#frieza fanfic
undertheravenswings · 30 days
Very early morning fanfic rambling-
So I have had the idea for a really silly and kinda sad DB fic. It’s especially just an alternate timeline of the main.
The whole thing is especially about freeza & cooler reconnecting after freeza being dead for essentially 16 years - at least if my math is right-
And them kinda realizing that actually don’t hate each other guts completely. And most of their hatred for each other was instigated by their father - intentionally or not-and they actually joined focus to become the biggest problem that universe 7 has ever fucking seen!
Most of the stories kinda start right after the broly movie-2018- freeza sents cooler off to earth to search for a McGuffin of some sorts - I work out what it is at some point-
And ends up finding something way better. A 5’5 theft whom seemingly was able to got toe to toe with him men. So of course once he knocks him out in like one little tap - because it’s fucking cooler- ends up taking him back to his brother as a new toy/weapon 
And at this point it just becomes a weird mix of these two brothers healing and learning how to actually be a normalish family with their new little pet whom freeza is borderline obsessed with but no one really checks him on that because once again it’s Freeza.
Their of course waaay more then that but for now that’s all I shall bore you with!! Have a wonderful day my fellow tumblr users XD
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blossombriefs · 6 months
I understand if youre uncomfortable with it but would you be willing to do a few general or fluff hcs for frieza? Sorry I know youre not 100% comfortable with his character but ive read everything I can for him and still really want more
Fluffy Headcanons | Frieza Edition
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-I could see Frieza spoiling you. He would love to give you presents such as necklaces and rings. Treating you and buying gifts is his way of showing affection.
-Despite finding him cold, Frieza will always have you on his ship while he travels through the galaxy. You guys never settled but then again how could you both? Seeing new planets and places are one of the perks to your relationship.
-Dates do happen, maybe once in a blue moon but they definitely do. His ideal date is very formal, taking you out for dinners or nights away in hotels. Again, he has very lavish tastes.
-The only time you've seen Frieza nervous around you was when he was bringing you to meet his father and brother. You see him being held in very high regard in his family and he was anxious of what his family would think of him being with an earthling.
-I could see him having very soft, smooth hands. I could imagine that he hates PDA and physical touch but he always tries to push himself out his comfort zone and he starts to grow on holding your hand. Just not in front of the Frieza Force.
-He's very possessive over you. It borders on controlling but he does just have your best interest in mind. He wants you to be safe.
-he's slightly insecure about his size. Frieza may be ruthless but he does have his own insecurities. You always try to make him feel good about himself.
-The Frieza Force adore you as they find you sweet and friendly compared to Frieza. When he knows this though he does slightly try to show a little more mercy. He secretly tries to follow your example but can you truly expect him to change?
AN: I hope you liked this! Definitely didn't mind this request and it was very fun to do!
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amelheth · 5 months
Bad Boys
Goku haters kidnapping Shin to keep catnip away.
I really hope there was a fanfic about these 5.
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Frieza being owner of car and annoyed leader of gang. Sassy, likes nice shiny stuff, can be a b@#h, is a sniper of group.
Zamasu, self centered second leader of group. Often go forehead to forehead with Frieza on decisions. Is the heavy support of group. Likes peaceful tea parties and clean freak.
Broly, ignorant beefcake that usually ignores orders if they are too complex. Likes wrestling and is a sadist. Muscles and raw power of group. Hates wearing a shirt so is bare chested.
Pilaf, brains of group, one to strategize or build stuff that is broken. Often pushed around by leaders, but Broly likes him for being silly. Likes comfiness and usually evades battles.
Shin, the prisoner of group, usually doesnt care that he is kidnapped and usually cuffed. Criticizes group actions but geniunely can advice and help em with internal turmoil and problems. Ends up becoming unofficial part of group cuz others like and cares for him.
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vegetashouse · 5 months
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it’s been a tough day
why not try…. blowing off steam?
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zaphiregz · 9 months
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Second part of the other pic
This is after their training session, was supossed to be a lil quality time only with ya' and the Cell Jrs but Frieza also joined cuz' he wanted your attention too.
Junior once again is so done with his presence, at this point at least he tolerates it better.
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rumblebat · 11 months
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Cell & Frieza were the winners of the poll!! You folks sure know how to pick them! >;3c Please enjoy the story, mind the CW’s, and read at your own risk.
rating: [MA-X] - for a mature audience cw: smut/(n)sfw, threesome, language, slight dub-con, implied fem reader (with gn pronouns), lack of protection, slight breeding kink, frieza reverts back to his 2nd form word count: 2,584
sneak peek: "If you wish to be treated like a slut, so be it, but don't say we didn't warn you..little one.~"
x (you are here) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
You sat on the couch, sighing and looking around at the other guests at the party. You were invited by Zarbon to join in on the fun. It wasn't like he wanted to invite you, it seemed more like a pity invite. Your eyes rolled as you watched the guest have their fun.
"Why am I even here...?" You mumbled to yourself, leaning back in your seat. The spot next to you filled, causing you to look over. The Lord and Empire of the Universe himself sat beside you. 'What the hell is Lord Frieza doing here?!'. You blinked and looked at him as he drank from his cup.
"Not much of a party person, are you (y/n)?" Frieza asked, looking into his cup. You stared at him. He turned his head, his piercing red eyes looked back at you. "Well?"
You quickly looked away and nodded your head. He was right, you weren't much of a "party person". All you did was do your work, keep your head down, and go back to your quarters to repeat the next day. Frieza watched your body language and chuckled to himself.
"My, aren't you a nervous one? Don't worry, unwind a little. It is a party after all. Not a party for me, but you should still have fun." He hummed and took another sip. You nodded your head and looked back at him. Before you could ask a question, a large shadow loomed over you both.
Frieza's eyes looked up. His nose scrunched at the figure in front of you both. "Cell…" He choked out in disgust, "And what do I owe the unplease..?" The figure chuckled deeply. "No pleasure at all? That's a little rude of you, Frieza?" You looked up, nearly hurting your neck. The figure was an odd one. He looked like a large cicada but had a gorgeous face and pale hands. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him, and he noticed. Cell crouched down and took your hand, gently kissing it. "Well, are you cute enough to eat.." He purred, "I'm Perfect Cell, little one…but you can just call me Cell." He said, his charming yet deep voice almost threw you into a trance.
Frieza clicked his tongue, clearing his throat. "This is my acquaintance that works for me, (y/n). Isn't that right?" You nod, not losing eye contact with Cell. His deep, hungry gaze switched over from you to Frieza. "Oh? And how come they couldn't say their own name??" Cell questioned the smaller tyrant. Frieza smirked, nearly wanting to rip Cell apart. "Maybe if you stop staring at my workers like some kind of five-course meal, they can speak." Cell laughed and nodded his head. "You think that's the reason? Fine." He looked back at you and smiled, "Tell me your name, little one."
You looked at him then back at Frieza. His face was covered in hidden anger. "Go on. Anwser the rouch." Cell growled at the insult, but then quickly changed back to his charming self. "Um…I'm (y/n)." You answered with a warm smile. Cell chuckled and gently rubbed your cheek. "There we go..~" Your breath nearly got stuck in your throat. Frieza leaned over and swatted his hand away. "Enough of that, Cell. Don't you have more people to absorb?" He hissed. Cell chuckled and grabbed your wrist, "Sure, you could say that…and thanks to you, I found the next person I want to taste." He said, looking at you. Quickly, Cell stood up and looked in the direction of Zarbon. "Hey, Zar. I found my closet buddy!" You were completely lost. Closet buddy?
Zarbon walked over and looked down at you, his towering figure along with Cell's was something truly beautiful to look at. Zarbon's face changed and looked at Cell, "Them? Really?" Cell proudly nodded and held you up by your wrist. "Why yes. Is there a problem?" Zarbon scoffed and shook his head, "Of course not… just didn't take you as the type of person to be into lower life forms. You are a kinky bastard." He softly pushed Cell, causing him to chuckle too. "Now, make your way to the closet -" Before Zarbon could finish his sentence, Frieza shot up from his seat. "You aren't taking them, without me!" Cell and Zarbon both looked down at the tyrant. Zarbon was shocked and nearly dropped to the floor. "My Lord, are you…are you serious about this?" Frieza grabbed your other hand and held it up. "I was going to have them in the closet with me when it was my turn. If Cell takes them now, I want them as well." Cell rolled his eyes and huffed. Zarbon looked at all three of you, nodding his head. Of course, he couldn't say no to his boss.
With all the fighting slightly subsiding, Zarbon leads you and the other two to a large closet. "Seven minutes is all you have. Not a minute over…unless Lord Frieza says so." Zarbon nodded down at the smaller alien. Cell nodded quickly and shoved you into the closet. "Yes, yes. Unless the purple brat says otherwise. We get it, now let's get a move on. I'm hungry…~" He hummed, ducking into the closet. His ominous chuckle slightly echos. Frieza cringed at his disgusting wording and sighed. "Zarbon, if I knock twice before the time is up. Open the door." Zarbon blinked and slowly nodded, not understanding the meaning of that.
In the closet, you sat on the floor. Once the door closed, everything was eerily quiet and dark. You looked around, catching a glimpse of Cell's and Frieza's eyes. They both looked at each other, but Cell's was the one that moved closer to you. He held you up and pinned you to the wall, leaning over to gently place soft kisses around your neck. He wasted no time. You, on the other hand, tried to push him away. This was happening way too fast. You grunted and gasped, moaned, and begged for him to slow down. He only chuckled and exhaled against your skin causing you to shudder.
"Frieza never told me you smelled so good when you're scared…~ But there is no reason for that, I won't hurt you or do anything to harm you unless you want me to…~ I'm here to only have fun.~" He growled in his chest, feeling a strong hand touch his shoulder. Once he turned his head, the figure behind him didn't look like Frieza. It looked more like his father, but it was Frieza; just his second form. "You're enjoying yourself too much. You'll ruin your appetite that way.." Frieza's deeper voice shocked you both. Cell smirked and chuckled at the sentence. "Fine, then come and share this with me." Frieza scoffed at the proposal and pulled you away from the wall. Gently placing you against his bigger and broader chest.
Cell continued to kiss along your neck, gently grinding up against you. Your head started to feel light and you nearly yelped when Cell bites down. Frieza growled at this, slowly guiding his hands to your chest. You mewled out, trying to keep quiet. Frieza leaned over to kiss the shell of your ear, "You don't have to be quiet. If they hear you, I'll deal with them…~" He huffed, licking along your ear. You nodded and started to moan softly. Cell looked over at Frieza, who had the same idea in mind. They both nodded and laid you on the ground.
You opened your eyes and looked up, seeing both of these large figures towering over you. You felt so small, weak…yet, you wanted to have both of them. "H-hurry up.." You said softly. They both looked down at you, their eyes seeming to glow brighter once you said that. "I want to..keep going." Cell crouched down to you and cocked his head to the side. "Well, aren't you impatient? Fine, we'll get on with it. Frieza?" He said, looking back up at the larger alien. Frieza chuckled and got on his knees. "I hope you don't mind us both having our way then." You shook your head, signaling that everything was okay for you. Frieza smirked and quickly got to it, taking off your bottoms and undergarments. Cell did the same to your top. Once you lay nude on the floor, Frieza got to work. Quickly placing cold kisses on your thighs, dragging his tongue along them also. You shudder and meet the soft lips of Cell. Frieza raised your legs, pulling you closer to him. He leaned back down, slowly eating you out. You moaned loudly into the kiss, causing Cell to grunt. The sudden spark of pleasure nearly drove you wild. Cell couldn't take much longer of this. He pulled away, gently pawing at this black codpiece, and growled.
"(y/n)." Cell began, and you opened your eyes to see a large member in front of you. "Open your mouth, wide." He panted out. You had no idea where his member came from, but there was no time for that. You opened your mouth, lulling out your tongue. With no warning, Cell shoved his member deep inside your throat. He growled and placed his hand on your throat. "Getting weaker I see?" He cooed, groaning as you clawed and tightened around his member. Frieza watched as Cell rocked his hips against your face. "Give them time to breathe, Cell. They are still my employee." Frieza said through slurps. Cell nodded his head and panted, pulling away from you. You coughed and breathed out, "D-don't worry, If I need to breathe. I'll tap your leg…j-just give it to me please!" You said, hunger filled your eyes. Cell nearly lost it at your words. "If you wish to be treated like a slut, so be it, but don't say we didn't warn you..little one.~" Cell placed a heavy hand on your throat again, jamming his cock back into your mouth. Your muffled cries and moans caused Frieza to lose control. His usual regal and proper attitude was completely out the window.
Quickly, Frieza sat up and huffed. He put his decency to the side and started to stroke his bulging member. Cell chuckled at Frieza, "Don't worry Frieza, we still have a few minutes left…take your time with the dessert.~" The empire didn't listen. His mind was too focused on your smell and the pleasure that coursed through him. He lifted your legs up again and rushed his cock inside of you. You screamed out, Cell hunched over at the sudden pain. You dug your nails into him. "Ah! Damn it!!" Cell growled and moved his hips back before pumping his cock in and out of your throat. "F-Frieza, stop being so damn hard-headed and be careful! You're not the only one doing something here!" Frieza glared up at him, bucking his hips into you, "Why don't you just shut it, Cell? Enjoy them while you can. They're all mine once this idiotic party is over." Cell clicked his tongue and pulled out. He quickly moved you away from Frieza and rolled onto his back, gently laying you on top of him. Your back met with his cool, hard chest.
"Now Frieza," He began, "If you aren't going to properly share your dessert with me, I'll just have to take what I want." Cell said as he started to spread your legs wide. Your face grew a deep shade of red, "Now then, (y/n). You've been awfully quiet, and I find that quite rude." He started as he aimed his cock at your slick opening. "I want you, to tell us what you want.." He said in a gruff whisper. You whimpered and gasped as you were slowly filled, "P…please.." You started, "I..want to cum! I want you both to make me cum!" You cried. Cell chuckled deeply, looking up at Frieza, "I'm sure we can both fit, why don't you join me?~" Frieza's red eyes glowed with lust. He eyed you and glared at Cell, "Fine. I'll join.." He crawled over to you both, caging you between him and Cell. His member rubbed up against Cell and nudged up against you.
You both looked at Frieza, Cell kissed your neck and whispered, "Relax, just let him in. You'll enjoy this, I promise." You gulped and panted heavily. Frieza managed to squeeze inside and howled in slight pain, but soon melted into pleasure. You threw your head back, resting it on Cell's shoulder. "That's it, just give in.~" He huffed and started to buck his hips up. Frieza matched his pace, moaning softly. You were on the verge of screaming out for them to stop, but the pleasure soon started to swarm you. As they both hit your most sensitive spots, you cried out their name. Cell laughed loudly, spreading your legs wider and pounded deeper into you. Frieza hissed and grabbed your ankles, pushing your legs back. You felt like you were being ripped apart. The pleasure started to build up more and more for everyone. Cell panted, turning your head to look at him, "You feel so good. So…perfect. I could eat you up in one fucking bite!~" He growled and grabbed your jaw, wrapping his other arm around your torso. "Speak up, pet. Tell us what you want! Now!" Frieza glared down at you, "Listen to us and we'll give it to you!" He adjusted himself, fixing the position he was in to squat over you. This caused him to go deeper.
Your eyes rolled back, you were nearly there. "F-fuck!! Please!! Just…let me cum!!" You cried out, repeating the word 'please' over and over again. The two men looked at each other through the darkness and nodded. Ramming their raging cocks deeper inside of you, their pace quickened. Cell gave you soft praise while Frieza degraded you, you were in a whirl of emotions and pleasure. "I knew you were a weak slut when I hired you!! You're nothing more than a sick, twisted bitch that needs to be bred!" Frieza roared out, cumming inside of you. He hissed and exhaled through his teeth, riding out his orgasm like a feral animal. He leaned over, letting go of your ankles, and clawed at the walls. Cell chuckled again before letting out a low moan, he leaned over to bite you. You were overstimulated and wailed out, crying and cumming at the same time. Your legs started to shake as you managed to squirt your essence on the tyrant and the android. "Y-yes! Yes!" Cell panted out, pumping his and Frieza's cum deeper in you, "Let go! Give in to your desires!" He kissed your neck and back. You bite your lip, your eyes start to roll back before everything started to fade.
Frieza let out a low groan as he pulled out of you. Cell hummed in delight as he pulled away too, gently placing you on the floor. "Well, that was delicious. Thank you, (y/n), for the meal. I couldn't get enough.~" He said, amused at his work. Frieza, back in his usual form, came over to look at what was done. The entire closet was a mess and it smelled. He scrunched up his nose and looked at Cell, "We should help clean them up. I would hate for our new toy to be any more humiliated." Cell nodded and helped, "Our, lhuh?" Frieza stayed silent and glared as he gently cleaned you. "Don't fucking push it."
**Please do not repost/claim/edit my stories story & title card by @rumblebat character(s) (c) Akira Toriyama tips + commissions | wattpad
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icejinlov3r · 4 months
Partners in Crime
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So, does anyone remember that Dragon Ball mafia dream I had a few weeks ago?
Well, for some reason that idea came back HARD, and hasn’t left my mind for a few days. I’m slowly planning a whole fanfic in my head.
I felt compelled to draw art for this AU. Frieza and Frost’s outfits are how they looked in my dream, but Zamasu’s and Cell’s are my own creation. I’m very tempted to make this my final writing project after I “stop” writing fanfiction. (I use quotes, because it likely won’t be a permanent cease. More like a long leave of absence).
What do you? Would you guys wanna see this as a story? Also, want me to draw separate profile pages for each of the main four?
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sundove88 · 2 months
DBZ: Waves of Freedom Chapter 5: Ebb And Flow
A smile crossed Vegeta’s face as he made his way through the halls of Empire Oil Drilling Corps, making his way to Frieza’s office with the letter in hand, he knew exactly what he was doing. It was only early morning, so Frieza wasn’t in his office at the time, but he knew this was the perfect opportunity to get the letter there and then out of there. As he took the first steps into the office of his cruel boss, he left the letter there and wiped the sweat off his brow. He almost felt finally free- all that was left was to become a merman and he would never have to be restrained again. Mere moments after Vegeta left the office and hurried down to the beach, he was more confident than ever, and he approached Goku, who was holding the crystal shell in his hands and was ready to take him to someplace where his transformation could be initiated. “Ready to go, Best Buddy?”, asked the merman as he placed the crystal shell in Vegeta’s hand. The young employee just smiled and nodded gratefully. “Yes, Kakarot. More than anything.”, he said, immediately following Goku into the water, followed by one last look at the city he had been confined to for years. Swimming in his office clothing with his swim trunks beneath them felt strange, but it was nothing compared to what would happen next.
Just mere moments after they left for the secret place where Vegeta could be changed into a merman, Frieza had already read through the resignation letter and was fuming with anger. “WHAT?! WHERE DID HE GO?! EXPLAIN!” He screeched as he crumpled the letter in his fist, the paper crunching loudly in the tense silence of the office. The normally timid Appule approached his boss, pointing to the open window near his desk. “Maybe he drowned?”, he asked, hoping that Frieza would believe him, but to no avail. Frieza’s glare intensified at those words, making Appule shrink back in fear. “Do you take me for a fool, Appule? Find him or else. Now.” His words seethed with anger and rage. In the break room, the atmosphere was thick with unease. The usual chatter was replaced by worried whispers as employees gathered, sipping their morning coffee. Zarbon and Dodoria stood near the coffee machine, their expressions mirroring the tension in the air. “Have you heard about Vegeta?”, questioned Zarbon as he sipped his coffee. Dodoria stood by Zarbon. “Yeah, he didn’t show up to work today. That’s not like him at all,” he answered. Sorbet, Tagoma, and Shisami joined the conversation in the break room. “Do you think something happened to him?”, started Sorbet. Shisami nodded in response. “It’s possible. He’s been under a lot of pressure lately.” “I heard Frieza found a resignation letter. Can you imagine the fallout?”, added Tagoma.
The Ginyus then entered the room, their faces full of worry and theories about how Vegeta could’ve just disappeared off the face of the earth. Recoome went first. “What makes you think he drowned?!”, he said. “He’s a strong swimmer!” Guldo claimed as he drew out a diagram of Vegeta’s possible escape. Ginyu supported the claim. “There is no way he could’ve just jumped out the window like that!”, he added as he drew the height of the building. “And it’s one long way down to the streets below…” Jeice added. “He could’ve faceplanted!”, yelled Burter. Zarbon shook his head. “This doesn’t make sense. Vegeta wouldn’t just leave without a word. There must be more to this.”, he said. Dodoria agreed with his coworker. “Frieza is going to be furious. We need to stay out of his way.”, he replied as sweat dripped down. The tension in the room was palpable as everyone exchanged worried glances. The implications of Vegeta’s sudden departure are not lost on any of them. Meanwhile, at the office, Appule stood by the open window, staring out at the city below. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore in the distance reaches his ears, a reminder of the nearby ocean. “Maybe he really did drown… or maybe…” he muttered to himself. He then glanced back at Frieza, who was pacing the room with fury over the disappearance of his “best employee”. Maybe he found a way to escape. But how? Appule thought to himself. But little did he know, he was closer to the truth than anyone else.
While chaos was going on back at Empire Oil Drilling Corps, Goku and Vegeta had made it to the secret location where Vegeta could undergo the transformation into a merman, even though it would cost him his life on land and any connections he made on land. They had chosen a secret cove, free from prying eyes and any lingering suspicion that could possibly expose them. Goku smiled as Vegeta held out the crystal shell for him to take. “Are you ready, Vegeta? Once you do this, there’s no going back.” He said as he placed the crystal shell to Vegeta’s chest, its glow beginning to intensify. “Yes. I can’t wait to start my new life, to be honest.”, Vegeta replied as he began to contemplate what color his merman tail would be. “I like the sound of that. Anyways; if there’s a color you’d like your new fins to be, just tell me now before the transformation starts.”, Goku reassured as he held Vegeta’s hand to keep him steady. “Blue… it’s always been my favorite color. It’s been the color of royalty, the ocean, and of course, sapphires- a gem I always connect to the ocean with.”, he said as he fully embraced the shell as he pressed it against his chest, and upon doing so, his body began to contort into uncomfortable poses due to the seemingly crushing water pressure, and a large teal bubble swallowed him whole. “Don’t be afraid, Vegeta. The crystal shell will do the rest.”, Goku added as the changes began as the crushing feeling went away and Vegeta relaxed himself within the bubble.
Wanting nothing more than for his muscles to relax at last, Vegeta decided to let the shell’s magic flow through his human body, with an ethereal golden whirlpool forming around his lower half. As he felt the ethereal forces caressing him and his ebony hair flow freely in the current in the bubble, his corporate office wear disintegrated into gentle flakes of foam, fading away as if the cage of his old life was finally being broken; and was then left in his swimwear as the changes began to continue. Inside the ethereal golden vortex, Vegeta’s legs sprouted scales of ultramarine, cobalt, and royal blue, and as more scales appeared akin to butterfly kisses, his swim trunks disintegrated into foam as well, only for the waistband to remain and change into the transparent light blue belt fin that would adorn his tail. The changes to his legs followed, with them elongating and morphing as the changes took hold, and the same went for his feet- they became webbed with the same transparent light blue material that made up his belt fin, and the webbing between his toes grew until they overcame his feet and became transparent light blue fins, which fanned out and burst from the bottom of the golden vortex surrounding Vegeta. With all of his strength, he formed a perfect arch with his lower half, effectively fusing the two halves of his new tail together into a singular limb, the space between the two halves effectively being reduced to nothing.
As the bubble finally burst in a flash of light and the golden swirl faded away, Vegeta forgot that he could breathe underwater, and started panicking and flailing, oblivious to the fact that he had obtained gills. Goku, being supportive as ever, swam over and helped him to the surface for his first breath of air as a merman. “It’s ok, Vegeta. Anyone who’s been turned into a merperson doesn’t know they can breathe underwater, but they’ve got someone to help them through it.”, he said, before gesturing to Vegeta’s submerged lower torso. “And guess what? You have a tail! You’re a merman now!”, he shouted excitedly, causing Vegeta to snap out of his panic attack and look down in awe, letting out a wordless gasp as his fins swished in the water around him, alongside scales that glimmered in the sunlit water, while the remaining sparkles and a few wisps of golden mist from the transformation on the tip of his tailfin faded away into the water surrounding him. “I… I can’t believe it. It’s real.”, he said to himself. He swished his tail experimentally, marveling at the power and fluidity it gave him. As he gazed towards the sunlight from where he was in the ocean, tears of joy filled his eyes, as proof that he would never be confined again. The sensation of freedom was overwhelming, and for the first time in a long while, he felt truly alive. But more than anything, he had found his true voice- one that not even Frieza could silence. He checked his whole body, and saw that his clothes, the very shackles that were condemning him to life on land, were gone. Thrilled, he noticed the Empire Oil Drilling Corps button backed pin on the seafloor, the last clothing item he ever had of his old life, picked it up, and threw it into the depths of the ocean, where he’d never see it again. Farewell, Empire Oil Drilling Corps. He thought as the pin splashed into the water and straight towards the sandy bottom of the sea.
“Let’s take this baby for a test run!”, he said before diving underwater. In a moment, he leapt out of the water in a perfect arch akin to a whale breaching the waves, the sunlight dancing off his scales and making it look like a waterfall of sapphires. He landed back in the ocean with a splash that sent up water droplets that glistened in the light, thrilled to be free at last. “Haha, now that’s what I’m talking about! You’ve suffered and endured so much on land, but look at where you are now! With that being said, let’s get you settled in.”, Goku replied, but not before Vegeta tackle hugged him, his royal blue tail intertwining with Goku’s orange fins. “Thank you, best buddy. For everything.”, he replied, tears of joy filling his eyes once more, as they floated up to the surface via a stream of silver bubbles, bidding the world above farewell. “You’re more than welcome, best buddy. There’s so much more I wanna show you, and learning how to swim like a merman is the first amongst them.”, Goku said. “That sounds perfect. I could really use the lesson,” replied Vegeta as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Race you to Atlantis, best buddy!”, Goku shouted as he took off across the coral reef. Vegeta immediately tried to catch up, his royal blue tail cutting through the water like a sailfish. “Wait up, Kakarot! You know I can’t swim like you just yet!”, he replied playfully before doing a spinner dolphin like leap out of the water to try and best his friend, and he accidentally scattered a conga line of multicolored fish when he dove back in. Luckily, the fish immediately went back into their positions, as if nothing had happened. “See how peaceful and gentle life is down here?”, Goku said excitedly. “Yes, and I’ve never felt so alive!”, Vegeta laughed, followed by him doing a corkscrew through the water.
They were now off to explore the vast ocean and get Vegeta settled into a new life beneath the waves. It was everything he had always wanted, and he wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
The End
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carzychameleon · 6 months
Why are there NOT more Dragons Ball Fighterz (Frieza’s story line) about Frieza, Cell, Ginyu and Nappa fanfiction
I’m sorry I’m here on tumblr everyday and I’m so surprise no one has made fanfics about Dragons Ball Fighterz (Frieza’s story line) about Frieza, Cell, Ginyu and Nappa 
(Or even more Raditz which I think he should be in the game)
Please I’m begging you all to help me 🥲😭
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spilledbeans116 · 1 year
I keep seeing people talking about how they wish there were more “planet Vegeta never got destroyed” Vegeta x reader AU fics and I want to SO BADLY SHOVE the princess saga in their face BUT I REFRAIN BECAUSE IM SHY
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Like please read my fic I love it so much and I love Vegeta so much AGDHAGDJAGDJQ and it’s completed and fully posted here on ao3 and here on wattpad
Ask me questions about it in my ask box PLEASE GIVE ME A REASON TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!!
It’s in my brain rn
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gekioko · 13 days
Appule X Reader : On Task
Warnings: Workplace indecency, public masturbation, mentions of alien genitalia, Reader is kind of a prick. Reader is GN. Appule is a frickin’ bottom. Dub-Con?? Implied weaker reader.
First time writing smut … ever, go easy on me. I love Appule man, I gotta share my perverse thoughts with the world.
18+ this is freaky, I’m so sorry.
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In charge of the medical ward. Again. Lower tier to mid-ranks like him always got caught with the slack the rest of the higher elites couldn’t be bothered to do. Either that, or duty paperwork, specific mission planning procedures, janitor work, and sometimes even patrols. If they had the right grunts to disperse, elite rankings had no issues pawning off certain duties to those who could be trusted.
And unfortunately for Appule, he had quite the habit of being a yes-man.
Also with him, Y/N, just another grunt he had to show the ropes too. He was used to multi-tasking, if anything this was the perfect opportunity to show you something new. I mean, you’d have to get used to it working under Commander Zarbon, the man can’t ever be bothered to do anything other than go out on lengthy missions, or completely abandoning his duties to train. But compared to how harsh Lord Frieza's other elites were with their personal fleets, you got pretty lucky.
“Y/N, are you getting this?”
The alien scoffed, darting his gaze over to you as the bridge of his snout wrinkled with a smidge of frustration. Appule was wearing himself dry at this point, and with you resting nonchalantly by the wall with your arms folded by your chest, it wasn't really helping him out too much.
“Oh— I've been listening. You get upset if I'm too close, you get upset if I'm too far. Where do you want me?”
You had some nerve talking to him like that. But it wasn’t his place to get onto you. Appule rolled his eyes, catching his lip on his fanged tooth as he pointed to the control-panel board in front of him.
“You can’t possibly learn from off to the side when the buttons are RIGHT here.”
You raised your hands defensively, squeaking your armored boots on the floor as you dragged yourself closer to the frustrated octopus-like man.
“That’s my bad— What’s happening.”
Appule could only turn to Y/N and give them a facial expression that read ‘are you kidding me.’ He sighed, straightening himself out as he looked back at the controls in front of him.
“You mentioned to me before that your planet didn’t have this type of technology.. Last I checked, you seemed rather far behind.”
You wished you could punch that look off of him, that bulbous-headed bastard looked at you with a smug grin, pressing a certain button that filled the healing pod in front of you with a weird teal-ish liquid. “Allow me to catch you up, my dear Y/N.”
Appule rambled on about things you couldn’t care less about, you were supposed to be training to be a mercenary, not somebody’s nurse. He explained to you how certain buttons worked, what they did, and how to complete certain tasks that went along with them.. You listened, watching him explain. Watching him mostly. For someone who didn’t look anything like you, or your species whatsoever, he was kind of cute in a strange way. Not totally hot, but the way he presented himself, his short, rounded snout, the way he bit his lower jaw when he was lost in thought. His face held a lot of unique expression, it was pretty cute in its own way.
The dude was also completely ripped, but that was a whole other subject matter you’d rather hold your tongue on.
Appule of course, subconsciously drew himself closer to you as he explained the subject at hand, being cold-blooded. For someone belonging to a cephalopod-like race, It couldn’t be helped, and it was also completely natural on his part.
“Are you getting all of this, Y/N, you better be. Don’t make me explain myself another time, so help me If I—“
He turned his head to look over at you, the extremely tense man blushed blue, backing up to give the both of you some distance. He was uncomfortably close to you, and with you staring at him like that made his heart race.
“Back up, Y/N, I said get closer, not that close.”
“You’re the one backing up into me, I’ve stayed put like you asked.”
You got a good view with just how tense this man actually was up close, he wasn’t training right this second, but his muscles were so incredibly stiff it looked as though he had been for quite a while.
Appule brushed you off, not wanting to admit fault for subconsciously seeking out the heat radiating off of your body.
“Tch— Not the point, you’d listen to me as your superior if you knew what was best for you.”
“When was the last time you saw a chiropractor, you look like a statue.”
With a surge of found confidence, you had the guts to envelop the grouchy soldier in a hug from behind, wrapping your arms around his torso as Appule hissed from the sensation.
He stiffens, huffing as Y/N’s hands slide down to his thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze. However, he didn’t try to fight you off. Appule isn’t used to people showing interest in him, especially of other races.. Outside of his own race, he wasn’t really seen as an ideal partner, or all that attractive even. But was he going to admit he was touch starved, nope. Not a slight chance.
Luckily, you could read him like a book. For a rough-grunt like him, Appule didn’t stifle his emotions, and was way more bark than bite. Even if he tried to convince you otherwise, he wasn’t good at it.
“What do you think your doing—“
His voice grew quieter, softer. But your grip tightened, pulling his cold-blooded form back flush against your warm body.
Before Appule could complain anymore, your plush lips pressed to the back of his neck, kissing the small, yellow spots that adorned his lavender scales, a sensation that made him shiver quite a bit.
His body relaxed finally, just a little, but he still growled under his breath. Appule’s gaze glinted with unspoken frustration as he grit his teeth just out of your view. “We have a task to focus on at hand, Y/N…”
“Then focus, don’t let me stop you.”
Your soft, warm hands slipped into his spandex shorts, feeling over the area where his cock was supposed to be.. Y/N’s fingers ran over a slit just between his thighs, making the male hang his head as a quiet whimper escaped his lips, growing hard just for you.
Appule’s slick, smooth length throbbed in your hands, it almost felt kind of wet in a weird way. He couldn’t have been more than 6 inches, but the base felt girthy and ribbed as it tapered down to the tip. That was okay, you could work with that surely.
He let out a strained, low groan as Y/N’s warm hands wrapped around his cold, hard length. Appule’s grip on the control panel tightened as he tried to maintain his composure, but it was quickly becoming a lost cause.
“Y/N, stop... I really need to... Hnngh—“
The alien male’s mouth hung open as he let out a low, guttural moan, having you behind him stroking his extremely sensitive manhood ever so gently, it was too much.. Just that bit of stimulation had him seeing stars, especially with how warm your body was pressed up against his own.
His grip on the control panel tightened to the point where his knuckles turned white, his entire body tensed as he fought against the overwhelming pleasure.
“M-Mmhh... Y-Y/N..—“
Appule quickly forgot the task at hand, melting into Y/N’s touch as they had him bent over in such a lewd manner, the spandex speedo he typically wore now below his ankles as he was jerked off while on duty.. This definitely wouldn’t fly if their superiors caught wind of what was happening in here, but hell if it didn’t feel good, he’d die a happy man for sure.
You could feel him buck his hips into your hand, desperate for any kind of friction as the soldier grew closer to his limit. Appule let out a string of muffled moans, voice growing higher in pitch as he reluctantly folded himself over to bury his face into his arms. Y/N had him in such a vulnerable position, and with the way he cried out for you, that wasn’t a bad thing.
“So— Which button drained the healing-tanks again..?”
His words were garbled as he tried to speak, his body convulsing with each stroke of your hand. He could only manage to point at the button with one of his own, his other hand gripping the console for dear life as he approached his peak.
“T-The... Red one...”
“Ahh— I see.. Wait, which latch did I have to pull in order to release the person from the inside?”
Y/N licked the back of his neck, their teeth grazing against his soft, violet scales as their body stacked against his own, their chest-plated armor rubbed against one another as Y/N grinded their own hips into his backside.
His head lolled to the side as he spoke, his words slurred as he was reduced to a moaning, shivering mess. Appule’s hand shook as he pointed to the lever to the right of him.
“The... The one... on the... right...”
“Thank you. Sorry, I forgot..”
Y/N tightened their grip around his stiffened, throbbing cock, breathing deeply into the crook of his neck as they focused on alleviating all of that stress he had been carrying with him for all of this time.
The constant smooth talking was driving him up the wall, and every dirty-nothing that you whispered into the side of his neck had him spilling over the edge. Appule’s mouth hung wide open, body convulsing with the last bit of strength he had as thick, white ropes spilled right into your wonderful hands. He made a complete mess of himself below you, trembling from the aftershock.
One of Y/N’s hands slipped underneath his armor, giving Appule’s firm torso a quick rub while planting soft kisses to flushed cheeks.
“Feeling better, sir?”
You could only chuckle to yourself, watching as your superior scowled, but lacked the stamina to remain angry.
His shoulders slumped forward as he tried to catch his breath, his voice weak and hoarse from the passionate cries that escaped his mouth just seconds prior. Appule could only nod weakly, his body still jelly-like as you rubbed his chest, a small, content purr escaping his throat.
“Y-You're... Evil...”
“About that.. I actually wasn’t paying attention at all, those questions were serious.. Can we go over all of this again?”
You're gonna kill him at this rate, that he was sure of. But maybe it would be worth his while to teach you something new after all, even if it took a while. Perhaps Appule even looked forward to it.
I write for Frieza Force, All Dragon Ball related Villains, and MHA (any char) btw, if you like this I’m open for requests! *swag* I also love doing descriptive head-canons, I’m extremely good at that.
I do not write lewd of Minors, even aged up. Get out of here with that. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
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knifknightkorner · 5 days
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Comic version of my fanfic :P
(This happens in chapter 4 if you were wondering)
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blossombriefs · 8 months
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🩷Full-Length Stories:
Legendary (Broly) - ONGOING
🩷One Shots:
Noodles (Goku) - SFW Agora Hills (Goku) - NSFW [18+] Chateau (Vegeta) - NSFW [18+]
Goku Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Vegeta Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Broly Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Gohan Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Raditz Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Future Trunks Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Goku Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+] Vegeta Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+] Raditz Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+] Broly Smutty Headcanons - NSFW [18+]
Frieza Fluffy Headcanons - SFW Broly x Short Reader Headcanons - SFW Thaw This Frozen Heart (Frieza) (One Shot) - SFW
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chaosabound · 1 month
Gotta love a random 4am post.
So legit two hours ago I was going to sleep when chapter 37 of my friend @icejinlov3r 's Oneshot request book came out.
And I'll confess, I was the one that requested chapter 37. [Yes it's also about my Au.]
And it is so wel written that I'll say this.
It's canon.
I also just loved it so much that I had to draw the end! [Below]
I just had to!
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[Edit:after reading it for the third time I realized that the covers were purple.. oh well] I'm probably going to make a more lore related post of the Au, that'll also bring up the oneshot again as well.
And yes. I drew this instead of sleeping, lol.
The link to the oneshot incase y'all want to read it [remember it's written by my friend]
Anyways I am going to try to juggle the post of these two being a couple and that lore related post while also getting sleep and hanging with friends. Toodles!
[Edit: Gotta love how I got this a literal month before my birthday. lmao]
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jazzystudios82 · 3 months
His Lovely Rose - Chapter 23: Frieza Beaten
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WARNING: This chapter contains gore, violence, and potential disturbing imagery.
Previous. . . . Next Story. . . .
Brier watched Vegeta and Frieza in the middle of their stand-off. It was like watching two rival gunslingers waiting for the other to draw their weapon in those films Kero likes so much. Though it was unclear if the "hero" would be able to defeat the "villain" in this unscripted battle. 
"Sorry Frieza, but I can't let you kill Kakarot." Vegeta said. Brier blinked in surprise. Did Vegeta have a soft spot for Goku after all? "As annoying as he may be, I need him in my life so that I can have someone always pushing me to get stronger." he added.
Ah, so that was why. It made more sense actually. 
"You. . .how dare you, you mongrel?! You coward!" Frieza shouted, angry at having been robbed of his moment. 
'Coward? Says the one taking cheap shots. . .' Brier thought to herself, annoyed. Releasing a sigh, Brier outstretched her right arm and used magic to bring Goku's weakened body to her and the others. As soon as Goku's body made it to the group, Bulma and the Z-Fighters gathered around him.
"Dad, are you ok?!" Gohan exclaimed. 
"Back up everyone." Brier commanded. "He needs room." Everyone nodded and backed away. "S-Sorry about making you do this, L-Lady Brier." Goku said, apologetic. "I-I screwed up big time, huh?"
"It's fine, Son Goku. Though I'm afraid Whis did try to warn you about something like this happening. So you should probably be more concerned with him." Brier told him. 
Goku looked at Whis for a reaction. As always, Whis didn't seem to care. 
Brier then gently placed her hands on Goku's chest and said, "laeH!" In a matter of seconds, the Saiyan's body was healed of its life-threatening injury. 
Goku almost immediately sat up straight, alarming the others (except Beerus, Whis, and Brier). "Goku, take it easy!" Piccolo told him. "Relax! I'm fine! Looks like Lady Brier's magic works as well as the Senzu Beans!"
Upon seeing that his father was fine, Goten immediately hugged him. "D-Dad! I-I was so scared!" he cried. "Hey, it's ok bud. I'm alive, aren't I?" Goku said, attempting to calm his youngest son. 
Before anyone else could speak, a loud blast was heard. Brier looked to see that Vegeta and Frieza were now fighting one another, and that the one known as 'Sorbet' had been shot in the chest, and was almost dying. Whether he was shot by Vegeta or Frieza during the battle was unclear to her, but she didn't care. It was when he made a weak attempt to shoot Vegeta that she decided that she had enough.
He needed to be taken care of now. 
Brier then snapped her fingers and let out a low whisper, "emoC, oreK! Kcatta!" Suddenly, the ground beneath Sorbet turned blood red. Before Sorbet could react, his entire body was ensnared in the massive jaw of a cream colored wolf with glowing ochre colored eyes being pushed back into the sockets of its exposed white skull. The demonic wolf, Kero, was chomping on the now limp, bloody body of the former commander of the Frieza Force. It was such a disturbing sight that Bulma and Gohan made sure to cover the eyes of Trunks and Goten respectively. Pretty much everyone was disgusted by it, except for Beerus and Whis. They had seen this before, therefore they were used to it. 
The giant wolf swallowed the remnants of Sorbet's body and licked his lips. He then looked at Brier, ignoring the others. 
"Is this all that you called me for, my lady?" Kero asked, his voice booming like Shenron's. "Yes, that's all. I just needed you to take care of a pest for me. You can go back home if you wish." Brier said. "Although I wouldn't mind if you wanted to stay and meet everyone." 
"Hmmmm. . . It's probably best that I go." Kero said. His eyes glanced at the others for a brief moment, startling them. "After all, it seems that the Earthlings don't want to be near me. Perhaps another time, with me in a more. . .comfortable form for them to comprehend." 
"If that's what you want, then that's fine. We'll see you soon." Brier said as she bid him goodbye. The void-like portal that led Kero to Earth vanished as soon as his giant wolf head disappeared. As soon as he left, Gohan and Bulma allowed Trunks and Goten to see again. The only one who had the courage to ask Brier who that was was none other than Bulma herself. 
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Bulma exclaimed. "Him? That was Kero." Brier replied, nonchalant. "Kero. . .? Wait, isn't that the same name as Whis' co-worker?!" Bulma asked. "Are you telling me that that thing is the guy that is the same person Whis thought about bringing over for a party?!" 
"Co-worker? I suppose that you can call him that." Brier replied. "Though he's technically my familiar, and-" "Familiar?! Is that a fancy way of saying a 'pet' or something?!" Bulma nearly shouted. "No. A familiar is a daemon who is in a contract with a god or goddess." Brier explained. Brier hoped that Bulma was done asking follow up questions. But alas, she wasn't. 
"If you had something like that, why didn't you use him against Frieza?! We all could have-" "Ms Bulma, like what my husband said earlier, we're not really allowed to intervene in mortal affairs." Brier said. "What? Then why did you have that wolf eat that guy?!" Bulma questioned.
"It's simple. He annoyed me, and I decided to get rid of him." Brier answered with slight cold tone. This comment made Bulma slightly scared of the goddess. In fact, nearly all of the Z-Fighters were a little disturbed by it. Brier seemed like such a kind-hearted being that it seemed impossible to even imagine that she didn't care about taking the life of another person. Even if they worked for a bad guy. 
"Are we finished now?" Brier asked, seemingly back to her regular mood. She then patiently waited for Bulma to answer. "I-" 
An electric blue glow appeared from behind the goddess. "?" She turned around to see that Vegeta had transformed into Super Saigon Blue as well, having the same characteristics that Goku had prior. 
"I-I don't believe it!" Brier heard Frieza shout, sounding shocked. She watched as the Saiyan Prince descended to the soil of the Earth with a smirk on his face. "Things have changed the last time you were around. For starters, I can now do this." Vegeta said. Frieza gritted his teeth in anger as Vegeta got closer. The tyrant then shot at Vegeta with an energy blast, but it had no effect. "?!" 
Brier could tell that this was pushing Frieza over the limit as he continued to shot at the Saiyan. "NO! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" he yelled. "You of all people should know about me: I don't share the same taste for forgiveness like Kakarot does! You're going back to Hell!" Vegeta declared. He flew straight towards Frieza and punched him in the abdomen, causing him to cough up a mixture of purple colored blood and saliva.
Vegeta avoided Frieza's attempts to punch him, using his newfound speed to attack the one who caused him so much pain. To rob him of his right to be king. 
Vegeta used an excessive amount of force to kick Frieza's calf. The kick was so strong that he could hear the sound of bone shattering. It was obvious that Frieza's leg was now broken. Vegeta watched as the space lizard cried out in pain. To say that this made him feel a small amount of victory already was putting it lightly. But he knew that his fight wasn't over yet.
"Give it up Frieza. You don't stand a chance against the true power of a Saiyan God!" Vegeta said. 
"It's simply not possible for me to be defeated by the likes of you Vegeta! It won't happen!" Frieza shouted. He made an attempt to stand, but was quick to remember what Vegeta did to his leg. He fell to the dirt once more, and to make matters worse, Frieza's golden form vanished, meaning that he was now in his original form once more. "!" Frieza tried to move away from Vegeta, but due to his injuries, he did make it very far. 
"Woah, look at that! He's lost his golden form!" Krillin nearly exclaimed. "I guess this means that he's completely at Vegeta's mercy now." Piccolo commented as well. "Yeah. Sucks to be him, I guess." Goku said. 
"How. . .how could this have happened?!" Frieza began to shout. "OUT OF ALL THE BEINGS IN THE UNIVERSE, THE ONE WHO GOT THE BETTER OF ME WAS VEGETA?! THIS IS NOT THE WAY THIS ENDS!" "Hmph. At least try to face your death with a shred of honor." Vegeta said with a cold smile. He then outstretched his right arm once more and was preparing an energy blast just for Frieza.
He had waited a long time for this. "And don't ever dream of resurrecting again." 
"You. . .YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL WITHOUT M-" Before Frieza could finish his sentence, a black circle appeared under his body, turning into a dark void instantaneously. Slimy ink-like tendrils formed around the tyrant and forcefully dragged him into the void, covering his mouth to prevent him from screaming. And just like that, Frieza was gone.
Everyone was stunned by what happened. Especially Vegeta.
'Was this some kind of new trick Frieza learned? To escape from his enemies?. . .' Vegeta wondered. He felt around for Frieza's energy to see if he was going to attempt a sneak attack of sorts. But he didn't sense anything. It appeared that Frieza was truly gone. 
"Woah, what was that Vegeta?" Goku asked, he and the others going to the Saiyan Prince. "Did Whis teach you some kind of secret technique or something?"
"What? No, he didn't. I thought that Frieza had some kind of new escape tactic. Unless. . .Lady Brier, did you use magic to get rid of him?" Vegeta questioned, causing everyone to look at the goddess. 
"N-No, I didn't. Believe me, I'm as shocked as you are." Brier answered honestly. "Although from the looks of it, Frieza didn't seem to have known about this. . .thing that took him, so it was most likely against his will." 
"So you're saying that someone kidnapped Frieza?" Gohan asked. "Either that or perhaps Vegeta was right and he used a new method to escape. Or at least, a surviving member of his army did." Brier said.
"So then. . .does this mean that Frieza can come back?" Trunks asked. "Most likely, I'm afraid." Brier answered. 
Everyone began to worry about the potential return the evil emperor, but Beerus decided to break their scared silence. "Oh relax! Even if he does come back, I'm sure that all of you will get stronger in the meantime. That is if you still want to protect Earth anyway." 
"Of course we do! Why wouldn't we?!" Piccolo nearly shouted, but then remembered that he was speaking to a god. Luckily for him, Beerus didn't seem to care. "Good, then you can all worry about this for another day." he added. 
"I hate to say it, but Lord Beerus is right. We should be happy that Earth's been spared for today." Bulma said. "Let's have a get-together at my place. What do all say?" Pretty much everyone nodded their heads. 
As everyone began to get ready, Brier felt an odd presence nearby. "?" She looked around to see where it was coming from. Then her ruby eyes noticed a peculiar bird resting on a nearby tree. It was that damned crow from Bulma's birthday party. What the hell is it doing back here?
"-r? Brier?" The goddess turned around to see Whis and Beerus looking at her. "Darling, is something wrong?" Beerus asked. "What do you mean? You don't see the. . ." When she went to look back at the bird, Brier saw that it was gone. "That's odd." she mumbled, which the two men heard. 
"What is, my lady?" Whis asked.
". . .You know what? It's been a long day, I'm probably just a little tired and seeing things." Brier replied, hoping that she was right. The Titan then walked with Beerus and Whis to follow the others to Capsule Corp for a celebration. 
Location: Unknown Planet. . . . 
Frieza roughly landed on the ground of a dark and cold room. Well, more specifically on something hard and boney. The sudden fall made the sharp pain in his broken leg worse. "Argh!! Who's the one that brought me here?! Just so you know, I'm NOT in a generous mood today!" Frieza yelled, his voice echoing across the vast room. His blood red eyes looked around for any source of light he could find and use so that he could get out. He didn't find any, it was just a vast darkness all around him.
Frustrated, Frieza created a small red energy orb with his finger to use a as a light source. And the first thing he saw was a wrinkled, lifeless body of what appeared to be a Namekian, who had a forever horrified look on his smelly decomposing face. 
Frieza backed away in a panic, his back colliding into something. Or rather someone, given how soft it was. Frieza turned around to see a cloaked figure behind him. He couldn't see their face properly due to their face being partially obscured by their hood.
"W-Who are you?!" the tyrant shouted. "Tell me at once, you bastard!" "Oh my, you're a feisty one, aren't you~?" the hooded person said as a response, his voice rich and melodic. Like a siren. His voice strangely somehow managed to soothe Frieza just a little bit. 
"I apologize for startling you, good sir. It wasn't my intention. And for the mess of the place. I haven't had guests for some time." the stranger said. He snapped his fingers and a strange mist appeared, getting rid of the Namekian body, and several skeletons that were nearby. When the mist disappeared, he muttered something in a language that Frieza couldn't understand. Whatever it was, it resulted in his leg healing.
"There you go. Hope you're feeling better now."
Frieza stood up from the ground and dusted himself off. "Who. . .who are you?" Frieza asked once more, this time more relaxed. "A possible new ally of yours, I hope." the stranger said. He then noticed the small light from Frieza's finger and chuckled, which sent a shiver down Frieza's spine. A pleasant one actually. "There's no need for that, anymore." he said as he then raised a hand up in the air, creating a white hot flame that flew to several chandeliers on the ceiling. This lit up the room properly. Frieza looked at the stranger to see if he could finally see what he looked like. 
Frieza couldn't see the upper half of his face, only the mouth area. From what he could tell, the hooded figure had skin as white as porcelain, and cupid bow lips that were colored a deep shade of pink, and near the left side of his lips was a dark beauty mark. Even though he couldn't see the entirety of his face, Frieza could tell that this man was a rather attractive individual, like Zarbon was when he was alive and in his primary form.  
"Is there something odd about me, Lord Frieza?" he asked. "You're staring." "!" Frieza couldn't believe that he was caught staring. This was not like him. This wasn't like him at all. 
"M-My apologies, Mr. . .?" 
"Right, I never did tell you my name did? I'll fix that soon enough." the stranger said as a black ink-like portal appeared behind him, allowing a half-skeletal crow to enter in the room and fly to the hooded figure and gently land on his left shoulder. Frieza's eyes widened in surprise at the sight. It was similar to the one that brought him here. "Wait, are you the one who saved me from meeting my demise?" Frieza asked.
"Yes, I am. I've had my eye on you for a while now, and I believe that you and I can be beneficial to each other for our. . .respective goals, to say the least." the stranger said, not minding the fact that the crow was now resting on his shoulder. "I have an offer to make, if you're interested that is." 
Frieza raised a 'brow' in suspicion. "As intriguing as that is. . .I would still like to know your name before we talk about your 'offer'."
"Oh! Right! Of course." the hooded figure said. "How rude of me. A thousand apologies, good sir. I'm called 'Montsechia'. Though you can call me just call me 'Monty' for now. Does that sound good?"
"I suppose it'll do. Now tell me, uh Monty, how do you plan on helping me?" Frieza asked. Monty smiled and said, "Oh, I'm so glad that you asked~." He stood up and led Frieza to a nearby table with two chairs that seemed to have been made from bone and silver. Where Monty got the bones from, Frieza didn't really want to know. But then again, it's not like he wasn't capable of performing disturbing acts himself. 
Frieza sat in his chair and waited for his savior to do the same. Upon sitting down, Monty snapped his fingers and it resulted in a bottle of wine and two crystal clear glasses to appear in front of the two. "Would you like a drink?" he asked. "It's chilled."
"I suppose." Frieza answered. 
Monty placed the glasses on the table and poured the dark red liquid in both of the glasses. He gave Frieza a glass and took a sip from his. Frieza looked at the contents of the glass. He sniffed it to see if there was something wrong with it. He didn't smell anything wrong, but that didn't mean that Monty didn't try anything. It could contain an odorless poison that could kill him in an instant.
"Is something on your mind, Lord Frieza?" Monty asked. "Did you put anything in this? Such as a poison that only affects its intended target?" Frieza questioned, acting as if Monty was a criminal in an interrogation room. And Monty reacted in a way Frieza didn't expect: he laughed. Frieza waited for him to stop so he can get his answer. 
"Oh my. . .You're not one to trust easily, are you?" Monty joked, having calmed down. 
"After what I've been through, of course not!" Frieza nearly shouted. 
Monty laughed once more at Frieza's little outburst, revealing a pair of sharp white fangs that glistened in the light from the white hot fire. "Oh, you truly are going to be fun to have around." he said, which caused Frieza to become embarrassed. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
After composing himself, Monty said, "Answer me this: Why would I save you only to then poison you? It'd be a waste, wouldn't it?"
". . ."
"Aw, what's wrong, Lord Frieza? Cat got your tongue?~" 
Frieza said nothing as he took a sip from his glass. He was pleasantly surprised by the taste. How did someone who lived in such. . .morbid and decrepit area have such a fine tasting wine like this? Frieza cleared his throat and said, "Well, I can see now that you mean no. . .physical harm. So tell me: why do you need my help with whatever it is that you're planning?" 
Monty placed his glass back on the table, and let out a sigh. "Well, normally I wouldn't need outside help, but I'm not exactly as great as I used to be back in my prime." 
In his prime? Just how old was this man?! Frieza thought he was a relatively young man, since he seemed to have smooth skin and sounded like he was barely a day over twenty. Maybe he belonged to an alien race that aged slowly or stopped aging at a certain point in their life. 
"I'm building an army. And I need a right hand man to help me with the process." Monty said honestly. Frieza blinked in surprise. "You want me as your right hand man? And what makes you think that I wish to follow you?" 
"Oh please, haven't you ever heard of the phrase, 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'? If you help me build an army and take back what belongs to me, then I'll help you make the Frieza Empire the greatest force in the entire universe. I can make you the most fearsome being this solar system has ever seen and no one will ever question your rule." Monty said with a grin. "And all you have to so is help me, and everything that you desire will be yours. What do you say?" 
Frieza took a minute to think it over. There had to be more to this deal, right? It sounded too good to be true after all. But if he wanted to take down Goku and his friends, then he's going to need all the help he's going to get, especially if he wanted to be Emperor of the Universe. Besides, if this "Monty" proved to be troublesome in the future, he could always just kill him. 
Frieza took another sip from his wine, and after placing the now cool glass on the table, outstretched his hand for Monty to take.
"Very well, Monty. You've captured my interest. You have yourself a deal." 
Location: Planet Earth, Capsule Corp. . . .
Brier took a sip from her wine glass as she watched everyone chatting amongst themselves. She herself wasn't in the mood to interact with anyone, for she was mentally drained and wanted to go back home to rest. The goddess stood up from where she sat and was going to walk to Beerus and get his attention. But she stopped in her tracks when she felt someone lightly tug on the skirt of her attire.
Brier turned to see that it was none other Goten and Trunks. "May I help you boys?" Brier asked. "I'm fine, but Goten wanted to say something to you, Miss Brier." Trunks said, gesturing to his dark haired friend. "I just wanted to say thank you for helping my dad." Goten told her. "Oh it wasn't a problem, Young Goten." Brier said, kneeling in front of the boy with a little smile. "Is there anything else that you wanted to say or was that it?" "If it's alright, can you show us more of those magic tricks like you did on Bulma's birthday?" Goten asked with a hopeful smile. The goddess's smile turned bigger and let out a little laugh before replying with, "Of course. What kind of tricks do you want to see?"
The first to reply was Trunks, now getting interested. "Can you do that trick with the butterflies? Only this time, can you make like a horse or something?" Brier nodded and with a flick of her wrist, created a big glowing rose red stallion made up of magical energy. Trunks and Goten became excited and immediately got up on the horse, which sprouted wings and began to ascend up in the air and took the boys for a ride.
Their parents and everyone else noticed and were amazed by the sight. Brier even heard young Marron ask her parents, Krillin and Android #18, if she could ride on the horse when Trunks and Goten were done. After Trunks and Goten were done, the young blonde girl was placed on the back of the magical stallion and began to go for a ride as well, with her mother #18 going with her to make sure she didn't fall.
Brier then felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned to see that it was none other than Beerus. "What is it, love?" she asked. "It's time for us to leave. Whis has gone to bring back leftovers for us, so he'll be back soon." Beerus said. "Oh, is it?"
"We have no business here, and I can see that you're tired." Beerus added, placing his arm around her waist and bringing her body close to his. Brier nodded her head slightly and said, "Of course you noticed. I assume that this means that you want to for us to nap together again?" "We could. But if you still have enough energy, I can think of something else for us to do back home~" he whispered in her ear.
"!" The goddess face warmed up at the suggestion. "B-Beerus!" she nearly exclaimed, flustered. "What?" he said innocently, though Brier knew that his mind was anything but. Brier gave Beerus an amused smile and said, "Very funny, love. As tempting as that sounds, I'm afraid that I'll have to decline. I'm not in the mood." Beerus shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh well. If that's what you want. I can settle for a nap with you."
"Oh I know you can." "Hey. . ."
Brier gave her husband a playful shove as she walked to the others to inform them of their departure. The first to notice her was Bulma and Goku. "Hey Lady Brier! How're you doing? Is everything alright?" Goku asked, taking a bite of a piece of barbecued meat he had on his plate. "I'm fine, Son Goku. I've simply come to inform you all that Beerus, Whis, and I are going to leave soon." Brier answered. "What? Already?"
"I apologize. But since we don't have any business here, we have to leave." Brier told him and Bulma. "Oh, well that's fine." Bulma said. "Again, I'm sorry for the three of us having to leave so suddenly." Brier said. Just as she was about to leave, Goku stopped her by asking, "Wait, Lady Brier! Are you guys still gonna come to Pan's party?" "Your granddaughter's party? Oh, is it to celebrate her birth?" Brier asked. "Yeah! I kind of haven't done anything for her yet, and Chi-Chi wants me to be a good grandpa for her." Goku explained.
"Hmmm. . .I suppose I can come as long I'm not too busy. And as for Beerus and Whis, they can come with me as well as long as there's good food for them." Brier said. "All right. And this time we'll be sure to have enough pudding for Lord Beerus to have!" Goku declared. "Goku! Don't go making promises that we can't probably keep!" Bulma told him. "What? You have money, so can't you just-"
Seeing that this was her time to leave, Brier bid everyone goodbye and walked back to her husband and Whis, who had a bag filled with food that the chefs made for them personally. The three deities left the planet and were now traveling through space with Whis in charge of taking them all home. During the ride, Brier fell asleep, causing Beerus to wrap his free arm around her body and to hold on tight, so that she didn't fall into the vacuum of space.
Location: Beerus's Planet. . . .
Beerus woke up to find himself in bed with Brier, whose back was facing him. Beerus softly smiled as he made an attempt to bring her body close to his for warmth. But then he sensed the energy of three deities nearby. What made it odd was that they were three people he wasn't expecting to see for a while. Letting out a low growl, Beerus got out of bed and put on his shoes, ready to confront the trio near his planet. The destroyer made sure to silently close the door so that he didn't wake up Brier. As he was walking through the hallway, he made contact with Whis.
"You can sense it too, right?" Beerus asked. "Yes, I can." Whis answered. "Take me to him, now." Beerus ordered. Whis nodded and used his staff to transport the two off planet. They were now in front of the three unexpected visitors. He was primarily looking at his twin, Champa, with annoyance.
"I've heard of people getting lost, but you're taking it to new heights." Beerus said. "Ha! So you're awake for once, guess there is such a thing as miracles!" Champa said as a slight jest. "You wanna go?!" Beerus nearly shouted, but then he decided to take a minute to calm down. The sooner he can get this over with, the better. "You're in the 7th universe, Champa. Surely you know that as a Destroyer god of the 6th universe, you have no business being here." Beerus told him.
"Will you relax? We were just taking a short cut. Honestly, why do you feel the need to be such a stickler?" Champa said. "How Brier puts up with you, I'll never know." "What was that?" Beerus asked darkly. A woman with bright pink hair noticed Beerus' tone and was quick to jump in. "Please do forgive Lord Champa, Lord Beerus. He didn't mean anything by it." she said, trying to calm him down.
"And you're sure about that?" Beerus asked. "Of course! You know how he is sometimes, saying things without thinking."
"Camellia!" Champa shouted, his cheeks turning pink. "What?" Camellia said, genuinely confused. Not wanting this to take any longer, Beerus asked, "So what's the reason why you came?" "I told you already, the three of us were going on a stroll!" Champa declared loudly.
"If you say so. C'mon Whis, let's go back." Beerus told his angel. "Right away sir." Whis said. "W- Wait, that's it? You're just. . .gonna let it go like that?" Champa asked, shocked. "I'm a bit too tired to care at the moment. Just be glad that I am letting this go and not keeping you here for an interrogation." Beerus said as Whis took them back home.
Beerus and Whis both went their separate ways. The angel went to his room for some much needed alone time while Beerus went back to Brier's room so he could sleep next to her again. But as he opened the door, Beerus was shocked to see that she wasn't in the bed. He looked all over the room to find her, but she was no where in sight. Where was she?
The destroyer's ears picked up the sound of Brier humming a gentle tune, so he followed the sound to learn where she was. It led him straight to the bathroom, and as he opened the massive metal door, he was met with the sight of a naked Brier in the bathing pool. She stopped humming when she heard the door opening and closing, and turned her head to see Beerus by edge of the pool.
"Oh! You're back. Do you want to join me?" she asked, stretching out her wet hand for him to take if he wanted. Beerus nodded and removed every article of clothing he had on and took Brier's hand, joining her in the bath. He wrapped his arms around her body and brought her close to him, her back touching his chest. "So, who was here?" Brier asked. "My annoying brother Champa." Beerus mumbled, placing his chin on her bare shoulder.
"Really? For what reason did he decide to visit Universe #7?"
"I don't know. He said that he was going for a stroll, but I know that he was lying. He's up to something that he doesn't want me to know about."
"Beerus! Why must you always assume that he's up to something?"
Location: Outer Space. . . .
"Vados, how many have we collected so far?" Champa asked. "So far, we have five in total." Vados answered. "And based on our luck so far, the last two will be much harder to find, yes?" Camellia asked. "It's possible." Vados said.
"That means that we have to be more careful from now on." Champa told them. "I don't want Beerus or Whis finding out that we're almost done with getting the Super Dragon Balls!"
Montsechia "Monty" Info:
Voice Claim: Hexxus from Ferngully: The Last Rainforest
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: Titan
Powers & Abilities: Magical Prowess
AN: And that's a wrap on Book One! Thanks to those who stuck around to see how this would go! And in case you were wondering, I did make a picrew of what "Monty" will look like, from here on out, though it's as close as I could get anyway: please ignore the human ears and pretend that they are elf ears and that his hair is straight. As for the purple paint and the blood? Let's just say that he got a bit creative when designing his mask's look.
I'll do proper designs for all of the original characters at some point in the future when I can draw digitally.
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Hope you'll check out Book Two when I post it here. If you want to read it right away, you can check out my Ao3 account.
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zaphiregz · 10 months
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Another one for my fic with them
They are training but for Junior it's his chance to try to get rid of Frieza
He won't succeed anyway 😔💅✨
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