#it's in his best man speech
innytoes · 2 years
Some jerk convinced the kid I’m a Big Brother/Big Sister for that Santa wasn’t real and they’re heartbroken so I need your help with an elaborate plan to make them believe again because they can’t deal with any more heartache this year for Reggie & Carlos obviously (but if you wanna throw in some side PeterPatterLina I wouldn't be mad)
I aged Carlos down, obviously, because 12 is perhaps a liiiittle old to believe in Santa.
Being a Big Brother was just about the best thing Reggie had ever done in his life. Like sure, he was part of a super awesome band, and sure, after three years of pining and Alex threatening to quit the band if they didn't get their shit together he finally asked Luke out. But that was all personal stuff. This was for like, the greater good.
Carlos was the coolest, funniest little dude, and Reggie loved him to death. His aunt had signed him up after his mother died, and he'd been paired with Reggie because they both liked music, pizza, and Ghost Files. Even if Reggie was a total Shaniac and Carlos was a Boogara.
He took Carlos out for ice cream, to the arcade, and helped with his homework (well, helped with his math homework, at least. Thank god Carlos' dad knew about the other stuff, but apparently math had Changed and Mister Molina was Big Mad about it). He dragged Carlos to band practice after getting permission from Mister Molina. He’d promised the other guys were all big giant nerds who happened to play music, not scary sex-drugs-rock-and-roll rock stars. Mister Molina had laughed at that. He seemed like a good dude.
They had long talks about all kinds of stuff, from the ridiculous (ghosts, not real. Bigfoot? Totally real!) to the serious (Chad Whitman is a racist little douchebag and you shouldn't listen to him, also please don't tell your dad or your aunt where you learned the word douchebag.) Carlos knew he could come to Reggie with anything, and he'd never ever laugh or blow him off.
So when he asked Reggie in tears if Santa was real, Reggie was a little flummoxed. They hadn't covered this in the Big Brother Handbook. He teased the story out of Carlos, about how Jaedynn McKenzie from the school bus had told him Santa wasn't real and that he probably wasn't going to get any presents this year anyway because his mom was dead and everyone knew moms did the presents.
He'd managed to calm Carlos down, saying of course Jaedynn McKenzie's mom had to buy his presents and pretend they were from Santa, because he was on the Naughty List for sure.
"She probably gets up suuuper early to hide all the coal he got, just so her spoiled precious baby aaaangel doesn't get hurt feeeeelings," he said, drawing out the words in a Karen™ voice, making Carlos laugh.
After he'd dropped Carlos off and gave Mister Molina a quick heads up, and Alex had talked him down from finding and punching a sixth grader, he sat down with Luke and concocted a Plan. Because this wasn't going to stand. Sure, Mister Molina was probably going to make sure Carlos got lots of cool presents from Santa, but that wouldn't take away the niggling doubt.
The plan was simple. They were going to go to Carlos' house on Christmas Eve, climb up on the roof, and give him something to believe in. Bobby helped them make something with broomsticks that would sound like reindeer hooves on the roof, and Alex swore he wouldn't help with their stupid plan but got them the Santa Costume from his attic anyway.
He and Luke met up at the studio at midnight, getting everything ready. They decided Luke would be the one to dangle from the roof in front of the window, since he had the Arm Muscles to do so. Reggie would hold on to the rope and make the reindeer noises.
Getting on the Molina roof was pretty easy. Of course, they both had a lot of experience with sneaking out. Reggie found what he was pretty sure was Carlos' window, and they got to work. Jingling some bells, clip-cloppy hooves on the roof, and big booted footsteps. Then, Reggie tied the rope to the chimney, and gently lowered Luke down.
"Ho ho OH MY GOD Reggie she has a knife!" Luke shrieked, which was not the line. Reggie dropped the rope in his fright, and Luke dropped down the extra foot and a half, rolling off the roof in front of the dormer and landing with an ‘oof!’ on the roof of the back porch.
"Luke!" Reggie whisper-shouted, leaning over the edge of the dormer window. Below him, Luke was thankfully getting up, and then a head popped out of the window which was decidedly not Carlos. Long curly black hair, a fierce glare and oh yep that was a knife.
"Reggie?" Julie, Carlos' older sister asked incredulously. "What the hell are you doing?"
"We were trying to give Carlos a visit from Santa," he said, thankful when she lowered the knife. "He's already been through so much this year, I wasn't going to let stupid Jaedynn McKenzie ruin this for him too."
Julie's face crumpled, and her eyes filled with tears. Oh no. He and Luke shared a look of panic. "That's so stupid," she said wetly, laughing through her tears. "And sweet." She pushed the window open a little further, leaning out as Reggie slid down to the edge next to it. He helped Luke clamber back up, and he pulled his itchy beard down to give her a sheepish smile.
"Um, Julie, this is my boyfriend, Luke," Reggie said. They'd only really talked once, at one of Carlos' baseball games. She seemed really cool, even though she was also obviously struggling with her mom's death. She was also very pretty when she wasn’t threatening people with a knife. "Luke, this is Carlos' sister, Julie."
"Um, hi. Thanks for not stabbing Santa," Luke said awkwardly.
Julie snorted. "Carlos' room is over there," she said, pointing to another set of windows. Also, he sleeps like the dead," she said. "Give me five minutes, I'll go wake him up and tell him I heard something."
She gave Reggie a firm but cute glare. "Don't drop Santa this time."
"Yes boss," they both said.
In the end, Carlos got The Magic Of Christmas back, and Luke and Reggie got to hang out on the roof and eat the cookies they'd left out for Santa, talking to Julie until the night sky started to lighten.
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
Leo being put into a situation where there is absolutely no fighting, just verbal manipulation and perception games, would be amazing to witness. We see a lot in the series how good he is at subterfuge and how he uses his perception to manipulate to great effect, so it’d be so cool to really see it put to the test even more.
Manipulation is one of the most effective tactical strategies of all time, so just imagine Leo putting this skillset of his to the full test. Imagine the boys slowly get up to busting bigger and more powerful criminals, including those with networks of crime under their belt, and a simple fight isn’t enough to take them down. For criminals like this, Leo’s skills in subterfuge would be deadly.
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bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
During Tommy and Eddie's basketball/MMA's/work in garage times Buck starts going out to football field to play, because he miss football, and he meets ... Sal !!! They click so quickly and start to meet a lot and Sal even asks him to go to the Superbowl because he has a tickets (just bros hand out) and Buck forgets to mention it till Tommy comes to the station to take him to surprise date only for Buck to say "sorry, babe, raincheck?" and goes with Sal because IT'S SUPERBOWL. And Tommy is jealous
Or it happens during 7x4 au where Buck never body checked Eddie, got sad puppy because he doesn't have time with Tommy, and then met on the football field and started hang out with Sal. Then eventually Tommy comes to 118 ready to put big boys pants and ask Evan to hang out: "hey what about the beer we still need to get?" Buck says "sorry, I have something that ... comes right now" *enters Sal on the vintage car Tommy dreams about and hugs Buck's waist in hello* "raincheck?" (Funnier if it's Buck who has tickets and Sal is happy to see his bestie and is like "so it's going to be three of us?" and Buck " I wish") And so Buck goes with Sal. and it's Tommy now who's boiling with jealousy, because he was trying hard to find the reason to hang out with Evan and now Sal of all people, his bestie, takes it away from him because he and Evan play football and go to museums and aquarium and zoo together? So Tommy starts to try and make his bestie Sal ask him to join him and Evan, but there's a problem that Sal knows Tommy doesn't like everything he does with Buck, so he doesn't ask Tommy, but he's definitely not obvious like Eddie. so he enjoys the way Tommy tries hard to be nonchalant about trying to learn to play football. Eventually Sal's like "god, these stupid gays can't do anything without me" and traps Bucktommy on the date because he never comes to the meeting in really romantic Italian restaurant
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dragonflavoredcake · 1 month
[Grian's wedding]
Pearl: When I was around eight, Grian and Taurtis went out to play paintball one day, and I love playing paintball, so when Taurtis came over and wanted to play, I asked if I could join. And they shot me down, like any older brother would do to any little sister.
Pearl: But like any other little sister, I ran upstairs, got my stuff anyway, and I was gonna follow whether they liked it or not!
Pearl: But when I got downstairs, they were gone. So I picked up a couple of Grian's paintballs and threw them against the neighbor's house.
Grian: WHAT? Are you serious?!
Pearl: So Grian assured the neighbors and our parents that it couldn't have been him or Taurtis because neither of their paintballs were that color.
Mrs. Grian: *dying of laughter*
Pearl: Neither the neighbors nor our parents believed him and made him clean it up, and I knew I'd have to tell eventually, but wow did I really want to watch TV that day.
Pearl: So I bring this up 19 years later as a wedding gift to him, for closure. I'm the one who threw those paintballs. So thank you for letting me watch TV that day.
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septemberlikeastorm · 1 month
osha asking qimir/the stranger to weld her a cortosis arm bracer & he immediately rummages in his pocket & produces the teeniest tiniest bracer you ever saw. a layman might even call it a ring
qimir: this bracer is to wear on your ring finger. since that's what you most often use to block lightsaber strikes
qimir: don't make it weird, i have one too, it's strictly utilitarian, & NO it's not that they each have half of an interlocking heart, that shape is a person whose skull has been caved in it's clearly an intimidation tactic WHY are you insisting on interpreting this as romantic??
qimir: jesus fine you've worn me down i GUESS i'll marry you since you're clearly so hung up on it. don't worry i already sent out the invitations
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suntails · 4 hours
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this is a piece from my silver artbook, currently accepting preorders!! u can get a copy here!!!
non-UK: suntails.bigcartel.com
UK: etsy.com/shop/SuntailsArt
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lensinski · 11 months
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Gary Neville in BECKHAM
Gary was Mister Sensible. Did he talk a lot then? Gaz? Gaz always talked. And we very rarely listend to him.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
If Franky isn't the one making Sanuso's wedding rings then what's the point
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Do you think Johnny would make fun or tease kenshi about his obvious little crush on Sonya
Definitely, like Kenshi's so painfully obvious it hurts. And he isn't even aware of it half the time and the other half is him trying to hide it.
Like they'll be talking in the Special Forces break room and Sonya walks by and says hi and Kenshi says hi back a little too quick and a little too excited. As soon as she leaves Johnny's poking fun at his reaction whatever they were originally talking about being completely forgotten.
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jimmyspades · 4 months
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"The concept of a last stand sounds so heroically romantic, doesn’t it, Donald? But there’s a good reason why we didn’t see what happened to Butch and Sundance. Being riddled by bullets and left to rot under a scorching Bolivian sky does not a sequel make. And if you’ve surmised nothing about me by now, know this—I’m gonna be around for the sequel." THE BLACKLIST 1.09 "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)"
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ghost-in-the-corner · 10 months
TMA!Soulmark AU where everyone has a matching mark with their platonic soulmate, their ultimate bestie, the person who just gets them. A one true BFF sort of thing. Jon has never found his, though it kind of became less of a focus after Leitner died. He's horrified and surprised when Daisy bursts in, kills Mike Crew, and just stares at Jon in shock and horror.
"Daisy!" He says, his hands in the air. "Now, look, I know what you must think, but you have to listen to me-
"You can't be fucking serious." She says, her voice flat. She slowly begins lowering her gun.
Jon notices where her eyes are, following them to his arm. He's only wearing a short sleeve right now, thanks to the fact that he and Georgie are pretty much the same size and he doesn't really care about his appearance at the moment. He hadn't paid much attention to the soulmark on his arm in a while, but right now it's on full display, taking up all of Daisy's attention.
He looks back at her as she slowly holsters her gun. Jon is careful to keep him hands up, even if it strains his bandages just a bit. "Daisy...?"
At a snail's pace, she slips off her jacket and rolls up the sleeve on her left arm. Jon almost falls off his chair again when he sees his soulmark perfectly mirrored on her bicep.
She breathes harshly, and they finally make eye contact. "Sims?" She says, the growl he's so used to hearing in her voice tapering off.
He gulps. "Ah..." Jon notes that his hands were slowly drifting down, so he puts them back up. "Um, I suppose all I can say is, uh, hello?" He tries a weak smile.
Daisy gives him a tired glare. Yeah, he probably deserves that.
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pickinglilahs · 1 year
Sirius has been telling Regulus all about his new BFF, Jamie the bartender. Going on about how the poor soul's going through a rough patch cause their ex took everything. Then Sirius gets the idea to set him and Regulus up. Regulus, who hasn't realized Jamie is a guy (cause Sirius calls everyone gurl), doesn't have the heart to tell Sirius that he's gay. Not because he doesn't think his brother will accept him (Sirius is gay too) but because he just seems so excited!
Cut to—
Regulus finally being dragged into this bar and sees Jamie and just... James is tanned and toned in a shirt that is definitely two sizes too small. Then he lifts the front of his shirt (revealing the yummiest set of abbs ever!) to wipe off his glasses. And Regulus just stands there drooling.
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roosterbox · 1 year
Random Steddie thought that needed writing down again, lol.
Imagine Eddie teasing Steve while they plan their wedding.
“Don’t worry, babe - I’ll have the tissues on standby for you,” he says, grinning.
Steve, who already knows he’s probably gonna cry, just rolls his eyes like “yeah yeah, laugh it up. Hardy har har.” But he’s smiling too. How can he not? He’s marrying the love of his life.
The ceremony happens. And for what it’s worth, Steve is actually pretty okay. Sure, he might have let a few tears escape, but nothing major. Not enough to even redden his eyes or cheeks. He’s fine.
Eddie, meanwhile, started bawling his eyes out as soon as he saw Steve in his tux, and did not let up even after they were pronounced husbands. How could he not? He married the love of his life.
(catch Wayne in the front row, alternating between rolling his eyes and wiping the tears away from them. He loves his boys, but damn are they silly sometimes.)
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damian-lil-babybat · 1 year
HC: Top 5 cases the Batboys take from Batman's Case Files
Being a member of the Bat Family, problems finds you, often times with catastrophic consequences. And more often than not, it is delegated by Batman. But still, any member is free to take on any cases from the Batcomputer's case files, sometimes for fun, often times coz it's their calling.
So here are the top five cases, the Batboys usually takes out from Batman's case files.
DAMIAN AL GHUL WAYNE • Anything al Ghul related cases • Cases involving underground assassin and mercenary groups • Cases involving the demonic, the occult and mystic arts • Animal abuse cases • Cases involving minor children, clones, and multiverse version of villains, anti-heroes, and superheroes (mainly of Batman and Superman)
TIMOTHY DRAKE • White collar crimes (as Wayne CEO) • Cold cases of Batman • Anything time-warping and dimensional or multiversal related cases • Anything Batman related cases  (notably those when Batman goes off-grid, etc.) • Cases involving teen children, clones, and multiverse version of villains, anti-heroes, and superheroes (mainly of Batman and Superman)
JASON TODD • Gotham related cases (notably those involving women and children) • Cases involving syndicated crimes (committed by crimelords, mafia bosses, etc.) • Cases involving unauthorized vigilantes and superhero activities in Gotham • Cases involving rehabilitation of ex-criminals and goons of Gotham • Anything Batman related cases (notably those when Batman is the problem, and when other Wayne kids are involved)
RICHARD GRAYSON • Bludhaven related cases • Cases involving systemic crimes (committed by the powerful and the influential of Gotham) • Anything inter-States, international, intergalactical related cases (notably those involving aliens, i.e. alien invasions, diplomatic relations, etc.) • Anything Batfam-member related cases (notably when any member is the problem...mostly Batman) • Cases involving adult children, clones, and multiverse version of villains, anti-heroes, and superheroes (mainly of Batman and Superman)
DUKE THOMAS • Gotham related day-time crimes • Meta-humans related cases • Cases involving 'Wayne Family Members' (notably saving them from would-be kidnappers and terrorists) • Cases involving safety and evacuation of civillians (notably when JLA-related threat comes to Gotham) • Cases when Gotham faces another apocalyptic threat (notably those when the 'Wayne Family Members' are involved)
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beevean · 4 months
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the hallmark of Peak Fiction is shoehorning a very serious conversation about a very serious past conflict in an unrelated scene, in the form of snarky banter played for laughs, so that the writer can pretend they listen to audience feedback, while not needing to fully think of addressing the issue and fully sweeping it under the rug because it would be inconvenient to paint the involved characters as dumbasses/vile. Bonus points if it literally goes nowhere and it can be removed from the scene without affecting the flow of the dialogue.
And if it makes me want to eat my own bones because I feel the urge to beat the involved characters to death with a nailed bat, that's just a plus :)
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lovewanxian · 1 year
Wei Wuxian, whispering: I have a crush on Lan Zhan
Jiang Cheng, whispering back: Wait really? Him? Damn, none of my siblings got any taste, I see. Want me to set you up with him?
Wwx: Yes please.
Jc, turning towards lwj and bellowing at the top of his lungs: YO LAN WANGJI, WEI WUXIAN GOT A CRUSH ON YOU!
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