#frieza x reader
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bones4thecats · 10 months ago
Henlo! Could I request some headcanons where Cooler, Frieza, Android 17, and Gohan get the "If anything happens, I love you" message from their S/O? Maybe S/O was away for a little while before getting into a dangerous situation, but is found injured but alive.
Their S/O Gets Severely Injured
Characters: Cooler, Frieza, Android 17 and Gohan Requester: ❤️‍🩹Anon A/N: I now nickname you ❤️‍🩹Anon, since your prompt is about y’know… healing and whatnot. Anyways, this is my first Dragon Ball piece so I do not guarantee that they are all in character, so warning there I guess. By the way, in Gohan's piece, the reader is female since y'know... Pan and all. Now, enjoy, I guess!
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»»————————————-   Cooler  ————————————-««
🧊 When Cooler first inherited his portion of his family's army, he wasn't amused with how small it was. But, when comparing his power to his younger brother's, it was understandable why it was so differentiating when it comes to size
🧊 Thankfully, his father, King Cold, was kind enough to give him the district that you, his darling S/O of many years, lead with a high amount of nobility and pride
🧊 Cooler has been away for a while when you were sent out by Frieza to cover a nearby planet and either gain their trust or completely annihilate them without any mercy. It was truly your call there
🧊 But, when he returned to see that you and your band of armored warriors were missing and have been for a few hours, Cooler began to become nervous. You were never gone this long when taking care of some minor business on Frieza, King Cold, or even Cooler's orders
" Lord Frieza! There seems to be a misreading! "
" What do you mean by a misreading? " Frieza questioned, a sense of annoyance and a very small amount of curiosity laced him his already pissy tone.
" It seems that the planet we sent Section 213 to is full of powerful fire-demons, much like us! "
" What?! "
🧊 After hearing this, your lover demanded to see your coordinates and send out another section, Section 89, out to find you and your teammates. And while his younger sibling attempted to reassure him of your team's power, Cooler merely pushed him aside and began to descend with Section 89 right behind him
🧊 Once landed, Cooler began to fight with the team following suite, knocking each beast aside with relative average stats. While it took on average two or three members per monster, they were taking care of them relatively quick
" Y/N? Y/N, where the hell are you?! "
" She's over here, Master Cooler! "
🧊 Running at a high-speed that could be compared to the super-saiyan's, Cooler stopped in his tracks when seeing your bruised and cut-up body. You had a large gash on the side of your stomach, and he could tell from a mere few feet away that you needed immediate medical assistance
🧊 Once returned, Cooler yelled for the healers to fix you. Though, it was hard for them to focus with both Frieza and Cooler glaring at them from behind. Frieza was only there because he couldn't afford to lose a powerful warrior and by-far one of the most talented fighters he had left after the battle on Namek
🧊 At some point, the doctor had to push the two outside, which was where Cooler stayed while tyrannical emperor left to sort out the rest of his ship from the chaos
" Master Cooler. Your S/O is all patched up. "
" And? "
" They will make it perfectly well. They'll just need a few days of healing. They're quite lucky. If they were a mere Yardrat or Tuffle they'd most likely be beyond any kind of help. "
" Good. Now, leave. I must see them for myself. "
" Understood. "
🧊 While he sat down in a seat right beside your medical bed, Cooler just sighed and ran a hand across your cheek, which had multiple cuts and bruises, not to mention a slight burn that reached from your chin to your forehead in a straight line. Oh, how awful was it on that damned planet?
🧊 You'll tell him when you wake up. Yes you will. But for now, Cooler can lay his head down on your bed and rest for a bit before you awaken form your long-overdue power-nap
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»»————————————-   Frieza  ————————————-««
🏔️ Frieza has hated being in Hell for the many years he was wrapped up like a larvae becoming a butterfly or moth and sung to like a baby by cutesy-bears and fairies. Due to this, he had a ton of pent-up anger. Which, while he did not mean it, he had accidentally taken out on a small fraction of his army
🏔️ From this lose in members, Frieza had no choice but to send out one of his best teams; Team Y/N. Which just so happened to be led by his favorite soldier and his one and only spouse, Y/N
🏔️ Before you and your team evacuated to check for any signs of life on the now-destroyed and bare wasteland that was once a prosperous land, you had left a solid message for your husband. One that he would forever regret not telling you in person
" If anything happens, I love you? That cheesy moron... "
" As if you are any better, brother. "
" Shut it, Cooler! "
🏔️ You and your team had just barely landed when one of them was snatched away with stupendous speed. This kind of speed was alarming to you and your underlings, causing a couple of them to panic and get snatched themselves
🏔️ Meanwhile on the ship, a fairly-rounded serving demon was observing the life-monitors that laid within each Frieza's Force member's body. And once he noticed the way they were immediately falling like flies, his tail feathers erupting and knocking his chair back, alarming his Highness
" What is going on down there?! " Frieza barked.
" Team Y/N is getting pummeled, killed even! We need to send people down there- now! "
🏔️ Frieza stood abruptly and ordered for the guards to follow him, after all, backup is necessary almost wherever the dangerous man went. Especially when it came to the safety of his lover
🏔️ Once landed, the sight of four out of the seven members of your team being impaled on the elongated tongues of horrifying and demonic-appearing beasts caused the Emperor of the Universe's heart to start racing. You better not have been harmed!
🏔️ The male raised his hand and sent a large beam of energy soaring at the monster, causing it's tongue to come flying off of it's mouth. The smell from it's blood was rancid, but if smelling this meant that you would be safe, then so be it
🏔️ You were located a mere few feet away, hiding behind a large boulder structure by Frieza. And once he picked you up, he rushed back to the ship, his men and yours following as they sent many beams at the creatures as they attempted to follow suit
🏔️ Back on the ship, Frieza sat in his room as the doctor healed you up. While he would love to be there for his dearest, the sight of their beaten and bloody body was by-far the only thing keeping him away from the Cui-copy's work
🏔️ The sound of his door being knocked on made him stand and ready himself, putting on his cool and composed facial expression before opening the door, ready to scold and possibly punish the soldier for daring to interrupt the most powerful being in the ship. How he would do so was already pulsating through his mind
" What is it you want? I am clearly in the middle of business. "
" Wow, you're seeming extra nice today. Are you sad I was hurt by that behemoth of a beast? "
🏔️ A small crack of his voice was heard as Frieza opened his eyes to see you standing there with a highly-functional mechanical cast around your leg, a small amount of pre-obtained energy holding your leg up and behind you in a position as if you were kneeling on one side
" Y/N... Why aren't you healing in the medbay?! I was about to come visit you! "
" Uh-huh. C'mon, the doctor said I needed to fix up my other leg's walking anyways! " Sarcasm was highly detecatble in your tone, causing Frieza to be slightly annoyed. Why are you being so calm?!
" That doesn't matter- "
" Yeah, yeah. Anyways, you got any wine back there? "
" W-what?! By what I remember, taking in alcohol, no matter the kind, with medication could cause someone to... overdose, if I remember correctly. "
" Aw~ Are you still worried about me?~ "
" S-shut it! Just- get in here already... you're a pain. "
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»»——————————-   Android 17  ——————————-««
🐈‍⬛ This guy knew how dangerous this Tournament was, so why was he now just wondering why the enemy was being so tough on you, it was obvious that you were beaten, so why was he continuing?!
" Hey! He's going to far! "
" Y/N, hang in there! "
🐈‍⬛ Everyone's calls were only enraging your husband even farther as he fought against another Universe 5 fighter while you dealt with the other two dogs
🐈‍⬛ The yellow one, Lavender, has thrown so much of his poisonous energy at you that it was beginning to make your joints slow down, which alarmed the rest of your teammates. Hell, even Frieza was nervous at the sight- you had the amount of power that could level up to defeat him!
" Why you damned wolf! "
🐈‍⬛ Holding your hand up as you canceled out every sound around you, the slight movements of feet with fur and claws was the only thing you would allow through. This meant you would be able to both dodge and hit the remaining beast-men back with ease
" Take this! "
🐈‍⬛ Gripping his hand in yours, you could feel the poison rush through your body, but the feeling was numb to you, the amount of venom in your system seemingly muted out anymore seeping through your thick-skin
" Wait, what the hell?! "
🐈‍⬛ Android 17 smirked and jumped up before kicking the blue wolf, Bergamo, in your direction while you powered a whip of energy before wrapping Basil and Lavender up as you twirled them around and threw them away, grabbing Bergamo on the way as they soared back and off the edge of the field, resulting in a Universe 7 win
🐈‍⬛ 17 ran up to you and wrapped his arms around you before you were teleported back up to your teammates for a small intermission granted by Zeno upon Goku's request
" What were you thinking? "
" About the survival of our home, and our family. "
" And while I appreciate that, Y/N, you must be more careful with your limits. I don't need another Goku around. "
" Hey! "
🐈‍⬛ Hearing you chuckle as Whis laid his staff on your forehead before booping you and releasing your body of the poison's affects made your husband smile gently and hold you close as Universe 7's angel chanted with an 'all better now!'
" Don't you ever scare me like that again, you hear? "
" Nope, you forgot a couple of things in that sentence there, mister. "
" Why you... alright. Please don't ever scared me like that again. I love you to much for that to happen. "
" That's better. "
🐈‍⬛ While you laid your foreheads upon one another's, the sound of Goku and Frieza gagging in the back caused you to laugh as 17 just sighed like a disappointed father
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»»————————————-   Gohan  ————————————-««
📚 Unlike his father, Gohan was primarily focused on his work and studies growing up. Putting his training behind for helping his family of his wife, Y/N, and his young daughter, Pan, prosper in life
📚 You on the other hand, adored to fight. As you were raised by your favorite person on Earth, who also just so happened to be a fellow descendant of the Three-Eyed People, Tien Shinhan
📚 As Pan grew older, you would help Piccolo and others train her, teaching her valuable lessons in minor training for her human-side while Piccolo handled her more alien side, which came from your husband
📚 Gohan knew that sometimes you would go out and about with his father's old friends in order to handle some ordeals, and with you being one of the strongest human fighters in their current time, you were practically required to attend
📚 As you kissed your daughter's forehead and gave your husband the tightest hug known to the half-blooded Saiyan, you gave him a final message until you returned a few days later
" If anything happens, I love you. "
📚 If anything happens? How far away were you going this time?
📚 While it was quite a hassle balancing his job and caring for Pan by himself, Gohan was grateful to have both his mother, Chi-Chi, his sensei, Piccolo, and his childhood friend, Videl, all there to help out once and a while
📚 He couldn't wait for when you would come home. Counting down the days with fun dinners for him and his daughter as the calendar was decorated with cute little stickers from Videl
" Hey Papa? Why does Mama look so beaten up? "
" She probably- wait she looks what?! "
" She has a big cut on the side of her face. It looks like it's bleeding a lot! "
📚 Gohan opened the front door of your home and picked you up quickly before rushing inside and running towards the bathroom to find your first-aid kit. Well, one of the many you had around the house
📚 Pan looked worried as you picked her up and laid her on your lap, brushing your hand through her hair as she sniffed and began to allow tears to bulge up in her eyes. You never liked to see your daughter in any kind of distress, especially emotionally. Physical scars can heal, but emotions are far harder to fix
" Mama, where did you get the cut...? "
" Let's just say... Mama got into a fight with some bad people and Mama kicked their butts. "
" Really? What were they like? Were they s... sai... "
" Saiyans? "
" Yeah! Were they Saiyans like Papa? "
📚 As Gohan walked back into the room with gauze being prepared in his hands, he saw just how comfortable Pan asked you questions while you avoided the topic of exactly who you fought and what happened on that planet miles away
" Y/N, can you please lift your headpiece up? "
📚 You did as your husband asked as you laid your thick head piece on the side, it was cracked from some force coming from your now deceased enemy, but it was nothing that Bulma couldn't fix!
📚 While Gohan bandaged up your head and arms, Pan asked both you and him questions of the days back when you both fought side-by-side. And whenever you mentioned him singing with the old dragon, Icarus, his face erupted in a mix of pink and red
📚 Why was your memory so damn good...
" Can I hear the song? "
" I don't think Piccolo would like to be reminded of that... again... "
" All the more reason to do it! "
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teenandbeyond · 8 months ago
Aye! Just wanted to firstly say I love your work and hope your doing well also good luck with your summer classes! <3 Can I request Frieza x reader with prompt 39? Basically after reader admits she's pregnant Frieza becomes extremely overprotective till she gives birth? Maybe even some Kuriza content? Remember to drink water and take care you yourself!! Also don't stress about this one shot if its too much :)
Frieza x Fem. Pregnant Reader
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All these requests are so old now 😭
Want more from me? masterList II
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Un-Fearless Leader
Warning(s): Fluff
You have the ease of giving someone as cool-headed as Frieza anxiety, but add a baby to the mix?...
Frieza was already protective over you
Like, "vaporize people for being rude to you on the spot" protective
So when he noticed you seemed more nervous than usual
He thought it must have been time for someone to die
That was until you nervously stammered the words "I'm pregnant."
He was in disbelief
But far from upset like you'd expected.
He seemed like he was a little casual about it
Until he returned with a ton of blankets and had you encased in them on your bed.
That was the beginning.
The next morning, you woke up to a practical breakfast buffet in bed.
"Uhh, Frieza? I don't think I'll be able to eat all this..."
"You're eating for two now. You can't allow yourself to starve!"
He made sure you had the best bath oils
Didn't let you walk anywhere yourself
You can't forget the time you stubbed your toe
"Darling, are you alright?!"
"I just...stubbed it. I'm okay."
Or the time you stumbled over a misplaced slipper, about to catch yourself when suddenly you were in someone's arms with a gust of air.
"You should be more careful, dear. Guards! Where were you?!"
"To be fair, I barely tripped. They're fine."
"Well, what if you had fallen, and I wasn't here?"
He went off if any of his pawns irritated you.
Or if chefs severed any food that he read from some space article that was bad for children.
And randomly he would apologize to you.
"I don't want the baby to hurt you because we don't know how your body will handle it."
You were different races, but you didn't regret a thing.
One time, Kuriza was playing a little too close to you and Frieza went off.
"You need to be careful! You could hurt them!"
"He's okay. He was being gentle."
And things only got worse once he felt the baby kick for the first time.
In the moment, he smiled as he rested his head against your stomach. Gently poking back where he'd felt it
But after, he was protective with a whole new vigor.
It was getting so bad, Kuriza was getting protective, too
Like a distance circle made of some rod, keeping people at least a few feet from you.
The death toll definitely increased, from anyone so much as accidentally bumping into you.
Frieza would literally carry you everywhere you went together.
And you'd try to tell him, "I'm okay."
But you should know better.
When it comes to you?
The fearless leader will always be un-fearless
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faeble-drabbles · 8 months ago
Alright I’ll bite. Tell me about frieza with a god of destruction reader
Also if anyone is wondering "Why a god reader tho", its because I feel like only a god or angel will be able to get away with the shit that I planned...or someone who is just super powerful that he knows he can't just kill out of anger xD
•°• FRIEZA x God!Reader •°•
+ SO. Imagine you are a bored as hell destruction god. You happened to spot Frieza at the Tournament of Power and were immediately like--"That. That one is my new play toy"
+ You bribed your Angel with some well deserved time off to get you to Universe 7 and aboard Frieza's ship. Disguising yourself as a member of the ship, you make your way to your target.
+ When you came in, unannounced and acting like you owned the place, BOY did he try to kill you. But after being unsuccessful, he knew something was up. "...Who exactly are you? And what do you want with me??" Little did he know that was a loaded question.
+ You reveal yourself as a destruction god from another universe and declare that he will be your new play thing. You would keep your identity secret from the others on the ship and in return would give him some training. Also...you would not be taking no for an answer.
+ Frieza begrudgingly agrees, seeing as he had no choice. They just wanted to stay on his ship to keep themselves amused and he got free training out of it. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
+ HE WAS WRONG. You were an absolute menace. You ordered him around like a servant, teased him 24/7, was ruthless during training and asked lewd personal questions about the location of his reproductive organs.
+ But weirdly enough, after a few months of this torture, Frieza was starting to get used to your presence. It wasn't until you had to return back to your own universe for a brief time that he realized something strange.
+ Frieza was nearly jumping for joy when he found out you were finally leaving for a while. But then after a day or two...it was almost too quiet? Did he actually miss you?? ABSOLUTELY PERPOSTEROUS.
+ That's what he told himself until the day he asked one of his crew to insult and make fun of him. Because they wouldn't and due to Frieza realizing what he had asked--the poor guy got vaporized (Gotta get rid of the evidence oops)
+ When you finally returned, you noticed something off about him. Although he had his usual scowl and was complaining about how things were so nice and quiet while you were gone...you felt something lightly wrap around your leg. It was his tail...almost like he missed you?? ...This was going to be more fun than you thought.
[NSFW Below -- I must.]
+ When you caught on that the all powerful Lord Frieza was catching feelings for you?? That was too cute. And you bet you were going to tease the ever living shit out of him.
+ It all came to a point when you were having a conversation with him and starting teasing him about whether or not he was a virgin. His lack of direct response told you all you needed to know. You crawled into his lap and began to wiggle around before whispering in his ear "...How about some extra training, hm??" He looked away in disgust, but the tail around your leg tightened. That's all you needed.
+ Once comfy in his chambers, you discovered a nice little slit opening up between his legs and what looked to be something poking out. You nearly pounced him after seeing that.
+ The sweet whimpers and noises Frieza made as you worked your fingers and tongue into him, easing his member out completely. Your praises of how beautiful he looked while you were making a mess of him edging him on even further.
+ Once he's good and ready, you begin to slowly lower yourself onto him before taking him all in one go, making him nearly choke on his breath. You ride him so hard that this man is seeing stars and turns into a babbling mess. Seeing him so undone for you feel absolutely amazing.
+ Overstimulation?? Of course. After he cums, you want him shuddering as you continue with your ministrations. You want to see those pretty red eyes rolling back into his head as he bites back his moans.
+ You best believe there will be a round two. Whether you have your own dick or your attaching one, you will be putting Friezas face into the bed and destroying that ass. Your only complaint was that all his sweet noises getting muffled by the bed. Regardless it was quite the show.
+ Even though you are usually mean to him, you would try to give him the best aftercare you could. He would be bitching the entire time on how you roughly manhandled him, but you knew he enjoyed himself. Needless to say, it would not be your last encounter like this...
[I'm so sorry this was so long--I've had this with me for a while okay xD]
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blossombriefs · 11 months ago
I understand if youre uncomfortable with it but would you be willing to do a few general or fluff hcs for frieza? Sorry I know youre not 100% comfortable with his character but ive read everything I can for him and still really want more
Fluffy Headcanons | Frieza Edition
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-I could see Frieza spoiling you. He would love to give you presents such as necklaces and rings. Treating you and buying gifts is his way of showing affection.
-Despite finding him cold, Frieza will always have you on his ship while he travels through the galaxy. You guys never settled but then again how could you both? Seeing new planets and places are one of the perks to your relationship.
-Dates do happen, maybe once in a blue moon but they definitely do. His ideal date is very formal, taking you out for dinners or nights away in hotels. Again, he has very lavish tastes.
-The only time you've seen Frieza nervous around you was when he was bringing you to meet his father and brother. You see him being held in very high regard in his family and he was anxious of what his family would think of him being with an earthling.
-I could see him having very soft, smooth hands. I could imagine that he hates PDA and physical touch but he always tries to push himself out his comfort zone and he starts to grow on holding your hand. Just not in front of the Frieza Force.
-He's very possessive over you. It borders on controlling but he does just have your best interest in mind. He wants you to be safe.
-he's slightly insecure about his size. Frieza may be ruthless but he does have his own insecurities. You always try to make him feel good about himself.
-The Frieza Force adore you as they find you sweet and friendly compared to Frieza. When he knows this though he does slightly try to show a little more mercy. He secretly tries to follow your example but can you truly expect him to change?
AN: I hope you liked this! Definitely didn't mind this request and it was very fun to do!
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karume-everything-else · 2 months ago
Hi how are you doing could I request the dbz piccolo, cell, frieza with a gem reader from Steven universe who turns out to be a diamond ?
Oooh fun!
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He doesn't press for details at all so you don't have to reveal anything until you want to
And even then he's good at hiding his shock, just not his excitement...
Mostly because it means neither of you have to worry about eating
Something he was a little upset about since you'd always decline his cooking (not that it was good but he thought he was improving for nothing)
Though the new height difference is a little off-putting at first, he needs a minute to get used to this
Though he does have a way to become equal size if he wants/needs to
Given that he has a large parcel of land (thanks to Mr. Satan and Gohan), so neither of you have to worry about size shifting from small gem to diamond, or reforming after being poofed
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He has limited knowledge of most things and doesn't really care that you're a diamond
Mostly because he's certain he can fight off others of your kind (debatable)
Though several other things make more sense now...
Like the soft glow you gave off, the fact you could stay as still as him for days on end, and the fact that you didn't need food...
In hindsight he should have known you weren't an earthling, or an organic being from the start
Though he does do quite a bit to help you take care of yourself and becomes very protective over you should you ever actually poof
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He knew you were a diamond from the minute he set eyes on you, he just pretended to not know since you were clearly hiding the fact for some reason of other
When you do tell him, he doesn't flinch or react much outside of explaining how he knew the whole time
He is constantly trying to help with your shining and buffing routines, wanting you to be as shiny/beautiful/cared for as possible
He has a massive upper deck built on the ship exclusively for you (and him of course) so you can be your true, diamond form
Though he does understand the mindset of hiding your true power/form as he did so for years (possibly centuries) until challenged by the Saiyans
Yet he doubts you'd have any such reason to stay in your diamond form constantly
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blackenedsnow · 3 months ago
Hey how are you doing could I request a yandere DBZ frieza x female reader x yandere frost, the reader is frieza s/o who came to the tournament of power to cheer him on but she has short vision and sees frost and confuses him with frieza and give him a passionate kiss, now she has to deal with an angry jealous frieza and a persistent wooing from a lovestruck frost?
cold-blooded rivalry
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WARNING: Yandere themes (obsession, jealousy, possessiveness), mild violence and threats
PAIRING: Frieza x Reader x Frost
NOTE: Hi! Thank you so much for this super fun request! Sending love your way, take care! <3
SUMMARY: Attending the Tournament of Power to support Frieza, your short-sighted mistake of confusing Frost for your partner sparks a jealous rage in one and a lovesick obsession in the other.
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The crowd’s roars echoed across the arena, deafening and chaotic. You squinted from your spot on the sidelines, shielding your eyes from the glaring light overhead. You weren’t about to miss Frieza’s glorious moments in the Tournament of Power, even if your eyesight left a lot to be desired.
And then you saw him. That sleek white body, the glint of armor-like purple, the graceful way he carried himself as he descended to the edge of the arena. Your heart swelled. Of course, that was Frieza. No one else moved with such effortless superiority.
You dashed toward him without hesitation, the din of the tournament fading into white noise. “Frieza!”
Before he could turn fully, you threw your arms around him and pressed a deep, passionate kiss to his lips. The smooth texture of his skin felt familiar, and his scent had the same cold, metallic sharpness you knew so well. You smiled against his lips as his body froze beneath you.
“Oh?,” came a voice. A voice that, while similar, was not quite… Frieza’s.
You pulled back in horror, your blurry vision focusing just enough to see a very confused Frost staring back at you, his crimson eyes wide but delighted.
“Oh, my stars,” he said, voice low and sultry. “I didn’t realize Frieza had someone so enchanting in his life. Perhaps fate is being kind to me today.”
Your blood ran cold. “You’re not Frieza.”
Frost tilted his head, a smirk curving his lips.
Before you could stammer an apology—or run—an unmistakable voice sliced through the moment like a blade.
“What. In. Hell. Do you think you’re doing?”
You turned to see Frieza, his golden transformation already gleaming dangerously. His scarlet eyes burned with fury, his lips curled into a snarl. The air around him crackled with power.
Frost, unfazed by the shift in atmosphere. “Ah, your companion here was just—”
“My companion,” Frieza hissed, advancing slowly. “Is mine. And you,” he snapped his tail, pointing at Frost, “had better remove your filthy lips from her memory before I erase you from existence.”
Frost chuckled, his demeanor still maddeningly calm. “Oh, but she kissed me, Frieza. A gesture of true passion, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Frost!” you cut in, voice panicked. “It was a mistake! I—I thought you were Frieza!”
Frost’s smirk only deepened. “Mistake or not, the sentiment was… exquisite. Perhaps you’re beginning to see there are others worth your affection.”
Frieza’s aura flared violently, the air around him heating with his barely restrained rage. “You overestimate your worth, Frost. She belongs to me, body and soul. I don’t share.”
“Oh, I’m not asking you to share,” Frost replied smoothly. “I’m simply stating that if she ever finds herself displeased with you, I’ll be here, waiting.”
Frieza snarled, his tail whipping dangerously close to Frost’s face.
“Wait! Stop!” you cried, stepping between them before Frieza could lunge. You looked at your partner, pleading. “Frieza, please. I’d never betray you. You know that, don’t you?”
Frieza’s eyes softened—barely—but his tone remained sharp. “Then do not give me reason to doubt you again, darling. If you so much as glance at that worm in a way I don’t like…” He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a venomous whisper. “You won’t like the consequences.”
Frost, meanwhile, gave a sly wave as Frieza dragged you away by the arm, his smile all too knowing.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Frost called after you. “We’ll see each other again soon. I’ll make sure of it.”
You sighed. The Tournament of Power was supposed to be exciting, but you hadn’t expected this level of chaos. Now you had to navigate Frieza’s jealous wrath and Frost’s relentless attention.
Something told you this was far from over.
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nolhann · 2 years ago
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“Ohohohohoh ! What’s wrong Y/N not what you expected ? Hmm ? You’re quite flustered now, do you want me to add more on your hand ? If you’re obedient you might get more than on your hands ~”
Hand holding got wrong.
Hey everyone, so has I said in a previous post currently I’m quite stressed and very anxious about many many things that are going on in my life…so to make those problems disappear for a moment I’m drawing stuff. So here you go, and yes I’m still working on the comic but let’s say the bleach community is taking more time and imagination for the moment…
Anyway hope you like those drawings of Frieza!
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cellsywellsy · 27 days ago
★Fanfics I've read that I love! ★
(The ones that I can remember.. (๑°⌓°๑) )
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By: Jax_Dax on Ao3
-Dragon Ball FighterZ
-Reader paired with Frieza
-67,126 Words
-29/29 Chapters
-Completed!! (˃ꌂ˂⁎)
This fanfic basically surrounded around the reader who was an old dragon ball fan when she was younger however that fact was never really accepted with the readers parents, so she ended up removing it with her life and followed her parents. One day she was really minding her own business until she started hearing voices around her house, next thing you know she wakes up in friezas body. (Mild description but I promise you it's good! 😭)
This was super good for what it was trying to get across, you could really feel that your really involved in the game and the author really found ways to get the reader included even more. The only problem that I would have to address is that there was some points where the reader and Frieza was missing some chemistry, but I feel like it was only because the author was afraid of making Frieza ooc which is totally understandable : ) I loved it regardless. I give it a good 8/10(ノ´∀`*)
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By: axolotlKitten on Ao3
-Dragon ball super (takes place after ToP)
-Reader paired with Cell
-77,394 Words
-26/? Chapters
- Not Completed(′へ`、)
In this story the reader has to take another route home because of the damage of the usual road she travels to. Later she gets lost and has no idea where to go!! That was until she was met with a huge figure on showing up on her headlights and realizes she almost hit something, it ends up being cell from all those years ago, still alive!? Hes weak,severely damaged and hurt, he needs help. These two end up making a deal, Cell helps her find her home in exchange of her home being a hiding place for him.
I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW AMAZING THIS FIC IS ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ )!!! This was my first cell/reader fic I've read and it's just amazing but not complete yet, however I wouldn't let it stop anyone from giving this a good read. The chemistry between the reader and cell is so freaking cute! It's my main inspiration from a fic I'm writing. The amount of butterfly's and drama, the romance!! Ugh so good easily a 10/10, just wish there was more (╥╯^╰╥)
Zed; The Last Thing I Expected
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By: ShaScotty23 on Ao3
-Dragon Ball AU
-Reader/OC paired with Cell
-204,358 Words
-41/41 Chapters
-Completed!!٩( ᐛ )و
Lemona is a regular woman living in the city in which, she hates. She one night goes on a walk, and on that walk she hears something unusual in the bushes, it's a overally grown weird alien bug(larval form cell). Who seems to be injured. She then came up with a bright idea to take him in and take care of him until he heals. However this decision would seem to change her life, at least in her perspective to be the last thing she expected.
This was certainly a fanfic! A wild and very entertaining ride of emotions that I binged read in one night. I feel like the only thing that bothers me is the fact that there is a lot of scenes that I shouldn't be reading 😭 however it's just overall a good story even with the..you know. Anyway I have nothing but positive things to say about this fic, this is an AU without goku and takes things a different way then what dragon ball z did originally with cell, cell actually has free will!! And to be honest I love that, this version of cell is named Zed and is preferably called that way. This used to be a fic I would avoid because it's an OC/cell but I later warmed up to it and accepted it for what it was and I'm so happy that I did!! I give it a good 9.5/10 (^^)
Silly Hats and Party Favors
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By: Nebrasska on Ao3
-Sonic the Hedgehog (All media types)
-Sonic paired with Shadow
-58,339 Words
-7/7 Chapters
-Completed!! (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
In this fic, shadow had broken something that was really precious to him, his motorcycle!! Rouge notices he's upset and comes up with a deal. Rouge would buy him a new motorcycle in exchange for him going to 5 different party's with her. And so, with tough consideration he accepted. Little did he know in every single one of those parties he would see a certain blue hedgehog.
This was actually The first Sonic fic I’ve read as well as Sonadow fic. It's so cute! And wholesome!! (●´∀`)ノ♡If your one who's into lighthearted fics with a nice slow burn romance I would 100% recommend this one (if you also like Sonadow..) I actually stumbled upon this one on a tumblr post community thing and I guess I was curious, one thing came after another and now its one of my favs ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡. I give this a good 9/10 because I'm still a bit unfamiliar with the sonic franchise. Other than that, adorable!!! 💖
I know theres so many that I love, like some in One piece, Demon slayer, alot more in Dragon Ball. But these were the ones that I remembered at the moment (。’▽’。)♡ (plesse recomend me more :3)
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loser-writings · 2 years ago
Frieza SFW Alphabet
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Notes: First post in 3 years lets go! Decided to go to my roots and hit the old SFW ABC prompt I used years ago
Synopsis: SFW Alphabet Prompt list with my take on Lord Frieza
Word count: ~2900
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Frieza is not one for affection, and you would be a fool if you had expected anything more than that honestly. Despite this, He has his moments that surprise you. His main form of affection is subtle and easily missed, especially if you let your fear and intimidation blind you.
He calls for you to join him. When he is alone and finds it too boring, or if his temper had seemingly flared just moments before, he will call for you. Most should be afraid if this is the case, but not for you, because at this point he just wants your presence to calm him or to just have a chat with. This is his form of affection and although it isn't much, it leaves him satisfied.
The more rare forms of affection appear when hes annoyed with you. If you fail a mission or fuck up, he would shoo the other staff away and claim he would be "Dealing with you" without watchers. Though you are not immune from the harsh words of the reptilian man, he is just as quick to slide something that sounds almost like a backhanded compliment. One moment he's scolding you because a mission went awry, but the next he says that he sent you on it because he expected more from you and to not let his minions drag you to their level.
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B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
This is a slippery slope for most people, and you would likely have to remain on your toes just like every other crewmate. If you seemed to climb up the ranks or proved yourself useful, you might gain his attention. He might interact with you a little to see if you squirm under his gaze, or watch you if a fight breaks out among crewmates just to see how you handle yourself. If all goes right, then you might get the chance to be a little closer to the man.
If that chance happens, You would be one of the few to see just how paranoid that man is. Yes, he is a man who is unbelievably powerful with a strength only few could rival, and yet you would see where his true danger comes from. A paranoia that runs so deep that he is on edge all of the time despite attempting to keep a calm front. Though you'll never be able to mention that to him unless you wanted to be killed where you stood.
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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It's an interesting predicament because Frieza cannot stand physical touch. He cringes, snarls at the thought, and just despises it. On the flip side, He enjoys any warmth that he can find because of his reptilian nature.
The only way he would cuddle up to you is if you were extremely warm, nobody was at risk of finding him in such a position, and he was a bit more drained than usual. He would have to initiate the touch, only being drawn in because of your heat, and he might curl up to take a nap. Any little sound would wake him though, and there is a mild risk he attacks you out of impulse but hey. For the moment it's nice.
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D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
No. He will not stop until he is as powerful as he can possibly be. He will not cook because he views it as peasant work, and he would only clean if he is distracting himself by doing other things. He is not a domestic man.
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E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Death probably. If you broke his trust or if he decided you were no longer useful to him, he would just get rid of you and end your life. That way he never has to worry about you betraying him or helping an enemy. It's the safest as well as an easy option in his mind.
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F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Frieza is not one to look towards marriage as a sign of love or affection. If you wanted to be married just because, he would deny it. The only way you could possibly marry Frieza is if it was in the form of a business deal. A way to benefit him through giving him something through your hand in marriage.
His father on the other hand would be thrilled to hear that he would be married, but that is truly about it.
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G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
If you break the mold and actually gain Friezas trust, you would actually be able to see that he can be gentle. The man is elegant and holds himself to a high standard. There is a beauty in knowing that your touch can demolish worlds, and yet his touch can be surprisingly delicate when he is calm.
Now when he is upset? His grip can break bones and he will tug you around if you aren't listening. His words can be cold and even cruel. He is not gentle when it comes to his speech as he has no reason to sugar coat anything.
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H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn't like hugs, but it's a similar deal with cuddling as well. He hates them and will not admit to liking them, until his face is buried in your body somewhere and hes clinging to you cause you're warm. The idea of being touched so casually makes his skin crawl but at the same time…he really likes the warmth.
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I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He likely wouldn't ever say it. The concept of love is something he has always been disgusting to him and has always been viewed by him as a useless weak spot. With that being said, the most I think he would say verbally is "I am fond of you" which is as close to love as that man will have.
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J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Frieza is a possessive man who doesn't like when other people play or try to toy with things he deems as his. Because of this, he is prone to being extremely jealous. He initially takes it out on you, accusing you of being unfaithful or being promiscuous but after some time of you proving your loyalty to him, he would instead turn this attention to others and take his wrath out on them.
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K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Friezas kisses come extremely few and far between. As a man who hates physical affection, the only time you'd find him kissing you is when his heat is right on the cusp of starting. During that time, he is more likely to engage in physical touch and affections to help relieve himself during that time. Typically he would end up smashing his lips against yours before whimpering against you all while his hands grip your armor tight. The kisses almost always start harsh and a bit sloppy only to melt into something a bit more gentle and needy.
Outside of those desire filled kisses, the only other time he would let you kiss him is when hes half asleep or cuddled up to you. If you're quick enough, you could plant a little peck to his lips and he wouldn't complain.
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L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn't do well with children. They don't listen, They destroy things, and they cry a lot. To him, Children are weak little annoying fleshbags of life that serve no purpose other than to annoy him.
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M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On the rare mornings where you wake up alongside him, you'll find him curled up on your chest since he craves your body heat. You'll have a hard time leaving since the reptilian man would grumble a demand that you stay for a moment since your warmth made him comfortable. After a bit of time, Frieza would wake up on his own and sit up, clearly not amused by having to be awake. That is how you discover that Frieza is not a morning person.
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N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Frieza typically are calm. He may call you to his chambers to discuss the day with you or talk about what the next day may hold, but after a while there is a chance that he would tell you to lock the door and stay for the night since he feels calmer in your presence. He might have tea made for you both so you can just relax and unwind. Rarely, itll result in Frieza cuddling into your body for warmth and falling asleep, but most nights you would both bid farewell once tea is done to rest on your own.
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O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Frieza is a man who only lets people know what they need to about himself. He lets his reputation do the majority of the speaking for him so when it comes to genuine discoveries about him, he is slow and cautious. It would take lots of time and trust for him to reveal how he truly feels about certain things or to know him past the surface level.
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P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
The man has some patience but it can be run thin quickly. He hates waiting for things when he wants it, and will make demands or be prone to having one of his meltdowns where people or things can be destroyed. Though his mood heavily determines this.
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Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Surprisingly, Frieza remembers a lot. The man listens to everything intently and would remember the little things, though he would brush it off by saying it's because he hates when people repeat themselves since it wastes his time. But the man would listen and be aware of what you said at all times.
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Though Frieza would never admit it out loud, I do think he would enjoy the very rare moments where he is cuddled into your arms just enjoying your warmth as he takes a nap. It's an oddly peaceful moment for him where he feels protected and doesn't have to be paranoid that somebody is trying to overthrow him or trying to kill him.
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S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He would protect you in ways that would be subtle. He would break up fights if you were involved and were being ganged up on, he would punish those who try to slander you, and he would go out of his way to ensure your safety on his ship. That being said, he also will not interfere if it becomes too commonplace or if its a minor skirmish.
As for larger battles, he would protect you if he didn't feel threatened personally. He would have to view you as an asset at this point and losing you to some goons would set him back. In the end though, he values his own life above all else so don't rely on him to sacrifice himself for you.
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T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates are something that he would not admit would happen, but there would be little moments where he would request your presence. He might pull you aside to share a meal as you both discuss things happening on the ship, or the next planet up for trade. He may request you join him as he goes to explore a new island because he trusts that you can hold your own alongside him if anything goes wrong, or that you would protect him if he doesn't want to get his hands dirty. They wouldn't exactly be high effort, but the fact he requested for you would be a lot for Frieza.
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U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He is very paranoid and can be accusatory. If he notices the smallest thing is off, he will get paranoid. At first, his questions seem like they're coming from a place of curiosity as he calmly asks you why something has happened, or about the new rumor he heard on the ship. If he thinks that you are lying or are hiding something, You can prepare for him to attempt to intimidate you, but after a while of knowing him though, you realize he is doing this as a way to protect himself.
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V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is EXTREMELY vain. He takes extreme care of himself and values his appearance greatly, especially in his final "true" form since it is something few have seen. He goes out of his way to ensure that he looks both intimidating as well as beautiful.
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W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Frieza has seen so many come and go in his life so I don't believe he would feel incomplete if you were gone or had died, but I do think every now and then he would think of you and sigh a little since you did make his life a little easier when you were there. It would be small and a rare thing to have happen, but he would miss you for a moment before going back to whatever he was doing.
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X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Frieza suffers from PTSD because of the Legend of the Super Saiyan becoming true in front of him, which he knew deep down meant his inevitable downfall. This lessens as time goes on, but after his death at the hands of Goku, he could be triggered and have a PTSD episode. This usually leaves him shaking, wide eyed, and struggling to remain composed. he would be more prone to attacking impulsively in an attempt to just destroy whatever is threatening him at that moment.
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Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't handle secrets well as he is too paranoid for his own good. If he believes you are being secretive or sly, he might approach it one of two ways. He will rather approach you and be upfront, asking you if you are hiding anything and if there is a reason why your behavior has been off, which is his way of giving you the opportunity to be truthful with him if you are misbehaving. Or, he will send spies to subtly watch and report back to him after your every move which may eventually lead to an explosive downfall on your end.
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Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Frieza sleeps on his stomach. His tail might sway a little in his sleep or wrap around something, but he always has to rest on his stomach. He also tends to find really warm areas to sleep in, so don't expect to be in long clothes anytime soon if you are resting with him.
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year ago
Are you still doing requests for your Halloween event? If so, could I request either (nsfw)Perfect Cell as a vicious and obsessive yandere hunting down a female/nonbinary reader because he’s decided he wants to keep them for himself or (sfw)Frieza bringing/dragging along a reader for trick or treating with his son Kuriza and to explain this weird Earth holiday to him (can be done with or w/o reader having a kid of their own)
Hopefully these requests are within the rules and they’re something you’re interested in writing. Thank you!
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✦✦Content: au. trick-or-treating, master and servant dynamic but only Frieza and Kuriza knows it ✦✦Warning: frieza, that's the warning. ✦✦A/N: I know very little about Kuriza so I hope this is still enjoyable!
“You’re blending in nicely.”
 You commented with a little chuckle. In an instance of mellow and fun exchanges, the formalities were lost and the difference in power seemed so trivial. Yet, the intense red stare alone quickly corrected you, reminding you who you were speaking to. You straightened up, “–Er, M-My Lord. By that I mean, you seem to be enjoying yourself more than Kuriza.”
Frieza answered with a chuckle of his own, black lips spreading into a soft, indulgent grin. “Oh yes, I suppose. These festivities aren’t entirely as demeaning as I presumed. Naturally, I would be lavished and provided tribute for my presence, even if it is something as unelegant as your earthling confectionery. Tribute is tribute…” He quickly enunciated as he ran his fingers through the pile of candy filling the small pail you were ordered to carry. As underwhelmed as he tried to seem, there was a sense of joy at the way he admired the many colorfully wrapped rewards for him simply existing in the presence of those truly beneath him. 
“I should suffer nothing less than what is rightfully owed to me from this...” He pauses for a moment, turning his head to you. “What is it you call this festival again?”
“Halloween.” You nodded, pursing your lips for a moment as you mulled over your thoughts and continued to speak. “Your tribute, though… is because…well, actually, it doesn’t matter.” You dismissed the thought with a sheepish shrug and brief laugh. “Nothing important, Lord Frieza.” You certainly wouldn’t be the one to ruin a perfectly nice outing by telling him he got so much candy because of his height and fancy “costume”. No need to get the Earth destroyed. “But can I ask why you’re so interested in an Earth holiday?”
It was then a smaller being hijacked your shoulders in a surprise attack, almost knocking you off balance and into the Galactic Emperor, stopped by his tail angled out as a painful “safety net” in your sternum. “Hiyah, mule! To the next set of village homes!” Kuriza excitedly commanded with a hand on your head and his smaller tail beating at the back of your shoulder. Candy fell out of his trick-or-treat bucket at the slightest movement from being filled to capacity. And still, more was desired. Perhaps more than a neighborhood’s worth.
“Yes, let us move on. I’d very much like to hasten this time among the earthlings towards its end before they become too friendly..” Frieza slowly began to walk forward, poised with his hands behind his back, leaving you to nurse the ache in your chest and try to keep up at Kuriza’s demanding tug of your hair. “We shall grace the earthlings for their Halloween offerings a tad longer and then be on our way, Kuriza.” Lest the infestation of saiyans catch wind and seek to become an obstacle to their treat gathering.
“Exactly…how much longer?” You muttered through your teeth, fighting to keep composure and patience.
“Until Uncle Cooler arrives!” The excited little one proclaimed.
“What?!” Both you and Frieza react in shock, Frieza whipping around to face the two of you with wide eyes. 
“You told my brother to come here?!” He quickly spat out, a bitter tremble shaking in the wave of his tail. “For what purpose?”
“So he can Trick-or-Treat with us, Papa! I sent him our coordinates before we landed.” Kuriza smiled. He leaps from your shoulder landing in front of his father. “Shouldn’t the Earth honor our entire family with their offerings of treats? We can always turn the whole planet to ashes if they disrespect us again. We could do it together!”
“As enjoyable as it would be to see this planet turned to dust in the void of space, even I know it wouldn’t be a simple task with the saiyans and their spawns here. There’s also the fact Lord Beerus frequents this particular planet. If it suddenly disappeared and he discovered it was because of us, his wrath would know no bounds! Is that what you want?” The scolding in Frieza’s tone cleared the smile away from Kuriza who started to shrink away from him, backing up into your leg. You didn’t react right away, you yourself froze at being caught in the path of his raised tone.
Frieza’s eyes glanced between the two of you and your frightful stares. He recomposed himself, an audible huff before he cleared his throat and turned his back to you both.
“Shall we proceed?” He calmly brushed off the tension and started walking again. You hear a small sound leave Kuriza as a soft visible tremble in his shoulders sends you into action without thought. You lift him under his arms and hold him on your hip, the small bead of tears in his eyes quickly wiped away by his hands as he fixed his face into a fussy pout, but it only made you smile at him reassuringly.
“At least Frieza and Cooler will play nice as long as Beerus is around, right? More candy for you!” You pointed out to him, lightly nudging his cheek with your fist and giving him a knowing wink. Kuriza gives your words thought and his smile returns, giving you a nod.
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Is not the darkness sweet ?
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reiketsunomizunomegami · 2 years ago
DBZ boys react to their s/o slapping them playfully
Warning: Fluff, SFW
Feat: Goku, Beerus, Frieza, and Whis
Son Goku
-A Little Shocked by your Sudden action and ask you “Uh Y/N? Why did you do that?” In a very Confused Tone
-and if you laugh it off saying that it was just only a habit of yours Goku will just laugh it out and give your head a pat “That's Quite odd habit of yours Y/N~Chan”
Lord Beerus
-Like Goku he'll be also shocked when you that especially when both of you were having a good time together
-Beerus will stare at you “Why did you that???” He ask and if you laugh there are two scenarios that may happens to you first he will Blow your brains our ir Second he will just let it slide because he loves you more than anything
-and When you apologise and tell him that it was just a strange habit of yours Beerus will just give you a scoff and tells you to (its okay to) not do it again
-Stunned as f when you do that
-Frieza will give you a wtf look while he cross his arms up to his chest “ohohohoho You got the nerves now y/n~chan” He will amusingly stare at you until you embarrassingly Avert your eyes away
-This Tyrannical Emperor will cage you between into his strong arms “Forgive me Lord Frieza I didn't mean.. It was just some sort of a weird habit of mine when I'm excited or Happy” After you explain everything to him Frieza will pinch your cheek and tells you that he knows because he noticed of how you slap his Subordinates when you're excited about something (Poor Zarbon and Ginyu Forces)
-Like Goku and Frieza. Whis actually does not mind it at all therfore he'll be a little bit shocked about your Action
-He will ask you why did you do it and when you tell him that it was just your odd habit he will be just like “Ok” and “That's Odd but cute” Before making his way towards the food that you had prepared for him
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bones4thecats · 5 months ago
➸ Bad Blood; Dragon Ball × Saiyan! S/O
Characters: Frieza A/N: Reader's Outfit and Veil. This took me so gosh darn long to do. I might do a second part, not sure though. Just enjoy for now! ➥ Summary: After the betrayal of your brother, Vegeta, you dedicated your life to serving your lord. And once he was brought back years later, nobody expected the reunion's ending.
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╚═════ Frieza ════════════════════════════════╝
🏔️ You and your squad had done it. You demolished another planet in the name of King Cold and the Saiyan race. As the rest of your team stood a ways away from you, you looked down at where the inhabitants of the world once were
🏔️ Their homes were nothing but dust and ash from your deadly ki blasts. And honestly. You felt nothing but pleasure from the destruction of the people. Was it horrible? Yes. Did you care? No.
🏔️ This was something you were raised to do without any faults, so your emotional range on this was low. It was like whenever a scammer were to trick someone. It was in their nature, their blood
"Princess Y/N, it's about your father."
🏔️ Looking back, you saw one of the Saiyans looking at you. His fingers were still placed on their scouter as they listened in. He ran up to you and panted worriedly
"What is it?" You asked.
"The Frieza Force notified us that a meteor collided with Planet Vegeta. The... world has been destroyed. There are no survivors."
🏔️ You hummed, looking back at the destruction. Of course, you were upset that your planet was destroyed. But, why in the name of King Cold did your people not try stopping it? Honestly, the Saiyans could be quite simple-minded
"Princess Y/N, what should we do?" The low-class warrior asked.
"What a foolish question." You criticized. "Contact with the Frieza Force's central unit. Tell them that we are on our way to their coordinates to speak with Lord Frieza himself. Do not take no for an answer. Unless you want to be as dead as these beings."
"Y-yes, Princess."
🏔️ You scoffed and walked away, the warrior following you as you called for the rest of your group to head back to the ship and leave this planet to dust. They all followed you as you walked inside the device and sat at the chair, bellowing orders for them to follow to get back
"Princess. If you don't mind me asking. What are you going to speak to Lord Frieza about?" Another Saiyan asked.
"That is for me to know and you to not." You answered coldly.
"Yes, ma'am."
🏔️ Handing the controls over to your bodyguard, you stepped on the edge of the ship's exit. You groaned and pushed the two warriors out, beckoning the one young female to hold your hand and fly down
🏔️ She smiled as you both landed, keeping her grip on your hand as you walked down the hallways and towards Frieza's throne room. The other warriors ended up leaving to check on any injuries they got from the battle, and you handed the young one to one of your other allies
"If I find a cut on her that I have not seen yet, I shall have your head. Understood?"
"Yes, Princess."
🏔️ Rolling your eyes and knocking on the door, you could hear the few leaders of the Force inside. You then heard Frieza yell for whomever it was to come in
🏔️ You did as he ordered. Opening the door and closing it behind you, you looked up at the Emperor as he turned his chair around. He looked down at you and smirked. It was obvious he knew what you were here for
"Kikono, Berryblue, you may leave us."
🏔️ Berryblue and Kikono looked at their leader and nodded. Kikono looked visibly nervous while Berryblue was far more content, even carrying her normal, calming smile. As they walked past you, you nodded, making Kikono do the same and Berryblue to smile gentler at you
🏔️ Despite your race being held for your aggressiveness and tendency to not think, you were the opposite. You thought before you acted, and while, yes, you had moments of rage, these were few and far between unlike your fellow Saiyans
"Now, Y/N. I suppose you're hear to hear the rest of the details on your planet."
"On the contrary, my Lord. I would like to know where my younger brother, Vegeta, is located. If that is alright for you."
🏔️ Frieza's eyes slightly widened. He expected you to be dedicated to knowing every detail on how your planet died and what exactly caused it. So, hearing you push everyone else aside for that little brat you called your brother surprised him slightly
"He is on his way. Apparently, his group decided to not follow my orders."
"The arrogance my younger brother carries surpasses my father's, no doubt. I'm sure he has a respectable reasoning for this, Lord Frieza."
"He better. Is there anything else you would like to be informed in?" He questioned.
"No. That was all I needed. Thank you, my Lord."
"It is of no problem, Princess Y/N. You may leave."
"Have a good rest of your day, Lord Frieza."
"...You as well."
══✿══╡ Years Later...
🏔️ It was over fifteen years later that you came back into contact with Vegeta. He had done a lot of things in the matter of those years. He had not only betrayed the Frieza Force, but he had even gone as far as to attempt to kill Frieza. How despicable
🏔️ While Vegeta's attempts were futile, another Saiyan survivor, Son Goku, had managed to kill him. You were still on his ship when it happened, and hearing the news of the Ginyu Force being destroyed was enough to overhwhelm your thoughts, but Vegeta and Frieza dying just made you snap
🏔️ As Frieza was deceased, you helped rule the Frieza Force. You were his most-trusted member of the Force, and he seemed to like being around you, so everyone voted you in to be their leader until they managed to find a way for Frieza to return
🏔️ You held this position for a long time, nearly fourteen years, until you were notified by Sorbet that they managed to get Frieza's soul back with some body parts and he was currently being fully-regenerated in the Medical Machine a few halls away
🏔️ Nodding and telling him to call you once he was fully-healed, you got back to your work. Managing this Force was hard, you wondered how Frieza managed to handle it all by himself when he was so young. At least, for his species
🏔️ Sorbet eventually came back, he told you Frieza was nearly done and asked if you wanted to be there when it was time to let him back out. You just waved him off and said you'd be there soon, you needed to finish some paperwork first
🏔️ He nodded and walked back to where the Medical Machine was while you worked. It was after you organized the files back the way Frieza liked it, and had it, all those years ago. Thankfully, your memory was one of the best in the Universe
🏔️ You grabbed your veil and propped it onto your head. Standing up and walking away, you saw the once-young Saiyan female you raised and smiled at her. She did so back and skipped off to give some paperwork you signed earlier to a pod for another planet's royalty to look over
🏔️ It was when you were just up the hall that you heard the voices of Sorbet and... Frieza. How remarkable. The machine did work
🏔️ Chuckling as you finally met the doorway, you tapped in the code and allowed it to open. This sound alerted the attention of all in the room. Specifically, Sorbet and your previous leader
"Well, well. My Lord, you have been revived. Impressive work, Sorbet." You said.
🏔️ Frieza's eyes slightly widened at the sight of you. When he last saw you, you had the normal messy hair that any Saiyan would have. Now, you had longer, well-kept hair. You also wore skin-tight battle-armor. It had two gems on the hands that shined in the light where you stepped
🏔️ He looked at you up and down and cocked his 'eyebrow' before asking
"Princess Y/N of the Saiyans? Is that you?"
"You would be correct, Lord Frieza. I'm truly surprised you recognized me after such a lengthy time away."
"Well, it is hard to not remember a monkey."
🏔️ You chuckled, not taking any offense. Your tail lightly swayed before wrapping around your waist to relax. Frieza's merely swung around like there was nobody around, almost matching your own's actions to the dot
"I suppose that is true, my Lord."
"Hm. I also seem to remember your honesty, Y/N. Do tell, who has been leading the Frieza Force since my unfortunate departure?" He asked.
"That would be a partnership of myself and Commander Sorbet. He and some men have been handling the technological advancements of the Force. I, in the meanwhile, have been leading the conflicts and any kind of fights that have erupted. With this duet, the Force had grown slightly. Though, we have lost some men. Mostly ones from your days of leading."
🏔️ Frieza hummed again, walking up to you. He then looked into your eyes, his narrowing slightly to make you flinch. You just smiled down at him, making him back off, knowing you were being fully honest with him. Looking back at Sorbet, he nodded, making him slightly calm down
"Now, Y/N. You have been working as a little informant since your first days of being in the Force. So, do tell, has the Saiyan Goku grown as strong as Sorbet has said?"
"Yes, he has. But, so have the rest of the Z Fighters. Even Vegeta has grown stronger. Last I knew, he was training to become a Super Saiyan. It is highly possible that he has met that and surpassed that transformation, much like Goku."
"Vegeta? Oh, yes, your younger brother. I wonder how he reacted to you staying with the Force."
"He was far from amused, my Lord. But, who is?" You joked.
"Well, then they have grown to be mightier than I have dared to dream. This could be most salubrious for me."
🏔️ You could hear Sorbet make a noise of confusion from behind the Emperor, and you just kept your calm expression as he questioned him
"I'm not sure I know that word, sir." He said.
🏔️ Frieza gritted his teeth slightly and frowned. This man was starting to get on his nerves
"If I may explain, my Lord." Frieza nodded after you finished your question and you looked back at the shorter male and answered him.
"It means being beneficial to someone's health and well-being, Commander."
"Yes. And what could be more salubrious for a conqueror than the motivation to become so strong he's never dethroned again?"
"Uhm, as you say, my Lord." Sorbet replied nervously.
🏔️ You then noticed Frieza rise into the air, an energy-made aura appearing around him. It glowed a purple-pink, which made your eyes shine in admiration. He was strong, stronger than anyone you had ever met in your life. And you know what they say about Saiyans; they like strong people
"I've never trained a day in my life. There was never a need. Imagine what could happen if unlock my latent potential."
"Hold on! You mean, you could get stronger? Stronger than your final form?!"
'Well, of course he can, Sorbet. This is our Lord Frieza we're speaking of."
"Exactly. Now shut your gaping mouth so I can concentrate. If I train in earnest for the next four months... yes. I could reach a power level of 1.3 million!"
🏔️ The energy flowed off of Frieza in massive waves. And while the others all cowered in fear from him, you stood and smiled. It was as if you were at one of those Earthly art museum things that you heard one speak of. Frieza was the art and you were the person attempting to interpret everything about him. From his strength to the way he spoke so beautifully despite his flaws. Oh, how you missed your tyrannical love
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teenandbeyond · 2 years ago
Hiiii, Can I request for the Frieza family when the human reader get a little bit tipsy/drunk?
Frieza Fam x DrUnK. Human Reader
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About time I get a drunk request.
Want more from me? MASTERlist.
🧊Let Loose🧊 (DBZ or Dragon Ball Z)
Warning(s): Drunken-ness, short
And this is why you asked your ice jin to not let you get drunk...
"[Name]? Are you alright?"
"Wuuuh? Yeeah, a-OKAY!"
You were not.
First you were quiet
Then you were quietly crying
"What saddens you, my dear?"
"I-We-You're so preeety. Why are you so pretty... it's not-it's not faaaair," you whined with a sob, forehead smacking against the table.
Frieza didn't know whether to be concerned or flustered. Both?
The next stage was depression
"I must escape my despair. Can you drown from whiskey?" you asked yourself blankly.
Then you were happy as could be.
"Frieza, look! A butterflyyyyy!"
"That's a chandelier, darling," he chuckled.
"But-but it looks like a butterfly...Frieza can we get a butterfly? I really, really want one."
Consider it done, you spoiled brat.
And from happiness, you become flirtatious.
Your hand brushes up his arm, "I'd love to see these arms caged around me. Are you single?"
He couldn't help but smirk past his blush, "No, I'm quite taken I'm afraid."
"Are they-hic-Are they cute?"
"Very, the cutest."
"I guess I have no chance then, woe is me!" you sigh dramatically.
And the last stage, you fall asleep, cuddled into your ice jin.
A shame you were too intoxicated to feel the kiss brush your temple.
King Cold
You were much more flirtatious than usual
Bold enough to say the things you wouldn't usually
You tried to cooly lean against the table but fell, you quickly got back up and played it off. Smooth for a drunk.
"Hey handsome, aside from being this good-looking, what else do you do in your free time?"
And he'll happily flirt back in amusement.
"I’d like to take you to the movies, but they don’t let you bring in your own snacks," you grip his thighs as you lean in.
He quite liked you like this, he had to admit.
"Neither of us would be able to attend if that were the case."
Somehow you ended up in his lap, brushing your fingers up and down his horns.
"If you let me borrow a kiss, I promise I’ll give it right back."
"That sounds like a deal."
You traded sloppy kisses until you grew tired and decided to take a snooze.
He couldn't promise to not let you get drunk again. You were quite amusing.
Usually, you were more on the serious side, so it was nice to see you let loose.
"Hey, Cooler, let's dance!" you giggled.
No one was looking, so maybe a little dancing would be okay.
"But I don't know how."
"I'll teach you!"
Your teaching skills were a little sloppy drunk, but he got the point.
Swaying with you made him feel like he was in a different world
Your laughter filled the room.
That was all the music he needed.
You catch him staring at some point through your drunken haze
"I want to kiss you."
"Do it then, coward," you tease.
Cooler isn't one to challenge.
Though the unexpected softness of his kiss almost stunned you out of your intoxication.
"I adore you..."
"And I want you to do that again."
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faeble-drabbles · 8 months ago
•Fandoms I Will Write•
!!Currently Closed!!
So I want to keep this a blog where I write things for fandoms that don't get much love or characters/pairings that need more love.
Under each I highlight things id love to write but don't be discouraged to ask if it's not listed under the fandom you want to request!
PLEASE READ MY OTHER POST FIRST! It says everything I'm okay and not okay with.
•°• Dragon Ball Z / Super •°•
+ I NEED more poly Vegeta x Reader x Bulma in my life. Same with Goku and Chi Chi
+ I also need more sub Frieza. Specifically a scenario of a God of destruction reader making him a sub 👀
+ Raditz my sweet baby needs more love too. AU where he gets a second chance like Vegeta.
•°• Hunter x Hunter •°•
+ NGL Mostly gonna write about the Spiders / Phantom Troupe 👀
+ I will love you FOREVER if you request Franklin x Reader.
+ I will only accept Feitan x Reader if the reader is just as unhinged as he is
+ Nobunaga, my sweet palm tree needs love too
+ Non-Spider wise, love me some daddy Morel
+ Uvo is a big teddy bear and is fun to write
•°• Yu Yu Hakusho •°•
+ My childhood and it needs more love
+ Who else needs love? My Irish wind goblin, Jin
+ All of the boys and girls need love Especially Yusuke needs a new s/o
•°• Pokemon •°•
+ No Pokephillia here and leave the kids out
+ Most of my favorites are from Sword and Shield. My trio Leon, Piers and Raihan. Want poly with those? Abso-fucking-lutely
+ I also simp hard for Guzma and Nanu
•°• Gorillaz •°•
+ Ace was only a temp member, but I will LOVE request involving him
+ All of them need some good lovin
+ Even stinky Murdoc
•°• Gravity Falls •°•
+ My guilty pleasure
+ Stan and Ford are absolute GILFs
+ Probably won't write for any other characters
+ I have ideas and you will see them
**List will probably be updated as I go**
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blossombriefs · 1 year ago
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🩷Full-Length Stories:
Legendary (Broly) - ONGOING
🩷One Shots:
Noodles (Goku) - SFW Agora Hills (Goku) - NSFW [18+] Chateau (Vegeta) - NSFW [18+]
Goku Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Vegeta Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Broly Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Gohan Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Raditz Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Future Trunks Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Goku Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+] Vegeta Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+] Raditz Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+] Broly Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+]
Frieza Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Broly x Short Reader Headcanons - SFW Thaw This Frozen Heart (Frieza) (One Shot) - SFW
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karume-everything-else · 3 months ago
Hi how are you doing could I request Dbz cooler,Frieza, and cell with an s/o who sacrifice their life for them after pushing them out the way the last minute when they were about to be killed
Ooooh angst, we love to see it <3
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It takes him a second to realize what just happened, how ANYONE could push him
Then it hits him all at once
His unbridled rage is an indomitable force to be reckoned with
Though he doesn't know how to heal with his ki as well as some of his crew, it doesn't stop him trying after whatever/whoever killed you has been dealt with
In his bargaining and anger, he goes after anyone and everyone who was on planet at the time
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He blames himself more than anything as your blood stains his armor
He knows he was too cocky and that's why you shoved him out of the way of death, taking his place
Though he refuses to let things end so simply, even if he has to literally build you as an android... he will
His anger turns inward until he gets you back, though not without a(n un)healthy dose of lashing out at his crew
And whatever planet, whoever was around (or unable to make it to the ship in time) was completely obliterated before leaving the area
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He doesn't know what to think at first, it's unfathomable for anything to fully kill him so why would he ever need to dodge or be saved in the first place
So why would you think that way and put yourself in needless danger?
His disbelief and anger have nowhere to go, blaming himself, blaming you, blaming his enemy
There is just this numb, emptiness that he can't process as he mindlessly fires off ki blasts all around
The only thing he can do is preserve whatever is left of you, possibly to recreate you as an android akin to 16, 17, and 18
But until then he just keeps your remains safe and tucked away from anyone and everyone as he figures out what to do next
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