulfil the promise he made in his speech in ep. 5 and win that medal. But even if doesn't win gold, there is one thing that he feels he needs to do after seeing skaters and skating fans react to Viktor becoming a coach at two consecutive competitions.
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Regardless of how much Yuuri has profited from Viktor's support, he is very conscious about the fact that Viktor belongs to the ice. Or at least that is what his anxious brain has convinced him of. In this sense, giving up his own career so that Viktor can resume his own is an act of love and the only possible solution for them to stay together (in Yuuri's brain).
We never learn about the end of Yuuri's contemplation, but the subtext of the next scene implies that breaking up with Viktor is not an option. Or if it was an option, it was off the table once he was back in Viktor's arms.
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Since Yuuri has anxiety, it's safe to assume that he has been overthinking his talk with Viktor over and over during the flight, going through all kinds of scenarios based on Viktor's imagined reaction. After hours on the plane, his brain must have been on the verge of exploding, casting poor Yuuri into a state of total overwhelm. If you have anxiety, you can possibly relate.
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However, the moment that he spots Viktor, his mind goes blank and instinct takes over as he runs into Viktor's arms and instead of whatever speech he has prepared, he just blurts out the following line:
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僕も考えてた。引退まで 僕のこと— お願いします! "I've been thinking, too. Please take care of me until I retire!"
The English translation is a bit messed up here. In the original, Yuuri never uses the word coach in that line. "Please take care of me" is Japanese proposal language. The translators probably didn't recognise this nuance and sadly, the nuance is still lost in the Bluray version.
But that's why Viktor recognises the proposal in Yuuri's words.
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However, based on the details given and the illogical ways anxious brains work, Yuuri intended to inform Viktor about his retirement plans and to voice his desire to make the most of the little time he thinks they have left. But that's not what his heart wants. And since episode 5 we know what that is:
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A more accurate translation of that line is "The first person I want to tie myself to and never let go is Viktor" because 繋ぎとめたい means wanting to tie someone / something to you and never let it go (see this translation error masterpost).
Of course, Yuuri doesn't want his relationship with Viktor to end and no matter if his anxiety his skyrocketing in the face of the GPF looming ahead, that desire has taken root in his heart and brain. However, his anxiety stops him from proposing actually and turns his addition "until I retire" into a gentle prodding to find out whether he and Viktor are on the same page.
And of coruse, they are.
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And it's all Yuuri has wished for. He's been anxious the whole time. Until Viktor recognises the proposal and response with a yes in the same fashion that Yuuri has asked.
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To wrap all of this up:
Absence nurtures desire and in this case, the time apart has shown Yuuri and Viktor how much they want to be by each other's side. Because he missed Viktor so desperately, Yuuri's heart wins over his anxiety for once and enables him to tell Viktor his deepest desire. By recognising said desire, Viktor is able to accept the proposal and the two boys are now officially engaged. And that's yet another beautiful aspect about this show.
Unfortunately Viktor didn't really catch the part about the retirement, which will result in him thinking that Yuuri wants to break up when Yuuri announces his retirement plans in Barcelona. On the other hand, knowing that Viktor wants to stay by his side forever is a huge relief for Yuuri and allows him to enter the GPF without any emotional baggage.
Bonus: look at that cute tiny smile right between Viktor recognising the proposal and the second hug.
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For further readings related to this please check out:
Japanese dating culture in YOI
Unwrapping "Let's end this"
On Yuuri's top-secret love life
If you enjoyed this meta you might like to check out my YOI canon works on AO3 or just support me by reblogging this post.
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daengtokki · 3 days
I’d love to read about Seungmin taking care of you while you’re sick. I know he’d be so sweet and loving 🥰
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Kim Seungmin/gn!reader
wc: 1.1k
rating: fluff
Day 3 of Seungmin's birthday oneshot countdown!
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A crash echoing in from the kitchen wakes you from your doze, and you groan so loudly you’re afraid he hears it. What could he have possibly dropped? All he was doing was grabbing the painkillers. He’s trying his best. He doesn’t even have to be here right now.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t get the drawer open, something was stuck inside…uh, here ya go.” His clenched fist hovers over you, and he drops two capsules in your palm. “Are they the right ones?”
And the migraine is just making you more sensitive. Having him with you while you’re feeling under the weather is brand new. "Yeah, thank you."
“Oh, you need a drink”
“No, I have my water”
He stops and turns back to you, a shy smile stuck on his face. This isn’t the first time, or the second time he’s been here, but it’s never for very long, and never overnight. And he doesn’t have to take time away from his own busy schedule for you, ever—you’ve told him that countless times. But now it’s late and Seungmin is still at your apartment, comfortable in his shorts and sweatshirt and his warm socks. You don’t think you’ve ever been more attracted to him than you are right now.
“I’ll be right back”
He spins and heads back to the kitchen, and you listen carefully to try to figure out what he’s doing. The faucet, the cabinet doors opening and closing, and the clink of cups, or mugs…he must be making tea. Eventually, the scent drifts into the bedroom—spicy and sweet. Seungmin returns with a mug in each hand, and he’s taking his time, being as careful as possible as he sets them on the bedside table.
“I’m not sure if it really works, but I saw it when I stopped at the store on the way here. If it just tastes good, I guess that’s okay, too.”
The pounding in your head becomes unbearable, and you have to squeeze your eyes shut. “What is it?” You whisper, trying not to sound too irritable.
“How bad is the pain…one to ten?” Seungmin carefully sits on the edge of the bed, your mug of tea in his cupped hands.
It does smell nice. “Uh…a seven, maybe.”
“It’s supposed to help with headaches”
“Oh, you’re so sweet. Come over here”
“Yeah?” You nod again, and he nods back. “Okay.”
This is also brand new, sharing a bed. It’s a shame the first time has to be under these circumstances, but you’ll take him any way you can get him. The original plan was to have dinner, but after a few subtle hints, you managed to turn it into a late dinner and a sleepover. The migraine ruined it, but Seungmin still insisted on coming over, even if all you did was stay in bed and put up with him.
“It’s okay if you don’t like it. It’s very gingery.”
“It smells good.” You take a sip, and it’s not too hot, so you take a bigger one. “Thank you.”
Seungmin keeps a careful distance on top of the blankets—too much distance, but he’s going to treat you like this migraine could break you at any moment. You have to look at him through squinted eyes, try to smile and let him know you’ll be okay if he gets closer. You’ll be okay if he touches you.
“The lights...I forgot to turn the lights down.” He’s up and headed for the kitchen again. The light clicks off. Back in the bedroom, he flicks the light switch on the wall, so now the only glow is from the hallway light spilling in through the cracked door. “That’s better.”
“Much better. Six.”
Back on the bed, same distance. He nervously rubs his thighs, and his knees.
“You look cute in your pjs. Is this what you usually wear to bed?”
The pink on his cheeks rises slowly, and ends at the tips of his ears. You don’t think it was that odd of a question, but Seungmin is clearly a little flustered. Hopefully it wasn’t too much.
“I’m sorry, too personal?” You laugh. It’s not—you know he isn’t that sensitive, but he ended up being much more shy than you expected.
Idol Seungmin is a different person. Seungmin with his fellow members is also a different person. Your version of him, at least so far, is quiet, a little unsure, and not always confident in his actions.
“No, it’s not,” he smiles. “I don’t wear this much to bed, usually, but that didn’t seem appropriate tonight.”
“Well, if you get warm…”
“I’ll take off my socks.” He wiggles his toes and moves himself closer.
It hurts your head, but you let yourself laugh. Seungmin is funny, and he knows it. You’ll indulge him every time. “Is that a promise?”
This is different. It’s not the same as your closeness on the couch, or in the back of the car—this is your bed, and it doesn’t get more cozy and intimate than this. When you let your pounding head rest on his shoulder, his cheek lands on you. Something finally gives, and he seems to relax. You’re not sure what you did, but he shifts again, and you feel his soft lips press against your forehead. “Four.”
“If I could kiss away the pain, I would,” he says under his breath.
“Can you try?”
Whether he’s ready or not, you wrap your arms around him and bring him closer. But he does the same. Seungmin squeezes, but not too tightly, and places another kiss on your forehead, on your temple, and down your cheek. Wherever he can reach.
“I think it’s working”
Seungmin keeps going, “it’s a good thing I came over,” and finally makes it to your lips. He kisses very cautiously, and not nearly long enough when he pulls away to look at you.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, just checking”
“I’m good…three and a half.” The strong fingers kneading into the back of your neck is the same move from his last visit. “That feels nice.” Hopefully, his next move is also the same as before.
“Does it? It’s not too much?”
You shake your head and close your eyes, and his lips press against yours again. This time he stays. His tongue slides across your mouth to gain access, and you let him in.
“Three," you somehow manage to get it out between his kisses, “two…”
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teambyler · 3 days
New Mil*ven footage: There's a reason they get interrupted (Byler analysis)
Whoever posted this new footage said they're "not breaking up" because El is smiling?
That's presumptuous of you ;)
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Maybe they're not breaking up in THIS scene. Or maybe they are, and making clear that things are alright between them. It's possible to be on good terms with someone you break up with. (Shocker!) And even crack a smile while you're wishing the other the best.
One really can't conclude either way. The body language does suggest honesty between them though. (Something not seen in s4.) But that honesty could be about anything.
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If you ask me, this is CONFIRMATION that not everything's sunny in Mileven land. This is not a "will they or won't they?" interruption of a kiss, because they're already a canon couple. No, this is something closer to the Pineapple Pizza Interruption scene(TM) where SOMETHING the audience is WAITING to be said is NOT said:
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In s4, the GA was supposed to think Mike was going to say "I love you." (Or perhaps he was going to call it off after thinking the painting was from Will? Can't say for sure.) POINT BEING: the Interruption Trope is a writing device to tease something, only to deny it. The purpose of it is to set up an IMPORTANT conflict/tension in the story that will be resolved later.
(EDIT: After writing all this I realize that there's another time interruptions happen: AFTER a scene achieves resolution. Will and Mike had one of these in 4x4 with "It looks like it'll be up to us again." "It always is, isn't it?" and Jonathan barges in. For Mike and El, the Painting Lie still needs resolution and is almost certainly related to this conversation. So everything I say here might actually not get interrupted and is actually SAID, leading to a new phase in their relationship. I just think it's less likely because any frank discussion of the Painting Lie makes a Byler conclusion too obvious. Okay, on to the likelier theory!)
Now what is this NEW unspoken thing between Mike and El? Season 4 was all about Mike being unable to say "I love you" to El. And now he has already SAID IT. On paper -- what Milevens call "canon" -- the Mileven relationship is fine and healthy.
So why prepare the audience for a NEW development in their relationship if it's not a breakup, or at least an emotional confession of some kind that threatens the last canon development that made everything "fine"?
The Painting Lie is Chekhov's gun. If this scene is indeed early in s5 (there are very few scenes with Mike and El together in the s5 teaser, perhaps she's with Mike only at the start of the season), then there's very little time for the writers to prepare something ELSE "waiting to be said" that is NOT related to the Painting Lie.
So what is being interrupted? Is it:
Mike asking if she commissioned the painting?
El saying she didn't commission it and telling Mike she thinks Will loves him?
Mike has realized the painting was from Will and is about to confess he doesn't know how he feels about him?
One of them is initiating a breakup?
WHATEVER IT IS, the Painting Lie challenges the stability of Mileven because it was core to the Pizza Freezer Confession(TM) that was supposed to tie up Mileven in a neat bow at the end of s4. The moment the Painting Lie is mentioned, this tells the GA that not everything will stay the same between Mike, El, and Will.
By the time Mike and El get interrupted, (1) the audience has already been made to expect something to come to light between them (likely related to the Painting Lie), and (2) resolution of this plot point will not happen right away and is IMPORTANT to s5.
That's because Stranger Things follows nearly 100% of all TV/movie writing in following a three-act structure. The start of each season sets up the conflicts and character motivations that drive the rest of the season. (Just as the first episodes of s4 set up El's "problem" of feeling like she's the monster and why she went on a journey of self-discovery.)
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It's hard to imagine the writers setting up Round THREE of Mike struggling to say "I love you" to El. No, what's being interrupted is the next development, which has to do with the Painting Lie and its ramifications for Mike, Will, and El.
Add to this the fact that all the teasers we're getting suggest that El is separated from Mike and most of the others for some chunk of the season. What's left unsaid between them might remain unsaid. And we know that Mike and Will are side-by-side much of this season. (As promised, Mike said they will "be a team.")
Which begs the question: WHAT is interrupted between Mike and El, and what is it setting up plot-wise? Is it something whose RESOLUTION involves multiple scenes of Mike ALONE with the boy who canonically loves him and made the painting that made him feel so wonderful? Someone who Mike confessed he REALLY missed and Hawkins "isn't the same" without him?
The conflict's GOT to have something to do with Mike's feelings for Will. It FAR surpasses any other possibility, given how much set-up there has been for it.
Another plot point for season 5: on Will's end, he still hasn't come out of the closet. Doesn't part of his "emotional arc" have to include coming out to his BEST FRIEND? This is probably set up in the first episode, also.
That, together with the interruption of Mike and El, helps prime the GA to look at every scene with Mike and Will, reading every interaction and figuring out what will happen between these 2 best friends who have never lied to each other, until now. We'll even see a flashback of when they were younger. How their relationship changes after the inevitable revelations is central to s5.
The ENTIRE SEASON will be the Interruption Trope for Mike and Will, while they confront the full danger of Vecna together. It will be "the painting tucked away in Will's backpack" times a hundred.
(My own theory of how Byler will culminate, in case you haven't seen it!)
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Today just feels like a day for firsts so this is for them.
Chloe was sitting on her bed doing schoolwork when Red came, more like barreled, in. She had thought to greet her roommate or say anything really, but all the words got caught in her throat as soon as she looked up and saw the look on her face. There was this intensity to her eyes that would have been frightening if it wasn’t for the fact she was also smiling. Though their eyes met for only a second before she beelined it towards Chloe. Taking the Charming completely by surprise as all she could get out was a “Red, what-“ and then she couldn’t speak anymore. Suddenly her lips were too busy with something soft and tender and…oh.
Funny, she originally thought of herself as more resistant to give in but the minute she felt those lips she was done for. Her body gave a quiet sigh as it went limp, the only thing holding her up was Red who had wrapped her arms around her the moment she sat upon the edge of the bed. Pulling her closer and closer to the point Chloe felt like she would break, but also that it wasn’t close enough.
Chloe has heard and read about first kisses. None of that had prepared her for this. Where first kisses are described as slow, soft, and sweet. Red is quick, intense, and yet still somehow so sweet. While her movements may seem erratic Chloe could tell she was being rather mindful, especially with her teeth. At one point Red even bit her bottom lip, though only enough to tease not to hurt. Her hands, which travel up and down her back now, feel more soothing rather than needing.
How is it possible that Red is kissing her senseless, yet reassuring her that she isn’t losing her senses all at the same time.
It’s so Red. So very very Red. Just like this first kiss.
This perfect first-
After what felt like a lifetime, but was really only moments, Chloe had found the strength to place her hands upon Red’s arms and slowly push her away. Breaking the intensity but not the kiss, not completely anyway. Red’s lips chased hers, though she wasn’t the only one to blame.
“Wait, wait.” Oh good, she hadn’t completely lost her voice. She had been worried about that for a minute. Before she could say anymore, however, Red took her breath away once more for a completely different reason. Something was being held before her that she swears wasn’t there a second ago, something circular that looks oddly enough like a-
“What, Red?!”
“No this isn’t me proposing, not yet at least, this is me saying I don’t mind the thought of marrying you either. Someday.”
All Chloe could do was stare at Red, because really what is she suppose to say to that? Was she suppose to reach out and take the ring? Which was silver and plain looking, but that’s not what mattered. Chloe wouldn’t have cared if it was plastic, what she cares about is the person offering it to her and saying they’re fine with her.
“I talked to Principal Uma and she helped me realize a few things. Number one being, Chloe, if I ever get to the point where I do marry you. It’ll be because I chose to, and how could I regret choosing the first person who believed I was more than what I seemed?”
Chloe stared at the ring then up into Red’s intense yet genuine gaze. “But…I also told you that you weren’t more than what you seemed when we met.”
The answer came after a spot of laughter. “I told you the same thing too, I called you a privileged little princess.”
“I am-was a privileged little princess.” Chloe could admit that now. Red on the other hand was never evil, not the way her mom is…or well was?
“You sure you’re not still are?” She raises a perfectly constructed brow as she teases Chloe. Prompting said girl to shove her off the bed, ring still in hand. “Hey, at least accept this first before you kick me off.”
“Nope, keep teasing me and I might never.”
Red feigns a rather audible gasp. “You wouldn’t!”
Chloe looks down at the pouting child before relenting with a sigh. “You’re right, I wouldn’t, I love you too much to do that.”
There it was, Chloe said it. It was the first time she told Red that she loved her. Six months after you start dating, even if you hadn’t had your first kiss yet, was enough time right? She sure hoped so, except Red isn’t responding nor can she read the expression on her face.
Oh fairy godmother, this was a mistake wasn’t it?
It was a mistake. It was a mistake.
“It was-“
She couldn’t even finish as a pair of lips had defended upon her once more. Though this kiss was a lot different from the first. It was much more like the ones she’s read and heard about. It’s so very soft, slow, and sweet. It’s fireworks and fairy song and everything she’s ever imagined. Red’s arms are sitting on her shoulders this time so Chloe places hers around the other girl’s waist. Something small falls onto one of the sheets of paper scattered around her bed, but she’s too focused on Red to care about what it is.
She takes this to mean a good thing, even if Red hadn’t said it back. The fact that she’s kissing Chloe like this must be a good sign.
That thought gets reinforced when Red pulls away to rest her forehead against Chloe’s. “I’m not very good at the whole feeling thing so I didn’t know how else to respond. Just, know that it wouldn’t feel enough to say that I like you.”
Chloe’s smile in response is so radiant she’s pretty sure she should have gotten the name Charming for that alone. Red herself could barely look at it, but she couldn’t look away either.
Except suddenly that radiant smile turned into an amused frown. “Did you say you went to Principal Uma for advice?”
“Yes…look, I had to go to someone and Maddox is a whole kingdom away.”
“So you went to the Principal? Shouldn’t that be something I would do?”
“What can I say, maybe you’re rubbing off on me.”
“Or maybe you respect certain authority more than you like to let on.”
“Chloe Charming, you take that right back this instant.”
“Or else what?” At this point Chloe unconsciously starts rubbing Red’s back through the fabric of her riot jacket. Red’s response is to rub their noses together.
“Or else I’ll stop hanging out with you.”
“Hanging out? Is that what we’ve been doing?”
“Have we not, that’s what people do isn’t it?”
“Red, you really do need more friends.”
Red gently bites Chloe’s left ear causing Chloe to give out a soft yelp. “First of all, rude. Second, why would I need more friends when I have you?”
“That’s exactly what someone who needs more friends would say. Wait, don’t you dare bite the other one!”
Too late, she bit the other one too.
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measuredingold · 21 hours
more cuddling with noah, but written properly 🥲 very short so i’m not considering this a fic so no word count and will probably tag this as a headcanon <3 anyways enjoy
cw/tw: fluff fluff fluff that’s literally it
A sigh from the top of the stairs breaks you out of your doom scrolling, eyes looking up from your phone to find Noah already staring at you.
His brows were furrowed and lips set in a deep frown, and the bags under his eyes made it clear he's been up a lot longer than you realized. Your eyes drop to your phone again to check the time, finding yourself frowning that it's well into the evening, and this is your first time seeing Noah since breakfast.
You look up. "Hi baby."
He sighs again before trudging down the steps, and you can practically see the heaviness of whatever is on his mind weighing on him. You shift on the couch to get in a much more comfortable position, back pressed into the cushions, and your arms opening once Noah gets closer to you. He gently falls onto you with a groan before wrapping his arms around your middle the best he can.
"Hi." He mumbles, face burying against the crook of your neck. One of your hands immediately finds a way to his hair, fingers carding through it while the other rests on his back.
"What's up?"
You feel his body slowly start to melt into yours, burrowing himself closer to you. You shiver at the feeling of his hands sliding up under your shirt, cool to the touch.
"Can't get this one part right." His voice is muffled against your neck and you can barely understand him, but don't bother moving him. You know this is the first time all day he's been semi-relaxed. "Pissing me off."
"Take a break, honey."
"I am." Noah groans. "Right now. Gimme like... 10 minutes, then I'll head back up."
You laugh softly, scratching at his scalp gently before smoothing down his hair. "You need a much longer break than that. How long have you been at it?"
"Uh..." It takes much longer for him to respond, brain probably fried from staring at his screen for so long. "Sometime this morning?"
"I figured that much. You were working before I even got up."
"Needed to get a head start on it." He yawns loudly then and tries to snuggle his body closer to yours, fingers digging into the skin at your sides.
"You can work on it tomorrow." You can't stop the frown forming on your lips, hand running up and down his back. "When was the last time you ate something?"
"...This morning."
"I knooow." It comes out as a whine and you can't help but laugh again, turning your head to press a kiss to the side of his head. "I forgot. Too caught up in the song. I didn't realize how much time had passed until like, 30 minutes ago."
"Want me to make you something? Or takeout?"
Another long moment of silence follows your question, and you think briefly that maybe he had already fallen asleep, the exhaustion catching up to him. Eventually you hear him make a noise and wiggle his body closer to yours, nose pressing against the base of your neck.
"We can do that. Chinese?" Noah nods against you. "Want me to order it now?"
"In a second." He sighs out and you can't help but shiver at the feeling of his breath against your neck. "I just wanna lay here for a while longer."
You practically melt at his words and your hand drops from his hair to wrap your arms around him fully. You wish it was under better circumstances, but you loved whenever he was in one of these moods. Where he needed to be as close to you as possible, practically needing to live in your skin to feel somewhat sane. You squeeze him to your chest, feeling him try to wiggle his way closer to you.
"Whatever you want, my love."
He practically purrs at that and your face flushes when you feel the brush of his lips against your skin.
"Thank you." He murmurs in response before relaxing against your chest again, letting out a deep sigh you think he's been holding in.
You don't say anything, just squeeze him tighter to you as you both lay there in silence, basking in the comfort of each other.
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gothlcsan · 3 days
could you write a kind of pt.2 to myung jaehyun "puppy play" where taesan later admits to hearing reader and jaehyun, and possibly joins?
꒰ PLAY DATE ꒱ 태산 - 재현
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when your and your boyfriend’s best friend admits to hearing the two of you have sex.. and wants to join
genre smut, subs!taesan x jaehyun x fem!reader tws pet names (puppy/kitty), threesome, dom!reader, jealous and very possessive jaehyun, no protection (use protection), not proof read .. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ author note thank you for the request, hope this serves you well, hehe ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ word count 2370
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There’s a knock against your bedroom door, turning to look over your shoulder.
“Come in.”
Taesan cracks the door open far enough to poke his head in, a shy smile on his face.
“May I come in?”
Looking down at Jaehyun who gives you a pout, you face back to Taesan and nod.
“Come in, baby.”
That gains an annoyed squeeze on your arm from Jaehyun.
Taesan walks closer to where you and Jaehyun were sitting, attempting to wedge himself in between the two of you.
“Let me sit here too,” Taesan whines, fighting against Jaehyun who was trying to push him off the bed.
“Why do you want to sit here anyways, go away.” Jaehyun quipped as he gave a final forceful shove that made Taesan stumble off the bed and onto the floor. Quickly he stands up and turns around to angrily face Jaehyun, shoving him backwards.
“You’re not the only one who gets her attention, you clingy baby.”
“She’s mine.”
“She’s ours,” Taesan yells, eyes welled up in his eyes as he turns to face you for help. With a snap of your fingers, Jaehyun apologizes to Taesan and curls back into your side, telling Jaehyun to move over so that you can make room for Taesan on your opposite side. He tries to protest but with a simple expression he quiets instantly, huffing as he scoots over. There’s a triumphant smile across Taesan’s face as he climbs into bed next to you, wrapping his arm around your stomach so that he can nuzzle into your neck easier.
There’s finally peace within the bedroom as both men laid snuggled on each side of you, until Taesan lifts himself up so that he’s resting on his elbow staring at the two of you.
“If you need to say something, speak.”
A blush decorates his nose and cheeks, his fingers anxiously playing with the strings to your sweats.
“You remember the other day?”
“More specific,” you say with a sigh.
Taesan whines, clearing his throat before trying again.
“The other day when you and Jaehyun played-“
He’s cut off as Jaehyun sits up with a loud, “hey,” you pushing Jaehyun back down telling him to quiet down so Taesan could finish what he was saying.
“- I’m sorry I listened and,” he whines with a pout, “I want to play with you too.”
An accidental smile forms on your lip, exhaling through your nose as you nod at his confession.
“You want to play with us, hm?” You reiterated, trailing your fingers up his thigh to make him squirm, successfully doing so as he whines from your subtle touching. Nodding, he asks if he can, pretending to ponder on the idea before agreeing, telling Jaehyun to stop whining who was grumbling at the idea of sharing you. Taesan goes to climb on top of your lap, pushing him off with a shake of your head. He stared at you in confusion, having just gotten your permission, both men watching as you sat up and crossed your legs.
“Both of you, up.”
They listen, sitting up and being sure not to break their focus on you.
They stare at each other then back at you, another confused look across their faces.
“Each other,” they questioned.
You nod.
“Prove to me that the both of you can get along, you both do want me don’t you?”
Looking back at each other, they both look nervous before Jaehyun rolls his eyes and grabs Taesan’s face.
“We both want her, let’s get it over with.”
Jaehyun pulls Taesan into the kiss, Taesan froze into place before leaning into it, tiny moans coming from them as they got into it. Sitting up on his knees, Taesan follows suit with Jaehyun, his fingers curling in the older man’s hair. You watch them try to fight for the higher ground, pushing each other not breaking the kiss once as Jaehyun groans rather loudly into Taesan’s open mouth as his hair is pulled.
“Come here, my pretty pets,” you beckon for them.
Their lips separate, a string of saliva being the last connection between them before it breaks. Turning to face you, their eyes beginning to become hooded and full of need, giggling at them in amusement.
“You two seemed to enjoy that more than you figured, hm?”
They try to deny it, waving them off as you tell them to come closer to you. Ordering them to help you strip, guiding their shaky hands to your shorts. You watch as Jaehyun walks Taesan through the process, Jaehyun sweetly asking you to lift your hips for him, doing so that he can slip the shorts down and then past your ankles. They’re discarded mindlessly onto the bedroom floor, Taesan whimpering at the sight of your thong that barely left anything for their imagination.
“Are you going to take these off for me?” You asked Taesan who stared down at your panties then backed up to gain your permission, asking if he’s allowed to. Multiple pleases falling from his lips until you give the go ahead, his fingers curling around the hands of your panties. A gasp comes from him as he pulls them off your legs, seeing your wet pussy for the first time. He chooses to ignore how hard he got near instantly, huffing at Jaehyun who tells him to stop staring so intently.
“Both of you stop fighting or I'll get off by myself,” you groaned, yanking Jaehyun to sit next to you by his arm.
He softly apologized as he helped pull your sweater off, kissing from your neck down until he could lean forward, his warm tongue licking your nipple before wrapping his lips around it. This brings a satisfying hum from you, petting the back of his head as you have Taesan your attention.
“You want to eat me out, kitty?”
The newly given nickname makes Taesan burst into an intense blush, something unlocking in his brain. Asking him again, he eagerly nods, inching closer to you so that he can lay down onto his stomach. He’s never given someone oral before, excitedly anxious as he stares up at you before leaning down to lick your clit. Giving him an encouraging nod paired with a moan, he begins to grow confidence bringing his fingers to tease your hole. Having them both work on you makes your head fuzzy, jumping back and forth complimenting each of them. Jaehyun grabs your chest, his fingers rolling the nipple in between his thumb and forefinger whilst his tongue works the other, your head rolling to the side watching.
There’s not much going on through your head besides pleasure until Taesan suctions his lips around your clit, making you instinctively grab at his hair. He’s a messy eater but that only intensified the feeling, moaning deep from your throat.
“So good, baby, so good,” you wistfully sighed, bringing Jaehyun up into a deep kiss. They’re soft against yours, giggling as he bites down onto your bottom lip, pulling back so that it snaps back from his teeth. Shared gazes soft yet full of mutual need, grabbing the back of his neck to continue the passionate kiss. Wet lewd noises fill out the bedroom and your ears, moaning into Jaehyun’s mouth due to Taesan slipping his fingers into your drenched pussy. It causes you to lose focus on the kiss, looking down at Taesan with your mouth agape, moans flowing from you. He stares up at you with a proud smile on his face, flicking the tip of his tongue against your clit adding to the pleasure given by his fingers. Need filled out your veins, whining with a pout, tipping your head back to rest against the headboard giving yourself a few seconds to collect your thoughts before returning your attention back to Taesan.
“Come here, kitty.” Your voice is no more than a whisper as you speak.
Pulling his fingers out from you, you shiver from the sensation, sweating under your breath, Taesan crawling in between your legs. You reposition yourself so that you’re laying flat on the bed instead of sitting up, your head comfortably on the pillow, Jaehyun following suit with you. Staring at Taesan you gently reach for his wrist, giving him a sweet smile as you bring him closer.
“Be a good boy and fuck me, yeah?”
Jaehyun shoots an annoyed look at Taesan, giving Jaehyun a pet on the back of his head, as excitement fills out Taesan’s face. His dream was about to come true and he wasn’t going to let his overly possessive best friend stop him. He listens as you guide him, slowly slipping into you but not yet bottoming out so you’re able to familiarize yourself with him. Pulling out and returning back to his previous position, he continues doing so until you tell him to go ahead, flinching as you dig your nails into his wrist.
“Please, don’t move yet,” you pant in between each word, Jaehyun pressing encouraging kisses across your neck and cheek, nodding to let Taesan know he can start moving. His thrusts aren’t coordinated by any means but it’s not unpleasant either earning several moans from you. Facing Jaehyun, he blushes due to you telling him to strip off his sweats, not once glancing away as he does so obediently. Slipping off his shirt and discarding it onto the floor, he crawls back next to you, gasping as you latch onto one of his nipples with absolutely zero hesitation. The pretty soft pink bud hardens under your tongue, tugging it between your lips as you pull your head back. Jaehyun whines so softly, his eyes dancing to study the entirety of the scene before him. Removing your grip on Taesan’s wrist you bring it to wrap around Jaehyun’s dick, moving your thumb pad to repeatedly brush up against his slit. A raucous moan erupting from his chest as you squeezed the head of his dick between your fist.
“It hurts,” he struggles to get out, his breath getting caught in his throat by the intensity of your grip. Jaehyun adored the addition of pain, a sadistic smile that shined on his face, by giving just his tip a few rough strokes. The need for more swelled in the pit of his stomach but he didn’t dare to voice that, not yet, not wanting to lose your touch due to his impatience. Taesan's sudden quickened thrusts yank your focus from Jaehyun, your hand pressed up against his stomach telling him to slow down. Scrunching your eyes trying to swallow your shaky moans in an attempt to collect yourself bringing your hand back to wrap around Jaehyun.
“Be a good puppy and I might just let you cum,” you whisper into Jaehyun’s ear, giving his dick full strokes from the base to the tip, his lips pursing as he collects the sheets in between his fingers. Pleasure flowed throughout his veins like hot magma making him moan frantically not being able to hide his intense response. You giggle at Jaehyun’s reactions loving the way he squirms under your touch, glancing at Taesan with a smile.
“You’re doing such a good job, kitty, making me feel so good.”
Taesan manages a “thank you” before leaning down to place a hand on each side of you, deepening his thrusts. Tossing your head back on the pillow you laugh in a mixture of both pleasure and disbelief, the growing sensation in your abdomen becoming noticeable.
Tightening the hand around Jaehyun, you tease him asking if he was going to cum already, watching in amusement as he shakes his head no, promising to hold out for you.
Everything was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on, your strokes messy as Taesan began to messily rub your clit with his thumb, moving your head to mark Jaehyun’s neck as a distraction. You were determined to let this continue longer, loving having both men under your control but it was all too much, Taesan hitting your sweet spot repeatedly and becoming less coordinated as he begged to cum. Desperately you swallowed hard trying to collect your composure, quickening your pace around Jaehyun who began moaning and squealing in surprise.
“Be good boys and cum with me, okay?”
They both agree, Taesan’s bangs halfway sticking to his face as he pulls his hand away from your clit and to hold both your legs together over one of his shoulders. That deepens his thrusts, gasping as you pressed your lips against Jaehyun’s. It tastes salty, his tears cascading down his cheeks and onto his lips, moaning at the taste. Jaehyun’s hand clings to your thigh as you three collectively reach your highs, squealing into Jaehyun’s mouth as you cum around Taesan who in return, cums in you. Warmth spills over your closed fist indicating that Jaehyun came as well, his chest heaving trying to find his breath.
“Fuck..,” you whimper as Taesan slowly pulls out, your body sensitive and trembling as he crawls to lay next to you. His arm naturally wraps around your torso, inching closer as you three laid there trying to catch your breaths not speaking a word.
Taesan is the first to break the silence, pressing several kisses on your cheek.
“Did I do good?”
The question earns a giggle from you, nodding.
“Yes Kitty, you did so well for me.”
The praise earns a grunt from Jaehyun, turning to look at him, sighing with a laugh. Giving him a playful smack on his bare thigh.
“You did really good for me too, pup. No need to be all pouty and bratty.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he whines, nuzzling into your shoulder in response.
“No sleeping just yet, we got to clean up, okay?”
Both of them whine simultaneously, shaking your head telling them that you three can shower together. Swearing if they had tails they’d be wagging from how quickly and excitedly they climbed over each other and yourself to get to the bathroom.
You sat there until they came running back to the bedroom, both of them grabbing a hand each to help you toward the bathroom, giggling at their behavior the entire time, reading yourself for another round.
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 days
Having big thoughts about Daniel being a photographer and Max being still a F1 driver kajgkajgksjjg. Maybe Daniel needs the money so he takes a job being a F1 photographer and it's not his passion exactly but it pays well. He is going to take pictures of cars going vroom, travel everywhere and being paid for it (so he can take pics of what he really loves. What it is? I don't know).
But he didn't know Max. Like, he was aware that Max was F1 world champion??? But he didn't expect Max to be so breathtakingly beautiful. So maybe he has a little crisis about it. Idksugid. I have to go to sleep but ESIIIIII DANIEL BEING A PHOTOGRAPHER 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Hello lovely I miss you!!! I have been having big thoughts about this since I saw your ask last night, but I only have this little thing to offer. Might revisit in the future because I love this idea very much <3
Daniel doesn't exactly know how he finds out about the job offer. He thinks maybe Blake mentioned it to him, having heard about it from a friend of a friend, but it's not really important.
It wouldn't be a bad gig: being able to travel the world, mingling with famous people, filling his portfolio, and getting paid for it. Sure, cars and millionaires aren't exactly his preferred subjects, but he can look past it for that kind of salary and perks.
So he goes over his CV, trying to make himself sound more professional than he feels, and sends it. You miss every chance you don't take and all that.
He's not expecting to be called back, to be honest. Even fattening his portfolio with all the people photos he has, good or less good, he knows it's mostly wildlife and nature, not exactly what a formula 1 team might look for, and yet, two weeks later, he wakes up to an email with three suggested dates for an online interview and a we'd be excited to offer you a position as soon as possible.
And three weeks after that, he's stepping on a plane, flight fully paid and brain already adding up his new salary to the savings in his bank account.
The scanner beeps when Daniel puts his pass against it, a thrill of excitement traveling down his spine at the small sound, and then he finds himself in the paddock.
It's still early, so it's not as crowded as it will for sure become later, but it still makes him think of the savannah, people milling around minding their business, swayed from time to time by the sudden arrival of a celebrity or a driver, circles forming and breaking, flocks in the grass.
It settles his mind to think about this as another wildlife shoot, as if this wasn't a stepping stone towards his dream, but the open door to it already, and he makes himself smile by taking a picture of Lewis Hamilton like he would of a leopard, half hidden behind a plant, light catching his earring like a fleeting spot. Even the cars have something animal about them, growling engines and opening wings, wheels pushing the ground like running deer.
The Red Bull hospitality building (a waterhole, his brain suggests) welcomes him with air conditioning and handshakes, both from people he's met already the one time he has gone to the factory, and from strangers, too many names being thrown at him to try and remember them.
And then there's Max Verstappen.
Daniel hadn't met him at the factory. He knows who he is, obviously. Even if formula 1 isn't his preferred flavor of motorsport, he is not completely clueless about it, and he had brushed up his knowledge before coming here, just to try and make sure he doesn't embarrass himself. And yet, it is different to meet him in person.
Daniel had watched two videos of him to prepare himself: one about his racing, and one interview. The racing had been incredible. The interview had been so awkward and stiff Daniel had spent several minutes looking at the ceiling, trying to think about how to justify his yet-to-be-shot photos being shit without saying your driver is the worst model I've ever seen.
He doesn't look bad, of course he doesn't, he is actually quite handsome, but there's such a stiffness and coldness around him, one that screams rude entitled bastard from a mile away, and Daniel does not work well with that. He has actually been wondering if he had been chosen, with his warm toned photos and his soft focus, just to try and soften his edges a little.
So he's not surprised by the firmness of the handshake, or the quick Max as an answer to Daniel's hello I'm Daniel, it's great to meet you!, both exactly what he had been expecting, but then Max smiles and suddenly Daniel's fingers are itching for his camera.
Max's eyes crinkle when he smiles.
His cheeks bunch up, plush lips stretching wide, the freckle Daniel had already noticed almost disappearing, and suddenly it's prairie crocus in the alpine tundra, color and spring impossibly breaking the cold.
Daniel wants to capture the wrinkles by his eyes in golden light, wants to steal the sparkle in the blue, frame it like sunshine on the ocean, wants to take the blush on his cheek and print it, press his fingertips to every magnified pore. He can't wait to see him put on his helmet, wants to see the arch of his nose framed by the visor.
Suddenly, from mostly neutral bystander, he's turned into avid fan, desperately wishing Max wins, to shoot him through champagne drops.
Maybe this job will be his easiest one yet, after all.
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oh-no-its-bird · 13 hours
hi listen i just had a divine intervention or smth lmk if you don't like it but
what if your team Ro time travel au + my time travel Tobirama
Team Ro would have memories of the canon and they got to this different timeline and there's Tobirama actively trying to seduce Uchiha fucking Madara. They didn't teach THAT in the Academy
They got in the time when Tobirama still orchestrated meetings, but Butsuma is already dead so if everything goes well, Tobirama would get Madara and peace soon.
And then there suddenly spawn a Hatake with a sharingan with 2 Uchiha kids and a Mokuton user. Political nightmare.
Later Tobirama recognises Kakashi and was like "The fuck? It's that Hatake from the war. What is he doing there, he should not have been born yet!!"
I'm gonna be real I love the concept of "team ro time travel au but they time travel into someone else's time travel au," that's so good
If we go with your au, there's a really interesting immediate aspect of like: hey ! Tobirama might recognize Kakashi or maybe even Tenzo from the war, but these guys are way fucking younger than when they met !!!
Idk what exactly can be done with that but it's interesting to consider. Also Tobirama talked ab Itachi and his crimes before I'm p sure? So like he knows what happens to the Uchiha and that it was Itachi who did it for the village. I wanna see him faced w the kid who he once praised for slaughtering his own clan to prove his loyalty.
I wanna see him feel the consequences of the stress Itachi is under when he (and possibly Shisui) attempt to kill Madara.
Stop interfering with his fix it fic you brats!! He's already got it covered!! You're just causing a mess!!!!
They get zapped in, like, in the middle of Tobirama's happy ending epilogue too. Tobirama is peacefully eating dinner in his house w his new husband Madara thinking "well. Alls well that ends well." Then BOOM Kakashi Shisui Itachi and Tenzo crash out of fucking nowhere directly onto their table, getting covered in food and breaking the table in half
Immediatley arrested !! I feel like Tobirama would instantly understand what happened by recognizing their uniforms + potentially Kakashi + he's already a time traveler himself so it's really no stretch for him to go "oh fuck I didn't think we'd get a double jepordy in this bitch but I guess not"
But like it's not like he can just SAY that ? Or he could but it would bring a lot of questions he probably does not want to answer.
Now another problem arises in like. I don't think Tobirama is especially attached to any of these guys. I can see him maybe having a lingering "pay it forward ig" feeling just bc they're "loyal konoha soldiers" and it'd be a waste to let that resource just burn. But also like. Under no circumstances can Tobirama have these guys share certain aspects of future knowledge.
Tobirama worked so hard to get here !!!! Literal years of planning !!!! He got his happy ending and it very much rests on Madara staying safe and sane and NO ONE IMPLYING HE WILL BETRAY KONOHA EVER !!!!! Tobirama does not even wanna RISK that becoming a rumor, he will take no chances.
Anyways I think his best course of action would be to reveal himself as a time traveler specifically to team ro, then position himself as their hokage who they should remain loyal to, say that it is for Konoha's best interests that they do not reveal certain things, and play it by ear from there.
Tobirama deciding he can't risk team ro going forward in time again and potentially fucking up the time stream or smthn. They need to stay here. He can not risk losing this shit. Sorry guys it looks like your trapped here <3
Anyways team ro being scary loyal to him bc he is the closest approximation to their (current?) Hokage and only person w the knowledge to enforce that power over them (at this time)
In my original post, like, all of team ro are already established to be kind of at their worst and most loyal to the village at that point to. They are at THE age(s) to be manipulated like that tbh, rip
It's not too bad tho. I think Itachi would feel relieved but also very guilty. Shisui too. Tenzo is violently neutral bc hes still in his "learning to be a real boy" phase from root, but it's all positive for him tbh. Kakashi is tricky bc his mental state is the equivalent of someone rapidly bouncing a ball on a thin pane of glass trying to prove it's bullet proof (it's not) and has like MOUNTAINS of complexes around the words "konoha authority figure" and what he's leaving behind. He's probably the most determined to go back
Anyways uhh. Izuna gets Itachi to help him be skeptical of Tobirama and spy on him. Itachi only agrees bc he violently reminds him of Sasuke (this will develop into a complex if not stopped. Shisui is working on it.)
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mesetacadre · 2 days
How do you avoid becoming a doomer with politics? I want to be more politically active but the current political climate makes me feel depressed.
talked more about this here but essentially, nothing is static. Conditions change all the time, the quantity of organized people can fall and rise (with parallel but not necessarily 1:1 development of quality). What today seems like an impassable wall, tomorrow (not literally tomorrow) will more and more began to be seen as a necessary step for an improvement to happen. The fact that there exists a scientific method of analysis of history and capitalism also acts as an accelerant; how much time passed between the first bourgeois state and the first formulation of scientific communism, 50 years? That is unprecedented in the history of modes of production, and it only took another 50-60 years after that before the first relatively permanent instance of the next mode of production.
The way I see this, inaction and pessimism feed into each other, pessimism favors inaction, and inaction reinforces pessimism, by limiting your perception because it limits personal experience. And that cycle can only be broken by first stopping that inaction, since it is possible (not always) to force yourself to act against your general feelings. And then, only by working against that inaction and finding an organization/party or general line of action that works for you, can you begin to sustain an action-optimism cycle (of course, it isn't this simple and I would not call my outlook to be optimistic, but this is the best way I can think of explaining this). This cycle is, in my experience, very fragile, and somewhat often I continue to act through periods of relative pessimism by inertia and by the continuance of the responsibilities that bind me to my party most strongly. I can keep talking about the way society and the economy evolve, but at a personal and more inmediate scale, this is the only way to avoid "doomerism", at some point you're going to have to start acting if you want to avoid it, and rethoric can help, of course, but you'll only start to internalize it once you experience becoming an active part of these mechanisms. For me, it sometimes feels like a hobby, other times like a chore, and most times like the best thing I could ever do with my life. But it's crucial that you're not only driven by blind hope. The amount of effort and time you can contribute as an individual will vary wildly, depending on your own personal circumstances, and in my experience the most common type of organized person you'll encounter is the one that can only really dedicate a few days a week or a couple of hours every few days.
There is some nuance to "you have to end your inaction" too, of course. I'm not saying to join the very first group you encounter and dedicate every minute of free time to it, but you also can't be waiting for the perfect opportunity or org to come along. I contacted my ML party on a Tuesday during a winter academic break, while I was only just beginning to stabilize out of a suicidal episode but still depressed, and while considering myself mostly an ancom (I was very lost in that regard, my beliefs were not truly emergent from any proper anarchist core, but I digress). You don't need to have read x books or need to have encyclopedic knowledge of your local movement to begin to organize yourself, and you also don't need to believe 100% in the emancipation of workers. The best time to begin is the next time you have some free time to research and begin to contact some orgs/parties, that's as best as I think I can put it. I can't assure you that it'll be straightforward, but I can assure you that you can't get out of doomerism just by thinking about it.
If it's too daunting, think about those executive dysfunction "tricks". Joining A Party can sound very big an unapproachable, but you can break it down into looking, for example, for "Communist Party of [your country]". Look at their socials, see what they do and say, maybe you find an offshoot org that looks better, or run into a completely unrelated group. Then you contact them, ask when they're doing something in your area or if they can invite you to some kind of meeting, etc. Be willing to contact them if you find a couple of drawbacks too, sometimes rumors turn into the thing everybody says about x or y org, without really reflecting reality. Have criteria, of course, if some org is talking about immigrants like they're invaders, for example, it is probably not worth your time. Everything depends on what your local scene looks like. Getting experience at a mediocre org is still better than staying at home and looking on at the state of the world like it's hopeless. this isn't a very well-structured post, I've been writing this across a few days when I can, I hope it's helpful
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
Howl I'm thinking about Nightmare's gang being a cult again.
Just how fucked up is it that Killer had to go through that twice? First with the Something New Player rewiring how his brain works entirely, while Chara meticulously breaks down his boundaries and reworking his identity until only they could decide who he is. Only for Nightmare to do exactly the same once Killer finally killed them.
And not only that, but now he has to watch as the same exact thing happens to others. And Stage 2 can push for apathy as much as they want to try and protect them from that crushing realization, but eventually it's gonna hit. Eventually Killer's brain is gonna let its thoughts wander in that direction because boredom is always gonna be the greatest threat for it. And then Killer will wish he'd never done that, because this whole time he's kinda been complicit in their indoctrination.
But, then again, by then he doesn't really know another way to live. He knows that once he broke free of Chara's very similar conditioning, but he doesn't have a concrete idea of what could come next. He doesn't know what life outside a cultish structure looks like and that makes the prospect of ever leaving terrifying.
I think Color coming in and showing him that there is a possible future out there for him is the saving grace he needed all along. And also the push he'll need to get the others out too. Because he's definitely not gonna let them leave for as long as he doesn't see an exit. Whether they hate him or not for it.
It is extremely fucked up. And that’s why I’ll keep saying that Something New is a psychological horror until someone eventually starts writing a fic about it. /lh
And the realization that hits is still very likely going to be tinged with that deep seated apathy that chara reinforced. I can’t see killer breaking out of his belief that he’s emotionless, that emotions are signs of being weak and that attachments are threats to his autonomy and independence, for many many years, with a lot of set backs, and I can’t see it happening when he’s under nightmare.
I don’t really think killer has broken free from chara’s conditioning—despite how much he’d like to claim he is free now that they’re dead. Because they cant be dead when their voice still rings in his mind, and their eyes still watch him everywhere he goes. A constant lurking shadow.
Chara never died, killer never escaped. they just became more elusive.
I think there’s still a lot going on in killer mind he doesn’t realize is conditioning, such as his belief in his emotionlessness. His kill or be killed, controlled or be controlled mentality. Even the reason why he turned on chara was still within the confines of what they taught him—the most determined decides fate, the strongest controls the weakest, and he had no need for them anymore. and so he will make them suffer.
with nightmare, i do think he wont even realize or care what’s happening to the others—because its just how things work. not until color comes along, showing him that things don’t have to be like that. before that, i can see killer helping only in ways that would benefit or amuse him, or whenever nightmare tells him to help someone—because he doesn’t think theyd ever willingly help him if it came down to it.
but if he realized somehow before color comes along—because he definitely wouldn’t take into consideration anything horror, murder, or cross have to say about it because they are apart of the weak/the controlled and they’re just struggling to realize that. it is inevitable, and it’s pointless to try and change it. or at least that’s his justification for avoiding any responsibility.
but i can see any attempts to “help” them being tainted by his worldview and what he’s been taught; such as teaching them how and when to avoid upsetting nightmare, teaching them the rules of the place, trying to teach them when to go to limp and stop resisting, how to learn how to enjoy the pain of themselves or of others. best ways to torture others, and how to “go away inside” if they truly can’t handle it.
and he definitely wouldn’t let them leave unless nightmare says so, which is unlikely. In his mind this place in castle can be learned and then eventually become predictable, they’d struggle outside of the castle because of who they are and what they do. that’s really the only kindness he knows how to give.
..i can definitely see spiting the Chara in his head for being a huge motivation for certain more “merciful” or “kinder” things. just to prove to himself they don’t have control over him anymore, and to spite them even beyond the grave.
{ @stellocchia }
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ace-and-ranty · 2 days
Hi, it's me, once again not being over the masterful character work that happens to El in The Golden Enclaves.
I mean. I think we all been suspecting since the get-go that El's prophecy was dramatic irony at work, and we've all just been waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time. From a plot perspective, it had been coming. But El is suffering so bad from not knowing she's a character in a story.
Because the prophecy was purposefully worded to fool her.
Deepthi set out to scare El, because she needed that fear to protect her from Ophelia. She made El terrified of going evil. And that fear gripes her like a vice, blinding her, to the very end, to what's happening right in front of her.
Our bright, calculating, shrewd heroine who's always running calculations should have realized much earlier she was bombing enclaves when she killed mawmouths. But she's been terrified her whole life that she's gonna go evil, and so she's so paranoid, watching the direct damage she's doing right in front of her, waiting for the final temptation that breaks the maleficer's back, that she never considers she would cause destruction by accident. She's convinced she'll one day purposefully hurt people, that it never occurs to her, not even once, that she would do it unknowingly. With the best of intentions? Sure. With no idea whatsoever she was hurting someone? No.
Even more ironic is that, this has happened before. El has no idea she destroyed Bangkok in book one, but she knows she killed a fellow student in book two. She knows she accidentally set someone's flaying spell back on them! She knows she killed someone without knowing it, and yet the possibility that that's how the prophecy will come true never, ever, ever occurs to her until the very last second.
El is so scared of hurting people on purpose, she has never trusted herself enough to think it would happen through no fault of her own.
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emmageef · 1 day
Pick A Pile ೃ⁀➷
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What do you need to hear regarding your shifting journey?
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{Ok so I’ve never really done something lien this before, I’ve really only done readings for myself and my sister, but I thought this would be fun to do anyways!}
And just like any ready take what resonates and leave what doesn’t, this isn’t meant to be taken seriously. ✧.* ✧.* ✧.*
Take a deep breath and choose the image you’re most drawn too ✧.*
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Pile One :
Key words: anger, confusion, 777, bunnies, stress, nature, dizziness, headaches, 111, knight in shining armor, insomnia, ill, blinded
Savior Complex - Phoebe Bridgers
Everybody wants to rule the world - Lorde version
Bench - AKMU
Oh my god I got the worst headache doing this reading. Slow down ok, take a deep breath. You guys have been really stressed lately. For a lot of you your shifting journey has been a long hard one. You are wanting to see the results from your hard work, but it might be time for a break and to prioritize your well being. Spend some time outside, reflect and do something for yourself.
It might also be time to really sit with yourself and figure out what YOU want not what others want. You are such a hard worker, and it might be scary, but it might me time for you to change something in your life to help reach your larger goals.
For a lot of you it seems you have a warped idea of what shifting is and what it takes for you to achieve it. You might be forcing something that deep down you know isn’t working anymore. Shifting is not a magic trick, no one is going to hold your hand through it, or give you the “key” to it. YOU are the key. You have the world at your fingertips and are still waiting for something or someone to get you to your goals. You are the only thing that’s going to make you shift. You are limitless.
It is time to understand, even though it might be scary, that you have infinite possibilities. You are all you need. It might seem easier to stay on your current path, but changing something right now whether it’s your desired reality, you mindset or just taking a break from shifting in general, it may help you start to see clearly and bring you closer to your desires.
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Pile Two :
Keywords: water, 444, zoning out, rain, cats, superstition, talkative, needy, 666, clarity, interruptions, daydreaming, excitement, sleepy, nauseous, 111, in a rush, singing, courage, intelligence
Easily - Bruno Major
On trees and birds and fire - I Am Oak
It’s only a paper moon - Beabadoobee
Calmer energy compared to pile one. You might have some trouble focusing during shifting attempts or maybe you zone out through out the day thinking of your desired reality.
For some of you, you are newer to the shifting community. You are very interested in what shifting has to offer, but for some of you, you might see shifting as a “joke” or something that might not be real even though you want it to be. You might find yourself stuck fantasizing about your desired reality instead of actually wanting to be there.
Some of you might have a lot of questions when it comes to shifting. It might be time to immerse yourself fully into this community and ask those questions and have a better foundation to what shifting is. Some of you might even be scared to ask these questions, but it’s ok! We were all new to this community before, go learn about what shifting actually is.
Just be careful of what information you are taking in, and take everything with a grain of salt so you can carefully set your self up for success. You have all the information you need at your fingertips. You need to learn to trust yourself and your abilities and go with the flow. It might even be beneficial to look into the Law of assumption.
Researching the things that make you curious and confused could offer you clarity and stabilize your journey. Letting in others to help you along your journey might be what you need as well. Even though you might be fearful, we all need someone to talk to, even if it’s just one person!
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Pile Three:
Keywords: heartbreak, patience, 333, messy, crows, responsibility, mislead, clouded judgement, frustration, gloomy, forgiveness, mystery, close minded, reborn, snake, infinity, creativity, red lights
Pink + white - Frank Ocean
Forgiveness - Rina Sawayama
What I want - Fromis_9
Much like pile one, a lot of you are very frustrated in your journey. Some might even have resentments towards their past selves for choices they made. Some of you even feel wronged. Some of you guys might have had the misfortune of being on early shifttok and still hold a lot of that mis information.
This group was hard to read for, it seems a lot of you might be unwilling to change your ways. But unlike pile one a lot of you need to take action and stop standing in the sidelines as others get what they desire.
You guys know what you want, maybe for some of you, you are just scared to actually have it. Some of you need to ask yourself “what am I willing to do to get what I want, how far am I willing to go.”
On the other hand a lot of you need to shed your skin and start over. Let go of old misinformation, it does not serve you, slow down. Some of you might even think deep down you are not deserving of your desires, but this is so far from the truth.
There might need to be a period of reflection and understanding that you are worthy of everything and more and nothing should get in your way. You guys are stuck in old chapters of your life, stop resisting and see your life change!
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I hope anyone who read this enjoyed their reading, and good luck on your shifting journeys! I also pulled the magician card in everything reading, it seems a lot of people are not understanding their potential and how easily they can access it. This was really fun I might do this again in the future!
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cayleeuhithinknot · 2 days
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉. . .during a fun camping trip with your friends, you end up bonding with the person you swore you hated. all over a tent.
cw: SMUT WITH PLOT, making out, unprotected p in v (wrap it please), cursing, use of pet names and y/n, oral (m receiving), getting caught kinda (oop), hair pulling, bigdick!chris (oop), softdom!chris and sub!reader. and probably more but i might’ve forgot😭 also not proofread (SORRY)
-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛--ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-
“who’s idea was this again?” madi asks, the sound of her boots mushing on the soil like nails on a chalkboard.
“chris. who else would choose something as dumb as this to spend our weekend doing?” you reply, trudging through the leaves and branches. chris scoffs, shoving you lightly.
“you might wanna hit the gym more, y/n. i’m chilling.” he boasts. and very evidently, chris is lying. the sweat beading up and trickling down the side of his face, the way he took ragged breaths, and the pink hue forming on his pale skin were all indications that the stupid, exhausting trip up to your camping site was getting to him.
just like it was getting to you and the other 3.
usually, the triplets will drag you around to do all this stuff in the woods. but, madi? she doesn’t get out in the wilderness much. not necessarily that you were very cut out for it either. madi seems to have it the worst out of the 5 of you.
she’s been complaining about it ever since the first hour of the trip.
nick and matt were taking it more dramatically than you’d expected. matt swears he’s some wilderness and nature expert, but once you bring him in the woods, he’ll start telling you that every little leaf—even the harmless ones—is poison ivy.
“oh my gosh, we need to take a break,” nick huffs, stopping in his tracks to bend down and rest his hands on his thighs. “i know right—chris, how much longer?” matt agrees, expectantly turning to look at chris for an answer.
“an hour. how many times have i told you guys that it’s a 3 hour trip?” chris snaps back, making you roll your eyes.
this omniscient, cocky, egotistical attitude of his was starting to make you mad. he’d been acting this way the entire trip. going on and on about how he was the “leader” or something. and you’d have to endure it for a grand total of 2 days.
so far, you’ve been putting up with it for 2 hours straight, and you’ve gotten to the point where one singular impertinent comment or remark will make you burst.
it’s worse than the sun burning your scalp, your achy back, and your sweat ruining your freshly washed hair. so much for that everything shower the night before…
“we’re not taking another fucking break, nick! just push through.” chris follows up.
madi rolls her eyes too, shooting you a look to which you just shrug. a snarky “i told you so” rests at the tip of your tongue. it wasn’t your idea after all. when chris first proposed this idea to you, you’d warned him that this was how it was gonna go. but, of course, he didn’t listen.
you were no stranger to his stupid endeavors. in fact, you were possibly the person that was the most familiar with his sometimes irritable personality.
but, was he your bestfriend?
one might call him that.
but, is he also incredibly annoying and you can’t stand to be alone with him for more than 20 minutes?
yes. yes, he is.
the final hour passes, but it feels like 3 more with each aching step.
“this the campsite?” madi asks. she’s out of breath and water, just like everyone else.
“yeah,” you manage to get out, taking in the scenery and the woodsy smell.
“dude, this is crazy!” matt shouts, excitedly wrapping his arms around nick’s neck and ruffling his hair. this was right up matt’s alley.
“ouch, dude—yes, yeah, so cool” nick agrees, attempting to pry his brother off of him.
the near 3 hours of what felt like the five stages of grief were instantly made worth it after all.
the sparkling lake in the very back, the colorful flowers and whimsical trees, the animals chirping?
it’s beautiful, mesmerizing, and screams relaxation.
oh, who are you kidding? nothing could repair 3 ongoing hours of enduring christopher sturniolo.
“alright, let’s set up tents,” you sigh, stepping toward the grassy patch under a nice shady tree.
“i want that spot,” chris says, standing right in front of you. “too bad. take that one.” you say, pointing to the tree beside yours with a tight-lipped smile. chris scoffs at that, messing up your hair before walking past to the tree you’d pointed at.
you irritatedly readjust your hair, watching nick and matt goof around and nearly pushing each other into the glistening lake.
“i wish i was that careless…” madi mumbles to you, shaking her head as she watches them as well. “me, too…” you agree, fumbling with one of the tents bars.
everything had been going dandy with the set-up process of your tent. but, one bar simply won’t stay where it needs to.
frustrated, you drop the bar in the grass, watching half of the tent cave in on itself as you crouch down to try and further examine the issue. a couple of footsteps can be heard from behind you, a chuckle accommodating them.
“need help with that?” chris asks, getting down to your level, his eyes scanning the scattered pieces in the dirt.
chris tsks, hands going straight to work to reassemble your tent. you can tell he’s making an effort to stay focused in your presence, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, his tongue every now and then darting out to swipe over his pink lips.
your eyes travel down to his veiny hands working on building this contraption. “you done?” he taunts, waving his hand in front of your face.
chris clicks his tongue, an amused smirk spreading across his face.
“i said are you done?” he repeats himself, and you just now notice that he’s finished setting up your tent. “with what?” you ask, already deeply annoyed with this attitude he’s carrying.
“staring. if you want me so bad, just tell me. use that loud mouth for somethin’ useful, yeah?”
“ew, you’re gross. thanks for the help, but i won’t be sucking your dick in return.”
his smile is insufferable. that low, cocky tone he uses and the way he leans in closer just to tease you.
“how cute. i didn’t even mention that. but, now i guess i know what goes on in your head, huh?” he hums lowly before standing up, leaving you all by your lonesome on the ground.
“oh god, shut up” you scoff. he laughs at you, jogging off toward the rest of the group.
that night, the 5 of you come across a slight problem.
“so, what you’re saying is…you need to go to the store?” chris groans, plopping down in one of the folding chairs you’d brought.
madi nods, “dude, we totally thought one of us had brought the bag of food!”
“for the record, madi and i were fully convinced that nick had it. but, i guess he’s a little…forgetful at times.” matt defends.
“and you’re noticing that now?” you reply, your eyes practically rolling back into your skull.
today, it’s really starting to seem like everyone here shares the same half of a braincell.
“well, no—but, i mean, it was too late anyway—“ nick protests, rubbing the nape of his neck.
you’d all come to the conclusion that nobody managed to bring anything except for the chips that chris had, of course, eaten on the hike to the camp site.
chris pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing with evident frustration.
“now what?”
crickets. literally.
“guys, cmon” you chime in.
madi looks at her phone, “i could call a cab to the main street? it’s only a 25 minute walk there through the woods.”
matt and nick hum.
“okay, sounds like the best option.” you sigh, twirling your hair around your finger. chris looks up at you from his seat.
“yeah, we’ll set up the fire and you guys go to the—“
“no way.” you scoff, looking at chris with wide eyes. he responds with an annoyed laugh, running his hands over his thighs. “seriously?”
“dead serious,” you nod.
silence, once again…
chris practically shoots up from his chair and takes off to the campfire. and for the very first time, the air feels heavy. you awkwardly look back to the other 3, who are staring at you like some deer in headlights.
“yeah, uhm, just go. i’ll take care of him.” you shake your head and they nod, say their goodbyes, and make their way back through the woods to the main street.
a pit forms in your stomach, anxiety creeping up your body as you approach chris. you’ve never felt bad for insulting or bickering with him, mostly because he always returned the behavior.
but this time? it was different. this time, it hurt. something shifted inside of you when you saw his icy blue eyes glimmer, almost like he was hurt himself.
the way his jaw clenches when you approach his visibly angry figure makes you shiver, even in this warm weather.
“what?” he snaps, breaking a branch and throwing the pieces into the little stack he’d created.
“im sorry,” you mutter, the attitude still evident in your voice. there’s a pause.
“you piss me off so much,” he says, locking his eyes on yours. his eyes are dark, almost intimidating. the air gets heavier now. you try to ignore it. ignore the goosebumps creeping onto your arms from his voice.
“we’re equal then.”
his tongue grazes the inside of his cheek, eyebrows furrowing.
“no, we’re not. we can’t be.”
the anger inside you boils up quickly. “why? because you’re so much better than everyone?” you spit.
"no. because you think i'm insufferable and you don't want me around" he replies, cutting you off.
“what’s not equal about that? you literally hate me-"
“shut up" he says, this time fully cutting you off.
“excuse me?" you laugh out in disbelief,
“i said shut up.”
“you know what? no, because-"
"oh my god will you shut up? ‘I hate you?’ Are you insane?" borderline yelling, his eyes never leave yours, staring you down.
this time, you really don’t have anything to say.
“i ‘hate you’?” he quotes you. “seriously? like i haven’t obviously been in love with you for years? like i can’t take my eyes off you, like the only reason i ‘show off’ is to impress you? like it doesn’t hurt my feelings when you act like it’s the worst thing in the world to be near me?” he rambles.
the words leave his mouth so quickly, neither your mind or his can really catch up. panting, he looks up at you, nervously biting his lower lip, seemingly realizing what he’d just admitted to.
he runs a hand through his messy hair.
“look, i—“
“chris.” now, it’s your turn to interrupt him.
“if you don’t kiss me right now, i’ll kill you.”
at your words, he wastes no time ruthlessly crashing his lips into yours, grabbing you by the waste with greedy hands and pressing your body up to his.
his lips are needy, eagerly dancing against yours, a groan slipping out here and there. you sigh softly, your hands finding his stubbled jaw to pull him impossibly closer.
his teeth bite at your lower lip, making you open up just enough for him to easily slip his tongue in, exploring the new area. a couple of minutes—which felt like days—go by until he breaks it, ragged and heavy breathing coming from the both of you. he rests his forehead against yours.
“holy shit,” you whisper, making a smirk creep across his face before he connects your lips once more. “i need you so bad.” he murmurs into your mouth.
you pull away this time, hands on his shoulders as you take in the beautiful view in front of you. his swollen pink lips, his barely illuminated face, his tousled hair. “if this whole thing was just your tactic to get me to fuck you, you’re gonna drown in that lake.” you laugh, slapping his shoulder lightly. he rolls his eyes, hoisting you up in his arms and making his way to his tent.
“unfortunately, i am embarrassingly madly in love with you, but if you don’t wanna fuck—“
you shut him up by kissing him. “don’t ruin the mood.” you say as he sets you down and you climb into his tent on all fours. his eyes trail down to your ass, how it hangs out of your shorts. he follows in after you once you situate yourself.
as soon as he comfortably gets in next to you, his hands find your hips. “we don’t have a lot of time, pretty. i’ll make it up to you when we get home, yeah?” he says, pulling your shorts and panties down at the same time. you bite your lip, the sound of him taking off his pants adding to your excitement.
“it’s okay chris, i’m as desperate as you are.” your words earn a slap on your ass from him. “so did you imagine sucking my dick?” he teases, grabbing at the soft plush of your ass. “many times.”
chris pulls off his boxers and your eyes travel down, widening at his size. his dick frees from it’s entrapment, tapping his stomach. you hungrily gaze at the precum beading at his tip, it’s an angry pink. “you wanna make those fantasies come true, hm?” he asks, a grin creeping across his face. you nod eagerly, causing a dry chuckle to lowly leave his lips. “c’mon then.”
you get down so that you’re level with his dick and rest your hands on his thighs. you grab the base of it, kitten licking at the tip to tease him a little. you lick a few stripes from bottom to top, earning a guttural groan from chris. he shifts his hand into your hair, twisting it into a makeshift ponytail. “c’mon, y/n.”
you chuckle before slowly taking his length into your mouth. tears immediately start to prick at your eyes. not that you cared, though. chris notices this and gives you some reassurance. “you’re okay, doin’ so good f’me. breathe through your nose, yeah?”
he starts to move your head up and down himself, letting out low moans. “you okay if i go faster, baby?” he asks. you know he’s obviously hoping for a yes. you manage an “uh-huh” and at your words, he’s immediately picking up the pace. the riskiness, the built-up tension, the feel of your mouth around his dick, the sound of your chokes, all of it. it just brings him closer and closer to the sweet release.
“ah, fuck—‘m so close, baby, gonna let me cum in your pretty mouth, hm?” he groans, tossing his head back. once again, you manage a response. “good fuckin’ girl,” he mutters, thrusting his dick into your mouth. next thing you know, a warm, thick liquid is shooting down your throat. he pull you off of him and you swallow the remnants of his orgasm. “did s’good f’me, baby.” he praises, stroking you cheek with his thumb.
“gonna let me fuck you? gonna let me fuck that pussy i’ve been dreamin’ about?” he asks, his fingers trailing down to your pussy. he runs his finger through your slickness, stopping to rub your clit. “y-yes, yes, please” you beg, stuttering over your words at the feel of his finger on your clit.
“mhm, i thought so.” he says, flipping you over. he runs his tip up and down your slit, eliciting a whine to fall from your lips. he finally positions himself at your entrance, teasing you some more. “fuck, you’re so sexy, can i pull your hair?” he groans, positioning his hands on your hips momentarily. “damn, you freak, yeah, you can,” you reply.
a strangled moan leaves your lips when he pushes his entire length into you, one of his hands keeping it’s grip while one goes up to your hair again, gathering it up to pull on it. “fuck, you’re so tight—you’re not a virgin, are you baby?” he huffs, keeping his pace slow for the time-being.
you breathlessly giggle between moans, gripping at the fabric of the tent floor. “no—i’m not, you’re just—fuck—huge,” you manage. he throws his head back again, pulling on your hair while his hips pick up speed significantly, hitting that spot inside you over and over again.
the both of you are trying to keep your moans down, given that there’s another campsite nearby. yours are muffled by the floor of the tent, chris’ low growls only loud enough for you to hear. “you feel so good—i’ve wanted to fuck this tight pussy for ages,” he mutters, letting go of your hair momentarily to harshly pull your hips back against him, making you meet his thrust half way.
your knees felt weak, pressing into the ground beneath you. the string in your stomach starts to pull, signaling that you were getting closer. “you’re mine now, right baby? my pretty pussy, my girl?” you let out a high-pitched “yes”, a borderline squeal, followed by a plea of his name. “gonna cum?” he growls, pushing himself as deep as he can inside of you.
you only manage to nod. you’re mind’s practically gone blank, the only thing roaming it is the feeling of chris inside of you. the “string” inside of you is starting fray, threatening to snap any minute. “f-fuck!” you squeal, slapping a hand over your mouth as the string finally snaps. your legs shake, your whole body practically convulsing as you cum on his dick.
“mhm, fuck—‘m cummin’, baby,” chris purrs. his moans are deep, his thrusts slowing but not stopping, just to help the both of you ride out your highs. spurts of his cum coat the walls of your cunt, and you can feel it shooting deep inside of you. a few minutes of silence pass as he rests inside of you. but then, he pulls out, watching the strings of your arousal disconnect from your cunt and cover his entire shaft.
he gently rubs his thumbs over your hips before flipping you back over onto your back. you smile up at him weakly, watching as he cleans the both of you up carefully. he was using a spare towel that was originally for the lake. he pulls your panties and shorts back onto you, slipping his boxers and pants back on afterward. he lays down next to you.
“i, uh..i left marks on your hips. does it hurt? i didn’t really realize how hard i was, uh…gripping.” he asks worriedly, peppering kisses on your cheeks. you shake your head, reassuringly intertwining your hand with his.
“it’s okay. kinda weird to see you bein’ nice, wow.” the urge to tease him returns of course, nudging his nose with yours. chris bites your cheek playfully, then he smothers your face with wet kisses. “stooooop” you whine as a wide smile cracks across your face.
“i’m obsessed with you, jeez, you don’t even know.” he mumbles, cupping your face in his hands.
“should we like…knock or something?” matt says awkwardly.
the 3 of them stand maybe 2 yards from your tent. and they have been for the past 20 minutes, bags in each hand.
“uhm…sure?” madi replies.
“well, at least we know they get along now…” nick sighs, turning around to make his way back to the campfire.
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a/n: hi hi!! this was like so fun to write wtf?? i know some of it doesnt make a lot of sense😭 but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!! pleaseee leave requests and asks thank u!!<3 love uuu
tags: @sturn-saturn @xysbree @sturniolos4life16 @emely9274 @pearlzier
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Hihiii hope your taking breaks when you need them <3
If your free, a fic with soft Vampire Auron taking care of injured and tired Hunter maybe? I'm just obsessed with Vampire Auron so much
Your hurt, let me help.
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"Fucking hell! God damn werewolf..." Mumbling frustrated, Hunter gripped the wall of the mansion. They had a mission from their group, needed to check out a possible runaway werewolf from a pack.
The hunter did find the werewolf, but as you can tell from their state. It didn't go well, now as they bleed from the big scratch they curse ever choosing this life. The big amount of blood they lost causing a toll on them as they fall over, tired from walking.
"Easy! I got you Hunter. I apologize not coming here fast enough." Soft words filled the quiet halls. Auron, the Vampire Lord that owns the mansion held the hunter gently. Looking over them quickly he lofted them up, the sudden movement cause Hunter to wiggle in suprise.
"Put me down-" Hissing slightly, Hunter cursed again as they felt the wound widen just a bit. Gripping the Vampire's shoulder in desperation for the pain to subdue.
"Your hurt, let me help." Mumbling out, Auron then bit his wrist and brought it to the humans lips. Hunter blinked slowly as opened their mouth, gently sucking as they felt themselves heal a bit.
The Lord sighed, relieved as they listened to his words. Still carrying them, Auron quickly walked to his room in the mansion. Hunter placed a hand on his chest and leaned their head on his shoulder.
Looking down he smiled, but quickly hid it as they looked at him. The red head didn't like how tired and pale they looked. Should he go and hunt for food while they rest? Thinking the Vampire opened the door to his bed chamber.
"I'm going to wrap you up. I know I gave you blood but that wound concerns me." Explaining what he's about to do. Auron grabbed bandages he started having in his room because of the human. Gently disinfecting the wound and applying the right bandages to help it heal quickly.
The mouser hunter looked at him with tired eyes, they still couldn't understand him. But, he was sweet and kind, so they let him move them around with ease.
"There, that should suffice for the time being." Whispering, Auron stood and cleaned the blood off his hands. "I'm going to hunt food. You need it to help get more blood in your body, stay here."
Transforming into a small bat, the Vampire left through a window. Hunter blinked at the window he left in, sighing again as they look at the ceiling. It's funny how a Vampire got attached to a monster hunter.
Slowly closing their eyes, Hunter smiled at how gently Auron held them. Giggling slightly as the red head thought he could hide his emotions from them. The hunter saw his worry and found it strange, but they won't stop him, after all he's very interesting.
Along with how they couldn't help but enjoy this little thing they had going on.
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