#cute silly things
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roosterbox · 2 years ago
Random Steddie thought that needed writing down again, lol.
Imagine Eddie teasing Steve while they plan their wedding.
“Don’t worry, babe - I’ll have the tissues on standby for you,” he says, grinning.
Steve, who already knows he’s probably gonna cry, just rolls his eyes like “yeah yeah, laugh it up. Hardy har har.” But he’s smiling too. How can he not? He’s marrying the love of his life.
The ceremony happens. And for what it’s worth, Steve is actually pretty okay. Sure, he might have let a few tears escape, but nothing major. Not enough to even redden his eyes or cheeks. He’s fine.
Eddie, meanwhile, started bawling his eyes out as soon as he saw Steve in his tux, and did not let up even after they were pronounced husbands. How could he not? He married the love of his life.
(catch Wayne in the front row, alternating between rolling his eyes and wiping the tears away from them. He loves his boys, but damn are they silly sometimes.)
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moncuries · 1 year ago
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guess what i watched on new years (a redraw kind of)
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absentlyhere · 9 months ago
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Dream tiger goob
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fleilikious · 1 month ago
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SHADOW MILK COOKIE but … cunt???!!??!
Tried to bring back my overall creativity cuz I’ve been mentally drained lately but hey I mean uhhhhhhhhhhhhh hey
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lolapath · 11 months ago
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Ahhh my favourite drink 🍷 the og post (Ig?)
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shadowisabean · 4 months ago
My life revolves around Shadow 🐶❤️
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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newgroundstier · 2 months ago
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riptide xmas oneshot was fun :]
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
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just thinking about hair and faces
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jinikaris · 2 months ago
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HYUNJIN and FELIX at Incheon International Airport // December 20th, 2024
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cobaltfluff · 1 month ago
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goro picks up a clingy nyakiren
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nimblefoxes · 1 year ago
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This started with “Dean totally has orange cat energy” and just kept going and now I’ve lost all control???? Also nobody tells you cat anatomy is WEIRD. Why so bendy???
Special thanks to @lordcrowcifer for his suggestions for Crowley & Gabriel! (He made a strong case with the perfect photo of an angery looking Scottish Fold 😂)
More suggestions are, of course, welcomed because I have nothing better to do than draw dudes in plaid as cats. Breeds under the cut >>>
Dean - Orange Tabby Sam - Somali Bobby - American Bobtail Cas - Bombay Crowley - Scottish Fold Gabriel - Oriental Shorthair
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steveseddie · 5 months ago
boy wonder
steddie | rating: t | wc: 999 | cw: none | tags: pre-relationship, steve and eddie recovering at the hospital together, eddie just had surgery, he’s a little high, fluff
for @steddie-spooktober day fourteen, prompt “bats”
read on ao3
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“Do you think I’ll turn into Batman?”
Steve looks up from the magazine he’s been skimming through to find Eddie peering at him from his hospital bed. 
The sight of him covered in bandages and hooked to IVs and monitors still sends a shiver down Steve’s spine. But as the days go by and Eddie keeps getting better— looking better, less and less like he’s on the brink of death— it gets easier for Steve to handle it.
He’s surprised that Eddie woke up so soon after his surgery. The doctor said it’d be a while before the drugs wore off so Steve prepared himself to sit here for hours waiting for Eddie to wake up, just like he did after his first and then his second surgery. 
But it’s been less than two hours since they rolled him back into his room and Eddie is already up, eyes half-lidded and words slightly slurred and nonsensical, but awake and alert— and waiting for Steve to reply.
“Um, come again?”
“Do you think I’ll turn into Batman?” Eddie repeats, head lolling to the side to blink at Steve. “You know, ’cause I got bit by bats.”
Normally, Steve wouldn’t argue about superheroes with a nerd like Eddie, but he’s read a few Batman comics in his life and even he knows that’s not right. 
“I’m pretty sure Batman didn’t get bit by bats, Eddie,” he says with an amused chuckle. 
“No, but Spiderman got bit by a spider,” Eddie says, wagging his finger— the one with the pulse oximeter— at Steve like what he’s saying makes perfect sense. 
To him— pumped full of some pretty hardcore drugs— it probably does.  
“Okay,” Steve says, deciding to humor him. He shifts on the chair, leaning forward so that his back isn’t pressed against anything. They cleaned his wounds and changed his bandages before he came to Eddie’s room and by now the numbing cream has started to wear off and it stings. “Well, I also got bit by bats. Does that mean I’ll become Batman too?”
Eddie’s eyebrows knit together in a cute little frown. “There can only be one Batman.”
“And why does it have to be you?”
Eddie thinks it over for a second before propping himself up in his elbows, eyes wide. “I dress in black! And I have bat tattoos!” 
“Well, I have rich parents,” Steve counters with. It’s the one thing he knows he shares with the character. 
“Well, my parents are dead!” Eddie says. It’s probably the drugs’ fault that he sounds so enthusiastic about it. “I win!”
“Fine,” Steve says, rolling his eyes half-heartedly, “I guess you can be Batman.”
Eddie grins, satisfied, flopping back against the bed, his hair fanning out against the pillow. “You can be Robin,” he tells Steve, giving him a lopsided smile. 
“Sure, Eds.”
Eddie perks up and props himself on his elbows again. “Hey, we should dress up as them for Halloween!”
Steve can’t help but make a face. “No way, man.”
“Oh, right,” Eddie says, his smile falling, “we won’t be friends anymore by then.”
Wait— what?
“What are you talking about?” Steve asks, frowning. That makes even less sense than his drug-induced Batman musings. 
“Well, you only hang out with me ’cause we’re both stuck in this hospital,” Eddie says matter-of-factly, “but once we’re out of here, you’ll have no reason to put up with me.”
Steve starts shaking his head even before he’s done talking. He knows Eddie is only saying this out loud because of the drugs but it’s something he must’ve thought about it before. It makes Steve sad to think he’s been feeling this way for the last couple of weeks and Steve didn’t know. 
“Eddie, I don’t ‘put up with you’, okay? We’re friends, I like your company. You’re like, cool and really funny,” Steve says as earnestly as he can. “And we saved the world together! That means you’re stuck with me, man.”
Eddie’s eyes grow wider as Steve talks. He blinks slowly at him as he processes the words before his lips stretch into a big grin. 
“Does that mean we can dress up together?”
Steve’s lips scrunch to the side. “Yeah, no, I’m not wearing a nerdy costume, especially one where I have to wear tights,” he says in a bitchy tone. 
“But you’d look so good in them,” Eddie insists and then leers at Steve, licking his lips before he adds in a low voice— “big boy.”
Steve’s eyes go wide, and just like the first time Eddie called him that, he blushes and forgets how to speak from how flustered he feels.
He’s lucky he’s not the one hooked to a heart monitor right now or the damn thing would’ve started beeping like crazy in time with his stuttering heartbeat. 
He’s saved from having to say anything in response to that by a doctor coming into the room at that moment to check on Eddie, distracting him and breaking the weird tension. It’s a good thing she doesn’t pay any attention to Steve or she might ask why his face is bright red. 
“Hey, Doc,” Eddie says as she checks his vitals. The doctor hums in acknowledgment. “I’m Batman.” 
“Sure you are, Mr. Munson,” she says in a bored tone but Eddie doesn’t seem to care that she acts so dismissively. 
His head lolls to the side and he gives Steve a dimpled grin. “And that’s my Boy Wonder,” he says, eyes warm and molten as they stare at him.
Steve doesn’t know why that makes his heart skip a beat or why it makes his lungs feel like they can’t draw any air in.
Or why he wants Eddie to look at him like that again so desperately that he’s genuinely considering wearing those tights on Halloween after all.
Maybe he should ask the doctor for a check-up after she’s done with Eddie, just to be safe. He thinks he might be coming down with something.
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strobbylemonade · 1 year ago
fish want me women fear me
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glambots · 1 month ago
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Rating: SFW
Wordcount: 5k
A commission for @semidemi-minigod !! In which you give Moon a bath. But from Moon's POV.
It was difficult to say when it all started.
When he’d allowed himself to become so complacent. So vulnerable.
It wasn’t an entirely pleasant feeling. But you made it easier. Somehow.
Even now, when all he wanted was to slink away into the dark, far away from your pleading eyes and pursed lips.
“Come on, Moon. Please? You can look at it all if you want to. I won’t stop you. It’s really good stuff. Like, expensive stuff.”
You moved around the cleaning cart, picking up and brandishing several different items in his direction, with all the nervous excitement of a salesman trying to land a deal.
His eyes moved over each object laid out, atop the cart’s surface. Towels, fluffy and white. Bottles of cleaning solutions. Metal polish. Different kinds of scrub brushes. A few toothbrushes…?
He didn’t recognize any of the brands, which meant that they came from outside the Pizzaplex.
“…You bought these?” Cautiously, he picked up one of the little canisters and held it between his thumb and forefinger, turning the balm canister round-and-round like it was an oversized coin.
Polish cream. The fancy aluminum tin flashed under the dim lights, like the spark of a distant star.
“Yeah, I got them all from a hardware place that was nearby.” You smiled, hands roving over the assortment to grasp one of the smaller hand towels. His head tilted a bit when you held it out to him, a lopsided smile gracing your flushed cheeks.
“Feel these! I swear, I have never felt towels as soft as these.”
Curiosity burning, Moon placed the polish back down and reached for the towel. He fingered the soft, fluffy fabric in a bit of awe. It was much nicer than the old, tattered rags they had stashed away in the Daycare. Cleaner, too.
“They’re Egyptian cotton.” Your grin grew wider. “I got you a couple of sets, so you can keep some in storage for when they each get worn out.”
“Well…yeah! I mean, they’re yours now.” You gestured at the whole of the collection. “All of this is. I mean, I can keep it if you don’t have any room. But this is all for you. You and Sun, I mean. Obviously.”
He looked back and forth between you and the cleaning cart, utterly bewildered.
And, more than that, suspicious.
He watched your expression twist into bemusement, before you sighed dramatically and rolled your eyes.
“Because I can.”
“What if we…don’t want it?” He couldn’t stop the hint of amusement that crept into his voice. Even if there was a little bit of truth to it. It felt…wrong to accept this.
You just pursed your lips, brows raising so high they nearly touched your hairline.
“Well, that’s too bad. Cause I already bought it, and the store won’t let me return it. Which means either you take it, or I’ll just throw it all away.”
He grunted, looking back over the collection.
“Liar-liar, pants on fire.”
“Nope!” You popped the “p,” giving him a little half-shrug. “I’ve got the receipt, and it says no refunds allowed. You wanna see it? I’ll show it to you.”
Moon grunted again, tapping his fingers rhythmically against his chin and cheek.
To take it…or not…
It would be a shame to let it all go to waste.
But! But. He had one more question to ask you.
“Why me? Why not Sun?”
He can’t help but spit the name with a bit of venom. Out of the two of them, wouldn’t Sun be the easier target? Easier to work with. Easier to talk to. A better fit.
Better…in every way.
The look you give him is hard to place. It’s not hurt, not pity…a little frustrated.
A little sad.
“Do you not…trust me?”
There it is again: that feeling of wanting to hide away. A little tickle of guilt burning through his wires and sliding between his gears. He didn’t like it when you looked at him like that.
“No, you don’t trust me? Or no, you don’t not trust me?”
You sighed, pulling off the bear-eared cap on your head to run a hand through your already messy hair.
“Alright. Alright…I won’t force you to do it. I just…” You looked down at the cart, eyes misty and lip quivering a bit. Like you were trying not to cry. “I wanted to spend time with you.”
And like that, he feels something in him melt.
“Fine.” He folded his arms over his chest, as if they’d serve as any sort of defense. He hates the way his whole-body tickles with heat when the sadness on your face melts away into relief.
Because it’s unfamiliar. Different.
He knows for a fact that what he’s feeling is something that he’s not supposed to be able to feel.
And yet, you make him feel it.
And that frightens him.
“Make it fast.”
Guilt is there again, gnawing at his insides when you reach up to quickly wipe the rim of your eyes clear, a breathy laugh bubbling up from somewhere inside you. Just like that, you’re so happy.
“Alright! Okay. Okay. Um, I’ll start with the—I mean, what do you want me to start with? I’ve got all this stuff, and I didn’t even think about it. God, where do I start?”
Moon watches you flit around the cart, hands moving over each object in a frenzy. You finally look up after a moment, going still.
“Sorry. Just. Give me a second, I swear I know what I’m doing.” Your eyes move to the floor, like you’re searching for something. “Do you want to sit down?”
Silently, Moon reached behind him, grasping one of the small child-sized chairs, and pulled it out to sit on without breaking eye contact.
“Okay.” You chuckled, a rag in one hand, a bottle of cleaning solution in the other. He could feel the hesitancy in your movements as you approached, like you were afraid he’d bolt at any second. “I promise I’ll be gentle.”
For a moment, you hesitated, as if trying to decide where and how to get started. Moon simply sat still, watching your hands and eyes shift from his face to his arms, to his chest, then back up.
“Hang on, I can’t do this kneeling—my back hurts too much for that.”
You grabbed an undersized chair and pulled it up across from him, gently taking one of his arms and spraying a light amount of the solution across it. Moon couldn’t detect any chemicals, but it did smell slightly…fresh?
“This is just water and soap,” you explained, gently running the rag across his forearm, rubbing it between his fingers and over his palm. “To get rid of the surface stains. After that, I’ll use the stronger stuff.”
For a moment, there was a silence that stretched between the two of you. He wasn’t sure if it was comfortable or not but was more than satisfied to simply watch your tiny hands work their way up and down his arm.
You swapped to the other arm, wiping it down gently from hand-to-shoulder, then paused.
“Do you want me to do your chest or back first?”
Your voice was soft, gentle and coaxing.
Moon looked down at his arms, flexing his fingers as he thought for a moment.
Carefully, you placed a hand on his shoulder for balance, running the washcloth over his broad back. Moon twitched, an odd tingle rushing through his wires at the sensation of your palm rubbing little circles around the spot where the hook to his line protruded. He tried to ignore it, but you stopped again, having noticed.
“Sorry, is that uncomfortable?”
“No.” He scrambled for an excuse. “…It tickles.”
“Oh.” From the corner of his eye, he could see a tiny smile cross over your face. “I didn’t know you were ticklish.”
“We’re not,” he replied, maybe a little too fast. “Just…sensitive.”
“Sure.” The tone in your voice betrayed that maybe you didn’t entirely believe him, but you didn’t push the issue. He was thankful for that.
The thought of your little hands coasting along his metal body, trying to find vulnerable spots to attack and manipulate—it made his head spin. That was the last thing he needed right now.
Things were quiet again, as you slid the rag over the thin pieces of metal that made up his hinged neck. Anxiety raced through his system as your hand moved dangerously close to the back of his face-plate—where the switch sat.
One wrong move (or maybe, one purposeful move) and he’d be forced into Rest Mode.
“Careful—” Before he could stop himself, his hand flew up, snatching your thin wrist. “Not there.”
“Oh! Sorry, sorry, sorry…” You quickly jerked back, panic flashing in your eyes. “D-Did I hurt you?”
He searched your face for any sign of wrongdoing. Something to latch onto.
He found nothing.
“…No.” Moon finally said after a moment, letting your wrist go. He felt a little bad as he watched you rub it, knowing that he’d probably held on a little too hard. “Just…not there.”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You scooted around the edge of the chair, rag hovering just below the edge of his neck ruffles. “I’ll start on your chest now, okay?”
He didn’t say anything but leaned his head back to give you more room. That, and to keep from having to watch you run the cloth over the expanse of his chassis. Just the feeling of it was enough to have him balling his hands tight into fists at his sides.
There was so much intimacy in the action, as simple an action it was. Your face was so close, eyes squinted as you scrubbed at the stains splattered across his metal body. Sticky hands, paint, glue, dirt, grime—there was no telling what made up the mass of it all. But the feeling of it being wiped away was a very pleasant one.
He felt lighter, almost. Like the weight of the stains were being peeled off him.
You were extremely gentle when your hands moved down to his waist, one holding him slightly in place, the other moving the cloth down his sides and across his stomach.
Moon squirmed again. If he’d had a stomach, it would have been fluttering. Full of butterflies.
“Sorry, I’m almost done.” You breathed softly, looking up at him from beneath your lashes.
“It’s fine.” He lied.
A few more moments later, you finally leaned back, and Moon felt like he could breathe again. Not that he’d ever needed to in the first place. But whatever pressure had been hanging over his head was finally lifted away, if only momentarily.
You pulled out another bottle, gently drenching a small scrub brush across its surface with the oddly colored liquid. It smelled very strongly of disinfectant, and he flinched a little.
“This is the strong stuff.” You explained, offering him an apologetic smile. “It’ll get rid of the tougher stains—you don’t have a lot of them, so this part should be quick. I’ll try not to go too hard with it.”
“Do what you need to. We won’t run.”
This part of the cleaning process wasn’t quite as pleasant as the rag and soap. But you had been true to your word—your touch was gentle. Maybe too gentle.
“Harder.” He urged, after a while of watching you scrub at his arms. “We don’t have all night.”
You blew a few stray hairs out of your face. “I don’t know how you got this dirty. When was your last bath?”
He…couldn’t remember. So, he didn’t say anything at all.
You paused to glance up at him, but after it was apparent that you weren’t going to get a response, you turned back to scrubbing.
The bristles of the brush felt…strange, against his metal skin. Not painful. Just uncomfortable. It made him want to push your hand away, but he stopped short of doing so. You were just trying to help, and it wouldn’t do either of you good for him to make this difficult.
So, like a child sitting through a well-needed (but unwanted) haircut, he forced himself to simply sit there, squirming every so often.
“I really appreciate you letting me do this for you.” You finally said, your voice cutting through the silence. “I wish I could do something about the stains on your pants, but you probably wouldn’t want me to, uh…”
Your hands moved through the air, making vague gestures, before you just gave up and offered him a little half-shrug. “Mess with those.”
Moon had to think about it for a moment. “I wouldn’t mind.”
Once more, you paused, blinking rapidly. “What? Oh, uh—I was just joking!”
A spark of mischief fluttered in his chest. Your cheeks were flushing, the rosy color reaching all the way up to the tips of your ears. You couldn’t look at him suddenly, and his internals picked up a rapid jump in heart rate.
“Nervous?” A giggle bubbled up from somewhere deep inside him, and he clicked his invisible tongue, wagging a finger in your face. “Naughty thing.”
The color on your face deepened to a shade that rivaled the ruby glow of his eyes.
“No! I mean—that’s not what I meant. Just—I just—” Your lips set in a thin line, breath coming quick and heavy.
“Want me to take them off?”
He giggled again, quite enjoying the way your voice cracked.
“My…” His hands hovered for a moment, just above the hem of his pants. Then, he flipped them upwards, as if offering you his wrists. “Ribbons.”
Your face was so red that he wondered if you could even breathe properly. Your heart was practically leaping out of your chest. Seeing you all flustered made that bouncy, electric feeling inside him tingle and spark.
For a moment, you just glared at him, shaking the scrub brush like you were considering smacking him with it. Then, you sucked in a breath, pinched the bridge of your nose, and slowly let it out again, lowering your would-be weapon.
“I hate you.”
He snickered again, reaching out a single finger to gently tap the tip of your nose. “Liar.”
You love me.
The words were caught in his nonexistent throat. He could say it, to push your buttons even further, but something held him back. Hesitation.
He wasn’t…quite ready to push it that far, yet.
You sighed dramatically, placing the scrub brush aside, only to reach for one of the toothbrushes he’d seen earlier.
“Are we playing dentist?”
“You’re half right.” Amusement sparkled in your eyes. “This is for, like, getting into the tiny places. The seams between your fingers and stuff. I’ll be using it on your face, too, so…”
“You came prepared.”
You grinned. “I told you I did.”
“All this for little old me?” He struck a bashful pose.
“Yes, you absolute goober. Now hold still…”
The feeling of the toothbrush sliding into his seams was much more pleasant than the scrub-brush. It still tickled, enough to make him twitch now and then, but it wasn’t overwhelming.
You were so gentle with the motions, making sure to get every nook and cranny that you could work the bristles into. Moon was a little shocked to see just how much grime the brush was picking up, but then again—it had been a very long time since they’d gotten any sort of attention in the “appearances” department.
Every time you swapped to a new area, you dip the brush into a small container of cleaner, swirling it around and wiping away the dirt from the surface of the bristles. But even with such meticulous attention to detail, it didn’t take long for it to become too dirty to keep using.
You ran through at least three brushes before you stopped to take a break.
“Seriously, how the hell did you guys get so dirty?”
Moon could only shrug. There were several components that contributed to their current state, but the biggest offender was plain out negligence.
You sighed and shook your head, grabbing a thermos from behind the stack of bottles and tipping it back. His eyes followed the movement of your throat every time you swallowed—a strange voyeuristic feeling.
A rivulet of water dripped from the corner of your mouth, rolling down your chin, then your throat, then over the dip of your clavicle and down beneath the collar of your shirt…he tore his gaze away. Focused on flexing his hands in his lap, then folded them together and squeezed, one foot tap-tap-tapping away, anxiously.
“Phew! God, I’m sweating like crazy. Is it okay if I take this off?” You fingered the neckline of your shirt with one hand, using the other to fan yourself with your hat.
He really wanted to say no. Because that would make him feel weirder.
But he couldn’t, when you looked at him like that. So earnest and innocent.
Moon nodded silently, looking away once more when you reached for the buttons. It felt…wrong, to watch you undo them. The sound of fabric rustling had his foot tapping just a bit faster.
“Okay! I’m good now.” You stretched your arms up above your head with a little moan. “God, that’s so much better.”
Moon found it hard to look at you directly, now that you were sitting there in a tank top. It wasn’t anything salacious, it was just. So intimate. There was so much more visible skin now, and his eyes kept moving over the muscles in your arms, across the curve of your abdomen…
The shape of your body was so much clearer now, and that made him feel…almost shy.
 “Alright, last up is your face. I’m gonna have to get a little bit closer—is that okay?”
That was not okay. His system was on high alert.
But what was he supposed to say? You’d already gone this far, he couldn’t just say no. Despite really, really wanting to.
For a moment he felt the gears in his head grinding, a substitution for the teeth and jaw he lacked. The tension in his body felt like a rubber band pulled too tight, seconds away from snapping. It got worse when he forced himself to nod, only able to muster up a little grunt of affirmation.
“Alright. I’ll be careful, I promise.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you. He did.
This was just. Too close.
You slid off the children’s chair, half-kneeling with one of your legs on the ground, a knee between his legs to balance yourself.
Too close. It was too close.
You reached up, rag in hand. Your fingers gently cupped the side of his face, feather-light touch sending sparks through his body.
Too. Close.
He felt his whole body go stiff as you pressed the soapy rag to his cheek.
Carefully, you moved it up to his forehead, then down to his chin. Warmth trailed down the metal of his face, burning in the wake of your touch. So hot that he almost couldn’t stand it.
Your eyes moved over his face as you swapped sides, smoothing down the crescent curve of his nose so delicately that it tickled. If he’d had the ability to sneeze, he probably would have.
“Sorry.” Your teeth dug lightly into your lower lip. “I know this is a lot. You’re doing a great job, Moonie.”
That did not help his situation at all.
Your praise struck him like a bolt of lightning, and he clenched his fists so tightly in his lap that he felt his metal knuckles pop.
“I really appreciate you letting me do this for you. I really, really care about you.” You paused to suck in a little breath. “I mean that.”
He could barely hear what you were saying. It was like static was buzzing in his ears, growing louder by the moment. All he could do was focus on the shape of your lips as they formed around each word.
“I…” The words refused to come out, caught in his nonexistent throat.
“It’s alright.” You laughed a little, placing the rag aside and reaching for the final toothbrush. “You don’t have to force yourself. I’m almost done.”
That wasn’t it.
You were just so close. The warmth of your body, your smell, the shape of you…it was suffocating him. If he leaned in, just a little bit more, he’d be able to wrap his arms around you, to feel the softness of your skin against his—
The abrupt tickle of the toothbrush rubbing against the seam in his faceplate made him jerk back.
“Sorry! Sorry.” You scoot forward, the hand on his cheek holding him in place a bit more firmly. “I’m almost done.”
Your body heat is suddenly all around him, then. You’re leaning up in his lap, both knees on the chair, straddling his leg. He can catch the scent of shampoo on your hair, scented lotion on your skin. He could count every lash framing your eyes. Feel the heat of your breath on his teeth—
His hands hover in the air, fingers twitching sporadically, just inches away from gripping you by the waist.
He wants to tell you to back up. But his invisible tongue is tied in knots.
He can’t stop looking at your face. Staring at you, as you maneuver the brush into the little dots lining his crescent-sloped nose.
“You have the cutest freckles.” You say, your lips turning up at the corners.
His body makes a strange noise. A low, grinding metallic sound that could be as much a growl as it could a whine.
That’s all the warning you get before he leans in, gripping you tight by the shoulders, and all but mashes his face against yours in a pathetic facsimile of a kiss.
It lasts for only a few seconds, but those seconds feel like an eternity. The softness of your lips against his hard, unyielding smile has his processor running at full tilt, fans blasting at full force inside of his chest, trying to chase off a heat that threatens to melt his insides into a gooey mess.
He was brought back to reality, then, as his brain caught up to his body.
Moon leaned back, shame burning through him. He slowly unfurled his hands from your shoulders, bringing them up to cover his face.
Why had he done that?
“M-Moon, I—what—”
Your voice is so small, trembling, and that just makes it so much worse.
“No, no.” He rasped, clawing at his cheeks. You stumbled back as he scrambled out of the chair, knocking it over in his haste to put distance between the two of you. “Against the rules. It’s wrong. Shouldn’t have done that. No, no, no—”
“Moon, stop.”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have done that. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid—” Everything was spiraling. The gears inside his head grind so hard that it hurts.
He had you. He had something good. And he ruined it.
Sun was right. He ruined everything.
He always ruined everything good.
“Moon, stop!” Your fingers twine through his own, trying to pry his hands from his face. He can hear the panic in your voice. “Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself!”
“This is bad. This is wrong. It’s wrong.” He wanted to hide. He wanted to crawl into the dark, curl up in the shadows, and stay there forever. Away from you. Away from the good thing that he ruined. His fingers try to find purchase on something, anything, to grab and pull and break. “Wrong, wrong, wrong—”
He feels your fingers curl in the thin fabric of his neck ruffles—and then you yank.
The kiss is clumsy, teeth clicking against teeth as your lips smash against his plastic smile.
Everything in him screeches to a violent, almost painful halt. You’re kissing him.
And you keep kissing him.
Every kiss is hard and passionate, lips moving across his face as far as you can get to, standing on your tiptoes. He feels you stumble a little as you lean up into him, and his hands instinctively land on your waist to help you keep your balance.
“Wait, we can’t—”
“Sit.” You command.
He sits, following your will like the loyal, obedient dog that he is. He can see the chair he knocked over in front of him, sitting in what was your seat, but that view is quickly blocked when you climb into his lap. Your hands are trembling as they cup the sides of his face.
For a moment, your mouth opens and closes. Your brow furrows. You look like you want to say something, but no words come out.
So instead, you lean in and kiss him again.
And he lets you. He holds your tiny waist in his hands and leans into your touch, allowing the chaos filling his mind to simply melt away as you pepper kisses across his face.
Cheeks, nose, forehead, smile, eyebrows, chin. Back and forth and up and down and over and over—every kiss has his head spinning.
One of his large, metal hands come up to cradle the back of your head, urging you even closer. His fingers thread tenderly through your hair. Amongst the chaos, your hat is knocked free, falling to the wayside.
The heat of your body burns so hot through the thin fabric of your tank-top, and with the other hand, he gently squeezes the flesh of your side. A part of him wants to slide his fingers lower, to dip his hand beneath the shirt to feel the soft skin beneath.
It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s so hot he can’t stand it—
But then he feels your tongue slide across the thin curve of his lower lip, and he jerks back in shock. The thin line of saliva connecting your lips to his snaps.
“I, uh—ha..ha-ha…” You laugh a little as you rush to stand, quickly reaching up to wipe the drool from your mouth. Your lips are bruised red and a little puffy, cheeks flushed a pretty pink color. “Sorry, I-I got a little…uh, carried away.”
“Naughty.” Moon purrs, wagging a finger at you playfully. “Naughty boy.”
He feels so light and…and happy. That’s the only way he can put the bubbly, buzzy, excited feeling running all through his body. He’s happy.
“Was that…was that okay? That I…did…that?”” You can hardly look at him, eyes darting back-and-forth. He can feel you starting to pull back slightly, and his fingers curl possessively over the curve of your hip, keeping you tethered.
“…Maybe.” He muses, head cocking to the side. “Maybe not.”
“Oh.” Your face falls.
“Maybe you should…do it again.” His head tilted to the other side. “To make sure.”
He can’t help but giggle when obvious relief washes over your face.
“You…” Again, your lips move, not quite forming around words, like whatever you’re trying to say won’t quite come out. You settle with an awkward, lopsided smile. “So, it is okay? That I kissed you?”
Moon nodded, swaying lightly in his seat. “Yes. It’s…okay.”
He really wishes you would do it again.
“Okay. Okay! Good. I-I’m…yeah.” You laugh nervously, your cheeks still stained pink. Your grin stretches from ear-to-ear. Then you look up at him, and your expression morphs into an apologetic smirk.
“Cause now I’ve gotta clean your face off again.”
He stops swaying.
“Ah….” Moon can’t stop the little unhappy grunt that escapes him. He can still feel the sensation of each kiss buzzing against his metal skin. “Do you have to?”
“Yes, Moon, I have to.” You chuckle again, once more reaching for the cleaning supplies. “You can’t walk around with drool all over your face.”
“I’ve done it before.”
You fix him with a look. “You can’t walk around with MY drool all over your face.”
“Boo.” He crossed his arms, slumping back in a dramatic pout. His hat slumped over his face, the bell jingling as it bounced off his nose. “You’re no fun.”
A little whistle of air escapes your nose as you settled the other chair in front of him, scooting forward until your knees were touching. You reach up, gently moving the bell back over the curve of his head and beckoned him forward.
Moon, of course, leans into your hand without hesitation.
And so, you resume where you’d left off, with you gently wiping away the remnants of your improvised make-out session.
“So. Um.” Your voice cracks a little. “Are we, like…I mean. Do you…like…me?”
“Yes.” He says simply.
“No, I mean. Uh.” You suck in a shaky breath, still struggling to look him in the eye. “Like…like-like. Do you like me. In “that” way? Like—like “that”?”
He’s not sure how he didn’t make that clear. He thought that he had.
But you look like you want to sink into the earth right now, so he can’t help but tease you a little bit.
“Maybe.” Moon crooned, daintily folding his hands between his knees and swaying side-to-side. “Do you like-like me?”
He can hear the breath catch in your throat, and you look away quickly, face flushing an even deeper shade of red.
So very cute.
“Y-Yeah. I do. A lot.” You inhale slowly, forcing your eyes to meet with his. “I-I care about you, a lot, Moon. You’re…you’re my best friend and I…I like you. A lot.”
He stops swaying (again).
“Hm. Good.”
Before you can react, he leans forward to gently bump his smile against your forehead. You, of course, stare at him, wide-eyed and mouth agape.
 “I like you…too.”
For a second, you look like you’re thinking about saying something—and Moon simply giggles when you lean in to kiss him again.
Maybe, if he asks nicely, he can keep this one.
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draw-the-squad-like-this · 2 years ago
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Draw your otp <3
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