#it's just.... SO deeply upsetting........ bc it's not even a responsibility. this is something that is so significant to me personally.
moe-broey · 4 months
You would not believe how badly history is repeating itself.
#at least i had half a mind to not continue the piece angry. but man. it is deeply upsetting.#a part of me really wants to catch up on feh too but like. i have 'if you're sick enough to stay home#you're too sick to play video games' syndrome. i wasn't even raised like that i do this to myself.#NO fun allowed. accomplish your task or flog yourself over it 10000 times.#whenever i wanna ref heikala's work i should take that as a Sign. that it's so over for me.#i had a coffee but i don't even know what to do now. i'm just going to seethe over it. forever.#like i cannot emphasize how badly i feel like i'm Not Allowed to do anything else.#i feel like there's no way i'm gonna make it. like. i've gotten a p good sense of how much time goes into a piece actually#esp from this experience. not something i've EVER done before. but i do sort of have a measure on it now#and can conceptualize a rough estimate. for like each phase of the piece.#if it were a simplier piece MAYBE. i'd make it. but there are a lot of factors here that are adding to time/effort needed#like i've gotten really good at coloring. but this one requires something slightly different. a new technique essentially#something i think i'd have to practice at least a few dif times to really feel confident in using on a Piece#and in all of this i have to do it x2. i thought i was cheating the way i did it but i think i just made more work for myself.#it's just.... SO deeply upsetting........ bc it's not even a responsibility. this is something that is so significant to me personally.#idk i think you should all throw tomatoes at me and boo me off stage. never let me do this again.
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
What if maybe stucky had a day off for the first time in awhile and they planned on spending it w/ reader. She was really looking forward to it. But maybe one of the caregivers asked them to watch their little for the day last minute bc they were called away on a mission. Stucky accidentally ignores reader all day and just really hurts her feelings. Maybe they spoil the other little let them pick the movie and lunch etc. How would they make it up to reader?
Hi M! First off, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH for being so patient. I'm so so sorry it has taken me so long to get to your amazing thoughts and questions. So let's dive in <3
What A Day
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, pet names, language, anxiety, very upset Peter (but not at reader), angst, misunderstanding, frustrations, scolding, threat of punishment, tears, fluffity fluff fluff fluff, everything gets worked out in the end because I always need a happy ending.
A/N- not my best writing style, I'm sorry, words are hard right now. But I love you all and want to try to get these requests out for you all, so I hope you like it anyways.
Today was the day! You were all set to spend the day together, just you and your daddies. You were so excited, you had been looking forward to it for the longest time. You all had tried to plan stuff before this, and something always came up. Every time. But not today! No way, not today!
Until it did.
Tony and Pepper received a very-last-minute summons to the White House to 'discuss some urgent matters' as Pepper put it or bail their asses out, as Tony put it. There was no way they could bring Peter, who was feeling extra little and clingy, so Steve, seeing their panic, volunteered to take him for the day, since you'd all planned on being at home anyways and the rest of the team were out on assignment.
You were a bit disappointed, but Petey was your best friend in the world, so this was going to be fun, right? Well......
When they dropped Peter off, he was definitely in a littler headspace than you had even seen him. He was crying hard in Steve's arms as Tony and Pepper left (both trying their hardest not to well up).
You tried to help, patting him on the leg and offering him Emma Bear or Pipsqueak to hold, but he didn't want either of them and tried to bat your hand away.
This shocked you a bit, but Bucky picked you up and whispered in your ear that Peter just needed a little extra attention right now. You nodded in understanding, and as soon as Bucky set you back down, you set off to your playroom, determined to find things to make him smile.
When you got back though- your arms full of toys and stuffies that you knew he'd like- you were a bit surprised to see both Steve and Bucky on the couch, side by side, comforting and holding Peter. You dropped your toys on the floor, wanting to come be a part of the cuddle party, but the noise scared Peter who started to cry again.
"Baby, you need to be more careful," Steve scolded very gently, knowing you hadn't done it on purpose. "I know you're trying to help, but Peter doesn't like loud noises right now. Please go put your toys back."
You started to protest that you had only picked out toys to be nice, but Bucky cut you off. "Go put 'em up, love, you heard Papa." It was a gentle tone, but you knew better than to try to argue.
Trying to be quiet, you carefully put them back slowly. But every time you came back to the room, you eyed your daddies meaningfully, hoping they'd ask you to be a part of the cuddle party, but they were so focused on keeping the little boy calm that they missed it entirely.
Once you were done, you quietly came over with Pipsqueak, holding him out to Peter, who took him, but turned his face back into Steve's chest. Feeling both frustrated and a little jealous, you said, "You s'posed to say 'tank you'." Peter just whined in reply.
This time, Steve looked at you sternly. "Baby, please don't upset Peter right now. He's feeling very little and needs quiet."
"But he didn't say tank you and you always say I gotta use my manners..."
Bucky picked you up before you caused Peter to start crying again, and started carrying you down the hallway to your playroom. "Listen up, angel, Peter is too young and upset to remember manners right now, and you're being loud when we've asked you to quiet down. Why don't you stay and play in here for a while until Peter is feeling better?" He set you down in the playroom and quickly shut the door before you had a chance to say anything.
You felt like you were being punished, even though you'd never get to stay in your playroom with all your toys when you were actually being punished. But you couldn't help but feel that way. Your daddies weren't spending any time with you now, and your bestie was treating you like you were mean, and it wasn't fair at all.
Bucky came to get you about an hour later for lunch. You were disappointed when you found that lunch was already made, because you loved it when you got to stir the mac and cheese. But when you were eating and Steve started telling Peter what a good job he'd done stirring, you got mad.
You shoved yourself off your chair and got exactly one step away before Bucky picked you up and plopped you back down. "You haven't been excused, little girl," he said a bit sharply, getting tired of your antics. You glowered as once again you were being asked to have manners when Peter didn't have to. Bucky made you sit there until all your lunch was eaten, which was well after Peter and Steve finished theirs and left to go watch a movie together.
You got even angrier when they picked a different movie than the one that you all were supposed to watch today, but you were still stuck in your dumb chair and couldn't do anything about it. Bucky had to threaten you with a time out and early bedtime before you finally finished eating. And once you did, he gave you a little talking-to about your attitude before taking your hand and bringing you over to the couch to watch the movie with them.
What you saw when you got there stopped you cold.
Steve had wrapped Peter up in your special yellow weighted blanket. Now, normally this wouldn't be a big deal, as you always wanted to share with your bestie, but this was YOUR special blanket for when you were feeling upset or overstimulated or needed comfort- and right now, you were definitely feeling all three.
"Dat's my special blanket," you said, pointing and mumbling. You didn't want to be loud or 'keep having an attitude', but this was just too much.
The look of disappointment in Steve's eyes hurt your heart. "Honey, we share in this house," he said, making you feel even worse. "You know that."
You couldn't stop the tears from overflowing at this point. "I alweady gave him my whole day!" you sobbed, before turning around and running to your room. You didn't slam your door- you'd only get in more trouble- but you pushed it mostly shut before diving into your stuffies, pulling Jellybean in close, and continuing to sob.
You heard a soft knock on your door a few moments later. "Baby, it's Daddy. May I come in please?" You only buried yourself deeper into your furry friends, afraid that Daddy was going to scold you again.
Bucky slowly opened the door, and his heart shattered at seeing you crying into all your stuffed animals. "I'm gonna come in, okay?" he added softly, stepping forward gently. If you really didn't want him in there, he would leave, but as you gave no indication one way or the other, he came in quietly and sat on the foot of your bed.
Once your tears and sobs slowed down, you risked a peek at Daddy in between Jellybean's soft fluffy ears. His face broke into a sad smile once he saw your red eyes. "Hey there, Trouble," he said gently. "Can Daddy hold you please?"
You didn't want another talking-to about your attitude, so you obediently pushed yourself up and crawled over to him. But when he pulled you onto his lap and cuddled you to his chest, like he did when he was comforting you, you suddenly realized that you weren't in trouble- that he really did want to just hold you. And the tears started all over again.
Bucky just held on, rocking you gently, rubbing your back, squeezing you tight when the tears turned into sobs, pressing soft kisses onto the top of your head. Once you cried yourself out, he plucked a tissue from the bedside table and held it to your face so you could blow. He mopped you up, still cuddling you all the while. "I'm really sorry you didn't get your day with us, Trouble," he said softly. "And I'm sorry that Papa and I were so focused on Peter and didn't see how upset you were. We weren't very nice to you today, were we?"
Sniffing mightily, you rubbed your nose with the back of your hand, resting your tired and aching head on Daddy's chest. "You was twying to help Petey. I sowwy I was bad and loud and mean," you mumbled.
"Baby, you were NOT bad or mean. You were loud, but that's just you- and we like you that way," Bucky said, finally grinning, which made you giggle. "I know that you were trying to help, and I'm sorry that I didn't have the patience to see that, and that we left you on your own today when we were trying to take care of Peter. So how about this? You and I can take some R&R together right now, just you and me, and then we can figure out everything else afterwards?"
Absolutely exhausted, you just nodded, falling asleep in Daddy's arms before he could even lay you down. And true to his word, he stayed with you for your whole nap, cuddling you and running his fingers through your hair.
After you all had naps, Peter was feeling much better, and the four of you played legos and dinosaurs in the living room until Tony and Pepper came home. It was a relief to Bucky and Steve, who had quietly worried that this was going to mess up Peter's and your friendship. But as always, after a good nap, things seemed brighter and you both were back to the giggling troublemakers you usually were, playing happily and noisily until Peter went home.
After you all had eaten supper, Papa cuddled you on his lap, apologizing too, and the three of you had a really good talk (with you still in younger space) about all of you feeling jealously, frustrations, and angry feelings, and being safe to calmly tell each other. They also helped work out some hand signals for you in case you went non-verbal or couldn't find the right words to tell them how you were feeling. You felt like a much happier baby after new ways to help you express yourself, and gleefully accepted Papa's cuddles all night (since Daddy had gotten them all to himself during nap time, he argued it was his turn).
The next day, Fury had blocked every single message to your daddies as well as access to your floor (barring emergency protocols, but ya know) making sure that you all truly had the whole day to yourselves. Daddy made your favorite cinnamon and sugar french toast for breakfast, which he fed to you bite by bite while you wiggled with energy.
The three of you went to your favorite quiet park out of the city, where you joyfully screamed down the slide, scrambled up the net ladder, giggled rocking back and forth on the bouncy animals, and had a contest with your daddies to see who could swing you the highest. THAT was the best.
You had a picnic lunch and had a blast bouncing back and forth between your daddies, insisting on feeding them blueberries one at a time. For some reason, that absolutely tickled you to no end, and you ended up laughing your head off the entire time. You fell asleep in your seat on the way home, and woke up in your bed. You found your daddies and the three of you drew pictures and colored together, then made a blanket fort in the living room for later.
Papa let you help him make dinner, and while it wasn't stirring- mac-and-cheese, it was still really fun. And then they both surprised you with being able to make a batch of your favorites- chocolate chip cookies! Right after the cookies cooled just enough, you FINALLY got to watch your movie, snuggled in between the two of them in your blanket fort, munching on the delicious treats.
Papa gave you a bath, letting you pick out both bubbles and a bath bomb, and Daddy put on your lotion and helped you pick out jammies and your nighttime books. You fell asleep in the crook of Bucky's arm, safe and warm, the three of you now more bonded than ever.
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sometimesraven · 4 months
re: the ableism in Dot and Bubble
I understand it almost certainly wasn't Rusty's intention for the "can't walk without the arrows" thing to be ableist, but the implications are there and it was so, so hard to watch.
As I said while liveblogging, I've noted that reliance on tech like Google Maps has caused a regression in skills like navigation and a frustrating refusal to even try. I'm frequently faced with that fact as I live somewhere you have to use your eyes to see and most fast food delivery drivers just Cannot Find Us bc the GPS goes wild and they can't follow the directions I always give them so I inevitably have to go out to find them myself. Believe me, I know what he was going for with that part of the script.
When you exaggerate that point to the tune of "she literally cannot walk" without the aid, and then instead of it being deeply disturbing to the two 'kind, helpful' characters (Doc n Ruby), they actively roll their eyes at her and it's played as an "omg how stupid is she" moment, you have to see how that looks.
Let's reframe it: someone you've met was raised in a cult. A very insular, very strict cult that they literally have never seen outside of. At this point in time you know nothing about them but you do know they're in a very insular, very closed-off society. One day they tell you they have no idea how to,,,,,, idk, wash themselves without assistance. If your first instinct is to laugh at them and roll your eyes like they're overexaggerating, you're an ableist.
I struggle to believe anyone like the Doctor wouldn't perhaps initially react with confusion/incredulity but then, after realising this person is 100% serious, go "oh my god that's horrible okay uh let me try to walk you through this and teach you how".
It's a horrible, cynical response that would maybe track if at this point the characters already knew she was an entitled pissbaby. But they don't and that's why it comes across so terribly.
Especially when there's no indication that this is a side-effect of her entitlement and she's literally insulting herself "I'm so stupid!" and genuinely upset and frustrated that she can't even walk in the face of actual death. And yes, she miraculously can walk again once she meets Ricky but it wasn't because she was ignoring the Doctor's advice because racism because he had not given her any. She had literally zero clue how to walk without assistance until Ricky guided her.
This isn't a refusal to learn a skill based on entitlement, this isn't a heavy-handed metaphor, you have given this girl a disability (even if it is psychosomatic, it is still a disability). And in a time where social media + youth entitlement is being blamed for an increase of ADHD, Autism, chronic illness and DID diagnosis-seekers (among other things, but those are the ones people are most aggressive against) that just does not look good At All.
Russel could easily have made it so that they just had no idea how to navigate without the bubble and refused to learn.
Maybe at first show it as genuine frustration on Lindy's part that she can't find anything without guidance but slowly show that no, she's perfectly capable, she just doesn't care to learn.
Hell, you could have everything play out the same way but have her genuinely get offered help to begin with by the Doctor and ignore it, only for Ricky to say the same thing to her later and she gets it immediately.
Idk, anything beyond literally disabling her. The show does a great job at humanising her before showing us that she was a monster all along, but I feel like Rusty himself forgot that he was still representing a Whole Entire Person (something that people on all ends of the political spectrum do All The Time: "person is bad therefore [___ism] is okay in this instance". Ableism especially)
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kishibe-kisser · 1 year
Hiii thank you for being a writer. Could you do a mahito x reader fluff/angst type of thing where he has a weird fondness for the reader but will never admit it outloud (bc after all he is here to destroy humans, he hates them) but then one day reader is in trouble/gets hurt by someone or something & mahito���s protectiveness over reader comes out. Maybe he is like a little bit of tsundere LOL
Ah thank you so much!!!!!! and I totally can! This man is the bane of my existence but also I can't bring myself to hate him???
The only fear you'll feel is me
Tags: sunshine reader! Mahito likes your fear, tsundere Mahito but also Yandere? mentions of violence, stalker-ish Mahito, mentions of death
Word count: 1428
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There was something about you, it was different from the other humans. The fact that you were pretty was what initially drew him to you, the perfect little toy to manipulate like the other humans under his thumb. Just as he was about to sink his claws into you, he caught a whiff of your scent.
It was a sweet smell, one that could only be explained by a sunny demeanor. The hatred that made humans smell disgusting was nearly nowhere to be found on you and it fascinated him deeply. The infatuation only grew as he watched you from afar, stalking you in the streets to see just what you got up to and just why you smelled so sweet.
He watched you help an elderly woman cross the street, smiling widely as you did so and even staying to make small talk with her. It was entirely fascinating, your expression not turning sour once as someone stopped you for directions, or as you had to wait in line at a restaurant it didn't seem to bother you one bit. There was not one ounce of hatred in your blood and Mahito just wanted to taste it.
When he appeared in front of you, he fully believed you were going to scream. His maniacal eyes searching yours for fear, but finding nothing other intrigue. Truth be told it wasn't the response he wanted, he thought your fear would be sweeter than that of the other humans and you not being scared of the mere sight of him upset him.
"You aren't scared?" He asked, blocking you from being able to leave his presence in any way. While this man was practically holding you hostage, you didn't feel any fear. If any thing it was fascination. His mismatched eyes, long silver hair and stitches over his skin, sure you could see how others could find him jarring. Not for you though, no you could only describe him as intriguing. "Should I be?" You asked, hand reaching out to graze over the stitching.
Mahito's hand shot up, gripping your wrist and holding it away from his face. He leaned down, smiling and rested his face a few inches in front of your own. "You don't even understand what I could do to you just by touching you." His other hand nuzzled your chin and his words made you wonder just what this creature was capable of.
"Luckily for you I have other things to do, I don't have time to play now." He remarked, letting you go and looking away. He was lying straight through his teeth. He had to get away from you for a moment, the sweet way you looked into his eyes making his chest hurt and head ache. Mahito needed to get away from you and how much he liked you for his own safety.
He might have left you confused but he didn't leave your thoughts at all. He was mysterious, most definitely insane and since the interaction, you had the feeling that he never really left you at all. You could feel his mismatched eyes on you always, every where you went.
He'd come in close proximity, taunting you and then speak to like you were the instigator. He tormented you, acted like you were bothering him when he was the one who was latched to you like a ghost... like a curse.
Yet you didn't hate him, having him there felt like your new normal. Despite the fact that he spewed venom your way each time your eyes met him, you didn't hate him and definitely didn't hate you. You were convinced he was toying with you for his own sadistic enjoyment and because of that you couldn't hate him. It was your nature, being a firm believer of allowing people to do what they needed to get themselves through the day and if Mahito needed to torment you to get through his day, that was okay.
That of course wasn't why he did it. He was indeed a living, breathing curse but god he wanted. He just didn't know how to deal with himself or the emotions that came with it all. You were a cup of hot chocolate on a rainy day and he was the storm. So he treated you the only way he knew how, like shit.
Mahito watched you walk down the street, rain soaking through your pretty hair and it made him angry. Why couldn't you just look at the weather before hand? Then you wouldn't be this soaked through and through. It was simple enough. The worst part was that it didn't bother you. You just continued to hold the bouquet of flowers you just bought and admired them as you wandered home. Turning down the wrong alley, he watched and his body tensed on instinct. You were out of his sight and something was wrong. He just knew.
If there was going to be any danger in your life, it was going to be him.
The moment you rounded the corner you realised it was a mistake. Three menacing figures looming over you nearly instantly, the bouquet of flowers dropping to the ground. "What do we have here?" One of them said, grabbing your arm as you turned to leave. A wave of fear travelled through your body, chills coating your skin from the touch. "I'm sorry, just let me leave." You said, looking up at the man only to be met with emotionless eyes. "I didn't mean to turn the corner." You added on, feeling another one of the men press against your back.
"Why not, we're very nice." The man behind you leaned down to say in your ear and you felt your body cringe. "Now that's not a very nice response." The 3rd man's spewed, raising his hand to strike your cheek. You were truly frozen, not knowing what else to do in this situation other than brace yourself. But the hit never came and the hands holding you let go roughly.
"I don't like it when people mess with my playthings." Mahito's voice made your head snap up and you felt relieved. Nearly crumbling to the ground, you watched as the men surrounded him and laughed at his appearance. However he was unphased, glancing back at you with a menacing smile before simply placing his hands on one of the men.
You watched the man begin to deform, Mahito's laughter drowned out the man's screams as he transformed into a disgusting looking creature before dropping to the ground. His friends let out disgusted cries, making attempts to run away only for Mahito to stretch his arm and effortlessly pull them back. All while transforming them in the process.
Not one sound left your mouth as you watched these men die and the man who had become your shadow transform his body with no effort. The fact that he had just murdered three men didn't phase him at all and well, what you just saw was shocking but you still didn't feel fear. At least not towards Mahito, or what he was. No you felt it more towards the situation. What would have happened if your shadow wasn't there?
Your clothes were drenched through and through and your flowers were crushed, the sight of you pitiful as you wept. Mahito could see it on you now, the fear and he didn't like it. He didn't like it because you weren't scared of him. These men had stolen your fear and that wasn't okay. He didn't like seeing you afraid of something else.
"Pet, are you alright?" Mahito asked you, taking in your tear streaked face and crouching down to your level. His tone was soft and hushed, a layer of worry also in the mix. You nodded your head, reaching to wipe your eyes only for him to beat you to it. His touch was welcomed to you and you pressed your face into hands.
"Did they scare you?" He added on, pulling you onto your face and wrapping his arms around you. "Thank you Mahito." You mumbled, not knowing what else to say. You were traumatised, confused and more than likely falling for a monster. Your tears continued to fall as you watched Mahito pick up your trampled bouquet, picking the destroyed flowers out of it and handing it to you. His grey and blue eyes locking with yours as he pulled a wicked smile.
"Don't worry pet, I'll make sure the only fear you'll ever fear comes from me."
A/N: I really hope you enjoy this! I tried my best to fit Mahito's personality in there. Let me know what you think!
Send me a request!
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familyagrestefanblog · 5 months
You know what's so sad about how badly Ladynoir got nuked that it actually turns around to be funny again?
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Not only did Marinette telling Chat Noir that she'll never abandon him loose all meaning in season 5 because she left after being told "no" by him once (and she already wanted to leave before Plagg initiated his plan:
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I know, its almost like the show is going out of its way to nuke Ladynoir) and proceeded to not think about making sure it's at least Scarabella again who Chat Noir will be meeting after last episode to try and prevent the same "new Ladybug" disaster she said she was sorry for from happening again. And who has to tell him the bad news that this time Ladybug left for good and that it was him saying "no" that caused it.
So exactly all the problems with Hack-San again just for real and WORSE, and even the fear he was talking about at the end - that one day it wouldn't be her and he'll never see her again.
It is incredibly difficult for me to be upset with Adrien for leaving bc of all this. Even if I want to. Marinette's side is just so much worse again
But, no. That's not it!
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Even the one and only tini-tiny thing she actually DID manage to remember him for while she threw the darkest red-alert situation at him in "Hack-San", it still ended up ringing pretty much hollow by the end of season 5.
I swear, not a single Ladynoir excuse for Marinette in "Hack-San" is in any way holding up. It's insane.
Cause not ONCE in all of season 4 and 5 does Marinette as Ladybug laugh at anything Chat Noir says. She straight up acknowledged it towards Alya that it makes him happy and she seriously never once does.
That is... genuinely sad. Not sad as in pathetic, just deeply saddening.
And even the few times when civilian Marinette laughs with Chat Noir, I can't remember it ever being at his jokes. It happens when other civilians are bothered by them in the cinema in "Glaciator 2" and in "Elation" when she's having fun at the date in general and later when Adrien tries to be silly while explaining something and then Marinette laughs at Chat being frustrated at himself for not being able to put what he wants to say into words.
But all of these cases are not her laughing at his jokes the way she literally said she knows makes him happy. So she's still not doing it.
Wait, no. When Marichat get the ice cream in "Elation". At least thats a moment where Marinette actively laughs at a joke Chat made. Although, she revealed in "Hack-San" that she would do so, too, even if she didn't think it's funny at all and that unfortunately does leave a very sour taste in my mouth:
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Person B being the only one who genuinely laughs at person A's jokes is such a popular trope for a reason and it stings knowing that even that doesn't truly apply here.
The trope was ironically recycled into Adrien thinking Marinette's behavior is funny which he then in season 5 got shamed for by the narrative when he then found out that he was laughing at her trauma responses and he beats himself up for it (what a weird writing decision, honestly)
But Marinette as Ladybug for some reason just continued to be written to not laugh to make Chat Noir happy (even when she was oh so in love with him in the beginning of season 5) and that puts the genuineness of the rare times she does into question bc Marinette is apparently just willing to fake it every blue moon.
But I guess, credit where credit is due. She did indeed do the thing she said she knows makes Chat Noir happy ONE TIME in 52 episodes. Only as civilian, though. And mind you, she left the next episode and previously said that her laughing doesn't mean she actually thinks he's funny.
But one questionable time is better than non, right ?
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aita for not giving someone the wifi password and not telling my parents about it when they asked?
this happened a while ago and ik it sounds trivial but i feel so damn guilty and i just need to know if i did something wrong (fake names used ofc)
so about seven or eight months ago a friend of mine (liz, 16f at the time, now 17) was brought to our house. child protection services had taken her and her two brothers (they're all adopted, but one of the boys is her biological brother, who i'll call james) from their parents because the boys did something to their neighbor's dogs and were found wandering all over town at night. i'm not sure exactly what as i've never been told, but i deeply suspect it was something sexual. i'm not sure. about a week before this, my friend's dogs were brought over here, again because cps wanted them removed.
so my friend is now staying with me (16f) and my twin sister sister (anna). we have a large "closet" that is really more of an attic than anything, so we put liz in there because our house is small and we didn't want her sleeping on the couch.
for about a month, things went pretty well. we had a good time! we hung out a lot, and she told me about some volunteer firefighting she did, and also some farming stuff she did with her adoptive uncle (this is important for later). but she had a secret cellphone (her parents weren't big on cellphones and they were kinda strict) that she used to do social media behind their backs. most importantly, she was talking to an older guy (axel, 28m) via snapchat. anna and i have autism and adhd and are kinda clueless about some things, so we didn't think it was such a big deal at the time. so when she asked for the wifi password, i thought nothing of it. one day when my mom asked if she had a phone, i told her no bc liz asked me not to tell my parents and i thought being loyal to her was the right thing
well, one day, liz found her biological family via facebook and started contacting them
from what little i've heard, liz and james were taken from their bio parents because the mom was an alcoholic and doing drugs, and the dad was abusing them. they never visited the kids once. but now this mom is telling liz that she wants the kids back, and because of this, liz really wanted to go back to her bio family, even though they lived in another state that was pretty far away.
so she goes up to my mom and tries to talk to her about it. also, cps came by again and said liz couldn't sleep in the room she'd been sleeping in anymore because it had no windows and thus no fire escape. and my mom found out about the phone and the older guy she was talking to. things finally got so stressful that my parents had to have liz moved to another home about an hour away
now here's why i think i was the asshole. apparently, liz had been lying to me A LOT. she never actually did the firefighting work (she did some cooking for them. that's it) and when she said she knew how to milk a cow, she actually didn't know how, AND THEN WENT ON TO MILK OUR COW ANYWAY. IN FRONT OF MY DAD. it was insane and it made anna and i freak out because we have a hard time making friends sue to previous bullying issues at a school we'd gone to
later on i overheard my mom telling my dad that she was afraid that the bio parents were trying to groom her or something, and they didn't know i'd heard that. so now i'm afraid that i'm responsible for my friend leaving and all that. also, since she's left, liz has gone on to refuse to go back to her adoptive parents and has basically made their lives hell. and she keeps getting james upset by trying to convince him into thinkking that he should want to go back to the bio parents
so am i the asshole for hiding stuff frmo my parents?
(fyi: they have since known that i gave her the wifi password. they were pissed, but they realized that i didn't know any better and aren't mad at me)
What are these acronyms?
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crguang · 2 months
im curious abt what it would be like for himeko or natasha to lash out because they seem like theyre in control of their emotions most of the time
YES. YES. let’s think about it because one thing about me, i need to see composed/put together/relaxed women lose their mind. like my type of characters are women who are always very in control and the best part of that (aside from the micro expressions) is seeing them turn into irrational, emotional messes. it’s just so delicious. i think they might have similar reactions in that context because they’re both very patient and understanding people who don’t get mad often
i can see natasha’s mood getting darker from the amount of stress and responsibility on her shoulders, and her own perceived uselessness maybe? she knows she can’t uphold the entire underground on her own, that’s why she delegates and leave some jobs to the people best suited for them. she wouldn’t think herself useless usually (so many ppl depend on her, she knows she makes a huge difference in their lives) but there are things she cant do, patients she cant save and injustice she cant correct. when you think about it she must have seen so many people die and she hadnt heard from her own family for years just to find out her brother and father are dead like i think the accumulation of stress, grief, lack of sleep would make her lose her mind eventually. she’s probably finishing some things up at the clinic, it’s past midnight, and as she does the inventory she finds they’re missing some supplies and just snaps. theyre always missing supplies like it’s not something that would usually make her break down but today she just cant. she probably cries silently and refuses to be comforted (“i’m fine.”) i can also see her words cutting deep when she’s reaaally angry but theyre mostly directed at herself; they’re self-deprecating and venomous and any attempt you make to disagree with her will have her telling you to leave because she wants to be alone. she shouldn’t be left alone though i think she could only feel her feelings with someone there to validate them instead of brushing them away bc she has more important issues to deal with
i’m not sure about himeko but i guess i can see her getting mad when others’ safety/lives are on the line. like she strikes me as the type of person to get deeply upset if you do something reckless and get yourself/others injured in the process— she’s relieved you’re okay but all that anxiety, worry, apprehension etc will morph into anger and if you try to appease her by saying something like “it turned out fine though!” ouhhh…. obviously she knows that. she wants you to take accountability for your actions and stop being so thick headed! she doesn’t get angry often at all bc she can forgive most things easily, so like natty it would have to be an accumulation of different situations happening and weighing on her imo. the trigger would have to be something serious tho. it’s so hard to picture her anything but composed bc we know so little about hsr himeko and she keeps a cool head even in stressful situations😭 like i kinda have no idea LMFAOO
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changbinsboiledegg · 11 months
Hey can I request y/n taking care of Jake when he has food poisoning when she picks him up after practice? I need some fluff and angst here 🥹
Heyooo thank you for your request! I love fluff and angst sm so of course! Request as much as your heart desires lol ily, hope you enjoy :) 🫶
Warnings: Food poisoning + symptoms of food poisoning mentions. (Don't read if you have emetophobia), decent amount of scolding lol, a mini argument but it only lasted two sentences, 'dying' jokes. Basically Jake trying to make light of a bad situation & y/n not having it bc they're worried. Also mentions of him not wanting to eat. That's just because he's going through it. Lmk if I forgot any!
Note: I did proofread and edit a bit, but as always, if you see any typos or grammar errors, I am sorry and pls look away. Again, hope you enjoy and I hope this is how you hope it would turn out! 🥹🫶
“This is it. I’m dying.” Jake groaned as you helped him into your apartment. You softly sighed at his choice of words.
“You’re not dying, don’t talk like that.”
“Feels like it. I threw up all over the practice room floor.” Jake squeezed his eyes shut. You gently pushed him down onto your couch and moved to sit beside him.
“What did you eat?”
Jake shrugged, “poison.”
“Jake.” You frowned. Jake cracked a weak smile before it fell into a queasy frown.
“I don’t remember… I will be back.” He urgently covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom.
All you knew what that he and the guys were practicing and he threw up— everywhere. As Sunghoon stated over the phone.
You wondered if any of the others ate the same thing Jake did. You pulled out your phone to compose a message to Sunghoon asking about it, but Jake came back into the living room.
“Hey, feel any better?” You asked even if you already had a hunch on what his answer would be. Jake shook his head with a slight frown.
“I’ll make you something that isn’t poison. Just sit down— or lay down.” You stood up, putting your phone away before you could send the message.
“I’m not hungry.” He leaned against the wall. He seemed like he was holding back more nausea.
“You need to eat something.” You insisted, giving him a look of worry as you walked over to him.
He opened his eyes to see you in front of him.
“I don’t know, love. Last time I ate something, it made me sick.” He slightly smiled at you. You took his hand and guided him back to the couch, helping him sit down.
“I’ll make you soup and some tea, just let me take care of you. You need to rest.” You pressed the back of your hand against his forehead, frowning.
“You’re burning up.” You turned and walked to the bathroom, getting a thermometer and medicine for him.
When you returned, he had laid down on the couch, laying on his side.
“Is food poisoning contagious? I don’t want you to feel the same.” Jake groaned, “I wouldn’t wish this on my mortal enemy.”
“It’s… not contagious. Not unless I eat whatever you ate.” You aimed the thermometer at his head.
“You need to cool down.” You mumbled as you read the number on the thermometer.
Jake took the thermometer to look at the number, “I’m dying.”
“Stop it. That’s not funny.” You took the thermometer back, turning it off. Jake frowned at your response, only intending it as a joke.
“Sorry… I was kidding.” Jake propped himself up on his elbow. You rubbed your eyes, exhaling deeply before standing up.
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t get upset with you. Let me make you soup and peppermint tea— it’s supposed to help with the nausea.” You explained, already headed to your kitchen.
Jake just watched on silently aside from the occasional groans from his illness.
You made him chicken noodle and brewed peppermint tea for him. Within a few minutes, you went back into the living room as he sat up to take the soup and tea from you.
“Do you even like peppermint? I forgot to ask. I have ginger tea also if you don’t.” You suggested, grabbing him a tray to eat off of.
“It’s okay, love. I will take whatever will make me feel better.” Jake said, blowing on a spoonful of the soup.
You sat quietly at his side and waited for him to finish.
“Thank you.” Jake took a deep breath when he finished. For a moment, you wondered if he could hold it down long enough to filter through his system.
He started to slowly sip the tea that had cooled off a bit.
You reached for the fever reducer medication and dumped a tablet into your hand. “Did you already take one?”
Jake shook his head, taking another small sip.
You held it out to him, “here. Your fever needs to go away.”
Jake shivered from the chills he experienced off and on, taking the tablet and popping it into his mouth, washing it down with the tea.
“Any other symptoms?” You asked attentively.
Jake thought for a moment, then shook his head. Nausea, vomiting, chills, fever.
Of course, you would keep an eye out for any newer symptoms. And luckily, he seemed to not feel the need to rush to the bathroom at the moment.
Once Jake finished the tea, he set it down on the tray, which prompted you to take the empty dishes to the kitchen.
Jake was laid down again when you returned.
Grabbing a light blanket and an extra pillow from your room, you layered the blanket over him and gently lifted his head to slide the pillow underneath.
“Rest. I’ll be right here if you need me.” You said in a soft tone. Jake smiled a little, his tiredness showing more than ever.
“I always need you.”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “you know what I mean.”
Jake moved back, closer to the back of the couch and opened the blanket to reveal the empty spot he created.
“Lay with me?”
“Jake, you need—“
“You to lay with me.” He interjected, cheekily grinning. He then faked a cough and put the same arm he used to hold the blanket up, over his forehead.
“I’m one foot in the grave, come on.”
“Jake.” You pinched the bridge of your nose.
“I’m sorry. But please? What if the cure to food poisoning is cuddling? Bet scientists haven’t thought of that before. Test the theory with me?” Jake glanced at the empty spot.
You gave in, unable to refuse and laid in the empty spot as he wrapped his arms, albeit very weakly, around you.
“You’re lucky I love you.” You grumbled, turning to face him and wrapping your arms around him as well.
“I love you too.” He placed a contented kiss on your forehead. Within a few minutes of holding you, he fell asleep.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
heyy so. just wondering what happened with will80sbyers bcs i'm so confused??
Hey, anon! Great question, I’m going to use this ask to properly lay it out, seeing as many people (Dani included) seem determined to distort what actually happened. So, with that said:
What Happened Recently With Dani/ Will80sByers ?
I don’t really care anymore but I’m just going to just lay all of it out simply because I’m sick of being accused of saying/doing things that I didn’t do and also sick of watching Dani play the victim & continuing to double down on her gross comments as usual. Also I’m using screenshots simply because I’m sick of playing a game of telephone with this & I’d rather just put the screenshots right there instead of trying to paraphrase 50 million different posts.
So, it started here, when Dani made this post: 
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And look, I deeply disagree with that post (as I do with many of the posts of Dani’s that are going to be in that post), but that post wasn’t the issue (I’ll explain what the actual issue was in a second). And then, after Dani posted that, she got multiple anons (which, we'll also come back to Dani's responses to these anons in a second because that ties into my actual issue with Dani):
First anon:
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Second anon:
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Third anon:
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Fourth anon:
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And then Dani posted this:
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And then Dani doubled down on this post in her replies:
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I was sent screenshots of this post about rape forgiveness and of some of the previous anons since a.) it involved Edward etc and later b.) it involved Henry analysts being accused of being rapist apologists. I saw the anons before I saw the rape apologist post. And then Dani got this anon:
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This anon claims to known “exactly” who is sending the anons and goes off about a bunch of stuff, and then Dani got this anon:
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Accusing me of having sent this anon:
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Which, is it just me or is it interesting that the original anon and the anon accusing me of having sent the original anon both have a very similar typing style, and that the person accusing me of sending it was super quick to point out things like the use of the word “rancid” which is supposedly an indication that I wrote the ask?
Like, is it not a bit odd that the second anon just immediately picked up on that? It’s almost like both anons were written by the same person, some person who clearly has some sort of issue with me and wants to make it seem like I was going onto Dani’s blog to start shit.
Whether people believe me or not, I know that I didn’t send that anon to Dani, so I’d love to know who did. It’s either somebody super passionate about Edward (which is a super tiny group of people), or, it’s somebody passionate about disliking me. If I wanted to criticize Dani’s analysis/takes on Henry/whatever, I would simply do so publicly, as I always have.
It’s funny to me that people will criticize me so often for being upfront about this stuff/”namedropping”/specifically for NOT doing things anonymously, but then as soon as anonymous stuff pops up, I’m the main suspect?? Make up your minds, please! 
And anyway, that brief tangent aside, Dani also got this anon:
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And for some reason, people were super upset that I “namedropped” Dani. Which I really don’t understand- she has a name/username that she displays publicly, and these are posts that she posted publicly. I don’t understand why it’s such a big issue to “namedrop” somebody regarding posts that they made publicly. I personally find the vaguing and dancing and around issues without ever saying names far more frustrating. If you’re willing to post something publicly under your public name/username that you choose to display on your blog, why is it such an issue for somebody to name you when discussing said post?? It’s not like I broke into her house and pulled the post out of a secret safe under her floorboards 😭😭
And it’s also funny as hell that Dani uses the word “spying” in this context because a.) people were dm’ing me the shit that she said, I wan’t “spying” on a damn thing and b.) even if i did go onto her blog, in what world is going onto somebody’s public blog with their public posts “spying”? It’s clear that Dani was just grasping at straws in an attempt to avoid addressing the actual issues at hand (her gross comments).
Dani claims that she was just “saying her opinion on a character,” and the anon says that I was shittalking Dani for her takes on Henry. Which, again, both of them are ignoring the actual issue here. Do I think that Dani’s takes on Henry are factually incorrect, deeply biased, and -gasp- even stupid? Yes. Would I have bothered making all of the posts that I did/would I have been as upset as I was if the issue was simply Dani having bad takes about Henry? NO!!!!!
Dani having bad takes and, specifically, having bad takes about Henry is nothing new. Sky is blue, grass is green, I think Dani’s takes on Henry and on the rest of the show are factually incorrect and heavily biased, as I always have. That wasn’t the key issue here.But as previously mentioned what I was actually upset about was: 
a.) Dani comparing Henry analysis to rape sympathizers & saying that we would “probably forgive IRL rape” and also saying that would be “nazi sympathizers
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b.) Dani making posts re: Henry where she made comments about people dealing with personality disorders in real-life and where she didn’t bother backing up any of her claims about “people who just want to kill people,” with any actual medical facts or actual disagnoses/actual facts about those diagnoses, and instead, relied on her surface-level opinions of Henry and his behaviour in the show to say that he had a personality disorder that just makes him want to kill people and then used THAT and Henry’s behaviour in the show to draw conclusions about real-life people with personality disorders.
It came across as weird and stigmatizing and ableist on Dani’s part, hence why I was upset by it. And hell, it wasn't even a Huge Issue at first. just ignorant and weird on Dani's behalf and, I just made a minor bitchpost about it, most of which was in the tags no less, and then the rapist/nazi comments were the big issue.
When it comes to the ableism, these three posts/responses of Dani’s were the ones I had an issue with:
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The issues I have with these posts & why it comes across as ableist to me was that Dani never actually names this mysterious murderer personality disorder. She simply uses “personality disorder” as a stand-in to encompass all of Henry's traits (many of which are simply harmless autistic traits) and as far as I can tell, never actually named a specific personality disorder, and instead, just kept lumping all of Vecna's supposed crimes (rape, murder, etc) under some ambiguous serial murderer personality disorder. Dani also talked in one of those responses about Henry being born with a lack of empathy and that being tied to his personality disorder that makes him kill people which, not only is that a false claim about Henry (which isn't the point/issue here bc again I expect that from Dani), but it's also stigmatizing and weird/ableist to throw around a lack of empathy as being tied to the reason why he supposedly ends up as a murderer (dani also then tries to say he was born neutral and all his actions are just conscious choice which is weird considering that she Just connected his actions/murders to being the result of a lack of empathy without any actual evidence to support this and further stigmatizing anyone that's low-empathy. ) My main point is that it's definitely veering into ableism and hatred, specifically when Dani's talking in the context of real-life people, to never actually name a specific disorder, and instead just seemingly invent some sort of magical personality disorder that makes you a.) murder people and b.) unable to hold a conversation and also just seems to lump all personality disorders together. AGAIN, it wasn't even a huge issue at first, just annoyance with Dani's ignorance/her getting into ableism territory while acting morally superior, and the big issue was the rapist/nazi comments.
And Dani's response to criticism of ableism was as follows:
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And regarding this, I know that Dani never outright said that all people with personality disorders enjoy killing people, but she IS claiming that people with personality disorders enjoy killing people & just using "personality disorders" as a lump term/she's coming very close to claiming that all people with personality disorders do. She literally just uses "personality disorder/personality disorders" as her reason for Henry/Vecna's crimes without ever actually providing an actual disorder or evidence. She IS lumping them together. It's right there in those anon responses from earlier. And I already talked in another post (way before any of this drama/not connected to Dani) re: why what we read in the scripts isn't some Inherent Truth, and that's neither here nor there because I'm not here to go through everything that's incorrect lore-wise/analysis wise in Dani's responses because i'd be here all day. I'm just trying to point out what the Actual Issue was re: ableism (which I just made one annoyed post about and the rest of my pissed off posting was regarding the rape apologist comment from dani so its not even like the ableism thing was a Massive Huge Issue at first), and the actual issue re: ableism and dani was the way that Dani just lumps all personality disorders together/uses "personality disorder" as this weird nebulous scapegoat for all sorts of crimes. And regarding, that one small annoyed initial post I made, this was it:
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And it was specifically about Dani making things up about Henry and Edward re: some mythical magical personality disorder that they supposedly have that makes them want to kill people, and I was frustrated with the ableism involved in that.
And I also mention specifically in the tags of said post that this was regarding the the ableism (as I hadnt’ seen the rapist post yet), and how this wasn’t just a matter of me disagreeing with Dani/her having bad takes/how that wasn't the core issue but specifically a matter of the ableism and Dani acting morally superior while also continuing to use personality disorders as this nebulous scapegoat term.
And later on, as I mentioned earlier, Dani made this post: 
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Which, is pretty self explanatory, so then not only was I annoyed/bitchposting about Henry analysts being lumped in with rape apologists, but also about the comparison to nazi sympathizers. LIke. Come on. Dani sat there and complained about people "sending her mean anons over a tv show" while also calling people rapist and nazi apologists over a tv show. Personally, I'd take the mean anons any day.
So, long story short, anon- it was a shitshow. My actual issue was never Dani’s poorly done analysis/bad takes on Henry- my key issue was with Henry analysts being accused of forgiving IRL rapists & being compared to Nazi sympathizers simply for analyzing a character in a TV show.
And yet, Dani and all her asskissing anons continue to dodge the point (as usual) act like all of my frustration was simply because she doesn’t like Henry/because she disagrees with Henry analysis.
It’s annoying as all hell to watch Dani play the victim while missing the actual issue & acting like she’s being “harassed for sharing her opinion on a character,” when the actual issue at hand was her gross comment about rape apologism, her gross comment about nazi sympathizing, and her weird/very much bordering on ableist by being so broad & lacking actual evidence comments about personality disorders.
It’s especially annoying since if anyone harasses other people for sharing their opinions on characters it’s Dani accusing people of being biphobic when they disagree with her bi mike analysis, and Dani’s whole group of asskissing anons.
A few months back, I had to shut down my anon box entirely because I was just getting constant anons specifically regarding Dani and her posts & calling me biphobic for making gay Mike analysis/for criticizing literally any aspect of any bi Mike analyses and claiming that I was just being “misogynistic and biphobic” despite hilariously never actually being able to point to which of my claims were supposedly misogynistic or biphobic. And I also had some anons making comments about me being trans and how that must tie into internalized misogyny and biphobia and how I must not actually understand gay mens’ experiences and therefore it’s wrong for me to bring up gay mens’ experiences since I’m apparently just actually a bi girl who has internalized misogyny and biphobia, and not a gay trans dude. (I just ended up deleting/blocking those anons because the last thing I needed was ANOTHER round of terfs getting wind of it and hounding my blog, esp since this was in my earlier days on tumblr where I wasn't as comfortable with confrontation as I am now/didn't have a backup of my blog incase something happened, but now I wish I had them because it was rlly Smthn to say over to someone over st discourse)
And while it would be unfair to pin those anons on Dani specifically, as they’re anonymous and I don’t know who sent them, and while I’m not saying she sent them as I don’t actually think she did, they were definitely defending her/her analysis, and so it’s ironic to see the same sort of Dani stan anons who sent ME hateful stuff over my opinions on a character coddling Dani because somebody criticized her ableist remarks and her rape and nazi apologism remarks. 
And those same sort of anons also kept telling me to shut up and not post anymore/hollered about how bad my gay Mike posts are which I don't give a shit I'll make whatever posts I want but again, just. Ironic. Considering how many of her anons were upset that Dani was being "silenced and harrassed".
And I’m far from the same person who’s dealt with bitchy anons tied directly to Dani’s fans/stans/little group, whatever you want to call it. Dani is well-known ATP for throwing biphobia accusations at anyone who disagrees with her analysis, so it seems like many of her comments about people (such as me) being unable to handle differing opinions are nothing more than projection on her part.
Anyway! There’s a long rant, anon! I’m over it at this point, but figured it’d be a good idea to summarize it all here, seeing as Dani seems fixated on making herself the victim & twisting things around as usual, and I don’t appreciate being made into some sort of bad guy for something that isn’t true/because Dani and others insist on ignoring the reality of what my issue was/why I was upset and accusing me of “sending my hounds” to Dani’s inbox.
Which like. What hounds?? What legions of people at my disposal do people think I have?? If my hounds are listening, can you guys do my laundry or smthn?? Can we meet?? Kiss on the mouth maybe?? 
Even the ableist/weird remarks about personality disorders weren't That Big Of A Deal, just ignorant and dumb on Dani's part, and I just made ONE minor bitchpost on the topic initially, but then I started getting accused of sending anons that I didn't send, and THEN dani came out with the rapist and nazi posts and THAT'S what sparked my main bitchposting/criticism of her.
Anyway, I never sent anyone to Dani, I never sent a damn thing to Dani my own self, *Bill Clinton voice* I DID NOT HAVE ANONYMOUS RELATIONS WITH THAT BLOG!! 
Hope that finally clears things up for you and everyone else, anon.
(and also just as i was finishing this up, found out that dani as of this morning has apparently doubled down on the rape and nazi comments AGAIN. my god.)
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stevethehairington · 2 years
Steve gets hanahaki, coughs up yellow acacias if he so much as thinks of Eddie too long. He tries not to think of the way his eyes soften when he talks to the kids, or the laugh lines he already has curved in his cheeks where Steve wishes he could put his hands. Ever the self-sacrificing person, Steve doesn't say a word about it even as he hacks up bouquets of it, but Robin and Dustin are the first to know something is wrong, and encourage him to go to the hospital, so he does. The doctors tell him about the surgery, which would remove the roots that are threatening to pierce his lungs, but that he would lose the love he has for the long-haired man. They tell him that many people choose death.
"That's stupid," Steve says, "if I die because of a hopeless crush, my friends will find a way to bring me back to life just to kill me themselves."
He agrees to the surgery, and they let him make a phone call before they get him a room, so he calls Robin and lets her know everything. She sighs but says he's doing the right thing, and Steve gives her permission to tell Dustin as well, since he was worried. While Steve is in the hospital being prepared for surgery, Robin calls Dustin and lets him know the situation, and he's understandably upset that Steve was quiet about it for so long about it, but sighs in relief that he's not the romantic idiot Dustin thought he was. Dustin, not knowing who the flowers were for, accidentally mentions it to the group since it was DnD night, and Eddie jumps from his chair and runs to the phone to call Robin back. The kids hear him pleading with her for an answer, then a huff of disbelief, and a silence, before Eddie inhales deeply and says, "It's okay. If he was able to fall in love with me once, then the capacity for it is there. I just have to... meet him where he is, and we'll go from there together, right? So it's okay. We still-- I still have him. We still have time."
omg so i wanted SOOO badly to do a little volleying back to this and like do a proper little write up of what happens next in response for you, but my brain is just not working with me on it and i am SO upset about that, but this has been sitting in my ask box for a while now and i feel bAD for letting it sit for so long so i am just going to publish it now but.
I LOVE THIS I LOVE THIS I LOVE THISSSS OMG. it's so funny too bc i have never really cared much for the hanahaki trope before, like i knew it existed but i never really read it or looked for it or anything, i was pretty indifferent to it, but there have been a couple ive seen for this fandom and for steddie specifically and HOHOHOHO oh my god i eat that shit UP its so fucking GOOD it just works so damn well for them and i LOVE IT.
and this THISSSSS is so good omg.
"if he was able to fall in love with me once, then the capacity for it is there" SCREAM SCREAM SCREAAAAM!!!! eddie thinking he's going to be too late, but that's okay because if it happened once it can happen again and this time it'll be different!! this time he wont let it get to this point!!!
except EXCEPT!!! he rushes to the hospital and he makes it there RIGHT as steve is about to be wheeled back for the surgery and he's breathless from sprinting and his heart is hammering in his chest because what if he tells steve the feelings are returned but he doesnt believe him?? what if he still tries to go through with the surgery anyways? or what if hes doing this because he doesnt want those feelings?? but eddie doesn't care, he's got a chance here and he's going to take it. so he pleads with the doctors, begs them to give him a minute to talk to steve, and they look to steve and he gives his permission. and so they leave the room, leave steve and eddie together. alone.
and eddie tells steve, he confesses everything that he's been holding back too, he tells him that he loves him. and when he's done he holds his breath, he hopes he wasnt too late, wishes that this does the trick to convince steve otherwise, he wonders he wonders he wonders.
and then steve coughs. and eddie's breath catches in his throat, everything on the verge of crashing down around him because oh fuck it didnt?
but when steve pulls his hand away from his mouth, it's empty. there's no flowers, no leaves, no blood. no nothing. his hand is empty.
he looks up at eddie with huge eyes, back down at his hand, then back up at eddie. he clears his throat, coughs again, still nothing.
and then his whole face lights up. and its magic, it's fucking magic. the sick pallor of steve's face clears as the color returns, the rattle of his breaths quiets until it's gone, until he inhales deep and blows it out in a smooth, easy breath.
"eddie," he says, and he grabs onto eddie's hand. "i love you." he says, like it's suddenly the easiest thing.
eddie laughs, he laughs so bright, and he doesn't even care as he practically throws himself at steve, catching his face between his hands and pulling him in for a kiss.
he almost lost him, but he didn't. he didn't.
"i love you, steve, i love you so much."
it's that easy.
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stateswscarlet · 5 months
Not really an accusation, but I think that there isnt enough attention paid in the loa community for lonely people.
I read so many advice to live a life etc but I am honestly so lonely. I only have 2 friends (who have a very busy social life so I don't see them often) and no sp (broke up with me for another girl, while I'm still in love). I try to do hobbies like art, doing a new class, to distract myself a bit and because it's something that interests me, I have dating apps etc, but every time going to something alone or doing activities alone makes me so deeply unhappy, especially now that summer is coming and I see everyone doing things together.
If I had something to do it would make manifestation so much easier, but because I'm just so lonely it's hard not to put my desires on a pedestal
i used to feel like this for the longest time!! I literally remember feeling so mad whenever I would see “go live your life!” early on when i was newer bc as an introvert who has a small circle and is kind of a homebody, i felt awkward forcing myself to do things for the sake of manifestation.
i completely understand how you feel, its super nerve wracking to do things alone especially when all our friends have other friends or have plans/live far. but i promise you, you taking small steps toward doing stuff even once in two weeks will help SO SO much. yes its uncomfortable but if we always stay in our comfort zone we will never get anywhere, both manifesting wise and life-actions wise.
ask yourself why u feel unhappy, is it bc you feel left out? is it bc ur comparing urself to others? is it bc in the past u unconsciously relied on others company? whatever comes up, it is your responsibility to dismantle and shift away from that. theres nothing wrong with liking being with others or preferring it, but theres a difference between that and being upset when theyre not with you. im telling you rn, your friends and sp even if they surrounded you and showered you with love all the time, its never going to stop you from feeling empty or lonely, it may distract you temporarily but it will never fill your cup if youre not already whole and complete without others.
please see your desires as normal and something you can live without and more importantly be HAPPY without. you dont need it, you choosing to be fulfilled is smth youre choosing for yourself, it wont come in and save you and make you any less lonely.
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sillysadduck · 2 years
hi love *does a lil twirl* hope you’re having a gay day. please share your duck thoughts and psychoanalyse it. if you want. if not you can just send me a lil kiss
૮ • ﻌ - ა
congrats now yall have to read my duck thoughts bc my love gave me the chance [I'm on mobile so excuse any weirdness btw] as always this is a personal opinion etc etc and I like to connect the webseries with the TV series as a sequel ♡ + some fluffybird undertones bc im gay and they are too
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I believe, just like Red and Yellow, he has free will about his thoughts, but not fully about his actions sometimes. He loves the other two (in different ways) but he can't show it, he doesn't know how to and he's too scared to do it. This eternal torment took his ability to show his emotions, and the same thing happened to Red. It didn't apply to Yellow, because his innocence protected his emotional intelligence.
The days go by and he's still trapped, but he's too scared to say anything about it. That's why he tries to stick to the world they know, he doesn't want to risk anything worse happening.
It's not that he's completely clueless, but he thinks (He knows from experience) saying something about the situation will make things worse. An example is episode 5 of the webseries, I believe he realized Red was missing but he didn't say anything because he could see Roy watching them behind the scenes, he tried to answer Red's calls and was trying to be subtle about alerting Yellow, this went on until he finally gave up and tried to leave...
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And you know how that went for him, and for Yellow too. I wouldn't want to try again either.
I think that's when we see his first real "death", not an illusion like the Time episode where they see themselves dying on what appears to be just an illusion. That's why he was so scared when the giant cans took his organs, he looked terrified, they had to make him sleep at first and trap him so he would let it happen. He didn't know he would come back.
Yet, when his heart straight up falls out in the new series he's just like oh!! Haha oh well guess I'm dead see ya.
Because he knows he's gonna come back. He's aware "the journey always ends up back at home" and he can't die forever no matter what. He's super chill about getting his insides removed.
But the longer he's trapped, everything gets worse. He gets worse, his relationship with the other two gets worse, and he becomes more and more scared to leave or change anything [Ex: Yellow getting new batteries upsets him deeply because he has no way of knowing if that will make things worse or better]
He and Red used to reassure Yellow about how much they loved him and didn't want him to be sad, they tried to cheer him up when they got a chance and apologized when they made him feel bad.
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Now, in the june 20th loop, his only response is yelling and hitting the other two. Because at the end of the day everything is pointless and they're all going crazy. He doesn't want to try anymore, we see he never makes the first move. Again, he's too scared to do that and he knows it's pointless. He lost all hope.
Even in the simplest things. When the computer gives too many results his first response is "Well let's give up." And that's his philosophy for everything.
But if someone else takes the first step, he will follow. He doesn't want change unless he feels like it's good change. Even then, he's hesitant about it.
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But he will always have opportunities to show his real self through the denial and funny aggressive personality he made up to hide himself behind. He loves Red, he loves looking at him. And even when they were having privacy and a soft moment for themselves, he was asking "but what about Yellow?"
I know "they just hate each other and never want to see each other again" is a very common interpretation in the fandom now, but I feel like they still care.
Duck still cares, but he's scared. If he shows he cares, this world will gladly take Red and Yellow away from him. Staying in denial will always be easier. He's ok with dying a thousand times, at the end of the day he knows he will come back.
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vaultedthewall · 7 months
Chronicles of Amber Fancast
Prefacing this with what I actually want from a Chronicles of Amber series is that tweet about not actually wanting an all star cast but ten unknowns and a scriptwriter that is deeply unwell. But if I'm gonna pick and choose big name actors here is who I would like based mostly on vibes, attractiveness (to me), and the likelihood it would really upset certain subreddits. AKA everything important in life. Mainly just the children of Oberon in the first five books bc it's already long enough as is.
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Corwin - Oscar Isaac
Charismatic enough to make me forget how much I fucking hate Corwin, also he can sing. Thanks to Moon Knight we know he can totally rock "Protag who is just as confused as the audience as to what is going on" which is v important for Nine Princes In Amber.
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Benedict - Idris Elba
Tall, 100% Done With This Family's shit, can carry the vibes of someone who only doesn't have the throne because he doesn't want it and everyone agrees if that was different he'd just have it.
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Eric - Taika Waititi
Can balance both absolute piece of trash bag of dicks while still being charismatic which is really what's important about Eric.
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Deirdre - Kali Reis
You want a battle maiden you'll get a battle maiden. If anything the main problem here is there's no way on god's green earth you could convince me she'd need Corwin and/or Random to come to her rescue for anything, but hey adaptations are for changing things.
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Fiona - Sophie Turner
For all the redheads I thought it'd be important to pick people who normally play affable everymen/heroes/people you're used to seeing as goodguys, even if the nature of adapting a book series that's older than most of the people you'd cast in it means the 'big twist' of who the traitors are is something everyone sees coming. So someone well practiced at ingenues would be perfect for the actual baddest bitch in charge.
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Bleys - K. J. Apa
We're gonna give him a better dye job than Riverdale though okay I promise.
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Brand - Jack Quaid
Absolutely 'just this guy you know' vibes. Easy to overlook. Would YOU believe he was the big bad? Come on.
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Llewella - Halle Bailey
Yes I'm making a Little Mermaid joke, try and stop me. But also given how shafted she was in the books I think it's important to use someone who can do a lot with having few speaking lines (though hopefully again that would be fixed in an adaptation)
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Caine - Vico Ortiz
Literally I just want to watch them doing all the scenery chewing bullshit you know Caine has to get up to while they are manipulating and spycrafting their way through shit. Can fully believe they'd pull a finding a copy of themself to kill and leave so people don't know they're still around behind the scenes. Especially in their Blackbeard fit, come on.
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Julian - Conrad Ricamora
Did I just cast my absolute most favorite Mister Darcy as my number one blorbo Julian? Call the fucking cops on me idgaf. His resting bitch face and sarcasm are second to none. Also watch Fire Island (2022) on Hulu.
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Gérard - Jason Momoa
Along with being the biggest canon kinda implies he's also the hottest of all of Oberon's sons so absolute massive dreamboat Jason Momoa it is. Also for the lolz of him and Vico being the navy people.
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Florimel - Jamie Clayton
Did you ever see a woman so beautiful you started crying?
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Random - Bex Taylor-Klaus
They can absolutely go through the journey of youngest sibling in the jester position/fuckup because who cares > most responsible one after all.
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Bill Roth - Wil Wheaton
Look I adore his narration of the last five Amber books!!! I want him somewhere so the reliable chillax lawyer from earth who somehow just rolls with becoming the family lawyer for what amounts to gods of reality. I know I said I actually want a bunch of unknowns for the actual series but I will cry at whoever I must to make this happen. Please.
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misterier · 2 years
Hello^^ good day hope your well !
Can you do a request for Hanzo Shimada from over watch and reader is his wife?
Y/n got in a fight with her parents and relapsed sh( sorry if it's too deep) and Hanzo walks in and panics a tiny bit but helps and like cleans y/n up and let's them know it's ok and you can add what ever else this is my first request!!
Have an amazing day!!
| ooo yeah ofc, this is my first time doing overwatch so I hope it's alr😭 tysm for the request, lemme know if things are inaccurate or I'd there's things you'd like changed 😻!!
Trigger warning:self harm, mentions of deep cuts, thoughts of not being enough, talk of horrible family, ext. If any of these things trigger you please do not read, 'm sure there's plenty of other hcs that aren't triggering, take care of yourself<33
reader is assumed fem bc of the wife part so she/her pronouns will be used
word count: 1,280 (I may be wrong)
estimated 4-5 minute reading time if you're not reading out loud
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Today had been horrible; Y/n had gotten into a terrible fight—well, a screaming match—with her parents, and it had been horrible. Once she was finally dismissed, she'd gone back home, utterly drained and with tears already staining her cheeks. 
She'd slammed the front door shut and curled up against it in a ball, letting her cries echo through the empty home. The young woman didn't even try to hold them back, allowing them to shake her terribly.
After a while, she pulled herself together, still crying, and headed for her and her husband's shared room, digging into the depths of a hidden drawer she hoped Hanzo had never found. She was so wrapped up in her own pain and frustration that she hadn't even realized the time. 
Y/n was now curled up on the bathroom floor, a blade to her body. She just watched the blood flow in a tearful trance, her mind racing with horrible thoughts of herself. She didn't even hear her husband call out, saying he was home and asking how her reunion with her parents had gone.
After getting no answer from his wife, he put away his bow, tired from all the work he'd pushed himself through. Hanzo did his best to stay quiet, assuming Y/n had retired early, probably exhausted from the trip.
He headed to their shared room only to find it completely empty, causing the Archer to frown. He knew she was home; the shoes she'd worn that day were in front of the door. 
"Y/N!" He shouted into the quiet home, not out of anger but more out of curiosity and concern. Something felt wrong, and he wasn't sure what. 
He searched the house, not hearing a response. Once he passed the closed bathroom, he heard an awful sound that sent his heart shattering into pieces. 
He used two knuckles to gently knock on the door, not wanting to disturb his wife. "Y/n? Darling are you alright?" He asked in a worried tone, his stomach churning with dread. Suddenly, he felt worse for not being able to accompany her. 
"Hanzo?" A broken voice came from behind the wooden door, laced with tears, pain, and consern.
"Yes my love, are you alright? Should I come in?" He asked her nervously, already fearing the state he may find her in.
Y/n looked at the door guilty, fear washing over her as her eyes darted between where she heard her worried husband and the dripping blood of her wrists. 
They'd been high school sweethearts, and she was sure Hanzo knew exactly what he'd see if he came in. 
She took a deep breath from the floor and hit the blade, turning her wrists toward her body so the new gashes would be seen. "I'm fine, honey; you can go to bed. I'm sure you're tired." She mumbled softly, her voice still wavering.
Okay she's not fine. 
Hanzo sighed deeply; he wasn't frustrated with her; he knew she was upset, but the fact she was trying to hide her pain from him? Y/n was his wife; didn't she understand it was his duty to help and protect her, no matter how much of a bother she believed it was.
"Darling I'd like to come in. Is that alright with you?" He questioned firmly, trying to hold back the roughness he knew she shouldn't hear; he didn't want to hurt her in her already vulnerable state. 
He could hear Y/n hesitate before she mumbled that he could. As soon as he was given permission, he slowly opened the door. 
"Y/n?" His voice had changed completely, from one of calmness to one of a husband who'd found his wife in such a horrific way. 
Blood. There was so much. It swirled on the tiles and stained her clothes red; it all pooled around her and was dripping from her wrists. "Hey." She whispered through her tears, her hair scattered messily around her face while she sat with her back behind the bathtub. 
He loved her and always thought she was beautiful, but this was utterly nauseating—so much blood, all hers, and it was like she didn't even care that she was bleeding out. He wanted to take it all away, give it to himself, so she wouldn't be in such agony from her own hand. 
The archer held back a cry of his own and gulped. He grabbed a washcloth, wetting it before grabbing a metkit and sitting beside her. 
He took a long, deep breath before he gently grabbed the uninjured part of her wrist and began to quietly clean it. Hanzo didn't trust himself to speak, not wanting to say something wrong or end up crying.
"Would you talk to me—please, I know you're angry, but—" Y/n choked on her words, watching her husband quietly clean her wounds, not daring to protest.
"I am not angry. I just don't understand why you didn't just talk to me. You are more important than my work, darling; if you ever need me, I will be here." He mumbled, not meeting her eyes, while he wiped the final bit of blood from one arm, reaching into the kit for gauze. 
"I'm sorry, I thought you might.." Y/n trailed off, looking away from her husband while she allowed herself to be patched up. He frowned and shook his head, finally looking her in the eyes. 
"You thought I'd be upset that you're in pain? Of course I would, but I would never take it out on you. I understand you're afraid, and it only makes me worry for you. I'm your husband, and I only wish to help you through these feelings.. You shouldn't have to do this to yourself if I'm here. You can talk to me." Hanzo sighed, biting his lip softly as he finished patching her up.
Y/n looked down at him tearfully and nodded. "I'm sorry." She whispered, looking down and trying not to cry again as she pulled him into a gentle hug, careful of her newly wrapped wrists. "Don't be sorry, you're alright. Just talk to me next time." He responded, carefully helping her up and guiding her out of the bathroom.
Hanzo sat her down on the couch and cupped her cheek, gazing into her eyes carefully before he kissed her forehead. "I'll be back in a moment." He said softly, kissing her again before he walked into the kitchen, leaving her to sit on the couch.
Before Y/n could even register that she was now alone, two dragons appeared at her side, one curled in her lap and the other circling her shoulders, nuzzling into her adoringly. 
The Archer returned quickly, a tub of her favorite ice cream in his hand as well as two spoons. He shooed one dragon off her shoulder so he could gently hold onto her, turning on one of her favorite movies before handing her a spoon and opening the ice cream.
"We can talk about it whenever you like." "Not right now." "That's okay."
He kissed the back of her head and listened to her calm breathing, distracting her from her troubles while she watched the show. Of course Hanzo was watching, but he was paying more attention to his wife, watching her eat and her eyes sparkle, no longer focused on the long day she'd had. 
He wrapped an arm around her waist, setting his head on her shoulder. "I love you." Hanzo mumbled kindly, still watching her with soft eyes, glad she'd finally been able to relax. 
Y/n looked over to him, a smaller smile on her face while he kissed his forehead in a similar way he had. "I love you too."
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hiyyihrts · 5 months
Just as many of us are thrilled to see rep in s3, many, many women were thrilled at the idea of representation for themselves in s2. It isn’t unreasonable for them to notice the discrepancy in how one actress was treated in comparison to the s1 and s3 white female leads, and it takes nothing away from your love of Nicola / Polin to allow them to express their feelings about that without trying to gaslight them.
It wasn’t the pandemic that made Netflix not do a couple’s poster, or one for Simone alone, or deny requests for joint Johnny and Simone interviews. It wasn’t the pandemic that had Netflix do that and give the EW article to other characters, rather than Simone, Simone and Johnny, or heck, Simone, Johnny, and Charithra. No, y’all essentially got a Polin shoot for s2. Which, yay for you, but think how you’d feel if this season it was all Benedict or Francesca promo instead of Penelope. Wouldn’t you think Netflix was wrong? That it was fatphobic? I would. I therefore think what they did for s2 reeks of racism.
It wasn’t the pandemic that had the writers compare the Sharma sisters to horses, literally, horses in a horse race in s2, and pit them against each other for a white man.
I could go on, people post receipts of this all the time, and you don’t need to take it as personally as many have, but don’t gaslight fans who saw it. Don’t encourage white fans to dismiss the people who are deeply hurt by it. No one is saying not to celebrate what y’all are getting, but there is a discrepancy and pointing it out and demanding better is a good thing that in no way detracts from the fact that Nicola / Polin / s3 is getting everything and more than y’all could ever ask. It’s gross to tell woc to shut the fuck up and be grateful when they got so much less than what the selling point of the show (diversity) promised.
I normally don’t get involved in this kind of stuff but your post was in the Kanthony tag, so I felt it merited a response, knowing how much it would hurt people. People who have already been deeply hurt by Bridgerton and the fandom. This isn’t some kind of shipping war, it’s so much more important, and I’m dismayed at how callous the fandom is being about all this.
I haven’t and will never say that people can’t be upset by the blatant differences in how the seasons have been promoted. Nor have I said anyone shouldn’t talk about it or to be quiet about it. I see now that it was wrong to say the pandemic influenced what went on, bc people have sent me things since indicating that there very much is a lot of racial differences and unfair treatment for both of the leads the last season. It’s true Simone and Johnny both were paid dust, and to have the sister’s stories altered and changed is not something I agree with. I’m not trying to encourage anyone to do anything. The only thing I don’t agree with and I’ve said before is making it seem like any of these actors chose things that production did. I wish Simone and Johnny were featured more in this season and got more than what they did in the last! It’s Netflix and Shonda that are the ones pushing these things and deciding what does or doesn’t happen. Blaming the actors for it doesn’t do anything because they don’t have a say in what is or isn’t done, that’s all Netflix and Shonda. I don’t understand throwing vitriol over couples and actors who don’t decide things. I don’t agree with anyone doing that. And I’ll make it clear now that I don’t agree with Netflix or Shonda or condone anything they’ve done that has hindered Johnny and Simone in any way, shape, or form, or has caused fans to come after them for starring in a show and playing characters that people connect with and love dearly. I wish there would’ve been better representation than what we were given, and I hope the future seasons have even better representation and they take the criticism over racist descriptions and lack of promotion to their heads and it actually clicks that what they did wasn’t fair or right.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
(this is from marxismlupinism btw just sending an anon cause still shadowbanned + dont want my r/s blog tied to my main blog anyway)
lmao if only my followers were your followers literally idk why my anons r so mad im just stating the established party line of the blog they chose to follow...
literally every online community ive been in youve been able to say you think the community has XYZ problem and people could discuss the problem and suggest solutions honestly baffling that peoples response to someone saying the hp fandom is transphobic is to go "no it's not" instead of, idk, either trying to make it less transphobic if you think it's salvageable or leaving it if you think it's unsalvageable. the only communities ik that would respond to an accusation of transphobia w denial rather than taking trans people's concerns seriously are, well, actually overtly explicitly transphobic communities lol... and the people claiming they "engage critically" are very clearly not if their response to criticism of the hp fandom is to be defensive—if you engage critically with something that means taking seriously good faith criticism of the thing you engage critically with. like i "engaged critically" w hp/rs for the past 2.5 years and i have never ever gotten defensive at someone criticising hp or its fandom (esp since like... almost all the people criticising hp or its fandom are trans and im not gonna go harass another trans person for being understandably upset at ppl engaging w transphobic media lol).
hp fans (including tme trans hp fans—and, btw, we're well aware there are some transmasculine hp fans, the rest of the trans community just think they suck and are losers lol and i can't imagine that the transmasc hp fans aren't aware of this fact unless they just dont interact w other trans people outside the hp fandom at all) will criticise hp and jkr while believing that the hp fandom itself is above criticism. this does the dual work of distancing themselves from harry potter/jkr, which even they cannot defend/pretend is not bad, while also absolving themselves of all responsibility for any transphobia & transmisogyny they perpetuate or engage in. it's honestly a deeply immature way of engaging with media as well as one that logically falls apart under any scrutiny—firstly, if you accept that hp and its author are deeply bigoted, isn't it just logical that its fanbase would share the politics of the source media? secondly, this is just empirically false lol. there didnt always used to be basically no trans women in the hp fandom—i myself used to be friends with several back in the old days—but most transfems left the fandom in 2020–2021 bc of jkr's increasing transmisogyny. and speak to any of the transfems who did leave at that time and they can tell you their firsthand experiences. like, i really dunno how you can claim the hp fandom isnt transmisogynistic without just outright saying that you think most trans women are crazy and making shit up when they say they dont want anything to do with hp or its fans.
anyway ill stop writing essays in ur inbox now rae xoxo love ya have a nice day!
hi laura <3 yeah truly i think it is so weird that someone would choose 2 follow a blog on tumblr.com which clearly states "i don't like hp/hp fandom" and then get mad when that blog makes a post saying. "i don't like hp/hp fandom." babe why r u at the criticizing hp fandom store if u don't want hp fandom criticism....
and yeah i've talked before on my blog abt how like. i do not think we can "separate" fandom from jkr + the inherent shittiness of hp + my personal stance is that i think if u are engaging with hp fandom in 2023 u should at least be prepared to acknowledge + address the fact that u are engaging w a fundamentally conservative piece of media that is rooted in horrible politics, bc if u don't fully understand how jkr's politics are steeped throughout the franchise then it is much more likely that u will just be. absorbing + perpetuating them.
i think something that gets left out of a lot of conversations abt jkr even when discussing how shitty she is within hp fandom is the fact that like. yeah she's broadly transphobic, but she is specifically transmisogynistic, and the politics + policies she endorses are most targeted + harmful towards trans women. in my personal experience thus far in hp fandom i've encountered a lot of tme trans people, and i think there can be this tendency to go "well i'm trans and i know so many trans people who have carved out a space in this fandom that is super affirming + positive for ourselves, so obviously there is no transphobia here" and like. bc of the strong emotional connection to what people view as a safe queer space it can feel like an attack or whatever when someone goes "ok but. have u considered transmisogyny." or just whenever someone is like. rude/mean/cunty in their criticism of hp--but like. tbh as tme trans people i just think it's more important to recognize that many other trans people (and especially tma trans people) have a reason for being rude/mean/cunty in their criticism of hp and even if it hurts ur feelings it's more important to actually think about where that critique is coming from then to get upset bc u feel like it wasn't phrased nicely. at the end of the day just bc a space feels safe 2 u does not mean it is going 2 feel safe 2 everyone!!
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