#it's like the pomegranate i gave her
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dandiacal · 2 months ago
im psmithing. i finished leave it to psmith last night (an edition with an enjoyably opinionated foreword and dynamic illustrations) and i read a very lovely fanfiction of mike and psmith and cried
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pinkvaquita · 11 months ago
Headcanon of the day because I'm bored...
Affogato doesn't know how, but he slowly and without noticing ended up being the one that cooks for the others CoD members.
Before him, Licorice and Brute would deal it by themselves as best as they could. They had experience but it wasn't that much of a thing.
And one day, Affogato was tired of this and decided to cook things for himself. He knows to cook because of in his times before living in the Citadel, he had to find a way not only to not be hungry but to also make it appropiete for him (I hc this man is a HUGE picky eater.)
His food attracted the other two. Abd it first he refused to share but well... Time pased, he refused to admit but now he finds them less annoying than the start. So he also makes food for them.
And pretends he only does it because "It would be useless that Dark Enchantress servants tried to battle if they haven't eat something good to keep themselves going".
Now with the addition of the researchers and Butter Roll, Fishgato spends a lot of time cookie because now there is more mouths to feed. And he is defenetly NOT eating or letting anyone eat anything that Butter roll has made. (He is never gonna let go that the alive cake inccident.)
But hey, he has something to keep them ocupied insteed of bored and talking shit about all the others.
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years ago
loool sometimes i forget how eastern european i am. yesterday my mum was showing my stepdad her homevideos from the 70s. and he was like "oh those people look so lovely, im sure they were so nice". and my mum was like "yeah they were all such good and kindhearted people! this one comited suicide, these two went to jail, this one tried to kill us". and another instant my stepdad asked why my grandma was wearing these huge glasses and my mum said "yeah she had really bad eyesight but then there was a miracle and now she has 20/20 vision".
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learnandturn · 10 months ago
I was punched and pepper sprayed by cops that my university administration set on student protesters yesterday. Including once where a cop ripped my mask off my face, grabbed my jaw, and sprayed pepper sprayed straight into my mouth. The university sent out an alert in the middle of our protest canceling classes for the rest of the day, only citing “adverse conditions”. After protesters dispersed under threat of even more violence and three buses of riot police from all over the state with rubber bullets and bully sticks parked in front of one our school’s famous landmarks. I staggered over to a couple of friends who were watching on the sidelines. They gave me water and an apple and held a bag of ice on my very pepper spray irritated face. As they were walking me back to my dorm we ran into one of their roommates. She had taken cancelled classes as an opportunity to get crumbl cookie with her friends. Standing in front of her, happy in a floral blouse with her box of cookies, in my pepper spray and water soaked tshirt, keffiyeh sadly hanging off my shoulder, holding an ice pack to my mouth, felt like a slap in the face.
After putting my pepper spray soaked clothes, shoes, and keffiyeh in a plastic bag and taking an extraordinarily painful shower, a friend and I went for dinner just off campus. There we had a pot of green tea and ramen to soothe pepper sprayed throats. We got ice cream after (shared a cup with chocolate and raspberry pomegranate with strawberry pieces on top, it was very good). From our spot outside the ice cream place we watched a steady stream of groups of sorority girls in matching jeans shorts and blue bikini tops walking back to their apartments after some apparently raucous parties. The cognitive dissonance was insane. I really felt a little like I was going crazy.
Even this morning, waking up to the smeared sharpie of the National Lawyer’s Guild’s phone number on my arm, a black and blue chest from where a grown man straight up clocked me while I was held up by two other protesters in a wall, and a still sore throat and eyes from the pepper spray, life goes on like normal. I still have final papers to write and a math exam to review for.
I’m not sure I really have a point. But, this feeling only makes me want to fight harder for a free Palestine. So, fuck Israel for being an apartheid state and all of their crimes over the last 76 years. Fuck university administration for not disclosing their level of investment in Israel. Fuck university administration for not divesting from this genocide. Fuck Joe Biden for actively supporting this genocide. And fuck the police.
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luvether · 28 days ago
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summary, even with half-bitten pomegranates between tongue, teeth and heart, the prince of Kremnos tries to make amends with you.
mydei x gn!reader. mildly lovers to enemies. tension and arguments. hurt with comfort. mentions of arranged marriage and eloping (love this trope with him) soft and gentle mydei, might be ooc. lore-inclined city-state ceremonies. [2.0k wc]
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It’s merely an alliance ceremony.
And yet here you were, being dressed in foreign silks and heavy accessories. Compared to your usual attires the fabrics are lightweight, enough for a cold rush to scrape your skin despite the torch lit by the corner of your room.
Your face must’ve betrayed you, for the maidens that attended to you murmured about it being part of Kremnoan traditions and that you had to endure it, only with such a solid statement do you deflate, settling stiffly and defeatedly on the chair, allowing them to continue their decorations on you, to peel you bare of your sea-state city garments and pool Castrum Kremnos‘ silk clothes, sandals and cape over you.
At this very moment, you looked like a raw and beguiling warrior, a far cry of what you truly were, an ignorant coward.
“You look beautiful.” A more elderly woman speaks from behind, you stare at her through the vanity.
I look like a fighter.”
“Are you not?”
You hesitate to answer her, biting your lip to prevent yourself from speaking something you might regret.
Are you still labeled a fighter after losing your city to Castrum Kremnos?
You were anything but triumph, you lost your kingdom, your pride, your people—and only this alliance union can salvage whatever scraps of glory you have left, it's the only thing you could do for your folks since you disappointed them as their leader.
The elder woman’s hand lands softly on your shoulder, despite such a gentle manner you cannot help the flinch from echoing through your bones. Your nails bury into your palms.
“I assure you, young one, that shame is the last thing Castrum Kremnos would dare to offer you and your city-state.”
She pauses.
“Our prince would not dare such a thing from you.”
You wanted to laugh, to cry and scream and ruminate frustrations. But you swallow instead, “I see.”
You did not utter another word after that. The maidens have left long ago and you pondered with your own thoughts, recounting the gradual yesterdays you spent mourning over fallen friends and a broken city. You recounted tidbit memories of the remaining council that pushed you for this alliance—forcing you to succumb and kneel towards the very people that took your everything.
After all, as the last remaining royal blood, that’s the least you can do.
The Kremnos’ heavy bells finally billow, and you inhale sharply.
“It’s time for you to step into the ceremony hall, lord.”
And you stand, your heart heavy with pressure. When you followed a counselor towards your destination, the older man gave you a quick rundown of certain rules and traditions you needed to adhere to, you half-listened to the convoluted rules until the very last statement that catches your attention,
“At the end of the blessings, you are to share a cup of pomegranate juice with the one you are to join alliance with.” he starts,
“In this case, you are to drink from the same cup with the representative of our city, Kremnos’ prince Mydeimos.”
His name is an echo through the shell of your ears, leaving a bitter aftertaste between your teeth. You stopped listening after that, until you both faltered at the end of the corridor.
Your heart is pounding in your chest when the large, looming doors split open, by now, the hall is packed and standing at the very front was the ceremony priest and Mydeimos himself, awaiting your arrival. When you step beside him on the podium, your gaze dare not shift towards the prince.
You let the withered voice of the priest wander you through the prayer, he lifts an iron chalice brimming with liquid as red as blood—you watch quietly as he lifts a smaller glass of honey, letting the golden liquid pool into the red cup before blessing the drink.
The priest turns to you, with a nod he beckons you to mirror the oath spoken. With parted lips, you follow along, pledging allegiance and alliance to Castrum Kremnos, “And with the glory of Strife and blood intertwined in allegiance with Castrum Kremnos, I, the succeeding lord of my city shall share the same devotion of valorous death before glorious return.”
You tilt your chin, lips pressed against the iron. The tangy yet thickly sweet taste of pomegranate rinses through your tastebuds. When the red liquid hits the middle line, you retract, turning towards the direction of the prince.
You look at him, only to find his heavy resin eyes already on you.
Mydeimos’ blank stare traces every bare action you do, and for a split moment you try to hold his weighty stare, trying to dissect his expression—trying to see what he thinks of the whole thing, and yet you find none.
You’ve dropped your gaze then, before extending the chalice in his direction. You slightly stir when you feel his fingertips brush your knuckles, you are quick to let go when he grabs ahold of the cup—too quickly.
How audacious, you cannot help but wonder when the priest speaks the same oath to him, Mydeimos recites it but his eyes never stray from you. Truly, he’s like a prowling lion assessing its prey.
There’s a prickling sensation of self-consciousness with such a look pinned on you.
“And with the glory of Strife and blood intertwined in allegiance with Castrum Kremnos, I, Mydeimos the succeeding prince of my city shall share the same devotion of valorous death before glorious return
” he rasps, then he downs the remainder within the chalice, his golden eyes still on you.
You cannot help yourself but settle your gaze on his exposed collarbones, laddering your way up the column of his neck where you watch the way his adam’s apple bobs at the swallow of the juice, a few clumsy droplets run down his jaw before he retreats and wipes it with the back of his hand.
The bells sound once, then twice at the successful union but your mind is a flurry of thoughts, though all of them stop at one concluding statement, you desperately need to get out of the banquet hall.
So when you’re finally released from your duties, instead of lingering and talking with the folks you spin around towards the exit. Nobody seemed to bat an eyelash at your hasty departure, nor was there anyone in the hallway outside which allowed you to break into a sprint—you don’t know where you’re going, quite frankly the layout of the city is still foreign to you, but you needed to get out of there.
At the fall of your impatient footsteps, you barely hear another set chasing after you.
Only until you feel larger hands gripping your waist do you stop.
“Where do you think you’re running off to?” You don’t need to turn to know who was speaking, the plates of his half-naked front are pressed hard against your back, it acted like a furnace almost.
“Unhand me.” You try to sound casual but it ends up in a bite. “This instant, Mydeimos—“
“And what?” He challenges back. “Let you run around like a headless goose until one of the counselors finds you? Do you wish for trouble that much?”
Instead of answering, you try to pry his hands around your waist. Your attempts are obviously futile however you are wracked with frustrations, fury and confusion. Your actions only fueled the prince’s impatience.
“Quit squirming—“
“Then let me go!” You try to glare at him. “I wish to be anywhere but in your arms right now—“
That must’ve struck a nerve.
Mydeimos’ grip on you only tightened, he pulls you towards an empty corner between the heavy flaps of curtains and presses you against the wall. His hand grips your jaw—but despite such a harsh action his hold on you remains feather-light, gentle.
His face draws close to your own, until you can feel his raspy voice on your cheek. At this distance, you can smell his scent of bonfire, tender smoke and something sweet, like pomegranates, he smelled awfully fruity.
“Says the one that wishes to marry me, isn’t that what you confessed to me months before?”
The jab brings heat to your cheeks, you lift your hand with the intent to slap him but Mydeimos captures your wrist before your palm could collide with his cheek. His thumb runs up from your wrist to your palm, intertwining your fingers together and laying it on the wall beside your head, his bangs brush your forehead, face so, so close that if you tilted your head your lips would be brushing his own,
“You wanted to elope with me.” Mydei tells you. “Have you forgotten? Or do you wish for me to tell you the exact words you told me that day.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, this was before my city was attacked by your warriors!”
The tension hangs gauche, the silence between the two of you almost unbearable. The man before you sighs heavily, “There are a handful of things that are at my disposal, even with the title of prince—the issues of prophecies is something I cannot control.” Mydei soothes a thumb over the pulse in your wrists.
“You of all people are aware of this fact.” he pauses. “Or maybe you weren’t, after all the sea-side states are nonbelievers, you and your people don’t revere the Titans, only the arithmetics and logarithms of the world.”
“You're right, I wasn’t.” You snap. “I did not know Castrum Kremnos was prophesied to destroy my home, Mydeimos. If I had known, I wouldn’t have uttered such preposterous words to you, I was made out to be an ignorant fool because of it.”
Mydeimos’ whole demeanor takes a polar shift, you’re unsure why those eyes had melted like butter, was it your shaky voice, the pitiful wallow in your tone? Or did he truly feel an ounce of empathy for your situation?
“You're not an ignorant fool.” He lets go of your wrist but his body remains pressed up against your own, despite the position his body heat grounded you, especially with his follow up of, “to me, you’re the wisest person I know. A leader with a heart of gold, I apologize for causing you so much agony and for being unable to aid you when you need it most.”
He takes your hand, smearing his lips against your knuckles. “I wish to make amends with you but if you hold such vengeance in your heart—” he tugs your wrist, digging your fingers to his chest just above his heart. “You can scratch my heart out and kill me, stab me in the back for as long as you want if it means your desires would be satiated, then so be it.“
Mydeimos.” To say you were shocked was an understatement.
He softly bumps his forehead with your own. “Do you hate me, kardia mou?”
This was the very reason why you fell for him, the prince from the city of warriors. Despite the harshness of his textures and tones, when it came to you, he was honest and open. Those universal stone-cold expressions fissure as soon as he sees a glimpse of you in the distance. He spoke in uncharacteristic gentleness and his fleeting skinships sent butterflies within your chest. You cannot be angry with him, much less hate when he acts like this.
You feel him interlace your fingers, weaving his own with yours. Then he leans down once again, pressing his lips against the corner of your mouth, the intent of apology willing to spill from the nonexistent gaps between the two of you. “I’m sorry.”
Your eyes turn glassy. Maybe it was due to Mydeimos’ comfort that every drowning pressure that you’ve bottled up comes cracking at the seams.
A sob spills between your lips.
“I don’t hate you, Mydei.” Your voice trembles when he tips your chin towards him, brushing his thumbs over the tear staining down your cheeks. “Truthfully, it is I that I loathe the most, not you—never you.”
“So please, never say that I find thrill in killing you.”
Mydei’s hand comes tangling through your tendrils, you weep on his collarbones, his woody scent engulfing you in comfort.
“I’m so sorry.” He repeats. “I’ll never speak of such a thing to you, so cease your cryings, my love.”
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heliosunny · 6 days ago
Your writing is just
 unbelievable! You’re doing such a good job, I hope you know that and you’re taking care of yourself (and your wrists!!)
May I request, if it peaks your interest, Yandere!Mydei x Reader, but slow-decent yandere over time as Mydei gets more possessive of reader, who they met when reader and Mydei accidentally bumped into each other in the market place, causing his pomegranate juice to spill on her. She didn’t mind, even licks a bit off of her to taste it before leaving, and runs a trinket shop for people at the edge of the market!
My wrists are doing okay- ;3
Yandere!Mydei x Fem!Reader
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Mydei walked through the market with the same disinterest he always carried, he was all too familiar with this place. He wasn’t here for anything in particular, just taking the usual route through the stalls, a wooden cup of pomegranate juice in hand. The deep red liquid sloshed slightly as he moved, but he paid it no mind.
Then, before he could sidestep, someone walked straight into him.
The collision wasn’t violent, but it was enough to jostle his cup, sending the juice spilling forward. The rich crimson liquid soaked into the tunic of the person in front of him.
“Tch” Mydei clicked his tongue, already annoyed. “You should watch where you’re going.”
Instead of irritation, you simply looked down at the stain, then back up at him. Without hesitation, you ran a finger along the droplets clinging to your skin, bringing it to your lips and licking it off.
“Mmm. That’s good” you mused, amusement flickering in your eyes. “You’ve got good taste.”
Mydei stared, silent for a moment. He wasn’t sure what he expected your reaction to be, but it certainly wasn’t that. Most people would be frustrated, flustered, or at least make some effort to clean up. Instead, you stood there, completely at ease, as if the spill was nothing more than a passing inconvenience.
His gaze flickered to your clothes. “It’s ruined.”
You merely shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. Gives me an excuse to close up early anyway.”
That caught his attention. “Close up?”
“I run a trinket shop. Just by the market’s edge.” You smiled, “Little things to catch the eye and heart.”
Mydei didn’t reply right away, just watching as you gave him a small wave and disappeared back into the crowd, as if this meeting was nothing more than a fleeting moment.
The next day, Mydei found himself walking toward the edge of the market, where the usual noise and crowd thinned out. He wasn’t sure why he bothered. Maybe it was curiosity, or maybe it was just something to do. Either way, he figured he’d at least take a look at the shop you mentioned.
When he arrived, however, the place was closed. The wooden sign hanging on the door was tilted slightly, as if it had been left that way in a hurry.
What was the point of bringing up a shop if she wasn’t even going to open it?
He exhaled through his nose, about to turn back and head home, when movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention.
There you were, walking toward the shop with a slow, lazy pace, arms stretching over your head as you let out a deep yawn. You looked half-asleep, hair slightly messy, and completely unbothered by the fact that most stalls had already been open since morning.
Mydei frowned. “Isn’t it late to be opening now?”
You blinked at him, then glanced at the sky as if just realizing the time. “Mm. Guess so.” You rubbed at one eye before giving him a lopsided grin. “But hey, better late than never, right?”
He stared at you. “That’s a terrible mindset for business.”
You only chuckled, fishing out the key and unlocking the door with an easy shrug. “Maybe. But I open when I feel like it. I still get customers, so it works out.”
 was the most carefree approach he’d ever heard. He didn’t know whether to call it ridiculous or strangely impressive.
Instead of arguing, he crossed his arms, leaning slightly against the nearby post. “So, do you actually sell anything useful, or is it all just cheap junk?”
You gasped dramatically, placing a hand over your chest. “How dare you.” Then you grinned. “You’ll just have to come inside and see for yourself.”
And for some reason, Mydei didn’t immediately walk away.
As you pushed open the shop door, the scent of old parchment, polished wood, and faint traces of incense drifted into the cool evening air. The interior was warm, lit by scattered lanterns that cast soft golden hues across shelves packed with trinkets—intricate carvings, delicate charms, aged coins, and strange little oddities that seemed to whisper of stories untold.
Mydei stepped in behind you, arms still crossed as his sharp eyes swept across the shop’s interior. He made a low noise in the back of his throat—half curiosity, half scrutiny. He reached for a small wooden carving of a beast with jeweled eyes, turning it in his hand. “You actually sell things worth looking at.”
You laughed, stretching lazily before stepping behind the counter. “Was that supposed to be a compliment?”
He huffed, setting the carving down before moving to another shelf. “Take it however you want.”
He studied everything with an almost calculated interest, fingers skimming over old coins, testing the weight of metal trinkets, and occasionally raising a brow at something that caught his attention. He wasn’t the type to be easily impressed, but you could tell he wasn’t just humoring you—he genuinely found the shop interesting, even if he didn’t outright say it.
“You actually know what you’re selling” he muttered, inspecting an engraved pendant. “Not just collecting junk and hoping people buy it.”
You leaned on the counter, resting your chin on your hand. “Of course. Every piece here has a story. That’s what makes them special.”
Mydei glanced at you briefly, as if considering something, but before he could speak, a voice cut through the quiet.
A man rushed into the shop, breathing heavily, eyes scanning the space before locking onto him. “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere—” He paused, glancing between you and Mydei before continuing hurriedly. “There’s trouble. You’re needed now.”
Mydei clicked his tongue in irritation but didn’t hesitate. He turned to you, nodding once. “Guess I’ll have to finish looking around another time.”
You waved a hand dismissively, grinning. “Take your time. The shop isn’t going anywhere.”
Without another word, he strode past the man and out into the night, disappearing as quickly as he had come.
Five days had passed since Mydei had left in a rush, and in that time, life went on as usual. Your shop saw a steady stream of customers—travelers looking for charms, locals browsing out of habit, and the occasional collector intrigued by the more unique items you sold.
The place was lively today, filled with chatter and the occasional sound of trinkets clinking together as people picked them up and examined them. You were busy handling coins, giving a customer change, when a familiar figure stepped inside.
At first, you didn’t notice him. Mydei wasn’t the type to announce his presence, and he simply stood near the back, scanning the shelves with his usual unreadable expression. He blended in well, quiet and observant, though his presence carried a weight that would eventually demand attention.
It wasn’t until you turned, momentarily catching a glimpse of something unusual in the dim light, that you really saw him. A few stray leaves were nestled in his hair, likely from his journey back to town.
Without thinking, you moved toward him, reaching up on your toes to pluck the leaves away. “You’ve been out in the wild, huh?” you mused, brushing the last one from his shoulder.
He barely reacted, only arching a brow. “You didn’t even notice me walk in, and this is the first thing you do?”
You grinned. “Well, you weren’t exactly loud about it.”
Just as you stepped back, a child rushed past, bumping into you at full speed. You stumbled, thrown off balance, and for a brief moment, you thought you might crash straight into Mydei—until his hand caught your wrist, steadying you with ease.
You let out a short laugh, regaining your footing. “Thanks. You could’ve just let me fall, you know.”
“And let you take me down with you? No thanks.”
The day continued, and surprisingly, Mydei lingered. He leaned against a shelf, watching as you worked, occasionally glancing at the customers but never interfering. He had no reason to stay, yet he made no move to leave.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the last customer stepped out, you stretched with a sigh, locking up the shop for the night. “Didn’t think you’d stick around that long”
“It’s dangerous,” he replied simply, arms crossed. “Beasts have been spotted near town. You shouldn’t walk home alone.”
“Oh? And here I thought you just enjoyed my company.”
He scoffed but didn’t argue. Instead, he walked alongside you as you made your way home, the quiet hum of the night settling around you both. When you finally reached your door, he stopped a few steps away, watching as you unlocked it.
“This where you live?”
You nodded. “Yup. Cozy, isn’t it?”
He didn’t comment, only nodding slightly. “Stay inside at night.”
With that, he turned, disappearing into the shadows of the street.
You lingered for a moment, watching where he had gone before finally stepping inside. Something about him stuck with you, and despite his rough demeanor, you couldn’t help but smile.
The following days passed as usual. Customers came and went, some lingering to chat, others leaving with trinkets tucked away in their pockets. Yet, amidst the routine, you began to notice something—or rather, someone.
You never saw him enter the shop, nor did he ever buy anything, but you caught glimpses of him near the marketplace, often stationed in the same general area. He was never in armor, never dressed in anything that would mark him as a guard or knight, but there was something about the way he carried himself that made you wonder.
At first, you assumed it was coincidence. Maybe he just happened to be around. But as the days passed, you realized it was too frequent to be chance. He wasn’t a customer, yet he lingered. He wasn’t a merchant, yet he remained nearby. Still, you weren’t one to pry. If Mydei had business in the area, it wasn’t really your concern.
Then one evening, as the sun began to sink below the horizon, a group of men entered your shop.
You noticed them immediately—rough around the edges, their movements too casual, too calculated. They weren’t here to browse; their eyes weren’t on the merchandise. Instinctively, you stayed behind the counter, watching them with the same easy calm you always carried.
One of them stepped forward, idly picking up a small carved pendant. “Nice place you’ve got here.”
“Thanks” you said.
He turned the pendant over in his hands before setting it back down. Another one looked toward the back of the shop as if expecting to find something—or someone.
That’s when you realized. They weren’t stealing. They were looking for someone.
Before you could say anything, a familiar voice cut through the tense silence.
“Took you idiots long enough.”
Mydei stood in the doorway. The men stiffened, immediately straightening like soldiers caught slacking off.
“Captain” one of them muttered under his breath.
Captain? Well. That explained a lot.
“Back to your posts” Mydei ordered, “Now.”
The men hesitated for only a moment before shuffling toward the exit, each one sending you a quick glance as if only now realizing their presence might have looked
Once they were gone, you turned back to Mydei, leaning against the counter with a smirk. “So, Captain, huh?”
He exhaled sharply, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I don’t make a habit of announcing it.”
“You also don’t make a habit of staying in one place unless you have a reason.”
His gaze flickered toward you, unreadable. He didn’t confirm or deny it.
Instead, he only muttered, “They won’t bother you again.”
You shrugged. “Wasn’t really bothered to begin with.”
With a short nod, he turned to leave.
It was another evening at the market, the golden hues of the setting sun casting long shadows as you prepared to close up shop. As usual, one of your friends—Edward, a vendor from a few stalls down—came by to help carry the heavier crates of unsold goods back inside. It had become routine by now, something neither of you thought much about.
“You really should hire someone for this” your friend teased, easily lifting a wooden box filled with carved trinkets. “One day, you’ll be stuck under a pile of your own stock.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “And ruin your chance to show off? I wouldn’t dare.”
The two of you worked smoothly, chatting about market gossip and the odd customers you had encountered that day. You didn’t notice Mydei at first, but he had been watching from a distance, arms crossed, gaze unreadable. He wasn’t even sure why he was still here. Yet, as he saw the easy familiarity between you and your friend—the way you smiled, the way they stood close—something in his chest tightened.
Before he could think twice, his body moved on its own.
He stepped in between you just as you reached for another crate, his hand easily grasping the handle before you could. “I’ll do it.”
“Mydei? Didn’t know you were in the business of heavy lifting.”
“You shouldn’t rely on random people.” He didn’t look at your friend, but the message was clear enough.
Your friend raised an amused brow but didn’t argue, instead watching the scene unfold with thinly veiled interest. “Not random” he pointed out, arms crossing. “I help all the time.”
Mydei didn’t respond. He simply hefted the crate as if it weighed nothing, walking into the shop with ease. You exchanged a glance with your friend, who smirked knowingly before waving you off and heading back to their own stall.
Once inside, you turned to Mydei, leaning against the counter with a grin. “Didn’t take you for the helpful type.”
He placed the crate down with a little more force than necessary, expression unreadable. “You’re careless.”
You tilted your head. “How so?”
“Letting just anyone help you. You don’t know what their intentions are.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “You’re really that concerned?”
He scoffed but didn’t answer right away. Instead, he glanced around the shop, as if checking for anything else to ‘help’ with.
Part of him wanted to say no—that it wasn’t concern, that he didn’t care. But the truth was, he did. More than he should.
Just be careful” he muttered at last.
You smiled. “Always am.”
The next day, the marketplace was bustling as usual, and you were busy sorting through a new batch of trinkets when Edward stopped by. It was nothing out of the ordinary—he often passed through to chat or lend a hand when he had the time.
“You’ve got something on your face” he said, leaning in slightly as he observed your face.
You blinked. “Huh? Oh.”
Before you could react, he carefully reached out, brushing the side of your face to remove whatever it was. The gesture was entirely innocent, but from an outside perspective—especially from a blocked or skewed angle—it might’ve looked a little different.
And unfortunately for Edward, Mydei happened to be that outside perspective.
From where he stood, partially obscured by a wooden post at the edge of the shop, all he saw was Edward’s face close to yours, his hand hovering near your cheek, and you standing there without pulling away.
In an instant, he was moving.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mydei’s voice cut through the moment.
Edward, startled, immediately pulled back and turned to see Mydei standing there—expression unreadable, stance tense.
You blinked at Mydei’s sudden entrance, then at Edward, then back at Mydei. It took you about two seconds to put the pieces together, and when you did, amusement curled at the edges of your lips.
Edward let out a short sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Relax, I was just getting something out of her eye.”
Edward, not one to test his luck, let out a low chuckle and took a step back. “Well, I’ll leave you to it.” He shot you a knowing glance before casually making his exit.
The moment he was gone, you turned to Mydei with a smirk, resting your chin in your hand.
“Wow” you mused, tone playful. “Didn’t take you for the type to interrupt people like that.”
He clicked his tongue, looking away. “I have to remind you that you don’t know what people’s intentions are.”
You tilted your head. “Uh-huh. And what exactly did you think was happening?”
He didn’t answer, but his jaw tensed ever so slightly.
Your smirk widened. “You’re like a big cat that’s always on edge.”
His brows furrowed. “What?”
“You know, the kind that watches everything, always looking ready to pounce if something gets too close.” You grinned. “Kinda cute, honestly.”
 Stop talking nonsense.”
But despite his sharp words, Mydei stayed. Even when the conversation ended, even when there was no longer a reason to linger, he stayed.
Just like he always did.
The sun had long since passed its highest point when Mydei arrived at your shop, only to find the doors shut tight. No sign, no explanation, nothing. He frowned.
You never closed without warning.
For the first time in a long while, a foreign sense of unease settled in his chest. He told himself it was ridiculous—you were probably fine—but as the hours ticked by and the shop remained closed, that irritation grew into something sharper.
By the time dusk began creeping across the marketplace, he had already decided to check on you himself. But just as he moved toward the door, you finally appeared—yawning, stretching, completely at ease.
He stared. “Where the hell have you been?ïżœïżœ
You blinked at him, rubbing your eyes. “Overslept.”
Overslept” he repeated flatly.
You grinned. “Yup.”
He exhaled sharply, running a hand down his face. Here he was, thinking something might’ve happened, only for you to be completely unfazed, acting as if you hadn’t just left your shop closed the entire day.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you teased. “You worried?”
He scoffed, looking away. “Tch. You’re careless.”
“Well, since it’s already this late, might as well do something else.” You stretched again, eyes flicking to him. “What about you? Where were you headed?”
Mydei hesitated for a moment before answering, “
You tilted your head, interested. “Your camp, huh?”
“Not a place for civilians,” he muttered, already expecting you to drop it.
Instead, you grinned. “Sounds fun. Let’s go.”
His men were not prepared.
The moment you entered the camp, curious eyes peered from behind tents and around corners. Soldiers whispered among themselves, their gazes darting between you and Mydei like they had just seen a ghost.
Their captain—who barely tolerated company, let alone anyone outside of their ranks—had brought someone along? A girl?
Somewhere in the shadows, a small group crouched together, trying (and failing) to be discreet.
“She’s so
“She’s actually talking to him.”
“She’s still alive.”
“Do you think she—?”
Before the last sentence could even be finished, Mydei turned sharply, his piercing gaze landing right on them.
“Out” he ordered.
There was a brief scramble of bodies before they all disappeared in a mess of quiet shouts and tripping feet.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter. “They’re fun.”
“They’re idiots” he corrected, rubbing his temples.
You only hummed in amusement, following him to where a small campfire burned, casting warm flickering light over the clearing. Mydei sat first, and you settled beside him, close enough to feel the lingering heat but not too close to crowd him.
For a while, there was only silence—the crackling of fire, the distant sounds of the camp settling down for the night.
You stretched your legs out, gazing into the flames. “So, do they always eavesdrop like that, or was this a special occasion?”
“They’re not used to seeing me with company.”
You smirked. “Oh? So I’m special?”
He shot you a look, but the usual sharpness wasn’t quite there.
You leaned back on your hands, watching the embers float up into the dark sky. “Y’know, this is nice. I should close my shop more often.”
You must be crazy.”
But despite his words, Mydei didn’t look irritated. If anything, he stayed there longer than necessary, watching the fire, listening to your stories, and letting the quiet companionship settle between you.
The fire crackled between you, warm and steady, casting shifting shadows over Mydei’s face. He had been quiet for a while, arms resting on his knees, gaze fixed somewhere beyond the flames.
Then, without looking at you, he spoke.
I have a friend.”
You raised a brow. “Oh?”
He nodded slightly. “He’s
 in a situation.”
You smirked, already catching on to where this was going. But you let him continue.
“This friend,” he went on, “has a crush on a girl.”
You bit back a grin. “Mhm.”
“He doesn’t know how to
 approach her about it.” His words were carefully chosen, like he was trying not to make it obvious. “She’s carefree. Doesn’t seem to take things too seriously. He doesn’t know if she’d even notice.”
You hummed, tapping a finger against your chin in thought. “Sounds like this friend of yours thinks too much.”
Mydei shot you a look. “It’s not that simple.”
“It is,” you countered with a lazy grin. “If he likes her, he should just
 y’know, show it.”
He frowned. “Show it how?”
You shrugged. “Small things. Stick around her. Do things for her. Make it clear she’s different from everyone else. And if he’s brave enough, tell her.”
Mydei went quiet for a moment, mulling over your words. You weren’t sure if he expected something grander—some complicated strategy—but you could tell he was taking your advice seriously.
And then, almost immediately after, he tested it.
A second later, he reached out, plucking a stray leaf from your hair with casual ease.
What” he muttered, glancing away like it was nothing. “There was something there.”
You stared. Then, slowly, a knowing grin spread across your lips.
He tensed. “What?”
“You’re predictable.”
“What are you talking about?”
You laughed, nudging his arm. “You’re following my advice already. You’re really bad at being subtle.”
He scoffed, looking off to the side, but the way his fingers twitched betrayed him.
You shook your head, amused beyond belief. “Well, tell your friend this—he doesn’t have to worry. I think the girl already noticed.”
The shift was slow—so gradual you barely noticed at first. Mydei had always been watchful, lingering near your shop more than necessary, helping out in small ways that he’d brush off as coincidence. But then it started becoming
You weren’t the only one to notice. The market folk whispered about it. Your friend Edward raised an eyebrow when Mydei always happened to be around. Even his own men exchanged looks whenever you visited the camp, though they were too scared to say anything outright.
And Mydei? He didn’t care what anyone thought.
But what truly set things in motion was when another man—some passing traveler—got a little too comfortable in your shop.
It was harmless, really. The man was just talkative, leaning in slightly as he complimented one of your handmade trinkets, flashing a charming smile. You, being as easygoing as always, just laughed and continued the conversation.
And Mydei, standing just outside the shop, watching from the shade of an awning, felt something snap.
The stranger’s hand briefly touched yours as you passed him a necklace.
That was it.
Before you could react, a shadow loomed behind you.
“You’re done here.”
The traveler barely had time to turn before Mydei was there, towering over him.
The man blinked in confusion. “Uh—”
The traveler raised his hands in surrender, stepping back. “Didn’t mean anything by it, mate. Just chatting.”
“Chat somewhere else.”
The moment the man was gone, you turned to Mydei, raising an amused brow. “That was aggressive.”
He didn’t answer, his jaw tight, his fists still clenched like he was resisting the urge to chase after the guy and make sure he never even thought about coming near you again.
You grinned, nudging him. “You’re like a big cat again. All tense, ready to pounce.”
His gaze snapped to you.
“I don’t like it.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t like people getting too close to you.”
You smirked. “Well, if you wanted me all to yourself, you could’ve just said so.”
His eyes flickered, something snapping into place. And then, in one swift movement, he stepped forward, crowding your space, forcing you to take a step back until your spine brushed against the counter.
“Fine,” he said, “I want you to myself.”
“No more ‘friend’ nonsense. No more watching you let people touch you, talk to you like they have a chance.” His eyes burned into yours. “If you belong to anyone, it’s me.”
Silence stretched between you.
Wait, what?” You blinked. “You—what?”
“I said,” his voice didn’t waver, though you swore his ears were turning red, “I want you to myself.”
For once, you were actually stunned into silence.
Alright,” you said, still watching his expression closely. “Let’s test that, then.”
“A test date,” you clarified, tilting your head. “If you’re serious, prove it.”
His gaze flickered, as if trying to gauge if you were teasing or not. But when he realized you weren’t laughing—when he saw that you were actually agreeing—something in him shifted.
Before he could respond, however—
The loud cheering and applause from outside made both of you jolt.
You turned your head just in time to see a whole group of people—his soldiers, a couple of market vendors, even Edward—watching from the entrance of your shop, clapping and whistling like they had just witnessed the grand finale of a play.
A vein visibly twitched on Mydei’s forehead.
In an instant, the group scrambled, tripping over themselves as they scattered like startled rats.
You, on the other hand, were barely holding back laughter. “Oh, wow. They’ve been waiting for this, huh?”
Mydei groaned, rubbing his temples. “
I’m going to kill them.”
You chuckled, nudging him. “Not before our date, you’re not.”
Fine.” He shot you a look. “But don’t think this is just a ‘test.’ I don’t intend to lose.”
“We’ll see, big guy.”
Mydei was not a romantic.
This became very clear about five minutes into the so-called “test date.”
You had expected him to be awkward—maybe stiff, maybe too serious—but you hadn’t expected him to treat it like some kind of mission.
The moment you met up, he stood there, arms crossed, brows furrowed, eyes scanning you like he was assessing the situation.
“I don’t know how these things work.”
“That’s the point of a test, isn’t it?”
He grumbled something under his breath, but then—without warning—he reached out and took your hand.
Your eyes widened slightly at the sudden contact. He held it firmly, almost too tight, like he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go.
Too much?” he muttered, not looking at you.
You chuckled, easing his grip just slightly. “A little. You’re holding me like a prisoner.”
His ears turned red, but he didn’t let go.
The first thing Mydei failed at was conversation.
You both walked through the market, and while you tried to talk about casual things—the weather, your shop, the odd things you saw—he kept answering in single words.
At one point, you just stopped walking and looked at him.
Are you planning on saying more than one sentence today?” you teased.
He frowned. “I don’t talk much.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.”
He shifted slightly, looking uncomfortable. You realized then that he was actually trying—it just wasn’t coming naturally to him.
“Alright, alright. Don’t stress. Just—” You tugged his arm slightly. “Tell me something about yourself. Something no one else knows.”
His eyes flickered toward you, something unreadable passing through them. For a moment, you thought he wouldn’t answer.
Then, finally, he muttered, “I hate spicy things.”
You blinked. “Huh. Really?”
He nodded.
So if I gave you a something spicy right now, you wouldn’t eat it?”
I’d eat it if you gave it to me.”
The second thing Mydei failed at was dealing with people.
As you walked through the town, a few people—mostly men—stopped to greet you. Some were regulars at your shop, some just acquaintances. But every single time someone so much as looked at you for too long, Mydei’s grip on your hand tightened.
At one point, one of your regulars, a friendly merchant, smiled at you and asked if you were free later to look at some new goods.
Before you could even answer, Mydei cut in with a flat, “She’s busy.”
The man blinked. “
Oh. I—”
“She’s not available” Mydei added, tone sharper this time.
You sighed, nudging him. “Relax, I can speak for myself.”
Mydei huffed but didn’t say anything else. He did not like people taking your attention.
It was ridiculous. But
 also kind of cute.
The third thing Mydei failed at was subtlety.
At some point, you stopped by a food stall, eyeing some skewered meat. The moment you reached for your coin pouch, Mydei immediately slapped money down before you could pay.
You raised an eyebrow. “I can pay for myself, you know.”
He crossed his arms. “I take care of what’s mine.”
Your breath caught slightly at the phrasing. But before you could tease him for it, he shoved a skewer into your hands, looking away like he hadn’t just claimed you in the middle of a crowded street.
By the end of the day, you had to admit—he was bad at this.
And yet.
Despite all the failures, despite all his awkwardness and overprotectiveness, he tried.
And then, as the sun was setting, he did something that truly moved you.
You had mentioned offhandedly a few days ago that your favorite spot in town was an old bridge overlooking a quiet stream. You hadn’t thought much of it at the time.
But as evening fell, Mydei silently led you there.
You blinked in surprise as you stepped onto the bridge, the soft glow of lanterns reflecting in the water. The air was crisp, the sounds of the market distant.
You remembered”
He stood beside you, arms resting on the railing, gazing out at the water.
“I remember everything you say” he admitted quietly.
For a moment, you just looked at him—the way the fading sunlight touched his sharp features, the way his fingers tapped absently against the wood, the way he had tried so hard today just because he wanted to be with you.
And that was it.
You leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
Mydei froze.
You pulled back slightly, smirking. “You pass.”
It took him a solid three seconds to react. His face slowly turned red—first his ears, then his neck, then his entire expression.
Tch.” He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair, looking away. But he didn’t let go of your hand. Instead, he held it tighter.
“Guess I'll be bothering you from now on.”
I don't mind.”
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readychilledwine · 30 days ago
Free Will
Eris Arranged Marriage – Drabble
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Summary - Eris knew his father would purchase him a bride sooner rather than later.
Warnings - Arranged Marriage, alcohol use.
A/N - From one Vandaddy to the next.. May do more with this. May let it die. Too early to tell.
đŸ”„Eris MasterlistđŸ”„Master MasterlistđŸ”„
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You were beautiful, Eris would give his father that. Glowing skin enhanced from the moonlight kissing you. He had found you sitting in a window, looking outside like a bird now trapped in a glorified cage. You had disappeared from the festivities taking place, and he was tasked with finding you.
“How miserable,” he walked closer, noticing the half empty bottle of wine beside you. “Drinking alone in the dark, wife? You should have invited me. Mother knows I hate a boring celebration."
Your eyes met his, your cheeks flushed and eyes slightly glassy, “Did not realize my oh so powerful new husband would take pleasure in dark corners and," you paused to lift the bottle, squinting to read it. “Pomegranate wine.”
Eris only chuckled and took the bottle, drinking straight from it. “My favorite, actually.” He leaned against the window ypu sat in. He followed your eyes, noticing you were looking over the garden. “They say pomegranate is the origin of sin and the seasons.”
“The tales of the Dark Mother and Forest God. I know it well,” you held your hand out. Your new husband took another drink before handing it back to you, bottle now passing between you. “Legend says the Dark Mother had found him so beautiful she lured him to her with a snake of many colored scales. Once she had him in his poison garden, she gave him a choice.”
“Eat the pomegranate and stay with her,” Eris finished. “Or watch as she slowly killed the lands he loved. But by eating the seeds..” He smirked for you to finish.
“He upset the Mother. So she cursed the lands of the North with the seasons and turned his home into a barren land of ice and snow, his sister's into one haunted by rot and neverending harvest, his brothers into one trapped in the beginning of the rebirthing cycle and storms, and his parents in dead heat and drought.”
Eris looked you up and down. "They say the female of the species is always more deadly than the male." Eris sighed, “But his choice also unleashed freewill among the fae.”
"But it cost us the ability to connect with our true forms and shift. That power is now heavily reserved," Your voice seemed empty. As if the thought of that piece of you that was missing was more than just an animal but a symbol of freedom.
He studied you again, you leaned in to look into his eyes, “I do wonder what kind of animal would have been behind your skin, my wife. Are you a snake leading me to a trap? Are you a bird with clipped wings, desperate to fly away? Or are you a lioness, stalking and waiting for her chance to kill?”
Your lips twitched up. “You'll find I associate heavily with the symbol of our court, husband,” you looked him up and down, the tension between you two growing within every second. He could see it. He would see something cunning and intelligent hiding behind those drunk eyes.
A fox fits you well, and now, you were invading an enemy den.
Eris gave a smile that made chills run down your spine, “I think we will get along, y/n.” He took another swig of the wine finishing the bottle before picking you up and forcing you to hold his hand. “Our party awaits, my little wife. And more pomegranate wine.”He lead to you the ballroom, loud music and dancing in full swing as the fae celebrated the marriage of their heir apparent.
Eris poured two glasses, handing one to you, “To free will, my fox.”
The words were an offering, an understanding.
Your glass touched his, arms linking to drink as ceremony required. “To free will, husband.”
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scirelistener · 4 months ago
idia shroud x gn! reader
sypnosis : hades had persephone, idia has you.
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It felt a tad bit ironic, if you were being honest. Staring at the carmine shine of the pomegranates given as a welcoming snack by the housewarden of Ignihyde, you couldn’t help but think of the tales of a certain King of the Underworld.
Though the sources varied on the reason why Persephone ended up in the Underworld (some daring to say Persephone was willing to go and was not abducted), it was ultimately this fruit, the pomegranate, that made her return to the dark and gloomy realm of Hades. While the Earth above froze with Demeter’s wrath, the king would reunit with his queen for a short period of 6 months.
Playing with the pomegranate seed, you wondered if Idia, himself, knew the irony of serving these. He who was leader to the very dormitory based on the King of the Underworld.
“.. The pomegranate isn’t laced with poison, y’know.” Your thoughts came to an abrupt halt as you turned to see Idia staring at you with what seemed to be puzzlement in his gaze. “Your HP is gonna be fine.”
You plopped the seed into your mouth before laying yourself down onto his bed, the softness of his blankets swallowing you whole. “I was just thinking how ironic it was that you’re serving me pomegranates.”
Idia stared at you for another moment, this time in bewilderment before realizing the myth that you were correlating the pomegranates with and turning away with a scoff. “That myth? The pomegranates in the tales are special. The ones I gave you are completely normal.” He said begrudgingly.
Noticing the tone, you flipped over to your stomach. Whilst silently admiring his fiery hair which glowed a serene blue with further help from his computer screen, you asked tentatively, “How do you feel about the tales?”
You internally winced as you watched as his fingers come to a halt as so did the clicking sounds of his keyboard and mouse. You were about to dismiss the question when the housewarden answered with a tone which you could not decipher.
“I wouldn’t go so far like he did. It’s similar to imprisonment, no? For the Queen, it must’ve felt like a player being tied to a checkpoint.” His tone resembled resentment. The glow of the computer screen gave notice to his face which scrunched up in a manner that screamed annoyance.
Then a sigh left from his lips before his fingers started clicking on his keyboard again. “But there’s no point of having my opinion on the tale. Doesn’t change the fact that the family’s still stuck with the damn curse.” Idia continued to game, this time with an expression that seemed more sullen than usual.
Sensing a change in his mood, you frowned at yourself for asking that question before your eyes trailed back to the pomegranate. As you reached for more, your mouth moved on its on,
“I wouldn’t mind being stuck with you.”
The words slipped out of your mouth too naturally for your own good. With a realization that slammed into your brain like a hammer of immense power, the pomegranate seeds slipped out of your fingers and your hand went loose; your eyes widened and your cheeks started to burn with embarrassment.
Dread plunged into your mind and painted your head white as you awaited for the housewarden’s reaction.
Huh?” Idia’s voice cracked in the middle of his outburst. You carefully turned your head towards him just to see the tip of his fiery hair burning a delicate shad of pink. The housewarden had a hand covering half his face while the other clutched onto his chest, his slender fingers wrinkling that iconic hoodie of his.
“I-, I meant-”
“You can’t just s-say something like that!” Idia stammered, his fingers crawling up to grip on his hair like his life depended on it. You internally winced at how tightly he was gripping it and was about to say something when he started blabbering, “What, you think you’re some sort of main character of an otome game!? Just because I feel the same, doesn’t mean you get to say those things out loud! You won’t gain any extra relationship levels with me just by saying that; all you’re giving me is a heart attack! I swear-”
As you were about to blubber out another apology in hopes of easing the poor guy’s ramble, you froze when you heard his words that indicated reciprocation.
"Wait. What do you mean you feel the same?"
“-Plus you wouldn’t even- huh?” Idia froze just like you did, eyes now back on you. Visible confusion spread over his face before his cheeks lit up a dark red. The pink that was only present near the tip of his hair now slowly unfurled into the never ending bluish fire.
Idia backed up against the chair, his body impossibly close to the backrest, as you stood up and slowly walked over to him with a giddy smile along with a blush that was a bit milder than is but still present.
Idia barely managed to muffle down his anxiety as you stopped right in front of him before leaning down.
“Idia, say that again? Please?”
How could he refuse you? You who looked down at him with eyes shining with expectation and joy of him mistakenly blabbering out his desires.
Though his hand ultimately crawled up his face once more to cover his red face, his words were head clearly.
“I-I wouldn’t mind being with you either.”
He hoped you didn’t notice how he took out a word in that sentence and how it might’ve possibly changed the meaning.
a/n : sorry for very shitty fic, i’ve been too idia-invested! also does anyone know epic the musical and has anyone listened to the vengeance saga cause sheeeeeesh the showdown between odysseus and poseidon had me shivering in my boots!!
and of course, please help those in needs by checking out the donation links on the master list post!
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months ago
Their energy towards you now
This reading is meant for romantic connections that are currently in a separation, whether you have been in a relationship or not. When I talk about separation, I mean that you and this person are having minimal to no contact, whether they live near you or far from you. If you do interact, it is not in a romantic context. This separation can be on a mutual accord or happened progressively over time.
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Group 1
6 of cups
What caught my attention about this card was the hourglass. It was beautifully drawn and surrounded by the water spilling from the cups. It gave me the impression of someone wishing strongly that their feelings toward the other could turn back time. But this is something that is not one sided, because the two rows of cups were spilling water that is interconnecting around the object. They are being nostalgic about the times spent together and the memories you shared. And they may be feeling like you are too, which both comforts and saddens them. I got a feeling like this person is wondering : if we’re both regretting what happened and missing each other, why are things still the same?
Ace of cups
On this card, a cup is sheltering a flower in blooming. Out of that flower is rising a water droplet that kinda looked like a pearl. Not only does this person like you but they are cultivating those feelings. They nurture them, water them, like they would a flower. Those feelings are precious to them because they were shared. Despite everything that happened, they still love you as if it were the first day. They don’t want them to disappear. Because if they do, then you will fade into their memory. I feel like this person is sometimes crying over your absence at night. They feel like the situation is out of their hands but they hope that, if they keep loving you, if their love is strong enough, you’ll come back around.
4 of wands
The wands are kinda placed like a fence and at their feet lie two halves of a pomegranate as well as a maple leaf. It made me feel like this person still wishes to protect the foundation that you had built with them, whether this took the form of a friendship, a partnership or more. After all this time, they still perceive you as their one. As the person they wish to build a future with. They still think of this being a possibility. They still wish to work toward that goal. Not only that but they also want to support you more than anything and be by your side. I feel like this person wants to protect you from the world and keep you to themselves.
High Priestess
A woman is having her back on the quarter of a moon. Around her lays a snake. When nighttime comes specifically, this person is filled with desire for you and intentions of transforming this connection. Most of these person’s feelings and thoughts may be subconscious or repressed. Even if they’re aware of the attraction they have for you, this person doesn’t wish you to know. This is something they want to keep to themselves for now. A part of them is afraid you wouldn’t understand them. Another just wants to lay low and observe what your reactions are, to gain knowledge and heal.
3 of wands
What you may also not suspect is that this person wishes to close the distance and come to you. They may be planning a travel near your home or a way to get into contact with you again, reignite the flame. This person wishes for this separation to end and pick up where you left the connection in hopes that something good will come out of it. For those of you that live at a distance from one another, I’m getting the impression you may have felt it coming but were not sure of your intuition. You may hear about it soon, either through someone else or in an indirect way. For instance, this person may post on their social media about one thing but their post will make you feel like something is brewing.
Group 2
Page of cups
This person has developped feelings for you but they may still be thinking about the past or afraid that their past will have an influence on your connection, which may be one of the reasons why you are in separation at the moment. They feel emotionally linked to you and wish to come towards you. However, something is holding them back. They may be afraid that the past will repeat itself or that you may not understand them, share the same point of view about the connection. They however still care about you and feel positively towards you.
10 of wands
They have a lot on their plate. A lot of worries about what the future holds, about whether a reconciliation is possible. They may also be busy with a lot of other responsibilities, which may burden them and interfere in how they feel towards you. I feel like this person is tired of being played with and bearing the weight of their feelings. Though they like you a lot, the fact that they cannot express their emotions freely is taking a toll on them. This person is also tired of being held back by their past trauma, of having to fight to feel loved and cared for. They may be feeling like they've given more than they should have and may be waiting for you to make a move, if you wish for the connection to progress.
Black Numen
Despite their feelings, this person kinda has lost hope about your connection working out. The fact that nothing is happening in the 3D and that they don't see the changes they hoped for may be adding to their disappointment and sadness. Again, I get a feeling that a lot of other things are happening to this person and it really tires them out. They may be in a phase of doubt where they are not sure whether how they feel towards you is enough to keep the connection alive. They may also doubt your intentions towards them and feel like you tricked them. Overall, I just get the feeling that they just wish to be at peace with this connection, whether it's with or without you. They want to be freed of this feeling of confusion and waiting for things to unfold.
The Sun
In another context, this card may have been a positive one but I feel like here this card is showing that this person is slowly retreating their energy and focus from the connection and trying to move one without you. The character one the card is walking towards the left. This person is determined to get back to a state of hapiness, even if that means cutting ties with you, because they feel like this has been going on for too long and isn't going anywhere. They feel like there ain't nothing much they can do about it so they might as well focus on themselves, like they used to before they met you. I feel like they don't hold any grudges or resentment towards you. They are grateful for your shared experience but they are in an energy of prioritizing themselves.
Queen of cups
This person intends to nurture themselves and love themselves first, however they still care about you and appreciate you. They have decided that they will leave the outcome of this connection up to fate and in the meantime, they will fill their own cup and learn to become one with themselves. I get the message that even if you're apart and even if it turns out you won't be together, this person will always hold a place for you in their heart because your connection is special and precious to them. They will always think of you fondly and speak about you with a warmth in their voice because what you have shared is unforgettable in their eyes. Deep down, they will still keep the hope that you can be united again, but they will no longer chase after it. Should you want to come back, they will leave the door open.
Group 3
During your separation, this person has thought a lot about you, the connection, what they wanted out of it, what they felt like they could bring to the table. They've really pondered about the meaning of your encounter, the importance you had to them and the lessons they could learn from this experience. And it feels like they have had an epiphany. They realized a lot of things that they may have repressed in the past and really came to terms with it. I get a message of someone looking at the sky and the stars, wondering what the other is up to, whether they are thinking about the connection as well. I feel like this person never lost hope of coming back to you and the whole time, they were only thinking of you and the future.
White Numen
While in separation, they hoped that you would come rushing to them. But realizing that you didn't, they started to question their methods and their feelings. And they understood that if they wanted to see a change, they had to make a difference. They had to create the reality they wanted to see and be the author of their own story. This person understood that, yes of course you had your role to play, but they also had their own script to follow to ensure the play would get its happy ending. Basically, they learned that it takes two to tango and that for a relationship to work out, both parties need to be walking in the same direction and find a common ground they can build on. This person is creatively inspired and the puzzle pieces are starting to assemble in their mind's eye. They now know where they stand and where they want to go.
Ace of cups
Their feelings for you have been renewed. As you were no longer in contact, they realized the value of your affection, how good you were to them. They found out that they missed you dearly and that they took you for granted. Now, they want to give your connection another chance. They wish to reconcile and reciprocate your feelings. They want to get into contact with you again and put an end to the separation. They may be thinking of ways to reach out to you without you freaking out or rejecting them right away. They are hopeful.
Chariot reversed
Though they want to come back to you, they feel a little scared to do so. They don't just want to mindlessly rush into this, without thinking of the consequences and without being sure of your position as well. They just don't want to be disappointed. Another thing I am picking up on is that this person is being delayed. Things and people are trying to get in the way of your reunion right now. Part of it is related to this person's fear of rejection. But not just that. For some, I am getting that this person planned to travel towards you but their trip got delayed or canceled for some reason. Think of traffic disturbances, a flight being cancelled because of a natural disaster, them having to postpone their travel because of financial issues or family matters. Their work could also be a factor in this situation. Their boss could have refused their request to get some time off of work for example.
10 of pentacles
Even if obstacles are stending in the way of your connection, this person is determined to put in the work to see it prosper over time. They are aware that it may be difficult and take a lot of time to flourish, but they are confident that it has the potential to grow into something valuable, that will last. This person feels lucky that they have you and the connection. They see the value in what you share and they intend to protect it and guard it against anyone or anything that would try to keep you apart. This person may be envisioning a partnership with you, whether that is on a professional level, on a friendship level, a familial level or romantic level. They want you to be a part of their legacy and their inner circle. And if they have to start from scratch to ensure that, they will without any hesitation, because they know it is worth it.
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plomegranate · 1 year ago
i love palestinian and arab culture so much.
my grandma wearing thobes around the house and making us tamriyeh. my cousins wedding when we all wore thobes and keffiyehs and took photos downtown and we danced with someone playing the guitar on the street and this lady stopping us to tell us we all looked so beautiful. walking the graduation stage in a thobe. the girl who liked to guess arab peoples ethnicities telling me "you're wearing tatreez... do you want me to write 'palestinian' on your forehead?" the keffiyeh my brother keeps on the drivers seat of his car.
my dad sending me off to my last semester of college with 2 pomegranates and a jar of palestinian olive oil. my cousins wife coming up with new ways to make zaatar and cheese pastries. me and my grandma sitting on the floor and making waraq 3neb- my job was to separate the leaves so she could roll them easier. my mom sending me and my brother to school with eid cookies for my teachers and tasking us with delivering some to the neighbors. my aunt glaring at me and piling more food on my plate and then asking if i was still hungry (i wasnt). my mom always telling me to invite my friends and cousins over for dinner and asking me what they like to eat. my family getting my dad knafeh instead of cake for his birthday. the man who told me i made the "best fetteh in the western hemisphere".
the man in the shawarma shop who gave me my fries for free and baklava i didnt order because we spoke about being palestinian while he took my order. the person on tumblr who i bonded with because we are from the same palestinian city. the girl i met on campus who exclaimed "youre palestinian? me too!" because i was wearing my keffiyeh. the girl in my class that showed me the artwork about palestine her dad made and donated for fundraising. the couple in the grocery store who noticed my palestinian shirt and talked with me for 20 minutes and ended up being a family friend. the silly palestinian kids i tutored sighing in disappointment when i told them i was born in america because they were hoping that id have been born "somewhere cooler". my friends family who bought me dinner despite me being there by chance and having met me for the first time the day before.
the boys starting uncoordinated dabke lines in my high school's hallways. the songs about the longing and love for our land. the festivals and parties and gatherings where everything smells like shisha and oud. memories of waiting in the car for an hour as my parents talked at the doorway of their friends homes. my cousins and i showing up at each others homes with cake or fruit or games as if it was the first time we ever visited even though we always say "you dont have to".
kids stubbornly helping to clean and make tea after a meal while being told to go sit down because they are guests. the necklaces in the shape of our home countries. people hugging and laughing and acting as if theyve known each other for years because they come from the same city or know people with the same last name. the day i finally got to bully my friends into letting me pay the bill because i had a job and they were still students. my moms friend who calls us every time she's at the grocery store to see if we need something
palestinian people are so resilient and hardworking and charitable. they love their culture and their community and are so quick to share and welcome anyone in. everyday i am so thankful and proud to be part of such a warm and lovely culture
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hischierhoney · 2 months ago
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event masterlist
crack open a pomegranate // Jack Hughes (Just Friends)
Jack is drunk.
He’s been well on his way for hours, now, a steady climb that’s honestly been entertaining to watch. After all, he deserves a chance to let loose a little. Celebrate with family and friends. Jack loves New Year’s Eve. You’ve known it about him for nearly as long as you’ve known him in general. He likes the time of year, he likes the partying part of it, and most of all, this year, he hasn’t stopped talking about kissing you at midnight.
It’s your first New Year’s Eve together. It’s sweet.
Which is why, as it creeps close to midnight, you’re surprised to find that Jack is nowhere in sight. You’re chatting with Nico in the living room, laughing as he tells you a story about Jack from their last road trip, when Luke comes stumbling towards you, eyes wide.
“Hey. Jack’s drunk.” Luke spits out.
You nod. “It’s New Year’s, Luke.”
“Yeah, but- he’s- he has a knife.” Luke adds.
You stand up in a panic. “Next time, lead with that.”
You’re relieved to find no injuries when you stumble into the kitchen behind your boyfriend’s younger brother. Jack’s standing at the counter, something red in his hands, a large knife laid out on the granite next to him. He looks up at you and Luke and scowls.
“You weren’t supposed to tell her,” he sighs. “You promised.”
Luke huffs. “That was before you pulled out the giant knife.”
You move towards Jack, brows furrowed. It’s a pomegranate, in his hands, you realize- it looks a bit worse for wear, a bit dented. You cock your head at Jack.
“It’s good luck,” he says, with a sigh. “I was trying to surprise you. But apparently I don’t know how to open a pomegranate.”
You smile at him, and he returns the expression, albeit sheepishly. There’s a piece of hair falling in his face, and you brush it out of the way. Then you slip the knife off the counter, away from him.
“Can I help?” You ask.
He nods, his cheeks going pink.
“Grab a bowl of water, would you, Luke?” You ask.
“What, is the pomegranate gonna give birth?” He shoots back.
“Do you want red splatters all over your counters?” You ask. Both of them shake their heads. “Then get the water.”
Luke gives you a mock salute and gets to work. Meanwhile, you set about cutting the pomegranate, trying to recall the instructions one of your friends gave you. Jack watches, enthralled. It’s not perfect, but when you hand it off to Jack, you think it’ll work.
“Now try breaking it open,” you nod at him.
Jack, starry eyed and smiley, pulls at the fruit with his hands. It cracks open, revealing the bright red seeds inside. He grins wider.
“Pretty,” you say, leaning close.
“Mhm,” Jack agrees.
When you look up, he’s looking at you.
Luke clears his throat and hands over the bowl of water. You take one of the pieces and dunk it underneath.
“And then we take the seeds out like this, so that if they pop the juice doesn’t go everywhere,” you tell him. Jack nods along. You scoop a few seeds out of the bowl. “And there we go. For good luck!”
“Guys, the countdown’s starting!” Someone calls from the living room.
Luke snatches the seeds from your fingers and hurries away. Jack stays rooted, right there. You stay put, too.
“Guess it is good luck,” Jack says, words slightly slurred. “It got you next to me at midnight.”
You laugh as you wrap an arm around his neck. “Jack, baby. I was always gonna be here.”
He kisses you before the clock actually strikes twelve, but you think it probably doesn’t matter. He’s still kissing you by 12:01, and that’s enough. Between that and the pomegranate, you think you’ll have plenty of luck to last the year.
When he finally pulls away, his lips and face are flushed. He reaches down and fishes a few seeds from the bowl, and hands a few to you before eating his own. The fruit stains his lips bright red, and you thumb at the bit of juice that trickles from the corner of his mouth.
“For good luck,” he repeats.
You laugh. “I was already the luckiest girl in the world.”
His cheeks go red as the fruit between the two of you, and you lean in to kiss the smile off his lips.
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cottonlemonade · 7 months ago
I'd love a small Lemonade with pineapple flavor, and pomegranate seeds for Daichi and me. Thank you for doing this, it's so cool!!!
Accidental Confession
word count: 901 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: Daichi x chubby!Reader (feat. Suga)
genre: fluff
warnings: none
request: fluffy, accidental confession with pining friend Daichi
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“Alright, tell me if this is bad.”
Suga nodded and crossed his arms, watching expectantly as his best friend squared his shoulders and, after clearing his throat, said, “I really like you. Please be my girlfriend.”
Daichi waited. So did Suga.
And then the setter frowned in pity. “Two weeks of prep and that’s what you came up with?”
With a tired sigh Daichi rubbed the back of neck, “Why shouldn’t I keep it simple?”
“Because that was lukewarm at best.”
“I thought it was heartfelt.”, the captain murmured and plopped down on the empty swing next to his friend. It was still pretty early in the evening, but the neighborhood playground was already deserted.
“First, I would lose the “really like”. I dare say, a steady three-year obsession with her warrants “love”. Second, why don’t you add a bit more
 more? Tell her why you like her. Why you want her to be your girlfriend and so on. Girls love that kind of stuff.”
Daichi regarded his painfully single friend and bit back a comment.
“I know what you’re thinking.”, Suga raised his hands in defense, “But you know what they say. Those who can’t do, teach. Now. Once again with feeling.”
Somehow this one was worse than the first. Suga shook his head thoughtfully and focused on a crow hopping back and forth on a bench nearby.
“Maybe a bit of roleplay might help.”, he suggested, “Let me get into character.“
“Is this really necessary?“, Daichi asked with a skeptical frown.
“Would you have gone out with yourself after that confession?“
Daichi cleared his throat again and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.
“Fine. What do you have in mind?”
And so the two boys practiced. Suga suggested trying different approaches, just to see which “genre” of confession would suit his best friend the most. Their rehearsal went on for so long that there was even a snack break at the convenience store involved. Daichi checked his watch, one hand holding onto the chain of the swing as he kept the hot yakisoba bun tucked between his lips. He still had a good 20 minutes until you were supposed to meet him.
“I think the last one wasn’t so bad.”, Suga said, slowly swinging back and forth and racking his brain for ideas of improvement, “Let’s try that one again, but try to be a bit more confident. Like you’re sure she will go out with you.”
“But I’m not.”
“Fake it til you make it.”, Suga shrugged and jumped up, rummaging in the plastic bag of snacks for props. When he turned around to face his friend for a final run through he had stuffed the two melon breads they bought under his shirt.
It was hard for Daichi to keep a straight face this time. He kept blushing as Suga meanwhile gave the performance of a lifetime.
“Go on, tell me you love me.”, Suga urged.
 I love you.”, Daichi repeated and then went on, “Every day you’re what I look most forward to about school.”
“Okay, now we’re getting somewhere.”, Suga gave him a thumbs up. Daichi was on a roll.
“You’re smart and funny, not to mention beautiful. - I also still can’t get over how easily you can control the first years. And even though it took me way too long to get here, I don’t want to graduate without letting you know how I feel.”
“You know, now would be a great time for a kiss.”
The gray haired boy leaned forward with a superior smirk, fully intending to catch Daichi off guard and maybe push him backwards off the swing in the process.
“Oh! I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt. I- congratulations!”
Daichi almost stumbled as he tried to untangle himself from the swing and took a few steps towards you.
With tentative movements, Suga fished the two bread rolls out of his shirt. To underline his uninvolvement he opened one of the packages and innocently nibbled on the soft bun, pretending to look anywhere but you two.
“I’m happy for you.”, you said quickly, “And don’t worry I won’t tell anyone. Although, I am a bit confused why you called me here.”
“Y/n.”, Daichi tried to cut in, but you were on caught up in your nervous ramblings.
“It was really pretty. Your confession, I mean. I should have known you liked him. You’re always together and seem so close.”
“Y/n.”, he tried again.
“But then again, I feel like that shouldn’t necessarily be an indicator for romantic love. I mean, you and me are close, and you obviously don’t feel that way about me. And men should be allowed to be close to each other without immediately having people think that-“
“Y/n!” Daichi put his hands on either side of your face and squished your chubby cheeks to make you stop. Your mouth turned into a kind of fishy gape.
“Sorry.”, you muttered.
“Suga was you.”
He squished your face a little tighter, making you meet his eyes.
“I was practicing my confession for you.”
“Oh? Oh!”
He let you go and took a step back, patiently watching you put the pieces together.
Reaching up to rub the back of his neck, he looked to the canopy of a tree overhead. “Do you
 want me to say it all again?”
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a/n: thank you very much for the request! I hope you enjoyed it! 🌟
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reds-skull · 4 months ago
CW FLASHING IN THE VIDEO (3rd from the bottom)
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This is it. 3 months in the works, the comic (and video) are finally done.
A little over a year ago, I uploaded the first work in Revenant AU, Ghost's origin comic. I never thought I'd write a whole series for this, but I'm so glad I did. I got a whole new hobby out of it, haha.
I already began working on part 2, but this for me marks the start of it. I'm really excited to get back into this world!
Under the cut there are some comments on the comic I thought some people might be interested in (don't wanna make this post longer than it already is lol). I will upload the frames from the video separately, with comments on it there.
Bottom line is, thank you for letting me just go wild with this :)
Okay, I'm mostly gonna talk about the part where Fate shows Makarov the 141+Farah. Makarov doesn't see the Fate of people as literal images, he often has to interpret odd symbolism in the flashes he gets from the Weave of Fate.
I decided to go for a style I saw in a collection of calling cards in MW3, mainly from this one:
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You can really see it in the faces and pitch-black cel shading.
I'll be going in order of appearance, starting with Farah.
Obviously, each of the "flashes" shows the Reaping of each person, Farah being crushed under rubble. Behind her is a helo of green gas, which symbolizes the Russian experimental gas. The motifs around her are more interesting imo - they're taken from the Urzik flag (and yeah apparently it's "Urzik" and not "Urzikstani"... according to the wiki at least). Wings, plants (feels to me like a pomegranate and some sort of crop, but I couldn't find what it is specifically), and a moon, upside down.
I'm skipping ahead a bit, but I've had the idea to make a drawing of Gaz in the Hanged Man pose since I started the AU basically. I tried sketching it once, and it went bad so I gave up lol. But I decided to come back to that here, and add some sort of tarot connection to all of them. I know practically nothing about tarot, googled the meanings of each, they fit well enough, I called it a day lol.
So Farah is the Moon, upside down.
Price is next, showing him taking control of the brain of someone. I didn't use the flag of the UK for the 141 (it'd be kinda boring...), instead I took the Taskforce 141 logo, and broke it down to different elements.
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I took the laurels for Price, both framing his illustration and sitting above his head like a crown. I decided he will be the Emperor.
Next up is Gaz, the Hanged Man of course. Gaz gets both the wings and the stars (I changed mine to 4-pointed because... I like them better). Pretty clear why, both symbols relate to the sky. The illustrations kinda follow a rough day cycle, if that makes sense. Farah being night, with the moon. Price with his golden and purple color palette, twilight. Gaz being sunrise, and Ghost and Soap, day. This is why Gaz has a sun behind him.
Ghost was fun because he's the only inhuman one out of the group. I'll let you think what that implies, that even in Fate's Weave, Ghost is an outlier... Ghost gets the skull, and the card "Death". That one was easy, but what I did add is blood flowing down the skulls, like tear tracks...
Soap, the problem child, gave me the most issues as always. For once, it wasn't his fucking face, it was the flames behind him, and overall contrast and readability issues. Soap's illustration is probably packed with the most "hidden" details, though they're obvious if you've read the fic and Konchar's side story. The headless man behind Soap is Konchar himself, holding 4 chains with dog tags on them. The 4 soldiers from Soap's squad, who he killed before Soap was Reaped. Soap's pose is from the moment he came to his senses, after getting shot in the head and destroying a large part of Verdansk. He has 4 swords, pointing at him and downwards, so his card is 4 of Swords, upside down.
Between Soap and Ghost is a circle and a triangle. I'll explain that in the post concerning the video, since that's where I got that from.
If you read all of this, thank you so much! There will be another post for you to read in a moment lol
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ubercharge · 6 months ago
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marcille's pokemon team! i imagine she's acquired a variety of mons over the years but some of them have been with her longer than others, like the dragonite she raised from dratini. azumarill is from before going to magic school. she got braixen as a fennekin for research purposes, and evolved it during the school period. cherrim is the newest of this bunch, caught and evolved during magic school.
(if you’re curious about why i picked certain pokemon for marcille, and names i gave her team members, it’ll be in the readmore!)
BRAIXEN (Ignis): an easy nod to magic school and her wooden staff. i wanted a straight-up fire type since marcille uses a bunch of explosive magic in the dungeon. i went with braixen instead of delphox because it has more of a youthfulness like marcille herself.
CHERRIM (Pom/Pomegranate): i definitely wanted a grass-type to reflect her staff being made of wood (with little green sprout), her green eyes, and her love of vegetables. cherrim having a bit of a food (cherry) element is a nice plus, and like braixen, it has a yellow colour like marcille’s blonde hair. i think marcille would also love cherrim’s cuteness, and its red accents match marcille’s own red accessories. it being flowery also matches marcille’s floral-enjoying aesthetic sensibilities. on top of that, i imagine it switching to its overcast form after marcille becomes the lord of the dungeon to reflect her mental state.
AZUMARILL (Tsunami): i wanted a more whimsical-looking pokemon to show off marcille’s cuteness, and a fairy-type adds to the magical feel. but even if azumarill looks silly and marcille can be silly, they really pack a punch. scarvi raiders will appreciate this beautiful round friend with a nod.
DRAGONITE (Stratus): rather than just have marcille’s team reflect her cuter aspects, it was important for me to include a member with competitive viability (which generally means the mon itself has a bunch of strengths). before i considered that aspect, i thought about including dragonair as a reference to marcille’s coatl monster, but i went with dragonite in the end for a cute-looking friend with a lot of strength. marcille has, after all, studied magic for a long time and is really good at it. It’d certainly make sense for her to have an objectively strong mon like dragonite on her team, especially considering the position dragons have in dunmeshi’s world and culture (and they were once at the top of the food chain in pokemon too...).
not pictured:
ALCREMIE (Nectar): a suggestion from my friend i really liked, partly because it’s food. and that’s obviously funny. a sweet-looking pure fairy-type (red accents too!) ties into marcille’s enjoyment of sweets and adds more of that fairy/magic feel. as for which colour variant hers would be, i’ll leave that up to you guys to decide. and a funny little sidenote: marcille wanted a fairy for herself like the canaries, but was daunted and disgusted by the requirements to create one. the homunculus the fairies start out as looks like a little blob of a guy, and alcremie’s pre-evo milcery is... well.
because of the homunculus stuff, i imagine she hatched Nectar from an egg and evolved it before magic school!
GOURGEIST (Ambrosia): while braixen works as a cute magic school reference to magic, gourgeist has more of a witchy, spooky feel. marcille isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, after all. but since this is her team from the start, gourgeist is a nice way to wink at a darker witch aesthetic compared to her other mons without fully giving away marcille’s eventual transformation. it still has a fitting whimsical design, plus its broomstick likeness can be seen as another nod to ambrosia.
Ambrosia would, of course, have been obtained as a pumpkaboo and raised until evolving in line with marcille's staff creation in dunmeshi
honorary mentions: ponyta/rapidash (for her horse love), milotic (for the quetzalcoatl), rotom (suggested by my friend who likes the mental image of her putting senshi in rotom wash), arboliva (italian), liligant (floral + grass-type), foongus (grass-type, reference to walking mushrooms), deerling (grass-type, cute, a deer is vaguely horselike), morpeko (silly/cute, has a “dark” form like cherrim)
dungeon lord: she would have control over all the mons in the dungeon without them being “hers”, so i didn’t plan for her team to change upon her becoming dungeon lord.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 4 months ago
Pomegranate | Nikolai x F!Reader
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Chapter 2
Your second meeting with Nikolai
cw: cw: dark fic, dubcon/noncon, reader is being trafficked, human trafficking, blow jobs, piv, abusive relationships, shower sex, he gives her alcohol to calm her down
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You knew the drill this time. All your clothes taken off, this time folded, and left in a stack on the floor. The panties and bra he left you were still too small and were a light pink this time. He must have a collection somewhere, hopefully one he bought rather than gathered. The door beeped and unlocked. 
“Kotenok, come here,” He called down the hall from the living room. You hurried over, footsteps softened by the rugs he had laid everywhere. “Ahh, there you are. Prekrasnyy”
He was standing by the bar, shaking a cocktail, shirtless with his various tattoos on display. “Do you drink?”
“Not normally, Sir.” You stood next to the bar, hands at your side. He poured out the shaker into a glass and slid it over to you. 
“I don’t want you shaking as much tonight.” He gave you a pointed look till you picked up the glass and took a sip. It was fruity and strong, burning a bit as you swallowed.
“Thank you, Sir.” 
“Go wait for me on the couch.” He turned his back to grab another bottle off the shelf for his own drink. 
His house was always a bit cold, making your nipples hard and your skin pimple. Your feet were always cold since he never gave you shoes. A double edged sword considering how others had made you pace for hours wearing six inch and higher heels. 
You sat on the couch trying to seem sexy, back straight with your chest jutting out and a leg extended across the cushions. Just be an object, a pretty object for him to stick his fingers into. 
A hand gripped the back of your neck, not painfully but forcibly. He held you still as you gasped.
“Finish your drink, Kotenok.” He tilted your head back so your eyes were on him. You drank it down in three quick gulps, maintaining eye contact with him. You watched carefully for any sign of pleasure or approval but nothing came. “No more shaking, yes?”
You nodded and he let go of your neck. The liquor sloshed around in your stomach. He had a heavy pour that was clear. 
He sat down and motioned for you to come over. He guided you till your head was laying on his lap, face up towards the ceiling. He held your neck again, massaging the sides of it. He smelled like oud and musk and tobacco and gunpowder.
“You fuck anyone else today?” He asked, taking a sip from his own drink glass. 
“Yes, Sir.” Don’t shake, you screamed at yourself. “I cleaned myself before coming. I remembered how you like it.”
He gave you a pleased sigh,  “Good girl.”
You tensed up as he sat his drink down on your forehead. “Don’t spill.”
One of his thumbs forced its way into your mouth, his ring catching on your teeth. You dug your nails into your legs, transferring all your anxious energy to other parts of your body. Both your hands fit around his one, holding it gently while you sucked on his finger. Condensation from his glass dripped down onto your forehead. 
“Are you afraid of me, Kotenok?” He asked, pulling his finger from your mouth only to flick it against one of your nipples. You bit down on your tongue to stop yourself from flinching. 
“No, Sir.” His hand trailed down to rest on your stomach. You avoided looking at him, not wanting to see if he caught your lie. You were in his den, laying between his teeth, praying he wouldn’t clamp down. You knew enough about the men who paid Arno to know he was dangerous. Outside of these meetings he exchanged blood for gold. The security, the art, the liquor, the sheets all cost money. A lot of money. The tattoos were the same you saw on Russian mobsters. 
“Are you afraid of Arno?”
Yes. Arno was in charge of the club, of you, and the rest of the girls. He was the one who trapped you into debt, threatened your safety if you tried to flee. His threats weren’t empty. A couple months ago a girl got as far as Glasgow before being dragged back here. He gathered everyone into the main club room and broke her legs. You never saw her again. You imagine she went to one of the clients that paid extra to break their toys. 
Arno slapped you across the face once because he thought you gave him a dirty look. He rarely fucked any of his girls. His drug habit prevented him from getting hard so it was more to save himself embarrassment than a lack of desire. On good days he kept to himself in his office.
“Kotenok, answer my question.” His fingers flexed against your stomach, claws ready to come out and gut you. 
“Yes,” you said meekly. 
“He take the money I gave you?”
“No.” It was tucked away safely in the lining of your coat. You told no one about it. A hundred years ago the Romanov girls sewed jewels into their petticoats. It caused the bullets to ricochet around the room when they were killed. Pound notes wouldn’t protect you the same but the coat was yours. You slept in it most nights, a better blanket than you’d ever been given. 
“Good.” He patted your stomach. “He’s a fucking siklo.”
“What does that mean?” The question slipped out before you could stop yourself.
“He’s a pussy,” he chuckled. “You can tell him I said that. Might not work well for you if you do though.”
He took the glass off your head and downed it one gulp. He took your chin between two fingers and turned your head to his crotch. He stopped you from sliding off the couch to get between his legs. “Want you up here with me.”
It was an awkward angle as you rolled over onto your stomach. His hand rubbed circles on your ass as you undid his trousers. You looked up at him through your eyelashes as you rubbed his cock through his boxers. His head was already tilted back, eyes closed. 
You wondered if you could bite his throat hard enough to kill before he could stop you. You took an anatomy class once, the vein was right up front, right? That’s where they always cut in movies. He’d kill you before he died or someone else would kill you afterwards. You could get a lick in before that. Get an ounce of flesh for revenge before he cracks your skull under his foot. 
He pinched your ass. You’d stopped moving.
“Sorry, Kolya.” You kissed his cock through the fabric. 
He hummed pleasantly, eyes still closed. You stroked him to half hardness before taking his tip into your mouth. You bobbed your head, sucking on his tip when you went up. He groaned softly, bucking his hips up as you took him deeper and deeper. His breath hitched when you licked his slit. He pinched your ass again when you took him out of your mouth completely, only to rub the spot apologetically when you took his balls into your mouth, stroking his length with your free hand. 
“Want to come in your mouth, Kotenok.” A hand tangled in your hair and pulled you upwards. You took him back into your mouth, lavishing your tongue around the head of his cock. His groaning turned to growls. He flooded your mouth with hot salt. He held your head still, lazily thrusting his twitching cock down your throat. 
When he moved his hand you finally pulled yourself off him and laid your head sideways on his thigh. 
His thumb tugged your lower lip down, opening your mouth for him to look inside. You stuck your tongue out, showing you swallowed him. 
“Did they feed you tonight?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“That wasn’t what I asked.”
“No, sir. They didn’t.” 
He sighed, “Arno never takes care of his girls.”
He moved you off his lap and left. Your head was busy. You didn’t know what to think of him. He had been kind but you weren’t here because you wanted to be and he knew that. He knew Arno made money off your rape. He paid for it and presumably for the pleasure to do the same to other girls before you. You told yourself to remember that. No matter how nice he was to you, he was not a good man. He’d just as soon kill you as fuck you.
You sat up when he reentered the room, a plate in hand. A chicken breast and some roasted vegetables. Your mouth watered. Food at the club was protein bars and whatever snacks you could get your hands on. You didn’t remember the last time you ate meat. 
“Eat. You’ll need the energy.”
“Thank you.” You said, taking the plate as carefully as you could. Part of you was afraid he’d snatch it back before you could get one bite in. You ate slowly or so you thought.
“Hungry, Kotenok?” He chuckled.
“I’m sorry.” You rested your fork on the plate, face turning hot.
“Don’t be. You need to eat. Finish your meal.” He nodded at you.
You sat cross legged beside him, moaning as the juice from the chicken hit your tongue. He rubbed the back of your neck. There was a fascination in his eyes like he’d never seen someone eat before. 
“You don’t go hungry when you’re here, understood? I don’t want to hear your stomach growling when I’m trying to sleep.”
You nodded as you swallowed a mouth full of veggies. He wiped the corner of your mouth, “Good girl.”
When you finished eating he tucked you under his arm and turned on the news. His fingers played with the elastic of your panties. He leaned in to press his lips to your hairline, “Touch yourself. I want you wet for me.” 
You might have played it up, breathing heavy against his side as you played with your clit. Two fat, ringed fingers pushed their way into your mouth. You remembered his words from last week, “I don’t like liars.” You quieted down, sucking on his fingers obediently. His arm kept you pinned to him in a pseudo headlock. The hair of his arm tickled your face. You felt a pulse in your cunt, liquid heat pooling inside you. Last week’s lube was a courtesy, you understood that now. You rolled your hips a little, grinding against your hand. 
His cock was still out. You watched him grow larger and perk up under the curve of his stomach. Drool was seeping out around his fingers and dripping down your chin onto his leg. He hooked one of his fingers against the corner of your lips and pulled, letting a cascade of drool pour out with a chuckle.
“Want you to ride me, Kotenok.” He wiped his wet fingers on your stomach.
Straddling him on the couch was when you first became aware of how small you were to him. There was a burn in the muscles of your thighs. Your hips fit perfectly into his hands as he lowered you down on his cock. You held his shoulders tight, gasping and whining as each inch disappeared inside you. His eyes were dark, pupils blown out. It was a hungry look. Men often looked like they wanted to devour you, he was the first who might actually be able to do so. 
He let you take a moment as you sat flush with his hips. He rubbed your spine, murmuring in Russian against your cheek as he laid small kisses. He’d never kissed you before. You hadn’t moved yet and your thighs were shaking. You felt overstuffed, your pussy clenching around him as it adjusted. You let out a shuddered breath. 
He leaned back, arms stretched out across the back of the couch as you started to roll your hips. You tucked your head under his chin, riding his cock. Your ass smacking against his thighs. The head of his cock dragged against your walls and you couldn’t help but keen when his cock bumped against that spot inside you. 
“Yebat,” he groaned, a hand slapping against your ass. He suddenly gripped your hips and started thrusting up into you. “Pussy fucking made for me.”
You dug your nails into his shoulders, “Kolya
Part of you hated how good his cock felt inside you. Hated that this is what you had to do to survive now. Hated how you shivered when his stubble rubbed against your cheek when he nipped at your earlobe. Hated how vulnerable you were yet you were moaning wantonly on his cock.
You slipped a hand between your legs to rub your clit, scissoring it between two fingers. His hot breath skated across your face,“Going to come on my cock again?”
“Yes, Kolya,” You cried. You hardly knew how to discern between pretend and actual pleasure anymore. What want really was. You did want to come but you’d rather be alone with a toy between your legs rather than riding the cock of a large Russian man. A large calloused hand gently pushed yours away and began to rub your clit with fervor. 
“Come.” He ordered. You melted in his hold, your teeth dragging against his chest. Your thighs gave out, collapsing you fully on his cock. He fucked you through your orgasm, muttering about how tight you were. “Going to fill you up, Kotenok.”
He grabbed your hair and pulled your head backwards, your chins touching. “Open your mouth,” he breathed. You did and he spit into it. You kept your eyes on him as you swallowed. He grunted loudly, cum filling any space left in your cunt. 
He slumped against the couch while you did the same against his chest. His heart was beating wildly under the hair and tattoos. 
He kept you on his cock, lighting his cigar as he went soft inside you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your head under his chin. He smelled good. You tried to let yourself relax. He’d turned the news off at some point, letting the two of you sit in silence. He laughed softly. You glanced up and he was staring down at you.
“You’ve made a mistake.” You opened your mouth to apologize, confused as to what you could have done in this moment. “You’ve made me like you too much. Going to call you back every Tuesday. You’re a good cocksleeve.” 
He made you another drink and then another. Then fucked you on the floor doggy style. He fucked your throat again after turning on a football match. You started to lose track of what was happening when he pushed you down onto the floor again. Several hours later you were splayed out on the rug, cum dripping out of you and “Kolya” coming out like a mantra. He heaved you up and over his shoulder.
“Did I tire you?” He chuckled, smacking your ass. Your head rolled listlessly as he carried you upstairs. 
He wiped you clean with a warm wet rag before pulling the comforter over you. You drifted off quickly. His bed was soft and warm, much more comfortable than the cot you slept on in the club’s basement. A lot of men didn’t let you sleep in their bed. One even handcuffed you to the couch for the night so he could sleep without worry. You woke up an hour later with Kolya’s arm around your middle, his nose buried in your hair. He didn’t grumble when you got up to drink water or use the bathroom. Only beckoned you back to him, pulling the covers back over the two of you. 
At one point woke up to him pulling one of your legs over his hips, cock sliding between your folds. 
“Go back to sleep,” he whispered. “Want you like this.”
Exhaustion pulled you back under easily even with his hips hitting your ass and his hand groping your breast.  
You woke up alone in bed. No tea left for you on the side table. Through the bathroom door you heard the shower running. You dragged yourself out of bed and to the bathroom, knocking on the door.
“Come in!” He called. 
The bathroom was so full of steam you could barely make sense of where anything was. A wet hand reached out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you into the shower. He pinned you to the wall of the shower while kissing you sloppily. It felt intimate in a way you weren’t familiar with. He cradled your face while stealing the air from your lungs. His knee slid between your legs and you felt his cock on your thigh.
“Dobroye utro,” he purred.
“Good morning
?” You guessed his words. 
“You learn quickly,” He grinned. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him, opening your mouth for his tongue to slide in. Kissing clients was not a regular occurrence, wanting to kiss them back never happened. Yet here you were, moaning softly as his tongue tangled with yours. He rolled one of your nipples between his fingers. “Want you again.”
He fucked you against the shower wall, your legs wrapped around his middle as he bucked into you. You were sure you’d cut open his back with your nails. He sucked a mark against the crook of your neck. He moaned when you tugged on his hair. He came on the tiles only to pin you to them again and rub your clit till you were jelly. 
“You’re shaking again.” He said, holding you by an arm around your waist as he cleaned you both up with a washcloth. 
“I’m hungry,” you answered, honestly.
“Let’s get breakfast, then, yes?”
He got you a plush robe to wear.. He padded around the kitchen in his boxers. From your place atop the counter you watched him make batter and pour a small amount into a pan. He was making you crepes. 
His phone started ringing and he sighed as he looked at the screen. 
“Go wait in the dining room for me, okay, Kotenok.” You nodded and left quickly, hearing him switch to Russian on the phone. He sounded upset and you wondered if you were going to actually get food before leaving. 
You sat to the right of the head chair, resting your chin on the table as you waited. You could hear him get loud every so often. 
“Eat up and I’ll call your car.” He laid a plate in front of you. Two crepes layered with strawberry jam and whipped cream. He was tense, you could tell by the way his hand held the plate. 
“Everything okay?” A dangerous question. It was none of your business. Nothing to concern yourself with. You added quickly, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.” 
“No, you shouldn’t have.” He rested a hand between your shoulder blades, at the base of your neck. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it. My Kotenok’s just worried about me, yes?”
You nodded, looking up through your lashes. Sweet as a lamb you could be. Don’t shake. Don’t shake.  You took his hand and kissed his rings, “Yes, Kolya.”
“Eat your food.”He ordered, sitting down beside you with a cup of espresso in hand. 
“Thank you, Kolya.”
The bottom of one crepe was burnt. You ate it without a word.
He walked you to the front door this time. Kissed your shoulder as he took the robe off. 
“For you,” he handed you another stack of hundred pound notes. Six this time. You held it close to your chest. 
He pushed your hair from your face and kissed your cheek. “See you next week.”
He shut the door behind you, locking you out. You put your clothes on as quickly as you could before shoving the notes into the lining of your coat with the rest. 
The car was idling outside. 
“Hurry up,” Abel snapped. He was one of several drivers Arno had on hand. He was also the meanest. Acted like he was dropping off and picking up girls from the lap of luxury instead of the equivalent of a haunted house.
You stayed quiet in the backseat. You’d forgotten one of your socks.
You were hurried into the back door. Men and other girls moving around chaotically..
Someone grabbed your upper arm and yanked you roughly into a side room.
“At least he hasn’t fucked up your face,” Marcus said, holding your chin and moving your head around roughly. Despite being the reason you were in this situation he was still aggressively possessive of you. Hands clenched in fists whenever he saw you head to a client’s. “Whatever you did, Arno’s pissed. Expected to see you with broken teeth when you got back. ” 
I didn’t do anything. He said he wanted to see me again.” You didn’t know his actual name. Kolya had to have been a diminutive of something but you didn’t know enough Russian to guess. He ripped the letter from your hands. He had sealed it with wax. Funny honestly. Probably knew that every man in this building was itching to climb over another for an extra dollar. 
“Let’s find out for sure, then.”
He dragged you down the hall in a bruising grip. 
“Arno! The Fixer’s bitch is back!” He knocked on the office door.
“Marcus, stop!” You hissed. You didn’t want to be in a room with Arno during one of his bad moods especially not if Marcus was intent on making it worse. 
The door opened. Arno barely scraped six feet tall but he was thin with a square jaw and blue eyes that always seemed blown out. It was no secret he had a nasty coke habit. He always looked a little strung out, a little manic. 
“There she is. ” He hung onto the frame of the door, looking over you and Marcus. He always seemed surprised to see you, like he forgot he’d imprisoned you. He grabbed the front of your coat and pulled you into the office with Marcus at your heels. 
You were shoved onto the couch in the office. Marcus sitting next to you with an arm around your shoulders, holding you against him.
Arno sat on his desk, seething.
“You know what Nikolai said to me today?”
“I don’t know.” You answered meekly, wringing your hands in your lap.
“He’s fucking giving me orders now. Said you weren’t allowed to fuck anyone twenty four hours before going to visit him.” Arno let out an incredulous laugh and threw his hands into the air. 
“He didn’t say anything to me.” You tried to assure. You never rocked the boat, just held onto your oar and hoped your life preserver worked. Marcus grabbed your arm roughly, almost pulling you into his lap. 
“I don’t believe you. I think you’re trying to milk him for everything. You suck his cock extra good? He’s sweet on you now?” Marcus laughed and pulled on your cheek. “Maybe I’ll send you back to him with my cum dripping out of you. How do you like that?”
“I didn’t ask for that.” You pleaded, looking at Arno desperately for some relief from Marcus’s taunts.
“He’s fucking with me,” Arno sighed, rubbing his face harshly. “He’s fucking fucking with me!”
He angrily slapped the lamp off his desk, sending it shattering against the wall. You leaned back against the couch. You had to get out of this room. 
Marcus released you and leaned back on the couch. “Just don’t send her back. What’s the old cunt going to do?”
“You’re a fucking idiot, Marcus.” Arno glared. You bit your tongue to hold back a laugh. “You know I can’t do that. We need his money. That’s why he’s fucking with us. Probably doesn’t even like her that much.”
“Hear that? Don’t get attached.” Marcus pulled on your cheek again. “Nikolai will dump you in a ditch soon enough. Right, Arno?”
He stared at you, blinking slowly, his brow furrowing in anger. He must have forgotten you were there. His brain barely making connections with his own eyes. 
“Get her out of here, Marcus! What the fuck is she even doing here!” Marcus jumped up and pulled you with him. “She shouldn’t be hearing any of this!”
“Sorry. You know how these sluts are. Nosey cunts” He shoved you out of the office, growling close to your face, “Wait for me in my office.”
His ‘office’ was a storage closet with an old desk in it. The door was slammed in your face. He was going to punish you for his own humiliation.  
Through your coat you felt the notes. You would get out of here. You would be your best for Nikolai. He would keep paying you and you’d get out of here. Get on a plane and never be seen again. You were getting out.  
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nathalie-worlds · 11 days ago
Due to recently made question, I'm headcanoning (?) every Bachelor/Bachelorette Stardew Valley Surnames.
So, I gonna explain the logic behind these:
1-I headcanon that their surnames fit into hobbies or personalities, more than into proffesions (I will leave this to all non datable characters).
2-I will go assuming that the majority of them took their father's last name (with some exceptions).
3-I read all names meaning, so it helps me to decide their last names and add more layers to their character. I ignore if Maru comes from MarĂ­a Eugenia or from Japanese word Circle, so is the only case I ignored her name.
4-Personal aesthetic. I will chose those what sounds good to me.
ALEX George, Evelyn and Alex Mullner are canon so I can't explore more. Their surname means miller. I think that Alex used to have his father's surname, but for obvious reasons he changed it. I would like to think that he used being Alex Barrett, because Barrett means troublesome.
ABIGAIL Pierre and Caroline are French origin names. I considered Marchand surname (literally means Merchant), but as I said, I don't want surnames based on professions. Also, I feel that even if Abigail is not Pierre's bio daughter and there are many discussions and differences between them, its obviously that they love each other. I think that it would be cool that, at least, she can inherited a surname from his father that fits her personality. Pierre, Caroline and Abigail Piper, because it means "flute player". Yes, I know that Abigail has a more adventurous side, but I also assume that those flute classes weren't free and this is something that her parents made for her that she actually enjoys.
SHANE, as I explain in a previous post (https://www.tumblr.com/legendarywonderlandnightmare/775814088240545792/you-i-need-your-help-what-do-you-think-shanes?source=share), I named him as Shane Gwalnet (Welsh-celtic last name meaning hawk of may) .
LEAH. Our cottage girl who loves art and likes foraging in her free time. She broke up with an abusive partner and gave up her life in Zuzu city to pursue her art career. Basically, cutting to grow into something stronger, healthier. Let's not forget that trimming, cutting and reaping are techniques used in gardening to encourage blossoming. Due to this, I would say that her complete name is Leah Cropper as an occupational surname that used to reap crops and trim trees.
ELLIOT. In the beginning I was thinking giving him a last name related to the sea. But I think there are other aspects of him that are more important. Like his creativity, his poetry, his tenacity to fight for his dream even if many think he won't be able to do it. I found that Elliott Garnett would fit him better. Garnett means seller of hinges, but also means "seller of pomegranates" that he loves. Why I'm centering on pomegranates? Because they are a symbol of resurrection, fertility and creativity. Something that fits into Elliott's character!
MARU and SEBASTIAN. I like to assume Demetrius took Robin's surname, because I don't see her as a person who takes their husband's surname. And Sebastian...uggg, even if I feel bad for him, I think he has Robin's ex husband last name. But, that's not kinda his story arc? That he feels ostracized from his family? So, I think that Robin will keep her maiden name and Demetrius and Maru would take it. All of them have different hobbies, professions and interest. But it's a fact that all of them depend somehow of living by the forest to express themselves (Robin works with wood, Demetrius is an environmental scientist, Maru needs clear skies to observe through her telescope, and Sebastian loves solitude). So let's name them Robin, Demetrius and Maru Atwood (English last name, meaning dweller at the wood) and Sebastian Blackley (English last name, meaning dark wood) because even if it's not obvious, he still belongs to his family.
SAM. I know I've said that "no last names related to professions" but I make rules to break them, specially, because I think I must do it in this case. Kent is traumatized by war and this has a huge impact on his family. We know by dialogue that he used being much more happy, playful and carefree. Probably, he was like Sam before war (cries). Also, Samson was the name of a soldier and Vincent is good at shooting (dialogue said during Valley Fair festival). So, yep, I find no reason to not give them a military last name. So, from now, I'm gonna name them as Kent, Jodi, Vincent and Sam Krieger (German last name, meaning soldier).
EMILY and HALEY. These both sisters are so different, but I think that the have something in common and it's their pursuit of beautiness in the world. It could be in the form of creativity and self expression or from observing surroundings and vanity, but it's basically the same pursuit. So I will name the sisters as Emily and Haley Belcher (Norman last name meaning Fair face, cheerful, pleasant temperament).
PENNY. This was difficult. Because I can't imagine naming Penny with a last name related to alcohol or naming Pam after books. They are opposite in personalities and values and pursuit different goals. But then I realized that both were hurt by the same man who abandoned them. This unknown character left nothing behind, except his last name that its stills haunting this family. Also, I totally headcanon that Penny changes her last name for her partner's as a symbol of breaking from her past and going after the bright future she always dream about. So let's name them Pam and Penny Wanless (Scottish, meaning hopeless or luckness).
HARVEY is our kind doctor. He is timid, scareful, but sweet and a good guy in general. He loves everything related to flying, but due to his own fears, he never tried to pursuit that career. He learns to overcome his fears thanks to the farmer. I think that a last name related to birds will fit him. Also, mostly birds spent their lives with the same partner and this sounds like Harvey to me. So let's name Harvey Finch.
KROBUS because, why not? I headcanon that all magical creatures have Zoroastrian last names (because the word magician comes from there). Krobus told us that his name means bridge-crosser in his language. Curiously, there's a bridge related to Zoroastrian beliefs called Chinvat bridge (bridge of judgement, very interesting,but too long to post it, so look on it on Wikipedia), so last name him Krobus Chinvat.
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