#it's heavily implied
astro-hunny · 4 months
Totally didn't have this convo and immediately think of this (it took hours to think of)
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seawitchkaraoke · 4 months
You know when it came out that everyone but Lucy voted for the name ratgrinders, some specifically to spite Kipperlily? And we all were like aww that sucks, poor Kipperlily?
Yeah was that situation before or after she accepted the rage thing willingly and killed them all?
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
Hatake Kakashi x Reader
Another day, another year
Request: For the Make a Wish I've picked Kakashi and number 10- birthday candles ❤ nice to see you again ❤ anon! a/n: In EAsia, birthdays were traditionally celebrated kind of new year adjacent bc of how age was calculated, and otherwise wasn't a huge deal. Now celebrating on your birthday can be more of a modern couple's holiday or time to have a small gathering of friends if you do anything at all so I tried to sort of combine these things. no c/w here as far as I know. c/w for cake? I love a good cake. It's one of the stereotypes I happily subscribe to. Kakashi apparently hates sweet things. Boo fine, more for me.
In honor of the New Year, Tsunade had sent you and Kakashi out of the village to the Land of Hot Water. Officially it was a mission to monitor a meeting between two merchant families from Fire country and Wind country who were a test case for the tentative new alliance. Since the Land of Hot Water was hosting, it was you and Kakashi and a small team comprising both chunin and jounin who were responsible for preserving the peace, as well as ensuring no interested third parties had the opportunity to disrupt the festivities.
Unofficially, this seemed to be Tsunade's way of getting you two out of the village on a date.
Despite the tension of being on a mission, it had been almost fun playing a bit of dress up. It had been oddly nice to be one of the faceless cast of characters that swirled around your clients in elegant kimonos and it had been a while since you had been out of the village. And you'd gotten to see Kakashi in pale red and a fur edged cloak pulled up over his mouth instead of his usual mask.
It had made him look very dangerous and seductive, which did a number of things to your brain. Things which you hadn't been able to properly deal with until the signed agreements were safely away with shinobi couriers and the merchant representatives with their guardian shadows.
The Hokage's last note had strongly suggested that the two of you take some time to rest in the Hot Water village while the rest of the team quietly departed in their own assigned twos and threes. It meant you would be away from home over the holiday and you wanted to do something new for your mate.
That was how you had ended up clambering around on the dark side of a tile roof in warm civilian clothing. There was a tiny little viewing pavilion that you weren't exactly supposed to be in, but if nothing else shinobi excelled at getting into exactly those kinds of places.
After a lot of awkward crouching to wiggle through a narrow opening on the shadowed side of the pavilion, where you were grateful you couldn't see Kakashi likely watching you shuffle and bend so that neither you nor your supplies would fall off the slope on the way in, you sat down to wait him out.
You didn't have to wait long before he was coming up over the other side of the rooftop like some kind of romance novel protagonist climbing a hillside... perfectly perpendicular to the steep slope. It made you feel a little better about your own undignified scramble up here, even if he did slip into the enclosed space with much more grace.
"Fancy running into you up here," he said, sitting down beside you.
As though you hadn't been the one to invite him.
"Must be my lucky night," you said, leaning again his shoulder and nuzzling under his jaw.
He was always tense after a mission, slow to come back down from the hypervigilance and hyperawareness. It took him less time lately to be more present, to let go of that cool distance, but it was very much still a process. Sometimes the best thing to do was to do something as different as possible.
"When's your birthday?"
"Are you trying to figure out how old I am?" he asked.
You traced a long unbroken line on his palm. "We've never celebrated it."
Kakashi scoffed. "We're not children. It's not like it's a big deal anyway."
You knew Kakashi didn't necessarily like when there was too much attention on him. He could play it off for a job, but he didn't really do parties. This wasn't about a party though.
"You're a big deal to me," you wheedled.
He glanced at you and then away, leaning his head against his raised knee with a surrendering huff. He hadn't left, or dragged you off to run around in the woods so you decided to open the box you'd carried up here.
Kakashi looked with disinterest at the cake inside, frosted white with glistening winter strawberries on top. He held it as you carefully stuck long skinny wax candles around it and shielded the candles from the wind as you pulled out a box of matches and lit each one.
The firelight illuminated his face and finally allowed you to see the color of his kimono. You had to admit cool colors were sort of his thing. The pale grey silk and the deep blue scarf matched his complexion even though seeing him in other things had been fun.
You ran a chilled finger over the top of his cheek, which was just peaking out over the scarf.
"I love your face so much. They should make a holiday for your face."
"My face which no one ever sees," he said, amused at your nonsense.
"Right. It'll be like a secret holiday, just for me," you let the words drop a little deeper and enjoyed watching Kakashi's eyes so clearly dilate in the flickering candlelight. It didn't have to make sense, you'd found that if you said things in a certain register, it would have a particularly enticing effect on him.
He coughed once. "You know I don't like cake, right?"
"Oh, I know. Don't worry, you don't have to eat it." You crouched in front of Kakashi and cupped your hands under his to hold it up. "The cake isn't the point."
As you spoke, the flames fluttered.
"It's another year," you said softly. "Blow out the candles and make a wish, Kakashi."
Kakashi went quiet and his eyes focused slowly on the points of light. They reflected in his dark grey eyes.
You waited while the candles slowly shrunk smaller and golden light played across the face of your favorite person in the world. You stroked your thumbs across his knuckles at random intervals, feeling the familiar faint bumps of old scars.
A shuddering sigh ruffled the flames and he pulled his face back from the cake with an almost panicked look, glancing at you in worry. You rumbled at him, the low vibration filling the little open pavilion.
"This is for you," you reminded him, so quiet that it was almost hidden in the tail end of the noise.
He was clutching the box so hard that there were little dents where he was holding on.
He took one shaking breath, and then two. And then he blew out the candles.
In the way of shinobi, you said nothing about the slightly glassy sheen to the reflection of light in his eyes.
In the way of lovers, you stretched out a hand in the dark and brushed your fingers under his uncovered eye.
You held so much more of him in your heart than you ever would in your hands. Your heart was already full of him and all yet you knew you could give him more.
You sat quietly as Kakashi pressed his face into your palm, the cover of night letting him pretend for a moment that he was not needed anywhere else, not needed to be anyone else.
When he pulled away, you very wisely said nothing about the wetness lingering on your fingertips.
Your eyes had adjusted well enough to see by moon and starlight alone. Kakashi lifted one of the strawberries off the cake and offered it to you, almost shyly.
The incredibly thin sugared layer around the strawberry broke between your teeth with a crack.
"I haven't celebrated my birthday since joining ANBU," Kakashi said with the faintest hint of embarrassment. Cute. He didn't need to justify anything to you though and you just barely let your teeth press into his fingers to distract him when you went in for a second bite.
This one was even sweeter.
"It's not an obligation," you replied carefully. "It's just something people do sometimes. And I wanted to do it for you."
He still had trouble at times with worrying about whether his lack of understanding about some things was somehow disappointing to you. Especially if they ended up hitting some kind of old wound.
"I know you don't care for it, but do you want to taste some anyway?" you reached for the utensils the bakery had given you.
Kakashi shook his head. Then he twisted around just as the first firework burst in whites and blues across the sky.
The fireworks marked midnight with a very high rocket sent up at the exact moment to explode gold and red at the turn of the year, at the exact moment you and Kakashi shared a long, lingering kiss.
You broke away from one another, panting slightly for air.
"Happy new year," Kakashi said, voice low and a little breathless.
"Happy new year, Kakashi."
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tonia-aaaaa · 3 months
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Old Double Life fanart that still goes hard, bc i put ridiculous amounts of thought into it back when i made it. This one was a hit on the 'gram.
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cthulhum · 2 months
i lied theres no sex. were gonna sit down and watch supernatural while we analyze the way almost every character is queer coded especially dean
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What comic is the bottom left image of springtrap from? (On the post where you say why you draw him blocky)
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It’s from this comic!! A very normal father son reunion
Og post here
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dragonpyre · 7 months
Batman: and this is my precious son
Red Hood: FUCK you
Batman: he bites sometimes but we still love him
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yeyinde · 16 days
waking up after a night out drinking in a foreign country only to realise that the bed you're in is not your own. no one is beside you. you try to leave but the doors are all locked. the windows won't open. you're trapped. a pretty bird in a cage.
nothing is in the dressers except large, old shirts. the clothes you were wearing when you woke up disappear after you take a shower. no panties. no bra. food shows up on schedule. you never see who leaves it.
they don't answer when you scream. when you bang your fists against the door until they're bloodied. passing out on the floor when the drugs finally kick in. but the mess you make in the daytime is cleaned up. your hands bandaged. disapproval heavy in the air along with the stale scent of tobacco. smoke.
when you're good, you get things. books. magazines. treats. your favourite food. a laptop arrives when you sob yourself to sleep after screaming yourself hoarse about loneliness, and how this isn't right. this isn't okay. it's restricted, of course. you log into Facebook but the moment you try and ask for help, the internet is turned off. you're being watched. monitored closely.
you learn your lesson slowly, giving nothing away to your family and pretending you're enjoying your holiday. being good. quiet.
instead of treats, gifts, recipe books arrive—some pages dogeared. you start making the food. leaving a plate in the fridge. it's gone the next morning. more recipes appear. you make them, too. an expensive chain comes next. a pretty gold necklace for a pretty bird in a golden cage.
(each meal gets you a strange rash on your cheek, jaw the next morning. beard burn, you think, and try not to shudder.)
lingerie comes after. silk, lace. all of it fits perfectly. you try to avoid it. the idea, the implication, is a knife between your ribs, but the next morning, your laptop is missing. the books are gone. food, too. your clothes disappear until all that remains is the lingerie set and a little black box. one you pointedly ignore. throw out with the trash. chew on gum to make the ache in your belly go away until that vanishes too.
your world is narrowed down to hunger. loneliness. isolation—
(in the corner of the rooms, a red light glints in the dark. lonely, but not alone.)
it persists until you relent. give in. another lesson you learn. you wear the set to bed, and try to think nothing of it—
you wake up to something heavy around you. a warm, thick body pressed against your bare spine. coarse chair tickling the skin between your shoulder blades. a burly arm under your neck, elbow bent to wrap a rough hand around your neck. the other slung over your hip, shoved between your thighs. something hard presses into your ass. a bruising pressure. it aches. you stifle a gasp, but with his long, thick fingers wrapped tight around your throat, he feels it.
everything goes still. quiet. just the faint rustle of sheets. the scratch of coarse hair on silk. a breath. you tremble. fight back another gasp when lips press into your crown with a sharp inhale. scenting you. nuzzling into your scalp. warm breath that smalls of malt and honey. woodsy. tobacco.
your eyes adjust slowly to the dark, and fall on a black box left on top of your end table. velvet, you know. you've felt the softness between your fingers when you threw it in the trash with a sob. no escaping it, after all.
the hand between your thighs twitches. when he speaks, it shudders through your spine, makes your hair stand on end. it's a growling purr. the low roar of an old engine. more grit than comfort in the midnight dark.
"jus' close your eyes, love," he rasps, pushing his thick body tighter against you. coiling around you like a big, hungry bear. "an' go back to sleep for me."
and you do.
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eriochromatic · 3 months
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Last minute self indulgent pride illustration featuring my comfort characters and personal headcanons ✨✨✨
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just-a-j3ster · 1 month
*Alex hirsch fighting for his life, trying to make gay couples in his shows without Disney getting mad*
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huginsmemory · 30 days
The one thing led to another night is very much likely hinting at Bill and Ford fucking, but considering Stan's penchant for getting married while drunk, LITERALLY at one point to ol' Goldie, a horrifying gold panning statue souvenir dispenser(?), may mean that Ford would also have a penchant for that. So Ford marrying Bill that night, instead of them fucking (or marrying and fucking) is actually plausible, and also EXTREMELY FUNNY to me. Both of them have such terrible romance track records.
Also like, I know there's a lot of jokes going around about Stanley being like YOU FUCKED A TRIANGLE? Which I love btw, but like. SIR YOU MARRIED A MAYBE CURSED SOUVENIR DISPENSER THATS A STATUE OF A HORRIFYING OLD MAN GOLD PANNING, DO YOU REALLY HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON?
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months
the fact that irving canonically survives through the end of asunder to be at wynne's funeral is so fucking funny to me. nothing but love and respect for MY unstoppable cockroach morally grey machiavellian mage dad!!! he's survived in his position through multiple attempted rites of annulment and blood mage plots popping up left right and center around him. the chantry keeps trying to stamp him out but his dodge game is simply out of this world, divine. civil wars, political machinations and minefields, chantry atrocities, this wily old motherfucker is dodging and weaving his way through it all, not-quite-no-hits-taken-running-it-but-honestly-close-enough-under-the-circumstances style. if solas does succeed in tearing down the veil I would fully believe that one of the like three people still alive at the end of it all would be a very weary 90 year old first enchanter irving going 'oh this shit again huh'. the maker has cursed him for his hubris and his paperwork is never finished (affectionate, it's fine he canonically loves paperwork)
#we should have had the option to leave him in the fade instead of hawke or a warden#he would've just annoyedly shuffled his way back out of there a week later#dragon age#dragon age origins#first enchanter irving#he must be SO annoying to the chantry because it's heavily implied he's made his playground#out of tirelessly finding technicalities and loopholes to exploit that they can't *quite* call him on without domino effects going off#I think first enchanter in the circle system at origins times is a position that invariably and inevitably leaves you morally compromised#but I feel he really does his best within the rules he's given to play with and personally i love him a bit for that. and also#for being an unkillable lil shit. insufferable. inconquerable in his 'I'm about to be such an annoyance to you' impish spirit.#the I'm going to suffer but guess what. so are you of it all. traumatize the chantry back#I just imagine sophia sending letters home right before the vote for independence like '...dad I am hearing some INSANE rumours out here#what the actual fuck is going on back home???'#and he's like 'nothing that you need to worry about sweetie just keep living your best life and have fun killing darkspawn <3'#(there's something that makes me feel So much about how consistently his stance is like... 'you'll always be welcome here#but the circle doesn't *need* you; go be a warden and live your life'. he managed to fineagle freedom for you somehow and won't let you#turn and glance back. not even once. I feel somehow both so abandoned and so incredibly loved it's wild)#oc: sophia amell
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lyriumsings · 1 year
No but like the biggest thing that Miguel is missing about this whole “you need to understand that you can’t save everyone” is like yes that is true! that IS an important lesson every spider person learns BUT here’s where miguel lost the plot: you should still try. Spiderman ALWAYS tries. Like Pavitr literally said “i can do both” and whether or not he actually could doesn’t fucking matter. what matters is he tried!!! gwen actively stopping miles and miguel trying to enforce these “canon” moments is so just outside of the like spiderman philosophy of “can you always get back up/can you keep CHOOSING to try/to be a hero!!”. Even as far back as toby miguire whenever spiderman was forced by villains to try and choose mj or the children, the people on the train etc he ALWAYS chose both!! he tried!! when miguel stopped trying is when he stopped being spiderman tbh. But also the spider society arguably inherently breaks the “canon” as well like yeah Pav might have failed if he was alone but he wasn’t. Like y’all are in a situation to do good, to prevent a death and if you have the power to do that then you have a responsibility to try!! Like i’m really hoping this is where beyond the spiderverse is going!! that miguel could’ve done so much good with what he created if he just tried!!
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mooneln0ne · 1 month
You love to see it
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vaunteir · 2 months
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homer section
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liltaireissocute · 3 months
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his coat
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