#it’s platonic Mako and Asami
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persnickety-doodles · 7 months ago
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angy 😡
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whatifitookalilnap · 1 month ago
In a modern world Korra and Mako would absolutely get married to each other solely because of the fact that they would get more grant money for college! They would be besties in a sham marriage spread the word!! Mako wore a white dress and Korra wore a suit to their court house wedding!
(Asami and Wu are rich bitches that simply do not understand them LMAO)
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vortexbeyondthestars · 1 year ago
korra: just want to say i have the biggest crush on you
asami: oh
asami: why's mako here too?
korra: he's my moral support
mako: im here for you girl
mako: do your thing
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xjulixred45x · 8 months ago
Platónico!Avatar Korra Gang x Chef! Lector(TRADUCCION)
Género: Headcanons
Lector: neutro
Advertencia: ninguna.
Korra probablemente te conoció en los eventos del libro 1 (¿viste la Gala a la que Mako fue con Asami? Una de esas), estabas en el servicio de comidas.
y como Korra estaba un poco malhumorada y en una ciudad nueva, fuiste amigable con ella y se llevaban bastante bien. Intentaste entretenerla un poco con tu cocina (como los chefs en ciertos lugares asiáticos, si eres un maestro fuego control o algo así, aún mejor).
Gracias a esto Korra iba a verte cuando necesitaba hablar y en general se soltaba un poco. Ustedes se hicieron amigos bastante rápido.
Si tienes tu propio local, Korra intenta promocionarte cuando interactúa con personas importantes y surge el tema del Catering.
Honestamente, ella cree firmemente que tu comida es mucho mejor que la comida de los festivales. especialmente los de Unalaq.
Tengo la sensación de que en la tribu del agua, especialmente en el sur, no existe una gastronomía muy compleja gracias a vivir literalmente en un polo.
Es un hc más personal, pero creo que Korra creció comiendo principalmente pescado y sus variables (tal vez arroz y verduras).
Obviamente, ella comió más cosas en su entrenamiento para ser avatar, pero no es que fuera comida como tal para "comer" sino más bien con fines nutricionales.
así que cuando se hace amiga tuya (lindura) y le das comida MUY variada y MUY rica, ella queda encantada.
como “¡POR FIN algo que es nutritivo y SABE BIEN!”
Además, cocinas mucha variedad, por lo que Korra no sabe dónde elegir. pero tiene mucho apetito, por lo que no es descabellado pensar que probablemente no te quedarás sin sobras con ella.
Si estás estresado por una receta en particular, ella puede intentar ayudarte ayudándote con cosas en la cocina que sabe que no puede estropear, como leerte el libro de recetas o pasarte cosas, todo mientras intent. bromear contigo para relajarte y hacerte reír.
Si quieres un descanso definitivo, ¡guerra de harinas! ¡Quien termine completamente blanco pierde y Naga tendrá que limpiarlo!
Ahora bien, aparte de comida improvisada o de alta supervivencia, Korra no cocina una mierda, no sabe manejarse muy bien, por lo que verte con tanta fluidez en ese hábito es algo nuevo para ella. Por supuesto, estaba acostumbrada a que sus padres cocinaran. pero no a tu nivel, por lo que hay mucho entusiasmo por parte de Korra sobre cómo aprendiste todo esto.
Si intentas enseñarle, ¿puede hacerlo muy mal o... decente? que no se puede decir si es bueno o malo.
Ya que al principio Korra puede incluso, intentando facilitar las cosas (o imitarte, si usas tu control elemental para cocinar) usar sus habilidades de avatar en la cocina, lo cual como no tiene experiencia termina muy mal 😅 con masa embarrada por todos lados.
o incluso con agua QUEMADA de alguna manera??
pero después de algunos intentos y varias bolas quemadas, Korra lo domina y logra comenzar a mejorar sus habilidades culinarias.
Al menos ahora puede preparar comidas sencillas.
pero ella siempre prefiere los tuyos, los haces mucho más ricos, según ella.
Korra no va a tolerar ninguna crítica destructiva hacia ti, ¿a quién tiene que golpear? los va a asustar con el puto estado avatar🤣😅
Claro, puede TOLERAR las críticas constructivas porque no son maliciosas, pero no entiende por qué la gente come sus productos si de todos modos no les van a gustar.
no entiende.
En general Korra fomenta mucho tu vocación y te anima a probar cosas nuevas con ella :3
Asami Sato
Asami te conoce gracias a Varrik, necesitaba la mayor cantidad de personal posible, incluida la cocina, por lo que te contrató tan pronto como le gustó una de tus comidas sin pensarlo.
Asami necesitaba un descanso de todas las travesuras de Varrik, así que fue a las áreas de personal por un tiempo (sin darse cuenta) y notaste su estado.
Así que hablaste con ella mientras le preparabas algo sencillo para comer y recuperar energías.
Fue algo lindo, ya que no te sentías intimidado por ella ni por lo que había pasado con su padre, un soplo de aire fresco, así que continuaste viéndose después de eso (de manera platónica).
Asami solía comer en lugares elegantes y/o de alta calidad antes de esto, y todavía lo hace.
lo cual la mayoría de las veces no es malo, al contrario, suele producir alimentos ricos y deliciosos.
pero también hay momentos en que para algunas personas (ejem VARRIKahem) simplemente necesita ser más bonito y sin sabor para ser considerado "gourmet" y aunque no sea comida de alta calidad, Asami a veces extraña la sensación de tener una comida normal. .
Ahí es cuando entras en su vida, su alegre amigo, para mejorar las cosas.
Probablemente Asami nunca tuvo una comida casera como tal (no, no cuenta si los CHEFS te la preparan Asami) así que fue una experiencia nueva para ella. En el buen sentido.
En lugar de comer comida estéticamente impresionante pero repugnante, contigo podría comer cosas que fueran realmente modestas pero que SABIERAN BIEN.
Si tienes problemas como no encontrar a alguien que te dé clases de cocina más avanzadas, ¡no te preocupes! Asami te echará una mano con sus contactos y te ayudará a encontrar un buen tutor.
Si ya tienes tu propio lugar, ten por seguro que Asami (y en general todo el equipo Avatar) vendrá a verte y te comprará comida seguido sin importar lo que vendas.
Incluso si tienes algún problema financiero con el lugar, Asami te respalda y te ayuda tanto como sea posible. ¡Incluso puedes convertirte en un asociado constante de catering para la empresa!
Asami también intenta que su amistad contigo no te afecte tan directamente, especialmente cuando surgen escándalos con su padre.
ella acude a ti para pedirte consejo cuando salen a comer, tu comida le da cierta sensación de paz al fin y al cabo, así cuando ambos salen ella puede estar con la cabeza más tranquila.
Es una sensación de familiaridad que no había sentido en MUCHO tiempo.
Definitivamente puedes ver que a Asami le gusta especialmente la comida con carne o cosas más complicadas, pero claro, también le gusta mucho cuando haces cosas realmente simples, como pasta o pizza, por ejemplo.
Dice que es porque “lo haces con cariño” y en parte es cierto, que le pongas tanto empeño en la preparación lo hace mucho más especial y ella lo agradece mucho.
pero en general creo que no suele darte comentarios negativos.
Quiero decir, si te equivocas con alguna comida y te sabe MUY mal, lo sabes con solo mirarles a la cara, aun así nunca te dirán una "mala" palabra por así decirlo, son críticas constructivas muy dulces y Todavía te aseguran que hiciste un buen trabajo.
y también puedes garantizar que si hay una comida en particular que le gusta, te pagará para que le hagas un par de reservas ;) ¡no puede evitarlo! ¡Le encanta cómo cocinas!
Si alguien intenta criticarte de una manera no constructiva y simplemente te está intimidando, ella directamente le pateará el trasero y se enfrentará a las consecuencias, ¿por qué alguien sería malo con un pequeño sol como tú? Para ella no tiene sentido.
Por lo general, una amiga que te apoya económica, emocional y psicológicamente siempre está dispuesto a echarte una mano en la cocina.
Eso si, no la dejes cocinar☠️ puede que tenga buenas intenciones pero lo quemará todo.
Dios mío, le encanta la comida que le preparas.
Ahora, pongámonos un poco sentimentales.
Mako y Bolin crecieron en las calles, probablemente nunca comieron mucho, sin mencionar que probablemente no comían todos los días.
especialmente Mako, me imagino que probablemente incluso le dio lo poco que tenían para comer a Bolin.
Es un hábito para él.
Entonces, cuando te conoce y le das a probar tu comida, GRATIS, piensa que eres demasiado bueno para ser verdad.
pero él lo aprecia mucho.
pero viendo lo mucho que te importa su opinión. calienta su corazón.
Por la misma razón, podrías darle de comer la cosa más asquerosa que pudieras cocinar y él se la comería como un niño grande.
Te dirá la verdad, pero no deja ni una miga.
Por la misma razón, tengo dos versiones posibles de cómo ustedes dos se conocieron y se hicieron amigos cercanos.
Una, la que más me gusta, es que probablemente cuando eras más joven e intentabas cocinar por tu cuenta, Mako y Bolin intentaron robarte la comida, fracasando estrepitosamente.
Pero a partir de ahí empezaste a dejar restos de comida en tu ventana para que los agarraran y no se murieran de hambre.
Gracias a esto poco a poco empezaron a interactuar más e incluso empezaron a ayudarte a aplicar en serio en la cocina!
y la otra posibilidad es que te conoció gracias a Pro-control, siendo quien se encargará de la comida en los eventos.
En este escenario, al principio sería más frío, pero eventualmente, ya sea por Bolin o por tu adorable personalidad, termina gustándote.
Aparte de eso, él puede ver que no matarias una mosca y que REALMENTE te apasiona tu trabajo, por lo que te respeta mucho por eso.
Todos sabemos que Mako es más un tipo duro o expresa que le importa a través de acciones, por eso demuestra que le importa mostrando interés en tu pasatiempo y ayudándote tanto como puede.
Pero cuando ya tiene un trabajo estable y te puede echar una mano.
Cuando algo en concreto sale mal, intenta animarte de una forma poco convencional, como contándote algo de su trabajo para distraerte un poco o incluso invitándote a comer algo para desestresarte.
Quizás hasta el propio Mako haya aprendido a cocinar contigo, claro, no está al mismo nivel pero cuando estás muy estresado o cansado él te respalda.
y cuando logras hacer lo que quieres te felicita sinceramente, sabe que al fin y al cabo te lo mereces.
Al igual que sus otros amigos y Bolin, Mako es bastante protector contigo, especialmente si no puedes controlar ningún elemento.
Básicamente es como la dinámica de "Sunshine + Sunshine protector".
También intenta ayudarte a aceptar bien las críticas, que al fin y al cabo son necesarias para mejorar.
Aunque claro, si hay alguien que te está diciendo una mierda porque sí y sin querer ayudarte mucho, dale los nombres, no lo tolerará.
En general es un amigo un poco maleducado pero que te defiende, te valora y te apoya en tus gustos, aficiones y carrera. independientemente de cómo se conocieron.
Él sabe que eres tan buena persona como bien cocinas, y eres MUY buena cocinera ;)
Bolin, al igual que Mako, tiene dos posibilidades sobre cómo te conoció.
uno más doloroso que el otro.
el primero, en el que te conoció por intentar robar algo de tus sobras cuando era pequeño, de por sí, vivir en las calles de ciudad republica no es agradable.
pero al menos te apiadaste de él y empezaste a dejarle sobras. lo cual lo dejó EXTASIADO porque (según él) COCINASTE INCREÍBLE. incluso si en ese momento solo estabas practicando.
Incluso si intentas decirle que probablemente solo estaba diciendo eso porque era su primera comida en Dios sabe cuánto tiempo, seguirá pensando lo mismo.
y la segunda forma, a diferencia de su hermano, es que simplemente te encontró trabajando en un lugar que le gusta.
Quizás incluso con su naturaleza amorosa, al principio estaba enamorado de ti, pero con el tiempo se dio cuenta de que no era lo que realmente sentía.
En general, es tu animador personal.
No importa cuántas veces no puedas preparar una comida en particular, Bolin la come como si su vida dependiera de ello. a diferencia de Mako, él no tiene el valor de decir nada ni remotamente crítico sobre tu comida :,)
También es el tipo de amigo que constantemente te da ideas para nuevas recetas. algunos buenos, otros no tan buenos y otros bastante extravagantes.
ej: algún postre basado en Pabu.
A Bolin le rompe el corazón verte triste cuando no obtienes una receta en particular, pero inmediatamente pasará a una sesión para felicitarte y recordarte cómo hiciste otras recetas para motivarte.
Definitivamente puedo verlo recomendándote a las personas importantes con las que salía cuando trabajaba con Varrik, tanto para hacerte un favor como para poder verte en esos momentos en los que Mako no podía prestarle atención.
La comida favorita de Bolin son definitivamente los postres. pasteles, cupcakes, tartas, dulces, cualquier cosa que contenga azúcar.
y si practicas haciendo comida para animales (como para Pabu), Bolin está SOBRE LA LUNA.
Puedo ver a Bolin intentando aprender a cocinar contigo, tanto para pasar tiempo juntos como para ser más independientes, para ayudar a Mako.
Aparte de eso, tendría la oportunidad de probar más de tu comida :D pero se esfuerza mucho en escuchar tus consejos y seguir las instrucciones que le dejas.
¡Los resultados son bastante prometedores! junto con Mako, es el mejor cocinero del grupo (hc personal).
Al igual que Asami, te pide consejo cuando se siente excluido del grupo y no sabe qué hacer.
Normalmente le preparas algo caliente para que no se sienta tan mal. Probablemente sería su segunda comida favorita: las sopas calientes. En general le recuerdan a ti, una presencia cálida y reconfortante.
Bolin es más pasivo cuando se trata de críticas y cuando son constructivas se asegura de recordarlas e incluso las anota para no olvidarlas y así aplicarlas en sus propios intentos.
pero con el tiempo se puede distinguir mejor entre crítica constructiva y destructiva.
y cuando aparece alguien así, por extraño que parezca, normalmente simplemente lo ignora. Quiere creer que, después de todo, es mejor que ellos...
...sólo para lanzar a Pabu al ataque en defensa de tu honor. Aunque bueno, ¿no lo viste venir?
Generalmente es un amigo muy dulce, no distingue en clases sociales ni cómo ni desde cuándo se conocen los dos. Está convencido de que usted tiene verdadero talento para la cocina.
y él está muy dispuesto a demostrarte que tienes ese talento y apoyarte en todo.
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kg-day · 8 months ago
Controversial LOK opinion, but Mako >>>>> Bolin
Mako gets so much hate for a love triangle he didn't even start (and all the blame, even though Korra and Asami were the ones actively pursuing him) while Bolin was out here repeatedly kissing a woman who kept telling him no.
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tincanton · 1 year ago
ok i finished binge watching tlok (except for season 2 listen im not getting into that mess again) and like. its literally not that bad????
like excluding the relationship shit (and most of season 2 I hate season 2) its literally not that bad. like I would rewatch that again it was so fun.
i just wish they developed the Friendships between the krew more. i will reiterate this again, the moment even a slight Concept of a found family has entered my mind I will NOT stop thinking about it. (the most memorable part to me was literally the krew just fucking around in a hotel room with a pai sho board while spying on aiwei. i want more of the four of them just doing really random shit together come on. please. please. ple
also the love triangle ruined All of their characters. like it was just not a great time for any of them. can we all agree to collectively forgive all of that shit because clearly they've all mostly moved on from that mess.
ALSO ALSO mako is literally not a bad character what. literally what. he's literally just zuko 2.0 but everyone hates him for some reason huh. all he did was fuck up two romantic relationships huh. wuh. why does the fandom hate him whuh. explain. the math is not mathing. like what. hes literally full of angst and everyone just ignores that in favor of "but he was a bad bf" what. if we can forgive(forgive?? idk if that's the right wording whatevr) zuko for the shit hes done can we also forgive mako for like. handling his relationships in a questionable manner.
he was like 18/19 at that point yall (and he also seems extremely emotionally constipated jesus) I think we can let this one go. or if you still arent happy with that lets forget about all the drama and have them in a polycule LMAO
anyways tlok very fun. very enjoyable like i could rewatch the fight scenes over and over again they're so cool. and also I love the characters sososo much. the fandom is so focused on the ships can we just like. look at the besties. they're best friends fr.
(korra is so pretty in season 4 actually she is everything to me)
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straightbaittournament · 1 year ago
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut:
tatiana and curt:
They have a whole song where it seems that they're going to get together just because he's a girl and she's a guy, but in the end Curt comes out to her and she's supportive (which is AMAZING because it's the 1960's) Doing This. That is all.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT-EpN911GA
There’s an entire song (Doing This) which is about the two of them feeling like they need to be in a relationship due to societal pressures. But neither of them really want to and, after they kiss, decide that they’re much better as friends. Not to mention that Curt’s canonical gay as well.
their first few interactions are them flirting with each other, and they have an entire song about how they feel like they should kiss because heteronormativity. but curt is gay, and this is revealed after they kiss, and tatiana isnt CANONICALLY gay but pretty much the entire fandom interprets her that way and the creators have reposted fanart of her with the lesbian flag. spies are forever breaks so many action/spy film stereotypes and the biggest one is curt & tatiana. curt is the suave, james bond type "womaniser" protagonist and tatiana is the cool femme fatale who is lowkey kinda mean to him. in anything ever, they would get together because obviously a man and a woman cannot work together without making out!!!! they even flirt a little to start with, and their duet "doing this" is just poking fun at heteronormativity. and curt is gay, canonically, it is a MAJOR plot point. they flirt at first, then they feel like they should kiss, then they kiss, its bad, curt is gay (NOT CANON but tatiana is also maybe gay) and they just end up best friends. also the "you dont need to hide behind a beard to make you look cool" line goes so hard. their friendship is so beautiful and nice and they just care about each other alot but in a way that is so very platonic
They literally start making out and stop when Curt reveals he's gay. They sing a whole song about it. It's dope.
mako, korra, and asami:
it's that one meme where the guy ignores his girlfriend to check out another girl, only the two girls get to know each other and get together. S1/2 has love triangle drama between who Mako will be with (Korra or Asami). S3 no one is together but Korra and Asami become really close friends. S4 Korra and Asami are together. Mako is single. Like the only example of exes being good friends and Not getting back together, as well as giving the middle finger to heteronormative assumptions when after the love triangle is over, the two girls get together
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kepler-station · 2 months ago
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౨ৎ.𖥔˚ korra — asking asami for help with pursuing asami's best friend hcs
— 𝜗𝜚 or asami being korra's wingwoman.
— i got so taken aback when i realized that i was writing "how reader feels abt korra pursuing her as asami's best friend knowing korra is asami's ex-girlfriend" so i had to delete half of the first draft to make this hehe, but i'm happy w/ it now 🫶🏻
𔓕 ⸝⸝ ꒱ sumi radio ; dumb dumb by jeon somi
ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ heads up ! — now, because it's hard to make x reader content for characters who are canonically in a relationship esp. if they're happy with their canon lover, korra and asami broke up on good terms in my au where the korra x reader hcs take place. they def still happened, but they broke up and stayed good friends.
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— you were asami's best friend, sticking by asami's side since her childhood. you were there for asami from day one — you were there when asami first found her passion for engineering, you were there for her when her mother was killed, and you saw asami train with the best self-defense teachers.
— you were there when she started pursuing mako, were there when she got with korra, and were there when they broke up.
— you were always there for asami, and asami was always there for you. you balanced eachother out perfectly, and you were able to be yourself with her. she's even taken you out to 'platonic dinner' multiple times! and you're the person she goes to when she wants to try a new restaurant (after her lover, ofc... there's a reason why lovers are also called one's "significant other").
— asami trained you in similar self-defense attacks and techniques that she was taught, not only in fear of losing you, but also it introduced another way you two can bond! perhaps you were curious and wanted to learn to when you would watch asami train, perhaps asami almost lost you one time and wanted to train you in fear of nearly seeing you get ripped away from her again.
— you joined korra's team some time after asami did. she noticed how you and her weren't able to hang out as much since she joined korra's team, so she invited you to tag along sometimes, which turned into you being a vital part of the team!
— whether you're an intellect who contributes via strategy planning, a chi-blocker who helps by allowing the others to use chi-blocking to render bender opponents useless for a good minute or two,a social butterfly who introduces fun into the missions by lightening up the mood during a time when the team is too serious when they can have a little fun for a bit, or an introvert who's just there because asami's there, you introduce something new into the team that they later find out, they can no longer function without (you're like the sokka of the team).
— being a vital part of the team, everyone warms up to you quickly and praise and adore you for whatever new thing you introduce into the team, esp. korra, who often praises you for it. she warms up to you faster than the others, and commends you for your achievements more.
— the others see it as korra just being reaaally eager to be friends with you. esp. after she and asami got together, she'd obviously want to get along with asami's friends and get their approval for dating their friend (because idk abt you but it gets really tricky to be with someone when their friends don't approve of, esp. if they're the type of friends to try to convince them to break up, not from experience). but when asami introduced you two formally when korra visited you two's workplace (yes, you work maybe part-time at future industries directly under asami), something just clicked between you and korra.
— you two never really interacted with one another outside of having to for missions. seeing that korra was dating your best friend, you saw fit that it'd be suitable to back off from trying to be friendly towards korra in fear of having conflict stemming from miscommunication with asami (but knowing asami, she'd probably be fine with you two talking as friends, so long as you're being honest with her about wanting to be friends).
— and so, you two never really talked and whenever you did outside of needing to for missions, it often dismissed itself quickly due to being fairly new and unfamiliar with one another outside of knowing that you are asami's best friend, and that she was asami's girlfriend. it was certainly nice to talk to korra, but it was somewhat awkward and most of it consisted of trying to get to know one another and talking about current events that have just happened. most of the time though, korra would approach you to ask for things like "what would asami like?", "would asami like this?", "what are things that asami would like?", or "i'm taking asami on a date, can you help me make sure that she would like it?".
— (please note that by now korra and asami have already broken up) now focusing on the actual topic at hand, asami was a little taken aback when korra confessed to liking her best friend, and asked for tips on how to pursue her and make her love her (korra). it had only been a few weeks since asami and korra had broken up, so it spawned some misinterpretations that korra only broke up with asami to get with you, but that was quickly disputed by a very taken aback korra.
— being the supportive best friend asami is, after getting over the initial shock and miscommunication, asami was supportive of it and is willing to be korra's wingwoman! she gave korra the best tips and was 100% going to set you and korra up... after she made sure you were comfortable with going on a date with korra, knowing she's your lifelong bestie's ex-girlfriend.
— so after she made sure you were over the hurdle of feeling strange and weird about talking to someone who once had feelings for your best friend, she started subtly urging and implying that you spend more time with korra (without cutting out you two's bestie hang outs, ofc!), and even pushing korra to make moves on you like asking you out to dinner or even just having a conversation with eye contact.
— she also starts giving korra a gentle nudge in the right direction when it comes to korra practicing how she should pursue you, or even just straight up saying it. asami gives korra the best of the best tips for how she should go about courting you, after all she has known you for literally her entire life !
— on your side, asami started making up excuses for their friends so that korra can have some time with you. if you want company while you train, she's more than happy to invite korra to tag along while she watches and helps you train, and if she's unavailable, she'll just offer another option that's she says is "arguably better than [friend you considering inviting over for company]", korra ! moreover, if you wanna be trained in a different style (perhaps you found a weak spot in your own style of self-defense in a fightz or perhaps you're just bored... up to you, really), asami is quick to offer korra !
— and just like that, you and korra grew closer than you expected. korra couldn't be happier and more thankful when she finally confessed to you (again, with a little push, convincing and setting up from your wingwoman asami), and later when you two get together.
— you and korra will need to thank asami later. but don't worry, asami feels no need to receive thanks and will support you two with undying support ! your best friend will always be on your side, and will support you until the end of time !
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umeumeumee · 9 months ago
𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀 & 𝐋𝐨𝐊 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 , 𝐡𝐜 & 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 (𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭!)
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ᥫ᭡ i was thinking.. since i am doing an event for james cameron avatar movies I & II , why not do the original avatar, as well as LoK? <3
ᥫ᭡ requests are open, characters + (some) prompts are listed below, feel free to request your own prompt/ideas/scenario’s and i will be more than happy to write it!!
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(୭౿ fluff / ᡣ𐭩 angst)
♥︎ - romance・★ - platonic・📥 - request・🗓️ - most recent
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rules are simple, please follow<3 love u!
I don't get to answering requests as often as I used to, so if i don't answer your request for a couple months don't worry, i will most likely get to it! If i don't ever answer your request, it probably accidentally got deleted so feel free to request it again!
things like Abuse, manipulation, references to sexual themes and mentions of gore will absolutely not be found on my blog.
They are tiggers for some people so it is an avoidance!
im not super selective with my requests, but I will only do the ones that i find i have motivation for- because i want to give you guys good fics!!
please do not copy, translate, transfer, or claim any of my work! If you would like to, please ask me. If i say yes, please give me credit.
WILLS ; Fem! reader, Fem! Character, male! character troupes; bffs to lovers, enemies to lovers, etc. Fluff, Angst, Hurt/comfort
WONTS ; Incest r/pe p3dophilia, male! reader poly relationships, e/him pronouns for reader, pregnancy
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༊*·˚ princess azula
only you - princess azula x fem! earthbender! reader📥 , ♥︎
red lipstick stains - princess azula x fem! maid! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , 🗓️
balance - azula x fem! waterbender! princess! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
turtle ducks - princess azula x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
show off! - princess azula x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ toph beifong
whispers in the dark - toph beifong x fem! firebender! reader 📥 , ᡣ𐭩 , 🗓️
seriously? - toph beifong x fem! non!bender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
past, but not future - toph beifong x fem! firebender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
the only one i see - toph beifong x fem! waterbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
by your side - toph beifong x fem! nonbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ katara
heartless - katara x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , ᡣ𐭩 (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ prince / fire lord zuko
the unfamiliarity of a gentle flame - prince zuko x fem! airbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
promise - prince zuko x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ suki
my kind of woman - suki x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ sokka
༊*·˚ ty lee
༊*·˚ mai
༊*·˚ avatar korra
༊*·˚ asami sato
༊*·˚ bolin
༊*·˚ mako
༊*·˚ lin beifong
༊*·˚ kya
༊*·˚ kuvira
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of course, these are only some prompts. You can request headcannons you want and also scenarios! once again, request are open!!
"i can't pretend anymore."
"you need to know that i have grown to care for you. deeply."
"i've loved you since the moment i first laid my eyes on you."
"you deserve to know."
"it's you. it's always been you."
"are you really so oblivious?"
"there isn't anything that i wouldn't do for you."
"I was made to love you."
“I cannot bare to be apart from you anymore."
"please. please just listen to me."
"don't make me say it. i can't say the words."
"you are all i can think about."
"'I can't fathom the idea of my life without you in it."
"i dream of you. all i do, is dream of you."
"i am so very in love with you."
"is it so obvious how infatuated i am?"
"for years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence."
"we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime."
���you are everything. everything."
"it hurts me, just how much i ache for you."
"i don't know if i can't bring myself to speak it."
"I know that this is not what you want to hear..."
"after everything you've done, i still love you. with all i am."
"it's true."
"i cannot stand you, and yet i also cannot stand to be away from you."
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peach-and-bugs · 4 years ago
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characters that I write for are organized in alphabetical order by fandom and by name. links will lead to my complete list of posted work for said character:
willing to write for characters: romantically (➵ ) platonically (✸) or nsfw (✧)
Character Alphabets (sfw ✸ & nsfw ✧)
Ask Box Headcanons and Blurbes
Agents of shield
Bobbi Morse ✸ ➵ ✧
Daisy Johnson/Quake ✸ ➵ ✧
Jemma Simmons ✸ ➵ ✧
Jiaying ✸ ➵ ✧
Leo Fitz ✸ ➵
Malinda May ✸ ➵ ✧
Phil Coulson ✸ ➵
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Hilda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Madam Satan/Lilith ✸ ➵ ✧
Sabrina Spellman ✸ ➵
Zelda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Doctor Who
Amy Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Bill Pots ✸ ➵
Clara/Clara Oswald/Oswin ✸ ➵ ✧
Eleven/Smith!Doctor ✸ ➵
Jack Harkness ✸ ➵
Missy/Gomez!Master ✸ ➵ ✧
River Song/Melody Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Simm!Master ✸ ➵
Thirteen/Whittaker!Doctor ✸ ➵ ✧
Twelve/Capaldi!Doctor ✸ ➵
Five Nights at Freddy (movie)
romantic (➵) platonic (✸) nsfw (✧)
Mike Schmidt ➵ ✸
William Afton ➵ ✸
Vanessa Shelly/Afton ➵ ✸ ✧
Killing Eve 
Eve Polastrí ✸ ➵ ✧
Villanelle ✸ ➵ ✧
The Legend Of Korra
Asami Sato ✸ ➵ ✧
Bolin ✸ ➵
Bumi ✸ ➵
Izumi ✸ ➵ ✧
Korra ✸ ➵ ✧
Kuvira ✸ ➵ ✧
Kya ✸ ➵ ✧
Kyoshi ✸ ➵ ✧
Lin Beifong ✸ ➵ ✧
Mako ✸ ➵
Opal ✸ ➵
Tenzin ✸ ➵
The Last Of Us (Games)
Abby Anderson ✸ ➵ ✧
Dina ✸ ➵ ✧
Ellie Williams ✸ ➵ ✧
Joel Miller ✸ ➵
Tommy Miller ✸ ➵
Agatha Harkness ✸ ➵ ✧
Bucky Barns/Winter Soldier ✸ ➵
Bruce Banner ✸ ➵
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel ✸ ➵ ✧
Darcy Lewis ✸ ➵ ✧
Drax ✸ ➵
Gamora ✸ ➵ ✧
Hela Odendottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Hope van Dyne/Wasp ✸ ➵ ✧
Jane Foster/Mighty Thor ✸ ➵ ✧
Kate Bishop ✸ ➵ ✧
Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab ✸ ➵ ✧
May Parker ✸ ➵ ✧
Mantis ✸ ➵ ✧
Maria hill ✸ ➵ ✧
Monica Ranbough ✸ ➵ ✧
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow ✸ ➵ ✧
Nebula ✸ ➵ ✧
Okoye ✸ ➵ ✧
Peggy Carter/Captain Carter ✸ ➵ ✧
Peter Parker/Spider-Man ✸ ➵
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America ✸ ➵
Scott Lang/Ant-man ✸ ➵
Sharon Carter/Powerbroker ✸ ➵ ✧
Sylvie Laufeydottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Thor Odenson ✸ ➵
Valkyrie ✸ ➵ ✧
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch ✸ ➵ ✧
Yelena Belova ✸ ➵ ✧
Parks and Recreation 
Ann Perkins ✸ ➵ ✧
April Ludgate ✸ ➵ ✧
Donna Meagle ✸ ➵ ✧
Jennifer Barkley ✸ ➵ ✧
Leslie Knope ✸ ➵ ✧
Star Wars 
Ahsoka ✸ ➵ ✧
Captain Phasma ✸ ➵ ✧
Finn/FN-2187 ✸ ➵
General Hux ✸ ➵
Han Solo ✸ ➵
Leia Organa ✸ ➵ ✧
Luke Skywalker ✸ ➵
Padmé Amidala ✸ ➵ ✧
Rey ✸ ➵ ✧
Rose ✸ ➵ ✧
Stranger things  
Argyle ✸ ➵
Chrissy Cunningham✸ ➵
Dustin Henderson ✸ ➵
Eddie Munson ✸ ➵
El/Eleven/Jane ✸ ➵
Erica Sinclair ✸
Jim Hopper ✸ ➵
Johnathan Byers ✸ ➵
Joyce Byers ✸ ➵ ✧
Karen Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Lucas Sinclair ✸ ➵
Max Mayfield ✸ ➵
Murray Bauman ✸ ➵
Nancy Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Steve Harrington ✸ ➵
Will Byers ✸ ➵
Alma LeFay Peregrine (mrs peregrine's home of peculiar children)✸ ➵ ✧
Elizabeth Corday (ER) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (RE:V) ✸ ➵ ✧
Laura DeMille/Madame Rouge (Doom Patrol) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lily Lebowski (Crossing Jordan) ✸ ➵ ✧
Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates (Wednesday) ✸ ➵ ✧
Millie Rusk/MolotovGirl (Free Guy) ✸ ➵ ✧
Miranda Croft (The Flight Attendant)✸ ➵ ✧
Dr. Olivia Octaviouse (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)✸ ➵ ✧
Jackie Tayler (1996) ✸ ➵
Laura Lee (1996) ✸ ➵
Lottie Mattews (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Misty Quigley (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
"Nat" Natalie Scatorccio (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Shauna Sadecki (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Taissa Turner (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Travis Martinez (1996/2021) ✸ ➵
"Van" Vanessa Palmer (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
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pastel-peach-writes · 2 years ago
Hi, i just found your blog and i love your Legend of Korra fics, especially the hcs for a best friend reader x korra! Can i request something between a nonbender fem!reader who's actually best friends with korra and her loving gf Asami. Sometimes it seems that the reader and korra share a singular braincell lol, and she can be quite cheeky and stubborn, she loves to push korra's buttons and see what will happen next. So my idea was that the 3 girls were hanging out together, and then the reader starts teasing korra, maybe about something embarrassing that has happened to her or something, until korra has enough of her crap and tackles her down (or uses her bending or wtv) and tickles the sh!t out of her until she remembers not to destroy the Avatar's dignity right in front of her girlfriend smh.
I need my fluff don't mind me lol. Anyway, feel free to ignore this or not, but if you do write it, thank you so much in advance! you rock :)
Hello Anon! THIS IS SO FLIPPIN CUTE OMG. I'm lowkey getting sibling vibes between Korra and the reader AHHH. okay, another platonic!korra fanfic coming up!
Don’t Mess With The Avatar | Platonic!Korra x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: You were tired of shopping. Asami dragged Korra out to go shopping and Korra dragged you. She was not going shopping without you there for support. When you all lay on the couch watching trash, something told you to tease the Avatar. Rookie mistake. 
╰┈➤ WARNING: A Bit Of Platonic Asami and Korra x Reader (if you squint), Reader Stirs Up Trouble, Cursing, No Use Of Y/N, Barely Proofread
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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It’s been a day of walking around Republic City, shopping, eating, and talking. Honestly, you were exhausted. The sun was shining down on you all day, your calves ached, and your shoes were starting to mend with the ground. 
You found yourself ecstatic when Asami finally declared it was time to go home. 
Now laying on the couch with your feet propped up on someone’s lap, (you didn’t care to find out who’s), you happily watched tv while munching on the leftovers you three bought earlier today. 
“No! Please Laohan,” the girl on the show begged. She clasped her hands together as she kneeled in front of the tall man. “I wanna be with you! I wanna stay with you!” the girl was dressed in dark green royal wear, in a castle that was decorated with the colors red and brown. 
Korra scoffed. “She should’ve thought of that before she cheated on him!”
“You should’ve thought of that before you cheated on me,” said Laohan, the man in red. He shook his leg to loosen the girl’s grip. He tried to walk away. She wailed and wailed until he was finally able to walk away without her. 
Korra gasped. “He just said what I said! See, I told you he and I are like two peas in a pod.”
“Or the script is terribly predictable,” Asami commented, looking over at her girlfriend with a sly and unamused look. Korra stuck her tongue out.
“Whatever. It just proves Laohan’s an awesome person just like me.”
You cackled, a little louder than intended. 
Korra deadpanned. “What? Am I not an awesome person?” “No, no, you’re a great person, Kor,” you snickered. 
“That’s not what I said though.” the Avatar positioned herself so that she faced you head on. “Loahan is an awesome person, just like me. We’re both cool, great leaders, and we have so much coolness that it translates well in stressful moments such as a lady begging for your love and forgiveness.” the girl gestured to the screen.
Loahan was now in a meeting, ignoring the girl who begged for his forgiveness again. 
“Mm, I’m not so sure about that second one, Korra,” you looked over at her. “I’ve seen you freak out over Asami just because she looked your way.” Asami chuckled as you go on. “This was before you even knew you liked her, by the way.”
The Avatar scoffed. “Okay, so?”
“Sooo, while she may not have been asking for your forgiveness or begging you to wed her, you were still a mess because she was sooooo pretty and it was soooo unfair that Mako had a pretty girlfriend like her and not you,” you smirked, watching the Avatar scramble around with a blush on her face. “Okay, but, that was one time.”
“Au Contarie. It was multiple times. One was when we were having dinner before you two got together, another was when she was riding a motorcycle and took her helmet off and her hair was flowing freely with the wind, and another time was whe--”
“OKAY!” Korra exclaimed. Her face matched the red on Asami’s jacket. “So, there were a couple of times where I freaked out over Asami’s beauty but, can you blame me?” She grabs the fire nation woman by the waist. “She’s pretty, smells nice, and makes some cool ass stuff.” 
Asami awed. She kissed Korra’s cheek and moved some of her hair from her face. “Thank you, Kor. That’s really sweet.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You rolled your eyes. “but you’re still a bit of a wreck. Most definitely not as cool or nonchalant as Loahan.” you paused the tv show. You guys were talking too much. It was important to see every single scene in this show. Look away for one second and suddenly the show’s in a different time period with new characters who speak a different language.  “Okay, now I’m starting to think you just want to embarrass me.” Korra frowned. 
“Nope, just want to squash your ego a bit.”
“Hey now,” Asami started. “Let’s play nice. No need to get all feisty and mean.” 
“I’m not mean! I’m just reliving memories. Like, do you remember that time when we all went out for ice cream and Korra got that triple scoop? And then as we walked back to the car, she tripped over some rocks and then–”
Korra tackled you off the couch and onto the ground. She scrambled as you try to break away from her grip with a laugh. 
“Korra!! Let me go!”
“No! You talk too much and I’ve had enough of you exposing me in front of my girlfriend!!” 
You thought Korra tackling you to the ground was the only thing she was going to do to keep you quiet. Unfortunately, you were wrong. Her hands found their way to your sensitive sides and she started tickling the shit out of you.
You squirmed more and laughter escaped your lips; trying to escape out of her grip was impossible. Though her hands devilishly tickled your sides and messed with the skin, her hold on you was strong. 
It was torture. 
Her fingers skillfully danced across your skin. Her nails made the tickling even worse. She purposefully made sure to graze her fingernails over your stomach as you squirmed underneath her.
With tears in the corner of your eyes, you pleaded the Avatar for mercy.
“Please! Please,” you begged between laughter. “I’ll be good, I promise! I won’t say anything.”
Korra pinned your hands to your sides. Her eyes narrowed as she made eye contact. “You swear?”
You panted. Desperate, you shook your head yes. 
“Eh, I don’t believe you.” Her hands attacked your sides again.
“Korra!” Asami removed her hands from your side. She glared at her girlfriend who was pouting and laughing at the same time.
“Hey, I was having fun!” Korra whined.
“Oh, come on. They deserve mercy. They apologized!”
Asami was right. Your sides ached and tears of laughter slid down your face. Your face probably changed in color from how much you were laughing and the lack of breath you had. You turned onto your side to catch your breath.
Korra groaned. “Fine!” She ripped her hands away from Asami’s. “That better be the last time you try to expose me in front of my girlfriend, got it?” Korra jabbed a finger into your thigh.
You exhaled and waved a hand at her. “Swear. Never again.”
WC: 1,074
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kingwuko · 3 months ago
I'm almost sure someone already mentioned something like this before in yar reposts but I've it doing laps on my head.
I guess in my head why I mostly ship Wukp is for the way Mako seems to be needed in his relationships, with Bolin who he took care of after their parents die, with Korra and Asami while dating. Being the protector is Mako love language even though all of them may need Mako in their lives as a sibling, friend, and companion, none really need him in the way Mako prefers.
Wu is the exception in that in the show, Wu loves to be taken care of, and he likes how reliable and competent Mako is, Mako seems to resent being Wu's bodyguard but in the end, the LOOK he gives Wu at the wedding he's proud of Wu, yeah it can be read as platonic, but yet they complement so much. And Wu is more competent, resourceful, and capable than everyone gives him credit for, even himself, yet he likes Mako taking charge like the self-defense class, is obvious he doesn't care much to learn but he gives it a try just so give Mako peace of mind (and just what he needs to get Mako in a position to spill out about his past).
Wu doesn't need really Mako but he likes Mako enough to let Mako be Mako in a way that Korra, Asami and Bolin doesn't. Some may say that's a bit/too codependent, but some couples are like that and that's okay, also that makes me relate more to Wuko than Korrasami or Bolin/Opal.
Hey maybe this has been discussed before but I'll talk about these guys all day long and I love revisiting prior discussions!!!
I really love your take on everything. Obviously Wu NEEDS some physical protection. He's royalty, even if he were capable of defending himself, most rulers need some kind of security detail!! And Mako can provide that in spades! But Wu is a king and he has access to other means to be guarded. In Ruins of the Empire he has a security detail consisting of Earth Army guards. But he wants MAKO to protect him!!!
I do also like how Wu doesn't seem to have this need to prove himself to be tough or whatever. He's totally fine being the wimpy guy and just letting Mako be the big tough guy.
I agree that I think Mako wants to be needed, I feel like he values himself based on how useful he is to others. But something I like about Wu: he's kinda obsessed with Mako just for being... Mako. So like, he lets Mako be needed and useful, but truthfully Wu just wants Mako no matter what that means! So like, Mako appreciates being needed, but as they grow closer, I can see Wu stealthily making Mako realize he has value as a person just for existing and not just based on what he can give.
Because yeah Wu likes having his big tough guy to protect him, but he also just wants to get smoothies with him and buy him clothes and convince him to get some kind of spa treatments. So it's definitely good for Mako both because he can feel needed but also he can learn to be loved without being needed. If that makes sense???
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hotpinkrathian · 8 months ago
TPD and LoK headcannons?
Okay but I have been thinking about the practical uses of TPD for LoK since its release (I've listened to the entire anthology like 5 times now) and some of my *thoughts* are a little disorganized but here they are as they come.
Kya watching Lin and Tenzin grow together and become a couple has her DOWN BAD and I would like to write something in the future, maybe a one shot drawing inspiration from this.
Fresh Out the Slammer is so Suyin/Kuvira coded, whether it's platonically or romantic idc but to me it is THEM. Specifically after the show when Kuvira is feeling empty and alone and trying to get back into her old life but she has to accept that it's not going to work and she has to start all over again.
I Can Do it With A Broken Heart- immediately thought of Asami. Not because of her relationship with Mako or Korra but because of the relationship with her dad. That was such a painful moment for her in the series and sometimes I feel like it wasn't shown enough, her grief was never really processed and maybe she struggles a bit in the beginning. Of course Korra helps her through it : )
Kyalin The Alchemy need I say more.
I feel like there's big potential for an angsty Lin-centered one shot inspired by Cassandra. I haven't fully developed this yet but it's brewing.
thanK you aIMee is another one I feel like would work well with Kuvira. I could see an angsty piece about her slowly building up to the events of season 4. I feel like maybe she has some growing resentment over her childhood and maybe that gets taken out on Suyin or just the Beifongs in general.
For shits and giggles Korra sing smallest man who ever lived to Zaheer because my guy short as fuck
And for non shits and giggles "Who's Afraid of Little old Me" this is AVATAR KORRA. This song I see in the moment before she takes down Kuvira. Like Kuvira is cocky and is convinced she's already won because she's bested korra multiple times now. And Korra is a force of nature. There's room for a powerful dissonance there between season 3 where she as the Avatar is a target. Zaheer wants to get rid of the avatar to restore chaos because the Avatar is too powerful. Korra doesn't understand this, she would never use her powers for evil, she would never use them to hurt people... until she has to. She IS the Avatar, she is the strongest being in the world, and part of her healing process is claiming that power. I can see a conversation going something like this:.
Korra: I don't get it, Asami. It's like no matter what I do, how many times I show these people I'm on their side... someone is always out to get me. It's like they're afraid of me or something.
Asami: Korra, you are the Avatar. The only thing standing between them and their fucked-up ideal "world", is you.
Korra: I don't want people to be scared of me, I want them to feel safe. To feel like I'm an ally.
Asami: and you are, but... I don't know, Korra. Maybe it's not all bad if some people fear you. If Kuvira, or Zaheer had been more afraid maybe... maybe things would've turned out differently.
And then the bad guy is all "you think you scare me?" And Korra is all
"No, but I should."
(I could also see this trope working well with Rangshi but you requested LOK )
I hope I delivered
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
Platonic! Korra Gang x Chef! Reader
This is the Request of @chantillymoon i hope You're doing good with your Cooking, i'm sure it's fantastic😋! I hope this give you a little motivation💞
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Korra probably met you in the events of book 1 (did you see the Gala where Mako went with Asami? one of those), you were in food service.
and since Korra was a bit moody and in a new city, you were friendly with her and they got along quite well. You tried to entertain her a little with your cooking (like the chefs in certain Asian places, if you're a firebending master or something like that, even better).
Thanks to this Korra was going to see you when she needed to talk and generally let loose a little. You guys became friends pretty quickly.
If you have your own place, Korra tries to promote you when she interacts with important people and the topic of Catering comes up.
She firmly believes that your food is much better than the holidays food honestly. especially those of Unalaq.
I have a feeling that in the water tribe, especially in the south, there is not a very complex gastronomy thanks to literally living at a pole.
It's a more personal hc, but I think Korra grew up eating mainly fish and its variables (maybe rice and vegetables)
Obviously, she ate more things in her training to be an avatar, but it's not like it was food as such to "eat" but rather those for nutrition purposes.
so when she becomes a friend of yours (cutie) and you give her VERY varied and VERY delicious food, she is delighted.
like “FINALLY something that is nutritious and TASTES GOOD!”
Besides, you cook a lot of variety, so Korra doesn't know where to choose. but she has a big appetite, so it's not unreasonable to think that you probably won't run out of leftovers with her.
If you're stressed about a particular recipe, she may try to help you by giving you a hand with things in the kitchen that she knows she can't screw up, like reading you the recipe book or handing you things, all while trying to joke with you to relax you and make you laugh.
If you want a definitive break, flour war! Whoever ends up completely white loses and Naga will have to clean it up!
Now, apart from improvised or high-survival food, Korra doesn't cook shit, she doesn't know how to handle herself very well, so seeing you be so fluent in that habit is something new for her. Of course, she was used to her parents cooking. but not at your level, so there's a lot of excitement on Korra's part about how you learned all this.
If you try to teach her, can she go either very badly or...decent? which cannot be said whether it is good or bad.
Since at first Korra may even, trying to make things easier (or imitate you, if you use your elemental control to cook) use her avatar skills in the kitchen, which since she has no experience ends very badly 😅 with muddy dough everywhere.
or even with BURNT water in some way??
but after a few attempts and several burnt bouls, Korra gets the hang of it and manages to start improving her cooking skills!
She can make simple meals now at least.
but she always prefers yours, you make them much more delicious, according to her.
Korra is not going to tolerate any destructive criticism of you, who does she have to hit?she's going to scare them with the fucking avatar state🤣😅
Sure, she can TOLERATE constructive criticism because it's not malicious, but she doesn't understand why people eat your products if they're not going to like it anyway?
do not understand.
In general, Korra encourages your vocation a lot and encourages you to try new things with her :3
Asami knows you because of Varrik, he needed as many staff as possible, including the kitchen, so he hired you as soon as he liked one of your meals without thinking about it.
Asami needed a break from all of Varrik's antics, so she went to the staff areas for a while (without realizing it) and you noticed her state.
So you talked to her while you prepared something simple for her to eat and get energy back.
It was kind of nice, since you didn't feel intimidated by her or what had happened with her father, a breath of fresh air, so you continued seeing each other after that (in a platonic way).
Asami is used to eat in High Quality and/or fancy places before this, and still doing it.
which most of the time is not bad, on the contrary, it usually produces rich and delicious food.
but there are also times when for some people (ahem VARRIKahem) it just needs to be prettier and tasteless to be considered "gourmet" and even if it's not high quality food, Asami sometimes misses the feeling of having a normal meal. .
That's when you come into her life, her bubbly friend, to make things way better.
Asami probably never had a home-cooked meal as such (no, it doesn't count if CHEFS make it for you Asami) so it was a new experience for her. In the good sense.
Instead of eating aesthetically impressive but disgusting food, with you I could eat things that were really modest but that TASTED GOOD.
If you are having problems like not finding someone to give you more advanced cooking classes, don't worry! Asami will give you a hand with her contacts and help you find a good tutor.
If you already have your own place, rest assured that Asami (and in general the entire Avatar team) will come to see you and buy you food often no matter what you sell.
Even if you have any financial problems with the place, Asami has your back and helps you as much as possible. You may even become a constant Catering associate for the company!
Asami also tries not to let her friendship with you affect you so directly, especially when scandals arise with her father.
He goes to you for advice when they go out to eat, your food gives him a certain feeling of peace after all, so when you both go out he can be with a cooler head.
It's a feeling of familiarity that she hasn't felt in a LONG time.
You can definitely see Asami especially liking food with meat or more complicated things, but then again, he also really likes it when you make really simple things, like pasta or pizza, for example.
She says that it is because "you do it with love" and it is partly true, that you put so much effort into the preparation makes it much more special and she appreciates it a lot.
but in general I think she doesn't usually give you negative comments.
I mean, if you happen to screw up some food and it tastes REALLY bad, you know it just by looking at her face, even so she will never give you a "bad" word so to speak, she use very sweet constructive criticism and still assure you that you did a good job.
and you can also guarantee that if there is a particular food that she likes, she will pay you to make a couple of reservations for her ;) she can't help it! She loves how you cook!
If someone tries to criticize you in a non-constructive way and is simply Bullying you, she will directly kick their ass and deal with the consequences then why would someone be mean to a little sun like you? It doesn't make sense to her.
In general, a friend who supports you financially, emotionally and psychologically is always willing to give you a hand in the kitchen.
That's right, don't let her cook☠️ she may hace good intentions but she'll burn everything.
Now, let's get a little sentimental.
Mako and Bolin growing up on the streets probably never really had much to eat, not to mention they probably didn't eat every day.
especially Mako, I imagine that he probably even gave what little they had to eat to Bolin.
It's a habit for him.
So when he meets you and you give him a taste of your food, for FREE, he thinks you're too good to be true.
but he appreciates it very much.
but seeing how much his opinion matters to you. warms his heart.
For the same reason you could feed him the most disgusting thing you could cook and he would eat it like a big child.
He will tell you the truth, but he doesn't leave a crumb.
For the same reason, I have two possible versions of how the two of you met and became close friends.
One, the one I like the most, is that probably when you were younger and trying to cook on your own, Mako and Bolin tried to steal your food, failing miserably.
But from then on you started leaving food scraps on your window for them to grab so they wouldn't die of hunger.
Thanks to this little by little they began to interact more and even began to help you to apply seriously in the kitchen!
and the other possibility is that he knew you thanks to Pro-control, being the one who will be in charge of the food at the events.
In this scenario at first he would be colder but eventually either because of Bolin or because of your adorable personality, you end up liking him.
other than that he can see that you can't swing a fly, and that you're REALLY passionate about your job, so he respects you a lot for that.
We all know that Mako is more of a tough guy or expresses that he cares through actions, so he shows that he cares by showing interest in your hobby and helping you as much as he can.
But when he already has a stable job and can give you a hand.
When something specific goes wrong, he tries to cheer you up in an unconventional way, such as telling you something about his work to distract you a little or even inviting you something to eat to de-stress.
Maybe even Mako himself has learned to cook from you, of course, he is not at the same level but when you are very stressed or tired he has your back.
and when you manage to do what you want, he sincerely congratulates you, he knows that you deserve it after all.
Similar to his other friends and Bolin, Mako is quite protective of you, especially if you can't control any elements.
It's like the dynamic of "Sunshine + Sunshine protector" basically.
It also tries to help you accept criticism well, which is necessary to improve after all.
Although of course, if there is someone who is telling you shit just because and without really wanting to help you, give them the names, they will not tolerate it.
In general, he is a friend who is a bit rude but who defends you, appreciates you and supports you in your tastes, hobbies and career. regardless of how You two met.
He knows that you are as good a person as you cook well, and you are a VERY good cook ;)
Bolin, similarly to Mako, has two possibilities for how he met you.
one more painful than the other.
the first, in which he knew you for trying to steal something from your leftovers when he was little, in itself, living on the streets of a republic city is not nice.
but at least you took pity on him and started leaving him leftovers. which left him EXTRACTED because (according to him) YOU COOKED AMAZING. even if at that time you were just practicing.
Even if you try to tell him that he was probably just saying that because it was his first meal in god knows how long, he still thinks the same thing.
and the second way, unlike his brother, is that he simply found you working somewhere he likes.
Maybe even with his amorous nature, at first he had a crush on you, but over time he realized that it wasn't what he really felt.
In general he is your personal cheerleader.
No matter how many times you fail to make a particular meal, Bolin eats it like his life depends on it. unlike Mako, he doesn't have the heart to say anything even remotely critical of your food :,)
He's also the kind of friend who constantly gives you ideas for new recipes. some good, some not so good, and some quite extravagant.
ex: some dessert based on Pabu.
It breaks Bolin's heart to see you sad when you don't get a particular recipe, but he will immediately move on to a session of giving you compliments and reminding you how you made other recipes to motivate you.
I can definitely see him recommending you to the important people he hung out with when he worked with Varrik, both to do you a favor and to be able to see you in those moments when Mako couldn't pay attention to him.
Bolin's favorite food is definitely desserts. cakes, cupcakes, pies, candies, anything that is sugary.
and if you get to practice making animal food (like for Pabu) Bolin is OVER THE MOON.
I can see Bolin trying to learn cooking things with you, both to spend time together and to be more independent, to help Mako out.
Apart from that, he would have the opportunity to try more of your food :D but he makes a great effort to listen to your advice and follow the instructions you leave him.
The results are quite promising! along with Mako, he is the best cook of the group (hc personal).
Similarly to Asami, he seeks advice from you when he feels left out of the group and doesn't know what to do.
Normally you prepare something hot for him so he doesn't feel so bad. It would probably be his second favorite food of yours, hot soups. In general they remind him of you, a warm and comforting presence.
Bolin is more passive when it comes to criticism and when it is constructive he makes sure to remember it and even writes it down so as not to forget it and thus apply it in his own attempts.
but eventually you can better distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism.
and when someone like that shows up, no matter how strange it may seem, they usually just ignore it. He wants to believe that he is better than them after all...
...only to launch Pabu on the attack in defense of your honor. Although well, didn't you see it coming?
He is generally a very sweet friend, he does not distinguish in social class or how or how long the two of you have known each other. He is convinced that you have genuine talent for cooking.
and he is very willing to show you that you have that talent and support you through everything.
Conclusion: They all love your food but they love the person behind that food more and how you support them in difficult times :,)
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Thank you very much for this Request ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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linnorabeifong · 1 year ago
Korra’s Christmas
This is just an idea but if enough of you are interested I will do it and make a collection on Ao3.
Thirty one days of holiday  Fan Art and Fanfic 
All Thirty One Days of December are different ships and a prompt. I’ll write some and I’ll make polls and posts for suggestions. If you’d like to suggest rules, prompts or ships, message me.  Send in prompts ! Tag your friends. I’ll try to post polls once I get enough. I’ll post all prompts before the end of the month.
If you like a ship that isn’t included then I can add it, as a bonus or replace a disliked ship with it. if you dislike a ship I can remove it just message me. If you dislike a tentative prompt I can swap it.
post your ideas and submissions with #Korra’sChristmas. I will reblog them.
if you have any question my asks are open. I tried to include every ship I could think of. I don’t want anyone to feel excluded or leave out their favorite ship.
Rules (so far, will add more if they are suggested or people are hateful) : No incestous or illegal ships will be permitted. No NSFW content with underage characters. NSFW content  is welcomed, but must be tagged as such and rated appropriately please and thank you. Submissions can be no ship or platonic as long as they incorporate the prompt. If you’d like your prompt to be for a particular day/ship let me know. Feel free to send in prompts related to other winter Holidays or just the winter season. If you want a ship to be a particular day let me know.
Tentative Prompts: 
Meet Cute
Meet the In laws
Tree Decorating
Movie Night
Naughty and Nice  List
Spiked Eggnog
Christmas Proposal 
Hot Chocolate 
Wrapping Gifts
Christmas Cookies
Non-traditional Christmas 
Christmas Vacation
Working on Christmas 
Modern Day AU
Submitted Prompts:
Secret Santa Gift Exchange 🎅🏽
Build a Snowman ⛄️
Snowball fight ❄️ 
Tentative Ships:
Amon/Lin (I’m joking this is a crack ship but if any of y’all actually like this one let me know and I’ll keep it otherwise it’s getting axed)
Asami/ Mako 
Asami/OC or any character
Baatar Sr/Suyin 
Baatar Jr/Kuvira 
Bolin/ Korra 
Bolin/ Wei 
Bolin/ OC or any character
Bumi/ OC or any character 
Izumi/ OC or any character 
Mako/ Korra 
Opal/Kuvira  ( Winter Solstice)
Korra/ Tahno  (Christmas Eve)
Kya/Lin (Christmas Day)
Lin/ Tarlokk or Linzin
Pema and Tenzin 
Senna and Tonraq 
Kai and Jinnora  
Mr and Mrs Moon 
Update: So far we have 18 prompts ! We need thirteen more ! Please send some in !!!
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thethreeeyed-raven · 9 months ago
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🕷️fluff | 🕸️angst | 🐈‍⬛suggestive | 🪦platonic
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⋆♱ Asami ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Korra ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ General Iroh II ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Huan Beifong ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Lin Beifong ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Mako ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Wei and Wing ♱⋆
nothing yet
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@lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom • @fangsp1der-2099 • @knight-of-flowerss
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