#it's too late isn't it
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leoreadss · 2 months ago
Have you ever thought that when Michale Sheen is older he will have Aziraphale's hair and be an angel forever?
No? Just me?
Cause I'm seriously unwell now.
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tanieny · 11 months ago
I will steal this and show it to my dnd group, hoping real hard here
this may just be me going into overanalysis mode but i feel like the choreography of spellcasting can tell you so much about a magic user. a snap of the fingers, for example, implies confidence, even arrogance, while hands thrust out and straining to the fingertips suggests desperation, throwing one's whole body into the spell as though hoping the physical effort will make a difference. rapid, jerky body language tells you that a spellcaster is passionate and reckless, while graceful, fluid movements demonstrate calm and concentration. some magic users may choose to stomp their feet or clap their hands when casting, channeling power through percussive motion, whilst others may see magic as a tool separate from the self, and focus is through objects like a wand or staff. a new spellcaster just coming into their power may be tentative and slow, but a practiced study of magic will be able to rely on muscle memory to guide them.
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months ago
[Toon x Mobster] drawn for fun, he doesn't know how to hold that thing wwwwww
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jojostory · 7 months ago
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she's gonna spoil him rotten!!
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months ago
Do I look like him?
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had a lot of people ask me to make a tiktok for it and i swear i tried but,,, making tiktoks just isn't working for me rn so we're getting still images until i can get my brain to cooperate. anyways!! i am obsessed with chromokopia and when i heard Like Him i ascended into heaven and also cried. and it very much reminded me of LoF
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egophiliac · 8 months ago
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sleeping-sphere · 3 months ago
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this story means a lot to me so i wanted to redraw a scene from the movie!
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daily-dose-of-bucket · 4 months ago
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Day 172: HAPPY (very late) HALLOWEEN!!!
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accirax · 28 days ago
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Happy 5th Anniversary DRDT!!!!!!! and happy birthday Mai too :D
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verdantglow · 2 months ago
So I just watched Etho's Double Life Episode 5 for the first time & I...
Like. My understanding of this session was from watching Grian's Double Life & I think I watched Pearl's video for it & then everything else is what I've absorbed from fandom.
& two things that I hadn't been expecting based on that knowledge that I got out of Etho's video:
First: Etho trying to extinguish the Relation. Like. They come up on its burning remains & Joel is saying that it's okay, it was really more of a metaphor, they'll be alright, & Etho's just. Stumbling over repeated questions of what they'll be & where they'll be without their Relation as he hops around the remaining blocks, picking up decorations not on fire & putting out whatever blocks he can.
Joel lets it go, accepts that the Relation is gone the moment they get to it & see the damage, & reassures Etho while also plotting revenge. & Etho's in shock & still trying to save it, trying to save this ship Joel built for them, by himself, while Etho was off taking huge risks after making Joel promise not to take any, that Etho came home to & was stunned by its beauty. Etho does not want to let it go, to admit that it was gone. Which brings me to...
Second: Once Etho realizes that's it, the Relation is gone, he's so 110% on board with everything burning, & quite frankly, from his point of view, he is very much the more unhinged one here. Joel might be leading them & announcing that everything burns, but Etho is right behind him, taking flint & steel to anything that'll go up, repeating those words like a mantra.
Joel seems focused on taking out everyone else's bases, but Etho is lighting everything on fire. Any hint of wood on a base? On fire. Trees? On fire. Mobs? On fire. Other red name players? On fire. The grass? On fire. The bridge made of deepslate that's not actually going to burn at all? On fire x6.
Also on fire? Etho. He's so desperate to make the whole server burn, he keeps setting himself on fire in the process & taking surprisingly long to actually extinguish himself. He lighting the ground in front of him & then jumping over the flames & they catch him in the process & he does this like six time in a row while trying to light up a burn proof deepslate bridge. & he only actually pulls out the water bucket a couple of times in the process, just letting himself be on fire.
This man is so hellbent on destruction that he seems to forget his own safety, forget that that is also Joel's safety, & is So. God. Damn. Reckless.
I've read a lot of fic about the Relation burning down & based on every single one of them, I expected Joel to be devastated by its loss, to be inconsolable, to be reckless while Etho comforts & follows along & joins in, because Joel needs this, so maybe Etho does too.
But no, from Etho's own point of view, it is the exact opposite. Etho is devastated, Etho is in shocked, Etho needs to be comforted & reassured. Joel suggests everything burning in response, & yeah, he wants revenge too, but gods. It really feels like he suggests it to give Etho a direction for all those feelings, to give Etho an outlet.
Because while Joel might want revenge, Etho needs it.
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 months ago
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thereisabearonmyceiling · 4 months ago
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shaded citadel
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cybershock24601 · 3 months ago
Viago and Teia getting a letter one day (technically it was addressed to just Teia but they were On again so they're reading it together. there's another addressed to Viago waiting in his room which he has not slept in for three days and probably won't find go back to for at least a week more) that says:
We're eloping to Nevarra and Lucanis is abdicating. Giving you a heads up because you're cool. Enjoy the fallout!
Best Regards, Rook and Lucanis Ingellvar
What follows this unceremonious departure from Antiva is a level of chaos rivaling even Zevran's reign of terror as all the Talons scramble to grab the empty seat Lucanis left behind to live his best life as a househusband. House Dellamorte that has limped along clinging to power through blood and cruelty finally falls and in the resulting chaos and confusion either Teia or Viago end up seizing the seat of the First Talon. They're not sure whether to thank Lucanis or strangle him for causing such upheaval. Lucanis is too happy spending his days baking bread and testing out new recipes to really care.
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mercutio-the-velaryon · 2 months ago
You would think Mel Medarda died in the season one finale the way the only discourse about her that gets popular in the wider fandom is about not only her actions in season 1 but a very specific scene in a very specific context like did y'all see her in season two or do you only care when she's a device for Jayce and Viktor's character arcs?
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donelywell · 10 months ago
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February 29- March 2 2024
The first time Sonic went Super in Road Trip wasn't exactly as stunning to Tails as other au's and stories.
Tails is like maybe 5 here (I'm not actually that organized on the timeline for this au yet, I'm getting there though, things are getting in order.) and he wasn't forced to grow up and be a hero in this au. So he's a bit more childish than canon Tails because he doesn't feel as pressured to mature and grow up fast. Plus, he genuinely thinks Sonic is going to die and this is the last time he see's him, so tears are bound to come down.
Part 1
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blooodymoon · 3 months ago
A "RETURN of the Number of PERSONS FLOGGED in the BRITISH NAVY, in each of the Years 1845 and 1846; specifying the Name of the Ship, the Offence, the Sentence and the Number of Lashes Infficted." Parlamentary Paper, Number 661 of Session 1847
So after reading the Post about Jopsons Flogging by @handfuloftime I went down a research rabbit hole because I wanted to see if their exist sufficient & specific enough Data to accuratly compare his punishment and put it in the historical context.
I found this Website, which features the two tables from the Parlamentary Papers and their Source.
(Note: The tables on the website are incomplete and inaccurate in certain places. I compared it from top to bottom to the original source and corrected/added the informations in my table.)
I used that as a basis for my own table, where I also added Averages and Sliders so people can search the Informations!
(Apparently Sliders don't work on Mobil, and I don't know enough about Google Sheets how to fix it :/
If anyone knows or if you find a some kind mistake please let me know.)
This week I visited the University Libary, which has access to the Parlamentary Papers Online, to see if such tables also exist for earlier years but sadly 1845 was the first year where they went into such Specifics.
(I hope to add some of the Years after 1846 to the table, when I can.)
Earlier years only had these Informations per Year:
Total Number of Punishments
Total Number of Lashes
Highest Number of Lashes Inflicted at One Time
Lowest Number of Lashes Inflicted at One Time
This Information for 1839 - 1846 under the Cut.
Also under the Read More are some Graphs, Medians & Averages about Flogging for Drunkenness Alone, seperated by Seamen, Marines, Boys and Everyone!
Hope that someone find this useful/interesting !
Corporal Punishment for Drunkenness Alone
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Lashes Sentenced Median: 32,75 (1845: 36 | 1846: 31,4)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 31,07 (1845: 31,13 | 1846: 31,02)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,02 | 1846: 30,58)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 36 (1845: 36 | 1846: 36)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 34,37 (1845: 34,62 | 1846: 33,86)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 34,33 (1845: 34,41 | 1846: 33,86)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 31,4 (1845: 32 | 1846: 31,4)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,09 | 1846: 31,09)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 30,8 (1845: 31,09 | 1846: 30,69)
Lashes Sentenced Median: 24 (1845: 24 | 1846: 33)
Lashes Sentenced Average: 26,22 (1845: 24,4 | 1846: 28,5)
Lashes Inflicted Average: 25,33 (1845: 24,4 | 1846: 26,5)
Number of Punishments: 2,007
Number of Lashes: 59,341
Highest: 60 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 2,026
Number of Lashes: 60,302
Highest: 48 | Lowest: 1
Number of Punishments: 2,066
Number of Lashes: 61,669
Highest: 50 | Lowest: 2
Number of Punishments: 2,472
Number of Lashes: 71,024
Highest: 100* | Lowest: 1
Number of Punishments: 2,170
Number of Lashes: 63,985
Highest: 60 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 1,411
Number of Lashes: 42,352
Highest: 72+ | Lowest: 6
Number of Punishments: 1,070
Number of Lashes: 33,511
Highest: 48 | Lowest: 3
Number of Punishments: 1,077
Number of Lashes: 32,360
Highest: 50* | Lowest: 3
*By sentence of a Court Martial.
+By order of the Commander-in-Chief for theft, in a shop at Chusan, and violence to the natives.
Sources: A "RETURN of the CORPORAL PUNISHMENTS inflicted in the ROYAL NAVY, in each of the Years 1839 to 1843, both inclusive, stating the highest and lowest Number of Lashes at each Time, and the aggregate Number of Lashes in each Year [ ]" Parlamentary Paper, Number 308, of Session 1845 + ABSTRACT of Total Numbers of CORPORAL PUNISHMENTS inflicted in the NAVY, and the Total Number of LASHES Inflicted, in each Year up to the 31st December 1846 [ ]. Parlamentary Paper, Number 661, of Session 1847
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