#au post 6
scribblestatic · 5 months
Sheepzun Posting~
Luo Binghe was frustrated.
He'd left his Shizun behind on Qing Jing Peak to see what was happening. As his Shizun had noted, indeed, there was something amiss.
Demons infiltrated Cang Qiong Mountain.
He rushed forward toward Qiong Ding Peak since it seemed the demons intended to isolate those disciples the most. On the way, he slayed a few smaller demons, carefully using the techniques his Shizun instilled in him. After all, it was different to practice something and to actually use it.
Despite his inexperience combatting something so human-shaped, he was able to dispatch them fairly quickly. He had yet to strain a muscle as he continued on his way.
He eventually arrived at the main hall of Qiong Ding, a crowd of disciples from a few peaks struggling against the might of the main hoard of demons. Luo Binghe quickly jumped into the fray, saving one disciple from having his head bashed in. Several were already wounded, cornered and unable to escape.
Though he didn't have his spiritual sword yet, he did his best to beat back the incoming demons. These ones were larger than the imp-like demons before, just as tall or taller than his comrades and clearly more shrewd.
How dare they strike! These demons really were despicable!
But, as he kicked a demon back, a gust of wind suddenly began pressuring the demons' side. A flash of light flickered, and a familiar sword stabbed into another demon trying to kill a different disciple.
Before he could say anything, some of the Qing Jing disciples that arrived with or before him began calling out.
"It's Immortal Master Shen!"
"Martial Uncle Shen!!"
His...Shen Qingqiu landed gingerly on the ground, looking as unflappable as he always did, loftily looking down on others. His presence felt stronger than before, so he surely broke through at least one stage. It hadn't taken very long for him, despite the immortal not breaking through a realm since the time Luo Binghe became a disciple.
Luo Binghe's senses triggered, and he moved out of the way just in time to avoid Ming Fan rushing past him, relief extremely evident in his ecstatic expression. He watched as the boy spread his arms to present their master, grinning in the direction of the demons.
"Demon girl! My Shifu is already here, see you if you dare to be arrogant anymore!"
Finally, the tide returned to the side of righteous cultivation, the disciples no longer cornered as they all sidled up to Shen Qingqiu for support. Luo Binghe finally sheathed his sword once the sides were cleanly split, the demons on the defensive with the disciples and master now standing in the way of an easy exit.
And so, Luo Binghe made the mistake of thinking himself safe.
He was swiftly reminded he wasn't upon hearing the immortal master call his name to face the largest, most fearsome competitor of all three trials.
Shen Qingqiu wasn't aware that he'd been training with another teacher. That his Shizun was present on Qing Jing Peak. Or, if he was, he never said anything about it. Besides, few, if any, Qing Jing disciples were aware of Shizun's presence. He kept himself carefully concealed.
Regardless, Shen Qingqiu likely knew he was barely trained in Qing Jing's martial arts. After Shizun pointed out the uselessness of his cultivation manual, Luo Binghe could only assume this sabotage was intentional. And now, the immortal had him facing a demon that would be a struggle for some of Qing Jing's instructors to handle.
Did... Did Shen Qingqiu want him dead? Why?
But Luo Binghe didn't have the luxury of time to question the immortal's reasoning. Instead, he put his whole body into dodging the swing of the large demon's sledgehammer, watching as the ground cracked under the pressure of its collision.
Getting hit by that once, he could probably handle with a few injuries. Getting hit several times...
This was a fight to the death.
So, using everything he learned from hunting animals closer to the base of the mountain for food and from training with his Shizun, he sought to bring death upon his opponent. If he tried to do anything less, he'd die instead.
Fleeing would definitely be the best course of action here. But with everyone's eyes on him, he couldn't flee. He was cornered.
Dodging as much as possible, he looked for a gap in the elder demon's defenses, but it was all covered with that dastardly poisoned armor. If he could at least find the straps keeping it on him, he could, essentially, break the tortoise's shell.
He had to keep himself from becoming a splatter on the pavement first, though--
Luo Binghe barely had time to prepare before the sledgehammer slammed into his side. He could immediately feel his arm bruise, but he leaned with the force pushing him, then helped the energy leave him by rolling, quickly returning to his feet.
'You don't have horns, so instead of confronting force head-on, you should try to lean with it. Help the energy escape so it doesn't act entirely on your body.'
It hurt, but he was still standing. With a dash, he avoided another slam from the sledgehammer.
However, his energy was starting to wane. Usually, a prey animal would have much more room to move and to find an escape. He could not escape, and so, it was a battle of stamina and interest. As long as he could keep moving and avoid death, he could wear down on the elder demon's patience, leading him to make mistakes...
But Luo Binghe had less stamina than his opponent.
He was starting to get hit more and more. Blood was crawling up his throat as he felt bruises purple under his clothes.
Panting, sweat dripped off his face. If he let himself hesitate for too long, he'd start to lose focus, his vision swimming. His heart beat frantically in his ears.
He could distantly hear the disciples behind him call his battle a one-sided beating, bemoaning his inevitable loss. The demons were starting to laugh and ridicule him, telling him to dance, dance, and dance more.
How frustrating...
How frustrating...
If he was to die here, it would not be the demons that killed him.
Shen Qingqiu... His blood would be on Shen Qingqiu's hands.
Although he had loosely clung to the idea that the immortal master would one day treat him like he was worth the same time and effort as any other Qing Jing disciple, at this moment, he finally laid those hopes to rest. Instead, heady resentment, barely held back by his reverence, began to burst through and cloud his mind.
The hammer was moving. He needed to dodge. He needed to--
A forceful voice interrupted his thoughts. It echoed in his mind like a gong, clearing out all the noise, save for that single line.
'Luo Binghe, you will win.'
That was definitely his Shizun's voice.
Then, that meant he was watching him. Somewhere behind him, his Shizun was watching over him, voicing his thoughts only to him.
And though he couldn't trust the words of anyone else, he could trust his Shizun.
He said he would win. That meant his Shizun truly believed that he would.
There came a warmth to his chest, spreading to his other limbs, enough that his eyes burned with the urge to cry tears of happiness. Oh... Oh how good it felt, for someone to believe in him despite all odds! To care about him!
It was all he had ever wanted from anyone, and it was something his Shizun gave him so freely.
But now was not the time to cry.
A cool calmness washed over him from his head to his feet. His once wavering vision focused as he managed, barely, to dodge the swing coming at him, leaning backwards before flipping, landing back onto his feet.
His body ached. He turned his head to spit out loose blood before licking his teeth. He was against an opponent with decades of experience on him. The demons were still cheering for his demise, for him to lose. Shen Qingqiu was still waiting for him to mess up and perish.
But he would win.
His Shizun commanded it.
There was a shift in the energy around the battle.
It started slowly, with the demons continuing to jeer at Cang Qiong for their inevitable defeat.
But then, Elder Tian Chui's hammer missed again.
And again. And again. And again.
The disciples, once disheartened and restless, began to perk up.
Luo Binghe dodged another swing, his gaze strong and serene. It was as though he simply moved out of the way, like dodging a mere stick instead of a hammer. At one point, he merely tilted his head a few scant cun away as the hammer's head passed it. It didn't even scratch his ear before he twisted away.
At this, the demons began going silent, and like before, the tide returned to the cultivators of Cang Qiong, and instead of mourning a loss that had yet to happen, they began cheering for a victory they could now see in the horizon.
Frustration began to color Elder Tian Chui's movements as he struggled to hit the boy. But Luo Binghe carefully avoided each swipe, looking for a good opening.
Everyone could see that the elder was completely covered in spiked armor, save for his face and fists. No one was sure how Luo Binghe could combat that, but his newfound confidence influenced those watching.
Even Sha Hualing began watching the cultivator boy closer, humming under her breath as she inspected him. This little bud could prove very troublesome in the future if allowed to grow. Unless Elder Tian Chui ended him here, she'd need to employ some more subtle tactics.
Luo Binghe avoided another swing, but then he stood firm, bearing his sword.
Had he found it? An opening? But no one could see it anywhere!
Enraged, the demon elder held his hammer firmly and thrust it forward with a bellow.
But, much to everyone's surprise, instead of dodging, Luo Binghe's qi began to flow off of his skin. Then, it disappeared, condensing into his sword--not even a spiritual sword, but one intended for training.
A flicker of light appeared at the tip, and the tip of the sword and eye of the hammer collided.
A beat of silence. Then, like lightning, Luo Binghe's qi shot through the hammer's eye, up the handle and grip, and burst into the meridians in Elder Tian Chui's hand, up his arms.
The clear, whitish blue qi polluted his meridians and cracked through them.
Elder Tian Chui, who had several hundreds of years of cultivation, cried out in pain as the meridians in his hands stung, like thousands of bees and hornets stinging him from the inside. The pain was enough for him to drop his hammer, much to the shock of the demons behind him.
Although Luo Binghe's sword now had a prominent dent in the tip, he still ran forward, gathering qi around him. He swung his sword toward the elder's other hand, slashing through the skin of his knuckles as more painful qi found and bled into him.
Luo Binghe swiftly backed away as the demon cried out again.
From his short move forward, he was able to see the slight gaps in the armor.
From then on, instead of a mouse facing a cat, a snake was circling a pheasant it had already poisoned.
With careful slashes and stalking, Luo Binghe cut the straps keeping much of the armor on his body. Cut by cut, Elder Tian Chui's vambraces and greaves fell to the ground, leaving his arms and legs exposed to the open air.
Luo Binghe didn't waste a single moment, slashing incessantly at the demon as he channeled more painful spiritual qi into his demonic body.
Finally, he gathered his qi into his left hand and, with a burst, shot it at the demon's chest. It flew forward, then exploded right in front of him.
The elder demon cried out once more, then fell onto his back, disarmed and almost fully disrobed. His helmet fell off his head, rolling on the ground.
For a few moments, both the demons and disciples went quiet.
Then, Cang Qiong's side began an uproarious applause!!
Amazing! They just witnessed something one would never see in hundreds of years! A single disciple, not even the head disciple, managed to win against an elder demon with hundreds of years of cultivation under his belt!
Qiong Ding disciples ran up to him first, applauding his success and praising his technique as Luo Binghe's adrenaline finally calmed. He took their praise in stride, though he seemed to look a bit out of place, like he was unsure of what to do about them. Instead, he was looking around as though in search of someone.
Of course, most would assume he was looking for his Shifu, so one disciple pointed in his direction, Luo Binghe looking over.
Shen Qingqiu's expression was outwardly impassive, but now, the boy could see the underlying rage in his darkened eyes. The spine of his fan was cracked from the force of his clenched fist.
Luo Binghe looked away, still searching for someone else as the cheering increased.
A little further off, Liu Mingyan gazed at Luo Binghe with a mix of awe and envy. Neither of them had their spiritual swords, but Luo Binghe's results were so much more outstanding than her own. She quietly decided that he could potentially make for a good rival, someone to look to in order to improve her own cultivation. She'd have to look out and encounter him more often, if only to see what he did to train.
Sha Hualing's opinion that she couldn't leave the boy alone did shift, though it was mixed with anger at the situation. Of course, this 'Luo Binghe' was quite powerful and handsome. If only he wasn't a cultivator... But perhaps there was something more behind his power. She'd need to investigate it, and she knew just the demon to consult.
But first and foremost...
“...The Central Plains people of the Human Realm have talents as expected, for such a young hero to come out. Ling-er really admires," she pleasantly gritted out, her gaze sharp.
Shen Qingqiu turned toward her with a scoff, eyes narrowed.
"We've accommodated your tryst and tolerated your unannounced presence for quite some time now, Young Miss. You would be wise to withdraw, since we were so underprepared to facilitate your family's curiosity. Surely it's been sated, and you all have learned well."
The disciples, drunk on victory, jeered at the demons, Sha Hualing's eye resisting the urge to twitch.
Eventually, she gave in. However, it was clear that her demons were outmatched. Unless the tides turned once more, they were going to return empty-handed. And that was if they could return at all. Surely the disciples were upset at their visit and the injuries they wrought on the sect. Now believing they could win, they would surely be out for blood!
This all should've worked out, if not for...
Sha Hualing finally chose where to direct her anger, grabbing Elder Tian Chui's hair as he sat up, wounded and bleeding sluggishly from many cuts. With his hair in her firm grasp, she smacked him across his bare face several times.
“To lose to such a young disciple under Elder Shen in a fight and in such an ugly manner! You’ve lost face for all demons!”
"This one is incompetent!" the elder cried out, interrupted by the scratch of her nails across his cheek. "Begging the saintess for punishment!"
"Wretched cur! To think you would humiliate us like this! How dare you call yourself an elder!"
"Begging Saintess for punishment!!"
Shen Qingqiu sniffed at the display, fanning himself leisurely.
"This master finds your behavior incredibly uncultured, Young Miss. If you wish to discipline your subordinates, do so off our esteemed mountain. You all have long overstayed your welcome."
After a few more biting words, Sha Hualing did an about-face, forcing herself to smile. "Elder Shen's words are right. This Ling-er lost herself for a moment after seeing the inexplicable talent of your sect's young gentleman, comparing him to the waste under her own command. Elder Shen, please excuse this one."
She turned her back to them, her expression chilled as ice as she stared down at the dishonored elder.
"Elder Du Bi fighting and losing to Elder Shen is a matter of course. For you to also lose your trial, against a sect disciple no less... You don't need me to say anymore. See to yourself."
Elder Tian Chui understood her order immediately, feeling his heart sink. This invasion was only supposed to be a time for them to rough up and kill a few cultivators, humiliating them for their own honor.
But now, he was the one humiliated, the only one who truly lost against Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. But it wasn't against Immortal Master Shen. No, it was against that little doll of a boy who he beat around until he spat up blood! But instead of ending the play, he was the one on the ground instead!
Malice fueled him, pushing through the pain still tingling in his limbs from the spiritual qi that polluted them. while he was mostly disarmed, he still had his breastplate, the spikes coated in Without A Cure.
That little weedling... He'd see the end to him today!
He moved as though he was going to kneel in shame, watching that curly-haired human boy stop looking around, surrounded by his peers as they inquired about his health.
Instead, he steadied himself, grabbing his hammer.
Then, with a burst of physical power, he shot up, running full-tilt toward the boy. His arms raised, his hammer prepared to strike, as he bellowed with all the fury he felt in his heart!
Luo Binghe had calmed down, fatigue bleeding into his body, so his senses had uncharacteristically dulled. As such, he was somewhat sluggish when he heard the incoming demon, looking up too late as he approached. The disciples, once around him and praising him, quickly scattered, leaving him standing alone as his vision blurred with exhaustion.
'Ah...' he thought, 'Shizun did tell me about this, didn't he...'
The pain shooting through the elder demon was too much, causing him to stumble. He was going to fall too quickly for Without A Cure to make contact with the boy. But it was clear he was dazed! His hammer would complete the job for him!
He would be well worth his own name!
As though time slowed, the demon's hammer approaches the top of Luo Binghe's head.
But before it reached, some invisible thing rushed forward, shoving disciples aside.
Its body was a blur as the qi obfuscating its appearance and presence diminish.
Its head was low, an ivory white coming into view, as the smell of fields and grass emanated from it.
Then, it pushed its front legs of the ground, its head high. The curled horns attached to its skull slamed against the incoming sledgehammer.
Instead of the hammer continuing its downward motion, it yanked up so quickly, it was as though a rope was attached to it, the other end hidden somewhere in the heavens. The sudden move stretched the demon's arm to its limits, delaying his fall.
There was a sharp crack, a pop, unlike anything those present had ever heard before.
A moment later, the sledgehammer, from its face to its handle, wavered--
Then shattered like glass.
Only the grip remained, which Elder Tian Chui clung to as he finally fell chest-first on the ground.
His right arm...the bones in it felt wrong. Were they...broken?
Broken from the vibrations the grip of his hammer couldn't withstand?
His left hand, which had let go, bleeding from his poor grip before, helped him as he tried to look up.
A ram stared back at him.
But it wasn't like any ram he'd seen before.
Its gleaming eyes focused on him, horns curled and vicious, without a single crack. Wavy wool, more akin to hair than cotton, hung off its body, similar to a yak. A single red spot stood out on the ram's forehead.
The sheep began stepping backward, but from the focus on him, the demon could tell it wasn't to retreat.
Before he could say what he wanted, the ram rose up on its back legs, stepping forward with its front ones bent.
Step, step, step, step--
Just as Elder Tian Chui attempted to speak, the ram's steps shifted into a thrust, its horns angled downwards.
The ram's head collided with the demon elder's.
With it, a flash of spiritual qi--
And a burst of red.
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soupdwelling · 3 months
ok au where after becoming archivist jon starts getting into the habit of making vent tiktoks in his car after work because tim showed him how and at first he was like “this is stupid” but then it genuinely started helping him decompress so he just kept doing it in secret. and he eventually he gains a minor following who are becoming increasingly concerned because it goes from “the most INSUFFERABLE statement giver came in today” to “i got fucking KIDNAPPED AGAIN!!!”
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crowfaraday · 10 months
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"...as in, greg?" "he hated eggs, so that was the only theory i had."
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 4: Deranged Bedfellows
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.5)
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#mdzs au#lan wangji#nie huaisang#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#This is the *first* part of what was supposed to be a much longer comic (LWJ's morning routine in full).#I'll finish the remaining part as a reblog to this post! I just think this is the funnier chunk.#Lan Wangji absolutely is the kind of person who has a perfect internal alarm clock for when it is time to get up.#He already has a dedicated sleep schedule. He is accurate within 10 seconds of 5am every day.#I think the Jiang disciples are most likely used to waking up around 6:00-7:00am#But the allure of having a guaranteed time keeper getting you up in the morning is worth the earlier hour.#I imagine they started outside lwj's door and slowly moved closer as the weeks went on.#Now LWJ has to cope with being way too warm in the night from all the extra body heat.#LWJ is not a fan of this but they scamper off immediately after he wakes up and they at least show initiative to follow routine.#NHS joins in only because he is a chronically heavy sleeper and needs this level of intervention to get up early.#His boldness would be a death sentence in the cloud recesses but here? Whole new game.#Yungmeng Jiang isn't a lawless land. It's just a land with different laws.#And one of those laws is to forcefully domesticate the catboy coded Lan boy through any means necessary.#Completely different tangent: I drew the thumbnail for this before I did comic 134. I then realized they had the same visual gag.#So I had to space this one out so it didn't seem like I repeated the waking up joke. That's my secret and all of you have to keep it.#And in my land the law is that snitches get itches (telepathically transfers hives onto your body)
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north-noire · 24 days
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henry emily and the puppet-girl (charlie)
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chyarui · 1 month
A few of you guys were curious, so as promised, here’s a few of my takes on Kiffar marriage customs! Specifically the role of the qukuuf, hope you guys enjoy! (Once again, this was all inspired by fic Resilience on ao3, though the account is unfortunately orphaned)
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Hope my handwriting doesn’t suck too much, and super open to hearing any ideas or questions you might have if I didn’t explain anything fully!
Also here’s a b/w version cause I’m a sucker for greyscale (and to make the qukuuf markings stand out more)
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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You fool, you had plausible deniability until you said “Scarlet LADY!”
Episode 45 Part 6
First < Previous > Next
Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5
Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44, Ep 46, Ep 47
Ko-fi | Patreon
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lucabyte · 6 months
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an ending (x)
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scribblestatic · 11 months
More Clown on this silly day
"Quirk exhaustion."
The doctor stands outside of the private room he set up for Midoriya Izuku. The boy laid in the bed, pale and unconscious with a breathing mask over his nose and mouth. His bruise, previously getting darker, was lightening up from the use of a doctor's quirk.
Of course, they couldn't heal everything. Doctors hadn't been able to heal his lungs, pancreas, or anything else in the general area. They'd done their best, and if he hadn't seen the absolute best in their field, he would've died that day. He never thought they'd done anything but the absolute most they could. He still thinks they did everything possible.
It just so happens that what Midoriya Izuku has accomplished is impossible.
"He should be fine after a few days of rest, but whatever he did with his quirk wore him out."
"Ah... Well, he confronted a villain," Toshinori says, lying. "Mild suffocation, from what I recall. His quirk saved his life by the time I got there."
"Hmm...certainly. Well, we'll be sure to do everything we can to help him. He's cleared for others to enter his room, so you can sit with him if you'd prefer."
"Thank you."
So, he does, entering the room and sitting at his bedside, the heart monitor beeping away. He'd made it to the hospital as quickly as possible after dropping the sludge villain off at a police station with a note of what his crimes were.
The delay wasn't long, but he hoped that it wouldn't hinder the boy's recovery.
...Moreover, he had so many questions.
What exactly is the boy's quirk?
He'd been doing what looked like magic tricks, playful and clownish, when he arrived. Even after he arrived, he did something of a little performance while doing the job All Might was supposed to do.
For a moment, he was afraid the boy had somehow replaced Toshinori's lungs with his own. Thankfully, a scan showed that his lungs weren't damaged.
His body simply showed high levels of stress and strain with high amounts of adrenaline and cortisol in his blood. He also had hypervalfridemia (hyper- for excess, valfri- for quirk or quirk factor hormones, -emia for blood: excess quirk factor hormones in blood), which often corresponds with excessive quirk use. That, plus All Might's own...er, fudged confession of what occurred likely led to the 'quirk exhaustion' diagnosis.
He still needs to get himself checked to figure out what the hell happened in his own body. Whatever it was, it allowed him to breathe much easier than he has for years.
"...Well, you lied, young man," Toshinori sighs.
His scar is still there. He doesn't mind that. However, whatever he'd done to him clearly took entirely too much out of the boy. Even so...
He thinks about it for a moment, then he opens a notebook that was in the boy's backpack, flipping through the pages full of...quite detailed and thorough hero analysis. Indeed, the boy seemed to be thinking quite seriously about becoming one. But that wasn't what he opened the notebook for.
He finds a blank page and, knowing the boy is a fan, writes his signature across two pages.
On the back of the second one, he pens the number for a burner cell he uses often.
Then, he gets up, patting Midoriya's shoulder.
"Get well soon."
He then leaves. After all, he has to get checked on himself.
-- --
"I don't know what you did..." Recovery Girl murmurs, her voice wavering in surprise. "But it's done you some good. More good than I've seen in years."
Toshinori also stares at the CT scans of his chest, his mouth slightly open in awe. Naomasa, Nedzu, and Gran Torino are also there upon receiving his rather hurried call. They marvel at the results, shocked to see them.
His lungs are completely healed. As good as if he'd never gotten them damaged. Moreover, his diaphragm, which was also damaged and prevented him from breathing properly, was healed as well.
Most of his stomach was still missing, and his other organs still missed parts and looked crumpled like before. But his lungs and diaphragm were exceptionally healthy.
"What the hell... What'd you do?" Gran Torino asks, turning to his former student.
"I didn't do anything. It's...what young Midoriya did."
"Midoriya?" Naomasa hums. "The boy you said you took to the hospital. I thought you said it was from a villain attack?"
"Well, it was... Rather, that's how we met. He was stalling a villain with his quirk. But, after I was going to leave, he ended up finding out about my, erh, circumstances." He pats his left side, still in awe at feeling his ribs press against his hand instead of be slightly deflated compared to the right. "He said he'd like to heal my scar and...against all reason, I know. I know I shouldn't have said yes, but I felt... I don't understand. I felt drawn to let him try."
"And he healed your lung and diaphragm instead." Nedzu put his paw on his chin.
"Yeah." Toshinori looks at his hand. "...With my lungs back in full order, I think I have another hour in me."
"Dammit, kid, don't go off running yourself ragged," Gran grumbles.
"N-No, of course not." He quickly raises his hands placatingly. "I wouldn't want to test it too much. Besides... Whatever he did, the boy, it put him in the hospital. He was unconscious when I left."
"Doctor said 'quirk exhaustion.'"
Recovery Girl squints at the scans, simply baffled.
"...It's quite like my quirk."
They others look toward her as she continues.
"My quirk enhances a person's own ability to heal by using their internal energy. Of course, that depends on your body's ability, and our cells eventually run out of energy to repair themselves. That's why we age, why we get old, and eventually die. Even someone with high regenerative abilities often can't escape their eventual fate."
She taps his new left lung.
"But this... It's more than just giving you energy. It's as though your body got briefly rejuvenated, and it specifically repaired your lung and diaphragm. Your genetics were, in a sense, overwritten...no, put on overdrive? Temporarily given enough energy to fully recover in the span of seconds? And that should generally be impossible."
When she turns to the others, her expression is grim.
"That boy... He possibly sacrificed his own cellular energy to give you the ability to recover the way you did."
Toshinori's expression drops, shocked.
"But... The doctor said he'd be sleeping for just a few days. Is it... It's that bad?"
"Possibly... I can't say for sure without knowing his quirk."
"...Well, his ID said he's quirkless when he's clearly not."
"What did you notice from him? You said he was using his quirk when you got there," Nedzu cuts in.
"Ah... How could I describe it..." Toshinori puts his hand to his chin, squinting as he thinks. "...It's quite hard to. Something like...spatial...no... Erh, for example. I had empty soda bottles in my pockets to catch the villain--slime or sludge body, couldn't cuff 'im--but he was there, distracting him. Midoriya then...got juggling balls from nowhere and started juggling them. As he did, they suddenly became the bottles I'd gotten together. Then, he turned the bottles into a tablecloth or something? He gets the sludge villain under the tablecloth and..."
Toshinori claps his hands together before spreading them out.
"Bam. Caught and padlocked in the bottles. It was like..."
"A magic trick," Nedzu finishes. "His quirk perhaps has something to do with the work of magicians."
"Or clowns."
The others look at Toshinori, confused. But he just shrugs.
"I'm not sure why. He gave off the sort of impression you'd get from a clown rather than a magician."
"So he used his quirk...his magic tricks...to have him grow new organs?" Naomasa wonders. "That should be impossible, as Recovery Girl said."
"But quirks are always getting stronger, aren't they?" Gran cuts in, crossing his arms. "And it took a toll on 'im, however he did it. But what are we going to do with this information?"
Nedzu hums. "Well, a quirk like this sounds intriguing. I suppose it's not something he's talked about, considering his ID said he was quirkless. So, since he's hiding it..."
"Is there something dangerous with it?"
"Possibly. Or he knows it could be dangerous if someone villainous knows about it."
"Considering how powerful it can be..." Recovery Girl trails off, looking back at Toshinori's scans.
...Right then.
They'd have to keep an eye on the mysterious young man.
And, perhaps, keep an eye on the things happening around him, too.
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inkyucu · 6 months
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"People like to call me... Eclipse."
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crowfaraday · 20 days
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she learns to walk and realises she can just Leave now
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years
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A little something from my AU where Edgeworth has a son. :)
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artilite · 6 months
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Loop x Porty MK, idea courtesy of isatcord!
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basilpaste · 8 months
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hey man. have i ever. have i ever talked about how often i think about isabeau recognizing loop from their eyes.
'yes basil.' you tell me. 'youve actually written about it like five times now.'
anyways heres another.
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north-noire · 20 days
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henry emily and william afton doodles
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samhainian · 7 months
Been having thoughts about ISAT’s ending for a while now. The ending is extremely swell and I love it a lot, but I’ve been haunted by a flash assumption I had late in Act 5
Between the resolution with The King and up until the final fight, I had assumed Siffrin was going to die? This would have been extremely cruel thematically but I’ve seen enough of these sorts of things that I wasn’t going to be shocked if it had happened. It didn’t, obviously, and the ending we got was wonderful, and I’m very happy that everyone made it out okay… but I’ve been rolling around the idea of Sif dying in my head. 
I don’t feel like it would be thematically incoherent? Thematically cruel, absolutely, but not completely out of line. 
Hear me out: The King is defeated, Vaugarde is saved, and Siffrin is now too sick and burnt out to continue. Vaugarde’s wish has been granted, and Siffrin, unable to go on, has to accept their own death, a real one this time, with no looping back. 
Siffrin not wanting everyone to leave can be granted, in a cruel, twisted way. They will never have to be left behind by their family, never have to say goodbye, since they can spend their final moments surrounded by them. The House’s balcony would provide an ample location as well, with The Island being visible just on the horizon. Siffrin can die, having completed their goal, surrounded by their family, seeing their homeland for one last time, and rest easy knowing that they were loved.
It would be a tragic end, but still an ending.
And wouldn’t this be exactly what Loop wanted?
King is dead, or at least dead enough. Country is saved, loops are over, and that weird clone copy debacle wrapped itself up nicely. The party can stick close to each other since they have a body to deal with, and Loop gets to have their family back. Everyone is alive, a Siffrin is alive. Everything is as it should be.
Loop Wins. 
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