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singulxarity · 2 years ago
imagine the crows at group therapy
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thejudeduarte · 7 months ago
I'm convinced that everyone who has read soc is a little bit gay
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applecidersstuff · 1 year ago
Okay, but do we think that when Hanne will meet Kaz they will have the same thought thread as Matthias and then just casually be like: “How did you guys get yourself a demon for a friend?”
But they don’t know the Kerch word for “demon” so they say demjin, and for a second everyone just freezes and looks at them with round eyes.
The person who doesn’t look at them is Kaz because he can’t even move, and he is turned away from others. Then Jesper unfreezes and tries to switch the topic. And Kaz just stands there.
Later on, Inej appears next to Hanne when they are leaving, and waiting for Nina. She tells them to never use the word “demjin” when referring to Kaz again.
Hanne of course asks why, and from the door behind them, they hear Kaz’s footsteps and the sound of his cane stumping on the floor.
He appears and slowly and quietly explains the story behind that nickname.
Hanne is shocked by the story, Inej is shocked by Kaz actually explaining it, and Kaz just tries to keep the tide waters down and overstep his fear of grief.
When Nina returns to the three of them, Kaz offers to walk her and Hanne to the hotel they’re staying in. Inej offers to go with them because she’s not sure why would Kaz offer something like that.
While they walk Kaz starts to tell Hanne the “rumors” he’d "heard" about the Ice Court break-in. Nina and Inej are exchanging glances in the back, trying to figure out what Kaz is trying to do. Like does he want to kill Hanne? Or to threaten them?
But nothing happened. Both Nina and Inej are surprised. They will never know that Hanne is one of the first people Kaz tried to start a friendship with after crows and after his revenge was finished.
And he will never tell them.
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clare-de-luna · 2 years ago
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No matter what your grishaverse ship, we need to get this show renewed so there's a possibility of season 3 or a six of crows spin off
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nyx-lyris · 2 years ago
the crows when they get sick
matthias: he’s a strong guy, so i imagine his immune system is pretty good. but, if he ever does get sick, he does everything he can to hide it. eventually, of course, nina finds out and insists on tending to him until the sickness has passed. she sends for inej to get the supplies she needs to keep him well so she can remain by his side. he tells her he’s fine, and of course he’s worried about getting her sick, but inwardly he loves having her take care of him. 
nina: nina’s a grisha, so i don’t think she can get sick. however, if she did get sick, she wouldn’t try to hide it - mostly to get matthias to take care of her. she would bask in his attention, and he would give her everything she needed. soup, medicine, a cool press for her head, you name it, he’s on it. or rather, inej is on it - she would volunteer to get anything matthias needed, coming in sometimes to spend time with her best friend. of course, she’s worried about him getting sick, but he tells her not to worry, his immune system is nigh impenetrable. 
jesper: it depends on who he’s around whether he lets on or not. if it’s just him and wylan at the van eck mansion, he doesn’t bother to hide it - but if he’s on a job, he hides it as much as is humanly possible. inej would notice first and insist that he get some rest and get well, but he brushes it off with his usual smile and wink (what do you mean? i’m fit as a fiddle and twice as gorgeous!). kaz would tell him to rest up, too (no good having a member of my crew down right now), but he doesn’t listen to that either. eventually, wylan notices and immediately starts scolding him for not saying anything, before shoving him into bed and taking care of him. jesper flirts with him the whole time, telling him how great of a nurse he is, etc., etc. wylan constantly has to tell him to go to sleep, jesper, you need to get well. jesper just grins but does as he’s told. truthfully, he wants to stay sick as long as possible - he loves watching wylan play nurse. 
wylan: wylan would try to hide for as long as possible. he doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone, after all. there are more important things than him. of course, he’s not exactly an expert at hiding it and eventually jesper just rolls his eyes, wraps wylan up in a blanket, and makes him the soup his mother liked to make him when he was a child. inej and nina would be there, too, doing everything they could to help. kaz would send an anonymous basket of medicines and other supplies (everyone knows it’s from him. he refuses to acknowledge it.). wylan would be more than a little ashamed at the attention from his friends family, but they would all just shake their heads and remind wylan over an over how much he’s loved. 
inej: when inej gets sick, she does what she always does - hides the pain, insists she can do whatever job needs doing. she would keep up the ruse - fairly well, too - until it’s horribly obvious to everyone around her that she is definitely not okay. she would keep insisting, but nina would just sweep her off her feet and carry her up to her room, plop her down on her bed, and order her to remain there until such time as she was well (and i’ll be the judge, inej, not you. nina- you’ll just get up as soon as you’re feeling halfway straight and then you’ll fall off a roof and kaz will kill me.). the others do everything they can for her - nina spends the most time with her, but jesper and wylan make frequent visits, and occasionally matthias stops by to check in on them. kaz comes by as often as he can, but it’s difficult for him to be near her on a sickbed when all he can see is jordie’s face in his mind. so, what he does instead is leave her things by her door - food, medicine, a book she said she was interested in but never had time to read. he never leaves a note, but she knows it’s from him. whenever he does stop by, nina is out of the room instantly - he stays as long as he can, makes sure her condition is improving and she’s getting what she needs. inej makes sure to thank all of them for their help, before and after she’s well again. 
kaz: this man would probably rather eat shards of glass than let anyone know he was sick. he hates getting sick. he has better things to do than lie in bed and wait it out. he refuses to acknowledge it, even though his pallor and sweaty brow are obvious to everyone around him. he keeps everyone as far away from him as possible. he angrily refuses anyone’s help - until he nearly collapses, and inej orders him to bed. his aversion to touch makes caring for him difficult, but he trusts inej. she’s constantly running around getting what he needs to keep him well, recruiting nina or matthias to keep watch while she’s out. he hates being sick, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love the feeling of inej caring for him. gentleness is horribly foreign to him, and he drinks up all inej has to offer, until he’s well again. 
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queenofdestiny · 2 years ago
Six of crows ship quotes
I'm reading Six of crows again, ship quotes under.
I'm reading Six of crows for the hundredth time and Kaz calling Inej "My little Suli idealist" excuse-me sir ? That's way too cute. I love it.
We also have "Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat?" I mean, yes it is sarcasm but it's still incredible.
Then there is Helnik: "Röed fetla, he'd called her, little red bird, for the color of her Grisha Order. The color she loved."
Jesper thoughts about Wylan during the ambush are nice too "His eyes were dazed and wide enough to drink from"
"- Close your eyes -You can't kiss me from down there, Wylan. -Just do it! -This better be good!" Wesper in all its splendor
I can't quotes the ships and omit the traditional and wonderful "- You came back for me - I protect my investments - I'm glad I'm bleeding all over your shirt"
"His Wraith" I mean sorry but Kaz calling Inej his Wraith is incredible
"Matthias suspected that Kaz would drag the girl back from hell himself if he had to"
""I'm well, thank you for asking," she said, looking up at him. "How are you ?" He felt his lips twist. "Splendid.""
"He needed to know she believed in him." Kaz about Inej and just a few lines later "Even the idea of being this near someone should have set his skin crawling. Instead he thought, What happens if I move closer ?"
""I don't want your prayers," he said. "What do you want, then ?" The old answers came easily to mind. Money. Vengeance. Jordie's voice in my head silenced forever. But a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome. You, Inej. You"
So I stopped here for now, part 2 to come
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stop-ur-losing-me · 2 years ago
say what you want about the shadow and bone show but you have to admit that they got the helnik love story just right
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shortcake1233 · 2 years ago
I assigned the crows Taylor Swift songs
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calicoquinn · 2 years ago
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A fanart of Nina Zenick to heal the heartache that comes from waiting desperately for a six of crows spinoff announcement :D
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lissa-edem · 2 years ago
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«Isn't everyone's family a little fucked up?»
Crows are family. And kids' traumas Club.
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98grish4 · 2 years ago
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“He kissed her, buried his face in the sweet hollow of her neck. Her curls brushed his cheeks, and he felt that if he could just hold her a little longer, every wound, every hurt, every bad thing would melt away.”
This moment here in Matthias dream is so sweet because after the death of his family he grow up in the military environment, a place without any kind of affection so when Nina does this it’s marks him. For the first time in years someone cares about him, someone shows him love. That’s why having Nina touching his face it’s something he missed the most because brings him confort.
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ode777 · 2 years ago
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applecidersstuff · 2 years ago
I love how different soc ships are
Helnik is about running away together from your toxic past
Wesper is about accepting yourself no matter what
And Kanej is a really ducked up “princess and the knight in shining armor” story, Inej was a princess who needed saving from the dragon(Tante Helen), and Kaz was her knight in shining armor who was to save her from the dragon, but was to afraid to accept that so he was running from his princess ever since he freed her. He knew he couldn’t save her so he helped her turn from helpless princess into the queen of the sea
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mrsphineasratchet · 2 years ago
I wish Quentin Tarantino had directed Shadow and Bone. He would've handled Inej's sexual abuse really well. We would've seen Nina's feet but that is a price I am willing to pay.
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nyx-lyris · 2 years ago
what is the grishaverse if not leigh bardugo’s love of the idiots in love trope persevering? 
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artemidesarrow · 2 years ago
She called Matthias the love of her life, everyone shut up
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