#it's a shit load XD
mangocatastrophe · 6 months
A super scrappy animatic I made of the “CRAZY? I WAS CRAZY ONCE!” bit from the stream.
I tried so hard to get them on model, but I just couldnt figure it out
The hum at the beginning is my own voice pitched down, and the little cackle was take from the pilot. This was posted on YT a day or 2 after the backer kit campaign ended, thought I’d throw it up here as well.
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(after stargoth meets in real life)
Chase: So Buddy, would you like to stay for dinner?
Grandpa Ralph from the other room: Would you like to stay forever?
(He's just desperate for his grandson to date somebody who's not a body pillow.)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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fitzrove · 5 months
Poll because I watched a youtube video and am an annoying elitist
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applesandbannas747 · 8 months
genuine life hack - if you are researching something or trying to learn/understand something, look for teaching resources and/or curriculum for that topic. Teacher resources, guides, and curriculums are meant to be explicit with all explanations on the back (teacher) end and easy to understand on the front (student) end, which means they are the easiest things to learn from
trust me
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zenkaiankokuart · 2 years
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What's a big ole smoocheroni between friends, amirite??
So we know it'd be like kissing a plate if we kissed the DA. But... what if he kissed another DA?? Well look no further, I've answered the question no one asked!
A non-serious post after all the angst. Seriously tho,,, I can't stop losing my shit over this stupid fucking pancake kiss y'all. The more you look at it the worse it gets,,,, I fucking love it.
Featuring @sweatertown's lovely Moondrop and my Moon. 💗
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
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imperaptorfuriosa · 1 year
none of the screening times work out for me to do a double feature of the covenant and evil dead rise........
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terresdebrume · 2 years
When it's the 27th of November and your realize
You didn't at all set money aside for when your mother and sister will visit in December
The cat sitting alone is going to be upwards of $200
Transports : $130+ at best (unclear if they'll refund me, don't want to bring it up)
It looks like we're going to have to take out Bichon's second eye out (the outer corner of his eyelid is not looking great, vet visit this afternoon) so $200+
There's still the hotels to pay for and *I* insisted to get my own rooms...
I'm reasonably sure I'll e able to afford all of that but this is going to be a lot tighter than anticipated xD
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teaboot · 4 months
As someone who learnt english as a second language via textbook, I have to say "flying by the seat of my pants" is a hilarious idiom xD
It's the first time I've seen/heard it.
Could you share another one you like using?
Idk about idioms specifically, but there's a bunch of phrases I learned from my mom!
Lord love a duck! (Incredulous, like 'oh my god')
Lord suffer in sheep dip! (Sheep dip meaning sheep poop. Incredulous, but for annoying things- like 'are you kidding me?')
Is there a piano tied to your ass? ('Don't be lazy, do it yourself')
Someone's cruising for a bruising. (You're picking a fight.)
I don't give a rat's rip. ('I don't care'- a rat's 'rip' is it's butt crack.)
Pull up a stump! (Get yourself a chair, sit down.)
Everybody out of the pool! (Get out of the car)
I'm flying by the seat of my pants. (I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm doing it.)
Don't go blowing smoke up my ass. (Don't over-compliment me, don't flatter me, don't stroke my ego, don't tell me positive lies)
Looks like it's gonna rain on our parade. (A storm is coming.)
Sorry to rain on your parade. (I've given you bad news- can be used sincerely or sarcastically to denote sympathy for incurring a bad mood.)
Better button that lip. (Stop talking.)
Someone's gonna stick a boot up your ass. ('Stick a boot up your ass'- fight you, beat you, kick your ass.)
Stick that lip out any further, and a pigeon'll shit on it. (Stop whining.)
Suck it up, buttercup. (Stop whining.)
Dumber than a fence post. (Very stupid.)
The back forty. (The wild or forested area behind a rural home. The 'forty' being forty acres, or farmland.)
Don't go begging for a fat lip. (Whatever you're saying or doing is going to bother people and get you in trouble.)
What on God's green earth (What the fuck)
I'm sweating like a pig in a porta-potty (like a pig in a plastic outhouse- I'm very warm, it's hot here)
He thinks the universe flew out of his ass. (He thinks he's more impressive than he is.)
Your mouth wrote a cheque your ass couldn't cash. (You promised more than you were capable of providing.)
You've got a horseshoe up your ass. (You're very, very lucky.)
Taking a dirt nap. (Dead.)
Pushing (up) daisies. (Dead.)
Give me forty acres to turn this rig around. (I need time and space to move this large, heavy, or unwieldy thing. Usually about navigating a vehicle. Taken from a song lyric.)
Jesus take the wheel. (God help me, I can't handle this, I give up.)
Gone belly-up. (Has died.)
We've got a floater. (This one is dead.)
Herding cats. (Trying to organize chaos, managing an impossibly complicated situation.)
I've got a black thumb. (I am bad at growing plants, all my plants die- reference to having a 'green thumb', or being good at growing plants.)
Stop trackin' floor cookies. (Floor cookies are bits of animal shit that fall off your work boots- 'tracking floor cookies' means wearing your boots in the house; take your shoes off at the door.)
Running around like a headless chicken. (Frantic, disorganized, stressed out by many tasks or panicked by a big situation.)
Spinning my wheels. (Waiting around for something to happen, getting nowhere, frustrated by inactivity, not making any progress towards a goal.)
He's gonna blow a gasket. (He's going to lose his temper, he's going to be angry.)
They'll tan your hide. (They'll punish you severely; usually through violence. Specifically in reference to a spanking.)
He's a few bricks short a load. (He's not clever / he doesn't think things through / he's crazy)
Not the sharpest tool in the shed. (Not the smartest person. Very dumb, clumsy, or absent-minded.)
I'm not going to bail you out. (Not going to save your sinking boat- not going to help you out of your bad situation.)
Looks like things are going south. (The situation is growing worse.)
I'll start making tracks. (I'll leave now, I'll start working, I'll get going.)
He's fucking the dog. (He's not being productive, he's doing a bad job, he's made things worse, he's screwing around.)
He's making puppies. (Less graphic version of 'fucking the dog'.)
Plant your ass. (Sit.)
Playing grab-ass. (Procrastinating- accomplishing nothing, slowing people down.)
He couldn't find his ass in the dark. (He's stupid, ineffective, underqualified, or incompetent.)
He couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel. (He is unbelievably, comically dumb or ineffective. He can't do anything right.)
One foot in the ground. (Dying, or half-dead.)
I'm kicking rocks. (I'm not doing anything productive.)
I'm hauling ass. (I'm running away.)
Madder than a wet hen. (Very, very angry.)
Like I said I'm not sure that these are all idioms but they're all the phrases and sayings from my childhood that I can remember right now
EDIT: Cannot BELIEVE I forgot my mom's favourite
52. Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which gets filled first. (Wishes don't come true by themselves)
Plus some more I forgot:
53. You make a better door than a window. (You're in the way of my view.)
54. You can take a long walk off a short pier. (Go fuck yourself.)
55. He's about as sharp as a bowling ball. (He's stupid.)
56. Scoot your poot. (Move over.)
57. Not my first rodeo. (I know what I'm doing.)
58. He's built like a brick shithouse. (He's broad and sturdy and very strong, solid.)
59. I smell bacon. (I saw a cop nearby.)
60. I don't want to hear a peep. (Stop talking.)
61. You're thinking with the wrong head. (You're making bad decisions because you're horny.)
62. I'd lose my ass/head if it wasn't tied on. (I'm very absent-minded, forgetful.)
63. That went down like a lead balloon. (That situation was bad.)
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ofsgiathan · 2 years
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❝  You're  gonna  have  to  do  better  than  that  if  you  want  to  make  it  to  First  Class,  @theydefy.  Try  again. ❞ 
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hobis-hope94 · 2 years
okay i know i’m going to get hate for this but i’ve never understood the point of fans going to wave at celebrities when they go to airports? i just don’t get how some fans know what time the celebrity’s flight is? it’s a little creepy if you ask me and a waste of time.
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ickadori · 2 months
Can we get dick headcanons for the jjk men? 👀
[cws] fem reader in naoya’s part, gn for gojo and hakari. little degradation in naoya’s part.
[a/n] only did a few, also i suck at headcannons so i did blurbs instead xd
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“Y’sure you can take it all?”
It’s known worldwide that Gojo is an annoying prick, but it’s not known that what he was toting around in his pants made up for it.
“You’re big, Gojo-”
“Satoru.” He corrects, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as you wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, fingertips just barely meeting. He twitches in your hand, pale pink tip squeezing out a dollop of pre-cum, and you hum as your tongue lolls out to clean it up. “Fuhhh,” he hisses, blindfold crinkling from where’s he’s likely frowned his face up.
“-but you’re not that big.” You solidify the statement by taking in his full length, lashes fluttering and lips stretched wide as he breaches his throat. Lean thighs tense as he curses again, and you look up at him as you swallow.
It’s not easy taking Gojo - Satoru - but you’ve had a lot of practice, and he’s longer than he is thicker and your gag reflex listens to you well enough.
Spit dribbles out the sides of your mouth as you move your tongue on the underside of his cock, manicured nails lightly scratching against the back of his thighs as you move your head back, just to take him right back in to the hilt.
His pre-cum is tangy on your tongue, and you wrap your hand around his base as you move to suck on his tip, a sound akin to a mewl leaving his mouth as you do. Your free hand moves to grope at smooth, heavy balls, and you squeeze, earning a breathy curse and long fingers curling into your hair.
“..come. Shit, gonna come.” He rasps, and you squeeze again in response, your eyebrow quirking as if to say ‘already?’. His nose twitches, but you don’t give him time to get a quip out, tongue pushing down into his slit before your lips close around his sensitive head and you suck hard. He moans loudly, the sound long and drawn out, and then he’s coming, hot spurts of cum quickly swallowed down as you coax more out with gentle twists of your hands and caresses of his balls.
“Spread yourself.”
Your cheeks fill with heat -from anger or arousal you’re not too sure, maybe both- as you do as he demands, hands reaching down to spread apart puffy, sticky lips. You can feel the webs of slick disconnecting, can hear the tacky noise you make, and you flinch at the involuntary flutter of your painfully empty pussy.
Naoya hums, voice low and rugged, and your stomach clenches at the sound. “So you can listen,” he starts, hand moving to stroke at his cock, and you harshly swallow as you let the sight hypnotize you. “I guess I’ve just gotta wave my dick around to make you. Fucking whore.”
The blood rushing in your ears prevents you from hearing the insult, along with the sight of his heavy cock in his hand. It’s tanner than the rest of him, the uncut tip being the darkest part, and it sags due to its sheer weight. Thick and heavy and hot—oh, it’s hot.
It slaps against you, shaft plapping against your folds and exposed clit and forcing a shrill moan from you. “Naoya!” He slowly rocks his hips forward, backward, getting his shaft oiled up with your slick until it glistens in the overhead light. Pretty. You clench again, a wave of slick pooling out of your cunt and trailing down between your cheeks. You’re certain there’s a puddle on the sheets underneath you, but your mind is too foggy to care.
You want him in you, on you — you want to feel his chest, broad and strong, pressing down against yours as his cock makes room inside you. You want to feel him bottom out, feel his tip mush against that special spot inside you that never fails to make you cling to him and sing praises that you’ll renege on the next day. You want—
“Hey,” he crudely smacks his cock down against you once again, the slap ringing out load, and your thighs twitch to snap shut but you keep them open. “I said put me in.” He roughly nudges your clit, the bud swollen and throbbing, and you lick trembling lips as a hand moves down to grab at his cock. Oh. It’s thick in your hand, warm and wet too, and you sigh out in bliss as you guide it in, fat tip beginning to stretch you open.
He groans, hands moving to grip at the fat of your thighs, and he helps you with a jerk of his hips, cock sinking in deeper. A low squelch sounds, your slick bubbling up around his cock as he goes in even more. Your back is arching now, chest rapidly rising and falling with your rushed breaths, and your hand moves from his shaft to his stomach, the tensed muscles flexing underneath your touch.
“Too much,” you gasp, tears beading at the corners of your eyes as you clench around him. It’s like this every time he gets between your legs - wonderfully overwhelming. It always feels as if he’s going to split you in five, his cock feeling as if it’s stretching you past your limit. An exaggeration, you know, but it always just feels…too much.
“Don’t piss me off.” He snatches your wrist and pins it down against your stomach, thick eyebrows pulling together as he shuffles on the bed until he’s squatted with his feet flat on the bed, your hips now raised due to the change in position. “I know this pussy better than you do - it’s mine.” He drops his hips, cock slipping in, in one swift motion. Your breath leaves your lungs in a woosh. “Mine to tease, to fuck, to breed. So don’t tell me when it’s too much.”
You hate Hakari and his jinx, truly you do.
“A handjob while I spin guarantees a jackpot, baby, it’s science.”
Science your ass! You may not have been a top graduate, or even a graduate for that matter, but you weren’t dense. Hakari gambling his, and sometimes yours, funds away wasn’t science, it was idiocy, doubly so because you were actively participating in it.
“This is the last time.” You swear despite you saying this the last four times, and Hakari grins as you try to subtly fish him out of his pants. It’s a bit of struggle, the reason why made clear when you’re finally able to free his dick and springs up, glossy head slapping against his stomach and leaving a small wet spot on his shirt. It twitches once, twice, and then a rush of pre-cum is dribbling out of the cut tip and trailing down a protruding vein.
You can’t help the way you squirm in your seat, eyes darting around the semi empty room as you check that the coast is clear. It isn’t, there’s an attendant steadily walking back and forth down the aisles, but Hakari has already reached for the lever on the machine and you really don’t want him to pin you as the reason for his unavoidable cash drain.
A hand slides into his lap, and your brain starts going to mush when you begin to trace his vein. The skin of him is soft, silky, slick with his own essence, and you swirl your thumb around his tip, spreading around his pre and letting out a shaky breath as it shines.
He pulls the lever down, and your eyes dart up to see the colorful pictures flying by. Cherry, seven, cherry.
“Fuck.” He swears, another bill being pushed into the machine, and you twist your hand up and down his length, tightening and loosening your grip - tight when you near his head, and when you get to the thickest part of him. It vaguely reminds you of milking a cow, a life on the farm that you had left behind years ago to chase after Hakari, and your vision blurs at the sudden thought of milking him.
Twisting and turning and tugging until he’s spurting cum and making a mess of your hands, balls empty and thighs tensed and teeth gritted. “Oh.” You lowly gasp, second hand joining in as you lean into his side. There’s a low schlick schlick schlick sound as you work, saliva pooling in your mouth and threatening to overflow, and you find yourself slowly leaning down, breath coming out in hot, short pants as you breathe in his musk.
Someone from the aisle over curses - another bust, most likely, and Hakari slams the lever down with a grunt just as your lips make contact with his hot skin. His taste is salty, and you eagerly swallow him down, cheeks hallowing and ankles crossing as the loud chime of the machine sounds.
It spins, spins, spins and you suck, suck, suck— jackpot.
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justcallmesakira · 6 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o part 2!
Sypnosis: Bsd men with a very silly and goofy s/o with ranpo, akutagawa and nikolai! Genre: Lowkey fluff, crack
Warnings: poisoning with peanuts, sliding down a metal Rollercoaster railing, implied doxxing a Mexican kid, blasting, teeth 😇
A/N: Okay so my last post got loads of likes so I decided to do a part 2 because why not? I don't think I will do part 3 but you can request if you want..?
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Wow... look two autistic lovers challenging each other who can eat the most sweets without getting cavity!
You one time tried stealing his candies,, so he kept you in those childrens tents filled with colorful balls😧😧😧 yk those silly cages made for children so they think they are meant to have fun?
Nahh fukuzawa gunna call the CPS
If you think he will be all sweet with you.... No shit bro your in for a ride, AND I MEAN A LITTERAL RIDE-
"uhh ranpo I don't think we should use a Rollercoaster as a slide" "shut up you kid! Sliding not a crime xD"
Two grown up adults found sliding down a roller coasters rail
BRO let the news reporter have a break 😭
He's kinda like dazai but a bit more childish with you (awh how cute...)
One time he tried to play with a kid on the sandbox but he refused so you came and gaslighted the kid to eat a peanut butter lollipop 🍭🥜
Turns out the kid had allergy to nuts
Kid: AUGHHH AGUH AGHGh AEEEEUGHH you: :3 Ranpo: god must be happy
FAMILY GUY Reference??? YES
And so two totally romantic lovers go on a journey to poison little kids!
Hohoho if aomeone bullies you he's gonna go "Hello (first name) (middle name) (last name) who lives in (full address) and was born in (birth hospital)" on that Mexican kid who tried to bully you
That's hot😋😳🤭
One time you lost your left glove in the winter so he took your left hand and slid it in his gloved hand
YES THAT'S POSSIBLE I DID THAT TO MY hopeless romantic ass Self!!!!
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How did you get him to date you bro 😀
He does not even understand what wrong with you so he always has be the one saving your ass during a mission just in cas3
OH it's not for your protection.... It's him protecting the building so you don't blow it up
You know how he goes ◉ - ◉ sometimes? That's exactly how he questions your silly antics
"I can't wait for the tooth fairy to come for the teeth under my bed!" "◉-◉" higuchi: you are too old for fallen tooth what are you sa-- Y/N WHO'S TOOTH IS THA--"
He only glared at higuchi telling her to not question it with you behind him ":3"
Sometimes you play with his rashoumon by putting make up on it
"sir we bombed up the plac-" "good" 💁‍♀️💄👹---🧑
If anything akutagawa is questioning why he has to keep you in a children's daycare
BRO give him a break-
When dazai met you and you two had matching energy he was just staring at you two with respect... He felt a bit felt out though
Other then that he tries to understand you and protect you from danger because of your goof :)
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This is gonna get messy.... 😨
Honestly you have matching energy butttttt- BONUS POINTS IF YOU ARE A TERRORIST WHO Goes >:3 WHILE BLOWING UP A BUILDING-
Fyodor is questioning his life choices because you two acCidENtaLly burned his kitchen
"Damn.... It's 7 am..." Fyodor said calmly as he saw his only house burn down
Your gonna become his pretty assistant in his circus or sth🤡
Anyways you know those bumper cars? You two ride those and bump each other with it causing a friction and blasting the whole place
He will let you lay on his thi- I mean lap if you are too tired but don't be surprised to wake up with pigtails and heavy makeup :>
NIKO I love you but if you do that... Things are gonna get way messier😊😊😊
If you want anything he Wil just open up his portal and bring
"oioioioi koala (the name you gave him because of kolya) I want to drink shrimp and lollipop soda" *opens up portal and takes out a golden can* "here you go! :3" "Oh tank yew :3"
Totally sane and normal!!
Yes you call him koala instead of kolya but he always goes 😳🤭
I would too bbg wann-
Overall I think it's sort of good to be cheerful I mean at least you get too get away with his pranks (slightly)
Just make sure he doesnt sigma 3 breakdown hair you
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A/N: I know this wasn't good but I am not in the mood to write yk--so sorry it's not funny or anything anyways I am not sure whether I WI will write part 3 or not
Tag: @silverbladexyz
Reblogs and likes are very much appreciated!
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Hey nerds guess who made another thread about Vash's shooting skills during the finale of Trigun Stampede?
This nerd right here!
(( AGAIN! ))
Because Studio Orange has been driving me insane with how great Vash is as a gunman not just cinematically but realistically! I am NOT getting over this for a while my friends.
Of course, if you hadn't watched the finale yet and want to avoid spoilers, just know this post is gonna be filled with them and if you'd like to see my first analysis on Vash the Pro Gunslinger you can check it out here on tumblr and here on twitter before reading through this one!
Speaking of the bird, this post is also on twitter below:
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Oh but wait, don't have one? No worries! I've retyped everything below so you don't have to look at the bird app if you don't want to!
All posts mention guns and shooting because otherwise this analysis would not work at all.
First off, again, I’m going based on what I remembered from shooting air rifles & other research I’ve gained over the years! Second, I’m not an OG Trigun fan, so do take this thread with a grain of salt!
With that, let’s dive into THEE fight scene:
So right off the bat we’re getting Vash’s “smooth criminal” shot! Notice how he’s lining up his body sideways with his pistol vs forward like in the past. That’s exactly how you’re supposed to shoot one handed: feet shoulder width apart and aligned w/ the gun.
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Normally you’d want both feet planted on the ground when firing but since Vash HAS to stay on the move to avoid getting hit AND is being a cocky little shit to his brother, he lets himself lean forward to fire and use that kick back to gently guide him into his next step.
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Again, you NEVER fight what’s considered natural movement with a gun! You WILL get hurt! If you want to aim properly you NEED to be relaxed and composed. Vash isn’t fighting against the force of his gun, he follows it with the confidence and poise of a dancer on stage.
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And speaking of dancing just look at how Vash makes Knives dance over puddles! Vash has impeccable aim yet he deliberately chooses to shoot in areas that could stun or stumble Knives, knowing he could block the shots, and distract him as he goes behind the corner.
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Remember how I said lining up sideways is how you shoot properly? Here he’s firing straight forward using the corner as his shield. Had he not been holding a ticking bomb in his hand he would probably rest the gun on his other hand like he normally does on the rock jutting out.
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The second he fired his last shot he dips down to reload and LOOK AT THAT!!
He is practicing proper trigger discipline again!!
You do NOT keep your finger on the trigger when loading in order to prevent misfire. That is BASIC SHOOTING SAFETY!!
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And he does this throughout the fight!
When he turns away from Knives to make his way to the corner he lets go of the trigger before he turns back around to fire at him!
He can only hold 8 bullets in that gun and he will make each one count!
He can NOT afford to misfire.
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Because that bullet he loaded was going STRAIGHT FOR KNIVES! Vash is NOT messing around! At this angle it looks like he aimed and could’ve hit Knives' NECK which would be super hard to dodge close range. Knives would have to bend backwards like he did here to dodge.
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Shout out to everyone at Orange for the incredible work put into Vash and his shooting! There’s so much care into this show I can’t wait to see more!
Bonus: while we’re here, let’s get into Vash’s stellar reloads starting with this one (my absolute favorite) :
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Remember how I said Vash was being a cocky little shit to Knives earlier?
Yeah this is it at it’s peak.
Faced forward, standing still til the last second, and very slowly reloading so Knives hears all 8 clicks before flying out the window.
This is just being mean lol XD
It's because we KNOW he can reload fast! The gif below might be faster by half a second but it's still RIDICULOUS compared to the first one:
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Hell, he’s put individual bullets in the chamber midair and slammed a container of them in the SAME FLIGHT! MIDAIR!!!
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He did NOT have to mess with Knives like that! Dude's flexin' hard.
In any case, I can’t recommend this show enough! The amount of work and detail put into not just Vash’s skills as a marksman but the acting and storytelling - everything is superb!! What an amazing experience!
Thanks again Studio Orange and Nightow! See you again, soon!
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seneon · 1 year
i see ur a rayne fan ! may i request headcanons of rayne as your rival/lover? (yes, enemies to lovers in a way,,) preferably a divine visionary reader !! take your time and ty in advance !! <3
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about. gn! reader. rivalry, crack and some romance.
notes. yes i am indeed a rayne fan. bros beautiful
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honestly, nobody in the whole easton magic academy knew how this even happened... i mean, imagine — two of easton's top students and rivals were officially known as a couple? unbelievable.
well, neither you or rayne does too. the last thing you both remembered was fighting over a potion and the next thing was the both of you kissing mid-fight. woah, the tension is really crazy because you accidentally broke a love potion thingy XD
your cheeks were as red as the finest quality of roses during that moment. decided to say 'yolo' and rayne ended up kissing you again. again. and many more times. and you kissed back.
students were still in unbelief. because all you both did was argue over academics. but in secret, he's actually affectionate(ly mean)
rayne is obviously the more mature one, so he sometimes didn't have the heart to tolerate you at all. or he's just tired from his work as divine visionary. but that's okay, cuz you're a divine visionary who has their own load of works too.
you actually reduce the amount of arguments over the silliest little academical things with rayne which he somewhat found to be nice, but he eventually loves spiting you.
rayne is probably the type to kiss you at the most extreme/tension moments to stop a fight whenever arguments gets really heated cuz that's how he works.
now we have all the rivalry and shit. but really, does two divine visionaries as a couple work out all the times? no. well, sometimes...
individually the both of you get very busy on your own and has no time for each other AT ALL. to make up, either one of you will go to each other's dorm room and pay a visit and talk all night. (depends what dorm you're in, probably adler or lang)
he would talk to you about his brother, finn, a lot. and telling you stories about them as kids whenever you get extremely bored. rayne is not the most romantic imo. but when he's feeling like it, he'll go all out with no shame. he becomes a gentleman who knows how to charm.
his love language is most probably acts of service and gift giving, to somewhat fill in the hole that he wasn't able to give finn the best treatment as elder brother.
i probably forgot until the end but this guy loves bunnies. expect a shit ton of bunny merchandise from him daily LOLOLOL.
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© SENEON 2023 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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deedee-sims · 1 year
Tutorial - extracting stuff from Disco Elysium (+ viewing the models in blender)
Due to... recent events, I decided to finally get myself to write a tutorial about this, because all I found was some half-assed reddit comments when I was trying to figure out how to do it sometime last year.
I'll show you how to extract... pretty much everything (including voice lines) from the game.
This is a beginner tutorial, so you don't have to know shit about any of these programs, I'll try to explain everything.
I promise it's pretty easy! I extracted stuff from various games, and this is one of the easiest I ever did, so yeah.
You'll need:
Disco Elysium on PC
+1 Interfacing
+2 Endurance (mostly to survive my bad jokes)
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First of all, open AssetStudio. You don't have to install it or anything, just unzip the file you downloaded and open the program inside (AssetStudioGUI).
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This is how the bad boy looks like, we'll be able to see the asset list on the left and the preview on the right.
Click on File../Load Folder.
Select the folder where the game is installed. For me it's Steam\steamapps\common\Disco Elysium\disco_Data. You can load individual files too, but it's easier to just list everything and then filter them imo.
Wait... for a while. It's a lot of assets. Make a tea or something (hydration is important).
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After everything loaded up, click on the Asset List tab. You can see all the stuff! Well, it's rather confusing. Let's see what is what!
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If you click on Filter Type, you can see the types of the assets. These are:
AnimationClip: I think these are supposed to be the animations, you can export them if you select an animator asset alongside and right click Export Animator + selected Animation Clips (couldn't get the animation to play but that's probably on me).
Animator: These are the rigged models, you can export them to .fbx format, but I couldn't figure out what to do with them in Blender because they were kinda distorted (funnily enough, when I imported it to the shitty Milkshape program it showed up just fine... and people wonder why I prefer shitty Milkshape XD) Anyway, I hope someone can figure this out that actually knows something about Blender lol.
Audio Clip: Sounds, voice lines, background music. (.wav format)
Font: Well, fonts. Can be exported and installed to your device like any fonts.
Mesh: 3D models of the characters, objects, scenes. (.obj format)
MonoBehaviour: No fucking clue.
Shader: Shaders for the game. Not interesting in our case.
Sprite: Images that the game uses: portraits, object thumbnails, user interface elements.
Texture 2D: The textures that belong to the 3D models. (.png format)
TextAsset: ??
VideoClip: The stuff that plays when you open the game.
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You can preview any assets (well, the ones that you can preview), if you click on them. You can view them in the right panel.
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You can extract by left click on the asset in the list -> Export selected assets. You can select multiple assets and export them at the same time.
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The program will ask you to select a folder where you want to export the stuff. It'll export them into separate folders, by assets.
Well, yeah, now you know what is what, and how to extract them, but there are still a lot of assets. Good news, you can filter them with the little search bar too, if you type in some gibberish! Some stuff are a little tricky to find.
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Voice lines are grouped by task / place, so if you know where the particular thing takes place, you can try to filter for those. The assets are named with the speaker's name - either a character or a skill. I think the numbers mean some kind of order, but I couldn't really figure it out. If you click on one of them, you can preview, and listen to it in the right panel! Super easy! (if you want your own daba-doop-doop-dead it's Kim Kitsuragi-YARD  HANGED MAN-556. Just saying)
For objects and characters, you can find them by name, although some characters are named differently. Like, Harry is referred as Tequila in the game files.
Basically if you want to have a character or an object extracted, you’ll need to extract a mesh and a texture that belongs to it. You can quite literally play dress-up game with Harry, because all of his clothes are separate files (and named with kinda the clothing item name). The Kineema has multiple parts (exterior - interior - door - whatever else).
Anyway, let's move on to the Blender part before I forget how to do it (I learned it this morning lol). (Disclaimer: I don't know jack shit about Blender, I use it for extracting stuff and creating the simplest shapes in existence. I use the godforsaken program Milkshape on a daily basis.)
Open Blender.
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Hit delete to get rid of this beautiful default cube.
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File.../Import.../Wavefront (.obj)
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Select the thing you want to import (I'll import the gremlin child).
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There he is! And he doesn't fucking care!
Btw, you can zoom with the middle mouse button scroll or middle mouse button + Ctrl, rotate with middle mouse button, move the view with middle mouse button + Shift. So you can see his itty-witty mischievous face from very close!
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Now, that's great, but he doesn't have textures still. First of all, change the Viewport Shading to Material Preview.
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Select him (just click on him, you'll see an orange outline). And go to the Material Properties tab on the side.
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Click on the little dot next to Base Color, and select Image Texture.
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Click on the Open button that appeared out of nowhere, and search for the Cuno texture.
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Tada! He looks beautiful now! (and he still doesn’t fucking care)
You can do the same with any 3D models, objects from the game, really.
Well, that's it lol. I hope it made sense! And I really hope someone runs away with extracting the animators + animations, because I'm pretty sure it's doable, I just have no clue how.
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