#it's daruk loving hours
imaginethezeldaverse · 8 months
Your hands reach into the softened white whiskers, the tips of your fingers resting gently against the rounded jawline of the Goron champion. Upon your touch, he smiles, loop the largeness of his fingers at your lower back - drawing you in as close to him as he can. He lips brush the plusher skin of your cheek (so contrasting to the thickened, rougher skin that covers his body) and his beard tickles your neck. When you giggle at the sensation, he does as well, albeit several registers lower than yours.
The heat of his breath still remains against your cheek; you grasp onto him as much as your smaller frame will allow. You want him there, just present and holding you, for eternity should Hylia allow it. The warmth of the sun paled to his love, there would be no trade comparable for it.
"Love you" his earthy whisper rolls past your ear. Your lips tug upward in a smile you wouldn't dream of holding.
"I love you too, Daruk."
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The champions!
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critical-birb · 2 months
I was reading a fanfiction for a different fandom written entirely in blog posts from the characters and maybe it's because I'm running on one hour of sleep today but I gave myself a good laugh imagining modern day AU with the Champions + Zelda and Link with blogs.
Like for sure Link has a blog that's entirely pictures of meals he's cooked or of horses and stuff and nothing ever has any tags or explanations. It's just the pictures with zero caption or context. Somehow he has six million followers and no one has ever seen his face.
Zelda is using it as a diary. She's a seventeen year old girl. She's posting long rambling posts about the injustice of having a controlling parent. Then sometimes it's pictures of archaeological wonders with captions that are sixteen pages of text long just infodumping.
Revali for sure is only posting photos of perfect archery shots with long winded rants as captions about how amazing he is, usually startjng with things like "rise and grind" and "the road to success starts with you". Sometimes selfies looking dramatic. Also with the commentary. He only ever gets one single like or comment on his posts and it's from his mom the village elder.
Mipha is totally reblogging every cutesy positivity post she sees like a Facebook mom. It's all pastel fonts on photo backgrounds of beaches or kittens saying things like "the world is better having you in it" and "be the change you want to see in the world".
Daruk consistently posts work out videos and photos of his food. If anything he has the most normal blog out of anyone and has a good number of followers creating wholesome content. Weight lifting internet dad. Weirdly understands all the youth slang.
Urbosa is that grandma who really doesnt understand technology and is commenting on people's photos like:
"Garlik bred"
"Did you mean to type this into Google, Urbosa? This is a selfie of me on Facebook."
"Whete to buy garic brad?"
"You could try the market?"
"Dear Zelda.
Thank you, Zelda. You have always been such a good girl. Please send regards to your little knight. And also come to visit soon I miss you. This is Urbosa.
Love Urbosa."
"Haha you're welcome."
"Whre buy swor ds?"
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Heya! It’s me again! And today I’ve risen from the dead to hand you all some art!! (Tried procreate as I listened to “as the world caves in” and this was the result. Anywho)
Warning: Blood, bruises, (talk of death in my ramble), and overall angst!
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So, I made this thing based off a fanfic I’m yet to write. Highly inspired by the fact that technically Revali and Link may have met one last time that being in castle town… and yes I know Revali was BOOKING it to Vah Medoh but… just imagine… (large ramble under the cut. Sorry I am SO ill abt them rn gsgvshd)
…The two having one last meeting. One last goodbye. Because no matter how much they reassured themselves they’d meet once more… they felt deep inside that wouldn’t be the case. Revali whispered a desperate plea for Link to run the other way, saying he had already lost enough friends today and just couldn’t afford to loose his knight aswell. And Link wished Revali could stay there.. or run with he and Zelda. Because he heard the cries of help from Daruk and Mipha… he knew something awaited his lovebird at his divine beast… but unfortunately.. his lovebird just so happened to be the stubbornest Rito in all Hyrule. The two departed, refusing to say goodbye… but rather a “we’ll meet again” .
A few hours later… a horribly loud and desperate SOS call was heard.
And a hour or so afterward, the knight succumbed to his wounds.
And even though 100 years later… Link and Revali would look upon eachother again… Link would no longer remember those times he and Revali would sit together as they watched the snow fall or fire crackle. Link would never remember the day he was gifted a paraglider so the two could soar high above together. Link would never remember the playful banter, those quiet yet comforting nights, the way the Rito gazed at him softly… the day before the calamity where the Rito champion wove a bracelet representing his love for the Hylian champion…
But all he remembered now was a prideful gaze upon that first meeting. And forgot all that followed.
And Revali would soon settle with the fact… even though Hyrule’s hero now stood before him… just as they had said they would.. Link… his Link had died that day just as he did… and being honest… Revali felt almost as if he had died once more upon that realization… because the way his heart felt now felt even worse than it did when Windblight had created that gaping hole in his chest.
…Anywho so yeah. Even tho I’m not all for pre-calamity revalink let’s just say the angst potential of such a thing had me in a chokehold and I NEEDED to make something. Anyways!! Sorry if this is bad I just NEEDED to get this out of my brain. But!!! I hope you guys like this art and ramble. Maybe I’ll make this an actual fanfic later! who knows! But!! I promise I’ll make some revalink fluff next i PROMISE it’s just been a VERY emotional summer ok?!? Bsvsvdv. Anywho hope y’all like this. I’ll try posting more! Till then, cya!!
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darthpastry · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes of the Kingdom Pt. 8 (ft. FNaF)
Link: I’m ambidextrous. 
Sidon: That’s what’s up my friend, love who you love.  —————————————————————
Gregory: I’m so glad we don’t have steel bones. 
Vanessa: What? 
Tulin: Could you imagine how much that would hurt during the summer? 
Link: Winter would be no picnic either. 
Gregory: Maybe we’d end up sticking to our bones.  —————————————————————
Michael: Look, I know what you’re going to say, he’s my dad and I should try to get along with him. 
Henry: No, he’s crazy and needs to go down.  —————————————————————
Glamrock Chica: I don’t want to talk about it. 
Roxy: Good! We don’t want to hear about it.  —————————————————————
Link: *to Rhoam after waking up on the Great Plateau* I have no memory of who I am or where I am, much less of you. However, I harbor a deep resentment towards you.  —————————————————————
Purah: You duping all these materials has had a negative impact on the economy. The rate of inflation is crazy—
Link: *visible confusion*
Purah: *sigh* Not stonks.  —————————————————————
Link: I threw a ball for my dog. I know it’s extravagant, but they look amazing in a tuxedo.  —————————————————————
Link: What’s this?
Tulin: A ball pit. 
Link: Incorrect, Gregory?
Gregory: A clown’s nest.  —————————————————————
Gregory: Hey, can I borrow your phone?
Vanessa: Yeah, sure. 
Gregory: *turns on airplane mode* BE FREE!
Vanessa: WAIT NO--
Gregory: *Throws phone out window*
Random worker: What would you like?
Gregory: The souls of the innocent--
Glamrock Freddy: A bagel.
Glamrock Freddy: Two bagels.
Gregory: *holding a python* Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him  Vanessa: You did WHAT–  Michael: William Snakepeare.
Link: Hey, Purah? Purah: Yes? Link: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Purah: ... Purah: Where’s Tulin?
Tulin: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Teba: Tulin, no. Link: *nodding* Mistlefoe. Teba: Please stop encouraging them.
Zelda: I trust Link. Rauru: You think they know what they're doing? Zelda: I wouldn't go that far.
Vanessa: We need a distraction. Michael: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Gregory: *in a whisper* My time has come.
Vanessa: *driving Tulin and Gregory* So how was your day? Tulin and Gregory: *in unison* We almost got surprise adopted! Vanessa: What? Gregory: We almost got kidnapped. Vanessa: Oh, okay. Vanessa: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Daruk: Why are you on the floor? Link: I’m depressed. Also, I was stabbed, can you get Mipha, please?
Link: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?  Rauru: You’re a hazard to society  Tulin: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Gregory: *Screams* Link: *Screams louder to establish dominance* Zelda: Should we do something? Vanessa: No, I want to see who wins.
Purah: I think we're missing something. Tulin: Teamwork? Gregory: Cohesion? Link: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Tulin: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife? Riju: Rude. Gregory: That’s fair. Sonia: Not again. Link: Are you going to want this back?
Zelda: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Link: Several traffic violations. Tulin: Three counts of resisting arrest. Riju: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Sidon: Also, that’s not our car.
Link: Am I going too far? Rauru: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Gregory: I'm incredibly fast at math. Cassie: Alright, what's 30x17? Gregory: 47. Cassie: That's not even close. Gregory: But it was fast.
William: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Henry: What's that? William: Remorse code. Henry: I'm even angrier now.
Tulin: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise. Riju: I beg to differ. Tulin: Then Beg.
Buliara: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword. Riju: That's why I carry two swords.
Sidon: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Link: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Roxy: Nothing in life is free. Glamrock Chica: Love is free! Monty: Adventure is free. Glamrock Freddy: Knowledge is free. Tulin, Link, and Gregory: *crash through the wall in a go-kart, wearing 8-bit sunglasses and shouting in unison* EVERYTHING IS FREE IF YOU TAKE IT WITHOUT PAYING!
Mipha: Why is Revali so mad? Urbosa: *snickering* They took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes Mipha: And...? Daruk: *shaking with laughter* They got Link.
Zelda: You lying, cheating, piece of crap! Link: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Zelda: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING THE DOG WITH ME! Sidon: *picking up the monopoly board* I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Purah: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB? Zelda: Bold of you to assume I was born at all. Robbie: I personally was created in a lab. Link: I just straight up spawned lol.
Vanessa: *watching the news* Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Michael: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a jerk.
Monty: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Glamrock Freddy: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Monty: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Gregory: How do I deal with my enemies? Link: Kill them. Glamrock Freddy: That's a bit extreme, he needs a more passive solution. Link: Kill them only a little?
Link: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Zelda: Link, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Link: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Gregory: So, what’s for dinner? Vanessa: *staring at the food she burnt* Regret.
Link: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao Riju: What did you do op? Link: A MISTAKE
Rauru: Link... Link: Oh no, 'Link' in b-flat. You're disappointed.
Cassie: Someone will die. Helpi: Of fun!
Link: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail. Tulin: Nah, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police.
Link: Just because I'm too short to reach the lowest shelf in the cabinet doesn't mean you shouldn't watch out for your kneecaps.
Gregory: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Vanessa: What did you do? Gregory: Nobody died! Glamrock Freddy: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Zelda: Hey, Sonia? Can I get some dating advice? Sonia: Just because I’m with Rauru doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Purah: We need to distract these guys. Link: Leave it to me. Link: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Gregory, Tulin, and Cassie: *Immediately begin arguing*
Vanessa: You often use humor to deflect trauma. Michael: Thank you. Vanessa: I didn't say that was a good thing. Michael: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
Rauru: Ganondorf, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Ganondorf: Well of course I have. Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring.
Glamrock Freddy: How did none of you hear what I just said? Roxy: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Glamrock Chica: I got distracted about halfway through. Monty: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Link: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold? Gregory: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a giant house. Tulin: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Link: Good thinking.
Cassie: How petty can you get? Gregory: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Link: Welcome, fellow idiots Purah: Hello, Link. Link: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot. Purah: You underestimate me.
Link: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them.
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amiharana · 1 year
My thoughts are still plagued with revalink streamers au 🛀😟🪑
THE EMOJISKDJFD i miss streamers au too </3
i'm thinking about the champions coming back for another round of Love or Host with link as the bachelor of the game. at this time, the CSMP is in full force and is gaining popularity at an exponential rate, the champions are now a well-established streaming group, and revali and link are now in their weird bickering/flirting stage where no one really knows if they're being fr and both revali n link are starting to realize they might? have? feelings? for each other? i've decided that for this au, kohga is going to be fulfilling the role of austinshow (this one's for you lucha john---baptist i love u)
if you've never heard of Love or Host before, it's kind of difficult to explain if you've never watched it?? if you have some time to spare, here's a link to a video of quackity's LOH when he participated a couple years back. but basically, it's like a livestreamed dating show where one person is the "bachelor" looking for love and the other contestants are competing to "love" or "host" — "love" meaning they are also looking for love and "date" after the show (it's not serious though, it's just for the drama. they don't actually end up dating if they don't want to lol) whereas "host" refers to looking for fame and wanting to get their stream hosted to get more views or something. idk it's kind of weird but still a fun twist to dating shows.
link gets invited by TheKohgaShow (this shit has me howling i'm sawryy) to be the bachelor for this round of LOH, since he's one of the most popular streamers at the moment. he agrees because why not and tries to get the rest of the champions to apply to be contestants for the game. daruk and urbosa call off because they aren't comfortable with the idea of possibly playing for link's hand romantically given their age gap, but they are livestreaming the show on their own streams and providing commentary, but mipha and zelda are fine with it. except for revali because he's a party pooper :]
"this is ridiculous," he grumbles over their discord call. "why are you going on that show again? wasn't meeting there enough?"
"it would be fun!" link insists. "it would be funny to see how much our dynamic's changed since we all first met on LOH. it's not that serious anyway, bird brain. unless you're scared you'd fall in love with me?"
"shut the fuck up," revali snaps. thank goddess he has his camera off right now because he can feel his cheeks beginning to burn. "the whole event is just... asinine. i didn't even want to be there the first time, and i still don't understand why you would want to go back."
"don't be mean, revali," comes mipha's voice, soft and cheery like a little bell. "it is just a casual event for fun anyway."
"and you could get a leg up over link by choosing host," urbosa muses. "you don't have to choose love, you know—"
"i'd eliminate him before he could try," link snickers.
"shut the fuck up," revali repeats, scrunching his nose up. "the entire format of such a show is just absurd. all dating shows are. none of it is genuine and it's all for drama and views anyway. there are far more productive ideas of substantial quality that could achieve the same goal."
"revali, it's really not that serious," link says, rolling his eyes and sitting back in his chair. his camera is on and revali can't help but follow the movement. "whether you apply or not, i'll be there as the bachelor. just don't get jealous if i do find love there."
daruk guffaws and mipha titters on the other ends of the call, but revali's jaw tightens. he wouldn't actually care if link found love on that stupid show. he wouldn't.
(once the notification that applications are open drops, revali applies and interviews for a position on the show in the next two hours. he gets it. after he logs off for the night, he realizes that doesn't really know why he ended up applying, but urbosa is going to bully him so bad when she sees him on the show tomorrow.)
the show goes live on kohga's channel the next day at noon, with the final contestant lineup as follows: revali, mipha, zelda, sidon, yunobo, paya, beedle, pikango, regan, and traysi. (in canon, regan is an npc who left lurelin village and who you can save from monster attacks, and traysi is the girl who writes the rumor mill articles left around hyrule). revali scoffs at the roster; if link was really looking for love, this wasn't exactly a group of prime pickings. (sorry to miph n zel. revali loves them as friends even if he won't say it out loud, but he knows they've been seeing each other on the downlow. LOL). when kohga starts the show and has everyone turn on their cameras, all of link, zelda, and mipha's eyes bulge out of their heads when they see revali in the roster. he rolls his eyes at his friends' reactions and tries to keep a straight face. his phone is buzzing with messages, probably from all of the champions in their shared gc, but he keeps his eyes on his computer screen.
i'm too impatient to write out a whole bunch of scenarios of link getting to know everyone and eliminating people and shit, so here's a bullet point list of ideas instead
surprisingly, link goes for zelda's head to bicker with first instead of revali (he didn't think revali would actually apply so now he's nervous), and he threatens to eliminate zelda in the introduction round. they bicker for a full a minute, escalating until kohga has to step in and stop the fight
sidon is absolutely flirting with link and link is flirting back. revali's face grows even more sour as he watches the whole exchange. his phone buzzes again, and this time, he can't help but check his phone. it's a message from urbosa that says, "Hey, Link told you not to get jealous if he finds love on the show." he rolls his eyes and reacts to the message with a thumbs down. whatever.
traysi pisses everyone off right away from how annoying she is. it's going to be a real surprise if link doesn't eliminate her right away.
pikango, regan, and beedle are all smaller streamers that link has interacted with in passing or has collabed with before so they're playing a game of catch-up for the few minutes they talk. something about how casually link talks with them irritates revali. he doesn't know why.
paya is a smaller streamer who voices in the nearly most inaudible voice ever that she's been a big fan of link's content. "awhh, thank you, that's very sweet of you," link says, smiling kindly at her. a vein twitches in revali's temple.
when link finally gets to him, for a moment he stares with wide blue eyes and if revali squints hard enough, a faint pink flush dusting his cheeks. "revali," link says. "fancy seeing you here."
"you should fancy me at every point in the day, no matter where i am," revali replies smoothly. flirting bickering with link is an instinct at this point.
link laughs. "i don't think i want to or ever will," he says, resting his chin on his hand and smiling into the camera.
"well, trust me," revali says, the corner of his lip curling up barely as he sits back in his chair. "by the end of this, you will." shit, where did this bravado suddenly come from?
but link's eyes widen and this time, the pink flush revali thought he was hallucinating makes itself known. kohga makes an "oooooooh" and ends the introduction round, introducing the premise of the next round, but link and revali are still staring at each other, watching each other's webcams.
(later, a clip of zelda rolling her eyes at this moment of time goes viral. she qrts the originating post with "these two are going to make me homophobic.")
LIKE I SAID I'M IMPATIENT I JUST WANNA WRITE THE SCENES I WANT TO SEE so yadda yadda yadda the elimination order goes traysi → regan → pikango → beedle → yunobo → paya until mipha gets eliminated and zelda votes herself out in an act of solidarity, telling revali to win for the honor of the champions LOL. only sidon and revali are left, so kohga alots 10 minutes for each contestant to go on their final "dates" with link and prove that they should be the one that link chooses.
sidon goes first and it's very cute :) he's very gentlemanly and sweet and talking about where he would take link on their first date, and just some sappy shit about how he'll give link the world. link is very enamored with him and his promises <3 leaning on his chin and gazing dreamily at sidon while he talks, sidlinkers are going nuts in the chat
but when it's revali's turn for the "Date", ohoho....... a tension so thick you can almost taste it develops in the call and the stream the moment sidon is taken out of the call and revali comes in and unmutes. link immediately straightens from his leaning posture on the desk and he's on high alert, chewing on his bottom lip and watching as revali settles into the call. revali looks relaxed and nonchalant, the complete opposite of the electricity beginning to fizz throughout link's veins. the timer has already started, but neither of them say anything, just staring at each other in the call.
"are you going to say anything or are we just going to stare at each other for 10 minutes?" revali finally says, the corner of his lip curling up just slightly into a hint of a smile.
link rolls his eyes and scoffs. "i would, if i had anything to say that you deserve to hear," he replies playfully. he resumes his initial position of placing his chin on his hand and leaning into it, smiling into the camera with half-lidded eyes.
"is that so?" revali says, raising an eyebrow. "do you mean to say that i'm leaving you speechless right now?"
link gives revali a look through the camera. "i have plenty to say, thank you very much."
"then say it all," revali says, his smirk growing a little bigger. "or do i make you too nervous to speak?"
"shut up," link responds, squinting. and they continue bickering for another 3 minutes, before kohga steps in to re-navigate the conversation back to the "Date".
"okay, okay, fine, revali where would you take me on our first date?" link says.
"i would take you to the top of a tall building and throw you off," revali replies smoothly.
link slams his head on his desk. "are you ever gonna give me a genuine answer?" he groans.
revali rolls his eyes. "i suppose i could attempt entertaining the subject of the question, just this once," he sniffs. then he sits back and looks up, crossing his arms and humming thoughtfully. "if i ever felt the desire to take you out, it would be an all-day endeavor."
"all day?" link says, tilting his head to the side. his curiosity has been piqued; sidon's first date plan consisted only of a dinner and a late-night walk in the park. "you'd plan the whole day for a first date?"
revali gives him a look. "do you think so lowly of me that you think i'd half-ass our first date?" he says snippily. "perhaps some reminders are in order for you; i actually care for the quality of my work, you know. i'm more than happy to welcome you to my twitch and youtube channels to assist in the rejuvenation of your memory."
link returns revali's look. "just continue."
revali hums and settles back in his seat. "right, well before i was so rudely interrupted," he says, "i would utilize the entire day for our date. we'd start with brunch at the new cafe in lanayru promenade, because goddess knows you are not a person of the early morning."
"i could wake up early if i really wanted to, thank you very much," link grumbles. "but lanayru promenade?"
"you mentioned that you've been wanting to try it in the discord calls..." revali says, voice petering off and he looks away. he actually didn't think about what his plan would be if he took link out on a date. he hasn't! it's not like they'd ever date in the first place! but the words just keep spilling out of him and he can't stop... "but that you haven't had a chance. i think you'll like the hylian mushroom toast. it's just as absurd of a meal as you are."
when revali looks back at the screen, link's eyes are wide and he's staring intently back at him. "yeah?" he says. "and what do you have planned after that?"
"i'd take you to the great plateau museum," revali continues, rather softly. "i heard they're opening up the temple of time ruins to the public again. you said you had been waiting for the opening for a long time, but you weren't able to get tickets because the exclusive opening sold out."
"you remember that?" link says. his eyes are wide, shimmering in surprise. "i only said that in passing and that was months ago..."
"well, unlike you, i actually listen when people talk," revali says, finding his bite again. but now he's nervous; why did he remember that? and why did he bring it up as part of the date? "we'd likely be there for the rest of the afternoon, and for dinner, we'd eat at 'sanidin'."
"mm, that's fancy," link muses. "you have 'sanidin' money?"
revali shrugs. "being a quality streamer and youtuber pays when you actually put the work into it."
"is that supposed to be a read?"
"if the shoe fits, you can wear it, darling."
"oh, shut up—"
"and for the grand finale of the night," revali swiftly cuts link off, "i'd take you to my favorite spot in the city and admire the stars." he says it with a level of finality and the call goes silent, as if link and kohga were waiting with bated breath for revali to continue. but he doesn't.
"and where would that be?" link says quietly, his voice almost a whisper.
revali tries to imagine link with him under the cherry blossom tree at the satori observatory park, the night breeze tousling his golden hair. revali tries to imagine link smiling up at him with that pink flush dusting his freckled cheeks and nose, wide blue eyes sparkling. he tries to imagine wrapping an arm around link's waist to pull him close and— surprisingly, it's not hard to imagine at all.
revali leans back in his seat, the barest trace of a smile across his lips. "that's for me to know and for you to find out, if you choose me," he says.
and link pauses and blinks. "what," he says. "you can't just cut your plan off like that when—" the timer signaling the end of the "Date's" duration rings. link stops mid-sentence, mouth agape as kohga unmutes and calls the time. "no, wait, i— he wasn't done—"
"the ten minutes are over, link! play fair!" kohga cackles. "it's time for you to choose your final contestant — one to keep, and one to eliminate! alright chat, we're going to set up a poll for you to guess who link is going to choose, while link DMs me his choice—"
the chat is going fucking nuts, full of #SIDLINK and #REVALINK, people have already clipped revali's entire date plan and it's going viral on twitter, they're #1 on trending, both of their mentions are blowing up, the champions gc is just full of urbosa and zelda teasing revali, and revali is starting to sweat. what if link doesn't choose him? it would be embarrassing if link didn't and that clip of revali talking about their hypothetical first date was just always held over his head. not that any of this is real anyway. he and link would never date. they wouldn't! he's just in it for the views... right, the views...
"okay, chat, everyone!" kohga announces. "link, it's time to make your final decision! according to the name that link has DM'd me... the one he's carefully spent time with and chosen... the winner of this round of love or host..."
"are you going to continue to drag this on?" revali drawls into his mic, but his heart is slamming against his chest. "i think we'd all like to find out who won within this lifetime, you know."
"stop!" kohga whines. "it's for the dramatic effect! you wouldn't understand, this vocal craft of pausing was carefully passed down from my father's mother's father!"
"you are going to become the 'father's mother's father' of your great grandchild by the time we find out who link chose," revali replies wryly. "get on with it, will you?"
"hmph," kohga sniffs. "no appreciation for the arts whatsoever. the winner of this love or host is..." kohga's mic is suddenly full of the sound of paper being shuffled around. "in a strange twist of fate, revali!!!"
revali blinks as kohga screams wildly and sidon smiles good-naturedly, clapping politely. link is smiling but he's averted his gaze away from the camera. revali thinks his face looks a little pink. he wasn't actually expecting to win.
"congratulations on your victory, revali!!!" kohga yells. "however! remember that the contestants had the opportunity to choose either 'love' or 'host' in this game. and sidon chose... love!!!"
sidon tilts his head to the side and smiles again. "i think we would have made an excellent pair if you chose me, link," he says. "i wish only the best for you in the future. thank you for allowing me the opportunity to play with you."
"oh goddess, why did you phrase it like that," link says, turning red and covering his face with his hands. kohga wheezes in the call.
sidon blinks. "what do you mean? i meant playing the game with you."
after sidon is removed the call, it's time for kohga to reveal what revali chose, and now link is the one sweating. he thinks back to the discord call from yesterday, where urbosa said that revali could choose host just to ridicule link. if link knows revali, he knows that revali would take any chance to do so. and why would he choose love anyway? he was probably just bullshitting the whole date idea (which somehow makes link wilt internally; it sounded like a really nice date idea, too...)
"the results are in!" kohga says. "before the show began revali had the chance to choose love or host: love as in looking for a chance to fall in love with link, or host for a chance to get hosted and get those views in! the time has come for us to finally reveal the choice that revali made before the show!"
"it seems to be that i've made a choice before the show started," revali says dryly, and link snickers. "i wonder what the choice was about."
"and revali chose...!" kohga continues, pointedly ignoring revali's comment. there's more papery shuffling behind the mic (why is kohga shuffling papers? both revali and link made their choices over dm), and suddenly a loud, prolonged gasp. "he chose love!!!"
while kohga continues screaming over the mic, link's eyes widen and he blinks. it's revali's turn to not look at the camera, rubbing at the back of his neck. the chat is exploding with messages, "HE CHOSE LOVE???", "get it link lmao", "REVALINK IS REAL".
afaik it's customary for the two people to go on a "date" after the show ends if the contestant chose "love", and by "date" i mean they just sit in a call together and livestream it. idk it's kinda weird KDJHFDKJ but link and revali do exactly that, the livestream gets moved to link's twitch channel and it's just him and revali's cams side by side on a screen, the both of them just silently staring at each other while the chat blows up. neither of them know what to say, fucking losers KJHDFJKD
"so... you chose love?" link finally says breaking the silence. "i didn't expect that from you."
"i had the element of surprise on my side," revali replies. "there's not a better feeling in this world than catching you off guard as much as possible."
link snorts. "you're such a dickhead. i really thought you weren't going to apply for the game."
"call it a change of heart." they're both silent for a couple moments, just staring at each other. the chat is still going a million miles per hour. link's camera quality is so good, revali might be able to count all the freckles on his nose if he really tried.
"were you being for real about your date idea?" link says next. his voice is soft, uncertain, and revali is unnerved by it. link never sounds this vulnerable...
revali waits a beat. "it's real if you want it to be," he answers vaguely.
link's mouth curls up into a smile. "even the dinner at 'sanidin' part?"
revali rolls his eyes. "i told you, caring about the quality of your content pays well. don't doubt me."
and the blond giggles, a sweet sound (that unbeknownst to revali, softens his expression on camera to which revalinkers immediately clip and post onto twitter). "okay. i'd like that, then."
"okay," revali repeats softly. "let me know when you're free, and it's a date."
"it's a date," link echoes, smiling bigger. they're quiet again for a couple moments, link's cheeks turning pink and revali beginning to fidget. "we still on for CSMP tomorrow?"
"of course, we need to build bigger and better spaces for medli and epona. i grabbed some vines from our last trip to the jungle for medli's room, and i think we should add more hay bales to epona's. you're practically starving her, you know."
"i am not!" link says indignantly. "i feed her so many golden apples. how dare you accuse me of starving my child."
they continue bickering for 10 more minutes about their minecraft plans, and then sign off for the night. after link ends his stream, revali sits back in his chair and sighs. what a simply asinine day.
"feeling okay?" link says. revali almost forgot he was still on the call with link and that he still had his camera on. link's eyes are as wide as they always are, shimmering blue with a look of concern on his face.
"i'm fine," revali says. "love or host was longer than i remember."
link hums. "yeah, i guess." he chews his bottom lip for a moment, then continues in a quiet voice. "did you really mean it? the date?"
revali pauses and blinks. "as i said, it's real if you want it to be." the thought that link might want to back out instead makes his heart sink. "unless you don't want to—?"
"i want to," link says firmly. "i want to go on that date with you. if you want to, too." he adds the last part quietly, shyly, unsure. revali doesn't like it.
"then we'll go through with it," revali says softly. "as long as you want to, then... i wouldn't mind going out with you either."
"okay," link whispers, eyes impossibly wider. "okay. let's do it, for real."
revali snorts. "are you sure this time?"
"yes i am, birdbrain, let's fucking gooo—"
"shut the fuck up," revali replies, but a smile is growing on his face. "i'm logging off. you should too and rest up. you've had quite an interesting day."
"you and me both," link says. "bye revali, have a good night. and... thank you."
"mm, a good night to you as well." link waves at him and revali waves back, letting himself smile a little wider. he disconnects, shuts off his computer, and goes to wash up and get ready for bed.
(as he settles for the night in his bed, the distinct sound of a discord notification pings from his phone. revali grabs his phone and checks the message:
Discord master streamer zero 💯 gn vali :] <3
revali snorts and taps on the notification, beginning to type into the app.
Revali 🪶 Goodnight, Link.
and after a moment's hesitation:
Revali 🪶 ❤️ [😧][🫶][⁉️]
Revali 🪶 Dumbass.
master streamer zero 💯 YOU SENT A HEART IM KDJFDKJDFJKD
Revali 🪶 Goodnight, Link. [🫡][😴][❤️]
revali shakes his head, snorting again, and puts his phone down settling into bed. perhaps today wasn't as asinine as he originally thought it was.)
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mistresslrigtar · 5 months
I’ve been trying to word this correctly all day but - I enjoyed I Belong to You a ton. I was a radio DJ in undergrad/grad school and even though it was half a million years ago, the whole thing was a perfect capture of that vibe.
Im curious - was the band based on an actual band? I know lyrically they leaned on a lot of Muse but I’m not familiar with the dynamics of its members.
Also- the spicy stuff was really, really well done and fantastic as first time smut writing. Was there anything you read to help inspire you style wise? I’m asking this from a technical aspect as good smut writing can be really tricky and I’m interested in the process from anyone who does it well.
(Like- my approach to smut is identical to how I approach combat- does this make sense without coming off weird?)
(And did I see there’s a sequel on the way???)
Tysm for the ask! So cool that you were a DJ!
First of all - yay! I was really hoping to capture the college vibe of the late 90s. It’s loosely based on my own experiences in grad school (I studied opera/music theater performance), so I’m glad that came through in the writing. ☺️
The band started as a ‘what if’ there was a band with Ganon on keyboards (a la OOT), Link guitar, Daruk drums, and Revali the lead singer. I didn’t have a plot. It was supposed to be a one-shot where Link and Zelda hook up. But I brainstormed while on vacation, listened to hours of different alt rock bands (at first I thought I’d use Radiohead) on the road trip and discovered Muse. I wasn’t familiar with their music until last summer, but nearly every song I heard sounded zelink coded so, there you go. Muse became Hyrule Warriors.
As for the smutty parts, (tysm for the compliment 🫣) I approached those scenes similar to what you said you do - they’re choreographed just like a fight scene. I start with A and map out how I want to get to B. Then I fill in the rest - thoughts, feelings, sights, sounds, tastes, etc. I also write my dialogue first for any scene throughout my stories. It helps me stay on track, and I really like writing conversations. I think sprinkling it in, even during a sex scene is important, because it’s natural if you’re comfortable with your partner. Obviously, I’ve read quite a bit of smut, too and I also researched and read a few articles on how to make it believable and titillating. After all, that’s the goal, right? 😳
I’m working on the sequel as we speak, and have three chapters roughly written! It’s tentatively called Love is Forever (cheesy, I know) and the soundtrack will be a mix of Muse and Radiohead songs this time around. I have a snippet scheduled to post this Wednesday for WIP Wednesday 😉
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For anyone who’s interested here’s a link to I Belong to You.
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Why I’m writing a BOTW prequel
I got into the Legend of Zelda (TLOZ) fandom in May of 2023 (2 weeks after TOTK came out so it was probably the best possible time to discover it!). At first I just watched the BOTW cutscenes on YouTube in chronological order, but then I ended up getting INVESTED in the story!!! I had already watched a video about Top Ten Saddest Video Game scenes at some point, so I knew that the Champions would die, but I just wasn’t expecting how REAL the scene was!
The next night I decided to watch the TOTK cutscenes because BOTW was so interesting, and of course, I fell in LOVE with the games! I loved how they portrayed Zelda and her character arc, I loved how the storyline wasn’t afraid to take a dark turn, but most of all, LINK stood out to me.
I had already known that he was a “Silent Protagonist” but I think that was the reason why I was interested in watching the BOTW cutscenes in the first place. I wanted to see how it was pulled off, being that Link was the main character after all. Yes, admittedly there were a few scenes that made me just want to shake this man, yelling “JUST SAY SOMETHING DUDE!!!” I still found his backstory interesting… or more lack there was.
I read the diary entries from the game and had questions like “So what, he’s just been silent for years? What caused this? What was he doing with the Master Sword during the ages 12/13 to 17? What caused such a change of personality at such a young age? It couldn’t just be because of the Master Sword… right?” I was absolutely HOOKED on finding answers! Then I found out about Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.
At first I thought the cutscenes were from BOTW, then I saw the title of the video and thought it was a fan project, until I found out there was an ENTIRE prequel game of BOTW and I couldn’t understand why not many people were talking about it! Just a few nights after watching the BOTW cutscenes, I waited until my mom went to bed, popped some popcorn, and sat down on the couch, pulling up YouTube. I was about to get answers, and these next 3 hours were going to emotionally destroy me! And I was ready!
I was destroyed, but not for the reasons I thought I’d be… Things were happening in a different order, Link didn’t have the Master Sword yet (even though he was CLEARLY older than 12/13!) and they knew when Ganon was going to attack! I was a little upset. I thought I was promised a Prequel, but ended up getting what felt like a Fan-fiction! I did like the awkward Link scene and the smile he gave Zelda at the end though…
By the time the cutscenes ended, I just remember staring at the screen for a while. Processing.
I still had so many questions.
After a while, I got on Amazon to find out how much a Switch was.
“Fine,” I said. “My turn!”
I’ve grown to enjoy AoC for the moments that couldn’t possibly happen in BOTW (Sidon getting to see his Sister again, Zelda and her Father reconciling), but I just REALLY wanted to know Link’s story.
WHY did Link not talk?
WHEN did Link meet Daruk (why was he taking a casual stroll through Death Mountain)?
HOW did Link end up with the Master Sword at 12 or 13 years old if it was in the middle of the Lost Woods?
WHO was Link’s father (and his other family)?
WHERE was Link during those 4 or 5 years and
WHAT was he doing?
I was determined. I did research, I bought the game, I bought the DLC, I even bought the Masterworks Book! Video, after video, after video, I learned all I could about Link, Zelda, and the Champions! I also learned about the storyline of each Zelda game.
By the end of all this, I ended up with what I’m pretty sure is an entertaining story. I had to split it up into 2 books, but that just made Link’s story even more interesting. I will certainly be taking some creative liberties, especially during the first book (the part going over what was happening during the time between Link finding the Master Sword at 12/13 years old and him becoming Zelda’s personal knight), but I think the information I found should be enough to fill in the blanks.
I’ll be sharing my findings during the next few months (only sharing what has been explained or hinted at within the games, of course) so I hope you guys enjoy what I found!
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nightttoon · 4 months
Hi! If you are comfortable (and still write for botw) could you do Daruk nsfw hcs? <3
Warning: 18+, nsfw hcs
🧡Oh, you are in for a hell of a ride, you know? I mean. He soft as long as he has control over himself but then he looses it... Okay, let's get where step by step.
🧡He is attentive lover. Always caring about you, you are always first priority in his mind. Even in sex he is ready to try all the things you are talking about.
🧡He knows how big he is, so be ready for long preparation. He can finger you for hours. Stretching you out, telling sweet nothing in your ear, while drinking in your shaken moans.
🧡He barely looses control, so sex with him is slow and long. Really long. He hates quickies because he can't have you properly, but long sex... With his stamina he can go for a whole day without break, by the end of process you will be overstimulated as hell, and Daruk will be kissing your tears away, mumbling how good you did.
🧡He is keen for intimacy, kisses, soft touches, reassuring words are his cup of tea. Be ready to get a lot of that. Daruk loves if he can grasp onto something, your thighs and waist are first thing he gets his large hands on.
🧡After you are properly stretched out he kisses you all over and takes his member out. He sinks in slowly. No matter how good you are prepared, it still stretches you just enough to balance perfectly between pleasure and pain, and he knows it too well. He uses it as his privilege, going slow and steady, making you reach your high fast evey time.
🧡But Daruk also has some weak spots. This guy has large breeding kink. He always wanted kids and he is old enough for that. So if you trigger that theme, he looses control.
🧡Man will get crazy if you tell him to "give you a child" or something close, and from this moment all soft touches can wait. He is rutting into you will incredible speed, making you cry out of overstimulation only 5 minutes later, but he kisses your cheek softly, saying that everything will be all right. He would kiss your lips, but he knows better than to cut off your oxygen at the moment.
🧡Daruk has his red flags too. One of them is your pain. Tears of happiness and overstimulation are one thing, tears of pain are another. He would never hurt you on purpose, so if it happens during sex, he stops. Simple "No" will do the same job, he respects your decision.
🧡Goron champion loves to do aftercare! He is not the best in it with your differences, but if you teach him, he might get a lot better. Usually, he takes you to a warm shower, then gets you water, maybe something to eat (probably at first it will be rock roast, but you can ask for anything, he will try his best to get it), and after that hugs, kisses, soft touches. He will be staying awake till you fall asleep, only then he might rest as well.
Daruk is really attentive partner. :)
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candy8448 · 1 year
Sage themes worst to best (imo)
I LOVED the sage music, it sounds so good!! None of them are bad, i really liked them all, its just that i prefer some over the others
Looking back on these, im quite impressed by my analysis, i wrote this on the spot with nothing planned in mind and it turned out so well, huh
(Spoilers, if you haven't gotten the fith sage yet)
5: Tulin
IM SORRY, i love Tulin too, he is adorable, and his theme reflects that, sounding flighty and fresh and young and hopeful, those are the first impression i got when i first watched the cutscene. Tulin was my first sage and while listening to the music in that cutscene (after just finishing the colgera fight with an AMAZING track) i knew that the other sages were going to also have sick themes. His theme is just not the style i like, it's the only one (maybe including sidon) that i wouldn't actively chose to listen to. Its still good tho.
4: Sidon
I... dont really care about sidon, i like his personality, i just prefer riju and tulin over him and never really cared about what he got up to (mipha was also my least favorite champion, so maybe i just dont care about the fish people?)
Anyway, Sidon was the only "new champion" in BotW who had a full theme that wasn't just 20 seconds long, so of course they would use it instead of creating something new for the others (which in breath of the wild, was just a cut bit from the champion themes) it is a really good reprise for sidon's theme (i did love his theme in botw), it just doesnt do it for me like the others do. Like sidon's character, it stays the same, iit doesnt bring that much new to the table. Its good, so it sticks with it.
Tied second: Riju and Mineru
I love them both, they sound so good fir very different reasons, i cannot pick a favorite between them
Riju is my favorite sage, and i like how her theme carries a lot of Urbosa's them with it, like how Riju is, the music carries on Urbosa's legacy, and it just feels like confidence, pride, finally found what she was looking for in herself to be a leader. Also i just love how it sounds, it sounds... kinda heavy? I dont know how to explain it, its just good.
Unlike the others, her theme isnt bombastic and hopeful with newfound strength, it sounds sadder, but calmer. It slowly builds up but still stays lower. It does sound like how she stayed asleep for milenia, coming back but not with all herself, having to stay as a construct. She is the one who saw how the sages got defeated in the imprisoning war, and the music reflects that. It kind of sounds like an unsure hope? Like she doesn't know if it will work out but she is willing to put everything on the table to help link
After over 110 hours of the game, playing since day one, i only just got to this part of the game yesterday (spent a LOT of time exploring and doing sidequests) and imediatwlly noticed how drawn back this theme is, learning about the war right after this cutscene was a lot, it was a great scene, and the music fits so well
1: Yunobo
Didn't like him in botw, still dont know if i care about him (i still accidently call him Daruk cuz i forget his name), but his character is a lot better and BOY is this music good!
I loved it the moment i heard it so much that i just had to post the cutscene with the kusic to youtube. His dungeon was my absolute favorite and the music in the dungeon itself was also so good.
His theme starts all clumsy, like the character we knew in botw, but still takes into account his development from that game. Then we get to the GOOD stuff! just has the OOMPH and OUGH and its so bombastic, it sounds strong like the gorons and it sounds freeing, it sounds good, he knows his mistakes from the begining of when we find him in this game, he is confident, stong. Unlike Daruk's theme which started strong then went softer, slower, full if regret, Yunobo's starts clumsy, softer, then builds up into this new character he has made for himself, free of his regrets of what he has done and redeamed. Out of all tge new champions and sages, Yunobo is the one who went through the most development between the two games and his music definetly reflects that.
Also i just loved it from first listen, without thinking about all this that i wrote just now, its judt the best sounding overall, honestly i might like this character more now just because of this
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illusion-of-death · 7 months
I'd love to hear more about Urbosa in CMFTW! What are her hobbies? What does she value in this AU? What's the relation like with her family? Also, what's the place and country called where she travelled to to fetch Riju? (I admittedly dislike the canon name because it cheapens the Gerudo as characters and their culture imo.)
CMFTW Urbosa beloved!! I’m glad you asked :)
We’ve gotten to see quite a few of her hobbies in-fic so far—dancing’s always been a big one, even before she started professoring about it at UH, and I imagine her preferred style to be contemporary, though I’m sure there are plenty of specific subgenres within that style that I know very little about. She no longer plays D&D (besides the one notable exception) but her time with the game before her life went to shit did spark an interest in folklore and mythology, hence her coming up with the idea for that combined RELS course. She is also very much into engaging in silly shenanigans with her best friend/platonic partner Daruk, including but not limited to recipe experimentation, bowling as incorrectly as possible, and what I imagine are some very wild board game nights.
As for her values—I think that family seems to be a pretty big one. Caring about people in general. Ensuring that all her students are treated justly and fairly. Doing what she can to ease the suffering of others, because she wouldn’t wish certain life experiences of her own unto anyone.
Her relationship with her family is kind of twofold, I think. There’s her blood family, who we do not hear about besides her sister (who Hope and I never actually named, oops) and Riju, and nobody else is ever mentioned. I imagine that Urbosa and her sister lost their mother relatively young, and had a pretty bad time of it with only each other to lean on until they were adults, at which point Urbosa ended up moving to Akkala and her sister landed halfway across the globe. The few other relatives they have are not people either of them were particularly close with, which is why it was so important to both of them that Urbosa specifically be the one to take care of Riju after everything.
But there’s also her chosen family now! Daruk, as we all know, is the absolute best, and the two of them got super close almost immediately when they both started working at Akkala Elementary. Urbosa met Saphira the year of Link and Zelda and Mipha’s graduation to middle school, at the cute little ceremony Zelda’s dad couldn’t be bothered to show up to, and that relationship started growing pretty much the second Saphira finally got that divorce. They got married pretty shortly after that first D&D game got started, and Urbosa and Daruk’s QPR got a bit more official not long after that, much to Saphira’s delight, though the three of them all agreed not to be particularly open about it.
As for your second question—we… never actually decided. Our worldbuilding outside of Hyrule itself is VERY loose. Hyrule is pretty much a microstate, wide enough that it would take about two days to roadtrip directly across but with a very spread out, extremely low population. While it’s not quite as isolated here as it is in-game, it’s still pretty unusual for people to travel in/out of. Urbosa and her sister are originally from what would be the Gerudo region on the BotW map, but Urbosa moved to Akkala, and her sister fully left Hyrule altogether—all you really need to know (which is to say, all we ever bothered to establish) about where she ended up is that she went FAR. Like, think moving from Canada to Australia kind of far. Solid 20 hours of flights, completely opposite timezone—not exactly conducive to ease of visiting or communication. Plus, for plot convenience reasons, really, really bad phone service.
Thanks for asking!! If @ofstormsandfire has anything to add, go right ahead :)
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afriendlygoblin · 1 year
my thoughts on TOTK because i need to ramble about it somewhere and my friend hasn't finished it yet
i'm gonna go through the main quests/parts as i completed them
1) the opening, Great Sky Island, Temple of Time and landing in Hyrule
it made me really really really happy to see that Link and Zelda were still around each other like this, exploring stuff together and all. the awakening cutscene gave me chills and really all i could think about was finding Zelda.
discovering the Great Sky Island was fun, though i was used to my comfort in BOTW so it was quite a shock to not have the paraglider and get one-shot by literally anything. but i guess that's normal
then i really liked meeting Rauru though i missed having at least a clue of what was going on. like in BOTW, the king tells you "alright, the world is shit because this happened, Zelda is over there waiting for you, now u do u". there i had this feeling of being absolutely clueless for the first few hours of gameplay and it was frustrating at times.
Lookout Landing was a heartwarming sight, seeing people rebuild and stuff genuinely made me smile. i did feel a pinch in my heart when i recognized that it was built on the very ground where Link swore his oath as Zelda's appointed knight. but overall it was great and i loved the concept of the new towers.
2) the Temples and Sages
i started with Rito Village and the Wind temple. i love Tulin with all my heart and i have to say i use his ability the most. the temple was a pain to access and the cold was annoying but i had a blast with the boss battle. didn't really use Tulin's help there because it was really easy to do on my own but i enjoyed having a supporter during the fight.
i was favorably surprised when i found out that Tulin's clone would accompany me forever. BOTW was a pretty lonely game. peaceful and beautiful but lonely nonetheless. also seeing Teba give his son the Great Eagle Bow made me emotional i admit. i wish there were more references to Revali (and the Champions in general) but eh at least he has a Landing named after him. also where did the Flight Range go?
next i went to Goron City. it felt strange to not instantly catch on fire but well, i was happy with no more elixirs and ugly outfits (not a fan of the fireproof set). the battle against the 3 headed monster in Death Mountain was awesome and it reminded me of how fun it was to yeet Yunobo around. speaking of which i was so relieved when i got him back to normal because that rock boi is precious and seeing him being mean was not cool.
the Temple was a bit annoying tbh, i got lost in the rail system so i just went and monkeyed around climbing everything and flying everywhere. the boss fight was also quite forgettable though i liked using Yunobo's ability more. again, there was zero mention of Daruk (that i remember) and Daruk's Protection has been entirely forgotten. i know the goal isn't to live in the past but i find it sad to see it pretty much forgotten about in some areas.
after that i went to Zora's Domain and had fun yeeting splash fruit at the sludge. i almost had a heart attack when i saw that the Mipha statue had been replaced but i was so thrilled to see it relocated to where the Lynel used to be. they really built her a splendid memorial and she can really watch over her people from there.
i had missed Sidon and his smile, and helping Yona bringing him back to his true optimistic charming self was really great. i liked that since the Zora live long lives, everyone remembered me (Link) more than in other parts of Hyrule. oh and Sidon's coronation had me smiling ear to ear because i was so proud of my fish brother.
i had so much fun in the temple and its weird gravity, sometimes i go back just to jump around and dive in slow motion. the boss fight was correct, though it was annoying to go so slow through sludge.
finally, i made my way to Gerudo Town. the gibdos surprised me but by pure luck i had a fire lizalfos horn weapon equipped so i was never in any real danger. i loved organizing the defenses of Gerudo Town and fighting alongside Riju's warriors.
i loved seeing how Riju had grown since we last saw her, she and Tulin were like my young niblings and seeing them grow made me so proud. again i don't remember any tribute to Urbosa but seeing Riju's dual Scimitars of the Seven was a nice touch so i didn't say anything.
the temple was really cool and the boss fight made me rage quit once or twice so i consider it to be awesome. i thought i was gonna throw my Switch against the wall but then i remembered Zelda needed me so i took a breath and went back to the fight.
overall i really liked this part of the game, seeing my old new friends was very heartwarming and having their clones follow me in my daily life made the game so much less lonely than BOTW was.
3) Tears of the Dragon
no. i am still sobbing, throwing up, rolling on the floor. no. seeing Zelda finding not one but 2 loving parental figures only to lose them 20 min later, Ganondorf's ascension, Rauru's sacrifice, ZELDA'S SACRIFICE ABZBZBFKGNDKDLS I WAS NOT READY. i didn't find the memories in chronological order so when i found the one that hinted what was going to happen to Zelda i rushed them all and stayed up until like 4 am to see them all. the final one tore me apart and i basically cried myself to sleep (not really but almost). i actually had to go spoil myself online just to put my mind at ease because like what if we could never get her back???
after that and the Master Sword quest, whenever i saw Zelda not too far from a tower i'd go see her and rest on her head for a little while while imagining Link talking to her.
i was at a point where i didn't really know what to do with myself, i still had Gerudo Town to visit but eh i was a bit sick of boss battles at the moment. seeing the memories remotivated me and pushed me to finish the main quests as fast as possible to get Zelda back.
4) the Master Sword
as eager as i was to just go and beat up Ganondorf, i couldn't imagine doing it without my trursty blade, and also the reason why Zelda sacrificed herself. so i decided to go see the Great Deku Tree so seek counsel. after a quick in and out trip to the depth, i found a dying tree in no shape to answer my questions.
Phantom Ganon handed my ass to me a few times but once i got his attack patterns right, it all went smooth like a baby's butt cheek.
getting the Master Sword from Zelda's head made me so emotional, i had just seen a fanart of that scene where Link let himself fall while crying and clutching the sword against his heart. that was how i felt it really.
5) the Depths and Fifth Sage
so after crying my eyes, heart, lungs and intestines out, i had to continue investigating to know where the hell Ganondorf was. that led me to the Depth, searching for all the abandonned mines and everything. on the way i had fun in the battles against Kohga, i had missed his ridiculous... him.
i'm not the biggest fan of the Depths but hey, you can find pretty awesome stuff down there so i do spend a lot of time farming Zonaite and throwing Brightbloom seeds around.
finding and assembling Mineru's construct felt a bit ehh. the shrine like puzzles to get the limbs were thankfully not too long but really all i wanted was to get over with it. funny enough i was fully prepared for a big twist like Mineru revealing that she was with Ganondorf and having to fight the construct i had just built myself.
what i got was even better. like mech fight??? hello?? that was awesome though it took me some time to get the controls down. but ah as a kid who grew up playing Solatorobo, riding the construct was just cbfkdkd SO COOL.
6) the Final Fight
i'll just focus on the battles because the way to get to the Gloom's Lair or whatever was just like yeah sure go off i guess. chasing Zelda through the Castle was just a delay of what i knew would happen underground and then i mostly dodged the monsters except the Lynel because come on who has time for that.
the. EPIC. BATTLE. AGAINST. AN ENTIRE. ARMY. my Goddess fighting hordes and hordes of monsters alongside my friends with the most epic music was just so euphoric and cathartic and just fullfilling ahhhhgg. when i saw the temple bossed coming back to life i was gully prepared to take them on with my friends but nope, the game had other plans for me.
and what plans oh bloody hell this FIGHT? THAT is what i call a boss battle. in BOTW, Ganon wasn't hard to kill. like it had taken me less than 5 tries i think, 3 of them being just to learn the fight's mechanics. but here? the first part i got quickly, after all it was just a one on one against a (large) human sized villain. the pace was slow, there was no music, in a word : a warmup.
then he activates his secret stone and turns into a human emo LED. alright sure. and then his health bar replenishes. AND KEEPS GOING. i was expecting it to just go beyond the screen border at this point. and oh the clones, how many times did i accidentally get killed by one of them. having my friends fight them for me was cool but too many times i ended up ignoring them and taking a lost bullet becayse of that.
then comes the real 1v1 againt the Demon King. THAT was the fight i'd been waiting for. the final confrontation between the Hero and Evil, the final battle that would- he can Flurry Rush? what do you mean he can Flurry Rush?? alright then, i'll just be careful, good thing i have a good shield haha HE CAN FLURRY RUSH MY FLURRY RUSH?????? HOW WHAT WHY WTF ah at least i can Flurry Rush his Flurry Rush that he Flurry Rushed from my Flurry Rush. McFlurry.
after at least 20 tries, tears and a break because my left index was sore from keeping my shield up, i finally got to deal a final strike. and then oh my GODDESS THIS PART
Zelda rushes to my aid and together we face that giant Demon Dragon. she soars, allowing me to dive and land right next to one of the Demon's weak point. i attack it, then bet blown off. Zelda gets me back and we repeat the maneuver 3 times. finally, i dive one last time to the Demon's head and shatter the Secret Stone.
no more Demon, no more Ganondorf, it really is over this time.
7) the End
is it? the sky is peaceful, as i, behind my screen, thank the princess for her help and tell her that we succeded, i start floating off of her head. Rauru and Sonia appear and somehow channel their magic through my arm.
and there she is. my princess. my Zelda. the one i travelled through Sky, Land and Depth to find. the one i've been chasing for (in game) months (days irl).
and she's falling. shit. so i dive as fast as i can, i extend my freshly restored arm and.... i got her! a perfect echo to the opening, an exquisite parallel, i took so many screenshots of this scene and i will cherish them forever.
then i watched the last cutscenes, my Zelink heart that was already screaming exploded when i saw Link gently put Zelda down on the grass. she wakes up, sees Link, looks around and... "you really did it" no princess, we did it together. "Oh Link... i'm home" AAAAAHAHBBFNDKDBBF I SCREAMED i really screamed and thank the Goddess that i live alone because it was again 4am and had i been at my parent's place, Zelda's smile would have been the last thing i'd seen before certain death (not that i would have minded). i wish i could hug my princess in that moment. yes, you're home. i promised i'd get you back when i saw your memories so here you are. and you're never leaving me again.
end credits, i use that time to process what i just lived. then i watch the post credit cutscene, shed a tear watching Mineru rest in peace and the new Sages swear their oath. everything's good now.
and then i'm transported back to Castle Chasm. yay.
Additional 1) the Gameplay
as an engineering student, i had been waiting for this game for so long (only could play it a month after release because of finals) and it didn't disappoint. well to be honest i was used to BOTW's controls and though they were similar here, i missed using the cross' top arrow to pick a rune. minor stuff like that. BUT WHO CARE WHEN YOU CAN BUILD CARS, PLANES, ROCKETS AND TORTURE DEVICES
i fully started enjoying vehicle building when i expanded my battery. from then on i was unstoppable, roaming around Hyrule on my Turbo Deadly Flying Tricycle that shoots fire and laser beams.
also i'm a pretty peaceful being but i have to admit that nailing a Korok to a cross and pulling it around with your horse like "do you have time for our Lord and Savior Korok Christ?" is really really fun.
Additional 2) the World
also i loved the additions they made to the stables like the Pony Points system. and ah finally i don't have to talk to this random girl to change my saddle.
i'm a sucker for fantasy sky island so i was so happy to see some in Hyrule sky. though i wish there were a bit more or at least some bigger ones. Great Sky Island was nice but then in other regions, aside from a shrine here and a dispenser there i didn't spend a lot of time up tthere.
Hyrule was at the same time the good old same and a totally new and foreign place. cities and villages were in the same place but they were so different. Tarrey Town had grown so much (btw fuck you Rail Car guy i built this place you should pay ME). Kakariko had its new Ring Ruins, Hateno had developped a mushroom frenzy... AND ZELDA HAS STOLEN MY HOUSE??? HAY PRINCESS YOU HAVE A CASTLE AT LEAST LET ME HAVE THIS oh? is that my hair tie? and... you're writing about me in your diary? oh so we live together... alright then all good! also seeing the photo from Champion's Ballad exactly where i hung it in BOTW brought a tear to my eye. no, our omd friends aren't forgotten. and they will always be home.
i'll stop there because i'm hungry and i've been rambling for an hour and a half but this game is just so so so good. the story touched me a bit less than that of BOTW for some reason but it did make me emotional af. i wish we had a postgame which solely consists of completing the secondary adventures and like... farming in Hateno Village with Zelda but eh, be grateful for what you have i told myself. i think i will go have a cutscene marathon starting with Age of Calamity now.
Additional 3) the Side Quests
while i ignored most of them (will get to them eventually no worry about that), i particularly appreciated the Monster Control ones and the Lurelin line. these quests really made me feel how important community and cooperation are in this game. because you have your own community of heroes with the Sages and also the researchers, people who are in the heart of the story but there you get to see other communities. the losers with a valiant heart, fighting silver moblins with mops and buckets as helmets, the exiled fishermen who lost their town but with your help get to rebuild their home etc. this makes this game whole because it reminds you that yeah, there are always epic tales of legendary heroes, dramatic tragedies and heroic sacrifices but there are also smaller, equally as important stories. there's the story of how anyone can rise up and fight monsters and there's the story of how to rebuild your home after it was totally destroyed. and you get to be a part of all these stories, big or small. and that's beautiful.
also i liked stealing Zelda's horse again. you took my house i take your horse, fair is fair.
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heleentje · 1 year
17, 28, and 37!
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So I don't have any Big WIPs at the moment, but one I'm really hoping to finish is... hmm, let's say it's a Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity AU. Essentially, it's set pre-Calamity, but I've stolen the AoC idea that Link didn't draw the Master Sword until after he'd already been appointed as Zelda's personal guard.
Now, I haven't made it a secret that I think AoC dropped the ball when it comes to the characters, and I always found it a pity that they didn't do more with the idea that Link wasn't the Chosen Hero yet until a few hours into the game. So this AU has some relationships that are the same (Mipha still cares a whole lot about Link, Daruk is always gonna be the Best Person Ever), some that are similar-but-not-quite (Zelda still resents Link for following her every move, but not because he's the Chosen One, and Link in turn has far less room to disobey anyone's orders, since he's 'just' a soldier), and some that are pretty different (Revali actually rather enjoys Link's company, as someone who also worked his way up from nothing and was able to go toe to toe with him without any special nonsense).
Most of that won't be explicit in the fic, but it does provide some useful background info for why the character relationships are what they are.
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
At present, definitely Revali, although Zelda is also a joy to write. Other characters I do love writing are Judai and Bruno, and (to my own surprise) Yusei. My reasons for each differ, though, and often I only discover I like writing a character while writing them, so it's hard to find common characteristics.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
Far too much time travel :p
In all seriousness, if there's any theme I'd like to be associated with, it's the importance of choice, and being able to forge the life you want despite any and all expectations placed upon your shoulders, and that doing the Right thing isn't always necessarily the right thing for you, but can lean dangerously close to senseless martyrdom.
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pupika-samika · 6 months
A King is Nothing Without His People
Chapter 8
As Lave Burns
CW:  light mentions of violence
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Revali came back an hour before twelve, taking a few minutes to relax before joining in on the games. No one bothered to ask about his experience, he'd explain when he wanted to. After a few games, when the sun hit the middle of the sky, Link began his descent back to Rito village. Saki and Amali had prepared a delicious seafood curry and lunch was filled with profuse thanking both of the Rito. Fostri was happily weaving between Link and Kass, the two having to control their laughter when the Korok decided to bring his leaf flier out and create a small whirlwind in the kitchen. When everyone was done eating, Link decided it was time to say goodbye for now. He had Saki help him take his new feathered accessory off, sheepishly explaining that it would burn up from the heat within Death Mountain.
"You know, if you undo the loop right here, you can widen it and wear this as a necklace." She explained, showing a knot hidden near the three coils of rope. Link hesitated with a response. Is it disrespectful to take the feathers off? What if they get dirty or messed up? After a beat of silence, Saki said "as long as you keep the original feathers, you can wear them however you want. This was a bit last minute so we went the easiest route and made a hair accessory but Rito have made them into necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, and other types of jewelry." She laughed as she handed the feathers over to Link.
He took the feathers and looked at them before stashing them in his slate, putting them in his important items window. "I should leave now if I want to have enough time to inform the Gorons before sundown. Can you tell Kaneli I'll be back soon? Within the month at least," he asked, knowing Kaneli would forget; on purpose or on accident. Saki nodded, promising to pass the message. He received farewells and good lucks before he took his slate off his hip and turned it on to the map screen. He scrolled until he saw the Shae Mo'sah shrine and waved goodbye to his family- his family- before clicking the teleport button.
It didn't take long for the heat of death mountain to fry him, causing him to rip the Snowquill set off and throw his Flame Breaker set on. The enchantment of the armor didn't help to alleviate his overheating but at least he wasn't close to bursting into flames. Link worriedly looked at Fostri, wondering if the Korok really would be ok with the intense heat. Maybe I should catch some lizards and make him a fireproof elixir. Would that help? He seemed fine enough, a little droopy but fine.
"I can't wait to see your grandson again! It's been so long since we've seen him," Mipha said from somewhere behind Link. He couldn't care much to turn around to look at her, instead barely dodging a rock thrown at him.
"Hello, Jafar! Lovely seeing you too," Link greeted enthusiastically as he took out a Royal Bow he had managed to fight a lizalfol for. He knocked a normal arrow and fired, internally cheering when the arrow hit and killed the octorok. Normally that didn't work on the first try.
A scoff was heard as he put the bow away, his armor making a clacking sound as he moved. "I can't believe you named that octorok Jafar. Actually, I can't believe you named any frequent monster you see." Revali huffed, not backing down when Link sent him a mystified look.
He made his way across the bridge, not paying attention to the lava running under him or the rocks so hot they could set him on fire. "If I didn't name them then how would they know it's me and not some random traveler? I wouldn't want them to hit a passerby." He said, keeping his voice low as he got closer to Bargoh, the city's watcher. Link waved in greeting to the Goron and made his way down the small hill. "Daruk, how likely are the Gorons to accept what I tell them?" 
Link figured it was a good idea to ask the Goron in the group, surely he'd know the most about the race. Said Goron didn't hesitate in answering the question. "Well, they probably won't care. If culture stayed the same after the Calamity then at most some will ask how you became King, at worst you’ll probably be threatened, and at terrible they’ll follow up on that threat.” Daruk paused as he thought over the consequences that could happen, earning two glares and a half scowl from his fellow ghostly companions. “But you have us here little guy, we’ll protect you! You have nothing to worry about while we’re here!" That's... reassuring. I pray to Hylia that their culture has remained the same, I don't think I could passively handle a whole city of angry Gorons. 
"Bludo should be at his house at this time. I plan to talk to him then go look at Rudania but I don't think I can get much done. It's way too close to the volcano, I was lucky I didn't burst into flames while I was completing the beast. I'll have to find a way to move it to safer, accessible ground." He rambled as he made his way down the slope, waving to Bludo when he saw the elder Goron. Bludo half-heartedly waved back, giving Link a curious look. The Hylian had last visited less than a week ago. Usually, there were a few weeks between his visits. 
Ohh goddess, what if he questions me because I don't visit often? What if he's mad I don't visit here as often as I visit the other races? He should really stop thinking so little of everyone else. It's not good for his mental health.
The trek down the slope didn't take very long and soon Link was standing in front of Bludo. Fostri retreated from Link's shoulder to hover with his magic leaf, floating a safe distance away from the pair. The reason Fostri wasn't currently laying over Link like a cat desperate for attention? The metal of his armor was too hot for the Korok to touch. "What are you doin' back here? You 'ere just here some days ago." Straight to the point, no use dancing around the topic, as always with Bludo.
Should Link do the same? How does he go about doing this? 
"Take a deep breath little guy and just tell him. Nothing will go wrong, trust me." Daruk assured Link. He didn't turn to look at the Goron, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to the empty space the spirit resided in. 
"You remember around a week ago when Vah Rudania fired a beam aimed at the castle? That was because of me. Rudania was helping me defeat Calamity Ganon." He started off, forcing his arms to his sides so he didn't fidget with them. "I defeated the Calamity and saved the Princess. She was too weak to survive long after the Calamity was destroyed so she entrusted me to run this kingdom for her." 
It was quiet for a few seconds. Bludo stared at Link, making the Hylian fidget with nervousness. Why isn't he saying anything? "Gorons! Link here is the new King of Hyrule!" Bludo unexpectedly yelled, his voice louder than Link thought he could possibly yell. The surrounding Gorons, and singular Gerudo, paused. Most sounds stopped, making Link realize just how busy the city was. The sound of rolling rocks and metal on metal resumed after a beat or two. No outraged cries, no confusion, no anger. No nothing. Nobody was reacting. That was it? He had expected something climatic to happen. Not even Ramella seemed to have a reaction besides staring at Link for a second longer.
He couldn't help but flinch slightly when a guttural laugh sounded from beside him. "See, I told you you had nothing to worry about. Us Gorons take change in stride!”
“Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe your exact wording was ‘At worst you’ll probably be threatened and at terrible, they’ll follow up on that threat.’ And I, for one, would not have defended this featherless cucco."
"You wouldn't defend Link? Really? I'm certain I saw you glaring daggers at Bludo. Did you see that too Mipha?"
"Leave me out of this, please."
"I would have protected the little guy."
"We know Daruk."
"I love the little guy."
"We know Daruk."
"That all you 'ere for Link?" Bludos voice startled him, forcing him to focus on the conversation at hand and not the conversation going on behind him. 
A few seconds of thinking were required for Link to remember what else he had to say. "That's the basics of what I had to say, yeah. I uh- I'll come back in around a month with more news for you. You don't… have any questions?" He asked, not believing Bludo accepted this that easily. 
With no hesitation, Bludo shook his head. "Nope. 'Sides asking when you'll come visit us again." The familiarity of the situation was enough to make Link's body shake with a surprised laugh. Bludo always asked when he'd visit and Link always said after the next blood moon. That’s something that stayed consistent between the two of them.
"I'd say I'll come back after the next blood moon but I'm not sure if I actually will. If that's all, I'm going to check on Rudania then talk to Yunobo. After that, I'll be gone before tomorrow morning." Link took his slate off his hip as he explained his plans, the map window quickly replacing his item screen. 
As Link was scrolling the cursor to the Divine Beast, Bludo bid his farewell. "It was fun seein' you, come back soon. Don't keep us waiting for so long again." Bludo waved a dismissive hand to Link and made his way back to standing in front of his rocky hut. With his talk with Bludo over, Link decided to get Rudania out of the way next, wanting to spend as much time with Yunobo as possible. It was only ten a.m and checking Rudania shouldn't take more than four or five hours, leaving him with plenty of time to talk with his best friend. 
Fostri, who Link had embarrassingly forgotten about, was looking around the city with amazement. If not for Mipha's gentle reminders to follow, the Korok very well may have been left behind. Link looked around, hoping Bludo and anyone else were too far away to hear what he was about to say. "Fostri, I want you to stay down here. It's way too hot up there and I'd feel better if you stayed down here."
The reaction Link got, while unwanted, wasn't unexpected. "B-but Mr. Link I want to go up with you!" Fostri whined, focus suddenly honing in on Link.
"You can't come with us Fostri, it's too hot and you don't have any protection against the heat. I can do my job much easier if I knew you were down here, safe and somewhere I trust. Stay down here so I don't have to worry you'll burn up?" 
What could he say to make the Korok listen? "Revali can stay behind while Urbosa, Mipha, and Daruk come with me. We'll only be gone for a few hours and will be back before you know it." 
It had been a surprise for everyone when Fostri had bonded with Revali. The Rito would never admit it but he had grown to like the Korok as well. "Hey! I never agreed to stay behind!" Said Rito protested, feathers fluffed up in mock anger.
"I'll stay if Revali stays, but I go if Revali goes!" Fostri negotiated
The expectant glares from the other four party members were enough to make Revali puff up his feathers, letting out a false sigh of annoyance. "Fine- Fine! I'll stay down here babysitting while you four trek up that hot mountain and have fun fixing an even hotter overgrown lizard!" He huffed and turned his beak up at the group.
Mipha perked up at that, raising a ghostly hand to ask for attention. "Actually, if it's ok with everyone, I'd like to stay down here as well. Even dead, I don't appreciate being in this heat, let alone going to the mouth of the volcano." She ended, letting her hand fall to her side with as much grace as possible.
Link shrugged, glancing at Urbosa and Daruk who both nodded. "If you want to stay then that's fine with us. You should have said something earlier, you could have stayed at the foot of the mountain instead of coming up with us." He pointed out, a frown forming on his armored head. 
"No I don't mind the heat, it's a personal preference at this point. You could say it's instinctive to not want to be near an open-source of dry heat." Mipha explained, taking brief pauses to think over what she wanted to say. 
The blond nodded in understanding. He didn't understand the whole instincts thing but he could understand not wanting to be in the heat. Plus, if she didn't want to go then he wouldn't make her. 
"So Revali and Mipha will stay behind while Daruk and Urbosa will come with?" He waited for any objection, humming when there were none. 
Link, after making sure Fostri wouldn’t follow him, pressed teleport on the great Divine Beast Rudania. The beast was laid over the opening of the volcano like a sack of potatoes. All four legs were dangling uselessly over the sides, the head sat limply against the walls. It was difficult to tell but Link was sure the tail was just barely hanging above the hot lava inside. 
The three shared similar looks of unease, though Daruk seemed more concerned on how they would get on. 
"Maybe we should- can you check if it can be moved?" Link asked the Goron, the lava flowing below was enough to have him rethink this whole plan.
Daruk scratched the back of his head, putting his thinking face on. You know he was thinking really hard about something when he put his thinking face on. "Maybe? The slate would need to go on the control unit before I could check. Even if she could be moved, I don't think she'd listen to me." He nodded as he talked, his thinking face melting back to his happy-go-lucky smile the second he was done explaining. "I'm sure she'd listen to you so there's no problem! Well- aside from getting the slate to the control unit. How are you goin to get it over there?" 
It took an embarrassingly long amount of time for even the smartest of the trio to come up with a solution. Link had accidentally dropped his slate and, on instinct, Urbosa bent down to pick it up. Successful holding the slate in her hands, she held the item out for Link to take. The five seconds of silence seemed to last an eternity as the three of them saw how the slate stayed perfectly still in Urbosa's transparent hand. 
"Well, it seems we found a way to get the slate over. You stay here Little Dove and we'll get this Divine Beast moving in no time." Urbosa made sure to have a tight grip on the slate as she walked on air over to the beast's control unit. 
Little Dove? Since when did she give me a nickname? Link thought as he watched Daruk also walk on air to join his Gerudo counterpart. Urbosa held the slate up to the control unit, staring down as slowly turned on. The control unit slowly lit up, starting from the bottom ring and making its way up each petal-like ridge. Soon the whole unit was glowing a brilliant blue. Rudania, affectionately called Ruda for short, slowly lifted its head. A loud, mechanical grumble arose from the beast, clearly showing its distaste of being woken up from its long deserved rest. 
Minutes seemed to pass in a second, Urbosa's call snapping him back to reality. "How's it looking Big Guy? Can she be moved?"
Daruk, who Link hadn't even realized had gone missing, materialized next to the Gerudo. "She can get down the volcano and a little more, probably all the way to deep Akkala over the course of a few days." He summarized, glancing in the direction of deep Akkala. While the land over there wasn't ideal, not enough flat land and rainy weather every day, it was the best they could do. 
Biting his lip in frustration, Link looked over the land. It was hard to tell distances without his map, but he could see the faintest blue glow coming from the distance. "Hey Daruk, would you say Gut Check Rock is a good spot? It's mostly flat and dry, plus it's much closer than Deep Akkala." He suggested, switching his focus from the slate in Urbosa's hands to the faintly glowing shrine that sat upon the highest rock.  
A quick look at the map was enough to get Daruk rethinking his plan. "That could work! Good thinking little guy! You hear that Rudania? Head over in that direction." Daruk tried commanding the beast. The beast was having none of it, letting groans and thumping its tail against the side of the volcano. If it wasn't for Link's impeccable balance and heavy armor he was sure he would have fallen over due to the fierce vibrations. 
"Rudania! Quit it! Come on, get a move on!" 
"Is it… supposed to be doing that?" Link tentatively asked as the beast continued to refuse to move.
"For a divine beast, it's not. But for Rudania? I'm surprised it even listened to turn on. A stubborn, lazy thing it is. Even moreso than Medoh. She doesn't like listening to anyone, not even Daruk." Urbosa explained as she made her way back over to Link, holding out the slate.
Eagerly taking the device back and strapping it to his waist, Link had to wonder how much personality the machines had. "They can be stubborn?"
"Yes. They can be stubborn, lazy, dramatic, loyal. They're exactly like animals. Except much bigger, deadlier, and more mechanical. It's not- or wasn't- uncommon to see Daruk and Revali arguing with their beasts. For Daruk and Rudania, most arguments were one-sided with Rudania throwing tantrums. Revali and Medoh were much more fun. And louder. Medoh would scream at Revali, Revali would scream back. Rudania is a giant baby while Medoh is just a drama queen."
"You hear that Rudania?! Would you quit being a baby! It's not that far a walk!"
"What are Naboris and Ruta like?" He was curious about the four beasts. He wasn't sure if he'd known much about them in his past life but he's sure as hell going to know about them as much as possible in his current one.
"Naboris and Ruta were like the perfect older children. Naboris would listen to almost any command and wouldn't raise a fuss. Ruta on the other hand was careful about everything. Ruta had incredible spatial awareness, always careful about where he put his feet down. Naboris wouldn't care about such things. If you were in her way then you better move before you got squashed. She cared in her own way, though. She'd back up her team however she could, taking over fights that looked like they could get out of hand."
Silence, aside from Daruks yelling, filled the air as Link thought overall this new information. The beasts have personalities? So did they also have consciousness? Were they sentient beings? Should they be classified as animals instead of machines? This- this was a breakthrough he wasn't ready for. Purah would have a field trip with this information if she didn’t know about it already.
Urbosa chuckled, holding a hand up to sweep the hair away from her face. "I can hear the gears turning in your head Little Dove, don't think about it too much. They're still machines. They can't do anything by themselves, they need a pilot. They can have as much personality as they want but without a pilot, they're as useful as a pile of rocks." 
"That's it! You hear that? Get moving you giant pile of rocks!"
"They need pilots? Maybe that's why Rudania isn't moving. Since Daruk is technically dead, he can't grab the controls to move the beast."
This time silence truly did hang in the air. Both Daruk and Urbosa looked stunned. Had they forgotten they couldn't interact with most things? "That would make sense, wouldn't it? So then, who do you suggest we bring to get Rudania moving?" 
He knew it was a trap. He knew what she was trying to do. Even so, he had to take the bait. "Daruk, you said it would probably listen to me. You want to put that theory to the test?" 
A look of surprise came over the Gorons face. Had he not heard the suggestion in Urbosa's question? "Sure! Hop on, let's see you whip old Rudania into moving!" 
Link nodded and made his way over to the ledge of the small rock hill. He carefully crouched down and got his glider, readying Revali's gale. Without said spirit present the gale wasn't as strong, only managing to get him just enough high to make it to the very edge of the beast. He wobbled as he caught his balance, taking a few seconds to stabilize himself. A huff of embarrassment left him as he made his way over to the control panel. The panel phased between a bright and dull blue glow. 
A hesitant look was shared with the Goron in front of him. An encouraging look was returned, giving Link a slight boost in confidence. He put a hand to the panel and closed his eyes in anticipation, waiting for something to happen. He opened one eye and looked around. The beast continued to sit over the side of the volcano, the panel continued to glow and dull. 
"Maybe try yelling at her? She never listened with a simple asking her to."
"...do I have to?" 
"Alright Rudania. Time to get moving. Over to Gut Check Rock. Let's go, move it."
The beast continued to refuse to move.
"No, you have to be louder. Shout as loud as you can! Watch, like this. Alright Rudania! Are you going to continue sitting here like a pebblit or are you going to get a move on like the strong Talus you are!" 
Once again, no reaction. Wait no- there was a reaction. And that reaction was slumping over the volcano more. "Go on, give it a try. You never know." 
"Please don't make me yell Daruk," Link felt his ears growing hotter at the embarrassing moment he could feel brewing. The expectant look he was given showed the Goron wasn't backing down. His hand ghosted down to his hip, making sure the slate was glued to his side and couldn't be used to take a video of him. 
"Rudania! Get moving! Now! Please-" He added weakly, not getting a chance to finish as the beast began moving. He stumbled around as the ground started moving. The only reason he stayed standing upright was because he quickly grabbed the control panel and braced himself against it. 
Surprised laughter arose from next to him. "See! That wasn't so hard now was it!" Daruk cheered. He made a motion to slap Links back but the hand flew through him instead, something Link was grateful for. He couldn't imagine the bruise he'd get if the rocky hand could actually touch him. "It should take a few hours to get to Gut Check Rock. Even though Rudania isn't the fastest, she's the most agile and can climb over anything! Scaling this volcano should be a breeze!"
Scaling the volcano had, in fact, not been a breeze. Sure, Rudania was able to climb over lava rivers and giant piles of rocks… when it wanted to. Multiple times Link had to yell at the beast to get it moving. Once, it had stopped right as an Igneo Talus had spotted them and was making its way over to the beast. That hadn't been fun. 
By the time the group made it to Gut Check Rock the sun was more than halfway across the sky, slowly making its way to the edge of the horizon. Rudania suddenly lowered itself to the ground, creaks, and groans echoing from within the beast at the action. "Alright, alright. You earned this rest you lump of coal." Daruk affectionately huffed, patting at the control unit. 
A group of Gorons had started the crowd near the beast, staying a few ten feet away from the beast. Link turned to the two spirits next to him, a plan for crowd control quickly formulating. "You two go and see if there's anything major I should fix-up. I'll go see if I can convince them to head back to the city."
"Aye aye, your Highness." "Sure thing little buddy!"
A heatless glare was sent to Urbosa before he jumped off the beast, paraglider deployed at the last second. As he put his glider away he noticed the term crowd may have been an overstatement as there were only three Gorons present. "Brother! Why's that beast doing over there?! Is it here to partake in the extreme challenge!?" Bayge all but yelled, getting himself pumped up at the thought of the gut challenge.
Link barely hid his wince as he remembered the gut challenge. That hadn't been easy the first time around, his body still ached whenever he has to climb for long amounts of time. "No, Rudania needs to rest here for a bit. Just until a Sheikah tech can make their way over to give it a look over. Is that fine with you guys? I'll turn it off before I leave so there's no risk it'll accidentally attack you." He explained, leaving out some pieces of less important information.
"If we can keep training I see no problem with it. What about you brother?"
"I agree with you brother! Brother?"
"I agree with both of you, brothers. As long as it stays over there and doesn't get in the way of our training, it can stay as long as needed! Now, are you here to partake in the extreme challenge?!" 
"N-No, I'm just here to look over the beast then I'll be going." Subtlety, he began walking back to the beast. "I should get going. The faster I get Rudania fixed up the sooner it'll be out of your hair." 
Rudania thankfully hadn't been too high up, a short burst of Revali's gale being enough to get him to the top of Rudanias back. He waved to the three Gorons before heading inside the divine beast. The panels that let light in were still open, allowing Link to see the inside of the divine beast with no problem. "Urbosa, Daruk? Anything broken?" He called out, taking the slate off his hip to count how many ancient parts he had on hand. It was dropping worryingly low, only two hundred and some for each ancient part.
The trio didn't spend long in the divine beast, the more major of damage required tools and parts Link didn't have while the minor was far too expansive. The only thing they could do was make clear warnings of what was broken and defeat any stray monsters that made their way onto the beast. Once the sun had started kissing the horizon, Link figured it'd be a good time to stop. Besides, he had one last thing he wanted to do before he headed back to the city. 
Grabbing his slate, Link began thinking of where he could find a cooking pot to make some needed elixirs. He was running low on most elixirs, making a few fireproof ones for Fostri was just an excuse to stock up and make more. There should be a cooking pot at the mines but there's also a few in the city, plus I'm sure there's one up at Gut Check Rock and it's the closest. 
He hummed and mulled over the possibilities. The pros and cons of each location. Making up his mind, Link tapped on the Gorae Torr Shrine. Sure it was just a hop and a skip away but after all the moving and stress he's gone through today, Link thought he deserved to be a little lazy. 
His body dissolved into brilliant blue tendrils, each spiraling upwards and dancing around each other as if they were strings in the wind. It took only but a fraction of a second but to Link, that second became an eternity. That was until he was shoved on his feet on the platform of the Gorae Torr Shrine. He quickly got to work, pulling out different kinds of lizards, frogs, butterflies, dragonflies, and monster parts. He preferred the tastes of Moblins better than all monsters, but Bokos, Lizals, and Keese were close seconds. He absolutely hated Molduga and Hinox parts. They tasted absolutely revolting, the raw frogs he used probably tasted better than those monster parts. Chuchu and Octorok were fair game. Not as tasty as Boko or Lizal parts but definitely better than Molduga and Hinoxes. 
He preferred using fangs, talons, and horns since they were easier to grind up and mix. Though Chuchu Jelly, Keese eyes, Lizal tails were the second easiest, and messiest, to grind. 
As Link went on his internal ramble on monster part flavors, he made multiple elixirs of every kind. From stamina to hearty, hasty to sneaky. He didn't stop until he ran out of space to put the elixirs, his window quickly filling with the different colored bottles. Urbosa and Daruk had vanished some time ago, resting in the depths of Link's soul. It made him nostalgic in a way. Having his friends so close yet so far away from him. 
Cleaning the cooking pot with clean water and a rag, Link gave one last look at Vah Rudania. The beasts had been turned off before the three left, a short goodbye shared between pilot and machine. The legs were hugged close to its body and its head resting on the ground, blue eyes dulled to nothing. It looked peaceful. You wouldn't think such a relaxed-looking being was capable of destroying half of Hyrule on its own. 
Opening the map, Link scrolled until his cursor sat over the Shae Mo'sah shrine. He clicked teleport and once again disappeared into thousands of blue tendrils. Each one had a mind of its own yet worked together to transport him to his destination. 
He plopped heavily on the shrine platform, his armor clanking as it made contact with the stage. He looked around the city, looking for the telltale teal flames to show where his other ghostly (plus leafy) friends were. He couldn't see them from where he was, which was a little worrying. "Hey Urbosa, Daruk? Do either of you have any idea where they are?" Link hesitantly asked. He wasn't sure if they could hear him from within his soul. 
"Mipha says they headed to the hot springs near Eldin bridge. They're making their way back now." Urbosa helpfully answered the question. How she hears Mipha from within his soul was a mystery but he wouldn't question it too much. 
Instead of waiting around for the trio to arrive, Link decided to head off to find Yunobo. It was 7 pm, meaning Yunobo should still be on the bridge overlooking the path leading to the city. A brief look at the bridge showed the Goron standing exactly where Link knew he'd be. It took a few minutes but eventually, Link made his way to the young Goron. 
As he stepped on the bridge his armored feet loudly announced his presence. "Hey Yunobo! How's lookout going?" He asked as he stood next to Yunobo, standing comfortably next to his friend. 
"Link! Lookouts going great, goro! No suspicious activity aside from Rudania moving. … that was your doing right? We don't have to fight Rudania again do we, goro?! Please tell me we don't have to fight Rudania again-"
"Don't worry Yunobo, Rudania won't be attacking anytime soon. It's dormant over at Gut Check Rock with Bayge and his brother's. You don't have to worry," Link comforted. In a weird, twisted way, he was glad to be friends with Yunobo. The poor guy panicked more in an hour than Link did in a day.
"That's a relief, goro! I would have helped you take it down again though! At least after I've had a few seconds to shake like a leaf." Yunobo laughed at himself. "So, what brings you over to me, goro? Rudania isn't secretly attacking, is it?" He whispered the last part, looking around to make sure no one was close enough to hear. 
"Ah, nothing really. I wanted to see you before I headed off the mountain. I don't know when I'll be back so I thought I'd say goodbye before I left."
"Wah?! But you just got here! You're leaving already, goro? At least stay till morning and have breakfast with us, goro!" Yunobo cried, making the bridge creak from his sudden movements.
The Hylian winced just thinking about the hotel… beds. Sure, he understood why they couldn't have fabrics and soft items up at the volcano but Hylia, those beds were rock hard! "I'm not sure Yunobo, I still have a lot to do and only a few days to-" 
"I have important information and I won't tell you until you at least have dinner with me!" A tense silence followed the abrupt yell. Yunobo clamped a rocky hand over his mouth, realizing how forceful he sounded. Link looked at the Goron, surprise, and shock on his face, a little pride mixed in as well. The Goron had never raised his voice, let alone threaten (though is it really a threat if there's no physical harm involved?) anyone. "I-I'm sorry goro, I-"
"Alright. I'll stay the night until breakfast tomorrow," Link decided. If Yunobo threw himself out of his comfort zone for a simple request then Link would grant that request. Plus, he loved the rocky guy. Spending a few hours with him would be enough for him to ignore how uncomfortable the hot mountain made him. 
"You- you will? You'll stay the night?" 
"Well, you asked me to. If you want me to stay then I will. Besides, we haven't had a sleepover in ages. I want to try your rock roast, how has your practice with that been going?"
The conversation between them flowed smoothly. The breaks for silence weren't awkward, instead, they were spent target practicing with the few ostriches that wandered too close to the city or watching the nearby lava streams flow. 
At 9 pm, Yunobo stood up and stretched his body. "I'd say it's around time we head to my house, wouldn't you goro?" Link nodded and stood up as well, enjoying how his bones cracked as he moved. 
"Yeah let's head to your house, I'm starving!"
"Good thing I prepared some rock roast earlier! I planned to share them with my brothers but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I shared them with you instead goro!" 
The walk to Yunobos house was relatively short and quiet, Yunobo's hole-in-the-wall house being close to his lookout. Link sighed at the slight decrease in temperature, feeling it was cool enough to take his helmet off. He didn't need to wear the full armor set, hell wearing only the pants would suffice in keeping him from overheating. But he'd rather be safe than sorry. Couldn't defeat Calamity Ganon only to have a stray ember be his demise. 
He groaned in relief as the humid helmet finally left his head, allowing his sweaty skin to have some fresh air. Well, as fresh as you could get on a volcano. 
"This is exactly why I refused to visit this horrid place when I was alive. Honestly, how do Gorons and Gerudos live in such horrible environments!" A disgusted voice broke the peaceful silence. Link subtlety turned his gaze to the entryway, his focus moving from the Goron to a blue Rito. 
Revali was openly glaring around the area as if it had personally offended him by existing. "It's not that bad at a lower altitude but I admit, even I wouldn't have come up this high while I was alive. This heat would fry me alive." A softer voice said, followed by a red Zora walking in the entryway. A small leafy creature followed after the Zora, happy chimes radiating off of it. Crap, I knew I had forgotten something. 
"Oh by the way goro, this is for you," Yunobo said suddenly, startling Link enough that he almost dropped his helmet. He stored the armor in his slate before taking a closer look at the gift in front of him.
It wasn't anything special, just a thick, giant red ribbon. Link, although confused, took the ribbon with a grateful smile. "It's pretty. What's it used for, exactly?" 
"Down in the mines goro, it's easy for hair to get in the way and block our view. We use these fireproof ribbons to keep our hair out of the way. I know you already have a hair tie but just in case it breaks while you're out there or you find a need for a new one. Plus, you could see this as an honorary Goron ticket goro!"
Link looked down at the ribbon in surprise, then looked back up at Yunobo. He had noticed most Gorons, especially those in the mines, wore ribbons but he didn't expect the reason behind that was so important. "Thanks Yunobo, I appreciate it. I'll make sure to use it soon," he ran a finger over the material before putting it in his slate. He'd make sure to wear it next time his hair tie breaks, which should be any day now. 
"Here! Have a rock roast, goro! Tell me how it tastes!" 
The two shared dinner (Yunobos rock roast wasn't as good as Daruks but Link wouldn't tell him that. Despite the raw feeling to it it still tasted pretty good.) and conversation as the sky grew darker and darker.
"I should get going and see if the inn has any spare beds this late at night. It was fun hanging out with you Yunobo."
"Huh? Why go to the inn when you can stay the night here goro? Besides, I'm sure my bed is much more comfortable than the inn beds."
Link looked around the small house. There wasn't much room to begin with, plus with the furniture and decorations, there was barely any room to walk around. Where would he even store a spare bed? " If you're offering, sure. Where's the spare bed?" 
"Spare bed? Why would I have a spare when mine is big enough for the both of us?"
"Is something wrong?"
"Yunobo, I fear if I slept in the same bed as you, you'd crush me in your sleep." 
"W-What?! I wouldn't crush you! At least… not on purpose." 
The Hylian sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll just sleep on the floor."
"No! I couldn't make a guest sleep on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed here!"
"Don't worry, the ground is actually more comfortable than most beds I've slept in." He didn't include the fact that the ground oftentimes has grass and a stuffed shirt pillow substitute could be added.
"If you're sure… Goodnight Goro! See you tomorrow!" Yunobo bid goodbye much too excitedly as Link laid down on the ground. Truthfully it wasn't that bad. The ground was much cooler than he thought it'd be. If only he could add a blanket to lay on, then it'd be on par with even the softest beds in the stables.
"Goodnight Yunobo, see you tomorrow."
Followed by a whispered,
"Goodnight Fostri. Don't wander too far away." 
Said korok hummed, content to lay down on the floor a foot away from the hero. 
Tomorrow he'll visit the Zora's. Hopefully, everything went well. He hoped everything would go well.
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rata-novus · 1 year
i did it. 170+ hours and i finished tears of the kingdom. some ~thoughts~ and spoilers below
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i fucking loved it. 100%'d the depths and all the shrines (wft is the ancient heroes aspect tho??? whomst was that????) and temples (wind, water, fire, then lightning). loved the new characters especially rauru, as well as seeing old friends - meeting hudson & rhondson's daughter had me CRYIN. seeing how the world was changed (the depths was a HUGE surprise). and the story. THE STORY WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN BOTW. seriously how did they make botw feel like a SMALL game. like a tech demo wtf. even the side quests are above and beyond botw (except tarry town which is the goat imo). the final fight was very tough for me (i cannot perfect dodge/flurry rush AT ALL so for the second phase i just kept pelting gibdo bone arrows at the demon king and eating damage lol - i really miss prompted parry from wind waker) and the final phase was so cinematic. fighting a dragon, while riding zelda who is a dragon, while wielding the master sword. i don't care if it was ~~ too easy ~~ it was the perfect send off for the story.
also idk how i can go back to botw just bc of ultrahand alone. ultrahand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> magnesis lbr
small things i loved: the little tune that plays when you finish a shrine of light, the sound design like echoed steps when walking etc., realizing that shrines of light & lightroots match up 1:1 (and the names are reverse anagrams of each other), water on the surface is impenetrable rock walls in the depths and other neat surface/depths parallels, also SEEING THE DRAGONS (sans light dragon) IN THE DEPTHS WAS SO COOL WTF
my only 2 criticisms, 1 for the story and 1 for gameplay:
story: getting the same cutscene just with a different sage after each temple. ESPECIALLY after seeing mineru's cutscene (rauru imprisoning the demon king) which is one of the coolest in the game. felt kinda cheap you know. they could have made one long cutscene, split into four, put them in the memory/tears part of the pura pad so you can watch them in "order".
gameplay: the sage abilities are all GOOD, i just did NOT at all enjoy accidentally activating an ability while trying to pick up items, or accidentally boarding mineru etc. OR trying to blast some zonaite with yunobo’s ability and he keeps. running. away from me? i vastly prefer how the champion abilities worked in botw, being that they're tied to one of link's abilities (hold jump for revali's gale, guard for daruk's protection, etc.). highly highly doubt they'll change it with dlc but oh well. tulin's was the best tho, so glad i got that one first!
now for what i wanna see for dlc/what i think they'll put out:
-master mode (likely) -some sort of combat gauntlet a la master trials/trial of the sword (likely, could use the coliseum format of the depths) -backstory on the sages from rauru's time (want, may not be likely) -backstory on the 3 other dragons (mineru was adamant for zelda not to go through dragonification - had she seen it happen before perhaps?) (really REALLY want, probably not likely at all) -kass, the only non-champion side character to NOT make an appearance wtf (pls nintendo im begging u)
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science-lings · 2 years
so adding on to the idea that the champions can possess Wild, his eyes change color to match the champion who is speaking though him, so like green for Urbosa, black for Daruk, yellow for Mipha, and light green for Revali. I can’t decide what he sounds like when they talk though him, either the champions voice coupled with his, or his voice imitating their voice, with things like accents and tones being taken into account.  
I just like the hc that their souls are tightly bound with his though it’s very difficult for them to have a conversation with each other. Wild is always still aware of what’s happening when one of the champions uses his voice, and they don’t tend to have a lot of control over his body, at least not for very long. 
They all come out for different reasons, Urbosa tends to possess Wild during fights and sometimes when he’s in Gerudo Town, but she also loves to talk to Flora and tell stories to Riju. Revali possesses Wild whenever he’s being too polite to someone who doesn’t deserve it because that birdbrain would take any opportunity to tell someone off. He also likes to pop in whenever it would be dramatic to make Wild float in the air. He’s a theater kid, this happens. Mipha spends hours talking to Sidon and Dorephan and her other Zora friends and she gets worried whenever anyone gets injured. She smells blood and is instantly like ‘oh dear, did you get hurt?’ the moment that the fight is over. Daruk also comes out during fights and makes Wild eat rocks more often than he should. 
Wild is generally in control most of the time and has to explicitly allow on of the champions to talk though him. Unless they’re feeling an extremely strong emotion, but each champion has an emotion that they’re strong to, so Urbosa and rage, Revali and pride/ offense, Mipha and worry, and Daruk and selfless bravery. Like if someone says something assholey to Wild and he keeps his mouth shut, Revali changes that and he just goes off. If Wild gets hurt, Daruk is the first to come out and be like, ‘I got us little buddy!’ and make an energy sheild. 
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