#it’s my favourite found family trope
ginzburgjake · 2 years
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“every fucking time we have dinner…”
or, characters from my friends and i’s tma au are having a family meal :)
no context but i like this one so much that i’ll post it here
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lyss-sketchbox · 2 months
Everyone say thank you nahida for giving wanderer a 2nd chance in life and helping him come to terms with his past so now he can use it to help other people with similar traumas
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
You mentioned in another post that fionn would join the sleep pile at some point so my question is how would the puppets react to this?
And just fionn softening up in general lol.
It would definitely take them by surprise fgdbgfhbnfgh- A grouch like Fionn joining them out of the blue,, but the majority of them accept this change, Wally and Julie feeling more comfortable sleeping with him around
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But in general, reactions to him softening up are as follows:
Wally: kinda surprised at first, but welcomes the change - he now has a drawing buddy!!
Barnaby: relieved to see him let go of his grouchiness a bit, but will tease him about it to no end!
Julie: same as Wally but a bit more cautious initially, afterwards she will jump on his back randomly for piggy back rides!
Frank: certainly surprised him a lot, but gave him a slight chance, he wasn't convinced at first. but after some time he felt a bit more comfortable to the point of Fionn listening to him info dumping about his research on human world butterflies!
Eddie: very protective of Frank so he wasn't convinced either, but eventually he softened up too, both sharing friendly banter.
Howdy: the same as Eddie, but Howdy isn't afraid to call Fionn out on bad habits still
Sally: she was not convinced at all, still isn't but not as much - she still sees him as a rival of sorts, she hates his guts lmao
Poppy: she's very welcoming of the change, happy to see Fionn bloom for the better! She even lets him hug her, that is if he wants to!
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psychojetcocktail · 5 months
Ronnie and her dad she found on the side of the road
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talk-danmei-to-me · 1 month
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Looks familiar...
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soft--dragon · 11 months
The Winchester Focus Methods
Words: 2,819
Warnings: None
This is all entirely platonic!! Just Dad!Sam and fluff here folks, the season 15 finale was enough angst for me to last a lifetime honestly
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
"Something wrong?"
"I don't know," Jack frowns, glaring down at the book like it personally offended him. "My brain doesn't like words."
A smile twitches at Sam's lips, settling back in his chair as he watches Jack squint at the thick book. "What do you mean?" He asks gently. 
"Well, I'm reading," Jack slowly explains, running a finger along the text. "But I'm not taking in anything, my brain keeps getting distracted. It doesn't like words." 
Sam chuckles a bit, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. "You mean you're bored?" 
Jack pouts, honest to god pouts. "...I think so," he mutters. 
Sam smiles with a fond roll of his eyes. "Alright, well, Dean and Cas need this thing researched, so we gotta do the boring stuff."
Jack frowns harder, shoulders slumping so far it was a wonder they stayed attached to his body. Sam eyes him for a moment, then resettles himself in his chair.  "Stand up and have a walk around." 
The boy glanced up with a scrunched brow. "Huh?" He asks eloquently.  
Sam gives a small wave of encouragement. "Take a walk, get your blood flowing again. It'll help you focus." 
Jack considers it for a moment then shrugs and stands from his chair, taking a small step away from the table. He sends a wary glance to Sam who simply nods with a smile, turning his attention back to the book so the kid doesn’t feel watched. Slowly but surely, Jack begins to pace laps around the table, eyes flicking from Sam to the books surrounding the library. Occasionally he would click his fingers or tap at his thighs, seemingly determined to get his brain back to liking words again. 
Unable to help himself, Sam shifted his gaze from the text to Jack, powerless to hold back his amused smile from the boy's endearing antics. It reminded him of himself actually, back when he was younger and didn't want to research what John had instructed him to. It was Dean who suggested walking around to get him focused again. Well, that and a couple of other tactics. ‘The Winchester Focus Methods’, Dean had dubbed it when they were kids, - tested and guaranteed to get your brain back in working order for hunting. 
Sam was sure they were just little distractions Dean made for him so he didn’t get morose from researching and sitting still for so long. His smile softens at the thought, thumbing the page he was meant to be reading. Dean really did do whatever he could to make Sam’s childhood bearable. 
"Sam, I don't think this is working." 
Sam is pulled from his thoughts by Jack’s voice. He glances back to the kid who looks put out by the lack of progress, picking at the lint on his blue sweater with a furrow to his eyebrows. His forehead was going to become permanently scrunched if he kept doing that so often, Sam thought idly.
"You've been walking around for two minutes," he says with an amused huff, but he leans away from his book anyway to address the Nephilim properly. "It can take a bit longer than that." 
"This is boring too," Jack sighs. Now that he knows the word for his lack of attention, he is going to use it as much as he wants.
Sam internally sighs. Alright then, ‘Winchester Focus Method Number Two’ was going to have to come into play. Sliding his chair back, Sam stands and stretches his arms over his head. "You sure you don't want to just keep walking?" He asks. 
Jack shuffles his feet and shakes his head. "No. I don't think it's working."
“Alright, Plan B." 
Sam steps around the table and moves towards Jack. At the last second, he leans down towards Jack's legs and scoops him up and over his shoulder. Jack's loud yelp of alarm is followed by quick scrabbling for purchase on Sam's back. He grabs handfuls of the man's shirt, elbows digging into Sam's ribs to hold himself up. Sam lightly jostles him to make his elbows slip off the protesting bones, leaving Jack lying helplessly over Sam's spine. 
"Woah- Sam, what are you doing?" 
"You said the walking wasn't working," Sam replies, barely holding back a grin as he walks to the towering shelves of books and runs his index finger down the spines. "This will help the blood get to your head instead. So hang back there and get focused while I finish my half of the research, okay?" 
Mildly disorientated, Jack tries to push himself up on Sam again, a smile on his face at the sudden playfulness from the man. A giggle spills out involuntarily as he slips back down and is fully stretched out from the shift in gravity. "Put me down!" 
Hearing the mirthful noises makes Sam grin, shrugging to shift the kid around as he answers. "What was that? Sorry Jack, can't hear you back there." 
"Yes, you can!" Jack argues, knowing Sam is most definitely not deaf, and he isn’t that far out of range. Sam could hear him perfectly fine.
"Wow, really muffled aren't you, buddy?" Sam hums innocently, quickly lowering himself to look at the bottom shelves and grinning when Jack yelps and laughs harder at the sudden movement. 
"Jack, I'm trying to find a book on ancient totems. I can't focus with all that laughing," Sam scolds jokingly, squeezing the boy's knee gently. 
Jack's socked foot shoots out and almost kicks the shelf, a squeak sounding out from the boy. Sam stares at the leg he'd squeezed, and then his smile widens. "Oh, well that's something."
Jack, now gripping Sam's flannel shirt from surprise, blinks wildly. "What was that?" He asks, attempting to sit up on Sam's shoulder but finding as much purchase as before - which was little to none. 
"Jack, you're not ticklish are you?" 
Jack picked up on the mischievous tone in Sam's voice, and for some reason, he felt a rush of weird buzzing through his body. Adrenaline? Nervousness? Whatever it was, it was odd. 
"Ticklish?" He repeats in confusion, not understanding his body's reaction to the word. 
Sam stands again, making sure Jack is secure over his shoulder before squeezing the boy's knee once more. A sharp yelp left Jack again, his whole form wriggling on Sam's shoulder as he gasped. "Whahat is that?" He asks, shaking his leg to free it from the aftershock of weird tingles. 
Sam chuckles, and Jack feels it from how he's lying over Sam’s shoulder. "Oh, kiddo," he grins. "You're about to find out."
Winchester Focus Method Number Three has arrived at the door - AKA, Dean’s favorite method. 
Keeping an arm stretched around Jack to keep him secure over his shoulder, Sam sets to work squeezing Jack’s knees and calf muscles, chuckling at the boy’s wild kicks and high-pitched squeaks of laughter. The Nephilim keeps switching between squirming for freedom from the barrage of tickling sparks, and going limp on reflex to hopefully slide off Sam’s shoulder. The latter option was useless however as Sam’s grip on him is solid, keeping Jack safe by not letting him fall but ultimately holding him captive in the ticklish trap. 
“S-SahAHAHam!” Jack whines, lightly beating his fist onto Sam’s back to cope with the strange, electric sensations racing along his nervous system. 
“Feeling focused yet?” Sam asks innocently, spidering over the underside of Jack’s foot, chuckling when the boy practically shrieks. 
“Well, better keep going then,” hums Sam, walking over to the couch sitting on the far wall of the research room. “Can’t let up until you feel ready to research again.”
“Thihihis ihihisn’t hehelping!”
“Sure it is, Dean used to do this to me constantly. You’ll feel ready to go in no time.” Sam let go of Jack to hike him off of his shoulder and drop him onto the couch - gently, of course, he had the title of ‘Responsible Dad’ for a reason. 
Jack bounces a bit on the cushions from his high fall, a hand resting on his stomach as he giggles insistently. “Whihiy am Ihihi laughing soho muhuhuch?” he presses through the titters that keep tumbling unbridled from his lips. 
Jack curls up into a ball in fresh peals of laughter, his hands torn between holding onto Sam’s and pressing against the man’s chest. Sam noticed however, the kid wasn’t trying to stop him, he was just trying to find something to hang onto. It had happened when the kid was on his shoulder as well, he’d held onto the hunter’s shirt in a vice grip. 
“Cause you’re ticklish, bud,” Sam grins, plopping down on the couch and scooping Jack back to lie over his legs, his hands latching around the Nephilm's ribs and scratching at the backs of the bones. “Very ticklish, apparently.”
"You still bored? Want to go back to researching now?" Sam asks, wiggling his fingers along Jack's sides. 
The boy's knees fly up to his torso in hopes of blocking the new spot, screwing his eyes closed as he grins brighter than the sun. He doesn't know why he stubbornly shakes his head, too caught up in the fun of the game Sam had sprung to want to go near the books again. 
"No?" The younger Winchester seems surprised by the answer, though he can't stop smiling despite himself. "Really? Thought you would be itching to get back to it." As he speaks, Sam reaches over to Jack's feet and scuttles his fingers under his toes, delighting in the sharp squeal and hiccuping giggles produced from the action. 
Kicking his legs away from Sam's fingers, Jack grips the arm still caging him in - the one that was still teasing his sensitive side. "Nohoho! No mohore research!" 
"How come? Thought you loved learning new things," Sam insists, then brightens with an idea. “Hey, speaking of, do you know how many ribs you've got, Jack?’
The blonde scrunches his brow again in confusion. “W-Whahahat?”
“Your ribs,” Sam repeats, thumbing the lowest set of bones gently and delighting at the bubbly giggle Jack lets out from the touch. “Humans have twenty-four, but you're a Nephilim - an angel and human hybrid. I wonder if you have more or less than a human does.”
Jack’s eyebrows shoot up and he instantly drops his hands to Sam’s, clinging onto them as he catches onto the man’s plan. He presses out between giggles, “Ihihihi hahave twehenty fohour!”
“You sure?” Sam squints at the boy. “I might need to count them just to be safe.” 
Sam’s purposefully ignoring the importance of the research at this point, intent on keeping Jack with a smile on his face and laughter in the air. Dean and Cas didn't need the information urgently,  and he hasn't had a chance to mess around with Jack with everything going on. Deep down, he's sure they both need this break. 
Returning to the mission of counting, Sam’s fingers gently probe around Jack’s bottom ribs, pinching the backs to make Jack buck reflexively with a squeal from the change in technique, his eyes squinty from the size of his smile. “Sahaham! Ihihit- ihihit tihihickles!”
“That’s kinda the point, buddy,” Sam chuckles. “Now that’s definitely one, here’s twoooo, threeeee, fooooour~ Good news so far, Jack, you’ve got four sets of ribs! Let’s hope the other eight are there too.”
Jack throws his head back on the couch cushions from where he’s draped over the hunter’s lap. His legs kick at the arm of the furniture as he squeaks and giggles frantically. The tickle attack was maddening, sparks dancing through his bones and making him twist involuntarily. He hasn’t felt anything like this before, and while part of him wonders how he’s been brought to a puddle of laughter so fast, the other part of him is enjoying the playful attention. Sam is reaching the tops of his ribcage when a sensitive nerve on his back gets scratched in passing, and Jack can’t stop the noise that leaves him. 
Sam pauses his skittering fingers and stares down at the boy who now has a hand firmly clamped over his mouth. “Did you just snort?” Sam laughs, eyes alight with adoration. 
Jack looks helplessly to the side, ears flushed with warmth as he tries to defend himself. “N-Nohoho…” It sounds weak even to him. 
“Oh, you so did!” Sam’s nails are now skittering feather-light across Jack’s shoulder blades. He cackles when the Nephilim tries to roll off of his lap instantly from the sudden onslaught which only exposes the soft spot further. “Oh my god, you’re just like Cas, he can’t stand this either.”
With the escape attempt interrupted, Jack is now lying on his side, one of Sam’s hands teasing the hypersensitive spot where his cloaked wings are connected to his body, while the other pokes and pinches the soft flesh of his stomach. He’s utterly trapped between two ticklish hells and it doesn't help he’s snorting again. The loud, uncontrolled sounds peppered between bouts of hearty cackles. Every time he shifts one way to roll over and block a spot, he’s met with more tickles, both spots stupidly sensitive to Sam’s wiggling digits. Jack’s kept on his side, laughing helplessly into the fabric of Sam’s jeans and drumming his socked feet into the couch. 
The tickle attack lasts another minute or two before Sam finally lets up, rubbing his hands down the boy’s back comfortingly to soothe the lingering tingles. Jack slumps on his thighs, complete dead weight as he remembers how to breathe. Sam keeps the comforting rubbing going as he fixes the wild strands from Jack’s usually well-kept hair that had fallen across his face. Combing through the soft, golden strands, Sam leans over to check the kid hasn’t fallen asleep on him. 
“You alright, Jack?” He asks softly, squeezing the boy’s shoulder. 
“Yeheah,” Jack mumbles, his smile seemingly permanently etched into his face.
Sam chuckles. “You’re still giggly?” he teases lightly. 
The boy rolls over onto his back to look up at Sam with half-lidded, happy eyes. “Tihickles,” he answers simply. 
Sam grins, smoothing down Jack’s hair again and patting his sweater. “You’re okay though?”
Jack nods, eyelashes fluttering as he relaxes entirely on Sam’s legs. “It was fun,” he answers honestly. “I liked it.”
The answer is enough to make Sam’s chest feel lighter than it has in a long time, pure adoration for his kid making him smile fondly. “I’m glad,” he replies warmly. “Most people hate it cause it can feel overwhelming or they’re too ticklish. Honestly, you might just give Dean a run for his money with those reactions.”
Jack’s eyes widen and he suddenly looks a hell of a lot more energized than he did a second ago. “Dean’s ticklish?” he demands.
The long-haired hunter exhales a fond laugh, sitting back on the couch and rubbing a hand down his face. “He’s gonna kill me for telling you that… but yeah, he is.”
Jack sits up and presses his hands on Sam’s knees to support himself. “Will you help me take him down?” He asks, terrifyingly serious for something as simple as a tickle attack.
Sam considers it for a moment. On one hand, it would make some great photos for blackmail - it would definitely outweigh the photo Dean still has of him asleep with a spoon in his mouth. On the other hand, the repercussions of it would be heavy. 
…Eh, fuck it. 
He’s Sam Winchester. He’s saved the world from three apocalypses and fought the Devil himself. He can handle his older brother’s revenge. 
“I’m in,” he agrees, then glances at the table where the books are still stacked high. “Though, if you wanna get him sooner rather than later, we need to finish that research.” 
Jack leaps off the couch and practically slams back into his chair, grabbing the book he’d been previously staring at before. Sam has to hold back a snort of his own at how fast the kid moved, heaving himself off the couch to sit opposite the Nephilim. He drags his own book back to sit in front of him, resting his cheek on an open palm while the other snags his pencil. 
Sam smirks into his palm. Dean was going to wish he’d stayed out when he got back. He didn’t doubt for a second Cas was going to join in on the harmless attack. Well… mostly harmless anyway. Depends if they pin Dean down well enough, he’s been known to be a kicker. 
Flexing his eyebrows to show he was listening to Jack, he hums, “Yeah, kid?”
“My brain likes words again.”
Sam shakes his head with a grin. “Glad to hear it, bud. Let’s put it to use.”
Welp, seems there was another tactic to add to the Winchester Focus Methods; ‘Plan A Future Attack On An Unsuspecting Friend’. It felt like a fitting addition.
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lunarvien · 6 months
“You can just be friends with people, you know," Orla said. "I think it's crazy how you're in love with all those raven boys." Orla wasn't wrong, of course. But what she didn't realize about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with one another. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about when next they would be with one another. Blue was perfectly aware that it was possible to have a friendship that wasn't all-encompassing, that wasn't blinding, deafening, maddening, quickening. It was just that now that she'd had this kind, she didn't want the other.”
“In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys.”
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hauntedhotel · 1 year
Me after Endgame: I think I'm done with the MCU now, this seems like a natural stopping point, none of the upcoming stuff interests me and I don't think I'm invested in any of the characters anymore.
Me after GotG3: *sobs hysterically over the hard-won happiness of a fictional raccoon*
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sentientsliotar · 1 year
help I want to watch a new anime in my head but all my heart wants is more spy x family
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iseemeinyou · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time the former enemy/ex member of a brainwashing cult who's also a blonde fell in love with the Absolute Queen™ plus sized confident girl of the main cast I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot and definitely needs to happen more often.
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ohmytitan · 10 months
"found family's my favourite trope!" oh nice. unrelated question how's your relationship with your parents
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snekjoy · 1 year
No listen. Listen to me. The characters associated with Boreas/Andrius are found family incarnate.
Razor was raised by the wolves and he will literally shlorp anyone he finds into his found family he has a WHOLE DEDICATED WORD for found family that he uses for people he likes. the way he sees it if he finds you that's what the found stands for you CANNOT HIDE. He's got his wolves he's got Klee he's got Varka he's got Amber he's got Traveller he's got Bennett he's got Rosaria he's got Lisa he's got
Varka is the knight of boreas and he has raised so many kids oh my lord. He's canonically found famili-ed Rosaria and Razor by finding little orphan kid and being a Nice Man, and I think he's done the same with Mika (even if he isn't an orphan, he's still a sad little guy with absent parents) and considering how long he's probably been Grandmaster in the collective headcanon, he might have even been there to support Diluc when he was a Knight, Kaeya and Jean too, maybe Amber? I don't hesitate to believe that Varka has and will adopt anyone he finds. A single dad who works two jobs who loves his kids and never stops ‼️🗣
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The Court of Shadows>>>
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hoperays-song · 2 years
It’s calming!
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***10 mins later***
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aingeal98 · 7 months
If she's YOUR daughter then why is she MY narrative mirror showcasing how the tragic cycle will always repeat itself.
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tianhai03 · 2 years
How do you feel about the ship between Dante and Lady?
Not really my thing. I do kinda see them as exes though. Like they found each other during a really tough time so they probably tried to find comfort in the other's company, but I just don't see it working out in the end. Also bc characters who are exes are funny lmao
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