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beifong-brainrot · 6 months ago
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Um. Don't drink while having a migraine
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yukaro353 · 29 days ago
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"The light that filters through the window,
The gentle breeze that bids farewell to summer,
We find happiness in the most unexpected places"
This doesn't have much context, a modern setting where Tenzin enjoys his two girlfriends, who are deep after a while of giving each other affection.
I'm addicted to Lin's drawings of her leaving her lipstick on others.
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risingsoleil · 2 months ago
what if lin was pregnant when korra came to republic city like pema was? would that change things more or less?
If Lin got knocked up by Tenzin because they had a fling...
The drama.
The affair.
I'm not messy, but Tenzin certainly is.
Let's say Lin and Pema get knocked up at the same time.
Tenzin is on the fence about either divorcing Pema or staying in his marriage. While Lin continues to follow in her mother's footsteps.
I don't think Lin is in Chief position at this point due to her age and the risk of pregnancy. She might be consulting Saikhan on what to do while she's stepped away from this role she worked so hard for.
So Korra and Lin might not be building much of a relationship because Lin is focused on her health + baby's. But that doesn't stop Lin from having strong opinions about Korra based on what she hears on the radio, and from her annoying and "asshole" ex.
Lin and Pema go into labor on the same day.
But since Tenzin is already in the city, he's with Lin and delivers the baby. He protects her while Amon is causing havoc. Seeing the airships go after the island and his family too, Tenzin makes the decision to sacrifice himself so that Lin keeps her bending.
Lin is so out of it. Everything is painful, her body and mind are in shock. Bu she refuses to let Tenzin go. She's an earthbender, and he's an airbender.
That's when he kisses her hard.
"You can't protect me all the time, Lin."
"Yes I can," she whispers, shifting and trying to stand up.
Tenzin forces her to stay in the protection of (insert safe space that none of the Equalists find).
"Let me protect you and her," Tenzin says firmly, kissing her again and then the top of baby's forehead.
Lin doesn't have the strength to argue against Tenzin. But she does have enough to protect her daughter if she needs to against these Equalists.
Tenzin loses his bending, and is forced to watch Amon try to equalize his own children. Until Korra comes to the rescue.
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nyamadermont · 3 months ago
Rec list for lok fics 👀
Buckle up, Buttercup!
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I have read so many fics over the past four years that I cannot possibly do everything justice. The little fics that fit into very niche interests. Long fics that require some hefty time investment. While I include one unfinished work here, there are several more that are excellent. 
These are not ‘random’ choices, but neither are they in any serious order on this list. They range from stories where The Ship is the Point to ones where Yes There’s a Ship in Here Somewhere to Friendship is a Ship, and one where the only ships are ones in the water. 
My primary ship is Kyalin, so expect to see that one pop up more than once. I’ve left so many off this list - you’ll notice I don’t have a single Korrasami fic here. There are some excellent works that sail on that ship.
I was going to hold myself to 10. But I just couldn’t.
Warning: Nearly all of the canon compliant / conforming / complicit / contrarian fics here probably should wait until you’ve finished the whole series.
brave soldier girl, comes marching home by @toastweasel A realistic portrayal of Lin from the time she was hurt by Su through the end of the 3rd season, except she’s an alcoholic. Lots of trigger warnings, but absolutely worth it. Not a ship-focused story.
KyaLin’s Travels by @slowdissolve Part 3 of a series that tells the story of Lin & Kya, starting a while after the end of the series. Part 18 (!) is the only unfinished entry here. The first fic I commented on, and my original door into the world of fanfic.
Her Favorite Mistake by @wishingforatypewriter The first Linzolt (Lin/Lightning Bolt Zolt) story caught my attention for its sheer off-the-wall-crackiness. The author’s intelligence and humor won me over.
The Bender Suicides by Aiffe This is set right after Season 1, and is obviously not happy. But it’s one of the best under-1000-word stories I can name.
The Scars that Made Me by @sanrielle Lin Beifong’s story in Lin Beifong’s words, toward (but not quite at) the end of her life. Well-worth reading more than once.
Blossoms Softly in the Mountains by archer_nebulae This is a story of Huan and his father, set in Season 4. An interesting look at two mostly side-lined members of the Beifong family.
I Made a Difference to that One by @whattheflameo A modern non-bending AU that works remarkably well. Unfinished, but it remains one of my absolute favorites. I even shared it with my children, I love it so much. And there are dolphins, which is its own plus.
How I Always Loved You by @orangepanic The story of Yasuko and Hiroshi. At least so far as I’m concerned. I don’t give a flying fig if “canon” ever comes along and tells a different story.
Blazing Sunsets by @orangepanic This is the fic I read when I need a laugh. Lin and Bumi get up to shenanigans following the series finale.
Song for Our Daughter by @cobaltzosia Opal Beifong is just about the right age to have something of a different origin than the series leads us to believe. Canon contradictory, but an amazingly nuanced, poignant, and eminently hopeful story.
Inheriting the Wind by @athoroughlycommonpotato Tenzin’s story, from the death of his father up to just before he breaks up with Lin. Lovely, lyrical writing.
Discover (we can do it together) by @frooopsen A story from The Ship is the Point list, we have: Lin/Pema. Modern AU. Another comfort fic for me.
An Annotated Bibliography of the Wars of Unification by HopefulPenguin A non-story fic that’s just what it says on the tin: a bibliography. This author put together a series of what academic writing in the universe might look like following the events of LOK.
So there ya go, a baker’s dozen of fantastic fics.
Have fun reading!
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avatarshippingshowdown · 11 months ago
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Pemzin previously defeated: Borrili, Sokkla
Zukka previously defeated: Makorrasami, Zutara
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btheleaf · 8 months ago
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kingwuko · 11 months ago
Underrated idea: Mako and Wu on a double date with Pema and Tenzin. Discuss.
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lis-muerta · 24 days ago
A shit post i sent to @btheleaf this is what im thinking about for survial.
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If I were more savvy, I would put Lins's face, lol.
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i-am-extremely-mad · 1 year ago
I love this scene:
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brynnsasha191 · 4 days ago
I honestly have nothing against the Linzin shippers or the ship (I do prefer Pemzin and Kyalin) but I don't really have an issue with them, but I absolutely hate when they act like Tenzin and Lin didn't have a completely valid reason to break up.
Tenzin wanted kids and Lin didn't, she doesn't even like kids that much. Many couples break up over this.
If they had stayed together, one of two things would happen. Either Lin would end up being a mom when she never wanted to be (which could make her a bad mom and very unhappy) or, Tenzin would've had to not have children which would've led to him being unhappy and air bending dying out. Neither are good options.
I completely encourage everyone to ship their ships but let's be so real here.
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atla-milf-month · 5 months ago
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ATLA MILF Month will happen in March 2025! This month will celebrate all the ATLA-verse moms and older women who... well, you know!
Click here to see the prompts! Click here to check the event rules! Do you have any questions? Do you want to be a mod? Please send us an ask.
Thank you for participating. We hope you enjoy the event!
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beifong-brainrot · 6 months ago
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Wing beifong the kpop fan yay
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yukaro353 · 30 days ago
Random thoughts about Pemlinzin (but about AUs)
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🪷A universe with kaiju where people with affinities for combat robots are bred for combat and used as little more than weapons. Tenzin becomes a robot engineer to be close to Lin, who is the best pilot of her generation. With sacrifice they gain permission to marry but the higher-ups want to introduce Lin to a "seedbed" program to preserve their bloodline even if it is against her will. To "balance things out" they are assigned a caretaker, Pema. Unfortunately things don't go the way the higher-ups want.
🪷Pema and Tenzin are "something", two boys in high school (he is about to graduate and she is just starting), their love story begins when she moves in next door and from there it seems like a classic shojo... Until one night something crashes in the yard, a creature that comes from the depths of the sky and calls itself "Lin Beifong"
🪷Lin is an untraditional woman in the 70s, she has always felt out of place in the feminine standard, her choice of a career as a detective does not improve the treatment of society either, but it is okay, she is married, she has a healthy daughter, at least that cushions things... Until her husband is kidnapped and she must enter a cult to bring him back, but she is not alone, Pema, a young woman in her twenties who ran away from home looking for freedom and meaning in her life sees in Lin (and in Tenzin) the opportunity to escape from that place that distanced her from everything, even from herself.
🪷Pema and Tenzin are summoned to the religious school because their eldest daughter was discovered kissing her best friend, that should serve as a push for both of them to get Jinora out of that school... But not before getting the number of Opal's aunt, whom they would meet at that meeting... Or at least Pema, Tenzin has things to confess.
🪷Tenzin is a university professor who is about to marry his lifelong best friend, a police officer who has finally given in after almost ten years of relationship. However, one of his new students, the very outstanding Pema, begins to get closer to him little by little, but it seems that it is not him that she is looking for in his cryptic paintings.
🪷Pema's life is perfect, she's married and has her spectacular children, she doesn't have to worry about anything but her family, however, her oldest daughter insists that she accompany her to her ballet classes now that her father has changed shifts at work. Pema accepts, discovering from the stands a complicated passion for that type of dance and for the woman who instructs him, perhaps hell is not the only thing that lies beneath his scarred face.
🪷Lin is a lonely girl. She was just a child when the world succumbed to the plague that destroyed society and now she wanders on her steed, evading death day by day. Her days seemed doomed to that until a strange couple at the wheel of a fortified motor home saves her from dying at the hands of the infected... Maybe living in the apocalypse isn't so bad.
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And that, expect it in fic or drawing format, whatever comes up.
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airteacher · 1 year ago
So on your old blog I saw the Pema died in childbirth au 👀
Would tenzin even survive? I’ve seen it happen, older men passing from broken hearts after their wives die. It usually is within a few months to a year.
would Lin step in and help him? Would they slowly grow back together? Would Rohan grow up to call her mother?
Would Lin raise the air kids if they lose both Pema and Tenzin?
//I've heard of those deaths, too. I believe he would survive for the following reasons.
I know the Air Nomads are not Buddhists, but if you consider them having similar teachings, it's very much about learning how to cope with and end your suffering. Training your mind to withstand the pain that the universe dishes out and avoid the second arrow of subsequent mental anguish. So Tenzin would have years of practice with this. Plus, knowing that she'd either be reborn or reach parinirvana (escape from the cycle of rebirth and death) would be a source of solace. If she is reborn, then she's not gone. If she reached parinirvana, then that is worth celebrating. Lastly he has so much responsibility he is committed to. Namely preserving his people's culture and practices, and passing that on to the next generation. And teaching Korra airbending and spiritual matters.
Believe me, the suffering he'd experience from Pema's death would be deep, and climbing out of it would be a tumultuous burden that would take time and patience and compassion, but I believe he can do it.
As for Lin. I think she would be ready to help Tenzin in this grieving process however she can, but she has her responsibilities as well. I don't think she would take on the role of being a mother, though. I can see a vulnerable, emotional Tenzin in a weak moment maybe trying to embrace and kiss Lin, seeking the comfort and love Pema provided, but I don't think Lin would go for that. And once Tenzin is more clear-minded... hmm. I'm just not sure. It's hard to say. I think he would bury his head in his work and raising the kids with the acolytes' help. Maybe once the kids are adults and independent, things in the world have calmed down, both Tenzin and Lin having done some necessary personal growth -- I think they could forge a happy, peaceful life together in their senior years.
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hedgethemaze · 1 year ago
I stumbled upon this meme, a couple of days ago and I thought, since it's been quite a while since I posted anything LoK related reblogs don't count it would be cool to give it a go, while also freshen up some of my views on the series and... *he he he* while I was hoping for some of them to have changed over time, I see that most of them didn't🤣
Original template done by: purfectprincessgirl on deviantart
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A bit of analysis is under 'keep reading', plus, some silver medals because like half of these weren't as easy to sort out as I thought 😅​
WARNING: Long post ahead!
Favorite Character
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Asami is no silver medal, she's the gold for me! Honestly, she should be the one in the image above (my n°1 favorite character in the series). The main reason I chose Korra for it was for the sake of not having repeats (she's my 2nd most fav character) 'cause Asami is unarguably my number one pick in another category (more on that way below)
Least Favorite Character
The author of the meme describes this category as follows: "LoK character you dislike the most, and they either annoy/bore you too much to ever enjoy their presence whenever they're on-screen"
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Raiko embodies this definition to a tee, yet what Zaheer does to Korra during their confrontation in the Book 3 finale is plain torture and really painful to watch. I don't just dislike Zaheer, I hate the guy!
If it wasn't for the airbenders' intervention, he could and would have killed her - something Raiko would never be capable of, or even think of doing. Basically, he gets a pass for being harmless lol
Favorite Episode
This one may have been the hardest I had to consider. The runner-ups are too many to count, so I had to resort to the author's meaning yet again, to decide.
Long Live The Queen is an exciting episode with a lot going on - some of it being quite serious and grave, but with enough lightheartedness to not be an agonizing watch.
Watching Korra and Asami working as a well-oiled machine to escape not only imprisonment by the Earth Queen's men but also the dangers of the desert is a blast (plus, the more Asami gets to show off her skills and have relevancy in an episode, the better). Meanwhile, Mako's struggle and failure at getting Bolin to metalbend, Lin finding Naga and Pabu, and Korra getting to meet Zuko for the first time on screen are moments that lift off some of the tension from the fact that the Red Lotus are rapidly gaining on their hunt for the Avatar the on-screen assassination of the Earth Queen.
It's because of the balance between these elements that I chose this episode over the one I consider to be the best episode in the entire series.
Runner-up (among many!)
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Korra Alone is a masterpiece of animated media and one of the best written episode in all of the avatar-verse.
To me, it cemented the titular character as one of the most significant, ground-breaking and inspiring protagonist of all time - I could go on and on about how great of an episode this is but I don't think I need to - yet, it's because of the heavy topics it deals with that I don't prefer it over many others...I love the episode immensely, but to see Korra go through such despair and torment is not exactly my idea of a good time😅
Least Favorite Episode
Quite the opposite to choosing a favorite episode, my least favorite episode has always been clear, no runner-ups needed.
In short, Beginnings is my least favorite episode because it is the answer to a question I never asked, as I stated at the end of this post of mine almost two years ago (see n°34). It is really hard to sit through these episodes for me.
Now, if you want a more fleshed out explanation - which, in turn, touches on some of the reasons why I picked my least favorite season as well - I encourage you to watch THIS video on youtube by Hello Future Me, if you're interested.
Favorite Season
I made this choice easier by counting how many episodes I love from each season, against how many I just like, otherwise it'd take me more than a day to make up my mind. As a result, Change won with me favoring 10 out of its 13 episodes, giving it a score of 77%.
With that in mind, the runner-up is...
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Me loving 9 out of its 13 episodes gives it a score of 69%.
Looks like I'm on the boat that considers the second half of the series to be the "better" half, huh. I still would've placed Book 1 as the runner-up, thought - for two reasons only: Asami's untapped potential in that particular season and having more screen-time and dialogue than in Book 4, and me liking the main antagonist more (despite some issues I ultimately have with his execution).
*ehem* Anyway, Balance also has a far better finale in its favor, so it wins its silver medal fair and square!😁
Least Favorite Season
Even without giving it a score - which I still did, 43%, 6 out of 14 episodes - Spirits is my least favorite season, bar none.
Though, much quicker than talking about what I didn't like about this season (again, you can watch THIS video by Hello Future Me), is to talk about what I did like:
Delving into Korra, Tonraq and Senna's family dynamic (Unalaq gets included here but only for the first 4 episodes of the season), the introduction of Bumi and Kya, and their sibling dynamic with Tenzin and the appearance of Uncle Iroh! - these are the aspects, I think, the season touches on perfectly.
Then there's the not-so-perfect bits I still enjoyed, even though they went nowhere or got resolved in an unsatisfying way, like: Mako's detective work on the bombing of the SWT Cultural Center and finding out who's stealing Future Industries goods, which pushes Asami to having to sell a controlling portion of her company to no other than the one making profit out of the civil war between the tribes😱 Speaking of, Varrick's partnership with Bolin and the introduction of movers war propaganda, was fun but.....well, this is on the not-so-perfect stuff that I liked about Spirits so, yeah.
Most Overrated Character
One of the reasons for me to choose Kuvira is because I never shared other's fascination about her (which in most cases I've seen, it boils down to be either because of her looks, her fighting/bending skills, or both), nor did I ever bought into the parallelism they tried to draw between her and Korra.
But the one thing that could never get me on the Kuvira-train is the show going out of its way to try and give her the Avatar equivalent of Hitler seemingly redeeming qualities. Nothing Kuvira did since her raising to power across the EK, up to the end of the series, is justifiable or excusable.
Even so, I can't ignore the one thing I do like about her and that is Zelda Williams' flawless performance. I especially remember her speech in The Coronation, her delivery gave me chills! Throughout the season, honestly, there's like a haunting quality to her voice - it's like, I don't like the stuff she's saying, yet I still wanna listen lol Truly, she did incredible.
Oh! Almost forgot about the runner-up:
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Originally, it was going to be Meelo (a petty choice on my part, I know) I can't believe I'm still salty about Patterns in Time
But I'll give the silver fairly to Zaheer because I seriously cannot get the hype for this guy. Even if he's my first exposure to an airbender actually murdering someone...even if he unlocked the ability to fly.
He may be a skillful martial artist, but if it weren't for the other members of the Red Lotus, Zaheer wouldn't be half as terrifying, imo. And he's also a coward.
Most Underrated Character
*sigh* Asami Sato, my beloved...do I need to elaborate on why this category (in my eyes) goes to no one but her? No matter, I've done it already: here (see n° 25)
It's also quite masterfully, and better explained here by Unicorn of War.
Ironically, I gave this category not one, but two runner-ups
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Technically, Mako should be the runner-up.
To me, Korra is just as deserving of being the most underrated, underappreciated, and underestimated character in the whole series as Asami (then again, no repeats) - yet, Miss Sato is also mistreated (no pun intended) not only by others within the series but its creators, as well.
First thought of as one of the bad guys, Mike and Bryan created such an extraordinary character - with a killer design to boot! - who in spite of having less appearances and fewer lines than other 'main' characters, spoke loudly enough to write her own narrative. From the very first time we see her in Book 1, Asami pulled all the stops: She could've been a rival to Korra, an enemy to her friends, an ally to her hateful father...still, she ended up being one of the most compassionate, kindhearted and loyal characters in the series...despite all that, more often than not, the creators simply didn't know what to do with her💔
Now, imagine I didn't write all of that. That I don't put Asami above anyone else here.
Korra is the most underrated character in her own series, everybody knows this. The amount of complaints and criticism she gets to this day, unfairly so, is insane!
As for Mako, let's check the autho's definition of this category: "LoK character that you think doesn't get enough attention, as they're usually almost always forgotten about/bashed-on for the lamest of reasons in your eyes"
Well, in my opinion Mako does get a fair amount of attention, and while he does get forgotten from time to time, so are Asami and Bolin, so that doesn't bother me much. It's the last bit that gets me...
For the most part, he's hated because of the love triangle fiasco - a mess of a plot line that happened literally a decade ago. If to hold that sort of thing over one character isn't lame, I don't know what is - and I say this as a Korrasami shipper, an Asami simp and a Korra stan.
Moreover, these people easily gloss over the fact that both Korra and Asami moved on from that rather quickly, forgave Mako and still are good friends with him. More than underrated, I feel like he's misjudged - because those who complain about him don't take into account why he is the way he is, or rather, was.
They forget that, pretty much like almost everyone in LoK, he had a struggling childhood and went through his own share of trauma (like witnessing the murder of both your parents at the age of eight is no big deal) not to mention he had to be a parental figure and look after his little brother from a very young age, while fending for themselves on the streets...but besides all that, Mako was a 18 y/o teenager putting up a brooding front when the triangle happened, he should be expected to make stupid decisions, jeez!
If I had to blame someone for that mess, even today, it'd be the writers. To those who still shame and bash Mako for it, I'd tell you to either grow up or move on (if you're dumb enough that can't do both)
Favorite Villain
[I feel like, at this point, I've held anyone that's still reading this at gun point for too long. Let's speed up!]
Amon is my favorite villain of the series because of how entertaining he is to watch, maybe part of it has to do with the way he kind of resembles a classic horror movie baddy - he's definitely got the best design out of Korra's main antagonists (and I'm talking about masked Amon, not paint-faced Noatak). Steve Blum's performance is also a hook.
One of the first things I remembered when having to pick this one is how incredible I thought it was, back in the day, to have the first season's main threat be a waterbender. I know they did it first with Hamma in ATLA but she wasn't exactly a main villain.
Anyway, I'm aware Book 1 is quite contrived and it has lots of issues going on and off screen that I don't care to unpack. At the end, Amon is a fraud and, as a thread, he falls flat rather quickly. Despite being wasted potential, he had a good run. At least, he had one thing over Korra no other antagonist has and that's a frightening first impression.
I don't think I have one...
Least Favorite Villain
Well, I already got Zaheer and Kuvira up there, and there's my 'no repeat' self-imposed rule. Btw, did you notice that it's a rule now? XD
I think it's fitting that my least favorite season has my least favorite villain. Give it up for UnaVaatu! One of the most bonkers concepts this show ever came up with is the 'Dark Avatar' ugh! because an Avatar shouldn't be either pure Light or Dark, sorry, not sorry. Also, spirit energy shouldn't be equal to laser beams - at least Kuvira had crazy engineering and mad science to make it so. UnaVaatu just...did it😂
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I had to give Varrick the silver medal, simply because he isn't even a villain (ultimately, that is)...talk about wasted potential, this guy is frustrating in this regard, because he could've been a good one.
But...he had to conveniently spring a conscience in the middle of the last season, he had to turn good (sort of) and have a wedding. Well, at least he's a fun character *shrug*
Favorite Couple
It's all been said before - Korrasami belong together. Their relationship is supportive, caring and loving, and their characters fought against all odds to make it happen. Even if Korra is to answer a bigger calling as the Avatar, and Asami has to be at the helm of the largest company in Republic City, I just know, these two will always be there and committed to each other.
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I almost didn't pick a runner-up, because I noticed that besides Korrasami, I don't give too much mind to shipping in this series. Then again, I can't deny that Tenzin and Pema's marriage is refreshing. I love how their personalities gel so well together and how she brings out the best in him.
Least Favorite Couple
When the description for this category said that non-canon ships can apply, well that is it...First, let me say that I never cared what other people ship and I still don't. You ship whatever you want! But I'll be damned if I don't find this revolting...and if there's even the tiniest need for me to explain my distaste for this pairing then there's something very wrong here.
How could anyone ship someone with the murderer of their last living relative - the one they were starting to rekindle their relationship with?! (*sigh* I explained it anyway) Not only Kuvira did it in cold blood, but even after the fact and wanting to atone for her other crimes, she never showed Asami any remorse for it.
(Feel free to correct me if it did happen in the comics, I honestly don't remember)
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I know I sound like an hypocrite, I'm sorry. But shipping Amorra should be illegal. Ugh, I hate that I know what their ship name is.
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avatarshippingshowdown · 11 months ago
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Sokkla previously defeated: Korralin
Pemzin previously defeated: Borrili
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