#yeahh no i give up
pupika-samika · 6 months
A King is Nothing Without His People
Chapter 8
As Lave Burns
CW:  light mentions of violence
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Revali came back an hour before twelve, taking a few minutes to relax before joining in on the games. No one bothered to ask about his experience, he'd explain when he wanted to. After a few games, when the sun hit the middle of the sky, Link began his descent back to Rito village. Saki and Amali had prepared a delicious seafood curry and lunch was filled with profuse thanking both of the Rito. Fostri was happily weaving between Link and Kass, the two having to control their laughter when the Korok decided to bring his leaf flier out and create a small whirlwind in the kitchen. When everyone was done eating, Link decided it was time to say goodbye for now. He had Saki help him take his new feathered accessory off, sheepishly explaining that it would burn up from the heat within Death Mountain.
"You know, if you undo the loop right here, you can widen it and wear this as a necklace." She explained, showing a knot hidden near the three coils of rope. Link hesitated with a response. Is it disrespectful to take the feathers off? What if they get dirty or messed up? After a beat of silence, Saki said "as long as you keep the original feathers, you can wear them however you want. This was a bit last minute so we went the easiest route and made a hair accessory but Rito have made them into necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, and other types of jewelry." She laughed as she handed the feathers over to Link.
He took the feathers and looked at them before stashing them in his slate, putting them in his important items window. "I should leave now if I want to have enough time to inform the Gorons before sundown. Can you tell Kaneli I'll be back soon? Within the month at least," he asked, knowing Kaneli would forget; on purpose or on accident. Saki nodded, promising to pass the message. He received farewells and good lucks before he took his slate off his hip and turned it on to the map screen. He scrolled until he saw the Shae Mo'sah shrine and waved goodbye to his family- his family- before clicking the teleport button.
It didn't take long for the heat of death mountain to fry him, causing him to rip the Snowquill set off and throw his Flame Breaker set on. The enchantment of the armor didn't help to alleviate his overheating but at least he wasn't close to bursting into flames. Link worriedly looked at Fostri, wondering if the Korok really would be ok with the intense heat. Maybe I should catch some lizards and make him a fireproof elixir. Would that help? He seemed fine enough, a little droopy but fine.
"I can't wait to see your grandson again! It's been so long since we've seen him," Mipha said from somewhere behind Link. He couldn't care much to turn around to look at her, instead barely dodging a rock thrown at him.
"Hello, Jafar! Lovely seeing you too," Link greeted enthusiastically as he took out a Royal Bow he had managed to fight a lizalfol for. He knocked a normal arrow and fired, internally cheering when the arrow hit and killed the octorok. Normally that didn't work on the first try.
A scoff was heard as he put the bow away, his armor making a clacking sound as he moved. "I can't believe you named that octorok Jafar. Actually, I can't believe you named any frequent monster you see." Revali huffed, not backing down when Link sent him a mystified look.
He made his way across the bridge, not paying attention to the lava running under him or the rocks so hot they could set him on fire. "If I didn't name them then how would they know it's me and not some random traveler? I wouldn't want them to hit a passerby." He said, keeping his voice low as he got closer to Bargoh, the city's watcher. Link waved in greeting to the Goron and made his way down the small hill. "Daruk, how likely are the Gorons to accept what I tell them?" 
Link figured it was a good idea to ask the Goron in the group, surely he'd know the most about the race. Said Goron didn't hesitate in answering the question. "Well, they probably won't care. If culture stayed the same after the Calamity then at most some will ask how you became King, at worst you’ll probably be threatened, and at terrible they’ll follow up on that threat.” Daruk paused as he thought over the consequences that could happen, earning two glares and a half scowl from his fellow ghostly companions. “But you have us here little guy, we’ll protect you! You have nothing to worry about while we’re here!" That's... reassuring. I pray to Hylia that their culture has remained the same, I don't think I could passively handle a whole city of angry Gorons. 
"Bludo should be at his house at this time. I plan to talk to him then go look at Rudania but I don't think I can get much done. It's way too close to the volcano, I was lucky I didn't burst into flames while I was completing the beast. I'll have to find a way to move it to safer, accessible ground." He rambled as he made his way down the slope, waving to Bludo when he saw the elder Goron. Bludo half-heartedly waved back, giving Link a curious look. The Hylian had last visited less than a week ago. Usually, there were a few weeks between his visits. 
Ohh goddess, what if he questions me because I don't visit often? What if he's mad I don't visit here as often as I visit the other races? He should really stop thinking so little of everyone else. It's not good for his mental health.
The trek down the slope didn't take very long and soon Link was standing in front of Bludo. Fostri retreated from Link's shoulder to hover with his magic leaf, floating a safe distance away from the pair. The reason Fostri wasn't currently laying over Link like a cat desperate for attention? The metal of his armor was too hot for the Korok to touch. "What are you doin' back here? You 'ere just here some days ago." Straight to the point, no use dancing around the topic, as always with Bludo.
Should Link do the same? How does he go about doing this? 
"Take a deep breath little guy and just tell him. Nothing will go wrong, trust me." Daruk assured Link. He didn't turn to look at the Goron, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to the empty space the spirit resided in. 
"You remember around a week ago when Vah Rudania fired a beam aimed at the castle? That was because of me. Rudania was helping me defeat Calamity Ganon." He started off, forcing his arms to his sides so he didn't fidget with them. "I defeated the Calamity and saved the Princess. She was too weak to survive long after the Calamity was destroyed so she entrusted me to run this kingdom for her." 
It was quiet for a few seconds. Bludo stared at Link, making the Hylian fidget with nervousness. Why isn't he saying anything? "Gorons! Link here is the new King of Hyrule!" Bludo unexpectedly yelled, his voice louder than Link thought he could possibly yell. The surrounding Gorons, and singular Gerudo, paused. Most sounds stopped, making Link realize just how busy the city was. The sound of rolling rocks and metal on metal resumed after a beat or two. No outraged cries, no confusion, no anger. No nothing. Nobody was reacting. That was it? He had expected something climatic to happen. Not even Ramella seemed to have a reaction besides staring at Link for a second longer.
He couldn't help but flinch slightly when a guttural laugh sounded from beside him. "See, I told you you had nothing to worry about. Us Gorons take change in stride!”
“Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe your exact wording was ‘At worst you’ll probably be threatened and at terrible, they’ll follow up on that threat.’ And I, for one, would not have defended this featherless cucco."
"You wouldn't defend Link? Really? I'm certain I saw you glaring daggers at Bludo. Did you see that too Mipha?"
"Leave me out of this, please."
"I would have protected the little guy."
"We know Daruk."
"I love the little guy."
"We know Daruk."
"That all you 'ere for Link?" Bludos voice startled him, forcing him to focus on the conversation at hand and not the conversation going on behind him. 
A few seconds of thinking were required for Link to remember what else he had to say. "That's the basics of what I had to say, yeah. I uh- I'll come back in around a month with more news for you. You don't… have any questions?" He asked, not believing Bludo accepted this that easily. 
With no hesitation, Bludo shook his head. "Nope. 'Sides asking when you'll come visit us again." The familiarity of the situation was enough to make Link's body shake with a surprised laugh. Bludo always asked when he'd visit and Link always said after the next blood moon. That’s something that stayed consistent between the two of them.
"I'd say I'll come back after the next blood moon but I'm not sure if I actually will. If that's all, I'm going to check on Rudania then talk to Yunobo. After that, I'll be gone before tomorrow morning." Link took his slate off his hip as he explained his plans, the map window quickly replacing his item screen. 
As Link was scrolling the cursor to the Divine Beast, Bludo bid his farewell. "It was fun seein' you, come back soon. Don't keep us waiting for so long again." Bludo waved a dismissive hand to Link and made his way back to standing in front of his rocky hut. With his talk with Bludo over, Link decided to get Rudania out of the way next, wanting to spend as much time with Yunobo as possible. It was only ten a.m and checking Rudania shouldn't take more than four or five hours, leaving him with plenty of time to talk with his best friend. 
Fostri, who Link had embarrassingly forgotten about, was looking around the city with amazement. If not for Mipha's gentle reminders to follow, the Korok very well may have been left behind. Link looked around, hoping Bludo and anyone else were too far away to hear what he was about to say. "Fostri, I want you to stay down here. It's way too hot up there and I'd feel better if you stayed down here."
The reaction Link got, while unwanted, wasn't unexpected. "B-but Mr. Link I want to go up with you!" Fostri whined, focus suddenly honing in on Link.
"You can't come with us Fostri, it's too hot and you don't have any protection against the heat. I can do my job much easier if I knew you were down here, safe and somewhere I trust. Stay down here so I don't have to worry you'll burn up?" 
What could he say to make the Korok listen? "Revali can stay behind while Urbosa, Mipha, and Daruk come with me. We'll only be gone for a few hours and will be back before you know it." 
It had been a surprise for everyone when Fostri had bonded with Revali. The Rito would never admit it but he had grown to like the Korok as well. "Hey! I never agreed to stay behind!" Said Rito protested, feathers fluffed up in mock anger.
"I'll stay if Revali stays, but I go if Revali goes!" Fostri negotiated
The expectant glares from the other four party members were enough to make Revali puff up his feathers, letting out a false sigh of annoyance. "Fine- Fine! I'll stay down here babysitting while you four trek up that hot mountain and have fun fixing an even hotter overgrown lizard!" He huffed and turned his beak up at the group.
Mipha perked up at that, raising a ghostly hand to ask for attention. "Actually, if it's ok with everyone, I'd like to stay down here as well. Even dead, I don't appreciate being in this heat, let alone going to the mouth of the volcano." She ended, letting her hand fall to her side with as much grace as possible.
Link shrugged, glancing at Urbosa and Daruk who both nodded. "If you want to stay then that's fine with us. You should have said something earlier, you could have stayed at the foot of the mountain instead of coming up with us." He pointed out, a frown forming on his armored head. 
"No I don't mind the heat, it's a personal preference at this point. You could say it's instinctive to not want to be near an open-source of dry heat." Mipha explained, taking brief pauses to think over what she wanted to say. 
The blond nodded in understanding. He didn't understand the whole instincts thing but he could understand not wanting to be in the heat. Plus, if she didn't want to go then he wouldn't make her. 
"So Revali and Mipha will stay behind while Daruk and Urbosa will come with?" He waited for any objection, humming when there were none. 
Link, after making sure Fostri wouldn’t follow him, pressed teleport on the great Divine Beast Rudania. The beast was laid over the opening of the volcano like a sack of potatoes. All four legs were dangling uselessly over the sides, the head sat limply against the walls. It was difficult to tell but Link was sure the tail was just barely hanging above the hot lava inside. 
The three shared similar looks of unease, though Daruk seemed more concerned on how they would get on. 
"Maybe we should- can you check if it can be moved?" Link asked the Goron, the lava flowing below was enough to have him rethink this whole plan.
Daruk scratched the back of his head, putting his thinking face on. You know he was thinking really hard about something when he put his thinking face on. "Maybe? The slate would need to go on the control unit before I could check. Even if she could be moved, I don't think she'd listen to me." He nodded as he talked, his thinking face melting back to his happy-go-lucky smile the second he was done explaining. "I'm sure she'd listen to you so there's no problem! Well- aside from getting the slate to the control unit. How are you goin to get it over there?" 
It took an embarrassingly long amount of time for even the smartest of the trio to come up with a solution. Link had accidentally dropped his slate and, on instinct, Urbosa bent down to pick it up. Successful holding the slate in her hands, she held the item out for Link to take. The five seconds of silence seemed to last an eternity as the three of them saw how the slate stayed perfectly still in Urbosa's transparent hand. 
"Well, it seems we found a way to get the slate over. You stay here Little Dove and we'll get this Divine Beast moving in no time." Urbosa made sure to have a tight grip on the slate as she walked on air over to the beast's control unit. 
Little Dove? Since when did she give me a nickname? Link thought as he watched Daruk also walk on air to join his Gerudo counterpart. Urbosa held the slate up to the control unit, staring down as slowly turned on. The control unit slowly lit up, starting from the bottom ring and making its way up each petal-like ridge. Soon the whole unit was glowing a brilliant blue. Rudania, affectionately called Ruda for short, slowly lifted its head. A loud, mechanical grumble arose from the beast, clearly showing its distaste of being woken up from its long deserved rest. 
Minutes seemed to pass in a second, Urbosa's call snapping him back to reality. "How's it looking Big Guy? Can she be moved?"
Daruk, who Link hadn't even realized had gone missing, materialized next to the Gerudo. "She can get down the volcano and a little more, probably all the way to deep Akkala over the course of a few days." He summarized, glancing in the direction of deep Akkala. While the land over there wasn't ideal, not enough flat land and rainy weather every day, it was the best they could do. 
Biting his lip in frustration, Link looked over the land. It was hard to tell distances without his map, but he could see the faintest blue glow coming from the distance. "Hey Daruk, would you say Gut Check Rock is a good spot? It's mostly flat and dry, plus it's much closer than Deep Akkala." He suggested, switching his focus from the slate in Urbosa's hands to the faintly glowing shrine that sat upon the highest rock.  
A quick look at the map was enough to get Daruk rethinking his plan. "That could work! Good thinking little guy! You hear that Rudania? Head over in that direction." Daruk tried commanding the beast. The beast was having none of it, letting groans and thumping its tail against the side of the volcano. If it wasn't for Link's impeccable balance and heavy armor he was sure he would have fallen over due to the fierce vibrations. 
"Rudania! Quit it! Come on, get a move on!" 
"Is it… supposed to be doing that?" Link tentatively asked as the beast continued to refuse to move.
"For a divine beast, it's not. But for Rudania? I'm surprised it even listened to turn on. A stubborn, lazy thing it is. Even moreso than Medoh. She doesn't like listening to anyone, not even Daruk." Urbosa explained as she made her way back over to Link, holding out the slate.
Eagerly taking the device back and strapping it to his waist, Link had to wonder how much personality the machines had. "They can be stubborn?"
"Yes. They can be stubborn, lazy, dramatic, loyal. They're exactly like animals. Except much bigger, deadlier, and more mechanical. It's not- or wasn't- uncommon to see Daruk and Revali arguing with their beasts. For Daruk and Rudania, most arguments were one-sided with Rudania throwing tantrums. Revali and Medoh were much more fun. And louder. Medoh would scream at Revali, Revali would scream back. Rudania is a giant baby while Medoh is just a drama queen."
"You hear that Rudania?! Would you quit being a baby! It's not that far a walk!"
"What are Naboris and Ruta like?" He was curious about the four beasts. He wasn't sure if he'd known much about them in his past life but he's sure as hell going to know about them as much as possible in his current one.
"Naboris and Ruta were like the perfect older children. Naboris would listen to almost any command and wouldn't raise a fuss. Ruta on the other hand was careful about everything. Ruta had incredible spatial awareness, always careful about where he put his feet down. Naboris wouldn't care about such things. If you were in her way then you better move before you got squashed. She cared in her own way, though. She'd back up her team however she could, taking over fights that looked like they could get out of hand."
Silence, aside from Daruks yelling, filled the air as Link thought overall this new information. The beasts have personalities? So did they also have consciousness? Were they sentient beings? Should they be classified as animals instead of machines? This- this was a breakthrough he wasn't ready for. Purah would have a field trip with this information if she didn’t know about it already.
Urbosa chuckled, holding a hand up to sweep the hair away from her face. "I can hear the gears turning in your head Little Dove, don't think about it too much. They're still machines. They can't do anything by themselves, they need a pilot. They can have as much personality as they want but without a pilot, they're as useful as a pile of rocks." 
"That's it! You hear that? Get moving you giant pile of rocks!"
"They need pilots? Maybe that's why Rudania isn't moving. Since Daruk is technically dead, he can't grab the controls to move the beast."
This time silence truly did hang in the air. Both Daruk and Urbosa looked stunned. Had they forgotten they couldn't interact with most things? "That would make sense, wouldn't it? So then, who do you suggest we bring to get Rudania moving?" 
He knew it was a trap. He knew what she was trying to do. Even so, he had to take the bait. "Daruk, you said it would probably listen to me. You want to put that theory to the test?" 
A look of surprise came over the Gorons face. Had he not heard the suggestion in Urbosa's question? "Sure! Hop on, let's see you whip old Rudania into moving!" 
Link nodded and made his way over to the ledge of the small rock hill. He carefully crouched down and got his glider, readying Revali's gale. Without said spirit present the gale wasn't as strong, only managing to get him just enough high to make it to the very edge of the beast. He wobbled as he caught his balance, taking a few seconds to stabilize himself. A huff of embarrassment left him as he made his way over to the control panel. The panel phased between a bright and dull blue glow. 
A hesitant look was shared with the Goron in front of him. An encouraging look was returned, giving Link a slight boost in confidence. He put a hand to the panel and closed his eyes in anticipation, waiting for something to happen. He opened one eye and looked around. The beast continued to sit over the side of the volcano, the panel continued to glow and dull. 
"Maybe try yelling at her? She never listened with a simple asking her to."
"...do I have to?" 
"Alright Rudania. Time to get moving. Over to Gut Check Rock. Let's go, move it."
The beast continued to refuse to move.
"No, you have to be louder. Shout as loud as you can! Watch, like this. Alright Rudania! Are you going to continue sitting here like a pebblit or are you going to get a move on like the strong Talus you are!" 
Once again, no reaction. Wait no- there was a reaction. And that reaction was slumping over the volcano more. "Go on, give it a try. You never know." 
"Please don't make me yell Daruk," Link felt his ears growing hotter at the embarrassing moment he could feel brewing. The expectant look he was given showed the Goron wasn't backing down. His hand ghosted down to his hip, making sure the slate was glued to his side and couldn't be used to take a video of him. 
"Rudania! Get moving! Now! Please-" He added weakly, not getting a chance to finish as the beast began moving. He stumbled around as the ground started moving. The only reason he stayed standing upright was because he quickly grabbed the control panel and braced himself against it. 
Surprised laughter arose from next to him. "See! That wasn't so hard now was it!" Daruk cheered. He made a motion to slap Links back but the hand flew through him instead, something Link was grateful for. He couldn't imagine the bruise he'd get if the rocky hand could actually touch him. "It should take a few hours to get to Gut Check Rock. Even though Rudania isn't the fastest, she's the most agile and can climb over anything! Scaling this volcano should be a breeze!"
Scaling the volcano had, in fact, not been a breeze. Sure, Rudania was able to climb over lava rivers and giant piles of rocks… when it wanted to. Multiple times Link had to yell at the beast to get it moving. Once, it had stopped right as an Igneo Talus had spotted them and was making its way over to the beast. That hadn't been fun. 
By the time the group made it to Gut Check Rock the sun was more than halfway across the sky, slowly making its way to the edge of the horizon. Rudania suddenly lowered itself to the ground, creaks, and groans echoing from within the beast at the action. "Alright, alright. You earned this rest you lump of coal." Daruk affectionately huffed, patting at the control unit. 
A group of Gorons had started the crowd near the beast, staying a few ten feet away from the beast. Link turned to the two spirits next to him, a plan for crowd control quickly formulating. "You two go and see if there's anything major I should fix-up. I'll go see if I can convince them to head back to the city."
"Aye aye, your Highness." "Sure thing little buddy!"
A heatless glare was sent to Urbosa before he jumped off the beast, paraglider deployed at the last second. As he put his glider away he noticed the term crowd may have been an overstatement as there were only three Gorons present. "Brother! Why's that beast doing over there?! Is it here to partake in the extreme challenge!?" Bayge all but yelled, getting himself pumped up at the thought of the gut challenge.
Link barely hid his wince as he remembered the gut challenge. That hadn't been easy the first time around, his body still ached whenever he has to climb for long amounts of time. "No, Rudania needs to rest here for a bit. Just until a Sheikah tech can make their way over to give it a look over. Is that fine with you guys? I'll turn it off before I leave so there's no risk it'll accidentally attack you." He explained, leaving out some pieces of less important information.
"If we can keep training I see no problem with it. What about you brother?"
"I agree with you brother! Brother?"
"I agree with both of you, brothers. As long as it stays over there and doesn't get in the way of our training, it can stay as long as needed! Now, are you here to partake in the extreme challenge?!" 
"N-No, I'm just here to look over the beast then I'll be going." Subtlety, he began walking back to the beast. "I should get going. The faster I get Rudania fixed up the sooner it'll be out of your hair." 
Rudania thankfully hadn't been too high up, a short burst of Revali's gale being enough to get him to the top of Rudanias back. He waved to the three Gorons before heading inside the divine beast. The panels that let light in were still open, allowing Link to see the inside of the divine beast with no problem. "Urbosa, Daruk? Anything broken?" He called out, taking the slate off his hip to count how many ancient parts he had on hand. It was dropping worryingly low, only two hundred and some for each ancient part.
The trio didn't spend long in the divine beast, the more major of damage required tools and parts Link didn't have while the minor was far too expansive. The only thing they could do was make clear warnings of what was broken and defeat any stray monsters that made their way onto the beast. Once the sun had started kissing the horizon, Link figured it'd be a good time to stop. Besides, he had one last thing he wanted to do before he headed back to the city. 
Grabbing his slate, Link began thinking of where he could find a cooking pot to make some needed elixirs. He was running low on most elixirs, making a few fireproof ones for Fostri was just an excuse to stock up and make more. There should be a cooking pot at the mines but there's also a few in the city, plus I'm sure there's one up at Gut Check Rock and it's the closest. 
He hummed and mulled over the possibilities. The pros and cons of each location. Making up his mind, Link tapped on the Gorae Torr Shrine. Sure it was just a hop and a skip away but after all the moving and stress he's gone through today, Link thought he deserved to be a little lazy. 
His body dissolved into brilliant blue tendrils, each spiraling upwards and dancing around each other as if they were strings in the wind. It took only but a fraction of a second but to Link, that second became an eternity. That was until he was shoved on his feet on the platform of the Gorae Torr Shrine. He quickly got to work, pulling out different kinds of lizards, frogs, butterflies, dragonflies, and monster parts. He preferred the tastes of Moblins better than all monsters, but Bokos, Lizals, and Keese were close seconds. He absolutely hated Molduga and Hinox parts. They tasted absolutely revolting, the raw frogs he used probably tasted better than those monster parts. Chuchu and Octorok were fair game. Not as tasty as Boko or Lizal parts but definitely better than Molduga and Hinoxes. 
He preferred using fangs, talons, and horns since they were easier to grind up and mix. Though Chuchu Jelly, Keese eyes, Lizal tails were the second easiest, and messiest, to grind. 
As Link went on his internal ramble on monster part flavors, he made multiple elixirs of every kind. From stamina to hearty, hasty to sneaky. He didn't stop until he ran out of space to put the elixirs, his window quickly filling with the different colored bottles. Urbosa and Daruk had vanished some time ago, resting in the depths of Link's soul. It made him nostalgic in a way. Having his friends so close yet so far away from him. 
Cleaning the cooking pot with clean water and a rag, Link gave one last look at Vah Rudania. The beasts had been turned off before the three left, a short goodbye shared between pilot and machine. The legs were hugged close to its body and its head resting on the ground, blue eyes dulled to nothing. It looked peaceful. You wouldn't think such a relaxed-looking being was capable of destroying half of Hyrule on its own. 
Opening the map, Link scrolled until his cursor sat over the Shae Mo'sah shrine. He clicked teleport and once again disappeared into thousands of blue tendrils. Each one had a mind of its own yet worked together to transport him to his destination. 
He plopped heavily on the shrine platform, his armor clanking as it made contact with the stage. He looked around the city, looking for the telltale teal flames to show where his other ghostly (plus leafy) friends were. He couldn't see them from where he was, which was a little worrying. "Hey Urbosa, Daruk? Do either of you have any idea where they are?" Link hesitantly asked. He wasn't sure if they could hear him from within his soul. 
"Mipha says they headed to the hot springs near Eldin bridge. They're making their way back now." Urbosa helpfully answered the question. How she hears Mipha from within his soul was a mystery but he wouldn't question it too much. 
Instead of waiting around for the trio to arrive, Link decided to head off to find Yunobo. It was 7 pm, meaning Yunobo should still be on the bridge overlooking the path leading to the city. A brief look at the bridge showed the Goron standing exactly where Link knew he'd be. It took a few minutes but eventually, Link made his way to the young Goron. 
As he stepped on the bridge his armored feet loudly announced his presence. "Hey Yunobo! How's lookout going?" He asked as he stood next to Yunobo, standing comfortably next to his friend. 
"Link! Lookouts going great, goro! No suspicious activity aside from Rudania moving. … that was your doing right? We don't have to fight Rudania again do we, goro?! Please tell me we don't have to fight Rudania again-"
"Don't worry Yunobo, Rudania won't be attacking anytime soon. It's dormant over at Gut Check Rock with Bayge and his brother's. You don't have to worry," Link comforted. In a weird, twisted way, he was glad to be friends with Yunobo. The poor guy panicked more in an hour than Link did in a day.
"That's a relief, goro! I would have helped you take it down again though! At least after I've had a few seconds to shake like a leaf." Yunobo laughed at himself. "So, what brings you over to me, goro? Rudania isn't secretly attacking, is it?" He whispered the last part, looking around to make sure no one was close enough to hear. 
"Ah, nothing really. I wanted to see you before I headed off the mountain. I don't know when I'll be back so I thought I'd say goodbye before I left."
"Wah?! But you just got here! You're leaving already, goro? At least stay till morning and have breakfast with us, goro!" Yunobo cried, making the bridge creak from his sudden movements.
The Hylian winced just thinking about the hotel… beds. Sure, he understood why they couldn't have fabrics and soft items up at the volcano but Hylia, those beds were rock hard! "I'm not sure Yunobo, I still have a lot to do and only a few days to-" 
"I have important information and I won't tell you until you at least have dinner with me!" A tense silence followed the abrupt yell. Yunobo clamped a rocky hand over his mouth, realizing how forceful he sounded. Link looked at the Goron, surprise, and shock on his face, a little pride mixed in as well. The Goron had never raised his voice, let alone threaten (though is it really a threat if there's no physical harm involved?) anyone. "I-I'm sorry goro, I-"
"Alright. I'll stay the night until breakfast tomorrow," Link decided. If Yunobo threw himself out of his comfort zone for a simple request then Link would grant that request. Plus, he loved the rocky guy. Spending a few hours with him would be enough for him to ignore how uncomfortable the hot mountain made him. 
"You- you will? You'll stay the night?" 
"Well, you asked me to. If you want me to stay then I will. Besides, we haven't had a sleepover in ages. I want to try your rock roast, how has your practice with that been going?"
The conversation between them flowed smoothly. The breaks for silence weren't awkward, instead, they were spent target practicing with the few ostriches that wandered too close to the city or watching the nearby lava streams flow. 
At 9 pm, Yunobo stood up and stretched his body. "I'd say it's around time we head to my house, wouldn't you goro?" Link nodded and stood up as well, enjoying how his bones cracked as he moved. 
"Yeah let's head to your house, I'm starving!"
"Good thing I prepared some rock roast earlier! I planned to share them with my brothers but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I shared them with you instead goro!" 
The walk to Yunobos house was relatively short and quiet, Yunobo's hole-in-the-wall house being close to his lookout. Link sighed at the slight decrease in temperature, feeling it was cool enough to take his helmet off. He didn't need to wear the full armor set, hell wearing only the pants would suffice in keeping him from overheating. But he'd rather be safe than sorry. Couldn't defeat Calamity Ganon only to have a stray ember be his demise. 
He groaned in relief as the humid helmet finally left his head, allowing his sweaty skin to have some fresh air. Well, as fresh as you could get on a volcano. 
"This is exactly why I refused to visit this horrid place when I was alive. Honestly, how do Gorons and Gerudos live in such horrible environments!" A disgusted voice broke the peaceful silence. Link subtlety turned his gaze to the entryway, his focus moving from the Goron to a blue Rito. 
Revali was openly glaring around the area as if it had personally offended him by existing. "It's not that bad at a lower altitude but I admit, even I wouldn't have come up this high while I was alive. This heat would fry me alive." A softer voice said, followed by a red Zora walking in the entryway. A small leafy creature followed after the Zora, happy chimes radiating off of it. Crap, I knew I had forgotten something. 
"Oh by the way goro, this is for you," Yunobo said suddenly, startling Link enough that he almost dropped his helmet. He stored the armor in his slate before taking a closer look at the gift in front of him.
It wasn't anything special, just a thick, giant red ribbon. Link, although confused, took the ribbon with a grateful smile. "It's pretty. What's it used for, exactly?" 
"Down in the mines goro, it's easy for hair to get in the way and block our view. We use these fireproof ribbons to keep our hair out of the way. I know you already have a hair tie but just in case it breaks while you're out there or you find a need for a new one. Plus, you could see this as an honorary Goron ticket goro!"
Link looked down at the ribbon in surprise, then looked back up at Yunobo. He had noticed most Gorons, especially those in the mines, wore ribbons but he didn't expect the reason behind that was so important. "Thanks Yunobo, I appreciate it. I'll make sure to use it soon," he ran a finger over the material before putting it in his slate. He'd make sure to wear it next time his hair tie breaks, which should be any day now. 
"Here! Have a rock roast, goro! Tell me how it tastes!" 
The two shared dinner (Yunobos rock roast wasn't as good as Daruks but Link wouldn't tell him that. Despite the raw feeling to it it still tasted pretty good.) and conversation as the sky grew darker and darker.
"I should get going and see if the inn has any spare beds this late at night. It was fun hanging out with you Yunobo."
"Huh? Why go to the inn when you can stay the night here goro? Besides, I'm sure my bed is much more comfortable than the inn beds."
Link looked around the small house. There wasn't much room to begin with, plus with the furniture and decorations, there was barely any room to walk around. Where would he even store a spare bed? " If you're offering, sure. Where's the spare bed?" 
"Spare bed? Why would I have a spare when mine is big enough for the both of us?"
"Is something wrong?"
"Yunobo, I fear if I slept in the same bed as you, you'd crush me in your sleep." 
"W-What?! I wouldn't crush you! At least… not on purpose." 
The Hylian sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll just sleep on the floor."
"No! I couldn't make a guest sleep on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed here!"
"Don't worry, the ground is actually more comfortable than most beds I've slept in." He didn't include the fact that the ground oftentimes has grass and a stuffed shirt pillow substitute could be added.
"If you're sure… Goodnight Goro! See you tomorrow!" Yunobo bid goodbye much too excitedly as Link laid down on the ground. Truthfully it wasn't that bad. The ground was much cooler than he thought it'd be. If only he could add a blanket to lay on, then it'd be on par with even the softest beds in the stables.
"Goodnight Yunobo, see you tomorrow."
Followed by a whispered,
"Goodnight Fostri. Don't wander too far away." 
Said korok hummed, content to lay down on the floor a foot away from the hero. 
Tomorrow he'll visit the Zora's. Hopefully, everything went well. He hoped everything would go well.
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sorry but no one can convince me that t is giving buck head. he'd be like. 😐🫤 evan, your dick is too big, can't i just give you a handy instead? and buck being the little people pleaser that he is would just be like. 😟😔 yeah...yeah okay that's fine...
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nomairuins · 19 days
oh in different news i think my outfit is nice today. i like think ive worn this outfit before and talked abt it then and its Exactly the same as all my other outfits (me and this black dress were like this 🤝) but i think its nice .
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jawdrop for scale.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
#luffy deflating like a balloon..... be serious 😭😭#MOMO NOT BEING ABLE TO HEAR LUFFY!!! oh kaido going for the others now..... law could hear his voice too???#NAMI BEING THE FIRST TO STEP UP!!! CHILLS!!! THIS TIME STEPPING UP TO WITNESS THE HORRORS!!! YEAH!!!#yamato really does carry the spirit of oden straight up.... motivating his son and everything...#i feel like i am going insane... I CAN HEAR THE DRUMS!!! nami telling luffy to not die and fulfill his promise WHO ELSE HAD A PROMISE????#is this why his fruit awakened.... because nami reminded him of the promise... omg..... THE DRUMS!!! CHILLS!!!! THE SMILE!!!!! IM SO HYPE!!#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1070#i am smiling so hard rn. contagious#also the cp0 that died for this ajdja.... suffering from success....#THE BOUNCING SOUNDS!!!! THE DRUMS!!!! THE SMILE!!! SANJI JUST VOLTING AWAKE??? see the clouds over his shoulders remain.... as i was saying#you know this has me realising maybe shanks isn't all that bad and stole the fruit from the gov so they couldnt get hold of it#hiyori saying how oden kept hia promise but also how he wanted to keep the promise of opening wano for joyboy#THE KANJURO THING!!! HIYORI WATCH OUT!!! oh its gonna burn orichi by accident YEAAHHH!!!!!!! FUCK YEAHH!!!!#the animation is so fun.. luffy just junping around and shit while hia destruction power is MASSIVE#this is so!!!! kaido complaining about being bored and having fun thru fighting AND HERE COMES LUFFY WITH HIS LOONEY TOONS GOOFY FIGHT!!!!#they knocked this shit out of the park!!! also END CREDITS????!#episode 1071#momo saying kaido got fat 😭 actually kaido got pregnant <3 yamato you're going to be a big brother congrats!!!#the eyes 😭😭 damn luffy flew away and exploded... 😞😞 skipping rope with kaido omg.... everyone should go outside and see this...#we are welcoming here in the luffy believers... barto is gonna enlist hundreds of new members#law is luffy believer number 1 damn the speech he is giving kid... omg kaido bonked him ajshaksjak that was so good he needed witnesses..#nami worried abojt luffy being dead and when he appears she is just like WTF IS THAT!!!!!! HUH???!!#wait a second ooohhhh kaido is goong down too fuck yes akdjaksj momo and yamato peeking over the island jahdksk#THE DRUMS BEING HIS HEART I CANNOT GET OVER IT!!! Kaido shoukd be puking up his insides by now but alas this is so fun BOIOIOIOIOING#FIRST TIME SOMEONE ASKS LUFFY WHO HE IS AND HE DOESN'T SAY MONKEY D LUFFY FUTURE KING OF THE PIRATES. HE SAYS ITS HIM. STRAIGHT UP!!!!#NVM HE SAID IT!!!!! GOD IS THAT YOU????!!!!#episode 1072
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omgeto · 1 year
Ugly ass frankstien wannabe.
Fucking bubble blowing fool
Bitch ass no shoulder sleeves on his shirt
No style havin ass
Weird monster fucking fool
That crusty ass tone nails piece of shit
Weird tongue mother fucker
well there you go. you said it not me.
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mayplantstarrwaters · 2 years
shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about world cup shut up about worl-
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marsbotz · 3 months
slamming my fists against the floor like an animal thinkinh abt dadfario
#marlena isnt rlly innnn rog that much so grus home life seems sortof sanitised but likeeee even still gru says she wouldnt care abt him bein#kidnapped. and would actively pay them to keep him#so like even in jokes .. this is still bad#and yeah plus shes not around. she doent even notice gru is GONE for at least like a day. and only realises bc they get attacked by v6#i did actually kinda change my mind abt wk dying. i think it works well enough even tho the moon stuff is a bit silly#also strange that its kinda ambiguous if he actually trains gru or not. we dont see him again after the funeral even tho they leave togethe#sure gru knows some fight moves but he cld also have learnt them from chow. who he DOES stay in contact with#ig my current idea is that he trains gru a littleeee on the downlow cus hes. supposed to be dead#but like hea old and got fucked by the fire sooooo. oops. goodbye granpa#idk how longgg. its kinda weird#seems gru partners w nefario IMMEDIATELY cus hes still packing up the shop.#maybeee actually its moreso. wk gives him some Sage Wisdom and then fucks off into hiding for a while until he dies#like retired. i guess that wld be nice seeing as his crew and henchmen both left him LOL#ANYYYYYWAYY. back to the topic at hand.#while u clddd say wk is a father figure to gru they dont rlly spend enough time together to rlly be like that. whereas nefario sees gru all#the way thru to adulthood#Yeahh… his dadddddd.#ignore me being mentally ill its just very cathartic to me imagining a little guyyy getting loved properly for the first time#and not treated as weird and listened to anddddd getting to do nice things togetger#mannn tho nefario was sooo chill and nice when he was young … makes me wonder what hsppened to make him LikeThat in the first film#coming from a guy who was on the brink of retiring from villainy. to then sacrifice grus happiness for a scheme#ig u cld say he saw it as better for gru in the long run. being able to earn back some respect from the villain community#and selfishly nefario himself#buttttt idk its too late for thst. im tiredddd#all i know is. nefario adopted one kid and one million yellow thangs. and life is so beautiful
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lovinggreeniehours · 4 months
🐭 🐨🐰🐱 for five? :D (@comfortingstars)
OKAY! clearing out my inbox now! hi avil <333
🐭: when did you know that you wanted to get married?
hmmm. so picture this i guess. they're both stranded in an apocalyptic wasteland. and they have lived there since ages 13 and 14. they will live there for 45 more years. there isn't really much to do 😭 so it might've been stir-craziness lmao (im joking but also kind of not)
im pretty sure ari wanted to marry him the moment he saw himhaha who said that um. i could make a joke here since ari had a sort of celebrity/fictional character crush on five a long time before they actually met, seeing as five was a famous superhero and had actual comics and merch about him and his family jdshkgddjk
seriously considering marrying him though,, i think they would be 1-2 years into their relationship (i guess around 18) before ari decided he wanted to marry him. but he wanted to wait a bit longer because he was still a bit scared something would happen to them as they got older, or if five found a way out of the apocalypse
i will be so honest i think five forgot about the marriage aspect of getting married 💀 the man was so surprised when ari proposed. like he genuinely forgot they could do that. anyway they were about 20 and he said yes immediately because that was the obvious answer
("arion why are you crying stop crying of course i was going to say yes you absolute goober")
🐨: let’s dig deep: what was the most difficult obstacle of your relationship that you had to overcome?
well 🤔 it's a bit complicated. because five is from the past, and just time traveled to the future. because traveling forward is much easier than traveling back, five got stuck there, and that's how they met. five spends decades trying to find the math that'll get him back to his original timeline so he can save the world, and ari always felt like five was going to leave him at some point? he was like 14 when the world ended okay he was a mess </3
in truth, five wasn't sure at first about bringing him. he originally was against it because he was afraid of the effect it might have on the timeline. eventually he got to know him and care for him and went "fuck it. i don't care what happens to the timeline ill make it work" because. he couldn't stand the idea of leaving him alone there. okay. im making myself cry im moving on hfsfkgsgkhddj
🐰; if they live together: was it easy for the two of you to agree on the interior decorations? does one of you want to change something all the time? and is this your forever home or do you plan on moving somewhere else one day?
this isnt set in stone because the show has yet to end, but i always imagine they just move into the hargreeves mansion hdsgkjdsjjdsj like. it's so fucking big. it takes up an entire block. there's so many fucking rooms and so much space. it is such a stupid house and i want to keep it. yes it is their forever home. i just think that since five spent over 45 years trying to get back home, he should get to stay there now
🐱: what was your favourite moment from your honeymoon?
they probably don't have one 😭 honestly. like what kind of honeymoon is there when you live at the end of the world. where would they even go. maybe after the show ends, they'll consider getting one since they do want to get married again properly :') we just don't really know where though
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screampied · 11 months
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synopsis: it's the middle of the night and your mascara's streaming down your face. man, breakups are the worst-so what do you do? go to your fwb for "comfort." he gives you comfort, alright. ★
wc: 4.7k+
warnings: fwb trope , pwp, quickie , size kink, dacryphilia, degradation, unprotected sex, mating press, breeding, overstimulation, oral [m], face-fucking, praise kink, dumbification kink, pet names, hair pulling, not yet proofread
an: my first request!! Heavily based off Ariana's "fantasize" bcos that song iz still stuck in my head :/
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3:29 A.M
you: wake up. please.
typing . . .
gojo: girl.. it's like three am.
you: you know why i'm texting u this late, satoru.
typing . . .
gojo: oh yeahh, true. well? come over then ;)
you were on gojo's doorstep in nothing but some two year old university hoodie and a simple skirt, despite it being around the middle of the night, you couldn’t sleep, and you needed any sorts of distraction from your previous breakup. mascara raced down both sides of your cheeks, practically sticking to your skin, you were a devastating mess—sniffling, you wipe your eyes once the door creeks open, and there he is.
“i gotta say, babe. your taste in men is pretty shitty,” he scratches his head with a simple shrug. he chuckles, spotting you shoot him a glare from his peripherals as he held his front door open for you to step inside. “…then again, you always come crawling back to me after getting dumped so-”
“i didn’t come here to talk.” you sighed, slipping off your shoes before staring directly up at him.
“oh, i know.” he smiles with reassurance in his voice, almost as if he was mocking you. “this the part where i take my pants off right? baby, even if you’re all heartbroken, you’re still so so predictable..”
“…damn, no f-foreplay?” he nervously smiles, averting his eyes towards you—gojo wore nothing but simple sweats, grey at that, his hair was slightly messy but it made him ten times more attractive. a simple tank top covered his abdomen, and you could just about make out his ripped pecs just poking through the thin cloth piece of fabric.
you didn’t wanna waste any time, he could tell by the way you just easily shoved him with ease, against his own bed. you started to feel yourself throb, just having your fingers tangled against the thin white strings of his sweatpants. “shut up.” you mumbled, starting to pull his pants down.
“ya sure you wanna go down on me, babe? that gag reflex of yours—”
“satoru.” you glared, and he just smiles, so eager to use every second to get under your skin. but god, was he annoying. he knew he was too, the both of you knew it, gojo satoru was just purely infuriating.
sometimes you wonder why you’ve been fucking him on the low. of course not during your relationships, but he was the only person there for you in the aftermath, the only one there to comfort you, so to speak. even if that particular way was to be inside you—alas, if it was anything gojo was good at, it was fucking you. making you forget about your shitty exes. it was just something he knew how to do. he knew how to do it right too. gojo was a perfectionist after all.
“gonna suck me off with cute tears streamin’ down y’er face, yeah?” he praises, bringing a hand towards your hair, giving the crown of your head a light stroke, it’s soothing. though it causes you to let off a soft whine, feeling yourself start to throb just a bit more just from his strong, loud cologne scent that scattered across the entire room. “look at me while you do, then. wanna see that pretty face while it gets ruined.”
“your dirty talk is improving.” you sulked, and it makes gojo the one glaring at you now—it's cute.
gojo doesn't reply.
instead, he wraps a hand slightly around the back of your neck, bringing your face close towards his bright white briefs. rubbing your face against his bulge and he grunts. “shame how you make me hard even with that annoying bratty mouth of yours.”
after that little snarky remark, gojo couldn’t wait anymore. he was getting impatient, and your teasing wasn’t helping. he stares at you, watching you with close intent on the way you pull down his boxers just halfway, leaning in close enough to give his shaft a nice long lick, from his base to his very reddened coloured tip.
“s-shit.” he grunts, and you keep your eyes remained on him the entire time, his grey sweats were just visibly pulled down to his ankles as he sat up near the very edge of his un-made up bed.
gojo lets off a soft sigh, and it's more of a grunt with the way his voice pitches—his legs spread just a bit, a hand rubs against his leg. your tongue softly swipes against the head of his cock and he nibbles on his lip a little to quiet himself.
he gets a bit of shivers, feeling the very tip of your tongue playfully caress the few veins that poked out on his dick. gojo was surprisingly well trimmed, just a few tiny specks of white hair covering near the lower part of his base, but he was heavy and oh was he hefty as well. gojo satoru was the epitome of a 'packer.'
“open that mouth. tired of waitin’,” he grumbles, and he’s growing so frustrated, you can tell from his facial expressions and the way he kept shifting on the cushions. your blink at him, slowly opening your mouth before he intakes a sharp breath. “stick out y’er tongue, babe.”
you do, lolling it out and gojo grunts, wrapping his fingers around his dick before slowly slapping his thickness against your tongue. “think you deserve it?”
a pout makes its way against your lips, you were eager, whines were getting pulled from you at his consistent teasing and him slapping his pretty glossed tip against your tongue. all you could do was nod, you were on your knees while he was sat upright near the very edge of the bed.
“nuh uh,” he clicks his tongue, bringing a hand towards the back of your head to give hair a light pull, moving your head just slightly in a moving rotation. “need 'ta hear you say ya want me, gorgeous.”
what an egotistical jerk.
you wondered why you put up with someone as such as gojo satoru, but then you remembered. he always knew how to fuck good.
“i- i want you, satoru. i want it..” you mewled, the mess between your legs only making you dampen more and more. your thighs squeezed shut against each other as it was hidden beneath your pretty plaid skirt, and once you voice those sweet words. gojo lets off a cheerful yet cocky hum, using a hand to open your mouth just a bit before pushing himself inside.
it’s been a while since you sucked him off, usually it’d be him to eat you out. for hours, not to mention.
“shit,” he curses, feeling you immediately waste no time, wrapping your lips around his cock. your lashes fluttered before glancing up at him. gojo stares right back down at you—his abs flex beneath his shirt and it's sexy, his posture is even attractive. gojo’s slouching a bit with one leg stretched towards his side, it doesn’t take that much long before his eyes start to seductively go back, along with his uneven pink lips opening just a bit to breathe and pant. “missed y’er slutty throat, babe. always know how ‘ta suck it good.”
you wrap a hand swiftly around his base, and your head starts to bobble up and down, he was huge and his girth only doubled that.
your tongue meets against a few of his veins and he grunts, grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“must have been hungry, yeah?” he pants, faking a pout on his lips as he pushes you down just a bit further on his length. you nod, using as much of your own spit as you can to make the experience more pleasurable for him—who were you kidding though? you just wanted to forget.
about everything, your heartbreak, the past arguments, literally everything.
“shit, with a face that pretty,” he huffs out, growing more hornier from your tongue sliding and grazing against his tip. “gotta fuck it, babe.”
you start to gag just a bit once gojo tilts his hips forward a bit and he starts to thrust in your mouth. your nails dig into his thighs, wanting for him to continue and he swipes a thumb across your cheek that was full of your ruined mascara from crying many hours ago. “good girl. you should be cryin’ like this, not wastin’ those pretty tears because of some scumbag.”
you whined, reaching down to play with yourself just a bit, still sucking him off and trying your best not to use your teeth. “eyes on me, babe,” he reminds you, tapping the side of your temple and you’re just about weak in the knees.
you started second-guessing yourself, there had to be some reasonable reason why gojo fucked better than any of your exes, boyfriends, anyone.
even if it killed you to say it, you had to admit, he knew just how to please a woman—especially if that woman was you. you knew you had to be careful though, gojo wasn’t the type of guy to settle down in a relationship, he made that known the moment you two started your little 'fling.' if you could even call it that, friends with benefits.
were you starting to … fall for him? damn, that would be bad to say the least. outside the bedroom, gojo would always tease you, he was more so playful and of course, flirty.
“think 'm getting close,” he pants, and his breathing patterns change, and your head just goes up and down—he’s got a good strong grip on some strands of your hair as he watches you with dilated pupils, the way your tongue works around his tips sends him shivers, his leg starts to bounce as he’s chasing his incoming anticipation.
the build up, it makes his mouth go dry that he’s almost speechless, which is so ironic because of how he’s literally always talking your ear off.
“fuck, doing so good f'r me,” he says, and his voice starts to get a bit whiney from how sensitive he’s growing. that feeds your ego just a little, just knowing that you’re making him like this. all just from your tongue, and maybe a little bit of stimulation.
gojo moans, feeling your tongue flick against the frenulum part of his dick and he pauses for a moment, the way his eyes roll back just a bit was so sexy—that was one way to make you throb even more, and it certainly did.
your tongue runs up and up, almost as if it was a race and he’s so close to loosing focus. he’s not thrusting his hips into your mouth anymore, instead he plops flat on his back against the bed. you giggle, standing up while your mouth was still attached to his soon-to-be flaccid dick.
“c-cumming,” he grunts, watching your own drool pour down your chin. you were so messy, you couldn’t help it. it was one of the many things gojo loved about you, actually. once he came, he shakes a bit. shuddering, and letting off a cute moan, he catches his breath as you look at him with half-open eyes. “swallow ‘n show me, baby.”
within seconds later, you swallow his load and it tastes sweet, yet bitter. your eyes squeezed shut for a moment before you stuck your tongue out again, and he brushes a thumb against your chin to remove your spit.
“cock hungry whore,” he whines, still catching his breath before leaning down towards you only to squeeze your cheeks together. “now gimme a kiss.”
you whined, sitting up to kiss gojo and he wraps a hand around your waist, tasting himself on your lips, his tongue drags against yours and you whimper before making your way onto his lap. he chuckles at your enthusiasm, sliding a hand up and down your waist slowly to make you moan even more for him.
after a few moments, gojo pulls away to breathe until both hands of his attach to your waist. his gaze was just enticing, you could tell he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
“barely touched ya and you're nothin' but a sticky mess,” he grunts, and gojo snickers once he feels you start to grind and grind your hips against him sensually, you’re so needy and desperate for more of his touch. “walkin’ around with no panties, don’t tell me you’re just a dumb slut who just wants a crumb of dick.”
“satoru—please.” you begged, aching and itching for him to be inside already. he trails his lengthy fingers against your ass, no panties behind displayed and all you had covering you, just barely, was a plaid skirt. he grins, giving your ass a two-second squeeze before spanking it to hear you whine out. “fuck me satoru.”
“fine.” he says, stroking your chin to reach down between your legs. you moan and that single motion makes your back arch whilst your hands were thrown over his shoulders. “go slow baby, don’t want you to hurt y’erself.”
“shut t-the fuck up.” you whined, barely able to keep up your facade. gojo’s dick hovered against your achy folds. just a few inches and he’d be inside, just imagining him fucking you ruthlessly made your mouth start to water, you were hungry for it.
'desperate' was the perfect word to describe you.
“how ‘bout ya make me, hmm.” he teases, and he was so cheeky. you hated it, but then again, the way he fucks you always made up for it.
no reply.
instead of using words, you decided to let your pussy do the talking. aligning yourself against him, gojo sits upright with such a cocky grin. “go slow, babe. wouldn’t want ya to hurt yourself. been a while since i've—shit…” he pauses before nervously smiling. “…been inside this tight pussy.”
it was warm, you chewed on your bottom lip as you sank down on him, immediately leaning into him to give him… a hug?
gojo was just as surprised as you, it seemed you were acting a bit different. of course you’d be, you’d just gotten out a relationship. so you’d tend to be a bit more clingy than usual. not that he ever minded, he preferred you like this, so cute and sentimental, all in your feelings. but despite that, it was just sex and nothing more.
or was it?
“fuck,” you moaned, practically straddling him now. gojo’s hair is messy, it’s all in his face, white stands splattered all across his forehead to where it was just effortlessly attractive. he didn’t even have to do much to make you pulse between your legs. “quit looking at me.”
“but you’re so pretty when you try to take control,” he shrugs, flashing a cheesy grin and you’re just embarrassed. he was certainly enjoying this, getting underneath your skin. and you let him.
your lips tremor as you whimper, he’s nearly all the way inside and he stretched out your cunt, you’re dizzy out of nowhere and your eyes get a bit droopy—but fuck, gojo’s amused, using one hand to rub down your back as you start to rock your hips against him, biting down hard on your bottom lip as the tip of his cock mashed and kisses against your sensitive areas.
“uh oh,” he huffs out in a short mini pant, swiping a tongue against his lips before grunting. you were sopping wet, he spanks your ass to quicken your pace and you moaned. “this what you call ridin' someone? thought i taught ya better than that, babe,” and then he sniggers at seeing your face drop once he holds your hips firmly still and in place. “if you can’t do it right, maybe we should just end this thing-”
“n-no, okay okay okay,” you stuttered, so desperate for him to fuck you, but you had to fuck him first. gojo hums to himself, and you start to ride him. a tiny mewl exits past your lips once you move against him before you’re bouncing on his lap. your head’s spinning, mind s racing miles a minute and it’s just euphoric.
gojo’s got such the cockiest grin on his lips as you maneuver yourself against him, chewing on your lip every few seconds to suppress your sweet sounds, he eyes you up and down before his voice gets a bit rapsy, turning you on ultimately.
“speed it up, baby,” he grunts, spanking your ass once more and you whimper from feeling his touch press against your skin. “touch yourself while you ride me. give me a little show. show me what i’ve been missin' since you’ve been away from me for so long.”
“o-okay.” you breathed, bringing a shaky hand towards your body, panting as you rode him. his dick reached deep—damn. his girth, it was just appetizing, you needed gojo satoru carnally, more than anything.
you and him both knew that.
gojo smiles, watching you start to fondle with your perky nipples that visibly poked beneath your tank top, rocking your hips against him back and forth to where a low grunt leaves from his mouth every few seconds.
it was strenuous on how repetitive your movements were against him. who were you kidding though, you missed this. you missed him. perhaps though, in reality you just missed his dick.
yeah…. it was probably that.
“touch yourself as in..play with your pussy, dummy.” he teases, watching you whimper once he spanks you again, you’re feeling yourself become close each time he reaches deeper.
now your mouth starts to become dry, your head’s still spinning and you’re just about at a loss of words.
“…g-gonna cum soon, 'toru,” you alerted him, slithering your fingers down towards your throbbing clit. the stimulation made your eyes nearly close shut as his thick length drags across your cunt so righteously thorough, making sure to not miss a spot to reach you deep where you can feel his pure existence.
“aw,” he hums, gripping your hips to make you bounce harder on him. you whimper from gojo taking such initiative, holding onto him as he’s drilling himself into you basically since your legs were starting to become numb, you could barely ride him but you continued to bounce against him again and again, leaning into his neck to softly nibble and suck against his skin. “mhm. i missed you too.”
you could hear such arrogance drip from his voice, causing you to become more wet for him in the process. again, a perfect word to describe the entire situation would be:
before long, you came and that was one of the best orgasms you’ve had in a long time. no matter how much you denied it, no one could you please you, fuck you, hell—pleasure you as much and good as gojo did. you throbbed immensely with your legs joining from how it was just shaking and shivering, your body practically going limp.
this brings such a smile to gojo’s face, still shamefully playing with yourself.
a hand dug deep between your pried open legs, your chest heaves as you stare at gojo and he pecks a kiss on your lips, muttering something along the lines of, “my good fuckin’ sloppy girl.”
but once he had you on your back, it was an entirely different story. gojo had completely dominance and control now—vigorous mean smacks and hits against your pussy, making sure to grow quiet purposely to hear how sinful your cunt was to him.
to say the least, he was addicted. your pussy was too good for him to not constantly fuck you.
gojo wasn’t too interested in relationships, but who was he to turn down a good fuck?
you had so many orgasms pulled out of you, you practically lost count.
you were currently now just laid flat on your back, just about being folded. your pussy sang constant harmonies by how many times gojo made it squelch and cry out for him, for some reason he always loved putting you in mating press. partially because of the eye contact.
but also, he just loves to gently press against your tummy while staring deep into your eyes, speaking to you in such a phony-mocking tone, asking you if you feel him.
it’s a rhetorical question, you weren’t supposed to answer it because of course you feel gojo. his dick was pummeling in and out of your sweet cunt to where your vision started to turn a bit hazy. this position gave him an excuse to fuck you deeper, striking his hips against you repeatedly with your cute legs just sticking up in the air. perfectly hanging over his shoulders.
“you’re such a slutty girl, babe. always lettin' me break this pussy,” he pants, his voice turns more raspy to match his ruthless thrusts and you whimper, dragging your nails against his thick calves. his balls thwacked and thwacked against you, you felt so warm and you’re just a noisy mess.
you don't even realize you’re drooling while maintaining initiate eye contact with gojo. “..cute,” he raises his brows, bringing a thumb up to your lips to wipe it. “only i can make ya drool for cock, hm?”
you eagerly nodded, tears poking in your eyes. the dried up mascara sticking to your lashes still remained. “y-yes, satoru please. ‘s really good. want more.”
“course ya do,” he cursed, deepening his hits against you and you feel him reach more once he dips and pivots his hips. you moan, your mouth opening—a dramatic gasp type moan leaves your lips and he leans in to kiss you. you’re taken by surprise, but you sink into his warm embrace, running your needy tongue against his while he’s still occupying his cock between your tight stingy walls that was never gonna let him go.
the kiss was one word, sloppy.
partially because of you. you couldn’t think straight while you were getting mercilessly pounded in his bed. gojo tasted sweet, minty and a bit honeyed flavored, his tongue softly clashed against yours and you feel his lips form into a smile once he playfully sucks on your tongue.
his breathing along with yours was warm, it was really intimate, for a second you forgot about your depressing heartbreak—and it was all because of what’s between gojo’s legs, who knew.
butterflies started to form in your stomach, and it made you cringe, you really hoped you weren’t falling for him but he made it so hard. gojo’s been fucking you for hours and hours non-stop, his name approximately lived inside your head rent-free.
it’s all you were ever moaning out anyway, or just blabbering how you were about to cum again and again and again, he’s got you in a chokehold.
“f-fuck,” he groans, feeling himself swell. reaching his very peak. he felt a sensation brew up in his thighs as he continued to drill himself into your tight pussy that kept hugging onto him tightly. he loved how clingy you were. and you couldn’t exactly help it too, it was as if your body had a mind of it’s own. gojo’s strokes were so delicious, your eyes slowly roll back now just like his were, piercing the edges of your nails into his skin as you’re being fucked limp quite again. “gonna make me dump another load, babe. overflow your sloppy heartbroken pussy with s’much of me.”
his voice was a bit shaky now, it was honestly cute. droplets of sweat beads raced down gojo’s forehead as he’s panting, his breathing patterns were staggeringly fast-paced and rapid as he stares at you and—oh shit, he’s feral. you could see from how his pretty cerulean eyes never leave yours. it’s as if his pupils dilate just slightly each moment he gets more close.
he’s hungry, gojo licks his lips at just envisioning himself pumping you fell again, watching his own sticky cum pour out of your hole just to plug it back in again.
“fill me p-please, 'toru.” you begged, and his body weight was crushing you, not literally, but he was pressed against you—you were for sure limp now, your arms were just sprawled against your sides as your head just bounces back against the cushioned mattress within each deep thrust he presents to you. “stuff me full, satoru. breed m-me.”
“would be kinda funny if i made you a mama,” he whispers, his tone was playfully yet sweet, he was purely mocking you though. he’s maintaining deep eye contact as his thrusts transmits you to such a high, you whimper for him to continue because you were coming close too. “make this perfect tummy all swollen and r-round,” he sighs, rotating his hips against you—it was sloppy, an entire mess. some of his cum from him recently spilling into you dripped down your thighs and you moaned from how messy it was. “bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you.”
“m-maybe.” you muttered out, clinging onto his wrist and he chuckles.
“maybe?” he repeats after you, leaning in to kiss the side of your mouth—gojo’s buried entirely balls deep and you’re just panting and panting, both chasing your incoming releases.
you shiver a bit, feeling him rub a hand across your tummy, mimicking his previous action of pressing down on it. “tsk, poor dumb baby. can’t even think straight. bet all you’re thinkin’ about ‘s getting filled, huh?”
you sniffled, throwing your arms around gojo and he chuckles, licking a stripe up your neck only to sink his teeth against your collarbone lightly to hear you moan.
“s’ okay, babe. cum with me,” he says in a hushed tone, his voice was so deep and seductive, just hearing gojo’s voice against your ear was just enough to make you soaked already, as pathetic as it was. “be my messy girl, don’t be shy. love when you slut yourself out for me, it’s cute.”
“s-satoru,” you squeaked, your nails were piercing into his soft skin as your right thigh started to bounce against him as you chased your incoming high. “fuck, ‘s deep, satoru. fill me please.”
gojo kisses the top of your forehead as his hips strike and rummage inside your walls, you clamp down on his so good he grunts, it’s so raspy and pitched it makes you throb. “shit, better not waste it then. come on baby, relax,” and he’s talking you through your orgasm—acknowledging your changing breathing patterns that he knew whenever you were close, he brings a thumb towards your cheek to stroke your chin before smiling. “give it to me.”
you whimpered once another orgasm got stolen from you, you’re just being pounded into the mattress with random blabbering leaving your lips, you’re so dumb, so cockdrunk, again it’s really pathetic.
gojo groans, feeling you tighten against him before it’s his turn. his hips slow but still maneuver and pivot against you, and once he came, it was a thick load, he’s the one about to drool now. he averts his eyes towards your pussy, watching his own cum spill out of you, it’s hypnotizing to him. gojo runs a thumb against your slit and you whimper once he pauses his thrusts but slowly pulls out. a pop sound was created and you whined, wanting him to keep stuffing you full.
you craved it.
gojo leans in, kissing you for a final time and it wasn’t as sloppy like last time—more passionate and sincere, which scared you a little. you hoped you weren’t catching feelings. gojo probably hoped you were though.
“satoru.” you panted, once he pulled away. “i-i think i love you.”
he’s panting and catching his breath as well as you, he sits up with his toned biceps pressed against the sides of you before speaking in a low alluring voice. “babe?”
you blinked twice, and realized you were being shook lightly by the shoulders. the realization hit you like a truck once you realized geto was calling your name—he had a worried, almost pale expression on his face once he sees you come back to reality.
“suguru..?” you mumbled, in the same exact bed and still feeling dizzy from your many orgasms that got pulled from you the entire night.
“did you.. just call me, satoru?”
maybe you were just fantasizing the entire thing.
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gojosprettyprincess · 12 days
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Not proofread
Thinking about Toji following you into the shower claiming that it's to "save water" and that he won't do anything weird but that always ends up with your boobs being pressed up uncomfortably against the cold marble wall while your struggling to stand up on your tippy toes because of the firm grip he has on your hips that’s holding you up. Two of his thick fingers pumping in and out of your tight puckering asshole while the thick, prominent veins in his cock dragged along the spongy area with each roll of his hips inside your sloppy pussy.
“Fuck that’s it doll, taking my cock so well, you’re such a good girl ya know that?” He smirks behind you, running his tongue along his scar as he watched where the two of you were deliciously connected.
You whimpered at his praise, wiggling your ass back into him pathetically, feeling his two fingers scissoring and stretching your forbidden walls as it contracts around him, squeezing soo hard around his thick fingers. You mewled as he gave your ass another hard slap, his relentless thrusts making his fat cockhead brushes against your g-spot as your pussy continues leaking all over his dick. Your mind grows fuzzy at the amount of pleasure you were receiving by having both of your holes filled.
“Fuc-k! O-oh feels s’good inside of me Toji, s’goood” You moaned out, both of your legs wobbling as you felt his cock racing in and out of you. Your brain turning to mush as you covered his cock with messy rings of your cream.
“Yeahh? Seee I told you baby, all ya gotta do is be a good little girl f’me n listen to what daddy says and he’ll make you feel sooo good.” He keened, referring to when you were trying to resist him earlier which led to this, while he was groping and touching you everywhere, seducing you. But either way, Toji will always get his way with you no matter what.
He hisses sharply at how tight your butthole and pussy were clenching around him. To him both of your holes are pretty, tight and delicious so why not stuff both of em? His cock twitches uncontrollably inside of you as your cunt milks him for his own release. He already pulled two orgasms out of you so there’s no way he’s stopping till you’re fed full of this cum. His jaw runs slack as he felt your pussy spasming around him, “Shitt you’re killing me doll—gonna stuff the pretty cunt soo deep and full with my cum, I bet it’ll overflow” he groans, pulling his fingers out of your ass so he can use both hands to grip on your hips to your pound you harder.
You whined as your butthole flutters, missing Toji’s fingers and attention as he picks up his pace inside your cunt. His fingernails dug into both sides of your hips as heavy cum-filled balls continuously slaps against your clit, increasing the intensity of pleasure. He mashes his body closer to you, his chest touching your back as he licks your earlobe gently. You whimpered when you feel his cock throbbing in your pussy, “shitshitshit” he gritted his teeth, “I’m gonna cum, fucking take it all” he moans, wrapping both arms around your torso, smothering his body against yours as his sperm flows into your pussy, filling you up and painting your walls white as he tucks his face into your neck.
His hot breath fanning against your skin as he continues to thrusts shallowly into you. Half of his milky cum escapes out of your snugged cunt, leaking down your legs as he fucks the rest deeper into you.
He finally pulls out of you, his eyes focused on how fast his sperm leaks out of your hole and runs down your thighs. “Fuckk, would you look at that” he snickered, slapping his cock against your soaked wet hole.
“Finish up and meet me in the bedroom” he gives your ass a hard smack before leaving the shower.
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kairoot · 2 months
── ࣪ ˖ ❛ 𝓜𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑢𝑝 𝓥𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠.
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‧₊˚ 𝓼𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: they do the voiceover for your makeup routine 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : enha x 𝑓.𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : fluff , crack 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 : no 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : jokes, profanity, pet names, this was shorter than i intended, some of these are kind of inspired by some tiktoks i saw.
— ( 𝓂𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑛’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠 ) : pls leave reblogs, they are much appreciated !! ♡︎
✿ member’s headcanons under the cut !!
⊹ 𝓁ℎ𝑠.
asking hee to do this was a piece of cake
he agreed to it immediately
he lovesssss watching you do your makeup
so when you asked him he was like, “well.. yes!”
gonna keep it real with you, he has absolutely no idea what ANYTHING is
he just knows the things that he buys for you and that’s it
flirty mcbirdy over here, he’s barely even watching the makeup, mostly watching you
“hi guys, today i’m doing my girlfriend’s makeup voiceover.” he says into the mic, the video starting with you priming your face as you’ve already did skincare prior to starting the video.
you were next to him while he narrated your routine, holding in your giggles as he began naming the products that you were using.
“okay so now she’s uhm.. damn she’s gorgeous..” he paused for a moment, watching you through the screen as you applied the first product of your base.
you nudged him, urging him to stay on topic as your face began to warm up.
“she’s applying, uh— the— the..” he thought for a moment, the product seemed familiar but he couldn’t think of the name.
it was foundation.
“and then she’s.. wiping it all over her face.” he mumbled, still not paying attention to what you were doing but admiring you instead.
“it’s blending, hee..” you whispered, not wanting the mic to pick up your voice.
expect the comments to go insane about hee’s little flirtatious comments.
⊹ 𝓅𝑗𝑠.
ngl, he’s a bit confused as to why you asked him to do this but he says yes anyway
why does this man actually know what the products are??
quite literally does the whole voiceover better than any beauty influencer you’ve ever seen..
compliments you throughout the video
he’s literally so polite
“hello everyone, today y/n has asked me to do her voiceover, so here i am!” he says excitedly, watching you apply the first product.
“so here, she’s putting some of the foundation in her t-zone.. she has really great skin.” he explains.
you’re sat next to him, shocked at how he’s able to understand the whole routine.
“after she blends, she goes in with her.. concealer, i think.” he was right again.
as you blend that out, jay begins talking about the product that you’re using.
“yes, i pay attention to my girl’s routine.” he says, knowing everyone’s gonna wonder how he could even know all of this. you bite back a smile, his comment making your heart warm.
now the whole internet wants a boyfriend like jay.
⊹ 𝓈𝑗𝑦.
he is very eager to do it. why? because he loves you and is so down bad for you
ummm he knows NOTHINGGG about makeup 😫
another flirty one
count how many times he says he wants to kiss you or compliments your lips challenge (jake is so weak for kisses, you cannot convince me otherwise)
he’s so giggly throughout the whole thing ??
he definitely gets flustered over your beauty, esp your bareface <3
he’s lowkey your hype man even though he has no idea what he’s talking abt
“hey guys, it’s jake! today i’m gonna give you all a tutorial for y/n’s everyday makeup.” he beamed confidently. he watched you start your routine, already giggling at the small things you do throughout the first 30 seconds.
“so she’s gonna start with, um..” his giggles cutting him off. “she’s starting with the putty stuff. it kind of looks like play-doh!”
“jake!” you nudge him a bit, rolling your eyes playfully.
“sorry, sorry!” he laughs. “now she’s putting on.. powder? wait, no, that’s definitely bronzer.”
“yeahh, apply that bronzer, babe!” he exclaimed.
it was powder foundation ??
“she looks so good already, wanna give her a kiss..” he said, watching you pat the product onto your skin.
⊹ 𝓅𝑠ℎ.
bro is so impatient
he can’t think of any of the name of the products that you’re using which frustrates him to the MAX
pls don’t laugh at him, he will sulk 😕
cracks jokes abt how long you take
“now she’s applying.. uhm, glitter?” he tilted his head, watching you apply highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes.
“highlighter, babe.” you corrected him, holding back your laughs.
“whatever it is, it’s very shiny. and she’s putting it on so do whatever she’s doing if you want this look.”
you snorted a bit, finding his impatience hilarious.
“watch as she puts on her favorite mascara that she made me buy her.. because she doesn’t care about my pockets or if i go broke.” he sighed.
you landed a playful smack to his shoulder, scoffing.
“anyways, she takes forever.” he huffed. “she told me she was gonna be ready in 10 minutes but 10 minutes turned into two hours, so i guess im gonna have to wait.”
please don’t ever ask him to do this again.
⊹ 𝓀𝑠𝑤.
like jay, he knows what everything is
he’s actually really excited to do this
he pays attention when you do your makeup and pays attention when he gets his makeup done so
he basically knows what everything is he just.. doesn’t know how to do it
he knows all of your favorite products
count how many times he calls you pretty challenge:
“look at how pretty she is!” he exclaims as you prime your face. “i did her skin care by the way.”
he watched as you applied your concealer, telling the viewers exactly what brand it was and what it did for your skin.
“i’m pretty sure this is her favorite product.”
“okay! next she’s gonna set with this one powder that she absolutely loves.” he giggled.
you chuckle at his excitement, not expecting him to like this as much as he did. you just knew people would want more of him narrating your routines and grwms.
“and now, she’s putting on her blush.. I love this part.” he said, mesmerized by you and your features.
“isn’t she so pretty?”
⊹ 𝓎𝑗𝑤.
he’s so confused
tbh he just yaps the whole time
you don’t know what he’s talking about, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about..
he just knows that he buys some of the stuff
he gives random facts throughout the video ??
“okay, so i’m not really sure of what she’s putting on her face right now..” he said, scratching his head slightly.
“did you guys know that dolphins name each other?”
“jungwon..?” you furrow your eyebrows, looking at him confusingly.
“oh, right! sorry, now she’s applying some.. nose.. stuff?”
you mentally face palmed at his attempt to name the products, which he ended up wrong every time.
“if it wasn’t already obvious, i know none of these things, i just get whatever she tells me to buy.” jungwon giggled, watching you apply your blush.
please DO NOT let him do this ever again 😭🙏🏽
⊹ 𝓃𝑟𝑘.
bro does NOT wanna be here
he doesn’t wanna do it at all 😭
but somehow you convince him (you told him you’d buy him robux)
he guesses everything
some of it he gets right somehow
gets so triggered when you laugh at him 😭
“um, okay, she’s applying concealer.. that’s concealer, right?” he looked over at you, as the video showed you applying the product.
you looked at him, giggling.
“why are you laughing? is that not concealer?” he asked again, becoming irritated.
“yes.. just keep going, ki.” you cover up your laughs.
he rolls his eyes playfully, “anyways, now she’s putting on some powder shit.. i don’t know.”
“and she’s.. beating it on her face..? why are you punching yourself?” he quirks an eyebrow.
you shake your head, sighing at his confusion.
TAGLIST: @haechansbbg @contyynishimura @sasfransisco @kgneptun @jungwonderz @enha-stars @dioll @jakesangel @cupidscourt @violetwitchmcu @haohaoshoe @randomgirl02228 @wonsdoll @powerpuffstuts @flwrstqr @elysianiki — send an ask to join.
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rae-writes · 7 months
Firstly, big fan of your poly mc x obey me brothers stuff. Secondly, I'm a bit curious about the dynamics between the brothers and mc (cough three-ways cough). Obviously Beel and Belphie wouldn't mind working together, but do you have any headcanons regarding the other brothers sharing?
threesome parings lets gooo! // nsfw, poly!mc (duh) // dateables and sides next maybe?? ;)
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Obvious parings
Beel + Belphie; this one is the most obvious, but it works so well (Belphie likes to say they're the best tag-team). It can leave you reeling because you don't always know what's going on when they communicate with just their eyes. The favorite positions in this team are probably: you sitting on one's face while sucking the other off; riding one while the other fucks you from behind; spooning with one in front of you and one behind you
"Such a fuck-ing slut for us, huh? Our pretty little slut."
"o-oh..yeah, move your hips like that again, please..g'na c-cum-!"
"Please go faster, Mc..uh-huh, like that..a-ah! Yesyesyes, cumming! 'm cumming, oh fuck!"
"Your mouth is always so good...here, do Belphie next. Wanna prep you with my tongue."
"Mmm...slow down over there, Beel. We said we'd go slow...'s still early..'m tired." "Sorry, Belphie, but they feel so good..just listen to them. They need us." "..fine...we're going back to sleep after, though."
Lucifer + Satan; yes. These two. Their synchronized energy is almost on par with the twins (even if it's like a subtle competition the whole time) and they do everything so smoothly and seductively it makes you hot and bothered at a rate that should be illegal. The favorite positions for this team are probably: bent over something, one pounding you from the back while you suck off the other; being held up while they fuck you standing, one in front and one behind
"Come on, you can suck my cock better than that. Don't tell me he's made you dumb already?"
"No, no, no, moan my name. Yeah, that's it baby, let me hear you. Louder."
"I'm cumming- don't fucking move. I don't care if he's close, I'm filling you up first."
"You look so pretty, Mc...so. fucking. gorgeous. Doing so good for us, always do so good."
"Hold it. Yes, you can, and you will." "Don't be so mean to them, Lucifer. I think they've well earned the right to cum, don't you? I wanna feel it. Let them cum." "No. If you keep mouthing off, I'll take them away and you can finish yourself off. They hold it until I say so."
Mammon + Asmo; PARTY DUO! They're so wild and filthy and it's so fun to have both at the same time. Tag teaming you is one of the times they can bounce their energies off each other without arguments. The favorite positions of this team (though they're down to try any positions) are probably: riding one while the other fucks you from behind; train style- fucking one [w/strap or dick] while the other fucks you; both squeezing themselves between your legs to give you oral
"Harder! Yeah, yeah, yeah- like that! Come on, Mammon, fuck them faster, I need them to give me more!"
"Ahh, fuck...you're so fuckin' good t'me, baby. Look so good, you're so damn perfect- look at me, look at me, baby...fuuuckkk.."
"Come on, hon! Spread those legs a biiit wider...don't be shy~ show us your pretty self..gotta give us room to work our magic!♡"
"Rock them hips over me, baby, yeahh..make me feel so fucking good. Takin both of us so well."
"Ooh, turn them around this way!" "No way! They faced you the last time, I wanna look at them this time." "That's so not fair- oh! Aw, just listen to that little whine...you need us that badly, Mc?" "Course they do, you kept us waitin so damn long. Don't worry, baby, we gotcha."
Not-so-common pairings
Asmo + Belphie; little odd pairing here, but Asmo cancels out Belphie's sloth (and even gets him riled up in a way only Azzy can) so once you experience it, it's like the shock of temperature play. The favorite positions of this team are probably: riding Belphie while Azzy fucks you from behind; sitting on Bel's face while sucking Asmo off; getting fucked by one, head hanging off the side of the bed, while the other fucks your throat
"I knew I made the right idea picking this set out for you! You look absolutely gorgeous, Mc! Put on a little show for us?"
"Mmmnn...move faster..yeah, come on..ugh- please? Please, for me...y-yeah! Like that.."
"The way you move your tongue like that has me spinning, darling! A-ah..ah, ah-! I'm gonna cum!"
"No, no, no, look at me. At me, Mc, not at Asmo. I wanna see your face when you cum on my cock- take that pretty mouth of yours off his dick and scream my name."
"Come on, Belphie! You gotta get motivated! Just look at them, laying there so pretty for us!" "I can make them feel good without acting like you, you know." "Not unless you want me to steal them away~ Ooh, there's that competitive look in your eye!"
Lucifer + Levi; not necessarily an ‘odd’ pair, but definitely one we don’t see often. With the elder commanding the room and the younger so willing to follow along, it makes for a smooth combination (and an easy dynamic to settle into). The favorite positions for this team are probably: sucking off one while the other fucks you from behind; bending Levi over and fucking him while Luci bends you over the other and fucks you from behind; sitting on Levi’s face while sucking Lucifer off
"Ah, ah, ah. If I can hear you forming words, it means you're not sucking his cock properly. Doesn't Levi deserve some pleasure, too, hm? Go on, choke on it."
""Nghh! You f-fuck me s'good! Hnn...h-huh? Y-yes...yes, y'r fucking me dumb already- 'm your good boy t-though, please keep going!"
"So willing and obedient...you don't know what you really even do to me, do you?"
"Mmph...love the way you taste..ride my tongue faster."
"You can fuck them harder can't you? If their mouth isn't being forced onto my cock, it means you're slacking again." "S-s-sorry...they just- ah!- f-feel so good...my legs are..are already shaking." "Already? Well, if you aren't going to do it properly, let's just switch positions."
Mammon + Beel; again, not ‘odd’, but more so an overlooked- giving based- combo. They’re pretty much all about you, so it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes (but in the best way). The favorite positions for this team are probably: sitting on one’s face and giving head to the other; laying on your sides, each fucking you from the front and back; riding one while the other feels you up and plays with you
"Aw, why're ya cryin', baby? Yeah? Feels good? Sweet little thing...how bout we make ya feel even better?"
"No, no- don't run away, Mc..not done yet..you can take us both at the same time, know you can."
"Y'look s'good ridin' him like that. Can't wait for my turn, fuck, do you feel what you do to me? C'mon, baby, feel it...s'all for you."
"Make him cum again..I don't wanna stop tasting you yet."
"Beel! C'mon! I wanna taste 'em too! Stop hogging!" "But their taste.." "I know- but look at 'em. They're dying to taste you, too. So give me a turn, yeah? Let 'em get their fill." "Okay...just for you, Mc.."
Levi + Belphie; this one…is interesting. It’s easy to run things because of their natures, but this is the unofficial ‘drastic switch’ team— you never really know what you’re getting with them. The favorite positions for them are probably: giving both a handjob while they pleasure you; riding one and making out with the other; getting fucked from behind and fucking the other
"D-don't stop- hnn..! O-oh, u-uh-huh, make me cum again, don't care if 'm sensitive, wanna cum again for you!"
"Noo! Come back...mmph..mm...don't stop kissing me. Don't care- I'll move your hips for you, don't worry about Levi, just focus on me."
"You look so. fucking. good. bent over for me. Shh, don't listen to Belphie's bitching, he's getting fucked every time I slam my cock into you, so focus on me."
"Pull my hair. Yeah, like that- mm! Let me fuck you harder..please? He won't care, he can take it, I need to fuck you harder, Mc, please!"
"Quit hogging them! It's not fair!" "Is that all you ever say? It's not my fault you don't ask them to give you what you need. I do. So I'm going first." "H-hmph! Mc, Belphie's being mea- oh..oh your hand feels good..yeah stroke me like t-that.."
Other good mentions
Lucifer + Mammon; these two can communicate with just their eyes as well as the twins can, okay, they absolutely have your head spinning— and usually, the eldest is in charge of the whole thing but sometimes his favoritism shows and he lets Mammon take over. The favorite positions in this team are probably: each fucking you standing, from front and back; sucking one off while the other guides the pace; rough makeout session to see who gets to be in charge (and sometimes it’s you)
"It's been awhile, hasn't it, Mc? I can tell by the way you're already drooling for us...all dumb and pretty. All ours."
"Doin' such a good job, baby...uh-huh, bob your head a liiittle faster, like..this. Use your tongue too...hear the way he's moanin' for ya?"
"Don't make fun of me...is it so wrong that I want to feel your touch, too? I love the rake of your nails across my skin..indulge me, won't you?"
"I don't even care if 'm not in charge this time- just don't stop kissing me..haven't felt your lips on mine all day, please, fuck, don't ever stop kissing me."
"Well? What are you going to do now that you're in control this time, Mammon?" "Heh..overstimulate him, Mc. 'n don't stop until he's shooting blanks." "...what? Mc, don't you d-ah! Gr..damnit...fuck, it feels good.."
Mammon + Levi; they might act like it’s a big competition sometimes, but all they really care about is making you feel good, and when their energies are in sync, it’s crazy. The favorite positions of this team are probably: riding one while the other fucks you from behind; getting fucked while fucking the other, spreading your legs wide open so they can both give you oral
"Don't be such a fuckin' sore loser, Levi. Just put your mouth on 'em and shut up..we don't getta talk till their legs are shakin."
"C-can't handle when you s-stare at me like that..m-makes me feel all hot a-and bothered..especially w-when he keeps fucking you e-even closer."
"Can take it- promise I can take it! Don't stop fucking me, need it s'bad!"
"Hah! Look at him! He's practcially in tears from just one orgasm..h-huh? W-w-what are you doing- no, d-don't! You're..going too fast..a-ahhh..c-cumming! N-no..'m not crying..'m not!"
"What'd you say?!" "You heard me! You're not that dumb, are you?" "You little- Mc? Oh, no, we're sorry baby...no, no, we didn't mean to forget you, we'll make it up. Here..put that tail of yours to good use, Levi." "Yeah..okay..we're sorry, Mc. That feel good?"
Satan + Asmo; this pairing can be so softly sweet and so passionately intense, it should come with a whiplash warning (but are you really complaining?). The favorite positions for this pair are probably: laying down while one fucks you from each side, getting fucked while making out with the other, mutual masturbation and getting edged while edging them
"Ah, ah, ah...not yet, love, don't cum yet. It'll feel better if we wait, yeah? Hold it for me...just a little longer."
"You look so sexy, all disheveled like this! Gets me all hot and bothered every time! Hehe! ♡"
"Arch your back for me- just like that. Makes it go even deeper, doesn't it? Just. like. this. Ohh, fuck, make that sound for me again- 'm gonna cum."
"Stroke me faster, baby, please! Uh-huh, uh-huh...mm! Cumming! Yes, yes, yes!"
"Calm down, Asmo. Mc's had a tiring day..let's take it slow and make them feel better, hm?" "Ooh, you're absolutely right! We'll take care of you, hon, you won't even have to lift a finger!" "Relax, love...we've got you."
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jennifer-jeong · 7 months
Smut | AFAB!Reader Men Who Get Feral With You
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CONTENT NSFW, 18+, smut, AFAB reader, implied feminine reader, fictional men being fucking nasty with you, hard kinks, multiple orgasm, fingering, choking, spitting, slapping, breast play, biting, marking, blood, praise, degredation, daddy kink, creampie, aftercare!, CHARACTERS ARE 18+
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He’ll squish your face with his hands to make you look him dead in the eyes as he uses 3 fingers to pull another orgasm out of your aching cunt that’s still waiting to be filled up properly.
“Yeah, c’mon baby, you can handle it… Just like that princess,” he’ll say as you convulse on him as waves of pleasure wash over you.
He’ll bottom out in you immediately, barely giving you time to adjust to his size. You’re especially tight from your orgasm only seconds ago but he loves the squeeze and the fact that you’re absolutely dripping with your own release. He slides in easily despite the extra resistance.
He also gives you no warning before immediately starting off at an insane pace. The rough sound of skin slapping already filling the room.
“Mmmf-fuckkk, have I not fucked you properly recently? Y’pussy's fucking squeezing me,” he says while knowing you can barely respond from how fucked out you already are. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure your body remembers me tonight.”
He pushes your legs up and folds you in half as he continues his relentless pace, bruising your cervix as he hits you so deep he can’t even bottom out. He’s too big for you but you take him so well anyways.
He’s so fucking filthy with you. He’ll lean back to stop breaking you in half just so he can choke you with both hands. It’s overkill but you love the light headed feeling you get. Your vision blurs as your tongue lolls out slightly. Your heartbeat is in your ears as the sinful sound of skin slapping starts to dampen, your eyes rolling back into your skull.
He fucking loves seeing you so cock drunk for him as he chokes you. Drool starts dripping down the side of your mouth as he rams into you hard, abusing your sore cunt.
When he releases you, you let out a deep groan as the blood flows back into your delirious mind. Your senses hit you like a truck and the bruising grip he has on your hips turns into pleasure.
“Yeahh, fucking take it sweetheart, I know you can,” he groans. “Be a good girl and open up.”
You open your mouth wide to accept the string of saliva he drops into it. Your eyes are lidded as you swallow it.
“T-thank- Ah! Hngg… Thank you d-daddy,” you whimper.
“Good fucking girl, such a good slut f’me.”
He’ll grip your tits hard and give them slaps from time to time as he uses you as his personal fleshlight, not that you mind.
When he gets close he’ll start marking you like he’s in fucking heat. Biting the sensitive part on your neck, sucking at your skin until it bruises. Sometimes he even breaks skin, lapping up the metallic blood that seeps out.
He always likes to make sure you cum with him though. He’ll aim for your spongey spot as he rubs rough circles into your clit.
“Mmph! D-daddy- feels s’good… m’gonna fucking cumm.”
“Yeah? You deserve it baby. Let go.”
You clamp down hard on him, your orgasm finally fully hitting you as he stuffs you full. You throw your head back in a silent moan before high pitched sobs fill the room. You’re barely even registering his words or how bruisingly he’s fucking you at this point. He’s helping you ride your high but it feels like you’re barely coming down, the waves of pleasure keep coming.
“S-shit- c-cumming” he says before bottoming out, his cock twitching as he fills you with his hot cum. He rocks back and fourth as he fucks it all into you.
Your body is shaking and your legs clamp on the sides of his body, wanting to close from the overstimulation. He leans forward to kiss your neck as you both catch your breaths.
When he eventually pulls out, he’ll collect the cum flowing out of you and stuff it back into your weeping hole, not wanting to waste any of it.
He always treats you so gently afterwards though. He’ll run you a bath, give you a nice massage, make sure you use the washroom, and make you some tea.
He gets so feral for you that you wonder if he’s really the same person with how sweet he is with you during aftercare. But, you both know that you just bring out that side of him, he can’t help it when it comes to you.
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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killakalx · 5 months
17+ content, blank blogs dnf
just dick fucking your face bc i feel like he deserves soul sucking head, so this is rushed and poorly written lmao
dick grayson is a messy bastard. you’d think differently of such a lean and well groomed man, but it’s evident when he’s got the golden opportunity to fuck your face. you're shy about it at first, worried about teeth grazing him and whether or not he's into the gagging; but he makes it abundently clear that it's exactly what he's into. you struggling to take him and still being so eager to do so. that's what's got his cock throbbing.
"little deeper, babe- yeahh, just like that," he's groaning above you, not so gently pulling your hair to keep you choking. you're forced to breathe through your nose, though it still feels suffocating when his hips roll and your face meets his happy trail. he should feel bad, honestly, but the way he's hitting the back of your throat has you gagging and convulsing around his dick and fuck- he'd rather just make it up to you later.
"so damn pretty", he's babbling, "look at me, baby, please." your eyes roll up, tears swelling in your lashes and mascara runs down your face while nails dig dark red crescents into his hips and thigh, making him moan at the pinch of pain he deserves. the lack of oxygen has you lightheaded and gives you a dazed look, as if you're drunk on his cock, and althemore giddy from it.
he's cooing about how good you are for him, trying to soften up on you through gentle praise that harshly contrasts the way he buries himself deeper and deeper- goddamn, it's like he's trying to lodge himself in your throat. this is the only time you've seen that haziness in his eyes, dopey grin on his face as his abdomen contracts and length twitches. you find yourself thinking that he looks ethreal from this angle with the sheen of sweat shining in the dim lights, and you'd love to see him like this more- that is, if it didn't mean feeling like you'd pass out from the effort it takes.
"y'so good for me-" he draws out from the depths of his throat, head hanging back for a split second before keeping focus on your fucked out face. "so, so good- 'm almost there, sweetheart, fuck-" and without a second thought, he's got you gargling on his cock and cum, face smothered into his pubes as you sputter before he finally lets up on you. still twitching and covered in spit, your hand wraps around the base to keep him stimulated as more cum dribbles down his shaft.
you pull off of him with deep breaths after sucking at the tip, lolling out your tongue and watching him moan at the sight of you. dick moves to graze his thumb along the corners of your mouth before slapping the tip back on your tongue, making you squirm at the lewd action. despite all it’s taken out of you, he notices the way your thighs rub together way before you do.
your mouth falls further open to show him that you've yet to swallow and that grin is plastered back on his face, as if he's raring to go again, but dick keeps his word. “c’mere, baby,” he taps your jaw to let you close your mouth, pulling you up into his lap for a kiss before laying you on the mattress for a well deserved returning favor. ❧
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screampied · 6 months
can you please please write manhandling & squirting w gojo :(
❤︎ ໋𓈒 telling your best friend satoru that you can’t make yourself squirt
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warnings. fem! reader, manhandling, praise, fingering, talking you through it, rev cowgirl, dirty talk, squírting, mdni.
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legs sprawled, toes all curled up, you were desperately trying to make yourself squirt. it’s never happened to you and you wanted to experience what it was like—you read through various erotic stories of how it feels way different than just your everyday ordinary orgasm. with your teeth softly digging against your bottom lip, your fingers gently rummage throughout and against your clit. after a while though, you end up sighing—on the verge of giving up before as if on literal cue, your best friend gojo opens the door.
“hey, is it any more . . oh! uh,” he’d murmur, walking in on you with your legs sprawled all open. gojo suppresses a giggle that was about to escape from his lips before he utters. “. . . should i come back another time? you seem busy.”
there was smugness dripping underneath his tone and you were far too aroused to feel embarrassed. “no,” you puff. “i need help, satoru.”
“yeahh you seem like it,” he snickers. running a hand through his hair, he hums to himself before his eyes avert towards your lazily slid to the side panties. “is that what you call fingering yourself?”
“. . . shut up,” you chastise, and his sly smirk only widens. gojo stares at you for a long while before inching closer towards you—plopping down beside you. the mattress jolts a bit from his weight and he cocks his head to the left in pure amusement. “i need help. i can’t … i can’t squirt.”
gojo sneers. “oh, you sure can. you just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, angel, heh.”
he had such a smart mouth, the dramatically frustrated sigh that deserts past your lips was too adorable—in his eyes at least.
the way you were so dedicated to making yourself have a proper finish was so cute . . but you couldn’t, you needed his help—you wanted his help.
“hm but okay,” he shrugs with a cheeky grin, getting right beside you. gojo lightly grabs your wrist, peering at how you’d already soak two of your digits with sloppy amounts of slick before he titters. “aw, poor thing. these useless fingers just can’t do shit, huh?”
“just fucking help me.” you grouse at him, a pouty scowl ceasing against your lips firmly.
“fine, girl fine,” he rolls his eyes. “i’ll take it from here.”
and he does because once he starts to ‘help’ you, it’s in a way that has you merely speechless.
with your neck slightly whirling towards the left, you’re mindlessly bouncing up at down on his thick cock. you’re faced the opposite way, your back leans up against his chest. gojo holds you up with no problem, a brief squeeze on your thighs and you start to whimper at how close his fat tip thwacks against a particularly sensitive spot.
“f— fuckk, ‘toru,” you’d whimper out, feeling him reach the deep components inside of you.
so deliciously good, you felt a few droplets of your own saliva trickle past your lips as you slump back against him. “so deep, stuffin’ me f— full, ‘toru.”
“. . . hah,” he pants heavily, tensed abs flexing each time he drags you up and down. he’s treating you like a rag doll. you didn’t expect him to do all this, having you all up and down. although, who were you to complain—he was reaching every spot without an ounce of trouble. “guess i can reach better than those fingers ever could, hm angel?”
“y—yes, yesss,” you stammer, your voice all shaky, trembling on each syllable that you spat out. “satoru, harder. fuck me, f—fuckkk me.”
you repeat the same words out your spit-glossed lips. with such a firm grip, he’s making your hips slam up and down—such a rigorous rhythm…
you try to grind a bit against him but you only end up slouching against his bare chest. it was simply no secret, gojo was known to be lengthy, longer than thick when it came to his cock. every orifice, he makes sure to locate every spot inside of your gummy walls with the crown of his shaft.
gush after gush, you’re spasming on him and you make a cute attempt at grabbing his wrist, clammy hands piercing into his skin. “s-so good, more ‘toru. right there, pleaseee . . !”
“i got ya.” he huffs, warm breaths waft right up against your earlobe. he’s holding you in place, each time he bounces you up again and again.
your eyes do that cute thing where it rolls all the way back into your cranium. it’s cute, lewd . . but cute.
with your pretty pupils dilated, all you see is nothing but pure splotches of white. his cock’s buried so deep that you’re stuck in a trance, a trance you never wanted to escape from.
“. . . awww,” he purrs against your ear, a big hand softly cupping your chin. he feels some of your translucent spit pour down the sides of your lips before smearing it over your mouth with his thumb. “such a messy baby. you feel it comin’ don’t you?” he teases, nipping a kiss near your neck once you squeeze his wrist a tad bit tighter. “oh. you want me to hold your hand, is that it?”
“sato—ru,” you whine, a cute trembly voice making a special appearance.
but oh, the stretch…
it was so good simply divine.
each second is spent with gojo’s dick delving into your clenched walls. a syrupy ear ringing whimper snatches right out of your throat before you speak once more, “satoru, ‘toru, s—satoru.”
“hey, that’s me,” he grunts with a coy grin, feeling how well you clamp down on him—of course, he’d make a joke out of nearly anything. you’re like a bobbling doll, feeling your cunt squeeze him tight before within seconds, your thighs began to quaver.
with your legs quavering, it was as if a volcano was preparing to erupt. violently, your legs start to tense and you’re steadily pulsing and pulsing. something’s coming and it’s coming fast…
it had to be exactly what you were thinking. it felt a bit different though. pressure presses down against you and you feel gojo’s fingers intertwine with yours. “heh, you’re kinda dramatic, huh?” he teases—and right before he can give you another snarky reply, he brings your hips to an abrupt halt. teeth chomping down together, your jaw insignificantly tightens and you feel a certain sharp twinge for at least three and a half seconds.
“i- i’m about to s-squirt, ‘toru,” you warn him, and he nips another chaste kiss near the crook of your neck.
“nuh uh. you’re going to squirt, trust me. give it to me, yeah. grind against me ‘n just listen to my voice, mhm.”
his voice.. just the way he spoke to you in such a playfully deep tone was enough to make you finish on the spot.
gojo holds you still. he’s still buried deep inside. stuffing you fill of hefty inches before he brings a hand towards your swollen puffy entrance. “damn, she really is so fuckin’ sloppy,” he grunts, starting to maneuver slow circles against your pussy. he makes haste with it though, and your lips part before moaning once you even hear the evidence yourself.
squelch, squelch, squelch..
it’s loud, it rings throughout your ears—each time, it’s louder than the next. he’s so sloppy with it too, no shame whatsoever. gojo then drags a soft thumb down your slit that was just sopping. everything felt so fervent - the way he’d strum his fingers against your cunt, only to then give it a concise spank.
“s-satoru, fuckkk.” you’d gasp, leaning way back with your legs still sprawled, “i—”
“now—don’t be rude, angel. she’s tryna speak to me, let her do her thing, baby,” and he clearly referring to your dripping wet pussy. he continues, rubbing against your clit at a much more rapid speed now. your legs could barely hold themselves open. mouth twitching, you feel a rupture on the very brink of rippling out of you before his spanks against your pussy come again, and again, and again…
“sloppy girl with a sloppy … fuckin’ … cunt.”
his words get more raspy and degrading and he’s way too into it to pause. with a thumb slowly tickling against your spasming nub, he watches at you moan a shrieking whine before not even seconds later, it happens. you gush out, and it’s a lot to where you even dampen gojo’s lap. thankfully he was prepared, keeping a towel underneath you just in case you were a bit too much of a soaked.
and soaked you were, it felt so good that you didn’t even know what to say… more like, you didn’t know what to think.
your mind was blank, equivalent to an empty canvas. he’s so mean, whispering such filthy murmurs into your ear before he lets you ride out your orgasm.
wet, you felt that entire word right between your legs. gojo’s still playing with you, cock stuffing your pussy full to the very brim before he feels you bare around him.
“. . seeeee,” he pants, humming in a soft tune.
he squeezes your folds tighter just to hear that honeyed mewl rip from your sweet lips. he gradually pulls out and now you’re just laying back against his chest with the dumbest expression. “told ya you didn’t know what the fuck you were doing,” he chaffs before making you turn your neck, dragging you into a deep kiss.
it catches you by surprise, you connect your lips against his and that’s when he makes you fall back. you watch with glossy eyes before he then grabs ahold of chin with one hand, brushing it tenderly against your skin. “say ah, open that pretty mouth for me ‘n taste what a messy girl you are.”
you felt your heartbeat go straight between your legs. once you loll out your tongue for him, staring right into his bright cerulean irises, he stuffs your mouth with two fingers. the same fingers that were covered in nothing but your sweet wet arousal. “yeah, run that tongue around my fingers ‘n taste it all, baby.”
you moan, swirling your tongue alongside his digits before you briefly end up gagging at the tips of his fingers massaging against the very back part of your throat.
“good girl,” he whispers—pulling his fingers out real slowly, he does this purposeful. a sheeny trail of your glistening saliva follows out from your lips before he gives you another long kiss before departing. “now, let’s do it again. but this time,” he utters, making you lie back against your back. “i’ll make you squirt just from my tongue, angel. let’s make that cute squirt velocity a little stronger, hm?”
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gojosprettyprincess · 2 months
A/n please ignore any errors cause I wrote this at 3:30 am also this is the first writing I’ve done in like 3 months so i apologize if it’s not the best
Attempting to ride Satoru and trying to be the one in control of everything instead of him doing all the work, he’s laid back on the couch with his arms crossed behind his head as he watched his pretty girl bouncing up and down on his cock, it was soo fucking sexy to him seeing you like this, his eyes are fixated on your bouncing tits as his fat mushroom tip grazes against your g-stop everytime your tight cunt swallows his cock in when you sink yourself balls deep down onto his girth, Whimpering and moaning to his encouraging praises as your hands roam his abs and pecs.
"Fuckkk yes thats it princess, doing such a good job f'me, fuck this pretty little pussy on daddy’s cock just like that baby, Gooood girl"
You almost lost your mind to his praises, his fucking praises, they always had an affect on you and your cunt, your eyes roll to the back of your head like a little slut as you fucked your self faster onto his cock, he loved the way you were using his cock like some sextoy and fucking yourself dumb on his dick like some filthy pornstar whore, your were getting cockdrunk at this point, his tip bumping against all the right spots inside of you, the friction of his pubic hair tickling your clit made a creamy mess all around him as your gummy walls grips the life out of his cock, hugging him snugly and tight before you felt your legs cramping and your movements start getting slower and slower just as hes about to nut inside of you, he notices the change in movement and sighs in disappointment, murmuring “yeahh fuck it" under his breath, he let out a breathy groan before grabbing the fat of your ass with both hands and pounding himself up into your sloppy little cunt, your cream decorating all over his cock and balls from the extended amount of pleasure he was giving as you grabbed onto his biceps for dear life, your manicured nails digging into the hard flesh as his thick veins on his cock scatter against your walls, his cockhead rubbing against your cervix as his cum-filled balls kisses your asshole with every thrusts.
“M’sorry daddy” you whimpered
"It’s okay silly girl, ya really think you can do it all by yourself?, maybe you’ll get it next time Kay?” he chuckles before landing a hard slap on both of your ass cheeks thats def gonna leave his handprints for a few days but maybe thats what he intended.
"Ohh fuckk this pretty little cunt is tryna drain my fucking balls so badly, isnt she baby?", “she wants to be filled and stuffed with my seed Mm?”
"Gonna have to give her what she wants yeah?" he let out a small chuckle through a guttural moan before spurting ropes and ropes of sticky cum up into your messy cunt, stuffing you full with his babies as he pounds you through it while panting like a dog with sweat dripping dripping down his forehead, his dick pushes his cum deeper and deeper up inside of you as he attacks your neck, sucking and licking fresh marks on the tender flesh as your hole spasms around him.
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