#it’s supposed to be Naomasa
sherlock-on-opium · 2 months
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bibibbon · 2 months
Hi I bring a panel here, thanks to Pinterest.
So remember when Kuro leave the bar to get a secret power for shig? Smth afo left for him... apparently?
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Unless I got the wrong panel...I do think Macchi is the so called power. Kuro was captured bc of that ...but not the obvious giant apparently.
My question ...what shig was supposed to do with Macchia if the MPA haven't fall into his lap? Actually what was the plan here?
Give Macchi to shig and....let's hope for the best.
Yeah. I do consider Macchia a plot hole.
Hi @mikeellee 👋
Yep the secret power was indeed machia!
Yes kurogiri was captured because he went to the mountains but gran Torino, naomasa and his squad also tried to apprehend machia but failed and naomasa was heavily injured. We can see this in chapter 162-163 they literally say that it was a miracle that they managed to capture kurogiri with how machia left them incredibly wounded.
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I think that machia would of added to the man power of the league and help stir rumours that would help the leauge operate without the public or police being on their tail. Machia was also incredibly loyal to AFO so he could of tried to break him out of prison and cause a lot of damage that would leave people scared and the government panicking so shig and the league steal the chance to do whatever they needed to do.
The MVA falling into the hands of Shigaraki was lucky and so did machia.
However I would of really enjoyed some build up for machia and development because him not liking AFO and betraying them ended up feeling like it happend for the sake of plot
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thebnha-auhoard · 1 year
Crack au where everything is the same but Tsukauchi, Yagi, Hisashi, and Inko are all married
They’ve been married before Izuku was born and honestly this just means that Izuku has 3 dads and a mom. He’s going to learn so much out-of-pocket things and so much things about the criminal justice system and heroics. It’s great.
Izuku is going to learn about heroics, police work, the law, and finance. He’s going to learn so much and he’s going to be such a bean.
This also means that Bakugou is going to go and know immediately that Yagi is All Might. Yeah it’s supposed to be a secret but Kacchan is Izuku’s best friend! They can both keep a secret.
Naturally, this leads to Bakugou now doubling down on becoming Number 1 with the added bonus of his second dream being to beat up the Number 1 Hero
Other things include:
-Izuku and Melissa Shield meeting each other because of Yagi taking him to visit David and the two of them becoming best friends almost immediately. It’s great and from then on they regularly video call each other and Izuku always comes to Yagi’s visits to David
-Good parents Hisashi, Inko, Naomasa, and Toshinori that’s important. That’s very important.
-Bakugou constantly talking shit about All Might and saying that he’s an average hero. He eats dinner with the Midoriya family every day.
-Actually just go and take all of Bakugou’s energy on bullying Midoriya and put that on Yagi. Bakugou’s new target is to take the spot of Izuku’s Hero Dad and make sure that he fucking retires early because Bakugou. That old man better watch his back because every time that man stops Bakugou is getting closer.
-Sir Nighteye being that weird uncle that you kind of just have around. He gets better but for a while Izuku and Katsuki told him that his vibes are terrible and to get out of their house
-Gran Torino being that Grandpa that would go and let you do all the irresponsible shit. He keeps the kids safe but boy oh boy there has been several instances of a heart attack
-Midoriya Inko being a kid of All For One, a result of a One-Night Stand. She cut contact with him a while ago don’t worry. She would go and rip out one of his glands with her Quirk if he ever contacts her again
-Now please imagine All For One finding out that the All Might, the Detective that helped All Might, and the the most Average Man in exsitance all are married to his Daughter.
-Shinsou Hitoshi also being a kid of All For One, this time on purpose. Don’t worry he runs away and meets Tsukauchi. In fact you can read a fic about it here. (Many Kudos to Mod Boreal and their Writing.)
-Izuku still getting One For All not because of the fact he’s All For One’s Grand Kid but because he display qualities of being truly heroic. He wants to be a hero and wants to save as many people as he can, no matter the cost
-No one in the class knowing who Izuku’s dads are and thinking it’s just Inko
-Naturally, Katsuki’s goes and spreads rumors that Izuku’s dads are in America for “work”. Izuku is screaming inside because that actually is correct. Hisashi is in America for work but not Naomasa and Toshinori!
-Izuku says this but he starts calling Toshinori “dad” whenever he can. The man coughs up blood every time Izuku says it
-In the corner, Todoroki Shouto starts making conspiracy theory boards.
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Once Again, More Fanfic Quotes! Now with Bonus Quotes from DC Comics!
Thermostat: Izuku only likes me for my body.
Tamaki: that sounds a bit risqué
Thermostat: I meant literally.
Thermostat: the side he stands on depends on the weather.
A Special Boy: Can I just interrupt to say that I hate when people leave trans people out of the LGBT community? Like what do you think T stands for, triceratops?
jackoff: tricycle
eight feet: tango
Cake Boss: tiramisu
cha cha real smooth: teammate
me me big boy: tetsutetsu
barry benson: tETSTUTETSU
sword lesbian: The triceratops named Tetsutetsu that liked to tango, rides on a tricycle, eats tiramisu and is a true teammate
RIDLEY QUEEN: *bakugou voice* welcome tO FUCKING FLAVORTOWN
Kirishima: *holds knife, and is about to start cutting the carrots diagonally*
Katsuki: Hand that the fuck over, right now.
Katsuki: …wait attention that isn’t annoyance or frustration is a thing? People actually do that shit?
Kirishima: …bro are you ok?
OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: murder :)
HereComesDatBoi: Agreed :)
GreenOverlord: guys no!
OrangeJuiceGoVroom: i agree.
GreenOverlord: thanks Iida!
OrangeJuiceGoVroom: oh no i was agreeing with them. Definite yes on the murder.
“Alright, what have we got?” Momo asked as he closed the door to her room behind him. 
“Smoke inhalation.” [Bakugou] told her. “I’ve got smoke inhalation.”
Best Jeanist: how the fuck do i correctly kidnap a child
Snipe: Kill their parents and tell the kid that they were actually monsters sent to pretend to be their parents.
Midnight: Candy or ice cream will get most kids on your side, just make sure you let them pick the flavor.
Thirteen: Maintaining a polite and calm demeanor will encourage the child to trust you.
Naomasa: … Kidnappings are usually committed by family members or someone close to the child so if you’re going to frame someone, I’d recommend using that.
Gang Orca: Just claim they’re your kid, fake DNA test results, and absolutely deny what anyone says to the contrary.
Ectoplasm: Not announcing your intentions in a group chat full of pro-heroes is also probably helpful.
“I have no idea how you survived your childhood.”
“My running hypothesis is that I’m immortal. I’ve been testing it rigorously and so far it’s held up.”
Eraserhead: You don’t count as an adult unless you can do laundry properly, cook real food, and go to a boring dinner party without someone dragging you there.
Hawks: What do you mean “do laundry properly” you put the clothing in the clothing sink, you put the soap in, you turn it on and then once it beeps you moved it to the clothing oven.
Hawks: It’s not that hard.
Elphaba: sucks to be wrong doesnt it uwu
Mine-a: don’t uwu at me in that tone of text
“If we’re gay, how does that make us unqualified to kill space aliens? Does being hetero make us more violent?”
Actual Comic Books Quotes
Kid Devil: AH-HAH-HAH-HAHH! FLEE! FLEE FROM THIS PLACE OF GODLESS SCIENCE! THAT’S RIGHT! You have summoned the APOCALYPSE with your love of SCIENCE! I HAVE COME TO COLLECT YOUR SOULS! You brought this on yourselves! By teaching EVOLUTION!
Robin: Well. It IS clearing out the lab.
Blue Beetle: AH! That hurt through the armor! What are you packing in there?!
Blue Beetle: You have a forehead full of justice? What does that even MEAN?!
Jaime: Do you think they saw us?
Dan Garrett: We’re five grown men dressed in bright colors inside a clear plastic bubble set against a rainbow background, Jaime. They saw us.
Dick: For what it’s worth, how’d I do with him?
Bruce: … Are you asking me if you were convincing as a homicidal maniac, Dick?
Dick: I suppose I am.
Bruce: Then yes, as a matter of fact, you were.
Batman: Why haven’t you taken a side?
Catwoman: I’m not like them. They’re criminals.
Batman: You’re currently breaking into a safe that’s not yours.
Catwoman: You know what I mean. I’m not like them. They're unsuccessful criminals. 
Batman: Do I need to worry about you?
Catwoman: (amused) Are you checking up on me, Bat? Are you trying to protect me?
Batman: No. No one needs to protect you.
Catwoman: Oh. Well then, yes. You very much have to worry about me.
(They kiss)
Bruce: (In the present) Afterward, I slept. When I woke, you were gone. With the diamonds.
Selina: OK, yes. But in my defense, I did warn you. I’m not exactly unsuccessful.
Gordon: (Rubbing his nose) Just close your eyes and think about retirement.Somewhere warm where the giant turtles don’t talk.
(personal favourite)
Black Mask: Somehow, I don’t think you would be surprised at all to learn the life I have chosen can be a lonely one.
Red Hood/Jason Todd: Don’t take this the wrong way, but it might have to do with the whole BDSM theme. Just saying - maybe lose the mask once in a while? (Beat) Like at breakfast, as the most immediate example.
These are beautiful.
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scribblestatic · 11 months
More Clown on this silly day
"Quirk exhaustion."
The doctor stands outside of the private room he set up for Midoriya Izuku. The boy laid in the bed, pale and unconscious with a breathing mask over his nose and mouth. His bruise, previously getting darker, was lightening up from the use of a doctor's quirk.
Of course, they couldn't heal everything. Doctors hadn't been able to heal his lungs, pancreas, or anything else in the general area. They'd done their best, and if he hadn't seen the absolute best in their field, he would've died that day. He never thought they'd done anything but the absolute most they could. He still thinks they did everything possible.
It just so happens that what Midoriya Izuku has accomplished is impossible.
"He should be fine after a few days of rest, but whatever he did with his quirk wore him out."
"Ah... Well, he confronted a villain," Toshinori says, lying. "Mild suffocation, from what I recall. His quirk saved his life by the time I got there."
"Hmm...certainly. Well, we'll be sure to do everything we can to help him. He's cleared for others to enter his room, so you can sit with him if you'd prefer."
"Thank you."
So, he does, entering the room and sitting at his bedside, the heart monitor beeping away. He'd made it to the hospital as quickly as possible after dropping the sludge villain off at a police station with a note of what his crimes were.
The delay wasn't long, but he hoped that it wouldn't hinder the boy's recovery.
...Moreover, he had so many questions.
What exactly is the boy's quirk?
He'd been doing what looked like magic tricks, playful and clownish, when he arrived. Even after he arrived, he did something of a little performance while doing the job All Might was supposed to do.
For a moment, he was afraid the boy had somehow replaced Toshinori's lungs with his own. Thankfully, a scan showed that his lungs weren't damaged.
His body simply showed high levels of stress and strain with high amounts of adrenaline and cortisol in his blood. He also had hypervalfridemia (hyper- for excess, valfri- for quirk or quirk factor hormones, -emia for blood: excess quirk factor hormones in blood), which often corresponds with excessive quirk use. That, plus All Might's own...er, fudged confession of what occurred likely led to the 'quirk exhaustion' diagnosis.
He still needs to get himself checked to figure out what the hell happened in his own body. Whatever it was, it allowed him to breathe much easier than he has for years.
"...Well, you lied, young man," Toshinori sighs.
His scar is still there. He doesn't mind that. However, whatever he'd done to him clearly took entirely too much out of the boy. Even so...
He thinks about it for a moment, then he opens a notebook that was in the boy's backpack, flipping through the pages full of...quite detailed and thorough hero analysis. Indeed, the boy seemed to be thinking quite seriously about becoming one. But that wasn't what he opened the notebook for.
He finds a blank page and, knowing the boy is a fan, writes his signature across two pages.
On the back of the second one, he pens the number for a burner cell he uses often.
Then, he gets up, patting Midoriya's shoulder.
"Get well soon."
He then leaves. After all, he has to get checked on himself.
-- --
"I don't know what you did..." Recovery Girl murmurs, her voice wavering in surprise. "But it's done you some good. More good than I've seen in years."
Toshinori also stares at the CT scans of his chest, his mouth slightly open in awe. Naomasa, Nedzu, and Gran Torino are also there upon receiving his rather hurried call. They marvel at the results, shocked to see them.
His lungs are completely healed. As good as if he'd never gotten them damaged. Moreover, his diaphragm, which was also damaged and prevented him from breathing properly, was healed as well.
Most of his stomach was still missing, and his other organs still missed parts and looked crumpled like before. But his lungs and diaphragm were exceptionally healthy.
"What the hell... What'd you do?" Gran Torino asks, turning to his former student.
"I didn't do anything. It's...what young Midoriya did."
"Midoriya?" Naomasa hums. "The boy you said you took to the hospital. I thought you said it was from a villain attack?"
"Well, it was... Rather, that's how we met. He was stalling a villain with his quirk. But, after I was going to leave, he ended up finding out about my, erh, circumstances." He pats his left side, still in awe at feeling his ribs press against his hand instead of be slightly deflated compared to the right. "He said he'd like to heal my scar and...against all reason, I know. I know I shouldn't have said yes, but I felt... I don't understand. I felt drawn to let him try."
"And he healed your lung and diaphragm instead." Nedzu put his paw on his chin.
"Yeah." Toshinori looks at his hand. "...With my lungs back in full order, I think I have another hour in me."
"Dammit, kid, don't go off running yourself ragged," Gran grumbles.
"N-No, of course not." He quickly raises his hands placatingly. "I wouldn't want to test it too much. Besides... Whatever he did, the boy, it put him in the hospital. He was unconscious when I left."
"Doctor said 'quirk exhaustion.'"
Recovery Girl squints at the scans, simply baffled.
"...It's quite like my quirk."
They others look toward her as she continues.
"My quirk enhances a person's own ability to heal by using their internal energy. Of course, that depends on your body's ability, and our cells eventually run out of energy to repair themselves. That's why we age, why we get old, and eventually die. Even someone with high regenerative abilities often can't escape their eventual fate."
She taps his new left lung.
"But this... It's more than just giving you energy. It's as though your body got briefly rejuvenated, and it specifically repaired your lung and diaphragm. Your genetics were, in a sense, overwritten...no, put on overdrive? Temporarily given enough energy to fully recover in the span of seconds? And that should generally be impossible."
When she turns to the others, her expression is grim.
"That boy... He possibly sacrificed his own cellular energy to give you the ability to recover the way you did."
Toshinori's expression drops, shocked.
"But... The doctor said he'd be sleeping for just a few days. Is it... It's that bad?"
"Possibly... I can't say for sure without knowing his quirk."
"...Well, his ID said he's quirkless when he's clearly not."
"What did you notice from him? You said he was using his quirk when you got there," Nedzu cuts in.
"Ah... How could I describe it..." Toshinori puts his hand to his chin, squinting as he thinks. "...It's quite hard to. Something like...spatial...no... Erh, for example. I had empty soda bottles in my pockets to catch the villain--slime or sludge body, couldn't cuff 'im--but he was there, distracting him. Midoriya then...got juggling balls from nowhere and started juggling them. As he did, they suddenly became the bottles I'd gotten together. Then, he turned the bottles into a tablecloth or something? He gets the sludge villain under the tablecloth and..."
Toshinori claps his hands together before spreading them out.
"Bam. Caught and padlocked in the bottles. It was like..."
"A magic trick," Nedzu finishes. "His quirk perhaps has something to do with the work of magicians."
"Or clowns."
The others look at Toshinori, confused. But he just shrugs.
"I'm not sure why. He gave off the sort of impression you'd get from a clown rather than a magician."
"So he used his quirk...his magic tricks...to have him grow new organs?" Naomasa wonders. "That should be impossible, as Recovery Girl said."
"But quirks are always getting stronger, aren't they?" Gran cuts in, crossing his arms. "And it took a toll on 'im, however he did it. But what are we going to do with this information?"
Nedzu hums. "Well, a quirk like this sounds intriguing. I suppose it's not something he's talked about, considering his ID said he was quirkless. So, since he's hiding it..."
"Is there something dangerous with it?"
"Possibly. Or he knows it could be dangerous if someone villainous knows about it."
"Considering how powerful it can be..." Recovery Girl trails off, looking back at Toshinori's scans.
...Right then.
They'd have to keep an eye on the mysterious young man.
And, perhaps, keep an eye on the things happening around him, too.
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haiimochii-blog · 6 months
Katsuki Bakugo
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You were sitting in the corner of the crowd crying, he had promised you, but he had broken his promise. Your pure 58 minutes without hearing anything went by quickly, until you got up the courage to look at the screen that showed the image of a dead boyfriend, you saw the image of your boyfriend lying somewhere else with his hand up.
You get up from your spot in shock and look around to see your friends looking at you with giant smiles, you feel a great sense of relief and tears. You walk off until you reach the current police station, enter and go to the main control.
Naomasa: Y/n? What are you doing here? - your father asks as you approach
You: I just want to help! My quirk is meant to be supportive! I want to help and not just stand here and watch doctors and nurses run around helplessly! - You speak with an authoritative tone of voice, you see Monika, the secret police agent nod to Naomasa who lets out a long sigh.
Naomasa: Okay, but promise me something. - you nod your head - you're not going to the fight! Understand, young lady?
You: Yes sir! - You agree and run off
You see that supplements have been taken to a helicopter, so you go towards the helicopter, you get on it and go straight to where the pilot was.
You: Where is this helicopter going?
Pilot: Where's the hero Dynamight, miss!
You: Can I help you fly sir? - Your question captivates the pilot who stares at you for a few seconds and then realises who you are.
Pilot: Yes, you can! - he gives you the other helmet and you sit next to him.
After everyone got in, the helicopter took off for where Dynamight was, you felt relieved that your father had let you help with the support, you were so focused on piloting that you didn't even realise you'd arrived on the scene, you quickly took off your helmet as the pilot landed the helicopter, the second the door opened you ran out to Katsuki.
You kneel down next to Katsuki, who has his eyes closed. You start to measure his heart pressure, but are surprised by his hand on your cheek, which makes you feel very nostalgic.
Katsuki: I asked you to stay with the rest of the population… - his voice was weak, but it was calm, moments of the two of you in bed were to occupy your mind
You: I couldn't take it and I had to help the doctors - you give a relieved smile as the paramedics arrive with the stretcher, you turn away as you see the only two paramedics who came with you picking up your boyfriend and putting him on the stretcher and taking him to the helicopter.
You go along to the helicopter, but when you get into it you see All Might sitting in the co-pilot's seat, which makes you giggle.
You: You're not supposed to be here! - You see the para-medics healing Katsuki
Toshinori: I had to be distracted! - he laughs as you look at the helicopter door
The helicopter was taking off, in the background you could see Shigaraki and Izuku fighting, which made you feel a little guilty for not helping, but just then you shut the helicopter door and it flies off back to the devastated city of Shizuoka.
Your boyfriend's hand grabs your foot making you look back, he was looking at you with a piteous look on his face, you let out a small laugh and sit down next to him and start to heal the scar on his face from his death.
Katsuki: Did you fall from the sky? - he tries to lighten the mood, but you tap him on the shoulder - Ouch! - he complains with a big smile on his face - I just wanted to distract you.
You: Shut up! - you joke
That was a relief for you, to have him back, he can have as many scars as he wants, but he'll always have a warm space inside your heart.
Katsuki: Are we still going to get married and have a family like we promised 12 years ago? - he asks, bringing you out of your thoughts and putting a big smile on your face.
You: Of couse!
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 7 months
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Who was Reo’s character inspired by?
[not anyone that i really remember, he wasn’t supposed to be any sort of major character to begin with he just kind of pushed his way into the story and his character developed from the necessity of his growing importance in the plot, honestly I just needed someone who could make Izuku weapons and stuff but he decided he was gonna be more than that shsnshbs, design wise I tried to make him look similar to Naomasa since they’re related, but that’s about it 🤷‍♀️]
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lovinkiri · 1 year
Undercover Wild Cat, Chapter Twenty-Four: Series Finale
Description: It's time to move into the dorms. The students may have triumphed over many struggles, but they still have a long way to go. For now, all they can do is move forward. Sasha laughs and cries in this chapter as opens up her heart to her friends.
Warning: None.
Art Credit: @.jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
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Sasha sighed softly, standing in the doorway of her bare bedroom. Naomasa had just finished bringing the last of her things down to his car and was making sure everything was accounted for. Most of her things were already at the school, but she had a few more boxes. In the meantime, he insisted Sasha have a moment to part ways with her old bedroom. At first, she thought he was being silly, but now that she was standing there, it felt right.
Walking over to the window that used to sit above her desk, she smiled. She remembered sneaking out to do extra training, despite Naomasa telling her to rest. She’d always wake up sore, and it didn’t take long for Naomasa to catch in. When he did, she got a good scolding. That night, Naomasa checked in on her every ten minutes to make sure she’d actually fallen asleep. She felt so bad for keeping him awake that she stopped doing it, and that problem was put to rest.
“I guess I really was a brat, huh?” She murmured softly, placing a hand on the glass, which was covered in a thin veil of dust. She began to think about how she’d have to clean it later, but then she remembered that this wouldn’t be her room later.
“You’re telling me.” Naomasa said from behind her. When she turned to look at him, he was already walking towards her. He smiled down at her, gently bumping his knuckle against her jaw. “I knew having a kid would be interesting, but every day was something else with you around. I don’t regret it but I wouldn’t do that again.”
She gave him a small smirk, nudging him. “Yeah? You’re still young, Nao. Don’t you want kids of your own someday?” She asked, looking back at the window. She remembered hoping for years that Nao would give her a little sister or brother, a friend. Now that she had friends, she’d given up that wish, but the thought was still nice.
He roughly ruffled her hair, smiling as she huffed through her nostrils. “What are you talking about? You are my kid, Sasha.” He said, pulling her into a hug with one arm. “And I’m not even done raising you. It’s way too early to be thinking about another kid.”
She hugged him back, leaning her head against his shoulder. They settled into a comfortable silence before she began speaking again. “... I’m gonna miss you. I’m going to miss my room too. And this house.” She admitted, glancing up at him. 
Nodding, he looked back at her. “Not going to be the same around here without you sneaking up on me. Guess I’ll just have to get used to peace… That’s a scary thought.” He joked. They shared a laugh, Sasha sticking out her tongue before he continued. “Alright, alright, I’ll be serious. The peace that I know is coming really is scary though. I’m not sure if I’m ready for a quiet house. To be reminded of my life before you.”
Her expression changed as she watched him worriedly. Naomasa hadn’t told her he was feeling this way before, and she’d asked about his feelings plenty of times. Reading her expression, he finished his thought. “Don’t worry, Sasha, I want you to do what’s best for you. That’s what you’re supposed to do as a kid, it’s your job. Just don’t forget to visit.”
She reached up a bit to point at him. “I’m not the only one who has to open up, it seems.” She said, poking his shoulder gently so as to not hurt him with her claws. “You can share your feelings with me too, Nao. We’re a team. We always will be.”
He agreed under his breath, a smile widening into a small grin. “I’ll work on that. You have my word, Sasha.” He removed his arm from her shoulder, placing a hand over his heart as if taking an oath. The sight made Sasa giggle a little, something Nao was proud of. Most parents couldn’t talk to their teenagers, let alone make them laugh. He was lucky to have a special bond with such a special daughter
The thought reminded him of something. Walking back to the door, he began examining the door frame. On it, Sasha’s heights throughout her years of living with Naomasa were marked with her claws. It almost felt like he was seeing her grow up again.
Sasha joined him and pointed to the line at the very bottom. “I can’t believe I was ever that small. Promise me you’ll never paint this frame, Nao.” She smiled fondly, running her fingers over the wood.
He crouched to get a better look and was immediately hit with nostalgia, reminiscing on when he had to kneel to be on eye level with her. “Of course, I promise. You were adorable back then. You know, your mom and dad used to call you their cub. Your father in particular couldn't get enough of how cute you were. He carried photos of you and your mother everywhere.” Naomasa laughed fondly.
Sasha paused for a minute to think. She could never forget her father, but it’d been so long since she spoke about him. Though Naomasa was her dad, her father would always hold a place in her heart, and vice versa. Naomasa was best friends with her father when he was alive, so both of them knew that the man wouldn’t want things to be any other way. 
Her father was just as amazing as her mother. He was quite the affectionate man. While her mother was a sweet and passionate woman, her father was always able to keep himself more reserved. Sasha could faintly remember staying at hotels temporarily while her parents carried out missions. Important people would drop by and while her father was able to put on a stone face, her mother’s body language was difficult to control. In Particular, she had a hard time controlling her ears and tail. Sasha worked hard to control that herself, and even she slipped up from time to time.
Suddenly, Naomasa looked like he remembered something. “Oh, right, I wanted to show you something. Stay put, I’ll be right back.” Standing upright again, he briskly exited the room.
Sasha was left wondering what he left to retrieve. It was probably a parting gift. Something practical, something she could use often. Knowing Naomasa, she’d bet her claws that it was something like a humidifier. He mentioned her needing one the day Aizawa and All Might stopped by to get Naomasa’s blessing to move her into the dorms.
As she waited, she took another look at the door frame, caressing every mark for every birthday she spent with Naomasa. She remembered the first time Naomasa mentioned something about needing a way to mark her height, and her first thought was to use her claw to indent it instead of a marker. She was only trying to help, so Naomasa wasn’t exactly angry. He simply explained to her that it wouldn’t be too much trouble to grab a marker from his desk. Still, he let it go quickly when Sasha looked at him with her wide, innocent eyes. It was like trying to scold a kitten, so of course he let her continue to mark her height with her claws, especially if it made her happy.
She giggled at Naomasa's face after every party flashed in her mind. For the first couple of years, he would slump his shoulders and sigh deeply at the sight of his chipped door frame. After she turned ten years old, he didn’t seem to care as much though. If anything, he seemed to find it endearing. 
Just then, he walked back into the room with a small wooden box and a humidifier. The sight of the small machine made her laugh, grinning up at his confusion. “A humidifier!” She exclaimed, almost excited to be right. She didn’t expect it to be so spot on, it was quite a surprise for her.
Raising an eyebrow, he watched her before shaking his head. “You’re a weird kid, you know that?” He sighed, smiling fondly as she stood from her crouching position. “Normal kids say “Oh, thank you for the humidifier, kind father figure who only wants for me to be able to breathe fresh air”. But not Sasha. Sasha laughs.”
His words made her laugh harder and she waved away his concerns. “No, no! It’s not that, I promise. I just.. I was trying to guess what it would be and a humidifier was my first thought. Because you’ve always been good at getting me things I need.” She pointed out. While that wasn’t exactly why she guessed it would be a humidifier, that was part of the reason. She liked how predictable his gifts were, but she wasn’t sure if he’d take that as a compliment.
He smiled at her words, as if proud of himself. That was just the compliment he needed to hear today, that he had always given Sasha what she needed growing up. He felt a little better about letting her leave the nest. Or rather, leave the leap (group of leopards) was a better expression. 
“Well, that’s not the only thing I have for you.” He said, handing her the items. The humidifier sat on top of the box that she now recognized as an old lunch box with the design of a cute little cartoon kitten. It was obvious that it was old because of how worn it looked, even though it was obvious Naomasa had dusted it off. “Don’t open that until you get to your new dorm. Something tells me you’ll want privacy. Or maybe it’s time to let your friends help you through this now, all of them.”
She raised an eyebrow, blinking up at him owlishly before staring at the lunch box once more. “Alright… But where’d this come from? Never seen it before around the house or in the attic.” She pointed out, rubbing her thumb over the metal lunch box. She was gentle when handling it, scared it would fall apart if she wasn’t.
Standing up, he checked the time on his watch. “Speaking of which, it’s about time to go. Let’s get to the car and get you to your new home, kid. New beginnings and all that, right?” He said nudging her and walking out of the room, shaking his head at how behind schedule they were now.
She hummed softly, looking over the room once more. As sad as it was, Naomasa was right. This wasn’t the end, it was the start of something fresh. She would miss Naomasa and her room, but she could get closer to her friends now. She would get to share a routine with them, a life. The thought brought a grin to her face.
“That’s right, Nao,” She started, walking towards the door to follow him. Reaching up, she flicked the light switch off and walked out, not looking back. “New beginnings.” She finished softly.
- One Hour Later, UA High School -
All of Class 1-A stood together at the entrance of the dorm building. She stood in the back, admittedly a little nervous. She was worried that after everything, the others would have some discomfort around her. The problem was she wasn’t the tallest, so she couldn’t get a good look at the building or their instructor. Instead, she found herself staring at her shoes.
Suddenly, her hand was grabbed. When she looked up, Eijirou was grinning at her. She couldn’t understand how someone’s smile could make the day seem so brighter. Something about Eijirou made her heart and her worries feel so much lighter. He truly was a ray of sunshine for her, and for everyone around him.
“What are you doing back here? You can’t see a thing, Sash.” He said, gently tugging her upfront. He chuckled as her eyes widened in surprise. He’d have to tell her all about how cute she was later. “C’mon, let’s see what Aizawa’s got to say. Don’t be shy.”
She gave a small nod and gave him a smile of her own, locking their fingers. Now that she thought about it, she’d get to see Eijirou’s smiling face every day too. She would get to watch movies with him, eat with him, and talk with him whenever. This was just getting better and better. 
“Thanks, Ei.” She murmured, leaning her head against his shoulder affectionately. When they reached the front, Denki looked at them and gave Sasha a wink. She couldn’t help the pink blush that fanned across her cheeks and she stuck her tongue out at him, much to his amusement. 
“Looks like we all got permission to move into the dorms.” Sero said with a grin, the rest of their classmates agreeing. A few, like Hagakure, mentioned how their parents weren’t easily convinced. Sasha understood that though. She hadn’t expected Naomasa to give in as quickly as he did. She definitely didn’t think everyone in their class would get permission after everything that had happened. Yet here they all were, still going strong, everyone together again. 
Now that she thought about it, this was the first time the entire class had been together in one place since they first went to the training grounds in the woods. When they left, they were short one member. With that in mind, she glanced over at the ash-blonde hothead, who seemed to be getting bored. Suddenly, they met eyes, and he seemed to immediately make a face. She held back laughter as she looked away. 
Same old Bakugou. Still, she was grateful for it.
“It’s nice to see that the teachers came back.” Tsuyu said, looking at Aizawa again. “I was worried. After the press conference, it seemed like no one was happy with you guys.” She pointed out. 
Sasha nodded. “Yeah. I can’t believe you guys were forced in such a tight corner like that. You guys didn’t deserve to be treated like that. They were looking at you guys like it was all your fault.” She said, getting annoyed at the thought. The heroes were always fighting for the citizens, but the citizens had never been quick to fight for the heroes. Sometimes, it truly seemed like a thankless job, despite all of the fans. Still, the heroes always gave it their all to protect those around them, and to save lives. And that was a path Sasha was ready to go down no matter what.
“As you’re teachers, we are responsible for you all when you’re under our care. As far as we are concerned, we could have done better.” Aizawa seemed to sigh when remembering the aftermath of the press conference. Sasha concluded that it must have been very tiring for Aizawa, all of the meetings and conferences. “As for our return, I was surprised too. I suppose it was just easier to allow the teachers to return rather than replace the entire faculty.”
Sasha understood what Aizawa was saying. Still, she felt guilty. Some of this had been her fault, after all. Yet because she was a part of the commission and still a student, not a word of her part in it got out. If it ever did, she couldn’t imagine she’d have an easy time becoming a hero, no one would trust her. But being responsible and seeing others pay for it didn’t feel great. 
“Now, I’ll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly, but first things first, I haven’t forgotten about the provisional licenses you were supposed to get at the training camp.” Aizawa’s next words sparked excitement. Sasha realized that with her connections with the commission severed, she would need a license of her own. She figured they probably prepared one for her at some point, not having known she was undercover. 
It seemed like Sasha wasn’t the only one to forget about the licenses either. The entire class seemed to be surprised, but she couldn’t blame them. So much had happened, the day they arrived at the training camp felt like so long ago. The original; objective was to get provisional licenses, but it had shifted, the objective becoming survival. As for Sasha, Eijirou, Izuku, Iida, Todoroki, and Momo, their objective had shifted again, to a rescue mission.
Aizawa began to talk again. “Listen well. What I’m about to say is very important.” He said, gaining everyone’s attention. One by one, he called the names of all six of the students involved with saving Bakugou. Eijirou and Sasha exchanged a nervous look before returning their gaze back to their teacher just as he started speaking again.
“You are the five students who broke the rules and rescued Bakugou that night.” He seemed to narrow his eyes, obviously unhappy. The mood seemed to shift. Almost all of the six students were nervous about their fate, and their classmates were nervous for them but also surprised that they’d actually gone through with the plan. Even Bakugou seemed to be nervous, having looked away from everyone. 
Aizawa seemed to look over the faces of the entire class before bowing his head in disappointment. “Based on the reactions I’m seeing, I assume you all know about this plan.” As he spoke, the tension only grew thicker. 
Not knowing where he was going with this, Sasha felt the urge to speak up. “Please don’t be upset with the others, Sir. They tried very hard to convince us otherwise. I won’t try to plead our case, but the others are innocent.” She said, bowing her head out of respect. She’d earned everyone’s attention when she chose to speak up. The entire class's eyes were on her. Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Eijirou, Iida, and Izuku slowly began to bow their heads, showing that they silently agreed and stood with her.
Aizawa took a long pause, thinking deeply about their words and actions before sighing. “Still, they should have informed someone of your plans. If it weren’t for All Might’s retirement, I would expel everyone here except for Bakugou, Hagakure, and Jirou. The five of you who went and the twelve who did nothing to stop them, you all betrayed UA’s trust.”
Sasha’s heart felt heavy. She’d been betraying their trust often, or it felt like it. And now, her classmates were in trouble because of the decisions she made. Still, as horrible as it sounded, she didn’t regret saving Bakugou or helping All Might during his fight. They were both alive and that’s why she would never regret it. Still, the guilt of the consequences would eat her alive.
Aizawa continued to speak, not done scolding them just yet. “In order to regain our confidence in you, you’ll need to get your act together. Live your lives as model students and don’t cause any more trouble.” He said, placing his hands in his pockets. “Now then. Let’s look alive now. Come enjoy the dorm. It’s your new home, after all.” He finished, turning away and walking into the building.
Everyone watched him, the atmosphere getting significantly more depressing. The same question was on everyone’s mind. How were they supposed to cheer up after that speech? Aizawa had really torn into them after all, and his blatant honesty on how they could’ve been expelled certainly didn’t help. 
Looking up at Eijirou, Sasha noticed the look on his face. It was similar to the face she wanted to make. She squeezed his hand, trying to give him a sense of comfort, and he returned the gesture, glancing down to meet her eyes. They didn’t have the exchange words to know that they were both feeling bad. Though Eijirou almost looked like he wanted to cry. 
Suddenly, Bakugou stomped his way over to them and grabbed Denki, who was in front of them. Denki was looking down at his feet one minute, then was getting dragged the next minute. Everyone’s eyes followed, watching as Denki struggled against Bakugou’s grip. 
“Come here!”
“Huh? Wait– for what?!”
Sasha raised an eyebrow, only getting more confused when Bakugou dragged Denki behind a bush. No matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn’t come up with anything to explain Bakugou’s actions. Not only that, but she was wondering why he needed Denki. She had the urge to call out, just to see if they were okay.
Before she, or anyone else, could voice their concerns, there was a burst of lightning from inside the bush, making everyone jump. Sasha wasn’t startled often, but Eijirou could tell it had gotten her from the way her tail seemed to puff a little and how her ears went down. It was also obvious from the way she jumped back into his chest, but he was trying not to focus on that, or else that's all he’d think about.
Denki came stumbling out of the bush almost immediately after, both hands forming a thumb up. It seemed that Bakugou had done something to make Denki “short-circuit”, for lack of better words. “Yay, yay, yay, yay..” He babbled, walking towards the group unsteadily. A few of their classmates seemed shaking from holding in their laughter, 
“Kirishima.” Bakugou said, walking over to them. They looked at him and Sasha moved from Eijirou’s chest to his side. This was Eijirou’s first time speaking to Bakugou properly after what happened and she didn’t want to be standing between them, literally. Eijirou didn’t know what to say, but then Bakugou pulled out cash, holding it out to him. 
Eijirou tensed, a panicked look on his face. “No way! Did you shake him down for cash?!” Eijirou exclaimed, looking at the money with wide eyes. Sasha smiled a little, holding back a giggle. Bakugou didn’t need to shake people down, but she only knew that because she’d met his family, who were pretty well off. Still, she probably might have had the same suspicion if she hadn’t known more about his background. He accosted Denki, did something to him, and came with money. It was a plausible theory.
As funny as the accusation was, Bakugou was quick to shut it down. “No! This is my money, you idiot! To replace what you spent!” He said, a sense of familiarity washing over Eijirou and Sasha. They didn’t know how much they’d miss being called an idiot. 
Bakugou brushed past them as Eijirou questioned how Bakugou knew he had bought night vision goggles. He only looked back once, and only to say one last thing. “Don’t ever say I never gave you anything, and don’t say I didn’t pay you back. Show ‘em your dumb side, Kaminari.” He grunted, turning away.
Sasha huffed and called after him. “You owe Denki an apology, Explodo Boy!” She said, glancing at the electric blonde. She was happy to see Bakugou cheering the class up and breaking the ice, but she felt bad that Denki had to be the butt of the joke.
Walking over to Denki, she placed an arm around his shoulder, guiding him into the building. “There, there. I gotcha buddy…” She comforted him, trailing off as she took in the scenery. She figured the building would be big, but it wasn’t like just any dorm. It felt comfortable, truly like she was at home. She could already imagine study sessions and movie nights in the common area.
“Pretty, pretty…” Denki said before giggling.
She nodded, still looking around. “I know… This place is huge. Very pretty too.” She smiled, agreeing with him. She hadn’t noticed how Denki wasn’t looking around the building, how his eyes were on her. He wasn’t seeing something pretty, he was seeing someone pretty. Still, he continued to smile, letting his head fall to her shoulder.
She looked back at him and smiled. “Don’t listen to Bakugou, you aren’t dumb. You know him, he just pops off at the mouth. We’ll get him back later for that stunt.” She grinned at him, reaching up to ruffle his hair. 
Aizawa began to give everyone the basics of the building, telling everyone where the facilities and the dorm rooms would be located. It seemed Sasha wasn’t the only one who was impressed. She couldn’t believe this place had been constructed in such a short amount of time. She wasn’t sure if he understood or retained what she was saying, but she made sure to quietly repeat everything to Denki.
As she looked around, her ears picked up on the voice of Mineta. “Did I hear that right… Our bathroom is located in the common area. Is this heaven?”He said, practically drooling. Sasha made a face, she knew exactly what he was thinking.
Thankfully, Aizawa had noticed him too. “They are separated by gender and you will behave yourself.” He said, not even sparing Mineta a glance. His tone of voice made it obvious that the consequences would be severe if he decided not to behave, and was enough to put Mineta back in his place.
Then his eyes met Sasha’s, and she narrowed her, as if daring him to try anything funny at any point. If she even heard from the other girls that he was invading such a private area, she’d be at his door. Her gaze sent a shiver up his spine and he went into a slouched position.
Next, they were shown their living quarters on the next floor. As much as Sasha missed home, she knew she was going to love it here. Their rooms gave them their own personal AC, fridges, and toilets. Not only that, but they had balconies. 
She left Denki inside the room so that she could step out onto the balcony, not wanting him to fall. Izuku was out there, looking over the railing. “This is impressive, huh? Never thought I’d have my own balcony here at school.” She said, leaning against the metal bar, and looking down at the ground beneath them. 
Whenever she saw a window or a balcony, she felt the urge to look out of it, as if trying to secure an escape route. It was one of the things she learned as an agent; Identify as many escape routes as you possibly can upon entering a room or building.
“Old habits die hard,” She thought to herself with a small, thoughtful hum. “I guess it isn't too bad to be prepared for anything though. At least I know I could make it down from here. Worst case scenario, I’ll scale the wall.”
Izuku snapped her out of her daze by responding to her previous statement. “No kidding. These rooms are amazing.” He said, going quiet for a moment before looking at her. “Do you think you could scale the wall going down? If you ever had to, of course.”
She blinked, taken aback by how similar his line of thinking was to hers. She had forgotten how much of an overthinker he was. She definitely didn’t think that their thoughts would overlap like that. Izuku definitely would have made a good agent, like she had thought when they were saving Bakugou. Though she was still thankful he wasn’t going down such a path.
“You know what, Izuku? I was thinking the same thing. Let’s test the theory one day.” She suggested, smirking at him mischievously. “You bring your notes, I’ll bring my claws. Just as long as we don’t tell Aizawa.” She placed a finger to her lips. 
“Oh? After I clearly said to behave yourself?” 
Aizawa’s voice came from behind them. He didn’t sound as angry as he was with Mineta, but he did sound annoyed enough to make the pair jump. Slowly turning, they met his red eyes, a shiver going up their spines from the intensity of his gaze.
“No, Sir!”
“We were just joking around!” 
They pleaded their case in unison, straightening their backs with nervous smiles. The teacher stared the both of them down for a few more seconds before turning away, shaking his head with an exasperated expression. Aizawa would always prefer sleep to almost anything, but it was times like this when he really wished he was sleeping. He’d lost a lot of it teaching these kids, he’d be upset if he missed anymore because Sasha fell from a balcony.
They walked back into the bedroom with Aizawa. Momo and Iida were looking around, as if doing a thorough investigation. It made sense, they would be living in these rooms, and she imagined Iida and Yaoyorozu weren’t used to rooms like these. Though she hadn’t ever seen their rooms back home, she knew enough about their backgrounds to make an educated guess.
“This room is about the size of my closet at home.” Yaoyorozu said with a hand on her chin, confirming Sasha’s own analysis of her. Rich or not, Sasha just always liked it when her theories got confirmed. 
Walking over, she smiled at the girl. “Wow, Momo, that’s a pretty big closet. I’ve got to see all of the clothes you put in your closet, just to see how much clothing it takes to fill it.” She said, making her chuckle in response.
“Sure thing, Sasha,” She agreed, the thought of having a girl friend to dress up with made her excited. “I have this one skirt that would look perfect on you too. You must come try it on one day.”
Sasha didn’t wear skirts often, as most didn’t, but she didn’t mind trying new things. She’d never let a friend loan her clothes and dress her up. She’d heard that this was something a lot of girls her age did with friends, and she didn’t want to push away the opportunity to get closer to Yaoyorozu, especially after what they’d been through together lately. 
Besides, she’d always wanted to dress a little more feminine. She wondered if Eijirou would like it too, though he never seemed to pay much mind to her casual wear. Every time Eijirou looked at her, his eyes were usually on hers. The only time he paid close attention to her clothes was when they first wore their hero costumes.
Aizawa gathered everyone back downstairs and gave one final announcement to the class. He handed out thin pamphlets that showed their room assignments. “I’ll drop by tomorrow to discuss a few more things with you all. For tonight, unpack and get settled.” He said, closing up the tour he’d given.
“Yes, Mr. Aizawa!” The class exclaimed in unison, smiling at their teacher brightly. Aizawa let out a small hum, then gave Sasher and Izuku a look. He gave Mineta a look over, this one more stern than the last. And he left, thinking quietly to himself with their smiles on his mind.
“Maybe the lack of sleep is worth a little. Just a bit.”
-  A Couple of Hours Later, Class 1-A Dorms - 
Sasha sighed softly, throwing herself on the couch, right next to Eijirou. She’d just taken a bath, and it was the most relaxing thing she’d done in weeks. “Man, that really hit the spot.” She smiled, leaning her cheek on his shoulder. 
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “I know, right? I forgot what it was like to be that worry-free. It reminded me of when you, Kaminari, Bakugou, and I hung out on the weekends. We gotta do that again sometime.” His suggestion made Sasha nod. She understood, she’d briefly been reminded of the same thing. “Oh, and with Momo, Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya too.” He added happily.
Her response was unspoken but clear, as her smile turned into a grin at the thought of being able to hang out with even more friends outside of school. She was really loving this “normal teenager” thing so far. She knew that this wasn’t what it was all about, but she’d like to think it was sometimes. Just focusing on the people you care about most.
She and everyone else, most of the boys, began talking about the dorms and how amazing they were. Denki seemed back to normal and seemed to be the most talkative. That wasn’t unusual, he had missed the opportunity to express all of his thoughts during the tour, which was what led to Bakugou being scolded all the way to his own room (where he promptly slammed the door on Sasha).
Most of the girls joined the group, just finishing up with their rooms. “So, the girls and I were talking, and we had an idea.” Mina announced before looking at Sasha apologetically. “Sorry, Sasha. We wanted to ask you about it, but you kinda ran off, girl.”
Sasha blushed and sank into her seat. Knowing that she rushed off to shower and cuddle Eijirou afterward. She had missed him from the moment they went their separate ways outside of Bakugou’s dorm. They hadn’t had the time to properly spend time with each other, after all. “It’s okay, I get it. My bad, ladies.” She nodded at them.
Mina assured her that didn’t have to be sorry about anything before moving on with her announcement. Apparently, the rest of the girls had the idea of starting a contest. The point was to visit every room, everyone would vote on who has the coolest room and the winner would be decided. 
Sasha wasn’t opposed to the idea. Her room looked pretty similar to the one she had at home, it was pretty normal. With that being said, she had nothing to hide. She was more excited to see everyone else’s room.
Next thing she knew, they were heading to Izuku’s room first. While he begged for them not to enter, Sasha tried her best to comfort him, as she knew that this was happening no matter what. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.” She assured him, only to end up practically blinded by the amount of red, white, and blue in his room. She knew he liked All Might, but this was a lot.
“... Wow.” Was all she could manage, squinting her eyes as Izuku hid his face.
They went to everyone’s rooms, starting with the boys. Sash had tons more fun than she thought she would. She’d played with Koda’s bunny, punched Eijirou’s punching bag, and gotten to eat cake after. She and the rest of the girls seemed content with themselves. By the time they ended, she was sure she knew where her vote was going.
The girls of the class were up next. Sasha had just as much in their rooms too. She’d got to lie on Yaoyorozu’s bed, which was covered in expensive sheets, pillows, and blankets. Jirou's room was probably the most interesting with all of the instruments. It made Sasha consider taking lessons with one. The only thing that bothered her was Mineta, who seemed to be smelling Hagakure’s drawers. Thankfully Eijirou was there to stop her from kicking him where the sun didn’t shine, though she did drag him out.
When they got to her room, she showed them around happily. “It’s not much, but I like it. Reminds me of home, but I get to have you guys as neighbors. Though I do sometimes forget Nao isn’t down the hall.” She said, her hand rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.
Her classmates looked around curiously, almost as if looking for something in particular. Sasha seemed to notice and began wondering what they were doing, before laughing and shaking her head. “Oh, and there’s new secret rooms or spy gadgets. I quit and I believe work should stay at work. I went home to get away, after all.”
Everyone looked at her, almost seeming embarrassed that they’d been found out. They hadn’t broached the spy topic with her yet. Maybe they’d ask someday when they got more settled with what had happened in the woods. Still, Sasha noticed that a few of them looked disappointed, especially Denki, who thought a secret room would be awesome. 
They pointed out the fact that her floor had a fluffy carpet on the flooring. She laughed and shrugged. “Well, My feet are kinda loud because of my claws, and I hate shoes. Now my floor is quiet and comfortable.” She explained, getting a chorus of sounds of understanding.
When she went to speak to Eijirou, she noticed him standing by her dresser and glancing down at Mineta, who was probably closer than he should have been. Once he caught wind of Eijirou’s looks, he was quick to move away, and Eijirou unconsciously narrowed his eyes, as if saying “Yeah I bet you won’t”. Honestly, it made her happy to see him so protective of her boundaries with others. Instead of speaking, she found herself thinking about how happy she was that she’d found him. 
She decided not too long after that to leave her room, which was the last. Finally, the classmates who remained awake, everyone minus Bakugou and Tsuyu, did a vote to see who won. Mina made the declaration herself. Unsurprisingly to the girls, Sato was the winner due to his cake.
Suddenly, Ochako called out her name. Right after, she called for Eijirou, Izuku, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Iida. All six of the students who went to save Bakugou, and Sasha didn’t think it was a coincidence. She wondered what was going on, but Ochako said it was really important, so she didn’t ask too many questions.
Ochako led them all outside, where Tsuyu was standing. She said that Tsuyu had something she wanted to share with them. Sasha could see that whatever it was, it wasn’t happy. That was clear from their expressions, tone of voice, and the entire atmosphere. 
Tsysu proceeded to pour her heart out, sharing her deep feelings with them. The harsh words she said at the hospital, comparing them to villains, were only said in an attempt to keep her classmates safe. When she found it this morning they still went, she felt bad because she thought she was able to stop them. Because of that, she didn’t think she deserved to laugh with them, so she hid away in her room. But, in her words…
“It made me so sad to be without you.” She said to them, her voice trembling as fat tears rolled down her cheeks. Sasha’s heart felt tight when she saw her cry like that, but she continued to listen. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you all about my feelings. Because I want to put everything behind us and hang out again.” She finished, trying to wipe her tears.
Ochako reassured her, letting her and everyone else know that they’d all felt bad about what happened, but deep down, they all wanted to move forward from this together like a family would. That was why they did the room contest, which was very sudden now that Sasha thought about it. She ended things off with positivity, just like Ochako usually did. She encouraged them to train hard together with the rest of the class and to do their best.
A familiar feeling came to Sasha and brought tears to her eyes for a second time. She was feeling hopeful again. Newfound hope for a future where her classmates could forgive her. Smiling, she took a step forward and took Tsuyu’s hand in her own. “I’m sorry that we made you feel that way, we never meant to hurt anyone. And I’m sorry about lying about my identity so long, and then for disappearing. I’d really like a fresh start too, Tsu.” She said, gently squeezing her hand. 
The rest of the group took turns giving their own apologies. It seemed Tsuyu and Sasha weren’t the only ones moved to tears either. They huddled around Tsuyu and made sure to comfort her. Sasha took Ochako’s hand into her free hand. She nodded at her and gave her hand a squeeze.
“I’m sorry to you too, Ochako. For everything.” She said truthfully. Ochako was one of the first people she met, one of her closest classmates. She had to apologize to her personally. She’d even brought them out here.
Ochako nodded her head and grinned at Sasha. “Thank you. Now let’s be friends again, just like before.” She said softly. Sasha’s hands were being squeezed tightly, and she was glad for it.
- 20 Minutes Later -
“No offense, Sasha, but it’s late.” Mina yawned, earning agreement from the rest of the class. She had even managed to get Bakugou out after knocking on his door for long enough and dodging a fist.
She’d gathered everyone into the common area. Some sat by her side on the couch, others stood behind her. And she sat calmly, her hands on the old lunchbox her dad/uncle gave her. According to Izuku, the cat on the front was from an old, unpopular cartoon that didn’t air anymore. All Might must have loved that cartoon.
 “Sorry guys,” She said, looking at the box. “But I got this from Nao today and he said something about letting my friends help me, and it had something to do with this box. Just please, bare with me, at least until I open it.” She pleaded with them, placing her hands together.
No one made a move to lean so she quickly moved to unlatch the lunch box, and she swung it open. Her curiosity quickly got the better of her. There was a sticky note on the lid that read: “I found this time capsule from back in my day – Nao”.  
Now she was even more excited to look through this thing.But she froze when she gazed down into the lunchbox. She began to tear up again as she slowly moved to lift a photograph. 
It was an old photo of her mother holding a baby. Holding Sasha on the day she was born. “Oh God, it’s her… It’s my mom.” She choked out, a tearful chuckle leaving her as she traced over the picture. She hadn’t seen her mother’s face in years. She was now crying freely. 
Her classmates were surprised by what was happening. Still, not everyone knew Sasha’s mother was gone now. As Eijirou put an arm around her, Denki placed a hand over hers, trying to comfort her.
She lifted the next photo. Again, it was taken the day she was born with her mother, but now her father was in the photo. She let out a sober. It’d been longer since she’d seen him, way longer. “A-And my dad, my daddy…” She sniffled, noticing how the rest of the box was filled with metals and jewelry, each of which held the names and initials of her parents. These were their only known personal possessions. Their yearbook photos, high school diplomas, etc. All of this stuff would have been burned when they became agents, including her baby pictures with them. But they’d trusted Naomasa, their best friend, with copies. 
Sasha began to understand what Naomasa meant by letting her friends in. She turned to her class, trying not to let snot leave her nostrils. “... M-My parents lived as spies, and All For One killed them as spies. My dad… He went first. They found his remains years ago. But my mom.. I found out she didn’t make it just a few days ago. I should have known when she never came home, but nobody ever mentioned her body…” She explained to them, wiping away more tears that would only replace themselves.
Her classmates began to gasp and murmur, immediately comforting her. She had mentioned at the hospital that villains took her parents. They had no idea that it was All For One’s doing. Suddenly, they understood Sasha’s actions a little more, why losing Bakugou too might have broken her and drove her to make the decisions she did.
“Apparently, she died years ago. But to me, it feels like I just lost her. Now, after all these years I’m seeing their faces, and I just…” She began sobbing again, burying her face in the pictures she held, her body trembling. “I just love them so much, and I miss them! And I wish they could see me happy too!” She cried out, curling up in herself a bit.
Everyone drew closer, quite a few of them giving her hugs, rubbing her back, and petting her hair in an attempt to soothe her. Now all of her classmates were seeing this vulnerable side. She wasn’t holding anything else back. She’d given them everything she had.
They stayed up for just a bit longer, and then Sasha willed herself to stop crying. Looking at her friends, she pointed to the clock. “I think we should get to bed now. Thank you for staying up with me, but it’s late now.”
It took a few more minutes, but Sasha was eventually able to send them to their rooms. Eijirou left her side last, walking her to her bedroom. When they got there, he took a deep breath and kissed the top of her head. She blushed but smiled, looking up at him when he pulled away. 
“That was sweet.” She said, holding the lunchbox close to her heart. She knew she was going to have to place everything on her shelves and desk the next day. She almost wanted to do it tonight.
Eijirou chuckled and smiled at her, adoration clear on his face. “Well, I wanted to kiss my girlfriend goodnight. Is that okay…?” He seemed a little nervous when he asked. Sasha could tell he wasn’t just asking about the kiss. 
Eijirou had called her his “Girlfriend” for the first time.
She placed her hands over her mouth and nodded. “Yeah, that’s okay… Boyfriend.” She said, kissing his cheek to return the affection. He placed a hand on his cheek and watched as she quickly made her way into her room. He stood there for a moment before grinning, practically floating off to his own room.
Sasha fell into bed and sighed softly, opening the lunchbox and pulling out her parents’ wedding photo. She kissed the photo and hugged, smiling up at the ceilings as a few more tears fell from the corner of her eyes.
“Thank you for your sacrifice, Mom and Dad. Thank you for your love, and for Nao.” She said, shutting her eyes. The exhaustion was starting to finally hit her. 
“Until next time…”
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everytsukauchi · 1 year
i have to combat the nsfw and ask you whats a soft headcanon you have either on its own or with your oc
Okay so a big thing is I don't want to talk about ocs and stuff on here because this is supposed to be a canon blog in a sense. Again, again and again I have a main blog if you're interested in talking about ocs with me there or even nsfw stuff.
A soft headcanon I have for Naomasa is that he still calls Makoto every week and has done so since she left for the States. They might be siblings and they like to fight, but their relationship with one another is very important to both parties. I think when he first came to Tokyo he use to call her every week then too. Just to check up on her and make sure she's okay.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Names, News and Nominations Chapter 1
Summary: After the sports festival, things should be smooth sailing. Except, of course Izuku finds that it's not true. The news of Sir Nighteye's death is a hard one, but he'll pull through as he and his classmates get ready for their internships! Even if they all seem eager to make him blush still!
ON Ao3
Part of Photos/Videos (Mission: Woo izuku)
 The news of Sir Nighteye broke the day after Anders healed Izuku when Eri was supposed to be discharged from the hospital. She was small, with her white hair cut short due to the fight. Her red eyes looked at Izuku in awe as she clutched a pillow to her chest.
 “You’re the boy on the TV. The one who might be my teacher one day,” she said softly. Izuku gave his best smile to her, and she buried her face into the pillow. 
 “Yes, I’m Izuku,” he said cautiously. “And you’re Eri, right?” 
 “Mmhmm,” she responded, muffled by the pillow. “Is Miss Kyoko alright?” Eri asked, pulling her face away from the pillow. Izuku blinked at the unknown name, but Aizawa stepped in.
 “She’s well. Pleased at being deaged even given she had a nasty surgery a few years back that left complications.” Aizawa nodded to Eri, giving a smile Izuku never saw before, a gentle one that didn’t terrify Izuku into wanting to confess all his sins or pray to the gods. “You saved her from a life of back pain.” Eri looked so shocked as she lifted her head from the pillow.
 “My curse saved her?” the little girl asked.
 “Your Quirk did,” Aizawa told Eri. Izuku didn’t have much time to marvel at the softness, even as Present Mic kept a firm hand over his mouth so he wouldn’t squeal. The door opened to reveal a pale police officer right after Aizawa spoke.
 “Eraserhead, Midoriya? Can we speak to you briefly?” The two followed the officer out as Present Mic eagerly asked Eri about music. 
 “Oh, I like this one band that Rapper likes! It’s called Death to Angels!” Eri’s voice said as they left.
 “… that’s a heavy metal screamo band,” Izuku said.
 “Yep.” Aizawa said in amusement. The police officer didn’t crack a smile, instead ushering them to a new room.
 “Sirs… the pro-hero Sir Nighteye was found dead this morning. We believe Stain was behind it.” 
 “What?” Aizawa asked before he stopped, shaking his head in annoyance. “Why are you telling Midoriya and me this, not me and Present Mic?!”
 “Because we have reason to believe it was due to the future shown,” the officer explained. Izuku’s stomach dropped, and he took a few steps back. What? Someone died because of his future? Sir Nighteye died due to Izuku?
 “No, no, we are not- he’s fifteen still,” Aizawa snapped. “Midoriya, go back to the room and send out Present Mic. You’re too young for this.”
 “He is,” agreed a new voice, and the detective from the USJ incident came in with a nasty scowl. “Which I told my superiors about when they made noises to have him be present earlier.”
 “Tsukauchi, he’ll be number one soon, " the other officer said.
 “He’s a student now, you moron.” snapped Tsukauchi. “Midoriya, I already stopped by the room. Present Mic is waiting for you to relieve him.” Izuku nodded and ran out of the room, his mind whirling in confusion.
 In the room, Shouta gave the officer who’d pulled them both out a nasty look. “What the hell were you thinking?”
 “Don’t,” Tsukauchi snorted. “Either someone paid you to do this, gave you the wrong orders, or you decided that the kid is that important.” the officer went red.
 “He’s All Might’s protege! All Might can’t do anything wrong!” the officer said desperately.
 “Son, I know All Might. I’ve also seen him walk into a pole twice because he got distracted. He can do a lot wrong. Now scram so I can do this.” Tsukauchi jerked a thumb over his shoulder, watching as the other policeman slunk out of the room. “Idiot fanboys.”
 “You alright Naomasa?” Shouta asked gently. Tsukauchi Naomasa sighed and took off his hat to run a hand over his hair.
 “I didn’t like Mirai. Not out of malice but because he was very stubborn and had a chip on his shoulder. His type does that, think they’re all omnipotent while closing their eyes to the fact that anything can change the future. But he was my friend once,” Naomasa sighed, putting his hat back on.
 “Long story, mostly revolving around All Might and his Quirk,” the detective explained. Shouta frowned as the detective pulled out his notepad. “I’m still on the investigation simply because I knew Mirai and can compartmentalize well. Everything is being double-checked, though. So let’s start this conversation.”
 “Isn’t this just warning us what is happening?” Shouta asked him as Hizashi came in, a frown on his face.
 “Eri and Izuku are holding each other while crying,” the blonde man reported. “She found out.” 
 “Izuku was crying because Nighteye died due to him as he says, and then Eri started crying cause Nighteye saved her and she’s very upset he’s dead.” Hizashi scowled hard. 
 “Shit,” Shouta muttered. “Anyone with them?”
 “Yes, actually, a nurse was walking in and is staying with them. Apparently, Nighteye had been her usual patient, and she wanted to spread some comfort.” Hizashi sighed. “It was Stain, wasn’t it?”
 “How would you guess?” Naomasa asked.
 “Because Stain is a weasel bastard, but he’s not hard to guess his motivations,” Hizashi remarked. “He goes after people rumoured to be horrible heroes. Flashlight was one of his previous victims, and the guy was accused of rape several times. Nimrod, Traffic Cone- they were known to be glory hounds. Stain’s type in his killings are people that aren’t seen as good heroes.”
 “But he could have gone after Ingenium, who is a good one,” Naomasa argued.
 “Rumours currently are painting him as taking advantage of having so many sidekicks,” Hizashi explained. “Even if the only reason he’s doing it is for the purge.”
 “...Purge?” Naomasa asked.
 “There’s too many heroes today who are pretty… meh is the best option to use,” Hizashi said as Shouta watched his husband show off his mind. He rarely got to see it, which made the man more attractive each time Hizashi showed off. “The Commission is planning on purging the hero ranks to trim the trees more or less. Those with fewer patrol records, those not signed to a competent agency… I think Tensei gets a kickback from hiring the competent sidekicks who can be great heroes from the Commission.”
 “But it looks like he’s taking advantage, so he doesn’t have to work as much while still getting more money than them,” Naomasa nodded. “And from what we heard, Nighteye apparently could have exposed a young man’s family ties which would have led to him going vigilante.”
 “Plus having his intern only being around to gain a position the man didn’t know about or apparently want,” agreed Hizashi. “Stain is a man who goes around killing people he thinks are bad heroes. He sometimes gets the mark. Other times…”
 “He doesn’t. Six heroes he murdered in the past two months were great heroes who had rumours spread about them because of their Quirks or because they were going undercover,” Shouta voiced. 
 “The fact he directly went here after the festival when he knew we were hunting him in Hosu is concerning to us,” Naomasa said as he wrote down what the two heroes told him. “It potentially means he’s watching Midoriya very closely, perhaps even too closely for our liking.” Naomasa frowned, pulling his phone out. “A tweet crediting him went out an hour before we came here. So the police department was forced to confirm Stain’s death. We then got some following comments concerning this.” he turned the phone to the two, who read the various praises to Stain and comments about how Dekiru deserved better. Some of the more chilling ones were probably those supporting Stain’s crusade for Dekiru.
Dekiru Fan Already @heroicsareforme
OMG! I found SO MANY social media posts about Dekiru from middle school! Man, these guys are TRASH. My poor Dekiru 😭
Fite Me Ho @ihavegodandanime
Ugh this is awful! Maybe Stain should go after them like he did Nighteye!
Fatgum’s Biggest Fan @fatgumnoticeme
People are ACTUALLY DEAD due to him, and you wanna sick him on dumbass teenagers? Wtf is WRONG with you?
 “What the hell?” Shouta muttered. “I agree with the last user. And this in the last hour?”
 “It is. Two of these commenters are minors and are of some concern for their support, but right now, we are simply keeping an eye on things,” Naomasa explained. 
 “Is this why you’re here?” Hizashi asked. Shouta blinked.
 “I forgot about that. Esuha isn’t your jurisdiction,” Shouta said in surprise.
 “I’m here as with the reveal of All Might; I had to step forward with what I know. I’m one of his confidants. I also talked with him about not telling Midoriya he could have his own inner circle. Apparently, it slipped his mind.” Naomasa rolled his eyes hard as Shouta groaned. “With Mirai having also known much of the truth, we’re working to catch Stain, so I got called in to make sure it wasn’t someone taking advantage of the chaos.” 
 “Understandable,” Shouta sighed. “Do you need to speak with Izuku?”
 “Other than to warn him of a possible increase in attention but let’s be real: he’s going to have that anyway.” Naomasa snorted.
 Neither of the other two could disagree.
 The nurse suggested they go for a bit of a walk around the hospital to get some fresh air. However, when they passed a poster of Sir Nighteye’s agency, Eri started crying again. Huge sobs burst from her chest about ‘the weird guy with the glasses couldn’t be dead.’ It hurt hearing her cry. Izuku himself didn’t know what to think, leading the girl to sit on a couch near some vending machines. He felt numb after his own crying bout.
 Sir Nighteye was dead. A man he’d looked up to had died. But it was a man who could have exposed him, could have destroyed his hopes of being a hero. Who didn’t think he deserved One for All. How could he respond to that? How could he explain his feelings on that? 
 But he was dead. No one deserved to die for their opinions. No one deserved death. He was dead because of Izuku and the future. The hero died for actions not yet taken against Izuku, actions that would never affect Izuku in the current timeline. 
 How was Izuku supposed to react to that? 
 Izuku kept Eri close to his side as they sat in the hallway. She buried her face into his side, taking comfort. A part of him wondered about her easily taking comfort but accepted it at the same time. It was cute, and he… felt she could do that. It was okay that she was closer than she should be to him. He loved her so much already that it felt strange.
 The sound of footsteps made Izuku turn to look down the hallway way. A blonde teenager was walking towards them. Izuku recognized him- one of the people from his potential futures. Mirio, the one who worked with Sir Nighteye. He looked like a wreck, eyes red and shoulder slumped. His shoulders were shaking as he stared at nothing. It was a contrast from the smiling man in the future.
 “Mirio?” Izuku asked, holding Eri to his side. She looked up through her tears. The blonde stopped and looked at Izuku with wide eyes.
 “Oh! Hey Midoriya. I… it’s Togata Mirio, so if you don’t…” the blonde stopped and sniffed, rubbing his eyes on his arm. “Sorry, I have to-”
 “Sir Nighteye was your mentor, wasn’t he?” Izuku asked. Togata paused before giving a single nod. “Oh, Togata… I’m so sorry.”
 “He saved me,” Eri said softly. “Him, Bubblegirl, Fatgum, Miss Kyoko, they saved me….” 
“That’s amazing!” Togata gave the girl a watery smile. “Sir… Sir saved a lot of people. He saved me too.” Togata blinked his eyes. Izuku patted the seat beside him, looking his upperclassman in the eyes. The blonde hesitated before walking over to sit next to them. Izuku waited, sitting with a softly crying girl and the other teenager.
 The sobs began again, Togata the one they were coming from. Izuku reached out to pull him closer, the taller boy turning to press his face into Izuku’s hair. Eri moved so she could grab Togata’s hand, squeezing it. A fresh wave of tears came from her. For once, Izuku was not the one crying and needing someone to hold him. Instead, he acted as the person to comfort two people, both desperately needing someone.
 Aizawa came down the hall, freezing as soon as he saw the trio. The wide-eyed look he gave the green-haired boy made Izuku want to laugh, more so when he carefully backed away.
 A bit of a coward, then. Well, with tears, anyway.
 “Shouta-” Present Mic said, obviously behind his husband. The blond appeared, spotting the scene. A grimace crossed his face, pained and tired, before he walked over to them. “Hello, listeners,” he said softly. Togata jerked up, eyes wide. The detective from earlier came into view as well, wincing hard at seeing the three kids.
 “Oh, Yamada-sensei, I-” whatever Togata was about to say became interrupted when Yamada spoke up.
 “It’s alright, Togata.” the voice hero reached out and placed a hand on the third-year’s shoulder. “It’s alright.”
 Togata burst into a fresh wave of tears, clutching Izuku tightly. Eri was jostled a bit, but Mic reached out to grab her, pulling the girl into a loose hug she happily took. 
 “He was… he was my mentor.” Togata choked out. “It hurt, it hurt speaking to him, but I never meant to stay away forever. I just wanted… I wanted him to know he was wrong. I was hurt he chose me because he wanted me to be someone else!” 
 “But you would have gone back when he realized.” Izuku finished the unsaid sentence. Togata nodded, burying his face back into green curls. Izuku hugged the older student, letting him cry as Eri finished her tears, slipping into an exhausted sleep.
 Aizawa crept over, standing there awkwardly but providing a presence for the two hero students. Izuku felt some tears trickle down his face. His feelings were still conflicted, confused and lost, but Sir Nighteye did deserve the tears of mourning.
 The man had been a hero, saving lives. He earned people crying over him. Even a boy he could have hurt. Hadn’t hurt yet, but could have. 
 “I’m sorry,” Izuku said out loud.
 “It’s not your fault,” Togata choked out. “Don’t blame yourself for others’ actions. Especially psychopaths.”
 “He was killed because-”
 “Because Stain saw an excuse,” Togata said, hugging Izuku tighter. “Not because of you. He could have gone after Sir Nighteye any other time.” 
 Izuku felt some relief hearing it from the other teen, holding the blonde as he cried for a bit longer. By the time Togata finished, at least ten minutes had passed. The blonde looked embarrassed, rubbing his eyes.
 “Man, I messed up my cool introduction, huh, Midoriya?” he asked, trying to laugh. It came out sad. 
 “Nah, you’re still cool,” Izuku disagreed. “I saw your sports festival last year, and you won yesterday, right?”
 “Yeah! Second years went today,” Togata grinned, though it looked flat. Fake. Izuku didn’t say anything; he simply nodded. “I… Bubblegirl will be expecting me.” Togata stood up but paused. “Hey, Midoriya… can I get your number?” Izuku’s face flushed as both the adults sighed.
 Of course.
 Eri didn’t go home with them after that, given their slight worry for her if Stain didn’t cause the death. The girl was upset, but it would be safer if there were heroes around the hospital.
 When they got back to the apartment, Izuku just felt exhausted. He went to his new room, already decorated with his things from his old apartment. Not everything made it, given Izuku’s sudden awareness of how much All Might stuff he had. All Might claimed he didn’t mind, but Izuku figured it would be a little embarrassing to have it all over his room. Especially now living with two more heroes. He kept a fair amount of the posters and merch but boxed most up to put into storage with his mom’s permission. He also got some new bedding. 
 He ignored the feeling and idea that it was because he didn't want his room to be embarrassing, with so many people now interested in nerdy Deku. Not like anyone would be allowed in there. He felt Aizawa and Yamada would die from the idea of it being allowed. 
 Flopping face-first onto his bed, he sighed into the covers. He felt better than before, less numb, at least. The loss of Sir Nighteye still caused his feelings to feel like a knot, but it was somehow softer. Rolling to his side, Izuku dug his phone out of his pocket to open it, noticing a few text messages. The class group chat mostly, but also from his chat with Uraraka and Iida.
Spacegirl: Hey Midoriya, are you okay? I saw the news.
Sonic The Human: Indeed! I was also wondering if you were okay.
Izuku sighed and typed out his message, wondering why they worried.
Green Bean: I’m fine, I didn’t know him. Just feel numb I suppose. Maybe a little lost.
Spacegirl: Oh that’s good! Well, not the numb part.
Sonic The Human: Agreed.
Izuku hummed and then typed out his next question, incredibly curious.
Green Bean: Did you guys actually make a chat to talk about me?
Spacegirl: Kaminari did. Here’s some screenshots- he forgot to lock names so only the users can change it. 
Izuku snickered, remembering the three-day war over names in the class group chat before Aizawa locked them. It had been hilarious. When the screenshots came, he only could laugh harder.
Simping for Midoriya
Kaminari Denki: Hey senpai, saw the news: you alright?
Togata Mirio: Doing okay, not up for talking. Also…
Togata Mirio changed their name to ‘Snugglebug’
Snugglebug: Midoriya was at the hospital for some reason. Got a good cry in. TTYL Tamaki
Snugglebug has muted the chat
Amajiki Tamaki: Okay.
Jirou Kyoka: On one hand, I’m glad he had someone there. On the other…
Kaminari Denki changed their name to ‘Electric Daddy’
Electric Daddy: He got to hug IZUKU.
Jirou Kyoka: … I’m not talking to you anymore.
Kirishima Eijiro: Oh come on Jirou! It could have been a LOT worse. I can think of a few ways to take that.
Sero Hanta: Can you think of 69 ways?
Electric Daddy: HA!
Iida Tenya: Please keep the conversation safe for work! Need I remind you Principal Nezu can see?
Electric Daddy: I am, I am, don’t worry. I ain’t dumb enough to post that sort of stuff to a school social media account. But MIDNIGHT works for him. He’ll let some stuff slide.
Ashido Mina cannot change their name due to inappropriateness
Ashido Mina has changed their name to ‘Alien Wife’
Alien Wife: Looks like it!
Jirou Kyoka: I don’t want to know.
Alien wife changed Jirou Kyoka’s name to ‘Heartthrob’
Electric Daddy: I will tomorrow. One day of chaos is fine, right?
Sero Hanta cannot change their name due to inappropriateness
Sero Hanta has changed their name to ‘Bondage’
Bondage: I’m in!
Alien Wife: rules as the old chat! No changing names already been changed! @Everyone has 1 hour before we start switching! And no using any names from other chats! Keep the theme people! If your name is changed you have 1 week before you can change it again.
Iida Tenya has changed their name to ‘Engine Husband’
Engine Husband: My brother suggested this. He is looking over my shoulder right now. 
Alien Wife: Hey! Playing along then?
Engine Husband: As long as we keep it clean I don’t mind.
Kouda Koji has changed their name to ‘Furry’
Alien Wife: AHfjgkldfjgkljdfhgkld
Engine Husband: KOUDA?!
Furry:... I honestly did not think that would work
Furry has changed their name to ‘Bunny Husband’
Monoma Neito: I BELIEVE that name belongs to Midoriya, you 1A rejects.
Monoma Neito has changed their name to ‘BEST HUSBAND’
Bunny Husband has uploaded bunnypet.jpeg
BEST HUSBAND: … objection withdrawn
Bunny Husband: Yuwai would like that. He was watching the sports festival to. 
Bondage: and got his heart stolen by our conejito?
BEST HUSBAND: I can speak Spanish, and KNOW you stole my nickname. 1A to foolish to think their own up?
Bondage: It fits him so well.
 Izuku kept laughing, rolling onto his back as he did. Seriously? He did not know Kouda had it in him!
Green Bean: Always the quiet ones…
Spacegirl: I know, right? 
-I realized when writing the Tsukauchi piece that he probably wouldn’t technically be allowed to work the case give his connection to Nighteye… then went: it’s an AU I do what I want and wrote it like this. 
-In this AU, yes Tsukauchi had been friends with Nighteye even if he didn’t like him much. It’s complicated and boils down to: Tsukauchi thought he was a douche but they worked well together and when Nighteye wasn’t being a douche they got along well. 
-Also as a PSA: Aoyama isn’t the traitor in this AU. I wrote the first part before the reveal. Personally I never liked the idea of a traitor.
-The chat at the end is also in the 'Chatty parts' fic, with an expansion on it including more names and some silliness.
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Amnesia!Dabi, Kurogiri being interrogated about Dabi.
Kurogiri: "The entire Dabi situation was, well. Quoting Dabi himself 'a shit show.' In all my time working under AFO I've never seen him so embarrassed.
Naomasa: "...embarrassed..."
Kurogiri: "Indeed, he prides himself on his supposed omniscience. The fact that Dabi escaped his clinic then couldn't even come close to finding him for 3 and half years was a blow to his pride. Then the fact that he willingly joined the league later was just the cherry on top.
A strong reminder that while AfO is a powerful bastard, he's also still a person who can fuck up in hilarious ways
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tellnxlies · 2 years
Well, color him surprised, if the way his eyes widened were any indication. He’d had some inkling that it would be nicer than his own apartment, but truthfully, that wasn’t a whole lot to go off of. He’d been lucky enough just to afford two bedrooms back at the beginning of his career, and Naomasa had never really felt the need to upgrade since.
He’d expected a single room, perhaps a separate bedroom space if Jax was doing particularly well. He . . . supposed he didn’t entirely know how much paramedics were paid in these parts, even for how often he crossed paths with them.
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“This is . . . wow.” Not so elegant a compliment, but he truly was at a loss for words. “You have quite the place here.”
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thelreads · 1 year
‘we know what he was supposed to be around this time, and its not this’
vigs take place only 2-3 years before the main series begins. this seems pretty much in character for earlydeavor (for example, look the way he dealt with nomus in hosu. not sure if he knew at that time that nomu are zombies and not regular villains or not).
he’s not saying he’s going to kill her, he’s saying that he’s not going to go soft on her and intends to use full power, which means she’s probably gonna get hurt, which is something naomasa wants to avoid.
I object to that, considering that
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This doesn't leave much for another interpretation.
And in the main series the top heroes were already aware of the Nomu threat by the time Hosu happened. A thing that almost killed all might was the sort of thing the top shots would need to be careful with.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
Shadow by my own freak
Midoriya Izuku had a lot of free time on his hands. He loved to spend hours tucked away in the library, diving deep into the winding paths of his mind. But there were times when he felt like crawling out of his skin- when the only relief he could find was pushing his body to the limit. There's a rush in the burn of well-used muscles, an exhilaration in aching lungs that he finds himself returning to.
When late night runs find Izuku racing along rooftops, well... He can't help but become addicted.
Or: Izuku accidentally becomes a vigilante because what else was he supposed to do?
Words: 1348, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Pro Heroes, Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Tsukauchi Naomasa
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirk Discrimination, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Knife, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Not Beta Read, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, My First AO3 Post
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48914722
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