#it's just......... we're still doing this? the old man is still yelling at the cloud?
gloriousmonsters · 11 months
trying nerdy prudes must die and the music so far is really good but the story/humor..... Hm
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buckera · 2 years
I know we all love the idea of Eddie keep flirting with Steve and calling him pet names, because he thinks he can get away with it.
But I've been thinking about Steve casually calling Eddie baby without even registering what he's doing.
Like they are standing outside the van with the hood open and Steve just tutting at him like "Eddie, baby, you really gotta get your transmission checked, this is like the third time this month" and Eddie's losing his shit, mouth hanging open in shock, but Steve has no idea and it just keeps on happening after that.
Next time it happens, they are all over at Steve's, having a movie night and Steve has El and Max passed out on him, making him unable to get up from the couch without waking them and he just whisper-yells to Eddie "Hey babe, could you pass me a beer? Kinda tied up here" and Eddie just blanks and says nothing, but gets a bottle from the sixpack on the floor and Steve says "thanks" like it's just how things have always been between them.
And Eddie's working himself into a frenzy. Has Steve got no idea about what he's doing to him? Because Eddie's been lowkey crushing on Steve since he got mixed up in the whole Upside Down business and it just got worse when he woke up at the hospital to Steve holding his hand and giving him the brightests of smiles that there was, rubbing his thumb over Eddie's knuckles, whispering a soft "Hey there sleeping beauty, how're ya feeling?" while being completely oblivious to the suspicious look Wayne was giving them. And sure, hanging out with him nearly every day didn't help the situation one bit.
But this. This is going to be the death of him.
And it just keeps on happening. Steve murmurs "goodnight baby" into the phone before hanging up, he shouts "babe, come here, you gotta see this" when Lucas ends up stuffing fifteen oreos into his mouth (which is a new personal record) and whispers "hey baby, I'm sorry, I know you'd rather do something else, but I promised Mrs Wheeler" when they're watching Holly's ballet recital, waving at her from their seats when her eyes land on them.
It all comes to a head when Eddie's stupid van breaks down in the middle of fucking nowhere, on their way back from Indianapolis, after going there to buy a special boardgame for Dustin's birthday.
There's not a single car or house to be seen anywhere in a ten mile radius.
"Oh this is just great," Steve hisses as he jumps out of the car to walk around and Eddie does the same. He pops the hood and watches as a small cloud of smoke slithers out of it.
"Shit" Eddie swears under his breath. It looks bad.
"See baby, that's exactly why I told you to get it checked! Because I didn't wanna get stuck in fucking no man's land!"
"Look, I'm sure if we just leave it to rest a little..."
"Rest? Eds, come on, you know that's not how it works. We gotta walk up to the next gas stop and phone someone to tow it."
"Fuck, fine!" Eddie grunted. "But it gets dark in like twenty minutes."
They both know that they can't handle walking out in the wild after dark. Not after everything and not with all the nightmares that still tormented them most nights.
"Then I guess we're sleeping out here tonight." Steve says, dropping his hands on his hips. "You have pillows or some shit in the back?"
"Got a couple of blankets, yeah."
In the end they lay down two blankets on the bottom of the van and bundle up some old jumpers Eddie keeps in there for pillows. They lie there, facing each other in the dark.
"Hey... I'm sorry about all this" Eddie whispers, like his voice could disturb anyone out here in the middle of nowhere.
"It's okay, I just wish you'd pay more attention to stuff like this. I mean shit, babe, what if it's just you out here, huh? What then?"
"I mean, I just hate to think about how shitty it would be, to be out here alone, in the dark... plus I'd worry myself sick not knowing where you are, you know?"
"I'm not alone."
"No, no you're not alone" Steve agrees with a private little smile.
They settle into a companionable silence and Eddie's almost certain that Steve is just about to drift off, but he can't contain it in himself any longer; he has to ask.
"Hey Steve?"
"Why uh... why are you keep calling me...?" He can't bring himself to say it out loud without his face heating up.
"Names." He settles, hoping that Steve would get it.
He's gonna make him say it, isn't he?
"Yeah like uh... baby."
Even in the darkness of the van Eddie can see how the colour darkens in Steve's cheeks.
"Does it bother you?" Steve asks after a beat and Eddie just sighs out a soft "no".
For a long moment it seems that this is all Eddie's gonna get, but then Steve shuffles a little closer and runs a finger along Eddie's palm before taking his hand into his own.
"It just felt right, you know? Calling you that. I dunno, it was like how it was meant to be."
"That sounds kinda romantic, isn't it?" Eddie's shooting for a joke, but Steve just sighs timidly.
"Yeah, it does, doesn't it?"
"Eddie... can I?" He doesn't finish it, but Eddie knows he'd say yes to pretty much anything Steve could ever ask from him.
"Yeah" He breathes with a little nod and Steve scoots even closer, placing his other hand onto Eddie's cheek. He leans in and looks him in the eyes for an impossibly long moment, making sure he's got permission one last time.
Steve whispers a soft "baby" onto his lips before finally closing the gap between them.
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nestarcheronmommy · 1 year
One thing that really strikes me about Nesta is that she is a calm person. Even though she reacts badly to bad things that are said to her (as I think most people do), she never breaks certain boundaries, she never yells, she never becomes violent. And the fact that she is so calm despite all the hate and anger she has inside, makes me think it is an indication that she is right.
Rhysand, on the other hand, turned into a demon and couldn't control his rage when Nesta told Feyre about the pregnancy. I mean, a 21 or 24 (I can't remember) year old woman has more control over her temper than a 500 year old ruler.
I also want to point out something we all already know but still, and that is how Nesta has never used anyone as a sex object, never kissed or spied on anyone naked without their consent, never locked anyone up against their will, never fucked while people who needed her and who were her responsibility were dying. Rhys has done all this and more and yet his ego is higher than where he fucks with Feyre in the clouds while Nesta hates herself and is incapable of seeing all the good things she does.
To clarify: Rhys does a lot of bad things and he thinks he's better than Nesta. Nesta does a lot of good things and thinks she's the worse just because of her language. Spoiler, it's actually the opposite.
Cassian is much much older than her and while Nesta is calm and doesn't get physically violent, Cassiand destroyed an entire village, Cassian couldn't help but get furious when a woman (Nesta) rejected him, which is a pretty major red flag. I think we're all mature enough to know a woman doesn't owe anything to a man, specially when that man just gave lingerie to another "friend".
This Nesta woman who is in her 20s has more control over her rage than 300 or 500 year old faes. Yes, it's true that she's very edgy, that she overreacts, but she's the only one who respects boundaries, she doesn't force anyone to do anything they don't want to do, she doesn't meddle in their business while others always meddle in her life.
When a person has as much rage and as much hate inside her as Nesta does and is more capable of controlling her violence than Rhysand or Cassian are, call me crazy but I think it means that Nesta is much more mature than these two.
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ part 12
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: death of loved one, misogyny, violence. we're getting into it now my dudes, beware! chapter map
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-You did not expect your father’s death to affect you so brutally, and without Paul at your side you are not sure how you would have gotten through the week that followed his passing. The funeral mass and the burial went by as a blur, and it feels like he carried you through it all. He lets you cry on his chest, and holds you through your lengthy silences.
It takes a long time for you to realize that the thing you might mourn most, are the parts of your father you were never allowed to know. The free way he spoke with you in his last days, reminiscing about your mother when he was young–it all suggested a very different man who you would have liked to have the acquaintance of. That the loss of his love destroyed him so completely scares you, true, but also…you pity him in a way you’d never thought possible. 
You wonder if maybe you are more like him than you want to admit, and you rise from the ashes determined not to be such a coward with Paul. 
You never did finish that sentence for him, but you will. When the time is right, and you are not a tearful mess clinging to him like a limpet. You tell yourself that he deserves better than that. 
-”Is it really that much better than this out there?” asks your sister Anjélica. It is a fine sunny day, a breeze cutting through the mountains. You are sitting beneath the shelter of a massive oak, watching the children of Las Nubes play with Paul. She is one year older than you, and already has two, with one on the way. 
“It’s just different,” you say diplomatically. “You’re welcome to come visit me anytime you want a change of scenery.” 
She laughs goodnaturedly at the thought, rubbing her rounded belly. “I’m afraid if I left my children and husband would starve and go feral,” she admits. You know it’s more than that, though. Her husband would never let her go to the city, just for a fun little break. There’s always too much work to be done. Good women are martyrs who do not shirk their responsibilities, no matter their own needs. 
“Heaven forbid Julio be bothered to cook something for himself and his own children,” you say with an eye roll. 
Knowing you all too well, Anjélica just smiles. She is, perhaps, the most forgiving of you and your strange ideas. “I know you think I’m trapped by marriage and children and housework…”
You make a grumbling sound in your throat, picking at a knot on the top of the wooden table. 
“But have you ever considered that I do it…because I love them?”
You blink at that, not proud of how this perspective does kind of blindside you. She chuckles at your owlish look. You think you’re so goddamn smart, and she always does this to you. 
“I know you’re still just settling in with Paul. But you’ll understand what I mean soon.”
You burn to tell her the truth–but you can’t. The ruse must go on. 
Worse yet…you’re afraid she could be right, if you and Paul do make a life together after this. You haven’t really decided what you’re going to do…but the thought of being apart from him hurts.
Your attention is drawn back to the children as a joyful yell echoes across the field. Paul has the littlest one on his shoulders, and they are running–though not too fast, from some imaginary entity. Little Lucia’s peals of laughter are, in fact, the sweetest sound on earth.
“He’s good with the children…”
You make a warning grumble to this, only winning yourself more laughter. 
You love your nieces and nephews, but you truly have no interest in making children of your own. Is something broken in you? 
Anjélica just giggles at you, a wicked glint in her eye. “Look at that man God has given you! Are you telling me you are not making love to him every chance you get?”
Your mouth twists into a reluctant smile at that. “Maybe. But you know they make these marvelous things called…” You lower your voice to a dramatic whisper. “Condoms.” If you could just fucking get your hands on some… And, diaphragms too, of which a woman was not allowed access to without the permission of her husband. Unmarried women…were just screwed, literally and figuratively. The disconnect between reality and morality in medicine was vast, and you hoped someday things would be better for women. 
Anjélica waves you off with an eye roll. “See how long he wants to wear one of those things. You’ll get tired of it too. It does not feel right, for something to be between you and your mate. You’re going to be ripe with a baby by next year. Just you wait.” 
The thought makes your skin clammy somehow despite the warm summer day. Your sister, who knows your every tell, reaches across the table to you. “I’m not trying to scare you, muñequita. It’s just…life. What happened to Mama…that’s not what it’s always like.”
Maybe it isn’t…until the one time it is, and that’s all it takes to break everything. 
-You and Paul decide that you will accompany the crew of Las Nubes to the fiesta of the harvest, partake in the festivities, and from there you will return to the world on the other side of the rabbit hole. A part of you will miss the slower pace of life in the countryside. But a part of you is eager to get back to the excitement of the bustle of the city, back behind your desk in San Francisco, and back behind your typewriter in your little rented room. 
You are still not sure yet, where Paul is going to fit into all this. 
He isn’t either, and you can tell that he is maybe experiencing an opposite reaction to the thought of returning to life outside. It’s been like living in a fairytale, carrying on like husband and wife here. Las Nubes has been home for several months, and you understand how it grows on you. 
If don Juan was not master there…maybe things could have been different.   
-After your period of mourning, you are looking forward to the bright spot of the fiesta on the horizon. Everyone dresses in their best. You don a ruffled dress you have not worn for years, and silver filigree earrings that belonged to your mother. 
Paul looks so handsome in his uniform, and you watch him dress for what you realize is the last time, in this room that has been your sanctuary.
All packed and ready to go, the two of you look around the space in each other’s arms one last time. Such grand things happened in this tiny room–with any luck, it’s just the beginning for the two of you. You smooth your hand down his tie, straightening his medals that don’t really need it. This man is so humble, but the story of his bravery is written in shining metal upon his chest.
He pays you a sad smile, and you understand his reluctance to leave the bubble the two of you have made here. He has carried you these past dark days, and you decide that now you will do the same for him. 
“Today will be fun,” you try to assure him, holding his cheek. 
He leans into your touch, but you see the question in his eyes. And the day after? 
You don't have an answer to that, so you kiss him sweetly, and lead him outside.
-You try not to admire don Juan out the corner of your eye, in his short embroidered charro jacket and a silver belt cinching his slender waist. But the moment you fully look his way he makes a sweeping bow with his sombrero.
He’s been on his best behavior since your father died, but you can’t help but feel like he has something up his sleeve, especially now that you’re leaving.
Juan and his entourage will ride to town, and the rest of you will follow in the farm truck. 
-You mill around the fair with your arm linked with Paul’s, your head on his shoulder as you look at the displays and crafts and food and farm animals. Napa county has become such a melting pot. There is music, and later there will be dancing. You introduce Paul to churros and hot chocolate, and you can’t help but laugh at the way his eyes light up after that first bite. You can’t stop yourself from kissing him, your lips sweetened with cinnamon sugar. 
His mood has lifted a little, though you still sense the weight of melancholy upon him. You think to yourself that maybe today will be the day you tell him how much he means to you. Not to cheer him up–but because it’s the truth, and you’ve known it for a while now. He should too.
He turns to you with hope in those soulful dark eyes, after hearing that certain note in your voice. He knows you so well. Almost like…you were made for him too.
Of course, Juan and his entourage choose that very moment to enter the fair, greeted with shouts of, “It’s the Aragóns!” as they ride under the stone arch. You have to admit that they do cut a dashing picture, dressed to the nines upon their fine horses. You feel a reluctant kindling of pride in your heart. Juan winks at you as he trots by, but you give him nothing, except for resting your chin on Paul’s shoulder. 
You all watch as the Padre invokes the blessing of the wine–a thing you’re sure he's happy to do, as he is a notorious lush. 
After watching some of the horse show, you sit down to eat with Josefa, Anjélica, and their husbands. The levity of the fiesta has been good for all of you, after losing Papa. In the distance, you see Juan with his head bent, speaking to a severe looking anglo man in a dark suit. Juan is nodding to whatever the man is telling him, a terrible smile curling his lips. Dread settles like a stone in your gut, all your joy siphoned away in a matter of a second. You just know something bad is going to happen.
The bus to the train station in the next town has already gone. But before you can suggest to Paul that the two of you go back to your hotel to hide, don Juan swaggers up to your table, his two worst henchmen and the man in the suit in tow. 
His eyes are all for you.
“My dear, sweet, y/n. What a naughty girl you’ve been.”
You frown up him. “¿Perdón?” 
“Oh, don’t play the innocent now.” 
Where this man gets his nerve, you’ll never know, but you begin to have an inkling of what he’s about.  
“Don’t speak to me as though you’re my father,” you hiss, standing. “Come on, Paul.” Suddenly you know that the two of you need to get somewhere that don Juan does not feel as though he owns. You fear you won’t reach it until you get all the way back to San Francisco. 
“I may not be your father…but I will be your guardian, now that he’s gone. This man is not your legal husband.”
You shake your head, even as your heart falls to your feet. More Old World nonsense. Yet it matters here…because he says so. That is the true measure of power. 
“Of course he is.” 
“Oh no. I’ve had it looked into. May I introduce Mr. Smith of the highly reliable Pinkerton Detective Agency. He has found zero record of your legal union anywhere in California.” You shift your glare to the man in the suit. 
“Good for him.” 
“Prove us wrong? Where’s your certificate?” 
“I don’t have it with me.” 
Because it doesn’t exist…
 Juan smirks, that low-banked fire in his eyes you remember all too well from when he knew he was winning an argument. That familiar rage fills you, that this man thinks he has any right to tell you anything, just because he is Man. 
“This is ridiculous. We’re going.” You take Paul’s arm to lead him away, but more of Juan’s men block your exit. Eyes wide with panic, you look to your sisters. Anjélica is shocked, and Josefa’s jaw is set with disapproval. By the steely expressions on their husband’s faces, you know they are Juan’s men, no matter how much they came to like Paul. In the conservative, patriarchal world of Las Nubes, you have committed a terrible sin. Perhaps even an unforgivable one. 
Juan’s smirk only widens, and he holds his hand out to you. “Be a good girl for once and come quietly, y/n. We’re going home.”
This is when Paul steps in front of you. “She’s not going anywhere with you.” 
“Stay out of it, gringo. You have no standing here, and none of this concerns you.” 
“I’m not letting you take her.” 
Don Juan makes a sound through his teeth like the hissing of a snake. “You don’t have a choice, cabrón.”
That is when all Hell breaks loose. 
You don’t really see who throws the first punch, but suddenly the two men are on each other like mad dogs in a furious exchange of blows. When Juan’s lackeys try to go to his aid you are quick to pick up the heavy ceramic water pitcher on the table, breaking it over one of their heads. A strong arm grabs you around your waist, trying to drag you off. You flail and screech and scratch and bite, until whoever has you drops you with a string of curses.
You see that Paul is straddling Juan on the ground, delivering punch after punch. 
That is when the Sheriff himself arrives, flanked by two deputies. They drag Paul off of Juan, the latter of whom is laughing with blood in his teeth. 
You realize he must have arranged all this ahead of time, paying off anyone he needed to, to be sure his will was done.  
“Lock this madman up!” declares don Juan, spitting out blood. “He attacked me with no provocation! These soldiers are like wild animals, thinking they may do as they please!” 
In the end it takes four men to subdue Paul, who fights like a trapped bear to get free, shaking off one of the deputies as he tries to put the soldier in handcuffs. “Y/n! Get off me! Don’t let him take her! Y/n!”
You try to go to him, but Juan’s biggest minion has you in his grasp again, your arms twisted behind your back. 
“Señor!” you beg the sheriff, even as you know it’s futile. “He has done nothing wrong! Please don’t hurt him!” The moment you say it one of the deputies hits Paul hard in the temple, and you see him slump in their grasp. “No!” You are crying, angry, ugly tears streaming down your face. “No, this isn’t right!” 
Smirking like the devil, Juan gets to his feet, making a show of brushing himself off before fixing his attention on you. He steps in close, speaking just for your ears. “Behave yourself, and he’ll just sit in a cell for a few days to cool off. Make trouble…and I’ll make certain they hurt him.” 
You slump in Borrachio’s iron grasp, your knees going out from under you. 
You look to your family, who have watched this exchange wide-eyed, but made no move to help you. You understand. Their homes, their whole lives, take place on don Juan’s land. He is their master. You are just inconvenient–and you always have been. 
“Please don’t hurt him.” You sound as defeated as you feel, and Juan clicks his tongue, chucking you under the chin. 
“Pobrecita. That’s up to you, now.” He wipes a bit of blood from his split lip, then turns to his minions. “Put her in the truck,” he instructs Borrachio. “I’ll be there shortly.” You behave yourself, until Borrachio gives you an opportunity while he is opening the truck with one hand. You nearly twist away, fighting again like a hellcat. Losing patience with you, the big man cuffs you across the face, hard. It knocks the lights out of you, and when you come to again you are trussed in the back with your hands tied and a gag in your mouth.
*muñequita - little doll **¿Perdón? - pardon? *** pobrecita - poor little girl
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whatacartouchebag · 4 months
So holy shit, just had a commenter apologise for getting excited and commenting on a bunch of my fics, thinking they were being annoying for doing it on works that were so old.
My dude, the oldest one was posted just over a YEAR ago.
Like christ on a cracker, wrapping my head around this mentality genuinely hurts. I still get the fleeting, odd comment on stuff that I posted to an FF.net account I abandoned in 2008. I'm still posting stuff to the same fandom that this commenter is reading fics from! I literally posted something within the last month!
I get that the consumerism of fanworks has taken over fandom spaces entirely. I get it, but fuck me if I detest it dearly. If something's not sitting on the front page of a tag, it's just considered dead, and I hate it.
Not to be all old man yells at cloud, but the way being a part of any sort of fandom space means playing a number game from hell these days is honestly the worst feeling. We're not in it for the numbers! We never were! The numbers are the smallest pip of serotonin on our radar compared to actual feedback and comments.
When this person first came into my inbox, and I saw a string of four of five email notifs come in to say I'd received a new comment, my dudes, I CRIED. Teared up like a bitch, because that's something that's so rare and beautiful and I've never seen it happen before. I honestly felt so blessed and warm and fuzzy. The fact this person took the time out of their day to read it and tell me the parts they liked, tell me they passed a couple of these fics onto others, just tell me a solemn thank you for writing what I do...
No, I don't crave praise. No, it doesn't fill my ego.
It's about putting something out there into the void and hearing an echo finally. It's about standing up on stage and waiting for someone in the audience to make any sort of response other than cough and shuffle out the door. It's about knowing we've hit some sort of emotional response in our readers, because that's the ONLY way we know what we're doing is working. It's the ONLY way we know how to improve.
It just... it makes me so sad to know that we're only ever seen as products these days, not people. I love creating. I love being able to write, but it just hurts so much when it feels like no one else out there cares, you know?
Because that's what fandom culture is these days.
It honestly feels like no one cares, and fans are actively apologising for existing.
Like what the fuck went wrong along the way to nurture this mentality and how do we surgically remove it with a chainsaw.
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Top 10 18 Most Hated NonDD Roles
Aka the ‘Fuck You, _____!’ list lol these aren't in order other than alphabetical by movie/show this time since that's a lotta hate, but oh boy almost changed my mind a couple times. Now, everyone knows I love DD characters, especially now that I've finished my love list, but what about everyone else around him? Sometimes I like them, sometimes I'm indifferent, sometimes they gotta kill him and I understand that cause he's a hot villain, but sometimes they just straight up treat him bad in ways I don't like or are so awful that I genuinely hate them, so let's take a look at some pure negativity today lmao
Just to state first that even though I'm very salty in this it's still all for fun, even if I have Some Opinions on all the people below 😖
James and José - 12 Monkeys
This is a tiny fuck you cause I get it, but the man was very unwell, like very very very unwell, this is mostly just me excusing murder because hot man but he was doing it to save time itself or something, doesn't that count for anything? Get him some help and then stop the bad guys and fix time, they should be your actual priority, guys.
Everyone who was ever mean to Simon - Almost Human
I'm just a broken record at this point, everyone knows how I feel about Simon, I'm scooping him up and punching all of them in the face and then we're gunna get fries and watch TV together.
Everyone in AVGN: The Movie
I've seen YouTuber movies before, there's usually something that makes me laugh even if it's still that special type of cringe. This movie just sucks. It's bad. It's sososososo bad. The only part that made me laugh was DD's quick bit because he sells every role he's in and I love him. I'm so glad I never have to see this one again, this one's a fuck you to them for just… not making an entertaining movie :/
Cass' family and Dwayne - Cass
Yeah yeah I know they're kids and that they're lonely and dealing with it in bad ways, but my God. She has zero self-preservation (he had such good points about her following him like????) and it's frustrating, and when she went to take that selfie I became so anxious over what her giving it to him would bring that it made me actually sick. Her brother is straight awful, I felt bad at first cause clearly he only has the two friends, but he wasn't just allowing things to happen he was right there being a genuine shit to that homeless couple that it made me mad. The dad I can't fault because he's just looking out for his daughter, so he gets a pass, but fuck Dwayne in particular for stealing his paintings, pissing on everything else, and then nearly getting Joshua to basically kill himself. Old man yells at clouds but it's me yelling at these kids, fuck them I'm taking care of Joshua now. 
Literally everyone else in Cora
The Vampire is the only redeeming quality of this short and even then he still falls prey ;w; Cora herself is okay, her dad is good, but her mom sucks and those teens at the camp really suck, the cringe dialogue really gets me yeesh. I feel like their entire scene could've been shortened or at least written in a way that didn't make my entire body shrivel up when the guys spoke. Fuck all of them for making me cringe when I'm trying to enjoy those double fangs, I’m so petty I’m glad all of them got got.
Jerome - Gotham
His energy is great. I'm still not sure if he actually is the Joker or if I'm insane and it was a red herring cause I saw comments? But he nailed the Dark Knight energy of the Joker even if he's not, don't spoil, I will watch someday I swear. Anyway fuck him though for killing Dwight in the most Joker way possible, yeah he took his face but he also brought him back to life so c’mon man just forgive him already and banish him, I've got room for him in my bed it all works out.
Olga and Svea - Last Seen Wearing
I don't really hate them, but I really like David Porter and the fact that he brought flowers and they still ate him after all he went through to find them. I'm gunna find him at the club and take him to a different party, in fact I'll become a model and help him write a better story and they can eat some other people instead, this tired party boy is mine now.
The Grove - Light Night With the Devil
Yes, fuck the entire Grove. If he didn't get tangled up with them then everything would be fine. He might never be #1 on the charts but he'll always be #1 in our hearts, and Minnie would still be there for him too, so yeah fuck the whole Grove, I want my Night Owl to be happy.
Amber - MacGyver 2016
This one is quick and obvious but like fuck her for using him to start, but using his son as well? What a bitch, I'm not gunna be Cassian’s stepmom I'm gunna be his mom who stepped up.
The Woman - Making Love
This is totally me projecting here, but fuck her. Anyone who's okay with cheating and jerking around the both of them is genuinely hated in my book, both as someone who's been jerked around and someone who's watched someone very dear to me be jerked around while she was in so much pain. This is a real hate, there's nothing jokey about it this time, he deserves better no matter how beautiful she is. No one deserves to go through what he's going through, even though he's not blameless for pursuing her. I wasn’t, and neither was my friend. This one gets me personally, so fuck her.
Detective Loki - Prisoners
I think this guy might be The Most Hated NonDD Role ever. The amount of people I know who hate this guy for what he did to Bob is astounding and I was really hoping he'd find the real guy and save the girls until he did what he did. This guy sucks, he hurt my most precious boy, I'm glad he saved the one girl but he needs a swift kick to the nuts as my dad would say, fuck you Loki, I’ll be taking your badge now, no retirement, no pension.
The entirety of Ray Donovan
I've been putting away DVDs of this show at work for years but I've never seen anything from it until I watched DD's ep. It was so bad I quit the rest of the video after his scene. This one was actual torture to sit through up until that point, I had to see old man sex that I did not want, the camera was on Donovan most of the time while DD spoke, this one is another personal fuck you for giving me a bad time, that show and everyone else in it sucks. (No offense to anyone who may be following me who likes it but it wasn't for me)
The Bullies - Teacher
I hate bullies. I can't stand them. The only exception is Cam and that's only because he's hot and I want him to bully me. In highschool I was always too invisible to be bullied, but those few times where I was seen? Where my seat on the bus was being kicked because it was hot and I opened the window? Where someone came after me cause I was protecting my friend from her bitchiness? Where I was given a fake love confession by a friend of my crush, only to hear him whisper to my crush that I wasn't reading it so I knew it was his idea? I fucking hate bullies. Fuck Tim and his friends for everything they did to Preston and Daniela. Fuck his dad for what he said and did to James as well as his own son even though I’m mad at him. Fuck everyone who wasn't on his side while everything actively got worse and made him spiral. But especially, fuck Arabella for looking at him that way. Like I said in my other list, she would cringe directly to his face whenever he said something she didn't like, which is so fucking rude??? Even when she accepted his dates and she was supposed to be on his side she was still cringing at him; if I was on a date with someone and said something dumb and I looked up and saw that I'd cry and never talk to them again. If she wasn't interested she could’ve just turned him down, he's a nice guy, he would've understood even if it made him sadder, it would've been better than her treating him that way and then storming out on him after he was humiliated in front of her. I hate the bullies, but she was the worst because she wasn't even supposed to be a bully, she just treated him cruelly while trying to be kind.
Dany Wilkins - The Belko Experiment
Okay for this one I'm just petty. He was freaking out and she made it worse, I may just be spouting nonsense here cause I'm clouded by the Power of Love, but if that were me I would've tried to actually calm him, cause her running did not help. It'd be scary as hell, but if I worked there he'd already know me so I wouldn't leave his side. I maybe kinda cheered when she finally died after surviving for so long, this one makes me petty.
The Boogeyman
Great monster design, hated every second he was around, but also fuck this guy for making such a sweet dad so miserable before getting him. I am once again swearing I will save him and make him happy.
Everyone else in The Employer
I just genuinely hate those guys. Their characters sucked and watching them was insufferable. James was the only redeeming quality and I mean that, way to write everyone as the most unlikable people on the planet, which I guess was the point, but they can be unlikeable and still be enjoyable, y’know, that is a possible combination that makes for a better movie.
Fuerza - The Flash
I just straight up hate this thing for killing him in one swipe. It was cheap, it was bad writing, it left me so annoyed after all the great buildup with his family and him working those eyes and stealing my heart. What the actual hell, why couldn't that have been saved for the next episode, why couldn't he have least been injured but ultimately okay, this one just frustrates me. I’m going to the future to warn him and we’re gunna start a family together, that’s another Ray Guarantee and this one’s all for me.
Dracula - The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Yes, I'm giving a fuck you to Dracula himself. This guy made everyone excited for some good bonus pay fun times, then ate half of them, made him shoot his crewmate, made him cry which is instantly illegal, made him fall like 40 feet where he bumped his head and broke his leg, made him try and sink the ship he called him, and then killed him. By the time he fell I was ready to get up and jump into the movie right there in the theater. The only way Dracula can redeem himself is if Hollywood lets DD play him, otherwise fuck Dracula,  friendship ended with him, now Dr Fearless is my best friend.
Honorable mentions
A super special fuck you to James Gunn and Hulu specifically for giving me the greatest loves of my life and then taking them away from me. I'm going to buy their licensing rights from you and bring them back, I miss Abner and Johnson every single day, life is unfair, this sucks, what the hell.
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miracleweaponhunt · 13 days
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 61: A Gem of a Town
The clouds passed them as the old ship sunk through the sky. Roxanne tried clinging onto something, eventually choosing what was left of the chains on the walls. Julian and Cassandra clung to each other in a desperate attempt to hold onto anything. Xander was still furious, bashing the shield against anything he could for some kind of relief. He looked out the window to see dragons soaring through the sky, no two the same colour. As they descended further, trees larger than anything on the surface were made visible, each with thick vines connecting them. And finally, murkiness. A bright yellow murkiness covered the ship, brown specks dotting the window, until they emerged out of it. The door was on the underside of the landing site, so opening it wasn't an option. Xander tried smashing the window with the shield, but the damn window wasn't giving a dent.
"Is everyone alive?" Roxanne yelled after the ship stopped moving.
"I am." Julian nodded through a spinning head and pained stomach.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm alive." Cassandra sighed.
They stayed at the bottom of the ship, watching Xander hang onto the wall through what seemed to be sheer anger, endlessly bashing away at the window, while the other three had to avoid the blood pouring out of where his arm once was.
"You think you could try breaking the window?" Roxanne asked.
"I…I don't want to use the weapons anymore." Cassandra whispered.
Julian gave Roxanne a concerned look, before turning back to Cassandra.
"Uh…something happen on the ship?" Julian asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Cassandra took a deep breath.
"I'm Chelic's niece." She whispered.
The words felt like vomit to her. And as she faced her friends, Julian just shrugged.
"Okay? Cassandra, we've been over this. Just because you were connected to them at some point doesn't mean you should let it define you."
The two embraced with a casual kiss. When it was done, Roxanne hugged both of them.
"Okay, I'm glad you reunited, but maybe we could come up with a way out of this thing?" Xander asked.
"I mean, is it even safe out there?" Roxanne asked. "What are the chances of something like a deadly creature of some kind?"
"Or the place in general is poisoned." Julian added.
"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Xander yelled.
As he turned to try against the window again, a hand pressed against it. Xander jumped back, and the others hid behind him. The ship began to move, and they felt it hit solid land. The door opened, and two people were in front of them.
Neither of the dark skinned individuals said anything. The taller one was a slender woman in an oversized blue jacket and baggy trousers with military jeans, and her hair was a simple buzz cut.
The shorter man behind her was a boy in a red jacket and trousers made by attaching extra leg fabric to a pair of old shorts, with his hair styled in a man-bun alongside some patchy facial hair. Both were wearing goggles and necklaces similar to Roxanne. The girl had a red gem in hers, and the boy had a white one.
The girl held a rifle in her hands, which she held slightly higher than she normally would, perhaps as a subtle suggestion not to mess with her. The guy stood behind her with arms crossed, sizing up the situation.
"Did you come from the sky?" The woman asked slowly.
"Correct." Julian said from inside. "We got thrown out."
"Thrown out?" The man asked."
"Well, it was an accident on…everyone's part, but point is, we're stuck here."
The two looked to each other. The guy shrugged.
"Code still applies, right?"
The girl nodded, so the man stepped in front.
"Okay. We got a policy of not leaving any humans behind, so now you're a part of our family!"
"Yes, that. Mind if we guide you back to our city?"
"Well, it's not like we have much of a choice." Xander said, stepping out. Julian and Cassandra stepped out, and Roxanne was the last to leave. The two natives took a discreet glance at her chest, exchanging a discreet look at each other.
"Excuse me, is something off?" Roxanne asked.
"It's nothing, we were just making sure nobody else was in there." The guy responded with a dismissive hand wave.
In front of them was a deep jungle. Trees taller than anything any of the main four had ever seen stretched out and blotted out the clear blue sky. The ground was brown and wet, and they sank into it a little with each step. Roxanne's leg already wasn't the best, so she was constantly catching herself while trying not to trip. This failed, and she felt her foot get caught in something and almost fell to the ground. The guy caught her, helping her back on her feet.
"You okay?" He asked. Their eyes met, and Roxanne got a glance into his. Eyes as deep a brown as a particularly well made chocolate bar. Like, the type she saw stars eat in movies for the product placement that was way too expensive for chocolate.
And as Roxanne looked into his eyes, she felt…nothing.
"Yes, I'm fine. Please let me go."
The man let her back on her feet, and she kept going.
"Just watch out, and you'll stay standing." The girl said without turning back. "It shouldn't be that hard."
"Eh, lay off em." The guy responded, gazing at the sky. "I'm guessing their sky ships all have the most even flooring at all times."
"Hey, I fell down enough stairs to say otherwise." Julian replied, wiping fresh dirt off his face. "But otherwise yes."
"You get used to it quicker than you think." The guy replied. "I mean, I'm not even supposed to be out here. Just felt like taking a stroll!"
"What do you usually do?" Cassandra asked.
"Doctor. But that gets stuffy. And depressing. So sometimes you gotta grab a moment and let the wind flow through you!"
Suddenly, footsteps were heard through the trees above them, and a blur leapt below. It looked like a dragon, only a little more sleek, a little more moist, and with much smaller wings. It snarled and leapt at Xander, who blocked it with his shield. The creature expanded its wings to scare him off, but Xander just cut its neck with a single slice to the neck.
"Yo, nice one!" The man yelled, seemingly unfazed by the attack, picking up the body and draping it over his shoulder.
"Wyvern wings." He said casually. "You able to get em up there?"
"Nope." Cassandra said.
"Yeah, checks out. Pretty sure we only started eating them after you took off and they were deemed too tough beforehand. But boil the wings at the right temperature with some mint sauce and lake salt. That's just a good meal, I don't know what people were thinking back then!"
"I'll let them know we got something." The girl said, taking out a phone to text with.
"Oh hey, you guys have phone service down here." Julian noticed.
"It's limited, but it works." The guy shrugged.
After what felt like an eternity of trapsing through a muddy path, the city lay before them. It seemed like once abandoned buildings first reclaimed by nature, then the remaining humans made their attempt to reclaim it back, with both parties agreeing on a middle ground. Some of the vines gathered to connect to the nearby trees, but those had nets attached, probably to avoid more wyvern attacks. The group walked past the two guards in front of the cities main gate, dressed in leather and guns, as they stepped past and nodded at everyone who passed them.
"Miss Ngozi, Mr. Kwadwo." The left guard said calmly.
"Sup." The man, presumably Kwadwo, said back with a friendly wave.
Inside the city was people going about their day. In the centre was an unused fountain, with a girl sitting by it playing a worn down violin. A man sat next to her eating a sandwich, passing discreet glances at the girl. Children ran through the street and stole food left in shop windows, getting away before any owners could catch them. Overall, people of all races and ages seemed to be relaxing and soaking in the day. But Roxanne noticed that everyone was wearing a necklace. The violinist had a green gem while the man eating had a blue one.
"And, welcome to trampstown." Kwadwo said calmly. "First off, mind if I take you to the hospital? Just a check up for most of you."
"Most of us?" Xander asked.
"Yeah, I'm assuming that you had an arm a few hours ago." He said, wincing at the stump. "So you'll probably need a blood transfusion. Don't worry, we'll find a donor before more damage can be caused."
"So I can leave them with you?" Ngozi asked.
"Yeah, I got it. Gotta clock back in, anyway."
The six made their way through the city, with a couple people taking a glance at Roxanne, staring at her necklace. And when Roxanne noticed, nobody was wearing a purple gem.
"Hey, is something up with purple gems?" Roxanne asked.
"Eh, probably. I think they had a meaning in the olden days, but I slept through that history class."
"So the gems have meanings?"
"Oh, totally. I have a white one, which means I work in the medical field. Green means you're an artist, red means you're a scout. It's just convenient to know where someone stands, you know?"
"Eh, guess that makes sense." Julian nodded. He looked over to see Xander, looking ready to fire back at this system, but in the end he stayed silent. Maybe the Legion used something similar and they were all idiots, he'd have to think about it later.
The hospital's interior looked like one in the skies, but with slightly worse lighting. The four were all placed in a series of empty beds. Kwadwo took swabs from all of them, to see if they were related to anyone here. They all sat in an awkward silence. They tried finding something to talk about, but every time somebody tried, it would stop fairly quickly.
After what felt like an eternity, a nurse walked into the room.
"Excuse me, Cassandra? There's someone waiting to see you."
A pale woman in a white shirt and trousers came in after her. Her hair was a rosy blonde, and her eyes a deep ocean blue. And before Cassandra could think, she knew. She stuttered to get the words out, her mouth being filled with as many useless words as her eyes were filling with tears. But eventually, she managed to let one slip out.
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ultimateissuessimp · 3 months
Treacherous waters
One shot
Word count: 735
Warnings: Dangerous boat driving? Y/N is basically Captain Jack Sparrow
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Who would've thought? A man who loves to sail, calling himself an old timed pirate and a baron. Sounds ridiculous, but that's the truth, especially when they sail together on the open waters, visiting various countries, stargazing while laying on the deck, fighting with the wind that pushed them in all the wrong directions like now.
-Love, if you could, please, pull that rope on the right, near the stairs it would be really amazing! - Y/N shouted over the sound of waves crushing into the ship, instructing Zemo what to do so they could get out of their current situation.
-I'm really trying, Schatz! Not my fault the gravity is pulling me in whichever direction it fucking wants! - Zemo shouted back, holding onto the rope and planting his feet into the deck, pulling hard on the said rope to direct the sail. He only got a loud laugh in response to which he rolled his eyes, but a shadow of a smile started to appear.
-Looks like we're heading straight into the storm! Are you done with the rope?! If so, get your ass over here and hold onto me, it will only be a wild ride from now on! - Y/N yelled out, ushering his boyfriend to himself so he knew where he was while they try to survive the damn storm.
He saw Zemo tie the rope back onto its hook and nearly stumble on the stairs, holding onto the railing for dear life while climbing up and quickly getting to him. He felt his arms wrap around him from the back and his head rest against his shoulder. He grinned before letting out a cheer of excitement as they reached the storm that pushed the waters into many directions, buckets upon buckets of water getting onto the ship, wetting both of them while doing so. He felt his boyfriend shiver slightly from the cold which made him turn his head to the side and kiss his temple, a silent promise of getting them out of it soon enough.
-Did you have to sail right into the fucking storm, Y/N?! Where even are we?! - Zemo shouted over the loudness of the water tumbling into the boat like cannon balls shot from an enemy ships.
-You're at the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters! - Y/N responded with a laugh, the booming of the storm as a background noise to his statement.
-Stop quoting fucking Pirates of the Caribbean! - the baron said loudly, careful not to scream right into Y/N's ear, annoyed with the man's humour in such situations.
-Oh come on! Cheer up, lovie! It's not that bad, believe me! This ship has been through worse! - Y/N replied, overly proud at the memories when he sailed alone at that time, going through craziest of weathers.
They've sailed pass the storm, leaving it behind. The only reminder of it being the dark clouds and sound of thunder in the back. The waters they came into being calmer than the ones they've just left but none the less treacherous, neither of their guard coming down quite yet. When they've got far enough that hints of sun started to come through the clouds, only then did they had let out a sigh of relief. Zemo let go of Y/N, but still stayed close enough to him.
-See? Everything is fine now! - Y/N said with a chuckle, a massive cheeky grin on his face as he turned to Helmut.
-For now. Remind me not to sail with you again when there's a massive storm that you know of, okay? - Zemo asked Y/N, looking out into the ocean, noticing a blob on the horizon that could only be described as land that they're getting near to and he was never more thankful than at that moment to see it.
-Oh come on! It wasn't that bad! Now go and bring a bottle of rum, please! - Y/N requested, sending a wink the baron's way and a little kiss.
-We're out of rum, remember? - Zemo said, putting his hands on his hips and tilting his head to the side in the iconic way he always does.
-Why is the rum always gone? - Y/N asked, more himself than his boyfriend, resigned and shook his head as he steered the ship to the port. The storm far forgotten behind them.
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arvensimp · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the up coming dlc? I personally am kinda bummed out they only announced the Scar/Vio one, i was hoping for one for pla too ://
On the bright side im excited to see kalos again
I hope this doesn't sound too streak of conscious-y lol
Not to be too Old Woman yells at cloud but I've literally been playing Pokemon for 23-ish years now? I'm still not entirely sold on a Pokemon game needing DLC, much less DLC that costs $35 when the base game cost $60 and tax. THAT SAID I already bought it anyway lol and I'm still super excited to spend more time with my character. I have her decked out in her new clothes already.
I think there's been some confusion on what the DLC is too, so let me recap my understanding of it really quickly.
This fall, pt 1 The Teal Mask will be released. This has like old school Japanese festival vibes.
This winter, pt 2 The Indigo Disc will be released. This takes place at Blueberry Academy.
Both will be playable on scarlet and violet (I saw some folks saying they were game locked?)
I'm super excited to have my baby espurr back, since espurr has been one of my favorites for years.
I'm a little disappointed that we're not obviously going to Kalos, but at the same time I'm glad that we're not PAYING to go to back to a place that they already showed us years ago.
I also saw folks who were disappointed that the wait for the dlc is so long? But idk I'm happy to wait for a good product (so long as it's good!!!). I really don't mind waiting for good content, especially when so much stuff lately has been rushed and not as good, yknow? Especially when rushed content comes at the cost of the well being of employees too
AS FOR CONTENT AND STORY AND STUFF. idk all I really care about is more arven, outfits, and an explanation for paradox Pokemon being in area zero before the time machine's existence.
Like 1. Don't let arven stay trapped in his room all day. Let him come outside with me and have adventures again.
2. I hate the school uniform so much. Let me wear something else please I beg you.
3. I don't generally put much faith in the pokemon company to tell a good story but they KNOW they've left us hanging with the paradox Pokemon mystery. I mean Arven literally says it for himself how strange it is that the scarlet/violet book talks about paradox Pokemon in area zero in a time before the time machine could have ever existed. What does that mean???
Personally I'm interested in the theory that the disc Pokemon or hexagon Pokemon or whatever alters reality based on the desires of those near to it and that terastalization is just a manifestation of a Pokemon to be another type/stronger. The paradox Pokemon are the desires of the professors and the original research team. The time machine and the AI are the same thing as well. With the AI in particular I feel that way because the professor's journal literally says something to the effect of "that man/woman walked out not long after the boy was born. There's so much to do, and I need more help, but how long would it take to train someone else? Would they even understand? If only there were two of me."
Then the next entry is them talking about what is presumably the AI.
Like I don't think the professor who just became a parent and is drowning in research and work and stuff would put EVERYTHING DOWN to work on all new technology that hadn't been invented yet.
So with ALL THAT I'm really hoping that we get more information on what the FUCK is going on with area zero and that Arven can be a part of it.
I also saw a theory that maybe the other professor is involved with blueberry academy??? That'd be nice.
Also some of the folks at blueberry seem to have that cooking motif going on so I don't want my man being left out on the fun
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marcelwrites · 10 months
The constant quest for virality is a sickness. Men attacking children in restaurants for likes, sister viciously chiding sister, and children targeting the elderly because it's funny and generates views. A ceaseless attack on an already fractured social makeup, we've jerry-rigged and duct-taped everything up until it's a frayed, bloated Frankenstein's Monster of Western civilisation. That feeling of connection we collectively felt a decade ago is no more, connection replaced with division and disorder. I know this because I've suffered from the same occasional delusions of grandeur after I've sown something and reaped massive attention and praise. Were we truly made to have millions of eyes on us at any given moment and allowed to soak in that lust for attention to our bone? Does anyone still yearn for the quiet and calm of anonymity? I wonder if this is our generation's attempt at legacy, no longer finding enough in simple childrearing or parenthood, we hunger for something both more and much less. Rich in bank balances and financial assets but with spiritual coffers that have been scraping the bottom for years. How much do we give away, and of how much we've given away, is it even possible to claw any of it back? I don't yet know the answers to these things but if I come across as an old man yelling at the clouds, just know that my issue isn't with youth or technology, but with the poisonous mindset of always reaching for when when we're already sick with overfeeding.
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squadron-goals · 1 year
Officer Candidate and Relocation
Commanded to the Officer Candidate Course due to various circumstances.
Let's do a little review today. On garrison duty and behind the front, after barely 7 weeks, as strange as it sounds, I long for the trenches, but especially for a bit of danger. Our people have now gone through the famous storm, almost a third of my company has been lost. We lead a strange life here. Today, for example, the captain came to the guard post completely drunk and screamed for help. When the guard came out and didn't know what to do, he sentenced them to three days in the hole. Then it occurred to him to order a fire alarm. Everything ran to the alarm square and was yelled at with asshole and other nice titles of honour. The guard and a medical sergeant were sentenced to 3 days in the hole and had to be taken away immediately. An old hose had to be continually sprayed against a wall and a water carrier was suspected of having pissed. The officers who had just been drinking with him simply didn't come, which set off a terrible ruckus. Then the captain made a thunderous speech about the wickedness of the population and told us that he wanted to sentence them to 300 marks. In addition, there is often a big general booze-up, where each department drinks a barrel for itself. Then the whole nest is drunk. The other day, a few knights, including myself, drank from a barrel or its remains. Then the captain and some officers showed up and a colossal mess broke out, the likes of which no Hamburg pub has ever seen. In the end, everything staggered around the village arm in arm. There is also a beauty in the village, a woman whose husband is at war, Madame Octavi, and the only one of the female population worthy of the name. In front of her gate and in the house, half the crew met until the captain appeared as the local commander and sent all the subordinates packing. I think that's one of the reasons why he was so angry today about the insolence of the inhabitants, especially the women.
Back at the regiment in Bazancourt since yesterday. Priepke is still alive, but they had experienced terrible things. Exercised again today after marching 33 km yesterday. We saw a very interesting attack from the Flak, at least 50 clouds hovered around the plane, but it escaped.
Yesterday evening we were loaded and sent to Herne in Flanders. When we were on the train, we did not yet know what and where to. We left the rifles in Bazancourt. The almost Dutch cleanliness touched me in a tremendously pleasant way after having seen only French dirt for so long. That day was fabulous. Brinckmann, Kohl, Priepke and I drank in the Estaminets, the church is very beautiful. Maybe we'll make a breakthrough from here? Everything is a mystery. With Priepke I went for a nice walk. Besides, I spoke a lot of French. We sleep here in a makeshift old room on straw. I got to know a Monsieur van Hauten and had dinner with him once.
After we got replacements, we drove approximately to the right wing after a march of 20 km. Near Arras we suddenly turned around and drove through the day and night to Tronville between Metz and Verdun. We probably wanted to deceive the spies since we were traveling in a large group. We're probably lying here to possibly attack.
I spoke to a French couple. They told me that after the declaration of war, the French villages in the area were fired upon by the Metz forts. The first troops moved in on August 8th and since then there have always been soldiers in the village. The old man had already lived in this village in 1870, but he said it had been 10 times less bad.
We went on a practice walk to see the other monuments. In the evening, I was lying on the straw next to Honig and talking about life and love, when there was loud banging at the gate and Sergeant Krämer shouted: "Alarm, get everything ready!" First, as always, there was a lot of silence, then: "My helmet! Where is my lunch bag? My cartridges are stolen! I can't get my boots on." We came back to Chamblay train station, where we were unloaded. A Landsturm man tells me that we are heading in a direction where trains usually only run at night. At 3:30 we were unloaded and marched very mysteriously without lights to a mountain nest, where we arrived at dawn. As I learned, the village down in the valley was Pagny-sur-Moselle, where I crossed the border in my blue uniform [Jünger refers here to his return from the French Foreign Legion in 1913]. The mountain nest is called Prény.
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 2 years
In the city
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(This is a story if your wondering)
It was a sunny day, the two guys are still in there kaiju forms and they started to get used to it, toughie also have to make sure if those humans didn't find him and softie as them as kaijus.
Dragon toughie's pov:
"Hmm no sign of humans yet" I said while I sigh in relieve, thankfully they didn't see us. Besides if they do, they should be scared or us or they'll call someone to take us down. And I don't want my baby blue to get injured by those humans. It was hard to hide from others too since I ate his parents. Still i have to be careful too while I did that in the first place.
Then I heard someone coming. And it was.. Humans?! How did they found us? And they got guns too.. I shook softie to wake him up. He's still tired but he's up. Probably. Anyways he got up and saw them too we got up and started to run away from them. The humans starts to chase us and they won't stop until they'll get us.
I grabbed softie and flew in the sky with the clouds. The clouds are easy for us to hide from the humans. After we flew for a few minutes my wings felt tired, that's not good..
We slowly falling because of my tired wings, I know softie didn't know how to fly yet so that's a bust.
"PICO, LOOK OUT!" softie yell as I saw we're about to hit at the large building. I turned around so it'll hit my back instead. We crashed and then landed on some kind of a road. And I was dizzy after that crash. Lucky that broke our fall.
Kaiju Sofite/painty's pov:
I got up and rubbed my head. Man that fall was a pain. I looked around and I see that there's building, some vehicles, and humans. Wait. Are we in the city? Oh no..
I backed up scared but then my tail hit a small building and it fell down, the humans saw me did that and they're screaming in fear and running away. I was terrified about it, They're afraid of us...
Toughie got up and shakes his head to get the head of the game but accident picked up the building like it's a toy. Toughie looks around knowing that we're in the city and they're afraid of those two kaijus. They think they're destruction monsters, and worse, they can eat them with that size.
Kaiju softie/painty's pov:
Tried to move out of they way while trying to get out of here with toughie, I don't how to fly yet. But toughie's wings are warned out too. We have no choice but to walk our way out. To them the ground shakes massively because of our feet. I know it's hard when we might accidentally step on something.
Then the government came and tried to take us down, it's like the old kaiju movies and we're in it, except we're the kaijus..
Dragon toughie's pov:
The government tried to shoot us I pick up BF (Benjamin fairest) and starting to run fastest I can it's a worst idea when I just keep on stomping those cars and almost stepped on the humans. But hey we need get away from them.
We went in the safe ally to hide, luckily it's wide for me and softie to hide in. The government went past us and Can't find us as well.
Kaiju softie/painty:
I coward in fear as I cover my face with my paws and my tail, i'm pretty scared about this that we almost hurt the humans. Pico tried to calm me down and that maybe we can get out of here soon. Then my bunny eats went up, I heard someone coming this way. I opened my eyes and saw a human kid was lost and scared. I came out to the kid and gently pat him gently.
The kid calmed down a bit and saw us which scared him quite bit. But I told him that we're friendly with a soft growling. Because there's some chance that they can't hear us speaking.
The kid calmed down and wanted to know how do we get here. Toughie explained why we're here, he know can understand us, thank goodness the kid can hear us.
When the two kaijus told us what they're originally are and how did they turned into kaijus. The kid was surprised about that happened. The kid explained why he's here. He said that the kids named is bandit shiver, his parents abandon him a long time ago and have no place to live in, then the kaiju attack happened with is them two and decided to keep hidden from them until he heard painty's whimpering.
Dragon toughie's pov:
Me and Benjamin was very guilty about him and heard what happened to him. Softie thinks what we should keep him. I don't know if it's a good idea. But he doesn't have a home for how long he's been hiding. So. I have to agreed that we can keep him. We also have to take care of him as well.
Softie smiles at me and then gently picks bandit up, and then outs him on his beanie with his bunny ears. He hold onto the ears and I got up with softie. Then I found a secret passage to get out of here. We went there and then finally we're out of the city.
Bandit's pov:
We went out of this cruel city, and we then find a cave to rest in they said that they lived here. We went inside, far away from the city, then I jumped down to the bunny kaiju's paws it was very soft. I yawed a bit, I kinda felt a bit sleepy. The dragon kaiju saw me that i was tired, he told us to follow him. The bunny kaiju followed the dragon kaiju. Then I saw a giant fluffy bed with some giant pillows. I was very surprised about it that they made the giant bed with some giant pillows.
Kaiju softie/painty's pov:
I saw a kid named bandit liked the bedroom we made. I put him down on the large bed. Bandit was very comfortable with the pillows. Maybe soon we can make a bed just for him. But it's getting late very quickly toughie and I went to bed and gently put bandit on the pillow so he doesn't get squish by us. Toughie pets bandit by the head. And then bandit fell asleep first and then toughie fell asleep too.
I smiled at them and nuzzles toughie and then nuzzled bandit a bit as well. Then I fell asleep as well. At least we got a human that trusted us and never tried to kill us. Maybe that.... We can protect him as well..
The end
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cheeriofluff · 2 years
OMORI FANFIC: Backyard Shenanigans.
First fanfiction lets go!! Its a silly cute one for now so sit back, relax make some Coffee/Tea and enjoy! also it's my first one so it may be sloppy lol.
It's mainly just wholesome fun so nothing too serious.
Also sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes
It's been quite the boring day for everyone, with the power out and with it being cloudy out basil has no idea what to do with his friends.
"Sorry you came all this way just to sit down and not do anything sunny..." Basil says frowning, he was hoping sunny would have a good time with them, especially since it takes a while for him to get there when visiting
"Its cool." He simply replied with a straight face as Aubrey groans
Kel laughs like an idiot "Ooohhh Aubrey said a baad woorrddd" he says teasingly
"You're on the list" She replies smirking at kel.
Kel sweating Intensely says "Basil what does she mean??? What list??? BASIL"
Basil stays silent and awkwardly chuckles "uhhh...i don't know actually...maybe she means list of friendship!" he replies
"Oh phew, ok good." Kel replied
"OH i just remembered something we used to do when we were younger you guys! Come follow me!" Basil runs out to his backyard. Shrugging Aubrey decides there's nothing else she can do and follows basil to the backyard.
"Basil? What is out here that you Wanted us to follow you so badly for?"
"Aubrey....we're at war with the sky" basil says as he holds up a nerf gun
"!!" Aubrey Got hit with a wave of nostalgia remembering some fun Roleplays she had with basil sunny and kel whenever it gets rainy.
"Heh...The sky ain't gonna win and you know it, For i, General Aubrey Will Destroy the evil cloud monsters AND END THIS WAR" Aubrey says Holding a squirt gun she found on the ground.
"Hehehe, ahhh like old times right Aubrey?" Basil says smiling at her as he points the toy gun to the sky "hehe Do your worst cloud people!"
Just then, the unthinkable just happened.
A rain drop landed on basil's shoulder, Basil dropped his gun and clenched his shoulder in "Pain"
"AAAAUUGHHH i've been hit!! NOOOOOO" basil says on the ground like a lump
"BASIL?!? YOU BASTARDS, THAT WAS SO UNFAIR, WAIT UNTIL I-" *raindrop lands on Aubrey's Arm*
She falls to the ground
More rain comes softly sprinkling down, sometimes hitting their legs, sometimes their backs.
"Aubrey....im not gonna make it.....uugghhh....go on...with out me aaauuughh" Basil says in a overdramatic tone
"IM NOT LEAVING YOU MAN, YOU'RE NOT DYIN ON MY WATCH BASIL." Aubrey says Furiously shaking basil as he goes "EHWAHEAHQA" Every shake she gives him.
"SUNNY KEL, WE NEED BACKUP QUICK!" Aubrey yells at them, still relaxing in the house.
"I'll get the wagon." Sunny says calmly
"KSHHH This is kel to Aubrey, Kel to Aubrey do you read me over? KSHHH" Kel says Imitating a Walkie talkie.
"KSHHH no can do, you didn't say over. Over KSHHH" Kel says smugly looking at Aubrey
"KSHHH YOU ARE ON THE 2ND LIST OVER KSHHH" She yells over at kel.
"Aubrey....i see the light..." basil says doing dramatic Gasping
"DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT PLEASE, THERE'S NO CHUCK E CHEESE IN HELL" Aubrey says still shaking him furiously.
"I am going to throw up if you keep shaking me and i'll die twice." Basil says half jokingly
Just then, The fence door just got kicked open Looks like back up has arrived!
*Sunny slowly and calmly walks towards the two with a wagon*
"Sup." Sunny says with a straight face.
"Ooohhhh woe is meeee" basil says doing dramatic death poses looking like an absolute fool.
"Ok." He says as he grabs basil's arms, Aubrey grabs basil's legs and they both lift him up and throw him on the wagon
"OW GUYS, PLEASE" He yells in pain, he then adds "i hit my funny bone :("
"Oh grow up you big baby." Aubrey says smiling and messing with his hair
Just then, an unexpected Plot twist Happened. Kel squirts Aubrey with a Water gun
Kel yells as he is seen wearing floaties with a cloud pattern on them.
"Oh boy..." sunny says covering his face trying not to laugh
"That's it...You messed with the WRONG AUBREY YOU JERK!" Aubrey walks towards him Cracking her knuckles
Kel replies with a simple "HA, YOU WISH. YOU CAN'T EVEN HANDLE MY TRUE POWER"
While the two are bickering over who is stronger Sunny looks over at basil and says "Is your funny bone ok baby man?" Teasing him.
Basil blushes and replies with "D-Don't call me baby man..." pouting at him.
Just then, hero opens the door
"What the hell are you dorks doing out in the rain yelling like Psychopaths???" He says giggling to himself
Silence fills the area, everyone is staring at hero and after about 5 seconds Aubrey replies with a simple Shrug saying "i dunno."
Hero laughs At this and says "oh you nerds, come on inside. It's too cold for you out, plus i made some hot cocoa for everyone"
Instantly kel runs in yelling "GIVE ME THE MOST WHIP CREAM"
Everyone then excitedly gets up and walks inside to enjoy their cocoa and the rest of the evening.
Maybe today wasn't so boring after all.
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talltoontales · 8 months
ToonMan #2: Delusions of Dust
[Story 06 || Week 03]
Written: 01/14/2024
Prompt: You have a superpower to manipulate dust.
Prompt By: u/Sany_Wave (Reddit)
(Heads up: A bit of a read)
I remember the day I met him. It was just another day on the job. Stopped some two-bit crooks, got chased by the ole A.I.D. task force, had a hotdog. Like I said, it was just another day of the week. Then I got the call...
The Pannel City Police Department surrounds the city hall. A massive crowd of civilians are held back by border tape and street cops. A bear of a man and a lanky woman, both well dressed, part through the crowd, their police badges like a hot knife through butter. On the other side of the border, the two are immediately met by a rugged older man wearing a bulletproof vest.
"Captain Kreg, Name's Jacobs," says the woman, "this is my partner, Wilhelm."
"Agent Wilhelm," Wilhelm corrects. Jacobs slaps him on the chest. The two exchange a quick glare. "We're from the- "
"Yeah, we know about A.I.D.," said Kreg, "figured your not-so-secret task force could give us a hand." The trio walks deeper into the chaos. Police officers, detectives, tech guys, all running around from one tent to the next, trying to figure out the situation. "About an hour ago, a man by the name of Piantog "Penn" Mitpen took the entire building hostage. The guy used to be a paper jockey for the old regime until he got fired for "inappropriate workplace behavior."
"Fancy way of saying whistleblowing," Jacobs chimes in.
"Hey, I just say what's on the report," says Kreg. "Anyway, those lucky enough to get out heard him ranting about how he'll "never be looked down on again," as well as some choice words about our former mayor."
"How does this involve A.I.D.," Wilhelm asks.
"Some witnesses claimed that Penn had a cloud of dust following him," Kreg answers. "I didn't put too much stock into it until a couple of guards came flying out the windows- "
"Let me guess," Jacobs says, "covered in dust?" Kreg nods in agreement. Jacobs turns to talk to Wilhelm. "So, what's the play?" Wilhelm removes his coat, revealing a harness holstering a futuristic gun.
"Description's too broad," says Wilhelm, "even set to a wide spectrum, the best our weapons can do is stun him if even that. Our best course of action is to mitigate tension until backup arrives. Let's push the perimeter back, as well as those news copters, and get an ETA on a negotiator. Maybe- "
"Look!" yells a random civilian. Everyone looks to the sky to see the Black and White hero, ToonMan, leaping overhead, his cape/jacket fluttering in the wind. He stretches his arm out, wrapping it around the tail of a passing news helicopter, and swings over the crowd and police. ToonMan lets go of the helicopter, aiming for the roof of city hall, but mistimed...everything.
"Oh boy," says ToonMan as he rockets through a second-story window. The crowd gasps as a wave of silence follows. A paper-white thumbs-up pops into the window frame. "I'm a-ok! Be back with the baddie in a minute." Once the stun of ToonMan's stupidity wears off, Wilhelm grabs the nearest radio he can find.
"This is Agent Wilhelm of the Augmented Individual Detainment Task Force," yells Wilhelm, "If you are not evacuating civilians, you are prepping to raid the city hall on my mark! We breach in five!"
I was an idiot. It was all still a game to me then. I'd drop in, do some stupid bit, or say a dumb one-liner, beat the bad guy, and save the day. If I was a REAL hero, if...if I knew then what I know now, maybe...maybe...
In a large conference area, Rebecca Ward, Mayor of Pannel City, sits on the floor with her back up straight and her face held high. With several of her staff cowering behind her, she shows no fear nor panic as she stares down Mitpen. The five-foot man paces in front of the mayor, dressed in a slightly oversized beige suit, dirty blonde hair slicked back, and a cloud of grey dust wrapped around his shoulders like a boa.
"You know Rebecca, I always liked you," says Penn. Rebecca Reels back in disgust. "Oh please, as if I would settle for such an underachiever, but back to my point. You always had a way of getting what you wanted out of that old crone. If the rumors were to be believed, you only got as high as you did due to some- " Penn leans close to Rebecca's face. " - backdoor dealings."
Without missing a beat, Rebecca slaps Penn. Without moving, Penn's dust cloud envelops Rebecca's face, suffocating her. "Heh, but like always, I knew better. Rebecca drops to the floor as she struggles to breathe. Some of the staff behind her motion forward, but a large dusk cloud ring surrounds them, prompting them to sit back down. "I saw your potential. I saw how hard you fought just to be in the same room as all those other airheads! I thought, under my wing, you had the potential to be my right hand."
"And then you threw it all away, ratted me out, and ruined your chance to witness true greatness!" Rebecca starts to pass out. "Oh no, you don't!" With a flick of his fingers, Penn pulls the dust cloud from Rebecca and back around his shoulders. "You never took the easy way out before. Why start now?" Rebecca coughs up what dust remains in her lungs, hearing the faint sound of something shattering.
"You're nothing more than *cough* *cough* a delusional maniac!" Rebecca yells. "Your "blackmail" was nothing more than a conspiracy theory!"
"Not theory, fact!" says Penn. "You all feared my genius! Feared that when I took office, you ants would lose what little crumbs you had! That mailroom was my jail, and you were all my wardens!"
"I didn't even know you existed until you followed me into the women's bathroom," says Rebecca. Some of the staff groan quietly in disgust. "And started shoving documents in my face! You got yourself fired, and the only reason I didn't sue your ass is because I wanted nothing to do with you!" Penn straightens his oversized suit coat as he looks down in disappointment.
"hmph, then I guess I was wrong," says Penn, "I really thought you had what it took, but if you're not ready and willing to finish off your enemies the first chance you get..." A large wave of dusk towers over Penn, casting a shadow over Rebecca and her staff. "Then you're nothing more than dust under my boot."
*Knock* *Knock*
Everyone turns to look at the door. "Ah, the negotiator, perfect timing! I'm ready to announce my terms for your complete surrender."
"Sorry dude, just a Goober driver," says the chill delivery man, "got a special order for a Mr. Duck?" Rebecca and her staff stare in confusion.
"A last meal, how fitting for the deposition of a tyrant," says Penn, "by all means, come in!"
"Again, sorry, dude," says the delivery driver, "special orders come with special instructions. *Ahem* What did the five fingers say to the face?" Rebecca's eyes widened in realization.
"Excuse- " Suddenly, a fist slams through the doors at high speed, punching Penn square in the face and launching him backward.
"Get down!" yells Rebecca as she and her staff crouch, letting Penn fly overhead and crash into some chairs. ToonMan saunters into the conference room.
"Bon appetite, ya jerk!" says TooMan. Everyone cheers as they race out of the room. Rebecca trails behind.
"Go easy on him," says Rebecca, "He's not evil, just crazy."
"He'd have to be if he's trying to hold the mayor hostage while ToonMan's in town," says ToonMan. "Don't worry, Boss, I got this." As ToonMan walks toward Penn, Rebecca reluctantly joins her staff in escaping.
Just before ToonMan could get close to Penn, a tornado of dust surrounded him, only allowing the hero to watch as Penn picked himself up.
“I’ll forgive you this one time, seeing as you might be unfamiliar with me, creature,” says Penn.
“Well, I hope you’re in a forgiving mood,” says ToonMan, “because there’s a lot more where that came from.”
“I doubt it,” says Penn, “You see, once I kill you, no one will stop me from taking what’s mine!”
“You know being mayor isn’t all ribbon cuttings and parades, right?” asks ToonMan. “I mean, more power to ya, shoot for the stars, but I’m pretty sure padded cells have more cushion than some of these chairs.”
“Oh, I agree,” says Penn as he starts circling ToonMan from the other side of the dust tornado. “My greatness cannot be limited to this pitiful excuse for a metropolis. The world will know who I am and learn to fear the mighty Sandzar!” ToonMan struggles to stifle his laughter.
“Man, you really just picked the first thing that came to your head, huh?” says ToonMan. “I mean, nothing screams, “Original OC, Don’t Steal,” more than looking up synonyms and mashing two together into something that sounds cool.” A vein swells on Penn’s forehead. “Might as well call yourself Dust Might.”
“Enjoy your final breaths, abomination!” yells Penn. “For what remains of your corpse will lay the foundation for my new empire!” The dust collapses in on top of ToonMan as Penn laughs maniacally.
“Soooo, is something supposed to happen or..?” asks ToonMan. Penn looks at ToonMan, stunned.
“Impossible!” yells Penn, “How are you still breathing?!”
“I mean, I’m not,” says ToonMan, “or at least I don’t have to. Breathing, eating, sleeping, they’re all kinda optional for me.” Penn goes from stunned to flabbergasted. “Wait, was that it? That’s your whole deal? Bad fashion and breathing problems?
“Shut up!” yells Penn, “I will not be belittled by blundering black and white buffoon.”
“Aww, you illiterate when you’re annoyed,” says ToonMan, “bet that makes ya feel real smart, huh, Dust Might?” Penn screams as he pulls the dust away from ToonMan into multiple clouds. The clouds then transform into spear-like objects.
“Let’s see how well you joke while full of holes!” yells Penn. The dust spears fly at ToonMan, scattering on contact.
“Wow, I felt absolutely nothing,” says ToonMan. Drool streams down Penn’s face as he bares his teeth at ToonMan while breathing heavily. “And I know I say that a lot for exaggeration while getting shot at, but I mean, literally, did not feel a thing.” With a skin-peeling shriek, Penn pulls all the dust around him onto his fist, forming a solid spiked gauntlet. Penn charges at ToonMan, punching him square in the chest to the sound of every bone in his hand and wrist breaking at once.
Penn drops to his knees, with nothing left but a pitiful squeak as he holds his limp hand. “Holy craft. That’s it, that’s all you can do isn’t it? Control dust. Not enhance it, not transform into it, not even *Stammering in disbelief* I dunno if there’s anything else you can do with dust, but if there is, you can’t do it! You only got here on intimidation and blinding amounts of self-confidence. I feel like that’s a better superpower than dust manipulation if I’m being honest.
ToonMan runs his hand across the top of his head when he hears the Police kick in the front doors. Look,” ToonMan continues, “normally I do this bit where the police try to catch me, and I use you as a distraction to escape, but I’m pretty sure your ego’s more shattered than your hand right now.” ToonMan launches his hand upward, opening a skylight. “So, I’m just gonna…best of luck to ya, Dust Might.”
And that was that. A.I.D. found Penn and had him sent to their secret prison after a speedy trial. Security footage was leaked showing Mayor Ward’s bravery in the face of danger, which helped her re-election campaign. The leak also forever branded Piantog "Penn" Mitpen as the Delusional Dust Might. He didn’t take that well. We all laughed at him for so long that we never noticed how dangerous he was becoming, nor how powerful. By the time any of us realized it was too late, I couldn’t stop Penn, and now none of us are safe.
{<-Last Week || Next Week->}
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Next ToonMan Adventure->
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macabr00blog · 8 months
(da una vecchia traduzione del mio primo manoscritto, frammenti)
(…) For a few days, Sebastiano and I built an untouchable universe, atop a land of clothes and red orange juice. I remember myself wearing his mother's miniskirt. Him in his jeans. The two of us on the couch after longing for each other for hours, and the sweetness that was there, warm like a sunbeam. I remember the music, Cherry Blossom Girl, that Sebastiano knew by heart and sang to me. I remember dancing on the bed, with half-closed eyes, imagining swans on the sheets, Prèvert's words impressed on the walls, on the pillows, and then the naturalness of kisses. Watching the King Kong movie, imagining ourselves with him on the Empire State Building. We squeezed between his paws and instead of planes, the stars. Smoking cigarettes talking about impossible trips, about an apartment to live together. Maybe tiny, but far from things, far from everyone, far from the world, suspended among the clouds. We fantasized among kisses, sitting on the windowsill with our legs dangling in the void.
(…) We travel to a service area to refuel. There's no one there, just the desert, only a lamppost light accompanying our eyes. We set off again, after not saying anything. I remember patches of time, Sebastiano handing me a joint and me smoking it, ashes falling onto the floorboards. I remember loud music, the Muse. "Love is our resistance. They'll keep us apart, and they won't stop breaking us down." I remember Sebastiano yelling to open the window. I remember my hair tousled by sweaty hands, me drawing a fluorescent star on my shoes with a Uni Posca pen.
(…) Who are we? Kids inside a flying house, you're a man, I'm still a little one, but who knows, when it falls, maybe it will be evil that dies. After all, we don't even know why we're doing what we're doing, do we? Or do we? There's a hurricane everywhere. We can't see anything. But what do we win if we stop, you and me? Do we stop kissing, stop smoking, stop running away? A return to the days before, a one-way ticket, a hotel room? Was it beautiful when Nicòlas collapsed on a bench? Sebastiano cutting his arms? Were families beautiful? The two of us are forty-seven years old, all cut up. So it's better to stay here, take the run-up, spreading our wings. In such a sweet way, so sweet. You're Milan, smells like honey. The concrete like the mirror of my room. We reflected like animals up there, wounded and untouchable.
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maguro13-2 · 9 months
Darkness Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Pt.15
Wufei : There's no end to these guys is there? They'll just split into groups!
Heero : Hey, guys. Do you feel something that is shining from the sky?
Duo : I feel something that something's glowing inside of me. Hey, what's going on?
Darkside (Dr.Stein) : It can't be! That power!
(coming from the clouds, we show a heart-shaped moon appeared in the sky)
[Dearly Beloved (DDD ver.) - Yoko Shimomura]
Darkside (Dr.Stein) : That heart-shaped moon. The one that shot down Shaula Gorgon's doppelganger!
Duo : So this is Kingdom Hearts, the titular name of that moon.
Darkside (Dr.Stein) : Impossible! Who the hell called Kingdom Hearts?! No individual on the planet has summoned the moon to be here! Those Non- Square Enix Bastards!
Duo : What's happening?! Now I remember, the one that shot down Shaula Gorgon's Heartless, it was that moon that did it and not that Tsugumi person.
Darkside A : Oh no! Not that moon again!
Darkside B : I knew I should've sued Disney for this!
Darkside C : We're all gonna die!
Duo : This should finally put an end to the Heartless nuisance once and for all!
Darkside D : No! You fools! Someone hat set us up! The machines were a distraction!
Darkside B : I don't wanna die!
Darkside (Dr.Stein) : No! No! I don't want to...I didn't wanted to die like this!
Darkside : Kingdom Hearts! Noooooo!
Duo : Now the heartlesses will burn in hell with the light.
(the Darksides gets trapped into the light)
Dr.Stein : (screaming in horror) SPIRIT! MARIE! MAKA! HELP MEEEEEEEEEE!!!
*DBZ SFX : Shock*
Marie : That voice that sounded like... Stein?!
Marie : ....[yelling] DR. STEIIIIN!!!
(Raven is shown watching the Darksides obliterated by the light)
Raven : *beep* HQ. This is Raven here, I got something from the battlefield.
HQ operative : Correct, raven. Who was that person that was turned into a heartless.
Raven : Someone that is a mentor to Maka Albarn, that kid from Planet Jupiter. And I reported this to the world.
"DWMA teacher Franken Stein...is gone."
"later at the Iwakura-Maxwell residence..."
Duo : Hey, Lain, honey, I'm home and I brought my friends here to meet you. Lain? Yoo-hoo, Lain! I wonder if she's still here. Huh? Lain, are you home? It's me Duo. I just won the battlefield with the guys and I do believe that is no time to play hide and seek.
Alice : Oh you're finally here.
Duo : Hmm? Alice, Lain Iwakura's classmate and former cast member of the show? What are you doing here at the facility?
Alice : Looks like you and your friends have arrived, but you were too late, when this man with an eye patch abducted her while finishing up the data. Yoshitoshi Abe's protags were keeping an eye on the facility. And they told me that someone has breached into the facility. I believe it was a man named Xigbar and he works for that old man Xehanort.
Duo : What?!
(Phone ringing)
Alice : Ichise, could you get the phone for me?
Wufei : Ichise, Who's Ichise?
Alice : Ichise is one of Yoshitoshi Abe's protags who created by him and Drawcia Family, he lost his own arm and replaced it with technology, he is one of Lain's bodyguards and he works at the facility. He takes great care of Lain, It would be wisely to greet when you give him the phone.
Heero : Uhh, nice to meet you, man. I'm Heero Yuy and that's my friend, Duo. We're the Gundam Wing crew.
Ichise : Why hello, Friends of Duo Maxwell. I am Ichise, the observer of Lain and guardian of this here facility. And I believe you have a call from someone. It's for you.
[Phone beep]
Duo : Hello? Is this someone on the phone?
[Tension - TAI-HEY]
Lain (via phone) : (grunting) Duo! Help me!
Duo : Lain! Is that you?! What happened?!
Lain (via phone) : Oh, Duo! I've been kidnapped by a man with an eye patch and he works for an old man!
Duo : Man with an eye patch? Who could that be, Lain? Who kidnapped you!?
Lain (via phone) : It's Xigbar and he would like to have a word with you! I know something bad would happen like this and my life is in danger! Please.
Duo : Hold on, Lain, honey, stay right there and I would like to have a word with the man.
Lain (via) : Okay, darling. I would hand over the phone to someone to have a word with you.
Duo : Good. Hello?
Xigbar (via phone) : Congratulations, man. You finally defeated the darkside diversion. It turns out that the heartless you defeated was the teacher of that school, Dr.Stein. Not bad for a man who pilots a machine with a heart of gold.
Duo : Where is Lain? Where's my wife, what did you--
Xigbar (via phone) : Relax, Gundam nerd. Your girl is safe and is unharmed. You best be too if you will cooperate with the demands that I am giving you.
Duo : Alright. What are your demands?
Xigbar (via phone) : Alright, here's the deal. I got three demands and follow my steps. #1 : I'll give you the address and location, #2 : Bring the heart in an exchange for the hostage, and I'll settle this once. #3...
Duo : What's number 3...what's the third demand?
Xigbar (via phone) : You'll have a challenge with someone and I'll let your girl go.
Duo : And what happens if I don't beat the challenge with someone?
Xigbar (via phone) : You'll be out of the park for real. Do we have an agreement? So where's the heart?
Duo : I got it in this capsule and with that, I'll do the exchange and I will have that challenge. You got yourself a deal?
Xigbar (via phone) : It's a deal!
Duo : Good! Then I'll see you there! What's the address and location.
Xigbar (via phone) : You'll find out shortly. Ask your friends, they have something might be useful.
Duo : Okay then. [phone beeps] Ichise, can you find the address and location of Lain Iwakura. I wonder where did that man took my wife and what is he planning to do with her for the exchange of two hearts.
Ichise : Okay. I will look into location for Lain Iwakura's hostage.
Heero : I don't know, Duo. It could be a trap and we sure about that if we wanted to help someone to find out where Lain is and then we'll exchange the heart for the hostage.
Wufei : And you are sure that you wanted a challenge with somebody do you?
Trowa : Don't think that this will be your judgement if you ever to risk your life to save the love of your life. You saved Lain when you were fighting of against Necrodeus and you were saved when Lain resurrected you to combine data with the powers of Hearts and Souls. You saved her life and she saved yours, DWMA is no longer earth's protection, only robots can. Deathscythe will be the one that is saving this world, who tp blame for the cause of the outcome and who says that someone is responsible for the madness they thought.
Quatre : It's your call.
Duo Maxwell : They thought that would get away with everything by hiding the truth, breaking free of one's corruption, and then they will reclaim everything that they took the Deathscythe as a classification, it is a name for a machine, not a weapon.
Ichise : Maxwell. I have found the location of Lain being hostage, it's located at the core inside of a moon that has the shape of a face. I believe it's called the "Bernal Sphere".
Duo Maxwell : Exccellent work, Ichise. You found Lain's location and why would she hostage at the core of moon that has a cannon...wait a second that's no moon, that's a space station that has a shape of a face to the mad scientist himself. That's the Space Colony ARK!
Quatre : And I bet that someone is using the Space Colony's cannon that will destroy the DWMA! We gotta hurry now!
[IDOLA ~Have the Divine Blade - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Quatre : That's not good!
Trowa : What was that sound!
Wufei : It's coming from the Seabed Area!
Heero : We'll go take care of the sleeping giant, you gotta go find your wife, I mean your girl, Lain at the Space Colony Ark!
[cuts to Deathscythe blasting off to the Space Colony ARK]
Duo : Xigbar...If you even lay a finger on that girl, I will slaughter your own hands that are red with your blood. I won't let this happen to her. I gotta make sure that she will be okay!
"Rest assure, Maxwell. You'll be finding out the truth later than that."
"But it's easy for you that the spreading influence of Shinra..."
"Will soon disappear from the likes of a mere grunt like you..."
"After that, you are all gonna disappear forever!"
~ Ninety-Fourth Scene : The Perils of Lain Iwakura Pt.1 ~
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