#i think theyre just friends on very good terms now who occasionally bully each other for fun
tianhai03 · 2 years
How do you feel about the ship between Dante and Lady?
Not really my thing. I do kinda see them as exes though. Like they found each other during a really tough time so they probably tried to find comfort in the other's company, but I just don't see it working out in the end. Also bc characters who are exes are funny lmao
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exauhstedsunflower · 4 years
I'd love love love to hear more hc about Catalina being scared of Anne :)
Of COURSE! Ask and you shall receive!!
Aragon was honestly pretty afraid of Anne in her first life too. She wasn’t exactly happy to see her again in this one. Occasionally when they do interviews the interviewer will ask if thy still harbor any resentment towards each other. They seem to have come to the agreement that they keep whatever this is private though.
(Interviewer: do you still hate each other?
Anne: Well, this situation is quite different.
Aragon: And we live with each other, so...”)
They never say no outright. (But they also never say yes.)
Aragon kept to her faith in her last life. Anne broke England from the Vatican. I imagine that even if Aragon wanted to be on better terms with Anne, she would find she can’t. Not when Anne condemned so many people to hell. Not when Anne herself followed the path of hate and spite and temptation. Aragon can’t blame the others for their religion, they were forced to convert. They were raised wrong based on Anne’s misguidance of their beloved country. Anne did that to them.
She might have actually believed Anne was a witch back then, but she can’t now. In the modern day magic has been disproved. There are no witches, just manipulators. People like Anne continue to rise to power. She believes herself right to stay away, that woman is trouble. She could do anything, you never know whats actually happening in her head.
When she finds out through Anna that Anne is trying to be better and make Aragon less afraid of her, she’s even more afraid than before. She can’t be in the same room as her without panicking. She doesn’t know how to handle this. She’s more dedicated than ever to avoiding her; avoiding everyone, actually. She won’t eat downstairs or spend any time down there at all because then she would be idle for far too long and Anne could come in at any moment and she could do anything and even though she heard Anne is trying to be nicer Aragon isn’t sure what that would entail and oh god- 
When Anne looks at her for more than a glance she forgets how to function. She feels like she’s being picked apart for weaknesses and she doesn’t know how to hide them. She stiffens up and might knock some stuff over as she tries to remain calm. Anne sometimes just stares at her on purpose to see what would happen because she thinks it’s funny.
With this dynamic, Anne is kind of the head of household. Or maybe Anna. It can’t be Aragon because she can’t keep Anne in check, but she does whatever Anne says so Anne is in charge. (Only after she decides to be nicer to Aragon and proves she’s trying. Jane wouldn’t let Anne take control knowing she’s still bullying the poor woman.) She proves to be very good at leading, and is incredible with her words. Anne shows all the qualities of a queen and a mother, which makes Aragon feel incredibly inadequate. Because thats who she was, so if Anne was able to be all of that then and then continue to be that way and more in this life then it proves she’s just better than Aragon at everything.
Aragon is the first person to say happy birthday to Anne on her birthday. It wasn’t Jane because Jane didn’t remember, and none of the other queens knew her birthday. It wasn’t available on the internet, either. She gathers all of her courage because she knows how it feels to not have anyone to celebrate your birthday with. She spent so many years alone, no one ever said happy birthday to her in isolation, she had no friends or family around to speak of. Aragon remembers Anne’s birthday, and its the first thing she says that day. She makes her way into the the living area, where a few other queens are gathered with Anne and they’re all just hanging out. She screws up enough courage to begrudgingly say happy birthday. What follows is a stunned and quiet thank you and shock from the others, who had no idea. (Maybe she gets Anne a present too, but is too afraid to give it to her for fear of the reaction or speaking to Anne for more than a minute. So it stays in her closet and Aragon hates herself a little more every time she sees it.) (Maybe she gives it to someone else hinting at the idea to give it to Anne, but they don’t know that it’s for her birthday so theyre just confused.)
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