#slight linzin
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risingsoleil · 2 months ago
what if lin was pregnant when korra came to republic city like pema was? would that change things more or less?
If Lin got knocked up by Tenzin because they had a fling...
The drama.
The affair.
I'm not messy, but Tenzin certainly is.
Let's say Lin and Pema get knocked up at the same time.
Tenzin is on the fence about either divorcing Pema or staying in his marriage. While Lin continues to follow in her mother's footsteps.
I don't think Lin is in Chief position at this point due to her age and the risk of pregnancy. She might be consulting Saikhan on what to do while she's stepped away from this role she worked so hard for.
So Korra and Lin might not be building much of a relationship because Lin is focused on her health + baby's. But that doesn't stop Lin from having strong opinions about Korra based on what she hears on the radio, and from her annoying and "asshole" ex.
Lin and Pema go into labor on the same day.
But since Tenzin is already in the city, he's with Lin and delivers the baby. He protects her while Amon is causing havoc. Seeing the airships go after the island and his family too, Tenzin makes the decision to sacrifice himself so that Lin keeps her bending.
Lin is so out of it. Everything is painful, her body and mind are in shock. Bu she refuses to let Tenzin go. She's an earthbender, and he's an airbender.
That's when he kisses her hard.
"You can't protect me all the time, Lin."
"Yes I can," she whispers, shifting and trying to stand up.
Tenzin forces her to stay in the protection of (insert safe space that none of the Equalists find).
"Let me protect you and her," Tenzin says firmly, kissing her again and then the top of baby's forehead.
Lin doesn't have the strength to argue against Tenzin. But she does have enough to protect her daughter if she needs to against these Equalists.
Tenzin loses his bending, and is forced to watch Amon try to equalize his own children. Until Korra comes to the rescue.
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 3 years ago
17. “Are you afraid of me?”
You can also read it on AO3
TW: Violence.
Send me prompts!
A lot of citizens of Republic City liked to accuse Toph Beifong of nepotism. So much so, that the woman had grown tired of hearing it every time her better-than-brilliant daughter landed another achievement under her belt. But then again, if you're hearing so much of something- may as well make it true.
Toph decided to pull her own strings and bring on Tenzin: the youngest son of her dear friends, to her police force. Non-violent, peaceful yet hot-headed Tenzin who was also dating her daughter.
To Toph's pleasure, this should only end in chaos.
"Mom, can you please move Tenzin to another team- make him do paperwork- I don't really care." Lin came in complaining one afternoon.
"Now, you don't want to be the Chief's prissy little daughter getting her way, do you?" She argued.
"He's always just.. getting in my way-" She groaned as she plopped onto the seat across her mother, "I know he means well. I know he's only trying to protect me. But I don't need any of that. I can take care of myself."
"You're right." Toph shrugged, "But you need to learn to manage people and relationships."
"And who knows? Maybe having someone protect you might come in handy some time."
Lin rolled her eyes. There was no way she was getting out of this without some favorable treatment on either side. She just had to suck it up and let things play out as they had to until it was time for Tenzin to quit.
The very next week itself, Lin was leading her squad to a warehouse that supposedly housed the leader of the drug ring they had spent months investigating.
Prior to it, Lin had a one-on-one talk with Tenzin- perhaps for the hundredth time now- that while on duty she was Captain Beifong first and then the woman who happened to be his girlfriend. Tenzin understood where she was coming from, although he didn't fully agree with her ideology. But then again, had he been setting ground rules for Lin while she was in his territory- at a temple or so, he'd expect her to respect them and that's what Tenzin resorted to do.
From the threshold of the warehouse, Lin had her squad of eight gather around her. She spoke quietly, "You all know what to do once we're in there. Shun, you take charge, okay? And Tenzin, follow the orders you're given."
"Yes, Captain!" They whispered as one.
The group broke up and took their positions, awaiting Lin's command.
"A word, Lin?" It just had to be Tenzin.
"Not now," She replied distractedly, when suddenly Shun caught her attention.
The man looked spooked as he peeked down the window, and more so once Lin caught his eye.
"What did you see?"
"Nothing. Just nervous, Captain. Should we head inside?"
"I think we can. It's dark enough, and I doubt they're anticipating us." Lin turned around, sending a mild vibration through the ground to the seven other people there to gather them around her once again, "Head inside in your fourth formations. It seems like there's only three of them inside. This should be an easy bust, okay?"
"Go on now," She had to ensure they weren't being ambushed from the back while they entered, and while doing so, she pulled Tenzin out of the group by his shirt.
"Yes, Captain?"
Lin watched the others enter the warehouse one by one. The operation was moving smoothly.
"Tenzin, we're easily outnumbering the morons inside. Do you think you could wait out here?"
Tenzin sighed, "Is this because you need cover or because you don't want me in there with you?"
Lin shrugged nervously, "A little bit of both?"
Tenzin frowned.
"Look, you don't like fighting anyway, we don't need the extra hands and you can look out for us from over here. Doesn't it work out for all of us?"
"Fine." He gave in with a slight smile, "Take care in there. I love you."
She smiled in all earnest, "I love you too."
As soon as Lin stepped inside, everything seemingly changed. Her feet had barely touched the floor when someone grabbed her by the arm and snatched her aside.
Unfortunately, her scream was muted to Tenzin's ears. He just stood there, instead, waiting patiently and following orders. He was worried about her- he was always worrying about her. And if not him, who else would? Her mother? He knew she didn't like being doted over like that- not while she was working- but sometimes, he couldn't help himself.
Tenzin busied his mind with these thoughts. Lin was capable, brave and unyielding.She could easily take care of herself, right?
But it had been far too long now. Too many silent minutes had gone by. Not a peep from anyone inside. No sign for back-up. No arrests.
She could easily take care of herself, right?
Tenzin blew the door gently open with some wind. The tiny slit the open door provided was brightened by the moonlight. Something wasn't right.
With his feet a tad inch from the ground, Tenzin floated his way to the threshold of the warehouse. Only once his eyes adjusted to the lights inside, that's when he realized what happened.
The entire squad had been tied and chained up against the wall.
How? They were outnumbered.
The entire squad was in chains.All except Shun.
He never liked that guy.
Shun was working with the bad guys. Shun was a metalbender. This was a trap.
She wasn't there.
Everything was happening so quickly. It had only been a moment since he had entered and two firebenders were running towards him. Tenzin always had the benefit of his opponents having never fought an airbender, and he used that to his advantage. Within minutes he had both the firebenders on the floor, gasping for air, air that bent at Tenzin's bidding.
Before he could free his squad, he needed to search for their captain. He ran up the stairs, knocking open every possible door with his airbending.
Until finally- he saw something he really couldn't stomach.
Shun had metalbent her uniform off. She was tiny in front of that large man. She didn't have her armor on.
Not her metal armor. Her armor.
She looked scared, helpless, frightened, frail, defeated.
None of the words one would use to describe Lin Beifong. And this was just from her eyes.
Shun had pinned her up against the wall. His hands were on her body. Her eyes were blown open in fear. She was immobilized. Physically, she could have overpowered him, but mentally, she looked trapped.
Shun pressed his filthy lips into her neck and whispered something that made Lin cringe; shutting her eyes to let one tear spill out.
Tenzin realized how slow time had been moving ever since he had laid eyes on Lin. Shun had just registered the opening of the door- and so much had occurred within that same moment.
The airbender didn't remember what happened next.
It was all white vacuum. No sound. No visuals. Just white.
It wasn't until he heard Lin's voice that he escaped that white void. She was screaming. She had been screaming for quite some time it seemed. He felt her hands. Her arms ran around his shoulder, with one hand on his cheek.
"Stop, Tenzin." She cried.
She was pleading.
Tenzin's body finally caught up to him. Lin's hands were warm against his skin- which was odd, because her body normally ran cooler than his. Which meant his body was frigid.
"Tenzin, please," She was crying, "Stop,"
His eyes seemingly opened to what was in front of him.
Tenzin was on his knees. Under him, lay a man on his back.
So much blood.
He didn't recognize Shun from under all the blood on his face. His nose was broken and blood was oozing out of everywhere. His eyes were shot open, even though his lids were doing little to nothing in aiding him. Tenzin found stray teeth somewhere in the mix- which is when he looked at Shun's mouth to see red.
It was red now.
His hands were red. His knuckles were wet with blood. It wasn't his own blood, of course- he knew that by now.
"Tenzin." She whispered, "It's okay- we're okay. He's- he isn't moving."
The airbender drew out a long breath.
"I- I did this." He almost asked, "I killed him.."
"You're all right, Tenzin."
She kissed the top of his head.
"He may still be breathing, okay? We can get him to a healer. Don't worry."
"Yeah- healer.."
Why was he so confused?
Lin tightened her arms around him and pulled his head to relax into her chest, "We're safe. I freed the other officers- we caught every one of them. And you got Shun."
She kept repeating it until the apparent confusion from Tenzin's face had alleviated. She could read him so easily- even when he couldn't understand himself.
"We're fine, Tenzin. We're safe."
She kissed his temple.
Tenzin pulled away from her embrace and cupped her cheek with one hand. He looked into her eyes- he needed to check if any of those things he previously saw were still looming.
They weren't. He saw something new- something he didn't know the name of.
"Are you afraid of me?"
"No," She gleamed, "I'm proud of you."
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guiltysecretpasttime · 4 years ago
Untitled Linzin fanfic
(Yet again?)
This came to me while staying at home one day (one day of many, mind you). Am I okay with starting another multi-chapter Linzin story? Maybe. Will I push through with it? Absolutely. Should this be taken seriously? No, please don’t. Am I abandoning my other work? Of course not.
Don’t take this plot seriously since it’s just something that I felt like I want to write down and share. But… let’s see. Consider this a crackfic /trope centric fic eh haha. Consider this my contribution to this teeny tiny space in the fandom.
Please leave a comment or a reply as to what you think about this. I’m gauging this to be like 3 to 4 chapters long only though.
I think this will keep as untitled for now – until I figure out the right title. And summary / overview.
Legend of Korra fanfic – Linzin endgame AU
1 of 3 (or 4?) chapters (or more, if I decide to post them in chunks) – I really haven’t thought this out (shrugs and looks around shiftily)
Pre-canon AU (prior to Book 1)
The airbender gently slid the door closed, careful not to disturb any of its sleeping occupants. He knew he was late but as with everything – his children always came first.
He looked up at the moon, peeking from behind gray clouds. The rain did not let up at all during the day.
It was a pity. It was, after all, the first time that his children found themselves on an Ember Island vacation. It was to celebrate Jinora’s birthday – at least that was what the press release was.
He hurried across the courtyard, ignoring the squelching sounds that his sandals made on the mud and puddles.  Passing no one on his way, Tenzin finally reached the right hall.
He quickly dried himself before entering what everyone knew as the Fire Lord’s family hall, which was precisely why they selected it. He crept into the dimly lit hall, shadows were wavering across the pillars and the walls. Nonetheless, the pretense of a nightcap among the grownups was well executed with the spread on the long table.
He sat down immediately beside his mother, who inclined her head in acknowledgment.
Fire Lord Izumi cleared her throat and the soft buzzing of conversation silenced.
“Now that we’re complete – let’s get right to it.”
The airbender’s eyes wandered across the room, to everyone sitting at the long table of the Fire Lord.
Everyone who was anyone to his late father was present. Everyone alive, that is. The lack of guards or security personnel was nothing new in this situation though – in a room of bending masters, it was almost foolish to expect guards to be standing in attention, alert for any disturbance.
“As we know the Red Lotus is back at its game.” Lord Zuko now presided the meeting and went straight to the heart of the clandestine gathering. “There has been reliable intelligence that they are gaining traction on the ground and there are rumors of freeing their known members.”
To their credit, no one in the room gasped or expressed their incredulity of such a claim.
Bumi began to share all the pertinent information from the report (Tenzin idly thought that being a commander suited his brother’s temperament). It was alarming to hear of pockets of violent incidents across the nations and the United Republic that can be traced back to the Red Lotus.
Chief Tonraq took the action to inform his brother Unalaq to strengthen the guards at the North as one of the prisoners were being held there.
Katara said that the White Lotus has already been informed of the case and she had personally requested to have the number of Zaheer’s guards increased. Bumi spoke of fortifying the defenses in all the other security prisons.
“Well, if everything is secured, why even call for us?” The gruff voice of Toph Beifong finally joined the foray.
Suyin fidgeted from Toph’s side, clearly uncomfortable with the discourse.
Truth be told, he did wonder at Suyin’s presence.
When Lord Zuko issued the invitation to Ember Island, he was surprised at the arrival of the Zaofu Beifong family, knowing that they have been estranged from some time. He thought that maybe it was just in keeping up with the ruse of a family reunion. Nonetheless, here they are now and Su was found to be in their midst. She was the youngest child of their generation and had been, more often than not, shielded by her mother when it came to serious and bordering dangerous matters. It had always been the eldest Beifong daughter who shouldered the brunt of the situation.
But then again, no one called attention to the empty seat at the other side of Toph Beifong tonight. Tenzin was sure it was not allotted for Baatar (who had stayed behind to see to the bedtime of the children).
Despite her stature, Toph still managed to command the room. “The Avatar is currently far from Republic City and I don’t think her parents will be taking her on a trip to Zaofu anytime soon. I don’t see the need for us,” Her emphasis heavily implying her family. “To even be here.”
All of a sudden, Tenzin realized the former Fire Lord looked all of his age as he drew in a breath. “While that may be true, Toph, the Red Lotus is looking for a gateway to the spirit world. They think true power and equality will only be brought about by uniting our world with the spirit world. Or barring that, a way to force the Avatar’s hand.”
“But she’s a child!” The Avatar’s father choked out.
“We are well aware that never stopped them.” There was a slight pause in remembrance on what had happened the first time the Red Lotus attacked the Avatar’s family. There had been losses.
Kya spoke up, trying to figure out what that could mean. “If the prisons are heavily guarded and all the leaders of the nations have their own security detail, what else are they looking to? What is in Republic City? What are they targeting?”
“The airbenders.”
All heads turned to a figure who had been leaning in the shadows of one of the pillars. Tenzin wondered how he could have missed her.
Lin Beifong pushed herself off the pillar and grudgingly took a seat beside her mother. “Is it the airbenders then, Lord Zuko?”
All of a sudden, Tenzin realized Lord Zuko looked all of his age as he nodded solemnly. “They knew they need to lure the Avatar or in its place, use a master airbender to their bidding.”
Said master airbender’s eyes flashed. “I would never -!”
“They could use Jinora as leverage.” Understanding was visible on Bumi’s face. “Everyone knows Jinora can already airbend.”
“That’s sick.” Su managed to murmur, sinking further into her seat. “Using kids in their nefarious plans…”
“They’re not known for their mercy, sweetheart.” Bumi shrugged, years of being in the military hardening him some.
“We can add more protection for the children.” Katara threw a concerned glance at her youngest child.
Toph scowled. “So, what are you suggesting? Aside from the White Lotus, Republic City police would need to pull funds to provide bodyguards at Air Temple Island? Mind you – it would be hard to get this funding for a civilian.”
“I’m sure the White Lotus would be enough.” Fire Lord Izumi attempted to mediate what was rapidly about to become a heated discussion.
“Maybe not,” Tonraq disagreed, already shaking his head.  “If we pull in resources across the nations for the high security prisons and the sentries for Korra, I don’t think we would have any to spare for Air Temple Island at this period. Recruiting and training more could jeopardize the quality of the White Lotus.”
As the people around him continued to toss around arguments and recommendations, Tenzin could feel everything closing in.
When his wife passed a little over a year ago due to a stomach bug that had gone untreated for so long, Tenzin had stepped down from his role as part of the city council and instead turned to raising his two daughters and rebuilding the Air Nation (or what was left of it). The transition of public figure to private citizen was a welcome balm to him and his young family. His mother and sister had stayed on the island for a couple of weeks during Pema’s illness and subsequent passing, but they did have lives to go back to in the South Pole.
Tenzin thought he managed okay – training acolytes, tending to his daughters’ needs, documenting what was available of the Air Nomad culture… His visits to Republic City were now less frequent compared to his council days. He had developed a routine and he thought they were coping well.
But now, with the tenuous peace that he finally thought he attained was now at the risk of crumbling, he was at a loss on what to do. It had been a while since he felt like this – back when his father passed, and even then there was someone he had with him to support him.
“We need to send them away then.” Iroh’s voice drew Tenzin’s attention back to the discussion. “They’ll be sitting ducks at the island.”
Toph snorted and Izumi glared at the blind woman’s reaction to her son. “Yeah? Then what – they join the Fire Lady’s entourage? Or maybe head on to the tundra with the Avatar? The Red Lotus would probably be grateful that you placed all their targets in one area.”
Izumi countered. “That would solve the issue of spread out resources – if we concentrate them in a location, that may work.”
“On the other hand, what sort of excuse would you give for Master Airbender here to be away from his temples that long?” Lin asked with a tone so casual, you would have thought they were discussing the weather. “It would not do for the Red Lotus to know that we are unto them so soon when we have yet to strategize how to take them down.”
Tenzin found himself silently agreeing. Lin always was the pragmatic one.
Zuko stroked his beard in thought. “We could have them over – extended vacation maybe? Or we go around on vacation to the temples? That way we can use the Fire Nation’s security detail.”
“That would be a negative.” Iroh reddened as he realized he just spoke against his grandfather. At his encouraging nod, the younger firebender continued. “That would be a logistical nightmare. Too many variables to consider.”
Bumi suddenly perked up. “That’s it!” The shaggy-haired man stood up with a snap. “Variables – and what you all said.” He waved a hand across the table. “They can join the Fire Lady’s entourage -.”
“What!” The collective disbelief echoed in the hall.
He raised his hand in supplication. “Hear me out -what if he joins the Fire Nation Royal family as actual family? Surely questions won’t be raised.” Seeing that no one was getting his point, he decided to say it plainly. “I’m saying what if Tenzin marries Izumi?” There was a lot of disagreements to his pronouncement and so he raised his voice. “That way, it won’t be odd if he stayed there or if they become under protection of the Kyoshi Warriors.”
If Lin was the pragmatic one, Bumi always was the wild one.
And practically everyone had a say on that.
“That would never pass, Bumi.” Lin.
“You can’t pull the wool over the eyes of the public with that. What more the Red Lotus?” Kya.
“Sorry but I don’t think Master Tenzin here is my daughter’s type.” Zuko.
“Dad. Well, aside from that, the optics for that kind of union would not bode well for international peace.” Izumi.
“I don’t need a stepdad.” A beat. “Siblings would be welcome though.” Iroh.
“I agree with Izumi -this may come across as the Air Nation siding with the Fire Nation.” Tonraq.
“I doubt the Earth Queen will remain quiet too.” Su.
“Meh. I say just toss Junior here and his spawn to some remote resort (or here even) and just say he went on a vacation.” Toph.
A snort. “Now that won’t fly – Tenzin never goes on vacation.” Bumi.
“Bumi, it’s not nice to make fun of your brother’s troubles.” Katara.
Tenzin simply shook his head at his brother, who still did not look deterred at all even as the conversation around continued to dissect and put down his ludicrous suggestion.
The older man was frowning, walking around the table while partaking on the board of dried meat, fruits and cheese laid out for them.
From the other end of the table, Lin tossed grape into her mouth while Su said something that sounded like “manners!”.
At that moment, Tenzin made the mistake of catching his brother’s eye. He did not trust the gleam in Bumi's eyes.
“I got it!” Bumi once more got hold of everyone’s attention. “True, Izumi as a bride  might be to farfetched, but there are merits to the Tenzin gets married deal. No questions will be asked if he spends time with family, out of the public eye, you know – a regular honeymoon. As to the lovely bride, why not someone he has had history with – that would make the whirlwind romance and wedding more plausible, won’t it?”
Tenzin’s heart sank at who his brother was implying. 
Oh no. Surely he didn’t mean…
“Why not marry Lin Beifong?”
Note: Why not indeed? 🤔 where am I going with this? You shall find out real soon. Lemme know whatchuthink.
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peachchanvidel · 4 years ago
I'm reading it for the 4. time currently xD so I can only agree on the recommendation, also considering how huge this fic is (over 900k words, 101 chapters, which is simply amazing).
But Pema actually gets babied more than enough by pretty much all characters involved here too. It actually is mentioned how everybody excuses Pema's behaviour and how Lin is still triggered by that years later when they meet again. (Tenzin needs to be reminded that Pema was an actual adult who made a choice, not a girl anymore who didn't know about consequences, and oh well.. I don't want to spoil too much, but still Pema gets a happy decent life with a good family and only the slight discomfort when she has to face Lin later in life...
But the existence of this fic (and some other great Linzin fics) still doesn't make the core issue better that a lot of new content is literally Lin abuse by making Lin an abuser by authors who call themselves Lin fans, who come into the Linzin tag with horrible break up fics and who go so far to make Lin a child-abuser... and that's a pretty awful issue.
We have to filter a bunch of other ships already who come with their 'mentioned' and 'past' tags and also filter authors who tend to make Lin an awful person and we can never really just go into the ship tag anymore and just read something without worry to run into something that will make us upset.
I really don't get it.
People act like Pema is getting all the shit every time, everywhere in every fic and fanwork and post.
But when I look at fics, esp. new ones...
it's always Lin abusing and abandoning her children, and Pema being the saviour step-mother. (It happens so often with these Linzin kids, I stopped counting, I'm tired...)
So in what universe do you find these fics and posts where Lin is glorified and Pema gets shit?
And it always has to be in the Linzin-tag. I'm so tired of filtering this out over and over and over and over. As the author it's their decision to make Lin such a horrible person, and these authors still act like they are sorry about what they let Lin do and that they 'really really love Lin'?!
Give me a break.
I now go back to my Linzin-AU in which Lin takes care of a pygmy puma she rescued and during the day the kitty stays with Tenzin and naps on him while he meditates. But when Lin comes back from work the cat always stays close to her. I just want some wholesome stuff...
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shutupandshipit · 12 years ago
Finding Out
Title: Finding Out
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,606
Pairing: slight Linzin
Author: sapphire blue-ruby red roses
Summary: Who is Lin's father exactly? We've all been wondering that. It could be anybody. If they were to find out, how exactly would he react to her, and vice versa?
Finding Out
"Toph, who is Lin's father?" Sokka asked casually, grinning at the baby girl in Toph's arms and letting the baby grip his finger. She smiled a toothless grin at him and giggled.
Toph felt her cheeks heat up. She looked towards the ground letting her loose hair cover her face. "Well, um, he's… he doesn't know. He left before I could tell him. He had to leave," she murmured. Well, if anything, it was the truth. At least she wasn't lying to him. She sighed and lifted her face back to his.
"Well, he's an idiot. He's missing out on so much. I'll bet she's going to be just like you, in her looks and temperament. Except for her eyes. They look very familiar," he said with a grin, smiling at the little girl. He studied the mix of gold and light green.
"I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not," she laughed, grinning.
Sokka felt heat crawl up his cheeks. Not for the first time since meeting Toph he was actually happy that she couldn't see. Lin saw though and giggled, patting her hand against Sokka's cheek.
Toph laughed again. "You're lucky that she likes you so much," she said.
"Why's that? I mean, why would it be bad if she didn't like me?" he asked, suddenly a little worried at the smirk that crossed Toph's face.
Toph's smirk grew. She set Lin on her feet, supporting her so that she wouldn't fall over. "Go on Lin. Show Uncle Sokka what you do when you don't like someone," she told her little girl and then stepped back.
Lin wobbled and fell back onto her butt. She looked up at Sokka, tilting her head. She grinned and struggled to her feet. With another look up at him, she took a shaky step forward and slammed her foot into the ground. Sokka went flying as the Earth shot him into the air.
Toph let out a burst of laughter, catching Lin before she fell again. "That's my girl!" she praised her, hugging her close.
Sokka crawled back, laughter on his lips. "Like mother, like daughter, I suppose," he said, getting to his feet.
"Of course! Who do you think is raisin her?" Toph asked sarcastically.
"Mommy, who's my papa? Tenzin has a papa and so does everyone else," Lin who was now seven-years-old asked.
Toph looked down at her daughter and sighed. She knew this conversation would have eventually happened, but she'd been hoping there'd be more time before it was presented.
She sighed and crouched beside Lin. "Lin, you do have a papa," she started.
"Really? Will I ever get to meet him?" Lin asked excitedly, clutching her stuffed bunny to her chest.
"You've already met him before, but he doesn't know about you. I don't know if he ever will," she told her sadly, placing a gentle hand on her cheek.
Lin dropped her eyes. She thought for a moment before asking. "What's he like?"
"He's a very powerful bender, and very handsome. He's a great man with lots of responsibilities. He used to be Mommy's, Uncle Aang's, Uncle Sokka's, and Aunt Katara's enemy, but he's been out very good friend for a long time," she told her with a grin.
"How long has he been your friend?" Lin asked.
"Since I was around thirteen-years-old."
"Wooooow. That's a long time."
"Yes, it is."
"Is he an Earthbender like me and you, Mommy?"
Toph smirked and shook her head. "No, he's a firebender."
Lin gasped. "Really? A firebender? That's so cool!"
"Yes, he is." Toph mentally sighed, thankful that her daughter wouldn't hate her father if and when she met him again. Well, actually she loved him already. It was when her daughter found out who he was when she was going to start worrying.
"Will I ever see him again?"
"Someday," Toph told her, getting to her feet. She patted Lin on the head.
"Mother, do I really have to go to this?" Lin whined, staring at herself in the mirror as Toph ran a comb through her hair. She'd lost the gold tint to her eyes that she'd had as a child. "There's only going to be a bunch of stuffed shirts there. What's the point?" She was only fifteen-years-old, why did she have to go to some stupid political party?
"Yes you do. If I have to go then so do you seeing as you're going to be the new head of the police force one day," Toph said sternly, going to set the brush down and missing the table. It crashed to the floor. She just waved her hand at it in dismissal. "Anyway, there's not only going to be stuffed shirts there. Twinkle Toes, Katara, Sokka, Suki, and Zuko are all going to be there as well. I think Katara also told me that Twinkle Toes is bringing your boyfriend as well."
Lin felt herself blush deeply. She thanked the Earth spirits that her mother couldn't see her face. She was already enough trouble being blind. Something her mother said sank in. "He's not my boyfriend!" she cried indignantly, attempting to lie to her.
"Uh huh. You can't lie to your own mom girl," Toph accused, slapping her daughter upside the head, "You're such a bad liar too. I guess you inherited that from your father. Come on, let's go."
Fifteen minutes later they were milling with all the "important" people of the city. Lin stood beside her mother, surveying the crowd. Actually, she was searching for a certain airbending teen. Her eyes did another quick sweep before landing on someone other than the person she'd been looking for.
"Uncle Zuko!" she called, running up and throwing her arms around his neck.
"Hey Lin, it's been awhile since I've seen you," he said, hugging her back and making the mouths of the diplomats around them drop open. "You've gotten so big. Where's your mother?" His gold eyes scanned the room for the telltale sign of the small Earthbender.
"Over there somewhere talking to Uncle Aang," she said, waving in Toph's general direction as her feet slid to the ground.
"Ah, then we must go talk with them," he said, then turning to the men, he bowed, saying, "I'm sorry sirs, but I have pressing business to attend to and now must be off."
"But Firelord Zuko!" one tried to call, but Zuko was already moving quickly towards the others, his eyes trained on Toph.
"Hey Hot Head, come here. I have to talk to you about something," Toph called over the chatter of multiple parties, as demanding as ever. They walked away together and Lin went off to stand with Aang, Katara, and Tenzin.
"Hey Lin," Tenzin said as she walked up, trying to mask the flush that ran across his cheeks, "What are those two talking about?" He jerked his chin towards the pair.
"Don't know," Lin answered, looking over her shoulder as she reached him. She could see her mother and Zuko having a very lively discussion on the balcony. They'd already scared away five guests from the spot.
Katara sighed. "Probably fighting, again. It's good to have the group back together. Speaking of which, where did my idiot brother run off to?" she asked suddenly, looking around the crowded room for him.
"I think I saw him sneaking out with Aunt Suki a little bit ago," Lin lied, grinning as Katara narrowed her eyes toward the door.
"Did they now?" she muttered under her breath, staring at the door, "I'm surprised Suki hasn't gotten pregnant yet. They jump each other's bones like bunnies."
"Katara," Aang reprimanded, marring the effect a little by laughing.
"Lin, come over here for a sec," Zuko called, waving her over.
Lin hurried over to them, waving goodbye to Katara, Aang and Tenzin. The pair looked tense and out of sorts. "What is it?"
"Toph has just brought something very important to light for me. She should have told me and even you long ago, but I understand her reasons for not telling us sooner. So when she tells you, don't be angry," Zuko told her.
"Okay," Lin said carefully, unsure of where this conversation was headed.
Toph sighed and shakily ran a hand through her hair. "Lin, do you remember what I told you about your father when you were younger?"
"Yes." She didn't like the sound of this.
"Well, Zuko is… Zuko is your father," Toph said with a small bit of regret and shame in her voice.
Lin stared uncomprehendingly at the both of them. She began laughing nervously as she said, "You're kidding right? You two are playing a joke of me. It's… it's not funny." When the two adults didn't answer, she shook her head violently. "No! You can't be! I would have realized! I would have figured it out!"
Zuko shook his head sadly. "No, it's the truth. I'm your father. I always have been and always will be."
"YOU'RE LYING!" Lin screeched, running to the railing of the balcony and jumping over it.
"Lin!" she heard both her mother and Zuko, her father, yell after her as she hit the ground and immediately started to sprint away even though she was wearing heels and a dress.
"Lin!" she heard another familiar voice call, but she didn't stop or look to see who it was.
She ran and ran until her legs and lungs threatened to give out, and even then she ran. She didn't stop until she was at the bay and collapsed onto the sand. Her legs trembled, unable to move, and her lungs refused to take in air.
Despite that, she found enough air to let out an angry scream. She tore off her heels, getting clumsily to her shaky legs, and chucked them into the ocean. She just needed to throw something. She slammed her foot into the sand, shooting it into the bay. "Why?" she yelled, "Why didn't she tell me?" She collapsed back onto the sand, burying her face in her knees.
With her eyes closed, she was given a whole new type of sight. She could feel every little thing around her, even if the shifting of the sand made everything a little fuzzy. That's how she knew someone was approaching her even before she heard them.
"Lin!" she heard him call seconds later.
"What?" she snapped, glaring up at the teen before her.
Tenzin shuffled his feet nervously as he looked down at her. "I-I was just wondering if you were alright?"
"I'm fine," she growled, narrowing her eyes at him. "I know you say that, but… I needed to make sure," he said, sitting down softly beside her. He placed his glider in front of him, staring down at his feet.
Lin stared down at her own feet, feeling kind of bad for snapping at him. "Look Tenzin, I'm just a bit overwhelmed by all of this," she began to say, turning her head to look at him, but Tenzin silenced her with a kiss.
She melted into it, allowing herself to kiss him back. When they pulled apart, both of them were blushing like naughty children. "Th-that's a new distraction technique," Lin said, grinning as she leaned back.
"Do you like it? I just thought of it minutes before," Tenzin said, stroking his nonexistent beard.
They both laughed. Lin leaned back in saying, "I love it. You should use it more often." She pressed her lips back to his, and let herself forget about all of her problems.
Lin stood against a far wall, surveying the crowd. Sweat beaded down her back. Heat crawled up her neck and fought to breathe. "How did Mother stand wearing all of this crap?" she griped to no one, pulling on the metal front of her new uniform.
Across the room, her eye caught the flash of red and gold robes. Instantly, she knew who it was wearing those robes. She was excited and terrified at the same time. She hadn't seen the man since that night and was hesitant. What would he say? Would he be proud? Would he hate her? She whispered a silent prayer that he wouldn't.
She waited against the wall, wishing for him to notice her and head over. She wasn't paying attention when he came to talk to her. She was speaking with another member of the police force when he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Lin, you look just like you're mother," she heard him say.
Lin turned away from the male members of her force, seeing her father glaring flaming daggers at them. She swallowed a smile and said, "Thanks."
"You're welcome. Care to take a walk with me?" Zuko held out his robed arm for her to take, an encouraging smile on his face.
Lin hesitated before threading her arm through his. "It's been a long time," she murmured as they left the building and started down the street.
"Yes. Too long for my taste," he said, staring ahead of them.
They fell silent. "Do you hate me?" Lin asked suddenly, unable to hold the question back.
"No," he said simply.
"Do you wish I wasn't your daughter?"
"No. I am proud and honored to have such a strong, beautiful, and successful daughter. I've never regretted anything concerning you or your mother. Well, except for that time I accidentally burned her feet." He murmured the last bit under his breath, stroking his breath. It was more like he was talking to himself.
"What?" Lin asked, surprised.
Zuko shook his head. "Nothing. That story is best left to be told over a cup of tea," he said, thinking of how much like his uncle he sounded. He turned to Lin and turned her face towards him. "Just know that I'm proud of you. I know I've never been around to tell you that, but I wanted you to know." He wrapped his arms around her before walking back to the party. Lin stared after him feeling a little bemused by the whole thing. She was snapped back to reality by a hand landing on her shoulder. She spun around to see Tenzin.
"Are you alright?" he asked, worry lighting his eyes.
Lin looked back at the back of her father then back at Tenzin. "Yeah, I think so," she said with one of her rare smiles, pulling his into a deep kiss.
Link to my Fanfiction: here
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guiltysecretpasttime · 5 years ago
Airbender’s Wife (part 2)
Hmm, posting this fanfic before the weekend is over *twiddles thumbs*. Still incomplete though; will add the continuation within the week.
The Airbender’s Wife (part 2)
Note: This is literally a continuation of The Airbender’s Wife, which is an off-shoot of Contentment – which follows the “what if” Lin Beifong and Tenzin had a happy ending/beginning (all posted under the linzin fanfic tag in my tumblr).
Pairing: Legend of Korra: Lin / Tenzin; not canon compliant
Tenzin’s body clock has always been programmed to be on time for morning meditations. No matter how tired he was, he will feel restless and wake up at the same time (getting up is a different thing altogether though).
That day was not an exception.
He stretched his arm to his right, intent on drawing his wife closer for a few more minutes before rising, but instead his hand landed on cool bedsheets. Rubbing sleep from his eyes, he got up nimbly and wandered around the house, hoping to catch his wife before she left.
The airbender found Lin standing in the dining room, garbed in a long Earth Kingdom-styled dress, a small face mirror propped in front of her at the sideboard as she attempted to clip a rather stubborn curl of her hair.
“Up early?” He approached her, landing a kiss on her cheek.
“Ba Sing Se day, Tenzin.” She responded, not looking away from the mirror.
“Ah, here, let me.” Taking the clip from her, he easily pinned her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “How about I join you today? I don’t have any council business.” He gave her a hug from behind, squeezing her hips lightly, hinting of a promise that would likely end up with a less than productive day for them both.
“Right,” She brushed him off. “But you’re off to train the Avatar -.”
“Korra, dear.”
Lin rolled her eyes affectionately. “You don’t have council meetings today because you have to train Korra.”
“Then how about I bring Korra to Ba Sing Se?” Tenzin persisted, placing a kiss on her shoulder.
“You also have scheduled meditation with the air acolytes today. And Tenzin, do be serious,” She finally faced her husband. “The girl has barely gotten used to Republic City – you wouldn’t want her presence to cause intrigue in Ba Sing Se. Next, you’ll hear Izumi would be requesting for the Avatar to drop by the Fire Nation.”
“Fine,” The airbending master glumly conceded as Lin pushed him slightly to get around the table to prepare for her trip. “Can’t say I didn’t try though.” 
In general, the airbender disliked being apart from his wife for long periods of time – what more today when she was looking particularly radiant. As much as she did not prefer what she called as business outfits, they suit her well. He also knew that Lin dresses up accordingly as what is expected of a Beifong lady.
Tenzin observed Lin who was in a layered dress of forest and emerald green, with a low v-collar, lined with golden accents. The dress also had slits, which he (as a husband) appreciated on her but (also as a husband) especially minded that other people would likely appreciate it on her as well. His wife insisted on them though (“That is too high, Lin.” “No, it’s not – it’s functional, enough for bending”), explaining that a tight dress would only hinder her bending, and in turn be an obstacle in protecting herself.
Not like there was anything he could do to sway her when she has set her mind to something.
“What,” He pulled her closer to him as she paused as she caught him staring, raising an eyebrow in return. “I can’t help it, are you sure you don’t need a bodyguard to join you?”
“Bodyguard – you? Mr-Violence-is-not-the-answer?” She felt his lips creep from her cheek to the side of her lips. 
“You know what I mean.” Tenzin said seriously as they stood close to each other.
“I’ll be fine,” Lin responded and adjusted her bangles and bracelets. “I’m prepared as always.” The metal bangles and bracelets would function as more than fashion accessories should need arise. She swept the folders and other envelopes into the beaded bag she had on the dining table. “I’ll be back before you know it, I just need to reach the train station in time for the first train to Ba Sing Se.”
“No, you’re not riding the train to Ba Sing Se in that!” Tenzin sputtered, gesturing to her clothes.
“Why? As far as I know, the train stations are pretty safe,” Lin was offended. “I made sure that there were roving guards and security checks. People travel via train daily.”
“Well,” Tenzin conceded. “But not you!” He tugged at his beard in slight agitation, as Lin placed her hands on her hips. “Take Oogi with you.”
“Travel via sky bison -no thanks!”
“For my peace of mind, take him please.” He softly requested and he saw his wife ready to give in with a slight incline of her head. “And, wait a second.” Tenzin hurried to their bedroom as Lin finished packing her bag.
Lin felt the familiar weight of a pendant and the silky ribbon on neck when she straightened up. Her husband gave her neck a small kiss after he fastened the necklace.
“There, everyone will know that Lady Lin Beifong has yet to leave her airhead husband.”
“Tenzin.” Lin said with warning.
“Oh come on, you know what they think of me in the upper ring. I bet some of them have been hoping that you leave me or have had me offed for whatever nefarious reason.”
He was well aware of how, despite being middle-aged, desirable his wife was in all aspects. He might be the prized airbender but in the modern world (or even in the not-so-modern Earth Kingdom), she was definitely worth more with the literal Beifong legacy of wealth, power and social clout, not to mention her own bending skills were far more superior than most, and of course her position in Republic City was nothing to scoff at.  And of course, barring knowledge of any of those, he recognized that his wife posed an attractive (albeit mysterious) figure.
“I think I can handle myself,” She said ironically, as the safety of Republic City’s entire population did rest somewhat on her hands. “Okay fine,” She gave in, seeing her husband not budging, arms crossed. “I’ll take Oogi but only to make it easy for me to travel back and forth.”
“You’re the best,” He gave her a light kiss and strode off to the stables.
“Good morning, Korra.” Lin watched in amusement as the Avatar slowly inched her way to the dining room, rubbing her eyes and rolling up her air acolyte clothing sleeves, mumbling a response.
“Tenzin’s not going to like your outfit, kid.” She raised an eyebrow at the teenager.
“Your sleeves.” 
Korra unfolded her sleeves and plopped on the nearest chair as Lin poured her tea.
After taking a sip, Korra became aware of a far-away noise and that it was the Chief of Police sitting in front of her.
“Wow Lin, going somewhere?” 
“Hmm?” Lin absentminded fiddled with her betrothal necklace; she appeared to be waiting for something as she had already finished preparing for the trip. “Ah yes, Ba Sing Se for estate and business matters.”
“Not in your police uniform?”
“No, I don’t think the business people will take me seriously. They’ll probably think I’m my sister’s bodyguard.” She snorted, an action seemingly out of character with the fine clothes she wore. “I have to know how to play the role of Lady Lin.”
Now, it was Korra who snorted and coughed, realizing that this was Lady Lin. The Avatar took the opportunity to inquire, to learn more about her airbending master’s wife.
“What does being Lady Lin Beifong entail?”
“Ah well, I just don’t think I should be called Lady anything. Sounds a bit archaic, if you ask me.” 
“But why are you Lady Lin?”
“My mother is currently Lady Beifong. So I guess my sister and I just follow? And they just haven’t been sure what to call the wife of Master Tenzin I suppose.” The earthbender shrugged gracefully, exhibiting the result of years of being trained in etiquette befitting the Ladies Beifong.
“But still…” Korra’s eyebrows furrowed as she sipped her tea. “What’s in Ba Sing Se?”
“Well,” Lin continued. “It’s the mid-point across Gaoling, Republic City and Zaofu so that’s where my sister and I conduct regular meetings with the board and the executive committees of the Beifong companies and properties.”
The Avatar was about to probe further when there was a commotion outdoors and the Avatar vaguely heard Tenzin talking to an air acolyte about saddling Oogi.
“He’s a bit overprotective, sometimes.” The metalbender stood up, ready to leave.
The presence of the airbender halted their conversation. “You sure you’ll be okay?”
“Yes, dear. I’ll be safe.” 
“See you later.” Tenzin gave her a quick kiss as she passed by him.
Lin slung her bag and nodded to Korra. “Avatar.”
“Chief.” The Avatar gave a small wave.
“Well, let’s get to business.” Tenzin beckoned for his pupil to follow him outdoors.
Korra quickly finished her tea, scalding her tongue. But at least she would be awake.
Unfortunately, there was not much difference from the previous day. Korra was still unable to release a puff of air from her hands and had difficulty getting through the airbending gates. Tenzin was similarly frustrated with himself.
It was at this sad state of things that Lin arrived at early evening.
Korra was lying on the ground trying to airbend when Oogi made a landing and sent dust skittering off.
“You okay there, kid?” Lin checked in on her as she slid off Oogi’s back, several packages in hand.
Korra just made an X with her arms, while having her eyes closed.
The earthbender smiled sympathetically. “It’ll get better.” She stepped over the defeated Avatar-in-training and gave her thanks to the air acolyte who had taken Oogi’s reins to lead him to the stables. “Clean up and dinner will be ready soon. I brough home food from Ba Sing Se, including Water Tribe dishes.” She entered the house, coming across her husband in the living room.
Tenzin eyed the packages that Lin brought home. “Had fun shopping, dear?” 
“Just a bit,” She shrugged as she carefully placed them on the dining table. “Here’s the contract for the renovation; the Zaofu workers will be in Republic City early tomorrow morning.” She tossed him the folder. “I’m assuming you can file this in city hall?”
“Thanks.” He absentminded took the folder. “How is Suyin?”
“Su is Su. She lives in her own world – literally. I had to make her promise to avoid visits to Republic City for the time-being given the increasing clashes between benders and non-benders.” She looked up and knew from his expressions that he was worried. “How was training Korra today?”
“I can’t get through her,” Tenzin disclosed, frustration coloring his tone. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Be kind to yourself,” She began unpacking the food she brought home. “Republic City wasn’t built in a week. You’re both adjusting. These takes time, and you’re a pretty patient man and I know that from experience.”
“I don’t feel patient today,” Tenzin allowed himself to be embraced by his wife, murmuring in a downcast tone. “How about let’s eat quickly and retire early tonight?”
“Unfortunately for you,” She pulled up the newspaper from the sideboard and pointed to an article. “Tonight’s the Pro-bending semi-final qualifiers and you know I can’t miss it.” 
Tenzin groaned in disappointment. “Liiiiin.”
“Tenzin,” She laughed. “Don’t worry, we’ll have dinner before I join the boys.”
“Where are you going?” Korra asked.
“It’s Pro-bending night.” Both adults responded to her, one excited and one sullen.
“You don’t like Pro-bending?” The teenager asked her airbending teacher. “It’s been my dream to watch one of the matches live. Never thought I would be a ferry ride away from the arena!”
“It’s a mockery of the traditions of bending!” He threw up his hands.
“Oh come now, Tenzin,” Lin inclined her head to the grumbling airbender. “It’s no Agni Kai but it’s adequate entertainment.” 
“That’s just it – entertainment.”
Korra looked back and forth at the volley of responses from her hosts.
“Spirits forbid anyone have fun in your vicinity, Airhead.” Lin took it in stride. “Mother did say you were always the serious one.” She tugged lightly at his beard before standing up to take the trays of food and drink outside.
“Can I listen too?” The Water Tribe born Avatar tentatively asked.
Tenzin frowned deeply as he met Lin’s amused face, eyebrow raised in challenge. “Fine, but meditation for you starts 15 minutes earlier tomorrow.”
Letting out a whoop, Korra stood up and took the other tray of drinks and followed Lin outside, where the White Lotus sentries were gathered around the radio.
“Hello, men.” Lin made their presence known as she placed the tray on the wooden table at the station.
“Good evening, Lady Lin, Avatar.” The sentries chorused as they scattered to make space in the half-circle to provide seats and to take the trays from Lin and Korra’s hands (“Call me Korra!”).
The Avatar-in-training watched in amazement as Chief Beifong sat among the White Lotus sentries, comfortable in her Earth Kingdom dress. The lady was laughing in camaraderie and was even exhibiting that she knew them all by name. She chatted with them as they shared the finger food she brought home from Ba Sing Se while waiting for the commentator to finish with all the introductions and recaps. Korra figured it was not their first time to do this.
“How is your daughter, Hung? Did she like the mini pots and pans?”
“Oh yes, Chief, she enjoyed having a mini kitchen set to play with.”
“Lady Lin, my mother sends her regards.”
“Ah yes, Minha, I hope she’s getting used to the South Pole well.”
“Yes and she appreciates the coat you sent her through Lady Kya.”
Korra enjoyed herself immensely, freely laughing and feeling the start of an affinity with the White Lotus sentries. It was a far cry from the feeling of isolation she experienced back in the South Pole. They booed and cheered accordingly as the matches went by. They did not seem to particularly take her Avatar status with a lot of fanfare, which she liked.
She watched the metalbender at the corner of her eye – for all her misgivings, it would seem that the airbender’s wife was not all that bad as literature and media made it seem. The woman was laughing, no condescension in sitting and eating at the same space as the sentries. If it were not for the golden filigree and her attire, Korra would have thought her a part of the team. She was pleased to see that Lady Lin had no airs, which was more than could be said of her own Northern Water Tribe cousins.
“Excuse me, good evening everyone.” Tenzin’s voice cut-through the din. “Just checking if I may now take my wife home?”
The sentries stood up to give a bow, which the airbender returned and waved off.
“But we’re just getting to the good part,” Korra almost whined. She anticipated that she would be told off to go to bed too.
“No, no, it’s fine.” Lin accepted her husband’s hand as he helped her up from her stool. “I’ll go ahead, you all have stay and finish the match.” She motioned to the group. “I trust you’ll be able pack up later and finish your shifts?” At everyone's affirmative, she placed a hand on Korra’s shoulder. “Alright, see you all tomorrow – well, maybe not all: Aki and Sansan, I think you're both off duty tomorrow.”
With that, the group bid the pair good night. 
“Say what you will about those two,” Head sentry Yao, one of the more senior ones in the group, jerked his head towards the couple going back into the house, with the airbender still tightly holding his wife by the waist, tripping with faint laughter trailing behind them. “But they’re definitely a love match.”
“Never seen a more dedicated wife like the Lady Lin,” A dimpled sentry (Aki was his name, if Korra was not mistaken) commented wistfully (“And vice versa on the airbending master as a husband!” Another piped up). “I don’t get it why they get so much flak from the Order and the press.”
“Tradition,” Yao scoffed. The rest of the sentries turning to face him, relying on his experience as fact, being that he had been on Air Temple Island as a junior sentry during the previous avatar’s term. “If anything, they know the Lady would not be held down but they expected Master Tenzin to at least be a bit more pliable. A little bit more steeped into tradition, you know?”
Korra accepted a mini fruit tart that was being passed around the group, as they wait for the advertisements from the radio to finish. There was a lot, given that it was probably the third to the last ad slot. 
“It’s not like Chief Beifong was wasting her time in Republic City,” Han revealed that he used to be part of the Metalbending police department until five years ago when he decided to heed an offer from the Order of the White Lotus. “She had always been fair – very strict – but fair. Highly competent and much more capable than the entire City Council put together in protecting the city (“Shhh, don’t let Councilman Tenzin hear you!” “He meant keeping the city crime stats lower – that can’t be achieved by peacekeeping alone.” “Ah, right right. True.”).”
Into the third round of the last match (the Fire Ferrets were proving to be a well-trained underdog) , they felt the ground trembling.
Korra immediately stood up, tensing. “What on earth is that?” Earth tremors were uncommon in the South Pole, and if any, it did not seem to forecast good fortune. She distinctly noticed the unease among the sentries as they communicated non-verbally with each other. “Should we prepare for something? I can go inside and warn Tenzin!” 
“No!”  The vehement chorus of No’s surprised her.
“Well, okay – no.” She was confused now. “Is there an evacuation plan or is this normal?”
The sentries looked at each other, appearing unsure to Korra.
“Well?” The Avatar-in-training was poised to run into action at the first sign of danger, putting down her cup of water on a nearby tray.
Finally, head sentry Yao cleared his throat. “Don’t worry Avatar, this is very normal.”
Eventually, the floor ceased its apparent movement and there was a collective sigh of relief.
The rest of the sentries cast furtive glances at Korra as she sat back down, unable to fully focus on the game. The sentries, though, were easily engrossed in the match.
The match soon ended (“And the Fire Ferrets wiiiiiin!”) and everyone pitched in to clear the area. Korra hovered awkwardly, still on alert and very wary of the earth tremors.
As the last of the cups and trays were brought away, Yao took pity on the Avatar and wanted to give her peace of mind.
“You sure that was normal?” Korra twisted her hands in slight agitation. “That won’t cause the island to split and sink or something?”
“Yes, Avatar, there is no need to worry about it.” The head sentry accompanied her to the door of the Air Temple residential building.
“I don’t remember the island sitting on any fissure that would cause it,” The young woman wracked her memory for any geological feature near Republic City that could result in an earthquake. Man, she really needed to brush up on her studies. “I don’t think I’ve read about a phenomenon in the text way back.”
“Uh, it wasn’t a fissure,” Yao looked downright uncomfortable now. “And it’s a fairly new, uh, phenomenon; just a couple of years old.”
They have reached the entrance to the house; Korra paused and tilted her head in question. Just then, the ground shook a bit more for a few seconds long then every thing was still. “Tell me I didn’t just imagine that.” 
Two sentries (Ming and Jian?) passed by as part of their rounds. The head sentry nodded at them, “Will the two of you check The Area tomorrow?”
Ming and Jian saluted and Korra was left pondering why “The Area” sounded like it was said with capital letters, as though the White Lotus were talking about a very specific location.
“Better get some rest, Avatar. Good mood or not, Master Tenzin and Lady Lin wouldn’t appreciate it if we,” Yao rubbed the back of his neck as he turned back to the Avatar who was waiting for answers. “Continue to discuss the, eh, aftershocks of their evening exercises.”
Oh Agni, please swallow me into the ground now.
Welp. Playing with the idea on what the pair looked like to others they interact with on a day-to-day basis for more...~domesticity? Eh 😏 lemme know what you think.
My related posts:
Prologue (Contentment) 
Airbender’s Wife 1 | 3 | 4
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