valleyofgays · 1 year
congrats on getting a binder!!
THANK YOUUUU I'm very happy about it. ngl i thought it wouldn't make that much of a difference because it looks kinda the same with just the binder on then i looked at myself in the mirror with a shirt and my immediate reaction was just like
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( but in a good way yknow )
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
I'm curious, how did wade and logan meet isekai gremlin reader? Did reader just fall from the sky and landed beside the two unharmed? We know wade breaks the fourth evrytime because his sentient and logan had seen worse sp if reader just straight up tells the two that they are from another universe the two would just😐👍okay. They woulb be ubothered by it
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Wade and Logan first met you when they were having shawarma. It was a nice day, nothing could possibly go wrong until…
‘Ow fuck!’ You groaned as you got up from a seemingly never ending fall through the void, only to realised that you didn’t hurt as badly as you thought you did when you went to run your arm. ‘Don’t know why I said ow fuck when that didn’t actually hurt being with.’ You then murmur to yourself as you looked up to see the portal you fell from close assumably forever.
‘Did god kick you out of heaven little angel? Did you do something naughty? Blasphemous even?’ Wade asked, swallowing his last bit of shawarma, wiping himself down before he let Dogpool run your feet as you smiled down at the cutes dog you’ve ever seen. Some would say she’s ugly, the most ugliest dog they’ve ever met, but to you she’s perfect with her lopsided tongue and scruffy appearance.
‘He fucking wishes but no, I’m not an angel nor did I come from heaven.’ You told Wade as you picked up Dogpool, unbothered by the excessive licking to the face, you’d like to call it her showing you her unconditional love and affection.
‘Then where did you come from?’ Logan asked, completely unfazed by this and the dog licking your face excessively.
You shrug, not caring whether you sounded nuts for saying it. ‘Another dimension.’ You proclaimed.
Wade and Logan looked at each other before looking at you again.
‘Ah! Another overused and abused Isekai trope fanfic, like that’s surprising to anyone reading this.’ Wade then said to no one in particular.
‘The fuck is that supposed to mean scrotum face?’ You replied, holding Dogpool closer in your arms when you noticed that Wade was planing on taking her off your hands, no one was going to take this cute doggy from your hands, you’ve only met this cutie and you’d kill everyone before killing yourself if anything happened to her.
‘Look bub, Wade over here talks out of his ass, so it’s best not to take anything he says seriously.’ Logan answered for you as he got up from his seat groaning. He’s been alive for far too long to act surprised at anything at this point. A pig could sprout wings or suddenly talk and Logan wouldn’t find this out of the ordinary, that or he just was too tired and perpetually annoyed at everything to feel anything outside of that.
‘Now that our meet cute is over and done with, papa is going to need his little Mary Poppins back now.’ Wade reached out to grab Dogpool but you took a step back, still holding her close to your chest.
‘No.’ You told him. ‘She’s my Mary Poppins now.’
Wade gasps ‘are we entering our enemies to friends to lovers, 300k words, slow burn phase?’
You looked to Logan who only shrugs his shoulders. ‘I’ve got not a fucking clue what he just said just now.’ You then looked back to Wade and then little Dogpool, who was still licking your face, before deciding to bolt down the street. ‘YOU’ll never take me alive!’
You could hear Wade and Logan simultaneously cursing as they proceeded to follow after you, and at one point you could’ve sworn you heard Wade yell, ‘MY BABY! PAPA AND PAPA ARE COMING SWEETIE DONT WORRY!’ Before hearing Logan hit him in the back of the head saying, ‘damn it Wade! I ain’t no damn papa!’
You couldn’t help but laugh as you, with Dogpool in your arms, continued to run as far as you could with no real destination in mind, maybe this new dimension wouldn’t be so bad if this is how you got to live everyday. You couldn’t mind it one bit.
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meraki-sunset · 2 months
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Motherfucker got rejected
I just read the entirety of The Book of Bill with my friends. We read it out loud in the darkness using a flashlight and signed all 4 of our names in it. Haven't laughed so hard in a while (and then almost cry, but that's later)
Heavily recommend it if you're a Gravity Falls fan.
Still recovering from Bill's backstory. Rambling ahead Heavy spoiler alert. He was loved, he was 12, he was the only one in his 2D universe able to see on 3D, he just wanted to show them the stars. And now he doesn't even remember what the fuck he did, only the chaos, the screams, his shaking hands covered in blood and then nothing at all, just a glitchy void in his memories and his universe being gone. And he carries the last spec of his dimension in his hat, and CONFIDED to Ford and showed it to him. And when Ford asked what killed his dimension, he froze before saying "a monster", he sees himself as that. Fuck. ALSO when giving the reader advice on how to seduce someone he said to (paraphrased) "lock them in a pyramid and sing to them until the fall for you" which is what he did to Ford, he also said to gift them rats, which he gave Ford too, the book is full of shit like that, motherfucker guided and interrupted the reader all the book but specifically never interrupted Ford's pages, and when threatening to kill him if he didn't open the portal, he gave him 3 days to do it, which ruined his plans in the end, and he said he doesn't know why he did that, but implying he did it because in some twisted way he cared, the same way he still offered him to join him during weirdmagedon even after the whole betrayal thing. And when Ford cut tied with him, he got hammered and asked the cashier, while heavily drunk, for "one sixer, please" and cried when they told them they had no idea what that was, later taking the phone from the cashier on a call with 911 to say (paraphrased because my book is in Spanish) "Hi, mom, it's billy, i want--- i'm coming back from school soon, remember to cut the crust of my sandwiches or i'm--- where did everyone go? WHERE-". His mom called him Billy, HE WAS BILLY, and since he was the Pines twins's age when he destroyed everything, he assumes he's just that age when talking to her, coming back from school. And now he's in therapy jail? And i don't get if he's totally dead or if he's a ghost, he aparently can reencarnate if he heals, but he fucking hates therapy jail, and he's getting desperate to get out, and he doesn't... look good. Can't believe i feel actually bad for the triangle. I'm- jeez, I can go on for hours. Bill Cipher having feelings (and a crush on Ford) was not on my 2024 bingo card, but i fucking love this book. God I missed that guy so much.
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 6 months
Shadow Milk Cookie. Chloroform. Yandere. Do what you will with this information.
I'm gonna put you as the anon listed above since- That's what I assume you mean?
I unintentionally put shitpost aha
Disclaimer: MC is still gender neutral, they are just referred to as queen for chess role purposes.
Tw: Eyestrain for the art that goes along with this piece, chloroform-like magic, kidnapping to a different dimension, implied future murder
You find yourself in a dark void. So black, you can't see anything through the shadows that swirl in your vision. You're not sure what it feels like. Is it threatening? Or is it a sense of peace? You aren't sure. This sense of the unknown makes you anxious.
Suddenly, a big blue eye opens in front of you, the colour glowing within the dimmed surroundings. The shade of blue reminded you of Lapis. A very bright one. But the eye itself, it was terrifying. You nearly wanted to break into pieces right then and there.
"Oh, my queen! You're finally here!" A voice eagerly chirps, a slightly maniacal tone to it. It seemed ecstatic to see you, too much so. You couldn't form an answer, still processing your odd environment.
"I've missed you~ It's been ages since I've seen your face! You don't look any different- oh, maybe you're just a little prettier, you silly thing!" The voice giggled as the eye blinked. The eye squinted upwards as if it was smiling. But wait, why did it act like it's seen you before? You don't know who this entity is. Not even what it is. Is it a cookie? A beast? Confusion swelled within you as the seconds passed.
"My sweet...What is that face?" The voice slowly faded away, as your world suddenly blackened once more.
"MC, are you okay?" You wake up to the face of Strawberry. She seems concerned, her big brown eyes down-turned. How cute. "You were shaking in your sleep."
"Um yeah, I'm okay. I just had a weird dream." You respond, still lying on the grass where you and the group are camped. You clutch onto your blanket a little tighter.
"Like a nightmare?" She tilts her head to the side.
"Not exactly. I can't put it to words..." You mumble off, trying to recall the eye that spoke to you.
"Oh okay." She glanced at the blue and violet sky, commenting, "It's almost sunrise. Do you wanna prepare jellies with me? I'm sure the others will wake up soon."
You nod and sit up before flailing your blanket to the side.
You and your friends are going through the forests of Beast Yeast, cautious of all the creatures and evil beings lurking by. That is until your group stumbles upon a random chessboard on a glass table. In the middle of the fucking path, in the middle of fucking Beast Yeast. Instead of black and white, the board is in different shades of blue.
"What in tarnation is this?" Wizard leans closer, staring at it intensely. Fidgeting with his fake beard, or in other words, his scarf.
Chili Pepper butted in, "The fuck you mean bro, this is obviously a dumb chessboard-"
"LANGUAGE!" Gingerbrave suddenly turned out to stare at Chili Pepper uncannily, before smiling again. "I'm sure it's something dangerous! Let's not touch it."
"Or it could be a chessboard and table someone decided to randomly leave here."
"Shush- I'm always right." Gingerbrave did an imaginary hair toss.
Wizard raised his hand, just like a nerd, "No? I am, thank you. By the almighty power of magic I-"
"You're an ice cream. Also, you're the one who's screaming for help half the time." Chili Pepper chuckled, poking at Wizard.
Strawberry took a breath and sharply, albeit quickly spoke, "Guys!"
The whole group turned to look at her, which made her flush with embarrassment. She pointed at the chessboard. "The pieces are moving on their own." When the gang looked back at the gameboard, they were met with a surprising sight.
The chess pieces moved by their own accord. Which revealed that the darker blue side was winning compared to the lighter blue. It was a competitive fight, with both sides making quick moves. It was mesmerizing, you aren't sure why.
You reached out your hand and touched one of the pieces in curiosity. Only to feel a sudden freezing cold gust fly at you. Your surroundings become dark, just like your dream as the yelps of your friends sound out around you. A sinister chuckle joins along, as your body is thrown into a blackened world once more.
"Honey! Honey, honey, honey, my honey."
You stand before a jester cookie, covered in eyes. He grins, his clothes like the blues of the chessboard. He swiftly goes over to you, cradling you in his arms. You can't move, overcome with a freezing cold that leaves you immobile.
"I've waited much too long on your reincarnation. We could have had a wonderful marriage by now if it weren't for that bastard Elder Faerie." He spoke softer than before but had a spit of venom for the name Elder Faerie. He leans closer, uncomfortably so. He makes a minuscule hum before pecking your mouth.
"I'll just keep you here for a bit until I have everything ready." Out of nowhere, a shadow comes for you, binding you in it. You start to feel drowsy. "We'll be so happy once more, I promise." Your vision starts to swirl into darkness, to the point you can't make him out anymore.
You fall asleep, unable to fight off the dreadful binds.
"My Queen~! Wake up! I have everything ready for you." You're nudged awake, as the binds come off you. You find yourself on a throne: cold and metal. As look forward, you are shocked to see a glowing chessboard just like the one you saw on the path. But also freaked out to see Strawberry and Gingerbrave tied up in the same binds, floating in the air.
"Wha- What is this?" You stammer, overwhelmed with all that has happened in the last few moments. Was this a joke? A jester terrorizing you and your friends, what a lovely day.
"Why, it is the moment you get to see your idiots crumble right before you by the hands of your rightful husband, me: Shadow Milk Cookie!" He comes over to you, putting a crown on your head. It was plain, just a metal crown with no jewels or anything else.
"And you're the queen! The most powerful one on the board!" He giggles, patting your hand. You tense at his touch, wanting to get away from this glorified position you were in. But time and time again, you can't move away from your spot. It's as if you were hardened glue stuck to a label that no one can seem to pry off.
"I don't know what reincarnation you talked about before, but whatever it is, stop it! My friends have done nothing! I don't even know who you are!" You plead, wanting his weird reincarnation thing to stop. You felt guilty for thinking of touching a moving chess piece in Beast Yeast. Gingerbrave was right: everything is dangerous.
"Honey..." Shadow Milk frowned, holding your face in his hands. He looked disappointed rather than enraged. "I know your memories are somewhat faded, but those cookies are distracting you. Distracting you from me, your beloved." He lightly bumps his face against yours, staring into your eyes.
"What do they have to do anything with your dead lover?" You ask, a little too harshly, but needing to get the message across.
He gasps. "They aren't dead! They're right before me!" He puts his jester hat on his head, going over to Gingerbrave and Strawberry. He glares at them briefly with his dual-chromed eyes before returning to you.
"Just let me. Just let me kill them." He hisses with a grin. His eyes scare you, the way they're wide open with insanity. "I need some desperate alone time with you and also get our marriage decided once more." Shadows started to succumb to the world, except for the light from the board.
"No! Don't you dare!" You shake your head, unwilling to let him get away with this. Your poor friends. Just what kind of madness did you pull them into?
"My Queen! When will you let me kill them? They are insignificant to our love!" He exclaims, reaching a hand out to you.
Oh, what a devoted lover isn't he? Waiting for eons for you only for you to be so disgusted with him.
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This was really fun to write. Now, I’m not quite caught up on the lore yet. I just read his profile and said fuck yeah so…mhm.
I will say, I didn’t go exactly chloroform, but the same aspect of it with his magic.
I used honey cuz I was like “Old. But also insane. Equals honey.”
Alright I’m gonna go do homework now because I’ve neglected other work (APRIL AND MAY IS HELL FOR MEEE)
- Celina
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strawburry01 · 17 days
We'll Meet Again
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Ford Pines x Fem! Reader
Summary: Just a lot of mushy gushy stuff
Word Count 1.5 k
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2.5
Part 3
It was the middle of your game. You had just bet 600 trunkels on red when suddenly you started feeling light headed. If you were about to faint right now you’d never forgive yourself.
“Feeling okay, bold one?” the dealer hissed in its native language.
“Keep rolling,” you snapped back, trying to bury the dizzy feeling deep within you. You’d been doing good in this dimension and somehow had become a bit of a pseudo-millionaire, but nothing filled the gnawing void in your heart, so many times you’d end up betting more and more outrageous wagers just to try and feel something from losing it all. But you never lost it all. Something about this damn dimension meant your luck was infallible. 
It only irritated you more.
Your knees buckled and you nearly collapsed onto the ground before you grabbed the edge of the counter and swore under your breath. Something was happening to you, why was your body just giving out like this? You could see the dealer saying something to you but it felt like all you could hear was the grating buzz of static. You saw it reach out a tentacle for you but all you could do was go limp.
You watched the world around you rise, but you never hit the floor. You melted right through it all. You kept seeing it shrink into oblivion until it was just a small pinprick of light in the darkness. 
In the past whenever you had switched dimensions you were in control. And it wasn’t this unpleasant a process. Had you accidentally touched a button on your portal ray? Had you somehow triggered this jump? You couldn’t theorize for too long until you felt your body go through another nauseating flux. Ragdolling through space you were flung back until you unexpectedly slammed your back against a hard surface, concussing your head in the process of it all. 
For a second everything was a bright white light and through gritted teeth you forced your eyes open, trying to shield them with your hands so you could assess where the hell you were. Head splitting from pain, the room was a wreck. But you’d recognize it anywhere. 
“Oh my god who is that?!” a young voice shouted nearby.
“Holy sh-” was all you could hear in response before your eyes rolled back in pain and your subconscious took over. 
You dreamed the same scene you often did. Over the 30 years, if you’d been keeping track correctly, you still had it at least once a month or so. It was you sitting on the dock of the lake. The lake in Gravity Falls. The pine filled wonderland in the pacific northwest. It was in a perpetual sunset, the sky a faint mix of orange and pink smears. You could always hear someone walking up the dock behind you, but you never were able to see who it was. Except this time. You looked over your shoulder and saw Ford. The version you’d met in college. The young, awkward, nerdy, unsure version of him. Hell he looked as confused as you felt. 
“What am I doing here?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” you responded, looking back at the water. He continued, and took a seat beside you.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I think so?” You answered back, not knowing, “this is farther than I usually get in these dreams,”. 
“Hm,” he hummed, accepting it. 
“Do you recognize me?” you asked. You felt his eyes on you.
“I’ll always recognize you dear,”.
Your eyes lurched open. Fuck that was weird. You were in your room. Your room back in the cabin. A wave of nausea swept over you again at recognizing the room. 30 fucking years hurtling through endless dimensions. It felt naive to trust your eyes. With a grunt, you pushed onto your elbows to look around. It seemed to be mid-day outside. Someone had thrown a blanket on you and left a glass of water on the floor. Still wary, you took a sip. It didn’t kill you.
There was a squeal from the doorway and your head snapped in that direction. There was a girl in a pink sweater giddily jumping and covering her mouth, but continuing to squeal.
“You’re awake!” she shouted, “Gruncle Stan! She’s awake!”. You rubbed your temples as you tried to formulate words.
“Wh-Who are you?” you mumbled out. Suddenly she was right beside the bed staring up at you with the biggest eyes you’d ever seen.
“I’m Mabel Pines! I’m your niece!” she said happily before scrunching her face to think, “I think…”
Niece? Before you could question it any further, there was someone in the doorway. He was in a disheveled suit with a red fez precariously perched on his head. When the two of you locked eyes the air seemed to freeze. 
“Stanley?” you croaked out. It was Ford, but it wasn’t all at the same time. Was this his estranged twin brother?
“Oh come on, did everyone know that except for Dipper and I?” Mabel whined as Stan laughed and turned her out of the room.
“There’s a lot of things you and Dipper don’t know, kid. Now give us some space,” he said, as she sighed and walked out of the room. Stan awkwardly shifted in place besides you and finally coughed to break the silence.
“How’re you doing?” he asked, “the portal shot you out across the room like a damn cannon,”. You rubbed the back of your head. Just a headache, but nothing worse it seemed.
“Just sore I think. I’m still not sure what all happened honestly,” you said. 
“Yeah that’s for sure. You were out for almost a whole day. Really got Ford riled up like you wouldn’t believe,” Stan said with a small smile to himself.
“Ford’s here?” you whispered, not being able to believe what he’d just told you. 
“Unfortunately. Didn’t even thank me or nothing for bringing him back. And hell- bringing his wife back too for fucks sake,” he swore. You tried to move out of the bed but your ribs and back protested. You weren’t as young as you used to be and that was becoming painfully obvious.
“Where’s Ford? I need to see Ford,” you mumbled as you pushed yourself out of the bed. Stan tried to help you, but also didn’t want to offend you by offering help. 
“Slow down y’animal. He’s in the kitchen,” he said, “I can get him-”
“No, I need to see him now,” you grunted as you inhaled sharply and stood up a little straighter.
Keeping a hand on the wall you walked through the house you and he had built. It was the same, but also time had done its work on the walls and carpets. You could hear someone gently clanging around pans in the kitchen. Anxiety crept into your head. It’d been 30 years since you’d gotten zapped into the hellish dimension-scape. You knew Ford had been there too. Being humans, you both stuck out like sore thumbs, but most frustratingly you never ran into each other. Statistically, it made sense. Across millions of unique dimensions and planets, it was unlikely. You hated statistics. 
You heard a gentle swear around the corner and the clatter of a spatula. It was Ford. 30 years across endless dimensions and planes of existence and you couldn’t turn the damn corner to see him. Your husband. It was stupid to tear up over it but you could feel the pricks at the corner of your eyes. You took a sharp inhale and turned.
“Ford I-” you began, but didn’t get the chance to finish before he pulled you into an embrace. 
Both of you were crying now at least. He continued to apologize under his breath as he ran his hand along the back of your head. You just pressed further into his red sweater trying to save every second in case you woke up and it was all a dream. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, we’re here now,” you hiccuped through the tears as you looked up at him. His once brown hair had turned silver over the years and his face had evidence of all the years and adventures he’d gone through. 
“I never thought I’d see you again,” he said, cupping your face and looking into your eyes.
“You’d like that,” you tried to joke but you only broke down crying again as you wrapped your arms around him again. You could feel his chest as he gently laughed.
“I like the tattoo,” he chuckled into your hair. 
You felt your face go red. In an alcohol-addled stupor you’d been convinced to get a small face tattoo under your eye. It was a small black broken heart, that you really had always meant to get lasered off. “Hey I have some too now,” he added with a small kiss on your forehead.
“My scientist? Tattoos? Never!” you smiled as you quickly kissed him on the lips. 
This was it. This was all you hoped for over the past 30 years.
The two of you stood side by side as Ford remembered his cooking. He kept his arm firmly wrapped around your waist, as you laid a hand on his chest and listened to him starting to ramble about everything you’d been out for. The portal, Bill, the house, Stanley, the kids, no- your niece and nephew. 
“Our Graunt is so badass,” Mabel whispered to her brother as she quickly peeked around the corner.
AN: Thanks all! Let me know if you want a little Weirdmagedon action bit because this feels like it's too sweet to end on personally- BUT I got one last tasty treat in the drafts right now :)
Taglist wooooo:
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sillyblues · 1 year
Omg for that Miguel O'hara fanfic where the reader was called annoying. Can the reader return back to her dimension and Miguel is trying to contact her and sends someone to go check up on her. But the person comes back and shakes his head at Miguel, saying they weren't there so Miguel asks Lyla for the reader's location. She's in an alleyway or rooftop and she just tells Miguel she doesn't want to talk. Miguel brought the bear too, just to show that he does care about her and the gifts she gives him. You could change some of these ideas. :] -c
ੈ✩‧₊˚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: sorry this took me long to reply because i had to at least push a part of the preggo fic before i write this and this wasn't included on annoying part 2, i rlly considered this but the idea i had in mind with this was an angsty one and i wanted a happy ending for it so yeah :(( but still here's an alternate ending of annoying!
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Miguel O’Hara was an asshole.
And he knew that of course, because he was the one who made this persona to protect himself from getting hurt. He had to be a real piece of shit so that he couldn’t get attached to anyone and wouldn’t get hurt if the universe inevitably ripped their arms away from his again.
But you. Oh god, you.
You were the reason why he had to wear a mask, a lie. You were so beautiful that his bleak world of loneliness was shattered with just a smile. Your voice brings back life in the void that resides in his heart. Your touch heals the hurting man that he so desperately tries to hide.
Like a moth attached to a flame, he easily got attached to you. And he hated that. He promised himself that he would not let anybody in and love anyone but God, it was fucking you. When he realised his mistake, he tried to be mean. He tried to regain and be in control of himself again (because he couldn’t get a hold of himself when it came to you) so that he wouldn’t be hurt ever again. He tried to ignore you despite his mind clinging to a word that you say and the urge to just be near you, to see you.
But when you fell from the platform, he was instantly reminded of his daughter, who disappeared into atoms and molecules, into thin air in his arms. He was instantly reminded of Gabriella, who the universe ripped away from his awms. His body reacted instinctively.
No. He had already lost her. He didn’t want to lose you again. 
Don’t do this to me. Don’t hurt me again.
In fear of losing you, he didn’t know he had hurt you. And when he realised it, it was too late. You ran away in tears, in pain that he caused and fuck, he was a piece of shit. He bitterly chuckled as he cried as he clutched the teddy bear you gave him. His tears fell on its fur, and he kneeled.
Miguel O’Hara was an asshole because he had to be one so that nobody couldn’t hurt him but when he had hurt you instead, he found himself questioning himself.
Miguel knew you just as you knew him. When Peter came back to his office with no news of you, he quickly knew where you were. So he went to you himself instead and just as he knew, you were there on the rooftop of your apartment sitting with your back facing him. He clutched the teddy bear as he walked towards you.
His heart hammered against his chest and rang in his eardrums. His jaw was clenched and a part of him wants to hide forever but at the same time, he needed to apologize to you for what he have said and done. You did not deserve him but you deserved an apology.
But what if you didn’t want him anymore?
“What are you doing here, Miguel?” your hoarse voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he could hear the long time you cried and the pain that laced with it. His heart stung at the memory of him yelling at you once more.
“[Name]...” he whispered out your name and he was reminded of the days he thought of apologizing to you, days of saying your name as practised his apologies, and now that he was finally here in front of you, the owner of the name he desperately called out was in front of him, he didn't know what he was feeling. “I'm here to apologize.”
“You don't need to. It's fine. I don't really care anymore.” you said as you still looked ahead. his eyes widened at your figure that seemed so smaller than ever before.
“No, [Name], you should care. I was an asshole, a huge piece of shit and you didn't deserve that—”
“Last time I cared, I got shouted at telling me I'm annoying!” you snapped as you finally turned around and looked at him. He finally saw you but he didn't want to see you this way. He didn't want to see you hurting and in pain.
“I'm really sorry, please believe me, I didn't mean any of those, please.” he desperately begged and a part of him wondered how would his past self react if he knew of him for doing the exact thing he didn't want to do. If his past self saw him now, attached to someone enough to beg them to believe him, there was no doubt he would go insane. And he was insane. He was insane for all of this. He was insane for you.
“Liar,” your lip trembled and his heart broke at the sight of you crying again. “No, Miguel, you said what you needed to say and it's enough for me. I was a problem, I get it.”
“Let's just end this now. I quit. I give up.” your tears fell from your cheeks and he wanted to comfort you, to hold you, to wipe your tears. But he couldn't. The hopelessness in your voice destroyed him.
He caused that. He hurt you.
Miguel was only terrified of the fear that the universe would take you away if he got close to you and in his fear, he was the one that took you away from him instead.
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tag-list: (i'm sorry if i wasn't able to tag you!) @nxrdamp @um-well @nanasdumbworld @myconglomerateromance @sleepyamaya @harlekin6 @bittersw33t-lotus @saturnknows @miggyoharaswife @innergardentoadpony @asobriquet @mimooyi @misscaller06 @sciencethot @vainillasmil157 @just-a-mothboi @katsukiswrld @zukiizuks @cumbermovels @bigmood-myman @momos-peaches @lunrai @saint-chlorine @themoonsaynotocircus @deputy-videogamer @brittney69 @armins-ocean-seashell @galadrien02 @ranp01 @witherfag @eileen201804 @daryldixonh0e @chinglewingledingledong @mystar-girl57 @lorarri @poopoobuttsy @scarletsloveletter@mimimarvelingmarvel @tfygcdy @skulfan1 @roryrose327 @gamersansblog
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duckduckington · 5 months
Differences of the WoY visual style between the pilot and the final show (Along some other stuff) (Part 1)
So a crap-ton of cartoon show bibles and pilots surfaced recently, which is kind of fucking cool, and it included stuff from Wander over Yonder, which is way fucking cooler.
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First thing I did was over-analyze the show's visual style and I figure I should put my findings somewhere, so here you go! In a chronological order, it's easier that way (and builds suspense for the real good stuff, ooohooooh (in a spooky ghost voice)).
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The first shot alone already brings forth some differences. As far as I know, the show never illustrates space like this, entirely black with just a couple of stars to break the void. There's usually some blue star dust or something, kinda like this:
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The skullship was planned to be 3D-animated apparently, instead of being drawn in the same style as the backgrounds. This allows for WAY more complex movements, since it's easier to pull off.
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We then get to take a looksie inside of the ship... this isn't like ANYTHING in the show.
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We do see control rooms on occasion, but not one like this. It's a circular room with rows of watchdogs on the wall, watching monitors, circulating the middle where Hater sits on his throne. The railings on its support carry Peepers and his cockpit. Two watchdogs control the ship (I think) at the front. That blue goop at the top might be the ship's brain (you can also already see some animation errors in the front, peep their grabbers). There ain't ever been a color palette inside the ship like this, they usually opt for red and black rather than red and white. This might have been their solution to making the characters native to Hater pop out against the background before deciding to just substitute black for purple.
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There's still bright locations within the skullship, but they're non-threatening ones, like the food court.
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Commander Peepers and the watchdogs have designs that, while closer to their final versions than the pitch bible (or whatever that cover of that graphic novel was supposed to be), carry some traits still worth pointing out (well, so does everything here, but pshhhshshhhshh).
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Puffy collars around necks, wrists and ankles.
Detailed irises.
Detailed soles on shoes.
Those lines on their gloves that you see in your grandpa's toons.
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(bugs bunny pictured flipping the bird)
This is specific to Peepers; the jagged thunder-spike on his helmet has dimension to it, as opposed to the implied dimension in his final design. Spikes on the side are also way longer here.
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His eye/face emotes differently by just utilizing a black eyelid, rather than turning the hat into a pseudo-eyebrow, kinda like Double D from Ed, Edd n' Eddy.
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We then get a glimpse at Hater's design...
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Despite his face missing, you can already see some differences, like his arms resembling more those of an actual skeleton and packing a lot less mass. His hood is also a bit more tout and the folds surrounding it have more empathis.
Another space shot with some shapes to break up the infinite black; it's not always you see a warm color palette for space in the actual show.
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Maybe here, when Wander and Sylvia stop the sun from blowing up in "The Good Deed".
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When entering the city that's about to get its shit stirred by Hater, we notice that there aren't ANY other locations illustrated like this. We usually have smooth, airbrushy looking stuff, when this is more reminiscent of a comic strip, with clear lines and some hatching to indicate weight here and there. Same goes for the townsfolk, they remind me of... Krazy Kat or something. Craig McCracken has gone on record saying he drew a lot of inspiration from old comic strips, but I don't know if Krazy Kat is one of them. I just thought of it :)
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The inside of the skullship looked different so this place might have had an unique artstyle to other locations we would've seen in this version of the show, but that would also be a big difference since the actual show keeps the background style consistent throughout the whole run (as far as I know).
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Goes in hand with the skullship; the watchdogs are 3D-animated here, although subtly.
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Different gun designs... they look more like water guns here. Big ol' TUBES. Their guns in the show are more sci-fi-esque.
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Hater's logo is different, in-line with his design. Way flatter design too. Might as well take a look at his actual face now.
Well, more like next time. Just found out you can only use up to 30 images in one post. Oopsies. I'll continue this when I have the energy! I'll continue my chronological analysis/rambling and perhaps talk about the general art-style and animation at the end. Might take me a couple of more posts.
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ideas-left-unwritten · 2 months
So here's a hybrid au I had in mind! For sbi, of course, though a bit of Quackity&Techno friendship because idk but I think it's neat
Philza is an ender dragon hybrid. They're not supposed to exist. Anyway, he lives in the end and does cool shit, and eventually the goddess of the end (who is literally the end dimension itself) falls in love with him. Which is nice, Kristin loves her dragon husband.
One day, they decide they want to have kids, so Kristin's like 'sure, you know what, I'll just rip a piece of void out and roughly make it kid-shaped, that'll be fine' but Phil's like 'hey how the hell did we get two kids instead of one and also one of them is literally floating'.
They're twins! Techno is a warden hybrid and Wilbur is a wither hybrid. Phil loves Kristin but she absolutely does not get the fact that this is not what normal children do. They also make another child a few years later, who turns out to be an elder guardian hybrid.
So Wilbur: can wither things with his touch, float and make explosions with his mind. He also has three eyes (like the wither has 3 heads) but he keeps the third closed most of the time. He can see through invisibility potions, and is immune to lava.
Techno: is blind, but senses vibrations in the ground around him and hears really well and can sense things through literally every sculk vines in the world all at once. He can also teleport through them and scream loud enough to physically hurt people. Yes, he was a fun baby to deal with.
Tommy: can control water and basically has x-ray vision. He can also slow down time for individual people (the fatigue effect) and of course can breathe underwater and swim really fast.
Random things about their house. Most of the floor is covered in sculk so Techno can sense people and move through it easily. Wilbur absolutely abusing the fact that he can be quiet and hover so he doesn't touch the vines so Techno can't sense him. Tommy making parenting a fucking nightmare when he slows down everyone around him and just screams. Techno retreating to a little cave he's got carved out in an island for some piece and quiet. Mumza being the void so she's basically immune to everything and can go anywhere in the end, so she is fine while Phil suffers.
Anyway, once they're at an age where they can hide their hybrid nature, Phil takes them out into the world. Techno makes a name for himself as a gladiator, and really, they all just cause chaos. Techno befriends this homeless duck hybrid who full on admits to wanting to start a mafia when he grows older and Techno goes 'sounds cool, I'm yoinking you now' and takes him home.
Phil sees Quackity and goes 'hatchling??? hatchling who cannot fly???' and immediately is on board with adoption. He teaches Quackity how to fly.
Wilbur and Tommy, who didn't realise you could just kidnap orphans off the street and take them home begin their own collection, taking home Niki and Fundy, and Tubbo respectively. Phil adopts all of them. They all eventually know about the sbi's weird hybrid status and are cool with it.
Then along comes Dream.
The early days of the DSMP play out as normal, Tommy joins and causes some chaos, and pisses Dream off. But then, they realise 'hey this Dream guy's kind of a bitch' as time goes on, and slowly a plan begins to form. Basically, everyone else is in on the storyline and just acting along. There are no traitors, and the main guys that Phil adopted are all still great friends and love each other, and the other that join outside that group are in on it too. But Dream doesn't know any of this. He thinks it's real. And as time goes on, and his actions get worse and worse, everyone kind of dislikes him, even though they know he's not actually doinf any harm.
Oh, and the sbi are all immortal. Philza will respawn in the end and can regenerate with crystals. Wilbur's body can be killed, but then he just walks around as a bunch of souls until he can get to some soulsand and reform his body. If Tommy gets killed, he just regenerates at the nearest monument because he's a sea guardian you can't just kill the guardian of the sea. Techno also can't really be killed because he's all the sculk at once, so you kill him at one place and he just pops up in another like a hydra. Kristin, who is all of the End at once, is the only one who really gets him in that regard. Also, because she's a goddess, basically Mumza says none of the dsmp deaths count so there's no way any of them are dying on that server.
So, the canon events happen. L'Manberg falls and Wilbur 'dies'. Tommy gets exiled. Exile is absolutely a breeze for him. Techno and Wilbur visit him all the time and he's right next to the ocean which is great. Tubbo also visits him too.
Random idea that Ranboo finds out Techno's hybrid status when they're fleeing from some pillagers in a mansion and Techno pulls them through the sculk too (it's not a pleasant experience for anyone other than Techno. The only one outside of the main sbi who is used to it is Quackity because they do it so often) and they wind up in a cave. Techno asks if he can 'see' Ranboo's face, which Ranboo is opposed to until they realise 'oh that blindfold isn't just for show this guy is blind' because most people forget that Techno is, in fact, completely blind. They allow him to 'see' their face, and in return, Techno takes off his blindfold to show that he has no eyes whatsover so he can't even look Ranboo in the eyes and make the enderman hybrid uncomfortable. Ranboo immediately like Techno more for this because people really consider eye contact important. They bond, Techno decides not to drag them through the sculk again and they walk back to the surface.
The rest of canon goes along up until Dream's imprisonment. They imprison him, and then they basically forget about him. Because that's all dsmp was to them, a prank on an asshole, but now that's over they can return to their normal lives. Quackity starts Las Nevadas as the base of operations for his burgeoning mafia empire, with Techno at his side. Wilbur is Not jealous and doesn't make his own little attenpt at a mafia in retaliation (it doesn't work). Bench trio do things togeth, Ranboo and Tubbo get Michael, they're all living their best lives.
And then Dream breaks out of prison, because Sam has left it basically unattended for months now. And Dream wants answers, so he goes to Las Nevadas to find Quackity (who he thinks will be easy to manipulate) and get some help. Of course, Quackity is now the head of a mafia empire with most of the dsmp members working as partners alongside him, or at least as business partners with their own ventures. And Quackity also makes sure all the flooring in Las Nevadas is carpeted in sculk. Quackity tells Dream to get out of his casino, and Techno shows up basically to help threaten him (Quackity is good in a fight, okay, but not Dream good)
Dream thinks it's Techno running the empire and tries to tell Quackity he's being manipulated, but these guys aren't having any of it. They've literally been best friends to the point of nearly being siblings for years, they know what's up. In a last ditch attempt to get someone on his side, Dream asks Techno where Tommy is, information which Techno gives willingly.
Dream goes to the island where Tommy is and tries every trick in the book to make him come to his side, banking on the belief the conditioning in exile worked. It didn't, of course, and Tommy winds up fighting him instead. Dream wins, though, killing Tommy and is like 'well, hey, at least I managed to get rid of that fucking menace' except NOPE! Tommy's back because you're on an island surrounded by sea, near his monument. And Tommy finally reveals to Dream his hybrid status and kicks his ass.
And everyone lives happily ever after :)
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viktoriaashleyyx · 28 days
I know yall are getting sick of these but I have to throw it out into the void.
What if ACOTAR is a Prequel to the Witcher?
This is just a silly little headcannon.
In The Witcher there is the Conjunction of the Spheres that happened, which is what it sounds like.
The Conjunction of the Spheres was a cataclysm which affected the whole Multiverse and occurred 1,500 years before the events in the novels, trapping many "unnatural" creatures in this dimension, including ghouls, graveirs, and vampires. Rifts were created by the collision of many different realms, filling the world of the gnomes and dwarves with hundreds of creatures of all shapes and sizes, as well as a mystical force that came to be known as "chaos" or "magic". -Witcher Wiki
What if that happened after the events of Acotar and one of the things it reintroduced were Ash trees? And Humans in the Acotar sphere remembered what significance Ash has and grasped onto it?
This would explain the intense vitriol that Humans have for "Pointy ears" (witcher) and why they are "killed on sight." The elves/fae enslaved them, and now the Humans have power again. (There are also plenty of references to Norse mythology in both and, just adding in the fact that Norse worship an Ash tree, Yggdrassil) Fae overthrown by simple horticulture.
Also we know that Elder Blood is a key ingredient in creating Witchers and Mages, what if they just weren't feeling the "High Fae" label and started calling it Elder? They harvested Fae blood so that Humans can harness magic. With all the High Lords and fae slain, the magic had no where to go but back into the earth to become Chaos, this is what the humans can weild with just a few drops of Fae blood.
We know that Cirilla has Elder Blood, and a higher concentration of it, which is what makes her so powerful.
What if Briar and Tamlin aligned with humans? Tamlin using his shapeshifting abilities to appear human, after no longer giving a fuck about the power structure in Prythia, he never did want to be a high lord to begin with. And all the other High lords have basically shit on him anyway.
Anyway long winded way of saying I believe that Cirilla and Pavetta are descendents of Tamlin and Briar.
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gelloonnery · 1 year
This is rant btw
I feel. Like. the Ending WAS what we wanted. It was kind offthe ending we thought we were gonna get, Fionna learns to appreciate her old world, Simon learns self worth and realises his flaws in his relationship with Betty and learns to live as himself and break the cycle of sacrifice
I just didn't expect it to be so. Straightforward and Spoonfed?? like simon just fully just TALKED about the narrative of his story. No visuals no nothing no nuances, like he just sits down and talks its like the writers went to tumblr and just read off one of the character analysis on here and just used it as dialougue??
Like what exactly made him realise his life was worth while, he was jsut about to commit mental suicide SECONDS ago and the only thing he realised was that he shouldve been more thoughtful in his relationship with betty, how does that correlate with him finding worth in his life?
Like i think it wouldnt have felt so out of no where if the last few episodes where they were going to diff worlds that showed that simon was valued as a catalyst of certain events in the AT timeline, were coupled with simon actually learning from those worlds, instead of him just being oblivious and still wanting to go after the crown
And the nova and casper thing was cute and i like the exploration of a new artstyle but did the story have to be presented that way?? Like it just told us what we already knew and in the end it wasn't even simon himself coming to the realization that his realtionship with betty is flawed, beth had to partially spell it out for him
Like did we need to go to shermy and beth's universe?? For Simon and betty's conclusion?? What was the point of going to that dimension it has nothing to do with their relationship
(I did like that alternate version of simon letting betty go onto the bus and even offering to join her on her trip that was cute.)
And all the universes they affected are just fine now?? Is farmworld finn dead or alive?? ARE FINN'S KIDS JUST ORPHANS NOW????
What was the point of it being set in Shermy and Beth's universe?? And simon just hacked out Fionna world like a hairball because he finally acknowleges that its not his responsibility?
I get the story their trying to tell I get what the narrative that their trying to say, and it IS the narrative that was what drew me into these stories in the first place. But the way it was presented was just ultimately so unsatisfying and weirdly complicated but also simple im just-
NOT TO MENTION, WHAT IS UP WITH BETTY DOES THE BETTY IN THE BUSSTOP FLASHBACK TURNING INTO GOLB IN THE LAST SECOND HINT THAT SHE'S JUST COOL WITH BEING GOLB NOW LIKE THATS HER NEW 9 TO 5 I GUESS I MEAN. COOL GOOD FOR YOU GIRL?? LIke her fucking teleporting her fiance into her new apartment in the VOID and teaching him about the wonders of not dying is just a regular tuesday night i guess i MEAN SURE. THATS FUNNY.
did we overanalyze everything??? or did they just fumble the bag like i left those episode feeling like i shouldve been vindicated but i WASNT
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threeshadesoflime · 29 days
limer's slendermansion au masterpost!
mostly made for myself and anyone else who wants to read/is interested! most of my fanart is built around this too ha ha. containing headcanons/a complete overhaul/fanon depictions of my fave creepypastas + the slendermansion au, because i think my brain deserves to think about them
(now illustrated!!)
tws in the tags but there's nothing too serious i think
the slendermansion/slenderman;
- bastard man you will never be a father figure in my eyes
- there is no such thing as any other variant of slenderman (we are not in a Dr Seuss book we do not need the rhyming quartet of evil white men)
- doesn't speak, probably leaning more towards the operator rather than slenderman tbh
- except this guy has exceptional situational humour (it's me I'm the humour)
- not explicitly abusive but like if you don't obey him when he sends you out to do proxy shit he'd probably kill you
- which is a problem especially with a house contained with not only agents/berserkers but also sleepers
- which actually thinking about it isn't that big of a deal except for the like 2 guys where they have DID and one alter is an agent and the other isn't
- the house is kind of like the monster house from monster house albeit a little more lowkey in it having a consciousness (so perhaps a little more alike to the house in encanto, just less friendly)
- you don't age in the house, but it's a situation where you don't really notice that fact until you really think about how the dates never really change properly
- wounds don't heal properly either, but if someone is fatally injured within the house slenderman usually blinks them out of existence for a couple hours before they're found again, perfectly fine, but lost around the woods surrounding the mansion
- the only time you'll actually see him is if fatal injuries happen or if a proxy has fucked up on a mission or something and needs immediate backup (kind of like alex in MH)
- missions are always posted through the letterbox once a month in envelopes along with the four weekly newspapers (maybe a magazine if you're lucky)
- possibly also how the proxies source their wanted posters info, which is usually contained in the paper. they have disputes and contests on whose criminal description is the best (slenderman interferes with cameras so no photo evidence exists of any of these people outside of the mansion, only eye witness accounts)
- only a certain amount of people are used to go out every month, typically in groups of threes/fours - less if the people he's sending out are older (responsible of him, I know)
- mansion is situated in a black void. please don't ask me where this void is because I don't know but it's probably a different dimension from the earth most of them are sourced from
ben drowned;
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- the benjamin lawman kind of ben
- seemingly an infinite supply of pondscum he's constantly picking off of himself
- whenever a new zelda game comes out he's always excited because it's a new link skin to use + so when botw came out it was like the equivalent of a wardrobe makeover
- one of the few that doesn't have to share a room with anyone given his physical body is like, semi real and mostly spends his nights in his game cartridge which is in an overheating Nintendo 64 in the tower attic, which is too small for a bed anyway - but ben personalises it as much as possible (it's a pig sty)
- speaking of his body, it's in a weird liminal state of real and not real, because he can make it disappear/reappear but everyone can touch him, he can touch others, etc. i explain this away via slender mansion dead person magic
- he doesn't typically eat, and even though he doesn't need to he likes making his body breathe (as much as it can since it's waterlogged most of the time)
- Ben's body is mostly in a state of flux dependent on his mood, eg: if he's content/happy he looks less drowned, if he's upset/angry he looks more corpse-like
- can spy on people through any electronic within like a 50 ft radius of his console without him actually having to enter the device, so to say
- this has caused many an argument
- along with him being able to phase in and out of reality he can also appear in any digital screen
- constantly electrostatic and will constantly touch people to give them electric shocks to piss them off
- probably one of the youngest there, about 12/13. maybe even eleven - around the age when preteen boys become semi unbearable 364 days of the year and have like one day of emotional realisation
jeff the killer;
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- just want to clarify that this jeff has hair and eyelids in this au i feel like that's important
- but he doesn't blink much to put people off so really it's almost as if he doesn't have eyelids anyway
- will not stop picking at his mouth wound & that shit has NOT healed and will not stop oozing plasma/rbc
- ptsd from an ambiguous house fire that probably happened but Jeff won't talk about it (read: I haven't decided on the specifics yet)
- I've seen in some stories jeff and fire are tight but I've always interpreted it as more of an adversion to it
- honestly my reformed fanon version of him is pieced together from a bunch of rewrites I've seen
- mentally ill asshole (emphasis on asshole, he sucks ass)
- like come on sure a few kids bullied him but your first instinct shouldn't be to kill them . that's at least step 27 on a bad day
- tbf he had neglectful parents
- but like so did liu and he only started being homicidal after his brother disfigured him
- killed his parents but was unsuccessful with fully killing liu because, funnily enough, killing someone you gaf about is hard even for dickhead jeff
- shares a bedroom with nina and jane because the house (me) thought it would be funny
- quite disturbed when he realised nina was there to stay and probably tried to kill her at one point (again)
- someone take away the bad graphic tees he wears it's almost a crime against humanity
- he cuts all his t shirts up but like. stylishly
- or as stylishly you can get especially when paired with massive fucking demonias he will not stop wearing . he's had them since he was like 12 the only reason they fit is through sheer force of will (no one talk to him about his feet blisters)
- he's like. nineteen at a push but probably the kinda guy to lie and make himself seem younger for pity points
- "i killed my parents when i was fifteen, god can we not grow from our errors anymore? cancel culture nowadays. [...] when was my hunt? oh yesterday ha ha it was a bloodbath"
nina the killer;
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- wow! i wonder who she likes the most in this household!
- (amongst other things) bpd, jeff is her favourite person and it's a pretty miserable fucking time for the first like, year she's living there he is so horrible
- on a bad day her preferred state of being is being at least within a six foot radius of him at all times (maybe he might learn empathy being around her, who knows)
- he went on a little killing spree post-woods family murder and killed Nina's parents, & disfigured her w the glasgow smile but before he killed her slenderman intervened (not to save nina but to make sure jeff himself didn't like die from his own injuries)
- she was his only survivor and saw it as a.. "wow... he saved me from my abusive household, i need to get to him"
- this didn't go down well with her case worker
- neither did her running away (which really wasn't a good idea with massive facial wounds but she did NOT want the hospital to heal them)
- (insert probably incorrect medical jargon) she now has a face which healed with big gaps, sometimes keeps the flaps stapled together for easier eating/speaking purposes but they won't heal back together now
- she takes out the staples when on missions though because she thinks it looks cooler
- her and toby probably go through those face staples like wildfire together
- she only killed one guy before being led (by the operator) to the mansion to try and get jeff's attention (unbeknownst to her jeff does not read or watch the news so had no idea of this copycat kill - she was quite distraught by this)
- one of the few that suffers quite badly with self harm
- her parents were awful and when her little brother died (when he was about four and nina was nine) from their neglect they blamed it on nina
- not necessarily unkind to everyone else but she also especially warmed up to ben because from her fuzzy memory she can see a vague resemblance between ben and her little brother
- scene queen +curly hair she flat irons like once a month on special occasions
- she's the one that does everybody's piercings and sticknpokes
- should she? not at all she didn't even google an online tutorial, just guesswork
- probably about. 15 ish? maybe 16. I don't like her canon age of 11 because the thought of an eleven year old going "i love jeff the killer i hope we jeff the kill together" is lame
- jeff is incredibly put off by her whole schtick and was not impressed upon finding out she was there for the long haul (wouldn't it be funny if this happens thrice)
eyeless jack;
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- I've heard so many goddamn variations of his story so I'm just gonna riff and make my own
- 16 y/o kid, average in every which way, gets involved with the wrong people who basically feed him on drugs which make him have bad hallucinations, trips to the point where jack gets very fucking frightened while high and it ends up with the aforementioned wrong people unintentionally killing him
- everyone panics and dumps his body which rots for a while (eyes rotted out first)
- guess who picks it up! (unspecified) cult
- they use him for a ritual which goes awry
- jack's corpse proceeds to be possessed by a demonic force which revives him but he's... different now #emo
- kills cultists as his brain, as decomposed at it was, carried on the fight/flight instinct he initially died with
-but whoops! doesn't remember his life at all (as demon nor human) and almost ends up starving to death before like jeff or someone finds him and drags him back to the mansion
- seeing as jack is a (semi) demonic entity slenderman does not appreciate him in the house but the actual house itself does not gaf and provides him a bedsit anyway
- finds out his name when going through the paper with others and they see his missing poster printed on the front page of 2 of the papers (he's since been demoted to a back page story)
- his brain is a weird combination of demonic and human matter (but he's still just one person, just a hybrid now - leaning more human)
-the tar comes from something to do with the specific ritual and it stains like shit
- which was unfortunate to jeff and his previously perfectly white hoodie
- finds out he eats kidneys after being force-fed by jeff and toby the left over meats the house provided for them that no-one else wanted to eat
- so basically take a human corpse with no eyes with tar for blood and stuff in a demonic entity and give both the host and entity amnesia
- atp he's older than 16 but he doesn't know how long his body was dead for + how long he was in the real world so really he just kinda guesses he's probably 18-19 now
- got his mask as a kinda shitty paper mache project from sally at one unspecified holiday (birthday or Christmas probably) and got it cast in a layer of resin to keep it lasting longer
tim wright/brian thomas;
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- like maybe twice a month tim is let out to go shopping for everyone, if not for his mental health if nothing else (considering the house realistically could stock it's own shelves) like walking a dog
- never let out together because they will just run away (even if masky ends up dragging them both back it's still a hassle)
- everyone else is much more okay with this living arrangement than tim
- albeit the only reason brian isn't as uncomfortable with the situation is because he died, and has a lingering sense that this is his purpose now (that's the proxy in him, he doesn't actually believe that)
- they push their single beds together to create the most uncomfortable double bed on planet earth
- has a period where they kinda hated each other at first before realising getting over it and making out up
- it's okay now they love each other (i may have skipped a few chapters)
- (said chapters being arguably more than a little traumatic for both of them but it's. fine)
- tim arrived first, brian took a while as the operator takes longer to resuscitate corpses than he does to just guide a living person into his influence
- brian still looks a little fucked up though (one pupil larger than the other, bruising on his back from his blood pooling, + other related non-issue injuries now that he's been reanimated)
- masky is an alter of tim's , in which masky is the operator's agent and tim is not
- turns out the seizures weren't JUST the operators doing. is he allowed his anticonvulsants or antipsychotics though? well, the house doesn't provide them and if he manages to steal some from outside & he's too conspicuous about it they mysteriously disappear so there's a lot of untreated mental and physical illness going on here
- neither masky or tim know if there are any other alters because masky has never cared and Tim's only just finding out that masky isn't the operator's doing (albeit the operator is a front trigger)
- while unmedicated, tim comes to realise there's so much shit that makes him and masky a little cofront-y/switchy when before he just thought it was normal dissociation
- in my head brian is kind of a sleeper agent but remembers what he does when he is acting as the operators proxy, probably similarly to how alex was (oh how the turn tables) but he can snap back out of wanting to kill people where alex didn't/couldn't
- he is the meme "there are two wolves inside of you"
- tim is constantly stressing about everyone going out dressed like they're ready for a night out partying (especially jane and nina, they do not dress practically)
- brian and masky dgaf they're just here hoping to not keel over and die (again)
- probably about 24-27, part of me prefers them being on the younger side for comedies sake
- like the operator finally kidnaps a few adults to take care of these misfit teenagers and the adults have barely entered their 20's themselves
-peak comedy
"ticci" toby;
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- hates being called ticci toby or any variant that isn't just his name
- this is of course exploited by his peers (cough jeff) to piss him off
- it really doesn't help that when he's agitated his tics get worse
- because of this he tends to lock himself in his bedroom to get away from jeff being a jackass
- the first proxy slender brought to the mansion
- which was a shit idea because who the hell decided that a kid with schizophrenia and multiple dead family members to hallucinate was a good option to leave by himself with a ghost (sally)
- especially with the issue that nobody in this household is medicated properly
- he has mild asthma that he keeps thinking he grew out of years ago (spoiler, he didn't)
- probably close with nina and liu but otherwise near the beginning he's very reserved
- because he can't feel pain + his bones are pretty weak the amount of times he'll come back home, take off his clothes to bathe or something and only then realise he's completely fucking mangled one of his joints (his left ankle is typically the victim)
- ergo he walks with a limp because the bones sit too awkwardly to really walk very well but running is less of an issue especially when adrenaline is pumping
- ...unless his knees play up and he kind of just crumples under his own weight . he always curses when he finds that he literally cannot get away with no bedrest
- the muzzle was NOT his idea and he is not impressed at being made to wear it like surely there are other options to him biting at his fingers
- eventually jeff becomes less antagonistic (sometimes) and they become closer
- they became pretty close after having to resuscitate jack together
- probably have debates on whose version of blade is better
- probably pretends to have a tic and launches his axe at jeff, who in turn literally never believes when toby's actually having a tic attack
- has this almost gotten them both shot out on the field several times? yeah
- refuses to believe he has cannibalistic tendencies as he eats from someone's liver, "just to try it"
- dressed like it's always the thick of winter
- keeping his canon age of 17 because it fits well with the late teenager aged up situation i got going on
jane the killer;
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- holy shit it happened twice
- i kinda dig the original story of jane just hating jeff so much she goes around killing people (specifically men in my mind #misandristqueen) pretending she's killing jeff
- in my head though it wasn't jeff who attacked her, but a copycat instead (not nina, just some other male serial killer)
- hates her face now and the mask is specifically a fitted prosthetic
- by the time she was getting over her hatred slenderman brought her into the woods and got her to the mansion
- she was not happy and neither was jeff
- incredibly hostile the first day before jeff finally stopped antagonizing her because she would have just killed him
- finding out that it wasn't actually jeff who disfigured her caused some conflict but in the end she still settled on hatred
- real
- hardcore goth 40% of the time the other 60% she literally looks unrecognisable
- eventually stops wearing her prosthetic in a casual setting but still uses it while hunting
- probably 19-20 ish, but she acts so much older
characters I've put less thought into:
alex&jay as skully
since the operator took so long to start bringing their bodies back from the dead, when he uses either of them as a proxy there's not yet human life within them, currently 100% operator. As time moves on, this decreases, and they may join the ruckus of the mansion one day. For now, glances of the familiar mask unsettle both Tim and Brian.
corpses when brought back to life still will forever look pretty fucked up ( as mentioned with brian having injuries from his fall + prolonged time being dead)so the reason sally is covered in blood is due to this fact. She was one of the first (after toby) for slender to house and literally no one can find out why tf he's housing a stressed seven year old ghost-corpse - because really she acts more like a ghost, and typically avoids the more masculine newcomers until she can get a good feel if they're okay from everyone else. doesn't necessarily avoid all men, especially if said man is pretty typically feminine (long hair, no facial hair, etc). has taken a liking to hanging around jeff who is probably the quickest person he stopped being fucking horrible too, because she's literally seven and he is a villain not a monster ok
homicidal liu
probably one of the most violent/reactive towards fellow proxies because of his brother (LOL) but if you're chill, he's chill, which is probably why he gets along best with toby who also mostly kept to himself at the beginning. doesn't have DID because i don't think it fits his character (given his main trauma was in his teens) but did probably cause serious fluctuations in mood, being able to go from 0 to 100 quickly. had a grand entrance to the mansion where he tried to kill jeff upon first seeing him (reasonable reaction)
to conclude, i made this all for me but also for anyone who has interest in my au! any and all creepypasta/marble hornets drawings are probably part of this au (whether the art takes before the characters were part of the slendermansion or not ha ha)
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henrysglock · 2 months
how/when did your view change from basically "brenner is a nonce and i hate him" to where you're at now? not judging, i just feel like i missed a chapter
Hi Anon!
This is a super valid question, and the chapter(s) I think you might be missing are TFS and straight up fanon.
First point: Brenner is weird about kids, and I don't like him as a person
I still firmly believe filmed-canon Brenner is fucking Weird™ about children. There's no erasing the 3-legged Papa drawing from my memory, let alone all the Weird Shit re: him and Henry and the children. I still have a great deal of dislike for him/I still think he's canonically a villain. (Or at least an anti-villain/someone who does Fucked Up And Downright Evil Things while thinking they're pursuing the greater good...which actually ends up being to the Detriment of everyone involved. Smth about two wrongs not making a right.)
He does many bad things, and I don't like his behavior, but that also doesn't preclude me from acknowledging the times when he shows real grief over the past, particularly re: Henry.
For example, when I say "that's the face of a man who's missing his wife", it means "Despite the harm he did to Henry, Brenner was (on some level) affectionately attached to him, and we can see that in the way he talks about his handling of the situation/the way he talks about Henry's banishment".
It doesn't mean "Brenner and Henry had a summer wedding and everyone cheered" or "actually, Brenner is a good person who was nothing but good to Henry and the children"...because those are straight up not true statements. Brenner does bad things. Nobody likes what he's doing. Sometimes even he doesn't seem to particularly like what he's doing, but he does it anyway.
Second point: TFS vs filmed canon
Where I start to tread into a genuine grey area about his character as a whole is with TFS Brenner, because while TFS Brenner is more outwardly/verbally aggressive, he's not nearly as "evil" overall. I mean, the man can't even land an insult on Henry and have it stick, let alone do him any physical harm. TFS Brenner never whips out the sedatives or shock collar, not even when the procedure with Dimension X gets derailed and Henry's fighting his way out of the lab. TFS Brenner is so reluctant to do Henry any real harm that it's almost a little distracting at times, especially in comparison to Brenner in filmed canon.
That's not to mention there's this weird thread of:
Yes, Brenner's using Henry as a means to get at the Dimension X/the Mindflayer in a very "Captain Ahab and the White Whale" manner, but also: -- Henry is weirdly safe from the Mindflayer while in the lab right up until he "connects" to Dimension X and Patty mysteriously appears in the void with him at the exact same time/Henry doesn't have any "attacks" in the lab like he was having just out and about in "Hawkins" -- Louis talks more about there being love between Henry and Brenner than he does about there being love between Henry and Patty (pictured below) -- Henry seems to have rejected the Mindflayer at the end with prompting from Brenner by rejecting Patty the exact same way El rejects One at the end of the massacre fight (pictured below) -- Patty actually ends up doing Truly Questionable Actions consent-wise more often and with more physical severity than Brenner does/Patty has stronger ties to the Mindflayer than Brenner does
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In short— TFS Brenner and on-screen Brenner are so different that I have to judge them separately. I find the former promising and the latter lacking re: Not Being Fucking Weird.
And I know you're probably like "you can excuse the ball gag thing?" to which I say: That sequence occurred 20 years after the events of TFS and "Brenner" hasn't aged a day? And he's also done a whole about-face re: Weird Romantic Things (Father and Son -> Co-parents)? Nah, baby, there's something else going on there. That's almost kind of giving the vibes of the Mindflayer impersonating Brenner, which wasn't the case before.
Third point: Fanon
I'm playing in my sandbox with Ken dolls, particularly if this ask was in reference to my fics/wips.
For example, Papa Warbucks is a
What if: -- The supernatural stuff didn't exist, Henry was just a weird kid, Brenner's dad died under "normal" circumstances/the Creel murders never happened -- Brenner didn't meet Henry until Henry was already 21, so the age gap isn't 14 and 31, it's 21 and 38, meaning everything is above-board -- Brenner wasn't ever affiliated with the CIA or DOD, so he never got the chance to even think of exploiting/skirting the legal system the way he does in canon -- All this is set somewhere between 2018-2024
type of alternate universe.
This is because I think that under the "right" circumstances, Henry and Brenner could have been a powerful/compelling duo. They do have times in TFS where they really gel as partners in crime (so to speak), so I genuinely think that if the circumstances were tweaked, even just in the way of "these two met as adults", they could have been contenders for a Valid Ship in canon (based on TFS).
Thus, the fic ends up being a would've, could've, should've type deal where things actually go well between the two of them. It's me exploring their potential personality-wise without the roadblocks canon puts in place logically/morally.
I hope this answers your question!
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floufli · 1 year
Admit It
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Chapter 2 : Consequences (5k)
Before the whole "multiverse collapsing" thing, everything was going pretty smoothly for you. As Spider-woman, you saved people, beat up villains and lived an calm and uneventful civilian life. But everything seemed to have changed the moment one boy was bitten by some radioactive spider. Now, the villains you faced have become more active, and always seemed to disappear before you could deliver them to the police. One day, you manage to finally catch the trail of the ones that kept stealing your catches, only to be left to discover another facet of your life waiting for you.
Will this end well for you? You could only hope so. But you are perfectly okay with risking it all, after all, that "Miguel" got one hell of an ass to make up for it.
Miguel o'hara x fem!reader, violence, 18+ MINOR NON FRIENDLY SO HOP HOP GET OUT OF HERE, future tags
Chap: (1)
Don't copy to another site or I'm gonna be big mad >:C and don't feed to AI obviously
Author notes:
Doing this instead of doing exam stuff related. Tried do to 3k didn't work now take this 5k and the smutty bit . I wanted to put Miguel's POV but it would have been 7 or 8k so it'll be for next chap.
I'll probably edit it later bc there're parts I find weirdly written but anyways-
Why did I do that already? Ah! Yeah! I remember, to " not miss all the fun". Silly me... HOW IS THAT FUNNY???
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT !!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you almost immediately regretted going through that damned portal. One second you were walking onto a nice- beautiful even, concrete floor, and the next you got yourself propelled into a way too colorful void that made your eyes hurt.
Why does everything they have must be so bright? Does it not make their head hurt, like, please??
But right as of now, you thought the colorfulness of this new environment to be one of your less important problems. At least for now.
You were more concerned as to where you were actually heading, a slight panic running through your body as you realized you had no control whatsoever over your direction or speed. You didn't mind not knowing where you were going to land, no problem, but you would prefer not to crash into a building- or even better the ground, at 100km/h.
Quickly asserting the situation, you tried to take as much information as you could. Looking around yourself, you could observe ass you traveled into what could be a sort of invisible tunnel, if an invisible tube could be called a tunnel, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of the tunnel but anyway. Although you could see some kind of geometrical forms that set the global shape of the way, like guides that allowed the tunnel to go the right way.
The feeling almost made you sick. Sure swinging around was something you now excelled in, but being moved around so much that you lost sense of up and down was now something you dread to experience again.
That's something I'll never get used to. You thought as your eyes tried to find something to anchor yourself before you could throw up your last meal.
Thanks to whoever designed this thing, the experience was quite short, even if quite extreme. In only mere seconds after your entry into the portal, you were back in the real world. And not this weird in-between dimension that threw your senses off.
As much as you were thrilled for the experience to be over, your eyes stung at the bright lighting at the end of the way. But you got no time to rest and recover properly your vision. The moment your body went through the blinding light, gravity suddenly seemed to reappear, pushing you down toward the ground. Acting by instinct at this point, you let your body react by itself as it reoriented itself so you would land carefully on your two feet, and not head first.
" Ah.." You sighed, appreciating the comforting weight of gravity. You raise to your full height, arms by your side, you let your eyes take as many details around you as they could, while your ears tried to assert if there were any threats nearby.
That's a pretty big elevator.
Your eyes were amazed by the sight you were met with. By just looking from side to side, you could see the breathtaking, future-like sight behind the thick protection glass. Incredible buildings stretched so far up into the deep blue sky that you almost could believe your own eyes. How was it even possible? That must be some kind of dimension that's set well into the future for it to be so technologically advanced.
The scenery was pure beauty, roads were spreading around each building like a gigantic snake, embracing each gap and swirling in the place. And unlike your world, those were set up in the sky, allowing an astonishing field of green to surround the whole city.
It was still hard to tell from this distance, and knowing that the elevator was actually moving upwards, but you could swear those cars looked weird as fuck.
…Wait, they definitely were flying...there wasn't any road for them to be on ??!
Too caught up in your own excitement, you didn't notice the three people waiting with you while the elevator moved. Running towards one of the glass windows you almost pressed your face against it to better examine this completely new view. But you quickly dismissed the idea once you saw that the elevator was in fact just a platform and putting your face against the window would result in your face being squished down along the elevator's movement.
Wait that's weird... why is everything upside down?
It took you a good minute to realize that your entire vision was in fact upside-down and that your body was in fact dangling into the void, only kept from falling by your talons. Despite the fact that the spikes on your feet were considerably huge, it seems like you didn't notice them piercing into the platform's ground.
Thanks, weird spider instincts. You thought amused, it would have been quite embarrassing if you had landed just for you to fall down because you couldn't spot that the gravity was inverted.
Parting from the glass, you looked behind you. Three different pairs of eyes met your own. You almost let a laugh escape your lips when you saw the scene, stopping yourself last second, but unable to help the smile on your lips.
While the two other Spiderwomen- you guessed you could call them like that for now, were standing perfectly straight on their feet despite the gravity trying to pull them down, Vulture was dangling weirdly, only hold back by the firm grip of the youngest Spider. Seeing something falling upwards wasn't really common in your job, as you almost never let yourself be put in a taught enough situation that would force you to be left head down.
Vulture wasn't as pleased as you were on another note. His face was one of pure worry as he frequently stared at the girl holding his restrained body and then the abysmal void separating him from the bottom of the building. You could almost catch beads of sweat sliding profusely from his now pale face.
"Enjoying the view?" The woman asked with a smile of her own, all the while she was playing with something on her watch-like device. From her relaxed brows, everything was going as usual for her. This told you a lot about the situation as a whole; if they were really who they pretended to be, fellow Spider-Men from; different universes, then they could be many more than just these two and the “Miguel” from before.
“Yeah, flying cars are not really a thing at home. This view is really something to behold.” You stated breathily, even if you didn’t know them- not even their names you realized, you could let your guard down, you could feel it.
It had been so long since you felt this safe.
Not having to worry about enemies coming to stab you in the back, always looking out for people's betrayals, it really was refreshing to say the very least. A much-needed break indeed.
“Miguel’s dimension is surely more advanced than most of ours, that’s for sure!” The woman laughed as if amused by your almost pure reaction to the scenery. Just as she finished doing whatever she was doing with her watch, the elevator started to slow down, and you walked up to where they were currently standing- waiting to arrive at your destination.
But just as you were about to stand before them a sudden vague of pain came through you. The feeling, despite short-lived, left you breathless, contorting in pain, you lost your balance and almost fell to your knees. But weirdly you didn’t.
It was as if you were shredded into pieces, and while you tried to scream, you could hear the bugged sounds that came out of your mouth. You really felt like a scratched disc that kept coming back to one scene over and over.
Thankfully, it went away as quickly as it came. You were now crouched down just next to the older woman, who had lowered herself in the meantime you were out. Now extending her arms, presenting you with a sort of elastic bracelet.
“Shit! I’m so sorry girl, that completely slipped out of my mind. There put this one on, it will stop you from doing that again, I know it’s not the best feeling.” She said to you, expression full of remorse while you quickly put on the thing.
“ That’s for sure..” You breathed, “Shit, that fucking hurt ugh-” You straightened yourself while she stayed near in case you needed help, but in mere seconds you were back to full form.
“Yeah, I know. Sorry again, a lot of things to do at the same time and you weren’t on today’s agenda.” Just as she finished her sentence, the elevator came to a stop, it’s lack of a door allowing you to fully take in the view in front of you.
“But don’t worry, Lyla will give you a real Goober since Miguel asked her to, you should have it soon enough.”
You didn’t pay as much attention as you probably should have to her words, too focused on observing the impossible scene.
There were so many Spider-Men and Spider-Women everywhere.
But you didn’t get the chance to admire them more, the two women and their package were already well ahead of you, still in the elevator.
Oops, wait for meeee!!
You quickly took off towards them, but still, let ourself look around the bright alleys. They were covering almost every centimeter available, from the floor up to the ceiling, thanks to the Spider capacities they surely possessed too.
You jogged behind the two women, avoiding the Spiders that came in your way while saluting the ones that acknowledged you.
“Jessica, do you bring us a new one? Does Miguel knows about that one?” A voice came from your right, a Spider-Man, his suit a deep red and light blue. He seemed to have been talking with others, but your presence must have caught his attention.
How does he even know I’m new here? WE ALL LOOK THE SAME. HOW?
“YES AND YES PETER.” The woman, Jessica, answered without missing a beat, walking unfalteringly toward a gate a bit farther into the ‘main’ way.
The other spider let go almost immediately after her answer, going back to his previous discussion.
“Don’t worry, they are all pretty chill when you get to know them.” The young girl spoke while you continued to look around, catching your attention.
“Yeah, since we’re all Spiders from different dimensions I figured we must be the nice guys I guess. I shouldn’t be too worried about them trying something.” You nodded, and the youngster laughed softly at your response.
“I could even present you some, I’m sure you could get along just fine with Hobby.” She continued as you all entered a darker zone of the building, the atmosphere changing immediately. It even smelled different from the main hall.
The scent is different here but it feels off. Like there’s something behind it? You took a long inspiration. It’s not strong but I can definitely smell something.
It smells pretty good too. Like a subtle mix of pine and oak, just strong enough to pick on but not too overwhelming either.
Hell, it smells divine.
As if in a trance, you followed while they approached different cells-like containers, each filled with what you could recognize as a villain from your own dimension, except slightly different.
Jessica stopped before what looked like an inactivated cell, pushing some sort of code into a nearby panel while the girl approached and put down the Vulture right in the middle of the device that served as the cell’s base.
The moment he left her arms the cel activated, a bright purple hue commit to completely encapsulated him, leaving him unable to leave.
“ They wait here before we send them back to their own dimensions,” The girl said as she pulled down her mask, before pointing toward another room, behind some control panels. “ We got a supper-and-absolutely-not-scary giant spider robot that scans their DNA before sending them back. Super effective.”
“Totally humane and professional.” You completed as you began to see white appendages leaving a hole you didn’t notice in the ceiling, red yes soon following as the gigantic thing came out to work on the prisoner that was just scanned.
Yep! Not scary! Not scary at all!
Quickly, you turned around before you could witness anything more this spider thing was about to do, and chose to follow the two women, staying closer to the girl that seemed more eager to talk.
“I’m Gwen between, I’ve not been here for much longer than you don’t worry, only a month or so. So I know what it feels like at first.” She tried to reassure you, that was easy to tell. But you weren’t stressed, or at least not as much as you think you should have been.
It’s weird. Since I smelt the scent I feel almost at ease.
But there’s more to it, I can feel my entire body heating up.
…Don’t tell me they got some strange laboratory things going on in there and I’m the only one affected… That would be so embarrassing.
You could feel your face heating as you walked. You chatted calmly with the Girl after introducing yourself, and she seemed eager to talk to someone, but inside, you were screaming. It was beginning to be difficult to breathe with your mask, the scent becoming stronger and stronger as you approached a somber room with a sort of platform attached to a metallic arm that stretched into the darkness.
It’s dark enough here, I should be able to pull it off without dying from a headache.
Mimicking the actions of the girl, Gwen, from moments prior, you raised your hand to pull your mask off swiftly, a sigh of pure satisfaction leaving you as the cold air of the room hit your burning face.
I hope I'm not too red or I'll need to make something up.
Thankfully no one seemed to notice your very much cherry-colored face, possibly due to the low lighting of the room to begin with.
Get your hormones in check for fuck's sake.
"Everything's alright here?" Jessica asked as she could tell something was visibly bugging you from the frown on your face.
"Yeah, Yeah everything's good. Just trying to take in all the new info you know?" You answered quickly, but not without missing the curious face Gwen threw your way.
Your eyes went back to Jessica, she was next to the control panel now, and just as she had been doing all the way here, she taped some code on the display. But this time, a holographic figure appeared just next to her.
"Hey, Lyla!" The girl next to you greeted cheerfully the hologram. Wait, THEY HAVE ADVANCED AI TOO?
"Hi Gwen, what's up? Still, sticking with poor old Jess? Miggy still hasn't let you go alone on a mission?" The yellowish woman asked, her form teleporting just next to the girl in question.
"You already know the answer to that Lyla-" Gwen answered, defeated, "I'm ready, at this point I'm just waiting for SOMEONE to tell him that I'm ready too."
The glare she threw at Jessica couldn't be missed, even if you tried, her eyes full of expectations but only met with blank ones.
"Hey it's not my job to babysit, I will have plenty of work when this one will be there," She said while pressing her hand on her belly," If you're sooo ready just go and tell him you are. That shouldn't be difficult for someone as good as you." She finished, a wicked smile playing on her features, obviously teasing the girl.
The two continued their own playful arguing, you could only stand by and watch, at least until the AI- Lyla apparently finally noticed you.
"OH! YOU'RE THE NEWBY MIGGUEL SAID TO MAKE THE GIZMO FOR!" The hologram appeared right in your face, causing you to jump in surprise. She looked like a twenty-something years old woman, a short brunette, and she smiled at you friendly.
"Yeah, I guess that's me..." Everything was starting to become a bit too much for you, having enhanced senses had its pros and cons, and being easily overwhelmed was one of them, and the strange but pleasant scent that invaded your mind didn't help your body to calm down.
"Good, I'm sure you got your own Spidey things to do so we're gonna be brief." She said happily, moving around with way too much energy for such a little thing. "Take that first, it's way better than the daily pass you have right there."
A bracelet similar to the one you saw on the two women materialized in front of you, and you quickly reached out to catch it, not wanting it to break.
Pulling off the elastic bracelet from your right arm, you rapidly replaced it with its metallic counterpart. Up close, you could see the amount of detail and work that went into the item's conception, from the small display to the multiple buttons there and there.
"We'll teach you how to you it don't worry, it's not that hard when you know what to do." Lyla declared confidently, from her proud expression, she must have been the one designing the item.
"But first-" Jessica turned from Lyla to face you.
"-First we'll explain to you everything that has happened." Lyla cut off, earning an angry look from Jessica.
Finally. You thought. it's not like I came here for that in the first place but kinda.
Suddenly the whole room became pitch black, and a beam of white light rose from the middle of it, urging you to come closer. The beam began to take the form of a tree, and from there you could only listen as both Jessica and Lyla explained to you the story of this organization.
"These webs linked us all together," Jessica started, "And one year ago, a gap was left in it, allowing people from one dimension to enter another, those we call anomalies."
"And if we don't do anything, all the worlds could be destroyed."
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Waving goodbye to your new colleagues, you stepped into the portal after making sure it was set to your dimension. The trip wasn't as bad as the first, since you were now expecting the whole floating part, but still, it will definitely need to be improved.
When you landed, you were surprised to see yourself in your flat, in the middle of your living room. Almost falling to your knees in relief for the day to FINALLY be over, you caught yourself last second, instead falling face-first into your sofa.
Your body was aching everywhere and you could already feel the headache in your temple, the distinct throbbing enough to let a painful whimper escape your lips.
Need to shower and put this off.
After inhaling heavily, to prepare yourself mentally for the pain to come, you finally rose to your two feet and headed to the bathroom. You took your sweet time undressing, delaying as much as you could the moment the cold air of the room would touch your sensitive skin.
Your flat was modest, and so was your bathroom, you didn't have a very big salary at your local job, and doing Spider-Woman exploit didn't pay shit. Free work all along and still some people got the nerve to hold it to you when you made the slightest mistake.
'Go on take the work' You had wanted to yell more than once. But deep down you knew no one would take your place if it meant going through what you did to have this kind of powers.
As you managed to get most of your suit off, you couldn't but notice the smell that came from off of it. The same as the one in that place in the HQ building. Miguel's 'office' would you had learned it to be. The memory of the man's face still vivid in your mind.
Poor guy, he really lost everything he had. And I can't imagine the amount of guilt he has accumulated over time from that.
And still despite your kind words you couldn't help your body's reaction the moment your eyes met the sculpted body of your new boss. At this moment you thanked every god and goddess you knew the name of to have made this room so dark. If you think you were feeling kind of hot before, then now you were burning from the inside out, everything felt ten times as what you were used to. Sounds, images, odors, everything was multiplied and allowed you to sense almost everything that was going on inside and outside the room.
But it was useless, as your eyes only seemed to see interest in this Miguel's divine complexion.
And damn if your suit didn't make your body heat up once more. Chills ran through your entire body, your talons and fangs starting to stretch despite the fact you didn't want them to. You desperately tried to control yourself, tried to let go of the fabric in your hands, but it seems your body wasn't cooperating. Instead, your hand rose the piece of fabric to your face, allowing you to smell the full fragrance still enclosed in its fibers.
"Shit-" You hissed, as one of your hands grabbed the edge of the sink, your legs were starting to give up on you. You didn't feel this aroused in- hell you've never been this turned on in your entire life and that's saying something about yourself right now. Why was it happening now? It wasn't nearly as bad when you were there, it should have calmed down and not worsened!
You could only let yourself fall on your knees in an attempt to calm yourself, maybe the coldness of the tiles would help? Well, it didn't. Now you could hear a cracking sound coming from above and below you, your talons and claws surely pushing the ceramic of the sink and the tiles to its limit.
As embarrassing as the whole thing was would feel yourself growing soaked, your entire core on fire, waiting for something you weren't sure only your fingers could provide. But your resolution to control yourself started to falter.
So while your nose was still buried deep into the fabric, mouth agape while you inhaled the divine sent, your other slowly caressed your body, starting by your neck, luckily your claws still retracted the moment they touched your skin. You tried to imagine how his body would feel below yours, how his fingers would feel against your skin, would they be rough or smooth? Oh- What you could do to this man at this instant.
Your hand was now on your breasts, your hand easily englobing the mound of flesh, playing with it just the way you liked, causing small moans to escape your drooling mouth. Your hips began to move with a mind of their own, swinging back and forth against nothing, the feeling at your core begging to be too much.
Leaving your other breast without giving it the same attention, you let your hand make its descent towards you screaming for attention vulva. You breathed heavily into your suit, both yours and his scent mixed making your mind go crazy.
"Fuck-Ah!" You jumped as your fingers first made contact with your aching clit, the simple touch almost enough to immediately send you over the edge. Your whole body was tensing now, waiting for something to release the unbearable tension.
Tentatively, your finger started to play around with your sensitive clit, sending powerful waves of pure pleasure through you that left your mind practically blank- except for the image of this beauty of a man panting below you.
Hips grinding on your hand, chasing for more, you allowed one finger to begin spreading your wet folds, sighting in relief when a new sort of pleasure overwhelmed your senses.
But still, it wasn't enough, you were fully moaning into your suit while three fingers worked hard on spreading you and your hips still grinded hard on your palm, trying to get as much stimulation as you could.
You had the picture perfectly painted in your head, mimicking your current depraved act, you would be riding that man until he'd beg you to stop, or until you were fully satisfied. He would look so good with tears in his eyes, you thought, the constant brows on his face as its appeal but god- what would give out to be the one making sure he was milked until there was nothing much he could give you. 
You licked your dried lips at the thought, your tongue brushing slowly upon your bared fangs. You panted heavily, sensing your orgasm approach way faster than usual, the familiar tightness in your core becoming more and more unbearable, but promising a delightful end for all the torture it had been.
You curled on yourself when you grinded particularly hard on your clit, provoking a shockwave that made on fall on the floor of the bathroom. You must have been quite the sight, ass up in the air, hand pushing your suit in your face, all the while you now grinded with a desperate thrust into your hand.
Your entire frame tenses when your orgasm finally hit you full force, the hotness of your core spreading across every centimeter of skin, up until your face. Instinct taking over, you let yourself sink your teeth deep into the fabric still pushed in your face, and the moment your fangs sank in completely, you could feel your own venom ooze out of them.
"Ah AH-" You tried to muffle your sound but to no avail. Fingers still moving against and inside you, you tried to make the few waves of pleasure last as much as you could, even if it meant overstimulating you a tiny bit. After the last bit of pleasure eventually faded, you stayed immobile for a few more minutes, struggling to comprehend what exactly had just happened.
What. The. Fuck. Was. THAT?
Still slightly out of breath from your previous activity, you slowly rose back up, wincing at the feeling of your fingers leaving your leaking cunt. Sitting on your knees, you tried to assert the situation.
You looked intensely at your wet hand, your mind still not processing everything that just happened, as if it had been totally disconnected, leaving your body to be ruled solely by primary and animalistic instincts.
You stood up, not without faltering for an instant, where you incredible sense of equilibria when you needed it?
"Okay. Okay. That is just horny me, no need to think about it. It's just the Sider DND going berserk because of a pretty guy." Your reasoning was strong, at least you thought it to be, just enough to convince you would surely do the work. Looking up into the mirror about your sink, you stared at yourself, hand grabbing its edge with way too much force, causing your fingers to go white and a small crack to appear.
You looked absolutely disheveled, your already not very tidy hair now tangled in a messy patch of color. Your eyes were bloodshot red, your pupils still dilated, taking over most of your eyes, leaving no place for its original color to sip through. Along with you still, open mouth and bared fangs, your shoulder moving up and down in rapid breaths.
You looked monstrous, quite literally. If someone were to see you like this, it would be more than understandable if they suddenly took off running, fearing for their life. You seemed ready to attack anything that come your way, but you could help to find a certain charm to your current state. Sure you looked savage, but the good kind of savage.
Hell, you even though you looked pretty hot like that.
Turning on the sink you quickly rinsed off your hand, a sudden wave of fatigue shutting you down. You then took a quick shower to rinse off any residue of dirk of concrete from today's work, along with the last proofs of your own excitement.
In less than fifteen minutes you were out of the shower, patting yourself dry, and getting ready for bed after throwing your suit in the washing machine before the smell would get you to do this again-and it almost made you sad to know that the only piece of this sent would be gone. Leaving the bathroom after opening a window to evacuate the fog, you stepped into your leaving room for a quick dinner, nothing too fancy.
You took from the fridge some leftovers from this afternoon, some rice along with a small piece of marinated fish, which will be more than enough. You ate at your own pace, not bothered by the clock ticking, reminding you of today's day of work. When you finished, you took out your phone, making sure you didn't forget to activate your alarms.
You entered your bedroom languidly, the darkness of the room comforting you, and with eyes as sensitive as yours, seeing in the dark was included in the package. Putting your phone to charge and the watch thingy- a Gizmo you had learned, o the night table, you throw yourself into the smooth and soft sheets of your bed.
As you found a comfortable position to fall asleep, your mind went back to what today had taught you, memories of all the Spider-men and women invading your mind, and fatally- the image of this Miguel you didn't even know as you watched him lose everything he had.
What a shitty person I am for having this kind of thought toward that poor guy.
Your eyelids were now starting to feel heavy, and before you could react your eyes closed on their own accord, your conscience beginning to drift away.
Thought shutting down as you began to fall asleep you could help but come back to what you saw at the HQ, but this time without the guilty feeling, thanks to being half-asleep.
But he got that cake... Bigger than me.. that's for sure... 
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catching up on the kabsmp videos rn and i'm having normal person thoughts as usual anyway did you guys ask for a crazy ass idea on where i think the storyline is gonna go because i have a crazy ass idea on where i think the storyline is gonna go (this is gonna get long sorry in advance)
In Which I Lose My Mind Over Some Guy's Minecraft Persona In A Goofy Ahh Lore SMP
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cover image for sillies
So. Hear me out. Clown is still the overarching villain of the series. Whatever's happening with Kyle and the void is still """""important"""""" n stuff, but (totally not because i'm biased or anything (i totally am)) that's all a red herring covering up the real threat. The idea I have rn is that Clown is biding his time and finishing up whatever research he had on the void, then when Kyle is defeated, he's gonna swoop in, take the void for himself, and become basically unstoppable which'll lead into season 3 or smth.
Bits Of Info That Makes The Pepe Silvia Meme Cover Relevant
Time to be insane and dump every single bit of potential evidence on why I think Clown's a bigger threat than the others think he is, starting at the very beginning (i'll try to keep this as chronological as possible but i'm busting my brain trying to piece everything together i watched this so out of order at first).
First, obviously, is the whole him killing Pyro bit and betraying him to get to Rae, then killing everyone in the commune. hoWEVER bro just casually tore open a portal to the nether and back and none of the other people in the group can do that. It's kinda hinting that Muu knows how to make portals but other than that the original s1 group has been stuck there since the start (which maybe suggests Muu isn't from this dimension also but that's another thing to unpackage).
a side note here: lincu came from an end portal that clown made for maddy and they NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN????????? WHAT
In the Pyro POV that came after that, it was heavily suggested that Clown was originally a conqueror or insanely destructive pillager (not the actual mob) (like come on, "bow before the scythe emblem" or whatever the words are? just write your name in the book you're practically screaming it at this point). Then, when Branzy showed up in that cameo episode, he didn't shut up about how Clown destroyed entire villages and killed a fuck ton of people (i will scream more about this point in a second 😁).
In the Season 2 opener animatic, he dropped his manipulative buddy buddy act the moment the void appeared, stabbed Kaboodle, and fucked off. He was also shown going full aggro on Magic, trying to get information about the void from her. A little while later, he's shown reading books on the void and finds something "perfect" for whatever he's planning (brain explosion).
Looping back to the Branzy cameo, it was revealed that he, Branzy, and Ashswag worked together in a laboratory somewhere in a different dimension researching and experimenting with portals. Ashswag said that Clown pushed him into one they made, which resulted in him glitched out and broken (WHICH OPENS UP ANOTHER CAN OF WORMS ARE THEY SUGGESTING THAT THIS IS ALL ACTUALLY JUST A SIMULATION/GAME LIKE HOW MINECRAFT ACTUALLY IS???????????? holy shit if i think about this for too long i'm gonna have another huge scream fest again).
and THEN in the most recent one as of today (aka A New Issue) it's revealed that Pyro had his suspicions that Clown is otherworldly and unnatural. Bro casually soloed a 100-Piglin invasion. I already had the thought of "oh yeah this guy's definitely not from any of the three dimensions" but the only contradictory thing that popped up for that was he and Pyro used to live together for a bit with the Waste Walkers. HOWEVER with this new information that Clown was just this anomaly that popped up periodically in their group, he's practically screaming that he's not from any of the three dimensions.
i love overcomplicating silly lore as a pastime
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sillyseasides · 4 months
disclaimer: I'm new to this fandom and running on my observations, please tell me if I've missed something.
Kaboodle SMP Theory lets go! Okay so we know what 2/3 of the primordial entities are, I think the third entity is the Elder Guardian. I also think that the Elder Guardian's host is going to start off as being Kaboodle, but then move to Maddie.
Okay so lets tackle the first part, both of the primordial entities we know of speak to their hosts and display some level of intelligence, this immediately rules out the warden as the primordial entity for the Overworld as they were shown as anything but intelligent in season 1. Not to mention if the warden was the primordial entity, it likely would have had Riice or Ivo as its host.
Another piece of evidence is that all of the primordial entities take the form of something unique to their home dimension. Wither skeletons are unique to the Nether, the Void is unique to the End. Water is unique to the Overworld, so it would make sense for its' primordial entity to be connected to it in some way. It also helps that we haven't seen an Elder Guardian or ocean monument in the series so far.
It would also tie back to the start of the series, the stronghold where Kab, Maddie, and Rae first met is underwater after all. Plus the library where the group learned about the primordial entities had several water features and was directly on the beach.
Plus cc!Kaboodle has stated she has intense thalassophobia, or fear of water. It would make sense if she took that fear and somehow worked it into the story.
With Clownpierce's colonization of the end, and the fact that Rae is likely going to be visiting the end soon; it would make sense if this season's plot revolved around taking him down and stopping whatever master plan he's been setting up.
Thing is, Clownpierce is OP as fuck. Odds are a deal with a primordial entity, similar to the one Kyle made would be necessary to take him down.
Now we get to the second part of the theory. I think the first host for the elder guardian would be Kaboodle cause 1 she's the main character 2 she has a repeated theme of sacrifice.
For a few examples; Pyro calls her a "necessary sacrifice" in season 1, in season 2 Ivory tries to sacrifice her post stabbing Maddie, 3 her stabbing Maddie could be viewed as an act of sacrifice to get her sanity back, 3.5 same with Izzy, 4 she also almost sacrificed her life to take Kyle down during the season 2 finale.
She's also one of the characters most connected to the primordial ones who hasn't been possessed by one. There's obviously her connection with Kyle, but there's also her interactions with Magic, with Pyro, etc.
Overall if anyone was going to make a deal with a primordial one, it would probably be Kaboodle. However I doubt other people would want her to do that. Which leads us to Maddie.
First off, Kyle would probably not be down given his experiences with the Void and the fact that he just got Kab back so he probably wouldn't want to lose her again.
Secondly, and more importantly, there is no universe where Maddie would be okay with this. Given Maddie's interactions with Artemis in the season 3 premire and just before the season 2 finale, it seems she has forgiven or is on the road to forgiving Kaboodle for the stabbing incident. She has also now had to abandon Artemis twice, so its unlikely she'd want to lose another little sister.
Maddie also has large themes of abandonment and running away. If Maddie did sacrifice herself, yes she would be facing the larger problem, but she'd be abandoning both of her families, possibly permanently, in the process.
Plus, Maddie just makes sense. Hear me out. If Maddie hosts the Overworld's primordial entity it mirrors Kyle hosting the End's primordial entity. She'd also complete the trio since Kyle's from the Overworld and Pyro's from the Nether.
There might be a few holes and I'm still new to this so please tell me anything I missed! Sorry for this being so God damn long lmao.
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nowmemoriees · 2 years
So, I started to think of the silly question "how did Will survive in the upside down if there's no water there?", and, after thinking about that and reading some of your analysis, everything got weirder than it already was.
Let's start with a basic acknowledge: the human body can survive with no water for just 3-5 days.
Will has been stuck in the UD for a week.
Erica pointed this out specifically in the show: if the human body doesn't get water it'll die.
As we know, there's zero water in the upside down. (we saw the gate at the Lover's lake, and there was... no lake)
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And, that first question, still doesn't have a single answer. It leads to more questions.
Before mentioning them, I should say what the Upside Down is. The creators defined it this way: The Upside Down is a region that exists outside of space and time-a terrifying, colorless underworld overrun by death and decay and populated by faceless monsters.
- from "Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down"
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and, this is how they described Will's dissappearance.
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There are three options/theories: At first, we thought of the fact that time is frozen. We know that time is, somehow, fucked up in the UD. We don't know why, but it's frozen in the past.
- time's wrong? by @stranger-chichka
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-> Does it mean that time does not run there? If that's it, that's the answer. Will was never that amount of days in that dimension. It's like, I don't know, Narnia for example, where the kids spent MONTHS in that world, but when they returned, no more than a few seconds had passed (in this case, it would be the opposite)
-> But if time does run in the UD... how did Will survive?
The second option is: Will was never in the UD, or at least, not for most of that week. Here is were we go back to the theory that says that Will was a lab kid and they were the ones who took him away. Them, not 001 and not a demogorgon.
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-> gonna leave some posts of those theories here because I'm not gonna talk about them in this post.
• will is a lab kid thread
• one of lonnie's theories
• will has powers theory
If he was in the lab, he could survive because he was still in the -normal- dimension.
The third option is: Water is a way to get through the UD, we know this because the only thing we can see in the void is water. so, Will may have spent a lot of time between dimensions (he created a portal, so he almost makes it to the real Hawkins / he could also see and touch El in the void, which means that he was probably there too)
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-> if you notice, will's hair is wet.
Maybe that was his water source. Apparently, every person who was phisically taken to the UD, coughed water, so that means that before getting to the UD, they've been through the void.
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-> this information is from this post by @givehimthemedicine and @booksandpaperss
But.. as I said, this question just creates more questions, so, what do you think? Is this the watergate?
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